#aalya x bly
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clonesuperiority · 10 months ago
I solute you for your service to the clone girlies 🫡
Any chance you're gonna give us some shipping art? Aayla secura x Bly / Chuchi x Fox? 👉👈
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mothask · 2 years ago
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this was in my head all week.
Forgot to mention their tongues are also their proboscis but designed in a way that retracts in rather than curls.
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mimsilverarts · 3 months ago
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Felt like this iconic image fit the 3 of them.
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themistymountainscold · 2 years ago
bly: this is the peak of comfort. nothing in the world could get me out of this hammock right now, not even the chancellor himself.
*aayla walks past*
bly, standing up immediately: oh hey general. you look so pretty- i mean hot- i mean-
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kiffobaby · 10 months ago
@milling-around A dose of Blyla for you
Finally done! Ladies and Gentlemen: My first Mini comic here! It wasn't meant to be one, but after finishing the illustrations I really wanted to add the first 3 doodles for fun ^^
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I better put the next image under a cut MDNI 🕵️‍♂️
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next up is as requested Dart Maul ^^
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waterlily707 · 3 years ago
Aylaa and Bly’s story, Moth au  (2)
Aalya x Bly stuff ahead.
Slight mention of blood/ injury but nothing graphic. Hurt/ comfort, mentions of anxiety and PTSD.
Aayla soaking wet flung open the door of her house open and shut it with her foot. She booked it into hallway, not even bothering to take her dirty boots off, leaving hints of mud, grass, and gravel all about the wooden floor as she flung open the closet in the hallway, she grabbed the first aid kit and rushed into the bathroom.
She closed and locked the door. Looking over to the countertop she groaned out loud at all of the makeup products littering the counter. She shoved it all aside, grabbed a hand towel and laid the unconscious creature on top of the towel face down.
“Please don’t be dead.”
Aalya said as she now moved and shoved all the products into the drawer to make room for what she had to do. She shot back up and got to work. She hesitated for a second before moving the creature on its back, she looked on in awe at the look of the thing. He was wearing a painted helmet, with holes at the top for its feathered antennae to poke out of. His legs we’re more bug like, and fur was displayed around his neck like a main, and upper arms. Its armor was also brightly painted, and the sheer amount of detail that went into crafting it really showed. But from this angle she could see that the blood was coming from his small side.
“Sorry about this little guy, but I need to take some of your armor off.”
She said nervously as she grew closer, she noticed some pretty simple clasps and buckles, using tweezers she undid the armor. Setting it aside in an emptied-out makeup bag, once she took all of the armor off of him, she then looked closer, noticing that he had a gash along his side, his black under suit torn showing the gash in better detail, there was a cut on his arm and another gash on his upper chest.
Finally with the chest plate off now she could see he was breathing normally which was a good sign.
“oh mon Dieu, that looks like it hurt, but it’s good to know you’re breathing, can’t be mad at that.”
She said as she began to take off his small helmet. As she finished slowly sliding the helmet off of his head and his antennas, she got a better look at him. 
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He had a tan skin tone with two small yellow tattoo that decorated his cheeks. His face had a shaven scruff to it, and the base of his antennae were the same color as the fur surrounding his neck.
Aalya was taken aback, when she pictured a fairy, she usually imagined a skinny, ethereal pale woman, or if it was male then maybe a cute baby or a feminine boy. But he straight up looked like a solider, one who’d seen it all.
“Oh wow..ahm uhm let me see...”
She said before catching herself and looking around his small body for some kind of zipper or button. She lightly turned him and noticed a zipper along his lower back, just underneath his wings. She undid the zipper and took off his shirt.
Aayla now had a better idea of what she needed to do, his upper body now exposed she could see the extent of the wounds he sustained, his body was pretty beat up. Aalya sighed and immediately swung into action, she washed her hands and flipped open the first aid box.
“hang in there.”
She said firmly.
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Bly shifted in his sleep he was half awake and half asleep, perfectly content and cozy in the copious amount of fluff that surrounded him, however once he felt the feeling of an unfamiliar bed his brain began to put two and two together. His eyes flung open as he came to his senses.
His vision blurry and his head racing as he began to realize he wasn’t back at the base. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in a flash before wincing in pain and scrunching over as he held his bandaged side.
