#a9 review
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mahbubulalam-799 · 9 months ago
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The Best “SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A9+Review.”
Welcome to my  Best   “SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A9+Review ” of 
 possibilities with the Stunning display, powerful performance – Unleash your potential with this Android tablet. 
In the ever-evolving world of technology, Samsung continues to push boundaries with its innovative devices.
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Buy Now>>https://www.maswave.com/2024/02/26/the-best-samsung-galaxy-tab-a9review/
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BISEXUAL MANIFESTO//!!! (this is a safe post for all bi ppl♥)
. https://www.queeringthemap.com/
BOOKS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BISEXUAL HISTORY & ACTIVISM: https://www.tumblr.com/ruimtetijd/686000390089621504/list-of-books-about-bi-history-and-activism-from  &https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/139102124?shelf=bi-bisexual-characters-done-well &https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/762499617447378944?source=share &https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q--nIkJu0OS0BgiyZmdKVwOVg1G90SFzWijNDWFTt58/edit#heading=h.wqkaxpi7o5je
The Bisexual Flag, its meaning and history!:https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/762664140472008704?source=share + Lani Kaʻahumanu talking about how bisexuals have ALWAYS been around!:https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/762663819491328000?source=share
bi ig highlight : https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18280848235083086/
also i recommend this podcast ‘A Little Queer Podcast’ by two incredible bisexual people Capri Campeau and Ashley Whitfield. episode linked here, ‘Debunking Bisexual Myths and Stereotypes’ :https://open.spotify.com/episode/3wcP8HBIY0IyVxROjpZPNg?si=TIHDv-eFQi-mdsCS6zKzNA (all covered here for real!) +also check ‘A Bit Fruity Podcast’ by Matt Bernstein (very educating one!!)
THIS song (bi bi bi THIS IS OUR SONG!!) by Sub-Radio (the lead vocalist Adam Bradley is bisexual♥) :https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/765512527066087424?source=share &https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/765512891127480320?source=share + THIS BAND SINGING THE BLACK PARADE but make it ever more queer pride parade♥ :https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/765565710891155456?source=share &https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/765565917201612800?source=share (you’re scaring Ron you’re scaring Rooonn) + an awakening with HSM(?) :https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/765565797378719744/mndvx-subradioband-happy-pride-yal-anyone?source=share
+ we NEED more bisexuality in media!! https://yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere.tumblr.com/post/746941244472786944/so-alright-here-are-the-moviesmedia-that-make
(+IMPORTANT) (Nov,2023)-A Bit Fruity Podcast (created by Matt Bernstein (gay American Jewish man) Ep with Moe Dabbagh, a gay Palestinian American with family currently in Gaza. ‘Queers for Palestine & The Power of Pinkwashing’. Palestine has been occupied for more than 76 years now, since 1948 year. This ep gives you a LOT of information, especially if you are one of the people who can’t see right through the propaganda; or the ones who go ‘well if you’re gay then go to Gaza and see how that goes for you’. Queer Liberation is a liberation of Palestinian people. We can’t have one without the other. Free Palestine. Free all the people that are not yet free. This is where we start!! Ep on youtube :https://youtu.be/Xsgdk-DDSXc on spotify :https://open.spotify.com/episode/62WOjKJYih6lhuisP8tmZH?si=soRArGs1QeWqEzEaiSVlUg on iheartcom:https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-a-bit-fruity-with-matt-ber-117844074/episode/queer-palestinians-the-power-of-129612460/ (keep learning & keep showing up!)
!!.http://alqaws.org/siteEn/index & https://queersinpalestine.noblogs.org/ + https://www.instagram.com/queersinpalestine/
+ https://www.instagram.com/p/C5qB3veOgSB/
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this poem "queer enough" makes me cry #bisexual #bisexuality #biphobia
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------FEW PAGES FOR US, BI PPL♥------------------------
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blogdojuanesteves · 7 months ago
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Algumas décadas foram necessárias para que o livro Ansel Adams in Color ( Little, Brown and Company, 1993) do renomado fotógrafo americano tenha sido publicado. O californiano Adams (1902-1984) embora consagrado no fine art do preto e branco em suas imagens da paisagem americana começou a fotografar em cor ainda em 1935 quando da invenção do filme Kodachrome. Já o fotógrafo  André Dib, com seu Chapada dos Veadeiros-Povos dos Campos Gerais ( Ed. Origem, 2022), recentemente lançado no Festival Foto em Pauta de Tiradentes foi mais breve ao passar da cor, da qual é um virtuose para o monocromatismo.
