#a sudden Byleth appears
momochanners · 9 months
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Season's Greetings from me and the Garreg-Mach Faculty 🎄
(It's also a sequel to this old thing from last year)
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Speaking of Dimleth softness…can you write some expert Dima husbandry? Byleth is very pregnant and tired and he feels utterly helpless. Until he jumps into action to help her wash her hair. Because he totally would.
(Foaming at the mouth for soft dima ;;;)
Eight months had come and gone in all but an instant. For yourself and Dimitri, it seemed to be a blur and moving too slowly all at the same time. The king and queen were thrilled to welcome the heir-to-be, and could hardly wait to meet them.
But until that fateful day could arrive, they had to wait through the trials and tribulations of pregnancy. Dimitri, being the not-pregnant-one, felt increasingly more helpless every time you quietly complained about your struggles. There was only so much that he could do to help you, after all.
He would do what he could to help you, but that typically meant calling for a physician or the nursemaids to assist you while he stood by.
The king could do small things, like help you off the bed or carry you up and down the stairs, it was practically nothing compared to everything else that you needed, and he couldn’t help with. It made him feel utterly useless; the worst possible thing he could feel towards someone he owed his life to (and loved deeply).
Thankfully when you woke up that morning, he was given an idea.
The king stirred when he felt you shift in his arms. Your back was to his chest, and his arms were carefully wrapped aroun you as a shield from the bitter winter cold.
You moved to get up, reaching for his hand and giving it a little kiss to wake him. “It’s time to get up, Dima.”
“Mmh.” He yawned, burying his face in your hair. “You’re sure you don’t need a little more time to rest, Beloved? We did not get to bed until late.”
“Seteth is arriving this morning to discuss urgent needs at the monastery. It would be terribly disrespectful to be late when he’s come so far…not to mention in this weather.”
“You raise a good point.” He sighed, and released you, stretching quickly before he got out of bed and rounded to your side so that he could help you up. “Do you need any help getting ready?”
“I will wear something simple. I do not think I need to be in full Archbishop regalia given my condition.” You replied, taking his hands and letting him pull you from the bedding. “Though I may need to bathe before I go. I’m feeling a little grimey, this morning.”
“Mercedes recommended we change your bathing schedule, didn’t she? Has it been two days, or three?”
“As of this morning, three days since the last bath.”
“You do not appear ‘grimey’, if it is any consolation.”
“It’s a feeling,” You replied, touching your hair, “At the very least, I need to take care of my hair; it will be in much worse shape by this evening.”
Dimitri frowned, thinking. “How long until the meeting?”
You looked outside, “Probably another hour and a half, maybe two if we’re lucky.”
Realization dawned on Dimitri; he had an excellent idea. “Let me help you take a bath!”
“What?” You looked back at him, finding a rather excited expression on his face. “You want to help me bathe?”
“I thought it’s a good idea, don’t you? This way I can help you get ready faster!”
You looked at him, surprised by his sudden enthusiasm so early in the morning. He seemed to be very charged up to do this for you, even if it seemed simple and a little unnecessary.
But Dimitri looked so very happy with himself at the mere thought. Who were you to say no?
“All right.” You nodded, letting him lead you into the washroom and start the bath. Water and fire magic made quick work of the bath, making it plenty warm (but far from hot for the baby). He helped you out of your clothes and into the full basin. You sighed happily, the warm water soothing you all the way through to your very soul.
“Dima…do you know how to wash my hair?” You asked him when the thought suddenly came to you. He nodded, bringing over the various bottles and soaps that would be used, today.
“Of course. And I will be gentle.” He added, before taking a pitcher from the basin and filling it with water. It was quite methodical, borderline calculated, in the way that he poured the water over your hair. He made sure not to let it spill over your face, and repeated the movement a few more times.
You got to work on washing yourself while Dimitri uncorked the bottle in his hands to prepare the hair washing. He hesitated for little more than a moment; he was quite excited to do this for you.
Finally, long, calloused fingers worked into your scalp, almost timidly. You did not react at first, not wanting to scare him or worry him by thinking he harmed you. So you continued your scrubbing while he started massaging the shampoo into your hair.
He seemed a little unsure at first, but once he found a rhythm, it started to feel incredible. To the point that your own scrubbing slowed to a stop. You leaned into his touch, all but sinking into the water while he worked. Dimitri bit his lip to keep from smiling to broadly.
“That feels so good.” You commented quietly, “Where did you learn to wash hair like this?”
“I learned from watching you,” He responded in kind, working the lather through your hair, from root to tip. “You’re always so deliberate when you do it, so I thought I’d give it a try for you.”
“You’re doing an amazing job. I could fall asleep if you keep it up, like this.” You added, “Want to do the rest of the work as well?”
“Would that help you?” He asked borderline eagerly, tilting his head over the basin to look at you. You cracked an eye open at him and touched the tip of his nose.
“It certainly would…it’s nice to be pampered every now and then. You sure you can behave?”
“Nonsense,” He brushed off your teasing, returning his hands to your scalp and resuming the massage. “If you desire your husband to help you wash, then I will do it without complaint or mischief.”
“What if I request mischief?”
“If it is what you desire,” He echoed, smiling at his cheeky wife. He leaned down, touching a kiss to your forehead, and continued his work on your hair.
Eventually, Dimitri would (carefully) join you in the bath, and helped you get washed up (with extra care and attention paid to the sweet baby bump where fists and feet would tap his palms.
It wasn’t much in Dimitri’s mind, but to you it meant the world he wanted to do something so sweet for you. He was doing his best (and was executing it beautifully).
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fodlansbestmom · 3 months
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The goddess hummed in delight as the child ran about the makeshift camp. Settled upon her knees, Sothis was multitasking - watching over Byleth as Jeralt was training with some mercenaries, and growing a few crops for food later on.
Her task was interrupted when the five year old came running over and promptly fell into her lap. Sothis laughed and caged them within her arms. “Are you all tuckered out now?” Another laugh escaped at the nod given. It was all fair as Byleth had been running about for hours it seems, as they have an abundance of energy.
“Here, have this,” the greenette offered a newly, fully grown tomato and handed in tiny hands. The child nibbled on the treat which only will recover the boundless energy. She nosed their head lovingly, mimicking the affection only a mother could give. Which is the role she primarily took rather than.. whatever the two of them actually were. That, she had no idea. They had a special bond, after all.
By the time the tomato was eaten, Jeralt returned. He paused at the sight, and shook his head. “You’re spoiling them,” he grumbled but he didn’t mind. Despite the “sudden” appearance of the goddess, he found some trust. He couldn’t pry his kid away from her, even if he tried.
“Mm. Did you want a tomato as well? I am sure you’d need something from all that training you’ve done?” With a smile on her face, she offered one with extended hand. Jeralt was about to deny the offer but took the tomato anyway. If only by the nodding of his kid.
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House Isekai: "A day in the life of..."
House Isekai Masterlist Here
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Byleth, a former merc, was meant to teach one of the three houses at Garreg Mach's officer academy. Instead, his fate was changed when a group emerged from a portal that tore apart reality. With more and more offworlders appearing, Byleth and his new group form a brand new fourth house: House Isekai. Almost a year later, Byleth goes about his usual routine on his day off, enjoying the company of his insane class ranging from undead, supernaturally and technologically powered students, to the most dangerous morons imaginable, and much more...
[Very long under the cut!]
[Life At Garreg Mach Monastery - FE3H Soundtrack]
Byleth sat alone as he quietly put quill and ink to a blank paper, scribbling away before he left his room for the day.
tis es byleth im yrting tis leter to lte yuo-
Byleth suddenly stopped, the air coming out of nose displaying his frustration.
He still had trouble actually putting words to paper. Byleth silently wished in his head that Jeralt had spent some amount of time teaching him how to read and write.
How could he hope to write a letter if he can't even read?
(Sothis) "It's not like he ever had time to teach you."
Sothis suddenly materialized by his side, making him glance over to her.
He had forgot in this brief moment that Sothis could hear him, regardless if he thought it in his head.
(Byleth) "No, but there's gotta be some point where a mercenary has to write, isn't there?"
(Sothis) "I'm afraid I cannot answer that." sigh "Look child, if you're struggling that much, why not ask for help?"
Byleth's facial expression didn't change, but by the slight tone shift, Sothis could tell he was annoyed.
(Byleth) "And what if a student hears me asking for help with a letter? How do you think they'll react to their own professor not being able to write?"
Sothis scoffed.
(Sothis) "Are you kidding? Has teaching your lunatics these past few months taught you nothing? They can't write either! Well, not in Fodlan's language, anyway."
(Byleth) "Hm."
Byleth laid back in his chair as he put the quill onto the table.
(Byleth) "Is it twelve already?"
(Sothis) "So it would seem. Come now, let's exit this stuffy room. I need some fresh air."
Byleth nodded in agreement as he slid his chair properly into the desk and exited the door.
He saw crowds of students moving back and forth throughout the dorms, some returning while some left to the various faculties of Garreg Mach.
(Byleth) "Might as well see what everyone is doing."
Students (House Isekai) Minato and Minako Arisato, Yu Narukami, Akira Kurusu (Black Eagles) Linhardt von Hevring, Caspar von Bergliez
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Byleth walked by the dorm's courtyard before noticing Linhardt and Caspar speaking to each other.
...No, more like whispering. At least Linhardt was.
(Linhardt) "See, they're doing it again."
(Caspar) "...Doing what? They're just standing there."
(Linhardt) "Exactly, it's so strange..."
(Caspar) "I mean kinda, but it's a little more strange you're staring at them, yeah?"
(Byleth) "What are you two talking about?"
(Caspar) "Oh, heya professor. Linhardt's getting all weird cause he's staring at your students."
Byleth looked to Linhardt who rose a hand to defend himself.
(Linhardt) "Apologies, he's making it sound FAR worse than what I'm actually doing."
(Byleth) "...And that is?"
(Linhardt) "It's just something I've noticed is all. Why is it that those four in particular stare at nothing?"
Byleth looked up and saw who he was speaking about. Which was no one.
There only stood a blue door.
(Sothis) "Oh, that'd explain why I felt a presence near me. Should we go in and say hi?"
(Byleth) Might as well. "Here, I'll go talk with them."
Byleth and Sothis walked over to the blue door.
(Linhardt) "And then...there!"
(Caspar) "...So what? He's over with them now."
(Linhardt) "Have you seriously not noticed he said he'd "talk" to them, and now all of a sudden he's standing completely still with them?"
(Caspar) "...Oh...Yeah, that's. Okay yeah, that's pretty weird."
(Linhardt) "Just what on earth are they doing? They've been doing this for months now!"
[Aria of the Soul - Persona Series]
Byleth opened the door to the Velvet Room and saw his students mingling with one another.
Sothis couldn't help but sigh what had become of her private room. Originally, this was a place only she and Byleth could go into, and it was just a single throne in a black void.
Now it was this massive blue-tinted room and she had no idea how it got here, or how these kids could enter it too.
Not to mention their "attendants" took up residence as well, making it impossible for Sothis to get peace and quiet shuteye.
Though she had gotten to know them well throughout the year, partly against her own will.
(Akira) "Oh, afternoon, Byleth-sensei."
(Minako) "Heya!"
(Minato) "Hey."
(Yu) "Did you need something from us?"
(Byleth) "Not particularly. Just dropped by to say hello after noticing you were here."
(Sothis) "Well, not so much we noticed as Linhardt and Caspar did. They see the five of you just staring at a wall right now."
(Yu) "Is that what it looks like to others?"
(Minako) "Hah! Oh man, we must look like nutjobs!"
(Minato) "As if people didn't already think that about us."
(Akira) "We were just fusing some Personas together for the upcoming field assignment. Better to be prepared."
Byleth pretended to understand by nodding.
After all this time he still had no idea how a Persona worked, or what it even was. But all he knew was that they kept the students safe, and thats all he could ask for.
(Byleth) "Agreed. As you were."
They all waved goodbye to him as he left the Velvet Room.
A few seconds after the door closed, Minako suddenly shouted.
(Minato) "Gah, my ears...!"
(Yu) "M-Minako?"
Minako rushed out after him, the other Persona Users following behind.
[Life At Garreg Mach Monastery - FE3H Soundtrack]
(Caspar) "Do you think they even breathe?"
Before Linhardt could respond, suddenly Byleth moved away from the four and began walking back.
(Byleth) "They're alright. They'll be back in a moment."
(Linhardt) "...What does that even mean-"
Minako suddenly sprung to life in Linhardt's perspective, alongside the others.
Linhardt and Caspar jumped while Byleth calmly turned around.
The others walked up with her as she ran up to him.
(Minako) "Is the written part of our practical exam tomorrow?!"
(Byleth) "Weren't you paying attention to what Megu-nee was saying yesterday?''
(Minato) "Clearly not."
(Byleth) "Yes. You have been studying, haven't you?"
(Minako) "I will now! Could I ask for some help with it? Pleaaase?"
(Byleth) "I know I'm laid back when it comes to your written portions, but I'm not just going to give you the answers." Not like I can read it anyway.
Sothis snickered, but the Persona Users to ignore her, unsure of why she did to begin with.
(Yu) "Hah, well I think it's best if we go ahead and begin studying, right Minako?"
(Minako) "Crap crap crap crap!-"
Minako ran off to her room, making Minato sigh while Akira and Yu shrug.
(Byleth) "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Make sure you're prepared."
He walked off towards the training halls.
(Byleth) "And speaking of the practical exam..."
Linhardt and Caspar watched everyone split off.
(Caspar) "What goes on in that class?"
(Linhardt) "I'm not sure either..."
(House Isekai) Cocytus Students Rean Schwarzer, Laura S. Arseid (Blue Lions) Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Felix Hugo Fraldarius
[The Glint of Cold Steel - Trails of Cold Steel OST]
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Byleth opened the doors to the training hall and immediately saw four students in the center training.
Two of them were in distinctly red coats, meaning they were-
Byleth heard his co-worker's icy breaths come from his mandibles as they clicked. One arm held his Halberd while the other three were crossed, watching intently on their duel. Byleth said nothing else so that he wouldn't interrupt his concentration.
Although many of House Isekai's main staff could fight exceptionally well, none were better at training than Cocytus, making him the chief Combat Instructor.
Cocytus remained perfectly still as he watched the students clash their blades against one another, icy breaths coming out as the air around him felt freezing.
Sothis couldn't help but shiver, and while Byleth was used to it after so long, he still couldn't help but do the same. Turning his eyes back on the duel, Rean and Laura were at a standstill with Ingrid and Felix. Rean's tachi was matching Felix's sword blow for blow, while Ingrid struggled to land a hit against Laura who swung her greatsword startlingly fast.
Byleth began to watch with interest as well. He had always been intrigued by Class VII's style of fighting. Their weapons and tactics were actually very similar to Fodlan's, though there was one thing that made them stand apart.
Rean and Laura leapt back together to catch their breath while Felix and Ingrid did the same. The Class VII students nodded at each other and held out small devices in their hands.
(Rean & Laura) "ARCUS, activate!"
The two suddenly began glowing a light blue as they remained still.
Felix rushed in without saying anything to Ingrid, leaving her a moment to catch up. In an instant, Rean and Laura attacked in perfect sync, knocking Felix to the ground and their weapons inches away from Ingrid, who slowly raised her hands up.
Cocytus nodded and slammed the pole end of his Halberd onto the concrete.
[Life At Garreg Mach Monastery - FE3H Soundtrack]
Rean offered a hand to Felix, who batted it away and stood up on his own.
Rean looked a little hurt, but said nothing as he stood beside Laura in front of Cocytus, joined by Ingrid and Felix as well.
Byleth hung back a little in order to let Cocytus do his job.
(Felix) "Yeah, because of their little device-"
(Ingrid) "No. It was because we were not coordinated, sir."
Although Cocytus's tone wasn't too varied, Byleth could tell he enjoyed lecturing the students on how to fight. Something only a warrior could enjoy.
Felix grunted, shaking his head. Ingrid just sighed while Rean and Laura looked worried for them.
(Rean & Laura) "Yes, Instructor!"
Felix walked off without another word, making Ingrid frustrated.
(Ingrid) "Ugh, there he goes again. Thanks for the duel by the way, wanna have a rematch later?"
(Laura) "You bet."
(Rean) "Yeah, just let us know."
Ingrid nodded and ran off after Felix, but still making time to wave hello to Byleth, who quietly waved back.
Byleth stepped up to his side, greeting the Class VII students.
(Rean) "Afternoon, Instructor Byleth."
(Laura) "Do you have any feedback for us as well, sir?"
Sothis floated over to Rean and Laura, inspecting them closely. Though they weren't aware she was even there.
(Byleth) "I agree with Cocytus. You shouldn't leave your legs that exposed when moving. But I have no doubt you'll have it down in time. You did good."
Laura's face beamed upon hearing his confidence.
(Laura) "Thank you, Instructor!"
(Rean) "If anyone else wants to train, we'll be sure to help them out, Instructors."
(Rean) "Yeah, it is a little weird seeing you out this early."
(Byleth) "I'm just making the rounds is all. I'll be heading to the faculty room after this, I have no doubt I need to tell Towa to take a break."
(Rean) "Ah, I'll make sure to pay a visit to her later as well."
(Laura) "I'll be off to grab some water then go back to training. I'll see you later, Rean. And thank you for your time, Instructors."
Laura bowed to everyone then left the training hall, Rean promptly doing the same.
Sothis narrowed her eyes.
(Sothis) "Just trying to look at their Arcus thingies. No idea how it makes them stronger..."
(Byleth) "Beats me. Everyone in our House seems to have a gimmick."
Byleth nodded respectfully to Cocytus and left with Sothis.
Students (House Isekai) Satou Kazuma, Yuki Takeya (Blue Lions) Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Golden Deer) Claude Von Riegan (Black Eagles) Edelgard Von Hresvelg
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Byleth exited the training hall and was on his way to the faculty rooms before noticing all three house leaders were speaking with each other.
Next to-
(Sothis) "Yuki? And oh boy, Kazuma."
(Byleth) "What could they be talking about?"
Byleth and Sothis decided to investigate as Yuki noticed him.
(Yuki) "Oh, hi Byleth-sensei!"
(Kazuma) "Hey you two."
Dimitri raised an eyebrow at his comment, but didn't say anything.
(Dimitri) "Professor."
(Claude) "Heya teach."
(Edelgard) "Is something the matter?"
(Byleth) "Just thought it was strange for you all to be together is all. Plus, Kazuma is here."
(Kazuma) "Oh come on, I didn't do sh-"
Kazuma immediately stopped himself when he glanced at Yuki.
(Kazuma) ...I didn't do crap, lay off!"