The bandages were bigger than normal but hugged his body firmly. He inspected his abdomen and left side noticing padding underneath the bandages most likely some kind of cotton to soak up any blood and to stop it from bleeding to let the wound heal.
Taking the large sheet off of him as he saw his thigh also bandaged slightly confused but also embarrassed about the fact someone had to strip him to tend to his wounds.
Bly looked around the room and was met with everything towering over him like a city, illuminated softly by a large lamp that towered over the box he was in. He listened and heard the sound of rain hitting the window and ceiling. He rubbed his neck as he tried to remember what happened and where he was.
Just as he was thinking to himself, he began to lean back onto his wings, his tattered wing however made itself known as a jolt of quick pain shot through his body causing him to yelp and jump forward.
“gahh what the hell.”
He cursed as he tried to sit up right, but also being met by the pain in his side. Clearly he had to be careful about how he moved, and in this condition he couldn’t really plot an escape anytime soon. He sat up slower this time and held his damaged wing, about half of it was torn up and littered with holes.
He grasped the blanket as he began to recount what had happened. He vividly remembered giving up, being so incapacitated from a previous fight, he could fight back anymore, he couldn’t tell where he was, or even contact his brothers, he tried to forget the feeling of the bird’s break pecking and hacking away at his already torn wing. As his brain raced and emotions ran high, he was halted by the sound of the door closing.
His breath stopped as he heard the footsteps grow closer and closer.
Grab something, get ready, try to get on your knees, do something.
His brain screamed as he sat frozen in place, he wanted to move but couldn’t what happened, why couldn’t he move? What changed?
The unknown figure came into his view as Bly was in fight or flight mode. But his mind seemed to come to a quiet stand still as he was met with the giant woman in front of him.
Her hair was damp, and her face was compassionate, she looked just as shocked as he looked back up at her, if not a little concerned at how scared he seemed to be. She spoke.
“Your awake, are you okay?”
She asked as Bly tried to formulate a response.
“I-I ah uh.”
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He stuttered non stop fixated on her eyes, they were a light honey amber, full of ambition and drive but the more he looked at them the more he felt his anxiety melt away, something about her wasn’t normal but in a good way.
“Here if you’re struggling to speak stop okay. Watch me and copy.”
She said gently before breathing in and out slowly, Bly entranced began to slowly copy her breathing, after a few moments of following her breathing it helped him calm down and better compose himself in the moment. She smiled as she saw his tense body loosen up and his expression grow relaxed.
“There we go, feel better?”
She asked before he replied.
“Yeah..thank you..”
He said as Aalya sat down on her bed next to Bly, the box we was in was positioned on her nightstand next to her bed so she could better keep an eye on him as he recovered.
“I’m Aalya, what’s your name?”
She asked as Bly looked up at her.
“hah uhm I’m Bly, you have a nice name.”
Aalya smiled as she crossed her legs and scooted closer to the edge of her bed.
“Thank you no one’s really told me that before, now you don’t have to say a whole lot, I just need to know how your feeling.”
Bly stopped and thought for a moment, he wasn’t in as much pain as he was when she first found him.
“I’m feeling better actually, did you bandage my wounds?”
Bly asked nervously as Aalya smiled awkwardly.
“I did, sorry but I had to take everything off to treat you, but your stuff is in that makeup bag next to the box if you need it.”
Bly looked to the right of the box and noticed the bright patterned makeup bag sitting next to everything he sighed in relief.
“I wouldn’t recommend putting it all back on at the moment.”
Aalya said as Bly looked back and replied.
“Oh no of course not! Yeah I’m just happy it’s all here.”
He said as Aayla smiled.
“Are you hungry? I’m just warming up some soup if your interested?”
Bly was hungry, and pretty thirsty, he almost felt guilty at how much trust he was putting into her, but if she spent all this time and effort just to help him recover then maybe she could be someone he could trust.
“Actually yeah I am pretty hungry... and thirsty.”
He said scratching his neck, Aalya hopped off of the bed.
“Great, I’ll be back, in the meantime just take it easy and I’ll get you some food and water... You do drink water right? Or actually do you eat chicken noodle soup?”
Bly chuckled.
“Yeah I do, don’t worry.”
Aalya replied.
“Okay good! I’ll be right back.”
As Aayla left the room Bly sighed and began to think over what just happened. She wasn’t at all what he was expecting nor anticipating, but he was relieved she was such a good person. A comforting one at that.
