purifycantyouhelpme · 11 months
Cheer Him Up | A Slash x Fem! Reader Fanfiction
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Word count: 580
Summary: Slash was exhausted during a concert with the band so you decide to cheer him up with a blowjob, early 90s Slash era
A/N: I wrote this because I was horny lol
11:00 PM
(Y/N) was doing laundry late at night, waiting for the clothes to get washed. She was doing laundry late at night because she didn't have to worry about it tomorrow or the day after that and she was waiting for her boyfriend to come back from touring. (Y/N) was missing him, they barely spent time together since Slash joined Guns N Roses and Slash dealing with band problems like Steven leaving.
Slash walks in the house, carrying his guitar, looking exhausted and tired. (Y/N) looked happy and started to bounce up and down on her feet at the sight of Slash, but the smile turned into a frown and she stopped bouncing, once she saw how miserable he looked. Walking to the couch, he set his guitar on the floor. Slash was shirtless and had no shoes on but he had his pants on Slash sit up on the couch, legs were spread out on the couch, he was breathing softly. “Are you okay, honey?” (Y/N) sounded worried, walking to him. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. “I’m very… exhausted. From touring.” Slash managed to say between breaths. (Y/N) leaned in and kissed Slash on his forehead. Looking down at his crotch, she knows what she’s going to do. “Here. Let me cheer you up.” (Y/N) smiled. (Y/N) crouched down and unzipped Slash’s pants, revealing a hard member. Slash looked away from the side. He wasn’t running out of breath anymore. (Y/N) started to stroke Slash’s cock slowly, up and down with her right hand. Slash let out a soft moan. He couldn’t believe that this was happening.
“You like this?” (Y/N) asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Y-Yes.” Slash stuttered. From the look of his face, he is enjoying this. This is making him feel better. (Y/N) decided to stop stroking to look up at her lover who was enjoying her giving him pleasure.
She smiled at him before she put her mouth on his cock, bobbing her head up and down.
Slash let out a soft moan when he felt (Y/N)’s mouth over his cock.
He titled his head back with his eyes closed, moaning. The way (Y/N)’s mouth is
feels so good to him. This is making him forget all about the bad stuff that happened at the concert today.
The room was filled with the sounds of Slash’s moans and grunts and (Y/N) sucking.
Slash looked down at (Y/N) smiling, and gently ran his fingers through (Y/N)’s hair. He’s so happy that she has her. As (Y/N) picked up the pace, Slash’s moans were getting louder. Slash could feel himself getting closer and closer to climax. “I’m so close.” Slash warned, his voice was hoarse. (Y/N) took his cock out of her mouth, making a wet pop sound and she put her hand on his cock. “Let it all out. Let all of your anger out.” She stroked his cock really fast, waiting for him to cum.
Slash grunted as he cum all over (Y/N)’s face, he panted. Cum was dripping on her face and chin. (Y/N) smiled at him. “Did that make you feel better?” (Y/N) asked quietly, feeling a little embarrassed. “It did. Thanks, honey.” He thanked her, wiping her face with some tissue. ‘No problem.” (Y/N) chuckled nervously.
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serenade-bleue · 1 year
kustardweek day 1: beauty and the beast
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Day 1 of kustardweek :D i had a lot of fun with this one!
A03link: Kustardweek 2023 - Chapter 1 - Serenade_Bleue - Undertale (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
Warning: the following days of the event may have n/sfw content.
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madam-wakefield · 9 months
Open When... Chapter 15
A03Link FF Link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13  Chapter 14 When a few years into their relationship Bernie is asked to go back to the army and deploy Serena isn’t sure how she’s going to get through the nine months without her girlfriend. What she doesn’t expect is for it to be her girlfriend who has the perfect set of surprises to get her through both the best and the worst days. Canon divergent - Elinor lives (well actually the accident never happens), Raf lives, and Cameron isn’t a total ass! The staff of AAU also probably didn’t all work on there at the same time in canon but do in this! The fic is already fully written with the first few chapters having already been Beta’d. 27 chapters including the epilogue. Hoping to post every Monday and Friday!
Open when you need a hug…
She’s at work when she hears the news, over a radio one of the patients is listening to, a suicide bomber has struck town where Bernie is stationed. Serena feels her legs buckle then and there. She feels Raf’s arm come around her to steer her into the office. Their office. And it’s the second she’s through the door that the sobs escape, because what if Bernie is caught up in it all? What if Bernie is hurt? what if Bernie is dead?! She cannot lose her. She agreed to this because it was what Bernie needed but she cannot lose her.
“You won’t lose her.” It’s only then that she realises all her thoughts have been said out loud. “You know Bernie, tough as old boots and stubborn as a mule. I’m sure she learnt her lesson about not coming back exactly when she was meant to last time.”
Serena laughs then and it’s so out of place. Tears streaming down her cheeks, worried to the pit of her stomach about Bernie’s safety, laughing about two things that are so wholly Berenice Wolfe. Serena doesn’t cry at work! She doesn’t break down and lose it, not when her girlfriend is in the middle of a war zone facing so much worse. But she just can’t stop.
Raf moves them so they are both sat in the visitors’ chairs. Arm comfortingly around her shoulder. There is a noise as the office door is open and in walks Fletch with a steaming cup of coffee.
“Latte, double shot.” He says gently pushing it into her hand, before walking back out. It isn’t her normal drink, it’s Bernie’s usual drink and it’s perfect and just makes her cry more.
“God, I miss her so much. We haven’t spoken to her in two weeks, not properly. They’ve been doing things away from base, so it’s made phone and skype calls impossible. I just don’t know what I’d do if that’s the last time I ever get to speak to her!” The tears continue but she takes a sip of the drink, and it feels a little like Bernie herself is wrapping her arms around Serena.
“You know Serena, Bernie is probably caught up in all that.” And at Raf’s words Serena’s breath hitches. “But not in the way you think. Your girlfriend is the bravest and most selfless woman I know, especially when it comes to her job. We all know that. Bernie wouldn’t let herself get hurt, how the hell would she be able to be the extraordinary Majpr Wolfe and save people that really shouldn’t be able to be saved if she got herself hurt. She’ll be there now barking orders at her team of medics and soldiers making sure that every single person possible gets out of their alive.” And Serena smiles then because that’s exactly what she’d be doing, her big macho army medic.
“And pulling a twenty-four-hour shift on only four hours sleep if that what it takes her.” Is Serena’s reply and she knows that is what Bernie really will be doing and Serena smiles to herself feeling her heart calm a little.
She takes another sip of the coffee, feels Bernie’s arms around her again and just gives herself a minute.
“Trauma call,” Fletch says not even 2 minutes later.
“Do you want me to take it? I can ask Dr Duval to assist if you need.” Raf offers, hand squeezing her shoulder.
But Serena shakes her head. “No, I’ll lead. It’s exactly what Bernie would do if the roles were reversed, if she was the one sitting here. But give me one minute to compose myself and finish this.” She says lifting the latte to her lips. She is going to go out there and make Bernie proud in her own way.
And when the one under survives, Serena can’t help but think it’s thanks to the bit of Bernie she felt was with her. The part that made her be brave and make decisions that usually only Bernie would make. Bernie makes her brave and she can do this, she only has four months left and they’ll be back together. And if from that day on Serena sometimes make decisions Bernie would makes instead of the ones she might have normally made, well they all pay off.
Before she goes home, she takes a look in her box of envelopes, deciding that a day like today is the perfect day to need a hug.
Once she’s at home in her pyjamas and wrapped in the fluffy blanket on the sofa she turns her attention to the envelope.
My Dearest Serena,
You need a hug but I’m not there to give you one, and I can only apologise for that. Instead, I’ve tried to do the next best thing. Go into the kitchen and in the back of the pots and pans cupboard. You’ll find a red box and inside it is just the things you’ll need. Go now and open it before you carry on reading.
Serena complies with the request, she pads into the kitchen, Bernie’s slippers on her feet to keep them off the cold tiles of the kitchen floor. She opens the pots and pan cupboard and it’s only after a lot of rummaging that she finally finds the box in question, no wonder she hadn’t found it sooner.
She takes the box back to the living room, slipping back under the blanket as she does so. She slips the lid of the box off and smiles at what she finds inside. Inside is another smaller box with a clear lid, and inside is some chocolates that spell out the message ‘a hug for you’ along with candle and some matches, this part she doesn’t quite get, so she decides to read the rest of Bernie’s letter.
I guess that I don’t need to explain the chocolates they are pretty self-explanatory right, and when do you not like a good chocolate or two? The candle however I will explain, you always say how much you love the smell of my perfume when we hug, well, I had the candle made so that when you light it, it should match the smell of my perfume. I know it’s not quite the same as a physical hug for me but I hope it’s close enough for now. Hope that maybe it helps you miss me just a little bit less.
All My Love Bernie,
Your Big Macho Army Medic x
Serena lights the candle and the scent of Bernie really does fill the room. She spends a bit of time reading trying to take her mind off the worry and in the end, she falls asleep there on the sofa surrounded by her girlfriend.
It’s four days later that she finally hears from Bernie. She’d known Bernie was okay by the lack of communication from the army but that doesn’t mean that her heart doesn’t speed up when she catches sight of Bernie’s name on her phone screen. Even if she was blissfully asleep just seconds early.
“Hey,” she says breathlessly into the phone, desperate to hear Bernie’s voice in response.
“Hello Sweetheart,” and there it is. Utterly shattered but wholly Bernie. Serena has to wonder just how little sleep Bernie has been getting especially after the suicide bomb. “I hope I didn’t wake you, wanted to be sure I caught you before you needed to get ready for work.” Serena’s heart flutters at the fact Bernie, despite everything, remembers her shift pattern, that Serena often attaches to the e-blueys to make contact a little easier. And the fact that Bernie is worried about her when she’s had at least eight hours in a comfy bed make her heart swell, she really is the luckiest woman alive.
“You did,” she considered for a second lying but she can’t do it. Can’t lie to Bernie. “But it could have been 3am and you could have woken me, and I wouldn’t have cared if it meant I got to hear your voice like I am now.” And she just hopes Bernie can hear the smile in her voice because it’s currently threatening to split her face in half.
“How are you?” Bernie asks her gently, in a voice Serena knows is reserved just for her.
“I’m good, missing you like crazy. But all the better for hearing your voice.” It’s only as she says it that she realises Bernie has rung her and not Skyped her. Her sleep addled brain clearly not realising before. “No Skype today?”
Bernie sighs gently on the other end of the phone. “No, it’s the first bit of down time we’ve had since the incident.” And Serena knows what she’s referring to without clarification. “A couple of the younger lads just really needed to see a friendly face right now.” And Serena understands. It doesn’t mean Bernie doesn’t want to see her, doesn’t mean Bernie needs her any less than the boys need their family. But that Bernie is their Major and it’s her job to look out for their wellbeing, to ensure they stay emotionally as well as physically healthy. Understands that this is probably the furthest away from home the lads have been. Serena knows that Bernie has done this before, and while she knows it doesn’t make it easier per say, she knows Bernie has her own coping strategies to help her through.
“I love you.” Serena says in replies, to ensure Bernie knows she understands, that she gets it.
“I love you too, so much.” As Serena can hear the smile in Bernie’s voice, underneath the tiredness and she picture Bernie in her mind, smile reaching her very tired eyes at the thought of her.
“How are you?” She asks now, turning over and smiling at the picture of Bernie on her bedside table.
“I’m okay. Exhausted, aching, drained. We lost three of our men in the incident, so given the circumstances I don’t feel I have the right to complain.” Serena’s heart aches now with the need to wrap Bernie in her arms. She can’t, so instead she turns over and hugs Bernie’s pillow, breathes in deeply to smell her perfume, the one she insists on spraying there at least every other day.
“I love you,” Serena says again because she just needs Bernie to remember that above anything.
“I know and I love you too. How’s Jason?” Serena gets that the change in subject is Bernie’s way of telling her that she can’t talk about the loss anymore, that she just needs some positivity to help her through the day.
“He’s doing really well. Misses you like crazy, though I can’t say I blame him for that. He’s taken up almost all the space on the sky box, recording programs such as world’s strongest man and Mary Beard for you to watch together when you are home, God forbid I ever miss an episode of Jeremy Kyle and need to catch up.”
“You and I both know you can’t stand the programme so don’t even try that one.” They both laugh then, and it’s nice a little sense of normality while separated by three thousand miles. “I also think it’s sweet, tell Jason I am down for a few tv marathon sessions when I get home.”
“I will, though you can tell him in a letter too, right? You know he loves writing to you.”
“Of course, I just thought it might help him you know given the circumstances of this week if you told him before he receives my next letter. And that’s just another one of the reasons Serena loves Bernie, she accepts and understands Jason where so many others would never be willing to. It’s as she’s having this thought that Serena hears the muffled voice in the background of the phone call.
“I’ve got to go love,” Bernie says next. “Emergency being brought in, and I need to go make sure the team are ready. “Tell everyone on AAU that I said hello. Tell Jason the same and that I miss him. And most important of all I love you, I miss you so much and I’ll be back soon, remember that okay.”
“I love you too, and yes 116 days. Stay safe soldier.”
Serena has ended every Skype chat and letter in the same way. Knows Bernie can’t respond, can’t promise to come back safe, but she knows it’s an important sentiment. Serena hugs Bernie’s pillow again, tighter this time, allowing the scent to surround her before she gets up for the day. When she does pull herself out of bed five minutes later, her first job is to mark another day off the calendar, a day closer to having Bernie back in her arms.
“116 days.” She whispers.
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micheleblack · 3 years
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RARE PAIR READING RECS brings you 5 fantastic Scorbus fics to add to your reading list
Links & Summaries:
LONG FIC: Let Go by sebastianL (felix_atticus)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 192,088 Albus Potter gets through life by avoiding his family, working a desk job at St. Mungo's, holding onto grudges, and trying to convince everyone that being the son of the most famous man in the world isn't all it's cracked up to be. Meanwhile, he's determined to be silently in love with his best friend until death. But one day, he sees a pattern that no one else has--that no one wanted him to--and things change forever.
A story about stubbornness, forgiveness, finding the person who makes you the best version of yourself, and learning to let go.
ONE SHOT: Snaked a Claim by MicheleBlack Rating: General Word Count: 1,613 Everyone knew Albus was gay from age five when he would dramatically swoon every time Goncalo Flores the Quidditch player was mentioned. Twenty years later and Harry still tells the tale - much to Al’s embarrassment. ONLINE DATING: Wands Out! by RuArcher (Coriesocks) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23,768 Wands Out! is the number one dating app for wizards seeking wizards. Or so says everyone. Albus isn’t so sure. He’s yet to find anyone worth swiping right for… that is until he spots a very familiar face among his matches. But it couldn’t really be him, could it?
HOGWARTS: Irradiance by Bounding-Heart (Brief_and_Dreamy) Rating: Mature Word Count: 48,180 Al starts Hogwarts knowing exactly who he is and what he wants from life. When the things he takes for granted fall away, he holds fast to the one truth that remains - he loves Scorpius and he'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe.
AU: Ice Cream Castles by gobstoneswithhector Rating: Teen Word Count: 18,650 It’s the weekend of a popular wizarding festival, and Scorpius Malfoy has decided to go, despite his fear of amusement park rides and no one to go with.
While there, he sees his study partner and long-time crush, Albus Potter, working a booth for his family’s paletería. Scorpius eats a lot of ice cream, nieves, and paletas and learns just how Albus shows affection and how he may have been feeling all along.
