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my estranged sister texting me out of the blue after like six years saying she has been thinking about her resentment towards me and doesnt want to live in anger anymore and its like that mad men meme where im don draper like i dont think about you at all. Bitch
#this is incoherent but it makes sense to ME#like come out of nowhere with this half abaked not really an apology apology and saying SHE forgives ME for what EYE did?#the lack of self awareness#she’s literally a clone of my mother LOL#girl just move on the ship has sailed you are not my sister anymore
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Abak - La Fiesta de Los Diablitos Letra
Abak – La Fiesta de Los Diablitos Lyrics, Letra La Fiesta de Los Diablitos Letras, Lyrics: Bienvenidos a la fiesta de los diablos de curré Hay cajón para bailar y hay chicha de beber Es un día de fiesta y tres para pelear Ven y únete al ritual ¡Y vamos a brindar! Toma chicha que hay de sobra en el guacal ¡Y vamos a luchar! ¡Por nuestra libertad! Somos los diablitos Somos los borucas, los…
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Ujawnienie przełomowego systemu Abak: Zrewolucjonizuj swoje biuro rachunkowe już dziś!
Czy jesteś zmęczony spędzaniem niezliczonych godzin na żmudnych zadaniach księgowych? Czy chciałbyś, aby istniał sposób na usprawnienie procesów i zwiększenie produktywności w Twoim biurze rachunkowym? Cóż, nie szukaj dalej, ponieważ przełomowy Abak system jest tutaj, aby zrewolucjonizować Twoje biuro rachunkowe już dziś! To innowacyjne oprogramowanie zostało zaprojektowane w celu uproszczenia i zautomatyzowania zadań księgowych, dzięki czemu praca staje się łatwiejsza i bardziej wydajna. Dzięki systemowi Abak możesz pożegnać się z ręcznym wprowadzaniem danych i skomplikowanymi obliczeniami - wykona on całą pracę za Ciebie!
Opinie na temat systemu Abak są zdecydowanie pozytywne. Księgowi z całego świata zachwycają się zdolnością systemu do oszczędzania czasu i poprawy dokładności. Jeden z użytkowników powiedział: "Korzystam z systemu Abak od kilku miesięcy i całkowicie odmienił on moje biuro rachunkowe. Wcześniej spędzałem godziny na ręcznym wprowadzaniu danych i uzgadnianiu kont, ale teraz wszystko odbywa się automatycznie. To tak, jakby pracował ze mną zespół księgowych!".
Inny użytkownik chwalił przyjazny dla użytkownika interfejs systemu, mówiąc: "Początkowo byłem sceptycznie nastawiony do przejścia na nowe oprogramowanie księgowe, ale system Abak przerósł moje oczekiwania. Interfejs jest tak intuicyjny i łatwy w nawigacji, nawet dla kogoś z ograniczoną wiedzą księgową. To znacznie ułatwiło mi pracę!".
System Abak jest nie tylko wydajny, ale także wysoce konfigurowalny. Można go dostosować do konkretnych potrzeb biura rachunkowego, zapewniając wszystkie narzędzia niezbędne do usprawnienia procesów. Niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz zaawansowanych możliwości raportowania, czy płynnej integracji z innymi systemami oprogramowania, system Abak można dostosować do Twoich wymagań.
Jedną z najbardziej imponujących cech systemu Abak jest możliwość generowania kompleksowych raportów finansowych w ciągu kilku sekund. Wystarczy kilka kliknięć, aby uzyskać dostęp do szczegółowych raportów dotyczących przepływów pieniężnych, wydatków i przychodów, umożliwiając podejmowanie świadomych decyzji i monitorowanie kondycji finansowej firmy. Pożegnaj się z godzinami spędzonymi na ręcznym generowaniu raportów - system Abak zrobi to wszystko za Ciebie!
Oprócz wydajności i możliwości dostosowywania, system Abak oferuje również najwyższej klasy środki bezpieczeństwa w celu ochrony poufnych danych finansowych. Dzięki zaawansowanym algorytmom szyfrowania i bezpiecznemu przechowywaniu danych możesz być spokojny, wiedząc, że Twoje informacje są bezpieczne i chronione przed nieautoryzowanym dostępem.
Podsumowując, jeśli chcesz zrewolucjonizować swoje biuro rachunkowe i poprawić produktywność, nie szukaj dalej niż przełomowy system Abak. Dzięki automatyzacji oszczędzającej czas, przyjaznemu dla użytkownika interfejsowi, konfigurowalnym funkcjom i solidnym środkom bezpieczeństwa, nic dziwnego, że opinie na temat tego systemu są w przeważającej mierze pozytywne. Nie trać ani minuty na ręczne zadania księgowe - już dziś wkrocz w przyszłość księgowości z systemem Abak!