(Yuki) "We were just talking about the upcoming trip all houses are going on!"
(Dimitri) "The Battle of the Eagle and Lion, to be exact, professor."
(Kazuma) "Yeah, apparently the three houses will be all fighting against House Isekai. Unsurprisingly."
(Yuki) "I bet we can kick some butt!"
(Byleth) "Interesting."
(Edelgard) "We were just wanting to let our fellow classmates know what's in store."
(Byleth) "I haven't gotten word of this."
(Claude) "Well, we're technically not supposed to."
(Edelgard) "And why did you decide to add that part?"
(Byleth) "Claude-"
(Claude) "Relax, teach! I didn't break any rules. Besides, it was Kazuma who told us."
(Yuki) "U-Um...We're not in trouble, are we?"
Dimitri and Edelgard looked at each other confused while Claude whistled innocently.
(Dimitri) "What's a bus?"
(Edelgard) "I'm...not sure."
(Byleth) "No, you're not in trouble Yuki. And first of all, Kazuma, langauge. Second of all-"
(Kazuma) "Look, I just heard about it when I was with Megu-nee, alright? And speaking of, you can't tell me to watch my language when you're the reason we have to, Byleth!"
(Sothis) snrk!
(Kazuma) "And YOU can shut it, you floating furby!"
Now Yuki was laughing, while everyone was confused as to what a 'furby' was.
(Byleth) "...Second of all, just don't let other people know you heard this. I don't want anyone getting in trouble."
(Kazuma) "Yeah yeah, I know the drill."
(Yuki) "I can keep a secret, Byleth-sensei!"
(Dimitri) "Clearly better than Claude."
(Edelgard) "And we know who to go to when we need to tell anyone some, Yuki."
Claude nonchalantly shrugged and Byleth let out a small amount of air through his nose, showing his amusement.
Though his face still remained completely still.
(Byleth) "I'll leave you to it."
(Yuki) "Bye-bye, have a good day!"
(Sothis) "And remember, language!"
Kazuma silently mouthed 'piss off' to Sothis when no one was looking.
When Byleth left, Claude turned back to Kazuma.
(Claude) "So, what's that about language?"
(Kazuma) "Oh, that...Megu-nee doesn't like it when we swear."
(Yuki) "It just seems so...mean."
Kazuma couldn't help but ruffle Yuki's hat.
(Kazuma) "We don't mean anything by it, Yuki. Plus uh, Kurumi will hit me with her shovel if I swear around Yuki."
(Dimitri) "I-I'm sorry?!"
(Edelgard) "That's quite violent, isn't it?"
(Yuki) "Kurumi once chased after a pigeon with a shovel back home."
(Claude) "...W-Why exactly?"
(Yuki) "We were wanting to capture it so we could him as a messenger pigeon!"
(Kazuma) "Man, her answer to everything is a shovel, huh?"
(House Isekai) Doomguy, Towa Herschel, Angelica Rogner, Sharon Kreuger
Crow Armbrust
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Byleth walked into House Isekai's faculty room and saw a majority of the house's staff members tidying up the place.
Towa was carrying a stack of books while Angelica, Doomguy, and Sharon were dusting.
Then there was another person who caught his eye.
(Byleth) "Crow?"
(Crow) "Yo, Instructor Byleth! Come to join the fun?"
Crow was cleaning the tables with a wet cloth.
Doomguy gave a nod of acknowledgement while everyone stopped what they were doing.
(Angelica) "Heyo."
(Sharon) "Afternoon, Master Byleth."
(Towa) "Hi, Byleth! Sorry about the mess, we're just cleaning before the staff meeting tonight."
(Byleth) "Ah, sorry I didn't come sooner. I would've helped if I'd known."
(Sharon) "Worry not, we have everything already taken care of. Care for a cup of tea?"
(Byleth) "Think I'm good, you guys have definitely earned it though. And speaking of which, have you guys heard of the Battle of-..."
Sothis floated over to Doomguy.
(Sothis) "Hey big guy...What books are these?"
Doomguy pulled out a book and held it front of Sothis.
(Sothis) "Stuff for the classroom?"
Doomguy nodded.
(Sothis) "...Dungeons and Demons 6th edition...? Who is this book even-"
Doomguy's visor displayed a picture of Megumin from Kazuma's group, Ainz of Nazarick, Millium of Class VII, Ryuji and Ann of the Phantom Thieves, and Minako of S.E.E.S.
(Sothis) "Oh. Okay that makes way more sense."
(Byleth) "...So we'll need to be at our A-game."
(Sharon) "I'll be sure to let everyone know in the class meeting."
(Byleth) "Anyways, I'm surprised you're here Crow. I figured you'd be off gambling in town."
(Crow) "Nah, just wanted to spend time with Towa and Angelica here. They were my classmates in the original Class VII, ya know."
(Towa) "I'm sure it's not at all to hide from our classmates whom you owe money to, Crow."
(Angelica) "Or the girls you hit on."
(Crow) "Gee, sure feels nice to be appreciated."
Crow pointed a finger at Angelica.
(Crow) "And I do NOT want to hear that from you! You tried to hit on every girl here and failed miserably!"
(Angelica) "Tch, listen-..."
(Byleth) "Regardless, thanks everyone for your hard work."
(Sharon) "Of course, Master Byleth. Are you sure you wouldn't like some tea, or even a snack on the way out?"
(Byleth) "I'm good, thank you, Sharon. I'll leave you to it."
Doomguy gave a silent wave to Sothis and Byleth, before sitting down with the others.
(House Isekai) Sara Valestein, Megumi Sakura
(Blue Lions) Ashe Ubert
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Byleth walked down the faculty office and looked around.
(Byleth) "If my guess is right, Sara will probably be in the tav-"
Cutting himself off, he saw Megumi and Ashe walk into the Mess Hall together.
(Sothis) "Is Ashe helping her with something?"
The two walked into the Mess Hall, and saw Sara, Megumi, and Ashe behind the kitchen cooking something.
Walking up, Megumi's face brightened up immediately, a soft smile turning into a bigger one.
(Megumi) "Oh, Byleth!"
(Ashe) "Hello, professor!"
(Sara) "Perfect timing, give us a hand will ya?"
(Byleth) "With what?"
Byleth asked as he rolled up his sleeve.
It was then he noticed something was cooking on the stove in a small pot.
(Ashe) "I offered to help cook some soup! I'm teaching Professor Sakura how to chop some vegetables quickly while Sara was heating the meat. We just need someone to keep an eye on the pot."
(Byleth) "Sure. Megu-nee, do you not know how to cook?"
Megumi's face glowed red as she averted her gaze.
(Megumi) "I-Its not that I don't know how to, I'm just not very good at it."
(Sara) "Wish I could help, but I'm not exactly a queen at cooking either."
(Sothis) "I doubt she can do anything domestic..."
(Byleth) "Probably not."
(Sara) "Hey, I can do some other things you know!"
Sothis chuckled, knowing Sara would throw a bigger fit if she could actually hear her. It might have gotten a laugh out of Ashe and Megumi too.
(Ashe) "So you see here, you wanna hold the knife like this to-"
Ashe continued his lesson with Megumi as Byleth watched Sara cut the meat.
The knife appeared to be too dull, since it wasn't cutting anything.
(Sara) "Damn thing! I'm about to grab freakin' sword to cut this!"
(Byleth) "You just need some more force behind it, that meat looks pretty thick."
(Sara) "Well duh! I can do this, just gimme a sec here..."
Byleth chuckled, and he could see Sara grumbling because of it.
Meanwhile, Megumi almost dropped her knife upon hearing Byleth.
(Megumi) "Did you just laugh?"
Sara suddenly stopped cutting the meat and turned to him.
(Sara) "Holy crap, you did!"
Byleth blinked in confusion.
(Byleth) "I guess I did?"
(Ashe) "I mean, it is pretty rare to see you show emotion, professor."
(Sothis) "They're right."
(Byleth) "I guess so."
Byleth shrugged and went back to watching the stove.
Megumi giggled while Sara laughed along.
After a few more moments, the soup was ready to be brought for dinner that night.
After saying goodbye and thanking Ashe, Byleth turned to Megumi.
(Byleth) "By the way, Megu-nee. Did you tell Kazuma something about the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?"
(Megumi) "I did, why?"
(Sara) "The heck's that?"
(Byleth) "Apparently the students say its some kinda event where all three houses come together and fight. But we weren't supposed to know that yet."
(Megumi) "Huh? But I...Oh no. Oh no..."
Megumi put her hands onto her face.
(Megumi) "I was with Manuela and Sara last night, and then Kazuma helped me to my room..."
(Byleth) "Too much to drink?"
(Sara) snrk! "Yeah, one shot-"
Megumi suddenly grabbed Sara's collar. Given how short she was and that she wasn't a fighter at all, it startled everyone how strong Megumi's grip was.
(Sara) "GAH! S-Sorry, Megu-nee!"
(Byleth) "I'm sure it's not that big of a deal."
(Megumi) sigh "I just hope no one else hears of this."
(Sara) "Anyways, thanks for helpin' us ladies cook. I'm off to the taverns now that work's over with."
(Megumi) "Ah, don't forget we have a meeting tonight!"
(Sara) "Relax, I'll be sure to come on time."
Sara pat Megumi on the shoulder and winked at Byleth, heading off into town.
(Byleth) "...10 gold says she's late and blind drunk."
(Megumi) "That's a safe bet."
(Sothis) "I'll bet 20 Slayer has to drag her ass in."
Saying goodbye to Megumi, Byleth went out to the docks near the Monastery's lake to take a quick break.
They stayed there for a few minutes in silence before Byleth broke it.
(Byleth) "Hm."
(Sothis) "What is it?"
(Byleth) "Just thinking to myself. Most of the kids here have no problem talking with one another despite being from such different places."
(Sothis) "What about the guys from Nazarick?"
(Byleth) "Most people. Besides, some of them like Ainz and Sebas can get along great with our class.
(Sothis) "I guess thats true."
Byleth looked out to the water, vacant expression still present.
(Byleth) "How do you think all these groups got here?"
(Sothis) "By a portal."
(Byleth) "Well yeah, but I meant what caused those portals to happen? Some of our class are insanely strong, like Slayer or Aqua. But not strong enough to transport themselves to Fodlan of all places."
(Sothis) "..."
Both of them remained silent thinking about the answer. Most likely, not one single answer existed.
(Byleth) "...Do we even want to know that answer?"
(Sothis) "I'm...Not sure."
The ground shook from a distant massive explosion, making everyone outside freeze in terror.
Byleth reached for his sword while Sothis frantically looked around.
(Byleth) "Are we under attack?!"
Several knights grabbed their sword and prepared to move before hearing a small girl's laughter echo.
Before that laughter was quickly silenced by a boy's angry screeching and swearing.
The knights slowly looked over to Byleth, unamused looks written all over their faces.
Byleth sheathed his sword and his face displayed emotion that first time today.
(Byleth) "Sothis?"
(Sothis) "Ugh, ready to reverse time. First let's strangle that Megumin brat then I'll fix it."
Byleth didn't like reversing time out of combat, but when it came to the antics of Kazuma's group, it was required.
Byleth and several other staff members ran off towards the direction of the explosion together.
(Byleth) "I should've checked in with those morons first thing."
(Sothis) "Always next Sunday, right?"
Byleth wasn't sure the fact he was used to this was a good thing or not.
Probably not.
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askrockandfriends · 1 month
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"What's this shit? Why the sudden meeting with everyone?"
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"Yeah, what's the story now? We were just celebrating beating CEO Mickey!"
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"Guys... we got a problem. A big problem."
ZM shows a letter he received from "Nintendo of Japan HQ".
"To whom it may concern,
It has been brought to our attention that you are using our characters without our permission for your own brand. We here at Nintendo have a zero-tolerance policy for infringements on our copyright and intellectual property, and, as such, are sending this cease-and-desist letter to you. Refrain from using the characters Cranky Kong, Funky Kong, King K. Rool, Captain Falcon, Byleth Eisner, Edelgard von Hresvelg, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Lucina, Peri, Raphael Kirsten, Rinkah, Brock, Clair, Crasher Wake, Cynthia, Flannery, Ghetsis, Giovanni, Gloria, Guzma, Leon, Miror B., Serena, Inkling, DJ Octavio, Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Wario, or Waluigi. Furthermore, the worlds they appear in and intellectual property may not appear on this brand any further. Further use of this intellectual property will come with a hefty fine and lawsuit from the Nintendo corporation."
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"What is this shit, now? First CEO Mickey, and now NINTENDO is after us?"
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"I... got a letter from them, too. A cease-and-desist for the use of "Smash Brothers" as my band's name."
0 notes
fellstcr · 8 months
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TAKE A BREAK / @dragonhcrt / no longer accepting !           ↳  "Some fresh air will get your ideas flowing again, trust me."
⚔️ // byleth knew an attempt to get her to take a break when she encountered one. not that marcellus' particular endeavor was well disguised. here they were , ankles deep in reports of vehicle crashes , infected buildings , accounts of psychological distress and with nothing to show for it.
the moss kept growing ... and while its sudden appearance was clearly in direct correlation to the surge of chaos across the isle , they were at just as much of an impasse about how , and why to do much about it.
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"... taking a break isn't going to help anyone faster."
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bouwrites · 1 year
Those Warm and Halcyon Days: Chapter 26
Cat Saint
First, Previous, Next.
Story under read-more.
Veery drifts awake slowly, reality coming to him piecemeal. The very first thing he is conscious of is the feeling of flying. Not weightlessness, but power such that he suspends himself despite his weight. Fierce winds rippling across his… fur… not fur? He soars, and then he smells flowers.
And then he aches. The pounding of his head hits him first, destroying the memory of flight like a charging wyvern crashing into him. It throbs, painfully and blindingly, but as he drifts further into consciousness, he also feels the ache of his muscles. Everything everywhere right down to the bone hurts, protesting even lying still. Veery doesn’t want to try to move. He’s not sure that he can.
The pain makes him whimper, and he’s suddenly aware of how rough and dry his throat is. Even that small noise claws at his throat, begging him to stop. Gods, everything hurts.
Something touches his lips. For a moment, he doesn’t understand, but then words begin to filter in. “Drink,” said so gently that it barely aggravates the thrumming pain in his head, Veery isn’t sure whether or not to obey. He smells flowers and… something familiar. Someone familiar. “It’ll make you feel better.”
Veery can’t growl right now if he tries. He doesn’t have the strength, and the act will surely send him into incalculable pain. He drinks, instead, suckling at what is offered to his lips, still half-unaware of what he is even doing.
Whatever liquid he drinks is tasteless. He swallows it down, ignoring the flares of pain that come with it, listening to that gentle voice whisper encouragements. The reaction is slow, but the pain does ease somewhat.
Slowly, and missing the feeling of flying, losing the scent of flowers, Veery drags himself back into a mostly lucid state. Not daring yet to sit up or stand, he merely cracks one eye open, relieved that it appears to be nighttime, so the only light is from dim candles rather than the harsh sun. It still stings, still hurts, the sudden light, but it’s better than it might be.
Mercedes smiles gently down at him, a vision of peace. She offers him a glass of water, allowing him to gratefully wet his parched throat.
“Wha…” Veery can’t get the word out completely. It scratches his throat, reignites the burning he feels all throughout himself.
“You shouldn’t try to speak just yet,” Mercedes says gently. “You nearly died.”
Again? What happened? Veery remembers… Kronya. Poison. Everyone is poisoned. He… a voice… maybe a god? Pain. But… he heals them, right? Professor Byleth, Claude, Leonie, Petra… they’re alive?
“Don’t worry,” Mercedes says. “Everyone else is fine. What you did cleansed the poison. The others are already going back to class.”
Oh. Good.
“I’m still not entirely sure what happened, then,” Mercedes admits. “But… I believe that you were touched by the goddess. Seteth said so, as well. She gifted you her power to save Professor Byleth and the others.”
Touched by… the goddess? Veery doesn’t know. Maybe? Which goddess, though, and why? He certainly is helped – if leaving him in the state he’s in can be considered helping – to heal the others. He knows that much. It isn’t him, it’s… some heart that resonates with him. A god’s? That… flash of a figure? Chaos, maybe?
Mercedes giggles lightly. “I know you’ll hate it, so I should warn you. Word of what happened spread quickly. No one is quite sure what to think, but there is a group of the faithful who are calling you a new saint. Someone who has communed with the goddess and who she personally works through. Just like Saint Seiros.”
…Wow. Mercedes is right. Veery does hate that. Him, a saint? Ironically, since the original saints are dragons, he’s about as close to them as there is in modern times – not including the originals themselves, obviously. Still, he is certainly no saint. He doesn’t even know Fódlan’s dead goddess. He’s certainly not working for her. Even if what happens in the Sealed Forest is divine intervention, that doesn’t make him a saint. If anything, it proves that he can’t be. What does that voice tell him? “You are not meant for this power”?
“Lady Rhea is saying that the goddess intervened to save Professor Byleth’s life. She’s not rejecting those who are calling you a saint, which I fear is only encouraging them, but when I hear her speak about what happened… it sounds like she’s trying to say that Professor Byleth is the one chosen by the goddess rather than you. Or perhaps both of you.”
Honestly? Let Professor Byleth be the saint. So long as it’s not Veery. Only unwanted attention can come from such a title. Whatever happens, Veery does not intend on censoring himself for Rhea’s sake. Rhea knows him well enough by now to expect this. If she’s letting the narrative of him being a saint continue, then he’s not going to let it tie him to her church.
If his behavior as a “saint” causes trouble for her, it’s her own fault for allowing this stupid narrative in the first place.
This is so ridiculous. At least Claude and the others are all okay.
“You should get some more rest,” Mercedes says. “I’ll let Professor Manuela and Claude know that you woke up. I’m sure everything will be explained in more detail tomorrow.”
That sounds just fine to him. Still weak and in pain, Veery agrees merely by closing his eyes once more.
The second time he wakes up, it’s to gentle humming. A tune his heart knows but his mind doesn’t. “In time’s flow…” she sings.
Veery doesn’t think, he can’t, he’s still stuffed in the cotton of pain and exhaustion, but the voice, the singing… a weak, vicious growl rips itself from his throat, setting his throat afire and that leaves him whimpering.
“Hush, dear one. You must remain still.”
As if. Veery wants to die alone, not without a fight. Not quietly. Not like this.
“Everything is alright. There is no need to worry. Those who are trying to harm you are far away.”
Something touches his ear, fingers through his hair. He tries to growl again, less successfully this time. Rhea tuts disapprovingly. “Careful now,” she says. “You must recover from your ordeal… I have heard of what happened to you. You have received power from the goddess.”