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castielscarma · 4 years
Part 9 of the #SpnStayatHome challenge @bend-me-shape-me​ @helianthus21​ @pray4jensen​ (it’s long. 11.5k) 
Dean paced back and forth in the Bunker kitchen, playing with a slinky. It was the metallic kind that had a heavy, sweet feeling to it as he held it in his hand. And the sound wasn't too bad either. It almost felt soothing, like the tick-tock sound a hypnotist used to lull his victims into a creepy sleep.
“Dean, would you stop that?” Sam looked up from reading his newspaper, an irritated frown on his face.
“What? Does the sweet sound of the magic spiral disturb your sudoku-solving abilities? Or is it crosswords this time?” Dean played with the slinky as he raised an eyebrow in question. “Come on, Sammy, don't tell me you're not even a little bit tempted to play with this wonder of technology?”
“The only wonder is that I haven't grabbed your slinky yet and thrown it out the window,” Sam muttered.
“Good luck with that, we live underground.” Dean grabbed hold of the slinky while taking a handful of peanuts from a small bowl on the table.
Sam reached for the bowl and pulled it towards himself. “Dude, these are meant to be for the Pad Thai later.”
Dean looked affronted. “Hey, you can't just put nuts in the snacks bowl – and the bowl is in a public space, so it's a free for all anyway – and expect the nuts not to get eaten. They're practically begging for it. Roasted, salted, and with a touch of sour cream. It's 'Nuttylious'. Man, they really were on point with that slogan.”
Sam just sighed and pushed the newspaper towards Dean. “You've been without a cause for almost fourteen days. You need to go out and hunt, Dean, and more importantly, I need you to go out and hunt. We need to do something while we try to find a way to defeat Chuck.”
Dean frowned and went for the bowl again. It earned him a slap on the hand. “Hey, I bought those!” When he saw that Sam wouldn't budge, he frowned. “Fine, I'll take a look at the creepy case. Let's see.”
After Sam had given Dean a few minutes and Dean still hadn't said anything, he couldn't be quiet anymore. “So, what do you think?”
Dean looked longingly at the peanuts. “I think it's really not cool for you to stash those nuts away.”
Sam smacked him on the arm. “I mean about the case, Dean!”
Dean sank down on the chair next to Sam. “You mean the killer that targets grooms?”
“Well, not just grooms. The second vic was a newlywed. The wedding had been less than three weeks earlier. The wife, Mrs. Karstark found Mr. Karstark on their kitchen floor. Body was drained and the heart was missing.”
“Mrs. Karstark felt betrayed. He cheated on her. I've seen Game of Thrones. They're a bloodthirsty lot.”
Sam shook his head. “Funny, Dean. The first victim was a groom. Found dead in the bedroom, two days before the wedding was to take place. Same m.o. No blood whatsoever left in the body and both the heart and stomach were gone.”
Dean sniffed. “Well, it looks like there's a monster lurking about. What do the local authorities say? Any leads?”
“Nope, they are going by the theory that a madman is on the prowl.”
“A madman? What about the drained blood?”
“They have no clue. Oh and this was also found on the scene – “ Sam pushed over a photo and a piece of paper towards Dean.
Dean looked at the photo at what appeared to be horizontal stains on a wooden floor. “What am I looking at? So the Karstarks were messy? We thinking the monster has a grudge against bad housekeeping? Maybe it just wants them to keep the area nice and clean. Would explain the loss of blood in the bodies. A bleeding body is a bitch to clean.” Dean glanced at the paper next to the photo. “Hold on, Sammy? These all happened in the same neighborhood?”
“Yes and from what the police think, the attacks happened at night time.”
“Mm, must be someone close by then. So either a monster or maybe a witch with a spell? Okay, I'm game. Let's go.”
Sam grabbed the papers and photos. “To Okay it is.”
Dean frowned. “I already agreed, Sam. Just gonna pack. Need my driving snacks.”
“No, the town's called Okay. It's a five-hour drive.”
Dean grinned. “Okay. Something is definitely not OK in Okay.”
“Then we're on the case?”
“Hell yeah.”
Six hours later Dean, Sam, and Cas arrived in the small town of Okay and pulled into a parking lot.
“It wasn't any five hours, but we're finally here. The fine town of Okay.” Dean looked around. “It looks kind of deserted to be the buffet table for a monster but hey, what do I know about monster diets? So, we going with the FBI thing or?”
Sam shook his head and smiled. “The trip only took that long because of you, Dean.”
Dean clicked his tongue. “It was a Thai buffet. You sample everything, that's the rule.”
Cas nodded. “He does like his Thai food, Sam.”
Sam cleared his throat. “Yeah – About the FBI thing, Dean. I've given this some thought, and I think that it's in the best interest of the case that I don the FBI coat.”
Dean blinked. “What? You? You as in you solo? What about me and Cas?”
Cas looked back at Sam, an eyebrow raised. “You have a better idea than going in as FBI?”
Sam cleared his throat again and smiled slightly. “I was thinking that you and Cas need to be in the thick of it. We need to lure this creature out, whatever it is. And the common denominator is – “
“That it leaves its victims dry? That the victims all drove a Prius? I won't abandon Baby for some goddamn – “
“They were all in relationships newly formed, just married or really in love.”
Dean blinked. “So... you want me and Cas to do what? Play house?”
“Yes, let's call it that. I knew you guys would agree. There's a vacant house for rent on the same street as were two of the victims lived. I sent in the application yesterday. Since you were the only ones that applied and your records were spotless as were your references, and the recent murders make them eager to rent – “ Sam pointed at his phone “ – you're now officially renters, Mr. and Mr. Krushnic.”
He slid over an envelope that Cas grabbed. “I must say, Sam, you've been working very diligently with this case. We'll solve it in no time.” Cas opened the car door and stepped outside.
When Dean didn't follow, Cas poked his head back in. “If you don't like Krushnic we can always go with Plant.”
“It's not the last name I have a problem with! “Dean sputtered as he stepped out of the Impala.
Both Sam and Cas looked at Dean with patient but questioning faces. When Dean didn't elaborate further, Cas spoke. “If you're worried about our normal routines in the Bunker not being followed, nothing will change, Dean. I'll still make you coffee in the morning.”
Sam got out of the car, a smug look on his face. “See, nothing will change, Dean.”
Dean looked at Cas with huge eyes. “That's not – You know what? Gimme that folder, Sammy.”
Sam smiled and handed Dean the folder with the case information. “There's also some pamphlets for the local restaurants in there. Don't forget your bag, Dean Krushnic.”
“You couldn't have picked a better last name? What kind of name is Krushnic?”
Cas spoke up. “It does have a certain ring to it. I like it.
“The house is right over there. You'll receive the key shortly. Oh, and Miss. Lee, fiancee of the first victim lives right next door. I'll go and interview Jessica Karstark and we'll keep in touch on the phone afterward.”
“You not coming over?”
Sam shook his head. “You don't think it'll look suspicious if the FBI-agent that interviewed the people that last saw their loved ones dead under odd circumstances visit the new couple that just moved in? You just stay put. Act as normal as you can” – Sam raised a meaning eyebrow at Dean – “and I'll call you later.”
Dean grabbed the bag from the trunk. “I don't like this. Who says this monster, whatever the hell it is, will fall for me and Cas playing bait? Didn't you say relationships needed to be newly formed, like what? I've known Cas for over a decade. The monster will not fall for a stunt like that.”
“I'm sure you and Cas will be very convincing.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Sam reached out and snagged Dean's keys.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
Sam smiled patiently as he walked over to the Impala's driver seat. “I'm the FBI-agent. I need a car. Besides, you and Cas need to be at the house to lure out the creature. Try to find out what kind of monster we're dealing with.”
“You just gonna leave us here while you go play cop?”
“That's the plan. I'll play cop and you'll play house.” Sam pressed the gas and Baby roared to life.
“You got to be gentle! And don't park to close to the – “
Sam honked once as he drove off with the Impala.
Dean turned to Cas. “He better take care of Baby or I swear that – “
Cas grabbed his bag. “Sam is very much capable of taking care of Baby if you just let him.”
“Let him?! Did you see how he just floored – “
Cas was already a few steps ahead of Dean. “Come along, Mr. Krushnic. We have a house to move in to.”
The house was way better than a motel, so Dean couldn't really complain even if he wanted to. The kitchen was nice and modern, and Dean shouted excitedly at the garden out the back, not necessarily for the garden but for the huge outdoor grill that graced the space.
“Sweet, Cas. You see the size of that monster? We can barbecue some nice steaks on that grill.”
“It's very impressive, Dean.”
Back inside, Dean sat down in the L-shaped couch in the living room. The flatscreen was mounted on the wall and the house even had a minibar. “Oh, hell yeah, I'm really gonna like it here.”
Cas headed to the rooms upstairs. “We're not gonna stay here permanently, Dean.”
Like he didn't know that. “The screen is huge, Cas! Imagine us with a bowl of popcorn and a Western flick on, or a horror movie. 'Hatchet-Man 4 - the dull axe.' A classic.”
“Which side are you gonna take, Dean?”
Cas' voice sounded muted so Dean got up from the comfortable couch, – almost too comfortable, he felt himself dozing off – and followed him upstairs. “What are you shouting about?”
“I was just wondering which side you prefer?” Cas was standing in the bedroom.
There was a wardrobe there and the wall was painted in a soft blue-chalk paint. The huge window on the right side of the beds allowed the natural light to flood the room. Dean could imagine it being a nice view to wake up to. He could see another door that probably led to the on-suite bathroom but his eyes kept flitting back to the bed. He had totally forgotten about the sleeping.
“Um, I'm not really sure.”
“You do favor sleeping on your right side, Dean, so I'd suggest the right side of the bed. The additional closeness to the window will make it easier for you to wake up in the morning. Natural sunlight does wonders for when you want to wake up feeling refreshed.”
Dean swallowed. He was going to sleep in the same bed as Cas. They were gonna sleep together. Heat curled inside his stomach. Of course, they were not gonna sleep sleep together but Cas was going to be right next to him.
Dean nodded. “Um, yeah Cas. That works fine. I'll do the right side.”
“Fine. Now that that's settled, let's see what we can gather about this case. We can shop for new bed linen, towels, and whatever else we need later.”
“Shopping for bed linen, Cas? Take it easy, there tiger.”
Cas gave him a strange look, so Dean cleared his throat. “I'll set up the laptop.”
An hour later, they had reread the police reports three times and not found any new leads.
Cas spoke up. “I think we should go over and interrogate Mrs. Lee. That way we can take a look at the crime scene. Maybe there's some hidden hex bags that the police overlooked?”
Dean rubbed his eyes. “So you think it's a witch?”
Cas got up and walked over to the kitchen. “That seems the most plausible scenario.”
“Yeah, what about the blood? What kind of vamp leaves them completely dry? I've looked at our vamps and the Carpathian kind. Might be a muroni. The bodies were drained of all blood.”
“Muroni? But those markings were not made by an animal, even by the looks of it, though the authorities might go for that angle.”As Cas opened a kitchen cabinet, he made a pleasing sound. “Not the usual, but it'll do.” He grabbed something and bend down, opening another cabinet.
“Cas, we're talking case here. What are you doing?”
“Well, since we're doing this husband chicanery I think we should go all in, Dean. So, as any good husband, I'm making you coffee.”
Dean's heart beat faster, which was ridiculous. It was just coffee, which Cas made him every morning. It was not like this coffee was different. “Uh, thanks.”
Cas was putting the ground coffee in the machine when he turned to Dean. “What do you prefer, honey, or sweetheart?”
Dean turned to Cas, all thoughts about what he'd just read erased. “I don't follow...”
“Since we are married, we need to have an affectionate nickname to call each other. That is standard among married couples I think.”
Cas seemed to be taking the marriage- ruse very seriously. As he should, Dean mused. They wanted to catch this monster, and if Dean needed to go all in – all in, in the name of the case of course – then he would. It was just the professional thing to do and Dean Winchester was a pro.
“I think honey would work.”
After he turned on the coffee-maker, Cas returned to the table. “Honey it is. How about you? What will you call me?”
Cas stared at Dean with such an honest expression that Dean had to turn away. “I don't know, it's not like I have given this much thought.” Which was a lie. In the deepest recesses of Dean's heart, he'd given much thought about how a life with Cas would be like, a slightly different life where they were more than just best friends hunting monsters together.
“I have a few suggestions that will pair nicely with honey,” Cas mused. After a beat of silence, he said. “How about 'hubs?”
“You're not going to call me 'hubs' in public, Cas. No way. Let me think.” He was silent for a few seconds, then he smiled. “ I got it! 'Beeloved'? You get it? Bee cause I'm the honey and you're the bee that...” Dean saw something flicker over Cas' face but it was gone so fast, that Dean was not sure if it hadn't just been his imagination.
“It is a nice joke but I do think we need to take this more seriously if we want to lure out the monster.”
“Yeah, monster.” The nickname was on the tip of Dean's tongue without a second thought. “Angel.” He cleared his throat. “Angel would work.”
Cas' smile was so earnest that Dean had to look away. “Honey and angel.”
A sudden knock on the door interrupted them. Maybe that was for the better, this whole fake marriage thing was getting under Dean's skin and only a couple of hours had passed. He needed a beer.
A woman dressed in a yellow summer dress flashed her smile as Dean opened the door. She had her hair up in a tight ponytail and her slanted eyes crinkled in the corners as she smiled. “Greetings. I'm Chiyoh Roman. I live just across the street and I'm the president of the HOA committee in this area. I'm so happy to have you here. Here.” She handed Dean a tiny basket stuffed with tea, candies, and fruit, all neatly wrapped in cellophane.
Dean looked at the basket and back at Chiyoh. Candies and fruit. Where were the beer and coffee?
“Here, let me take that, honey.” Cas swooped in and grabbed the basket from Dean. “Leaf tea? How thoughtful, we love this, don't we, Dean?” Cas casually kissed Dean on the cheek.
It was just a swift kiss but Dean's body reacted as if it was a love declaration. His stomach swooped as an unnamed feeling washed over him. His mouth went dry.
Cas had kissed him.
Dean's rational mind tried to tell him that it was all due to the undercover gig they had going on but his heart refused to listen to that. Already hope surged inside him, that maybe, just maybe Cas felt the same about him as Dean did.
Cas noticed that Dean was silent and gave him an odd look. “Thank you so much for the welcoming gift. Excuse my husband, it's been a long week with the move and all. He's usually more well behaved.” He extended his hand. “I'm Castiel Krushnic and this is my husband Dean.”
Chiyoh laughed. “Oh, I totally get that moving is rough.” She shook Cas' hand. “Chiyoh. Nice to meet you.”
Dean finally found himself and cleared his throat. “Sorry, Castiel is right. It was a long drive, moving can be exhausting. I'm Dean.”
“Nothing makes me happier than a handsome couple like you gracing our neighborhood with your presence. As long as the relationship is thriving, and not the grass, we'll be good.” She laughed again, a shrill sound that grated.
Dean narrowed his brows in confusion. “The grass?”
“Yes, HOA regulations stipulate that the grass might not grow above two inches. I suggest you buy an automover. It's much easier to keep the grass short that way, and we don't have to pollute our neighborhood with noise. Well, I'm off but I'll see you around the neighborhood.”
As the door closed behind them, Dean looked at Cas. “We are solving this case quickly. “I'm not going to buy an automover. HOA! What does that even stand for? Homeowners outright anal? Two inches!”
“I don't think you have to be a homeowner to enjoy anal, Dean.”
Dean blinked. “What? That's not what I –
Cas titled his head in confusion.
