#a3 kumon x reader
lcs-library · 29 days
Can I request Italian Soda and Mocha for Azami and Kumon(if you write for them) thank uu, have a good day💖
Of course, of course!! I'll really write for anyone lolol, but it has been actual years since I wrote Kumon so I hope this turns out okay hehe<3. Have a lovely day!!
Request rules
Cafe menu(request prompts)
Mocha: How do they show affection?
Italian Soda: How clingy are they? 
💄 He definitely values quality time the most methinks.
💄 He’ll go out of his way to spend as much time with you as possible, no matter how or where.
💄 Hell, he even seems like the type that would be really happy to just parallel play, anything so long as he knows you’re there with him.
💄 “You free this afternoon? Good. There’s a new store that opened nearby, according to #cosme they’re top-notch. The troupe’s been running low on good stuff, and you’re a good model. Wh- No, I-I didn’t mean you’re cute! You’ve just got good skin to try stuff out on! Jeez, you gotta stop taking what I say in such bad faith…” 💄 That blurb was longer than I wanted wow. Anyway.
💄 He makes SO many excuses to see you.
💄 One day he might need a model, the next he needs help figuring out the schedule to help at one of Veludo Arts’ shows he offered to volunteer for. 
💄 Whatever it is, his claims are fairly easy to see through, and you can’t help but want to laugh at his childishness. 
💄 Aside from trying to spend time with you by any means possible, he also will buy small things for you as thanks for doing so. 
💄 Usually, it’s something like a drink or a snack, but on occasion, he’ll just randomly buy you something really wild, like an expensive piece of jewelry or a pricey menu item.
💄 When you ask him why, he’ll try and brush it off as nothing until you force it out of him with some affection. 
💄 “You didn’t have to kiss me to thank me, you idiot, you could’ve just said it! God, you are impossible! Fine, fine, I got it for you because… well, you’ve been really good to me. That’s it. I am NOT blushing!”
Italian Soda
💄 He can claim whatever he wants, but he’s clingy. Look at that man. 
💄 He loves you. Sorry but it’s true. He can complain and act tough all he wants, but he wants your attention and he will have it, dammit. 
💄 Like I said with the affection thing, he will constantly be coming up with ways to hang out with you, it’s very cute. 
💄 Hell, he’ll even enjoy your touch once in a while, that’s how smitten he is with you.
💄 I can see you two just sitting on the ground, with him sitting in front of you while he plays with your hands, bending each finger this way and that without saying a word. 
💄 It’s one of the rare times he lets his mind wander for a bit, not having the pressure building up in his head, and allowing himself to relax. 
💄 He doesn’t have to think about anything or anyone except you, holding him safe and close.
💄 He probably cried the first time you did this, too, and now he asks for it all the time.
💄 It’s what he deems a “safe” form of affection, he’s not going too far beyond what he’s comfortable with, and it’s soft and warm
💄 Augh I made this about affection again whoops. It’s fine, again, he asks for your attention as much as he can, even if it’s in his own silly way. 
⚾ He’s very physical when it comes to affection!! ⚾ He’ll be all up in your business 24/7 to the point where you have to ask him to back off.
⚾ It’s cute tho so it’s ok<3
⚾ “Aw, but I gotta make sure you get your daily dosage! It’s really important that you know you’re loved! I wanna make sure you’re happy!”
⚾ Sweet boy… 
⚾ He’ll also be asking for affection from you often, usually hugs. Again, very cute.
⚾ He greets you every day with a big tackle into a hug, often surprising you. 
⚾ “Hehe, did I get ya? I missed you, cutie! C’mon, let’s go do something fun, okay?”
Italian Soda
⚾ If you thought his clinginess with his brother was annoying, boy just you wait. He is way worse with you. 
⚾ Okay, maybe not worse in the way of constantly asking for acknowledgement, but worse in the way of, again, being in your way. 
⚾ You cannot walk two steps without him trailing behind you, scooting in close. 
⚾ It’s to the point where you often have to ask him for space.
⚾ After setting some boundaries, he’s all good. Mostly.
⚾ Half of your phone’s storage is taken up by voicemails he left simply saying “I miss youuuuuuu you should come visit Mankai soon, okay! Alright, bye, love you!” And you just don’t have the heart to delete them :( 
⚾ But like. I don’t blame you :3
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: tenma sumeragi | yuki rurikawa | muku sakisaka | misumi ikaruga | kazunari miyoshi | kumon hyodo summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: some allusions to bad home lives, insomnia rating: sfw a/n: i have really nothing to say this time, nothing much has really happened while i was writing this so it was all very straight forward. i think the summer troupe is just too sunny to create really conflicted alphas for. they are a comedy group after all.
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≿━━━━༺❀ tenma sumeragi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an amateur actor, who'd just recently joined the summer troupe. you'd explained to izumi that you were there to learn more for your craft, though in truth you'd just ran away from home and needed a stable place to stay away from your parents.
✿ you were 17 at the time, though you told izumi that you were 18 so that she wouldn't want to call your parents. tenma was 16, a good year younger than you.
✿ you got to meet tenma after his audition, as you'd been been staying at the company for a week already before anyone else joined. you weren't there for the audition, so it came as a huge surprise when you were told that you'd be rooming with a famous actor. tenma's arrogance immediately soured the relationship though, which lead to some shenanigans with the rooming.
✿ the first day of rooming together, you locked tenma out of the room, to which tenma responded by hiding all your beddings. your mutual messing with each other continued for a week before the two of you came to any kind of understanding with each other.
✿ tenma wasn't really impressed by you upon first meeting, and he fully expressed that. after the bedroom incident, he was rather certain that he hated you though that changed after sharing that room with you for a while. you thought that tenma was an arrogant brat, and frankly you couldn't stand to be around him for any longer than necessary. you somewhat softened your view on him after spending time with him, but you still considered him to be a complete prick.
≿━━━━༺❀ yuki rurikawa ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the young heir of an old money family company. you'd just recently been "disinherited" by your parents, temporarily, as they felt that you needed to experience normal life. so, you decided to join the mankai company as acting was a huge interest of yours.
✿ you were 15 at the time, in izumi's opinion far too young to try and live independently. you didn't really understand her point, so she gave up trying. yuki was 14.
✿ you met yuki during the audition, when you spotted him and started gushing over his outfit. yuki was sort of off-put by it, especially since your own clothes were name-brand and extremely expensive looking. seeing you get along so "well", izumi paired you up to room together.
✿ you and yuki's room soon became a hub of creativity, especially once you were appointed as the company's official stylist. it was to the point that the rest of the summer troupe wondered where the two of you slept since the beds were usually covered in fabric and make-up kits.
✿ yuki liked you quite a bit, surprisingly. while you were definitely a snobby rich kid at times, you were also naive in a way that made you completely sincere and honest with everything you did and said. not to mention how you didn't question his way of dressing at all. you thought yuki to be the most stylish person you'd ever met, especially once you discovered that he made his own clothes. you'd never even considered that that was a thing that you could do, and couldn't help but admire his talents.
≿━━━━༺❀ muku sakisaka ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were looking for a place to live, as you'd be starting medical school the next year to become a paramedic. you happened upon a flier for the mankai company audition, and as acting had been a hobby of yours you thought it was the perfect place.
✿ you were 16, having just recently turned prior to moving away from home. you were a bit young to actually start medical school, but you were given special permission as your mother was a famous doctor. muku was 14.
✿ as you were arriving to the audition, you saw muku walking to the theatre. you didn't really draw any attention to yourself, but muku noticed you and got startled, which almost ended up in him falling over and hitting his head against the curb. thankfully, you had quick reflexes and managed to stop his fall and shield his head.
