#a very special fuck you to anyone who thinks it's ok to go on her posts to talk abt nick.
ozlices · 9 months
if ur participating in making memes abt gypsy rose in the wake of her release, or are making fun of her, or saying shit like "well, anyway, here's other ppl who should be released-" first of all, fuck you.
second of all, please block me u make me nauseous & i want nothing to do w ppl who think making light of one of the most gruesome cases of abuse ever recorded is ok.
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backtothefanfiction · 8 months
Hiii! i love your writing 😘 if your ok with writing this could i request some fluffy dad!felix catton if you have any in store?! again, totally understand if your uncomfortable writing this or just don’t want to 😊😊
It’s taken me a while to get to this because I’ve been struggling to find my way in when it comes to Felix as a Dad. I’m not sure if I do have a Dad!Felix fluff in me but I do have some thoughts/head canons on Felix as a Dad as a whole I’m slowly developing. So here are those…
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Felix is all in in the newborn stage. It’s a novelty for him. The easy stage before they find their voices and start screaming the place down. When all you have to do is hold them, feed them, change them. He’s so there for that.
He’s happy to get up in the middle of the night, looking out the windows at the grounds with a baby in his arms, telling stories and recounting memories of his youth and that time running around the grounds with Farleigh and Venetia.
He loves see you with HIS child. He’s very protective. While you lie in his bed with tea and toast, feeding your child he shoos everyone else from the room, not wanting to share that sight or special time with anyone else in the family. Venetia is the only one who occasionally slips through the cracks. (She is a great aunt to your child by the way)
When the baby starts to grow older though he begins to struggle. You are a very hands on parent in comparison to him and he’s happy for you to be. After all his mother was very hands on with him and Venetia, however as a child he never saw his Dad there as much as his Mum and so has adopted a similar way of thinking that of his father and grandfather that fussing kids is a Mother problem.
Don’t get me wrong, he still loves showing up to be the fun dad. Running across the lawns with them. Enabling their hobbies and paying for anything they want. But when it comes to the hard stuff you feel completely abandoned.
As time goes on you realise you aren’t on the same wave length about parenting at all. And a lot of that has to do with Felix’s upbringing and family.
Elspeth is always there to step in and make a fuss, forcing herself on her grandchildren like she makes everything better, but often (especially if a child is already in a tantrum state it can sometimes make it worse until she just hands the child back and leaves you with a screaming child.
When Felix’s mates come knocking, asking him to go on golfing or skiing holidays with them it’s always “you’ve got this, haven’t you babe? Great. I love you. See you in a week.”
And because that’s how Felix was raised, what he observed from his family over the years, he honestly knows no better.
“If you’re struggling we can just get a Nanny.” He says when you confront him. It always has you seeing red. “I don’t want a Nanny Felix. I want US to raise our kids.”
You realise the only way things will change is if you all get out of that house and away from his family. So you give him the ultimatum: “it’s either us or your family.”
Of course it’s that honour in him, that unspoken traditional allegiance to your wife and kids that has him reluctantly agreeing, hoping in a few months you’ll see sense and see how difficult it is without all the servants and his daddy’s money. But you thrive, despite the way Felix shuffles his feet and does the bare minimum in protest.
After another argument where you tell him to show up or fuck off back to his family he finally takes you seriously and the more time he spends with you and your family and more modest hands on parenting and living styles he begins to thrive, seeing that the grass can be greener on the other side.
The more time away from his family he sees how toxic his families dynamic is. When you visit he sticks up for his kids and is protective of them when his parents begin to push their values and views on his kids.
You stand by him as he begins to put in boundaries and really analyse his life, his youth, his privilege and how it has in fact hindered him in life in so many basic ways. You support him and feel pride when he helps enforce those boundaries around his parents, his family as he ultimately gives them the same ultimatum you gave him all those years ago.
Although his father is reluctant, Elspeth is desperate to know her grandchildren and apologised to you both and promises to respect your parenting choices and swears to try and uphold those values in front of your children as much as she can.
With the new boundaries in place, summers in Saltburn become regular things for your kids. All of you playing together on the grounds. Chasing each other through the maze. Swimming in the pool and the lake.You and Felix set up scavenger hunts for your kids. And they ultimately grow up with the best of both worlds.
So yeah. Those are my more realistic Dad Felix thoughts. Tell me what you think….
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Father Mine- 3
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ok so this is where canon goes out the window, ive made my own universe, this might be blasphemy against marvel comics but i dont know. Honestly i made this up as i kept going and i like how this chapter ended<3 tell me how you like it! if you want a spoiler go to the tags and see what i've tagged :) part 1
You must have passed out because you wake up in someone’s living room.
“Anyone home?” You dare to call out. The apartment is sort of open-plan and if you had the energy to turn around and move you would have been able to see the man in the white suit staring at you.
“Yep. Hello!” The man walks up to you and you flinch at his strong southern london accent and glaring white suit that makes him look like a psycho Colonel Sanders, “I hope you’re alright, Khonshu said you were from another dimension?”
You reluctantly reply, “That’s right? And by Khonshu do you mean the actual Egyptian God?”
He nods excitedly, “Yea! Right twit he is!”
You look at him worriedly, maybe he is psycho colonel sanders after all.
He looks at himself in the mirror and does a double take, “Oh bollocks! No wonder you look scared!” The suit disappears to reveal a man with wild curls in an oversize t-shirt and pajamas, “sorry, sometimes I forget I still have it on.” He smiles nervously, “Um I’m Steven. With a V.”
That causes you to smile a little, maybe he’s not so bad, “Hello Steven.” You wave from your position on the couch and tell him your name.
Behind him you see a bony pigeon looking skeleton appear and your eyes widen, “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!” You point at it and scream.
Steven turns around, “That’s Khonshu, you can see him?”
“NO SHIT!” You web a wall and pull yourself up to stick to it, glaring at the offending creature.
“That’s mental.” He exclaims.
“What universe is this?” You ask him, eyes narrowed underneath your mask.
“Well, there’s no particular name for it.” Steven begins, but Khonshu intervenes, “How is it that you were able to traverse through the inter dimensional planes?”
“I knew someone who could.”
Suddenly Stevens demeanour changes and your spider sense tingles, you ready your webs against the potential threat.
The voice that comes out of Stevens mouth is not his. It’s the sound of the man who threw you here.
“Kid?” He says when you freeze and take your mask off, looking at him with wide eyes.
“You’re-You’re not Steven.” Your voice breaks at the familiar lilt.
He shakes his head, “My name is Marc.”
“Miguel! Stop it!” Jess finally snaps and the man looks up at her.
She takes a hold of his hair and uses it to maneuver his face to look at him, “You either go and get her back, or you fucking move on. Because in this state there is no way you will be able to do anything. Get your shit together. ”
He gulps, not used to seeing her angry side often and nods.
“She thinks I’m a monster.” He looks down at his toes and breathes shakily.
“Then prove to her that you’re not. You’re her father, regardless of what she says, she still loves you. You need to apologize to her.” She looks at him pointedly and he sighs.
"What do you want me to say, 'Hey honey, I know what I did was wrong, I was wrong to chase a teenager and I was too blinded by my fear of losing my daughter again that I chased you away. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' Thats not going to be good enough."
"It's a start."
"Jessica." he looks up
"I should have told you, something about her."
"She's not a normal variant, even if her universe was destroyed. That fact alone makes her a special case. There's a reason I sent her to Earth 19999. Her atoms and dna will not glitch there. And I don't know why."
"Why didn't you send her there before?"
"It was too dangerous."
"As opposed to Earth 1999999?" Jess raises an eyebrow.
"Very similar universes, but everything is flipped."
The woman tilts her head, "What do you mean?"
You sip on the hot tea Steven had made for you, glaring at the bony god sitting opposite you.
“I cannot send you back, child.” He says and you roll your eyes,
“As if I didn’t know that. The tea’s lovely, thank you.” You smile at Steven who beams at you. He’s much nicer than the American man living inside him. The one who was Miguel in this universe.
He nods, “I happen to know of someone who can help you.”
You tilt your head, “Go on.”
He went to explain how he was on call as an Avenger, who were considered the world’s mightiest heroes, and how he was acquainted with someone known as Dr Strange.
As soon as he says, the name Strange, your mind considers the possibility that you might be in the universe of idiots, as Miguel calls it. Earth-1999999.
He’s spent whole hours explaining the entire storyline that honestly came out of a movie to you and while it was such, really Captain America you ditched your best friend to go be with someone who had already moved on? You were drawn to the universe.
It reminded you very much of your home universe that was destroyed.
When you’d nodded and said you’d be on your way he’d blocked you from leaving. Saying it was too dangerous and that you were being an irresponsible person.
You tried to reason with him but he was able to block your punches with efficiency, and he reached for your web slingers. The ones Miguel had given you.
That was currently why there was a purple bruise on Stevens’s cheek that you felt bad about. This sweet man didn’t deserve to suffer the consequences of a hard punch. So you had helped him around the kitchen and he made you tea as a way of saying thank you.
“If you can’t take me away, you can atleast lead me to Strange, considering your own Knight isn’t letting me leave.”
“For good reason.”
“But it doesn’t make sense, without the watch I would be glitching every three seconds because the universe would not accept my genes. Here I haven’t glitched a single time.”
The god tilts his head and seems to contemplate your words, mimicking the man who looks at you with his head tilted, “Most interesting.”
Whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as orange sparks began to appear out of thin air, forming a circle and then a portal out of which a man with a weird beard walks through. He nods at Steven and walks over to you, “So you’re the one huh?”
“No, your mom is.” You snarl, “Yes. Doctor Strange, I’ve heard of you.”
“Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, “Am I a common topic of conversation in the multiverse?”
“When we have to make fun of something yes.” You grin.
He rolls his eyes, “How did you arrive here?”
“Look I'd leave if I could, sir. But my device was taken away by the jerk who sent me here.”
His eyes narrow, “Sent you?”
Shit, you might have said the wrong thing.
"So you're not from here." The sorcerer supreme raises his eyebrow at you.
"No, sir." you're shocked at your politeness, but the man demands respect.
"And you cannot go back?"
"There is only one person now, who is capable of autonomous multiverse travel, America Chavez. And even her powers are not perfect. It is too risky to do this."
"What would you have me do then?" you ask.
"Wait here, there must be a reason you are not glitching. Maybe, you were meant to be sent here." Strange reasons.
His words make sense, honestly, maybe this universe would be your new home. Even back in Nueva York, you had to wear the watch at all times, or you'd be glitching.
But did Miguel know that? Because if he didn't know, then that would mean he'd sent you to your death.
You just nod at what Strange says, his words going in one year and out the other. You miss the way his eyes glint and flash. His shadow moving under him.
"She can stay with us at the tower." Steven puts his hand on your shoulder, looking directly at Strange, no smile on his face. After a few moments, the Doctor nods.
Your spider sense starts to tingle, and you glace at Steven, who only smiles at you. All teeth. Eyes that are blank. Devoid of emotion.
Now that you're here to stay, he looks like he's never been happier.
"You're going to enjoy yourself here, love." he pats your shoulder, "We'll all have a bit of fun."
You need to run.
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
What do you think about Copia’s childhood? I saw your post about Terzo’s, so I started wondering. Where do you think he was raised, who do you think he was raised by, how did it contribute to who he is today?
ok so first, i just wanna be clear that this post isn't gonna include anything about Cardi's twin because i'm still waiting to see what happens next in the lore before i try to write anything involving him.
with that out of the way,
like all my Ghost headcanons, my headcanons about Cardi are built on the foundation that the band Ghost lore is about 1) an evil satanic cult, and 2) a dysfunctional showbiz family from Los Angeles.
basically, i think Cardi had a very lonely childhood. and he has psychological issues caused by a lifetime of Sister Imperator's insane parenting. his anxiety in Rite Here Rite Now, about how being Papa is all he wants to do and all he thinks he could do, SCREAMS of "unethical Hollywood parent who molded her child to be a star" to me.
i do think Sister 'raised' him, or was at least present in his life since he was a child ("You'll always be my little Cardi.") and she just... didn't him she was his mom / Nihil was his dad. (i guess it's quite similar to children of catholic clergy IRL, who are sometimes raised by family but never told about their true parentage, or know the truth and are told to hide it.)
