#a3 luciano/lansky
bakersgrief · 5 months
Lucilan is just the best ever. They literally invented gay people. I wanna play with them like dolls. I wanna put them in so many aus. Coffee shop au, domestic au, modern au, office au, college au, mafia- oh wait oh no oh fuck
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kkking · 2 years
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impulsive and very quick after midnight doodle. I wanted to add a background, but that would mean way more effort has to be put into it...
either way i guess it confirms that i can draw those two without a reference wow
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asordinaryppl · 8 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 30: Picaresque Returns
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!! this and the next two chapters are the play! due to the movement and sound effects involved, it’s best enjoyed when read along in-game!
[Buzzer sounds, the curtain lifts]
Benjamin (Taichi): “C’mooon, isn’t it about time you guys let me help with your jobs?”
Lansky (Juza): “This isn’t the kind of job you should be doing.”
Luciano (Banri): “We’re not gettin’ that many jobs in the first place. If this goes on, you’ll be the one putting food on the table.”
Benjamin: “Haha, I gotta do my best at the factory, then. I’m off!”
Luciano: “Yeah, see ya later.”
Lansky: “Be careful.”
Benjamin: “You too.”
[Door closes]
Luciano: “Still… I’m bored to death.”
Lansky: “This is all ‘cause you put your hands on that informant girl last time, man.”
Luciano: “Pretty sure it’s ‘cause you keep raisin’ our fee.”
Lansky: “Don’t try to pin this on me.”
Luciano: “I should be saying that.”
[Door opening]
Client: “You guys the jacks of all trades I keep hearin’ so much about? I’ve got a request.”
Luciano: “... That’s us.”
Izumi: (Banri-kun, Juza-kun and Taichi-kun are all expressing how the passage of time has affected their roles in a natural way you wouldn’t expect from them during the debut.)
Izumi: (You can feel the changes the trio’s relationships have been through, and it pulls the audience right back to Picaresque’s world.)
Benjamin: “Morning, Angelo!”
Angelo (Azami): “Good morning.”
Benjamin: “Oh, yeah, do you wanna come over to my house? I wanna introduce you to my brothers.”
Angelo: “There’s no need for such formalities, I think.”
Benjamin: “But you’re the first friend I’ve ever made, so–”
Angelo: “Just ‘cause I’m the first one… There’s gotta be something wrong with you…”
Benjamin: “Huh, you think?”
Angelo: “Ah well. Your big brothers are those ultra strong Nii-chans you keep talking about, right? I can’t wait to meet them.”
Benjamin: “I’m sure you’ll hit it off with both of them!”
Izumi: (Angelo, the new character played by Azami-kun, also fits well with Picaresque’s setting.)
Izumi: (Thanks to the makeup, everyone’s looking more stylish, too.)
Luciano: “Kidnap Angelo Montare, it says… No need to even think about this, we’re refusin’. The thought of kidnappin’ a brat leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
Lasnky: “Right… He’s 17, man. That’s pretty much how old Benjamin is.”
[Door opening]
Benjamin: “I’m baaack! Nii-chan, Luciano, I brought my friend!”
Lansky: “Friend?”
Angelo: “Hello.”
Benjamin: “This is Angelo! We work at the factory together!”
Luciano: “Angelo?”
Lasnky: “... Hey.”
Luciano: “What’s your last name?”
Angelo: “Hm? It’s Montare.”
Luciano: “... We’re takin’ that job.”
Lansky: “You serious?”
Luciano: “We ain’t gonna leave Benjamin’s friend like this, are we?”
Benjamin: “Something wrong?”
Lansky: “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Lansky: “Can we really fool ‘em like that?”
Luciano: “You just watch.”
[Door knocking]
Client: “Where’s the kid?”
Luciano: “I got him hidden somewhere he’ll never be found. Can’t take any chances, so we’re bein’ careful.”
Client: “You’re not getting paid till I have the kid.”
Luciano: “What’re we even kidnapping him for? Doubt it’s for ransom, he looks too poor for that.”
Client: “It’s got nothing to do with you guys, just hurry and bring me the kid.”
[Door closes]
Lansky: “Great job, genius. What are we gonna do now?”
Luciano: “We can play dumb and pretend he ran off when things cool down a bit.”
Lansky: “Better pray that happens before those guys find Angelo.”
Benjamin: “You mean… Your job this time involves Angelo somehow?”