Dean shook his head. “Let's go over and see what we can find out about miss Lee and her late fiancee.”
As they closed the door behind them and walked on the small walkway to the neighboring house, Cas' hand snaked into Dean's.
Dean stopped and looked at Cas in horror, sure that it had been a mistake. He didn't want to be caught showcasing one inch of his true feelings towards the angel. But Cas laced his fingers tightly with Dean's and gave him a short smile. His voice was low and he spoke carefully. “I hope this is good?” After a brief pause, he added. “For the case.”
Dean could only nod. “Yeah, for the case.”
When they arrived at the door, Dean couldn't bear to let go of Cas' hand to knock. Sure, he might have drenched Cas' hand in sweat but it felt wrong to let go. It was nice to have Cas' hand in his, to feel that strong hand against his own skin. Dean pictured Cas relaxing even more, his thumb casually stroking Dean's skin.
He knocked harshly on the door with his other hand, banishing all fantasies.
A buxom woman opened. Her hair had light brown curls but they seemed matted and it looked like she had slept in her pants and hoodie. They were wrinkly and when she smiled, it seemed hoarse. She was guarded as she spoke. “Yes?”
“Hi, Ms. Lee. Sorry to bother you. We just wanted to say hi. We're your new neighbors, moved in today actually. I'm Dean and this is Castiel.”
Cas nodded. “I'm Dean's husband.”
Dean tried not to shake his head.
“Oh, I'm Laura. I wasn't aware that – “ She stopped and chewed her lips. “I'm sorry, come in. Me and my – .“ She paused, and her face twisted.
As Dean closed the door, Laura started sobbing. “I'm so sorry. I don't wanna burden you, it's just... I'm having it really rough right now. I just lost my fiance. I don't know why I'm telling you this, you're strangers.” She wiped at her eyes. “I'm sure you don't wanna – “
Cas put a comforting arm around her. “Sometimes an unburdened heart helps, even if it's to strangers.”
They sat down in Laura's living room; an open space with a huge couch, dark wooden floors and windows with curtains that were closed.
“It's messy. I sleep down here since... I can't step foot in the bedroom. I'm heading out of town this evening. Going to be with my sister for a while. The police have my number. I'm sure they'll have more questions.” Her eyes flitted to a wall with a picture of her and her fiancee. “It's hard being here. Everything reminds me of William.”
Dean nodded in sympathy. “Do you have any idea of who could've wanted to harm William?”
Laura shook her head. “No. We moved here a year ago. William was the kindest man, always saw the good in people. I think that's one of the reasons I fell for him. We met in college, and sure, he goofed around like any other guy there but there was this genuine, sweet feeling about him you know.” She wiped at her eyes with her sleeve. “And this is a good neighborhood. With good people...”
Dean reached out and stroked her hand. “I'm very sorry for your loss, Laura.”
Laura looked up and nodded. “I... I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.” She moved past him and Cas.
Dean and Cas looked at each other and stood as one. They searched quickly and when they found the bedroom, they silently opened the door.
Everything looked normal which – Dean figured – made it harder for Laura. With a room that was disturbed or contained evidence that something gruesome had happened, the mind at least had something tangible to cling to, even though the heart refused.
Cas headed over to the headboard when something made him stop. “Dean.”
Dean was there and looked down at the floor, where Cas was pointing. “It looks like some marks on the floor, like something wet was trailed along the wood. It seems out of place.”
Cas bent down to the floor and sniffed it.
“Dude, no.”
“I don't smell anything besides human blood. And I can't sense any residue of magic, angelic grace, or anything demonic.”
Dean grimaced. “That's good but next time don't stick your nose in it. You still thinking witch?”
“It's a possibility.”
They searched the room quickly, looking for hidden spaces in the wardrobe or secret hideouts in the walls or bed were a hex bag could've been stashed. They found nothing.
They were back in the living room as Laura come back.
Cas' voice was sympathetic. “We are heading out. It was not our intention to bother you.”
Laura shook her head. “It's alright.”
They parted at the door. As they were heading out, Dean noticed a pamphlet on the dresser. Welcome to Perfection Peak. Where we peak beyond perfection. HOA greetings and guidelines.” He doubted Laura would think her time in the neighborhood was perfect. Dead fiancees hardly screamed peak perfection. What did that even mean?
Dean looked at Cas. “Alright, let's talk case but first we need to go shopping. I'm starving. We need to put food in the fridge, and pour some drinks down our throats.”
Luckily, the local Wilmart was just a fifteen-minute drive away.
Cas took a cart and they strolled in together. Dean worried his underlip. Maybe he should hook his arm in Cas' arm? But that would make it awkward to push the cart and they were supposed to act as husband and husband, not a couple of lovesick teenagers that couldn't get enough of each other and went all touchy-feely in the middle of the supermarket.
Dean had a sudden vision of Cas' ripping his shirt off, buttons flying everywhere in the middle of the fruit aisle and them kissing with all the gusto from a couple in a romance novel.
“Honey. Honey... Honey!”
Dean startled as he realized Cas was calling for him. “Yeah, wings, what's up?”
Cas arched an eyebrow as Dean walked over to him. “Wings? I thought we agreed on angel. Wings sound like you want to eat me.”
Dean swallowed harshly and pushed down the positive answer, that yeah, he wouldn't mind that at all.“I improvised.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry for going blank there, I was just uh, thinking about the case and everything we know so far.”
Cas answered in his gravely voice. “It's OK. Yellow or red bell peppers?”
“It's not Sam you're married to. I don't eat red stuff if it ain't meat... or ketchup.”
“Your doctor said that your cholesterol is high, Dean. I just think some vegetables would go nicely with our tacos. I'll go grab the avocados.”
“Ourdoctor has never said – “ Cas just winked at Dean and headed over to the pre-smashed guacamole section.
Dean grumbled and grabbed some dressing. He was not sure what he'd put it on, but it would come to him eventually.
“We can do some chicken wings and oven-baked potatoes. I already bought potatoes,” Cas announced proudly.
“Good thinking, Cas. I bought dressing. For your uh, bell peppers.”
“Our bell peppers. We can shop for two meals in advance. Roasted chicken in the oven and tacos. Quite fortunate, since it's a Thursday today. We'll do Taco Thursdays. Like everyone else.”
Dean felt a pang of longing in his chest at Cas' words. Sure, he knew what he was. A badass hunter, the gatekeeper against evil, the guy that saved the world. Together with Sam, Cas and Jack of course and he liked doing that. He was good at that. But he was also acutely aware of what was missing in his life.
He glanced at Cas who was perusing the taco aisle, picking up salsa, tortillas, and nachos. He'd have Cas any way he could. If that were just as friends, cause he had no delusions Cas liked him as more, then so be it.
The phone rang just as Cas looked back at Dean. He waved at him to go ahead and took the call.
“Hi, Sam. What you got for us? Any leads?”
“So get this. I talked to Mrs. Karstark. She was understandably upset but agreed to talk. The police report matches up. She found him in the kitchen, body completely drained. Heart and stomach were gone.”
“Right. Same as our first vic. Maybe the monster was in a rush for the second killing and only had time to take the heart.”
“Maybe. And judging by the police report both attacks happened at night. So it probably means that this is a creature that's nocturnal, and sleeps during the day. Or it can be in hiding, either somewhere safe or walking disguised as a human.
“Cas and I talked to Ms. Lee. We did some off-the-record investigating and nada on the hex bags or anything like that. But Cas did find some odd spot on the floor. Almost like something wet had been dragged – “
“ – dragged along the floor.”
“Huh, I hear it's the same as with Mr. Karstark.”
“Yes, but it was more than an odd spot on the floor. I saw blood.”
“Hmm. And it can't be Karstark's and Lee's cause their bodies were drained so we know it came from our mystery monster.”
Cas came up to Dean and stroked his arm before pulling at him gently. A rush swept over Dean with feelings he didn't have time to dissect, especially not at a freaking Wilmart. “I think we're done, honey. I grabbed the last items so we're ready to head to checkout.”
“Thanks... Ca – “ Dean stopped himself when Cas looked at him intently. “Angel.”
Cas seemed pleased as he walked away.
“Honey and angel, eh? Seems you and Cas are doing pretty good on the whole marriage thing.”
“Fake marriage, Sam. This is just a trap for our monster, alright. We need to ace this.”
“Well, no worries there, you're really nailing it, Dean. Oh, I also found an opened letter from the HOA, signed from a Ms. Chiyoh.”
Dean perked up at that. “Really? What it say?”
“It was a notice for them to maintain their lawn properly. Cut the grass and prune the apple trees.”
Dean rubbed his eyes. The HOA really was everywhere. Dean stopped. “Did Mrs. Karstark say anything about a fight or her and her husband not getting along? Him cooking meth on the side and hiding his cancer kind of thing?”
“What, no? No, they had barely been married a month. From what I gathered from her, and the written statements from friends and family that were interviewed, they seemed happy. Extremely so. They'd been together for years before tying the knot and friends said they acted like they'd just met.”
“Alright, let's keep in touch. I need to finish grocery shopping now.”
“How domestic.”
“Shut up, Sammy.”
“I'll text you the address to my hotel. We'll talk later tonight after we hit up the lore books now that we have more to go on.
“Right, lore books...”
“You did not pack any... Fine, see what you can find online then. Bye, Mr. Krushnic.”
“Bitch,” Dean muttered into the phone, but Sam had already hung up.
Dean grabbed a bag of barbecue coals and a six-pack of beer. They were not doing the chicken wings in the freaking oven. No, Mr. and Mr. Krushnic were barbecue-pros and since it looked like they'd be in the house for some time, they were making the most of it.
“The potatoes are in the oven, thyme and salt on them.” Cas handed Dean a beer.
He opened it and sighed in satisfaction as he sat down on the recliner in the backyard. “This is nice, Cas. Sun is out, meat is getting charred, cold beer in hand, you and me just chilling. ”
“I don't think charred meat is that pleasant but I agree with the rest of your sentiment.” Cas took a gulp of his beer and grabbed Dean's hand. “You don't have a ring on.”
“So put a ring on it.” Dean laughed but Cas looked serious.
“It is a custom that husbands have rings. It's an outward sign of claim. Do you want a ring?”
“I'm sure that people will believe we're married.” Dean eyed Cas' blue T-shirt, how it fit snugly, highlighting all the muscles that the usual trench coat outfit hid. He licked his lips. “We're already at the coordinated clothes stage.” Dean pointed at his own blue T-shirt. “See, we're practically married anyway.”
Cas squinted at Dean but didn't say anything.
“I mean in theory. I'm not saying that we – we are married, it's not like we have a marriage license. Not that I wouldn't say no... but for the case...” A marriage license? He needed to shut up, like yesterday. “I'ma go and see if the chicken wings are done. Go set the table.”
“I already did that. And made the bed, and cleaned the bathroom.”
Dean shook his head. “Wow, Cas. You're the Energizer bunny. When did you have time to do all that?”
“When you tried to achieve the 'perfect marinade'. It's good to know that one of us is organized.”
“I'm organized. Who did you think fixed all the dirty laundry Sam created when he was a teenager? Or who had to clean up all his messes when he was in his terrible two's – which went on way beyond him being two I might add? But marinades take time, Cas. It's like the finest spell work, each ingredient necessary for the final product. You can say I'm a marinade magician.” Dean flashed a smile towards Cas.
“Let's not say that,” Cas grumbled. “Do you want us to do some more research before dinner?”
Dean knew that they should; they were not in Okay to have dinner parties and sunbathe but for once, one part of the hunt was to actually do some R&R, and Dean wanted to just savor that moment. Savor time alone with Cas. “Nah, let's just enjoy ourselves for a moment.”
“I can't believe that you actually think Val Kilmer is the superior Batman. Do I even know you, Cas? Have you not seen the recent Batman movies?”
Cas chewed on a potato, shaking his head. “No, it wasn't on your list.” He paused for a moment. “If you want we can watch one of the Batman movies with Christian Bale. To rectify that mistake.”
“Alright.” Dean tried not to get too excited. They were actually doing Netflix and chill in the literal sense, nothing else.“I'd love to.” A buzz in his pocket made him jump up.
He fished up his phone. It was a message from Sam. I think I found it. Look up the Manananggal.
The man and the gal? “Time to hit the computer, Cas.”
“I think this is it, Dean. A cannibalistic vampire that sucks its victims dry.”
Dean took a sip from his beer. “Sure fits the bill. Anything on how it chooses its victims?”
Cas was silent for a moment, reading. “It says here that the manananggal haunts newlyweds and couples in love. I wonder why Sam thought we would be able to bring it out.” He looked at Dean quickly before averting his gaze.
Dean coughed slightly. “Um, the fake marriage thing. If it thinks we're married, it might just go for us.”
“We are in a fake marriage, Dean. You think this will be sufficient?”
“Hope so.”
“I think the best course of action is to 'lay it on real thick' as the kids say. Make the manananggal believe we're married.”
Dean took another swipe of his beer but it did nothing to mitigate the dryness in his throat. He and Cas had been holding hands all freaking day outside. Not that Dean objected but what else could they do? “Provoke it and goad it into attacking us. So we need to exude love and sunshine?”
“I wouldn't put it exactly like that but yes.”
A line further down caught Dean's attention. “Check this out. The word manananggal means “the one who separates itself. Apparently it hunts at night and hides the lower body somewhere since it's vulnerable. It becomes immobile. The upper half of the torso sprouts wings and off it goes hunting for couples. It was left at the altar so that's why it targets grooms.”
“That makes sense with which people were attacked.”
“Oh, and it drags its body along, entrails hanging out and sucks its victims dry with an elongated tongue. You remember those marks we saw on the floor. God, that must have been... fluids left behind from its inside bits saying hello. Gross.”
“Nothing on how to kill it though. Maybe Sam can check his lore books, there might be additional information there. You can pour salt in the corner of your house to shield yourself from it.”
“Mm, but we don't want that, Cas. We want the son-uva-bitch to come to us.”
Cas leaned into Dean, their arms pressing against each other. A flush of warmth passed over Dean. He needed to stop, Cas just wanted a better look. “You see this, Dean?”
Dean read the paragraph. “Great. It's can disguise itself as a human during the day. So we're looking for something that looks like a human.”
“Yes. But we still don't really know how it knows who is in love or newly married.”
Dean shut the laptop down. “No. If it poses as a human, it must be someone who knows everything about the neighborhood. A person that's nosy. An old lady! They're nosy. Always spreading gossip and chit-chatting about Sudoku. We know about any old neighbors around?”
“No, most seem to be fairly young or families with kids.”
“Great.” Let's just try to refocus tomorrow. Now we have a lead at least.”
The hours passed quickly and Cas seemed to enjoy the movie. “Are you still gonna claim Val Kilmer is superior?” Dean spat the toothpaste foam in the sink and continued brushing.
“This Christian Bale had his points. But I do think his voice was rather gravely.”
Dean shook his head and paused his brushing, the toothbrush hanging by the corner of his mouth. “There's no such things as a voice being too gravely, Cas. People dig gravely voices... Your voice is gravely.”
Cas stopped his brushing. “It is. Do you... dig my gravely voice?”
“Uh, I mean, not that I've put much thought too it but. I – You do have a gravely voice, I've noticed that.”
Cas cleaned his toothbrush. The harsh bathroom light did nothing to hide the intensity of the blue in his eyes. He leaned in close to Dean and put the brush back in its place. “Mm.”
“It's nice. Your voice I mean.” Dean tried not to think about how Cas' body pressed against his own and how much he enjoyed the feeling.”