Cardi is autistic, obviously, but i also think his awkwardness is him being socially underdeveloped because he comes from an isolated cult environment. he was a weird satanic homeschool kid who almost never interacted with anyone outside the Ministry, and he was basically left to watch movies and listen to music and play video games all day. i like the idea that Cardi had dance training when he was young, though. that was probably the only time he really got to interact with others. and because he grew up in the Los Angeles area, on the occasions he did get to go out, he was always surrounded by the entertainment industry and people trying to rise to stardom.
anyway, i think this was all somewhat intentional, or at least worked in Sister Imperator's favor, to mold him into a neurotic showbiz baby in service of her evil satanic death cult. (though i don't think he cares about the cult aspect of Ghost at all. he's been in it his whole life because he didn't have a choice and has never known anything else. he really just wants to be a rock star.) growing up without the love of friends + family, Cardi filled that void with games / music / film. so... of course he wanted to be an entertainer when he grew up– that was his only avenue for human connection.
and i think Cardi kinda knew Sister Imperator was giving him special treatment and pulling strings to put him in position to become Papa, though he never understood why.
a major point in my Terzo character analysis post is that he was very ambitious and he loved being an entertainer and a showman, but he was frustrated because he wasn't allowed to express his full potential. i wrote that his mindset was "i know i'm good enough. and i could prove it if they would just let me."
and ever since i wrote that, i can't stop thinking about how Cardi feels the exact same way.
he's super talented. he's worked very hard. he's proud of his accomplishments. he's proven he's capable! but Sister Imperator doesn't respect him. she infantilizes him. she keeps the training wheels on. she doesn't want him to be capable!
Sister Imperator does not allow Cardi to have independent thoughts or make real decisions for himself. she allows him the illusion of autonomy when she needs to, but every time he shows a little bit of awareness of how fucked up his life actually is, she shuts him down to keep him under control. she purposefully hides information from him so he won't know anything she doesn't want him to know. she intrudes on his privacy because his bedroom doesn't have a door.
i think their relationship has been like this his whole life.
you can see examples of this manipulation / obfuscation throughout the Chapters, and you can see a lot of it in Rite Here Rite Now.
first off, the opening narration gives the context / background information that sometime in late 2021, when Cardi was 51 years old, he found out his two bosses are actually his parents, and his mother kept this a secret from both him and his father his whole life. which is. wild. to say the least.
(i think when he found out, he was disappointed by the realization that he got to where he is because he was secretly a nepo baby and not because he was doing a good job on his own.)
moving on. in Rite Here Rite Now, Cardi's main source of stress was that he fully believed his parents were going to murder him and then put his body on display to sell VIP tickets for his successor's concerts. this was genuine fear, and he had a legitimate reason to believe they would do that to him because they actually did that to his three older brothers! and in the later Chapters, Sister Imperator and Mr. Psaltarian were totally fucking with his head and making him think he was going to die!
he asks Sister why he can't continue being Papa for longer –because he doesn't want his parents to kill him when they're done with him– and she just brushes him off and tells him to keep playing his show. then in the Miasma scene, Cardi has a critical moment of awareness and asks what the hell is actually going on in his life and who's in control.
PAPA EMERITUS IV: One thing I do not understand… All these things… here, all of this stuff, and all of these things we're doing, where we go, and when, and to where… Who decides these things? I mean, who's calling the shots?
this is totally fair! he has a right to know this information!
in response, his parents completely avoid answering the question. they shut him down and basically tell him he sounds ungrateful for the life he has.
SISTER IMPERATOR: You waste so much time and energy worrying about what's been and what's next, who's next and whatnot. As with all things in life, it circulates. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. There just has to be an orderly transition.
she never tells him the truth. she just tells him to stop worrying. stop thinking.
they never tell him they're not going to kill him. They Never Tell Him They're Not Going To Kill Him. THEY NEVER TELL HIM THEY'RE NOT GOING TO KILL HIM.
Cardi spends the last third of the movie making peace with the idea that he is going to die soon and his parents will be the ones to kill him. after Respite On The Spitalfields, he seems resigned to his fate. he tells the Nameless Ghouls they're not doing an encore. he says "Fuck it." but Sister Imperator, still explaining nothing, tells him to do the encore and he unenthusiastically gets back on stage.
SISTER IMPERATOR: Even though you don't understand right now, sooner or later, you will know what I'm talking about. Things –events– are unavoidable. Now you go back out there and give them one hell of an encore. And that's all you have to worry about. PAPA EMERITUS IV: Okay. SISTER IMPERATOR: Off you go.
by the beginning of Square Hammer, he decides he is actually happy with the life he has and he's okay with whatever's coming. and he still expects he's going to die... only for them to totally fake him out.
Sister Imperator dies instead. in the letter she leaves him, she tells him, "My son, I'm sorry I could not find it in my heart to tell you about my condition. I was afraid you might lose your sometimes frail concentration." more obfuscation. more infantilization.
at the end of the letter, she promotes him to head of the Clergy. he takes on his new job assignment as Frater Imperator and he seems to think he'll have more power now that Sister Imperator is "not in charge anymore." i'm not so sure about that.
and this isn't even getting into all the other weird shit going on between them in that movie! why was Cardi literally unable to see her wheelchair and medicine until the Spoksonat scene? why couldn't he remember his twin brother who he spent time with as a child? either Cardi is even more mentally unwell than we know, or Sister is messing with his head in even more ways than we know. maybe both. probably both.
i do believe Sister Imperator loves Cardi. that does not negate the fact that she is also manipulative and dishonest and has no respect for him, and that made her a terrible parent. she caused him a lifetime of unnecessary confusion and suffering in furtherance of her goals. yes, he is often childish and irresponsible. but i think the way she treated him didn't allow him to mature on his own.
the worst part about all this? i think he's convinced himself that he loves her, too. (he doesn't actually know how to feel about her. it would be too painful to think about.)
in summary, to me, Cardi's life is like The Truman Show, except it's the bad ending where the producer (Sister Imperator) successfully convinces him to stay in the bubble.
this was supposed to be a headcanons post and it totally turned into an analysis post, but i cannot help it. i just love Cardi so fucking much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT CARDI TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw i think his actual legal given name is Cardinal Copia Imperator. yeah. i believe Sister Imperator actually named him that.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
It’s been on my mind for a while: your double trouble AU, does each konig know that the other is his younger/older version of himself? Or are they two separate different people to each other? A metaphysical question lol and I can’t get it out of my head
Ahaha it’s a good question!
Yes they are very aware of each other being a different version of the same person ^^ I don’t know how it came to be that there are 2 Königs terrorizing the world, perhaps it was an unofficial government experiment with cloning or some distortion in the space-time continuum like @gremlingottoosilly suggested, I don’t care if there were aliens involved – they’re here and in love with the same woman!
What I’m curious about is how did reader and Colonel!König meet the younger version (since they’re both happily married when young recruit comes around)? Maybe reader expressed her wishes to spice things up with some FMM action one day. And because Colonel!König is lenient and gentle with her and only her – ok let’s face it, he can’t deny anything from her – he kisses her forehead gently, pulls her into his lap, asks, why don’t they go out tonight and choose a victim for her then? :)
Cue to a few hours in at the local bar, Colonel is beginning to think this was a bad idea. His wife is sitting on his lap, trying to get a view of the dance floor filled with people. Mostly drunk, desperate men far younger than him; Colonel could roll his eyes – does she really want some hormone-driven asshole to give her a sloppy, low effort ride? These boys barely have hair growing on their balls yet…
Colonel just wants to go home and bully his sweet wife for hours with some expert tonguework and is just about to offer to take her home when she spots a young man. Immediately shooting up with curiosity, her eyes are shining when she finally sees something that she really likes.
“I want that one,” she says like she’s gotten used to getting anything she wants, even if it’s a person ‐ and since we’re talking about young, pussy-deprived men here, it shouldn’t be a problem to lure someone special into her arms. She could very well go and boop anyone's nose here and they would follow her home like a dog. Even if for some, the prospect of sharing her with a big, older hound might be a bit off putting…
Colonel!König, however, relieved to see that she finally picked her choice so that they can proceed to the awkward proposal, grows pale when he sees who she’s pointing at.
“Can you believe our luck? He looks exactly like you when you were young!”
She’s so excited that she’s giggling, trying to cover her mouth like she sometimes does when she’s feeling shy.
Just imagine the Colonel’s inner turmoil when he immediately recognizes his younger self, the one he thought was dead, now alive before his eyes and looking like a sorry idiot, trying to harass some women and down beers like water.
He doesn’t only look like him, he is him. Young and rough and desperate, a bullied kid who turned into a bully himself when he grew up. Tall and lean and almost succeeding in feigning self-confidence, his younger version looks like the worst kind of tortured fucker who used to hang around on 4chan and blame women for not giving him pussy...
Before he can prevent it, his wife is gone from his lap. Approaching that silly idiot while unsuspecting, tipsy and sweet – fuck, the young man answers her flirty smile with a flash of a vicious grin...
This will be a nightmare.
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snowyh2o · 8 months
Dumb late night Hazbin ideas:
Ok, so hear me out. What if, Alastor gets a redemption arc? But it happens so slowly and unnoticed that by the end of the series you just turn around and find out that he’s already been redeemed and no one has any clue how it happened.
Alternatively, AU where the hotel’s very presence forces redemption on everyone who stays there whether they want to or not and one day Alastor wakes up and wonders if he should let Vox broadcast his shows uninterrupted that day before promptly glitching out in absolute horror at the thought. And then absolutely going out of his way to decimate one of Vox’s broadcasts just to prove to himself that he’s still just as much of an evil bastard as he always is.
Cue multiple scenarios where Alastor is trying really fucking hard to be eeeeevil and then somehow utterly failing. Watching as he’s slowly forced into being a good person against his will, and knowing there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Oh he’s still just as petty and sassy and sinister as ever, but whatever edge he had ends up lost in the thought of perhaps he should do something special for Charlie and the other residents for their first month of the hotel opening and—GODS BE DAMNED!
No one else notices it, partly because he’s always toned down the Clearly Scheming Aura when he’s around them, but also because he’ll be damned if anyone of them catches on. Husk sees through his bullshit, but ends up with the wrong conclusion and Alastor is happy to let him think whatever about leashes and deals as long as he keeps his mouth shut, buuuuut maybe he’d been a bit too harsh on the barkeep. He should make up for it with some higher quality booze and— really, it’d be nice to have something that’s more to his taste than the stuff that’s usually kept around.
Of course, Alastor’s not the only demon being forced into becoming a good person, he’s just the only one who’s noticed it. Charlie, who is 99% of the time a good person, is absolutely convinced that the better than usual behavior of the residents is a result of her efforts in the hotel. Vaggie’s also already a decent person for the most part, and after that conversation with Husk, Angel’s improved by leaps and bounds. Nifty doesn’t notice anything’s off at all, and Husk just thinks his better mood and temperament in general is because the quality of his liquor’s gone up and the company really ain’t all that bad. Sir Pentious also hasn’t noticed anything, but agrees with Charlie that her efforts have been working.