He leaned slowly back against his makeshift pillow of cotton ball filled sock, he took a small tuft of the cotton ball that poked out of the sock and began to chew on it as he thought this human woman he just met.
She was so kind and patient with him, in fact he never really spoke to a whole lot of women, the only times really being if one of the generals was a woman, or just an everyday worker, or by standard he had to talk to. But other than that his only real friends we’re his brothers and his General, so this was a nice change of pace.
His brain came to another hault mid thought process as he heard Aalya come back.
“Here I found my old doll house dishes, hah did these come in handy huh?”
She said as she handed him a small porcelain bowl full of soup, in his hands it was pretty big, meant for a 12-inch doll rather than the 6 inches he was.
“Oh wow thank you I wasn’t expecting that.”
He said as he set the sizeable bowl down onto his lap.
“yeah here’s a drink, sorry it’s also pretty big. I guess my dolls were much bigger than you are.”
Aalya said handing him a cup, it was a doll mug but also still pretty big.
“Ah don’t worry, you really thought this through, and I can’t thank you enough.”
He said as he held the mug with both of his hands, he took a long drink out of it satisfied as he finally quenched his thirst. Aalya sat on the bed with her bowl of soup, and couldn’t help but watch Bly as he chugged the cup of water.
“mmah hah thank you.”
He sighed as he set the mug down next to him and blew on his soup, Aalya smiling at how cute this was. Okay yeah no she felt guilty thinking of him in that light but c’mon he looks so happy eating the oversized noodle how could she not think this was adorable.
“No problem, I’m glad you like it.”
Aalya said as she forced herself to look away, she could stare at him for hours, but she didn’t want to make him feel weird. So, she began to eat as well. The two ate their meals together as the rain came and went in different spurts of power and duration. Aalya finished her soup and noticed Bly drinking the last bit of soup from his bowl.
“Bly was it? Is there any way I could help you get back home tommorow? Well if it isn’t raining like crazy.”
Bly set his bowl down and wiped his mouth, he looked at her and realized something key about all of this.
“Wait a second, are we in a human community?”
Aalya blinked a few times at his question before responding the best way she could.
“Uh well I live in this house, it’s located in a pretty sparse neighbor hood but yeah I mean I have neighbors, and the forest is just a few minutes away from the house.”
Bly almost choked.
“H-how did you find me?”
Aalya answered.
“I was on a hike and well I saw a bird and-”
Bly interrupted.
“No no wait that part of the forest, you...When you we’re hiking did anything seem off about the area?”
Bly asked again as Aalya thought to herself.
“Well no but it was a little bit off the main trail, I don’t know I kind of just walked in that direction because it seemed nice.”
Bly was in disbelief, he hadn’t crossed over to the human realm when he crashed, it’s a process that takes concentration to cross over realms like that, and specific points to do so.
“Aalya, I think you... “
Bly stopped himself, he was already revealing too much, so he changed the subject.
“Uh never mind, the short answer is unfortunately until I can fly again, I don’t think you can help me get back home just yet.”
Aayla asked.
“Your wings can heal? How long will that take?”
Bly looked at his torn up wing and replied.
“With this much damage, it could be a week just to get most of the filament back, Maker I’m so sorry, I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
Bly said as he rubbed his neck.
“Oh no please! It’s completely okay! I have school throughout the week, and some roommates that live here with me, I can’t have them find you, so as long as you stay here in this room. I think it should be fine.”
Aalya said as Bly nodded.
“Alright, stay here and avoid your roommates. Simple enough.”
Bly said as Aayla looked back at him. This was going to be a busy week but Aayla was glad she didn’t give up hope on Bly.
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waterlily707 · 3 years ago
Aylaa and Bly’s story, Moth au  (1)
Aalya x Bly content ahead, this is going to be a side story still canonical to the Moth Au timeline of events, just something that happened on the side during Ahsoka’s story with trying to find her brother.
Slight mention of blood but other than that nothing insane.
Today was supposed to be a relaxing day for Aalya instead it turned into something out of the ordinary.
Aalya decided one afternoon to go on a hike through the woods not too far from the house. She wanted to get away from it all, from school, from her roommates, and life in general.
