aaronashea · 1 year
In the Elevator
(The following is an actual life event, the photo a facsimile to illustrate)
I think it was in the early 80s (showing my age) when I was applying for a job in New York City. I entered one of those huge office buildings and figured out which bank of elevators I needed. People around me were all bustling by importantly and I tried not to feel intimidated. My resume was a motley mix of various kinds of jobs and the one I was vying for was new to me. But I put on the best confident demeanor I could and entered the elevator car going to the floor I was told held my interview.
People joined me on the elevator and then left at their own floors, while others came on. My floor was close to the top of this particular elevator bank so I was not surprised when the occupants of the cramped space clear out and left me alone. At the next floor, the doors opened and a big meaty hand came in from one side to hold the door open for other people to enter the car. The the body attached to this meaty hand slowly, ponderously came into view.
The first part was a large belly that seemed to float effortlessly in the air. I was stunned and surprised as one of the largest men I had ever seen followed. I was equally stunned when he entered the elevator and approached me directly. Turning around (as if in slow motion for me anyway) he then stood with his back just inches from me standing in a corner.
I could see little other activity in the elevator car due to his great height and broad shoulders. At 6ft tall myself, and, at that time, I was over 200lbs, it was rare for me to find anyone so large in comparison. This dude must have been at least 6ft10in! Hearing the other occupants leaving the elevator at various floors, suddenly the elevators was silent as it advanced upward.
To my surprise, this giant man slowly turned around to face me, or to face the space above my head! He never caught my eye but instead slowly pressed his the great bulk of his stomach into me in the corner, basically pinning me in place! This had never happened to me before!! I raised my gaze from his necktie knot up to his chin, but he was still looking at the elevator corner above my head. He then started mumbling something quietly - I stayed silent trying to understand what he might be saying (even though my body was surging with a complex mix of emotions ranging from fear to arousal).
Suddenly, and quite quickly, he turned back around to face the elevator door. As the door opened, he casually walked out of the car and turned left. A young woman stepped on the car after him, distracted by the large group of files she was holding. When she settled and looked up to see my red face, she addressed me "Oh, don't worry, that was Simon. He's harmless. You should be flattered because he only does that to cute guys!". Smiling and winking as she the left the elevator on the next floor, leaving me alone in the car as it finally made its way to my floor.
Needless to say, I had to collect myself in the men’s room and was a few minutes late to my interview. And, no, I did not get the job (unfortunately).
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alvfr · 4 years
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“ACCIDENTS” - PART 1: Turbulence
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: E
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
As the newest member of the BAU, you had nothing but professional respect for your boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner. Sure, he was an attractive man, but your mind had never strayed even close to considering him as anything more than a capable and accomplished Unit Chief.
This changes when three instances of turbulence literally throw the two of you together, and you cross the barrier from professional to indecent - all just a few feet from the rest of your team.
Read on: AO3 (18+)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tags: Explicit Language, Consensual Sex, Older Man/Younger Woman, Semi-Public Sex, Public Hand Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, Female Reader, Power Imbalance, Come Swallowing
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toffeetvefc-blog · 6 years
VIDEO: Everton : My Story | 2. Aaron Phillips
VIDEO: Everton : My Story | 2. Aaron Phillips #EFC #COYB #MyStory Big thanks to @BritishCPA
  Everton : My Story | 2. Aaron Phillips
Toffee TV are fuelled by Co-Op this summer. Get 2 x Co-Op pizzas and a 4 pack of Budweiser for £5*. Find out more:https://ift.tt/2txHeWo
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aaronashea · 1 year
The Lunch
I was having lunch recently with a friend who I use to work with.  We were in a cafe near his office (where he still works but I retired).  It was nice to see him and to be in a setting that was a big part of my life in the past.
