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birinboom ¡ 1 year ago
7 (👀 i see you’ve listed a deku fic as a project!! 👀👀👀), 55, and 72 for the fanfic ask game! ✨✨✨
Thank you so much for asking! 💖💖💖 I’m sorry to tell you though that the Deku fic is still only a draft (I’ll never get it finished for New Year’s 😅) so I’ll post a different WIP snippet at the end.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I’ve noticed that I use the phrase ‘couldn’t help but __’ a lot. I know that I also use nature themes a lot, but generally I’m really bad at noticing these kinds of things 😅 Have any of you noticed patterns that keep reappearing in my fics? 👀👀
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I’ve gotten quite a few sweet comments like ‘didn’t know I needed this’ and ‘omg you should all read this!!’ but one of the ones that really sticks out to me is a comment that my writing was (partially) the reason a reader started writing again. The feeling that I’ve inspired someone that much - even if I was only one part of a bigger bout of inspiration - really makes me happy 🥹
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
Okay, so this needs a little bit of explanation. It’s from an upcoming fic called ‘Dragon’s Heart’, a fantasy fic with human!reader and dragon!Kirishima. The reader has been poisoned and has been suffering from high fevers and delirium and Kiri has been taking care of them for several days at this point.
「The first thing you noticed, as you fought to pull your mind from the depth of sleep, was Eijirou’s soft voice. It rose and fell, repeating the same pattern again and again. It took your addled mind a while to realize that he was singing to himself, and even longer before you could make out the words of his song.
Frigid winds are howling Ravens cry and wolves are prowling Seeking food and seeking rest Snowflakes fall, the cold is stinging In the trees no birds are singing Taking shelter in their nests
It slowly dawned on you why your fever dreams were full of the cries of birds and wolves, he must have been singing this exact song while you slept. Staying still, you listened as he drew in a deep breath, then continued,
All around are yearning For the warmth, yet frost is burning Still the wind blows from the North Come South-West who bests the winter Earth will thaw and ice will splinter  As she guides the springtime forth
Springtime. You could barely wait for spring. Eyes slowly closing again, you fell back asleep, your mind filled with the image of dots of vibrant green and yellow peeking out through the snow.」
Not sure when I’ll get this finished, I’ve been working on it for years at this point 😅
The song is a very loose translation of a Danish folk song called ‘It Is White Outside’ (‘Det Er Hvidt Herude’ by St. St. Blicher). I’m so sad that I couldn’t include the part about South-West and their wings of fog. It literally goes ‘come South-West who bests the frost / come with your wings of fog / come and release the bound earth’ (Kom sydvest som frosten tvinger / kom med dine tågevinger / kom og løs den bundne jord)
Fanfiction writing asks
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boopjuice ¡ 1 year ago
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You've got the fic writer vibes. Like gaydar, but for fandom
Pros of being a Fandom Old: - never have to worry about my mom finding out about my porn fic - have seen it all before and give few if any fucks
Cons of being a Fandom Old: - forced to work at actual job instead of writing fic all day - have seen it all before and get regular “ugh not again” moments
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joy-laufeyson ¡ 1 year ago
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Bakugo Katsuki fic recommendations
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(Reader inserts) Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics/scenarios (I don’t own any)
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@ a11eya's masterlist @ adoringmha's masterlist @ andypantsx's masterlist @ angelshimaa's masterlist @ bkgml's masterlist @ cinnamonreccs' masterlist @ moominsuki's masterlist
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• nsfw! suggestive • nsfw!! mature
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fluff / fever talk
sfw / the jealousy type
sfw / lucid dreaming
fluff / freckles
sfw / smau! number neighbor (masterlist)
sfw / “shut up and heal me���
fluff / apologizing
fluff / be my (fake) girlfriend
angst fluff / mean it
sfw fluff / truth or dare
fluff / falling in love with you
fluff / he hasn’t told his friends about you
angst fluff / petting his hair
fluff/ you fell asleep on him
fluff / helping him with his tie
nsfw! / lends you a shirt
angst fluff / seeing you cry
angst fluff / he wakes up
fluff / childhood sweethearts
fluff / accidentally sleeping together
time-skip (aged up)
sfw / drunk-dazed
fluff / as the sun goes down
fluff / permanent ink
angst fluff / kiss me!
fluff / runaway party
fluff nsfw!! / birthday
fluff / valentines day (part 1, part 2)
fluff / ...but I don't like a gold rush
angst fluff / “do you think i’m a good person?”
fluff / hero awards
sfw / going to bed upset
fluff / most beautiful woman
fluff / late night confessions
fluff / anyone would be silly not to love you
angst fluff / tears
fluff / interviews (masterlist)
fluff / skincare
fluff / he only likes real kisses
fluff / hot cocoa
fluff / scars
fluff / 4:29
fluff / secret santa
angst fluff / you remind him that he is a person
fluff / baby
fluff / "go back to sleep"
fluff / a lot better now
fluff / can’t sleep until you’re home
fluff / the stages of me and you
sfw / you get dumped twenty seconds before meeting your boss
angst fluff / emotionally constipated
fluff/ he doesn't want to go
fluff / eating your leftovers
sfw / drunk
angst fluff / when you have a bad day
nsfw! / victoria secret set
nsfw! / nails
angst fluff / charred dreams
fluff / au beauty mark
angst fluff / stay
fluff / physically unable to find you unattractive
sfw / "that's my wife"
sfw / it's you
sfw / cologne
sfw / don't let your guard down
fluff / denying him a kiss
fluff / worried about you
fluff / florist
angst fluff / clumsy love
fluff / kiss it all off
fluff / better than a blanket
fluff / coming home
fluff / scars
fluff / vibrations of your body
fluff / tender moments
fluff / i just got a crush
sfw / a softie for sentimentality
fluff / gingerbread house
fluff / i´ll be home for christmas
sfw / weak for neck kisses
fluff / type of woman
fluff / on bare and freckled skin
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other bnha fics
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cashmoneyyysstuff ¡ 8 months ago
babbeeee pls rec some bkg short fics
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no but in all seriousness here are some i like ! im not all that good w recs, sorries <3
way too deep by @omitea this one was just OUGHHHH
curry ramen by @call-me-ko this one was so cute i loved !