✿ muku became extremely shy around you, but after the audition when you were both accepted into the troupe you were paired together for a room, which is how muku found out about your cute med-kits and decorations.
✿ muku admired you immensely, the moment you saved him he thought that you were one of those dashing princex's from his manga. that, and your dedication to helping other people made him grow a big fat crush on you very quickly. you thought muku was rather cute, though you were very confused about his muteness around you. but you thought it was fitting that you were set to room together, as the small omega fit perfectly within all your decorations.
≿━━━━༺❀ misumi ikaruga ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were just a little kid, experimenting with photography and living with your grandma. your parents weren't really fit to take care of you, but you'd been given a polaroid camera by your mom, which left you with a curiosity for the craft.
✿ you were six years old. you'd been staying with your grandma for a year at that point. misumi was five years old, though in actuality he was almost two years younger than you.
✿ you were outside taking pictures with your camera while your grandma was entertaining a friend inside. while taking a picture of a tree, a certain triangle-loving kid popped into frame and scared the hell out of you. turns out, your grandma's friend had a grandson that he'd bought along that was now attempting to save you from what you were certain was a heart attack.
✿ now, obviously you were not experiencing a heart attack. and after misumi managed to get your breathing under control, the two of you got along rather well. and so the two of you would often start to be found together, having play-dates outside.
✿ misumi thought you were so fun and cute, even after the scare of your (not really) heart attack. you were always nice to him, pointing out triangles for him and even having pictures of them ready every time you'd meet up. you were certain that if you were not looking after misumi he'd manage to get himself seriously hurt or worse... lost. so you made it your life's mission to take care of him, and it definitely wasn't because you thought he was really cute.
≿━━━━༺❀ kazunari miyoshi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a social media influencer looking for a theater company to join. your mother had been a theatre actor in her youth and you wanted to get a taste of her life that she described so dearly. though you weren't really interested in it personally.
✿ you were 19, you were still in university though you didn't attend it all that seriously. kazunari was the same age as you, though miraculously you'd never come across each other on campus.
✿ you'd made an innocuous post on one of your less-known socials about looking for a theater company to join, which kazunari as a fan of yours happened to see. he, knowing you went to the same school, tracked you down and invited you to the mankai company auditions. you hadn't really been expecting anyone to understand what you wanted, so you were a bit shocked by the sudden invitations to say the least.
✿ when you did actually attend the auditions, you got the part and as you were recommended by kazunari the two of you were paired to room together. izumi would soon come to regret that when you started getting along like a house on fire.
✿ kazunari had been a fan of you for a long time, your cute aesthetic and your joyful personality that radiated sunshine everywhere drawing him in long before he actually met you. and discovering that most of it wasn't fake just made him like you more. kazunari was a... lot, at first anyway. he was sort of confusing, showing up out of nowhere and solving your problem, but after spending some time together rooming you realized how similar the two of you were.
≿━━━━༺❀ kumon hyodo ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an aspiring actor, with a bit of a problem. you had an extreme case of insomnia that often ended in you either not being completely there during performances or straight up passing out. but you had determination to achieve your dream.
✿ you were 16, the same age as kumon. you'd both been attending the same high school, but your social circles were so different that you'd never actually met before.
✿ you were out seeing a play by the mankai company, a local performance that kumon was helping with. unfortunately you'd not been properly sleeping for the last week so you fell asleep during the performance, right onto kumon's shoulder as he'd sat down next to you to watch. while surprised, he gladly let you use his shoulder as a pillow and woke you up once the troupe was leaving.
✿ after that whole bit, you decided to pursue joining the troupe as you thought theatre acting would suit you and your insomnia better. and surprisingly izumi took you in gladly, and set you and kumon to room together.
✿ kumon thought you were cute! especially your sleeping face, you just look so peaceful. and after starting to room together, he thought he'd get to see you sleeping even more, but to his surprise you spent most of your nights completely awake, often scaring him when he woke up in the middle of the night. kumon was... a lot for your tired brain. his energy made you seem even more tired and done, but it was also comforting to be around him. though you also thought that he was far too jumpy, in a cute way. not that you'd ever admit it.
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Summer Troupe
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- got any grapes?
- affectionate and positive s/o (hcs)
- fairytales
-yuki sewing hc
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
-cuddles n comfort!
- script annotation hcs
- robbing a bank (hcs)
-muku, saku, homare, and shakespeare (hc)
- muku’s pottery
-texting habits
-strong s/o
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- tech week (hc)
- got any grapes?
- robbing a bank (hcs)
- script annotation hcs
- got any grapes?
- he’s....a theatre kid
-stick n pokes
-sandwich time!!!!!
-cosplayer s/o
-sibling shenanigans
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Hiiiii happy bday hope iam not too late! can you do "so you wanted to play matchmaker (y/n) but fell in love with (y/n) instead. You are the worst matchmaker ever" one with kumon, I think it's really suites him lol!
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I don‘t know if you might read this but there is one tiny question (bc I‘m stupid and forgot to add something back then), and I will write it the way you send me the request, but I wanted to ask it anyway, in case you might read it…
Should (y/n) be the matchmaker or kumon? I have written (y/n) in the prompt but forgot to add, that you ofc can wish the other character to be the mentioned, so (y/n) will be the matchmaker! x3 sorry again!
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jjuzoir · 3 years
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Kumon Hyodo Relationship HCS
Request: “Do you do hcs for act 2 characters? If you do can you dating hcs for kumon pls. It's okay if you can't ❤️❤️love your blog ^_^” from anonie
A/N: omg of course^^ thanks for requesting !! i’m literally in love with the act 2 rookies especially kumon he’s so cute i’m !! he’s literally so cute and nice and ahh.... i love him i’d literally die for him ( i’m writing this listening to a lindsey lohan career recap (?) so sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol yeah )
Word Count: 1282
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- Realistically, you’re probably his first S/O ever. He’d always been so busy with baseball and Juza, and that’s not even mentioning all the times he’d get sick.
- Kumon never had been able to really look for a s/o, he’d always wanted one - just the thought of being able to have someone next to him all the time he can talk to and love and who’ll praise him gets him all pumped up.
- So when he meets you, he gets a little puppy crush on you. He didn’t think he’d manage to actually date you, he’d just joined the Summer Troupe and he felt the need to prove himself as an actor and member of the company, plus he’d never been lucky with romance.
- He gets shocked when you start reaching out to him and before he realizes you two start hanging out more and more, in a way he’s kind of dense - in his head his feelings for you were one sided and he’d never actually get a chance to act on them - and he never really realizes you might return his feelings until Banri of all people mention it.
- Once he does realize, oh boy - he’s so scared but after encouragement from the rest of the Summer troupe + Azami (who lectured him on what was and wasn’t allowed during dating) he decides he’s gonna give it a shot.
- The day he confessed to you he was blushing furiously to the point you almost called Juza worried he had gotten a fever, but Kumon quickly reassures you everything is fine and that he’s just kind of nervous - something that had immediately caught your interest.
- His hands are all clammy and he thinks he’s never been this nervous and excited ever, but as he sees you staring at him - wondering why he’d called you so suddenly - he decides it’s now or never.
- “[Name]... I- we’ve known each other for some time and I was- I was wondering if you’d like to, uh, go on a date with me?” His normally confident persona seems to have shrunk significantly as he tried finding the rights words to say to you, he could feel his heat bearing out of his rib cage.