And then the hotel gets attacked and Alastor discovers this wonderful loophole in whatever spell’s got him entrapped and absolutely decimates the attackers. He’s so gleeful about his discovery and the absolute beat down he gave out without feeling the need to pull his punches that he ends up cooking everyone dinner. Everyone else is understandably very weirded out by this. Alastor couldn’t care less.
Charlie: uh, Alastor? Are you feeling alright there?
Alastor: why Charlie, I’m doing absolutely wonderful! Thank you for asking.
Charlie: oh, that’s uh, that’s great to hear!
Charlie: …
Charlie: so do you mind telling me why you’ve decided to make dinner…?
Alastor: mmmm. Just in the mood for it, I suppose. It’s been a while since I’ve cooked for others, and I’m feeling rather— creative right now!
Alastor: tell me, should I include a portion of today’s unlucky patron into the stew? It’s a bit stringy, but the stew should soften it right up!
Charlie: oh uhm. How about we don’t include any demon parts into the food?
Alastor: *raises eyebrow*
Charlie: I mean, we don’t know where it’s been! He could have had all sorts of diseases inside him. It’d uh, ruin the food if we added…. Bad meat? *nervous smile*
Alastor: mmmmm, fair enough.
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hcaeh · 7 months
Hey idk if you’re willing to do this but can you describe in maybe a drabble or headcannon of the dynamic of Ten x Haechan x Reader would be like? I don’t see anyone write for something of them together. They’re both my biases and I always would wonder they would be like in the bedroom with the reader. Thoughts??
hmmm, i like this thought a lot! honestly, ten and haechan would be a fun little chaotic duo in the bedroom. here’s my headcanons for this :
ten and haechan are definitely going to tease you A LOT. it’s basically their love language to piss you off, even a simple annoyed reaction from you will get them all riled up.
ten who hates when haechan steals all your attention from him, will probably moan and groan until you show him attention. but haechan will get pouty too and say that you’re being unfair
“yn why are you paying so much attention to himm~”
“nooo! wait that’s unfair. ten, let me have her!”
when the three of you alone, it either ends up with a funny quarrel that turns into a cuddle session (haechan middle ofc!!) or a very intimate night.
if you feel needy, you always know what strings to pull with them. haechan will give ten that ‘she down bad’ look whenever you beg for them to play with you that night. and they always do! can’t let their princess down.
even when things get messy, they always take care of you and make sure you’re comfortable with everything you three are doing.
“ya sure you’re not too overwhelmed? we can calm down.”
“ten’s right, if you want us to stop; give us the word.”
safe words are a hugeee thing in relationships! especially in yours. since theres three of you, you need very specific boundaries that everyone can accept. safe words are the best way with you guys!
“wait wait…- please * safe word *.”
and everything stops, just to be sure everyones ok.
when you’re feeling like a brat, you like to tease the two of them by making them fight for who gets to fuck you first, if haechan wins: ten get’s annoyed and probably puts on a nonchalant performance while haechan has his way with you. but if ten wins: it’s game over for haechan. he will be soo sad he couldn’t have you first, and probably whine about it trying to ruin the time you and ten are trying to have.
but you three have a very special bond, you’re basically like the three peas in a mod meaning. you go together so well and easily make each other feel comfortable!
sorry if it’s not much! i’m not great at thinking of dynamics like this, but i tried! i hope you like <🪽
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loveromeo1641 · 5 months
Ok I JUST finished persona 5 so here's all my thoughts and ramblings because I NEED to put this somewhere (none of my friends have played the game and I'm going insane) (I also currently don't have any persona 5 moots so you know......)
Major spoilers (obviously)
I despise Kamoshida. They did a REALLY fucking good job of making him hateable. Like for me personally, all the other palace-owners aren't nearly as detestable as Kamoshida is. I feel like it's because we see Kamoshida's actions directly hurting people in a way that no other palace-owner is shown, if that makes sense. Like Madarame's actions do hurt Yusuke very directly but it's just not the same vibes. I really absolutely hate Kamoshida and I'm glad he got justice.
I love the original group of four. I do like all the characters that come after them and join the group, but those four have a special place in my heart. They're iconic.
I love Ann's story during the first palace and I feel terrible for her BUT it grosses me out how the creators continue to sexualize her (and other female characters) for laughs throughout the game. Like why the fuck did they think any of those scenes were they have to wear extremely minimal clothing was necessary. It's so fucking weird. You can't just write a character who's plot point is that she's forced into uncomfortable sexual situations, and then force her into uncomfortable sexual situations for a joke. It's not only not funny, it's fucking disgusting.
Speaking of which, can Ryuji and Morgana stop making weird comments or suggesting weird ideas? I get it's supposed to be funny, but it's just uncomfortable.
Yusuke is the gayest man I've ever seen good god.
I want to date men in the game, Atlus, come on. Stop being homophobic, let me date a man. Let me date Ryuji please
I love Futuba. She's like my younger sister and I would kill for her. Which made me really fucking grossed out when the romance started happening. Like what the fuck was that huh. I'm sorry, you can't just have Ren (I think that's he's name) and Futuba have a siblings relationship like the entire game (not to mention their basically step-siblings), and then all of a sudden turn it romantic.
Speaking of which, it's kinda weird that you can date your teacher and doctor (and the other adults). Like not shaming anyone for picking those options cause the doctors hot as hell, but why would a teacher think it's ok to date their student or a doctor date their underage client. There's nothing wrong with choosing them to date, especially if you (the player) are an adult, but it's still weird that like four different adult women want to date you.
I've seen this said before, but the middle palaces are kinda boring. The story pacing falls off after Madarame's palace. Again, I love Futuba, but Kaneshiro's, Futuba's, and Okumura's palaces feel like there's much less at stake, especially Kaneshiro's. Not that I disliked the game at those points, but compared to the rest of the game, it's not as exciting.
The Nijima palace was my favorite. Oh my god, it was so interesting and well developed. The music was also FIRE. I liked going around and collecting chips to continue on to the next level, and I liked seeing a shadow that wasn't directly hostile towards the group. It was such an interesting concept. I also just love Sae as a character, I like that she's not directly evil and she has good intentions, she just got kinda lost at some point. I think that's a nice change of pace from the other palaces.
Ren and Akechi have the most romantic tension in the entire series. Like kiss already, jesus fucking christ.
I like all the phantom thieves except Haru. She feels so out of place. This isn't like an attack on her character or anything, but the issues with her Okumura Foods stock or whatever it was felt so... weird. Like I get she's in a tough situation, but she's also like a millionaire, so no matter what she decides, she would be set for life probably. I don't know, it just feels wrong to me
I cried when Akechi died :( I know he's technically a bad guy but come on. He deserved better. I want to bring him back from the dead and give him a hug. Have him and the other phantom thieves live a happy life being besties or whatever.
The ending felt weird. It was so much monologuing. I don't even know exactly what I didn't like about the ending, I just didn't like it. I also didn't play royal, I just played the original, so that might have changed it. I know that apparently I was supposed to talk to the wardens throughout the game and I just... didn't. Oops.
This is such a small thing but I hated the music for Shido's palace. It made me go insane and not in a good way.
I cried when I thought Ryuji died. And then I got mad when the cast beat him up for some reason???? Literally why did they do that????
I realized I didn't talk about Makoto at all but I love her. She's amazing. She can do no wrong idc
Ok final thoughts: I actually really liked the game. It's far from a perfect game but I generally enjoyed it. I'm glad I sat down and played it (for 100 fucking hours). Anyway, this is all just my opinions, I'm not bothered or anything if you don't agree with something I said. If you want to leave a comment either agreeing or disagreeing, I'd appreciate it as long as you're not a dick about it
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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Self-care day
"Hello, my beautiful lovely people. It's your girl."That's how you start the videos?" I turn around and look at my girlfriend with a stank face. "Ma'am, I know you didn't just sit there and interrupt me in the middle of my into."
She smiles and shakes her her head. "No, I'm sorry, baby, continue. Finish your intro pretty baby, go on." I suck my teeth, cranning my neck to look back at her since she is trying to persuade me by grabbing my hips. I move myself on her lap because there is more space and cause, why the hell not. "You lucky I love you." I peck her lips before turning around to look at the camera again. "So, like I was saying before, I was rudely interrupted. It's your girl taylor back with yet another video as I promised. And today we have a very special guest, give all you applauds to my girlfriend. I'm gonna like totally insert the audience thing that used to creep me out when I was a kid Kayoung."
"Anyways, today, instead of doing a vlog because it's cold asf in Korea. And I'm from fucking Texas therfore, you know my ass ain't made for the cold. Yea, we will be doing a self-care day with us, and mainly because I just got my period." Chocol starts to chucked behind me, trying to hide from the camera. "Yall have seen my baby Kayoung on camera before plenty of times, so I don't know why she was behind me playing games and shit." I say to the camera, causing her to laugh and wave to the people. "Are yall usually like this? Like, do you curse and tell them all this stuff, babe?" She asked me genuinely, and I wanted to hear my opinion on the matter.
"Baby, I've had a YouTube channel since I was in middle school. Me and my followers and I practically grew up together. On some real, shit they probably know more than you." I tell her playfully, trying to get under her skin, until she starts moving me back and forth on her thigh. Shit I forgot I was sitting on her lap. "I doubt anyone of them know you better than me." She says though I can tell if I don't stop her she will turn this video into a fucking sextape. "OK, ok, you're right. You obviously know me way better. Now stop before they end up seeing me naked. "She stops the playful expression glancing at the camera before she takes notice of the strap of my shirt had fallen down. And pulls it up before kissing my cheek allowing me to continue.
"You promised to behave. I'll edit that out, though." Then we continue on with the video when I grab a clay face mask starting to apply it on her skin. "Baby, your skin is good. See yall, that's what being with me gets you. Clear skin and good sex."I say laughing at the camera, stopping when Kayoung slaps my ass. "Behave." That's all she has to say to get me to be quiet. Eventually, the silence starts to roll in, so I suggest we do a Q&A segment. To add a little seasoning to the upload. While applying her face mask, I hand her my phone, showing her some questions people have asked for over some time. She starts to read them out loud so we both can answer them.
Chocolsrideordie1- How long have you two been dating?
"We've been together for about 5 years now. To be honest, it's 4 years if you really think about it, cause it took one whole year for Kayoung to fucking get me." I tell everyone before she speaks up. "She kept making it seem like I was bothering her by asking about her day and just trying to get to know her. I mean, it took me a while because I really wanted to talk to her but thought she was straight." She says while looking at me. "Yea, everyone she thought I, a national walking gay flag, was a straight woman. Crazy shit." We both start dying of laughter before looking at the next question.
Taylorsbuggest- who is the princess in the relationship?
We both kinda sit there confused. After a while, I finish chocols masks. She starts to do mine now, and we are still trying to understand the question. "It's the way we both don't get it. That's throwing me. Not us both being slow." She looks at me, trying to concentrate on the mask and hide her smile. "So, if you mean like youngest, it's obviously me. But if you mean whole leaders towards the role of like just going with the flow and being babied. It's kinda both of us, I mean, people see her on camera and think she is all intimidating and mean and shit. Which I can understand yall, I got a resting bitch face too. But we both enjoy being each other's support system and like to be the baby." She starts shaking her head, trying to deny what in saying. I smile and grab her to pull us closer. "I promise yall this right here is my baby, and she loves it." I read the next question.
Lovingonfood123- What's it like dating someone younger?
"Well, I sometimes find it hard to believe taylor is younger than me. Compared to how we act. I'm not saying I'm childish, but when I first met her, I thought she was way older than 25. She was just so put together and gave me the vibe of someone who had an old soul. She gives the best advice, and it makes me question how many lives she has lived. In a sense, she acts older than me, so typically, I forget she isn't." She finishes up my mask before I grosn in pain. She finishes up my mask beof4 I groan in pain. She looked at me trying to find exactly what area was hurting until she realized my period was still on. She immediately starts rubbing my abdomen.
