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abeeehaswriting · 3 days ago
I convinced myself that loneliness will kill me, until it is broken by company. I have had tear down every bridge I've built. Well, its easier to pretend to have nothing some mornings.
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abstrackmind · 2 days ago
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Keteladanan Sayyidah Fatimah Az-Zahra
Perempuan merupakan penyangga sebuah peradaban, apabila perempuan suatu peradaban itu baik maka peradaban tersebut juga akan baik.
Maka begitupun sebaliknya, namun melihat fenomena saat ini banyak para muslimah yang mengalami kemerosotan akhlak dikarenakan kurangnya teladan yang dapat kita jadikan panutan.
Salah satu keteladanan yang dapat kita jadikan teladan ialah Sayyidah Fatimah Az-Zahra, berikut beberapa hal yang dapat kita jadikan teladan dari akhlak beliau :
Memelihara rasa malu :
Ali mengatakan, “Kami sedang Bersama Rasulullah SAW, Beliau lalu berkata kepada kami, ‘Beri tahu saya, apa yang paling baik untuk wanita?’ “Kami semua tidak mengetahuinya sampai kami bubar. Aku lalu kembali ke tempat Fatimah. Aku pun memberitahukan kepadanya apa yang ditanyakan Rasulullah, dan bagaimana kami tak bisa menjawabnya. Ia lalu berkata, ‘Aku mengetahuinya. Yang baik bagi wanita adalah mereka tidak memandang laki-laki dan laki-laki tidak memandang mereka.’
Apabila ada laki-laki yang ingin bicara kepadanya maka beliau akan berbicara dari balik tirai atau hijab, agar beliau dapat terpelihara dari pandangan yang bukan mahramnya.
Sayyidah Fatimah Az-zahra juga berpesan apabila beliau wafat dirinya harus ditutup rapat-rapat dari pandangan yang bukan mahromnya.
2. Ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT :
Rasulullah SAW mengatakan, “Sesungguhnya Allah telah memenuhi putriku Fatimah, hatinya, anggota-anggota badannya, sampai tabiatnya, dengan iman, sehingga ia selalu taat kepada Allah.” Hasan bin Ali mengatakan, “aku lihat ibuku bangun di mihrabnya pada malam Jum’at, dan ia terus rukuk dan sujud sampai terbit subuh. Aku mendengar ia mendoakan orang-orang mukmin laki-laki dan perempuan. Ia banyak mendoakan mereka, dan tidak berdoa sesuatu pun untuk dirinya sendiri. maka aku bertanya, ‘Ibu, mengapa engkau tidak berdoa untuk dirimu sendiri sebagaimana engkau mendoakan orang lain?’ ia pun menajwab, ‘Anakku, tetangga dulu baru kemudian rumah sendiri.“ Hasan bin Ali mengatakan, “Tidak ada di dunia orang yang lebih banyak ibadahnya daripada Fatimah. Ia bangun malam sampai bengkak kedua kakinya."
3. Berbakti kepada Orang Tua :
Sayyidah Fatimah senantiasa berbicara dengan kata-kata yang menggembirakan dan menyenangkan hati Ayahnya, ia memberi bantuan untuk ayahnya, serta melayaninya, untuk itu Rasulullah SAW memanggilnya dengan sebutan Ummu Abiha yaitu (Ibu bagi ayahnya)
Pada suatu hari, seorang musyrik menaburkan tanah di kepala Rasulullah SAW ketika beliau masuk ke dalam rumahnya dan tanah masih ada di kepalanya, Fatimah menghampirinya dan membersihkan tanah dari kepalanya itu sambil menangis. Rasulullah SAW pun berkata, “Jangan menangis, Anakku! Sesungguhnya Allah adalah pembela Ayahmu”.
Dari Ibnu Abbas diiwayatkan bahwa Nabi masuk ke Ka’bah dan mulai melakukan shalat. Maka, berkatalah Abu Jahal, “Siapa yang mau berdiri ke tempat orang ini dan merusak shalatnya?” berdirilah Ibnu Az-Zab’ari. Ia mengambil kotoran hewan dan darah, kemudian melemparkannya kepada beliau. Fatimah datang menghilangkan kotoran itu dan mencaci mereka yang asyik tertawa.
4. Taat serta Patuh kepada Suami :
Sayyidah Fatimah tidak pernah keluar rumah tanpa izin dari suaminya, tidak pernah membuat marah suaminya walau satu hari pun. Fatimah juga tidak pernah berdusta dirumahnya, tidak pernah berkhianat dan tidak pernah melawannya dalam urusan apapun. "Demi Allah," kata imam Ali, "aku tidak pernah marah kepadanya dan tidak pernah menyusahkannya sampai ia wafat. Ia juga tidak pernah membuatku marah dan tidak pernah menyusahkannya sampai ia wafat. Ia juga tidak pernah membuatku marah dan tidak pernah menentangku dalam urusan apapun."
Sayyidah Fatimah senantisa memberi semangat untuk suaminya, memuji keberanian dan pengorbanan suaminya. Ia menghilangkan rasa sakitnya dan membuang keletihannya sehingga Imam Ali mengatakan, "Ketika aku memandangnya, hilanglah kesusahan dan kesedihanku."
5. Ibu Teladan dan Bertanggung Jawab :
Bagi Sayyidah Fatimah, rumah adalah pabrik untuk menghasilkan manusia manusia pengemban risalah. Rumah adalah perguruan tinggi untuk mengajarakan pelajaran-pelajaran kehidupan. Ia sadar bahwa harus mendidik anak-anaknya agar dapat menjadi pemimpin yang akan dipersembahkan kepada masyarakat sebagai teladan Islam yang hidup, sebagai gambaran, hakikat dan model Al-Quran yang bergerak.
6. Murah Hati dan Dermawan :
‘Assalamu’alaikum, wahai penghuni rumah Kenabian (Ahlu Bait An-Nubuwwah).’ ‘Alaikas-salam. Siapa anda?’ tanya Fatimah. Ia menjawab, ‘Saya seorang Arab yang sudah tua. Saya telah menghadap ayahmu, pemimpin yang memberi kabar gembira, karena suatu kesulitan. Wahai putri Muhammad, saya tidak mempunyai pakaian dan dalam keadaan lapar. Maka tolonglah aku, semoga Allah menyayangimu.’ Ketika itu, Fatimah dan Ali, juga Rasulullah SAW, sudah tiga hari tidak makan, dan Rasululah mengetahui kondisi mereka berdua.
Maka Fatimah mengambil kulit domba yang telah disamak yang dipakai sebagai alas tidur oleh Hasan dan Husain, lalu ia berkata kepada orang itu, ‘Ambillah ini, wahai orang yang mengetuk. Semoga Allah memberimu yang lebih baik daripada ini.’ Orang tua itu berkata lagi, ‘Wahai putri Muhammad, aku mengadu kepadamu bahwa aku lapar, tapi kamu memberiku kulit domba Aku tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa dengannya. Dengan apa aku menghilangkan rasa lapar?’. Ketika mendengar perkataanya itu, Fatimah mengambil kalung yang ada di lehernya yang dihadiahkan Fatimah binti Hamzah bin Abdul Muthalib. Ia memutuskannya dari lehernya dan memberikannya kepada orang itu sambil berkata, ‘Ambillah ini, dan juallah. Mudah-mudahan Allah akan memberikan ganti untukmu yang lebih baik daripadanya.’ Orang Arab itu mengambilnya dan pergi ke masjid Rasulullah SAW.
7. Senantiasa Bersyukur :
Sayyidah Fatimah menerima apapun keadaan yang menimpanya. Selama hidup berumah tangga bersama suaminya yang penuh dengan kesederhanaan dan bahkan seringkali kekurangan, Fatimah tetap merasa bahagia. Baginya kebahagiaan hidupnya adalah mendapatkan Ridha Allah SWT, Rasul-Nya, dan suaminya.