“It is nice. But do you like it?” Cas waited patiently like this was some goddamn quiz that Dean needed to pass.
Dean was under no illusion that he was gonna ace this, he was failing miserably. “I do?”
Cas just hummed and raised his finger to Dean's cheek. Casually he swiped over Dean's skin. “You have something there, honey.”
The touch left a burning trail behind and Dean feared to speak. He was wide-eyed and trying not to moan with the sheer hotness of it all.
“Some toothpaste.”
“Mm, I'm a messy brusher,” Dean whispered.
“I know.” It seemed that Cas wanted to say something more but he turned and left Dean alone with his very confused feelings.
Dean sat down on the toilet, only to stand up again. He splashed his face with some water but it still felt like his face was on fire. He needed to remind himself that this was only fake. Cas did not love him for real, not like that. This was all in the name of catching some two-piece winged vamp monster.
As Dean walked into the bedroom, he saw Cas in bed. Under the freaking covers.
His body went cold. He had not thought about sleeping arrangements at all. “I see you picked a good spot there, Cas.” He laughed hoarsely.
“Yes. Husbands sleep together, you can join me.”
Dean chased away all the images of himself and Cas his mind provided at Cas' statement. “Right. Of course.” He slipped down under the covers and tried not to be acutely aware of the warmth coming off of Cas' body. He was like a furnace or maybe it was Dean's own body that was on fire.
Cas turned off the lights. “Good night, Dean.”
“Good night, Cas.” Dean exhaled slowly and turned to the side. He realized that he was facing Cas' face, mere inches apart from his own. Who the fuck made this bed and how on earth was this considered a proper size for two adults?
Cas looked at him. “I don't require much sleep. I think I'll meditate for a while.”
“Like that? With open eyes?” “I can get up if you want.” Cas paused.
Dean waited for something more but when it didn't come he broke the silence. “No. Stay. I can sleep anyway.” Dean turned the other way and stiffened when he felt Cas' groin pressed against his ass. He didn't know what to do. If he moved, then things would get really awkward. If he didn't move... well, things were already awkward.
Dean decided to go for option number three: breathe slowly and hope sleep would find him quickly.
The light shone through the blinds. Dean stirred slowly, squinting against the sun. As he turned, the fleeting thoughts from a dream came to him. Someone that had intimate knowledge about the area and its people. Someone who greeted him and Cas as soon as they moved in. The HOA woman, Chiyoh Roman!
Dean was about to shake Cas awake to tell him his Eureka moment when he became aware of things that were not his body. During the night, Cas had snuggled in close or maybe it was Dean and now they were clinging to each other like overcooked spaghetti.
Dean realized that his left arm was heavy and numb. It was stuck under the pillow and Cas had put his head over it, effectively strangling all blood-circulation for God knew how many hours. His arm was draped over Dean's waist and their legs were touching each other.
He stayed like that for a while, pretending that this was mutual. Something that they both wanted and not an accident of nightly sleep movements. Cas stirred in his sleep, turning more towards Dean.
A smile bloomed on Dean's face. Cas really was beautiful. He never had time to really look at Cas unapologetically but now he took it. Cas' disheveled hair, the fullness of his lips, how his eyelashes cast tiny shadows underneath his eyes. The smoothness of his skin. Dean wanted to reach out and touch him.
Azure blue eyes looked at him suddenly.
Dean startled and tried to move away but his arm was still stuck under Cas' pillow. He pulled harder and Cas' head flopped up and then down on the pillow again.
Cas flew from the bed but where he was elegant, like a swan or some other bird creature – Dean did know jackshit about birds – he managed to tangle himself into the bed sheets and fell face-first on the carpeted floor.
He groaned and wished that the earth would swallow him.
Cas was by his side and pulled him up to kneeling. “Dean, are you alright?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to whoever invented polypropylene, right?”
“You do have a thick skull, I think you'd be fine even without the carpet.”
Dean glared at Cas, and suddenly the embarrassment he felt earlier was gone. It quickly came back when he realized he was staring at Cas' groin. He hurriedly got up on his feet.
Cas cleared his throat. “Here.”
Time stopped as if this was a pivotal moment. Dean imagined touching Cas purposefully, taking his hand and holding it to his chest as any husband would do. Husband. If things could be so effortless between them. Not necessarily that Dean wanted to marry Cas but to know that Cas loved him like he loved Cas, that would have been a good thing.
Dean smiled slightly, red coloring his cheeks – he really enjoyed looking at Cas when he slept, although it made him sound like a creep. “I can't,” he chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“My arm is asleep. I couldn't move it if my life depended on it.”
“Oh,”. Cas looked surprised but sprang into action. “I'll do it.” He spread the cover and went around Dean. Wrapping his arms around Dean's waist, he tied the cover off.
“Thank you,” Dean whispered.
“You're welcome, honey.” Cas' hands lingered on Dean's skin and when they fell away, a stab of disappointment hit Dean.
“Anytime angel.” After a moment of silence, Dean groaned. “Crap, we were supposed to eat tacos yesterday! It was Thursday and all.”
“I don't understand Dean, it was you who insisted we barbecue. And I fail to see how this is so relevant that you jump out of bed.”
“It's not about the tacos, Cas, even though that was a huge mistake. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you when we get back to the Bunker. It's about the house lady!” He pointed towards the window.
Cas looked at Dean and spoke slowly. “We don't have... a cleaning service.”
Dean shook his head, and grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on. “No, no. You remember how we read that the Manananggal could shift? The HOA person! Chiyoh! It's the perfect disguise. If she doesn't suck your energy dry by wanting you to mow the freaking lawn four times a week and grow yellow tulips, then she sucks you dry literally because she's jealous of your awesome love life.”
“That sounds plausible, but we don't exactly have a love life, Dean.”
We could fix that, Dean wanted to say. But he was not that big of an idiot. “We do as we've done in this marriage until now, Cas.” Dean grinned. “We fake it.”
Cas was more efficient than Dean and had already put on causal clothes while Dean was still fiddling with his T-shirt. “I mean, think about it. It all makes sense. She greets all the new-comers, probably does a whole fucking interview while spilling all HOA-rules and there she has time to do her manananggal magic and sniff out the ones that are high on the love-juice.”
“That may be, but how do you propose we get close to her?”
“Oh, I have a plan.” Dean walked over to the wardrobe and dove in. After a few seconds, he pulled out a pair of binoculars. “Ha, look at these babies, Cas. Premium quality, for Wilmart anyway, and most importantly, they have night vision!”
During breakfast, they called Sam.
”Hey, Mr. Krushnic and Mr. Krushnic. How is life?”
Dean swallowed a mouthful of scrambled eggs and drank a sip of juice, letting the silence drag on.
Cas raised an eyebrow but Dean shook his head.”
“Dean, can you hear me?”
“Nope, Mr. Krushnic is deaf to bullshit.”
Sam sighed on the other end of the line. “Alright, sorry. Now tell me why you called.”
“Chiyoh, the HOA-lady. Her name come up during the investigation?”
“No, I mean, yeah, since they found a card with her name on it. They talked to her briefly but let her go. There was no physical evidence whatsoever to tie her to the crime scene – the card could've been from an earlier time. And no motive according to the detectives. You thinking she's the manananggal?”
“Yep. I think we should pay her a nightly visit and check if she has a penchant for blood-sucking.”
“Alright, so what's the plan?”
After relaying the plan to Sam, Dean and Cas agreed to meet later in the evening.
“You think the bait will work?” Cas sounded skeptical.
Dean nodded. “Of course, angel. We fake it until we make it.” He smiled but the words tasted bitter on his tongue. He got up.
“Where are we going?”
“Nowhere, just need to clean my gun. You can never be too prepared.” Grabbing his plate with some leftover eggs, Dean moved to go to the kitchen.
Cas intercepted him, a hand on his arm holding him back. His blue eyes shone with concern. “Dean, are you alright? You haven't even touched your coffee.”
Dean glanced at the full mug and cleared his throat. “Mm, I'm fine, Cas.” The truth was that he wasn't fine. He was glad they were close to catching the monster, but a substantial part of him dreaded them leaving the house. Sure, Cas was not really his husband, but the stolen glances, and hand-holding – how they had slept close together at night – he was going to miss that.
Cas smiled weakly. “A marriage requires honesty.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Funny, Cas. Fine... I'm just gonna – miss this.”
“Sleep-ins, a hearty breakfast and monster hunting. We do that all the time.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we do.”
As the day progressed, Dean got antsier. It was an odd combination of preparing for the night's hunt and losing something that he'd finally gotten a taste of, something that he wanted more of. He wanted not just more, he wanted all of it. If his want was a spine, he was ready to crack it open and suck that marrow out.
They were almost home from an evening walk Cas insisted that they take. Dean had complained but it felt nice and it was yet another excuse to hold Cas' hand. He ignored the voice that added 'one last time' to his every thought.
“Tacos tonight?”
“Sure, Cas.”
“Alright, honey.” Cas smiled proudly and waited. When Dean didn't say anything, Cas poked him in the chest.
“Fine. Alright, angel. Tacos sounds good.”
Cas squeezed Dean's hand. “Can't wait for those bell peppers to be eaten. I've prepared them. I read somewhere that cooking food can be a good way to bring couples together.”
“So can fucking.” What was wrong with him? Did just a few days with Cas playing at being his husband rob him of all common sense?
Cas was silent for a beat, then a small smile played on his place. “So can fucking. I'll start with the tacos.” He turned, hesitated for a brief second and then leaned in close to Dean, giving him a soft peck on the cheek.
Dean was almost starting to think that Cas flirted with him... but on the other hand, he was probably just really into capturing the blood-sucking creep.
The tacos were good, even with the bell peppers, Dean had to give Cas that.
“So I trust I'll see bell peppers on the table from now on when we have taco night?”
Dean wiped his mouth and opened another beer. “Sure, Sam will be ecstatic. What time is it?”
“Soon eight.”
“Since we're not getting any shut-eye tonight, let's watch a movie or... do you have something else in mind?”
Cas seemed thoughtful for a second. “I've been thinking. We should maybe do something that really brings couples together. Just to solidify this... husband bond so that the Manananggal really picks our house tonight.”
Dean's mind flashed to them in bed, legs tangled together, Cas' arm draped over him. “Uh, sure.”
Cas walked over to a cupboard and picked up a Wilmert-bag. He opened it and brought out a square-shaped box.
Looking at the box, Dean huffed out a small laugh. “You want us to play Scrabble?”
“It's a fine game, Dean. Competitive, hones your word-skills and we get the satisfaction of doing something together.”
Dean grabbed a rag and wiped down the kitchen table. “When we agreed to do this whole fake-marriage thing I should have specified what stage of marriage. I had in mind more newlyweds and less old retired couple-vibe. But hey, we are doing something together so that's always something.”
After too many games to count, Dean finally glanced at the clock. “It's way past midnight. Let's go.”
They both left the game standing and walked upstairs to the bedroom.
Cas picked up his phone, his fingers flashing as he typed a message. “There, message to Sam is sent.”
Dean checked his gun and grabbed the tiny bag he'd prepared earlier. “Man, all the sneaking will be ruined by this stupid bag. She will smell us a mile away.”
“It's one of the few things that can hurt it according to lore and if your plan works, she won't be near us anyway.”
“I know but still. It's a ton of garlic.” Dean grabbed the spare covers, pillows, and blankets they had and bulked up their bed. Then he pulled the covers over it. Finally, he put a detached mop head on the pillow.
“What's that supposed to be?”
Dean smacked his tongue. “Hair, Cas. And in the dark, she won't see that it's grayish.”
Cas walked around the bed, surveying Dean's work. “What about my hair?”
“You don't need hair. Your head is under the covers.”
“Really? That's a strange sleeping position.”
“Yeah, you always had weird sleeping habits. Thankfully, Mr. Krushnic loves you anyway.” Dean froze and glanced at Cas.
Cas walked up to Dean slowly. “He does?”
“Yeah...” Dean's voice was hoarse.
“That's good to know.” Cas looked intently at Dean, as if he waited for something more to be spoken. Finally, he spoke, his voice cautious. “Any specific reasons why?”
If silence could thunder, Dean's mind would be a freaking storm. After what seemed to be way too long, Dean found his ability to speak again. “Uh... I mean you're an awesome person, Cas. Strong, loyal – I don't know how many times you've stood by me, even when you shouldn't. You're smart as hell, smarter than Sam and that says a lot – that guy was basically born with a book in his hands. You're... I mean Dean Krushnic would say that you're easy on the eye. From a purely neutral standpoint.”
Cas smiled faintly but there was an odd fire there. “I see.” He reached up and touched Dean's cheek.
Dean was sure he would spontaneously combust, right on the spot. “Yeah,” he managed to rasp out.
“Dean Krushnic seems like a catch. I'm curious about another man though.”
A faint but sudden burst of jealousy coursed through Dean. He tried to relax his face, as not to frown. “Who?”
“What does Dean Winchester think about me? Does his sentiment echo Dean Krushnic's?” Cas dropped his hand but his gaze commanded attention. “Do you... love me, Dean?”
Dean had no idea how this had happened. He tried to recall how they ended up with Cas asking Dean, not the fake Dean, but the real bacon-loving, beer-drinking, song-singing Dean– and came up blank. But he knew by all that he held holy that he did love Cas.
“I – “
Suddenly Cas moved away from Dean and ran to the window.
Dean was confused for a brief moment before realizing what was happening. He grabbed his night-vision binoculars and ran to the opposite side of the window. “Where?”
Cas pointed to a window on the first floor, in the house across the street. “There, by the kitchen.”
A small movement flashed in the room before it was gone. It didn't have to mean anything; a lot of people were up after midnight but Dean was sure that Chiyoh was not like other people. He was sure she was not people at all.
Dean squeezed his googles and let his gaze go to the left. There, behind another car, he saw the Impala. Sam would go in as soon as she left the house. Two huge trees grew nearby and together with the darkness of the night that would provide enough cover.
Cas opened the window slowly. The cool night-air drifted inside. It smelled faintly of the neighbor's roses and with it came the sound of insects and night birds. It was not the normal cacophony of sound though but more subdued as if even nature itself held its breath.
The front door to Chiyoh's house opened and she flew outside. The lower half of her body was gone and dark, leathery wings had sprouted from her back, She flapped them and hovered for a few seconds on the porch, before flying across the street.
Dean shook his head. “Look at her, so confident. She isn't even in a hurry. Didn't lock the door. Well, your day nap will be longer than usual.”
Cas was silent.
“It'll be longer cause she'll... she'll be dead, Cas.”
“I figured that, Dean. If it was a joke, the very act of explaining it defeats its purpose.”
Dean grumbled. “Maybe you should've laughed then. Whatever. Sam would've found it funny.”
They could hear a tiny rattle coming from downstairs and soon the tell-tale sound of a door slowly being opened came to them. It was showtime.
They jumped out of the window and landed with a soft thud on the grass.
Sam was already skulking around the trees, seeking the darkest shadows.
Dean and Cas sprinted across the street and sneaked inside.
“Alright, let's stick to the plan. Me and Cas will take the downstairs, Sam, you take the upstairs. “Time to find some legs.”
“You got some garlic and salt,” Sam wondered.
“Yep, we're good to go. Let's hurry. I don't think the makeshift pillow bodies will work for long.”
Sam arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He quickly ascended the stairs.
Dean was not sure if the salt would work on the Manananggal's own home but he quickly sprinkled salt on all the window sills and the front and back door, just in case. “Gotta tell you, she sure lives dangerously. Why would she go hunting just a few hours before sunrise?”
