lgcares · 7 months
엘지 청소기 렌탈, 무선과 로봇 원하는대로
1. 엘지 청소기 렌탈
ᆞ코드제로 무선 A9S, 로봇 R9, M9 3가지
ᆞ자가 or 회수관리, 배터리까지 무상교체
ᆞ최대 280W 강력 흡입, 동급 최경량 무게
ᆞ먼지와 스팀 물걸레를 따로 혹은 동시에
ᆞ로봇은 인공지능으로 영역 인식 및 작동
2. 오브제 정수기
ᆞ12개월 50% 할인 프로모션 + 최대 현금
ᆞ방문 & 셀프케어 선택, 올퓨리 필터 교체
ᆞ스테인리스 관, 스스로 전구간 고온살균
ᆞ위-아래무빙, 맞춤출수, 9종 중금속제거
3. 베스트케어솔루션
ᆞ일상 - 공기청정기, 안마의자, 냉난방기
ᆞ주방 - 냉장고, 전기레인지, 식기세척기
ᆞ빨래 - 세탁/건조기, 스타일러, 슈케어
4. 이벤트
ᆞ매월 제휴카드 사용시 16,000원 할인
ᆞ결합 진행시 5%~15% 추가 요금절감
ᆞLG본사설치와 관리, 소모품 교체까지
#엘지청소기렌탈 #LG코드제로 #무선A9S #로봇청소기 #동급최경량 #최대280W #강력한흡입 #스팀물걸레 #자동먼지비움 #미세먼지제거 #배터리무상교체 #LCD화면 #현금지급 #제휴카드할인
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konosakanoboru · 8 months
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werepuppygaming · 2 months
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Popping a wheely!
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gaiagruel · 6 months
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dollya-robinprotector · 4 months
Miss Robin I swear I don't just fuck any Robin, okay??
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I have a dog and a bully to worry about and all my children have their Robin(s) I promise we don't just fuck any Robin we see!! It's 157 rolls already if you want to come to me it's about damn time don't you think???????
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Shou & Tora during a YouTube livestream talking about Shou's FC trip which will include Tora!
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Thanks @suzuki-ecstar for tagging me!! Let’s hope this doesn’t get too embarrassing as I got a pretty weird music taste (as you all know)
Rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people 1) Ashes of the Innocent by Bullet for My Valentine 2) Move Like Jagger By Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera 3) Happy Doomsday by Blind Channel 4) The Hell Song by Sum 41 5) In the Shadows by The Rasmus 6) To Hell and Back by blessthefall 7) Hand Of Blood by Bullet for My Valentine 8) Obscure by Dir en Grey 9) Filth in the Beauty by The GazettE 10) King & Queen by Alice Nine/A9
And who am I tagging? @micksdoohan @urboimatt @cinnamoncowboy @callmecams27 and @lil-italian-disappointmen
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So you want to listen to Alice Nine? (prt. 2)
Moving on with my suggestions for potential new Number Sixes, cause summarizing their work in one post was impossible, let's dive into the next era.
The "Golden" years, imo. The time that solidified them as the Princes of PSC (2008-2013 From "Mirror Ball" to "Shooting Stars")
I wouldn't like to talk about how things were in Japan, cause I wasn't there, but let me tell you foreign Number Sixes were going crazy about them in these eras. And the songs were super strong, like banger after banger, it made sense. (I almost had to separate this era into 2 more parts, cause I couldn't choose. There is so much to find here as a first listen imo)
To this day, this song gives me chills. The melody, THE PIANO WITH THE DRUMS UGH! xD Easy listen, fun song, back to full on anime song vibes but with elegance and...just listen. xD
It honestly saddens me that there are people nowadays disregarding how good this song is xD. I will admit though I don't like its live version. *nods* But the studio version is fun. And back when I became a fan it was EVERYWHERE! xD It was one of the 2-3 songs YT felt like suggesting me when it wanted to show me Alice Nine is an option close to my likes too. :P Also excuse me, but if you enjoy a good solo, you might as well choose this. Hiroto gets a solo, Tora, gets a solo and Saga as well. And Shou gets highs, hello? I get my fix on Nao solos from other songs, though. :P It's not bad here, on the contrary it keeps the rhythm fun and upbeat, it adds playfulness, it's just not given as much time to shine alone as I'd personally like.
Behold. The Anthem xD. Listen, I can tell you for a fact this song was super popular with Japanese fans as well, it'd become a joke. This was also the opening to the band's livestreams for the longest time and at some point they wanted to change it and hesitated but I don't remember if they eventually did. I still remember Tora questioning it xD. Is it time? Should we finally do it? xD I never expected such song would hold so many memories for me 13 years later but here we are.
