#a sneak peak at what I am cooking
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“Y’know, he should really change his name to Revolver, it would better suit him.” said Soulburner as they sighed at that.
Varis stayed quiet as he did try to name himself Revolver, but it wasn’t child friendly for Link VRAINS, so Varis was the next best solution.
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New Girlfriend III
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle x Teen!Reader
Summary: You make a game
When Lucy cracks open your door, you're as you always are.
You're hunched over your computer, clicking around some game level aimlessly with your tongue sticking out in concentration.
Your mice, like they always are when you're in the room, are running riot in their pen.
Outside of their cage and on the floor, you've set up a little pen for them to roam around and play in.
Lara and Zelda are wrestling like always as Clementine tries to work through the enrichment puzzle full of food. Ezio is asleep, flopped over on your shoulder as you study whatever new game you've found.
"You ready for dinner?"
Now that it's gotten colder, you've managed to get even moodier than before and even more of a shut in.
"One sec," You say. You click around the game level a bit more before pulling up a separate tab to type a long string of something Lucy can't even hope to understand. "Alright, I'm done. What's up?"
Lucy rolls her eyes fondly. "Dinner. Now. Ona cooked."
You push your chair out from your desk and stretch, your back cracking from the long hours you've spent hunched over.
You put the mice back into the cage, each of them getting a quick snuggle and kiss before you bolt it shut.
"Is it good food?" You ask as you go down the stairs.
"It's better than your mum makes!" Ona calls out and you grin.
"Yeah, but anything's better than Mum's cooking!"
Lucy grumbles, shaking her head. "One nice meal is all I ask. One meal where I don't get horrifically bullied!"
"We don't bully you," You say," It's character building!"
You and Ona laugh and Lucy just rolls her eyes. Sometimes, you think she would prefer if it went back to what it was like when you were first adapting to Ona.
"Oh," She says," I sent you those audio files you wanted."
Lucy frowns. "She's been making you do those too?"
"Yeah, it's for a school project, right?"
You nod. "Uh-huh. It's for programming."
"I know I shouldn't have let you sign up for that," She says," It's all you ever do. I think you're losing sleep over it."
"You'll like it," You declare," What I'm working on. I promise."
"I'm sure that I will but it doesn't mean I think you're sleeping well. Put it down for once, that's all I'm saying."
You roll your eyes.
Lucy's always like that about your programming. Sometimes she lays asleep at gone three in the morning and can still hear you typing away on your computer for hours on end.
You return to your room after dinner ends and briefly come out to show Ona what you're working on while also denying Lucy the same opportunity.
"You've love it," Ona assures her at training the next day.
"Love what?" Keira asks," Oh, y/n's game? Yeah, you'll love it, Luce."
"Am I the only one that hasn't seen it?!" She demands, glancing around the room at people who are trying to not make eye contact with her. "Seriously? Raise your hand if you've seen it?"
Slowly, everyone raises their hand.
"This is so unfair!"
When you first got given the project, Lucy had been the first person to be clued into your plans. You showed her all your design sketches and all your ideas as you jumped between them.
At one point, one of your bedroom walls had been covered in concept designs and you would stand in front of it and point out certain aspects you liked and things you didn't think were quite perfect yet.
Lucu had been integral to your thought process and then all of a sudden she was shut out. You'd ask her to record voice lines or demonstrate doing something but you'd never explain why or what it was for.
You all but unplugged your computer when she came in unexpectedly and tried to get a sneak peak.
"Alright," Lucy says when she gets home to see you and Ona giggling on the sofa together," I've had enough. Show me your project."
You sit upright immediately, eyes wide.
"I'm not taking no for an answer. I've had enough of the secrets."
She's serious. You can tell by the clench in her jaw and the way her arms are crossed over her chest.
Lucy's stubborn but you inherited from her so you're stubborn too.
Your cross your arms in the same way as you stand. "No! It's not finished! You can see it when you're finished!"
"Hey," Ona intervenes before the argument can truly get heated. Her hand rests on your shoulder. "It's okay. Just show her."
"I can't! It's not ready!"
"Come on," Ona says," Show her."
You glance at your Mum, who is staring at you with that same stern look and crossed arms as the one that she came in with.
"Fine. Give me a sec."
Lucy sits on the sofa as Ona hooks up a laptop to the tv.
You come back in with a disc and nervously put it into the dvd slot.
Lucy doesn't know what to say when the opening credits appear.
'Lucy Bronze: The Game' with a little pixel version of her holding the Champion's League trophy up on her head.
"We were meant to make a game about a hero," You say," And you're my hero."
#woso x reader#lucy bronze x reader#lucy bronze#ona batlle x reader#ona batlle#woso community#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso
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Room for One More?
Chapter 4
Summary: Your heating system breaks and you and the boys have to come up with an unconventional way to combat the cold.
CW: Description/Talk of Chronic Illness, swearing.
Pairing: Poly!Marauders x fem!reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Hey everyone! Thanks so much to all of you who have been reading and following along!