While we were talking, I could not help but notice a very large fellow sitting at a table beyond my friend.  This large man eyed the seating suspiciously and eventually sat carefully (I imagined he was wondering if it would support his weight?).  Moments later, a woman came to sit with him at his table with a good-sized take-out bag of food from the cafe.  She set the bag on a chair next to her and took out two burger and two milkshakes.  As she pushed food toward her larger companion, I suddenly realized who they were!
Years before, when I was working, I had noticed a fellow who worked in the building that was somewhat chubby.  I would occasionally see him eating in the same cafe in which I sat today - with this woman.  He looked different because he had changed the way he wore his hair & beard, but he had also changed in other ways.
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In years past, which dining in the cafe when they were also there, I had noticed that the man was the only one eating.  Though she sat with food in front of her, she never really touched it.  When her dining companion had finished his burger, she quietly swapped the packaging giving him her burger.  The milkshakes here are very thick and I was amazed that after he finally finished his shake, she did the same, giving him hers.  It was such an oddly interesting thing to watch, but riveting.  I always was on the lookout for this couple when I ate here.
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Over the years, this type of lunching was clearly having an effect on the guy’s gut!  He gradually got bigger and bigger.  His button down shirts clearly having trouble staying tucked and buttoned.  Gradually he adopted knit shirts to accommodate his increasing girth.
So today, clean shaven (I saw her fondling his double chin more than once) and with short-shorn hair (he was starting to become bald), he looked so different, but his mannerisms while eating and her way or giving him ‘her food’ made it clear.  But he was SO MUCH LARGER than before.
Eventually I realized why.  As the food on the table was finished, the woman brought out two more sets from the bag and they (or rather he) began on those!  Fortunately, as my friend and I were spending time catching up, we were in no hurry to leave the cafe.  I shifted my seat at one point to get a better view (using the sun as my excuse).  I know that a ‘third course’ was brought out of the bag at some point, but there may have been a four as well.  I was amazed!  After all the burgers were done, there were still two milkshakes - the guy had been working on one and the other was untouched.
She was checking her watched and apparently had to leave.  She gathered up the packaging, bagged it, kissed him on the check a few times and left.  He stayed and seemed to be having trouble finishing his shake, taking big ‘breathers’ in between gulps.  THEN he started on the second shake, which seemed a real challenge.  He sat back and looked at the ceiling a few times while breathing heavily, but he stuck with it!
When finally fished, he raised himself from his chair carefully, stretched a bit, then gathered the remains of the meal and took them to the disposal area.  He walked much more carefully and deliberately than when he arrived.  As he waddled out of the cafe, I could not help but see his knit shirt straining in new ways due to he enlarged belly!
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aaronashea · 1 year
My fat USENET friend from long ago (2)
continued from this post
After he graduated from that school, since he was such a good student, he received a full scholarship at a local college. It wasn't a prestigious school but it allowed him to continue his education.
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At one point I did ask if he ever had sex with another person during these times (I left this as ambiguous as I could in an effort to make it easier for him to talk about it, regardless of gender).
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A long while after we’d been talking, he surprised me with a new angle to his sexuality . . .
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Continued in this post
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aaronashea · 1 year
My fat USENET friend from long ago (1)
Sorting through an old computer hard drive which I had saved because it contained some old project data, I also found some unexpected archived personal exchanges from the early days of the internet! These were done via a USENET connection which was not unlike some of the online forums that you can log into and where the content is saved and you can return to it again and again over time.
There was once exchange that caught my eye, regarding a first contact with a very fat man (yes, there were 'fat forums' even in those early days!) whose story I found quite interesting. For ease and expediency, I'm sharing it here with you as image captures via screen shots, his words appearing to you as a different font. It felt like he really wanted to tell me stuff but was uncertain how I would react. I was patient and over many months I learned more. I've tried to arrange those bits in order in which they seemed to happen (not the order in which he told me, which was much more random). I have regularly recalled these exchanges but it was so cool to see many details I’d forgotten.
It is important to establish his early life as this seems to have bearing on his adulthood. The following was told to me months into our exchanges.