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Mineiro de Uberaba, radicado na Chapada dos Veadeiros desde 2002, Dib dedica-se a imagem ambiental essencialmente explorando lugares de difícil acesso fotografando paisagens, a fauna e flora cultivando o esplendor da cor destes ambientes como raros fotógrafos do gênero, caso do seu livro Chapada dos Veadeiros (Ed.Origem, 2020) [ leia aqui review em https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/616566807556407296/chapada-dos-veadeiros-andr%C3%A9-dib ], publicação esta que sustenta o livro atual, na qual a inserção humana faz-se mais presente, juntamente com a arrojada opção pelo preto e branco.
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Dib confessa que após ver uma exposição do também mineiro Sebastião Salgado, a mesma chancelou a sua ideia- que já era forte em seu pensamento há algum tempo- de optar pelo preto e branco. Afinal, já havia publicado o livro acima em cor, entre outros tantos, frutos do seu vasto trabalho que já lhe rendeu mais de 15 prêmios no Brasil e no exterior. Entretanto, esta "nova" Chapada, é estruturada na impactante presença humana, expressa em belíssimos retratos que ganharam relevância pela sua edição, que traz o tratamento das imagens executado pelo fotógrafo paulista Valdemir Cunha, também editor e publisher do livro, amparadas pelas paisagens, que agora nos remetem ao renomado Adams.
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Em texto introdutório, o professor Adilson Fernando Franzin, doutor em Letras pela Université Paris Sorbonne e pela Universidade de São Paulo ( USP) enfatiza a ideia dos retratos: "Gentes do mato e de grota, de vãos e veredas, de capinzais e roças; eis os povos dos campos gerais em permanente simbiose com o Cerrado, o segundo maior bioma da América do Sul." Para ele, "é valido lembrar que os habitantes destas cercanias,- a um só tempo, reais e míticas- formam a incontornável fonte de inspiração e a matéria viva a que lançou mão certo gigante das veredas para compor suas fabulosas histórias que percorreram todos os quadrantes do mundo. " Um chamado João" a quem Carlos Drumond de Andrade, com reverência, indagou num poema sobre o escritor que misticamente "guardava rios no bolso".
Acerta  Franzin na analogia a Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967). Os personagens de Dib são nascidos desta literatura assim como a literatura nasce deles. Não há como deixar de lembrar da inglesa Maureen Bisilliat com seu A João Guimarães Rosa ( Gráficos Brunner, 1979). Esta "dramaturgia" já faz algum tempo que é representada por imagens em outros livros. No entanto, poucas tem a relevância destas.
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Para muitos artistas, o apelo de fotografar em preto e branco é, simplesmente, uma questão  emocional. Não é preciso ser um crítico de arte para perceber que as fotos em preto e branco costumam ser mais dramáticas do que as coloridas. Seus tons escuros e contrastes profundos muitas vezes instilam uma aura quase temperamental ou misteriosa no trabalho. Esse tipo de teatralidade é difícil de reproduzir na fotografia colorida, ainda que esta obtenha algum sucesso. Além disso, os neurobiólogos provaram que algo na fotografia em preto e branco. Sejam as gamas tonais, os pretos ricos ou a luminosidade, atrai-nos psicologicamente.
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Por décadas, o filme monocromático imperou na arte. Algo que vinha desde o advento do filme moderno na década de 1880, tempos em que os fotógrafos concentraram-se em dominar o comportamento "básico" da fotografia moderna. Foi somente na década de 1930 que  começaram a explorar provisoriamente a fotografia colorida. Nos anos 1960, porém, o mundo da fotografia tornou-se uma explosão de cores com a invenção das câmeras instantâneas. Desde então, escolher a fotografia em preto e branco em vez da colorida tem sido uma escolha muito consciente. Por muitos anos, a fotografia em preto e branco foi o padrão escreveu o fotógrafo espanhol Samuel Cueto.