Rasulullah SAW memuji Sayyidah Fatimah sebagai istri terbaik bagi suaminya. Rasulullah SAW mengunjungi Sayyidah Fatimah selama tiga hari beliau tidak datang ke tempat mereka. Pada hari keempat, beliau datang mengunjungi mereka. Saat hanya berdua dengan putrinya, beliau bertanya, “Bagaimana kabarmu, Anakku.? Bagaimana kesanmu tentang suamimu?” “Ayah, ia adalah suami terbaik. Hanya saja, beberapa wanita Quraisy datang ke tempatku dan berkata, ‘Rasulullah menikahkanmu dengan orang yang miskin yang tak mempunyai harta, ‘ “Demikian jawab Fatimah. Rasulullah SAW berkata kepadanya, “Anakku, ayahmu dan suamimu tidak miskin. Aku telah ditawari harta dunia. Tapi aku memilih apa yang ada pada Tuhanku. Anakku, sesungguhnya Allah telah melihat ke bumi, lalu Dia memilih dua orang dari penduduknya. Yang satu Dia jadikan sebagai ayahmu, dan yang lainnya sebagai suamimu. Anakku, sebaik-baik suami adalah suamimu. Janganlah kamu durhaka kepadanya dalam satu urusan apapun”.
8. Cerdas :
Sayyidah Fatimah adalah anak yang paling banyak meriwayatkan hadis dari Rasulullah SAW sepanjang hidupnya, sayyidah Fatimah telah meriwayatkan 18 hadis dari Nabi Muhammad SAW di dalam kitab Shahihain lain diriwayatkan satu hadis darinya yang disepakati oleh Bukhari dan Muslim dalam riwayat sayyidah Aisyah. Hadis tersebut diriwayatkan oleh Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah, dan Abu Dawud. Ibnul Jauzi berkata: “Kami tidak mengetahui seorang pun diantara putri-putri Rasulullah saw yang lebih banyak meriwayatkan hadis darinya selain Fatimah”.
Semoga kita dapat meneladani akhlak baik seperti Sayyidah Fatimah Az-Zahra.
Source : Putri, Trisna Endar, Hendra Harmi, and Ummul Khair. Keteladanan Sayyidah Fatimah Az-Zahra Tentang Pendidikan Akhlak Bagi Muslimah. Diss. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup, 2021.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 11 months ago
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🍃🌹🍃 Salawaat Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa)
O Allah, send your blessings upon Fatima Al-Zakiya
allahumma salli `ala alssiddiqati fatimata alzzakiyyati
O Allah, (please) send blessings upon the veracious and immaculate lady Fatimah
The beloved of your beloved and your prophet
My love, your love and your prophet
the most beloved by Your dearest and Prophet
And the mother of your lovers and your well-wishers
wa ummi ahibba'ika wa asfiya'ika
and the mother of Your dearest and choice ones.
You liked it and liked it.
May Allah accept it and your favor
You have selected, given preference to,
You have chosen it over the women of the world
And I chose it for the women of the world
and chosen her from among the women of the worlds (i.e. ages).
Oh Allah, be the seeker of those who seek her from her wrongdoing
Oh God, may you be the best of all.
O Allah, be her representative against those who wronged her
And in the truth it turned away
wa istakhaffa bihaqqiha
and belittled her right.
And be a rebellion against them by the blood of their children
And if the mercy of God be with her children
Be, O Allah, the One Who shall revenge upon those who shed the blood of her descendants.
Oh Allah, and as you made her the Ummah of Al-Huda
allahumma wa kama ja`altaha umma a'immati alhuda
O Allah, just as You have chosen her to be the mother of the Leaders of Guidance,
And the night is the Companion of the Well-wisher
wa halilata sahibi alliwa'i
the wife of the Bearer of the Pennon,
And generosity is with the Most High
walkarimata `inda almala'i al-a`la
and the most honored lady with the Highest Group,
Separate from her and her mother
fasalli `alayha wa `ala ummiha
so (please) do endow her and her mother
A prayer that honors the face of her father
salatan tukarrimu biha wajha abiha
with such blessings that confer honor upon her father
Muhammed, may God bless him and his family
muhammadin salla allahu `alayhi wa alihi
Muhammad, Allah's blessings be upon him,
And the eyes of her descendants will be pleased with it
wa tuqirru biha a`yuna dhurriyyatiha
and delight the eyes of her offspring.
And inform them about me at this hour
wa ablighhum `anni fi hadhihi alssa`ati
And (please) convey to them, at this very hour,
I prefer greetings and peace
Best regards and peace
the most excellent greeting and salutation from me.
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🍃🌺🍃 Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) 🍃🌺🍃
🍃🌺🍃 Biography 🍃🌺🍃
Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) belongs to the noblest family to have existed throughout the history of mankind. Her distinguished father, Prophet Muhammad (saw), was the very last messenger of Allah (SWT), a personality that the Noble Qur’an introduce as the Best Paradigm. The mother of Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was a pure noble lady named Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (sa), a godly woman with unparalleled virtues and merits, who dedicated all her life and wealth to Islam. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is the wife of the Leader of all Believers, Ameerul Momineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), mother of the Masters of the youths of heaven (Syed-e-Shabab-e-Ahlul Jannah) and grandmother of the other nine Imams of Islam. Her name is as beautiful and as peaceful as the garden of heaven.
Her other names are: Zahra, Seddiqah, Tahirah, Mubarakah, Batool, Radiah, Mardiah and Muhaddathah. The word Fatimah means separated. She is named Fatimah because her followers are separated from Hell because of her. Zahra means luminous. The sixth Imam, Imam Sadiq (as) said: “When Fatimah prayed, she shined for the heavens as the stars shine for people on earth.” Seddiqah means someone who says nothing except the truth. Tahirah means pure and clean; Mubarakah means full of favour and blessing; Batool means separated from uncleanliness; Radiah means satisfied with Allah’s (SWT) fate and destiny and Mardiah means laudable. Muhaddathah means the one spoken to by angels.
The following are some of her titles: Ensiah (heavenly lady), Haniah (sympathetic), Shahidah (martyr), Afifah (chaste), Sabirah (patient), Alimah (learned), Madhloomah (oppressed), Ma’soomah (infallible), Umm al-Hassan (mother of Hassan), Umm al-Hussain (mother of Hussain), Umm al-A’immah (mother of Imams) and Umme Abiha. Umme Abiha means mother of her father. Prophet Muhammad (saw) gave her this title showing that Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) treated Prophet Muhammad (saw) as his mother. This fact was proved throughout the history as she cured her father during the wars as well as other cases.
According to the Islamic Calendar, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was born in Makkah on the 20th day of the Islamic Lunar calendar month, Jumada Al-Thani (615 AD).
🍃 Her Ethical Attributes: 🍃
Fatima al-Zahra (as) inherited the genius and wisdom, the determination and will-power, the piety and sanctity, the generosity and benevolence, the devotion and worship of Allah, the self-sacrifice and hospitality, the forbearance and patience, and the knowledge and nobility of disposition of her illustrious father, both in words and deeds. “I often witnessed my mother,” says Imam Hussain, “absorbed in prayer from dusk to dawn.” Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned from her door unattended.
🍃 Moral Virtue and Simplicity 🍃
Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) lived in a two room house made out of clay, wore the simplest garments, grinded wheat and barley with her bare hands to prepare meal for her family, and attended to her four children with utmost love and mercy. Yet, she was no ordinary woman. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) had the highest moral virtues and her life was full of spiritual behaviour. Even on her marriage day, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) did not forget about those in need. A girl’s wedding dress is probably one of her most cherished belongings however, in the case of the noble Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) it was not.
The Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (saw) bought Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) a new dress for her marriage ceremony. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) owned a patchy dress before this. A poor woman came to her house and asked for clothes. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) remembered the verse: “By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love.” (Noble Qur’an, 3:92) So she gave her the new wedding dress, while she wore her old dress to her wedding, following the teachings on the Noble Qur’an, the lessons of selfless love and helping those in need.
