#a.g. roemmers
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aphan-de · 4 years ago
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“Cháu phải bao dung với con người ta khi phản ứng đầu tiên của họ là phán xét qua vẻ bề ngoài.”
Khác biệt thu hút mọi sự chú ý, để rồi sau đó, một mối quan hệ hình thành hoặc có thể là sự xa lánh. Tác giả đưa ra hai cách giúp giao tiếp với mọi người: Một là thu hút sự chú ý của mọi người vào vẻ bề ngoài, hoặc cách đơn giản hơn hãy bắt đầu từ sự bình thường nhất, rồi dần khẳng định nét đặc biệt thông qua những giá trị bên trong. Cách thứ hai chậm hơn, nhưng có khả năng đi đường dài và chạm đến giá trị thực sự của bản thân và cả mối quan hệ đó. 
“Điều quan trọng là cháu không được thôi là chính mình để khớp với cái mà những người khác muốn.”
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inspiringgobbledygooks · 7 years ago
Once again the road left the valley took us into a barreen landscape that was more conducive to thought than conversation. Neither of us dared to break the silence, as though there were no words appropriate for the situation.
The Return of the Young Prince, A.G. Homers
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sweet-prroncito · 4 years ago
Umber, oxide of chromium, prussian azure,
quinacridone rose, titans, lemon,
AaaaAAND potato yellow: DID U KNO I LUV U BOLILLO?! >:0 < 3
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
Sorting out my purpose in life.........
umber; have you drank enough water today?
Not at all, fren
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
Bread just out of the oven, uuuuuff
That combined with uhhh, the scent that día de muertos lets you have.... Lovely
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
I don't think I have one,,, but perhaps The return of the young Prince by A.G Roemmers?
El cuento de Mariana de Inés Arredondo?
Digo, porque hecho dibujos de esos textos. Y para que io dibuje algo, debo tener algún nivel de obsesión d-': ✨
The Perfume by Patrick Susskind?
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings?
Relaxing evenings bc mornings are suspicious and make me feel weird when they're slow,,,,
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
Since the last ask I've been thinking about it.... Maybe it's quesadillas con tortilla de harina. De queso, obviamente....
Now and then I can eat almost a whole kilo of tortillas just by cooking quesadillas during the day. Till someone notices and stops me
Potato yellow:
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Ten esta tortilla de harina como muestra de mi cariño
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a-dreamingflower · 4 years ago
Fave Books ‘Cause I’m Bored :/
The BFG - by Roald Dahl  Animal Farm - by George Orwell Gathering Blue - by Lois Lowry  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - by J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - by J.K. Rowling The Little Prince - by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The Return of the Young Prince - by A.G. Roemmers (might make a part 2)
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solstiscio · 5 years ago
Da lo mejor de ti en todo lo que hagas, de modo que refleje tu espíritu, y ofrece lo mejor de ti a cada persona, para que refleje tu amor. Verás que el mundo se convierte en uno de esos espejos de aumento, que refleja y te devuelve en mayor medida todo lo que desinteresadamente diste. Porque la única manera de rodearte de sonrisas es sonreír y la única manera de rodearte de amor es darlo a los demás.
El regreso del joven príncipe - A.G. Roemmers
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whiteiswinter · 5 years ago
Mungkin saja kesedihan ada di dunia ini supaya kita bisa mencintai dan menghargai kebahagiaan kita, bukan?
A. G. Roemmers, The Return of the Young Prince/ Kembalinya sang Pangeran Muda
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myvictorious2017 · 8 years ago
Sometimes, people are like oysrers: the only thing we need to do is wait for them to release the pearl that they've been harbouring inside.
The Return of the Young Prince, A.G. Roemmers
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hoardingbooks · 8 years ago
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uzaktangelir · 5 years ago
Timaş Genç Prensin Dönüşü Timaş Genç Prensin Dönüşü - A.G. Roemmers 18 dile çevrilmiş uluslararası bestseller'O büyüseydi ne olurdu? Bir gence dönüşseydi? Yine
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maryalayka · 5 years ago
“What do you do when you come across a problem?” the boy wanted to know.
“Well, the first thing to do is to see if the problem really is yours, if it’s your path that it’s blocking. That’s vital... because there are a lot of people who interfere in other people’s problems, even though they haven’t been asked for help. They lose time, waste their strength and prevent others from finding their own solutions,” the man explained.
“And if the problem really is yours?” he continued.