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Certamente, ao olharmos a edição anterior de André Dib sobre a Chapada, vemos que a sua transição para o preto e branco não provocou perdas na exuberância da paisagem, pelo contráriio, esta "ressignificação" está plenamente alinhada com sua produção. O livro, como explica Franzin, " traz simultaneamente um registro sensível e crítico às questões ambientais mais urgentes da região, configurando-se como um brado em prol da natureza que ainda pulsa, instituindo, com engenho e arte, um libelo contra o obscurantismo e a ignorância de nossos dias, sem perder de vista a delicadeza do olhar que sonha não apenas o abraço telúrico em nacos de nuvens, mas também almeja a força transformadora, o alimento e a cura em mãos humanas." Daí a presença imprescindível dos retratos, que além de belos transmitem a contundência da resiliência do povo da região.
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Povos dos Campos Gerais nos mostra igualmente o paradoxo da beleza transmitida entre a terra vibrante e aquela que é destruída, caracterizada aqui pelas imagens de incêndios de áreas imensas do Cerrado, tais como veredas e campos úmidos, ou como escreve o fotógrafo, zonas extremamente sensíveis que são degradadas de forma irreversível secando nascentes e mudando o comportamento do ciclo dos rios e de suas bacias hidrográficas. Segundo dados científicos recentes, estes acontecimentos constituem-se como uma das maiores causas da crise hídrica pela qual passamos nos últimos tempos.
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Sendo uma espécie de cartografia do imaginário, como escreve o professor, o potencial narrativo de André Dib impressiona. Mas não somente um potencial natural que o fotógrafo possui, mas sendo uma marca de seu processo criativo e de uma concepção artística. "Não apenas na seara da fotografia documental, a qual prima por contar uma história qualquer, mas sua arte fotográfica, paradoxalmente, parece transcender o tempo e o espaço a tocar o mito num constante flerte com nossas páginas literárias mais genuínas." A publicação tem também um conjunto de detalhadas legendas e audiodrescrição,  que ampliam a função da mesma.
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Infos básicas:
Edição do livro e imagens: Valdemir Cunha
Editora: Ed. Origem
Direção de Arte: Valdemir Cunha
Projeto gráfico: Editora Origem
Texto: Adilson Fernandes Franzin - Edição bilingue português/inglês
Mapa: Pablo Aguiar Saboya
Editora Executiva: Ligia Fernandes.
Audiodescrição: Marisa Barbosa
Impressão: Pancrom, em Couché fosco, 1000 exemplares.
Projeto contemplado pelo Edital de fomento as artes visuais do Fundo de Arte e cultura do estado de Goiás.
Aquisição do livro editoraorigem.com.br
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 months ago
Enoken's Son Goku Part 1 (1940) エノケンの孫悟空 前編
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Director: Kajiro Yamamoto Screenwriter: Yusaku Yamagata (original work) / Kajiro Yamamoto Starring: Masuda Takashi / Wang Yang / Fujiyama Ichiro / Li Xianglan / Watanabe Yuko / Hattori Tomiko / Sanjo Masako / Togawa Yumiko / Mifune Kyoko / Yaguchi Yoko Genre: Comedy / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Japan Language: Japanese Date: 1940-11-06 (Japan) Duration: 73 minutes Also known as: Sun Wukong Part 1 / 孫悟空 前篇 Type: Retelling
This is the last pre-war work by the duo of Yamamoto Kajiro and Enoken, whose works include ``Chakkiri Kinta'' and ``Donguri Tonbei.'' A slapstick comedy interspersed with reviews of Nichigeki Dancing Team. Among them, the exchange with Enoken is hilarious. Despite being written just before the outbreak of war between the United States and Japan, there is also a gag about Popeye's spinach.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/27104236/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKtJ3TCBHKo&ab_channel=AI%E3%81%AB%E3%82%88%E3%82%8B%E6%98%A0%E5%83%8F%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E5%8C%96CH
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kanjioftheday05 · 1 year ago
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https://twitter.com/MongaikanRyu/status/1726446308666536141 2011年6月8日~2021年3月3日 漢字3000個、単語1920個 漢字を勉強するために部屋の壁に単語を貼り付けてきました。 今週、外します 全部一つずつを練習できます: https://twitter.com/search?q=%22%E4%BB%8A%E6%97%A5%E3%81%AE%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%97%3A%20%E5%BE%A9%E7%BF%92%22%20%40mongaikanryu&src=typed_query&f=live
June 8, 2011-March 3, 2021 3000 Kanji, 1920 Words I studied kanji by pasting words on the walls in my room. I am taking them down this week. Everything can be reviewed individually here: https://twitter.com/search?q=%22%E4%BB%8A%E6%97%A5%E3%81%AE%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%97%3A%20%E5%BE%A9%E7%BF%92%22%20%40mongaikanryu&src=typed_query&f=live
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advancemarketing003 · 1 year ago
Amazon SEO Tips for E-commerce Brands
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In today's digital age, e-commerce has seen tremendous growth, and Amazon remains one of the giants in the industry. With millions of products available on this platform, getting noticed can be a real challenge. This is where Amazon SEO Optimization becomes crucial. To help e-commerce brands succeed, here are some effective Amazon SEO tips.