🍃 Sayings of Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) 🍃
🍃~The book of Allah is the guide of its followers towards the pleasure of Allah. Listening to it carefully leads to salvation. The enlightened and conspicuous evidences and proofs of Allah can be obtained through it. Also the knowledge of His (Allah swt) interpreted intentions, fear invoking constraining prohibitions, His sufficing testimonies, conspicuous arguments, desired virtues, allowed endowments and obligatory divine laws (can be obtained from it)[1]
🍃~Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and infidelity)[2]
🍃~And (made) service the cause of your getting distant (purification) from pride (egoism)[3]
🍃~And rendered alms for the purity of your soul and flourish and expansion of your sustenance [4]
🍃~And rendered fasting for the maintenance and firmness of your sincerity[5]
🍃The Importance of Fatima (sa) 🍃
Without Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) there is no Islam. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is a role model who set an illustration of the highest morals and eloquence. We should aim to imitate her chastity; we should look at her as a source of inspiration. If we live in the west we should have the courage to wear the hijab despite the social pressures as we are making Fatima al-Zahra (sa), Mistress of All Women, proud. When helping others and giving charity we should remember her generosity. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is, and should be, the inspiration of all women and should be emulated. She was exactly like her father, Prophet Mohammad, and we too should strive to be like her. We should learn from her honesty, modesty and loyalty.
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today-jobs · 1 month ago
جديد وظائف السعودية اليوم
1-وظائف في ابها اليوم براتب 10,000 ريال عبر جدارات
تعلن شركة أحمد سعيد آل حدال فى مدينة أبها عبر منصة التوظيف (جدارات) عن طرح وظائف في ابها اليوم لتوظيف “مدير مالي” براتب يبدأ من 10,000 ريال.
للمزيد من التفاصيل على الرابط التالى:
2- وظائف مندوب مشتريات فى الرياض لجميع الجنسيات
تعلن شركة مقاولات في الرياض عن توفر وظائف مندوب مشتريات، على أن يكون المتقدم لديه خبرة لا تقل عن ثلاث سنوات، مع إمكانية التوظيف الفوري.
للمزيد من التفاصيل على الرابط التالى:
3-وظائف محاسبين فى الرياض اليوم برواتب ومزايا مجزية
 أعلنت احدى الجهات الخاصة بالرياض عن توفر وظائف محاسبين فى الرياض اليوم بمسمى ( محاسب اول)، وذلك لحملة بكالوريوس محاسبة والراتب يحدد بعد المقابلة.
للمزيد من التفاصيل على الرابط التالى:
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kholilullahmhmd · 7 months ago
Menurut riwayat, Allah yang mengilhami Rasulullah untuk memberikan nama putri keempatnya dengan Fatimah. Dinamai demikian, karena Allah ingin memisahkannya dari api neraka. Fatama secara bahasa adalah menyapih atau memisahkan. Fatimah merupakan seseorang yang dicintai dan menyenangkan. Hati kedua orang tuanya terikat kepada hati Fatimah sampai-sampai Khadijah yang biasa menitipkan anak-anaknya untuk disusui kepada orang lain (tradisi quraisy pada masa tersebut), itu tidak terjadi pada Fatimah. Khusus Fatimah, Khadijah-lah yang secara langsung menyusuinya. Hal ini disebabkan sangat miripnya wajah Fatimah dengan Rasulullah, dan juga merupakan putri terakhir di dalam keluarganya, sehingga mendapatkan perlakuan khusus dan perhatian lebih.
Fatimah disebut Az-Zahra karena kulitnya disebutkan berwarna putih sedikit merah, juga karena Fatimah bersinar (tazhar) di hadapan penduduk langit sebagaimana bersinarnya bintang bagi penduduk bumi. Fatimah juga memiliki sebutan sebagai al-Batul karena tidak ada yang dapat mendekatinya dalam urusan ibadah dan tidak ada perempuan yang dapat menyentuhnya dalam hal kemuliaan, kedudukan, ketinggian, dan kebaikan. Selain itu, Fatimah memiliki banyak sebutan, dimana semua sebutan tersebut menunjukkan kemuliannya di sisi Allah. Di antaranya: as-Siddiqah (yang jujur, tulus, dan berpihak pada kebenaran), al-Mubarakah (yang diberkahi), at-Tahirah (yang suci), az-Zakiyah (yang menyucikan diri), ar-Radiyah (yang menyenangkan), dan Mardiyah (yang disenangi).
Fatimah juga disebut sebagai Ummu Abiha (seorang ibu bagi ayahnya) karena setelah wafatnya Sayyidah Khadijah, Fatimah-lah yang sejak kecil menggantikan posisi ibunya tersebut dalam mengurus, menyiapkan keperluan, dan membantu ayahnya, Rasulullah, siang dan malam. Bahkan, hal tersebut berlangsung sampai wafatnya Rasulullah. Itulah mengapa Fatimah disebut Ummu Abiha, dan cukuplah sebutan tersebut yang menunjukkan betapa mulianya kedudukan Fatimah di sisi Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
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ramadhanseries · 8 months ago
The demise of the Queen of Paradise, Umm al-Momineen Fatima az-Zahra RadiAllahu Anha
Blessed be that symbol of honor; Pious Batool, our Prophetﷺ’s daughter,
Blessed be the veils of graces; Which from sun and moon hid their faces,
Blessed be our Prophet’s beloved daughter; Pious, pure and women’s leader.
Sayyidah Fatimah az-Zahra Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha was the fourth daughter of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and Sayyidah Khadija Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha. “Zahra” (having gleaming and luminous face), “Batool” (aloof from the worldly pleasures) are “Tahira” (chaste and modest) are among her exalted titles.
Umar bin Khattab (RadiAllahu Anhu) says that he went to the house of Fatimah (RadiAllahu Anha) the daughter of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and said, “Oh Fatimah! I swear by Allah that I have not seen anyone who is dearer to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ than you. I swear by Allah that nobody is dearer to me than you after
your father ﷺ.”
(Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:168#4736), Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadai l-us-sahabah (1:364#532))
On the day of Judgement in the Court of Allah when the whole of humanity will be gathered. The Anbiya, Sahaba, Awliya & All the believers. Amongst them will be the greatest of all men, Women and the most modest of people. The pure Angels & Jinnaat will also be present. And in this situation what will happen when the Queen of Paradise will enter the Court?
The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “On the Day of Judgment (when creation will be gathered), a Voice will call out, ‘All, lower your gaze, Fatima the daughter of Muhammed (SalamUllah Ala Abiha wa Alaiyha) is passing by.”
(Musnad Imam Ahmed)
Subhan Allah. What greatness. Only Allah and his Rasool ﷺ know the actual modesty & Purity of the Queen of Paradise, that even on the Day of Reckoning in the court of Allah no eye will be allowed to look at the purest of women.
Sayyidi Alahazrat عليه الرحمة says about the elevated status of Sayyida Fatima tuz Zahra RadiAllahuanha;
‘Noor bint e noor zawj e noor umm e noor o noor’ ‘Light is She, the daughter of light, the wife of light, the mother of light and light’
She herself is Noor, her blessed father the Noble Messenger of Allah ﷺ is Noor, her husband Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahuan is Noor, and her two sons Sayyiduna Imam Hasan and Sayyiduna Imam Hussain RadiAllahuanhuma are both Noor!
Subhan Allah!!!
Sayyiduna Miswar bin Makhramah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha reported that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said:
“My daughter is part of me. He who disturbs her in fact disturbs me and he who offends her offends me.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 3767]
The Holy Prophet ﷺ also said:
“The best women in the entire world are four: The Virgin Mariyam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha daughter of Imran and Aasiya Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha the wife of Pharaoh and Khadija Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha Mother of the Believers and Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha, daughter of Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.” [Mustadrak al-Hakim, Vol. 4, Page 262, Hadith 4745, Musnad of Imaam Ahmad 2663]
Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha thus acquired a place of love and esteem in the Beloved Nabi’s ﷺ heart that was only occupied by his wife Sayyidah Khadija Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha. She was given the title of “Zahra” which means “The Resplendent One”. That was because of her beaming face, which seemed to radiate light. She was also called “Batool” because of her purity and asceticism. She spent most of her time in the recitation of the Holy Quraan, performing Salaah and doing other acts of Ibadah.