"Wanna continue, baby, or just lay down?" I contemplate it. I wanted to continue the video before she gave me a look. Knowing I can't refuse. She continues to rub my stomach, further persuading me to cut the video and call it a day. I managed to push through and get her to do two more questions before we call it's quits for the night. She reads the next question, and I can see it in her eyes she is worried about my pains.
Puppylover56-whats it like being a dancer?
I look at her while she starts to explain in detail. She is so passionate about her craft and I love that so fucking much about her. Whenever you mention here, the world lights up. Obviously not as bright as when you mention me, but you get the idea. "It's amazing, I've been a hip-hop freestyle battler for a long time, and I love every second of every competition I've been in. Whether I win or lose, it's always an experience for me, getting to learn from other dancers. Watching them transform on stage, hopping that's how people see me. I want to continue to battle. Going on street women fighter 2 has taught me more about choreography. Before, I didn't worry too much about creating dance moves, I just went with the flow. Wherever music took me, I allowed my body to just go with it. But now I have learned it can be fun to create dances as well. "
Yourbabydaddy34- What's it like being a country that doesn't really accept the lgbt+ community?
I huff out a breath of air once I hear the question, ignoring the pain that shoots up in my stomach. Chocol takes notice and rubs my stomach a bit more firmly. "So, it's not secret that Korea is homophobic. Buy in my opinion, can you name a country that's not. And no, I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm simply pointing out the facts here. The country's values and the people are two different things. Of course, it can be difficult sometimes, but no one really goes out of their way to stop us from loving each other, so why should we. A long time ago, I was terrified of the fact that I liked girls. I wasn't raised to look down on it or to think it was bad. In fact, I had gay family members, but as my mother likes to tell me all the time, she didn't have a problem with gay people she just didn't expect me to be like this. I relaiz3d that the father she tried to explain to her point of view the more I didn't want to hear it, it was my mother's way of saying she didn't accept me. Now, we are much closer since she has changed her views. But the point of this story was to tell you that at the end of the day, not everyone will like you for you. So why should you sit there and waste your breath on a hating ass bitch?"
I turn around to hear chocol applauding me in the background. "That's my girl." I smile while hugging her. Before she reminds me, we have to end the video now, so she can run us and bathe and relax. I'm trying to soothe my cramps. "OK, everyone thanks you my beautiful bitches for tuning into today's week tonight's vid of the week. I shall upload again next week, I promise. If I don't, you can beat my ass when you catch me on the streets. "No the fuck you can not." I hear her saying while I laugh looking at rhe serious face she is making. "I'm plating yall, shit can't take a joke. Anyways good-night I love you all byee."
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smoochhyuka · 8 months
All at once
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Pure degeneracy.
○o。content warnings! NSFW, group sex/orgy, fem!reader, reader is implied to be thicker/chubby, lingerie, sub!reader, fwb!Yeonjun (implied that both like each other more than they probably should), sugardaddy!Jun, Jun is the one orchestrating this whole thing, mentions of previously recording *videos*, mention of alcohol at the beginning, unconsensual distribution of said videos (with the members), loser!txt, perv!everyone, mean!dom Jun (but no insults, just mocking), it's implied no one (except Yeonjun) has actual experience, txt is a little zesty but no actual action between them, swearing, group masturbation, voyeur!Soob, cuck!Jun, dom!txt but everyone is listening to Jun, slight infantilization of reader (pastel princess), ddlg dynamic between Jun and reader (no daddy kink tho), cunnilingus, breast play, anxious and slighty insecure reader, reader is held down, detailed descriptions of their penises, reader gets a foot massage, pussy lover Tyun, lots of cum and no condoms (reader is taking contraception), penetration, their living room is not correctly described but I have specific things in mind ok, formatting all over the place bc I couldn't decide on one, very long, lmk if I missed anything!
Yeonjun has urges, right? Every man has them, it's lonely for someone like him to spend every night by himself. But since there is no time in between his schedules to satisfy a woman emotionally and romantically, he opts to satisfy several sexually.
You know he likes to switch up his girls, and it certainly doesn't make any sense to you at all, but ultimately you don't mind. You're his favorite, after all.
Every time he has a weekend to spare he takes you on expensive dates, whatever your heart desires - You need new clothes? "Leave your wallet at home, jagi." You're bored with your city lately? "Pack a bag, we're going on a cruise."
And on top of that, he is so respectful to you. If you aren't in the mood for sex, he understands. If you feel emotional lately, he is ready to listen. It's not that he doesn't care about you, or thinks you're replaceable because "you are seriously special.", he just isn't ready to commit yet.
He was equally understanding of your hesitancy about sleeping with his team members.
"Did you even talk to them about it?", you ask bewilderedly. You're on FaceTime with Yeonjun, he's sitting in his dimly lit hotel room, only wearing a slutty, white wife-beater and a pair of black boxers. A pair of glasses on his head keep his orange hair out of his face, sipping on a can of beer. You were already dozing off as the man woke you up by his unexpected call, only the light of the screen illuminating your face.
"It's actually funny you say that", he grins, only slowly starting to sober up, "I wasn't the one suggesting it." He and his group are about to wrap up their tour. Since it was limited to Korea, it only took them a few weeks to hold all their planned concerts. "Who the fuck would suggest something like that, other than you?", you can't help but swear due to the sheer irritation you are feeling right now, not taking the offer any serious, "Especially with me, why not Chungae! Or Mihyun? They must be everyone's type." Yes, you know most of the names of Yeonjuns other girls and their Instagram accounts. It's an unspoken rule that you must approve of them before they become a fixed part in his rotation. "Jagiya", Yeonjun sighs, rolling his eyes jokingly, "You forgot that I broke it off with Mihyun? She wanted the princess treatment, although I told her from the start I'm not the one for that. And of course, Chungae is very pretty, but she's not you." You're rolling your eyes now as well, hoping the bad lighting doesn't expose your giddiness at his comment.
"Besides," he continues, this mischievous grin coming back, "I don't have any videos to brag with of anyone else." After hearing this, you feel wide awake again, making you finally sit-up, and you turn on your nightlight. "First, I am the only one you have any recordings of? Second, you SHARED them?" He is clearly not taking you seriously, as he can't help but laugh. "You know, none of them have any game, but they're still men, you know? I am a good hyung, and I show compassion with them. Porn isn't nearly as hot as seeing a woman you know do it.", the alcohol is making him ramble slightly, you have always found this endearing, but right now it's not enough to save him from this mess. "And my other question?", you pry. Yeonjun rolls his eyes again, somehow making it look even more sassy than before. "If you ask so many questions at once, of course I forget them. Of course, I have a few pictures or snaps saved from a few, you know, but why would I make the time to film an actual porno with them? No one is a match to your charm." He winks and sends you a kiss, but you ignore it, trying to out-sass him. Since you feel oddly proud at the fact that Yeonjun is not just uninterested in filming the other women, but also bragging with your video, you decide to drop it and just relish in this feeling of being desired. "Okay, who proposed the... orgy?", you're barely whispering the last word, feeling shy just thinking about it. "So, you want to know what happened exactly, right?", he asks, stretching his arms. You nod. "Then let me tell you from the start..."
Everyone is stunned at what Soobin just said. Yeonjun even pauses the video that the whole team has been jerking off to on Kais hotel bed, earning a low groan of annoyance from Beomgyu. Taehyun is still leisurely stroking his dick, examining the close up of your glistening pussy, the pause being at the perfect moment. The other three are staring at a very confused Soobin, looking for further clarification. "What is it?", the leader decides to break the silence, uncomfortable to be in the spotlight like this. "What did you mean by 'you'd love to watch us in reality?'," Yeonjun asks immediately. "I wouldn't watch, but I'd definitely eat that pussy.", Taehyun comments, still not looking at the others. "She's seriously my type, hyung...", Kai chimes in, now looking at Yeonjun. "Eh?", the oldest is now leaning back into the cushions, pressing the space button to continue playing the video, "And you, Beomgyu?" He immediately turned his attention back onto the laptop, massaging his balls, "Maybe we should fuck her all at once, that'd be really fucking hot." Dick now abandoned, Yeonjun is thinking about whether this is even possible.
You don't recall agreeing, but here you are, changing into your light pink lingerie and touching up your makeup in the bathroom of the TXT dorm. They returned last night, today and tomorrow they have a day off before easing back into their regular activities the day after tomorrow. According to Yeonjun, it's the perfect time. You look at yourself in the mirror -- to play it safe, you decided to lean into your cuter side. You know Yeonjun holds appreciation for your sexy side as well, but there is no way you would be anything else than submissive in a room of five hot men wanting to fuck you. The light colored lace, paired with the bows in your hair and around your ankles, almost seem innocent, if it wasn't for your shaved pussy peaking through the see-through fabric. Although risky, you decided to go heavy on the makeup, the glitter and the blush giving you a soft, doll-like look. You know you look good, but they're five people...
Three careful knocks, so quiet you almost didn't hear them, followed by another pair of louder ones, take you out of your daydreams. "Are you alright?", Yeonjun asks from the other side. You unlock the door, letting him inside. He's stunned at your sight, scrunching his nose while his mouth is forming a small 'o' shape. "If you feel like backing out, I won't mind taking you to my room by ourselves.", he grins, cupping your face with one hand, making you look up at him. He can sense the worry in your face, the small pout on your glossy lips gives it away. He's again, wearing his trusty wife-beater and a pair of basketball shorts. "In all honesty, I am a little self-conscious...," you admit shyly, surprising Yeonjun by how far you have already slipped into subspace. He takes his second hand to squeeze your cheeks slightly, leaning into the trusty dynamic. "Why would you be? Didn't you see how everyone was looking at you earlier, while we discussed this?", he presses a kiss onto your temple, "You can always say no, you don't need to do anything you don't want to, okay? But there are a lot of perverted things everyone wants to do to you right now. Including me." You both hold a little bit of eye-contact, before you nod carefully. "I am so proud of you.", Yeonjun expresses.
Hand in hand, you go into the living room, where the other four are eagerly waiting, everyone is skimpily dressed already. You were too embarrassed to look up, so you weren't able to see their reactions, but by the amount of compliments they are giving you, you are safe to assume they were positive.
"Please sit down with us.", Kai requests, with a small slap on your butt Yeonjun encourages you to do so. They are urging you to sit down right in the middle of their U-shaped sofa, right between Kai and Beomgyu, Soobin is sitting on the far end of it, manspreading, a small tent in his gray joggers already visible. Yeonjun sits down right across from him. Closest to him is Taehyun, who sits closely next to Beomgyu. He's trying to keep a respectful distance at first. Kai, on the other hand, is scooting even closer to you, shamelessly staring at your thighs and tummy. You're wondering how they came up with this order, maybe the two won rock paper scissors?
"Well", Yeonjun breaks the heavy, lust-filled science, "what did I tell you guys about pleasing her?" Your heart is pounding inside your chest, you're trembling in anticipation. Your anxiety didn't leave fully, but it's getting alleviated by the pure filthiness of the whole situation. Pussy's getting so wet, you're so turned on sitting between these men. You feel like prey, about to get absolutely destroyed.
"You said to take it slow", Beomgyu is the one to answer first, "Can I?", he asks politely, delicately turning your head by your chin to him, massaging your bottom lip with his thumb. You just nod, unsure what he's asking for, but eager to take everything. Contradictory to his words, Beomgyu crashes his lips onto yours, almost immedietly sticking his tongue into you. It's very wet, sloppy and you can sense his inexperience, but his enthusiasm makes up for all of it.