1. Understanding Amazon's A9 Algorithm
Before diving into SEO strategies, it's essential to grasp how Amazon's A9 algorithm works. A9 is Amazon's search engine, and understanding its intricacies is the foundation of successful Amazon SEO. It's worth noting that A9 differs from Google's algorithm. While Google aims to provide information, Amazon's primary goal is to generate sales. Therefore, the factors that influence rankings on Amazon are unique.
2. Keyword Research and Optimization
Keywords are the backbone of Amazon SEO. Start with in-depth Amazon keyword research to identify high-value, relevant keywords for your products. Utilise tools like Merchant Words, Helium 10, or Amazon's own keyword tool. When crafting product descriptions, weave the keyword into the narrative seamlessly. Describe what makes your product stand out and why it's a one-of-a-kind find for customers.
3. Compelling Product Titles and Descriptions
Your product title is the first thing customers see. It should be both descriptive and compelling. Balancing clarity and creativity is essential. Ensure that the most important keywords are present in the title while making it engaging. For product Product ranking on Amazon descriptions, provide detailed information about the product's features, benefits, and usage.
4. Optimizing Product Images
High-quality images are crucial for conversions. Optimize your product images by ensuring they meet Amazon's image requirements. Use high-resolution images, showcase the product from different angles, and include lifestyle images when possible. Don't forget to include relevant keywords in the image file names and alt text.
5. Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Content
Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) and A+ Content offer a unique opportunity to tell your brand's story and highlight product features. Create engaging content modules with high-quality images, infographics, and multimedia elements. This not only enhances your product listings but also positively influences SEO.
6. Maintaining Competitive Pricing
Pricing is a critical factor for both conversions and SEO. Competitive pricing can improve your chances of winning the Buy Box and attract more customers. By offering a unique pricing structure, you can set yourself apart from competitors.
7. Managing Customer Reviews and Ratings
Positive customer reviews and high ratings are not only crucial for credibility but also for SEO. Fostering a unique culture of customer engagement is key to a thriving Amazon presence. Actively encourage contented customers to share their experiences through reviews, and swiftly attend to any distinctive negative feedback.
8. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Benefits
Utilizing Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can enhance your SEO efforts. FBA products often qualify for Prime eligibility, which can lead to higher visibility and more conversions. Consider using FBA for your best-selling items.
9. Monitoring and Analyzing Performance
Regularly monitor your Amazon SEO performance by tracking key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and sales. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions that set your e-commerce business apart.
10. Building External Traffic Sources
Driving external traffic to your Amazon listing optimization can also Boost your rankings. Use social media marketing, email marketing, and influencer partnerships to direct traffic to your Amazon store. The more external traffic you generate, the more Amazon will favor your products.
Amazon SEO is a dynamic field, and staying competitive requires constant adaptation and learning. By implementing these Amazon SEO tips, you can enhance your brand's visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately drive sales on one of the world's most prominent e-commerce platforms.
Remember that Amazon's algorithm evolves, so staying updated with the latest trends and best practices is vital to maintaining your competitive edge.
Incorporate these strategies into your Amazon marketing plan and watch your e-commerce brand thrive in the highly competitive world of online retail.
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dadigitalfunda · 1 year ago
Leveraging SEO to Boost Revenue and Preserve Your Spot on Amazon
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E-commerce has turned into an indispensable component of corporate success in today's rapid digital marketplace. In particular, when it regards online marketplaces, Amazon is the Behemoth of their lot. But in this expansive digital market, how can you make sure the right audience discovers your products? The discipline of search engine optimization (SEO) holds the answer to the solution. You might earn a top spot in search results, boost visibility, and eventually improve revenue through comprehending Amazon SEO. Let's uncover the global scope of Amazon SEO and how it can help your company grow.