soft spot by @jxwl4k this one was super sweet i lubbed it !
surprise gift by @faithfulren short n soooo sweet !
flower territory by my sweet SWEET MOOTIE @catsoupki EIRRUGHE GO READ IT NOW I BEG !!! peak upon peak (and its based of a fic of mine so tehehehe nah nah nah boo boo i got a fic and yooouuu dont :P)
8:46 by my mootie @seumyo its SOOOO cute def recomment their works periodt. (while you're at it go read this one while you're at it ! fucking peak)
this one by @a11eya was RZAGAGAHAGh it was so cute and so real jealous little shit katsuki (and lowkey sassy shouto) my favs
THIS ONE by @insomniacsmind AUARGHAGAHA thats all i gotta say. tew cute
this whole three parter by @justauthoring is fucking. FIRE read it NEOOOWW
deep down by @suashii is SOOOO cuteee!!!
aand this ICONIC one by @emmyrosee !!!...who i realised a little too late i accidentally stole the title too in one of my fics LFMAO???? ..woopsies so sorry about that im your biggestfan <333 !! but its so good ive been obsessed with it since forever i wish i could tattoo it onto my skin read it read it
much luvv xxx
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promotionbnha ¡ 3 months ago
BNHA/MHA BLOG LIST (Fall-Winter of 2024) (1/1)
This list will contain blogs that contain mature content.
Here is the link to SFW Blogs List 
This blog list does contain Character x reader or Character X OC TO BOTH.
Do let me know if I got any labels wrong for anyone, please do correct me.
Labels as the description of the following blogs: 
[ **** ] = Does NSFW and other themes (angst, fluff)
{R} = Mature Content (Yandere, Dark themes, etc.)
[ ~~ ] = Fluff or Angst (Has SFW CONTENT)
[ …. ] = Haven’t posted NSFW/unsure of posting it
 (?) = Trying to figure it out
Please let me know if you'd like to add a different label that wasn’t provided.
Label with Symbol, I am not sure what the label of your blog is. Please contact me if you have it. ♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡
@90s-belladonna  [ **** ]
@a11eya [ **** ]
@accidentcache [ **** ]
@acerathia [ **** ] {R}
@actuallysaiyan [ **** ] {R}
@adoringmha [ **** ]
@a-ikuoliver [ **** ] {R}
@ameliaenya404 [ **** ]
@andypantsx3 [ **** ]
@anotherlifelesshawksloverplshelp [ **** ] ?
@atticintheforest [ **** ] [ …. ]
@aquadenks [ **** ]
@awalkingshame [ **** ]
@baby-tini {R}
@bakugotrashpanda [ **** ]
@bfkg [ **** ]
@bkgexe [ **** ]
@bleach-your-panties [ **** ] {R} ?
@bnhabadass [ **** ]
@bokunoheros [ **** ] {R}
@bunnibombz [ **** ] ?
@candycandy00 [ **** ] {R}
@chaos-night [ **** ] {R}
@citrustsuki [ **** ]
@cogentsummoner [ **** ]
@comfy-animewriter {R} [ ~~ ]
@crushmeeren [ **** ]
@dabihawksluva [ **** ]
@dabislittlemouse [ **** ] {R}
@darkdevasofdestruction [ **** ]
@dashielldeveron [ **** ]
@dead-boys-club [ **** ] {R}
@doki-doki-imagines [ **** ]
@ectologia {R}
@fantasydaydreamers [ **** ] {R}
@florascent [ **** ]
@gamblersdoll [ **** ] {R}
@ghoularaki {R}
@heich0e [ **** ] ?
@herofics {R} [ ~~ ]
@imagination-mess [ **** ]
@izvmimi [ **** ]
@jujutsukgojo [ **** ] {R}
@kacchans-waifu [ **** ]
@kingkatsuki [ **** ]
@kweenkatsuki-fics [ **** ] {R}
@lightseoul [ **** ]
@linphd [ **** ]
@missmartian101 {R}
@mossy-opal [ **** ] {R}
@neon-gothicc [ **** ]
@oddmawd [ **** ] {R}
@ofmermaidstories [ **** ]
@omiangelic [ **** ]
@pastelbakugou [ **** ]
@peachsukii [ **** ] {R}
@prettyboykatsuki [ **** ] {R}
@red-riot-unbreakable-heart [ **** ]
@restwellsoon [ **** ] {R}
@scary-grace [ **** ] {R}
@searenbound [ **** ] {R}
@seneon {R} [ ~~ ]
@sericasong [ **** ]
@shigarakislaughter [ **** ]
@shooting-stars-library [ **** ]
@sightoru [ **** ] {R}
@stellamancer [ **** ] [ …. ]
@strawberrystepmom[ **** ] {R}
@sugarlywhispers [ **** ] {R}
@takami-takami [ **** ] ?
@talpup [ **** ] {R}
@tteokdoroki  [ **** ] {R}
@vonabel [ **** ] {R}
@what-the-dark-has-foretold [ **** ]
@willossom [ **** ]
@willowser [ **** ]
@with-my-calamitous-love [ **** ]
@writingrock [ **** ]
@yanderenightmare [ **** ] {R}
Commission(s) Recommendation:
@54prowl (Contact them for more details.) (Closed at the moment.)
If they are not open or closed, DO CORRECT ME!
They are creating in their own time.
They work really hard on their craft!
Comments or simple reactions (e.g., I love this!, etc.) can go a long way in brightening a creator's day.
Remember to show appreciation to your favorite creators!
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subbing-for-katsuki ¡ 2 months ago
Worth the wait!!! 🩷🩷🩷
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TITLE: lights will guide you home
PAIRING: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
SUMMARY: Soul-lights aren’t as common in this day and age as they were in the past, before quirks, but they’re common enough that people do still find their soulmates.