Lansky: “Benjamin…”
Luciano: “Since when have you been here?”
Benjamin: “From the beginning. Hey, Angelo’s in trouble, right? I can help hide him.”
Lansky: “You shouldn’t get involved.”
Benjamin: “I’m still your little brother. I should be able to do this much.”
Luciano: “They know both our faces, man. He’d probably be safer with Benjamin.”
Lansky: “Luciano, you bastard.”
Luciano: “We can’t keep coddling Benjamin till the end of time.”
Benjamin: “Leave it to me, Nii-chan.”
Lansky: “Urgh…”
Lansky: “They’re gonna start getting suspicious.”
Luciano: “They didn’t let us in on their plan at all. Just what are they planning to use Angelo for?”
Lansky: “So long as we don’t know, letting Angelo wander around is dangerous…”
Benjamin: “I’ll take Angelo’s place.”
Lansky: “What?”
Benjamin: “We might find out what they want to do to Angelo if we do that.”
Luciano: “Right, those guys don’t know what Angelo looks like…”
Lansky: “Stop fucking around! There’s no way I’m letting you do something so dangerous!”
Benjamin: “I’ll be okay. I’m sure you and Luciano will be there to get me out of any pinch.”
Benjamin: “I want to save Angelo. The way you saved me, Nii-chan.”
Lansky: “Benjamin…”
Luciano: “We’ll definitely protect you. Will you help us out?”
Benjamin: “Of course. Leave it to me.”
Lansky: “Luciano, you bastard… If shit gets real, you’re grabbing Benjamin and getting the fuck out of there.”
Luciano: “No prob.”
Benjamin: …
Client: “So that’s Angelo? Here’s your reward, take it and leave.”
[The client throws something]
Luciano: “Before that, are you gonna tell us who this kid is? If not, I might spill what’s happening without meanin’ to.”
Client: “He’s the illegitimate son of a certain mafia boss.”
Lansky: “I think we should be asking for more here, then. I mean, that ransom’s gonna be huge. Or maybe we should just negotiate with the guy himself?”
Client: “Quit while you’re ahead. You don’t wanna make that Capone famiglia your enemy.”
Luciano: “Heeh…”
Lansky: “I see.”
Luciano: “So that means you guys are ready to take on the Capone famiglia?”
Luciano: “We’re backing off, then. God knows what’ll happen if word gets out that we helped you with this. Here’s the reward.”
[Luciano throws the reward back]
Client: “What? You bastards–”
Lansky: “You’re gonna have to capture Angelo yourselves.”
[The trio run away]
Client: “Wait! Hey, catch those guys!”
[Gun loading]
Luciano: “Of course this wasn’t gonna be so easy.”
[Shots fired]
Lansky: “Stay behind me, Benjamin.”
Benjamin: “‘Kay!”
[Luciano dodging bullets]
Passerby A: “Woah!”
[Lansky and Benjamin dodging bullets]
Passerby B: “Someone call the cops, now!”
Luciano: “Tch, don’t get yourselves involved!”
Police officer: “What are you guys doing!? Put your hands up!”
Lansky: “Damn, we’re surrounded.”
Luciano: “Let’s charge. We can use the cops to stall ‘em.”
[The trio run]
Client: “Wait!”
Luciano: “Look, officer! They’re the bad ones!”
Police officer: “Halt!”
[Benjamin and Lansky dodging shots]
Lansky: “...?”
Client’s colleague: “Stay right where you are!”
Luciano: “Ugh, they’re so damn persistent. Get in the car, Benjamin!”
Benjamin: “Alright!”
[Lansky shoots and dodges shots]
Luciano: “Get your ass here, Lansky!”
[Lansky and Luciano dodging shots]
[Car drives away]
Lansky: “Hey, weren’t those cops acting weird?”
Luciano: “Hah? If you’ve got time to be twiddlin’ your thumbs, do something about those guys behind us!”
Lansky: “Ugh.”
[Lansky shooting]
Keiku: ——
Towa: … You shouldn’t lean forward so much.
Keiku: …
Towa: (His hands are trembling… Are the action scenes getting him all pumped up?)