She hums thoughtfully, but Veery only focuses on her fingers still lingering on him. Veery doesn’t yet even have the strength to open his eyes, but he feels the intrusion. Thankfully, Rhea cannot invade his soul like that presence in the Sealed Forest does, and passively lingers on the edge of his awareness. Enough to identify, if he can’t trust his nose, but not enough to truly share.
“I must admit, I did not think it would be you.” Of course, she didn’t. Even like this, Veery knows it’s not him who has the goddess’ heart. To what end, exactly… “From the moment dear Professor Byleth took hold of the Sword of the Creator… I prayed that one day the radiant power of Sothis, which bathes Fódlan in its celestial light, might reside within her. What does it mean, I wonder, that she chooses to reveal herself… through you?”
Everything hurts. Where’s Professor Manuela? Where’s Mercedes, Marianne, or Linhardt? Veery knows Rhea is a healer and the archbishop, but surely they can’t just be okay with this. Veery wouldn’t be, if it were his patient in this bed.
“There is no need to be afraid,” Rhea says. “I promise. Whatever the reason she chose you… you are more than just the light.” He’s not anything of hers. Not of anyone else, either. He’s him, and him alone. “You are… Rest, dear one. There are many questions to be answered, but for now, sleep, just a while longer.”
Veery tries one last time to growl, fighting her touch the only way he can.
“Shh… I will be watching over you. You are safe.”
Safe? With her? Veery feels her trying to listen to his heart. He feels it and it disgusts him. Everything she is infuriates him. So brazen, so… As if he’s hers to play with.
He can’t speak. He can’t even glare at her, and his growling isn’t working. So, he opens up, just a little. He brushes his heart against hers like fur brushing in passing, and he is so overcome that he knows exactly what she feels from him.
It is not so simple as words, just feelings, but the message is simple enough, nonetheless. “Liar.”
The fingers in his hair abruptly pull away.
He feels better when he wakes up the third time. Professor Manuela is there to feed him and generally get him as fit as he can possibly be again. It’s excruciatingly painful, but Veery trusts Professor Manuela. She’s the head physician here for a reason, and she’s his teacher besides. No one else interrupts, though, which Veery is honestly thankful for.
His body still aches, but it’s duller, closer to an intense soreness than the crippling level it was at before. And then, the next time he wakes, he attempts to sit up. Someone quickly rushes to assist him, situating him properly so that he won’t tip over and won’t have to strain too much to stay upright.
Veery opens his eyes, already knowing from the scent that Claude is with him.
“It’s good to see you awake.” Claude smiles sincerely, eyes warm as his gaze meets Veery’s. “You scared us nearly to death. How are you feeling?”
Veery swallows thickly to clear his dry throat and croaks out, “Better.”
“Heh. Good. You know, it’s not nice seeing you here in the infirmary. I’d appreciate it if you’d stop getting yourself injured.”
Veery frowns, face heating up quickly. “…Did I growl at the nurses again?”
It’s not Veery’s intention, but it draws a laugh from Claude’s lips. Veery can’t help but smile a little when he hears it. “Not that I’m aware of. Although, Lady Rhea did look a little spooked when she left yesterday…” He shakes his head. “Mostly, you just needed rest.”
“Oh.” Veery sighs. That’s good. Except the Rhea part. Rhea visits him? Why? Well, whatever the case, he doesn’t want to make the nurses scared of him again, so he’s glad he at least doesn’t go too far with them. “What happened?”
Claude raises a brow. “Honestly, I was hoping you’d be able to tell me. Kronya got all of us with that dagger. Teach was the only one in critical condition, but with no cure for the poison… I think all of us would’ve died.
“There wasn’t much I could do but watch. You tried to heal Teach for a while, everyone else showed up while you were busy, then all of a sudden you just started screaming in pain.” Claude winces. “It was… horrible, watching you hurt like that. The others tried to help, obviously, but it didn’t look like you noticed them. The weird thing was, though, that when whatever happened… happened, you started, uh… glowing.”
“Glowing?” Veery echoes, curling his lip.
“I don’t know,” Claude says with a shrug. “I can’t explain it. You had this weird glow and freaky powerful aura. Like… like a god. Some of the more faithful students insist that the goddess was working through you right then. Even Seteth thinks so, and Rhea isn’t denying it, either.”
Veery frowns. “And you? What do you believe?”
Claude smiles wryly. “I believe that I should hear what happened from you before jumping to any conclusions.”
At least someone has some sense. Not that Veery thinks his explanation will dissuade anyone from believing it. Honestly… Veery almost believes it himself. He doesn’t see how Fódlan’s goddess can grant him her power like that, on account of her being long dead, but he isn’t outright dismissing the idea of that presence that resonates with him being a god.
“So,” Claude says teasingly, “what does Saint Veery have to say about it all?”
Veery wrinkles his nose. “Don’t call me that.”
“Ha! Of course, you would hate it.”
He shakes his head, sighing. “I was trying to heal the professor… I was trying to figure out how to get rid of the poison,” he says slowly. “Then I… heard a voice.”
“A voice?” Claude asks. “What did it say?”
“It said…” Veery closes his eyes, thinking back on it all. “It said that it’s sorry. It said it would try not to hurt me, but that I’m not meant for that power.”
Claude blinks. “That power? Is that why you were in so much pain? This voice was giving you their power?”
Veery nods. “It was trying to… listen to my heart. I could feel it trying to break in and resonate with me. I think I needed to listen to it to be able to use that power. Before I opened my heart to it, it just… burned me.”
Claude hums, brows furrowed, fingers steepled together in thought. “It looked like it was burning you plenty even after that.”
“It did. I… I’m not meant for that power. It was too much, and it…” He winces, feeling again the ache in his bones. “Honestly… I can’t say that the goddess didn’t intervene. I don’t know exactly what happened, but… in the moment, I thought it was Chaos. One of the first gods. I just know my heart resonated with something, and that something was… too much for me.”
“I see,” says Claude. “Well, I suppose whatever it is that stepped in, we owe them a debt.”
“I’m pretty sure I risked my life using that power,” Veery retorts. “And I could feel how badly that… god, or whatever it was, wanted to save everyone too. I don’t owe them shit.”
“Ha! Well, that’s one way to look at it! I definitely owe them, though. And you, too. You saved me. Me, Teach, Leonie, and Petra.” Claude smiles softly, taking Veery’s hand into his own, gratitude and sincerity clear. “Can you remember anything else about it that might give us some clues? Where it came from? Anything?”
Veery tries to think. The pain blurs a lot of what happened, but… “It might’ve come from Professor Byleth,” he admits. “I don’t have any evidence, but… just before I heard the voice, she grabbed my hand and smiled at me. She… might have been opening her heart to me. And while that voice was speaking… I couldn’t tell if it was coming from her or not. It wasn’t her voice, but… there was also that big glowing rock in the cliff…”
Claude’s eyes widen. “With the Crest of Flames on it?”
Veery nods. “I… once had a stupid theory.”
“Another stupid theory? And you didn’t share?”
Veery blushes. “I thought… I thought it was wrong. I tried to listen to Professor Byleth’s heart and didn’t hear anything, so I thought…” He shakes his head. “Anyway, the stupid theory was that… the Sword of the Creator is the only Relic without a Crest Stone, right?”
Claude nods slowly. “Yeah, that’s been a real head-scratcher since we found the thing.”
“I thought… the simplest explanation would be that it’s not missing a Crest Stone. And with no lineage from Nemesis to inherit the Crest from, and Crests coming from Crest Stones, and Professor Byleth having the Crest of Flames, I thought… maybe she has the Crest Stone, somehow.”
“Wait, like… the goddess’ heart is inside Teach? Are you serious?”
Veery shrugs. “It’s a stupid theory, and I tried listening, but I thought it was wrong because I didn’t sense anything. But… the voice… it told me that I had to be strong. That if I was, then we would all survive. It said that as if its life was in danger, too.”
“And if it’s inside Teach… then maybe if Teach dies, so does it. Is that what you’re thinking?”
“I don’t know.” Veery shakes his head. “I can hardly make sense of any of this.”
Claude’s eyes darken. He quickly looks over his shoulder just to double-check that the infirmary is empty save for them and leans in close. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but… in Jeralt’s diary, he mentions Rhea doing something to Teach as a baby. It’s why he left the church in the first place. Whatever it was, it totally shattered the trust he had in her. If Rhea put the Crest Stone in Teach, somehow… if the goddess is alive and living inside Teach… could Rhea have been trying for that all along?”
“What, to resurrect the goddess through Professor Byleth?” Veery asks. “By implanting the goddess’ heart into her?”
“Teach doesn’t have a heartbeat,” Claude whispers. “But might have the goddess’ literal heart inside her. Doesn’t it sort of make sense? Could that be why Rhea has been so fixated on Teach? Even right when she arrived, Rhea always favored her.”
Veery hums. “I wasn’t here when she arrived, but… maybe? I can’t begin to imagine how she might do that, but…”
Claude sighs. “Well, I should get you caught up on everything else. I’ll try talking to Teach about this soon. If it’s true, I doubt she knows. Still…” He shakes his head. “Anyway. In the battle, there were two demonic beasts. Seteth recovered both shards of the heart, and he says that with the parts you already cremated, that’s the whole thing. He promised me that those shards will be cremated as well and put with the rest.”
“Oh, good.” Veery nods. “I’m glad.”
“Otherwise, everyone is just fine. No one was seriously injured. You’re the last to recover. Leonie is losing her mind, but she calmed down a lot when we heard that you woke up.”
“How long was I out?”
“Almost a week,” Claude says. “Leonie wasn’t the only one out of her mind with worry, you know. Flayn was in near hysterics when you wouldn’t wake up after a couple days. I… can’t say I wasn’t worried, either.”
Veery ducks his head. “Sorry.”
Claude chuckles. “For what? It’s not your fault.” He shakes his head. “Anyway. Officially, you were suffering extreme magical burnout, so take it easy on the magic for a while. With it as bad as it was, it’s a miracle you’re still alive. It’ll take a while before you should use your magic again.”
“Professor Manuela told me,” Veery hums.
“I thought so. Past that, though, it seems like life is back to normal for us around here. I mean, you’re a saint to some people now, and Rhea is saying that Teach will receive a revelation from the goddess, but honestly, I’m starting to think that weird stuff like that is normal for this place.”
Veery snorts. “I keep telling you that you humans are weird. What’s this about a revelation?”
“Ah, you haven’t heard? That’s our mission for next month. A ritual in the Holy Tomb at the end of the month. According to Rhea, Teach will receive a divine revelation, just like Saint Seiros did. People are already questioning why it isn’t you, of course, except for those of us who actually know you, because we all know that a divine revelation is the last thing you want.”
“I wouldn’t listen to a goddess even if she told me what to do,” Veery agrees. “Unless it’s actually good advice. I’m not petty.”
Claude chuckles. “Right. But the official story is that the goddess personally brought Teach back from the jaws of death. And, of course, she has a very important reason why Teach can’t die in that forest, so the revelation is for her, for the goddess to tell her what she was saved for.”
Veery wrinkles his nose. “Will you, Leonie, and Petra also be getting revelations, then?”
“Ha! Who knows? It’s supposed to be just Teach, but we’re all going down into the Holy Tomb with her. You, too, by the way. It’s why the revelation is scheduled for nearly a month and a half away. Rhea wants you fully recovered and down there with everyone.”
“I guess it would look bad for her if I didn’t attend,” Veery mutters.
“I thought the same thing.” Claude nods, smiling. “Considering you’re the one the goddess actually worked through, if you weren’t there, there would be a lot of questions that I’m sure Rhea doesn’t want.”
Veery nods along. “…Anything else new?”
Claude pauses to think for a moment, and then lowers his voice once more to say, “Seteth has been arguing with Rhea recently. I eavesdropped on them a few times. Apparently, Seteth read Jeralt’s diary, too. He keeps asking Rhea about the ‘questionable’ things she did to Teach as a baby.”
Veery bites his lip. “Should we tell him about our stupid theory?”
“…I don’t know,” Claude admits. “I certainly trust him more than Rhea, but…” He shakes his head. “Teach first. Maybe she’ll be able to confirm or deny it, then I’ll let her decide whether or not to let Seteth know about it.”
That makes sense. Veery nods slowly.
“But that’s it,” says Claude. “Business as usual, otherwise.”
The shout is all the notice Veery gets before Sylvain is sweeping him off his feet into a crushing hug.
“You scared us to death, Veery!” Sylvain whines. “Don’t do that to me again! It was bad enough the first time!”
Veery laughs, returning the hug enthusiastically. “I’m sorry,” he says. “It’s not like I want to end up in the infirmary.”
Sylvain chuckles and sets him down to look him over carefully. “How do you feel? You’re alright?”
Veery smiles tensely and sighs. “You know that phrase, ‘be careful what you wish for’?” He glances over his shoulder at the monks watching him, who cease glaring at Sylvain the moment he looks their way in favor of bowing to him instead. “They don’t hate me anymore.”
Sylvain bursts into raucous laughter. “I knew you’d hate that!” He cackles. “Don’t worry. I’m sure if no one encourages them, they’ll forget about it soon enough. Lady Rhea would never canonize you, so it’ll wear off in time.”
“I would not be so certain about that,” says Lorenz, approaching them with Lysithea at his side. “You witnessed the goddess’ hand in action as we all did. Surely Veery is more than deserving of the title, given what we’ve all witnessed. Lady Rhea’s decision not to canonize him would surely be a solely political one.”
“A wise political one,” Lysithea says flatly. “There’s no way Rhea would canonize an agell as a saint of the Church of Seiros. Unless she has no excuse to get away with it, she will never risk causing such division within her church.”
Lorenz huffs. “Unfortunate, but true enough. Alas, I hear divisions are already forming.”
Sylvain groans. “Veery, get this. There’s a small cult within the Western Church dedicated to you. I heard about it earlier. Everyone’s talking about the ‘cat saint’ touched by the goddess herself with ferocity and mercy in equal measure.” Sylvain snickers. “I hear you’re unmatched in both healing and battle and use both to dish out the goddess’ judgement.”
“Gross.” Veery wrinkles his nose. “That’s just… literally untrue. And I make no judgements but my own.”
“As you should.” Lysithea nods. “And we, at least, know that. I must admit, I am unsure how to feel about this. On one hand, it will surely go far in easing people to the idea of the agell… though it could also simply make your kind more feared.”
“It is the responsibility of the nobility to help their people adjust,” Lorenz says. “But the right thing to do would be to acknowledge the goddess’ hand at work. Even if it grates on some people, it is a noble’s duty to handle those situations as they arise, while always acknowledging the truth.”
“The truth?” Lysithea scoffs. “Something happened in the Sealed Forest, I acknowledge that much, but to say that the goddess herself acted through Veery? Isn’t that a bit much?”
Sylvain chuckles. “I admit, that seems like it’s pushing it.”
“Well, we have the man in question right here,” Lorenz says, gesturing to Veery. “Surely you can tell us if it was truly the goddess guiding your hand.”
Veery scowls. He’s going to have to answer this question a lot, isn’t he? “I don’t know,” he says honestly. “To be honest, at the time, I thought it was one of my gods. Weirdly enough, the leading theory I have with Claude right now is that it was the goddess. But the truth is that I don’t know who it was. Something very powerful whispered to me, resonated with my heart, and lent me power that my body couldn’t handle. That’s all that I know for sure.” He shrugs. “And, I mean, even the whispering part may have been my imagination. It was a very stressful situation.”
Lysithea grimaces. “And you didn’t lose anything as a result of gaining those powers, did you?”
Did he? He shakes his head. “So far, my recovery and condition seem normal. Nothing about it indicates that there should be any lasting damage, but I admit the situation doesn’t exactly have precedent.”
Lysithea hums but continues to frown. “I suppose it was only temporary. We should still check extensively to be sure. Sometimes our frail bodies don’t do well with excess power… So, don’t push yourself too hard.”
Yeah… put that way, that is concerning. There are stories of ancient agell, dragons, that get too old and gather too much power… Veery doesn’t want to think about what happens to them. “Thank you for your concern, Lysithea.” Veery smiles gently. “I’m monitoring my own condition around the clock, and Professor Manuela will be doing regular checkups for a while too. Once I’ve recovered more, we’ll test my magic to see if anything has changed more permanently. But we’re being careful.”
“I see. Well, that makes me feel better. I hope you will allow me to peek at any notes of yours.”
“Of course.” Veery nods.
“We are all overjoyed to know you are recovering well,” Lorenz says. “And you say that you do believe it is the goddess that lent you her power in the Sealed Forest?”
Veery hums. “I’m… well, yes, but… that doesn’t really mean the same thing for me as it does for, you know… those monks.”
Lorenz nods sagely. “Ah, yes, we’ve had this discussion about religion before. For you, who does not believe so strictly in the infallibility of a single god, being favored by one is no reason to place you on a pedestal. Correct?”
Veery nods. “I mean… even if we wanted the same thing in the Sealed Forest, I can’t speak for her. I don’t have any connection to her, other than our goals temporarily lining up. It’s not that easy to understand others, much less the gods, and I wouldn’t want the responsibility of representing one even if I felt that I could.”
Lorenz gives a hearty chuckle. “Oh, Veery… I fear that your humility shall only encourage your following.”
Veery groans. “I take it back. It wasn’t your goddess. It had to be Chaos. Chaos has to be watching this like the latest drama at the opera.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Sylvain teases. “Your devoted followers will be heartbroken if you turn from the goddess now!”
“I can’t turn from what I never followed.”
Lysithea sighs and shakes her head. “I still have trouble believing it was the goddess. If it truly was her, then why now? Why intervene in the Sealed Forest for four people after being absent from the world for so long? Why allow Remire, or the attack on the ball, or…? Ugh.”
Even Lorenz seems subdued at the thought. Sylvain turns his eyes to the grass. “Lysithea has a point. If the goddess really is here and intervening on our behalf… as thankful as I am for her saving the professor and the others… she’s got a lot to answer for.”
“I believe Veery’s state may be the clue as to why,” Lorenz says diplomatically. “As you say, Lysithea, our frail bodies do not do well with excess power. Perhaps she does not intervene in larger tragedies simply because there is little she can do through an avatar. Or perhaps she has only just turned her gaze back to Fódlan after Nemesis’ betrayal. Or Lady Rhea is correct, and that the goddess simply has plans for the lives that were saved.”
Veery bites his tongue, consciously reminding himself that only he and Claude are thus far included on the knowledge that the goddess is – or was – dead.
“Or maybe the goddess has good taste in women and couldn’t suffer letting Professor Byleth die.” Sylvain offers, to Lorenz’ disgust.