She felt kind of aimless sometimes but hiking out in the forest always seemed to help. She was also pretty confident in herself being alone, she took mix martial arts throughout her life, in fact fighting was part of her soul she was pretty sure.
The weather that day was in the 60′s and was pretty nice all things considered, wearing her cozy wind breaker while walking through the forest was a beautiful feeling, she breathed deeply as she stopped and stretched. The weather grew more and more cloudy with each passing moment, but the shade of trees gave her security that if it did rain at least, she was covered mostly.
She was about to continue on walking, that is until she noticed a bird pecking at a leaf, startled the bird flew away as Aayla walked closer, she glanced over the strew of leaves on the ground where the bird had been pecking. It all seemed normal until she began to make out the outline of two wings, one side having major damage, the wings twitched while the moth itself stayed motionless.
“Aww poor thing.”
Aalya said as she knelt down to inspect it further, as her eyes inspected every inch of the moth, she assumed to just be a regular moth, it was a brilliant but tragic thing, such a bright and vibrant moth that seemed to blend in seamlessly with the dead leaves surrounding it.
“What a shame you’re such a beautiful moth.”
She said sadly, she always loved bugs and would do everything in her power to help one out if it needed to be helped. But just as she began to contemplate picking it up, upon further inspection she stood still as she begun to notice uncanny aspects of the creature.
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A small lifeless arm lied sprawled out on the dirt, appeared humanoid with a very fuzzy upper arm, clad in some kind of armor. Aalya blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes, she leaned in closer, with her index finger she lightly poked the hand. A low groan emitted from the small creature, its hand shifting and clenching as it tried to move. Aalya looked on in shock as she made out its head and legs beneath its wings. It begun to try and push itself up, groaning and huffing in pain all the while, just barely getting off the floor before it’s small arms buckled and it collapsed to the ground once more with a sharp yelp of pain.
Words couldn’t describe Aalya’s feelings in that very moment, she felt empathy, fear of the unknown, confusion, a certain excitement from finding what was essentially a fairy, but dread.
Aalya begun to notice the unmistakable stain of blood litter the leaves around the creature, blood also stained it’s fur and armor. If that wasn’t enough a drop of rain hit her head, she looked up and around her and noticed it was growing dark as rain began to pick up.
She looked back down at creature and bit her lip anxiously. What would happen if she brought it back home, what was it? Could she even help it? These questions and doubts in her mind seemed to vanish as the light of the situation became more apparent. The rain hit her, and it was clear it would be better off staying with her rather than succumbing to the elements or worse, being eaten alive. She brought her hands down and gently scooped up the small being, into her warm hands. The creature gasped and begun to hyperventilate which wasn’t good, Aalya tried to calm it down as the rain picked up.
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“Hey little guy, you’re gonna be okay. I need you to stay still alright. You’re safe now.”
Aalya said softly as the small thing began to relax hearing her voice and reassuring words. She felt his small hand grasp her fingertip and a strained, hoarse voice replied.
Aalya was pretty surprised it understood her. Let alone trust her, she felt him fall limp in her hands she didn’t take a moment to get a better look at him, rather she just held him close and unzipped her windbreaker. Holding him in one hand she held him inside her jacket and began to jog out of the forest.
Mud stuck to her boots as she huffed and panted, now that she knew the thing was sentient, she really didn’t want him to die or give up hope. Her heart ached every time she thought about his painful voice. Her braided hair grew more and more wet as the rain pelted her mercilessly, all the while she focused on not tripping and keeping the small moth creature dry and warm. Finally, she reached the outside of the forest hike, her muddy boots leaving a trail of mud on the cracked and weathered concrete as the rain continued to pour.
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hetalianskywalker · 10 months ago
Wow… these are gorgeous
Finally done! Ladies and Gentlemen: My first Mini comic here! It wasn't meant to be one, but after finishing the illustrations I really wanted to add the first 3 doodles for fun ^^
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I better put the next image under a cut MDNI 🕵️‍♂️
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next up is as requested Dart Maul ^^
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milling-around · 10 months ago
Yuh,, words cannot do justice to how much I love them
Finally done! Ladies and Gentlemen: My first Mini comic here! It wasn't meant to be one, but after finishing the illustrations I really wanted to add the first 3 doodles for fun ^^
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I better put the next image under a cut MDNI 🕵️‍♂️
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next up is as requested Dart Maul ^^
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