“Maybe it's complacency. Encounters with hunters being rare? I'll start in the back. There are only so many places were you can hide legs.”
Dean made a face. “Tell me about it.” He opened the restroom and pulled back the shower curtains but found it empty. Next, he rummaged through some closets in the hallway but found nothing. He could feel the seconds ticking away. Any moment now she'd be flying back in a flurry of rage.
“Kitchen is clean,” Cas shouted.
“Son of a bitch, where are you? Sam, anything?!” Dean cried.
Cas was checking the living room and Dean wanted to laugh. It was not like the legs were just chilling on the couch.
Sam came running down the stairs. “Nothing, I didn't find anything.”
“Well, search again!”
The door busted open, pieces of wood flying everywhere and there Chiyoh was. Her wings flapped furiously, but oddly enough it sounded like it came from far away. Blood dripped from her hanging entrails. She tried to cross the threshold and Dean held his breath.
When she shrieked in frustration, Dean exhaled. The salt line held for now but he couldn't count on his luck to last. Experience had taught him it could always get worse.
Chiyoh glared at him and beat her wings, disappearing from sight.
Dean realized she was in the back yard when she beat on the door, her claws scraping against glass.
The legs had to be in the house! Dean went back to the kitchen, his gaze sweeping over the floor and desk spaces, but nothing. Then he saw it. A thin, rectangular outline right on the wall behind the door to a storage room.
He shut the door to the storage room and opened the thin door. Bingo.
The bottom half of Chiyoh sat there, bloody and gory. “Found her!” Dean shouted. Fucking gross, this was worse than witches and the bloody rags of skin the shapeshifters left behind. Dean pulled up his bag, hesitating.
Sam was behind him. “Dean, what are you waiting for? Do it!”
Dean dropped a piece of garlic on the legs but Sam objected.
“You have to smoother the legs, rub it in! Hurry!”
Dean grimaced but grabbed a fistful of garlic and rubbed it all over the legs. He carefully avoided the bloody top parts. When he was done, he sprinkled it with salt for good measure.
Outside the house, an unholy sound escaped the manananggal's throat.
Dean and Sam ran out of the kitchen and into the living room just in time to see the first sunlight touch the world.
Chiyoh turned, her huge, leathery wings beating as she tried to escape but as the sun washed over her, they stopped beating. She screamed and hissed. “No!” It was a last protest, shouted in disbelief – garbled and wrong – nothing a human voice could produce.
She fell down with a thud, unmoving.
“It – I think it worked. She's dead.” Sam exhaled in relief.
“Let's just wait a few more minutes. I want her dead dead.”
Cas came to him. “I think Sam is right, she's dead, Dean. And we need to go. Neighbors are waking up and they'll have questions soon. Questions we can't answer.”
“Alright. Me and Cas gonna' head back to the house and grab our stuff. Sam, you wait in the car. Don't you dare sit in the driver seat.”
They were driving out of Okay seven minutes later, Dean's foot heavy on the gas pedal.
They talked about the hunt, Sam's sleuthing, what they had done during their hours separated. Dean didn't tell Sam anything about the more domestic things he and Cas had done while doing the whole fake marriage but Sam made small jokes here and there. Dean let him have it.
One hour into the drive home, Sam was knocked out. Dean had counted on it. Sure, they were used to little to no sleep but when they were safe and opportunity arose, Sam always took a chance to nap.
Silence reigned for a few minutes until Dean thought it was unbearable. Yet he remained silent.
The thought of knowing was worse. No, that was a lie. He wanted to know but he wanted it to be the right answer, the good kind of answer.
The answer he hoped for.
Dean gritted his teeth. Better live in uncertainty than know the truth and be forever disappointed and heartbroken.
Cas cleared his throat. “You never answered my question.”
Dean's mouth turned drier than the Sahara desert. “There's been a lot of questions during these couple of days, Cas. Yes, I like cheese. Nope, I don't take too long showers. And I guess, fine, bell peppers are OK on tacos.”
Cas' gaze hit him like a ton of bricks. His eyes were serious – it was the look of an angel that had been the leader of a garrison, commanding, and present – but Dean also detected a hint of sadness there.
His heart plummeted down into his stomach.
“That wasn't the question I was referring to. I was talking about – “
“I know which question you're talking about Cas...” Dean gripped the steering wheel tighter. Just fucking say it. It's just three goddamn letters. Just say it. Y-E-S. Yankee, echo, sierra. Yes, yes. Yes!
It came out much more quiet from Dean's lips than the bombastic declaration it had been in his mind. “Yes.”
Cas stilled.
Dean could feel it. Like a shift in the air, an aura of something that pushed against him, a heaviness that wrapped around him. Maybe he was having a heart attack.
“D-dean?” Cas sounded uncertain and hopeful.
It wrecked Dean. Not the hopefulness, never that but that Cas felt uncertain and hesitant. And that he was the cause of it. He never wanted Cas to doubt his feelings for him again.
Dean cleared his throat again, his eyes flitting to Cas for a second before he decided that his best option was to have them steady on the road. “Look, Cas... shit's complicated, our lives are complicated. Monster hunts and apocalypses every other week. And if it ain't that, then it's freaking God going all SuperSaiyan on us. Billie is hiding Jack somewhere so he can achieve his Jedi-status and everything just keeps piling up on us.”
Dean licked his lips and dared to look at Cas.
He was looking at Dean intently, waiting for him to be finished.
“And you were gone, after Mary and Jack.. I was a fucking douche for saying those things but I said them. And you came back. You always come back. And now this case, and the whole fake marriage thing, I just – Look I don't wanna marry you, Cas.”
Cas narrowed his eyes. “You're... confusing.”
Dean shook his head. “You still have that mixtape, Cas?”
“Of course. I... listen to it regularly. It means a lot to me.”
“I'm not good with words, always been a doer but even that doesn't seem to mean much when all that I try to do turns to dust. But this case, you and me 'playing house' as Sam called it... I saw a glimpse of what I could have. With you. And I'm tired, Cas. So fucking tired. So yeah.” He paused. “I love you. Have for a long time.”
He felt Cas' eyes on him like a fire, burning heat enveloping him. He was afraid to turn and look at Cas, afraid that he'd misread the whole situation, that everything had just been an act to catch Chiyoh. He was so fucking tired of being afraid but here he was nonetheless, fucking drowning in the emotion.
Dean grabbed the steering wheel tighter, bracing for rejection.
A gentle touch on his arm brought him back from his dark musings. “Dean?”
Finally, Dean dared to look at Cas.
Cas was glowing. It had nothing to do with his grace or with him being an angel. The sun played no part in it, even though the rays that danced across his face as they continued their drove home painted a gorgeous picture.
No, Cas' eyes shone. The soft lines around the corner of his eyes deepened as a breathtaking smile overtook him. “I love you too, Dean.”
“You do...?” Dean had a hard time processing what had just happened, so he nodded sheepishly and looked back at the road. “That's... wow... You love me.” Dean blinked but nonetheless tears formed, threatening to spill over. “You love me.”
“Are you alright, Dean? Baby is all over the place.”
Dean blinked again; a tear escaped and rolled down his cheek. “Baby is exactly where I want her to be.” He looked at Cas again. He looked the same but something was different. He seemed at peace. What a cliche sentiment that was but it didn't make it any less true.
Holy shit. Cas loved him back. Was it possible to pass out and be conscious at the same time?
Dean grabbed Cas' hand, his heart hammering in his chest the whole time. He imagined Cas' flinching, yanking his hand away, laughing and declaring it all to be some huge, awful, joke.
Normally, Dean was totally against driving Baby with only one hand. She was a beauty and deserved a two-hand grip on the steering wheel but these were hardly normal times.
“I'm good, Cas. I'm good.”
Cas' voice was deep, dark, and content. “Good. That's all I ever wanted for you. To be good. Happy.” He squeezed Dean's hand once.
Dean exhaled and couldn't stop his smile from breaking out. “I'm happy, Cas. No question about it.”
“When are we gonna tell Sam and Jack?”
Dean barely heard the question, still marveling at the sensation of Cas' heavy hand in his. “Um, soon. In the Bunker. You and me are gonna have some alone time first.” His cheeks turned red. Christ, he was giddy as a teenager again.
The landscape flew past them – occasional trees, neighborhoods, other cars. Even a Prius. It was all very mundane, just another drive home from a successful hunt. It was all the same, yet suddenly it struck Dean, the beauty of it all. Chuck was a fucking douche that needed to be stopped, monsters lurked and there was evil in the world.
But the world had two badass hunters, one kickass, angel and one juiced-up Nephilim kid. The world would be fine
Everything would be fine.
“Alone time?”
“Yeah, alone time. Just you and me, no prying eyes. You know how many times I've dreamt of kissing you? A kazillion times, Cas.”
Cas nodded, that content glow still present. “A kazillion is a significantly high number.”
“To the Bunker, then.”
Dean shook his head in amazement. “To the Bunker, Cas.” https://archiveofourown.org/works/24487438
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theonlybatopus · 4 years
Mafia Fic Skelleton Notes
Sans (Shade): An area man, in charge of the four timeline sectors and the duals as the Right arm for the Original sector under Queen Toriel. He micromanages and dabbles in everyone’s business, in charge of all deals and some speculate the true Don. His nickname isn’t one he uses himself and was given as a mocking compliment on how expertly shady he is. Much like Rabid he cannot allow himself to make friends and has even distanced himself from his brother, as if to stop the skeleton from knowing what he’s done and will do. Though he thinks much of what he does is hidden, he doesn’t know Sweets knows all it but lets him think otherwise. Though all eight know him, and Sweets is his brother, he is rarely seen interacting unless it’s for business and where he goes when not on business is anybody’s guess.
Papyrus (Sweets): Enforcer, he works directly with Sans to make sure everything is done properly and that everyone is working properly. Contrary to his relatively benign demeanor, he is second in strength only to his brother, and has no trouble ensuring people follow orders. His nickname comes directly from the fact that his job is the opposite. Contrary to what most people think, Sweets chose his job. He likes sparring, and he likes making sure things get done right and the best way to ensure that is to do it himself. It’s an added bonus of protecting and helping take some weight of Shade. He gets along well with Slugger as he never underestimates him, and often backs him up. He wishes Slugger could teach his brother how to relax.
Relationship: A little strained, both tend to keep things from each other in an effort to keep the other “happy” and “not worry them” and it means there is a bit of tip-toeing. Add Shade’s constant deference to Sweets in place of apologies or explanations and it makes for a slightly awkward atmosphere. Regardless, the brothers are extremely loyal to each other.
Sans (Slugger): Mafioso, he has no special duties and prefers it that way. Works directly under Papyrus. No one is sure what he actually does aside from piss Cap off but if there’s a brawl, he’s in it. It’s said he only joined because his brother did, and wherever Cap is, Slugger isn’t far behind. His nickname comes from the fact that his favorite form of attack of magic filled punches capable of going through solid concrete. If this skeleton says he’s going to knock your head clean off, he means it. He and Sweets like to rib each other because they both do essentially the same job, watching out for their brother at all costs. The fact that Sweets is even in the position he’s in aggravates Slugger and it’s a point of contention between him and Shade. He’s probably the most easy-going of all eight skeletons because he could give a fuck less what is going on. So long as he and his brother (and Sweets) aren’t dead, he couldn’t care less.
Papyrus (Cap): Cappo, in charge of the soldiers of Fell/Fellswap district, including Undyne. His attacks may not be the strongest but with a near unfathomable amount of magic reserves and the brains to back it up, it doesn’t matter. If he can’t be the boss of the whole Mafia then he settles for controlling all the puppets below him. His nickname comes from his job title, and he gave it to himself. Likely the most aggressive of the group, whether passive or outright. He is protective to a fault and does whatever he deems necessary to protect the family and keep his puppets (as he calls them) in line. He thinks highly of Vice for his intelligence and if pressed would admit they are friends.
Relationship: With their common placed fights, it would be easy to write them off as despising each other but it could not be farther from the truth. Their working relationship is flawless and their personal relationship might be filled with thinly veiled insults (okay, outright insults) but their care is obvious when you take in the fact that Cap heals no one but Slugger after a fight and Slugger is never far from where Cap is. 
Sans (Scratch): Earner, no one is entirely sure what he does, but he has his hands in a bit of everything and ensures the family wants for nothing. If there’s a way to make money, he’s already doing it. In charge of not only getting funds and supplies but washing things if need be. He’s rarely seen except for meetings and works very closely with Shade. His nickname is slang for money, a name he took from the kids. Something of an accountant as well, he keeps the books for the Mafia and is by far the most well-known face in and out of it. He has a knack for reading people and seems to have an abundance of “friends”. Him and Sweets do not get along well because where Sweets friendliness is genuine, Scratch will throw you under a bus he made and drove.
Papyrus (Vice): Chief corrupter, in charge of bribes and all manner of intel. There’s nothing he doesn’t know, and if he doesn’t know then it isn’t true. Vice got his nickname as he uses everyone’s vices to get them to comply. He works closely with Solon and the twos squabbles are legendary. Friends with Cap, he often gives the other skeleton much needed intel for any work he does and Cap is known to accompany Vice on bribe deals in case they go south. Neither friendly nor unfriendly, the skeleton is fairly go with the flow, if the flow was always directed by him—and it usually is.
Relationship: Scratch will screw over anyone for his brother, including the Mafia if he had to, he tends to baby his brother and Vice lets him rather than deal with most people outside of his work. They are fairly co-dependent and probably the closest of any of the brothers given that there are no secrets between them and neither can do any wrong in the others eyes. 
Sans (Solon): Consigliere, in charge of internal disputes and legal counsel. He works closest with Vice and Toriel, if he says something needs to be done then it needs to be done. Not many outside the eight know who he is, he is more well-known by his day job as a criminal defensive attorney. Rabid gave him his nickname and he wears it with pride, it means a wise and skillful lawyer. Worries for his brother a lot and struggles to find balance between taking care of his mess of a brother and the mess of a Mafia (along with all the idiots in it). Him and Toriel are particularly close and tend to have weekly bitch-fests about the state of the Mafia and those in it. Weirdly enough is probably the most well-adjusted of the skeletons.
Papyrus (Rabid): Headhunter, both external and internal. Nicknamed after his appearance and methods, you normally only meet Rabid once and that’s more than enough. He’s always done what it takes to protect his brother and joined to make sure Solon stayed the consigliere for as long as he wants. Though he is the whole family’s headhunter, he only takes orders from Solon. Probably the most isolated of any of the skeletons, he doesn’t trust anyone but his brother but that isn’t why he has no friends. The family knows he could be called on them for any fuck up, and he knows the same so as such he has no desire to make friends with a target. The only person he might be considered friends with is Shade if only because the two skeletons acknowledge they are start and finish point of all work in the Mafia and that neither can play nice for safety reasons. That and their over-protectiveness towards their brother. Its said the only other person Rabid carries out hits for is Shade, and only when it directly protects Sweets, not because he cares about Sweets but because he understand Shades concern.
Relationship: In the Underground Rabid knew that being the stronger of the two, showing deference would keep everyone out of Solons way. It’s a habit that has carried over. His fear of losing his brother makes him clingy and his brothers ability to accept and move forward is a point of contention with them. Solon is torn between trying to help his brother and coddling him in his own way. Though they seem fine on the surface there is a strong undercurrent of tension. 
If you made it through the rambling heres a link to the fic!
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hailing-stars · 6 years
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the-spartan-bird · 6 years
After a landmine explodes in the forest, Bucky falls into a frozen lake and Steve jumps in after him. But pulling a frozen Barnes from the water is the least of Steve’s worries and a snowstorm strands them in foxholes while he desperately tries to warm his friend and prevent hypothermia.