- Of course, seeing a guy like him - normally loud and proud - all shy and nervous was endearing, and you couldn’t quite deny the fact you had a crush on him; and so you two start dating.
- “I’d like that a lot too, Kumon!”
- Kumon is just a very physical guy, he likes hugs and cheek kisses, holding pinkies while walking back home after school. He’s just a PDA type of guy, what can he say.
- Whenever he gets down or worried he likes having you there around to hug, to him it’s a reminder that you’re there and you’re not leaving. You don’t even have to say much, just the physical affirmation that you’re there is enough to help him.
- He’s also kind of emotional, he gets carried away easily and he’s not afraid to let you know how he feels about you or things in general.
- He won’t force you into playing baseball, but he loves the idea of you taking an interest in the sport. You don’t have to know much but asking him about it, what certain terms mean, about players and teams you saw on TV; knowing that you’re just trying to engage in something so special to him has him wide eyes with a bright red flush as he explains the basics of a move you saw on yesterday’s match.
- Since he’s like a total health junkie once you two start dating he’s becoming your coach, he’s always asking you about what’s you’d eaten or how much you slept, if you’d gone out for a walk or maybe a run, if you do a sport he’d ask you about your practice or how you’re doing in general in regards to it.
- It’s his way of showing he cares as subtly as a guy like Kumon can.
- Fights or arguments aren’t common, since Kumon tends to be a very good communicator and he’s naturally very empathetic towards those around him - he isn’t weak though and if he deems it something important to him (like acting or Juza) he won’t back down - he thinks finding a compromise is more important than either his or your pride.
- Dates with him feel young and fun, they’re never too complicated like the ones someone like Azuma or Homare might take you out on but they’re just as thoughtful.
- He remembers things you like very well, so if you mention being into something like gardening or art he’d take you to a park with some cool plants he heard about from Tsumugi or a museum with an exhibition Kazunari recommended him.
- To him, once you’re in his life, you become one of the most important people to him alongside Juza. He really values both of your opinions, even on small things like getting a jacket over another.
- It’s kind of essential if you’re dating Kumon to get along with Juza, he’d get really torn if he found out both of you didn’t get along and it’d definitely take a toll on his mental health and it would kinda break his spirit.
- (You getting along with Azami would be a nice plus too, if he’s honest - he cares about those two a lot and seeing three people he loves getting along makes him smile and want to run a few laps around the courtyard.)
- Kumon doesn’t care much about gifts but he’s also the kind to work really hard in figuring out what he’s gonna give you for a birthday or special occasion. He’d probably settle for something like a baseball jacket with the number 9 on it and a matching one for him too, he’d probably ask Yuki and Kazunari to help him design it.
- Oh boy, if anyone says anything negative about you’d he’d go to war.
- He does have his moments of insecurities, he can feel like he’s too much of a pain for others or fear that he might be wasting your time on a guy like him; so while hugs and physical affection can help him, in those moments telling him you love him and that things will be okay tend to work the best.
- “Kumon… you’re doing your best and it’s okay! No one is blaming you, you’re doing more than enough just now, so please - take it easy today, Juza, Azami, and I… not just us, but the troupe too, we all care for you so much,” you could feel smile as you hugged his head to your chest, “it’s okay, Kumon…”
- In return he’d pull away with teary eyes and a blush, from both your words and the worries that had plagued his mind, and smile at you; “Thank you, [Name].”
- He’d probably also be the type to send you text you during the most awkward times, it could be at like 10PM during a school-night asking for help on a chemistry problem or 4AM on a weekend because he had a dream about you.
- Kumon would rather call you over the phone over texting, probably because he likes rambling at you – like, he’d start talking about baseball and the Summer troupe and suddenly he’d start talking about a shop he visited with Azami and then he’d remember an article he’d read about spinach and tomatoes and he’d remember he’d helped Taichi dye his hair red kinda like a tomato.
- Overall, Hyodo Kumon is a puppy in love who loves sharing his passions with you and would literally fight Banri and Sakyo for your honor.
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yuunemi · 3 years
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C/W : Nothing Much. Just Tooth Rotting Fluff!
LIBRARIAN’S NOTE/S : this was made on a whim—I was supposed to be sleeping, but I felt like writing, so here ya goo, this ended up being longer than expected. don’t worry, you have the same age with muku here
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It was late. Very late. You were the only one awake right now. The Summer troupe decided to have a sleepover in Muku’s and Kazunari’s dorm. You, their ever so close friend, was invited, well more like you happen to be hanging out in the room when Kazunari suddenly decided to host a slumber party, Summer Troupe edition. This took a lot of convincing on Tenma’s and Yuki’s part. They thought it was childish at first but they ended up obliging to it anyways. It was tons of fun, despite how late the night was, their energy just never seem to drain. Not until a pillow fight was instigated. Totally not because Kazunari just suddenly throwing it to Misumi, but the said Trianglian ended up throwing it to Yuki. Who in turn decided to throw it Tenma just to annoy him. Now the said leader went “What the hell was that for?!” and then threw the pillow back at Kazunari. “This is all out war!!” The said Instablam Influencer declared. It was all laughs and shouts. You didn’t participate much since you were busy recording it all, but that didn’t excuse you from getting hit. So let’s just say the whole recording was well, chaotic. Soon enough it died down, and right now here you were, unable to sleep, very wide awake.
Looking at everyone was so endearing so you took a photo of it BUT you forgot to turn the shutter sound off so SNAP! This alarmed you and your face legit went, “Oh My Goodness! Please don’t wake up—“ Fortunately for you, they were dead asleep, well except for a certain pink-haired prince. He got up and saw you awake, “Y/N-san?” He asked while yawning, “Ah. Sorry for waking you up Mukkun.” You apologized. “It’s fine Y/N-san, don’t worry about it!” He said with his signature cute smile. “If you don’t mind, but why’re you still awake?” He asked while approaching your spot to sit next to you. “Nothing much, simply can’t sleep. I’m usually still awake at this hour so I’m not surprised I’m not yet sleepy.” You answered, making sure your voice is not too loud. “Usually me and Kyuchan would drink warm milk when we had sleepovers like this and couldn’t sleep. Juchan would always accompany us to make sure we don’t hurt ourselves.” He said, “Wanna drink warm milk then?” You offered, “E-Eh?! But what if they catch us and we’re still awake?!” He panicked softly. “Relaxx, we should be fineee, plus it’s a weekend, I bet you Itaru-san is busy gaming with Banri-san right now.” You assured the pink boy. Standing up you offered your hand and him accepting it.
You both ventured off to dorm’s kitchen, much to your surprise Omi was still awake, contrary to that, you anticipated that Chikage would probably be outside working if he didn’t have any “business trips”. “Oh. You two are still awake. I thought all of you fell asleep when the shouting died down.” Chikage commented, “Yeahhh—I accidentally woke up Mukkun while taking a photo of them sleeping.” You admitted awkwardly to which the cabbage head chuckled in response. “You two need anything?” Omi asked, “Ah…we were hoping for some warm milk.” Muku answered. “Sure, let me handle it.” The brown haired adult said. “By the way, Y/N, you said something about a photo, do you mind sending it to me later?” Omi asked, “Yeah sure.” You said. Then silence fell. It was a bit uncomfortable since you weren’t very close with the other members of Mankai but thanks to the warm milk finally finished, you could brush that feeling off now. While drinking, the warm milk, you and Muku would start small conversations here and there and if the topic was something the two adults could relate to, they’d butt in for a bit too.