Slighty sweaty but long and slender fingers creep up your thighs, up your lingerie to play with the lace trim. Kai drops his head on your shoulder, his nose right at the nape of your neck and you can hear him inhale and groan, probably by the smell of your sweet perfume. Since your eyes are closed, you can't see why he removes his fingers and lifts his head again, you only feel the cushions next to you rise for a short moment and then lower again, implying Kai stood up for a short moment. "Someone doesn't know how to take his time.", Taehyun comments, a moment before Kais head returns to his spot, now groaning a lot harder, almost panting. Your still kissing Beomgyu who fully took your head into his big, soft and fairly cold hands, intensifying the kiss. But you get interrupted by another hand, which grabs your tits rather harshly, making you yelp and pull away from Beomgyu. "Seriously, dude?", he complaints, directed at the blonde culprit who is already stroking his dick. You feel so hot, your head falls back. What do you do? Should you start groping them too, take Kais cock in your hand, play with Beomgyus t-shirt, or ask for another member to join in? Right now your arms are awkwardly fixated behind your back, you needed to get them out of the way as the two slid closer to you.
Before, with your eyes closed, you were able to fully enjoy the sensations you were feeling and almost forget about the other three, whose presence now, dawn on you. Not them personally, but by their sheer amount, you're overwhelmed yet again.
Kai removed his hand, instead carefully placed it on your thigh, his strokes a lot slower. Beomgyu began to kiss your neck and cheeks, unaware of your feelings. You look over at Soobin, than at Yeonjun, who both look at you a little concerned. "Ya!", the oldest exclaims. Slighty startled both men let go of you with a big question mark on their faces. Yeonjun doesn't even need to say anything, he just pats the space between him and you obediently go up to sit next to him. "You're not going to get worked up like that, mhm?", he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, "Getting you comfortable and wet is the most important thing.", now saying it a lot louder for the others to hear too. Taehyun looks at you both with his big eyes, who is suddenly sitting right next to you. "Lay down, please.", he asks you, Yeonjun guiding your head to lie on his lap, your pussy now facing the younger. He scoots even closer, lowering his head while lifting your legs on his muscular shoulders, pressing feathery kisses on your thighs. Now you're the one groaning, holding eye contact with him. "She is a little bit of a masochist...", Yeonjun reports, "You can tease and edge her all you want. She doesn't need to cum yet." You look up at him, just by being reminded of some of these long nights, Yeonjun edging you relentlessly for hours, tears form in your eyes, eventhough nothing has been done to you yet. "What are you already crying for?", he mocks you, twisting your nipple slightly through the thin fabric, "We need you needy and desperate tonight. You now that."
A shy but very surprising kitten lick at you swollen clit is enough to erupt a pitchy moan from you. By this confirmation, Taehyun is confident enough to press firm kisses onto the pinkish bud and to even tease your hole with his index finger. You close your eyes again, trying to focus on the pleasure instead of thinking about the others burning stare. With a little bit of advice by Yeonjun, Taehyun is able to eat your pussy just right, alternating between licking your folds and sucking your clit, only teasing your sloppy hole, never fully entering it. With glossy eyes you look over at Soobin, who hasn't done anything with you yet. He is leaned back into the cushions, your eyes immedietly meet, since he is watching you closely. Before you reflexively close your eyes due to Taehyuns hard sucks, you see how Soobin squeezes the now big tent in his pants a lot harder. Your legs start to shake, you`re so close to your orgasm, as both men let go of you simultaneously. You can't help but whine and cry at the lack of stimulation, wiggling your hips pathetically. "Fuck!", the younger brunette exclaims, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Yeonjun is laughing lowly, stroking your head.
Due to your delirious state you don't notice how everyone scoots closer to you, only as two cold hands take one of your feet into them, you can sense their proximity. Not feeling like opening your eyes yet, you just enjoy the massage as to get down fromt that almost high. Only as someone starts to kiss your cheeks you open them, blonde strands covering your vision. Kai is sitting on the floor, next to Yeonjuns legs, his cock already in an angry shade of red due to his own edging. "Who gets to fuck her first?", Soobin asks after a while. "I want to eat her pussy too!", Beomgyu complaints, now having moved onto the other foot, sitting behind Taehyun whose leaning into the older one, his head thrown back onto Beomgyus shoulder. The two are about to switch places, but Kai objects. "Only if you let me play with her boobs." Yeonjun sighs, "Maybe we should have thought of a plan beforehand." Everyone shifts around, doing as they please without asking you. Not that you would have argued anyways, you submit fully to all five men.
Kai pulls you up and sits you on his lap, your back facing him, legs spreading in front of Beomgyu who kneels on the floor in front of you, sitting between Kais legs as well. He doesn't waste anytime at teasing your abused cunt, burying his whole face in your pussy. The blonde, this time a lot more carefully, kneads both of your tits, slowly pulling down your top in a way that practically torments you. The fairly rough lace rubs against your hard nipples, "please!", you beg, begging for his slender fingers to finally expose your tits and rub on your sensitive buds. Immedietly Kai gives in, as if he was growing impatient as well, and pleasuring both at the same time. Since you have been horny for so long, it doesn't take long before your legs shake again, but this time the two don't pull away -- Yeonjun is actually the one dragging Beomgyu by his long hair as to stop you from cumming.
"Since I am nice, I won't fuck her first.", Yeonjun announces after scolding Beomgyu and Kai, "I probably won't at all tonight since four people are a lot to handle." You can't help but feel disappointed by that revelation, four are a lot but if the fifth is Yeonjun, you can handle it. "I don't mind being last", Soobin declares, sitting right next to you and Kai for quite some time now, edging his cock, "As long as no one cums inside her." Everyone reacts loudly, apparently all three have planned to creampie you. "You guys are gross, would you have fucked her with someone elses cum already in her?", Soobin complaints, he actually stopped touching himself at the thought. "She's going to look real cute and drowsy after two cocks...", Beomgyu thinks out loud, "But stretching her out, knowing she didn't even get fingered is going to feel way too good..." Everyone agress, you feel like you're in a board meeting. "Maybe the one with the slimmest dick should go first then, it's going to be better for her as well.", Yeonjun suggests. Since Kai and Soobin have already started stroking, only Taehyun and Beomgyu need to pull down their pants to reveal their equally as hard and red cocks.
Since Beomgyu is by far the girthiest, he definitely doesn't go first. Eventhough he isn't the longest, you start salivating by the thought of being stuffed full of him.
Soobin already decided to go last, and you're actually glad about that, since that massive cock is almost as thick as Beomgyus but also a few cms longer. You're not even sure if you were able to take him like this.
The only one who is equally as long is Kai, but it's a lot thinner in comparison and has a cute curve to the side, you know he's going to reach places no one else will be able to.
Taehyuns cock is the most similar to Yeonjun, lenght and girth wise they're in the middle. But that's actually positive, both have cocks that aren't overwhelming like the others, you can always take Yeonjun happily without needing to prepare so much. Besides, Taehyun probably has the prettiest one: his head has a pretty, uniform shape with a lot less foreskin than the others. It's completely straight and sitting stiff against his abs.
The order is obvious.
The others go to sit a little more to the side, leaving you to sit next to Taehyun. You both look at each other with big eyes, his hands on his lap. "How do you want to do... me?", you ask timidly. Knowing Yeonjun would never allow you to pleasure yourself right now, you massage your tits as to at least satisfy yourself a little bit. The brunette swallows hard at your display, you watch his adams apple bob. "I didn't get to play with your tits yet...", he mumbles, patting his lap as to calm himself down, which you misinterpret. Yeonjun does this gesture often, with him it means to sit on his lap, so you just do the same to Taehyun. He is surprised, your tits bouncing in his face, his cock twitching at your boldness. At least he thought you were being bold, in actuality you were just listening to cues and obediently following them. Knowing both of you, Yeonjun can't help but notice this misconception, trying his hardest to surpress his laugh at your cluelessness. You both don't notice though, Taehyun just goes for it and helps you lower your hips down onto him, hissing at the feeling of your wet cunt ingulfing him. You moan louldy at the highly anticipated stretch, throwing your arms around the mans neck. He places his strong hands on your butt, slowly moving you up and down his length to help you adapt, until you're able to do so by your own. Finally he can suck on your nipples while you ride him, the added pleasure only making you whine pathetically, making you almost forget the other four staring lustfully at your back. Now feeling bold himself, Taehyun slaps your ass. You instinctively ride faster, bringing him closer to his orgasm than expected. Barely managing to clumsily pull you off his dick, his cum drips onto the hardwood floor. With tired eyes and a lopsided grin you dismiss him, with that facial expression he could actually go another round, but its finally Kais turn.
He asks you to lay on your back, wanting a full view of your tits and tummy. His long dick even reaching deeper than the one before, his head rubbing a spot you have never felt before due to the curve. You moan loudly, especially as he presses one hot hand on your abadomen to feel himself pound into you. Due to his edging, he cums even faster than Taehyun, actually pulling out at the perfect time and cumming all over your belly. You're left feeling a little dissatisfied by how quick it was, wanting to relish this new experience, but knowing you have two to go, you don't dare to ask for more.
The switch between Beomgyu and Kai goes even faster, you barely noticed them exchanging spots. "Your ass looked so good earlier", he tells you dreamily, "Let's do it from the back..." Feeling the strain on your body, you slowly sit up and turn around on your fours. Ass up and head onto the cushions, since you don't have the energy to hold up your body. He definitely doesn't mind, as well as the others, who are turned on by how deep your arch is. You yelp the moment Beomgyu enters you, expecting a stretch but not this, it's actually bringing tears into your eyes. He rubs circles into your hips, noticing the difficulty to slide into you. Beomgyu is careful to stretch you out slowly, making sure to pull out a little bit occasionaly, until he is balls deep in you. "You're doing so good...", he praises you, making your stomach tingle by the compliment. You expected him to be a lot rougher, considering how he was acting earlier, but his strokes are deep, sensual and moderately paced. Seeing how fast his friends just came, he really wants to drag this out. But he too has been hard for quiete some time now and the way you clench tightly around him, it doesn't take all too long, deciding to just cum in his hand as to reduce the amount of sperm that has already accumulated. You lie down on your belly, Beomgyu takes advantage of it and bites into it, making you yelp yet again. "I couldn't help it...", he apologizes.
Last but not least, Soobin approaches you, having enjoyed the show thoroughly but also in need of your cunt. You swallow, feeling a little bit of anxiety. Taking Beomgyu was already quite difficult, but this will be another level. "I think I'll also do missionary...", he mumbles, before you could react he already flipped you on your back. Since he hasn't really participated before, you expected him to be a lot shyer, just trying to stick it in like the others, but it's actually the opposite: having watched you this whole time, he exactly knows what to do. Instead of his cock he takes his right index, middle and ring finger and pushes them deep into your cunt, moving them around carefully as to stretch you out. "Ugh, don't brag!", Yeonjun spits at him jokingly, making Soobin laugh. After some time, Soobin decides you're ready, placing a pillow underneath your butt and placing your legs around his waist. "I'll try to be gentle.", he grins, slowly sinking into you. Due to his fingering beforehand, the stretch isn't as intense, therefore entering you doesn't take as long as Beomgyu did. But what he wasn't prepared for was the way your gummy walls feel around him, the tired, fucked-out expression on your face, the bounce of your tits... his cock has been yearning for pleasure, for an orgasm all this time. His heavy balls slapping against your booty cheeks, and your cunt tightening around him, almost pushing him out due to his size, are the final straw needed for him to cum deep into you with a moan.
He pulls away carefully, you can feel the cushions rising again, making you realize he too moved away. You slowly open your eyes again after gathering yourself. Yeonjun is standing next to the sofa, looking down at you mischievously. Even though four men fucked you ruthlessly, he knows how much your pussy is throbbing for an orgasm.