Fatima AS, Sayyidah Ayesha Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha said:
أقبلتفاطمةتمشيكأنمشيتهامشيالنبيصلىاللهعليهوسلم،فقال: “مرحباًبابنتي“. ثمأجلسهاعنيمينه،أ��عنشماله
“I have not seen any one of Allah’s SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala creation resemble the Messenger of Allah ﷺ more in speech, conversation and manner of sitting than Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha. When the Holy Prophet ﷺ saw her approaching, he would welcome her, stand up and kiss her, take her by the hand and sit her down in the place where he was sitting.” [Imam Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad, Page 406, Hadith 421]
No One
No One From The Sahaba Resembled Rasool’Allah ﷺ More Than Sayyida Fatimah رضي الله عنها
In Her Character She Was Like Rasool’Allah ﷺ
In Her Mannerism,
In Her Disposition,
Even The Way She رضي الله عنها Walked Was Like Rasool’Allah ﷺ
She Even Looked Like Rasool’Allah ﷺ.
Subhan Allah!
One day Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha asked her to go to her father and ask for a servant. Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha came to the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The Holy Prophet ﷺ said:
“Shall I not tell you of something better than that which you asked of me? I am telling you the words, which Jibra’eel Alaihis Salam has told me. You should say Subhan-Allah (Glory be to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala) 33 times, Al-HamduLillah (Praise be to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala) 33 times and Allahu Akbar (Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is Great) 34 times.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 5362]
This is called “Tasbeeh-e-Fatimah” and brings blessings upon the person who regularly recites it.
Sayyidah Ayesha Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha reported:
كنأزواجالنبى –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– عندهلميغادرمنهنواحدةفأقبلتفاطمةتمشىماتخطئمشيتهامنمشيةرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– شيئافلمارآهارحببهافقال«مرحبابابنتى». ثمأجلسهاعنيمينهأوعنشمالهثمسارهافبكتبكاءشديدافلمارأىجزعهاسارهاالثانيةفضحكت. فقلتلهاخصكرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– منبيننسائهبالسرارثمأنتتبكينفلماقامرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– سألتهاماقاللكرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– قالتماكنتأفشىعلىرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– سره. قالتفلماتوفىرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– قلتعزمتعليكبمالىعليكمنالحقلماحدثتنىماقاللكرسولالله –صلىاللهعليهوسلم– فقالتأماالآنفنعمأماحينسارنىفىالمرةالأولىفأخبرنى«أنجبريلكانيعارضهالقرآنفىكلسنةمرةأومرتينوإنهعارضهالآنمرتينوإنىلاأرىالأجلإلاقداقتربفاتقىاللهواصبرىفإنهنعمالسلفأنالك». قالتفبكيتبكائىالذىرأيتفلمارأىجزعىسارنىالثانيةفقال«يافاطمةأماترضىأنتكونىسيدةنساءالمؤمنينأوسيدةنساءهذهالأمة». قالتفضحكتضحكىالذىرأيت.
“We, the wives of Allah’s Apostle were with him (during his last illness) and none was absent therefrom that Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha, who walked after the style of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ, came there, and when he saw her he welcomed her saying: ‘You are welcome, my daughter’. He then made her sit on his right side or on his left side. Then he said something secretly to her and she swept bitterly and when he found her (plunged) in grief, he said to her something secretly for the second time and she laughed. I (Ayesha Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha) said to her: ‘Allah’s Messenger ﷺ has singled you amongst the women of the family for talking to you something secretly and you wept’. When Allah’s Messenger ﷺ recovered from illness, I said to her: ‘What did he say to you?’ Thereupon, she said: ‘I am not going to disclose the secret of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ. When the Holy Prophet ﷺ passed away, I said to her: ‘I adjure you by the right that I have upon you that you should narrate to me what Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said to you.’ She said: ‘Yes, now I can do that. When he (Prophet ﷺ) talked to me secretly for the first time he informed me that Jibra’il Alaihis Salam was in the habit of reciting the Qur’an along with him once every year, but this year it had been twice and so he perceived his death quite near, so fear Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and be patient (and he told me) that he would be a befitting forerunner for me and so I wept as you saw me. And when he saw me in grief he talked to me secretly for the second time and said: ‘Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha, are you not pleased that you should be at the head of the believing women or the head of this Ummah?’ I laughed and it was that laughter which you saw.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 6467]
Sayyidah Ayesha Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha reported that when she asked Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha the reasons of her crying and laughing when her father talked to her secretly, she said:
“Heﷺ informed me secretly of his death and so I cried. Heﷺ then informed me secretly that I would be the first amongst the members of his family to follow him, so I laughed.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 3427 ; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2450]
This Hadith shows the implicit faith that Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha had in the words of her father. She believed that her father was given the Knowledge of Unseen. She was quite sure that the events would take the same turn as her father had informed her. This Hadith also shows that Sayyidah Fatimah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha loved her father more dearly than her husband and children, and her meeting with him in the Hereafter was a source of great comfort and consolation for her.
சயீதா ஃபாத்திமா அஸ்-ஸஹ்ரா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா நபிகள் நாயகம் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் நான்காவது மகள். "ஜஹ்ரா" (பளபளப்பான மற்றும் ஒளிரும் முகம் கொண்டவர்), "படூல்" (உலக இன்பங்களிலிருந்து விலகி) "தாஹிரா" (கற்பு மற்றும�� அடக்கம்) ஆகியவை அவரது உயர்ந்த பட்டங்களில் அடங்கும்.
உமர் பின் கத்தாப் (ரழிஅல்லாஹு அன்ஹு) அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் (ஸல்) அவர்களின் மகள் ஃபாத்திமா (ரழிஅல்லாஹு அன்ஹா) அவர்களின் வீட்டிற்குச் சென்று, “ஓ பாத்திமாவே! அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களுக்கு உங்கள��� விட அன்பான யாரையும் நான் பார்த்ததில்லை என்று அல்லாஹ்வின் மீது சத்தியம் செய்கிறேன். உங்களை விட எனக்குப் பிரியமானவர்கள் யாரும் இல்லை என்று அல்லாஹ்வின் மீது சத்தியம் செய்கிறேன்
உங்கள் தந்தை ﷺ."
(ஹக்கீம், அல்-முஸ்தத்ரக் (3:168#4736), அஹ்மத் பின் ஹம்பல், ஃபதாய் எல்-உஸ்-சஹாபா (1:364#532))
அல்லாஹ்வின் நீதிமன்றத்தில் தீர்ப்பு நாளில் முழு மனித இனமும் கூடும். அன்பியா, சஹாபா, அவ்லியா மற்றும் அனைத்து விசுவாசிகளும். அவர்களில் எல்லா ஆண்களிலும் பெரியவர்களும், பெண்களும், மிகவும் அடக்கமானவர்களும் இருப்பார்கள். தூய தேவதைகள் & ஜின்னாத் ஆகியோரும் இருப்பார்கள். இந்த சூழ்நிலையில் சொர்க்கத்தின் ராணி நீதிமன்றத்திற்குள் நுழையும்போது என்ன நடக்கும்?
அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் (ஸல்) அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள், "கியாமத் நாளில் (படைப்பு ஒன்று திரட்டப்படும்) ஒரு குரல், 'அனைவரும் உங்கள் பார்வையைத் தாழ்த்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள், முஹம்மதுவின் மகள் பாத்திமா (ஸலாம்உல்லாஹ் அலா அபிஹா வ அலையா) கடந்து செல்கிறார்கள்" என்று அழைக்கும். (முஸ்னத் இமாம் அகமது)
சுப்ஹானல்லாஹ். என்ன மகத்துவம். சொர்க்க ராணியின் உண்மையான அடக்கமும் தூய்மையும் அல்லாஹ்வுக்கும் அவனது றசூலுக்கும் மட்டுமே தெரியும், அல்லாஹ்வின் நீதிமன்றத்தில் விசாரிக்கும் நாளில் கூட தூய்மையான பெண்களை எந்தக் கண்ணும் பார்க்க அனுமதிக்கப்படாது. சுப்ஹானல்லாஹ்!!!