Finally! My starter pokemon! xD This song made me their fan. It has everything I personally love, it had darker visuals than their usual, moodiness, mystery and soaring parts for grandeur. It's such a beautiful song, like a fairytale. Oh and Hiroto's solo. ;;
I was ready to make a funny visual here for you, but I chose mercy, cause I'm blabbering anyway xD. This is a very catchy song. I dunno if it has the power to make you a fan but it will definitely have you dancing around.
Another favorite in the foreign fandom from what I had seen back then. In part 1 of my Alice Nine recommendations, I had mentioned I'd talk vocal skill in a song in this part. This is the one. If anyone of you here sings, I'd like you to try sing this song while making sure you maintain as much of Japanese accent you can master, follow Shou's tone and get all the highs without running out of breath. If you've been singing for years you probably can do it. Personally, while I'm not a pro, not even close, I was surprised I ran this out of breath with this one, and my throat hurt. On the first bridge specifically. Cause I'm an Aguilera stan too so I know that when I run out of breath, the song is hard xD Like, you can't tell me he didn't have skill to sing this. Now live....this is the kind of song that strains your voice and well, with the years, it has lost lots of its oomph cause of Shou's struggles with his voice. But even back when he tried to hit every note and was way closer than nowadays, you could hear the pain. Very difficult song but very beautiful nonetheless.
This might or might not be a good first for you, it really depends on your taste but this to me is one of their most magical songs.
I personally wouldn't necessarily suggest this as a good first cause I took a bit of time to appreciate it more, myself, but look at the views. It was popular for sure, I remember that. And I admit it's catchy.
See for me this is better for a starter Blue Flame, but it depends on taste. They both were popular when they came out but Blue Flame had more people's heart. It also had very strong imagery of the members, maybe that added to it. Anywho, I'm more of a "Heart of Gold" person. :P
And we close this era with Shooting Star. This one was a cute song for me, and I think it's easy to hear, that's why it's here. I wanted to add 2 more songs before that but tumblr limits me.
So I'm adding it here as honorable mentions: Do check "Daybreak" and "Himitsu" as well.
That’s all about this post, guys. Again, I’d have loved to do it all in one go, but tumblr... Next and final era in part 3.
I hope you find sth you like, if not, it’s ok, you might enjoy sth from other eras. But well, if you still don’t find sth, we all like different things, it’s alright, but yeah, this was an attempt to entice more people listen to one of my favorite bands, Alice Nine (their mid era, according to my understanding, at least, during which most of their songs seemed to be popular in both the Japanese and Western fandom).
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garlicrrow · 1 year
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redraw of that 1 scene i think
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closeup bc idk if the quality is good!!!!!!!!!
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ALSO WHY IS IT SO DESATURATED…. photo off my phone hi:3
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pinkslenderman · 1 month
A9 >:3
CW blood! (and ambiguous dead animal....)
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Ey went hunting (the normal kind.) :3
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lgcares · 1 year
LG 청소기 렌탈, 더 가볍고 더 강력하게
1. LG 청소기 렌탈
ᆞ코드제로 A9S, 일반/펫모드, 3종 컬러
ᆞ회수 & 자가관리, 36개월 배터리 교체
ᆞ최대 280W 흡입력, 약 2.48kg 가벼움
ᆞ스팀 물걸레 + 먼지흡입, 한번에 해결
ᆞ빠른비움, 충전, 보관까지 올인원타워
2. 직수정수기
ᆞ반값 프로모션, 타사보상, 1+1 사은품
ᆞ음성인식/안내, 10cm 조절, 상하조절
ᆞ냉-온-정 ALL 직수, 스테인리스 유로
ᆞ전구간 고온살균, 미생물, 중금속제거
3. 가전 교체
ᆞ음식 / 식기세척기, 인덕션, 냉장고
ᆞ의류 / 건조기, 세탁기, 스타일러
ᆞ생활 / 공기청정기, 안마의자
4. 특별 행사
ᆞ제휴카드 17000~23000원 청구혜택
ᆞ결합 2가지 진행시 5~15% 요금절감
ᆞ엘지 본사의 빠른 설치, 철저한 관리
#LG청소기렌탈 #코드제로A9S #280W흡입력 #최경량무게 #동시청소 #미세먼지차단 #스팀물걸레 #찌든때 #얼룩제거 #배터리교체 #올인원타워 #먼지비움 #빠른충전 #간편보관 #최대사은품
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konosakanoboru · 8 months
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searchsystem · 2 years
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Thomas Kurppa / A9 / Typography / 2023
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fantasy-alice9 · 1 year
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ALICE NINE. NEW LOOK LAST DANCE FINAL ACT 「Last Galaxy」 September 3 concert at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL https://alicenine.jp/
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taka-chan · 1 year
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I think this might become my favorite picture of Saga because look at him, MY GOD, look at him he is so pretty 😭
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alterin · 5 months
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