After drinking the warm milk and thanking Omi, you two decided to go back. Only to be greeted by the Summer Troupe with questioning faces. “Looks like you two finally came back from your date!” Kazunari teased. “E-EHHH?!” The both of you said in unison, “We just went outside to drink warm milk!” Muku ended up exclaiming with his terrified looking face while his cheeks were as red as Sakuya’s hair. “Looks like fairy tale boy had fun. Bleghh! Couple things are gross.” Yuki said with his deadpan face. “H-HE-HEY WE WERE NOT—“ You were gonna say something but Misumi just had to throw his triangle pillow at you. “No fair! You guys had fun without us.” He pouted, “Yeahh! You broke the unspoken and sacred rule of sleepovers!!” Kumon argued. “THE WHAT NOW?!” You exclaimed. “You guys need to be punished.” Tenma said, “Oh look. The hack finally spoke up.” Yuki commented, which earned a “hey!” from the leader. Then soon enough, everyone was wide awake and more chaotic than ever. This—This night is indeed gonna be a veeerry long night.
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imaginesfora3 · 3 years
4 and 20 <3 for juza, taichi, and kumon!!
(this kinda factors into 20 for Taichi)
Hyodo Juza: 
4. ♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
Juza is nervous and completely out of his depth when it came to starting a relationship, letting alone keeping it afloat. He knew there were things he’d like to do with you, places he’d like to go with you, but how did he get that across? Fumbling with his own practice schedule while you’re busy with your own life can appear quite daunting but Juza finds it makes the time you spend together even more precious, and he realizes that the fact he’s willing to fight to spend time with you (you doing the same for him) meant that you were both on the right track.
20. ♥ How did their relationship start?
It was partially thanks to Kumon’s inability to keep the little things that Juza told him to himself, pushing Juza into action before his feelings were revealed by someone other than him. He has to quietly thank his little brother for pushing him to action as he may not have ever made a move if he didn’t, though he’s unsurprised when you confirm you’d picked up a lot of the hints that Kumon had been putting down. You’re happy that you didn’t hear his full feelings until it was directly out of his mouth, saying it made you happy to have actual confirmation that Juza was into you. 
Hyodo Kumon: 
4. ♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
Kumon is the excitable type but he tries hard not to make you feel rushed, even if he’s super excited that you returned his feelings. He likes asking you out to do things with him even though he works himself up into an anxious fervor beforehand, knowing that you probably won’t reject him because you returning his feelings meant you wanted to spend time with him as well. He feared coming across to pushy, thereby making you feel obligated to go along with his whims, but you tell him you wouldn’t get caught up in his energy if you didn’t want to. You think the pace your relationship is going at, a little quicker than most but still carefully enough that you know he cares, is just fine for the two of you.
20. ♥ How did their relationship start?
Kumon knew he had to grow up a little before he could be a proper boyfriend for you, that he had to prove himself in more ways than one. He wanted to mature so that he could be exactly who you needed, someone you could lean on in your time of need, so being reunited at the point where he’s finally ready to ask you out happens a few years after the friendship is formed. You’re almost surprised to see the change in him but deep down he’s still the same old Kumon, full of energy and love, and he’s looking for a partner to go on exciting adventures with this (which he says he’s hoping will be you). 
Nanao Taichi:
4. ♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
Taichi fell head over heels nearly right away, practically ready to propose as he was sure he’d never find another person like you. Thankfully he’s surrounded by far more level-headed people who know what puppy love is, telling him not to act so desperately as it was more than likely going to scare you off if he came on too strong. He really does try to enjoy his time wooing you, happy to get to know you because he does think you’re a wonderful person. 
20. ♥ How did their relationship start?
Taichi wanted it to be proper, getting a bouquet of carefully picked flowers and all on the day he finally decided to ask you out for real. There had been a bit of back and forth for awhile but he was seeing that you were coming around, that his dedication was proving that he only had eyes for you and you weren’t just a passing fancy to him. You’re glad that Taichi hadn’t lost his passion for you either, his confession loud and attention drawing when he finally pushed his nervousness deep down inside. 
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unculturedswine69 · 3 years
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“my big bro is just the coolest!”
as you can see,i love both juza and kumon lmao those two are so cute ngl i wish i had a brother like either one of them!their bond is really amazing <3
I really loved colouring kumons hair its just so fluffy and purple...anyways bye <3
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finch-writes · 3 years
summer troupe & back hugs
✧ summer troupe & reader / headcanons, fluff ✧ spring troupe / autumn troupe / winter troupe
tenma: Absolutely Not What The Hell Would He Do That For. kidding, mostly - but he is unlikely to hug you from behind. he will, however, spontaneously combust and then just kinda melt if you hug him from behind! please do it. it'll be funny.
yuki: listen, the closest you've gotten is being measured for a costume. not super comfortable with backpack hugs unless it's from one or two very specific people - but there is a tiny chance that he might as long as you don’t ever call attention to him doing it.
muku: generally only if he needs comfort, and it's mostly to get your attention so you can turn around and hug him properly. probably won't do it when there are others around because it's such an obvious show for "please help".
misumi: backpack hugs with his arms around your shoulders instead of your waist! congrats you now have a sumi cape. just drops his whole body weight into the hug dude what the fuck. loves being hugged from behind though!
kazunari: slightly more likely to come at you from the side and pull you in to him with an arm around your waist, but can definitely be known to hug from behind! another one that loves being backpack hugged.
kumon: PRIME OFFENDER. THIS JACKASS (AFFECTIONATE) WILL HUG YOU FROM BEHIND AND EVEN PICK YOU UP IF HE KNOWS YOU'RE COOL WITH IT. thinks it's hilarious, genuinely very cuddly, extremely chill with having it done to him. pats his cheek affectionately.
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Summer Troupe with an S/O who Shares the Same Hobby
A/N: For Kumon's, I say baseball but please know I mean baseball AND softball, I just didn't want to keep writing 'baseball/softball'. Hope that's okay! Hope y'all like it!
CW(s): none
❂ Tenma Sumeragi - Acting
Tenma thinks it’s really interesting that the two of you are into acting
He’ll definitely ask to practice scenes with you, although he seems to always get flustered when practicing romantic ones -so he just avoids eye contact because the moment he looks at you he dies inside-
If you do film acting, he’ll make sure to watch every movie you’re in no matter if you’re a lead or an extra. If you do theatre acting, he’ll try to attend as many of your performances as he can. If you just like acting but don’t really participate in anything, he’ll still support you and love practicing with you
If you need to practice for an audition, he’d love to help you out. No matter if it’s critiquing a performance or helping you practice dialogue, he’ll do anything to help you be successful
“Hey Tenma, can you help me?”
“Yeah, sure, what do you need help with?”
“I have an audition coming up and I need to work on this dialogue with someone.”
“Sure, I’ll gladly help.” You went over to sit next to Tenma and shared a script between the two of you. You couldn’t help but notice how his ears turned red from the proximity. The two of you went back and forth reading the dialogue, Tenma giving pointers at times on which emotion you should convey when, when to pause, and how to effectively give the best performance you could give. Even if he could be a bit redundant at times with his pointers, he did it out of love for you and hope for your success as he knows how amazing you are, and he wants everyone else to be able to know too.
If he ever has the opportunity to act with you, he’ll take it in a heartbeat. He’d absolutely love to work with you no matter what type of acting it is
Tenma is one of your main supporters in your acting career, and you can bet that he will stay by your side through all of it
❂ Yuki Rurikawa - Fashion and Sewing
Yuki loves that you’re good at fashion; I mean, he never has to worry about whether or not you look fashionable so he knows you two are always the cutest people in the room
If you ever make him clothing in his style he’ll feel incredibly honored that you took the time to make something for him that he’d actually wear
If either of you are struggling to pick an outfit for the day, the other will help and throw out ideas
Yuki was amazing at fashion. He knew it, you knew it, and most people knew it. No matter the type of fashion, he could easily put together a concise outfit in every style that would accentuate everyone’s so-called good side. So on days like today when you had no clue what to wear, Yuki was the person you went to. You hit the video call button next to his contact and waited for him to answer.