“Must you be so openly blasphemous even now?”
“Must you be such a prude?”
“That’s enough,” Lysithea snaps. She shakes her head. “I suppose there’s no point thinking about what the goddess didn’t do. There is nothing we can do about the past. We simply have to take control of our futures.”
Veery grins. “That’s the spirit. Divine intervention or no, our lives are our own, and we can only do our best.”
“That’s right,” Lysithea says. “Kronya is dead, but we still have the Death Knight and the Flame Emperor to deal with. We can’t let this business distract us from our growth, or our enemies.”
Veery wanders onto the training ground, pleasantly surprised to find the very people he’s looking for both together here. They’re sparring, of course, so Veery decides to simply sit and observe rather than interrupt. He’s in no hurry, after all.
It’s no small relief to him to see Leonie and Petra duking it out, both frowning and pushing themselves harder than usual but otherwise appearing unaffected by their battle with Kronya. The fact that they can both handle training this intense with only what exhaustion Veery expects from them while completely healthy eases some of his worries about Kronya’s strange poison.
He still needs to find a true countermeasure to it. So far, Kronya is the only Agarthan to use it but the fact that it exists at all is dangerous. It’s stupid to rule out the possibility of them having more of it. That mage that protects Kronya on the night of the ball, the Flame Emperor… both can possibly make use of that poison in the future, so he needs to figure out how to cure it before he needs divine intervention again.
Professor Manuela has the dagger and is working with Claude on identifying the poison, and Veery already pitches his idea that it may only resist Faith and might respond to Reason, but it’s no coincidence that there is no such thing as Reason healing in Fódlan. Like how faith in the goddess is the only means of using Faith magic that’s taught, Faith being the only avenue of magical healing is also highly enforced by the church.
Still, Veery is no Reason expert – he still can’t do more than the most basic spells, with only one that’s actually useful in combat without deliberate scheming – but he listens to Lysithea and Professor Hanneman well enough to believe that it’s theoretically possible.
Veery believes Claude will find an antidote, though. Claude has a knack for poisons, after all. Most of Veery’s practice with his Restore spell is helping Claude after poison-related shenanigans. Which is good. Healing with Reason, though theoretically possible, is a headache and a half that Veery does not want to get into.
Either way, Veery is still the healer that cleanses the poison in the first place – goddess’ help or no. As a healer, he needs to check up on his patients. Especially with something so unprecedented as this, it won’t do to let down their guard and get hurt because of unexpected side effects.
Besides… he’s not entirely sure what it looks like to the others that night, but he remembers burning the poison out. Claude doesn’t mention it hurting him at all – he doesn’t describe it as much different from any ordinary healing spell, actually – but Veery is still concerned. It’s certainly Faith-based, and Faith is shaped by feeling and conviction – something he definitely does not lack in the moment, so the spell should theoretically do as Veery wants and destroy the poison while leaving the person untouched, but…
He’s playing with magic not meant for him, on a level far beyond him. Practically, what he does is a Restore spell, but Veery’s magic doesn’t ordinarily burn. He has no idea what effect using someone else’s power has on his spell, or how much of that feeling is solely the fact that the power isn’t his to begin with versus the goddess’ magic just generally not being exactly like his. He can buy either, honestly. Or both.
Veery knows Claude is doing alright. Claude sits with him as much as he can while Veery is still in the infirmary, mostly chatting about the poison and what happened and their theories, so Veery has plenty of time to observe Claude. It gives him hope that his patients aren’t experiencing any negative effects from either the poison or Veery’s unconventional healing, but it’s still imprudent for him to dismiss the possibility because one of his four patients is fine.
It’s frustrating not being able to use his magic to check on how they’re doing internally, but he’s a patient himself at the moment, so he can only do so much. Besides, Professor Manuela gives them full examinations after the Sealed Forest, so for the short term, at least, he can trust that they’re going to be alright.
Veery sighs, watching Leonie and Petra spar. He certainly doesn’t feel like a saint. He feels… powerless. He’s not particularly strong. He’s an acceptable but not exceptional healer. The only thing he’s really good at is language. He’s… naïve, and it’s too clear to him how severely that is the case.
It’s not surprising at all that he’s like this. He grows up alone, with only himself, the stories told at festivals, and his own observations to frame his person around. He is shaped by his memories, and so when his memories so direly lack in certain departments, it’s only natural that he is naïve there.
That doesn’t make it any less frustrating to sit here having absolutely no idea how to proceed. What is he meant to do? The Agarthans, the Flame Emperor, the Death Knight… they’re all still threats, even if Solon and Kronya are dead. What is going to happen at this revelation? Can Rhea truly call upon a dead god to grant a revelation to someone on command? It seems fishy to Veery, but what is he supposed to do about it? There is little to no chance of figuring it out without Rhea telling him directly, and she’ll never do that.
He can’t even train again to distract himself with progress in something until he’s fully healed. Last time he is injured, he learns magic to pass the time. Now, he’s forbidden from using magic for a few more days at least.
It’s not as if he’s simply suffering from boredom. Veery doesn’t truly get bored. It’s hard to – everything is interesting after spending years upon years in a largely unchanging white forest with very few luxury items of any sort to entertain himself with. So, he’s not bored. In all honesty, he feels cornered.
He’s cornered in this battle with the Agarthans and their allies, cornered into this sainthood business that he has no interest in, and cornered into idleness. Part of Veery is frustrated at not knowing how he can help, but another part is screaming at him to just leave already.
He has no interest in being anyone of importance. He wants to leave no significant impact on the world around him. Despite his lofty dreams of everyone living together in peace, he’s only motivated by the very selfish desire to live alone in peace, not worrying about how his daily life helps or hurts anyone else, and not being affected by anyone else.
Part of him is frustrated with the goddess. Yes, he’s glad everyone is doing okay, and thankful for the assist in saving them, but… one way or another, his name is now engraved into history. Everything that’s happening now, from the Agarthan attacks to the goddess’ return to Fódlan, is history in the making, and Veery is quite unwillingly a part of it.
Veery’s place in Fódlan is transitory. That’s the way he wants it. He only wants to learn enough about humans that he can go back to Albinea and spark a change that will allow him to live, for once, without fear. He’s just a cat hermit from the frozen mountains, not some storybook hero. The thought of so much riding on the events he’s living through, even if he’s not necessarily the main character of this story, is terrifying.
He’s not equipped for this. When he comes to Fódlan, he fully expects to die. He expects to be distrusted and hated and spurned and attacked. He expects that he’ll never actually complete his self-imposed mission of learning to understand humans, because he expects that those humans will be as he is taught and that they will kill him before they suffer his company. The only reason he tries in the first place is because he’s so sick of being afraid and knows that he can only ever rely on himself to make his life easier, so he can’t just sit back and wait for someone else to solve the feud between the agell and humans for him.
In hindsight, if he succeeds, he should expect to be relatively famous, but he truly does never even think of the possibility. And that doesn’t erase the fact that he doesn’t expect to succeed. He still doesn’t.
Yet… now he knows humans who rely on him, and care for him, and that is the very last thing that Veery expects. He’s prepared to die. He’s not prepared to be… supported, and to have to support someone in turn.
He wants to. He wants to trust in Claude, who supports him so much, and in everyone else, but he feels powerless to uphold his end of that relationship. Veery isn’t… good at relationships. Or, he doesn’t think he is. So many people caring for him may be evidence to the contrary, but things are getting so tense…
Not for the first time, Veery just wants to go home. He wants to put all of this – the Agarthans, the death, the tragedies, this supposed sainthood, Claude, Rhea, Professor Byleth – behind him. He wants to go home and live in peace. He can’t help but wonder, is it better to live in fear alone in the mountains, or this? The former is certainly simpler.
It’s easy to curse the pain, the death, the darkness. It’s hard to fight. It’s easy to hide, hard to face his fears. That’s why so many people don’t break out of the cycle of hatred that people like Solon are so immersed in. That’s why everyone fights so much, Veery believes.
He shakes his head sadly. This thinking gets him nowhere. Too many people live in every moment but the present. Too concerned for the future that they drive themselves mad trying to predict it, too consumed with the past that things like revenge, justice, grief, and hate keep them mired in place.
It’s concerning himself wholly with the present moment that allows him to move forward. That’s not to say he doesn’t think about the future or reflect on the past. Both of those things have and will affect him, so it would be irresponsible to ignore them, but as he learns when he’s alone, with only himself to rely on… he needs to care for his present needs first.
The present always takes priority. So, what will he do?
First, he will check on his patients to the best of his ability. That will give him a little more peace of mind. As much as he wishes he isn’t responsible for others, he refuses to neglect that responsibility that he has, willingly or not.
Then… he’ll take some time alone. While he waits for Claude and Professor Byleth for updates on the situation with the goddess’ heart, and more broadly for updates on what comes next, if anything before the revelation, he will focus on himself.
The goddess, if that is who it was in the Sealed Forest, is… rough. Veery shivers, remembering the feeling of that power clawing at his heart, trying to force him to open himself to it. He understands why, after he does open himself to it. He can feel its desperation to heal everyone, and he is probably a necessary conduit through which to do so. It’s still… invasive.
Until he feels it, Veery doesn’t even think it’s possible to force oneself into another’s heart. The resonance is supposed to be… listening. It’s more passive than active. He just… tunes into to the heart near him. If that heart isn’t open to him, he can’t do anything about it.
Well, he can talk to the one the heart belongs to. He can build up trust and camaraderie so that they decide to open their heart to him, but that’s not nearly the same thing.
He’s… shaken. By everything. His brush with the goddess, the near-death of his new family, the response to it all, just all the fighting and pain and tragedy since he comes to Fódlan in general.
He needs to be alone for a while, so that he can focus on himself. Easier said than done in Garreg Mach, but he’s been here for a while now, so he knows a few ways. It’s certainly not the first time he needs to steal away for some solitude.
0 notes
ashenprofessor · 2 years
“Happy holidays, my dear friend!” Elincia sprints to catch up with the Golden Deer professor, wrapping a cream scarf haphazardly around Byleth. In soft pink cashmere is a pattern of swords and wings, hand-knit with her dear friend in mind. “Here, there’s a matching hat too! The swords represent you and the wings are me. So I’m never far away.”
Byleth had been walking down the passage towards their classroom when they'd been surprised by the rushing Elincia. Reaching up to her neck to touch the scarf, Byleth was touched and pleased if slightly baffled. Both by the sudden appearance of the Crimean queen and her thoughtful gift.
"T-Thank you. . . this is . . . wonderful." they said, stumbling over their words. "How thoughtful of you. I shall treasure it, especially as the weather worsens. um . . . if you give me a minute, I have a gift for you in my office"
Momentarily leaving her dear friend's side, Byleth ran to their office to fetch the pre-wrapped gift from the desk drawer. Returning to Elincia they handed it over. "It's not much but I wanted to get you something to remember me by when you return home or are away on missions"
Inside were two small gifts. One was a silver necklass in the shape of a flying Peagsus. The eye of the winged creature matched the jewel associated with Elincia's birth month. The horse was mounted on a pair of crossed blades. Looking at it again now in light of her own gift, Byleth could laugh at the similarities in imagery. The second gift was a small decorative dagger to hang round the waist. Long and deadly enough to be used as a weapon in a tight spot but also small enough for daily tasks. Upon inspection it could be seen that both the dagger and scabard were hand-crafted by the professor. The words To protect a dear friend was carved into the dagger's hilt.
"They're not much but I hope you like them" Byleth said as she handed them over. "Enjoy the festive period Lincie and Thank you for my gifts. I shall treasure them"
1 note · View note
sergeanthopeless · 2 years
Setleth Drabble: Lipstick
Or just read it below the cutoff:
“No lipstick today?” Seteth asked. His eyebrows were raised just slightly as he entered their shared office, arms full of scrolls.
Byleth bit her lip, feeling the implied reprimand: A monarch must always look their best, in order to reinforce their authority. Any slip in presentation can communicate weakness to those looking for an opportunity.
She smoothed her hands over the report she was supposed to be reading, deliberately avoiding his gaze. “I couldn’t take it any longer…it’s always coming off and needing to be reapplied. I can’t even eat properly when the stuff is on.”
“I don’t mind.”
That brought Byleth’s head up. She stared at her husband and prime minister in confusion. “I thought you’d tell me it’s ‘important for keeping up appearances as queen,’ or something.”
He finished depositing the scrolls at his desk, but instead of taking his seat, continued toward Byleth. The corner of his mouth tugged gently upward. “Well, you see… If you wore lipstick, I wouldn’t be able to get away with doing this.”
His hands landed on her desk, and he leaned forward until his lips closed over hers in a passionate kiss. Byleth’s breath hitched with surprise before melting under the sudden pressure, then returning it with fervor. She was breathless when he pulled away, the gentle twitch of his lips from before evolved into a full-blown smirk.
“Well argued.”
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mommymooze · 3 years
Can You See What is Growing Before Your Eyes?
seteth & Flayn, Reader & Flayn, Seteth X Reader
Sitting on the fishing dock as the sunset blazes across the skies, it is quiet and peaceful in the monastery. You can almost imagine there is not a war going on, that the Imperial army isn’t marching towards your location to attack you and your friends who have arrived for the Millennium festival. Your thoughts are peaceful as you observe the rose and orange colored skies reflected in the pond Your bobber floats motionless on the calm waters.
“Are the fish biting?” Flayn calls from the far side of the water.
Just as she speaks your bobber begins to twitch. You hold up a finger with one hand as you grasp your pole more firmly in the other. Watching, waiting, suddenly the red and white float goes under, you jerk the line, hooking the fish. It is a short battle, the bullhead gives up quickly.
“It’s about average.” You answer as you look over your basket. “I have 15 fish, so after a few more I will bring them to the kitchens.”
“How are you able to catch such an abundant amount? My brother and I would be here for half a day or more and still not catch that quantity.” Flayn chides, her hands on her hips.
“If I had any fishing secrets, I would not hesitate to share them with you and Seteth.” You smile.
“Perhaps I shall watch you and learn of your mysterious technique.” Flayn decides, sitting on an empty crate nearby.
Retrieving and rebaiting your hook, you toss it back into the water, causing ripples to spread across the pond. You sit, still as a statue. Out of the corner of your eye you watch Flayn switch the position of her legs, then look around, fix her hair, and otherwise appear bored. You have not moved, except to shoo a bug from getting close to your eye. Even that movement was performed slowly and silently.
The bobber twitches in the water, moves left, stops briefly and heads right. It becomes halfway submerged, only to pop back up again immediately. You do not move. It begins moving away from your position. Just as it submerges you yank the line and are fighting the hooked fish. The fish jumps, trying to get away, however you keep steady with your pull on the line, hauling it closer to the dock.
“A golden fish!” Flayn excitedly laughs.
Hauling your catch close to the dock, you grab the fish by its jaw, remove the hook and secure it in your bucket.
“That one will pay for the accompaniments to an excellent fish stew!” You announce, beginning to pack up your fishing equipment.
“I did not see anything special about your technique. You used a worm and I saw no special powder or magic cast upon it. Strange.” Flayne ponders.
“First, you must learn to be one with the water. If it is still, you must be still. If it moves, you can move. The fish will be disturbed by your wiggling, especially on the dock.” You share your wisdom with the lovely young lady.
“I will have to tell my brother of this discovery, and that we will be having a fine fish stew this evening. Thank you!”
Selling your fish in the market, you take the rest to the kitchens. The cooks are thrilled to be able to provide a hearty and protein filled meal to the masses, there will be enough to go around. More and more people are arriving at the monastery to assist with the war efforts.
After returning your belongings to your quarters you head to the Cathedral to give prayers of thanks. Thanks for the food today, for so many willing to help defend the church, for the return of so many students and for the return of Professor Byleth. Now that they are back, hopefully they can lead the church and Blue Lions to victory. Your mind falters at that, observing the wounded and broken man that Dimitri has become. You watch as the Professor approaches him, trying to speak to him, trying to get him to eat. The conversation is one sided. Dimitri says nothing. Your eyes go wide as he leaps at the Professor and throws them against a stone column, then returns to his place at the crumbled goddess statue.
Without thinking you run to Byleth’s side. You are well within Dimitri’s range, but your focus is Byleth. Their head is bleeding, and they are moaning. Quickly you heal the head wound. It is not deep, however there is a lot of blood. You struggle to drag them further from Dimitri to a safer part of the Cathedral.
“Professor, can you hear me? Please?” You whisper to them, your voice shaking. They’ve just returned from being gone for five years, it would be horrible to lose them again so soon.
The professor shakes their head. “I am okay. He caught me off guard.” They answer as you help them to their feet.
“Can I take you to the infirmary? Do you have pain elsewhere?” You anxiously ask as they lean on you slightly while you hold their arm, walking to the pews.
“I am alright.” They nod. “My head was hit. I may have a bruise or two, nothing that will not be fine by tomorrow.”
“If you are sure. There is no need to suffer with pain if we can help.” You smile.
Professor Byleth heads back to the bridge leaving the Cathedral, refusing your offer to accompany them. You remain, offering further prayers for Byleth’s health and healing for Dimitri.
You return to the infirmary, your home away from home. Manuela is no longer here, she sided with the Empire. Being thrust into the position of one of the main healers, you remain out of battle, dealing with the injured soldiers. Before the war you worked your shifts in the infirmary, Manuela handled the serious cases.
When the war started, everyone fled the monastery. You packed more books on healing and treatments than you did clothes. Seteth encouraged you to lead the healers for the Knights of Seiros. Every place you travel, you consult with other healers in the area, trying to increase your knowledge as well as theirs. You hope you are adequately filling the shoes he sets forth.
At the infirmary desk you pull out the file for Byleth and make a note regarding todays treatment. When the Knights of Seiros returned to the monastery, you were happy to find many of the medical notes still here. Thieves must not have a use for them. All potions, salves, bandages, and lotions were gone. You have been working with several other clerics building up your inventory.
A sudden knocking brings your attention to the door of the infirmary.
“Greetings. I see you have no patients today, I hope everything is well.“ Seteth bows.
You look up at the handsome man in the doorway. “Good afternoon, Seteth. Byleth was injured by Dimitri earlier. If you see them, make certain they are not hiding any injuries I was unable to find.”
Seteth nods, “I understand your concerns. There are many that take care and have themselves treated properly. Then there are others, I understand your concerns.” He smiles, “Flayn said you were fishing earlier.”
“Yes. I am not a hunter, however I do want to do my part to keep the food stores filled. An army marches on its stomach.” You answer as you file papers in the cabinet.
“Flayn advises you are considerably successful at fishing. Perhaps I can join you and observe your techniques.” Seteth smiles, it makes him even more handsome.