At thirteen, you meet Bakugou Katsuki, and he lights up for you in orange and gold. You tell him he's your soulmate. He sneers and tells you that you aren't his. He makes your adolescence miserable until you part ways.
You meet again as adults, late at night, in a grocery store, over a pile of bok choy. He apologizes for how he treated you when you were children.
(In which you have a choice—to reject Bakugou's apology, reject him, or to let him show you the man he's become, to learn with him what it means to love and forgive.)
TAGS: soulmate au, trope inversion/subversion, slow burn, getting together, falling in love, fluff, aged up characters, pro-hero characters, eventual smut, mild bullying
NAVIGATION: Series Masterlist
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“And you haven’t heard from Bakugou?”
“I haven’t.” Kirishima wrings his hands as you nod and look away, trying to hide your expression. In other circumstances, the sight of such a big man—fiery red hair, sharp teeth, muscles and all—fretting in such a way would’ve been funny. Sweet. But as it is, your worry shadows everything.
The first couple of days after Bakugou falls off the grid, you’re a little annoyed. He couldn’t have spared a minute to reply before leaving? Or at least given you an estimate about when he’d be back? Given you a heads up at all?
But a couple days quickly turn into a week, and you begin to worry. Is this normal? Can you call his agency to ask? Or would that be inappropriate, you butting your head into hero business? 
You don’t know if you’re being irrational or if you’re being overbearing when you and Bakugou are just friends. Unrequited soulmates don’t count. You have no real claim to knowledge regarding his whereabouts, his movements. You’re just friends. 
But friends can worry about their friends. That’s totally normal. So you figure—it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Just one call.
“Hi Aiko. I was just wondering…” You hesitate. “You know how Bakugou—Dynamight is away on a mission right now? Would you happen to know when he’ll be back?”
“I’m sorry.” Even over the phone, her regret comes clear through. “I don’t have high enough clearance to know that info. And even if I did, it’s agency policy not to share that kind of information.”
“Oh, don’t be sorry,” you tell her, forcing a cheerful tone. You gnaw at your lip, feeling a little lost. What now?
“But I’m sure Red Riot would know!” she says, just as you make up your mind to say your goodbyes and hang up. “Would you like to schedule a meeting with him?”
You immediately perk up.
“Yes, please!” 
Kirishima touches your shoulder. He says, “I think Bakugou’s been instructed to go dark for this mission.”
You look up into his earnest eyes.
“None of our friends have heard from him either,” he tells you. 
“Oh.” The ball of anxiety that’s been sitting on your chest like a weight lightens just a little. So it’s not just you. 
But is that a bad thing? No one’s heard from him?
The weight returns. 
“Is it normal for him to take missions like this?” you ask. “You guys are used to it?”
Kirishima frowns, looking conflicted. “No… These longer missions are usually reconnaissance or stealth missions, and Bakugou’s quirk doesn’t really mix well with them. But there might be other reasons for him to go dark.”
“I see,” you say, gaze falling to the ground as frustration swells in you. 
You’re so clueless about the hero profession. You don’t know what’s normal, how you should be feeling. If the relative calm Kirishima’s exuding is something you should mimic or if the calm’s due to his familiarity with situations like this. And it’s your own fault. Because in the months you’ve spent learning Bakugou, you could’ve asked about all this. About what he does and what’s to be expected. But you didn’t. 
“Look, please don’t worry.” Kirishima ducks his head to look you in the eye. “Bakugou’s really, really good at what we do. He wouldn’t want you to stress over him being gone.”
“Right,” you say, summoning a weak smile. 
“I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything,” Kirishima promises.
“Thanks Kirishima,” you say. 
“Call me Kiri, if you’re comfortable with it!” he says, grinning. “And send me pics of Mikan and Natsu. Bakugou’s stingy about sharing them.” 
Laughing, you agree. 
You: I finally got Kirishima’s number! Remembered to ask him while stopping by the agency this morning 😌
You send a picture you’d taken—Kirishima grinning in the background with the smoothie you’d gotten him, and you throwing up a peace sign at the camera. 
Smiling a little, you imagine Bakugou’s reaction upon seeing the picture, seeing your message. He has no right calling you squirrely when he’s so weird about you being friendly with Kirishima. You’re not sure, but if you could hazard a guess, you think it’s because he’s uncomfortable with mixing friend groups. Which you can understand—sometimes it just doesn’t work, or it’s awkward to facilitate. But still. 
You admit that it’s fun getting reactions out of Bakugou, that sometimes you do things on purpose. You miss messing with him. 
Your messages finish sending, finally. But just like the other texts you’ve sent over the past few days, there’s no indication that they’ve been delivered. 
Your smile fades. 
“Hey, what’s up?”
Your head jerks up from your phone as you meet your friend’s eyes. Feeling strangely guilty, you set it down on the table in front of you as she settles back into her seat. 
Mitsuru raises an eyebrow at you. “You’ve been glued to that thing today. You expecting  to hear from someone?”
“Kind of,” you say, then make a face. “Or, I guess, not really. I’m not sure.” 
“The most convoluted answer,” she says, snorting. “Here, pick something from the dessert menu while I flag down that server. You can tell me what’s up with you while we eat.”
Sighing, you take the menu from her. 
Mitsuru’s sharp as a tack in general, but she’s also known you since middle school. It’s not often you wish you could hide things from her, but this time might be one of them. 
You haven’t told anyone about reconnecting with Bakugou. Not Mitsuru, or any of your other friends. You hadn’t even noticed you’d kept your friendship with Bakugou to yourself until recently. You’re not sure why. It’s not like you’re actively hiding it. It’s just… how it’s turned out. 
Okay, maybe you’ve been hiding it a little from Mitsuru specifically. But it’s because she knows him from your time at Aldera. She’d witnessed how mean he was to you, had gotten into verbal scuffles with him, defending you, until you’d asked her to stop.
