#a woman virgin loser greasy etc etc being applied to bi women’s apparent ‘type’ is quite unnerving to me it’s almost like you want us to
peculiaritybending · 9 months
This may sound dramatic to some and I don’t know, maybe I am being “too deep” about this but I personally find the “bi girls like nerdy greasy gamer boys” stereotype disturbing considering the level of abuse bisexual women face. Making it a silly little funny stereotype that bisexual women are more likely to date incels and therefore advertising them as an option to these sorts of men greatly sickens me. Especially since it seems to a be a narrative pushed by people who are not bisexual women/fem presenting bisexuals and often only gets perpetuated and joked about by bi women & bi fem presenting individuals when they’ve already been exposed to this idea. I don’t know, I just think it’s very dangerous to push a demographic with high levels of abuse towards men who often tend to be abusers.
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