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fishyishy · 26 days
A3! Translation - Settsu Banri SSR 【Autumn Troupe Performance Announcement】 「MANKAI Company Announces Sequel Performance ~Autumn Troupe~」 (1/3)
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Juza: "Don't blame others"
Banri: "That should be my line"
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Banri: Oi, Hyodo. I told you this the other day. You're saying this line too confrontational. I think it'd be better if it was delivered lighter here.
Juza: If it's lighter, the personality won't come across. On the contrary, you jus' brush things off too lightly.
Banri: Haaa? You bastard--- just think about it! You've gotta consider the flow and the relationships from the previous scene too---!
Juza: If you wanna talk about relationships! Then you're the one who should be thinking about them!
Taichi: You two sure are heating up again today! It's going like sparky sparky!
Azami: At this point, things like this just feel like a regular clashes.
Sakyo: For god's sake... Well, I guess it's good that they're getting enthusiastic about it.
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Director: (That's true, even with that threatening exchange, it's just the two of them trying to seriously convey their clashing wills to each other)
Director: (In contrast, it's the Autumn Troupe's signature style that makes this relieving to watch)
Director: It's almost time to take a break. Let's take a short one.
Omi: Good work, everyone. The quiche is ready~.
Taichi: Omi-kun, nice timing!! We were just talking about taking a short break.
Omi: Ah, that makes me glad. Please eat some quiche to replenish your power.
Juza: ......Kay. Thank you for this meal.
Azami: .......Delicious.
Director: Yup, it really is! It's super delicious.
Banri: Today's snack feels more elaborate, doesn't it?
Omi: Haha, you could tell? I put a bit more effort into the pie crust and filling than usual.
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Taichi: It's suuperr delicious~! Eating it definitely gives me a lot of feel good energy!!
Sakyo: Dewey's role this time is more specific, but it's helpful having his support in various training sessions in ways like this.
Omi: No, no. I'm having fun doing this too. I'm happy to be helpful in areas other than acting as well.
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Omi: Oh yeah, now that I think about it, we also need some photos of the rehearsal studio for our Inste promotion.
Omi: I'll take a picture of us eating quiche during our break. Juza, Azami, time for a picture~.
*camera clicks*
Sakyo: In addition to filming it, once part of the stage set is complete, they'll probably be filming a promotional video on the theater's stage.
Juza: Spring and Summer Troupe did that too.
Director: Yeah, I talked to Tetsuro-san about that the other day.
Director: We decided to shoot at Luciano and Lansky's Jack of All Trades office set, which is the first to be completed.
Banri: Is this their 2-person office that'll become their new base of operations after leaving the Capone family?
Juza: I'm really looking forward to performing there.
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Banri: .....That's right.
I next
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icharchivist · 2 years
the mods are asleep, posting Ichiya Kagiri no Aibou (Partner for a Night) from the A3 blooming live 2019 performed by Chiharu Sawashiro as Banri/Luciano and Shunsuke Takeuchi as Juza/Lansky.
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A3! Play Ship Battle Royale Tournament Bracket
Hi! Sorry for the slight delay, but here's the tournament bracket for the battle royale! I randomized it at first, and then moved some things around so ships that are more popular go against each other first, so here you go!
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I'll start posting the polls tomorrow (each for one day), and I'll be reblogging propaganda! Umm. Yes. Heart hands emojis. Each match-up will be under the cut for easy viewing, in case the picture isn't clear.