So. You know that she doesn’t have a good impression of Bakugou. Even after all these years, when she sees ads or merch of him, she rolls her eyes. 
But you do want to talk to someone about it, about him, if only to get some objectivity about your worry. And Mitsuru, with her frank, realistic outlook on the world, is perfect for the job. 
So you tell her about it���an abbreviated, edited version of it. About this friend you’d gotten to know over the past couple months. The “business trip” he’d gone on with little notice and no heads up about when he’d be back. That’s you’re worried because you haven’t heard from him. 
Hiding details—that it’s Bakugou, that the trip is a hero mission—makes you shift in your seat, a stone in your stomach. But you’re scared of what Mitsuru would say. What she’d think if she knew. She’d only ever seen the cruel child he’d been. 
Mitsuru gives you a look when you finally fall silent. She plays with her nails, painted to look like glass, haloed like cat’s eyes, then lifts a hand to wrap a strand of black hair around her finger. 
“This friend of yours,” she says. “It’s Dynamight, isn’t it.” 
Your eyes widen. You choke on the water you’d been sipping. 
“What? Why would you—”
Mitsuru watches as you stumble over your words, mind racing as you try to figure out what to say. She sighs. 
“It’s okay. You don’t have to confirm anything if it’ll get you into trouble or something. But I’ve had my suspicions since I saw those promotional pics he took with those kittens. They’re the ones you’re fostering, right?”
Fuck. You should’ve thought of that. Mitsuru was the first to meet them, all those months ago.
“And then there was that noise on social media about Dynamight at that fancy pet store you were excited to try out a couple months back. Don’t think I wouldn’t recognize the back of your little head,” Mitsuru says, eyes narrowed at you. 
You stare at her for a long moment, scrambling for things to say to deny it. She’s cool, eyes steady.
You cover your face with a hand. 
“You can’t tell anyone,” you say, letting your hand fall, and she scoffs. 
“Who do you think I am,” she says. 
“You’re the only one I’ve told about him.” 
Mitsuru raises a brow. She crosses her arms over her chest. “I appreciate you confiding in me, I do, but… I remember that little shit did to you when we were in junior high. What the hell are you thinking?”
You wince. “I know how it sounds. But he really has changed, Mitsuru. He’s not that little kid anymore. That bully. People grow up.”
Mitsuru’s mouth remains downturned, eyes distrustful. 
“We really did meet months ago,” you say. “And within the first five minutes of conversation, he apologized. I wasn’t ready for it then, but… But since then, we’ve spent time together. Gotten to know each other. And he’s only ever been kind to me.” 
You find that your words catch in your throat, an unexpected wave of emotion flowing through you. Fiddling with your fingers, you say quietly, “We’re friends now.”
You raise your eyes to meet Mitsuru’s. 
Her expression has changed, softened a little. She reaches over and rubs your arm up and down briskly.
“Hey,” she says. “You don’t have to justify anything or feel any type of way about being friends with him given your history. I trust your judgement. I’m just worried, is all.”
“I get it,” you say. “He really was an asshole as a kid. But he’s a better person now. Promise.” 
You feel your words with a certainty you didn’t have months ago. The Bakugou you know, who cares deeply for his friends, who’s always honest, who admits his mistakes, who puts so much effort and care into his job, helping people, protecting people—he’s a good person. One of the best people in your life. 
Mitsuru leans back into her chair. She inhales deeply, exhales. She says, “Just one more thing. I… I know you say he’s your soulmate, that you can see his lights—”
Your breath catches. You know she doesn’t mean anything by it. But her doubt hurts. It echoes yours, feeds into an insecurity that’s only just tempered by the reassuring flicker of orange and gold when you see Bakugou.  
“—but I remember how unkind he was when he told you it’s not a mutual thing. I don’t know if you’ve already resolved that with him, but… I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
“I know.” You tap your foot against hers under the table. “Thank you. Really. And we… haven’t talked about it yet. It hasn’t come up.” 
“Why not?”
You shrug, looking away. Prickles of discomfort race up and down your arms. You should talk about it. But. What if it changes things between you? 
Mitsuru studies you for a long moment, then sighs. “All right. All right. But as your friend, I reserve the right to yell at him the second he fucks up. Just letting you know.” 
You snort, tension releasing. “Yes, yes.”
“And you gotta introduce us. Re-introduce us.” 
“I will!” 
Mitsuru reaches over and pinches you in the arm. You whine.
She grins. “Okay, now tell me how the cats got tangled up in being promotional material for Super Explosion Guy blah blah blah. I can be nosy now that you’ve said something.”
You laugh. “His hero name is one of the funniest things about him, isn’t it? So it started because of that pet shop…”
Natsu, your sweet girl, is finally adopted. The paperwork is finalized, Bakugou’s PR people and the foster organization wrap up all loose ends, and you say goodbye. 
It’s quieter, once she’s gone. Lonelier. She was never a noisy cat, but she would always curl up in your lap whenever you’d read or watch something on the couch. Make biscuits on you when you’d drape a blanket over your legs. She was the cuddliest of the three. 
Mikan’s lost both his playmates, and you try to make up for it with extra play time and mental stimulation via things like treat puzzles. You’re glad you still have him. You don’t know what you’ll do when he leaves you too. He’s so big now. 
To distract yourself, you sign up for a cooking class. It’s just one lesson, two and a half hours. You want to feel out the chef instructor, the vibes of doing something like this, before investing in other packages where more lessons are offered over the course of several weeks. 
It’s surprisingly really fun. You’d gone in worried about your knife skills, about keeping up with the instructor. But you shouldn’t have because everyone is super nice and encouraging. The instructor is attentive, patient. And what you make ends up being surprisingly delicious. 
Mitsuru comes over for dinner the next night and you prepare it for her. It’s a hit. 
“How’s pilates been?” you ask, and Mitsuru groans, reclining further into the couch and patting her belly.