I just want to preface this chapter by saying that I am not a doctor nor do I have any personal experience with RA. I have done some research on it but I am definitely not an expert on the condition and I apologize for any inaccuracies that may be present in this story
My goal was to include a condition that mimicked symptoms of Remus' lycanthropy as I feel that is an important part of his character and I wanted to make reference to that. But if anyone reading who has more experience in this area has noticed anything they'd like changed or corrected, feel free to reach out and let me know :).
Otherwise, enjoy the chapter!
"Ah, fuck! Damnit!"
You jolted awake at the sound of a crash coming from the kitchen and a slew of curses that followed. A quick glance at your clock on your bedside table told you it was nearing 2am.
Everyone should've been long asleep by now in your apartment but that didn't always mean they were. You'd grown accustomed over the last few weeks to being woken up at odd hours by your noisy roommates watching international sporting matches on TV or attempting to cook an unnecessarily complicated late night snack.
This voice, however, you were not particularly used to hearing at this time of night.
You rolled out of bed, pulling on a robe as the harsh winter air hit you. You reminded yourself to ask Sirius about the heating in the morning.
Then you tiptoed out in the hall, a light flutter of concern in your stomach, to see what all the fuss was about.
You peaked around the corner to see a pajama clad Remus, leaning against the kitchen counter, a hand pressed into his forehead and eyes clamped shut in frustration. There was a wheat bag discarded on the kitchen floor beside him.
You approached cautiously, like you were approaching a wild animal. Then you cleared your throat lightly so as not to startle him.
He looked up, hurriedly trying to regain his composure.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he muttered bashfully, as if he was a child who'd been caught sneaking cookies after bedtime.
"It's fine," you gave him a tight lipped smile. "Is everything okay?"
He huffed and rolled his eyes, only this time you could tell that his frustrations weren't directed towards you.
"Yeah, I just have this... thing." He stumbled over his wording, clearly embarrassed about whatever was going on. "It's called RA. It's a type of arthritis. The symptoms get worse in the cold weather. I was just trying to heat up my pack but my fingers aren't working properly."
Your brows furrowed as a jolt of sympathy washed over you. It was no secret that you and Remus didn't have the most friendly of relationships but you still felt for him nonetheless.
"Well, here," you said gently as you moved towards him. "Let me help."
You lifted the wheat bag from the floor and placed it into the microwave. You expected some form of protest from the man beside you but were surprised when he stepped aside in compliance.
"Thank you," he muttered distantly. You expected that on another occasioned he may have rejected the assistance, especially from you. From what you knew of Remus, he was headstrong and independent, almost to a fault. However, tonight you could tell he was exhausted and probably in a lot of pain.
He leaned back on the counter as the microwave began to turn and a low humming filled the room. In the low light, you could make out the lines of his face and the dark circles beneath his eyes. He looked slightly older than 23, you observed.
It seemed as thought the stressed of life had worn him down. Yet even at 2am with his hair crumpled from sleep and his eyes weary, he was still devastatingly handsome.
"If it's not out of turn to ask, how long has this been going on?"
"A while, since I was a teenager, at least. Maybe before that. I was diagnosed at 16 but I've had some level of aches and pains as long as I can remember."
You grimaced. "I'm sorry. That must have made things hard for you."
He shrugged in response. “It’s okay usually. I mean, I can deal with it most of the time. It’s just when I have these flare ups that it becomes a problem.”
“You’ve never mentioned it before.”
He sighed. “I don’t like to make an ordeal out of it if I can avoid it.”
You could tell from the look in his eyes that he was uncomfortable. You assumed he didn’t bring it up on purpose so as to not seem weak or needy.
“Well I hope you feel better soon,” you told him gently.
The microwave beeped and you removed the heat pack. You’re fingers brushed as you passed it too him.
“Thank you, really.”
He gave you a small smile which you couldn’t help but return.
“Don’t mention it.”
Going back to bed, you felt a little lighter. Things were far from perfect in your relationship with Remus but tonight had felt like progress. Who knows, maybe you were finally on the verge of a breakthrough with him.
Maybe soon you’d actually be able to become friends.
The thought comforted you as you drifted back off to sleep.
Stepping out of bed in the morning felt like stepping straight into a freezer. You shivered immediately and put your robe on. When that still wasn't enough to shield you from the cold, you pulled your fluffy blanket off the end of the bed before waddling out into the living room looking like a medieval peasant.
"Yep, this thing's buggered," you heard Sirius say as you stepped out into the living area.
"What's buggered?"
He looked up at you from where he was crouched in the corner of the room.
"The radiator," he replied, tapping it with his knuckle. "I'll call the landlord about it but he's a right git so It might be some time before he bothers to get it looked at."
"Well, I suppose we'll all just have to freeze to death then," James teased. "What a shame. I was really looking forward to New Years."
"You'd probably hold out a little longer if you ever bothered to put a shirt on," Remus deadpanned from his spot on the sofa. He was half listening to the conversation while also clearly immersed in a book.
