#abiogenesis hero
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illwilledomen · 3 months ago
Also i am obsessed with your fucked up son. Kay i ask why hero is Like That. Was it a programming error? He was meant to be the "friend", right, but even before the fall he was weirdly violent.
I just want to know more about him. Whats going on in his fucked up little head
I’m obsessed with him too. I love him and i cry so much about him here’s why:
Since Hero was the first, he has quite a few errors in his design, both in his hardware (body) and software (brain and tablet of information).
He does not have any internal concept of empathy and doesn’t fully understand the concept that other creatures think and live. This caused him to accidentally kill some of the animals introduced into the Garden because he didn’t understand that he was hurting them. HOWEVER — he only became purposefully violent AFTER he faced considerable abuse from the authority figures around him (guards, scientists, Rana herself, and white eyes).
Very important distinction because his lack of empathy was not what drove him to act aggressively, and it’s important to note that a lack of empathy does not mean someone is dangerous, conniving or violent, it just simply means that they don’t feel the sensation of empathy. You are free to interpret any of the abio characters as you like, but it is my personal belief Hero is not fully at fault for the violence he displays… I’ll explain why;
The violence Hero displayed was merely him, a person very new to the world, parroting the abusive behaviour shown towards him, and his way of trying to process emotions that he was not familiar with such as jealousy (towards the other players), fear of obsolescence and misery at the lack of autonomy and respect he is showed. Hero was in a position where he had no power over himself and was physically, emotionally and mentally dependent on authority figures that did not see him as an equal or a as a fully realized being. For example Hero is unable to will himself to eat without being commanded to by an authority figure (he is anorexic — does not feel hunger) so you can probably see how this puts him in a vulnerable position.
Basically he began to lash out at anyone he could lash out at, whether that be animals or the other players. He could not bear the thought of placing the blame on the authorities of his life because then his whole world would fall apart, so he instead shifts the blame on those in the same position as him (Alex, steve and two others, Jane and Ed, who would then become “null” and “entity 303”) convincing himself that they are malicious and want to replace him (when in reality they are basically robot infants).
Then, there was the influence from White Eyes. I’ve previously stated that White Eyes was a void entity but I’ve changed that after a friend suggested it to me and i got hooked on the idea. She’s another test subject, an unstable experiment born from trying to fuse living corporeal matter and void matter (basically she’s an enderman human and various animals hybrid). White Eyes is constantly in pain and this has made her a very vindictive and aggressive being. All voidborn beings have psionic influence and White Eyes has this as well, however it’s not as fine tuned as a natural voidborn like an enderman. Hers is more like an influence. White Eyes rubbed off on Hero, and while she was increasingly immobilized by her dying body, Hero would follow her commands and absorb her emotions like a sponge. They had a very close bond but it was very unhealthy. This was another factor that caused him to commit violent acts.
Anyway, that’s some abiogenesis hero lore for you.
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venti-the-bard-rumor-mill · 2 years ago
I... um... I probably shouldn't be saying this, but... this is anonymous, so... here goes.
My hypothesis is that Mister Venti is some form of homonculus. In other words, an artificial life form in the shape of an ordinary human, synthesised purely from non-living reagents.
It's widely understood by most practicing alchemists that an intransient form of ab initio abiogenesis, while unheard of in practice, is not restricted by any physical laws. So this is at least plausible.
And... and his strange Anemo aura! Folk records from around the world, while no substitute for an empirical study, correlate Elemental auras with artiticial lifeforms. For instance, Liyuean records a progenitor geovishap, with strong Elemental absorption properties, being created by the local Archon. The Sumeran folk hero Aru Balika, said to have been created from a branch of sturdy wood, reportedly used raw Dendro pulses to subdue foes in battle. Mutatis mutandis, might unusually adept Anemo powers be evidence of artificial origins?
I... um... well, obviously this is just a preliminary theory, but I do believe further research might be fruitful. Has anyone tried taking a blood sample from Mister Venti? Please let me know if anyone has a blood sample.
Homonculus Venti
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adirtnap · 2 years ago
game tier list twenty twenty two
2022 was the year of every video game being five or more video games at the same time. games were deckbuilding AND basebuilding AND roguelite AND fishing AND farmingsims. i don't think this worked out TOO well but i can see the appeal and i hope we can make a good one sometime!
game of the year 2022:
celeste!! the best and only video game. video, space, game. this is the peak of the genre, which is understandable because it is also the only game that exists.
it's just so FUN. like, first i play celeste as a vocation AND THEN when i'm exhausted i turn off celeste, sit for a sec, and think, "ah, time for some light fun. let's play a bit of celeste."