“A nightmare,” she says. “I didn’t think it’d be so tough. You’d think two decades of playing sports and generally being active would help. It does in some ways, but not really. You know, I got the shakes yesterday? We were doing an exercise on the reformer and my leg kept shaking, like I had no control over it. It was so embarrassing, jeez. I was at the front of the room, too.” 
You laugh, imagining it, then shake your head. “If you think it’s hard, there’s no hope for me.”
She turns her head to look at you, eyes brightening. “Are you interested? Forget everything I said. It’s amazing. Life-changing. So fun. Easy, even. Come join.” 
Laughing, you push her away as she smacks your leg in enthusiasm. 
“Have you tried pilates?” you ask Kirishima as he finishes taking a big sip of the smoothie you’d gotten him. He’s just wrapped up a workout, and you’re visiting on your lunch break. 
“No,” he says, tilting his head. “My friend Mina does classes at a studio, though, if you’re interested.” 
“I’m definitely not,” you say. You give him a quick rundown of the conversation you had with Mitsuru, adding, “It just got me thinking about maybe joining a gym or picking up something easy I can do consistently. When I moved to this neighborhood two years ago, I canceled my old membership because of the distance. But with how much I’m chained to my desk at work, I figure I should find a new gym.” 
“If you’re down, I can get you started with a couple workouts here at our agency’s gym until you find something you like,” Kirishima tells you. “I know some gyms in this area, so if you want, I’d be happy to help you look, too!” 
You smile up at him. 
“That’d be great, Kiri, thank you! You sure helping me with workouts won’t interfere with your schedule?” 
“We’ll work it out, don’t worry.” He grins at you, giving you a look as if to say, Did you catch that? Did you get it? 
You laugh, shaking your head. “I’m going to ignore that. That’s terrible.” 
“Aww.” Kirishima ducks his head. 
You shake yours. “But really, thank you. For the gym stuff and just for being so nice in general.” 
“Well, we’re friends, aren’t we? Always happy to help a friend.” 
You smile. You open your mouth, then hesitate.
You like Kirishima, think you can become even better friends with time. Still, you’re conscious that you haven’t known him long. That the topics of your conversations have been everyday, casual ones.
But lately, certain heavier thoughts have been plaguing you. Despite keeping busy at work, indulging your interests, investing in your other relationships, you can’t stop thinking about Bakugou. It’s been two weeks now. 
Before, Bakugou being a pro hero meant that every once in a while you’d see him on the news if a villain altercation was serious enough to get covered. It meant seeing him in uniform on the streets during patrol, discreetly waving at him as you passed by on your way to and from work. 
Now it means struggling with not knowing where he is, when he’ll be back, if he’s safe. When you’ll see him again and if he’s okay.
How do heroes, especially ones who grow up together as classmates like those attending UA or Shiketsu, handle all these feelings? How do their—their friends, their families, and their partners manage the fear and uncertainty? 
You know you’re not doing a good job of it.
Looking up into Kirishima’s friendly face, those bright eyes and comforting smile, you take a little leap. 
“Can I ask you a question? A kind of serious one.” 
“Anything!” Kirishima says. He gestures for you to sit on a nearby bench, taking a seat next to you after you’re settled. 
“What’s up?” he asks. 
You take a deep breath and decide to just go for it. 
“How do you deal with it? The worry, the… all these terrible feelings when your friends are risking their lives fighting people or going off on these long missions?” You have to stop yourself there, worried that if you keep going, you won’t be able to stop; all of these feelings you’ve been grappling with will just come rushing out. 
Kirishima’s gaze softens, understanding. His mouth sets into a thoughtful line as he considers your question. 
“It never stops being tough,” he says slowly. “Simple patrols can turn into fights, or chases, or rescues all the time. Other heroes with more specialized quirks and jobs can be put into even more danger than us regular heroes, depending. I went to school with people who told us the risks, and we faced them. Even earlier than we should’ve.”  
For a moment, the planes of his face fall into a weariness, a seriousness you’d never seen on him before. That lovely light in his eyes dims, just a little. 
He meets your gaze. “And we still stayed on with the job. For lots of us, helping people, keeping people safe, it’s worth all of it. But for our family, partners, who’re civilians, it’s hard.” 
“So it never gets easy? You just have to live with it?” you ask quietly, that burden settling heavy in your heart.
“I don’t know about easy. But. For me, uh. I don’t know if this’ll be helpful at all, but, um, I try to stay in the present. I used to always be thinking about what ifs or things that hadn’t happened—yet, I thought, and worked myself up. Still do sometimes. But one of my former teachers told me that that’s no way to live your life. Miss out on so much doing that.”
You can relate.
Kirishima tilts his head, thinking for a moment. 
“Oh! And of course there are, like, mental health professionals and support groups I can connect you to. If you want! Lots of heroes see someone regularly, and so do their family members or partners,” he says. 
“I’d like that,” you tell him. 
He smiles at you, reaches out to pat your hand. “Talking about it helps. Having community helps me most, personally. Friends who have my back, family who care. So. If you need someone. I’m always here, okay? I got you.”
An open hand, so readily offered. 
A little lump rises in your throat. These people you’ve met—Bakugou, Kiri, Pulsar, Shieldmaiden—really are heroes. They’re such good people. 
“Thanks, Kiri,” you say with a wobbly smile. 
The days continue to pass, and you try to stay balanced, focused. Some days you succeed, and others you don’t. 
A new restaurant near your work opens up, specializing in your favorite cuisine, and you and a coworker head out to try it. 
You’re waiting for the light to change for the crossing, chatting with your coworker, when a flicker of orange catches your eye. 
You raise your head, your coworker’s voice receding into the background as you slowly scan the streets for what’d caught your attention. 
There. That orange and gold is unmistakable. Your breath catches. 
“Bakugou,” you say, and—his name feels like it’s ripped out of you, a compulsion. The vowels and consonants are lost to the bustle of city life, but his name remains, a question on your tongue. 
You nearly start forward, stepping into the street, before remembering yourself. It’s so hard to resist the urge to run after him, cars be damned, what your coworker would think be damned. But you hold yourself still, tense. Eyes locked on the man walking further and further away from you.