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LANGSUNG SEMBUH, Telp 0852-7000-1948, Madu Asam Lambung Area Abak
KLIK https://wa.me/6285270001948; Madu Asam Lambung Raw Honey by Dokter Namira ASLI MURNI 100% tanpa campuran gula, perasa, pewarna, pengawet, dan lainnya, langsung di ambil dari peternak / petani madu di Sumatera Madu Mentah Hutan Akasia Sumatera Khusus untuk penderita Asam Lambung, Maag Akut, dan Wasir Rumah Sehat by Dr Namira Perumahan Graha Gardenia Blok H No 12A Saptorenggo, Pakis Kabupaten Malang, 65154 (Dekat Bandara Abdulrachman Saleh) Langsung OWNER 0852-7000-1948
#KLIK https://wa.me/6285270001948; Madu Asam Lambung Abak#Lolayan#Bolaang Mongondow#Madu Asam Lambung Adow#Pinolosian Tengah#Bolaang Mongondow Selatan#Madu Asam Lambung Adow Selatan#Madu Asam Lambung Aergale#Sinonsayang#Minahasa Selatan#Madu Asam Lambung Agotey#Mandolang#Minahasa#Raw Honey by Dokter Namira#ASLI MURNI 100% tanpa campuran gula#perasa#pewarna#pengawet#dan lainnya#langsung di ambil dari peternak / petani madu di Sumatera#Madu Mentah Hutan Akasia Sumatera#Khusus untuk penderita Asam Lambung#Maag Akut#dan Wasir#Rumah Sehat by Dr Namira#Perumahan Graha Gardenia#Blok H No 12A#Saptorenggo#Pakis#Kabupaten Malang
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so, it’s confirmed that Zelda’s “Time” powers came from Sonia, and her “Light” powers from Rauru, but we know from other games that only the women of the royal family can use the “sealing” power inherited from SkSw Zelda. do you think this means that throughout history, the “Light” powers associated w the sealing are actually separate from the sealing ability? I just remember being really lost after that cutscene, cause even if Rauru somehow was a descendant of Hylia, he wouldn’t be able to use those powers, and the sealing of whatever evil is causing trouble always has a fancy light show with it lmao
So, this is a very complicated question with a very complicated theory to answer it.
We know that Sonia's primary, and, in terms of usablity, only power is Recall.
However, I do believe she's Hylia's descendant, not Rauru, despite Rauru being the one with the light/sealing power. Evidence on that here.
Being Hylia's descendant would make Sonia's birthright be a whole host of other powers, possibly latent, but more probably something that Sonia's never actually been in the right situation to use. Let's take a look at what Skyward Sword Zelda can do.
She can seal the Demon King-
-but only at the expense of her own life force being rendered inert while she does.
She can bless the Master Sword-
-but it's already as strong as it can get.
She has strong connections to time...
...but we knew that already.
Of these three powers, only one would be relevant to Sonia's skill set. The Master Sword can hardly be doubly-blessed, and the Demon King has yet to show his face.
More importantly, however, Skyward Zel's sealing power works MUCH differently to Wild Zel's.
Wild Zel's sealing is instantaneous, fueled by emotion, with seemingly no draining effect on her person.
When fully unleashed, her seal is as total as it is inescapable. It doesn't require her to put herself to sleep until Link can deal the final blow with the Master Sword. The closest thing to Skyward Zel's seal that Wild Zel did was in keeping the Calamity at bay for 100 years while Link slept. During which, it's heavily implied that she was conscious, given that she spoke to Link the instant he woke.
With Rauru, his sealing ability seems much more similar to our princess's, with only some key differences visually.
His right hand gathers light around it, and needs to be extended to fully function.
When the seal first activates, it forms a spherical shape, which is inescapable, albeit on a much smaller scale than Zelda's.
It's a little hard to see, due to the magnitude of Zelda's power, but it IS a sphere.