S tier (video games of all time)
mm rando ("Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Randomizer, allsanity settings") this shit is so fun?? it's so fun. i will play this every year
inscryption ohhhhh man did someone have fun making this game and it SHOWS. some guy that i bet really likes and appreciates magic the gathering made a video game about: what if you played magic the gathering and it mattered SO MUCH. what if everything in your world was to enable you having a good and terrible time playing (original and realllly well-designed?) trading card games. and he was RIGHT and i had a good and terrible time
dwarf fortress!!! i first played dorf fort in 2012. i learned to play it alongside a guy i'd just met on study abroad because we were bored nerds. he is now my best friend. i have loved this game for TEN YEARS!! i once met derek yu (spelunky etcetera) at a very nice party and extremely embarrassingly trapped him in a conversation so i could talk about how good dwarf fortress is. he was very gracious and understandably uncomfortable. i like this game a LOT a lot. but, for every year i've loved dorf fort, i haven't really been able to recommend it to anyone. "hey, do you want to play a game that is so fucking hard and annoying to learn?" the answer is not usually "oh yeah for sure"
everything about the new UI-remake is good. they took the "impossible to learn" out of the sentence that i have so many times said, "this game is brilliant and enchanting and also impossible to learn." (the game is now fully "and also.") they did a good one.
A tier (delightful games)
elden ring my computer was too sad to keep playing this, and i am sad about that. it was GREAT, everything about it was as delightful as the darksoul and more. i can't wait to finish it (and probably give it s-tier) when computer good
fortnite they finally made a good battle royale and it is fortnite. good job i like my friends and this game is what i did with them a lot.
super mario sunshine perfect nintendo-y game. filled with little guys of all kinds. i will play this every year
the barnacle goose experiment horror abiogenesis autoclicker!!
sayonara wild hearts GOOOOD soundtrack good game
B tier (really fun games)
vampire survivors this is the most video game ever. i've heard it described as "the best video game of 2003." i've also heard the developer used to program gambling-machine animations. i would have played this on the school bus on the way to highschool. it rules
neon white really fun, zøooomy. i don't have the patience to find microoptimizations in levels to beat my friends, but DANG is playing each level for the first time fun. the writing was cringe AND free, it made me smile
C tier (games i liked)
citizen sleeper to paraphrase shannon: a dnd-videogame except for friends at the table enjoyers. i really liked that every choice felt limited but intentional, rather than disco's fuck-you kinda dice rolls. but, the sell was: "things… are happening. hmmmm what could they be?" which was not strong enough to keep me deeply invested. i'll keep going back and playing little by little
helltaker it's like eight minutes long and it's full of newgrounds drawings of demongirls. it's not a good game. i liked it a lot
D tier (games i did not like)
loop hero. backpack hero. slice and dice. dicey dungeons these are all the same game and they are all different variations of boring
cult of the lamb ANOTHER five-games-in-one that added up to… one-half of a good game? the fighting is like worse hades, the farming sim is like worse dontstarve. the minigames are ok. it was fine
subnautica LOVE a shark! but the game was brought down by the "you have to find a tiny item in a huge ocean and if you do not you cannot progress or you will miss major parts of the story" and also "find that tiny item on a short clock with constant danger." i ended up using the wiki, and shortly after ended up reading the plot because that was more fun than playing the lategame
however, many good moments of "oh wow yikes that's a fuckoff big shark huh" which i DID enjoy
death's door not a bad time but not for me. i think i'd rather play tunic (i haven't played tunic)
F tier (i hate it)
the concept of a majora's-mask-plus-dishonored-problem-solving-shooter? quite good. this game? really sucks. this game is the sum of every boring-but-sells lesson internalized by marketing departments on the success of "the genius of environmental storytelling," but instead of genuinely funny bits (like left4dead2's graffiti!), they went for an utterly bland "THIS UTOPIA? DIDN'T WORK OUT HUH"
also the core mechanic just wasn't very fun, was it, it just didn't work. they made it a pretty good fps and also a ~nothing else~
the upside was the art direction which: was good enough to do environmental storytelling with! it makes me mad that some goooood art got wasted on this game
hon. mentions
madness in square garden, for having a good name watching someone else play outer wilds
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alethiometry · 6 years ago
i was tagged by the lovely @plummeting-plum for these fic-related asks! 
these questions got loooong, so i’m putting it under a cut.
tagging: @clowncollegecolette @tutivilllus and @businessboyjared ... but also no pressure!
1. Your favorite fic you’ve written as a ship to harbor, by a looooong shot. it was fun to finally have a fic idea that could sustain itself over more than a couple thousand words, when every other long-ish wip i’d ever planned eventually ended up in my folder-within-a-folder-within-a-folder where all my false starts now rot away in obscurity.
