imsodishy · 7 months
thinking about the parallels between S1 Steve rolling up on the Byers' house and S2 Billy doing the same.
Steve ostensibly went there to apologize, but when he encountered suspicious circumstances (noticed that Nancy was injured and acting strangely) he immediately jumped the the most logical conclusion (that Jonathan had hurt her) and was completely ready to barge in and cause way more problems. But then a demogorgon conveniently crawled out of the wall and did all the necessary explaining for them.
Billy arrived already primed to find a bad situation, his stepsister is missing in a strange town, that's a fact, and when he encounters suspicious circumstances (literally everything going on that night) he immediately jumps to the most logical conclusion (Steve and the boys are up to no good with said stepsister) and he barges in and causes problems... because no demodog falls out of the fridge to conveniently explain everything.
denied deus ex monster
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beestalesofarcadia · 8 months
Could I request some reactions from Draal, Blinky and Aargh on a teen human(gender neutral reader pls!) Who has the same personality as Marcy from Amphibia, showing them a bunch of video games they love please? Especially some being more gruesome then others, would love to read it! :D
Heck yeah dude!! I absolutely love Marcy <3 BTW this started off simple but I went off the rails completely lmao so sorry about that TwT
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You are a close friend of Jim and Toby, having grown up with them on the same block. You became a trio: inseparable. You were with Jim as he picked up the amulet, you were running beside Toby as Bular hunted you three down, and you were beside the two as you graced the grounds of Trollmarket. Your mind is completely blown by it. You were already off running around: taking notes in your math notebook of what you saw, the types of trolls that were around, facts Blinky spewed out, and even that big blue grumpy one that threatened Jim in front of you!
While your intellect proves to be insightful on the battlefield, your clumsiness also poses a potential threat to yourself and others. Regardless, you’re a valued member of the Trollhunters and have garnered respect from most of Trollmarket (and even Vendel himself). You have helped countless times, and even put your life on the line for others. Now… here are the thoughts of some specific residents of Trollmarket! >:]
Before the duel with Jim, your optimism confuses him, if not annoys him. He legit just threatened to kill your best friend, and all you can do is stare at him with stars in your eyes. Great to have admirers, he supposes. Even if they are some imposter, wannabe Trollhunter’s ally. As you walk away with the group, he can’t help but guffaw as you trip over your feet. If these were the Trollhunter’s allies- the supposed saviors of man and trollkind- then the world truly was doomed.
After getting humbled by Jim, his attitude begins to shift more. Yes, there are moments of annoyance (especially when you ask to measure his horns or teeth and ramble about things he doesn’t understand), but overall you’re strange, and it’s amusing. You are easily impressed by nearby anything he does, and that’s fine. It’ll start to fuel his ego again.
You start to hang around Jim’s more often than not and Draal enjoys having you around. The majority of the time you’re taking notes, and when you’re not, you’re geeking out about some vampire books and other fixations. He tells you he’s met a few, and when you ask if they’re anything like in the shows you watch (attractive, seductive), he hits you with a hard “no” and laughs at your disappointment. Human’s obsession with vampires was so strange.
Draal teases you a lot, and even if it’s mean-spirited you just go along with it the majority of the time. If you do mention something, he’ll back down from it. But it doesn’t stop him from occasionally knocking that new novel you got from the library out of your hand.
Video games are rather confusing to him. Not that he hates them of course! But he doesn’t quite enjoy them as much as Arrrgh does. Of course, he’ll play the more violent games you have, but he doesn’t care for the shooters. He’d much rather tear them apart with his bare hands, thank you very much. There was one time when you had to beg Draal to not destroy your TV the first time you introduced him to Skyrim.
Table-top games on the other hand? Absolutely! He loves playing DnD with you. He likes having more interaction and freedom with the choices he makes when compared to video games where you have to follow the plot. Blinky or Toby often narrates when you have game nights with the group. Out of everyone, you and Draal are the most competitive. You two both get into character and often come up with strategies. Sometimes a little too much for everyone’s liking. The table often gets crushed, and there have been times when you both were at each other’s throats. 