Chapter 2 -  Bucky flees, convinced that Zola's experimentation has left him diseased. Should he stay and risk infecting the others, or go home and suffer a worse fate...
Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, Gabe Jones, Montgomery Fallwsorth, Jim Morita, Jacques Dernier, Howling Commandos Additional Tags: Captain America: The First Avenger, War time Bucky, Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Howling Commandos - Freeform, World War II, Protective Steve Rogers, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Feels, Whump, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Near Death Experiences, Near Drowning, Hypothermia, Pneumonia, I write when I'm hurting, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mild Language Updates every Thursday
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fulltimecatwitch · 4 years
I Found a Reason ( To Keep Living)
My first anderperry fanfic set in the late 60s´ and early 70s´! 
I had already posted the a03link to the first chapter but it doesn´t show in the tags for some reason (?) so i´m posting it here as well.
Summary: It is the fall of 1969 and the start of senior year at Wellton for the Dead Poets. The world around them is changing fast and soon they will have to decide what they want for their lives. Neil is struggling against his fathers wishes of becoming a doctor,while his roomate Todd is trying to find the confidence to allow himself to lead the life he wants. They connect through their shared loved for music and dreams of moving to New York ,but don´t quite know what to do when it comes to the feelings they have for each other.An ode to the dead poets and the counterculture of the 60s´.
Warnings for: underage smoking, underage drinking, period typical homophobia, police brutality ( mentioned), brief mentions of war, poor parenting
Chapter 1: Gimme Shelter 
Neil Perry loved music, there was no other way to say it. Even before acting and performing, music had been his lifesaver in the ever-demanding life his father had already planned for him. Whenever he was feeling blue, he knew all he had to do was listen to his favourite records. He kept them in his closet, neatly ordered and hidden under piles of sweaters and other clothing items. Under the bed was the record player his mother had gifted him when he turned fifteen. His father had resisted at first, going on about how much it had costed and how much it was going to distract him from his classes. It took some help from his mother, but he let him keep it as long as he promised to use it “moderately and only after he was done studying”.
Neil had some records stored at home, but the ones he kept at Wellton were the ones that would get a disapproving look from his father and one or two of his professors. Most of the albums from the Beatles and the Stones, some Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, Clapton, he had a bit of everything. It hardly mattered now that he was back at school, away from his father and his incessant demands. He listened while doing homework in the afternoon with the volume almost at the lowest just in case Hager was around. Saturdays were his favourite days because he would then take the record player to the school´s rooftop along with some records; the others would join him too. Charlie provided cigarettes and wine that nobody knew how he obtained. Pitts would bring snacks and when he was feeling particularly happy, he would dance along with Meeks. They spent their afternoons lazily listening and dreaming how their lives would be after Wellton. For Neil, sometimes it seemed as if there was no future. There was so much chaos in the world around them: the war, the civil rights movement, the riots at that bar in New York, the police brutality, the list was endless. Yet, all his parents could think of was getting him to medical school. He supposed they had a point; in a year he and all his friends would be eighteen, all eligible for the draft. Sure, he could play it safe for a year or so with the college defer but what if he wasn´t able to keep up with the workload? Pre-med wasn´t easy, he knew that much, and it did not help that he dreaded the idea of becoming a doctor almost as much as the idea of getting dragged to the jungle. Unlike Charlie, who kept bragging about how he would burn his draft card if he ever got called, Neil´s parents had no connections that could help him. He was certain Todd and Knox had them but the rest of them were screwed. Pitts had once told him that if he ever got drafted, he was done for. No way he would survive in the jungle. They had all seen the news coverage; it was a massacre. “Perry,” Charlie said on one of those afternoons, while rolling his eyes “Knoxious here wants to listen to Rubber Soul because he thinks that the Beatles are better than the Rolling Stones, can you believe it?" Neil sighed internally, the same thing happened with Charlie and Knox every time they listened to music. They would first argue about which record to play and then endlessly debate who had the better music taste. Since Neil was the owner of the record player, he unofficially had the power to ultimately decide which album to liste, and he often had to intervene between the two. “I didn´t say that Charlie,” Knox interrupted “I´m just saying they have more idea of what they are doing, what they want their music to sound like. Even Bob Dylan said so.” “Well Dylan hasn´t really been the same since he went electric right?” “Come on Charlie you love the guy” “Not relevant right now, Neil” he said while putting out his cigarette “I say we take a vote to settle this for once and all” He called to the other dead poets, who were mindlessly talking about the massive amount of workload they had barely a month into the fall semester. “What are we doing?” asked Pitts “Taking a vote on who is better: the Beatles or the Stones” Neil said hoping his voice conveyed the slight annoyance of the situation Cameron rolled his eyes all the way back to his skull “Not again” Todd was standing slightly behind Meeks not saying anything yet. His new roommate was still a bit of a mystery, one that Neil found himself drawn to immediately. He was a bit of detective, so he tried hard to be friendly and the payoff was that little by little he saw glimpses of what composed the entirety of Todd. He liked hot tea on the afternoons, he only liked to shower at night, he clasped his hands together when nervous, his favourite sweater was a blue woollen one, he wasn´t good at maths, such little things. The most important one Neil had noticed was that even if Todd didn´t speak his mind often, his brain worked a thousand miles an hour and when he spoke, he did it with power, like prophet. He had such a gift with words and probably so much to say; it made Neil a bit sad that he would not allow himself to do it. He didn´t quite know what it was, but he had bonded with Todd in a way he had never with anyone else in his life. He suppossed that is what some would call "connection" but there had to be another word for it. Everytime there was this electricity running through both of their bodies and pulling them together. He felt the static in every inch of him, amplifying every part of his soul. “Who do you prefer, Perry? Asked Charlie, pulling him out of his thoughts. Damn it, Charlie. “Look, I don´t know who is better but right now I would take Let it Bleed over Revolver any day of the week” “You are a man of taste, Meeks? Pitts? “Sorry Charlie,” said the ginger “but I prefer the Beatles, not the old stuff though” “I agree the old stuff sucks, but I´d rather go to a Stones concert” added Pitts. “Cameron?” “You should know that I don´t approve much of either but if I had to pick, I would go with the Beatles. No way I am listening to someone who calls themselves satanic” “Why did I even ask?” sighed Charlie. What about you Todd? asked Neil raising his brow. The blue-eyed boy jolted slightly; he knew he had the final decision in his hands. If he was completely honest, he was more of a Beatles guy himself. He found that the lyrics suited him better, the mellow sounds were more of his taste, and even the old cheesy stuff ,he found endearing. The problem was that Neil had said he preferred the Stones and he could not deny Neil anything, even if he wasn´t aware he was asking. Neil was special on his own: he had this energy and passion to live that Todd had never seen on anyone else. He loved everything and everyone so much. He was determined to share bits and pieces of his beautiful soul, some he might never get back, just to make his friends feel the same joy he radiated. Neil was also the first person who had not given up on Todd. He had tried to push him away for good as much as he could during their first days at Welton and yet Neil persisted, like the leaf that refused to fall of a tree. Soon enough Todd realised that talking to Neil was easy and lovely. They had developed this little game, an unspoken one, where they guessed each other with just a hand gesture or a smile. Neil could guess what Todd was feeling or thinking with just a glance and the other way around. He liked this game, he liked being predicted and basked in sheer happiness whenever Neil smiled at him, signalling that they were thinking the same. Wasn´t that beauty in this world? To finally be able to talk with someone? To laugh? To dance? To read? someone to a dream about? Maybe it seemed small for Neil but the kindness he had showed him made Todd cry every time he thought about it. He took a few more seconds to think before finally saying: “Sorry, Knox but lately I´ve been more into the Stones and their blues” “Oh, you guys are the worst” Everyone laughed and the first few notes of Gimme Shelter were heard. The sun was setting, and the air was filled with cigarette smoke, everything was perfect. Todd wanted to preserve this in his head, capture it like a short film he could go over and over every time he felt alone. He tried to take it all in and took the courage to glance at Neil´s direction. Todd was certain he would be there, looking with that secret smile of his. Their eyes met through the last beams of light the sun had to offer, and when he curved his lips into a playful smirk and then a smile, they both knew he was saying: “Liar, we both know you prefer the Beatles” Todd smiled back and slightly shrugged his arms “You are welcome, Neil”
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The much better, Dursley's can fuck off, Slytherins are people too AU
Author(s): @younggayanddoingokay @alwayslily2024 
This fic is for people who: 
people who want Harry to get away from the Dursley and to never have to return to these monsters
people who want the Dursley's to have a taste of what they did to Harry
people who are fans of a good dose of Dumbledore bashing
people who want Harry to have a loving family and a bunch of supportive adults in his life
people who want Professor Snape to stop being a giant bag of dicks
people who want a realistic portrayal of the aftermath and consequences of childhood abuse
people who are sick of little kids being branded as evil just because they are Slytherin's
people who find it ridiculious that there is so little interhouse friendships in the books
So this is based on a tumblr prompt by Mauraders4evr (https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/marauders4evr) "Harry Potter AU where Harry is hiding in the cabinet in Borgin and Burkes. And he sees Lucius grab Draco with his cane. And he hears the hiss, “What did I tell you?” And he hears the quiver in the blonde boy’s voice, “Don’t touch anything.”
And Harry knows.
Because he’s used the voice that Draco uses for the past twelve years.
He knows.
Because now that he’s lived with the Weasleys for over a month, he knows that that’s not the way that a father’s voice should be.
He knows..."
And it wouldn't leave me alone so...
Quotes(s):    “Severus, you bumbling idiot, get your arse over here and feel sorry for yourself later!”   “Weasley’s!” Madam Pomphrey barks, and Fred and George look up, because that is the Fred and George tone used by all the teachers.    “Oh, ickle Harrykins is getting sleepy, Fred.  I dare say it’s time for a bedtime story.”      “Right you are, old chap.  Let’s see…” George thought for a moment before beginning.  “There once was a greasy dungeon bat and two noble red-headed heroes…” “Being positive gets you killed.  Think, Weasel, think!”  Draco made the motion of hitting his palm against his forehead while exhaling huffily. Her nostrils were flaring, and anyone who didn’t know Minerva would have thought her animagus a dragon, not a cat.     “Indeed.”  He looked at the Weasley twins, who had steel in their eyes, and their unusually serious faces seemed to say be nice to our brother or else, try us.  Severus had no intention of trying them. They’d all been kept up late by Draco’s animated impressions of ‘Things Professor Snape Does in the Common Room,” and Ron and Draco were struggling to keep their eyes open, but Harry, a natural morning person and sleeping better than ever due to the blessed and unusual absence of pain, was wide awake and chipper about going back to school.  
Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/series/959625   
Rating: ∞ /10 points  
Graphic Depictions Of Violence Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Millicent Bulstrode/Pansy Parkinson Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley  Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger Narcissa Malfoy/OFC  Harry Potter Ron WeasleyHermione Granger Draco Malfoy Pansy Parkinson Blaise Zabinithe whole gang basicallyMinerva McGonagallAlbus DumbledoreSeverus SnapeGilderoy Lockhartabusive dursley's Abusive Lucius Malfoy Fic based on a tumblr promptmulti-chapter ficAlbus Dumbledore learns he's a bloody fucking idiotSnape learns he's an arseAnd slowly learns not to be so much of an arsemaybe...Gryffindor/Slytherin FriendshipsInter-House FriendshipsFix-ItAUobviouslyif you haven't got thatSporadic Updates Unreliable Narrator The golden trio is basically a golden clusterfuckbecause everybody is friends now yayWell - FreeformSomewhatslytherins are cool okay?!
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purifycantyouhelpme · 4 months
Eyeliner | Izzy Stradlin x Reader
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Word count: 415
Summary: Izzy does your makeup, gender neutral (Y/N) I got the idea from someone on Tumblr saying that Izzy used to do one of the member’s makeup (I think it was Axl, I don’t remember)
A/N: For the setting, It doesn’t matter where they are. Use your imagination, I don't know and I know this was rushed, sorry. I’m stressed at the moment. I’m sorry for using the wrong there/their, don’t care
Still, in your pajamas, you wanted to get ready for the day by getting your makeup out of the way. “Izzy!” (Y/N) called his name. Izzy walked downstairs to see what (Y/N) called him for. “Yes, (Y/N)?” Izzy answered.
Running their fingers through their hair to grab part of their hair to make a simple bun. “Can you do my makeup?” (Y/N) asked, reaching into their pocket to find a rubber band.
“I don’t feel like doing it.” (Y/N) continued as she sat in a chair. “Say no more,” Izzy said. The corners of his mouth lifted gently, it wasn’t a full grin though. Izzy went looking for their makeup bag that was somewhere in their room.
Izzy was applying the black liquid eyeliner to (Y/N). He begins in the middle of the eyelid and draws towards the outer corner in one smooth motion. (Y/N) wasn’t causing any problems to Izzy, not moving a single muscle. The silence was lingering, the only sound being (Y/N) tapping her fingers on the chair they were sitting in. (Y/N) decided to break the silence by saying, “I didn’t know that you could do makeup, Izzy.”
“I do makeup all of the time, (Y/N),” Izzy said as he moved on to the other eye. “Including Axl’s makeup.” Izzy continued. (Y/N)’s eyes widened in shock when Izzy said that. Their eyes widening caused Izzy to mess up the eyeliner.
“S-Sorry about that.” (Y/N) apologized, Izzy reached for the wipes. “But I thought Axl did his makeup.” (Y/N) said in a confused tone. Since Izzy fixed the makeup, he just needed to add the final touches. Izzy grabbed a smudger to blend the makeup a bit. “Please, Axl would look horrible without it if he did it himself,” Izzy said in a playful tone while he couldn’t help but chuckle. Izzy was slowly putting the makeup accessories away in the bag. He was clearly done with (Y/N)’s makeup. He grabbed a small mirror from the bag and told (Y/N), “Look in the mirror.”
|(Y/N) faced towards the mirror. As soon as they saw the makeup on their face, their eyes widen in shock. “I… like it.” (Y/N) said softly as they smiled. They weren’t expecting it to look that good. “Thanks for doing my makeup. Izzy.” (Y/N) thanked him. Izzy just smiled at them as a response, proud of his work.
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purifycantyouhelpme · 2 years
A Hotel Disaster | Izzy Stradlin x Fem! Reader
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Summary: You, Izzy, Slash, Duff, Steven and Axl are chilling at a hotel room and you give Izzy a blowjob while the others are out of the hotel room. This takes place in 1993. This is all in Izzy's P.O.V.
Word Count: 858
I was sitting on one of the 6 beds, across from (Y/N). The other four was getting their breakfast from the breakfast table. Me, Axl and (Y/N) was the only ones who haven't gotten their breakfast. Axl got up from the bed and walked to the door.
"Izzy, are you going to get some breakfast?" Axl asked me. "No thanks, Axl." I said. I wasn't really hungry. "I'll just rest right here with (Y/N)." I put my hands behind my head, shoulders up. I smiled at him. Axl didn't look too happy when I said no. "Alright, loser." Axl stick his tongue out at me. He walked out of the hotel room and shut the door. What an ass.
Me and (Y/N) were the only ones in the hotel room. (Y/N) was watching TV, she was watching Seinfeld.
I couldn't help but to stare at her. Her long brown hair, her shiny white skin, those amber eyes. She's so pretty and cute. Just staring at her is making me horny. God, I want to fuck her so bad.
