#a subway love story
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fivelila · 7 months ago
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Please let me love you, I can't take it anymore.
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oursecret87 · 1 month ago
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Warden Ingo
(100% inspired by @critterbitter )
(Timelapse under the cut)
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nettlesketches · 2 months ago
So I adore your hospital reunion comic, and it does end on a good wholesome note. But I had a thought and I just have to say.
What're Ingo's thoughts on the whole matter? Like after the initial reunion and high emotions are over, he would have time to process everything.
How he essentially just up and vanished from Hisui. No warning. No final goodbye. It was just a Tuesday that got worse to better.
Did he even want to leave Hisui? Like yeah sure, he's with his brother, but he built a life in Hisui in the short amount of time he had there. And he never got a choice in the matter.
Not too mention that everyone and everything old is dead now.
He would surely miss Lady Sneasler, Irida, the Pearl Clan, (not) Melli, etc.
Uhhh ramble over.
Oh last thing : does he have his Pokemon with him? In the future I mean. Like yeah he didn't use em against the Luxray, but maybe they were all just fainted. Or he didn't use them in his panic.
Enough from me, have a good whatever-your-timezone-is and holiday :)
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(in reference to this comic) yeahhh. yeah you get it @happyrunawayangel
Tysm for your ask!! You hit the nail on the head lol. while Ingo is overjoyed to have his memories return, obviously there is a lot of unsaid goodbyes and harsh realizations Ingo would have to cope with. Being torn from one timeline to another yet again leaves him with a lot of anger and depression; this time he at least has his memories of his time in Hisui, for better or for worse.
Technically, he’s now the last surviving member of the Pearl clan, which is ironic given that he’s an outsider. And yeah the extinction of the Hisuian Sneasler line would hit him pretty hard :(
And yes he does have his Hisui team- they were all fainted from a previous run in with an alpha that day; but he at least has them with him in Nimbasa now.
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just-b-wilde · 4 months ago
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Five ✘ Lila • Supercollide
I'm really obsessed with them, but god… we deserve a spin-off so much, because that would just be… aaaakafqafmlkagk!!!
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frobby · 10 months ago
i think its funny when in epilogue fanfics and such kdj and yjh have jobs cuz those men are literally unhireable
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caffeccino · 29 days ago
I will forever be an armored core v believer
Its cool that they dig up the fossils of these dinosaurs to kill each other over and over again
I swear V (not verdict day) is drawing some heavy ass inspiration from Equilibrium (2002) as well
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writing-time-bitches · 1 year ago
Onward! // Submas drabble
Based on this post by @critterbitter ! Go check it out. Now. 🔫😐
Zephyr loved his job. He loved being a subway conductor even if the workplace was at times subpar with its safety. Sure the rails needed to be redone, sure the AC sometimes shorted out, and sure people tended to battle on it a few too many times per day but by Arceus’ eighteen plates did he adore the Unovan subway.
The one thing that could possibly outdo his love for trains and railways are children. And there’s a certain trio of kids that come by every time, without fail, when his train comes to a stop in Nimbasa City. They loved the trains almost as much as Zephyr did, particularly the twins. The Sinnohan girl and her Blitzle were quiet, likely due to her language barrier, but they always seemed to be just as excitable.
It was commonplace by now for Zephyr and the kids to exchange greetings when they entered his train. And recently, the Sinnohan has been speaking more too! Zephyr would be lying if he said he didn’t feel like a proud father.
The kids, now with a new companion in the form of dwebble that relaxed in the blitzle’s bags, were seen commonly working on homework when the train was moving. School was starting up again since the summer has drawn to a close. The twins, especially Ingo, would often help their foreign friend with her Galarian and homework.
And today they seemed particularly determined though…
“Right on schedule, Mr. Zephyr!” Emmet and Ingo shouted in tandem, ending off with their hellos. Elesa waved with a grin and their pokemon did the same. Zephyr couldn’t help but let a smile slip through his stoic work facade as he tipped his gray hat at them. They hurriedly approached the subway doors exchanging friendly nods when they entered.
“Oh, by the way…” Zephyr rummaged through his coat pockets and produced four clear plastic bags that were tied with a cute yellow. Blitzle perked and brayed excitedly as he recognized one of the bags’ contents,”I remember you mentioning what treats your pokemon liked so my husband and I made some for you! I apologize if their not the best, I’m not exactly a baker… the sugar cubes are infused with lemon.” Zephyr mentioned, scratching at his growing stubble with an air sheepishness.
Elesa’s and Emmet’s grins grew wider and Ingo produced one of his signature odd Purloin-like smiles. Elesa bowed,”Arigatou! Thank you Mr. Zephyr!” Blitzle drew his lips back in an excited snarl as he sniffed at the bag of sugar, Elesa laughed and sat down in one of the seats close to the door he stood at. The twins were quick to follow her lead.