It’s him, right? If he wasn’t wearing a hoodie, you’d be able to tell for sure by his hair, his build. But the hoodie obscures the lines of his body. This far away, you can no longer make out any flashes of orange and gold.
The wait for this pedestrian crossing is so fucking long. You’re going to file a complaint to—to someone, to whomever is in charge of this shit. Fuck. 
Biting your lip, you watch as his figure disappears around the corner. 
“What’d you say?” your coworker asks, jostling you. 
You blink, feeling a little out of body, dazed. Your coworker peers into your face, concerned. 
“You good?” 
“I—yeah. I’m fine.” Forget about lunch. You need to check your phone. 
But before you can do so, your coworker grabs your elbow, propelling you forward. “Hey, the light’s changing, c’mon.”
Maybe you imagined it. Maybe it wasn’t him. 
The second you got the chance, you checked your phone. But there were no messages from Bakugou waiting for you, none from Kiri. Just a couple from Mitsuru, one from your mom, another from a coworker asking you to pick something up from the restaurant for them. 
Maybe you’re losing it.
You sigh, stroking down the length of Mikan’s back, eyes watching but not perceiving the show you’d put on. 
He’d text you if he were back in town, right? Kiri would give you a heads up. So it was your wishful thinking earlier, your imagination. 
You miss him. It’s been almost three weeks. You’ve thought about reaching out to the groups Kiri recommended to you, but you always chicken out at the last minute, phone in hand, number undialed. 
Kiri’d said that heroes’ family or partners go to these things. He hadn’t mentioned friends. Would it be weird to show up just as a hero’s friend? Would telling them he’s your soulmate help justify it? 
But no, because. What would you even say? Hi, I’m a hero’s friend. Yeah, just friends. Well, no, technically he’s also my soulmate. What do I mean by technically? Well, he’s mine but I’m not his. So yeah. 
Even the thought of admitting that to strangers makes you nauseous. 
And what if you slip and say his name? You don’t want people to know you’re talking about Bakugou. You’re not sure you’re allowed to say he’s on a mission. You’re still not sure you want people outside your personal lives aware that you know each other, are friends. 
You pick Mikan up, lifting him to eye level, and bury your face in his side. That nice cat smell envelops you for a nice moment. 
He squirms out of your grip, jumping to the floor. Giving you a look, he begins washing his fur with his tongue. 
You slump into the couch, defeated.
Bright and early, the next morning finds you at the agency in workout clothes. 
All night, you’d tossed and turned, mind busy. You’d fallen into a fitful sleep around 2 AM, only to wake up again around 5 AM. At that point, you gave up and decided that maybe if you tired your body out, your mind would shut up and let you rest. At the very least, you’re grateful it’s a Saturday and you don’t have to come in to work. 
Flashing a quick smile and wave to the front desk, you use your access card to head up to the gym. The halls are quiet, and the few people using the gym are people you don’t know. 
You slip on some headphones and get to work. 
Truthfully, you shouldn’t be mooching off Kiri’s—and Bakugou’s—generosity. But you’ve really enjoyed the workouts you’ve had with Kiri this past week. He designed a workout routine for you and demonstrated the exercises you’ve been doing. He’s encouraging, and he knows just how far to push you. He really has a way with people. It’s made you less motivated to seek out your own gym. You’ve been spoiled. 
You’ll look into the gyms Kiri recommended later today, you resolve. After a nap. The workout’s done its job. You clean up the machine you’d been using and head out. 
You’re mid-yawn, eyes squinted and watering, so you don’t catch that someone’s trying to enter the gym at the same time as you’re exiting until it’s too late. 
“Oh, sorry,” you say, quickly wiping at your eyes, embarrassed. When they’re clear, you look up, then freeze. 
Bakugou grunts. Says your name in greeting. His eyes quickly scan you up and down before coming to rest on your face. 
You’re warm, very aware that you’re still a little sweaty. You hope you don’t smell. You want to hug him so badly, but you’re too nervous. You’re self-conscious, shy. You don’t know what’s gotten into you. 
He looks tired, eyes weary. His hair’s grown out a little, longer than you’re used to seeing on him. A bandage rests right below his scar, stark against his skin. 
The little details don’t matter. You’re so happy to see him. You’re smiling, not realizing it. 
When Bakugou doesn’t say anything more, you ask, “When did you get back?”
He hesitates for a second, looks at the wall next to you, then back at you. 
“A couple days ago,” he says shortly. 
You pause. 
“A couple days ago?” you repeat. A feeling you can’t quite name begins to creep up the back of your neck. It’s not a nice feeling. “Oh. Did you, I mean, were there a lot of post-mission things you needed to do?”
“Yeah. A bunch of annoying bullshit.” 
You make a sympathetic sound. There, you tell yourself silently. He had reasons for not giving you a heads up that he’s been back. The world doesn’t revolve around you. 
“What’re you doing here?” he asks. 
The gym’s doors open behind you as someone exits, and Bakugou puts a hand on the small of your back, pulling you to the side and out of the way. 
His hand on your back, even through your clothes, is warm. 
It takes you a second to reply. “Kiri said it’d be okay if I use the agency’s gyms until I find my own. I hope that’s okay.”
“S’fine,” he says. 
His hand’s still on your back. He’s standing so close to you, just looking at you. At your face, darting down your body, as if committing you to memory. As if it’s something you won’t notice. You don’t mind at all. You can’t take your eyes off him either. 
“I—sorry, I gotta ask, it’s bothering me,” you say. “I hear that you’ve been busy, but. A quick, ‘Hey I’m back, I’m fine’ message would’ve been appreciated, y’know? If you were allowed. Was it that you weren’t allowed to tell non-heroes that you’re back?”
Bakugou’s hand falls away from you. He exhales deeply and crosses his arms over his chest. 
“No. Just didn’t have time to talk to you.”
Something sharp and unpleasant rises as a slow wave in you. You remind yourself that busy is busy, and some things aren’t in his control. 