“I am no master fisherman. Flayn simply is not patient, she can’t hold still.” You laugh. “I have seen you fishing with Alois. You would be more successful if he was not there, he is rather boisterous.”
“True. I suppose I like to fish because it is relaxing. These are stressful times. I do hope you are taking care of yourself too.” Seteth answers, a bit of authority creeping back into his voice.
“Noted, sir.” You nod, then begin to unpack dressings and filling the cabinets.
“I am asking you to take care of yourself as a friend. We have worked together for these many years. I’ve seen you exhaust yourself taking care of the knights.”
“War is not conducive to sleep. I will sleep when the war is over.” You chuckle. “Besides, when I finally do leave to find rest, I notice there is still candlelight coming through the windows of your office. Perhaps you should lead by example, my friend.”
“Touche!” He chortles. “I will put in further effort.” Seteth nods, returning to his office.
You treat minor cuts and bruises the remainder of the afternoon. Flayn stops by and asks you to join her for dinner. After all, you were the one that provided the ingredients for this evening’s meal. You promise to meet her after restocking the supplies.
In the dining hall you take your bowl of fish soup and look for Flayn. She is sitting next to her brother and waving for you to join them. You take a seat opposite them. She is easily excited.
“I am so happy that you are able to join us.” Flayn smiles.
“It is important to keep your body healthy and nourished.” You nod and smile softly at Seteth. You are happy to see him in the dining hall. He has had too many meals in his office, overworking himself.
“Yes. An army runs on its stomach, and it is important for everyone to eat properly, especially those that support the army.” Seteth tells Flayn, encouraging her to eat.
“Does that mean I can have seconds, brother?” She asks, sucking in her cheeks a bit to appear more undernourished.
“Only after everyone else has had a portion.” He waves his spoon around the room at the other diners.
Flayn pouts.
Observing her sad face, you have an idea. “If you would like, we can fish tomorrow early in the morning and hopefully catch more for a fine fish dinner.” You pat her hand that is resting on the table.
Flayn’s face now wears a huge smile. “Really? I am excited! You can teach me more fishing techniques. Oh brother! Maybe you can join us?” Both of you look at him, a hopeful smile on your faces.
Seteth’s brow furrows. “I will have to check my schedule. I will see if I can make the time.”
The next morning you get up at dawn to head to the woods, digging up earthworms and grubs for bait. The ground is still moist from the rains and the worms are close to the surface. You have plenty for everyone, including Byleth, who you share bait with frequently. They buy bait from the merchants when they are out, and every coin is needed for the war.
The day is slightly windy, causing the water to dance on the pond. The sunlight sparkles on the surface as the sun rises higher in the sky. Flayn joins you. Instructing her on proper baiting of the hook you remind her to sit as still as possible. You sit far enough apart to softly talk, yet not interfere with each other’s quest for fish.
Flayn has been listening attentively, her basket of fish is proof of her improvement. She brings a fish to you that has swallowed the hook and you show her how to use a tool you’ve made that will help loosen it. Instructing how to slide her hand down the fish so she will not be pricked by the fins, then use the tool to release the hook. Suddenly a shadow is blocking the sunlight over your shoulder.
“Good morning, brother. We are having a marvelous time fishing!” Flayne giggles.
“I can see that. You both have a surprisingly large catch. Perhaps there are many secrets you can pass along to us.” He smiles at you. That is a very handsome look on his face.
“I would be happy to help.” You smile as Flayn puts her fish in her basket and baits her hook for the next catch. “I have a nice collection of worms today, help yourself.” You point to the can.
“Hmm.” Seteth frowns. “Would you mind giving me pointers on how to set the bait? My wife usually baited the hooks. I can manage with some things, but worms are tricky.”
“I understand. My father would set my bait when I was little. I was afraid of the wiggly bugs and worms. Though he is gone, I will pass along his techniques. It is a good way of remembering him.” You take a worm and quietly show him how to set the worm on the hook, leaving the end close to the barb of the hook to wiggle.
“I always make sure the barb is just through the end there, touching it but not piercing your finger. There. You’re ready to go.” You smile as you let loose the hook and it dangles and spins in the air.
“Appreciated.” Seteth smiles. The relaxed look on his face is a sight to behold.
You cast your line into the water and wait. Flayn is to your right trying very hard to be still. Seteth is to your left, taking a seat on a crate after casting his line in the water. Flayn’s bobber starts to wiggle. You hear her stifle a noise, trying to remain quiet. Suddenly her bobber goes under, she pulls her pole back.
“I have one. Oh, it feels heavy!” Flayn excitedly giggles as she works to haul the fish to land.
You lean to the edge of the pond, grabbing the fish as soon as she has it out of the water. “That certainly is a large fish. I think that fills your basket this morning!” You laugh.
She puts her fish away and gives you a huge hug. “You have taught me so well. I’m going to take these to the kitchen right away. I feel like a successful fisherwoman!” she grins.
“You are an excellent student. What an amazing haul!” You laugh, watching her struggle with her heavy container of fish.
Seteth now gasps as he hooks a fish. You grab the fish by the side of the mouth when he gets it to shore.
“Oh my, it’s swallowed your hook. That’s the fourth time today. They must be really hungry to gobble them down so quickly.” You mutter, heading to your tackle box to grab your tool to remove the hook.
“You can retrieve the hook? I usually have to cut the line and tie on a new one.” Seteth is happily surprised.
You call him closer as you follow the line into the fish’s mouth. You hand him the tool and instruct him as he uses it to free the hook. He stands much closer to you than he normally does. He smells like myrrh, cinnamon, and ginger.
“That was certainly educational today.” Seteth smiles. “Thank you for your instruction.”
“Any time.” You smile softly. “The company was very enjoyable.”
A week later Seteth invites you for tea in his office. Checking the calendar, you note that next week everyone will leave for battle, so he must want to review final plans. You arrive at his door at the exact appointed time, holding several folders of paperwork that he may find useful to allay his concerns.
Seteth invites you inside and gestures to the table by the windows that is set for tea.
His desk is piled high with folders, stacks of letters to be sealed, parchment and inkwells randomly scattered amongst his work. Mounds of opened letters fill the box on one corner of the desk while multiple completed replies occupy a box on the other side.
“Is that paperwork for me?” He appears to be surprised at the bundle in your hands.
“I thought you may want to discuss the inventories and preparations being made for our upcoming march.” You respond shyly. The last thing you want to do is provide more work for him.
Seteth takes the folders from you and places them on a nearby table. “Actually, I have the greatest trust in you and would only speak to you about it if you need my guidance. Please, take a seat and join me for tea.” He gestures to the table and chairs by the window.
Taking your seat, you pull the cloth napkin to your lap. You feel a bit nervous. He has only asked you to his office to discuss matters of the church or war. This is your first purely social visit.
Seteth pours the tea, handing you tongs to take a sweet treat from the basket.
“Apologies, I do not know your favorite tea. I hope you do not mind Four Spice Blend.” He smiles softly as he takes his seat, making certain his chair is at a proper gentlemanly distance from you.
“I drink Four Spice in the cooler weather, the flavor seems to warm me from within.” You return the smile. This must be the excitement the students feel when Professor Byleth invites them to tea.
“I am glad you enjoy it.” Seteth hums. “I have been having conversations with Felix lately about the importance of friends in our lives. I then realized that I have been negligent myself in not taking time to visit with my friends.”
“I am delighted to call you my friend, of course. We have worked together for these many years, but we have not made proper time to simply chat.”
“I am making an effort to correct that mistake, starting today.” Seteth nods and takes a sip of tea. “Do tell me about yourself, what books you like to read, what are your hobbies?”
You chat back and forth until the tea has grown exceedingly cold, exchanging tidbits of knowledge into who each of you are as a person. You speak of the books you’ve read recently and share impressions you have on your allies.
“This has been simply fascinating. A fantastic break from work. I feel very refreshed,” Seteth smiles. “I have learned quite a bit about you and your many talents.”
“I feel the same! I have learned so much about you as well. Thank you for inviting me to a very lovely tea.” You stand and reach for your paperwork.
“Perhaps we can make it a weekly occurrence, to make certain we have the time to check on each other,” He offers.
“Fantastic. I would enjoy it immensely.” You are beaming with happiness as you head out the door. Your heart skips a beat as you head down the hallway. You don’t mind that there are a few patients impatiently waiting inside the infirmary.
It is a few weeks before you can have another quiet tea together. Travel and battle do not allow for much time to socialize. Your hands are full setting up the infirmary tents, organizing the clerics, making certain the army has well stocked bandages and potions for the fighters.
Flayn is going to be on the field for the battle and you worry over her as she finishes attaching the last pieces of her armor. She comes to speak with you frequently, discussing a few adult matters that she is not confident with confiding in her brother.
“Watch out for arrows, if you are hurt, fly straight to the infirmary. Your brother would never forgive me if I cannot get you back into perfect health as soon as possible.” You kiss her on the forehead and send her off to her wyvern. You have become quite close friends and say a silent prayer for her safety. She reminds you of your younger siblings that you raised when your mother passed away.
Now you are standing at the edge of camp, watching what little you can see of the battle. Seteth and Flayn are flying close together on their wyverns, protecting each other. You send a quick prayer for their safety as you head back into the infirmary tent, injured fighters are already arriving.
Wrapping a bandage to a soldiers arm you’ve completed stitching and healing, you hear a wyvern’s roar outside the tent. Running to the front of the tent, Flayn is guiding her brother’s wyvern to the ground next to hers. Seteth is nearly unconscious as you hurry to lift him from the saddle. You have no idea where your strength comes from as you carry him into the infirmary and place him on an examination table. You’ve carried unconscious soldiers before, but Seteth is very solidly built.
Flayn dashes in behind you, filling you in on what happened. “He was hit by a lightning bolt. His wyvern was hit as well, but it dealt with the hit better than he did. I think it was because of the arrows he had taken prior that had weakened him.”
“Help me get his robes off.” You quickly instruct her.
She helps remove his robes and armor as you strip him to his undershirt and trousers. His pants are ruined by two arrows, you cut them off just above the arrow in his thigh and around the other in his calf. Neither of the projectiles are close to arteries, however the one in his thigh is very deep into the muscle. It seems to take forever to remove the arrowhead from leg. You had to cut tissue and pull his flesh out of the way. Finally, you work faith magic deep into the torn tissues, encouraging the flesh to bind back together.
Flayn works on his shoulder where the burns from the lightning strike entered his body. Luckily it traveled down his arm and exited close to his hand. You heal what you can of the burns for now, they will need further attention later.
Two strong soldiers help lift Seteth onto a stretcher, moving him to his tent. Gently you guide him on to his bed with Flayn’s assistance and she stays to watch over him. Before you leave, you examine her for any injuries, healing even the smaller cuts, knowing her brother would not be pleased to waken and see she was not treated.
Returning to the infirmary you triage the incoming soldiers. The new casualties begin to dwindle and those that are well enough leave for dinner. You make certain those that can eat do so. You then proceed to check on Seteth.
Standing at the entrance on the tent you announce yourself. Flayn beckons you to come in. Flayn is sitting in a chair, knitting a sock as she quietly sits by his side.
“I am so happy that you taught me how to knit. It is keeping my hands and mind busy so I do not hover over him so much. He has been sleeping peacefully since he was brought here.” Flayn updates you.
Leaning over the cot that Seteth is silently sleeping on, you check his vitals then his wounds to make certain he has not bled through the bandages. You’ve noticed his and Flayn’s heartrate are not the same as others. There are a few things you have seen over the years that sets them apart from the others. You keep these things to yourself, honoring their privacy.
Looking over at Flayn you smile reassuringly. “Would you like to go visit with your friends a bit? Promise me you will stay right in the middle of camp. No going off anywhere or your brother will have my head. I’m sure you want to check on them as well. When the sound the night bell, be back here very quickly. “
She gasps with excitement, “Yes! Thank you so much.” She hurriedly packs away her knitting and runs from the tent.
Remaining by Seteth’s side, you heal the electrical burns to his shoulder and hand. Exhausted, you doze lightly in the chair with a blanket over your legs and your hand resting on his chest. If he makes the slightest movement your eyes are wide open and you observe him for any discomfort.
Flayn returns a few hours later, tired and happy that she could visit with everyone. She kisses Seteth on the head and tells you good night just as he wakens.
Opening his eyes, his first sight is her. “Flayn!” He gasps. “You are alright.” His eyes close and he visibly relaxes for a moment.
“She is fine. A few minor scratches. Absolutely nothing compared to your injuries.” You pat your hand on his chest.
Seteth moves, attempting to sit up. He shifts his legs then grimaces with pain. With you pushing him back into his cot, he finally settles back into a prone position.
“You were hit by two arrows and then lightning. How you managed to keep perched on your wyvern is a miracle. Flayn brought you back. The battle is long over, you need to rest.” You answer his questions before he can ask them.
“I am happy to see you are recovering. Good night, brother.” Flayn calls as she heads out into the night air to her tent.
“Please tell me if you have any pain. I will help you sit up to have something to drink after I heal you further. I can get you anything you need, food, water, just name it.”
“I feel extremely fatigued, like every muscle in my body has been worked to exhaustion,” he quietly answers. “I only felt pain when I tried to move my leg. You have done a wonderful job, thank you.”
“You are a good patient. Let me change the bandages on your leg and then sit you up to have a drink. You should sleep and let the healing take full hold.” Taking your basket of fresh bandages and healing salves you move to the other side of his cot and begin unwrapping his wounds. Cleansing and applying further deep healing to his leg, you wrap it with fresh, clean dressings.
Taking a waterskin in hand, you help him sit up enough to drink nearly two cups of water. You take a handkerchief to dab his lips.
“There was a significant amount of blood loss. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you replenish them. I’ll make sure you eat a high amount of protein tomorrow for breakfast.”
“Thank you,” Seteth whispers as he lies back and closes his eyes. You pat his chest and he takes your hand in his. You are relieved that he is too tired to notice a slight blush on your cheeks.
Seteth awakens in the morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. You carefully help him to sit up.
“Flayn is in the infirmary tent, helping with those she can.” You begin. “They are tearing down camp and we will be headed back to the monastery soon. Do you need me to help you get a change of clothes? You will need new pants, I had to cut the others to get to your injuries. I can send someone to assist you if you prefer.”
“Let me see if I can stand, perhaps I can manage on my own.” Seteth slowly sits himself up and swings his legs off the cot. You reach outside the tent, then turn around and hand him a training lance.
“This should help you keep steady on your feet for now.“ You say while hovering over him as he takes a few cautious steps to the chair next to the table. Once he is seated you make certain he has fresh water to go with his food.
Back at the monastery you currently have four patients in the infirmary. Riding in the back of a wagon did not help their conditions much and it takes considerable time to heal and stabilize them until you feel that they are settled and without pain.
Flayn appears in front of your desk as you document the charts. “Are you finished with the patients?” She asks sweetly.
“For now. I will have someone monitoring them throughout the night and wake me if their conditions worsen.” You answer as you finish making an entry.
“Good!” Flayn takes you by the arm and pulls you down the hallway to Seteth’s office. Pulling you inside, you see the table set for three. The smell of the delicious dinner is heavenly, you’ve not eaten for many hours. Seteth is already seated at the table
“Please excuse me for not standing.” Seteth blushes slightly
You laugh. “I would be angry if you did. You’re keeping the leg propped up. Excellent.” You see that his color is good, he is healing well. You give a huge sigh of relief.
Flayn guides you to the seat next to him and she sits across from her brother. While the meal progresses, Flayn tells her point of view of the battle and how the Professor led them all to victory.
“This is quite a happy surprise. An excellent dinner and amazing company. I could not ask for more. Thank you both for having me.” You look greatly pleased.
“It is the least we could do to thank you for your excellent care,” Seteth assures. “You have been working nonstop since the battle. When you are finished, Flayn will escort you to your room and you will sleep. The healers here have been under your watchful eye and will take good care of the wounded. We need you to take time to care for yourself.”
“Yes. I will sleep and you should as well. I’m sending Flayn back to check on you. If she finds you working at the desk, I’ll run up here and bring a stick with me to chase you out.” You laugh.
Seteth chuckles. “I do not wish to incur your wrath. I promise to head straight for bed after dinner.”
“Should I change your bandages while I am here?” You ask.
“I did not invite you here to work. Flayn will aid me.” He nods to her.
Flayn suddenly interrupts. “I really should get the dishes back to the kitchens, you know how they can be. Perhaps it would be best that she escorts you to your room and check you this evening. This will probably take me a few trips.” Flayn says as she hurriedly stacks the plates, cups, and cutlery together and heads out the door.
“Do you have salves and bandages in your room? Should I pop by the infirmary for some?” You inquire.
“You had best get them. I know Flayn has some in her room, however I am not certain that I have any myself. I will meet you at the stairs, we can go up together.” He answers as he reaches for a cane to keep himself steady.
You observe Seteth as you follow him up the stairs, he is being especially careful and favoring his leg. He unlocks the door to his room on the third floor. You try not to let the curiosity get the best of you. Briefly glancing about, his quarters are pristine. Comfortable and heavy furniture come into view as he lights a candelabra.
“Would you prefer to change your bandages on the couch or your bed.” You ask.
“The bed I suppose,” he sighs as he leads you to his bedroom.
“Do you have a spare towel in the bathroom? I want to make certain nothing gets onto your bedclothes.”
“Of course, there is a basket by the door.” He gestures to the open door.
Retrieving a towel, you return to his side. Seteth is seated on his bed, his back propped by his pillows. His pants are removed from the wounded leg, the other covered by his blanket.
Raising his leg, you carefully place the towel underneath. You observe his grimace out of the corner of your eye.
“Which wound hurts more, the one in your calf or the one in your thigh?”
“The thigh. That one was quite deep,” Seteth answers, slightly gritting his teeth.
Unwrapping both injuries they appear to be healing well, the scarring is pink, not red at the edges, no signs of infection or bleeding. You slightly lift his lower leg, asking him to move his foot different directions. Turning your attention to the healing injury on his thigh you begin pouring faith magic into the muscles, knitting the torn tissue further together bit by bit. Massaging the muscles around the wound you flex his knee. The healing is progressing quite well.
Briefly you glance to his face, his eyes are closed, he appears relaxed. You are blushing again. His muscles are perfect, his thighs well-toned. Taking a deep breath, you pull your brain back into your professional mindset.
“Any other pain? Any lingering tingling from the lightning in your arm?” You softly ask. “You have walked on that leg too much today. Limping around on a cane will cause pain in your hand and arm as well as throwing off your gait and leading to lower back pain. I’ve done what I can today. I would like to treat your thigh injury one more time tomorrow.” You turn away to gather the soiled bandages and cool the steamy thoughts in your head.