“Hey, what’s up?” Yuki answered the phone.
“Hey, Yuki! I’m not too sure what to wear today so I was wondering if you could help.”
“Sure, I’d love to. What are you thinking so far?” You set down your phone as he spoke and held up the outfits you were thinking about.
“Right top with left bottoms would look good. They’d look really good with that one pair of shoes you own too…”
If you enjoy sewing and are good at it, you can bet that Yuki is making you help him with costumes.
If you help with sewing the costumes, you’ll most likely befriend Taichi as well and the three of you may become quite close due to the amount of time you spend together
❂ Muku Sakisaka - (Shoujo) Manga
Muku is ecstatic that you also love manga, specifically shoujo
He’ll invite you to the shoujo manga club meetings he has with Sakyo and Kazunari so all of you can talk about that meetings manga
If you actually attended, he’d be so beyond himself with excitement that he’d be basically vibrating the whole time (Kazunari thinks it’s sweet how happy you make Muku)
He’ll give you so many recommendations that he won’t expect you to read them all, but if you do he’ll be so happy
He’d love it if you gave him recommendations too! Muku would be sure to read your favorite mangas so he can talk with you about them
“Hey Muku! Look at this new manga I found! I think you’d enjoy it!” you said, walking into his room.
“Oh, hey! What’s the manga called?” he perked up at the sound of your voice and began making his way over to you.
“It’s this manga called Wotakoi: Love is Hard for an Otaku?”
“Oh, I've heard of it!”
“Really? Would you like to read it? I have the whole set if you’d like to borrow it.”
“I’d love to! Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to read this!”
“I’ll bring it over tomorrow then if that’s alright.
He just feels so accepted with you since you have the same interest in manga and he feels like he can be his full authentic self with you, just as he can be with his troupe
❂ Misumi Ikaruga - Triangles
Misumi is ecstatic to find someone with the same passion for triangles as him
He definitely calls you his triangle, and it makes him happy beyond belief you understand how much that means to him personally as you also love triangles
If you call him your triangle, he will positively melt on the spot and cover you in small kisses
Triangle hunting dates! The two of you will most definitely go out together to search for the shape
Be ready to be gifted so many triangle things- you can hardly believe how many items he finds especially to gift you but that’s Misumi for you
“I brought you a gift!” Misumi said one day as he walked into your room.
“Really?” you said, excited.
“Mhm! Close your eyes and put your hands out.” You complied with Misumi’s orders as you buzzed with anticipation. You felt a light object be placed into your hands as you heard Misumi shuffle closer to you. “You can open your eyes now.” When you did, you spotted a triangle shaped charm with a heart on the inside in your palms. You reflexively clenched your hands and held the charm to your heart. “Do you like it?” he asked. You could almost hear a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“Misumi, I love it.” a smile broke out onto his face as he heard you say that.
“Really!? That makes me so happy!” he said as he pulled you into a hug.
The rest of the company find it so odd that Misumi is dating someone with the same love of triangles as him, but at the very least the find it cute and mildly entertaining
❂ Kazunari Miyoshi - Painting
Kazunari thinks it’s so cool that you like painting as much as him!
Get ready for painting dates where the two of you just talk about everything and nothing while working on your own projects
Do you know that old social media trend where people would paint on their significant other’s back? Yeah, he’d definitely love for the two of you to do that and take a picture so he can post it on Instablam
If he’s ever stuck on a project, he’ll ask you for help
You walked into Kazunari’s room and saw his head on his desk. Before you approached your boyfriend you waved to Muku who gladly said hello.
“He’s struggling.” Muku said as he climbed down his ladder and left the room. You just nodded in acknowledgement, grabbed a chair, and went to sit next to Kazunari. “I need help.” he whined, placing his head on your shoulder in an attempt to get your attention.
You placed a kiss on his cheek and then spoke, “what is it?”
“I can’t think of an idea for the next play’s poster.
“Okay, what’s the play about?” He explained the entirety of the plot in one fell swoop, and in the back of your mind you couldn’t help but applaud Tsuzuru at his creativity.
“Okay, so I was thinking…”
If you’re ever stuck on a project, he will also always help!
If you ever need any critique he’d love to go over your works with you, and he’d also love to receive constructive criticism when he asks for it
He just loves dating someone with the same passion for art he does since you can understand where he’s coming from a bit better when it comes to talking about it
❂ Kumon Hyodo - Baseball
Although Kumon doesn’t play baseball anymore, he still loves the fact you enjoy the sport as much as he does
If you play, he’ll definitely practice with you and attend any games he can. He’s definitely one of the loudest on the sidelines but he can’t help it! He’s so proud of you
Kumon cheered as you went up to bat. He wanted to make sure you could hear that he was there watching and supporting you. He mentally wished you good luck, but in his heart he knew you didn’t need it as the two of you had been practicing very hard. He watched as you went up to bat and he sat with baited breath and he watched as you did amazingly.
After the game he went to greet you and immediately pulled you into a hug.
“Kumon, I’m sweaty!” you protested, but the entire time you were laughing and didn’t make any move to push him away.
If you don’t play but only watch baseball, he’s still excited to have someone to talk baseball about to someone/watch baseball with
He’ll definitely invite you to any professional baseball games he gets tickets for
He absolutely loves enjoying his favorite sport with you and he hopes that you do as well
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Masterlists || FaQ || Requesting Rules/Remarks
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Hi! I just discovered your blog when I was searching for enstars stuff and saw that you write for A3! Could I request Kumon (or anyone from the summer troupe honestly I just love them all, feel free to do a different character if you're more comfortable) with the prompt new year's countdown? Thank you!!
Thank you very much! Happy New Year!!
Being sick on New Years eve was not in your plan list.
You were sitting on your room alone, feeling lonely.
Your parents went to a party and so did your friends.
You were sitting there burning in fever.
You heard a knock on the door.
‘Come in.’
The door opens and reveals Kumon with a big smile.
‘I brough you soup!’ He said as he came closer.
‘Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?’
‘Yeah, but you would be lonely.’ He said. ‘And it’s almost the New Year! I can’t leave you alone.’
You smiled.
‘Oh look! The countdown starting!’ He shouted as he looked at his watch.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
‘Happy New Year!!!!!!!!’ Kumon shouted and hugged you.
You though this New Year’s would be so lonely, but a surprise was expecting you.
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lcs-library · 2 years
Spending Valentine’s Day with Mankai!
☀️Summer Troupe☀️
🌻 Has NO idea what to do for you, so he asks Yuki.
🌻“I don’t know, just get them chocolate or something, that usually makes people happy.”
🌻He took that advice to heart, actually.
🌻So when you go to see him on the day, he’s holding three different boxes of chocolates, each one more elaborate than the one below it.
🌻“I, uh didn’t know what to get you, so I got you these. I hope they work.”
🌻Lucky for him, you were ecstatic about it, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, leaving him redder than a tomato.
🌻“Didn’t realize you liked chocolate that much. Come on, let’s go eat it before it all goes to waste. Worst case, we can give it to Igawa or something.”
🌻He’s just such a funky lad, he has no idea what he’s doing.
