#a3! july
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gekkazine · 2 years ago
Zine Release!
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Hello everyone, thank you for your patience. Everyone's hard work has paid off, and Gekkagumi Zine: Phases of the Moon is now available to download.
Here is the link!!
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hajimariwaquartet · 2 years ago
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gekka song... perhaps...
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galaxystar17 · 2 years ago
Had a vision once in which Kazu unapologetically started calling july rourou-san as a nickname when they met annoying the shit outta him lmao
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galaxystar17 · 2 years ago
Okey. Well I don't usually write propaganda unless im hella invested in the ship (also its my first time writing such so bear with me🙈). And as you can see I AM HELLA INVESTED for once lmao This may be long and there might be some slight spoilers ahead. Thanks to anyone who will read this🫶
Yeah honestly at first I was surprised around a year ago while searching through the a3 rarepairs week tag on ao3. I remember finding like a few juligawa fics back then and being like 'wait a minute— july has ships?!'​ quickly followed by 'wait thats a thing now? Well okay lets see how the dynamic looks like'. I didnt expect them to grow on me so much that I would consider creating a fic for them but here I am.
So here I will give you some reasons that perhaps may show you why theyre worth giving a chance:
->the dynamic. The famous celebrity manager and a secret agent. It already spells chaos, doesnt it? One of them is a very nice guy, responsible, hardworking and always out there to help not only the kid that hes managing (Tenma) but also others. BUT that doesnt mean hes naïve or that he didnt experience anything. AND theres the secret agent dude. Mysterious, hella distrustful and blindly believing in the organization as his life purpose. The guy that will not step away from anything to complete his mission. Yet theres also an additional side to him. The side that hates the idea of any family whether by blood or a found one. July finds it pointless, meaningless, stupid and a waste of time. Why? Because he probably was horribly treated by his own (if he had one) and that made him believe that real family cant survive and the ties will break off anyways at some point. This is what he tried to prove to august as well. That idiot that was stubborn in his eyes, that traitor that chose a found family over the organizations values. Their shared values.
-> imho what the dynamic and situations they could find themselves in can bring would be some development. But not only feelings wise. Like yeah that too but besides that what i want to highlight is character development - specifically july's as I think he could actually learn more from igawa than vice versa.
For instance, as he would spend more and more time with our lovely manager and sometimes take care of/help Tenma he starts to actually look at the concept of a family differently. Slowly starts to realize what august meant back then with the whole found family thing. And most importantly that it wasnt useless, it wasnt stupid. That August, in the end, was actually right. Just July was too blinded by revenge for 'betrayal' that he couldnt see anything else.
-> redemption arc (of sorts) - i feel like after realizing his mistake in killing august without thinking it through and a good reason plus when he would finally get the whole family thing, July could regret his past actions. I mean I doubt he would quit his job, but at least I had this image in my head of gekka making peace with each other more or less, July apologizing to Chikage and Hisoka for the shit he put them through. And most importantly to August for killing him. Also had this image where all three of them sat down on a bench in mankai dorms and talked to/about august together. 😭
-> found family - Those two looking out for tenma like some two dads with a kid that theyre raising. Also the family would help july trust a bit more, would show him that he can rely on someone else and not always be alone. That families can stay strong through various hardships, if you try to keep up those bonds. He would see that there are people that truly care and love him regardless of what happened and welcome him with open arms as well as support him in his decisions. He could learn other ways to live than murder, spying and violence. He could grow as a person, become a better version of himself.
-> Angst material - im personally writing them a happy ending, but there has been quite a few of juligawa angsty fics which explore an interesting theme which is july's internal conflict of 'should i stay and possibly endanger them or should i leave to keep them safe?'. The latter option is what he chooses which does create angst as he mostly didnt explain anything about himself or whys he leaving and what has changed between him and Igawa. Sooo for all the angst lovers out there, theres some stuff for you :)
-> also the internal conflict of either choosing his beloved job or his found family is interesting to read about as well as the doubt he could have about if he can be accepted, if he truly deserves Igawa's love. If he truly deserves a family after he himself ruined one. THE ANGST YET AGAIN
-> beside the family thing, his feelings towards the manager would also play a role. I mean, maybe its just me but who doesnt like to see the cunning character one day realizing 'hey wtf i have feelings?!​ More importantly for him?' Those feelings specifically wouldnt allow him to leave Igawa and Tenma so easily as he planned. He got attached - something he knew he shouldnt have done, but it was already too late.
Sorry for the rambling. Im quite passionate about those two as you can see. Hope I convinced you at least a bit why they are actually worth checking out and voting for.