Zephyr loaded on more passengers, punching their tickets and all, requesting all pokemon larger 3ft be returned to their pokeballs unless they are medically trained. Once the last person was onboard he turned to the twins behind him, and as if they had used Foresight, they turned at the same time. Zephyr didn’t have to say anything they were already jumping to their feet.
Zephyr crouched down and turned on his radio,”Attention all passengers, Line 6 is now departing.” He held the black box towards the boys who screamed into the radio,”ALL ABOOOOAARD!”
All three of them snickered at the yelps and curses of surprises that echoed both within and outside the train. Elesa cackled at a group of teens who turned to glare daggers at Zephyr and the boys while holding their ears.
Emmet grinned with a mischievous triumph, foot tapping,”I am Emmet. I will never grow tired of that.” Ingo nodded in agreement,”Indeed, we owe a gratuitous debt for the times you’ve allowed us to send this train off.”
Zephyr gave a mere chuckle and stood up, straightening his coat,”Ah it’s no big deal. By the way,” he turned to his little passengers,”where are you headed off to this time?”
“Route 10.” Came the synchronized answer. Zephyr’s pale blue eyes widened before a worried frown found its place on his face,”Route 10? Are you sure? You know the cliffs are unstable there… and it right next to the League, plenty of powerful pokemon will be there.” All three nodded their heads, Ingo piped up seemingly having predicted the conductor’s hesitancy,”We are well aware of that. We plan to strictly stay on Boufallant herding trails and on designated hiking trails. And,” he spared a withering glance at his brother,”we will run and hide at the sight of any overly-strong pokemon.” Emmet shrunk at at the glare and exaggerated words,”I am Emmet. I prrrromise to follow the rules.”
Zephyr bite his lip, unconsciously running his hand through the thick brown curled locks of hair under his hat, a few strands fell into his eyes as he glanced between his young passengers,”Are you sure…? Are you going to tell your uncle where you’re going at least?”
Emmet and Elesa gave a shug while Ingo nodded,”That is the first thing we will do when we reach Opelucid. Right Emmet? Elesa?” Under the glare of the eldest twin the two electric-type enthusiasts were quick to nod. Satisfied with their compliance he turned to the other with complete self-assuredness and confidence.
Still, Zephyr couldn’t help but feel a little responsible.
“What if I came with you for part of the hike?” He offered. The trio blinked, apparently having not anticipated that response. Elesa was first to recover,”No need! We handle ourselves perfectly good!” She tried, her Sinnohan accent thick upon her clumsy tongue. Emmet nodded, with his little tynamo sparking,”I am Emmet! Thank you for the offer but no thank you.”
When Ingo hadn’t responded as well the two looked at him with a badly hidden pleas. Ingo, being the ever so responsible young man he was bite the side of cheek in consideration,”… I would not be opposed to the notion…” at that the litwick atop his hat started spewing words a mile-a-minute. Zephyr had no clue what she was saying but from Ingo’s grimace it seemed like something of a scolding. Ingo picked up his ghostly friend and muttered something in argument but the litwick was not hearing it.
Sighing in a dramatic defeat he looked up at the grown he had grown to trust sadly,”I must apologize, it would seem the party’s against a chaperone.” Elesa and Ememt and their pokemon gave a not-so-quiet cheer for independence while Ingo sat in remorseful silence. Zephyr sighed through his nose but gave an understanding smile,”It’s ok, I understand. You’re all growing up to be young adults now, it’s only expected you’d want to go off alone. But promise me one thing, you’ll call your uncle once you’ve reached Route 10’s entrance and when you get back to the city ok?” At that everyone nodded (Litwick gave a begrudging accepting nod and pouted; she will always crave independency and chaos) and Zephyr smiled.
“Good. I hope to see you soon when you’re done.”
Emmet tapped his foot nervously against the cold pavement of the station. Night was starting to fall and the Line 6 train has not arrived yet. Similarly Elesa had begun to pace around the small bench they were seated on, chewing on her already short nails.
Emmet leaned back and complained to his friend,”When is train gonna get heeeeerrrrugh.” He drawled, swinging his legs as he tilted his head to look at his brother who was busy trying to find out why their train was so late. Emmet didn’t like this. Line 6 was never late. Never. Zephyr would never let the subway be so late, especially when he and his friends were supposed to board. Litwick was unusually quiet too, she would definitely be complaining loudly by now but she was statue still as if her wax had cooled off and quiet as the stale wind in the tunnel they were in.
His and Ingo’s moms must be worrying. They should’ve been home by now…
Where the hell was Line 6?
A soft choked gasp erupted unbidden from his brother. Straightening with alarm he and Elesa turned to the eldest of the three,”Ingo? What’s wrong?” Ingo, face sucked pale as the snow that surrounded Iccirus City, turned to face his companions. Emmet felt the unease that was already bubbling in his stomach rise to just underneath his skin at the horrified and grief-stricken look on Ingo’s face. What happ—
“Line 6… had a derailment.”
