#a wee little sketch for yees
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smallandangry24 · 6 months ago
Twink ‘bout to pounce (Scott taking too long planning in the danger room again, and Logan’s not about to miss Gunsmoke)
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muggycuphead · 3 years ago
weird flex but ok i guess pt.2
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h  m y  g o d do I get a little crazier  every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [II]
EDIT 09/06/2023: Updated the traditional drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.-BFH FC 1 – Grawlbert
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
Scenario: Things happening in the zombie place past the dark alley; BF confronting Grawlbert face-to-face
(#Been a while since last time we saw lil BF on da hood, yo)
(#City life really did wonders with you, dog)
(#Real shame your comeback had to be on these circumstances, tho…)
(*Truth be told, these are the main reason I’m here)
(*Gotta do what must be done to help the hood, am I right?)
(#Hmph, remaining as noble as when being small B, yo)
(#I know a way that’ll go well with ya, bro)
(#But ya gotta show off how much you can stand to have it, y’know)
(*Try me!)
(#Aight then. Brunze, get it going!)
Remember the zombie dude I mentioned before? Yeah it is him, say hi to the internet bert-
I’ll confess something though, before this one, I did another design specifically for a side project of mine that also has some FNF/NG references to it (andiwontdenyitbcihaverespectforthecreatorsthatcamefromthereilya) and then based myself off of it to make this guy, but trying to keep the similarities at range
Basically, I ripped myself off…unless we consider it as a AlterChar case (plus this isn’t canon anyway so i can fiddle with it if I want to heehee-)
Though, to be one of my ‘first’ zombie designs, it looks neat even if I say so myself
Trying new art tropes and styles is really fun, ngl
2.-BF’s cracked microphone
Aw man, you broke my mic-
For this one I initially though it to be during the oof moment with the eye snek and stuff, but I reimagined it to be in the later later
I won’t say why it’s cracked yet, though you can figure out things of it, won’t mind
3.- BFH FC 2 – StyX
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Side note: This event is kinda ‘unchained’ by the time I write it up (ergo, no idea what happened before hand in concrete sense), so I’ll only focus on the encounter alone for now.
Scenario: Inside what we’d consider to be a freak circus’ ‘warehouse’ (or something of that sort) that has been made a mess of, an anthropomorphic hyena is sitting on the corner on its own, facing backwards and having passive-aggresive physical spasms every so and then and in different parts of its body, tail included.
As BF comes by, the hyena’s ears twitch up, as it starts sniffing the surroundings until spots the human behind them.
Quick transition (camera goes off and on)
Insert average battle stage layout w/ GF here
WhyY, lOoh -Oohkie thErre!
WEe gOt sOome NeEw guests Overr tOo thEe pAarrTYy!
aAnd One Of thEem’s aA rrEeAl trrEeAt tOo thEe EeYeE!
HeRr smEell’s nOt tHaAt chAarrmIing, thOougghh…
Repulsion. Don’t you dare come near me or else, you mange bag
WhAat?? YoOuu AfRrAaid Of cloOwnss??
No, I fear you’ll give me awful zombie rabies by a touch alone
(*Aight, cut it out now)
(Hey Mr. McCooties, is it here where the power source of this place’s at? Y’know, cuz of the blackout thing and stuff)
AanDd AeE guEsSs yOou’re thEe One whOo wIll sOo “ffIxX” Eet, wOn’t yOUu, lIttLe mUusiCkAll bOYy?
WeEell thEen, lEet’s gEet thE shOoOw goOing, mYy dUude!
Frowns with a wider smile. …and yOu bEtter mAke yOur pArt gOod.
Lightly savage. I’m dOing sOme bIg Efforts hEre to kEep mYself from STRAIGHT UP tEaring yOu Open lIke mY cAge’s bEd pIllow
Normal+‘Ough’ face. Ah…
Speaking of old OCs making their comeback…also furries (I’m having pico’s school love conquers all flashbacks now help me-)
And OOPS I accidentally drew him on BF’s position, sorry sorry will fix later pinkie promise
Yes this boi was an old OC of mine that used to be a low-key clown and used to wear an orange-ish handkerchief round his neck
Now he’s a lame excuse for a Joker wannabe that plays a fool out of himself for mere cash…oh and he’s also quite the aggressive type when he’s bothered, reason why he wears a shock collar as you can see there
But since there is no electricity it’s no longer an issue for him so he can do what pleases him…rap included
And about how he is able to breathe…he’s kind of an undead too so sdfghj-
4.- Eye-nimals…?