And although this act does cost Rauru his life, it usually doesn't. He's done this before, multiple times, as stated in Messages from an Ancient Era tablet A Pilgrimage of Light:
"The kyng was late y-come this aven, so maked the quene to sharen tales of hir lond, of shirines al grene yglouen. "Of erli daies sinnes Hyrules funding have diverse monstres hir reaume biseged ond assaylled. "Uncesinge in striffe, thei broughte to despeir folkes lyfen. Kyng ond quen ysete thamselue to bringen scurge to ende. "With might of light ond pouere, driven abak ybeen, ond the roial couple made thes shirines to selen him awei. "Thes holi selen ben yclept Shirines of Light. "Gret kyng, grete quen, y thank ye. Ye foughte whan y wer maiden-child, that y kude pes toknouen."
The translation, to the best of my efforts:
"The king was late to come this evening, so made the queen to share tales of her land, of shrines all green glowing. "Of early days since Hyrule's founding have diverse monsters her realm besieged and assailed. "Unceasing in strife, they brought to despair folks' lives. King and queen set themselves to bringing scourge to end. "With might of light and power, driven aback they been, and the royal couple made these shrines to seal him away. "These holy seals been called Shrines of Light. "Great king, great queen, I thank you. You fought when you were maiden-child, that I could peace to know."
Sonia and Rauru went around making the Shrines of Light that we find in present day and receive blessing from:
So, with the exception of the Demon King, who was so powerful that he could resurrect thousands of years later, Rauru's seal behaved like Zelda's—instant, fueled by emotion, inescapable, projected by the right hand, with no immediate toll on the user.
But what does this mean for Zelda's sealing ability? Despite behaving similarly, it doesn't look similar at all.
Let's look back at what happens when Sonia and Rauru combine their powers.
Rauru brings his hands together in a triangle shape, possibly invoking the same Triforce motif Zelda gives when she unleashes her power. The Secret Stone, which magnifies his light abilities, glows in a similar shade to Zelda's seal.
Sonia extends her right hand as her own tear glows. Despite it only amplifying her time power, her hand shows the same color Rauru's light gives off—as well as being in a spherical form.
Rauru draws in her power (and Zelda's, whose is a combination of both already and therefore adds no new properties) and forms a bright yellow light with a sphere around it.
It's better seen from this angle, where we can also see what looks like an inverted Triforce in the middle.
They're nowhere near the level of focus Zelda's Triforce has, but the triangles are definitely there.
And then it becomes a catastrophic force of power, able to wipe out an entire swarm of Molduga in a single hit.
Zelda's lineage's sealing ability is a culmination of all of this. It's Sonia and Rauru's powers combined, taking Hylia's seal, the Goddess's full power-
-and attaching that strength to something instantaneous and geared specifically to lock away darkness-
-by combining the power of time with the power of light.
Hylia's sealing power isn't Rauru's, but Zelda's is Hylia's AND Rauru's combined.
As a side note, this is also why I think, despite Rauru contributing his power, the magic remains only matrilineal. Hylia's descendants—meaning in this case, Sonia—are the only ones that carry her abilities. Rauru's power attached itself to Sonia's to create Zelda's, but Sonia's abilities—with or without Rauru's boost to them—can only be accessed by her daughters and granddaughters.
Strong enough to rival any magic in the world in sheer might, this later became known as the Light Force.
TLDR: Hylia's seal = Slow, nonlethal, exhausting toll, powerful, golden lightshow Rauru's seal = Fast, potentially lethal, concentrated, opposes Ganon, spherical lightshow Zelda's seal = Fast, concentrated, opposes Ganon, spherical (from Rauru), nonlethal, powerful, golden (from Hylia); a hybridization of both seals, the best of both worlds
#loz#zelda#theory#ask bee#totk#totk spoilers#skyward sword#minish cap#long post#really long post#words are hard and it's 3 am but i hope i'm conveying this right#basically rauru is what improved hylia's seal to the point that botw zel uses it with as much strength as she does
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The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Teaser PV 2 / 薬屋のひとりごと 第2期ティザーPV 第2弾
Please note that English sentences are just my translation.
“Shinsho, kaimaku――”
“New chapter begins――”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama, nanika goyo deshoka.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, is there anything I can help you with?”
Jinshi “Kusuriya. Sukoshi, shirabete-hoshii-kotoga aruno-daga―”
Jinshi “Apothecary. I’d like you to look into something.”
猫猫(また面倒ごとか… いや、待てよ…)
Maomao (Mata mendo-gotoka… Iya, mateyo…)
Maomao (Another trouble again… No, wait a minute…)
Maomao “Sore, kuwashiku kikasete kure-masenka?”
Maomao “Can you tell me more about that?”