You’re now his little sibling. No questions asked. You jokingly mention something along the lines of a “found-family” trope, and after a brief explanation of it, he just subtly agrees with that being your relationship with him. Prepare for a protective big brother, even if you know your way around trouble. 
You both are automatically besties. That’s it, I don’t make the rules. There’s no doubt about it that you’re all over him when you first get to meet Arrrgh. While Jim is stressed about trolls in his home and Toby is freaking out, you’re bombarding the giant, green ball of moss with millions of questions. He thinks it's adorable and while slightly overwhelmed, he doesn’t mind responding to them. His answers are short and vague though, and Blinky ends up intervening and answers with more detail. 
It honestly doesn’t take a lot for him to grow attached to you. He finds your energy very endearing, and you manage to light up the room with it even during the most hopeless times. You surprisingly don’t get as overwhelmed compared to everyone else in the group, though it doesn’t stop Arrrgh from checking up on you. You might wanna write down how much of a good comfort buddy he is.
Speaking of which! If you are down, he won’t hesitate to do what he can to comfort you. If you need to vent, he is all ears. He isn’t much of a talker, but by God, he is a good listener. His advice is short and simple: usually straight to the point. Regardless, it doesn’t undermine how sweet and thoughtful his words are. Most of the time you talk about how overwhelming your parents are, and often he assures you that only wants the best for you but doesn’t know how to show it. A part of you thinks otherwise, but you know that they do mean well. 
When you visit Toby’s house, the three of you have movie nights. A pillow fort is made in Toby’s room and you both bring all the movies you can. There’s finally the night when you manage to convince the two (mainly Toby) to binge-watch Twilight. You get so giddy it was hard not to laugh at your reaction for Arrrgh. He doesn’t understand the plot, but he’s interested in it. As much as Toby wanted to hate it, he couldn’t help but rant about Bella’s decisions with you and listening how she could’ve bettered herself. Arrrgh just nods, having been seated between the two of you and not able to escape the conversation. 
This troll is pretty protective of you. You’re very capable of yourself, there’s no doubt about it. But again, your clumsiness is what gets you into trouble the majority of the time. There have been instances where you indirectly killed a goblin leader. Taking them head-on during their frenzied state is near impossible, but for Arrrgh, he’s more than willing to take it as a means of defending you. Thankfully, you are pretty witty, so you do find ways to drive them away from you.
As seen in the show, Arrrgh does love video games! You have a considerable amount of video games, ranging from violent ones like Mortal Combat to non-violent ones like Animal Crossing (one of Arrrgh’s favs). Knowing his past, you tend to stray away from the more mature games and settle for the “kiddie” stuff. Arrrgh loves Cooking Mama and Little Friends. Just remind him to be gentle with your switch- sometimes he forgets his strength.
Blinky would not hesitate to admit it, but it’s nice having someone who shares the same enthusiasm as he does! Especially when it comes to learning. While the troll cares deeply for Jim, he can admit that when it comes to their lessons, his less than enthusiastic attitude towards it can be drab. If not, a bit discouraging. With you, however, it’s a complete 180. He always sees you taking notes, commenting on their cultures with genuine intellect, and your analysis is always endearing to listen to. Although you still have much to learn, you are on the right track.
Besides that, you’re always a delight to be around with! He can’t help but admire your charming nature, even if at times you are ditzy. He knows you always mean well, so he can’t hold it against you. He’s most definitely “Marcy-proofed” his library; AKA, he’s put his more “delicate” items in safer places, and the potentially dangerous ones are hidden away.
While Blinky teaches you all the ropes of troll culture, you return the favor by explaining human culture to him. It’s honestly a mix of easy, and difficult. It’s not that Blinky’s dumb (no, far from that actually) or that you’re a bad teacher, it’s just the fact that he’s misinterpreted human customs and inventions for so many years. 
When he turns human, you are most definitely the one teaching him how to drive… which was, all in all, a terrible idea. You knew how to drive. You had just gotten your permit for Pete’s sake! Blinky on the other hand? He’s a wild rider. You lost track of how many times you both almost crashed into a divider just because he assumed you were able to drive on it, or how many times you prayed he wouldn’t take the yellow light. When he finally stopped driving, you insisted you could both walk home.