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We talked a lot at various points about the transition to this new boarding school and what that was like for him. I felt sorry for the guy hearing his early life story.
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I asked if he was still in touch with this guy.
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When I inquired what this experience ultimately meant for him . . .
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continued in this post
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aaronashea · 2 years
Father and Son
(FYI - the stories I write here are actual events, not made-up fantasy scenarios as many have assumed)
Years ago, when I was much younger, I met a fellow, lets call him Ray, who seemed intent of gaining weight. We got to know each other through meeting at a local diner (actually the only place to each in that small town at that time). I could not help but notice how he regularly ordered at least twice as much as most patrons. He was already a big guy but it was not hard to see him gaining weight over the few years I knew him.
One day, when I arrived for my meal, I saw he was with another, older man who was obviously a relation (and he was just a big as Ray). I was waved over to their table and Ray introduced me to his father, Bill, who was visiting from out of town. We enjoyed a meal together (me watching them both each huge amounts, them obviously enjoying stuffing themselves). In answer to the question, “How long are you visiting?”, Bill suggested I come over to Ray’s a couple of days later for a special dinner he was planning. I had only ever seen Ray at the diner, so I was intrigued.
Ray lived in a small house outside of town and it was a beautiful drive to his place. When I pulled up, father Bill was bounding down the front stairs towards and opened car. I asked if I could help with whatever he was unloading, he said “Sure” and handed me a large aluminum take-away container while he grabbed another. They were both still warm and smelled delicious. As we walked into the house, I saw other take-away containers already on the large dining table.
Bill left to get more out of the car while Ray briefly showed me around the small house. I then helped bring dishes and cutlery from the kitchen with Ray. Both men were obviously very intent on the food and were talking about the specific aromas of each.
When all was ready, they started to remove the aluminum covers from the containers. At one point, Ray seemed to almost lose it when he realized one of his very favorite food items was present (I think I saw a tear!). It was such a mind-boggling experience for me I can’t recall specific food items but much of it was Italian-American. There was enough food here to feed a dozen people but there seemed to only be us three dudes.
The eating commenced rapidly - I mostly sat back while they passed around and dished themselves various items. Wanting to taste most of these wonderful items, I took tiny portions, which brought much teasing from the other two men. Second, third, and probably even fourth helpings continued for at least a couple of hours. Gradually, the eating slowed and them men sad back in their chairs rubbing their extended bellies.
Much beer drinking ensued and I was able to find out more about this father and son as they freely told their story. As I recall it, Just before Ray finished high school, his mother, Joan, died of cancer. I was devastating to the guys. Bill found it very hard to carry on, and often worked longer hours to keep ‘occupied’. Ray managed to complete school and fortunately, before she passed, Joan had helped figuring out the college plans (not too far from home).
Both men were somewhat isolated and dealing with their grief alone. But before Ray headed off to college, Bill planned a ‘special dinner’. The food all came from a delicatessen that Joan had found when she worked a temporary job in another town. When she could, she would pick up various items and incorporate them into her home meals. Ray had no idea that these items were purchased, thinking instead they were his mother’s creations).
Bill’s ‘special dinner’ was a large order of this food from the same delicatessen. Ray was in tears seeing the food he so long associated with his mothers. Bill also found it reminded him of his beloved Joan. It was such a wonderful treat, that they enjoyed it one or twice more before Ray headed off to college.
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Ray and his father shortly before Ray left for college.
Now, apparently Joan was quite health conscious and was aware that her boys were big eaters, She was careful with her potions and there were seldom leftovers (they the boys knew about). They guys would occasionally complain, but she was always firm, and controlling the kitchen as her domain, they didn’t challenge her.