“Then you have to find the right key, and put it into the lock in the right sort of way.”
“It sounds simple,” the boy concluded.
“Some people don’t even find the key - and not for lack of imagination but because they’re unwilling to try two or three times with the keys that they have, and sometimes they don’t try at all. They want someone to hand them the key, or even worse, to come and open the door for them.”
excerpt from The Return of the Young Prince by A.G. Roemmers |un;titled
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inspiringgobbledygooks · 8 years ago
The path to joy and spiritual fulfilment requires the courage to change and grow. We should always be ready to abandon the comfort of our position and face our problems again and again, until we're satisfied we've resolved them and can go through that door and make progress,
The Return of the Young Prince, A.G. Roemmers
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sweet-prroncito · 7 years ago
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The return of the Young Prince by A.G Roemmers. ✨😭💙
I just love this book so much
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a-dreamingflower · 4 years ago
Congrats on a hundred plus followers <33 | Here are some "lets get personal asks" if you dont mind:) 1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?, 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17., What does your latest text message from someone else say?, 17: What was the last lie you told?, 19: What does your URL mean?, 39: What time is it?, 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?, Love or lust?, In a relationship?, 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? -hi
Thank you 💞💞
And no, i dont really mind as long as youre not asking for my personal info, i.e. address, phone number, school, etc
1. Umm,,,
- The A Team by Ed Sheeran
- Secret Garden by i forgot who but props to them
- Burn from Hamilton the Musical
- For Forever from Dear Evan Hansen
- Im Gonna Kill Santa Claus by Danny Gonzalez
- Johnny Johnny by Danny Gonzalez
3. So,, theres like 15 lines on page 23, so imma continue to the next page if thats alright,,
"It was clear he agreed with this obvious truth, one of which many adults dont accept."
-The Return of the Young Prince
by A.G. Roemmers
(Insert no.) What does your latest text message from someone else say?
Like no joke, that was the last message from one person
If group chats count, then the last message would be
"If this will be okkk"
17. "I dont need help,"
19. I got it from a the URL generator
I just change the middle one whenever theres special occassions , like if its October, November, January and June
(original-rainbow-cloud is the original)
39. What time is it?
(No Hamilton reference, no Hamilton reference--)
(Sorry lol)
Its 7:54 pm, by the time im typing this
45. Either the one in kinder where i hit my head and it bled or the time my ankle got roled over by a motor tricycle when i was 9 and i got to get a vaccine for anti-tetanus,,
(Insert no.) Love or lust?
Love 💞💞
But mostly because im an asexual, lol
(Insert no.) In a relationship?
Idk if this counts but me and @dark-trees-blowing-in-the-breeze are getting married on Saturday,, so,, i guess, yes??
63. I sit next to them in class lol
Idk, i have many frens but poor social skills
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andrcasttro · 5 years ago
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Lendo #oRetornodoJovemPrincipe "Este livro faz-nos recordar tudo aquilo que convém não esquecermos: o amor, a educação, a família, os valores que são o cimento das sociedades civilizadas e humanas." Um viajante encontra um rapaz adormecido à beira da estrada. Está estranhamente vestido, como um pequeno príncipe, esconde-se num manto azul. Perplexo, o viajante, leva-o consigo. O menino tem o cabelo loiro, da cor do trigo. E muitas perguntas para fazer. Aos poucos revela-se, fala de si, do seu pequeno planeta distante, de uma flor caprichosa que abandonou ao seu destino... e de um pequeno carneiro que aprisionou numa caixa de cartão, para que não fizesse mal à sua flor. O Retorno do Jovem Príncipe é uma história encantada, de A.G. Roemmers, o consagrado poeta Argentino. Ao evocar um personagem mítico da literatura universal, o autor recupera, neste início de século, uma inocência que temos de preservar. E, ao mesmo tempo, procura responder às grandes questões com que o Homem se debate hoje. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4l20n4HRrR/?igshid=1mcgjtwxv3tbs
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sophiehattcr · 8 years ago
If you feel alone, and if your heart is pure and your eyes still shine with the wonder of a child’s, perhaps as you read these pages you’ll find that the stars are smiling on you once more, that you can hear them as though they were five hundred million little bells.
The Return of the Young Prince, A.G. Roemmers
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myvictorious2017 · 8 years ago
Live with purpose and you will fulfil your destiny.
The Return of the Young Prince, A.G. Roemmers
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