Got a little carried away with the eye morph idea, oopsie
I’d say, despite how unsettling they might look, I think they’re kind of cute...spookute (?)
5.-BFH FC 3 – Madame le Momst
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Side note: This event is kinda ‘unchained’ by the time I write it up (ergo, no idea what happened before hand in concrete sense), so I’ll only focus on the encounter alone for now. (2)
Scenario: Momst’s boutique(?).
Madame le Momst
Oh my feathers, hello there, little darlings!
Come in, come in, I’m all for visits tonight~
Pigeon Pit
Crook Crow
Hi there              
Madame le Momst
It’s been so long since I had someone coming to my boutique…
Lowered smile. …Since the blackout not only took my beloved music away, but also my fashion motivation
Sad. I’ve been trying to make new confections, but I just can’t come up with anything, as I so used to do before…
Cuckoo glance…and by just hearing that, you might tell it kinda has gotten me a little…too out of my head lately, to say the least
You don’t say, dear.
(*Well, I can help you out on that if you like)
Madame le Momst
Oh, you would do that for me?
(*Sure! Why else do you think I came over here anyway?)
Madame le Momst
Oh, so kind of you!~
Defying. …Still, you better make that kindness stand up enough towards my expectations
Sinister. And if you not, well…let’s just say your little girlfriend will have to compensate the loss
Cuckoo-er glance. I’ve heard demon eyes are quite the prettiest of jewels in this kind of industry after all
Heh, not even a chance, honey
Crook Crow
Sharp stares. Don’t underestimate me, woman
Sharp stares back. …
I’ll express my feelings towards this character through a meme:
-Female half-naked birb with tits doesn’t exist, she can’t hurt you
Female half-naked birb with tits
-Staring deep into my soul
I’m as lost as you might be, but this was out of a little memory of mine where my good ol’ friend Algid and I were talking about VB’s Ink Amalgam and I suddenly brought the idea of it looking like Momo
And well, here I am
You can tell I didn’t have much to think about and just went with the flow on this one, it was kind of fun still so whateva
Also really clever of me covering her crotch but not her tits
Sweet Jesus woman cover those nips of yours, no one needed to see them that closely t h a n k    y o u
6.-BFH FC 4 – Sarco Daddy/Mummy Daddy
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
Scenario: Mummy Club’s interior; MumDaddy’s ‘office’ specifically
BF enters past the ‘stringdoor‘ alongside GF; they’re dressed with the same fashion of the ‘staff’
(*Good evening ladies and gents, I’m looking for the owner of this place)
Mummu Ka
Oh, you wanna see the master, cutey?
Zuu Xha
Jhe’ll be jhere in a zecondd, don’t worry
MumDaddy enters the room from a different stringdoor
Mummy Daddy
What’s going on here?
Mummu Ka
Someone’s here to see you, master
Quick transition (camera goes off and on)
Mummy Daddy
So, you said you know how to fix our power leak over here, did you?
Mummu Ka
Concern. I have a feeling we shouldn’t really trust this little boy, master
Zuu Xha
Yea, thiz girl jhe brought jhaz zomething zuspixiouz…
Slightly sharp stares with tongue out. I can zense it from jhere
Bruh face. That’s because I’m literally next to you, sis.
Zuu Xha
Suspecting. Ztill…
Mummy Daddy
Don’t worry dears, she doesn’t seem to call for trouble here
As for you, I’ll give you a chance to try do the magic with our stuff here.
Frown. But if things don’t work out in the end, you’ll get a free sadomasochist session by me personally
And trust me, it’ll be more painful than the human type of play.
Mummies are really classy to be a part of the undead category, aren’t they?
Yes, this is adult nightclub naughty things confirmed
Don’t worry though, fanonically here BF is an adult already so y’know (?) (I keep him as a shortie bc I’m lazy…and also bc he cute like that)
7.-BFH FC 5 – The Bone-Oilers Leader (Formerly known as ‘Motorbones’)
I changed his ‘name’, yes
It sounded really generic so yeah
He still gangsta tho
8.-Pit and Crowk (Madame Le Momst’s pets/little assistants)
Mommy’s little babies…wicked babies
9.-BFH FC 6 – Grave-nan
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Event skipped: BF’s quick discharge and final check-up (protocol purposes)**
Scenario: The Hood’s Graffee Streets
GF walking by and looking around carefully
GirlFriend (on though)
They said this was the place I had to go to ask
Hope it wasn’t a scam…
GF accidentally hits a paint can with her shoe
Someone steps in, a freakystein holding another paint can on his hand
(¬Woah! Watch it!)