Suddenly, I got hard. I got a bulge in my pants, this was embarrasing. I didn't want (Y/N) to see it. I immediately covered it up with my hands and I quickly flip on the other side of the bed. I made kind of a loud thud when I did that.
"Are you okay, Izzy?" She asked me, she was concerned. Should I tell her?
"(Y/N)..." I got off of the bed and stand up. I walked over to (Y/N)'s bed while covering my boner. I stared at her for bit.
I took my pants off, I took my underwear off in front of her. She was shocked at what she was seeing. I had my hands on my hip. "I want you to suck on it." I pointed at my dick with my right hand. I was being serious.
"I-Izzy!" She yelled. She put her hands over her mouth and then she covered her eyes with her hands. She turned her head away. "I-I can't do it. There are people here and... Steven and them are going to come back." She was pretty worried. She didn't say no. I walked in a little closer. She slowly moved her hands away from her face. She was staring at my erected dick. I chuckled. Come on, (Y/N), this dick isn't going to suck itself. I kept on pointing to my dick.
"F-Fine." She said, slightly pissed. I had a grin on my face. She took her shirt off, she was in her crop top and pants. The crop top was pretty small.
Kneeling down on the floor, she hold my dick with her left hand and her right hand was on the floor. I was staring at the wall, the TV was still playing in the background.
Her eyes were close and her tongue was slowly licking the tip. I let out a moan. I didn't care if people could hear us at this point.
Her tongue was all over my dick from the tip to the end. She was licking it back and forth. I couldn't help but to moan with every lick, it felt really good.
She stopped licking my dick and she opened her eyes. I was breathing in and out. She was staring at me. "Am I doing a good job? I don't know what I'm doing." She asked me as she started to stroke my dick slowly. I looked down at her. This is her first time? I don't believe her. She's doing a good job.
"F-Faster." I moaned softly. She slowly put her whole mouth on the tip. She started to move her head up and down, sucking my dick. "Fuck..." I grunted. "Don't stop..." I said softly. She's going faster. My eyes were rolled back and my head was titled back. I feel like I'm going to cum.
The footsteps were getting closer.
I heard them opening the hotel door. Oh no. This is bad.
"Izzy, we're--" I heard Steven say something to me. "Oh my god." Duff yelled, he was shocked that he was seeing this. I felt so embarrassed that I don't even wanna look at them.
I put my hands behind (Y/N)'s head
and push her head farther in my cock.
"I'm cumming.... ahh~" I moaned loudly as I came in her mouth. God, that felt really good, I needed that. I was breathing pretty hard. I let go off her head, she was breathing pretty hard too. I looked down at her, I realized that there was alot of cum in her mouth. She was spitting it out and was wiping it off her mouth with her hands. Sorry.
I turned around and I looked at them. They all holding their breakfast plates. They were really shocked that we had oral sex while they were gone. Duff was facepalming in anger.
"Oh..." I said. I didn't know what to say or do. "Hey guys." (Y/N) laughed nervously. We should of waited or did it in the bathroom.
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You Forgot Something • A James Hetfield x Fem! Reader
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Summary: James is about to leave for work. Y/N asks them if they've forgotten anything, and James gives them a kiss.
St Anger era aka June 2003
Word Count: 261
This is all in James’s P.O.V.
It was 10:00 AM, it was a bright sunny day. I was in my bedroom, getting dressed for work
My girlfriend, (Y/N) was in the kitchen, making breakfast. She was making eggs, bacon and toast. Y’know, the basic stuff. I didn’t want any breakfast because I was not hungry and I was about to be late to work so I told my girlfriend to pour some orange juice in my coffee cup.
I walked out the bedroom to the kitchen to see my beautiful girlfriend cooking. “Honey, I’m about to go to work.” I grabbed my coffee cup from the kitchen counter and I walked to the door. Before I could even open the door, (Y/N) asked me, “James, aren’t you forgetting something?”
She was right. I was forgetting something. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She blushed a little. That’s what I forgot, to give a kiss to my girlfriend before I left. I smiled and she crossed her arms, looking at him with a slight angry face. Why was she mad at me? She opened her hand to reveal my keys and wallet. “I meant this but thanks.” She said, it turns out that I forgot my wallet and keys. I look like a damn fool right now. “Oh right, my bad.” I awkwardly laughed. I took my keys and wallet from her and I walked back to the door. I shut the door behind me, off to work, I go.
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One Kiss Is All It Takes | Dave Mustaine x Fem! Reader
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Word count: 327
Summary: Dave Mustaine is teaching you how to kiss and you end up kissing Dave really quick. This takes place during the Rust in Peace era.
Dave and (Y/N) were standing at the bus stop, talking to each other. Dave was wearing a plain, white tshirt, navy blue jeans and black converse shoes and (Y/N) was wearing a white turtleneck crop top with oversized flannel grey shirt with baggy pants and white vans. They were both waiting for the bus because they didn't feel like walking to their next destination. It was silent for a bit until (Y/N) wanted to ask Dave something. "Dave, can you do something for me?" (Y/N) asked Dave. Her hands were behind her back, looking at Dave. "Sure, what is it?" Dave replied as he put his hands in his pockets. "Can you teach me how to kiss?" (Y/N) asked. She facepalmed in embarrassment. That was a stupid question for her to ask. "Kiss?" Dave was confused. He thought that (Y/N) already knew how to kiss but she didn't. Dave put his hands on hip and had a smirk on his face.
"C-Come on, it's so easy." Dave rolled his eyes. (Y/N) removed the hand from her
"All you gotta do is pucker your lips, close your eyes and place your lips on the person's lips or cheek." Dave said "Like this." Dave was showing (Y/N) how to kiss.She thought it was hard but it looked pretty easy. With no hesitation, (Y/N) leaned in and kissed Dave on the lips, exactly the way Dave showed her.
"Like that?" She asked Dave. Dave was shocked that (Y/N) kissed him.
He was silent and was flustered for a moment. He put his hand over his mouth for a bit and then he put his hand on his cheek. He was blushing like crazy. "Y-Yeah…. Just like that." Dave was smiling and looking at (Y/N). (Y/N) laughed a little. "Thanks, Dave." (Y/N) smiled. "No problem." Dave chuckled nervously as he turned his away from (Y/N).
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Before He Cheats | Chapter 3 • Duff Mckagan x Reader
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Word count: 2,805
A/N: I'm sorry that the third chapter took so long to make. I will taking a break from this story so I can work on my requests and work on another x reader multiple chapter story that I have been wanting to work on for a while.
Skylar's P.O.V
Man, they were so annoying. They were ruining my date with Duff. I was walking back to the Guitar shop with my fists clenched and an angry look on my face. I heard footsteps from far away, they were getting louder.
Duff was walking on the left side of me. He was breathing pretty heavily from all that running he did. "Skylar, why were you acting so rude?" Duff asked me.
"Because they were wasting our time." I replied. I scoffed. We both stopped walking because there was a car coming by.
"They weren't wasting my time." Duff said. Of course he would say that. We continued walking. I'm gonna have to tell him the truth. I can't hide this from him any longer. My fists were unclenched and I was rubbing my shoulder with my right hand.
"I just wanted to hang out with you. I'm tired of people interrupting us everytime we hang out together." I started to blush from embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" Duff asked me. He didn't sound very happy. "Because I thought you would be mad." I said nervously. I looked at Duff and he was pretty angry. His fists were also clenched. "I'm mad that you didn't straight up tell me." Duff said angrily. I'm not used to him being angry, he's always happy and nice. I stopped looking at Duff and I looked straight ahead.
It was slient for a little bit. The wind was blowing in the background, the trees were rustling, and I could hear cars passing by.
"After I get my bass guitar, I'm going home." Duff was walking faster than me. He was pretty far from me.
Why did I do that? Why did I say that? I could have kept my mouth shut. Now Duff is mad at me. I'm so stupid. Why can't I just tell him how I feel? But that Claire girl, something was off about her. She seems pretty suspicious.
The next day, Slash's P.O.V.
1:00 PM, it was pretty hot outside. I'm kinda glad that it's hot in this house because my pet snakes are not in their tanks, wandering around the house and hot temperatures/weather are good for snakes. I was wearing a tank top and basketball shorts. I was eating cereal while I was lying in my bed. I didn't have work today again. I could just relax until (Y/N) opened the door, calling my name. "Slash!" (Y/N) raised her voice at me. She was wearing a white plated ruffled short dress with brown boots. She looked pretty cute. "What is it, honey?" I yawned. "You said that you were going to hang out with me today." (Y/N) said.
"Oh yeah right." I forgot that I said that yesterday. That was the last thing on my mind. It didn't matter if I forgot or not, I didn't want to hangout with her at all. "Do you want to go bike riding with me?" I set my bowl on the nightstand. (Y/N) was smiling at you. "Yes, I do." She said, she had her hand on her hip. I got off from my bed and stretched a little. I haven't rode my bike in a little while so this is
"Alright, help me get the bikes from the garage." I told her. "Okay." She was walking to the garage, I was walking behind her.
Claire's P.O.V
I was at the beach bike shop, waiting for Slash. It's so fucking hot outside, the sun was beaming in my face. It didn't help that I was wearing a jean jacket.
I'm going bike riding with Slash but it's with (Y/N). Last time I hung out with her, she was so painfully nice and wouldn't stop talking to me. Maybe this time it won't be so bad. I already have my bike with me.
Slash's car was parked pretty far away from where I was standing. Slash was wearing a black tank top and some navy blue shorts. His hair was in a ponytail and he had sunglasses on. He looked so hot in his outfit and (Y/N) was using a stupid dress and some boots.
"Slash and (Y/N) were taking their bikes out of the trunk of their car. They set their bikes next to the car.
"I forgot my helmet again." Slash said.
"You always forget your helmet." (Y/N) said. They both turned around and saw me.
"I thought it was going to be only me and you." (Y/N) was confused.
"Well, Claire wants to join us." Slash pointed at me. I walked up to Slash, I was standing next to him. I was twiddling my fingers.
"Yeah, I just wanted to hang out with you guys." I lied. I only wanted to hang out with Slash, not with his annoying girlfriend. (Y/N) was scratching her head. "Uhh…" Before (Y/N) could say anything, some guy passed by us with his bike really fast.He rode his bike back to us, he hit the brake on his bike. "Hey guys! I didn't know you were coming here." A guy with short black hair said to us. He was wearing an unbuttoned white shirt with navy blue jeans and black pumas. Who was he?
"Hi Izzy." (Y/N) smiled. Oh, his name is Izzy.
"Oh you're that Claire girl that Steven was talking about yesterday." He said. I was a bit confused. Who is Steven? Slash probably knows. Izzy got off his bike and put his right hand in front of me. "Hi I'm Izzy." Izzy said. He wanted me to shake his hand, this was awkward. "H-Hey Izzy." I shook his hand. He seems nice. He let go of my hand. "Can I hang out with you guys? I got nothing–"
"No." Slash said. He was angry at Izzy. "Please." (Y/N) whined. She kept on pulling Slash's arm like a spoiled child. Please say no. "Alright, honey." Slash sighed. She stopped pulling on Slash's arm. Slash, you fucking idiot. I facepalmed. All I wanted to do was hang out with Slash, just the two of us.
Izzy immediately took off with the bike. He was pedaling really fast. "Izzy! Wait!" (Y/N) immediately went on her bike and pedaled really fast. She was catching up to Izzy. Slash got on his bike. "She's really annoying." I crossed my arms and tapped my foot.
"I know." Slash agreed.
Izzy's P.O.V
Still pedaling my bike, Ibwas like two blocks away. My hair and clothes were blowing in the wind. The wind felt pretty good on my body on this sunny day. I stopped pedaling my bike because I was getting pretty tired. I turned my head around to see that (Y/N) was catching up to me. She was pedaling pretty fast. Slash was right behind her. "IZZY!" (Y/N) shouted my name from afar. She immediately stopped her bike. She got off of her bike and was breathing pretty heavily. She was right next to me. "Don't ever go that fast again. I could barely keep up." (Y/N) whined. I laughed a little at her.
Slash stopped his bike and he was next to (Y/N). "That was pretty fun." Slash said. He got off the bike and hold (Y/N)'s hand. "Where's Claire?" I asked. As I asked, I saw Claire pedaling her bike fast into the distance. She looked really angry until she saw a dent in the sidewalk. Claire tried to hit the brakes on the bike to stop in time but it was too late. Claire tripped over a dent on the sidewalk and fell off of her bike. She fell flat on her face. We were all shocked that this happened. "Oww!" Claire yelled in agony. She slowly got up from the ground. She was sitting, with her left leg sticking out and her right leg underneath her left leg. She was holding onto her right left with both hands. Why did she and the others not bring knee pads? "Honey– I mean Claire!" Slash quickly ran up to Claire. Slash sat next to her, trying to help her out. He lifted up her left pants leg slowly. There was a scrape on her knee, it was bleeding pretty badly. All we could do was stare at it. "Claire, are you okay?" Slash asked as he hold her arm. "I'm not okay, idiot! I scraped my knee." Claire yelled. It looked like she was in so much pain. "I got her. Go bring the car here and get the first aid kit from the car." Slash told us. "Okay, we'll see you there." (Y/N) said. We decided to walk instead of using our bikes because we didn't go that far.
Me and (Y/N) were walking to the car like Slash told us to do. It's so hot, I just wanted to eat some ice-cream. "Why did Slash call Claire honey?" I asked (Y/N) "I don't know. It was probably an accident." (Y/N) said. I doubt it was an accident. You don't call a friend of yours honey, especially when you have a girlfriend. "How long has Claire and Slash been friends?" I asked her. I was curious. "They have been friends for a couple of months now. They met at a bar." She explained. They met at a bar? Why would Slash go to a bar? "Duff sent me a picture of him at work." She said, I remember that I fixed Duff's bass guitar yesterday and he was mad when he came back for it. That was weird, he was happy when he asked me to fix his bass guitar. She showed me the picture on her phone. The picture was Duff in his work uniform in the bathroom. "He looks so cute." She added. She put her phone back in her pocket. It's so obvious that Duff likes her more than a friend, why can't she see it? He has had a crush on her since their sophomore year of high-school. "Duff is such a nice person and kind person. He loves helping others, he loves hanging out with us, he never has beef with anyone, I'm surprised that you guys aren't dating. You guys would be a perfect match." I told her. She didn't look happy at all when I said all of that to her. "Perfect match? Me and Duff are just best friends. I'm happy with Slash. He's my everything." She said, she took a sip from her soda. I don't want to see her get angry so I'm just gonna shut up. "Forget I said anything." I said. I should have kept my mouth shut. Now I think that (Y/N) knows that Duff loves her. I shouldn't have outed him out like that.
Moments later…
(Y/N) drove the car back to where Slash and Claire were at. The bikes were in the trunk except for my bike. Slash and Claire were sitting in the car, fixing up her inquiries while me and (Y/N) were at an ice-cream cart, eating ice cream and talking to each other. What a perfect time for an ice-cream cart to come around here. The ice-cream cart was about 80 meters away from the car. It's time for me to go to work unfortunately. "Well, I did have a lot of fun today." I smiled. "Me too." She said, I looked at the car window from afar and I think that Claire kissed Slash on the cheek. Slash kissed her back. Slash is cheating on (Y/N). I was shocked that this is happening but not really. "Izzy?" (Y/N) kept tugging at my shirt. I snapped my head back to (Y/N). "S-Sorry, (Y/N). I got distracted." I said to her, I threw my soda can at the ground because I was done with it. "I gotta go to work. I'll see you guys later." I got on my bike. "Bye Izzy." (Y/N) waved at me. I rode my bike into the distance.