2. Your least favorite fic you’ve written everything i’ve ever written for supernatural, except maybe abiogenesis. especially my most popular samjess fic.
3. Your most popular fic AASTH, thankfully, knocked The Bad SamJess Fic from #1 on my ao3 stats lol. but i think it’s still up there in my top 5, along with another Bad Spn Fic, and that makes me furious.
....is it bad form to ask for hits/kudos/whatever on my odyssey and/or silicon valley fics for the sole purpose of obliterating my spn fic from any relevance whatsoever?????
4. The fic you wish more people would read ehh whatever
5. The fic you most enjoyed writing AASTH! before i posted it, i felt like kind of an outsider in odyssey fandom because odyssey is the only ac game i’ve ever played, and i’ve never been active in any game fandoms at all. so it was just nice to feel welcome and to be able to make people cry about the same things i cried about while i wrote it XD and i’ve met and befriended so many lovely people through it!
6. Your funniest fic meinertzhagen: redux or what happens in melee? i don’t find either of them to be laugh-out-loud funny, but anything with monica banter or dinesh-and-gilfoyle banter is funny by default, i guess?
7. Your hottest fic lak;dkfja;ldfj i can’t write smut to save my life. so... literally just that one line in we could be heroes where kass wants to fuck really loudly or something so they can intimidate the athenians lol
8. Your saddest fic i’d say nor hell a fury is probably... if not the saddest, then at least the most dark/depressing.
...wait, no, i went back and skimmed it. it’s fucking sad. also please don’t read it unless you’ve already watched all four seasons of black sails, because there are massive, massive spoilers!!
9. The fic you’d like to remembered for any of my odyssey or silicon valley fics, i guess?
10. The thing(s) your fic contributed to fandom headcanon uhhhhhh deimos/diona? although i don’t think i so much started it as found a decent handful of other people who had the same headcanon as me!
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duhragonball · 8 years ago
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Pretty much all of volume 9 is devoted to Giorno and Mista fighting Ghiaccio, the last enemy standing between them and safely delivering Trish Una back to the Boss.  This is also about where my copy of Vento Aureo becomes almost impossible to read.  All I can really be sure of is that Ghiaccio’s Stand, White Album, makes things really cold, to the point where Mista’s bullets and Giorno’s abiogenesis abilities are kind of useless. 
Just from the art, I get the feeling that Araki is playing fast and loose with the effects of extreme cold.  Ghiaccio claims he can produce temperatures all the way down to absolute zero, where molecular motion comes to a stop, if he can make things that cold he should have been able to flash freeze our heroes before they even knew they were under attack. Instead, it was this long, drawn out process where they were driving down the highway and they noticed it was getting really cold outside of the car, and before long Mista’s fingers were breaking off of his hand.  But in spite of their injuries, they were able to keep on going like nothing had happened.  I don’t think thermodynamics works this way. 
Anyway, the whole fight is mainly Mista and Giorno fighting a valiant last stand against this guy, and the theme of the battle is apparently some word which the translator keeps interpreting as “conscious”, “conscience” or “consciousness”.  From the context of the story, I’m pretty sure it ought to be something more like “pluck” or “fighting spirit” or “determination”.
I’m not sure what the translator was thinking here, but I’m assuming he looked up the kanji and went with the most literal word possible, which may have been “consciousness”, but then he kept getting it mixed up with two similar words.  I also can’t rule out that “conscientiousness” might have been a closer fit.  Whatever word it was, it’s clear the translator wanted to use it over and over and over again, but couldn’t keep the spelling straight.  What bothers me is that if the translator is this bad at English, how much can I trust on his ability to interpret Japanese?  All I know is that I’m really interested to see a licensed translation, just to find out what the author’s original intent was supposed to be here.
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decepticonfetti · 8 years ago
Hey kids, it's meta time!
First some background information to support the points I am going to be making.
In Episode Three, we are told :
The Heartstone is basically the source of Troll life.
In the beginning of Episode Four, we are presented with a brief History of the Gumm-Gumm Conflict which gives us the following information in the following order:
Trolls and Humans used to live in peace.
Gumm-Gumms led by Gunmar the Black wanted to eat humans.
Rest of Trollkind fought against Gunmar.
Battle of Killahead Bridge, Deya the Deliverer seals Gunmar and his army in the Darklands.
Killahead bridge is torn apart to prevent anyone from bringing Gunmar back.
Trolls left the Old World, arrived in the New World.
Trolls found new Heartstone and built new home.
We also see in this segment that the Forge of Heroes has Deya's Statue in it, so it is reasonable to assume that she was still alive during the mass migration of Trolls to North America (I only mention this so I can remember it for something else entirely, it was just a neat tidbit to point out).