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somethingswift19 · 8 months
Toxic - JJ Maybank x (f) reader
| JJ x Bartender (f) Reader
| Warnings : angst, swearing, cheating
| Summary: You are in a toxic situationship with JJ Maybank and no matter what you do, you can't seem to let him go.
| (a/n): Based off of a real conversation and very true events
This is my first ever imagine so please be nice :) hope you guys enjoy! P.S. feedback is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this is terrible!
Part 2
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"No. That's unacceptable," JJ seethed. "How could you be going on a date? No. Who the fuck is this guy anyway?" This argument was becoming less and less playful by the second. The usual playfulness in his tone was sounding more like jealousy.
"Don't worry about it," you sigh in response. "And I'm going because he's cute and funny and sweet. Plus my dad is pissed that I'm still single at 22." At this point you were just trying to end this conversation seeing as there were people actively sitting at the bar. Not to mention the fact that if your boss saw any of this happening on the cameras, you would both be screwed.
"Your dad and I have that in common," he smirked. "But I still don't think you should go."
"Why shouldn't I go? I'm not seeing anyone! So why the hell n-?"
"Because you can't!" JJ cut you off. "You're mine, don't you get that? It's my turn." His usual arrogant demeanor was faltering as darkness started forming behind his usually playful eyes.
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" you yelled getting more irritated by the second.
He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. He knew you were right. He knew the position he had put you in. That he had lied to you time and time again. But he loved you, not her. "You know our situations are completely different. You know mine is complicated."
"No it's really not that complicated actually," rolling your eyes and giving an aggravated shrug of your shoulders. "Do you or do you not have a girlfriend?"
JJ just stared at you, letting out a huff. His blue eyes now appeared completely black as a pink tinge came over his lightly freckled face.
"I said do you or do you not-"
"YES! Ok, yes I do! But-"
"Then that's it!" it was your turn to cut him off. "It's not fair to me. None of this is fair to me! When you're here you act as if we are together. You're physically all over me. You compliment me and know what to say to make me feel special. Always keeping me attached somehow. You're always telling me how I'm beautiful and gorgeous and amazing...but then you go home to her."
"You were supposed to wait for me!" heartbreak evident in his voice.
"I DID WAIT!" a tear slipped down your cheek. "I did fucking wait for you! And you went back to her."
"That's cold."
"But it's true," you bit back. "And the worst part is I had to find out from someone else."
You thanked the heavens you were the mid and so your shift was ending. Gathering your things you quickly clock out and head for the door. Tears now threatening to spill over.
"Just wait! I'll have my turn one day!" a smirk covered his sun kissed face. It was a complete 180, his cockiness returning. Almost like he was pretending this argument never happened. "You're mine and that will never change."
As soon as you reach the parking lot the sobs started. Not because of the argument but because of what he just said...because deep down you know he's not wrong. And the thought of that makes you sick. How could you let yourself fall so head over heels in love with someone who is already taken? But then the image of his smile flashes through your mind and you think of what it feels like to be wrapped in his embrace and you have your answer.
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aphrmoosun · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy Finale [S4] (3.5/10)
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I would never imagine that I wouldn't like a TUA season like I did with their very last one. I don't know how to start explaining it. Well, for the first two episodes, I really enjoyed these two. The second one has, for me, one of the best scenes of the whole TUA saga that it is the one where the siblings travel on Diego's car. I really laughed with that scene and I liked the second episode except for one thing that I didn't find too much sense where the next character introduction made no much sense or better said, the reason why she, Jennifer, decided to go with the umbrellas instead of staying with the people she has known since she was little and the man who she described as her dad practically... I didn't quite like that. But for the rest, the first two episodes were ok. I wouldn't say I dislike Episode three but it was the start of the ending where I started to understand that this season didn't have the level of the previous ones.
To finish I will say why I give it a 3.5 and why I suspended it this season. The ending. I must confess I expected something more, maybe a happy ending, maybe something related to the comic, maybe some madness where they travel as family through the lines or somewhere where the time does not affect them. Something different than just killing them. I felt like I lost my time watching this season but worse, they say to my face you lost time watching TUA because all the characters they have developed through all these years and they have made us love are dead and they don't have a happy ending. I really hate it very much. But instead of taking this season so seriously, I will rewatch the other season and think how much I love this show, how season two is one of the best production even made for streaming, how the casting is so great that they made us love them and their characters. I will ignore that S4 even happened and when I want to watch my favourite streaming show family, I will rewatch my comfort episodes.
I will start speaking about what I dislike the most for this season. The first thing I noticed was that this season has not the scenographic level that the rest have. No dance scenes, no choreography x soundtrack scenes, no artistic transition except the beginnings... It didn't feel like TUA when we speak about the creation of the scenes. The story either makes much sense. It does explain little about the problems they introduced in other seasons like WHO is Reginald, or their mother. Where they come from and why they could create this marigold but they have no special abilities more than transfiguring into other person appearance. They are other species (?? Why did they decide to make the umbrellas or the special children ??? Where are the other special children ??? Where is Slone ??? Why the fuck Luther doesn't care too much where is his wife ??? If there are other people with the marigold their sacrifice wouldn't make a difference???? Why are there other Fives and not other Umbrellas ??? Why do other people remember other lines ??? If they can continue traveling in time why don't they try to make Ben never meet Jennifer?? Why do the Umbrellas have different powers ???? Why Lila and Diego decide to create such a big family if with one kid they already felt fatigued 😭 and I won't say I would judge anyone who likes Fivela but it isn't one thing that I was expecting nor I wanted it. I would defend it if their story makes sense but it does not, it was quick because the writers did not have more time to make a Romance with Five from zero, that it was what they wanted... For me it destroyed the point of both characters and more they didn't feel like the Five and Lila we met before. For Luther and Diego, I liked a few of their scenes together even though I don't understand why Luther again has that appearance if it isn't his power (??? Diego deserved better... For Ben I will just say that I wanted Umbrellas Ben back, not this Sparrow one 🥲
And for my favourite part of the season and the reason why I don't give it a 0/10 is this trio of Klaus/Allison/Claire. I didn't expect to see this Klaus who is scared about everything but having the support of his sister and his niece was really good and I loved THEM SO MUCH. I also liked the symbolism of the inverted Umbrella but I didn't find this arc very interesting nor the two "antagonists", even though I liked their presentation.
Ps. If the season explained some of the things I didn't find an answer and I don't remember it, maybe it didn't explain too much or didn't make too much effort about it.
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wolfinshipclothing · 3 months
Rewatching Avatar: the last Airbender (WITH MY MOM!)
Ok so i convinced my mom to watch ATLA with me. she's 68, but with the mind (and the looks mind you) of a 40y/o woman who loves cartoons, so it was quite the blast.
i'll go Book by Book and tell you guys her very amusing (and accurate) thoughts.
So here i go.
-first coment is when she saw Zuko and it was like "ooh, he's hot!" and i was like "he's a teenager" and she was like "he's also not real" so point for her.
-IMMEDIATELY after learning the Avatar has to learn the four elements, she already knew Zuko was going to chance sides and teach Firebending to Aang.
-First episodes were a bit slow but she caught onto it because of the fantasy elements. she had a bit of a hard time picking the whole bending thing. not the bending itself, but the fact that not everyone who lives in the earth kingdom or wears green is an earthbender, but she catch it up quickly.
-she pointed out that Aang's airbending is not very consistent. "Why doesn't the Avatar just blow them away?! he did so in that other episode" and well, its kinda true.
-when it was Haru's episode i said "you're gonna like him". and when Haru showed up she was "ooooh i like him! not as much as the prince tho."
-"you realize its the brother (sokka) who things all the plans, right? he's the brains" she said, halfway through Book One. she's a smart one my mom.
-"when is the earth master going to appear?" "aang has to learn waterbending first" "well but he could appear!" "just wait, mom -.-"
-she is dumbfounded and amazed at the creatures of the Avatar World. "i don't know what the heck that is but is cute/ugly as fuck".
-"this girl Katara is gonna end up with the prince right? Fire and water, perfect match" oh mom. you're in for a dissapointment.
-in the fortune teller episode "but aang's too young for katara! he's twelve right? and she's, fifteen or something?" and i said "yeah, it was kind of a thing at the time" and she said "makes no sense. also, the Avatar is like a superhero. those people... belong to the world, you know? they cant be with anyone". she's pretty wise my mom.
-"I LIKE JET!" then Jet tries to kill the old man "i dont like Jet" then Jet tries to blow up the dam "i hate Jet."
-She thinks Uncle Iroh is the best, specially after he was kidnapping. "He sure knows how to fight" she said. "he's a bit of a goof chummy guy but he gives good advice" (remember this is still Book One).
-she was mindblowed by "the storm". "poor prince. no wonder he's always so mad. still, i like his scar. it looks like a flame."
and i was like "what?" and i realized that, yes, zuko scar sometimes looks like a flame when looked from the side. my mom had to point that out to me T.T.
-after roku's episode "poor aang. he's gonna do all that, learn all the elements, fight that son of a bitch, and all that before summer? its too much" :(
-during Bato's episode "nah. nah, you can't do that Aang, come on." "he feels left out" "but that scrolls is important right? its about the guys father!" right she was. also she didn't stop laughing at Uncle Iroh flirting with the bounty hunter girl.
-she was having none of Master Pakku bullshit. when katara confronted him she was "hell yeah, show him whats good!" and when we found out master pakku was gran gran old 'boyfriend' "OH, now he's gonna teach her just because she's the grandaughter of his lost love. right. -.-" and i was laughing mad because dont we all know its the truth? XD
-when she saw the fire nation armada she was like "O.O HOW DO YOU EVEN BEAT THAT?"
-and when zuko ship exploded "noooooo! dont kill my princeee, he's so preety! :("
-she doesn't know why sokka felt in love so fast with Yue, and neither do I.
-she got repeatidely frustrated by Aang not taking serious the situations that should be serious, but she shrugged it as "he's twelve".
-at the end of the season, when we see Azula for the first time i told her "i cant BEGIN to tell you how long we had to wait to see how this turned out, because season two took forever to air (we live in latino america)". she was just as excited as i was and wanted to see more.
-as a personal note, i watched this series as a kid and its wild to rewatch it as an adult becase, like, you can apreaciate how well paced and well thought everything is, and how the characters actions NOW reflect what we will learn from them later.
All in all , my mom liked it Book I A LOT, and we waited little in watching book II.
its late so i'll talk more about the other books in other posts. let me know my thoughts so i can pass them onto my mom! :D
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i-amm-mj · 9 months
Anything for you - Katsuki Bakugo x Afab!Reader
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A/N: This work was inspired by this request that i couldn´t accomplished 2 months ago due to a lot thing that happened to me in that period, but here it is now, and i hope this is of the liking of anyone who reads it. Specially, the person that send it. :)
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Angst to Fluff to Comfort.
Warnings: mentions of non consensual sex with a past partner, mentions of consensual sex with current partner, mentions of drugs, mentions of symptoms of PTSD. READ UNDER YOUR RESPONSABILITY.
Words: 2k
No proofread so it might have some errors hahaha :p
It happened when you were 17 years old, almost 6 years ago. He was your first boyfriend, and it was the very first time you had a sexual encounter. To be honest, you don´t even remember how it happened, you just remember the tears your eyes spilled while begging him to stop, the way your body just froze, and how your mind shut down to protect you from more damage besides the one it was suffering. You were an UA student at the time, and the man that ruined your life an ex-classmate from your old school who you happened to know since childhood.
"Is it Christmas already?" a hoarse voice said behind you and your body automatically tense after recognizing it “Look what a cutie you turn out to become” it continued to speak in a flirty tone. You didn’t turn, you were in panic.