Released from her tight, but loving, control, Bill found it hard to hold back his natural appetite. And now, living alone with Ray off at college, who would know? Over the coming few years, he had to up-size his wardrobe. And some frequent indulgence in the ‘special’ delicatessen food brought back memories of Joan. Unknown to Bill, Ray had started along the same path. The dorm food was not nearly as good tasting as Joan’s, but there was a seemingly endless supply. And he also had the opportunity to the delicatessen himself (it was actually closer to his college than from home!).
When Ray would come home to visit, faced with his son’s increasing weight, he tried to channel his wife’s health concerns. But criticizing his son’s gains only brought attention to his own. They talked about it less and less as they each grew larger. But one day, when Ray caught his father watching him from another room while he was having trouble trying his shoe (because of his increased size), Ray broke down and started to tell Bill that his missed his mother so much, that eating was what reminded him of her, and that he had always secretly wanted to get fatter and that it made him feel good to be fat!!!
Bill was stunned and silent at first and his son regretted his outburst. Ray tried to start an apology, but his father held up a finger as he shed a few tears and tried to master his own feelings. Gradually Bill revealed that he felt the same way about missing Joan and how eating helped. After another pause, he also revealed that after he started gaining weight he had come to realize his own repressed desire to get fat.
Bill and Ray recounted how they looked at each other at that moment, trying to sort out all the complex emotions they had suddenly revealed to each other. It was apparently a big turning point in their lives. Since that time, they both embraced their shared desire, supporting and even helping each other. When eating together it was a shared experience - part mutual ecstatic appreciation of food, part competition! That they had this to share as father and son seemed to mean a lot to them.
I had a few more meals with Bill and Ray over time, but because of where I was on my own path of understanding, I never revealed to them my own interest in becoming quite fat (though I expect they figured that out themselves!). Eventually, my job took me out of state and we lost touch, but I can imagine what this father and son must look like today!
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aaronashea · 1 year
My fat USENET friend from long ago (4)
continued from this post
On the questions of mobility I wondered about how he lived in this community, if there were any problems there.
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I asked him how fat he is, how much he weighs.
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How tall are you, I asked?
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He said people in his town are friendly – I asked him if he had a social life.
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I asked what kind of food he likes to make for himself.
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continued in this post
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aaronashea · 1 year
My fat USENET friend from long ago (5)
continued from this post
I wondered what he was looking for in participating in the USENET forum – a partner? Or sex?
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“Did you eat the other sandwich?”, I asked.
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“Do you ever get hungry because of how much you eat?”
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I thought there was more to our conversations but this seems to be all I could find among the recovered files. I can't recall how our exchanges ended - if they merely faded away or if there was some new change in the Internet that caused us to lose our connection.
I was surprised at one point during the last part of our contact . . .
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It was unlikely I could visit his town at that point but I do recall looking it up a few times years later. I liked the idea of meeting him in person also, after all we shared.
At this period of time, the concepts of gainer, feedee, feeder, etc. were not yet ‘things’ - even for me. I can’t help but wonder what my fat friend would think of today’s world where there is more size acceptance and even celebration?
(the end)
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aaronashea · 1 year
My fat USENET friend from long ago (3)
continued from this post
Clothes would seem to have been an issue due to his increasing girth. Here are some of the things he said about keeping up with clothing himself.
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This got me more curious about his body shape (remember, this online exchange was before you could send photos online and before everyone had a camera phone).
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I asked him once about how he made his living and if his size was ever a problem.
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continued in this post
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aaronashea · 2 years
The Encounter Group - part 2
I intended to complete this story, which actually happened to me, but it was just too personal and painful.
The upshot of this is my first encounter with someone who had the same hidden desire to become very fat or obese. My proceeding relationship with Thomas was always long-distance, and often interrupted because our young lives were changing regularly with schooling, moving for jobs, and starting our adult lives.