『原作 日向夏 『薬屋のひとりごと』 ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊』
Gensaku Hyuga-Natsu “Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto” Hīrō bunko / Imajika-Infosu-kan
Original: “The Apothecary Diaries” written by Natsu Hyuga, published by Hero Bunko, Imagica Infos
Katari “Kusuriya-no shojoga idomu, nazo-toki entāteimento-ga, ima, futatabi maku’o akeru―”
Narration “Now, the curtain is rising on another entertaining mystery for our young apothecary to challenge.”
“Kyuchu-ni uzu-maku an-un”
“Dark clouds, swirling in the palace”
Maomao “Kangae-sugi-dato omoi-taiga…”
Maomao “I’d like to think I’m overthinking it, but…”
“Futari’o machi-ukeru, aratana nan-jiken”
“A new difficult case awaits the two.”
Maomao “Nandaka hikkakaru…”
Maomao “Something’s stuck in my mind…”
Jinshi “Ittai darega……”
Jinshi “Who on earth…”
Maomao “Okusoku-ni sugi-masenga, kore, ano jikenni niteru-towa omoi-masenka?”
Maomao “This is just speculation, but don’t you think this is similar to that incident?”
Jinshi “――Masaka!”
Jinshi “――No way!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa. Kusuriya, ikuzo.”
Jinshi “Yes. Let’s go, Apothecary.��
“Doku’o, abake―――”
“Expose the poison――”
“Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto”
“The Apothecary Diaries”
“Nisen-niju-go-nen ichi-gatsu tooka (Kin) hoso-kaishi”
“Broadcast begins on Friday, January 10, 2025.”
Katari “Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto, dai-niki. Nisen-niju-go-nen ichi-gatsu tooka, hoso-kaishi.”
Narration “The Apothecary Diaries, Season 2. Broadcast begins on January 10, 2025.”
『毎週金曜よる11:00より、FRIDAY ANIME NIGHT(フラアニ) 日本テレビ系30局ネットにて全国同時放送!放送終了後、各種配信プラットフォームでも順次配信予定! *放送日時は予告なく変更になる場合がございます』
“Maishu kin-yo yoru ju-ichi-ji-yori, Furaidē Anime Naito (Fura-Ani) Nihon-Terebi-kei sanjukkyoku-netto-nite zen-koku doji hoso! Hoso shuryogo, kakushu haishin puratto-fōmu-demo junji haishin yotei! *Hoso-nichijiwa yokoku-naku henkoni naru baaiga gozai-masu.”
“Every Friday night from 11:00 p.m., by Friday Anime Night (Fura-Ani), it will be broadcast simultaneously nationwide on 30 Nippon Television Network stations! After the broadcast, it will be distributed sequentially on various streaming services! *Broadcast dates and times may be subject to change without notice.”
『CAST 猫猫 : 悠木碧 壬氏 : 大塚剛央 高順 : 小西克幸 玉葉妃 : 種崎敦美 梨花妃 : 石川由依 里樹妃 : 木野日菜 小蘭 : 久野美咲 ナレーション : 島本須美』
“Kyasuto Maomao: Yuki Aoi Jinshi: Otsuka Takeo Gaoshun: Konishi Katsuyuki Gyokuyo-hi: Tanezaki Atsumi Rifa-hi: Ishikawa Yui Rīshu-hi: Kino Hina Shaoran: Kuno Misaki Narēshon: Shimamoto Sumi”
“Cast Maomao: Aoi Yuki, Jinshi: Takeshi Otsuka, Gaoshun: Katsuyuki Konishi, Concubine Gyokuyou: Atsumi Tanezaki, Concubine Lihua: Yui Ishikawa, Concubine Lishu: Hina Kino, Shaolan: Misaki Kuno, Narration: Sumi Shimamoto”
『STAFF 原作 : 薬屋のひとりごと(ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊) キャラクター原案 : しのとうこ…』
“Staffu Gen-saku: Kusuriyano Hitorigoto (Hīrō bunko / Imajika-Infosu-kan) Kyarakutā gen-an: Shino Touko…”
“Staff Original : The Apothecary Diaries (published by Hero Bunko, Imagica Infos), Character draft: Touko Shino…”
I would like to ask if there’s better English sentence for the green-colored translation.
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNH
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The little bridge before the final chorus is something I look forward to with every new opus. In Op2, it was Irene and Mycroft. In Op3, it was old man Jack, Patterson, Arterton, and Milverton. In Op4, it was Mary, Whiteley and Milverton. And finally, in Op. 5... it's Team Sherlock and Team Moriarty. It's just soooooo good. It makes me go: This is it! The culmination of everything.