Two days after the reported crash, the Nimbasan kids stood at the edge of a gathered group of mourners. Their pokemon were tucked in their pokeballs today.
The sun beat down on the group in an almost mockingly cheerful way. Elesa wished the scenery was like what it was in movies. Clouds should be covering the sun, the threat of rainfall thick in the air and congested with sombre music. Not the energetic chirping of pidoves, the yawns of sewaddles and swadloons or the cheerful floating of nearby whismsicott.
It should be depressing. Not single sound should be heard but the barely contained sniffles and sobs of the grieving.
Elesa glanced at the tombstone’s writing: Here lies Zephyr Harrison, loving son, brother and husband. 19xx - 19xx.
Elesa quickly has to look away, hands gripping each other tightly enough that she could feel her nails dig into her skin. She couldn’t bear to think about the kind train conductor who smiled at her proudly whenever she spoke a sentence in galarian, or the man who had given all of them tailor-made gray conductor hats that matched his. She couldn’t bear to think of the man who felt like a doting older brother or a second father.
Next to her Emmet was swaying a little too hard, almost tipping to fall on his face one too many times, and staring— no, glaring— at the earth beneath him like it had wronged him in some inexcusable way. His smile was no where to be seen, replaced by a tight, wobbly straight line instead. His eyes were misty with unshed tears.
Ingo wasn’t much better. His face was schooled into a mask of indifference as he stared distantly past the grave and stock still like a statue. The only thing that told you he was alive was the uneven and short breaths he was taking, as if trying to not burst into fat ugly tears.
To be honest, Elesa was trying to not do the same. She never noticed how constant Zephyr was in their lives until he was 6 feet in the ground. Her mind couldn’t stop replaying all the little moments she had shared with the older man, his fond smiles and the proud glimmer in his eyes, other tics the man had. Like adjusting his hat just before leaving to the control car, or carting his hand through his hair, or how his eye twitched every time he dealt with a Karen on his train. The slightly off-center quirked lips in his teethy grins.
Grief burrowed itself deeper in her heart when she realized she was never going to feel Zephyr’s hand ruffled her hair with unsaid affection.
Elesa was going to miss Zephyr.
The twins were going to miss Zephyr.
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l0ganberry · 5 months ago
I just had a thought that compared Sebastian Solace to a subway tuna sandwich-
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cuz-reasons · 1 year ago
Summary: A Sitrus berry can go a long way.
Thinking and pondering and considering Emmet and Archeops
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fivelila · 5 months ago
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star-bastard · 7 months ago
"i felt that five had to have a love story"
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deadrocks · 1 month ago
Hate when a factual inaccuracy takes me out of a fic too thoroughly to continue. It's a me problem, I recognize this, and yet I can't banish it.
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sataara · 11 months ago
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This is the most self indulgent thing I've ever drawn dksbsksbsksbk
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writtenbychip · 10 months ago
I'm new here!
Hi all! My name is Chip Francine and I’m new here at, Tumblr. With great enthusiasm, I’m thrilled to be here, and eager to share my fiction writing with all of you.
Having dedicated the past ten years to writing fanfiction (which brings me immense joy!), I have now mustered the courage to introduce my original fiction to the world. Scary process, a little, but also thrilling and exciting. 
I am excited to share my debut serial story with you, titled “A Bronx Romance.” This is a coming of age story focusing on two 19-year-old girls from New York City who fall in love in 1977.
As the weeks progress, and I figure out how to use this platform more, I will be posting snippets from the story, share a few facts about that era and talk about my writing process a bit.
I hope it will be an enjoyable and exciting experience for everyone! Thanks! And remember to follow! :)
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azure-the-egg · 11 months ago
Do you ever get the feeling that you are the cryptid in someone else’s life?
For example, some days if I’m hungry but not so hungry to eat a meal, I stop by Subway and ask for some fresh mozzarella.
Sometimes it’s 4 pieces, sometimes 12, sometimes a small cup full of it. Either way, I pay whatever they decide to charge me and I go on my merry way happily snacking on the cheese.
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displayheartcode · 1 year ago
🦤 a quote you had to delete :( (but still wanna share!)
from my short story -
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this is from the second draft and it was deleted for a number of reasons. 1) it served little as a transition scene 2) I could move the conversation closer to the climax 3) the a-train to inwood had pissed me off that day so no cameo!
(why the fuck aren't there more direct subway lines in brooklyn?)
also, i forgot that micah was called ilya in the first few drafts. it was a leftover from a previous piece dealing with reincarnation as the main plot device, but micah felt like it straddled the secular and modern orthodox world better. `
wip game of birds!
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