“You are worrying too much. I will be fine.” Seteth answers. He sounds sleepy, which is relieving. You make certain he has a glass of water on his nightstand before you leave.
You make your way back downstairs. Flayn is taking the last of the dishes back to the kitchens. You wish her a good night and tell her to fetch you if you are needed. Once she is out of sight you head to the infirmary to check on the patients. The night cleric is relieved to see you, a soldier woke up and fell trying to get out of bed, undoing quite a bit of the work everyone had put into him. A few hours later you leave the heavily sedated patient, hoping they will retain the use of their arm.
The next day you find yourself being scolded by Flayn when she finds your bowl of oatmeal is still half full on your desk and it is already lunchtime. You are too busy working on the soldier’s reinjured shoulder to eat.
“Stop this at once!” Flayn stamps her foot for good measure. I am hereby relieving you of your duty and sentencing you to complete bedrest until tomorrow.
You turn around to argue with her, however two knights are gently taking you by the arms and leading you from the infirmary to your room. As you close your door behind you, you can hear Flayn giving them orders to stand guard and not let you leave until tomorrow morning.
Your head is pounding as you reach for a glass of water. Being told to take your own medicine is quite the bitter pill to swallow. It is reassuring that the soldier should be fine and rest is the best thing for you now.
The next day Flayn apologizes for her mutiny. Instead of being angry with her, you give her a huge hug and thank her for her bravery. You invite her to bake cookies together later, perhaps some ginger snaps, since her brother may like the flavor.
Meeting Flayn in the kitchens she confesses, “Everyone says I am a bad cook. Before the war I cooked a dish so bad only Dimitri and Raphael would eat it.” She pouts.
“It is not that you are bad at cooking. You simply do not understand the why and because of it all.” You explain as you gather and measure the ingredients for the cookies.
“Butter for example.” You begin, “We’re not using it in this recipe, but many times softened butter is an ingredient in cookies. You can’t use cold butter, it won’t mix well with the sugar. If you melt the butter, it will mix with the sugar, however the consistency will be wrong. If you melt the butter too long, it will brown the butter, giving it a completely different taste. Leaving the butter in a slightly warm place for about 30 minutes should soften the butter enough to mix with the sugar and make a fluffy creamy mixture, perfect for many baked goods.”
“So cooking requires the ingredients to be in the correct state as well as quantity.” Flayn nods in understanding.
“Exactly! And you cannot always substitute items in a recipe. If you want to use a plum instead of a peach, that will not cause problems. However, if you use baking soda instead of baking powder, that may make your cookies or cake refuse to rise.”
“But they both are for baking and making it rise.” Flayn frowns.
“Would you substitute mandrake root for arrow root in a potion?” You ask.
“Goodness no! One has healing properties, the other is a poison!” Flayn shudders.
“Both are roots, both are powdered and about the same color. Always use the correct ingredient.” You nod encouragingly. “It is like brewing potions. The right ingredients in the right quantity will make someone sleep peacefully. Too much and they will be in a coma.”
“I am beginning to understand your instruction. One cannot substitute ingredients willy-nilly. You must have knowledge as to how they work together to understand the effects of changing the composition of the baked item.” Flayn smiles widely.
“Once you get the basics, with experience you will be able to change things in the recipe. Let’s go by the recipe today and experiment another time. So did you measure one cup of sugar or one cup of salt here?” You place the bowl in front of her.
“Um. I am uncertain.” Flayn blushes.
“Taste it.” You push the bowl closer to her.
Flayn takes a pinch between her fingers and puts it on her tongue. “Ew! That would have been horrible!” she gasps as she heads to the larder to obtain a cup of sugar, abandoning the cup of salt on the counter.
Later in the afternoon you join Seteth in his office for Angelica tea. You surprise him with a box of the ginger cookies baked earlier.
“Ginger cookies! I have not had one in quite some time.” Seteth eagerly grasps a couple with the tongs, putting them on his plate.
“Flayn made them this morning.” You smile.
Seteth’s smile falls from his face as his eyebrows furrow slightly. He looks back to see that his door is indeed closed. “You do know what her cooking is like, don’t you?” He whispers.
You laugh. “Really Seteth, I was with her the entire time. We had a very productive cooking session. You may be surprised. Go on, take a bite.”
Seteth brings the cookie to his lips as if he has been requested to bite the head off a viper. He stares down at the cookie for a second and sniffs it. It does not smell as if it is burnt. It smells of ginger and sweetness, which is unusual for a cookie baked by Flayn.
Finally, he opens his mouth and takes a bite, silently praying that his teeth do not break off by doing this. Instead, his teeth sink into the slightly soft, slightly chewy, perfectly baked cookie. The ginger mixed with the molasses and other spices meld together in his mouth in the most delightful and rewarding flavors. His eyes open wide as his lips pull into the sweetest smile.
“You are absolutely certain that Flayn made these? They are delicious!” Seteth gasps.
You nod. You are so proud of her right now. You wish she could see the look on Seteth’s face right now. It’s precious.
“I must thank her later. You are a miracle worker.” He reaches forward and takes your hand in his.
Your face feels as if it is on fire as it heats up with a blush. Taking your teacup you try to hide behind it as you watch Seteth reach for another cookie.
The infirmary tent is outside of Fort Merceus. You can hear the battle raging on the fortress above the wall. You’ve just finished treating the wounds of an armored Knight, closing the lance wound to his shoulder. Suddenly things are quiet. You then hear a strange whistling noise followed by an explosion. Rocks rain down from the skies, causing the large tent to collapse around you. Pain overwhelms you as the world suddenly becomes dark.
You jolt into consciousness. Sitting upright you grab your head as it throbs fiercely between your hands. Your fingers feel wet, they are covered with blood.
“Brother! She is awake!” you hear Flayn’s voice next to you. Bleary eyed you look over to her, it is difficult to focus through the pain.
Seteth kneels at the side of the cot, wrapping his arms gently around you. “I thought that we might lose you.”
You manage to reach your right arm toward, your left arm refuses to cooperate. Taking a few deep breaths, you calm yourself. Your head pounds mercilessly.
“What happened?” Your voice trembling, remembering the last things you saw.
“The Fortress is gone. It is nothing but rubble. Pillars of light came from the skies and caused explosions everywhere. An entire wall crumbled and crushed part of the infirmary. The battle is over, for now.” Seteth’s voice exudes sadness.
You sob uncontrollably into his shoulder. The loss of life must have been great. Slowly the flow of tears subsides.
“Here, you must drink something.” Seteth offers a waterskin.
You drink your fill. Your eyes are more focused now and you notice you are in Seteth’s tent. You open your mouth to speak, his finger covers your lips.
“You need to rest.” Seteth softly says as he holds a potion bottle for you to drink. You smell the bitterness of the sedative. Nodding your head, you drink the contents. He then lays you back on his cot.
You awaken to the sounds of birds chirping and soldiers walking through the camp. This time you are not nearly in as much pain as you were previously. Sitting up, you assess your injuries. Based on the wrappings and pain your left shoulder has been broken. You have multiple contusions on your arms and legs. Feeling your head, your hair has been washed and there are a few spots where cuts are healed.
You watch the tent flap open and Flayn brings two plates of breakfast to set on the table.
“I am glad you are awake. My brother is in the war council meeting. Let me help you walk over here and get something to eat.” Flayn’s smile is soft and encouraging.
As you both eat, she updates you on the status of the camp. The battle was won, then the Fort was attacked. They did lose two clerics and several soldiers when the tent was hit by debris. They repaired the infirmary tent and treatment of the wounded is ongoing. The soldiers are reorganizing, preparing for the march to Enbarr.
“I feel bad for stealing your brother’s bed.” You frown. You are unaccustomed to inconveniencing others, especially your wonderful friends.
“He slept on the floor next to you to make certain you did not wake up and head back to the infirmary.” Flayn giggles.
“He knows me well.” You nod.
“He hovered over you like a mother hen. He was very worried.” Flayn looks at you, her eyes seem to bore into you. “Do you like him?”
“Well, yes, I do. We have been friends for many years.” You answer, deciding that the eggs on your plate are very interesting so you stare at them. They stare back.
“You would make a great couple.” She giggles.
You almost choke on the food you are chewing. Grabbing a drink of water, you take a few gasps of air. “What makes you think that?” Your face is bright red, you can’t look her in the eye.
“I am getting pretty good at noticing these things. When things are difficult, you tend to find someone that you can lean on and support you. Dimitri and Marianne, Felix and Sylvain, Mercedes and Dedue. It is only natural. You and my brother watch out for each other, keep the other from overworking, make sure they eat properly. I think it is inevitable.” She grins and looks quite satisfied with herself.
Your brain goes into overdrive. “I spend a lot of time with you as well. Knitting, cooking, fishing.”
“Yes. However, you do not act romantically toward me, your attitude is more…hmmm,” Flayn puts a finger to her chin. “Motherly.”
“It is true that I am that way toward you. My mother passed not long after giving birth to my youngest brother. Father relied on me to help raise my siblings as I was the oldest. I see so much of my siblings in you. Your naivety, looking at the world through innocent eyes. I feel very protective of you and understand your brother’s concern. I also recognize his attitude of overprotectiveness. You are all he has left.” You pat her hand.
“True. I thank you for your support. He needs to learn and understand that I am no longer a little girl.” Flayn pouts, slightly ruining her ‘I am an adult’ speech.
“Perhaps you should speak with him. Have a heart to heart conversation.” You feel relieved the conversation has shifted to her feelings about her restrictive sibling.
The remainder of your breakfast is quiet. Flayn returns the dishes to the cooks as you slowly make your way to the infirmary tent. Late in the evening you are lying and resting in an empty cot when you hear Seteth’s voice. You sit up as he approaches.
“There is no need to get up.” He apologizes. “I was simply checking on your wellbeing.”
Feeling brave, you reach up to take his hand. “Thank you for helping me. I have been pacing myself and taking frequent breaks. I am very grateful for everything you have done. I am sure you would like to enjoy your privacy and sleep more comfortably.”
Seteth squeezes your hand. “You are not a burden. My door is always open for you. Sleep well.” He smiles as he leaves.
You lie there, overthinking the short exchange. Are you special or simply a good friend? You want to curse Flayn for lighting aflame these thoughts in your head. You eventually drift off to sleep.
Several weeks later you march with the troops back to Garreg Mach. The war is over. Enbarr and the Emperor are defeated. Rhea is rescued and officially appoints Byleth as the new Archbishop. The Knights are busy taking out rogue bands of Imperial troops and bandits, returning to the monastery to be healed and rest up for the next battle.
Seteth is constantly overworking himself along with Byleth as they create the new doctrine for the church. They also communicate with Dimitri by letter, regarding plans for the continent. You find yourself constantly interrupting their meetings, forcing them to break for food or to take a walk to get fresh air.
“I thought we had just stopped for lunch. Is it time for dinner already?” Seteth looks up from the table filled with scattered parchment and books. Byleth doesn’t look up from his writing.
“Yes. Flayn and I have caught some fish and we are having it for dinner. No excuses.” You glare at them sternly. “Join us in the dining hall.” You do not say now, however it is implied and they stop their work quickly.
While eating, Seteth and Byleth attempt to continue their conversation regarding a particular section of doctrine.
“I order both of you to rest. Talk of something not business,” You plead. “I have heard that Dimitri will only work six days a week, taking one day for his mental wellbeing and health. I completely stand behind that mindset. True, there are always some issues that have to be dealt with, however the focus of the day off is to give yourself a break.”
Byleth looks at you as if you have two heads.
“Vessel of the goddess, yeah, yeah.” You frown at them. “You still need to eat, to sleep, and to rest. Keep this up and you’re headed straight for another five year nap. How much work are you going to finish then?” You cross your arms in front of your chest, looking at them smugly.
“She seems quite serious and peremptory. I don’t think we have much of a choice in this.” Seteth acquiesces. “Saucy little woman.” He whispers to his soup.
“What was that?” You snip.
“I said you make a fine spokeswoman.” He quickly shovels more fish into his mouth.
A week later they announce that Sunday shall be a day of rest except for what must absolutely be accomplished. The first week goes quite well. Byleth and Seteth spend much of the day resting in the afternoon sun as they fish in the pond.
They even admit to a renewed spirit as they return to their work the next day, having clearer minds and feeling rested. Things go well until the fourth week.
You are in the infirmary long enough to heal and bandage a burn on Annette’s arm when you cannot help but hear Seteth and Flayn’s very loud and angry voices emitting from his office. Quickly you dismiss Annette, telling her not to utter a single word.
As you approach Seteth’s door, Flayn runs out crying and fleeing to her room upstairs.
Seteth is sitting at his desk, his head in his hands.
“I do not know what has gotten into that child. She simply does not understand that I am trying to protect her.” He groans.
You knock on the door frame. Seteth waves you in and you close the door behind you.
“Apologies. I am sorry you were a witness to our outburst.” He sounds exasperated.
“She has grown to become quite the independent woman.” You disclose. “She has emotionally developed from a child into an adult since I met her all those years ago.”
Seteth groans. “The world is a dangerous place. I only want to keep her safe. Just a few years ago she was kidnapped right under my nose. I cannot let any harm befall her.”
“It hurts. It hurts to let them go. Watching them flee the safe and warm nest you have prepared.” You begin. “Your relationship is like a hand full of sand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze it tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You can hold on to some of it, but most of it spills. A relationship should be like sand held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it will remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively and the relationship slips away and is gone forever.”
“I cannot lose her.” The tears flow from his eyes.
You come around to his side of the desk and hold him to your chest. “There are two times when parenting is most difficult. When the baby first arrives and when the adult first leaves home.”
“You are not fully aware…” He chokes on his words.
“That you are her father? She has slipped too many times in her speech. I know you love her more than anything. You have raised her as your child, regardless. The thought of her leaving breaks your heart. I know.” You assure him. You had felt like you died a little every time one of your brothers and sisters left the nest.
“I want to take her and flee. Hide deep in the mountains where I can protect her.” He gasps through his tears.
“Have you asked her if that is what she wants? If you take her and run, she may escape, putting herself out alone in the wild and into even greater danger. If you let her remain, surround herself with friends who love and protect her, just as you have, could she be safe? If you part from her angry, will she ever come back? These are things you need to ask yourself.”
“If I did that, I would truly lose her.” He looks at you knowingly.
You nod and hold him as he shudders, his sobs filling the room. You pat his back and shoulders reassuringly. After a few minutes he takes a few cleansing breaths.
“My deepest apologies, I did not mean to bring you in to this.” Seteth obtains a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his tears.
“I am here to help you. To help Flayn too. Both of you can be quite stubborn when you want to be.” You rub circles on his back, continuing to bolster him.
“What should I do now. Where do we go from here?” Seteth looks completely overwhelmed.
“Start with a nice tea together, in a neutral territory. Perhaps on the star terrace? I will check with Byleth and see if that is acceptable. Let her know this is the first of several conversations you will have. It is like any negotiation, discuss the good and the bad. Let her know more details of what you are worrying about. If either of you begin to get upset, step away from the table and calm your mind.”
You pause to let him think for a moment. “Remind her that no matter what, you love her, wanting only the best for her. You want her to understand your concerns. You need to understand her concerns, her dreams, her priorities. Keep communicating. Talk and talk some more.” You hug him tightly then head for the door.
“I cannot thank you enough.” Seteth nods as you smile at him before leaving.
Standing guard at the foot of the stairs to the third floor you sip your tea for a bit then return to knitting. They have been up there talking over tea for over two hours. No doors slamming. No yelling. This is a good sign.
Seteth calls from the top of the stairs, asking you to join them.
Flayn is carrying the tea set into Rhea’s former bedroom. She places it on and end table, then rushes over to give you a hug.
“Thank you.” She quickly whispers before heading down the hall to her chambers.
You walk outside to stand next to Seteth at the balcony. The stars twinkle brightly in the cloudless sky. You look up to him as he stares into the heavens. The air is still and cool now that night has fallen. Patiently you wait for him to gather his thoughts.
“We had a productive conversation.” Seteth begins softly.
You hum in agreement, not wanting to interrupt.
“We spoke of many things. Some good, some bad. All of it necessary. You are correct, she has grown up before my eyes and I could not see it. She is a beautiful young woman.” He speaks slowly, each word tearing apart his heart.
You want to take him in your arms and reassure him, you can see the sadness in his eyes. His precious Flayn must be allowed to be free, and he feels like it is killing him. You settle with leaning against his shoulder with yours.
“She said she worries for me just as much as I for her. She fears that when she leaves, I will shut myself off from the world. I have told her many times that she is my world, that all I do, I do for her. She knows the sacrifices I have made for her sake. She is grateful. But she wants to do things on her own. How to fend for herself. I just—” his voice falters.
Seteth hangs his head low, gripping the balustrade tightly for support. “I am terrified.”
“Let her know you will always be there for her. That you are a place of safety for her, a refuge.” You rub his shoulder as you remain looking skyward.
“Of course, I will take her back, in a heartbeat. There is no doubt. I would bring her where I am without question.” He says with conviction. “The hardest part is to let her go in the first place.”
“She is still here, you have time to mend your hearts. You will always worry for her, she knows this. You have earned that right.” You softly pat his opposite shoulder your arm around his back..
“Thank you for being here.” Seteth turns and hugs you to his chest. You hug him back and stand with him in the cool air, sharing warmth with each other.
Flayn and Seteth have several teatime conversations, adult to adult. One day they decided to take a short holiday together, packing belongings on their wyverns and return several days later.
Seteth works twice as hard to make up for the lost time in his office. You spend time with Flayn as she tells you of her plans. Ignatz and Raphael are going to work as knights for Lorenz who has taken over Gloucester lands from his father. Lorenz is fully employing Ignatz to be ‘a knight that paints’. She will join them in a month’s time. She is in love with Ignatz, however does not want to jump into things too quickly. With her other friends there, she will see how the budding romance goes.
You giggle along with her about her exciting plans, what she wants to do for herself and things she will see. She is quite excited about visiting Derdriu. She’s always loved the ocean and the other coast is just north of the territory.
“What will you be doing now that things are settling down? Do you want to travel or start something new?” Flayn looks at you curiously.
“I’m still recovering from going through the war. I’ve always enjoyed working here. Because Byleth is staying here, friends will come to visit frequently. I am not much of a wanderer, so traveling is out. I don’t want to go north, the snow we have here is plenty.” You think for a moment. “Teaching sounds interesting if they decide to reopen the academy or a regular school. I would like to research some additional healing spells. There are many things to do. Deciding is the hard part.”