Main Theme Op.5
Characters: entire cast
この地に 悪魔が棲むのなら この地に謎が蠢くなら すべてを 露わに
神が創るこの世 人が地獄にした ならば我は糺す この身、悪となりて
「地獄はもぬけの殻だ すべての悪魔は、ここにいる」
Ah Ah
血のごとき 罪負いて 向かうは彼方 この深き闇の果てに
霧の街 夜の国 幾重もの謎 暴くこの知にかけて
謎の先に ひそむ真実 糸を手繰りあてて(暴け 君は 光)
地獄に響く 闇と光の 旋律 目覚めよ まことを見よ
このロンドンを 闇が包む 闇の化身が ここにあらわに 霧の彼方
いまさだめの 時は来たれり 深き闇の果て
そこにあるは 希みか 破滅か
この地に 悪魔が棲むのなら この地に謎が蠢くなら すべてを暴きて 闇より暗き闇で この世界照らせ
Kono chi ni akuma ga sumu no nara Kono chi ni nazo ga ugomeku nara Subete wo arawa ni
Kami ga tsukuru kono yo Hito ga jigoku ni shita Naraba ware wa tadasu Kono mi aku to narite
Chi no gotoki tsumi oite Mukau wa kanata Kono fukaki yami no hate ni
Kiri no machi yoru no kuni Ikue mo no nazo Abaku kono chi ni kakete
Nazo no saki ni hisomu shinjitsu Ito wo taguri atete (Abake kimi ga hikari)
Jigoku ni hibiku yami to hikari no Senritsu Mezameyo makoto wo miyo
Kono London wo yami ga tsutsumu Yami no kashin ga Koko ni arawa ni Kiri no kanata
Ima sadame no Toki wa kitareri Fukaki yami no hate
Soko ni aru wa nozomi ka hametsu ka
Kono chi ni akuma ga sumu no nara Kono chi ni nazo ga ugomeku nara Subete wo abakite Yami yori kuraki yami de Kono sekai terase
Should devils live in this world Should mysteries riddle this world Let everything be exposed
[Fred] This world god has made [Fred and Moran] was turned to hell by people We shall then make it right By becoming evil itself
William: Hell is empty. All the devils are here.
[William] Taking on sin as if it were blood, I’m headed to the horizon To the edge of this deep darkness
[Sherlock] In town of mist, this country of darkness, a mystery with infinite layers And I will uncover them, with the use of my brain
The truth lying behind all the mysteries
[Sherlock] I will pull this thread and seek you [William] The one to divulge me will be you, the light
[Sherliam] A melody of light and darkness, reverberating in hell Wake up, and open your eyes to the truth
[Mycroft] London is shrouded by darkness [Team Sherlock] The personification of darkness has come upon us When the mist clears… [Team Moriarty] The time of judgment has finally come upon us At the end of this deep darkness…
Awaits all our wishes, or is it destruction?
Should devils live in this world Should mysteries riddle this world Expose everything In this dark world, darker than darkness itself May light shine upon
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in answer to @elgooso - #so. prev tags #what. what do you mean#home of rimming?
on this post about Canterbury and my tag: #HOME OF RIMMING
Calling Canterbury the home of rimming (or "the home of the chocolate smooch") is an in-joke from when we went to visit Canterbury during first year of uni.
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (which, admittedly, happen on the road between London and Canterbury, not in the city itself, but whatever) features The Miller's Tale.
There's a bunch of different things that happen in The Miller's Tale, but for our purposes the key bit is this. Warning - this does, I guess, count as SA, but this is a story told for gross-out reasons by drunken idiot. The point is that its crass and terrible.
Alisoun, who has a husband but is being wooed by two other dudes anyway, is sick of Absolon (guy #2) hanging out under her window, singing to him, and begging her for a kiss. At the climax of the poem, he's outside asking for a kiss, so she sticks her arse out of the window and he kisses her right on the bumhole. With relish.
Here's the key bit of the poem, and a Harvard translation:
Original: And at the wyndow out she putte hir hole and Absolon, hym fil no bet ne wers but with his mouth he kiste hir naked ers ful savourly, er he were war of this. Abak he stirte, and thoughte it was amys, For wel he wiste a womman hath no berd.
Translation into modern English: And at the window out she put her hole, and Absolon, to him it happened no better nor worse, but with his mouth he kissed her naked ass with great relish, before he was aware of this. Back he jumped, and thought it was amiss, for well he knew a woman has no beard.