Axl's P.O.V
It's 3:00 PM, my air conditioner was on in my house since it's hot outside. I was in the living room, playing on my piano. The song I was playing was Beethoven's “Moonlight Sonata".
There was a knock on my door. Someone had to interrupt me while I was playing on my piano. I got up from my piano and walked to the door. Who was at my door? Skylar was at the door. She looked pretty sad. Skylar was wearing a burgundy tank top with black short jeans and black strap sandals. I wasn't really expecting her to come here. Me and Sky have been friends for a few years. Sky can be annoying, mean, and too honest sometimes I still hang out with her. "Sky, what are you doing here?" I asked her as I went back to my piano and continued playing. Skylar shut the door and walked up to me. Skylar stood next to me. She was kinda distracting me just by standing there. "I just want to talk to you about something." She said, she was scratching her head. "Sure, what is it?" I asked her. "Well, I don't tell anyone this but I'm in love with Duff." She told me. My face went from smiling a little to neutral. What she told me wasn't really surprising. I already know that Skylar is in love with Duff. "I know you like Duff, I can tell." I said. She punched me in my shoulder really hard. It hurted so bad, it made me stop playing the piano. "Asshole." She said in an angry tone. Her fists were clenched. "Ow!" I yelled as I rubbed my shoulder.
"It's so obvious you like him. You ask him to sit with you in the Tunnel of Love thing. I can't believe he's that oblivious." I yelled. "But I think he likes (Y/N). He always stares at her, compliments her, hangs out with her more than me and now he hates me because I lashed at him earlier." Skylar said. "He can't be with (Y/N), she's with Slash." I told her.
"No shit, Axl. I know that." Skylar yelled at me.
"Well, try harder than. I don't know what you want me to do!" I yelled at her. All of this yelling is making my throat hurt. "Can we stop yelling at each other?" Skylar asked.
"I'm gonna stay here for a little bit. I have nothing else to do." Skylar layed on my couch, she put her feet on the couch. I turned my whole body around, facing her. "Instead of sitting on the couch, why don't you sit on my lap? I got a special gift for you." I give her a seductive look and I pointed at my crotch. She looked at me with an angry look in her eye. She's not in the mood to hear my stupid gross jokes. I stopped pointing at my crouch and sighed. "I'm gonna get you something to eat from the fridge." I said, I walked from the living room to the kitchen. The kitchen was pretty messy, there were dirty dishes in the sink, pieces of food were on the floor. I will clean it up later.
What's in my fridge? Just a bunch of microwaved food, drinks and leftover spaghetti from yesterday. Skylar's favorite food is spaghetti, I might as well give her the last of it. I'm not really that hungry so I'm gonna have a glass of wine or bottle of wine because it's going to be a long and rough week. I set the cold bowl of spaghetti and fork on the living room table and I sat on the piano chair with a bottle of wine in my hand. "What made you lash at Duff?" I asked her, trying to open the wine bottle. "I got mad because everytime we hang out someone always has to interrupt us. This time Slash and his friend, Claire interrupted us–" Sky was still talking but all I heard was Claire. Claire, not her again. I'm tired of hearing her name. "Great, here we go again." I was getting angry just hearing her name. All that anger made me finally the wine bottle. "Wait? You know Claire?" She pointed at me. "No, only Izzy has met Claire. Me, Steven and Izzy were just talking about her earlier" I said as I threw the cork on the ground. "Let's just stop talking about Claire and relax a bit." I drank straight from the bottle because I didn't care. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes at me.
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purifycantyouhelpme · 11 months
Before He Cheats | Chapter 4 | A Duff Mckagan x Reader
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Word Count: 2553
A/N: I’m sorry that you guys had to wait 6 months for another chapter. I kept on losing motivation, I was dealing with college and other personal stuff. Now I’m back on my grind and I will be active.
Yesterday, at a grocery store, Steven's P.O.V
I just walked out of the grocery, holding two bags of groceries. Inside the bags were ice cream, popsicles, cold water and a lot of chips. It was really hot outside and inside, there was no air conditioning in that damn store except for opening the freezer in the freezer section. I was sweating like crazy. Sweat was dripping from my forehead, the sweat was slowly going to my eyes, I couldn't take it anymore.
I was about to go to my car until I saw Axl walking by. Of course Axl’s stupid ass is outside. He loves the heat. "Izzy!" Axl ran up to Izzy and hugged him. I didn’t even see Izzy until Axl yelled his name. What the hell? I might as well talk to them. They miss me anyways. I walked up to Axl and Izzy said, "Hey Axl. Hey Izzy." They both looked pretty mad at me. Probably because I haven’t talked to anyone in a long time. "Where have you been?" They both asked, I chuckled. God, it's so hot. "I have been pretty busy trying to get my life together," I said. It has been a rough couple of months. "Have you guys seen Slash’s new friend? Her name is Claire–”
"Who's Claire?" Axl interrupted me. Everytime we talk about a new girl, Axl wants to try to get with them. "Yeah, I just hung out with her. She's pretty nice." Izzy said. I didn’t know
"What does she look like?" Axl asked us. "Why you asked? You like her or something?" I asked him as Izzy laughed at him. "No I don't! Shut up!" Axl yelled at me. It's good to be back… sorta.
Present day, at a pet store, (Y/N)’s P.O.V.
Me and Slash were at a pet store, looking for more snakes to buy… again. At least I get to look at the other pets like the birds, fishes and turtles. Slash was staring at the boa constrictor with a big smile on his face. It looked like he was about to break the glass and grabbed the snake from there. I walked up to him and said, “You’re going to buy another boa constructor? We already have so many snakes.” I complained. I’m getting of Slash owning so many snakes. He looked at me and grabbed my chin. “They’re nonvenomous, sweetie.” He said as I blushed softly.
“Do you want me to buy a venomous snake?” He asked me in a low voice, he pushed his sunglasses up a bit. “N-No, honey.” I was getting scared. “I’m just playing with you.” Slash gave me a kiss on the forehead and let go of my chin. I chuckled a little.
I was standing next to Slash who was telling the worker to get him the boa constructor. As we were waiting for the worker to get the snake for him, Slash went on his phone while I just whistled to kill time. “Axl just texted me that we’re going to have some type of party at a bar tonight.” Slash said to me. I was shocked when told me that. Finally, take me anywhere else but this damn pet store. “Tonight?” I said. “Let’s get ready then!” I yelled and started to run out of the pet store to the car. “After we get the snake!” Slash yelled.
At the bar, Duff’s P.O.V
I’m at the bar with Axl, Steven, Izzy and Skylar. There were a lot of people here and it was pretty loud here and kinda cold. I’m glad Axl told us to come here. I was just sitting next to Skylar in silence while the others just pretty much argued with each other. It was clear that Skylar was still mad at me from earlier. Now we’re just waiting for Slash and (Y/N). When I came in here, I ordered some nachos and a Sprite soda can so right now, I’m just talking to the others while waiting for my food to be ready. After a moment, (Y/N) and Slash walked in the bar. Slash brought one of his pet snakes here, of course. I’m not afraid of snakes like Axl is, I like snakes but now, it's not the time to play with a snake. Finally, I saw (Y/N), she looked beautiful as always. She’s wearing baggy jeans, a small white shirt and white converse shoes. I couldn’t help but stare at her. She was holding hands with her boyfriend. “Everyone is finally here.” Izzy said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Izzy only came here because he was forced to. “Hi everybody!” (Y/N) shouted. Everyone was looking at them. (Y/N) looked at me and waved at me. “Hi Duff.” She said, walking up to me while still holding hands with Slash. “H-Hi, (Y/N). You look great.” I told her as she said right next to me, next to Skylar. “Thanks.” Her joyful laughter filled the room. She looked like she was in a great mood, she looked happier than normal. Slash on the other hand didn’t look like he wanted to be here. Skylar put her hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder and said, “You forgot someone, you doofus.”
“Everybody listen up!” Axl shouted. We turned our heads to look at him. “The reason why I brought you guys here is because I miss Steven and all of us hanging out at this bar is a welcome back party for Steven.” Axl explained. No one thought that he was being genuine. Axl and Steven never got along, they always fought and argued. But I do think Axl was trying to be nice. I mean, Axl did make things worse for Steven and he’s really trying to change.
“Thanks for doing all of this for me, Axl. I appreciate it.” Steven smiled a bit but his smile slowly became a frown. “But I still hate you.” Steven sticks a raspberry at him. Axl rolled his eyes at him. One day, they will get along. Slash let go of (Y/N)’s hand and walked up to Axl. “Come on Axl and Steven. Get along for once.” Slash showed his pet snake to Axl. As soon as Axl saw the snake, Axl held onto Izzy in a panic. Izzy was used to this at this point. “Get that fucking thing away from me!” Axl yelled at Slash as Slash just laughed at him. He flinched when the snake hissed. “It doesn’t bite, Axl. Its nonvenomous–”
“I don’t care! Get it away!” Axl kept on shouting and yelling at Slash. At this point, Axl was causing a scene.
After Axl’s long speech and him freaking out over a stupid snake, Claire walked in the bar and stood next to Skylar who was still ignoring me. Claire was wearing a black caprice leather mini dress, with black mary jane shoes, white socks and a star pin in her hair. I could hear Steven, Izzy and Axl talk about Claire in the background, weird.
“Babe, can you get me some nachos please?” (Y/N) asked Slash who was looking at Claire. Slash ignored her and walked towards Claire. They started talking to each other.
“Babe?” (Y/N) raised her voice a little to try to get her boyfriend’s attention but to no luck. She looked pretty sad that Slash was ignoring her but still kept a smile on her face. I walked to get my nachos and beverage from the bar counter and I handed it to (Y/N). “Here, you can have mine.” I said. She looked at me and smiled. “Thanks Duff.” She said, I couldn’t help but to blush. I can just eat at home anyways. “No problem.” I rubbed my cheek a little. I tried to talk to Skylar again but she ignored me. I shouldn’t have lashed out on her, I didn’t mean to. Slash turned around and saw me giving my food to his girlfriend. He approached me with a slightly angry look in his eye. “I was going to buy her something to eat. You didn’t need to do that.” Slash said to me in an angry tone, he crossed his arms. “It’s fine, babe.” She said as she continued to eat her food. This is the second time I believe, where he looked at me in an angry manner. Claire just rolled her eyes at me and didn’t care that we were fighting. Axl walked up to Claire, he looked kinda nervous. “Hello, who are you?” He said in a flirty voice. It's clear that Axl likes Claire. He flirts with any woman that he sees and finds attractive. “Claire. Nice to meet you.” Claire held her hand out so that Axl could shake her hand but instead he held her hand. “Well then, Claire, you are one fine woman~” Axl winked at her. “And you’re going to be lucky to have me in your life.” Axl kissed her hand. Claire was genuinely confused by Axl flirting with her.
Later, Duff’s P.O.V
We all were playing pool in teams together while Careless Whisper by George Micheals on jukebox started playing. The teams were Skylar, (Y/N), Slash, and Axl and the other team was Izzy, Me, Claire and Steven. Steve’s team was winning by two points. We would have won by a few more points if my teammates weren’t so uncooperative and distracted. “I gotta use the bathroom.” (Y/N) told everybody and chuckled nervously. (Y/N) went to the bathroom and we continued the game without her. It was Slash’s turn. Slash’s eyes was fixated on the 6 ball
“Man, you guys really do suck. Try harder.” Slash mocked and teased us. I rolled my eyes in response and Axl gave him the middle finger. Claire went up to him and punched him in the shoulder.“Ow.” Slash rubbed his shoulder where Claire hit him at. Claire had a grin on his face and crossed her arms. “Maybe next time, keep your mouth shut.” Claire pointed at him. “Why don’t both of you guys just shut up?” Skylar yelled at them. We stopped playing and faced her. Claire had her hands on her hips, looked at Skylar and said, “Excuse me?” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I said, shut up! No one wants to hear you talk about pointless shit.” Skylar continued to yell at them. We all were getting tired of her attitude. She isn’t normally like this. “Why don’t you leave? No one asked you to be here–” Claire was interrupted by a hard punch in the face by Skylar, everyone was looking at us, wondering what was going to happen next. Claire’s fists were clenched, she looked pissed. “You bitch!” Claire launched right at Claire and punched her in the jaw. Claire and Skylar were attacking each other while Slash and the others try to break up the fight. Instead of descalating the situation, I slowly backed away from the fight, while watching in “Jesus Christ!” I yelled. The bathroom door opened and close, meaning that (Y/N) was out of the bathroom. “What’s going on–” (Y/N) flinched in shocked at the fight that was happening. She couldn’t believe what was happening. “L-Let’s get out of here.” (Y/N) grabbed my hand and we both went out of the bar.
(Y/N's P.O.V)
Me and Duff were outside of the barn, looking at the fight from the windows in silence. It was colder outside than it was in the bar. The fight made me in disbelief because Skylar is so nice and to see her act like this, genuinely shocked me. Skylar and Claire finally stopped fighting and stomped their way out of the bar. “Man, that fight was something.” I broke the silence.
“You c-can let go of my h-hand now.” Duff said shyly. I forgot that holding Duff’s hand, I guess I needed some type of comfort after witnessing that. His hand was starting to sweat so I had to let go. “Sorry.” I apologized and let go of his hand. I put my hand in my pocket. “It’s f-fine.” Duff chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my head. I looked around and I looked back at Duff, "Duff, what did you want to ask me?" I asked him, curiously. He blushed. Before he went to the bar, he texted that he wanted to tell me something very important. Duff turned his head a bit and breathed in and out. "I want to say that..." I leaned in a bit to show him I was listening to whatever he was going to say to me. "That... t-that–'' He was stumbling with his words. What is Duff going to tell me? I’m not ready what’s going to tell me. He held onto my hips and pulled me closer to his face. We stared at each other for a bit, blushing like crazy. He leaned in a bit and kissed me on the lips. He broked up the kiss and smiled at me, I just froze in shock. Duff is in love with me? "I... I love you, (Y/N). I loved you for years now. You always made me happy, warm inside, and you made my days better. I want you to be my girlfriend." He held both of my hands, waiting for my response. My eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Duff, you know that I'm dating Slash. I can't do this to him." I immediately let go of his hands and turned around. I sighed and said, "I'm sorry but... I don't love you." Guilt was running through my head. I walked away from him, looking my head down in shame. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings but he had to hear the truth.
Duff's P.O.V
Watching (Y/N) walking away from me, I looked down on the floor, trying not to shed a tear. Hearing her say that she doesn’t love me really hurts. Of course she was going to say no, she’s with Slash. I ruined our friendship over a stupid confession, thinking that she would leave her boyfriend and be with me. (Y/N) hates me now, so does Skylar.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, it was Skylar. I couldn’t even look at her. "What's up with you? You look sad." Skylar asked me. I’m guessing she’s not mad at me anymore. “N-Nothing’s wrong. It's just that I made (Y/N) upset.” I told her. “Ow.” Skylar rubbed her jaw. “Man, you're making everyone hate you.” Skylar teased me and chuckled. I didn’t respond, just sigh.
She put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me, "Sorry. I'm always there for you if you need anything." She apologized. She sounded genuine. Thank you for trying to comfort me Skylar. I looked at her and said, "Skylar…"
"Since it's late at night, let's go to the movies together." I smiled at her. "Okay!" She grabbed my hand and was running. She was leading the way. I honestly don't know how to feel about this. Why am I doing this? I'm doing this to get over (Y/N). This is for my own good and her own good.
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