“You should think about finding someone special to settle down with.” Flayn smirks.
You nearly spit tea all over yourself. “I..um.” You cough into your napkin and gather your wits. “Unlike some people I know, I do not rush into things.”
“I have watched you pine over him for years.” She laughs.
Looking away from her you wiggle nervously in your chair. “I have no idea what you’re alluding to.”
“You both are so hopeless.” Flayn huffs.
A few days later, Flayn leaves a box outside your door labeled ‘Educational Materials’. You take them in your room then head to the infirmary for work. She has left a box there labeled ‘Medical Supplies’. You open the box and restock the shelves with the gauze and bandages. At the end of the day you return to your room deciding to open the box she has left for you. It is filled with romance novels. How strange. Educational? You think as you open one of the books to peruse through.
Flayn has finished packing her belongings. She distributed a few things around the monastery, leaving enough of her belongings in her room so that she will not have to pack anything when she comes to visit Seteth. The wagon from Gloucester territory has arrived and she watches them load her belongings onto the back. Flayn stands outside the carriage saying her goodbyes.
“Byleth, thank you for accepting me in your class. It began my journey to the independence that I celebrate today.” She gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
“I must thank you for everything you have done for me. You have taught me how to cook, amazing fishing techniques and patience. Thank you for everything.” She takes your hands in hers as she gazes your face with a sincere smile. She kisses you on both cheeks, like the adult women of the court say goodbye.
Flayn jumps up and gives Seteth a tight hug. She buries her face in his chest so she cannot see his face.
“I will miss you most of all, brother. I promise to write. I will be safe, you’ll see.” She pauses so that he can kiss her on the forehead, then she turns and quickly enters into the carriage before anyone can see a tear fall from her eyes. The carriage pulls away and she waves out the window with her hand.
Byleth stares as the carriage leaves. “Do you think she will cry?”
“She is bawling her eyes out right now.” You manage to chuckle, trying to hold back your own tears. A sniffle still escapes.
Seteth has moved inside the building, most likely to hide his own tears. You stand next to Byleth, not sure what to do with yourself. Byleth eventually looks over to you.
“I’ll go to the wyvern rookery to make sure he doesn’t try to follow her. You should go talk to him.” Byleth announces as they head out.
Heading up the stairs to the second floor of the faculty building, the trip seems much longer than usual. You have no idea what to say to him. You pause outside his door, praying the goddess gives you the proper words.
“Seteth. May I come in?” Announcing your presence as you knock.
“This is not a good time for conversation.” He answers, not opening the door.
“We don’t have to speak.” You answer. “Please?”
The silence from the other side of the door is deafening. You wait, not moving.
You enter, seeing him seated at his desk, looking toward the wall. You silently close the door. Approaching Seteth like you would a terrified animal, extending your hand toward him slowly and gently, you touch his shoulder.
He hangs his head and weeps into his chest. You place your head on his shoulder and arms around his back, letting him mourn his loss. His muscles are all tight as he pulls into himself, his body shakes with emotion.
When he has run out of tears, he pulls himself from your embrace. He tries to hide his face, swollen from crying. You reach for a pitcher and pour water onto a cloth, chill it with magic and place it on his forehead and eyes. You tilt his head back to rest it on the back of his chair. Moving behind him you massage his temples and apply healing magic to relieve the headache from crying.
He looks as if he is resting, or at least trying to relax after having tensed his entire body for so long.
“I am always here for you.” You say softly before leaving his office.
You arrange for dinner to be brought to his door. Disappointment crosses your face when you see the food is untouched hours later.
The next morning your rise early to fish, but the fish have no interest. You glance at the windows of Seteth’s office and there is no light. Heading to the infirmary you walk past it and stand outside of his office door. You knock, there is no answer. You attempt to open the door, it is locked.
While treating a cut on a soldier’s arm, Byleth enters the infirmary.
“Have you seen Seteth? He is late for our meeting this morning.” Byleth says, looking concerned.
“No. Perhaps you should check on him?” You offer. “I believe he skipped dinner last night and the cooks said he was not there for breakfast. He did not touch his food at dinner last night as well.”
Byleth frowns and heads for Seteth’s office door. You hear his knocking from inside the infirmary. Soon the hallway is quiet. A few minutes later you hear the tapping of Byleth’s boots walking down the hallway and going up to the third floor.
Putting away the bandages and salves, you jump when Byleth bursts into the infirmary.
“Come quick!” He orders.
Dashing up the stairs you head to Seteth’s room. Byleth is with him in the bedroom, having placed Seteth on his bed. He had found him lying on the floor of the front room.
You quickly assess Seteth’s condition. He has exhausted himself. His eyes are dark and sunken, black lines hang below his eyes. He has probably not been sleeping and certainly has not been eating. You knew he had not been sleeping well, he looked tired yesterday however, today is much worse.
“I can take over from here. Let the infirmary know I am indisposed for a day or so.” You announce as Byleth helps you pull a comfy chair from the parlor next to the bed. You also set a pitcher and two glasses on the nightstand.
“I’ll send dinner up.” Byleth says as he leaves the room.
You check Seteth frequently. He is sleeping soundly. You eat, leaving the dishes outside. He still has not moved. Grabbing a throw blanket, you curl up in the chair, settling in for the night. You leave your hand on top of his, you need to wake if he stirs.
The moonlight shining through the windows gives a bluish glow to the room, the sun has not yet risen, however it will in an hour or so. Seteth begins to stir. He yawns and instinctively reaches to cover his mouth. Just as he moves, you bolt upright in the chair and look at him. He notices you there, bolting upright as he realizes you are in his room.
“What are you doing here.” Seteth huffs.
“I am watching over my patient. Apparently, someone cannot be trusted to take care of themselves properly.” You fold your arms on your chest and give him a glare that could frighten a demonic beast.
Seteth attempts to hide his shame behind his hand, using it to cover his face. “My deepest apologies. My mind has not been in a good place. I have been overwhelmed with grief since before Flayn had even left. I know she is alive and well, but that does not lessen my concern for her.”
“I should write to her and tell her exactly what you have done to yourself as soon as she left.” You scold. “She put me in charge of you, no matter how many times I assured her that you are a grown man and capable of taking care of yourself. I have misjudged you. I am certain she will not be pleased to know she was right.”
You get up and hand him a glass of water. He takes a few sips, placing it on the nightstand. You hand it back to him again pointing to the center of the glass. He drinks half of the contents and looks at you. You nod and he puts the glass down. A few moments pass as you stare at each other.
“Are you hungry? I can run to get you something. Do you have any pain?” Your face softens.
“I will be fine. I think I will lie here and rest for a little while longer.” Seteth takes your hand in his. “You should get some rest as well. You don’t need to stay here and watch an old man sleep.”
“Apparently, I do.” You softly laugh, squeezing his hand and moving over to sit on the bed next to him. “You do not look like an old man. Sometimes you act like one, however when I saw you fighting during the war you were on the front lines along with those young men and you were running circles around them. I’ve seen you wield your lance, you are a force to be reckoned with.” You smile warmly at him.
“Oh? So you have been watching me?” He raises his eyebrows a bit.
“Yes. Watching you fight and fly on your wyvern is breathtaking.” You pause, “You are breathtaking.”
“I…I don’t know what to say. Thank you?” Seteth blushes.
Giving him a smile, you whisper, “We have much to discuss. But right now, we are both exhausted. Scoot over, I am not sleeping in that chair one more minute.”
“That is not proper. We shou-“ he gasps.
You lay next to him. “Shhh. Scoot. We are consenting adults who need sleep. I am fully clothed. You are under the covers, I am over them. No different than last night, except I will be comfortable and won’t wake with a pain in my neck.” You snuggle next to him, laying your head on his shoulder and arm across his waist. “Good night.”
Seteth lies there stiffly for a while. Then he heaves a sigh and lays his cheek on the top of your head, drifting off to slee
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | prologue/claude von riegan
afab she/her reader, originally posted on my ao3, myukyu <3
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Twirling my sword, an excited grin fell upon my face as I jogged alongside Dorte and Marianne. "Hah! Marie, ya think I can keep up your old steed's pace?" I asked excitedly, huffing slightly. The academy had really buffed your stamina, shit, enough to keep up with a damn horse.
"Oh, (Y/N)! I-um, don't strain yourself since we have nearly reached the monastery." She hesitantly called out, brow furrowing. I laughed it off, nodding as I slowed my pace to meet Raphael jogging, carrying a very unamused Lysithea.
"What's up, you two?" I asked, grinning. The behemoth of a man beamed back, motioning his head to the pouting smaller girl in his arms.
"Lysithea here was starting to struggle, so as a good big bro- I mean, uh, friend! As a good friend, I'm helping keep up!" He cheered, laughing.
"I'll remind you, you thoughtless fool, I am not a child! I am quite the opposite, now." Lysithea barked out at Raphael, folding her arms.
I chuckled, shaking my head. I missed these guys, and once we make it to the monastery... well, teach better have kept his promise and not died on us. ~~~~ ~~~~ PROLOGUE END ~~~~ ~~~~ "Ahh... now this one is gonna fill the spot, thanks, prof!" You cheered, excitedly flicking your eyes between your delicious meal of Beast Meat and your slightly concerned professor.
"That smell... it's amazing! My fav, in fact. Do you like it too?" Claude nodded with you, looking to Byleth out of curiousity. Easygoing, huh?
"I like it."
Usually, you'd laugh at your teacher's blunt speech, yet that meat was begging you to devour it and hey- who are you to deny its wishes? Being back at the monastery with your class and teacher as much as you'd loved being back in your home country, you had a soft spot for the Golden Deer. But five years had changed the lot of you, various glowups being noticed, by the way. Yet, Claude caught your attention the most. Which, being honest, wasn't out of the norm, hell, for anyone!
As you tore through your meat, you caught your former classmate stifling a chuckle at your pure ferocity.
"Oi! Got thomething to thay," You quickly swallowed. "What's so funny!?" You annoyedly accused, slamming a hand on the table. He let out a laugh, shaking his head.
"Easy tiger! You just looked awfully cute with your cheeks stuffed."
You felt your cheeks darken, clicking your tongue as you went back to your meal. "Smooth, dickhead..." You mumbled as your teacher let out a sigh at the two of youse antics. As you all continue to eat, a comfortable silence fell upon your trio.
"That aside, I am glad to see you also returning. I heard from Lorenz that you had disappeared for a while." Your teacher finally spoke, looking to you. Your eyebrows rose in surprise as you let a crooked grin creep up your face.
"Funny you say that. How about yourself, five years asleep! Did any lucky gal or guy come to give you that awakening kiss~" You cooed, switching the topic onto him. You had no idea what you could say without getting yourself and Claude in an unknown amount of trouble.
He raised a brow at your dodging of the question but ultimately let it go. "I did not get kissed, no."
Claude piped up from his suspicious silence, leaning in to pester teach. "Ya sure? You were pretty popular back at the academy!" You snickered after this comment, nodding to egg him on.
"I believe we've finished the meal. I shall see the two of you later." He promptly stood up with his plate and cutlery, returning them to the kitchen before strutting off in his usual stern demeanour.
"Aw, we scared him off!" You jokingly whined, leaning onto Claude. Teasing your no-nonsense teacher was great since he's as clueless as Seteth with three times the patience.
"How will we ever apologise?" Claude moaned alongside you, resting his head on yours melodramatically. You tittered together before recovering and bringing your dirty dishes to the kitchen. Leaving the dining hall, you two walked in silence.
You walked with no aim for a while until Claude stopped. You turned to him, intrigued. Tilting your head, you asked him a question.
"Something up?"
He smiled softly, shaking his head.
"Nah, but I would like to ask you some things." He said, and the lack of a comedic tone set off a minor alarm in your brain. You were no stranger to his inquisitive nature, having known him for a good portion of your life. Yet, you had a feeling this related to before. Even Claude wasn't aware of your whereabouts.
"Sure thing, here?" You asked, folding your arms defensively.
"No... let's go somewhere more private." He said, walking off. You jumped, quickly following him.
Following Claude up the spiralling stairs of the Goddess tower was quick, that you could confirm. Nearly stumbling over your steps as he transcended so damn fast, you couldn't even call out for him to slow the hell down.
As you finally made it to the top, avoiding the rubble which had gathered after the battle at the monastery, you had leant against the wall, quickly regaining your breath. Yet as soon as you blinked, Claude seemed to have moved from the centre of the room to a few inches away from your face.
"C-Claude! What the hell...?" You jumped, backing fully up against the cold, stone wall. Feeling the cool stones against your back, you shivered as your former leader stared at you.
"Answer teach's question for me, friend? Where were you while we were stopping the whole damn alliance from being chipped away by the Empire?" He asked, frustrated. He took a step towards you.
You gulped, shaking your head as your eyes darted around the tower, looking everywhere but him.
"That's not the answer I was looking for, (Y/N)."
Your breath hitched as he grabbed your chin to look you in the eyes. His voice lowered, a conflicted emotion on his face. A crooked grin tugged at his lips and yet his brows were furrowed, annoyed.
||Translation: فاک - Fuck||
"I-I was in Almyra!" You yelped, quickly realising what you said as you cursed under your breath, "فاک..." You hissed, embarrassed.
"First, you avoid our questions..." Claude listed, cruelly running his thumb across your lip. Your heart skipped a beat, your eyes finally set on his figure.
"Second, you leave us... breaking our promise," He continued, striking your heart where it hurts.
You bit your lip, eyeing him as he let his hand drop to your shoulder. He pushed you further against the wall. You shivered, yet not from the freezing stone this time.
"I-I... even you said you had no attachment to Fodlan! I thought you wouldn't..." You trailed off, searching for an excuse.
"Everyone thought you died! I thought you died! And yet..." His voice rose, yet less out of anger. He finally brought his face to your extremely red own.
"Where was I? Oh yeah, finally..." You stiffened, knowing what he was going to bring up.
"Leaving me hanging."
Before you all reunited, you had made a short trip into Fodlan to grasp the situation. Yet, your undercover mission soon became an open one as a fateful night in Derdriu occurred.
It was a warm evening the night you had made it into the lively streets of the city. Even after the effects of war, the city still seemed to bustle. Unassumedly passing by citizens happily talking, you looked for any Knights of Seiros stationed nearby or even members of the Leicester military. Noticing a particular armoured woman, you tapped her shoulder.
She turned, giving you a pleasant smile. "Do you need anything, ma'am?"
You nodded, playing with the sides of your bodice. "I live a while from the military posts, so could you please tell me... um, how is the war going?" Embarrassed, she laughed softly before explaining.
However, you were unaware of a keen eye watching you. The familiar bobbing of unruly hair, gleaning of sun-kissed skin tied in with a confident stance clued Claude onto just who it was he saw. He waited patiently behind market stalls, keeping an eye on you as you bid the woman goodbye. And oh-so luckily for him, you headed his way.
You passed by him, oblivious to the archer's presence. A sudden hand on your shoulder caused you to jolt, your hand reaching to the hilt of your sword. Whipping around, your eyes soon met the green ones of a certain Alliance leader.
"C-Claude!?" You shrieked, hand still cautiously resting on your sword, unsure if he would take well to your sudden appearance.
"So you decided to show up, huh?" He remarked, and if you knew him any less you'd think that easygoing smile meant he was happy. But that smile never reached his eyes.
Yet, despite his obvious inner conflict, you expelled a breath as he pulled you into a hug. You soon wrapped your arms around him. It had been four years since you left after Edelgard and her forces attacked. You felt his grip loosen as he rose a hand to your chin, that oh-so teasing thumb brushing against your lip.
"May I?" He muttered, and in response, you leant into him, lips locking. What started innocently quickly grew messy and needy, your lips growing red.
As you pulled back, you felt the hard pressure as your fronts brushed together. You blushed before turning your head away.
"I'm sorry Claude, I have to go." You muttered solemnly, pulling yourself together.
"Wait, what? Showing up randomly after four years and then blue-balling me?" He teased yet yearningly reached out his hand.
"I promise, I will return and finish what I started!" You called out, running off into the night.
Your face grew hot at the memory. Shuffling nervously, you looked into his eyes.
"Then, will you finish what we started, miss?" He asked, running a hand across your face.
Inhaling, you nodded and answered him. "Yes... please."
With your consent, he pushed himself against you, lips squishing as he brought you upon his own. He soon ran his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for permission.
You parted them quickly, his tongue invading your mouth as your tongue danced with his. He began to unclasp your armour as you shifted to help them come off easier.
Before you knew it, you had both shed to your undergarments, all knowledge of this being an open area quickly leaving your mind.
His hands reached behind your back to fiddle with your bra for a few moments, soon letting it fall to the cold, stone ground. His eyes fell to your breasts, your nipples perk from a mix of the cold air in the Goddess Tower and the heat of the situation.
Quickly, his hands began to fondle and grope your tits, your hand slapping on your mouth as to not alert any patrolling guards.
"These really are great. Your armour disguises you, a good thing that is since you'd probably take a few hits otherwise." He commented cheekily, observing your tightly shut eyes and fluttering breaths.
God, he'd tease you even now!?
One of the hands dropped from your breast, the other continuing to squeeze and roll it like wet clay. The forgotten breast soon regained heat as the scruffy head of the brunette quickly moved to suckle on your aching nipple, causing you to let out a quick yelp.
"How cute." He mumbled into your tit, the vibrations sending a delicious shiver up your spine. Whilst you were focused on the pleasure at your chest, your throbbing cunt soon found a welcoming hand cupping it through your underwear.
"Soaked! Were you wanting this all along? Hah! Pretty slutty for an Almyran warrior." He cooed, fingers running against your clothed slit.
"A-ah... fuck you!" You hissed, deciding on paying back the offer. Your free hand reached down to cup his hidden boner, hand rubbing slowly.
"Ffffuck... fine, you want to do it right here, against this wall sweetheart?" He asked, grinning.
You nodded brashly, slipping out of your drenched underwear. He too shed his remaining clothes and your lips locked in a short kiss before he pulled away.
Grabbing onto your thighs, he lifted you as you hooked your legs around him. Pushing you against the wall, he angled his dick at your pussy. Rubbing slowly, teasingly. The two of you groaned, as finally, he stuck his dick in your needy cunt.
You gasped, feeling it stretch you out, slowly, inch by inch. Bottoming out, the two of you stilled for a moment, catching your breaths. Once you adjusted, signalling him with a nod, he pulled out to the tip, before slamming back in. You moaned unabashedly, eyes fluttering open to see Claude's face scrunch up.
He looked up to you coyly, smirking. "Do you want all of the monastery to find us? Would you like them to see you like this?" Your breath hitched.