You and Katsuki had had a date that morning and you needed to buy some ingredients before getting back home to make dinner together. But your boyfriend had left to go to the bathroom just 5 minutes before it all happened. To this moment your life had been better than you ever imagine. You had a strong and handsome boyfriend who you recently moved in with; you accomplished your dream of becoming a hero and you were improving yourself constantly in every aspect of your life. So, this had to be a sick joke, right?  
“Hey, look at me!” the man forced you to turn around. You could have punch him, break his arm or something for the matter, you were a pro hero for God´s sake… but in that moment you couldn´t react, your body was afraid of moving “I heard you are dating Dynamight” he smirked “Is he enjoying my leftovers? I bet he is. You are a sweet little thing anyways.” Your eyes opened in terror, you didn´t know what to do, how to react.
“Leave me alone… please” you almost beg with watery eyes.
“Awn, are you going to cry? Weren´t you a strong hero? I think you are more like a fragile doll.” He mocked.
“Stop.” You murmured “please. Just let me go.” you were crying at this point.
“But we are just starting, pretty” the man pushed you towards the shelves, trapping you with his body. He bent over with a twisted smile and tried to reach your lips, but then a muscular arm shoved the man and made him fall on his arm.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing!?” the loud voice of Katsuki resonated along the market “Who the fuck do you think you are to lay a finger on her, huh!?” with heavy and long strides your boyfriend was on top of the man in less than a second, holding him by the shirt. He had a murderous expression on his face.
“Katsuki…” your voice was weak, you were shaking.
“Are you ok, princess?” Katsuki asked in a sweet and gentle tone without taking his eyes from the man whining of terror under him. You nodded even when he couldn´t see you.
“I wasn´t doing anything, dude” the man said with panic in his voice “She´s an old friend and I just wanted to say hello.”     
“You don´t need to be that close just to say hello…” Katsuki growled. And due to the loud voice of your boyfriend, other costumers started to accumulate around you three. If some customer took a picture or a video of what was happening and share it on social media, the career of Katsuki would be fucked. The press and his haters on social media were looking for an excuse to talk shit about him anytime given, and it was obvious that they weren´t going to take the time to investigate what was really going on. So, struggling to put yourself together you decided to act. You reached for your boyfriend´s hand, helped him to get up, and got out of the store the faster your trembling knees allowed you to.
The tension in the ride home was more than evident. Of course, Katsuki wasn´t mad at you, but he wasn´t happy either. He had a lot of things to ask you, but he couldn´t pressure you. He didn´t want to put you into more stress. Not after how you reacted to that jerk. He couldn´t comprehend. You were one of the best at martial arts of the heroes he knew, so that man had to be someone you were painfully scared of. A bully maybe? He tsked. That was plausible, you always have been sweet, and to be honest, a little naïve in your younger years.
When you entered the shared apartment, your nervousness took the better of you, and you ran to the bathroom with the excuse of feeling tired and the need of taking a shower before going to bed. Katsuki wasn´t a fool and you knew it, but you didn’t have the energy nor the courage to be confronted about what happened at the store just yet. Katsuki let you be for the moment. You´d open up to him later, you had to if you wanted to maintain the kind relationship you two had.
You love Katsuki, a lot. You could even say that you´ve never loved anyone like that before. That didn’t mean that you were that experience at the romantic department, because you only had two boyfriends besides him: Shinso and Yo, but to be honest, even when you loved each of them, you never felt the connection you had with Katsuki. If soulmates were real, you were sure he was yours, and you will do everything in your power to stay with him for as long as he wanted you to. It was that, right now… you just wanted to cry, and you didn’t want Katsuki to see you like that… You thought that therapy had helped, that it was just a bad experience and that you wouldn´t let it get in your way… that you had get over it and put it in the back of your mind so it would never bother you again, but you were wrong. That voice, that smell, that presence was… terrifying. 
Once you opened the shower, you let yourself being engulfed by the warm of the water and let your eyes spill the pain your soul and heart were holding. Bakugo could hear your crying clearly from the outside, and he would be lying if he didn´t had the instinct to run inside the bathroom and held you the better he can. His heart was suffering seeing you suffering. He couldn´t help but feeling enraged at himself for not being able to help you. The love of his life was in pain because of something an asshole has done to her in the past and he wasn´t there to protect you.
You were calmer right now. You´d cried enough and were ready lo leave the bathroom and face your boyfriend. You thought he was going to be waiting for you sitting on the edge of the bed to confront you about what happened a few hours ago, but he wasn´t there.
“Kats?” you asked peeking your head through the door.
“Kitchen!” he answered. You smiled and let your feet guide you to him.
“Hey…” you murmured. Your boyfriend was making dinner himself. He glanced to you over his shoulder and smiled “I thought we were gonna cook together.”
 “It´s ok, you can rest.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, sure.”
You knew that once he had decided something you could never change his mind, so you decided the wiser and made yourself comfortable on the couch in front of the TV. And after a couple of minutes scrolling aimlessly through Netflix, you decided on watching some new anime about zombies that has just been released. And when you pushed play, you felt the weight of your boyfriend sank besides you and his arm snake around your waist to pull you towards his chest. He then kissed your temple and let a deep sigh escape his chest. You knew what he was thinking about.
“You know I love you, right?” he whispered in the soft tone only you had been able to pull out of him.
“I love you too…” you answered with your eyes processing the images on the TV. Somehow the protagonist of the show reminded you of Izuku, you smiled softly.
“What is it?” he questioned.
“He reminds me of Izuku.” To that he let a giggle escape his mouth.
“You´re fucking right. He does looks and acts like Deku. Bet he is a loser too.”
“Hey, don´t be mean, I think he is cute” Bakugo groaned and raised a brow.
“You think Deku is cute? Seriously?”
“Well, yeah. He´s cute like a baby panda type of cute.”
“So, you are into nerds?” He said in disbelieved.
“Well, I´m into you.”
“I´m not a nerd.”
“I wasn´t the third place in grades at school.” You retorted while laughing.
“Oh, is that so?” he placed you on his lap with one swift movement.
“Katsuki!” you shrieked taken aback. You were now facing him. His face with a glint of joy and mischief on his features. “You could have injured me or something, you know?”
“I would never.” He spoke softly. His face turning into a sad expression. “I will kill myself before doing something that could hurt you.” You frowned. You knew exactly what was this about.
“That man…” you started, avoiding his eyes “He was my first boyfriend and my first sexual experience…” you stuttered, Katsuki adjusted his hands on your back so you could feel secure in his arms “I- I didn´t wanna do it, and he forced me to do it…” your eyes watered at the memory and the body of your boyfriend tensed, clenching his fist on your clothes unconsciously.
“What…?” his mind could not process the information properly.
“I begged him to stop, but he kept going.” You were crying at this point “I never said anything because I thought that no one would believe me, but… I took therapy and…” Katsuki wanted to murder him. Really. He was sure that it destiny put the bastard in front of him again, he wouldn´t let him go alive. But right now, he just wanted to comfort you “I´m sorry” you said weakly.
“For what?”
“Because I didn´t tell you…” you sobbed, and his hand landed softly on your cheek.  He brushed the tears away and with the softest voice he had ever spoken to you said “You have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn´t your fault. Thanks for sharing this with me.”
You embraced him, crying again but this time from happiness. The hand on your back held you close to his chest, while the other hand tried to sooth you, rubbing your back “It´s ok, love. I´m here. I´m never gonna let anyone hurt you ever again.” You sat straight to look him in the eyes, and then you squished his cheeks on both your hands. “What the fuck!?” he opened his eyes in almost panic.
“You are so cute…” you said with the biggest smile he´s seen on you.
“No, I´m not, you idiot” he tried to defend himself but wasn´t really fighting you back.
“And you make so happy…” you whispered leaning towards him to give a kiss on the lips that he responded to almost instantly.   
After a couple of minutes, the soft kisses turned into passionate kisses, completely forgetting about the show you were watching, the food Katsuki was making or the entire world outside. He caressed your face with both his hands, whispering little I love you´s between kisses. You sighed, glad to be in love and being love by a man like Katsuki.
That night, after eating dinner and turning off the TV, he made love to you. The sweetest and softest way he could. Worshipping your body, kissing the bruises of the battle, holding your hands in his, making you cum like nobody else would. Just reminding you that he was by your side from now on and that he would never leave you alone.
This week was your first week off in months. No hero duty, no filling documents, no calls from the police station to arrest a villain, just pure laziness at home. You loved this way of living, but you missed the heat of your boyfriend besides you. Unfortunately, he was the head of his own agency with Kirishima and couldn´t have many vacations, at least no when he was on a big mission about a bunch of villains related with very dangerous drugs. And today was the day he was going to put them under arrest, so you took a rest from the anime you were watching to scroll through social media looking for any news about the case, and you find them a couple of minutes after.  
You sheepishly smiled to yourself when you caught a glimpse of the gorgeous scowl of your boyfriend in his winter hero suit while talking to the police. You had to admit that his serious expression was sexy. You continued to scroll in search for some good pictures of him to download, until a video of him manhandling a resisting man came up. Your eyes almost popped out of your skull when you recognized who it was.
You search for more information about the man and the reason of his detention and found out that he was being charged for possession and distribution of drugs, plus the aggression towards a hero. All of that could cost him at least 12 years in prison. As the hero you were yourself, and above all the girlfriend of Katsuki, you knew that it was all a lie. That your boyfriend had incriminated this man for what he did to you, and while a part of you was mad at him for use his authority for this, the other part was very pleased to see the bastard behind bars even when it wasn´t for the crime he must have been paying for.
You truly loved Katsuki and everything he could do for you…
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So I know this post is pretty overdue and a bit superfluous by this point maybe, but since I am now back home and finally have time to sit down and write down my thoughts about the last few days, I thought I'd still do a recap post of my experience of the Dublin shows (and a bit about my trip to Dublin in general). Just for anyone who might be interested or even just for me to remember everything by!
Having said that though, I don’t actually know how to even begin putting into words what this trip meant to me 🥺 I’ve said this before, but after seeing them in June and thinking that was it for the foreseeable future, getting to see them again so soon, twice, and it being the very last two shows of the tour as well, felt like an incredible opportunity and huge gift and I could not be more grateful for it ❤️
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Recap of Dublin shows 3 & 4 and some more pics below the cut!