ஒரு ஹதீஸிலிருந்து:
நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள் என்று ஸைதுனா மிஸ்வர் பின் மக்ரமா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா அவர்கள் அறிவிக்கிறார்கள்:
மேலும் நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்:
"உலகில் உள்ள சிறந்த பெண்கள் நான்கு பேர்: இம்ரானின் மகள் கன்னி மரியம் ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா மற்றும் ஃபிர்அவ்னின் மனைவி ஆசியா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா மற்றும் விசுவாசிகளின் தாயார் கதீஜா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா மற்றும் பாத்திமா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா. முஹம்மது ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் மகள் [முஸ்தத்ரக் அல்-ஹக்கீம், தொகுதி. 4, பக்கம் 262, ஹதீஸ் 4745, இமாம் அஹ்மதுவின் முஸ்னத் 2663]
ஃபாத்திமா AS, ஸயீதா ஆயிஷா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா கூறினார்:
பாத்திமா தனது நடை நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) அவர்களின் நடை போல் நடந்தார்கள், அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்: "என் மகளே, வருக." பின்னர் அவர்களை தனது வலது அல்லது இடது பக்கத்தில் உட்கார வைத்துக்கொள்வார்கள்.
“பாத்திமா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹாவை விட அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர், அமைதி மற்றும் ஆசீர்வாதங்கள், பேச்சிலும், உரையாடலிலும், உட்கார்ந்திருக்கும் விதத்திலும், அல்லாஹ்வின் எந்த ஒரு படைப்பையும் நான் பார்த்ததில்லை. நபிகள் நாயகம் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் அவர்கள் வருவதைக் கண்டால், அவர்களை வரவேற்று, எழுந்து நின்று முத்தமிட்டு, கையைப் பிடித்து இழுத்து, தாம் அமர்��்திருந்த இடத்தில் அமரச் செய்வார்கள். [அல்-அதாப் அல்-முஃப்ராதில் இமாம் புகாரி, பக்கம் 406, ஹதீஸ் 421]
ஒரு நாள் ஸயீதுனா அலி ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா அவர்களைத் தன் தந்தையிடம் சென்று ஒரு வேலைக்காரனைக் கேட்கச் சொன்னார்கள். ஸயீதா பாத்திமா ரளியல்லாஹு அன்ஹா நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களிடம் வந்தார்கள். நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்:
“நீங்கள் என்னிடம் கேட்டதை விட சிறந்த ஒன்றை நான் உங்களுக்குச் சொல்ல வேண்டாமா? ஜிப்ரயீல் அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம் அவர்கள் கூறிய வார்த்தைகளை நான் உங்களுக்குச் சொல்கிறேன். நீங்கள் சுப்ஹான்-அல்லாஹ் என்று 33 முறையும், அல்-ஹம்துலில்லாஹ் 33 முறையும், அல்லாஹு அக்பர் (அல்லாஹ் சுப்ஹானுஹு வ தஆலா மகத்தானவன்) 34 என்று சொல்ல வேண்டும். முறை." [ஸஹீஹ் அல்-புகாரி, ஹதீஸ் 5362]
இது "தஸ்பீஹ்-இ-ஃபாத்திமா" என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது மற்றும் இதைத் தொடர்ந்து ஓதுபவருக்கு ஆசீர்வாதத்தைத் தருகிறது.
சையிதா ஆயிஷா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா அவர்கள் தனது தந்தை தன்னிடம் ரகசியமாகப் பேசியபோது அவள் அழுவதற்கும் சிரிப்பதற்கும் காரணங்களை சையிதா ஃபாத்திமா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹாவிடம் கேட்டபோது அவர் கூறினார்:
“அவர்கள் இறப்பை ரகசியமாக என்னிடம் தெரிவித்தார்கள், அதனால் நான் அழுதேன். அவரைப் பின்தொடரும் அவரது குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்களில் நான் முதன்மையானவனாக இருப்பேன் என்று அவர்கள் என்னிடம் ரகசியமாகத் தெரிவித்தார்கள், அதனால் நான் சிரித்தேன். [ஸஹீஹ் அல்-புகாரி, ஹதீஸ் 3427 ; ஸஹீஹ் முஸ்லிம், ஹதீஸ் 2450]
சயீதா பாத்திமா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா அவர்களின் தந்தையின் வார்த்தைகளில் இருந்த மறைமுக நம்பிக்கையை இந்த ஹதீஸ் காட்டுகிறது. தன் தந்தைக்கு கண்ணுக்கு தெரியாத அறிவு கொடுக்கப்பட்டதாக அவள் நம்பினாள். அவளது தந்தை சொன்ன அதே திருப்பத்தில் நிகழ்வுகள் நடக்கும் என்பதில் அவள் உறுதியாக இருந்தாள். சயீதா ஃபாத்திமா ரழியல்லாஹு தஆலா அன்ஹா தனது கணவர் மற்றும் குழந்தைகளை விட தனது தந்தையை மிகவும் நேசித்தார் என்பதையும், மறுமையில் அவர்களுடனான சந்திப்பு அவர்களுக்கு மிகுந்த ஆறுதலையும் ஆறுதலையும் தருவதாகவும் இந்த ஹதீஸ் காட்டுகிறது.
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elysianpens · 8 months ago
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noisynutcrusade · 2 years ago
Iran, still poisoned girls: "Help! I can't breathe". Dramatic rescue videos
https://video.repubblica.it/mondo/iran-ancora-ragazze-avvelenate-aiuto-non-riesco-a-respirare-i-video-drammatici-dei-soccorsi/439533/440497?rss Copy Copy New suspected cases of poisoning of female students in Iran, in various schools in Tehran (Bagheral Uloom, Umm Abiha and Asadian). In some videos of the Telegram FreedomMessanger channel, families intervene, together with the rescue…
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abeeehaswriting · 4 months ago
If we meet, again
Rain will sing when it sees us again
But this time, happy and jovial
We will play on beaches
And write new beginning with our name
Stars will play music of spain
And we will be happy again
If we meet , again
We will see each other and flew tears of joy
Accept our flaws by leaps and bounds
shed sorrows into the bounding main
What if we , ever meet again?
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isausmanmohd · 2 years ago
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NANA FATIMA AZ-ZAHRA'U(Kashi Na Biyu(02)👇 3⃣ LADUBBANTA/SUNAYENTA; Daga Cikin Ladubbanta Akwai; Ma’asuma, Mazluma, Karima, Sabira Mabaruka, Da Sauransu. Ya Zo a Hadisi Cewa; 'NANA FATIMA(A.S)' Tana Da Sunaye Guda Tara a Wajen ALLAH Maɗaukakin Sarki; 1. Faɗima: Ma’anar Faɗima Ya Zo Da Ma’anoni Daban-Daban a Ruwayoyi, Amma Ma’anar Da Tafi Shahara Ita Ce; ALLAH Ta’ala Ya 'Yanta Ta Daga Wuta Da Dukkan Masu Sonta. 2. Siddiqa: Ma’ana Mai Yawan Gaskiya Ko Mai Gaskiya a Dukkan Zantukanta Ko Kuma a Wata Ma’ana Mai Yawan Gasgatawa Ga Saƙon Da Mahaifinta Ya Zo Da Shi. 3. Mubaraka: Ma’ana Ma’abociyar Albarka. 4. Ɗahira: Ma’ana Tsarkakakkiya Daga Dukkan Najasa Ta Zahiri Da Baɗini. 5. Zakiyya: Ma’ana Tsarkakakkiya Daga Dukkan Munanan Ɗabi’u. 6. Rabiyya: Ma’ana Yardarta Da Hukunci Ko 'Kaddara Ta ALLAH Ta’ala. 7. Marbiyya: Ma’ana Yardajjiya a Wajen ALLAH Maɗaukakin Sarki. 8. Batula: Ma’ana Wadda Ba Ta Jinin Al’ada Na Mata Kamar Jinin Haila Ko Na Nifasi-Biƙi. 9. Zahra: Ma’ana Wadda Take Da Haske Na Zahiri Da Baɗini, a Wata Ruwaya Ya Zo Akan Cewa; Ana Ce Ma Ta Zahra Ne Saboda Idan Tana Ibada To Haskenta Yana Bayyana Ga Ma’abota Sama Wato Mala’iku Kamar Yadda Hasken Taurari Yake Bayyana Ga Ma’abota 'Kasa(Wato Mutane). 4⃣ KINAYARTA; Haƙiƙa Tana Da Kinaya Masu Yawa Amma Waɗanda Suka Fi Shahara Sune; *. Ummul-A'immah *. Da Kuma Ummu Abiha. (©️Imam Anas✍️✍️✍️)🙏 ..GOBE ZAMU CI GABA INSHA ALLAHU...👏✍️🙏 ALLAH Ka Sanya Mu Cikin Jerin MASOYA NANA FATIMA(A.S), Ya 'Kara Mana 'KaunarTA(A.S)❣️🙏🙏 Amincin ALLAH Ya Kara Tabbata Ga CIKAMAKIN ANNABAWA DA MANZANNI(S.A.W)❣️🙏🙏🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnMJTsJI-zU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years ago
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🌿From the words of Ayatullah Sayed Ahmad Al-Najafi (may Allah Last his blessings):
🍃Just as her mother, Sayeda al-Zahraa, is “the mother of her father (ummu Abiha),” so is Zainab, “the adornment of her father (Zainu Abiha)”...