"Sweating, being fucked against a wall by your former leader? After five long years, you decide to help." He hissed, continuing to thrust as you gasped with each thrust.
The fulfilling feeling of Claude's dick rubbing against your inner walls gradually inched you to your orgasm, the added brushing of fronts stimulating your clit.
"I could get used to this, you'll really help the war efforts this way. Those poor, exhausted knights who you could've helped. A nice cocksleeve like you, you'll do more by getting fucked than you have the past years." He grunted, venting his frustrations.
Yet, despite all the guilt you should've felt, it only made the aching buzz of your clit all the more stronger.
Your cunt spasmed with each thrust, the routine rubbing and brushing working you towards your end as you felt Claude's dick shudder every time he bottomed out.
"Maybe you could motivate Ignatz? He'd be shy though, but a girl so open like you would be perfect for that." He mumbled, watching your face darken.
"Or Raphael? He could use you as training. You'd be spent by the time he was even finishing, yet a slut like you would be okay with that, right?"
His dick continued to twitch in your pussy, your walls clamping around his cock like a vice. Fluttering as you were so close to your end.
"Shit... even Lorenz... he could use you as practice for his- ngh, noble duties!" He choked out a laugh, breath stuttering.
"But I think I like you best as my little runaway slut, yeah? You fit so well on my cock!" He emphasised the last word with a sharp thrust, your walls clamping shut on his cock, your head hitting the wall as you moaned in ecstasy.
He quickly pulled out, dick spurting ropes of cum on your chest and stomach. As you both caught your breath, you caught Claude smiling at you.
"It's good to have you back, my friend."
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sevarix-blogs · 3 years
Yurileth week day 5! I'm not doing the prompt today! This is just a random Yurileth fic I came up with. :) Enjoy!
Rating: G Ship: M!Byleth/Yuri Words: 2k
Summary: It’s well known that Byleth is the one who answers the questions in the advice box. Someone in particular attempts to use that to their advantage with mixed results.
Sometimes Byleth is very dense when it comes to relationships
The Advice Box
Although Byleth’s duties had changed significantly since becoming archbishop, there was still one job he still enjoyed doing from when he was a professor: the advice box.
It was a bit silly, he realized. Sending advice to anonymous people from around the monastery could be done better than through a simple box full of short notes, but there was something about it that people enjoyed. The idea that they could remain anonymous and get advice from the archbishop himself seemed to appeal to people especially after the war ended.
Byleth, of course, knew he wasn’t always good at giving advice, but he tried his best.
That day, as he reached the box in the cathedral, he noticed only a few notes had been left. A couple were typical stuff he was used to seeing, like how to save money or how to get better at fishing, but one was very unlike the others. And it was that one that caught his attention the most:
“There’s this cute guy I want to ask for tea, but he’s not getting all the hints I keep dropping. Any advice for how I can get through to him?”
At first Byleth was confused by its meaning. Perhaps the person being asked simply did not like tea? He wasn’t quite sure why this person even wanted to ask him to tea in the first place. And what did he mean by hints? Perhaps they had not even properly asked? The whole thing seemed a bit silly to Byleth, but he responded as best he could:
“Maybe just try asking him directly?”
With that, he pinned all the answered notes onto the board above the box, and went along his way.
The next day, Byleth found himself taking a walk through the monastery courtyard.
One thing he greatly appreciated was how many of his friends decided to stay at the monastery after the war. Dorothea and Mercedes stayed to help take care of orphans, Annette stayed to become a teacher at the Officer’s Academy, and Ignatz stayed as the monastery’s official artist in residence.
And, of course, always dwelling beneath the monastery was Yuri and his people. During the war, Yuri was the friend Byleth had come to appreciate the most, always offering to lend an ear or advise him on whatever he needed advice on. But after things settled and Byleth took his new position, he saw Yuri briefly and occasionally, and only to receive some kind of report from him.
That day appeared to be one such day. As Byleth began to move toward the cathedral, he saw Yuri approach him with a wave.
“Hey, friend. Got some more information for you,” Yuri said, holding out a rolled up paper.
Byleth nodded. “Thanks. I appreciate it as always.”
“I was thinking,” Yuri continued. “Why don’t we have tea together sometime? Maybe tomorrow? Just like old times.”
Byleth blinked at him in response, not expecting such a request. “I… well, sure. That… that sounds nice.”
Yuri smiled. “Good. See you tomorrow.”
Byleth nodded as he walked away, and continued toward the cathedral. He could never turn down tea with a friend, though he found the suddenness of the request a bit uncharacteristic of Yuri. Either way, he didn’t mind.
Entering the cathedral, he moved again toward the advice box, looking through that day’s requests. Only one note had been left in there this time:
“There’s a guy I really like, but he got some high up position in the church and now I’m wondering if he would even be interested in someone like me. Should I still try to connect with him? Or is the relationship doomed?”
Byleth frowned as he read it, feeling sorry for someone being in such a distressing situation. He knew he was not good with relationships, but still he tried his best with his response, hoping the person who asked would find happiness:
“Just talk to him. He might feel the same way as you.”
As Byleth pinned the response to the board, he couldn’t help but feel as though he related a little to the situation. During the war, as much as he hated to admit it to himself… he had caught feelings for someone he considered a close friend. He knew that person would never be interested in him like that though, so he never even talked about it.
Hopefully he could help this person not make the same mistake that he had.
Teatime with Yuri brought him back to old times, just as expected. For a moment he wasn’t the archbishop, but just Byleth, spending time with a friend.
“So, I was wondering,” Yuri said, halfway through a slice of cheesecake, “You remember that advice box we had during the war? In the cathedral? Is it still around?”
Byleth nodded. “Yeah. I still check it every day.”
Yuri laughed. “I imagine the notes you get are less depressing than those during the war.”
“Definitely. Although the ones about relationship advice can be a little sad.”
“I just want people to be happy, I guess. Not to run away from a relationship that could have made them happy.”
Yuri smiled. “Yeah, that makes sense. Sounds like you had some good advice for them, then.”
He glanced down. “I hope so. I… kind of knew how they felt in a way. So I told them what I wish I could have told my past self.”
Yuri remained quiet for a moment, and when Byleth glanced back up, he appeared a bit taken aback. “Oh really, now? Well, if you ever need advice, I’m here for you, friend.”
Byleth smiled, feeling his cheeks become warm. “Thanks.” Then his smile faded. “I think my only chance has come and gone, though. I… never really had feelings for anyone but one person.” He avoided Yuri’s glance, trying not to focus on the fact he was looking directly at him. “And I don’t think he-- um they would ever feel the same about me. Especially now that we don’t see each other often.”
Yuri tilted his head. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. At least you still see them sometimes, right?”
Byleth looked back at him, wondering how different things would be had he been braver in the past. “Yeah. Better than nothing.”
The next day, Byleth was both confused and shocked at what he found in the advice box:
“The guy I have feelings for seems to like me too, but he’s too afraid to tell me. How can I show him that I feel the same way?”
For a moment, he thought maybe it was the same person from before, but the handwriting looked different. Apparently everyone was having relationship problems around the monastery. Still, he mustered up his best response:
“Maybe get him flowers? Everyone likes flowers.”
He quickly answered the others, then went on a long walk. Maybe he shouldn’t have troubled Yuri with all his personal problems, but it was nice to have him listen just like old times. Maybe he should talk to his other friends instead, though. Talking to Yuri about such personal problems might be dangerous, since it might just bring up old feelings…
He shook the thoughts from his head, and moved back to his office. As usual, Seteth had organized a stack of papers for him to go through. It was boring work, but it was certainly better than fighting. Byleth did not miss fighting.
It was nearly sunset when he got a knock on his door. At first he assumed it was Seteth, begging him to go down to the dining hall to eat something, but after he told the visitor to enter, he was surprised at what he saw.
Yuri stood in the entrance, holding a small bouquet of flowers. “Hey, Byleth. Got a delivery for you.”
“Flowers?” Byleth said as Yuri laid them on his desk. “Who… who are they from?”
Yuri laughed as though the answer was obvious. “Someone who cares for you a great deal.”
He felt his face go hot. “Oh. Do you… know them?”
Another chuckle. “I know him very well, friend.”
Him? Byleth had no idea who that could be. A few women he barely knew had shown interest in him since becoming archbishop, but he couldn’t think of any man who would want to give him flowers. “I… well, I’m flattered, I guess.”
Yuri smirked, moving back toward the door. “I’ll let him know.”
Byleth looked closer at the flowers after he left, and it was then that he noticed.
They were all his favorites.
Another day, another walk to the cathedral. But this time, Byleth could only think about the flowers.
He knew it was a thing people did to show affection. He had received flowers before for other reasons. But to have Yuri deliver them? It only made him more confused. For once he wished he could ask for anonymous advice.
Putting the thoughts aside, he once again reached the advice box, and once again there was only a single note.
When he read it, however, his eyes widened:
“Byleth, I know you’re reading this. It turns out I’m pretty terrible at saying how I feel directly. But just know that I care for you deeply, and I have for years. I want nothing more than to spend more time with you. I hope you feel the same way.
- Yuri”
Byleth simply stood in place, stunned. Was this real? Or was someone playing a prank on him? But why would someone pretend to be Yuri? He had never told anyone who it was he had feelings for…
With shaking hands, he shoved the note in his pocket. This one he would answer in person.
Immediately he headed for the entrance to Abyss, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Yuri walking casually through the courtyard.
“Oh, hey friend,” Yuri said with a smile. “Pretty nice out on the surface today.”
Byleth’s hands were still shaking, and he found himself unable to speak.
“You all right?”
He pulled the note from his pocket and held it out to him. “Did you… did you really write this?”
Yuri smiled. “I see you found my note.”
“You… you really…”
His cheeks reddened ever so slightly. “Yeah. I meant every word of it.”
Byleth blinked at him. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Yuri, I… I-I feel the same way. I… have for a while.”
He smiled. “I’d hoped so.”
Byleth smiled, feeling a huge wave of relief. “I can’t believe it. I… I never thought--”
Yuri laughed. “You really are pretty dense when it comes to this sort of thing.”
“The flowers were from me. And all those questions you answered in the advice box about relationships? Also me. You gave me advice for how to talk to you. Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t realize it sooner.”
It was then that everything clicked into place in his mind. The question about asking a guy to tea was right before Yuri asked him to tea… and his advice about giving flowers was right before Yuri gave him flowers…
He was completely baffled knowing not only that he had been giving Yuri advice, but also that the guy mentioned in the questions was him. “Each one had different handwriting. How did you--”
“One of my special talents,” he said with a smirk.
“Yuri I… I can’t believe I didn’t realize sooner. I’m so sorry.”
He laughed. “It’s all right. Honestly, I thought it was kind of cute seeing your responses each time.”
“So you… didn’t think I would want to be with you? Now that I’m the archbishop?”
Yuri sighed. “Yeah. I realize it was a bit silly for me to think that now. But you just seemed so important and busy that… I didn’t think you’d be into a nobody like me.”
Byleth stepped forward, pulling him into a hug. “That cannot be further from the truth. You’re an incredible person. And beautiful. And kind. And--”
Yuri kissed him on the cheek, then returned the embrace. “So are you.”
Byleth smiled, feeling nothing but joy.
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beastburdened · 2 years
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i don’t know if this dialogue here would’ve been different had you not already done hapi & hubert’s a-support, but, i love that this is just an established thing between them now
that hubert will go out of his way to make sure the sudden appearance of monsters in camp isn’t blamed on hapi, even when it’s technically their fault. it’s sweet! he wasn’t asked to do that, he does because he cares about them and wants to do something to help regarding their curse. and with him it feels a lot more honest than say, linhardt’s c-support with hapi in three houses, where he’s pretty blatant about being kind to a frustrated hapi solely so they don’t have to fight a monster from their sighs
not to mention, things are different in hopes. there’s no professor byleth and therefore no cindered shadows or ashen wolves recruited into whichever house is chosen by the player. as a result, people around the camp don’t really know about hapi. while they do confirm that yeah there’s still some level of rumour floating around regarding their ability to summon monsters, lysithea mentions as such just a few dialogue boxes earlier, it’s likely nowhere near the level it was in houses at the monastery (take hapi’s b-support with byleth, where they admit it’s something that genuinely gets to them, and further still in their a-support with ashe)
so even though they’re still having to fight in a war, it’s at least in a much better atmosphere than it was in three houses. here they aren’t as scrutinised for their curse and how it endangers others because most people just don’t know
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Hey Roddy. I was wondering about the Eisner Twins and Sothis again and stopped to ask how much info they share. Does Lethe know about Sothis or anything?
Great question! The answer is "not for a while" - B doesn't tell anyone about Sothis until after the battle in the Sealed Forest where she fuses with Sothis, and then she lays out the full story because both Lethe and Claude have read the diary and there's not much point to trying to hide it now. (Dimitri, with no context for anything beyond B having the Crest of Flames and being able to use the Sword of the Creator, hearing all this like. What.)
However, Lethe really starts questioning what her sister's deal is the prior month - because while Byleth may have turned back time trying to save Jeralt, all Lethe sees is that B suddenly tries to attack Monica, and then some creepy guy appears and stops her, and then Monica stabs Jeralt and warps away. So while no one else but Lethe sees this, Lethe still has to ask: "You attacked Monica before she did anything - how did you know that she was going to attack Jeralt? How did you know that before it happened?"
And Byleth does not really answer, because she's experiencing grief for the first time in her life and is unable to process anything else. Which leaves Lethe trying to put a few pieces together on her own over the next week or so: the Crest, the sword, the lack of a heartbeat, everything in Jeralt's diary, and a very rare, precise knack for averting catastrophe by calling out sudden tactic changes or holding someone back--
She ends up concluding that some sort of limited foresight is a part of B's goddess powers, and B doesn't elaborate on the specifics because it's traumatic for her to think too long about how she's actually seeing people die and then traveling back through time to fix it. She wishes it was just visions or whatever like Lethe thinks it is.
Lethe is...rather hurt, that Byleth didn't confide in her, as Lethe has a very "we're supposed to tell each other everything" attitude, while B now that she's at the monastery and has emotions is slowly attempting to figure out who she is as an individual, and not just the extension of her sister she's been content to be for the past 20 years of her life.
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bayalexison · 2 years
[FE3H Fic] Thunder Without Rain, Ch 7
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Summary:  Several months have passed since the end of the war, and Dimitri and Byleth are happily married. They are getting used to their duties as King and Archbishop and expecting their first child. Their relationship will be tested when negotiations with the people of Duscur do not go well, Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Byleth is riddled with a sudden and mysterious sickness. Warnings/Tags: Explicit, Pregnancy, Blue Lions/Azure Moon spoilers.
Those Who Slither in the Dark destroys a village, and Constance and Hapi make an appearance. (Also a subtle 3 Hopes reference?!)  For @dimilethbigbang​! Can read Chapter Seven over at AO3!
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frozenartscapes · 3 years
Hey there, I absolutely love your Silver Snow future AU! If you don't mind me asking, do you have an idea of how Edelgard/Byleth would confess to each other in the AU? Would it be something fancy? Or just a sudden realisation of 'oh, I love her' during a quiet night together?
So it's kinda...complicated?
Even though this is Silver Snow, this particular version is the one where they both care about each other, but at that pivotal moment where Rhea forced Byleth to make a choice, it wasn't quite enough. Byleth hesitated just long enough for Edelgard to close her heart off completely, and she and Hubert had warped away before Byleth could say anything. From that point forward, it was too late. But the actual act of betrayal had never really happened.
Byleth had never met a person like Edelgard before nor since, and while she could never fully find the words to describe how she felt about the former Emperor, she did know one thing: she wished she had been there for her. Romance or no, Edelgard was someone who needed her help. Byleth is a helper. She likes to help people get on their feet, fight their demons, rise from the darkness in their life. Edelgard had been there with her arm reaching out and Byleth hesitated. She hesitated when it mattered and it will always be the thing she regrets most in her life.
So when Edelgard appears before her after 800 years, that...changes a lot of things. Now she gets another chance.
Edelgard also would be dealing with long-lasting feelings for Byleth. While they wouldn't have lasted 800 years, she never fully got over her crush on her teacher. She, too, regrets not reaching her hand out again. Not giving Byleth another chance. Not believing she would take her hand if she had. She had been so careful in protecting herself from heartbreak that she smothered her heart instead.
When she comes back, she's been thrown into a future that is impossible to recognize. Everything she ever knew doesn't matter. The familiar things she can see are museum pieces now. Byleth is the only thing that seems to be the same, but even she has changed slightly. And while she's not acting like an enemy there's still that lack of trust. Edelgard does not trust people easily. Especially in stressful scenarios. But Byleth is the only person who could possibly help her at the moment so she doesn't have much choice.
So the two just kind of end up...dancing around each other. Byleth is trying to be kind and helpful, but in a way that isn't overloading. Edelgard is attempting to be civil because if Byleth decides to kick her out then she's not sure she'll survive long in the modern world. But she's also struggling with all sorts of feelings. Old and new. Byleth's kindness is completely unexpected and while the feral part of her that allowed her survival for so long wants to flinch away, hissing that it's all just a trick, the little shred of her heart that stayed soft wants it - wants to lean completely and utterly into that kindness and compassion that she hadn't know in so, so painfully long.
It's really challenging at first for the both of them. Now that she's not the Emperor anymore, nor at war, Edelgard finally has the time to reflect on what's happened to her. And it's not...good. Now that she's not fighting tooth and nail to stay alive and stay sane, she realizes just how tired she really is. How scared she really is. How much pain she had actually endured without so much as a tear shed. And Byleth struggles with seeing the effects of that. It all just hit them, like a dam burst. Byleth is even more upset and guilt ridden that she hadn't been there, because maybe if she had some of the things Edelgard went through wouldn't have happened. Or she could have been there to help her work through it when she still had something to distract herself with.
But they get through the hard part together, weathering the storm as a team. And it's not for a few months after that they just sort of realize, one day. Byleth was attempting to teach Edelgard how to cook a meal, and they were laughing and teasing each other as ingredients flew. Byleth hadn't seen Edelgard this free-spirited, well, ever. Even as a student she kept a certain degree of rigidity. But now her smile was wide and her eyes bright and her laughter pure. And despite the tomato sauce on her cheek she was the most beautiful sight Byleth had ever seen. And Edelgard could no longer feel the fearful, feral side of her that only acted for her survival. She no longer heard the mean little voice in her head trying to convince her that Byleth didn't actually care about her. For the first time, she could only feel happy things and it was because Byleth was there. Her life was full of light and kindness and it was because Byleth had been the one to fill it.
They do eventually do a grander announcement of their love but both of them knew long before that.
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