Luciano/Lansky vs. Reo/Kota
Takumi/Mita/Camilo vs. Ace/Fox
Sky Pirates Poly vs. Sky/Paul
Musashi/Kojiro vs. Eight/Ritsu
Lucifer/Luciano vs. Lucifer/Mark
Yokota/Ace/Konjou vs. Nanami/Fox
Merce/Link/Orion vs. Myrddin/Linkle
Romeo/Julius vs. Merlin/Linkle
David/Miguel vs. Sora/Ren
Raphael/Michael vs. Lucifer/Raphael
Moriarty/Holmes vs. Lancelot/Gawain
Ali Baba/Scheherazade vs. Inoue/Akiyama
Shinbashi/Moran vs. Blood/Dust
Ivan/Doggie vs. Dom/Jon
Daichi/Colt/Watson/Senri vs. Daichi/Colt/Senri
Moriarty/Moran vs. Mercutio/Tybalt
Lucifer/(Homare!)Dewey vs. Moriarty/The Phantom
Kanashima/Yoiyama vs. Katsumi/Enis
Hayama/Koga vs. Minato/Kikukawa
Uriel/Michael vs. Uriel/Lucifer
Reo/Kota vs. Takumi/Mita/Camilo
Sky Pirates Poly vs. Eight/Ritsu
Lucifer/Mark vs. Nanami/Fox
Myrddin/Linkle vs. Merlin/Linkle
Sora/Ren vs. Raphael/Michael
Lancelot/Gawain vs. Inoue/Akiyama
Shinbashi/Moran vs. Ivan/Doggie
Daichi/Colt/Watson/Senri vs. Mercutio/Tybalt
Moriarty/The Phantom vs. Kanashima/Yoiyama
Minato/Kikukawa vs. Uriel/Lucifer
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
I would just like to say-
Yo, all you A3! and BSD fans, remember that play in A3! With the Autumn Troupe? Yk, this one:
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Don't they remind you of a certain pair? The characters, Lansky and Luciano I mean 😏
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* coughs in this is why I ship them*
Let me elaborate just a little bit
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Lansky = Dazai
Luciano = Chuuya
Y'all see the resemblance? Plus, this was a play where they were in the MAFIA LOL
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Dazai would so do what Lansky did. You can't tell me anything different
Also, Luciano's loyalty to * insert character Sakyo played* reminded me a lot of Chuuya's loyalty to Mori. Come on, guys, I can't be the only one who sees this...
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septicbro1005 · 4 years
This is just a music rant. A3! spoilers ahead for the Autumn Troupe’s story.
i’mma be honest, i’ve been listening to OneXone (song for the Autumn Troupe of A3!) for a solid while, and I can fucking vibe with it. 
sure, it’s all in japanese, and i can only understand what they’re saying when they briefly speak english, but i still fucking love it.
not only is it the song from my favorite troupe (i adore spring troupe, summer troupe and winter troupe, but i love the autumn troupe the most), but the way it sounds is just fucking brilliant.
when i refer to the lyrics in the song, i’ll use the romaji, so here we go! translations will be after the romaji, and it is from the lyrics video on the YouTube channel Jenne Frost. That link goes straight to the video, not their channel.
The beginning (which is in English) is gonna be skipped over. But you’ll hear it eventually.
We’ll also skip Banri’s first singing lines because reasons.
Now, here’s Juza’s lines:
“Risou motome agaku hodo PURESSHAA ga tsunotteiku” (The more I struggle to reach my ideal, the pressure builds)
I love the way that Juza’s line weaves into the bridge. The guitar, the way the voice rises. Just *chef’s kiss*
Now... the bridge and the chorus always get me. But I was first attracted to this song by the bridge. Mainly the way it sounds.
“(Come on!) Mada mada korekara da ikareta GEEMU wa. (Do it!) Kakatte koi yo ojikedzuiteru baai janee daro. (Shut up!) Gata gata urusee yo nani sama dattenda?” (This twisted game has only just begun. Bring it on, now’s no time to get scared. Stop yapping; who the hell do you think you are?)
I dunno what it is with me, but hearing contrast in music makes me fucking love it immediately. hearing the vocals and guitar differ from each other is just fucking perfect.
Now for the rest of the bridge:
“(Oh god!) Gattsuri dashi nukarete mo koukai suru na yo. (No way) Ato modori wa dekinai daro. Are you ready?” (No regrets if someone gets the better of you. There’s no turning back now.)
And that is a solid question. That part of the bridge is slower and much more... steady? Solid? Than the other part. Y’know? 
But the chorus.
“Don’t ever let me down; donna toki demo. Tagai ni takame au chikara o. (Yeah!) Did you ever get the feeling; mitomete ita. Tashika na jounetsu o.” (Don’t ever let me down; at any time. We give each other the power to improve. Did you ever get the feeling; acknowledge. This undeniable passion.)
Next is Omi and he just sounds phenomenal.
“Saiaku no kibunda nante tawagto haku hima wa dokoni mo naikara” (I’ve got no time to complain “I’m feeling sick as hell,” so)
The last few notes of “naikara” just make me fucking wanna cry at the angel who was sent down to us.
“Atama ni kobiritsuita chinpuna mousou o furiharatte ikou ze” (Let’s shake off this cheap delusion that’s latched itself onto our minds)
Same deal as with Juza’s first lines.
And for some reason, Sakyo’s next line has always caught my attention.