What really got me was the ful savourly part. And the part where Chaucer specifies that it's her hole, not just her bum or her bumcheek. Because of this delightful tale, we started to call Canterbury the home of rimming. Look, we were young and very, very silly.
Anyway! There we go. Go forth with this knowledge, and kiss people's buttholes ful savourly 🍑
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Bark bark bark bark bark abak brk bark abrkns
can someone please come get their fucking dog
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"sukuiyou no nai tsumi ni…… kyuusai to fukushuu o……" Akuma no you na shogyou de kaien [Mr. Schadenfreude] Zetsubou ni kuchizuke minikuku shigamitsuite Sono tsumi o ajiwae……
==shintaku== “kedakaki inishie no akuma ga yomigaeri "dareka" ni tsuki Kegareshi murabito no tamashii ni kyuusai o hodokosu darou”
[puriisuto] ga tantan to yomiageru yoko de Nakikuzureru [sousei] [sougiya] wa enbaamingu Akuma no geemu wa mada joshou ni sugizu Dochira ka ga horobu made nogarerarenai
Kono naka no dareka ga……!? [ano ko] o anna me ni……? Akuma da toka, geemu? da toka…… kyouminai Haa? dare nano!? nanori denasai!!!! Akuma nado…… hikagakuteki Daijoubu! [boku] ga mina o mamoru sa
Sukuiyou no nai fujouri? Katariai? sude ni gyanbitto? Akuma no joutou abake 「Are you Mr. Schadenfreude?」 Madoi madoi, erabe tsurushiageru torofii Soroeru made owarenai Massaker?
==shintaku== “ikareru inishie no akuma ga awarenaru [naito] o sukui Kegareshi murabito mo nokorazu kyuusai shite miseru darou”
[puriisuto] wa tantan to yomiageru bakari Ikarikuruu [meiyuu] sougiya wa enbaamingu Sanagara kuranke o chiryou surugagotoku? Gouman na "kyuusaigeki" tsuzuku no nara……
Yuukoku made ni akuma o tsurusu Boku ga kataki o totte yaru sa Dose kono mama mina, mina, shinjau ndaa!! Mou yamete! utagaiau no nara, [watashi] ga tsurusaremashou…… Tokoro de…… naze, [kimi] no chookaa o Kare ga motte ita no?
Gishin'angi ni obore misogiau hate no buuse? Akuma no zaijou o sabake Touryou? Mr. Schadenfreude
Furueru te de inore Koushudai e no birietto Sabakeru made owarenai Richten
Yoake no kane ga chinmoku o utau [omo] no nemuri o mamoru you ni Mura hazure no bochi de jijin shita [kanojo] Imawa no tegami ni wa "hayaku koroshi ni kite……!!"
Katariai tsurushiau yori Hito no mama de kyuusai saretai? Himeta honshou ga mezameru? "dareka no fukou ga kimochiii……"
Ittai "dare" ga konna koto o? Zenbu "akuma no sei" ni suru "dareka"…… ……no sei ni suru [dareka] ga……?
Shitanamezuri shitaiaikousha Dou mita tte [omae] ga akuma da! Nante shuuaku de boutokuteki…… ningen no sore ja nai!! Sou……? Boku wa tada no sougiya karera shika aisenai dake Soshite…… Boku ga medeta karera wa mina, [hito] datta sa
Kurushimagire no benmei kasaneru hodo ni Foolish!! Akuma no shoutai, sarase! 「You are Mr. Schadenfreude!!」
Akuma o tsui ni seibai Shouri no hai kawashitara [ayama]tte shimatta [watashi] mo……? Saa, yasuraka na mama…… onemuri
Sukuwarenai sekai de [boku] to tomo ni odorou yo Hatasarenai kyuusaigeki Kiyasume no Golden slumber Mihatenu yume no naka, tsuigeki!…… saigo no shiage Soshite dare mo inaku natte sa……
"mata dare mo sukuenai mama……"
Mr. Shaadenfuroide?
#bungo stray dogs#dazai osamu#bsd#osamu dazai#dazai bsd#bungou stray dogs#dazaiosamu#bsd dazai#osamudazai#bungostraydogs
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Pesan amak
nak, datanglah saat musim penghujan
Padi tumbuh subur
Ladang hijau berembun
Belut menari-nari dalam genangan air sawah
Meja makan penuh dengan kehangatan
abak mu pulang memetik hasil ladang nan subur
Dalam hujan sabda tuhan bergayut-gayut di langit: Tanamlah padi sebab ia pusaka untuk anak cucu, jangan tebang pohon sebab ia napas untuk penerus
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violet what the hell
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