Oh my, sorry
(¬Say, what’s a pretty lady like you doing around here all alone?)
Looking for someone that can help me and my BF on this whole blackout mess, that’s for sure.
(¬So, you got the memo about it, huh?)
(¬Well then, if that’s the case, then I’m the man you’re looking for!)
(Name’s Grave-nan, or Grave for short)
(¬And –wait, did you say BF?)
Uhm yeah, that’s my partner’s name for short
(¬Hold up, you mean THE BF? AKA Lil BoyFriend?)
Blue hair, short height, long brows
That’s my boy if you wanna know
(¬Frost damn, now you got my attention!)
My goodness, you guys are really fond with him, aren’t you?
(¬Heh, yeah!)
(¬…Though, people don’t have the same view of you on this side of the street after what happened during last Friday)
Crossed arms …
(¬Yeah, rumors do spread like disease ‘round here)
(¬But in all honesty, for a demon relative, you don’t seem like a threat to me)
If that’s the case, then we should take that zombie dude who hurt my BF with his snake thing as the main topic
Now that’s what I’d consider to be an actual threat, no bias thoughts at all
(¬Wait, Unk Grawlbert did that?!)
(¬Darn, now things are twisting to the worse with this outage!)
(¬Still, that wouldn’t have happened if he had a reason other than just…)
(¬…well, bare spitefulness)
(¬Say, did BF encounter with something ‘weird’ going on while he was there?)
(¬…just in case he actually told you, of course)
Now that you say it, he kind of did
During his stay at the hospital, he did mention something about ‘strange arrow patterns’
Translating his words, ‘instead of a 90 degree angle, they looked as if they were on a 45 one’
Grave-nan claps his hands in realization.
(¬Now that’s what’s going on)
(¬He expected him to use the ‘diagonal mechanic’!)
(¬…but he didn’t have anything to activate it, I’ll guess)
(¬You multiply that frustration and unconsciousness with the no longer contained zombie instinct)
(¬Then add the idea of BF betraying the hood because he plus you equals nope according to him and most of the old-school zombeeps and zomboops around here)
(¬And BOOM, total mayhem breaks into the party )
(¬Quick maths!)
Wait, diagonal…what?
(¬Diagonal mechanic, dear)
(¬It’s a new way of power generation, especially for this kind of situations)
How does that work?
(¬Well, it basically turns singing into electricity)
(¬Sound frequency particles being transformed into energy, this that)
(¬Science things, y’know)
(¬And all the magic can be done with the help of this little guy over here)
Grave-nan puts his hand inside his pocket, takes it out, and shows GF a small device as he opens his fist (the little device is slightly on due to his own body’s electricity)
Oh, pretty cute.
Grave-nan takes GF’s hand softly and puts the device on its palm, closing it afterwards.
(¬Just connect it to the mic, and then you’ll be ready to go)
What? So it’s as simple as that?
Grave-nan nods
(¬…Though it doesn’t do much when us undeads try to use ‘em, hehe)
(¬I mean, if it was to my will, you bet I’d give my all to help da hood, yo!)
(¬But uhm, you see…)
Freakysteins can’t touch active electronics, or else they’ll shock
I know, I work with plenty of them until the sun settles down.
(¬Oh, cool!)
(¬And good you know)
(¬So…Want me to give you a little lesson about how to use it correctly?)
Sure, why not?
Grave-nan lends his arms towards the alley
(¬Awesome! Come over here, we’ll have more space to practice)
GF walks past him to where he’s pointing.
Grave-nan (on thought)
(¬Oh brother, I’m real pimpin’!)
(¬I’m about to do something for da hood man himself, the one and only…Wow!)
(¬Might be just a small help, but it’s still nice to be somewhat helpful)
(¬…nonetheless, remember Grave, don’t grow too attached)
(¬you know how it is…)
Grave-nan takes a deep breath, regains his composure and goes with GF
That one NG-themed char I did for C4:C‘R’ but instead it’s a freaky-steined iteration of him
…yes I said freaky-steined -and yes my dude zombeeps and zomboops are how they call zombies around here, zombeeps for fems and zomboops for men)
He doesn’t join any parties though, but he knows things as you can see here
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