“(Get up!) Dara dara shitenna yo hayaku oi tsuite koi.” (Stop lazing around; hurry and catch up)
The “oi tsuite koi” has always rubbed me a certain way. It’s not terrible, not at all. It’s just always stuck out. I dunno if it’s the way he says it or the way the words sound, but it’s just always snatched my attention from something else.
“(Show me!) Damattenaide omae no PURAIDO butsukete miro. (Drop it!) Ira ira sasen na yo konna tokoro de. (Watch out!) Bonyarishita kao ni ippatsu kamashite yaru yo. (May be)” (Don’t stay silent; show me your pride. Don’t frustrate me with something like this. I’ll throw a punch into your spaced out face.)
Now, this is the same deal as the bridge before.
Banri said the last line (the one about punching), which makes Juza respond with this:
“Hari ai ga motto hoshiindaro?” (You want more competition, right?”
If you play A3! or know anything about Banri and Juza, it’s that Banri met Juza and they fought. Banri had never lost a fight up until that day. And he’s wanted to fight Juza and win ever since. But Juza doesn’t want to fight. he just wants to act, and become a new person. Someone less scary.
But Juza is just egging Banri on, and it’ll fucking kill both him and Banri.
Taichi and Omi ask this after.
“Don’t you want it?”
“I’ll be the one for you; nando datte sa. Hokoreru mono wo butsuke aeba. (Yeah!) Show me what you got; detarame demo ii yo? Riyuu nante iranai.” (I’ll be the one for you; as many times as it takes. Let our pride clash. Show me what you got; who cares if it’s bullshit? We don’t need a reason.)
This is my feral rat boys being feral rat boys, I love.
Then there’s a rad fucking guitar solo.
Sakyo: “Never lie to yourself.”
Omi: “Get up you motherfucker.”
Taichi: “Shout it out to the world.”
All Three: “You got to break through the wall! Here we go!”
There three are being bitches and I love them. Also, when I found out exactly what they were saying and who was saying what, I was shocked that Omi (the mom of the A3! dorms) literally said “motherfucker”. No censorship. Nothing.
Next is just Banri and Juza together.
“Are you ready? Don’t ever let me down; donna toki demo. Tagai ni takame au chikara o.” (Don’t ever let me down; at any time. We give each other the power to improve.)
This shows how their relationship developed, both onstage as their characters (Luciano and Lansky) and onstage as friends. As well as offstage.
Of course, they still have their scuffles, but now? They’re fucking better than before, that’s for damn sure.
The rest is the same shit as above, and I just love it.
Okay... that’s all. I think we’re good for now.
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oreganosbaby · 4 years
lol its  genuinely so funny 2 me that they do a play abt meyer lansky and lucky luciano in A3 and how all of them are waaaay too young to play those characters.... love to see it...
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omisbreakfast · 4 years
My faves are Tsuzuru and Kazunari lol
you ship them. you ship them and wish tsuzuru was a bit nicer to kaz in canon. that one picture of them form the spring & summer training camp is your mona lisa and you cherish it. actively looking for content of their ship all the time, without success. (pls people make more for tsuzuru and kazu, they’re good boys)
that said, you or were are a college kid and you relate, OR clown, OR BOTH tsuzuru for his unhealthy way of working. kazunari’s way to be an uni student is NOT what you identify as, as in he’s way TOO happy in life to be an art student. (at least he seems to be). was hooked from the start for kazunari but learned to love tsuzuru gradually. kazunari’s first apparition is extra as fuck and you LOVED IT.
would you hang out with them and tries to enable tsuzuru to do dumb shit with u and kaz (me too)
i actually don’t have much to say about them cuz they’re lowkey good bois but
also, as a tsuzuru stan, you would kick him for not making his stories gay enough. LIKE WHAT DO U MEAN ROMEO AND JULIUS WEREN’T GAY ??? LUCIANO AND LANSKY DIDN’T RUN AWAY TOGETHER JUST TO BE BROS FOREVER ???
tell me your 2 favs characters from a3! and i’ll roast you based on them!