I flew in from Amsterdam on Tuesday morning with a Dutch friend, and we met up with another friend of mine who flew in from London at the same time (my London friend went with me to Tuesday's gig, and my Amsterdam friend to Thursday's gig)
London friend and I then headed to the 3Arena to queue up outside and it was fucking freezing lmao. But we played ‘guess the Arctic Monkeys song from the intro’ and had a chance to catch up so all in all it wasn’t too bad, and it’s always so much fun being surrounded by fellow arctic monkeys fans who love them enough to queue up for hours in the cold <3
Once we were inside, we legged it to the stage and then spent another two hours trying to defend our (pretty good, very central) spots and trying not to think about the fact that we had to pee, as you do. We happened to be standing next to a group of Dutch speaking girls, and it turned out one of them had also met Miles in Amsterdam recently, at the same signing I’d been at! Such a small world. But they were really lovely so the two hours flew past, and then it was Miles time!!!!! 🥰
And my god, he literally blew everyone away, he was just insanely good as always. My friend was not really a Miles fan before the gig, and then while he was playing, she kept going “holy shit minnie he’s so good??” and I was like “TOLD YOU”, so now she’s a big fan as well, which is honestly very satisfying 😌 There were so many amazing moments during his set, but the one that stayed with me most I’ve already talked about in this post. It was honestly just…. very intense and really hard to explain in a non-shippy way? Even my non-shipper friend was like… hmm ok yes, that seems very significant 🤔
But anyway, Miles rocked the house, and then it was only a short wait until the main show. And while most of it is a blur because I just lose my mind when I see my boys play, I did make sure to really absorb some special moments and things I really wanted to remember. Being able to clearly see Alex’s intense, goofy and beautiful facial expressions, his HANDS, the cute little interactions he had with the rest of the band (giggles with Matt and smiley asides with Jamie and Nick), the moment where Alex made grabby hands at the plushie and then laughed some more when he couldn’t have it, Jamie being an absolute rockstar as always, Nick looking like a total snack (my friend has a giant crush on Nick, understandably so), Matt being a literal drum god (I love seeing him play SO much). Just... incredible 🙌🏻💘
I really wasn’t expecting Miles to join them during that show, so when Alex gave him a shoutout I knew it was just that, but my friend didn’t, so she started hitting me like “he’s coming back!” and I was like “no he’s not”, and he wasn’t unfortunately lmao. The Dutch and Belgian girls next to me were extremely disappointed (they were Milex shippers as well, of course), but I know at least one of them was there on Thursday as well so I love that for her. Other memorable moments were Alex singing the “remember when you used to be a rascal” line followed by “do you remember? I remember” after which I yelled at my friend “Miles used to be a rascal!!!” and then later I found out Miles was actually on that side of the stage 😭😭 Even though I didn’t find out about that until later, I definitely noticed that Alex kept gesturing towards that side of the stage (the Star Treatment intermezzo was wild, I was like, “WHO is he pointing at for the dolls like you and me thing??” And then it turned out to be Miles 🫠
Another thing I noticed was that the average age of the crowd was way lower than I’m used to it being, which my friend explained may have something to do with tiktok? Lmao idk, hut the the standing crowd did mostly consist of younger, shorter girls for some reason lol, so there wasn’t as much jumping as I’d have liked there to be. My friend and I just went for it regardless, even if we were some of the only people going crazy. But you just have to, you know what I mean? Anyway, it was such an incredible show and after it ended, we were just on cloud nine, singing Fluorescent Adolescent with everyone on the Luas going back to town, which is always just such a blast. And then we ended up in Temple Bar where there was more live music as well as about 500 other Arctic Monkeys fans, so that was great fun too 💫
The next day, the three of us went to a tattoo shop where I’d booked an appointment and I got my tattoo which I am EXTREMELY happy with. The tattoo artist was a girl from Brazil and when she asked me about the meaning of my tattoo (I’ll post a pic later) I told her it was an Arctic Monkeys song and the just yelled across the shop to a few other artists and it turned out they’d been at the concert too, so we all geeked out about them while I got my tattoo done lmao, so much fun 😂
Then my London friend unfortunately had to fly back home later that day, so my Amsterdam friend and I ended up in the pub again because that’s what we do. It was just a very average pub with two very average men playing amazing folk music, and when we walked in, I was like “huh that guy looks like Zackery Michael, that’s funny.” And then later I was stood next to him at the bar and heard he was American, so I was like hmmm, and decided to just ask him if he was in fact Zackery Michael. He was like “that is me!” lol (thank god, would’ve been embarrassing if it hadn’t been) so we had a little chat about the fact that we were both in town for Arctic Monkeys but in slightly different capacities lol, and he was just super nice and was happy to take a photo with me, and then I let him get back to his conversation with the three extremely pretty girls he was with 😅
Anyways, so then on Thursday after breakfast we bought some souvenirs and I bought some great Arctic Monkeys mini posters and some other stuff at this lovely little comic book/record store which was playing Humbug, the owner of which told us he also went to see Arctic Monkeys on Tuesday and loved them, so that was another amazing chance meeting 💜 And then it was after 12pm so it was time for whiskey, and then the meeting with the fellow TLSP/Arctic Monkeys/Miles Kane fan bartender happened which I posted about here, which was so lovely and also secretly made me want to believe it was a sign for the show that night 🙈
But I still couldn’t let myself hope or believe TOO much, so I just kept telling my friend “they’re not going to do it and that’s okay” and she was like “sure, whatever you say” 😂 We had seated tickets for this gig, so we were unfortunately much further away than I had been on Tuesday. And also I just don’t like being seated at concerts, let alone an Arctic Monkeys one, but to be honest, the seats were pretty good. Miles once again gave his absolute all and converted not just my Dutch friend as well, but also a lot of the people around us who we overheard saying things like “did you know he was this good??” and checking Miles’s Wikipedia page, which was great to see. And from up on the balcony we could clearly see that the people in the crowd were really singing along and having an amazing time during Miles’s set (COTT was extremely emotional, all the lights were so lovely ✨️) and I just felt so proud of him and happy for him that it was such a roaring success 🥹💖
The roaring success continued for Arctic Monkeys of course, although it was really weird to see so many people go mental for Snap Out Of It and Arabella etc. 😅 But yeah, the people do love AM it seems, which is why the first part of the setlist was pretty much the same as it had been on Tuesday. Hello You was amazing though!! And then after There’d Better Be a Mirrorball, I knew that it was 505 time, and Alex did say ‘Let’s hear it for Miles Kane’. But because it was the same thing he’d said before, I was still convinced Miles wouldn’t come on. AND THEN HE DID 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I absolutely lost my shit, not even kidding. I just started screaming and threw my phone at my poor friend being like “FILM IT” which she did, bless her heart, and uhhh, yeah then I cried throughout the whole performance 😭 And then at the end, the lights went out and I saw their shadows (our shadow puppets <3) coming together so I was like did they hug??? And then I only found out later that evening when I checked tumblr that they in fact did hug and then my night was just completely made (lol, I say my night but I mean my life, obviously)
Do I Wanna Know was a total blur after that of course, but I was back for Body Paint which was absolutely incredible as always. And then they did Big Ideas as the encore and uuhhh yeah I sobbed 🙃 It was SO beautiful, and so special hearing it live with the strings, and SO fucking sad. And then once RU Mine? finished and the lights stayed off, I was like aaahhh we’re getting one more!! And then OF COURSE it was Perfect Sense because Alex is a dramatic bastard, and of course I cried some more. It was stunning and extremely emotional 💔
So then my friend and I went to drown my sorrows (and elation about the Milex reunion) in the pub and we actually had a great time with some fellow AM fans and live music again. I swear it was like all of Dublin was just there for Arctic Monkeys. Unfortunately, we were not in the pub where the boys apparently went ugh, but still, it was fun. And yesterday morning I woke up with a killer hangover so I swore I would not drink anymore, but it was raining so much, so we did end up in the pub again where we got talking to some really cool Irish guys who (surprise) also loved Arctic Monkeys, and they insisted on buying us drinks so obviously I couldn’t decline. So we just sat and drank with them until we had to catch our flight, and of course by that time I was tipsy and maudlin and the weather wasn’t helping so I cried all the way to the airport (especially since we passed the arena again) and then I cried some more in the airport like the drama queen I am 🥲
It’s just that I’m so sad it’s over, and so scared and worried about the future of the band, with how much this felt like a goodbye 😔 But I’m just going to assume that it’s just goodbye for now, and that they’ll take a well-deserved break, maybe do their own things for a while, and that in a few years’ time they’ll get back to making music together again. I really do think they have so much fun doing what they do together, and they’re basically like family, and Alex wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he couldn’t make music, so surely they’ll be back eventually. But please, just don’t be too long boys 🥺🙏🏻❤️
All in all, though, what has stayed with me most from this trip is a sense of gratefulness that I was lucky enough to experience all this, my 8th and 9th Arctic Monkeys gigs to date, the last dates of the tour, the Milex reunion (!!!!!!!) and to get to share it with two of my best friends in the world, a whole bunch of arctic monkeys loving strangers who I randomly met, and all of you guys I’ve met on here these past few months. The sense of connection and community I’ve found through this band means so much to me, more than I can say, actually, and I’m so grateful to them for that, in addition to the music they’ve given us. And although the tour is over, I am honestly looking forward to sharing the love we have for them with you all for a long time to come and for now, I am so excited about getting back to writing my silly little Milex stories (and insanely happy they finally gave us that little reunion we hope for, so that I’m still excited and hopeful about their relationship rather than heartbroken and resigned, which is what I probably would’ve been if they hadn’t performed together. So thank you for that, boys 💘)
So yes. Very, VERY long story short: Arctic Monkeys is and always will be my favourite band in the world, they ended the tour on an absolute high (and with Miles!) and this was an experience I will never, ever forget ❤️
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darushi-chan · 2 years
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HOTD Modern AU where everyones dragons are some kind of reptile or amphibian.  Sooo, I finally gathered the courage to add my own stuff to the HOTD fandom, lol. I love reptiles, specifically Komodo dragons, I’ve made like 3 different college projects with them and it was impossible for me to not see Vhagar as one, I’ve seen other really good takes with old grandma V being a snapping turtle, an alligator and so on, and then I decided to imagine my own modern AU were all the Targaryan dragons in HOTD are some kind of reptile pet! -Because Targ shenanigans they do have a special bond with their reptile friend (Thats the only way you get a croc and a Komodo to dont eat you, lol). -The dragon keepers are a special reptile breeder company, the Targs are like one of their most important clients . -To add more lore and stuff I like the idea of them living in a made up european country called Valyria, like Genovia from the princess diaries, or at least just a modern westeros and Valyria being their something something big company where they work. -If they live in Valyria they do have the monarchy problems, but without the murder plis, Aegon ll its like fuck you all and runs away to Italy or France and starts a wine company called “The usurper” xD.  -Because I like Jacegon, Jace goes along with him so he doesn’t die from bad decisions and because I think he’ll be more reliable with the new company stuff hahahahaha, Aegon just tests the wine ok 😂?  -Lucerys its also like, the crown? No thanks, and goes to college to study literature, also in the some college as Aemond, who’s in a History major, they’re roommates 👀. -Joffrey its even less interested in the crown and decides to help his grampa Corlys with Driftmark. -I’m mexican, I dont know how Dukedoms and all that fancy european stuff works, Driftmark can be one of those or something, I’ll do some research after the reptile drawings ok xD? -That way the crown can go to little Aegon the younger without anybody dying yay. -Rhaenyra its not that ok with this, but she loves her kids, and hopes little Egg doesn’t run away too.... Im just starting with my favorite incest deranged couple, Lucemond 😚. I think its obvious this is not completed at all 😅, but I was really exited about it and wanted to talk about it after being working on it all day 😄.
More stuff about the not dragons! -They can’t live the hundreds of years of the dragons, so lets make them live as long as their owner lives, an average 80-90 years, for this HC sake hahahaha, specially because turtles, komodos and crocs are able to live long lives too! So lets make all the other special Targ reptiles/amphibians live longer too 😝. -This makes Grandma V, Vhagar ll, because Vhagar l was Visenya’s, when Laena dies in some kind of accident Aemond claims Vhagar ll so she doesn’t die, specially because she wasn’t that old then, wiki says Laena dies at 27, I havent thought that much about what happens in the Driftmart incident, but something happens 👀! -Then the Viserys l Balerion it’s Balerion ll too! Vissy T gets to keep his croc and makes him an awesome enclosure, lol. Alicent never goes there 😂, but Viserys likes to see when the servants feed him or to just chat with his friend, he has this really nice enclosure like in the zoos where you can go like underground and see them swim.
-Helaena’s kids can have little geckos or something cute like that, I need to think about it 🤔.
-Im not very sure about Caraxes being a red Tegu, they’re awesome, but I don’t know if I should make him be something else, any thoughs anyone 🤔? If you have any other ideas that are different from the ones I have so far let me know 😉!! The only ones that Im very sure about are Vhagar and Arrax, I’m really in love with the idea, and I also like them all being something different, except for Silverwing and Vermithor uwu.
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