Amazon is unquestionably the market leader in the wide world of shopping on the internet, with millions of products and a global consumer base. But if you wish to stand out in this gigantic marketplace, you need to take a strategic approach to Amazon SEO alongside simply promoting your products.
Understanding Amazon's A9 Algorithm
The A9 algorithm, an exclusive ranking algorithm developed by Amazon, powers its search capability. A9 chooses which products show up at the top of search results similarly to Google's algorithm. It's essential to comprehend its nuances if you want to grasp Amazon SEO.
Keyword Research: The Cornerstone of Amazon SEO
The cornerstones of an efficient SEO strategy are keywords. A thorough keyword analysis reveals the phrases consumers use to look for products. The use of tools like MerchantWords and Jungle Scout is crucial for finding these undiscovered treasures.
Optimizing Product Titles for Maximum Impact
Your first impression comes from the product title. Create a title that is clear and informative, contains pertinent keywords, yet is still readable. To entice potential customers, strike a balance between optimization and compelling language.
Bullet Points and Product Descriptions: Informative and Compelling
You can go into greater length about the benefits and specifications of your product in the product descriptions and bullet points. Handle the desires of the customer, underline your unique selling proposition, and keep a friendly tone that resonates with the potential purchasers.
Harnessing the Power of Backend Keywords
Backend keywords are vital for increasing discoverability because they are hidden from customers but visible to search engines. Here, include long-tail keywords, alternative spellings, and synonyms.
Images that Speak: Visual Appeal and SEO
Besides high-quality photographs being aesthetically pleasing, they also affect SEO. Incorporate infographics, lifestyle pictures, and high-resolution images that demonstrate the beneficial effects of your product.
Enhanced Brand Content: Aesthetics Meets Conversion
Create engaging product pages by using Amazon's Enhanced Brand Content efficiency. Offer visually appealing graphics and accurate product details to enhance the purchasing procedure for customers.
Customer Reviews and Seller Ratings: Building Trust
Digital word-of-mouth includes merchant ratings and customer feedback. To establish confidence and trust, provide exceptional customer service and continuously achieve your contractual obligations.
Price Optimization and Buy Box Strategy
Sales have been significantly influenced by pricing conflicts. Examine the pricing of rivals and proactively adapt your own. Furthermore, a mix of pricing, contentment, and customer satisfaction must be implemented to accomplish the Buy Box, a highly sought-after coveted spot on product sites.
Fulfillment: A Hidden SEO Factor
Order fulfilment that concludes quickly benefits your Amazon SEO. Use the Satisfied by Amazon (FBA) service on Amazon for prompt and trustworthy delivery, that raises your rating.
Monitoring and Adapting Your SEO Strategy
Amazon's atmosphere is always changing. Follow up with algorithm updates, check-up with your product's sales, and be ready for modifications to your SEO plan whenever needed to stay ahead.
Staying Ahead of the Curve with Voice Search
Voice-activated technology is influencing how users search. Employ conversational keywords and natural phrasing to maintain relevance while optimizing for voice search.
Expanding Beyond Amazon: Multi-Platform SEO Strategy
Even though Amazon is a giant, take into account using other e-commerce platforms as well. Each platform has unique SEO considerations; alter your tactics as required.
Measuring Success: Metrics that Matter
Keep an eye on significant indicators such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and sales velocity. You may prioritize your optimization efforts as well as evaluate the outcome of your SEO strategy employing these indicators.
Your hidden advantage in the highly competitive world of Amazon is SEO. You may keep your place in the spotlight and witness sales explode by understanding the particulars of Amazon's A9 algorithm, honing your keyword research, optimizing product components, and grasping new trends.
Q1: Is Amazon SEO similar to traditional website SEO?
A: Amazon SEO has distinct specifics because of Amazon's algorithm and customer behaviour, despite certain similarities.
Q2: How frequently should I update my product listings?
A: When replying to client feedback or adapting to trends, regular updates can be very beneficial.
Q3: Can external marketing efforts complement Amazon SEO?
A: Absolutely! External initiatives like influencer partnerships and social media marketing may subsequently boost SEO and raise traffic.
Q4: Does the number of product reviews impact SEO?
A: Yes, customer reviews assist in verifying the trustworthy nature of your product and may determine where it performs in search results.
Q5: Is Amazon's Buy Box solely dependent on price?