🌻And we love him for that <3
🧵“Here, made you this.”
🧵He stubbornly hands you a cute handmade beanie and some gloves.
🧵“I haven’t knitted since I was a kid, so they’re a bit messy, but they’re surely enough for someone as messy as you are, right?”
🧵You were practically speechless. They were your favorite color, with small designs of white lilies along the gloves, and a small bear on the corner of the hat, as if it was Yuki’s signature.
🧵You couldn’t even comprehend how he had managed to make something so amazing and perfectly suited to your style only to say it was messy. Just goes to show his high standards.
🧵It didn’t matter at that point, though, you were just so grateful to him, and you pulled him into a hug.
🧵Yuki blushed, looking slightly offended, before returning the action.
🧵“You’re welcome, it was the least I could do for you.”
👑If you have Muku as your s/o you already KNOW what’s up.
👑Dude will treat you like the royalty that you are and that starts from the moment you even see him.
👑“Ah, y-you’re here. Well, come, sit down. I made you some tea and breakfast, so I hope you can enjoy it.”
👑It may sound a little weird for him to be speaking so formally to you, but it wasn’t something that you absolutely hated, it was just something that he believed was princely.
👑That, and the food was really good!
👑“You like it that much? Really? Thank you, I’m so happy! Ahem, I mean, I’m glad you enjoy it, I put my heart into it.“
👑God, he’s just a BABY
👑He sat across from you as you ate, making small talk and asking about plans for the day.
👑“Well, how has your morning been? Ah, that’s good. I mean, you just woke up so I’d hope it’s good, right? I mean, unless there’s something I did to ruin it, and if so I’m sorry that I did that I’m just a useless ham that can’t act like a prince if it could save his life and doesn’t know what to do when faced with someone so pretty ah-“
👑He was cut off by your fork in front of his face, holding it up for him to take a bite.
👑“F-for me? Really? Are you sure? Thanks, I appreciate it.”
👑With that, he took the bite, then you continued eating.
👑It took a few seconds for Muku to realize what had happened.
👑“Did you just…”
👑You nodded, and he could feel his face burning to a crisp as you continued eating nonchalantly.
👑“Uhh, um, er, I, you, ah, *ahem* Well, to change the subject, where do you want to go today? It is a day for dates and love, so we ought to do something with this opportunity. Do you want to go on a walk in the park? Or perhaps you’d prefer a lunch or dinner date? Both? Both it is, then. Once you finish, we’ll start on this extravagant day of romance.”
👑In an attempt to finish off his princely speech, he stole your hand that was on the table and pulled it up to his face for a kiss.
👑“Oh, and I almost forgot to say this, but Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you, my dear.”
📐You woke up to find a note next to your pillow, saying you should be ready to meet at the park at around noon. There was no signature, except for three triangles, giving you a clue as to who it was.
📐Once you made your way up to him, Misumi lit up like the sun, running over excitedly to greet you.
📐“You came, you came! Ahaha! Okay, so Kazu told me that today’s a day where you give stuff to the people you love, so I got you a triangle! See? It’s one of my favorites, too!”
📐Misumi beamed as he placed a small triangle shaped button into your palm, and you told him that you would be sure to put it on your jacket later.
📐“Oh, and I almost forgot! I have another triangle for you!”
📐With that, he gave you three kisses, one on your cheek, another on your forehead, and finishing with one on the other cheek, creating a triangle.
📐“Hehe. I love you so much. Happy lovey triangle day.”
🌺You woke up to a crinkle under your head when you rolled over. You lifted your head up to check under your pillow to find a small note.
🌺“Looks like you found me! I need you at the cafe down the street at 11:00 am sharp, so don’t be late!”
🌺There was no signature, but it was filled with little doodles and pops of color. You had a decently good guess as to who it was, but that didn’t stop you from wondering.
🌺You checked your clock to find that it was already around 10:30, giving you very little time to find a change of clothes that looked good to impress your secret admirer.
🌺You didn’t even have time to eat before leaving, so you just ran out, hoping that the food at the cafe was actually good.
🌺When you finally arrived, your eyes flitted around to try to find whoever sent that note, when you saw Kazunari waving you down, gesturing for you to come over and sit with him.
🌺You accepted, sitting across from him on the cafe’s terrace, a sly smile on your face. You were right about who had written it.
🌺“Hey, you made it, thanks for coming! I was the one who wrote the letter, if you couldn’t tell. Oh, you could? My bad, my bad! I don’t know how to be subtle, do I? Well, that’s not the point. The point is that we’re gonna have an awesome date here, and you’re gonna fall in love with me in seconds flat!”
🌺You had to laugh, knowing that what he said obviously wasn’t true. Before you had time to think, the words telling him how you really felt all this time spilled out of your lips.
🌺It took you a minute to realize what you had just said, and when you did, you were left with an awkward moment, and you found your gaze drift further and further down to avoid any eye contact.
🌺“Wait, really? You’re not kidding? You loved me already?”
🌺When you didn’t reply, Kazunari smiled, then pulled your hand up from out of your lap and onto the table.
🌺“Well, I’m happy the feeling’s mutual.” he said softly, kissing your hand. “I love you, and I always will, alright?”
⚾️Screw chocolate, mans got you POPCORN.
⚾️“Hi, babe! Thanks for coming here so suddenly, I wanted to give you this! I know that you’d probably prefer chocolate, but I felt like that wouldn’t be very fun for me if we ended up sharing, so I got you these!”
⚾️His arms were filled with all different kinds of bags of popcorn, with him almost falling over from the weight of it all
⚾️He mostly chose savory ones, like cheese or just basic salt, but there were a few sweet ones mixed in to suit your tastes as well.
⚾️“You ready? I wanna try throwing it into your mouth, so open wide, okay? And…there!”
⚾️He threw the kernel up and right onto the side of your mouth, with it bouncing off of the side of your face as you both giggled at his desperate attempt.
⚾️“All right, it’s my turn! You better have good aim, okay?”
⚾️You couldn’t help but find his dopey face as he waited for the snack so endearing and cute, your aim was forced to suffer. You threw it, only for the popcorn to end up right in between his eyes, balancing right on the top of the bridge of his nose.
⚾️“Woah, how’d you do that? That’s even cooler than if you made it! Ah, gotta keep it up there, I need to see how long I can balance it.”
⚾️He managed to make it around a total of 2 minutes while talking to you, just waiting for it to fall, which was oddly impressive.
⚾️“Hah, this was way more fun than I expected it to be. Thanks for choosing me, babes.”
🌸Spring Troupe🌸🍁Autumn Troupe🍁❄️Winter Troupe❄️
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juuten · 3 years
The Hyodos | Juza Hyodo
Anon says: May I please have Family with Juza? Like, maybe Juza is introducing his s/o to his family or something cute like that? Merry Christmas, by the way!! 💖💖💖
Aimee replies: Thank you so much for your patience, anon! Of course you may! But since I only finished this approximately 8 months before Christmas time again, I wish you a very advanced merry Christmas!
Anyway, I really enjoyed making this fic despite revising it a lot of times. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy reading it too! Btw, the story takes place before Act 2 so Kumon’s not in the MANKAI dorm yet. 
For ‘A December With You’ writing event.
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You tightly gripped the basket as you stared at the house before you. It was a simple modern Japanese house, but it was not just “someone’s” residence. That place was where your boyfriend and his family lived! You have no clue on what your boyfriend’s family was like. Were they the interrogating type as if you were a criminal for dating their son? Were they the demanding family who required a fifty-page report on why you loved your boyfriend? Or were they the doting kind wherein they would already plan for their son’s wedding?