Through, Thomas regularly thanked me for giving him ‘permission’ to explore this part of himself through my honesty with the Encounter Group.  Ironically, he was better able to pursue realizing this desire than I. He ultimately did put on a large amount of weight and continued to feel it was not enough for him. His continued weight gain finally ended his life, though he seemed to be dedicated to it till the end.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about this. While it was wonderful to have this connection with Thomas, I could not help but feel somehow responsible for his early demise (before he turned 30). Without his friendship, and because of various other factors that made it difficult for me to follow his lead, I suppressed my gaining desires and was alone for a number of years with all that had happened for several years before I discovered that there were more people out there who had similar urges.
But in spite of seeing this larger community, Thomas still haunts me today.
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aaronashea · 1 year
All Out Front
They way some guys gain weight is fascinating to me. The complexities of genetics and personal diet seem to land occasionally on producing what I call the ‘out front’ belly.  According to what thee men say about their process, it was not always what they imagined (or perhaps wanted), but there you are.
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It can start rather ‘innocently’ (though we all know that we aren’t really innocent, right?!).  A modest bulge above the belt, some slight straining of shirt fabric.
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The one begins to realize that one is taking up more space then before, more space then those around them.
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Clothing is always a good indication that something is going on.  In fact, with regard to this type of belly, it seems to point directly and the ‘issue’!
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You might try and hide what is happening for a while, but soon it becomes all too obvious what is taking place.
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Others certainly might seem to noticed before we do!
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But then the ‘front and center’ position of this type of belly tends to dominate all aspects of one’s life, always there ‘at hand’, no denying its existence.
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All aspects of one’s life, one’s interactions with others, seem to include the fact that there is this large (and increasing) ball of fat in front of you, between your legs, between you and everyone else!
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Sure there are times when you personally might enjoy this new addition to your body, privately exploring it, experiencing its spherical roundness.
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But then, then rest of the day, where ever you go, who ever you see, this spherical roundness is there with you!
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It steals attention.  It demands center stage.  No matter what, it becomes an important aspect of your personality.
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And, if allowed, it can become most if not all of your personality, displacing previous interests, persons, places that were once important to you.
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aaronashea · 2 years
The Big Guy in the Room
Perhaps because I am somewhat introverted, getting lots of attention can make me uneasy. Since I am a largish fellow, it is hard to be a ‘wallflower’ or go unnoticed.
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I envy dudes who are comfortable with their size, especially when they are larger than anyone else in the room.  Where does their fearlessness come from?  How does one train for this?  Or are they just lucky?
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When I do get attention for something that I care about, I usually feel a bit better, or forget about my insecurities for a moment.  Focusing on something outside myself makes it easier.  A smaller group also helps (I’m almost paralyzed in a crowd!).
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Being big, and being comfortable with any attention that might bring would be a dream come true.
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aaronashea · 2 years
Size Differences
Early on, it seemed pretty clear that being big was desirable. Large people had a presence that stood for something.  This was especially true when a larger person was relating to another, smaller person.
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The larger person was not always domineering. Sometimes they were protecting.  (I actually don’t appreciate when a large person ‘throws their weight around’)
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Having a smaller person around can make the larger person seem even larger.  I have met people for whom this seems to be a definite aspect of their relating.  What better way to reinforce your desired image of yourself?
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It is hard for me to imagine that very large people I see in the world don’t, on some level, enjoy their size, whether or not they gained that size intentionally.
I have always been a bit tall and stocky.  Many times, I am perhaps the largest person in a room of normal sized persons.  I can occasionally feel that presence at times.  More than once I can sense that someone feels the need to be protected or that someone should ‘step up’ to a situation and many eyes fall on me!  Being bigger than I am would certainly be helpful in those cases.
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aaronashea · 2 years
Appreciating Backs
When I was a young lad, and before I knew what it all meant, I found myself enthralled with men’s backs.  Shy and intimidated by my own gender, checking out men from the back was generally safe and non-scary.  Seeing men of larger size fascinated me.  There was a power in their bulk!  They seemed to demand a larger place in the world.  They stood out from the crowd (whether they wanted to or not).