Anyways, at this point we know two very important thing about the Heartstone (or Heartstones plural, because I don't think there was just one or even two but many more than that, but I'll get to that in a bit). One, that there used to be an old one where Trolls congregated in the Old World. And two, that they found a new one in the New World.
Moving on.
Episode Sixteen we are told the following in the following order:
Trolls used to live underground, unaware of humans.
Eventually Humans and Trolls encountered each other.
Humans and Trolls fought each other.
The Heartstone of the Old World was corrupted from this fighting (specifically, 'rotted from within').
From the corrupted Heartstone, Gunmar was born (presented in such a way that makes it look like he sprung forth from the middle fully formed).
And I had to stop going back to find information because otherwise I'll just end up binge-watching the entire show again (not that I'm against that, it's just distracting me from this line of thought).
Anyways one other point made in the show is the Third Triumbric Stone AKA Gunmar's Eye, which if I am recalling correctly was lost during his fight for leadership of the Gumm-Gumms (I may be wrong, and while the Wikia does say something along this line, it's worded a little oddly). Inferring from this, Gunmar was not always the leader of the Gumm-Gumms.
So I'd like to make three points here with a caveat that this is just my thoughts on the matter and any meta I state here is not necessarily canon but is my personal fanon for whatever I may or may not write in the future. That being said, anyone is free to expand on, argue, ignore, or use this information as they see fit.
Point Number One - There are/were multiple Heartstones.
Okay, so the Heartstone is the source of Troll life. The 'first' one was corrupted, giving birth to Gunmar, and then much later a second one was found.
Here I posit that there weren't just two, but many. How many, I don't know, but I'm willing to bet that there were at least as many as there are different types of Trolls. My thought is that these multiple Heartstones (possibly in clusters) basically generated all of Trollkind, kinda hatching like eggs I guess? A silicate form of abiogenesis, although that word wouldn't work so apetrogenesis?
Anyways, this event would've happened so long ago as to have been forgotten by modern Trolls up until the point that Gunmar pops out - although seeing as this is attributed to the 'corruption' caused by the conflicts with humans, it seems likely that no Troll has made that connection (or possibly no one actually wants to make that connection).
This also leads credence to the thought that something has to act as a catalyst in order for a Heartstone to hatch, as it were. A tremendous force of energy, whether kinetic or magical? We only have one reference to where a Heartstone can be found, which is the one under Arcadia though in the diagram as shown by Blinky it looks like it's right on top of a certain faultline in California...
Now, this 'hatching' could go one of two ways - either the Heartstones brought forth fully formed Trolls or they brought forth infant Trolls. I am more inclined to go with the latter, which brings me to...
Point Number Two - Gunmar’s Origins
As I said, I'm inclined to go with the latter idea of super glowy crystals puking up baby trolls at random because one - we've seen that Trolls will eat anything, and a young Troll facing the world would of course try to eat everything including humans, which would give rise to the inevitable conflict, and two - children learn better and faster than adults.
So what does this have to do with Gunmar?
Well, we're presented with a very obviously dramatized version of how he was born.
Do I believe that something happened to the Heartstone to trigger its hatching?
Do I believe that Gunmar sprung forth fully formed and ready to do evil the minute he took his first breath?
Not really, evil is kind of a learned process.
But a young troll born in the midst of a bloody conflict between Trollkind and Humans? Possibly taken in by the tribe advocating human eating as a solution? Growing up seeing Trolls hunted by humans, seeing that most of Trollkind refuses to fight and shunning those that do? Is that a recipe for disaster?
It sure as hell is.
Point Three - Arcadia's Heartstone
So assuming point number one to be true, then Arcadia's Heartstone is a remnant of the original genesis of Trollkind. 
Could it hatch? 
Probably only if something severe happened to trigger it, say another epic conflict...like...Gunmar escaping into Trollmarket and killing multiple people in its vicinity.
Anyways, that's just my thoughts and I'm probably going to use at least some of this line of thinking in future fic. Make of it what you will.
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illwilledomen · 6 months ago
hihi! im new here but ive seen ur stuff around sometimes..... and i have a question! are you going to include the new basic skins as players?
Ok TBH they Exist at some point in the abiogenesis universe but they aren’t in the main story. I’m much more interested in the Original Three (alex, steve, herobrine) than the others. I’ve never been hugely taken by them — I don’t think they’re bad by any means, but they just haven’t grown on me. I think having too many Players in one storyline would weaken the thematic elements I want to have with alex, steve and hero, and also take away from the non-Player characters and how they interact with the three, if that makes any sense. Too many takes the loneliness away.
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