Video games aren't his forte. The concept of them is interesting, especially with how much they are able to fit into a small disk! But alas, they are but treats to the normal troll. Although it doesn't stop him from being interested in what you have to show. The gruesome games intrigue him. Do humans really like violence that much? It doesn't really shock him that much. They haven't changed much even after centuries, have they?
Like Arrrgh, he’s a good listener. His advice is genuine too, especially when you run away to Trollmarket when things aren’t going well at home. You’ve come there an alarming amount of times to a point the conditions of your home were concerning him. Especially when you break in front of him, wailing about the pressures and stress you feel from your parents and the potential of moving out of Arcadia. At home, you feel unloved if you don’t achieve your parents' goals. They have given you so much, yet you feel you give so little in return. You love your parents, but being with them is draining.
Although Troll's culture is different when it comes to humans, he knows the burdens of expectations are all the same. That pressure of knowing that your best isn’t enough… he’s felt that. He assures you that you are doing your best, more than others could. He assures you that your tears are not a sign of weakness, but a glimpse of your strength. He assures you that you are enough. It surprises him when you suddenly hug him, though it doesn’t stop him from embracing you as well.
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raspberrywiskey · 10 months
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i really wanna experiment with the changlings designs. make them little bug things
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marblez-art-studio · 5 months
I've made a horribly edited meme
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Why are people liking this-
OK STAP, WHY ARE YALL STILL GOING?! Which meme is causing this to blow up?
I am C O N F U S L E D
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mugsy · 3 months
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Hey so I couldn’t stop thinking about that one interaction between Dr Retro and Pest,
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elliespuns · 10 months
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Okay, bye
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misterrttegrimborn · 5 days
this you, Blinky?
(my edit)
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cateat · 2 months
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just some Sunil.. and vinnies here too I guess! 💞
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cleverasafox · 4 months
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Shiver me whiskers!
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Where did you get troll dads?
I didn’t get troll dads.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
bad day. stupid cats. further emotional stress. WHATEVER
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Me, beating another new au with a stick: leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone
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honkowo · 5 months
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found out theres a bubble tea shop in my area(didnt know there was any near me) & now i want bubble tea every 2 days
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doctorwyvern · 5 months
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Final thoughts on Trollhunters!
(Spoilers for the book)
ARRRGH!!!'s death seems very cathartic to me. Kind of like closure in an odd way, and it makes sense to the story.
Claire being literally the most badass Trollhunter is such a Claire thing. I love her.
Toby. Just Toby.
Jim getting that moment with his dad after the final battle was such a sweet thing. Just Jim in general. Book Jim was like S1 Jim if S1 Jim had S3 Jim's attitude.
Jack Sturges, hello yes I love you. He's like Douxie but physically younger and more bloodthirsty. Just his whole "I'm actually in my 50s but I still look and act 13, I'm very tired" thing. I love that.
Jack and Jim sharing that crazed love of the hunt and being invigorated by battle was one of my favorite things. Jim realizing that he's only good at Trollhunting and absolutely loving it. Has my whole heart.
Blinky, ARRRGH, and Jack being family to eachother???? It made me think that the showrunners took inspiration from that to give us Jim and Blinky's father/son duo and I'm living for it.
BLINKY AND JOANNA M. ARRRGH WERE IN LOVE AND YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. Yet another thing that was translated into the show and I love it dearly.
It was really nice being able to see which things were clearly taken from the book and put into the show. I loved it with my whole heart.
Jim and Toby were in love in this book.
"My ninja."
"My trollhunter."
If that's not gay-coded then I don't know what is.
Claire with a Scottish accent. Yes I love it. I want more of it.
This book is one of the best I've ever read. I might be biased, but I don't care. It's a good story, and I kind of wish there had been more than one book. I would love a series of just these characters.
Claire and Jim at the end tho. The jlaire was so real.
Also, literally ending the book by all of them murdering Steve upon finding out he's a changeling was so funny to me.
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blaircatproject · 6 months
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Behold: my two-disc (illegal) collection of “Ruby Gloom” DVDs! I burnt them straight from YouTube! 🏴‍☠️🤘
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