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Few of us seem to realize how we look from behind.  It is a hard thing to see, unless you have the appropriate mirrors.  I am often surprised when I see a photo of my back - not the thing I am familiar with regarding my body.  (that is NOT me above, nor are any of these images).
Seeing clothing pull and stretch in response to a broad male torso always catches my eye.
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As well as how the the body moves and jiggles from behind.  People watching is always more interesting when there are large men around!
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aaronashea · 5 years
The Paper Route
When I was 14, I had a paper route (in those days kids were hired to deliver papers on bicycles!). I would get up early in the morning, wait at a designated corner and my papers, then I'd fold them and deliver them to each subscriber's address. One day, my delivery point was changed to a new location in a part of my area I'd never visited. While I was busily folding papers a week later, I noticed someone leaving from the side of the building where I was working. It was a man of ponderous girth. He walked past me on his way down the street. As I watched him after he passed, I immediately noticed that his pants had been let out in the back seam several times (my father was a tailor and I had already noted how he occasionally let out men's tailored wool pants, a common thing in post-WWII times). This guy even had an extra piece of fabric added when the normal deep seam (for just such an eventuality) was exhausted! Each day I hoped to see this man again but he failed to appear. Weeks later, my newspaper manager asked me to meet him back at my drop point after I was done with my deliveries in order to explain some new changes to how I would collect payment from my customers. I was watching the sun rise while waiting my manager to arrive when I chanced to see the big man again! He was coming down a set of stairs from the apartments on the second floor of the building - the stairs I was sitting on! I stood up in order to let him by, but soon realized that he was going to take up most of the width of the stair!! He passed me before I could move and seemed amused that I had to squeeze myself against the wall as he navigated his girth past. Now on the ground, he turned and headed to the back of the building where the garages were located. A moment later I watched a car come up the drive and wait for a break in the traffic to depart. He seemed aware I was looking in his direction and looked to be showing off his large belly touching the steering wheel. He also took a long time in deciding to enter the roadway (perhaps again for my benefit?). The next week, I got a couple of new subscribers on my list and one of the addresses was an apartment in the building which was my newspaper dropoff point. At first, I delivered that paper first before I left for my route, but later I decided to deliver it LAST, after I was done. Eventually, I got my timing down to 'coincidentally' delivering the paper just as this guy was coming out of his apartment - so we could again pass each other on the narrow stairway. The first time I collected payment from this fellow was a weeknight. I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear someone inside and then saw the curtain draw aside briefly. The door opened and a huge round belly filled the opening. My subscriber seemed to be relaxing after work, in his tank-top undershirt and belted wool dress pants. He was about my height but must have weighed more than double my weight. As he turned to go fetch his checkbook, I noticed an empty recliner facing the television, which was on, and half-eaten family-sized ready made casserole on the table next to it. He came back and proceeded to write the check using his belly to support the checkbook! Seeing that I had seen his 'dinner', he asked if I was hungry. Blushing, I said "No, thank you" and hurried on my way. Each time I visited this apartment to collect payment for the newspaper, I saw a similar scene. Sometimes he'd be eating pizzas (more than one), sometimes ice cream (large gallon-sized), once a couple of boxes of cookies. Once I saw him peek through the curtain in a red t-shirt, then when he opened the door he was shirtless!! Often he'd ask if I was hungry and always I was too shy and ran off. Years later, I wonder about this man. What kind of life was this? What became of him. I never saw anyone else in his apartment. A few time I saw him walking in the area, always alone. He seemed to get bigger over time, but then he was so big when I first saw him. Close to the last time I saw him, as he turned to fetch his checkbook, I noticed that what I took for a single belt was actually two smaller belts - fastened in the front and the back! I could not help by blurt out "When are you wearing two belts?" when he returned. Shocked as I was at my statement, I was even more shocked when he replied calmly "Oh, I still had these from when I was thinner, but now they fit again when I use both of them together."
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