You stiffened as something warm enveloped your trembling hand. However, your shoulders quickly relaxed when you saw a familiar large hand wrapped around yours.
“What’s wrong?” Your boyfriend asked. Besides the blush that painted his cheeks, you noticed the concern behind his golden eyes.
Coming up with a bunch of descriptions for his family was too embarrassing to admit. Hence, you said, “It’s just... I’m really nervous.”
“Just be yourself.” Juza squeezed your hand.
You looked down on the ground. “But what if they still won’t like me?”
The chilling breeze nor the honking of the cars were unable to distract you from this unnerving silence. You shuffled your feet. You knew it was a difficult question for your boyfriend. After all, Juza highly valued his family’s opinions. He always considered their thoughts in all of his endeavors.
And you understood that you were one of those endeavors.
You were snapped out of your trance when you felt Juza’s hand on your head. You looked up to see his tender smile, making your heart pound.
“’m sure my family will like you ‘cause… I really like you,” your boyfriend quietly but firmly said.
A soft smile made its way on your lips. No matter how irrational his reasoning was, you felt assured. Perhaps it was because of his sincerity and Juza’s faith in you, himself, and his family.
Before you could reply, the door suddenly slammed open. “Ah! Nii-chan, you’re already here!”
The younger boy jumped on your boyfriend and hugged him. Juza almost toppled on the ground if not for his fast reflexes. As he quickly wrapped his arms around his younger brother, Juza let out an exasperated sigh. “Kumon, that’s dangerous, you know?”
Kumon giggled. “I just missed you so much, nii-chan!”
Then your gaze met with the younger boy. Unwrapping his arms from his older brother, he curiously stared at you. “Nii-chan, is she your girlfriend?”
Juza nodded. “Her name’s (First Name) (Last Name).”
You held your basket with one hand while you stuck out your other hand to the young boy. “H-hello! Nice to meet you.”
As he accepted your handshake, the young boy grinned at you. It was so bright that it rivaled the sun itself. “Hello! My name is Kumon Hyodo. Thank you for always taking care of nii-chan!”
You shook your head. “I am always in Juza’s care. Thank you for having a great nii-chan.”
Kumon’s eyes sparkled. “Nii-chan’s so great, right? One time, there was a robber in a convenience store. And…!”
As Kumon continued to ramble on, you smiled. You could see why Juza said before that everyone loved him. His presence was warm and comforting. It was also cute to see Kumon fanboying about his brother. With that, you understood why your boyfriend had this fond look whenever he talked about his younger brother.
Juza suddenly patted his younger brother’s head, momentarily distracting him. “Kumon, go help mom and dad set up the table first.”
Kumon’s eyes widened. “Oh! You’re right!”
You waved your hand. “You can continue telling me about your nii-chan later, okay?”
Kumon happily nodded before quickly entering the dining room. Then Juza scratched his head. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
You chuckled. “It’s alright. I find it touching that your baby bro loves you so much.” Your laughter increased when Juza's cheeks became a dark shade of red.
After calming each other down, the two of you removed your shoes. Juza let you enter first, closing the door when he set foot in the living room.
“Excuse me for the intrusion,” you said.
As your boyfriend led you to the dining room, a woman in her mid-forties stopped chopping some fruits and turned to you. Her wrinkles were noticeable but her grin stood out the most. Now you knew where Kumon had gotten his sunny smile.
“Hello, (First Name)-chan! We’ve been waiting for you.”
You bowed at Mrs. Hyodo and presented your basket. “Thank you for having me, Hyodo-san. Please accept this as an advanced Christmas gift.”
Mrs. Hyodo gasped at the bottles that filled the basket. “Thank you so much for the condiments! I will gratefully use them in my cooking."
You grinned. "You're welcome, Hyodo-san." Mr. Hyodo, who was standing beside his wife, peeked at the basket. Without a word, he slowly took it and placed it on one of the shelves.
As Juza sat on the chair nearest to him, you chose to sit beside him. You gaped at the food on the table - salad, miso soup, braised pork belly, wagashi and even a Christmas cake. All of them looked like a three-star Michelin chef cooked them.
Your eyes widened when you saw Kumon placing a plate of (Favorite Dish) on the table. You shot a questioning glance at your boyfriend. Juza rubbed the back of his nape as he said, “I asked mom if she could cook your fav food.”
"Nii-chan even chose the ingredients for it!" Kumon proudly declared as he sat beside his beloved brother.
“It was so sweet of Juza!" Mrs. Hyodo squealed as she set down the plate with fruits beside the salad. Then she sat down on the chair across from you, Mr. Hyodo following suit.
All of you clasped your hands. "Thank you for the food!"
While you wanted to savor Mrs. Hyodo's cooking, you could barely focus on eating. Mr. Hyodo's eyes scrutinized your every move like surveillance cameras. As an attempted distraction, you chatted with Mrs. Hyodo. However, Mr. Hyodo's gaze was too intense to ignore.
It was when you were drinking water to cool your nerves off that Mr. Hyodo suddenly spoke, “(First Name) (Last Name), what do you see in my son?”
You choked on your water. Juza rubbed your back, his worried eyes looking at you.
"(First Name)-san, are you alright?" Kumon said. You nodded despite almost dying because your air supply was momentarily cut off.
Mrs. Hyodo sighed at her husband. "Dear, don't go asking such questions so suddenly."
Mr. Hyodo averted his eyes from you and mumbled 'sorry.' You shook your head. “It's fine, Hyodo-san. And to answer your question..."
Two words immediately popped into your head when you thought of your boyfriend. Without any hesitation, you said, “I see Juza’s his passion and dedication in everything he does, especially in acting.”
Kumon's head popped into your view. “Then (First Name)-san, have you watched ‘Picaresque’?”
“Of course! Closing night was amazing! Actually, every performance Juza’s in is really good.” You beamed at your boyfriend who suddenly had the urge to chug down a glass of water.
“Yeah! But I really want to see Nii-chan as Luciano again.” You chuckled as you saw the familiar sparkles in Kumon’s eyes.
Mr. Hyodo cleared his throat. “I have another question for you, (First Name)-san.”
Cold sweats formed on your forehead as Mr. Hyodo’s (golden) gaze at you defeated the freezing air outside. With a deep and threatening voice, he said, “Do you like sweets?”
You slowly blinked. Did your ears hear Mr. Hyodo's words right?
Seeing your frozen state, Juza sighed at his father. “Dad, that’s unnecessary...”
After recovering from your initial shock, you managed to reply, “Well, I’m willing to eat sweets if it’s with Juza."
“If that’s so, I can bake some for your dates!” Mrs. Hyodo giggled, making the younger couple blush.
Meanwhile, Mr. Hyodo put his interlocked hands beneath his chin as he intently stared at his son. Juza stopped eating his cake and looked up. When he locked eyes with his father, Juza stared back at him with the same fervor.
In the middle of the fierce staring contest, Mr. Hyodo gave a thumbs up with the same serious expression. “I approve of her.”
You were unaware of how much you held back from breathing until you let out a deep sigh. Then your lips curled upwards. Meeting with the Hyodo family wasn’t as bad as you previously thought.
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a3-headcanons · 4 years
Hello! Could I request a Kumon x Reader, who is Sakyo's little sister? They like gushing on about their older brothers! Sorry if you had trouble with this! Thank you very much for your Hardwork! 💕
It's no trouble at all! Thank you for your request!