And if you want Amiul Mu'minin, peace beupon him, to take great care of you, then address him, seek the advocacy of his daughter Zainab for you before him and announce to him your knowledge that she's “the mother of her father.” And how could she not be like that?!
🍃 In calamities, a person calls his mother, and when Amirul Mu'minin, peace be upon him, put Sayeda al-Zahraa in her grave and wanted to go out, he was unable to do so, as if his strength had been lost from him, and so was the case of the two imams, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, peace be upon them both. At that moment, he called his daughter Zainab and said to her: Come, my love, hold my hand and help me. Thus, wasn't she then her father's mother? Sayeda Zeinab, peace be upon her, has a very great matter, so we ask Allah to make us among those who know her.
📚 Raehat al-Wisal, p.97-102.
#yazainab #yazainabس #yazainabع
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🥀🕯🥀 Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) the Mother of her Father 🥀🕯🥀
Sheikh Mansour Leghaei
🥀🕯🥀 Introduction 🥀🕯🥀
In the Name of God; the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Lady Fatima, the lady of light has an elevated status in the eyes of Allah due to her childhood sacrifices and support towards the religion of Islam. She is ‘the mother of her father and is an axis to great qualities. The mutual affection between Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and her is unique and holds a very prominent position in father-daughter relationship.
Abu-Faraj al-Isfahani in his Isnad narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S) from his father: “Verily, Fatima (S.A) was surnamed ‘Omme Abiha’.”
[Beharul-Anwaar, vol43 p.19 from Maqatelu-Talebin]
‘Omme Abiha’ or ‘The Mother of her Father’ is one of the best-known titles of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her). This title sounds quite peculiar for many people especially those who are less familiar with the Arabic language. This lecture is a humble interpretation of the abovementioned Hadith. I shall by the Will of Allah suggest 10 reasons because of which she enjoyed this unique title.
Fatima was the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), the wife of Imam Ali (A.S), the mother of the only two Masters of the Youth of Paradise- Imam Hasan and Imam Husain- and the mother of the 11 infallible Imams (peace be upon them all). She is the elite of the elite women of the past, present and future. She was an infallible martyr and a human huri. She was the crystallization of piety, chastity and real devotee of the Almighty Allah. Her virtues are so numerous that the Messenger of Allah said about her: “If beauty were a person it would be Fatima, Nay! She is greater. Indeed, Fatima is my daughter and the best of the people of the earth in her origin, dignity and honour.” [Fara`edoh-Samtayn vol.2 p.68]
Fatima had a short life in this world and as her husband Imam Ali (A.S) has described, “She joined her father very soon.” Yet, her life was so rich with abundant blessings so much so that she became al-Kauthar and the fountain of the Prophetic blessings.
🕯 Childhood 🕯
Fatima was born during the Prophetic mission and when the Prophet of Islam had reached his perfection. She was the only child of the house of Prophet Muhammad and Sayyeda Khadija (S.A). Her conception was heavenly blessed with the paradisiacal fruit gifted to her father at the time of his ascension. She was brought up in a house wherein revelation and the words of God were constant. She witnessed the descending and ascending of the angels. Her physical growth accomplished with her mental and spiritual growth and hence she became an infallible lady who enjoyed the sublime virtues of her father, the holy Prophet of Islam.
🕯 After the demise of her mother 🕯
Lady Khadija died 10 years after the Prophet of Islam declared his mission and left her five-year-old daughter an orphan. The richest lady of Quraiysh at the time of her death could not even afford a simple shroud for her burial and hence she requested her daughter to ask her father to shroud her with his own cloak after her death. Fatima was since the only memory of Khadija for the Prophet of Islam. After the painful death of her mother the young Fatima dedicated herself to her father, the Messenger of God. During the hardship of Makka she was not only a supportive daughter but a comrade. After her marriage with Imam Ali in Medina, initially her house was quite a distance from the mosque which would make traveling to the Prophet quite difficult. Thus, the Prophet arranged that the young couple live in the house of Haritha bin No’man whose house was near the house of the Prophet. [ibn Sa’ad, al Tabaqaat vol 8 p14]
🕯 The Female Comrade of the Holy Prophet (S) 🕯
Fatima was not the type of girl who sat at home weaving or sewing with no social responsibility. Her exalted spirit had made her from the very early stages of her life, endeavor for the spread of Islam with her father.
Once, the Prophet of Islam was inviting people to Islam inside the Masjidul Haraam. Abu Jahl made some of his puppets pour rubbish onto the Prophet. Fatima; the female comrade of the Prophet immediately ran towards her father and with her small hands cleaned the head and the shoulders of the Prophet of Islam.
Many a time the infidels of Quraiysh stoned the Messenger of God and the young Fatima was sometimes shielding her father with her own body. Her care and compassion towards the Messenger of God was so motherly and passionate. Every time the Messenger of God came home Fatima was dusting the hair and face of the Prophet. It was due to all this compassionate conduct of Fatima that the Messenger of God had such tremendous love for her.
The role of Fatima in her support and the spread of Islam was so vital that according to Imam Ali (A.S) she was considered the second pillar of Islam. After the martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (S.A) Imam Ali stated, “The messenger of God was the first column of Islam and Fatima was the second and the Islamic Ommah today has lost its second column too.
Fatima During the Islamic Battles
Fatima was a woman and as such jihad was not obligatory on her. Nonetheless, she was an active participant and a supporter of the Muslim warriors along with her father and husband. During battles, Fatima had the responsibility of nursing the wounded soldiers and repairing their artillery. When the rumor about the martyrdom of the Messenger of God was spread in Medina during the battle of Ohud, Fatima mobilized some of the ladies of Medina to the battlefield.
When she saw her father’s, teeth broken and bleeding she was in tears and hugged the Messenger of God. Shia and Sunni historians have narrated that during the severe time of the battle of Ohud whereat blood was flowing from the head and the face of the Prophet, the companions had tried to stop the bleeding of the wounds, to no avail. It was Fatima who then immediately burnt a straw mat and poured its ashes onto the wounds and stopped the blood from flowing. [Safinatul Behar vol.1 p140, Sahihul Bukhari vol.4 p.72]
🕯 Addressing Her Father 🕯
After the battle of Ohud, an Ayah was revealed to the Messenger of God to discipline his companions. It was customary for Arabs to call each other with their names without any title and as such they would only call the Prophet of Islam with his first name, Muhammad, the Messenger of God was also too humble to request them to address him otherwise. It was under these circumstances that the Almighty God revealed,
“Make not the calling of the Messenger among you as you are calling one of another.” 24:63
Upon the revelation of the Ayah, Muslims were commanded to address the Prophet with the title of Messenger of God.