But—it’s been days. If it really was him you saw the other day, out in the city, it’s been at least four days. And it looks like he was heading into the gym before you bumped into him.
Frowning, you shift your gym bag to your other hand, bowing your head. “Bakugou. You were gone a long time, and I had no idea what was happening with you. I feel like you could’ve shot me a quick message.”
“I told you I was gonna be on a mission,” he says, furrowing his brows. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t say when you’d be back, or if it’d be dangerous, or anything except just that,” you say, voice rising a little at the end. 
Inhaling deeply, you force yourself to breathe, speak normally. “Neither Kiri nor the agency could tell me anything. It sucked, Bakugou. I just wanna know what’s going on.” 
Bakugou scowls. 
“Look, I told you I’ve been busy,” he says. “I just got back, give me a fucking second. And I can’t always tell you shit just because it’s inconvenient for you not to know.”
The gym doors open once more, another person leaving, and you become hyper aware that you’re having this conversation in public. Suddenly, you don’t want to be having this conversation anymore. 
“You’re right,” you say evenly. “Sorry for overstepping. I’ll let you get to your workout.”
You move to get past him, and he steps in front of you. You stop just short of touching, your hands tightening into fists. The strap of your bag digs into the meat of your hand.
“Fuck,” Bakugou says. “You’re not getting it. Stop taking shit personally. It doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
You look at him. Shaking your head, you say, “You know what? I’m done here. Bye.”
“We’re not done with shit,” Bakugou says.
“Well I’m done, so back off.”
“Not until—”
“Look, Bakugou,” you say, voice trembling. Shit. You don’t want him to think you’re crying, because you’re not. You’re just so mad. “I’m really fucking upset right now. And the shit you’re saying’s just making things worse. Let’s table this. Let me go.”
He stares at you for a long moment. You stare back at him defiantly. 
“Fine,” he growls.
“Great,” you say. 
You turn on your heel and leave.
Your mind is empty the entire train ride home. 
Distantly, you recognize that your back and neck ache from the tension you’re carrying, but it’s impossible to relax. You feel a little separate from your body, like you’re watching yourself move through the actions of getting off at your stop and walking back to your apartment. 
Once you’re home, you throw yourself into a hot shower, hoping to jar yourself out of the mood you’re in. But even after it, you’re still tense, still aching. 
You try to take a nap. But your body only remembers conflict; the normally satisfying ache and tiredness post-workout is nowhere to be found. You’re wide awake. 
The anger rears its head once more. Why doesn’t he get it? That you were worried, that you wanted him to communicate as much as he could, as soon as he could. 
You understand that he can’t tell you certain things because of the nature of his work. You just want him to think of you, of how you’d feel, of how you felt. 
Then it’s like a switch flipping, and you’re just. Sad. What a dumb thing to argue over. Such a small thing. Did you overreact? Did you mess things up because you’re overthinking things?
But how would he feel, if you did the same thing to him? Just—fucked off to some place without telling him where or when you’d be back? And when you did get back, not let him know until it’s been days? 
Maybe he wouldn’t care. Maybe it’s that you care too much, too much to be right for the relationship you have with him. 
Sleep finds you, eventually. You’re grateful.
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Author's Note: And... I'm terrible! Awful! First I left ya'll with a cliffhanger with chapter 10, and now I show up nearly a year later with this angsty chapter... Feel free to yell at me in the replies, I deserve it. 😔
But thank you to all of you who've liked, reblogged, and commented on chapters of this fic since last update! And sent in asks wondering if I'm ever going to update again!! LOL! Knowing that people are still reading and care to know the end of Bakugou and Reader's story motivates me to keep writing. 💖
I do have about 2K of chapter 12 written... Hoping to post that soon, and not after a year has passed lmao. 😅
Alrighty, take care everyone! Hugs and kisses!!!
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lees-chaotic-brain-reblogs ¡ 1 year ago
Bakugou Fic Recs
Note: I do sometimes link my reblogs bc there is literally nothing I hate more than clicking on a link only to arrive at the ghost blog page.
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Blogs to just read through: @bfbkg @andypantsx3 @a11eya @willowser @irisintheafterglow
@cashmoneyyysstuff @emmyrosee @ofmermaidstories @prettyboykatsuki
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Deep Down (fluff)
Bakugou has a problem (18+)
A Duke's Son and a Baron's Daughter (historical au)
Drunk Friend (fluff)
After a Dangerous Mission (fluff)
it takes a strong hand and a sound mind (fluff)
Virgin (suggestive)
divider by @cafekitsune
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bbluesagwa ¡ 11 months ago
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sketch based off of @a11eya fic “lights will guide you home” ch 7 when they do the kitten photoshoot 🥹🫶🏼 mikan! and! bakugo! I’ve also never drawn ANY mha fanart so this makes me nervy that I haven’t portrayed bakugo the way I fully want to encapsulate him,, so much to work on!! this is my entrance into mha pls be kind LOL ;3
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yinyuedijun ¡ 6 months ago
Someone of Lunaescense is being archived! Never thought I'd see the day😭 https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1fegohf/lunaescence_moving_to_ao3/
THIS IS LITERALLY CRAZY??? SALLY RETURNING TO SAVE LUNA AND BACKING IT ALL UP TO AO3 IN 2024 IS INSANE wow holy shit!!! thank you for the update!!! I never thought I'd see the day either 😭😭😭
tagging some of the lunaescence alum I know !! @stellamancer @2kmps @suguwu @a11eya @houjichaya
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evilasiangenius ¡ 3 months ago
Thank you for tagging me, @sigmastolen!
Rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag 10 people to do the same.
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No pressure tags: @thelaithlyworm, @ad-astrah, @rybkart, @corvidcrafts273, @bluefancypants, @spookydazechaos, @stillness-in-green, @spodumene, @petrichroma-blog, @wingsmadeoftin, @bewareofdragon, @a11eya and anyone else who might want to play!