Round 1, Bracket 1, Side A, Eight poll
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Art of Juligawa by @ryukogo
Ichie Otonashi and Fumi Yumeoji [Ichifumi], Revue Starlight ReLIVE vs July and Igawa [Juligawa], A3! Act Addict Actors
Story of Ichifumi by @insertbrowsinghere
This goes back to, specifically, May 16th of 2022. I was trying to get into the Revue Starlight mobile game, since there was apparently a lot of my other favorite ship from the franchise, Junnana, in it. The problem was that I was having the problem I always have with new games of its nature, that being difficulty getting attached to the new characters. So, I decided to look through their descriptions on the loading screen during a big update. Two characters caught my eye, those characters being the character Michiru, and, more importantly, Ichie.
I posted that I think she was going to take over my brain (I was right) and a pal of mine mentioned that she and Fumi were a little gay together. I responded that I hadn't seen them together and was awaiting to see them, but I didn't expect to love them together. I just expected to know that they existed. I was so very wrong and as I am currently gazing at the exact moment I learned of them as a couple while looking for the exact moment I fell in love with them, I can only laugh at old me.
Suddenly they were hitting all my ship dynamics and Ichie became a primary reason as to why Fumi is even in the main cast. Surely, though, they wouldn't grow on me that much, I thought. They were silly together, but there was only so much depth there, right? Not anything that would soon rot my brain, anyways. Boom, Ichie reassuring Fumi that she beloved her and Fumi seeking out Ichie when the performance department was shut down. Boom, heavy emotional reliance between the two which transcended their usual dynamic. Boom, the ducking "Selfie-Master's Seminar" memoir. That last one ruined my life so much and by that point, I was in too deep.
I pathetically added them to my bio alongside my other three main ships, turning that trio into a life-ruining quartet. I began hunting for cards with stories centered around them but it couldn't get worse, I told myself. Then came Arcania Arcadia chapter 3/main story chapter 15. This ruined me, and it was all because of the fucking Ichifumi revue. There were other reasons attached, but that revue destroyed me.
The not at all serious reveal that Fumi had been supporting Ichie's streaming silently and secretly. Ichie calling out Fumi on her glamorization of the idea of beauty in death, since she saw it as an excuse. Ichie telling Fumi that she wanted to know more about her. Ichie's wish to see a stage that Fumi alone formed, in a franchise where this kind of thing is just sort of a love confession most of the time. Ichie letting Fumi win out of trust in her and Fumi doubting if she was truly the victor. All the impact this had on Fumi later. I was dying at this point, and then this game decided to beat my corpse down a little more by putting in the later scene where they reflected on their revue, Fumi tried to apologize, Ichie told her not to and they both resolved to move forward together.
Another stab was taken at my corpse with the scene in the final chapter where Ichie finally got to see a stage belonging to Fumi, and got to hold pride in it. I realized then I was in too deep. The characters I originally only expected to ship a little if at all had ruined my life. I could do nothing about it. I still can't and I am still in Ichifumi hell. Help.
Story of Juligawa:
When twitter bots were still active there was this bot called the Cursed Prompt Guy (@a3_promptbot) that randomly generated prompts and characters together. One fateful day, it generated this prompt .
[ CHARACTERS: Tenma Sumeragi, July // PROMPT: Butterfly kiss, Loyalty ]
Ss you may notice there is no slash, meaning it's just the two characters, no ship whatsoever. this is important.
See the thing here is that the character, Tenma Sumeragi, is the son of two world-famous actors. He was a child actor for TV before he decided to choose his own path and become a theater actor (since A3! is about theater boys), being a child actor means he had a manager, right? Enter: Igawa.
I was staring at the prompt, and for an entire moment, I just randomly thought 'now why would July swear loyalty to Tenma Sumeragi?'. This thought was immediately followed by '... hmmm (goes on Twitter/Discord servers) hey guys how old is july/igawa again', and then my friends, indulgently, answered me on both platforms - they were within the age range of each other as respectable adults
And then I just SAT THERE because at that very moment my brain EXPLODED like I was JIMMY NEUTRON because this ship did NOT make sense at all and YET, AND YET EVERYTHING MADE SENSE in my head suddenly for some reason.
See the first doddle I made of them with a caption
And my friends were like 'AYO HOLD ON HOLD ON RYU ARE YOU OKAY' and all I said was smth like 'sometimes things happen' and then about five hours later I published the first fic for them on Ao3. Apparently i wrote the fic at 8-ish PM on the same day I made the first doodle (at 6PM) then finished the fic around 11-ish PM.
And then my friend who is one of my ride-or-dies also published a fic around 12 midnight soon after me. I think the majority of the English-speaking fandom/western fandom who knows us thinks we're kinda crazy. It's okay we just like to indulge.