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But anyway Meyer Lansky seems as though he was a very interesting person, I'm going to link the article because he deserves to be known about, and to make up for rambling about a mobile game instead of the fascinating real history involved:
Excuse me??? You mean to say that The Roman Episode/How Wonderfully Picaresque - a fictional play in A3!, a Japanese actor-training game (don't know how better to explain it because it's not otome/dating despite sometimes being classed as that. I guess it's a management game to an extent, with visual novel elements?) - or at least its main characters, Luciano and Lansky, are based on or inspired by real historical people? Of all the things I expected to read upon opening that article about Meyer Lansky (a Jewish gangster who quite understandably beat up Nazis and even trained others to - and also was partly responsible for uniting organized crime, getting the Jewish, Italian and Irish gangs/mobs to work together through the National Crime Syndicate) it was not to learn that a Japanese game company had actually drawn from a piece of lesser-known American history for the Autumn Troupe's debut play, and even if the plot of the play is presumably quite different than real life (given the way they literally drive off into the sunset at the end of the play, and the fact that they're 'assigned' to work together in the play which seems unlikely, and especially because the person who makes them partner up is called Capone and I guess maybe meant to be Al Capone? I've looked it up now and the real Lansky and Luciano were friends from their teens when - I'm not making this up, I promise you, although it does sound unbelievable - Luciano, who was younger, attempted to extort protection money from Lansky while he was walking home from school, so certainly no forced partnering up as adults. And given Lansky in the play has a sick younger brother called Benjamin, the real first name of their friend Bugsy Siegel, I imagine that's also fiction.) it's got to be more than a coincidence. But the sheer irony that Lansky and 'Lucky' Luciano were best friends and soulmates at least in some senses, according to the actual testimony of their friend and contemporary Siegel, and the guys, Banri and Juza, who play them/the characters based on them in A3! start off as such bitter rivals that they can't be in a room for five minutes without fighting and have to be literally handcuffed together for a day to get them to get along and even after that they're still not friends, and are liable to lapse back into rivalry! Also, the article goes on to say that Meyer Lansky was only 5 foot 4 inches tall (that's 162.56 cm for anyone who does metric), and Juza Hyodo, who plays him in the play in the game, is 185 cm or over 6 foot tall and referred to as a giant... Cybird has a strange sense of humour (we're not going into the whole anime-style drawn-as-light-skinned Japanese people playing Jewish- and Italian-Americans and other similar weird play setting/casting decisions - like the whole Arabian Nights play Water Me! - right now because I know it's iffy but I am tired and there are much worse affronts in the real world in terms of whitewashing and stuff)
Although I do want to talk to Cybird about the whole Roman bit in the English title of the play because that put me on the wrong track, I decided it must be entirely fictional and there was no way it could possibly be more than that because it must be in Italy, because Rome, not the USA, as a consequence, so Italian mobsters, sure but not Jewish/Eastern European ones (I didn't realise that Lansky was specifically Jewish but I figured something like that). But I actually wonder if that's a mistranslation via French, given bits of the English version of the game like in the badges/achievements use, presumably mistakenly, French, and the Roman Episode is Le Roman Picaresque there, and as the direct translation of the Japanese title doesn't refer to 'Roman' and 'un roman' is the French word for a novel, and a picaresque (novel) is a type of fiction about a "roguish but appealing hero of low social class living by his wits in a corrupt society" and although there are two of them and it's technically a play, not a novel or piece of episodic fiction as picaresques usually have been, that fits, so I'm wondering if a better English translation would've been to preserve the 'Picaresque' rather than the 'Roman'? But I'm not one of Cybird's translators so it doesn't matter what I think lol
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asordinaryppl · 8 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 31: Re:High Five
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Dewey (Omi): “Never thought I’d be getting a call from you. Didn’t you think I’d sell you out to the Capone famiglia?”
Lansky: “Comin’ into contact with you is as dangerous for me as it is for you.”
Dewey: “So, what did you want to talk about?”
Lansky: “I need to know whether the police are keeping an eye on Capone.”
Dewey: “Whatever for?”
Lansky: “For something that will benefit you too if we do it right.”
Dewey: “I have heard that some members of the police are making a fast approach on a rival of Capone’s.”
Lansky: “... Just as I thought.”
Dewey: “What do you have for me?”
Lansky: “Those rivals are probably plannin’ to kidnap Capone’s illegitimate son. If there’s some huge fight, not even you’ll come out unscathed.”
Dewey: “I see.”
Izumi: (The gap between Omi-kun and his villain role was surprising in the debut performance, but he’s gotten even more impressive since then.)
Luciano: “So, now we gotta find how we’ll let the Boss know about Angelo…”
Lansky: “We’ll get our asses handed to us the moment we step inside if we try to meet him face to face.”