Lady Fatima narrated, “After the revelation of the Ayah, I wondered whether I could still address my father as ‘father’ and thus I called him ‘O Messenger of God’. Upon hearing that my father immediately replied, “My dear Fatima, that rule was not for you, you call me O father for indeed this is more reviving for my heart and more pleasing your Lord.” [Ibn al-Maghazeli, al Manaqeb p367]
Thus, Fatima was the only exception of the above Ayah of which she gained part of her everlasting title ‘The Mother of Her Father`.
Fatima; the Mother of her Father
In the year 5 AH, after the Battle of al-Ahzab a new rule with regards to the wives of the Prophet was revealed.
“The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves and his wives are their mothers.” [33:6]
This revelation taught Muslims to respect the wives of the Prophet like their own mothers and that they were forbidden to ever marry them. Thus, none of the wives of the Prophet were ever able to remarry after the demise of the Messenger of God. To this end, every wife of the Prophet was referred to as ‘the mother of the believers’ which means as the believers could not ever marry their mother they could not possibly ever marry any of the wives of the Prophet. After the revelation of the above law, the Messenger of God said to his beloved daughter, “O Fatima. If my wives are the (spiritual) mother of the believers, then you are my (spiritual) mother.”
🕯 Etymology of the term ‘al-Omm' 🕯
The term mother is referred to in Arabic as ‘Omm` whether a direct biological mother or indirect and hence, Eve is also referred to as our ‘mother`. Linguistically, the term ‘mother` is quite similar in all different languages. Omm in Arabic, mum or mother in English, mahdar in Farsi, ma in Urdu and mama in Italian.
The term al-Omm in Arabic is defined by the renowned Arabic linguist al-Raghib “Everything and everyone who is the source of the existence of something or its rearing or reforming.” Therefore, anything that is the origin of the source of something or has a fundamental role in its existence is called al-Omm in Arabic. For instance, in Surah 43 Ayah 4 the Holy Quran is introduced to be in the Mother of the Book,
“And verily, it (this Quran) is in the Mother of the Book with Us, indeed exalted, full of wisdom.” (43:4)
The term ‘the mother of the book` in the above Ayah is meant for al-Lauh al-Mahfuz which is the source of all the divine knowledge and its producer.
The first Surah of the Quran is also called ‘Ommul Kitab’ the mother of the book for its seven Ayaat contain the summary of the entire teachings of the holy Quran and hence is the root and the origin of the rest of the Quran.
Ommah in Arabic is a community which has a common religious and spiritual goal.
In short, Omm is either a biological mother which is not gained but physically or a spiritual mother which is a title given due to some spiritual privileges and characteristics and carries similar parental rights. It is to this meaning that the Messenger of God introduced himself along with Imam Ali as the two fathers of the Muslim Ommah (community).
🕯 Fatima; the Axis 🕯
In the following I shall share with you ten reasons because of which Lady Fatima enjoyed the divine medal of ‘The Mother of Her Father’ by the Messenger of God.
We will learn that she is the symmetrical axis between Prophet-hood and Imamat.
🕯 1. The Axis of Creation
Numerous prophetic traditions state that the Messenger of God is the final cause of the creation. The Almighty God in a holy hadith says, “Had it not been because of you I would have not created the creation.” This is a well-established principle in Islamic philosophy and mysticism since the Messenger of God is the most perfect creation of God and the creation is aimed at the peak of its perfection. It is due to this fact that Fatima is the axis of creation for without her the generation of the most perfect human i.e. the Messenger of God would cease to continue. Similarly, spiritually the existence of Fatima was the cause of the continuation of Islam until the day of Judgment as I shall explain.
🕯 2. The Axis of Imamat
Fatima was the symmetrical axis joining Prophet-hood to Imamat. It was through Fatima that the blessed light of Prophet-hood was transmitted to eleven infallible Imams. I’m in awe! She is the mother of 11 infallible Imams! If the holy Mary begot one Jesus, and hence she became a truthful female, the holy Fatima begot 11 pure Imams, behind the last of whom Prophet Jesus shall pray.
🕯 3. The Axis of Ahlul-Bayt
The story of the Hadith of the Cloak is narrated by numerous Shia and Sunni narrators. Jabbir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari narrated that the Messenger of God went to the house of Fatima while he was not feeling well. Fatima received him and covered him with his Yemenese cloak for warmth and comfort. Then the Prophet of Islam brings Hasan, Husain and then Imam Ali and Fatima under his cloak with him. It was then that the angel Gibreel brought Ayah 33 of Surah 33,
“Verily, Allah willed but to purify you Ahlul-bayt….”33:33
Lady Fatima is the symmetrical axis in this story so much so that when the archangel Gibreel aims at introducing those who are under the cloak to the heavenly creatures, he states, “They are Fatima and her father and her husband and her children.”
🕯 4. The Axis of Infallibility
Since Fatima is the axis of Ahlul-Bayt she is also the axis of infallibility as indicated in Ayah 33 of Surah 33. She was the mother and the spiritual coach of all the Imams of Ahlul-bait. The infallibility, bravery and guidance of all the Imams of Ahlul-bait were inherited from their mother, holy Lady Fatima. When Khadija (S.A) was pregnant with Fatima she used to speak with her. One day when the Prophet of Islam heard his wife talking to her baby he said to her, “Gibreel has given me the glad tiding that she is going to be a baby girl and her generation will be blessed and pure and indeed the Almighty God will continue my generation from her offspring and will make them the Imams and the vicegerents of God on earth after revelation has ceased to continue.” [Rodhatul Wa’ezin vol.1 p.143]
🕯 5. The Axis of Al Mubahilah
In the last year of the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) a deputation of 60 high ranked Christians of Najran headed by Abdul Masih their chief monk-priest came and discussed with the Holy Prophet about the personality of Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus). When they refused to accept the logical reasoning of the Prophet of Islam, the Messenger of Allah by revelation invited them to a cursing challenge called ‘al-Mubahila`.
“Then whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus) after all this knowledge that has come to you, say: Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then we pray and invoke the Curse of Allah upon those who lie.” [3:61]
The only people the Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.W) chose to take to this vital challenge were: Imam Ali, Fatima al-Zahra, (Imam) Hasan and (Imam) Husain peace be upon them. In this challenge Fatima was the example of the child of the Prophet in ‘our sons`, the woman in ‘our women’. She was also the example of the soul of the Prophet in ‘ourselves` for the Messenger of God had said about her: “She is part of me as she is my soul in my heart.”
Of the significance of this selection the renowned Sunni scholar al-Qandoozi narrated from the holy Prophet (S.A.W.W): “Had the Almighty Allah knew more honourable people on earth than Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain he would have commanded me to challenge the Christians with them. But He ordered me to enter the Mubahila with them (Ahlul-Bayt) for they are the best creatures.” [Yanabi’ul-Mawaddah, p.131]
🕯 6. The Axis of Imams of Ahlulbayt (as)
The Almighty God gave the glad tidings to Fatima (S.A) that 11 infallible Imams will emerge from her offspring. Thus, she was called ‘the Mother of the Imams’ and ‘the Mother of the Blossoms of Islam’ and ‘the Mother of the Light of the Imams’. It is therefore narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W): “I am the tree and Fatima is its fruit-bearing and Ali is its pollen and Hasan and Husain are its fruits.” [Ihqaqul-Haq, vol.9 p.157]
Similarly, when Lady Fatima (S.A) delivered her eloquent sermon in the Masjidul-Nabi, Imam Ali (A.S) addressed her with the title of: “O the remaining of the Prophet-hood.” [Beharul-Anwar, vol.43 p.148]
Most importantly, the holy Fatima was the bearer and the depository of the divine secret, i.e. Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance).
🕯 7. The Axis of Faith
The Lady Fatima (S.A) is the axis of faith. It is narrated from the Imams of Ahlul-bayt (A.S) that on the Day of Judgment “she will be the scale of measuring the deeds of our lovers and our enemies.” [ al-Kharazmi, Maqtalul-Husain, p.107] Thus, she is the scale of measuring the lovers and the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt.