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rentokinozaki · 10 months ago
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mains ur side characters
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nqztan · 5 months ago
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end of summer (forgot to post now its autum)
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cherryblossomssmash · 8 months ago
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Happy Birthday Kumon! ⚾✨
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kendelias · 5 months ago
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OC HALLOWEEN 2024 → group costume
the a3! triad as the sanderson sisters (feat. ocs by @scarlettmaximoffs)
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intomybubble · 1 year ago
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Bitch stop omfg
I’m assuming these are going to be songs, and I am excited for it
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alpacitron · 2 years ago
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did the cover for @gekkazine featuring july, hisoka mikage, august and chikage utsuki!
you can find the link to suffer and cry (for free!) right OVER HERE
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starswallowingsea · 1 year ago
"I want to understand the stage better so I'm gonna go sleep on it" uh. okay. great plan?
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gekkazine · 2 years ago
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Today's spotlight is Percy @timeskip, one of our mods!
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galaxystar17 · 2 years ago
Been thinking about gekka and igawa's bdays because of my juligawa brainrot. Well im going stereotypical now but igawa gives me very structured virgo vibes (im saying stereotypical because look at settsu fucking banri - a virgo but never fucking structured ehem). And as virgo starts late august/early september that gave me an idea. yes i wont let july live peacefully, your honor.
I mean imagine july getting shocked and caught off guard at Igawa's bday date if he was indeed a virgo born in late august. Igawa talking about a month and July misinterpreting it because of guilt creeping deep inside of him that he tries to ignore. Something along the lines of this:
"Igawa-kun, when's your birthday~?"
"why do you ask?"
"Well just because... Plus you celebrated mine already so I kinda got curious"
"Ehm, I dont think its that important to know but my birthday is at the end of August"
"Yeah, why are you so surprised, Kagerou-san? August, 8th month of the year, a summer month?"
"Ah y-yeah right. Of course thats what you meant."
"What did you think I meant?"
"Its... nothing really. I'll remember that, thanks"
No but listen it would be quite interesting seeing him all panicked like "wait fuck did he figure it out? shit I thought I was careful when did it happen what do I do? The organization will kill me if he knows. Okay, July just play it cool like always so he wont notice a thing" as he's usually quite composed and igawa is just unaware and confused in guy looking at him like "why u panicking I just simply asked. Are you okay? Im sorry, didnt know that a month can get someone this startled".
*Kagerou is a name people on ao3 picked for July as he didn't have any mission name stated in canon unlike chikage, hisoka or august.
TLDR: juligawa birthday talk gone wrong.
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Round 2, Bracket 2, Side A, Fourth Poll
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Art of Juligawa by @ryukogo
Hiccup Horrendous and Jack Frost [FrostCup], How to train your dragon and Rise of Guardians vs July and Igawa [Juligawa], A3! Act Addict Actors
Story of Juligawa:
When twitter bots were still active there was this bot called the Cursed Prompt Guy (@a3_promptbot) that randomly generated prompts and characters together. One fateful day, it generated this prompt .
[ CHARACTERS: Tenma Sumeragi, July // PROMPT: Butterfly kiss, Loyalty ]
As you may notice there is no slash, meaning it's just the two characters, no ship whatsoever. this is important.
See the thing here is that the character, Tenma Sumeragi, is the son of two world-famous actors. He was a child actor for TV before he decided to choose his own path and become a theater actor (since A3! is about theater boys), being a child actor means he had a manager, right? Enter: Igawa.
I was staring at the prompt, and for an entire moment, I just randomly thought 'now why would July swear loyalty to Tenma Sumeragi?'. This thought was immediately followed by '... hmmm (goes on Twitter/Discord servers) hey guys how old is july/igawa again', and then my friends, indulgently, answered me on both platforms - they were within the age range of each other as respectable adults
And then I just SAT THERE because at that very moment my brain EXPLODED like I was JIMMY NEUTRON because this ship did NOT make sense at all and YET, AND YET EVERYTHING MADE SENSE in my head suddenly for some reason.
See the first doddle I made of them with a caption
And my friends were like 'AYO HOLD ON HOLD ON RYU ARE YOU OKAY' and all I said was smth like 'sometimes things happen' and then about five hours later I published the first fic for them on Ao3. Apparently i wrote the fic at 8-ish PM on the same day I made the first doodle (at 6PM) then finished the fic around 11-ish PM.
And then my friend who is one of my ride-or-dies also published a fic around 12 midnight soon after me. I think the majority of the English-speaking fandom/western fandom who knows us thinks we're kinda crazy. It's okay we just like to indulge.
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rentokinozaki · 1 year ago
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☆ july has been missing for 1500 days ☆
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mozukumi · 2 years ago
do you guys remember the theory that hajime yukishiro is july and the reason his artbook bio says he's 26 is because he just forgot how old he was when he lost his memory
him when he realizes he is potentially a bit older
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