A: No, even though pricing is a factor, other elements such as seller ratings, contentment, and customer service additionally determine whether an item is chosen for the Buy Box.
Hence, Amazon SEO is a powerful tactic that might be useful to your products to the top positions of the most notable online retailer on the planet. By using an ordered strategy, consistently overhauling your site, and looking out for emerging trends, you might investigate Amazon's digital surroundings, guarantee your place in search results, and amplify income.
Author Bio
Hey Everyone! Deyasee Laha is a highly skilled SEO executive, trained from Vision Upliftment Academy, offering the best Online SEO course in Kolkata. Her expertise lies in keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO optimization, competitor analysis, and analytics. Deyasee's passion for SEO and her dedication to delivering results make her an ideal striver for bloggers, marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to enhance their online presence in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
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akella810 · 2 days ago
In 2024 Black Friday on Amazon is all about smshopping. People are searching for the best keywords to find amazing deals and discounts. The A9 algorithm assists sellers in presenting their products to the appropriate audience. This means you can score great sales if you know how to use the right words. It’s like a game of hide and seek but with discounts!
Etsy is also buzzing with creativity this year. Shoppers are looking for unique gifts especially for kids. Many parents want to find safe toys and child locks that make their homes safer. Reviews significantly influence buyers in selecting the best choices. With a bit of science and strategy you can outsmart the online marketplace and find the treasures you need.
Giveaways and discounts class as a real sale. Meaning this helps with reviews and spiking the a9 algorithm. Other ways to Spike the algorithm is to send the stock in separate also from their shop floor to. Amazon's premium price range is around £35 mark and smaller products £18
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rexitamtam · 3 days ago
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cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
roioioi · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
ardianpasa · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
indahaeros · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
jihanaul · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
rosaliajane · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
jihanjin · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes
jihanjiadir · 3 days ago
CCTV Outdoor Responsif banget ! Review CCTV IT Outdoor PTZ C04 Support a...
Link poembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/5fVZa4LElG
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
CCTV Outdoor mu tidak responsif dan suka leg ? cctv ini adalah solusinya ! selain sangat responsif, juga memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap dan bisa diandalkan untuk keamanan di rumahmu
untuk spesifikasi dan review lengkapnya silahkan tonton sampai selesai
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox Tiktok : tiktok.com/MejaUnbox Instagram : Instagram.com/MejaUnbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/MejaUnbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
cctv wifi cctv wifi jarak jauh cctv wifi terbaik cctv wifi murah berkualitas cctv wifi v380 cctv wifi v380 outdoor 8mp cctv wifi mini 8mp cctv wifi murah cctv wifi tidak bisa connect cctv wifi outdoor cctv wifi smart net camera cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi acome cctv wifi alarm cctv wifi a9 cctv wifi awet cctv wifi adapter cctv camera wifi adapter cctv tanpa wifi apakah bisa wifi cctv tidak ada internet cctv camera with wifi and recording aplikasi buat cctv wifi avaro cctv wifi cara aktifkan cctv v380 pro ke wifi apakah cctv harus menggunakan wifi apakah cctv v380 bisa merekam tanpa wifi apakah cctv bisa merekam saat wifi mati cara pakai cctv mini wifi a9 cara menyambungkan cctv avaro ke wifi cara aktifkan cctv a9 tanpa wifi cara menyambungkan wifi ke cctv acome cctv wifi bohlam ip camera v380 cctv wifi bardi cctv wifi bohlam cctv wifi bagus cctv wifi bisa merekam cctv wifi baterai cctv bohlam wifi terbaik wifi cctv bulb camera cctv bulb wifi panoramic camera wifi cctv best bardi cctv wifi cctv murah cctv murah berkualitas cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp cctv murah bisa dipantau lewat hp jarak jauh cctv murah terbaik cctv murah tanpa wifi cctv murah bagus cctv murah terbaik 2024 cctv murah kualitas bagus cctv murah tanpa internet cctv murah berkualitas 100 ribuan cctv murah awet cctv analog murah cctv murah dan awet cctv wide angle murah cctv jarak jauh dengan android murah cctv murah bisa pantau lewat hp cctv murah batulicin cctv murah berkualitas outdoor cctv murah berkualitas tanpa wifi cctv murah bisa rekam beli cctv murah rekomendasi cctv outdoor murah berkualitas cctv wifi murah berkualitas paket cctv murah berkualitas
0 notes