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bkgexe ¡ 2 months ago
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wip folder!
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous and tag AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU HAVE WIPS - people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then you post a snippet or tell them something about it!
ty @willossom for the tag!! willow changed the rules a little to post a line instead of the title of the wips and so will i bc all of my wips are titled things like 'a merderer...' and 'ughghgh. thing' and also i think snippets are fun
“I think I’ll recover from hearing a couple lines about me getting fucked by the dumbest idiot on the planet.”
...as if beginning its decomposition without you: the pulsing heart kept in its mouth, caged between fangs but still permitted to beat.
“I thought Hawks was full of shit,” Bakugou says, “but you’re reading my mind right now, aren’t you?”
...Caleb carefully taking apart your long braids during sunset on the porch at Gran’s house, fireflies dotting the sky, the smell of a bonfire and his sweat from playing basketball with his friends, and it was the first time you ever wanted to kiss him.
yayyyy i have a billion wips to be honest these are just the ones that are most likely to get published. the trader joe's au i've been writing since 2022 nearly made this list but it will absolutely never see the light of day lkdfjlskdjfdlksfdjs
no pressure tags!!: @peachsukii, @seiwas, @threadbearsweater, @a11eya
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birinboom ¡ 2 years ago
you better believe i’m back again!!!! 22, 40, 55 💕
thank you so much for your ask, Jess 🥹💖💖💖
22. Are there certain types of writing you won't do? (style, pov, genre. tropes, etc)
The first one that springs to mind is angst without at least a hopeful ending. I just... I can't do it, it makes me so upset. I love the characters I write for and - while I don't mind torturing them a little bit throughout the fic - I ultimately want them to be happy.
Another one is ship fics. I read them on occasion, but I have no urge to write them myself. And I don't want to end up in the middle of a war on what rare-pairs are valid or not.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I genuinely cannot pick 😭 ANY fanart based on my writing would be SO MUCH appreciated!!
55. Of the characters you write for. which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/reader's reactions to certain ones?
My faves are forever Kiri and Kyoujurou. I need to write more for both of them. I don't feel like my feelings for them have been swayed, but I am starting to warm up to other characters like Shouto and Bakugou, mostly through my moots talking about them.
Get to know your fic writer ask game
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slayfics ¡ 1 year ago
what are some of your favorite bakugo fics on tumblr that you’d recommend?
Oh man the questions to recommend fics always makes me feel like a bad tumblr user 😅-
To be honest I don’t spend a lot of time reading other fics on tumblr- I know I know shame on me 😫-!
Most of my free time I use to write- and to be honest sometimes I get in my head when I read to many other writers fic’s because I compare them to mine then get in my head about it and think my writing sucks. Which you shouldn’t do! Everyone has their own amazing style of writing and all fic’s deserve praise!
Anyway with all that said- I’ve been super into @a11eya Lights Will Guide You Home series so I recommend that and any of her other Bakugo fic’s!
If you're not a minor I recommend @kingkatsuki fic's.
And of course I have to plug my friend @pastelbakugou 💚~ go check out her stuff!
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a11eya ¡ 2 years ago
jess 💖 31 💖 she/her, they/them
hi friends! if you’re reading this, it means you’ve managed to stumble upon my little writing tumblr, so welcome!
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blog info
minors dni, 18+ blog
you might see me interact (follow-backs, asks, likes, etc.) using my main, a11eya-chats
i don't do any tags/tag lists 🥺 see this ask for why
please do not repost or translate my work, and please do not feed it into AI
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frequently used tags
____ spoilers ➝ fandom tag + spoilers (ex - bnha spoilers) - like the label, i'll tag any spoilers
cw ____ ➝ content warning (ex - cw violence) - i'll do my best to tag potentially triggering content!
jess scribbles ➝ my general writing tag
jess replies ➝ answers to asks
jess reblogs ➝ posts i reblog
jess talks ➝ sometimes i’ll give fic updates or just talk in general about writing or characters! 😊
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andypantsx3 ¡ 2 years ago
andieeee i’m a little shy about saying this, but!! i remember when you first started posting on ao3, back in deep pandemic quarantine time, and feeling super excited reading savvy, thinking, “oh my god?? maybe i do like bakugou???? wait wait WAIT.” and literally i think that fic was what began to change my mind about him, bc prior to that (and i was still early in the series, maybe a season or two in) i really disliked him lmaooo
and then i faithfully read each chapter update, each new fic, thinking, “wow, i love this writer. i’m so glad i found them.” and then i found you here!! and you’re so lovely. so just wanted to drop by and send you some love and good vibes ✨💕💖
Omg hi Jess!! fsdjhfksjfhl It apparently did not fully dawn on me that you were ao3 a11eya until I just creeped on ur blog!!!
I can't believe you read savvy in pandemic times!!! And now it looks like you're out here with your own Bakugou fic??? :') I am gonna have to read, I am so proud of your conversion to a Bakugou stannie!!! And I am very pleased to have contributed in some small way lmfao.
I am sending good vibes straight back at you and hoping you are having an amazing day!!! 💕✨
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fragmentmemories ¡ 1 year ago
happy new year! re: luna -- I'm impressed by your dedication and effort! you can try getting in contact with Alastair on tumblr (their handle is a11eya), but I'm not sure how much they'll be able to help. besides sally, the names you've mentioned in previous posts pretty much all came from after I left.
if you're still searching for email addresses, you probably can try and ask a mod to look up the addresses that were used in the google doc all the mods joined/utilized.
I believe I already spoke with Alastair! It was a lil while ago, so I don't remember the details, but it didn't bear fruit, unforch.
I've sent emails to as many address as I could scrounge up AND as were sent to me, but still nothing yet...The last thing that happened was that I got in contact with Caraina who was close friends with Dia (Diamond April) and gave her the information I got from my deep search.
Edit: I got an anon (idk if it's u or another person) who dug up EVEN MORE EMAILS, so I'll see what comes from that. They asked not to share on my blog, so I'll respect that. More info later if any.
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