Luciano: “Zero chance of mercy, man… Maybe we should use an informant.”
[Door opening]
Benjamin: “Nii-chan, this is bad! They got Angelo!”
Lansky: “Benjamin!? Those wounds–”
Benjamin: “I’m okay! More importantly, Angelo– He tried to cover for me and got captured instead!”
Luciano: “Tch, they acted faster than expected.”
Lansky: “Benjamin, you hide here. We’ll go save Angelo.”
Benjamin: “Please! Nii-chan, Luciano, save Angelo!”
Lansky: "You got it."
Luciano: “We don’t have time to think about how we’ll let the Boss know. We gotta go there ourselves.”
Lansky: “So that’s what it comes to in the end.”
[Door bursting open]
Mafioso: “What's with you guys– What are you doing here!”
Luciano: “Get out of our way!”
Lansky: “Let us meet the Boss.”
Capone (Sakyo): “Long time no see. Did you come to get yourselves caught?”
Luciano: “Boss! They got Angelo!”
Capone: “Angelo?”
Lansky: “Angelo Montare. Your son.”
Capone: “Montare… Don’t tell me…”
Luciano: “Give your orders now. We can still make it.”
Capone: “... I don’t know any Angelo. Leave me alone.”
Luciano: “Haah? What’re you saying, Boss!”
Lansky: “You weren’t so noncommittal in the past. You never struck me as the type to cut off your own family, Boss.”
Luciano: “We agree for once, Lansky. A man who can’t protect his own son shouldn’t be called Boss!”
Capone: “Do you pieces of shit not know your place?”
Lansky: “My only immediate family is my younger brother, Benjamin. But I think of both you and your son as my family.”
Luciano: “And we can’t just abandon Benjamin’s first friend.”
Capone: “... Hmph. I’ll remember this.”
Capone:  “You lot! We’ll pay ‘em back tenfold for how much they’ve mocked us!”
Mafioso: “Yeeaah!”
Izumi: (Sakyo-san had a great presence as Capone during the debut too, but it’s become even more impressive now that he’s grown older.)
Izumi: (Capone’s humanity and cogency have become more apparent now that he’s more skilled as an actor.)
[Phone ringing]
Client: “What, the Capone famiglia are coming at us? This quickly–!?”
Client: “Damn! No other choices left, get ‘em!!”
Capone: “What’re you in such a hurry for? You were planning to call us anyway. We just saved you the trouble.”
Luciano: “Let Angelo go!”
Client: “You pieces of—!”
Lansky: “I’ll give you a good share of hell for Benjamin too.”
Luciano: “You don’t wanna mess with this brocon.”
[Luciano and Lansky start shooting]
Enemy mafioso A: “Hey, the hell’s going on? What do we do with the hostage?”
Enemy mafioso B: “Let’s move him secretly, for now.”
Angelo: “Hah!”
[Angelo hits the enemies]
Enemy mafioso A: “—gh”
Angelo: “I haven’t the faintest idea what’s going on, but I’m outta here.”
Angelo: “Just letting you know, but if you mess with Benjamin again, I’ll make you regret it.”
Enemy mafioso B: “How did we get played by a brat… You’re not getting away!”
Lansky: “Angelo!”
Angelo: “Benjamin’s Nii-chan! And, uhhh, his partner?”
Luciano: “I’m Luciano! Get it memorized already!”
Lansky: “You did well. Leave the rest to us.”
Angelo: “So that’s what Benjamin's Nii-chans are all about. I owe you one.”
Luciano: “Well, well, now that I don’t hafta worry about Angelo. I can go as wild as I want.”
Lansky: “We’ve been agreeing a surprising lot today. That’s exactly what I was planning to do, too.”
Dewey: “Sorry to interrupt your fun, but you’re better off pulling back now.”
Luciano: “Dewey!?”
Dewey: “The cops are trying to bring down both the Capones and their rivals in one go. They should have this place surrounded soon.”
Luciano: “Why are you–”
Dewey: “Can’t have my precious piggy bank breaking, y’know.”
Lansky: “Boss! We gotta pull out! The cops are coming!”
[Capone dodging shots]
Capone: “We’re leaving!”
Enemy mafioso A: “Wait right there!”
Police Officer: “Sir! The mafia are getting away!”