🕯 8. The Axis of the Sayyyeds
The holy Fatima was ‘al-Kouthar’ meaning abundant blessings. The generation of the last Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W) has spread world-wide through his daughter Fatima. She is the mother of Millions of offspring of the Prophet from the linage of Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Husain, Imam Redha, and Imam Kadhem (peace be upon them). They are related to the Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.W) through Fatima.
🕯 9. The Axis of Intercession
The holy Fatima is the axis of intercession on the Day of Judgment to rescue the sinners from the Hell-fire. Indeed, she is called Fatima for Allah has safeguarded her and her followers from the Hell-fire. Numerous Prophetic saying indicated that she is called Fatima for Allah has prevented her and her lovers and followers from the Hell-fire. [See Beharul-Anwar, vol.43 pp.4 -18]
Jabir; the distinguished companion of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W) who lived long enough to visit Imam Baqir (A.S) asked the Imam to inform him of the status of his grandmother; the lady Fatima (S.A). Part of the Hadith reads:
“On the Day of Judgment people will be ordered: Bend your heads down and lower your gaze for indeed this is Fatima proceeding to Paradise. She then will ask the Almighty: O my Lord! I would like my status to be known in this Day. Thus, the Almighty Allah addresses her: O daughter of My beloved! Look back and find whoever there is a love in their heart for you or for any of your offspring to take their hands and enter them into Paradise. It is on that Day the she will be as selective as a chicken selects the good seeds over the spoiled ones. Then the Almighty Allah will address those who loved the holy Fatima (S.A): Look back and find whoever loved you for the love of Fatima, whoever fed you for the love of Fatima, whoever clothed you for the love of Fatima, whoever offered you a drink for the love of Fatima… then take their hands and enter them into Paradise. Imam Baqir (A.S) then added: On that Day none will be left, save the one who has been doubtful (about the status of Fatima), or the one who has been Kafir or hypocrite.” [Beharul-Anwar, vol.8 p.51]
🕯 10. The Axis of Granting Wishes
Although all the fourteen infallibles are the gates through whom the Almighty God grants our invocations, the Lady Fatima has a pivotal role in the granting of our wishes. Even the Imams of Ahlul-bayt when they invoked to the Almighty, they asked Allah in the virtuous name of their mother Fatima. Thus, the name of Fatima is again the central core in the recommended supplication for our needs.
“Allahuma inni asaloka be haqe fatimata wa abiha wa ba’leha wa baniha wa sirril musta’da’efi ha an to salle’a ala muhammadin wa ale muhammad. Wa an tafalla be ma anta ahlo wa an taqthia hawa`iji”
“O Allah verily I ask You by the right of Fatima and her father and her husband and her sons and the hidden secret entrusted in her (Imam Mahdi A.J) that You may Mohammad and his family and that You may do for me what You are anticipated to do and that You grant my requests.”
🕯 Mutual Affection 🕯
The affection between Fatima and her father was mutual. That means, as much as the holy Prophet of Islam loved his daughter Fatima, she also loved her father the Prophet. Thus, the demise of the Prophet of God did not have but an enormous effect on Fatima. During her short time after the demise of her father, she cried so much that according to the words of Imam Sadiq (A.S) she became one of the five most weeping people in history of mankind. Prophet Adam (A.S) after his fall wept so much that stains marks appeared on his cheeks.
Prophet Yaqoub (A.S) wept so much in the absence of his son Yusuf that he lost his eye sight. Prophet Yusuf in return also cried so much in missing his father that his fellow prisoners requested that he should cry either at night or day. Imam Sajjad (A.S) wept for the last thirty-five years of his life for the tragedy of Karbala and finally the holy Fatima wept her life away in the absence of her father the holy Messenger of God. She wept so much that Imam Ali (A.S) had to build an isolated hut for her worshipping and weeping called ‘the House of Grieves'.
The weeping of Fatima however, was not only for the physical departure of the Messenger of God from this world, she wept also for the catastrophic deviation that occurred after the Prophet passed. Her weeping was in fact a cry opposition to awaken the Islamic Ummah of the evil consequences of their wrongdoing. Fatima was fully aware that the deviation that occurred in Saqifeh would lead to the massacre of Karbala.
“As salamu alayk O you oppressed lady whose right has been usurped and her rib was broken, the one who was beaten, the lady who was truthful and martyred.”
The enemies of Islam and Ahlul-bait could not stand her opposition. According to al-Mas’oodi; the renowned historian, she witnessed that the party of Abu Bakr forced Imam Ali to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr whilst Imam Ali was refusing. [Ithbatul-Wasiya p262]
Eventually, the enemies threatened to set the house of Fatima on fire should Ali continue to refuse allegiance. Omar ibn Kattab along with his men approached the house of Ahlul-bait. He threatened that should Ali still refuse he would burn the house down and the household. Omar was reminded that Fatima was also in that house, his only reply was, “Even so…”
I would like to end my speech by narrating the tragic event of the martyrdom of the holy Lady Fatima (s.a); the part of the heart of the Prophet and the beloved mother of her father with her own heartbreaking description of the scene,
“they placed firewood at the gate of my house and then they brought fire and torched it to burn us all. I was standing behind the front door. I pleaded with them by the name of Allah and my father the Messenger of Allah to leave us alone or help us. But Omar grabbed the whip of Qunfuz; the slave of Abu Bakr and whipped my arm so hard that it bruised and marked like a bracelet. He then kicked the door against me while I was pregnant, and I fell to the floor all the while the fire was blazing in front of me and its heat was burning my face. He then slapped me so hard on my face that my earring tore my ear then I felt the pain of labor and lost my innocent baby.
🕯 sources 🕯
Baitul ahzan (p. 97)
al-Ehtejaj (vol 1 from p. 203)
Sharh ibn Abil Haddid (vol 2, p. 21)
The History of Tabari (vol 2, p. 234)
Al Imamah & Al Siyasah (vol 1, p. 12)
Morujo Thahab (vol 2, p. 302)
Al Kafi (vol 8, p. 343)
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chaandkeeroshni · 2 years ago
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off late been spending a lot of time at salon and the people involved so i can fill in gaps for mama socially and in the process have made new friends today Falak told me she’ll miss me a lot and I had lunch with Abiha and Dua
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kholilullahmhmd · 1 year ago
Sejak beberapa tahun, Muhammad bin Abdurrahman Assegaf, penulis buku Fatimah: Ummu Abiha, merenung dalam mengenai hadiah terbaik apa yang ia bisa berikan kepada istrinya, putrinya, juga saudarinya.
Sampai akhirnya penulis berada pada satu kesimpulan, bahwa tidak ada hadiah yang lebih baik untuk mereka kecuali sesuatu yang membuat mereka mengingat kembali sirah seorang perempuan luhur yang dengan meneladaninnya bisa membuat mereka lebih baik, lebih mulia, dan lebih dicintai Allah.
Ialah Fatimah az-Zahra al-Batul, bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Rasulullah. Seorang perempuan yang Allah muliakan dengan kedudukan tinggi. Penghulu para perempuan umat ini. Seorang perempuan yang apabila dibacakan kesehariannya, diperdengarkan perjalanan hidupnya, dibisikkan sedikit saja dari kisah keluhurannya, niscaya membuat dada siapapun berdebar: mata mengeluarkan kesedihan, hati menampakkan kerinduan.
Sehingga dalam beberapa alinea, mungkin kita akan berhenti sejenak, merenung, bahkan menangis, disebabkan oleh kehidupannya yang penuh dengan air mata namun semua itu ia hadapi dengan kepribadiannya yang luhur, adabnya yang mulia, perangai–perangainya yang merekatkan kita selalu kepada ajaran agama kita.
Dari sekian banyak kemuliaan yang tersemat, sungguh, cukuplah hal tersebut tergambarkan dengan jelas pada diri Fatimah yang merupakan putri tercinta dari Rasulullah dan Khadijah al–Kubra, Istri dari Ali bin Abi Thalib, dan Ibu dari pemimpin para pemuda ahli surga; Hasan dan Husain.
Duhai, lihatlah. Adakah kemuliaan seorang perempuan yang lebih baik dari ini?
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tadesart · 6 years ago
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He’s crafting some new horse shoes for her
Speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXVLtfJ5KQY
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