Kumon/Reader - Little Siblings
“(Name), did you see how cool Juza was just now?” Kumon whispered to you excitedly. You both were seated in the Mankai theater, watching a rehearsal of the Autumn Troupe’s newest show. Juza had just finished a particularly exciting action scene, but you hadn’t paid him any mind. 
Your eyes were on your brother, Sakyo. You smiled at him once or twice while he was on stage, but he didn’t break a sweat. Sakyo was the ever steely-eyed professional, deigning to talk to you only after rehearsals were done. 
“(Naaame), are you even listening to me?” Kumon pouted and shook your shoulders. You laughed and gave him a friendly flick on the forehead, which earned you even more pouting. 
“I’m listening, I’m listening... it’s just-” You sighed. “Sakyo’s so cool too... I just wish he would pay attention to me more!”
“Huh? You mean you haven’t noticed him smiling at you?” Kumon said, tilting his head.
“He has?” You replied, confused. “Sakyo would never lose his composure in front of an audience, no matter how small.”
“Just pay closer attention next time!” It was Kumon’s turn to flick your head, earning a noise of complaint from you. You were both caught up in your argument that neither of you noticed Juza and Sakyo approaching from the wings. 
“Hyodo.” Sakyo said, his voice firm. “What are you doing to my sibling?”
“Uh!” Kumon froze and you began to giggle. His ears went red and he looked away from your big brother, earning a sigh from Sakyo. 
“It’s okay, Sakyo! I’m alright,” You said, giving him a reassuring smile. “Kumon and I were just debating on whose the better brother!”
“...Hm.” Came Juza’s reply. Sakyo just shook his head and walked off with Juza trailing behind. As soon as they left, you and Kumon burst into laughter. 
“Sakyo’s so scary!” Kumon said, shivering slightly. You shook your head. 
“He’s just protective, don’t worry.”
“That just makes me worry more!”
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Hi! Summer trope anon! Yes, I would love for it to be requested, thank you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Anon had asked: Is it okay to request the what the summer trope boys taste like? Like chapsticks? I was obsessed with the chapstick challenge back in 2016 when I was like a freshman in hs I think idk 😂 but like hc of what they would taste like? Like Tenma = insert something this something that??
I never wrote this! So I really hope that I wrote it well! I hope that you have a great day!~
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🌻 Tenma Sumeragi = mint. Tenma is somebody who always tries to look perfect. As a famous actor, he just needs it, and there were one or two kissing scenes that he had to film, so it would always be a mint chapstick, so he would be fresh.
🧵 Yuki Rurikawa = something neutral, with no real taste. If Yuki would take something with an intense taste, it might distract him from his work, so he choses something less good tasting. Also, I have a feeling, that Yuki often forgets to use his chapstick, because he is too focused on his costumes.
🍬 Muku Sakisaka = strawberry. It’s a sweet taste, just like candy, which is why Muku often uses a strawberry chapstick.
🔺 Misumi Ikaruga = lemon. I believe that Misumi doesn’t use one, like Yuki, because he is too busy with his triangles. But he would use the chapsticks, which have triangles on it.
📱 Kazunari Miyoshi = orange and many others. Kazunari is somebody who loves to try many flavors.
⚾ Kumon Hyodo = cherry or strawberry. Just the same like Muku, and because his big bro would use a similar one.
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a3yumeblog · 4 years
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Ever since Kumon said that he loves baseball, you keep yourself updated to the upcoming events/match that will happen and watch past events during your free time to understand him better. Since then you grew an interest in baseball, but you don't know how to play at all. You thought just admiring and took a liking on baseball is enough for you.
As you were surfing the internet, searching for an upcoming baseball match near you, you found one, turns out it's Kumon's favorite team: Tigers and the game was set coincidentally on Kumon's birthday, as soon as you clicked the site the first thing you see is a notification on that website that says, 'Last two tickets for this match before complete sold out!! Grab yours now!' and unconsciously, quickly tapped the word 'buy', you looked down for a second and hid your phone inside your pocket, you slowly turned around and ran as fast as you can, grinning all the way to the Mankai dorms as you suddenly had a perfect idea.
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As you were running, you see Chikage walking to the front door of the Mankai dorms. He opened the door a bit and turned around to see who was running so fast.
"Hmm? Oh (y/n), what brings you here?" you ran straight to the door and completely ignored Chikage who's holding the door.
"Hi!! Sorry for barging in suddenly!" you exclaimed and catch your breath. You saw the director in the living room and requested her to gather all the boys in the Mankai dorms except Kumon, who's still in school. You made a perfect birthday plan with everyone in the Mankai dorms the day before his birthday.
*Kumon's birthday*
You suddenly asked Kumon for "help" on his day for an "errand" so you set up a meeting place. You saw him from afar waiting in front of the fountain, looking around.
"Fufu~ let the acting start!~" you say with a sly smile on your face. You waved from afar while running towards Kumon to get his attention.
"G-good morning! You..uh..look pretty today." he shyly said as he was blushing a little and averts his eyes to the side while brushing the side of his neck.
"HmmHmmm, aren't I always pretty every day?" you say with confidence impersonating Kanzaki Ranko's pose and brushed your hair backward.
"Hmm indeed" he became a bit different by impersonating Togashi Yuuta's pose, producing an “L” shape with the thumb and index fingers.
"Pffft, you look good today too, Kyu!"
"To be honest, I'm feeling down today, my favorite baseball team will play today and tickets were sold out at the last minute..I couldn't get those for both of us. I'm sorry.." he said with a discouraged tone.
"Don't be sorry." You took his hand and run trying to drag him and saying, "Come on let's go, we will be late for that errand!"
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"Wait- this is-"
You both heard the emcee who start speaking inside the stadium as both of you catch your breaths.
"We're just on time, the game is about to start! Let's go, Kyu." this time you held his hand lightly and sincerely smiled at him. He was taken aback for a second as he felt something tugged at his heart., but on the outside, he was blushing right after you turned your back on him and walk.
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*The match is reaching its peak*
"Hey about all of this, you-" he said as you turned your face to see him eye to eye. Suddenly his eyes widened and stood from his chair.
"AH! (y/n) duck!" you weren't fast enough to comprehend the situation as your eyes followed Kumon's hand, he is trying to catch something, he caught the foul ball that was about to hit towards you while his other hand hugged you, trying to protect you. You were shocked at how fast Kumon's reflexes are and caught the ball, and the other one is that Kumon held you in his arm tightly. The crowds in the stadium were astonished and applauded at Kumon and his fast reflexes.
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It's already sunset, as both of you walk on the way to the Mankai dorms.
"I hope you enjoyed my birthday present to you!" you said while grinning at him. He looked at the foul ball he was holding, full of signatures.
"Yes, I really did! They even signed this foul ball for me! Waaahh, this is such a meaningful day! I'll never forget about this!" he said as he looked at you with a genuine smile that no one else had seen yet. "I am grateful that I met you, (y/n). I'm glad you were there that time in the field during a rainy day, you saved me." unknowingly he held your hand and that made you flustered, unable to talk back. Looking like a happy couple enjoying the sunset walk, on the way home.
"Come to think of it, I haven't seen you yet playing baseball."
"It's because I don't know how.," you said in a sheepish tone.
"I can teach you! Let's start tomorrow, ~!" he said in a cheerful tone.
"(Ack!) That's so fast! Sigh, please take care of me then!"
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*Outside the dorms*
Kumon opened the door and was surprised as everyone gathered in front of him.
"Happy Birthday, Kumon!" everyone greeted. Kumon turned back to see you grinning like a sly one, and he just sighed happily.
"Thanks, everyone! Hehe, I’m glad I joined the dorms~! And met (y/n)!"
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