Inspector: “What!? Change of plans! We’re getting in there!”
[Luciano and Lansky dodging shots]
Lansky: “Just as the intel said.”
Luciano: “You’re late, man. Thanks for your hard work.”
[Luciano and Lansky walk away]
Inspector: “Wait!”
Dewey: “Woah there.”
Inspector: “Why are you here, Dewey!?”
Dewey: “Well, now that you saw me. I gotta shut you up.”
Inspector: “Don’t tell me… You’re the traitor!?”
[Dewey hits the Inspector]
Dewey: “Ha! The only one I won't turn my back on is myself!”
[Dewey shoots the Inspector]
Inspector: “Agh–”
Benjamin: “Angelo! You’re okay!”
Angelo: “So are you. I’m glad you got away.”
Benjamin: “All thanks to you.”
Angelo: “It’s all ‘cause you saved me to begin with.”
Benjamin: “Thanks, Nii-chans!”
Luciano: “Sure.”
Lansky: “We did promise.”
Angelo: “Like Benjamin said, you two sure are ultra strong.”
Benjamin: “Right?”
Capone: “Are you Angelo Montare?”
Angelo: “... Who are you?”
Capone: “I used to be married to your mother Julia. You’re my son.”
Angelo: “Which means everything that happened is your damn fault–”
[Angelo grabs Capone]
Capone: “gh”
Lansky: “Boss…”
Luciano: “Wow…”
Angelo: “Pay me a damn nuisance fee.”
Capone: “Tch, you grew up cocky… I’ll forgive you this time, for Julia.”
Luciano: “Nice going, Angelo. We’re going to get along just fine.”
Angelo: “That’s what Benjamin said, too.”
Capone: “Luciano, Lansky, I owe you guys just for this time. I’ll forgive you for deserting. Come back.”
Luciano: “Uhhh… Nah, thanks. This jack of all trades job suits me just fine.”
Lansky: “Same. But feel free to call upon us any time you need. You’ll always be our one and only Boss.”
Capone: “You’ve become quite the pair.”
Luciano: “With this guy?”
Lansky: “Don’t think so.”
Benjamin: “I wonder if I can become a jack of all trades with you guys.”
Luciano: “You already are.”
Lansky: “Couldn’t stop you even if I tried.”
Benjamin: “Really!? Yay! I look forward to working with you, Nii-chan, Luciano!”
Benjamin: “All that’s left… is for me to get a partner the way you guys have each other.”
Angelo: “Why’re you looking at me?”
Benjamin: “U-Uh, if you’re ever interested in becoming a jack of all trades–”
Angelo: “Sure, I guess. Sounds interesting.”
Benjamin: “Thanks!”
Luciano: “Angelo’s a fine choice. Having a stingy partner is a pain in the ass.”
Lansky: “You’ll be fine as long as you don’t get stuck with a stubborn womanizer.”
Luciano: “Ahh? Who are you talkin’ about?”
Lansky: “No one in particular.”
Luciano: “You’re soundin’ awfully specific if you ask me.”
Lansky: “... Man.”
Luciano: “... Heh.”
Izumi: (The original plan was for the curtains to fall as they continue arguing, but…)
Lansky: “——”
Luciano: “——”
[Luciano and Lansky high five]
Izumi: (Their eyes meet and they high five… It’s a great adlib!)
Izumi: (It wasn’t in the script, and they didn’t do it during the rehearsals, but it seems like a natural, in-character gesture for the two of them.)
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Banri: …
Juza: …
Izumi: (The strength the Autumn Troupe have as they stand side by side… Each and every one of them has grown immensely since their debut, and you can tell they’ve matured as people.)
Yuzo: (They’ve all become great looking actors.)
Banri: … Thank you very much!
Juza: Thank you very much!
Sakyo: Thank you very much!
Taichi: Ban-chan, gimme five too!
Banri: … Geez, don’t mess around while we’re still on the stage. Here.
[Banri and Taichi high five]
Omi: Good work.
[Banri and Omi high five]
Sakyo: Good work.
[Banri and Sakyo high five]
Azami: Why’re you doing it with everyone?
[Banri and Azami high five]
Sakyo: Are you two not gonna do it a second time?
Juza: That was only for the play.
Izumi: Ahaha!
Towa: So precious!!
Keiku: …?
Keiku: (My heart’s beatin’ like crazy.)
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