James was standing in the kitchen pouring himself a bowl of cereal, his bare chest on display, showing off his perfectly chiseled abs.
"Oh come on Remus. Admit it, you know you love the view."
He sent his friend a wink as he rounded the counter and came to flop down beside him on the couch. He was met with an eyeroll in response.
"Sorry to interrupt the fun," you murmured. "But seriously, what are we going to do about the heating? I'm freezing."
Sirius stood up, looking at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, you know, we could always cuddle for warmth."
"Ha-ha. Very funny Sirius," you scoffed but the suggestion had James sitting up straight, coming very close to sloshing his bowl of cereal all over his lap.
"You know that's not actually such a bad idea!"
You raised a brow at him. "You can't be serious."
"I'm not Sirius, actually, I'm James," he teased. "But I'm not joking about this idea! We all have the day off today don't we? Why don't we all grab our bedspreads and we can huddle up on the couch and spend the day watching Christmas movies!"
His eyes were bright like a little kid's and you couldn't help but smile in return.
"Okay. That sounds like fun."
"Hey, it'll be like those sleepovers we had at your Mum's place back in high-school!" Sirius exclaimed.
"What about you, Rem?" he turned to his friend. "You in?"
The boy looked between the three of you for a moment as if considering the offer.
"I really should be studying today."
James groaned, clapping him on the shoulder. "Come on! It'll be fun."
He stood up, closing his book and began to retreat down the hallway.
"Sorry, guys. I can't today. You all enjoy though."
With that he was gone, the door of his bedroom falling shut behind him.
James sighed but it was quickly replaced by his usual lopsided smile. "Oh well! Let's get going then."
It wasn't long after when you found yourself situated on the couch beside Sirius, with James on his other side, practically swaddled in blankets. James had made you all teas and a large array of snacks were splayed out on the coffee table, however, none of you were willing to poke a hand out of your cocoon to reach for them.
You all decided to start with Elf (which James had suggested as his favourite Christmas film) and work your way through the list of classics.
Laughter emitted through the air as you watched Buddy the Elf discover New York city. However, you noticed the way that Sirius glanced down the hall towards Remus' closed door every so often, as if he was disappointed that Remus wasn't there to enjoy the fun with you.
You couldn't help but feel slightly guilty at the situation. You felt responsible for Remus choosing not to spend the day with his two best friends. You were sure if it wasn't for your participation he wouldn't have hesitated to agree to the day's events.
You had thought that last night had been progress but now you weren't so sure. Remus, for whatever reason, still hadn't warmed up to you, despite not knowing what you did to warrant his reaction and all the attempts you'd made at a peace offering. Whatever it was, it was starting to really frustrate you.
You tried to wipe the thought from your mind as the movie progressed, instead enjoying the time with the two boys you did get along with.
By the time the end credits were rolling, you'd almost forgotten all about your plight with Remus and were just enjoying the laughter that rang through the air at some of the commentary Sirius had made throughout the film.
"Alright! What's next on the list?" James called, leaning forward to grab the remote.
“I vote Home Alone!” You chimed in.
Sirius sent you an odd look. “What? Home Alone isn’t a Christmas movie.”
James gasped and you flashed him a dramatic look of mock offence.
“Yes it absolutely is!” James argued.
“Yeah, the best one at that,” you declared.
“No it’s not! It’s just a movie that happens to be set at Christmas time. That doesn’t make it a Christmas movie!”
You rolled your eyes. “Sirius, that’s literally the entire criteria for what a Christmas movie is.”
James shook his head at his friend. “Yeah! Next you’ll be claiming that Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie either!”
Sirius looked at him with a deadpan expression. “It’s not.”
James put a hand on his chest and pretended to faint at the notion.
“How dare you! Die Hard is a fabulous Christmas movie!”
“Okay, now you’ve gone too far!”
Sirius threw his hands up in surrender. “Okay okay, fine. Let’s watch Home Alone.”
You smiled at him. “Good, I knew you’d come to your senses.”
James chucked in response as he put the movie.
You nestled down into your blanket nest, feeling a shiver run through you as the opening credits began.
“Are you cold, love?” Sirius leaned down, almost whispering the words into your ear.
“Just a little,” you mumbled. “But really it’s fine.”
“Well that won’t do!” He shook his head playfully. “Here!”
He stood up from the sofa, gesturing for you to shuffle over. When you did, he sat back down on your other side, slinging an arm around your shoulders. James, who was now to your right, pulled your curled up knees into his lap so that you were sandwiched between the two boys.
You felt your face heat up as you sat there, surrounded by their gentle embrace. You hoped they were too distracted with the movie to notice the way your pulse began to climb.
“Feeling better now?” Sirius murmured into your hair. A chill ran up your spine but this one you knew wasn’t from the cold.
“Much,” you murmured nestling your head back against his warm chest.
You felt it rumble as he let out a chuckle, rubbing and hand up and down your arm soothingly.
About halfway through the film, you were interrupted by the sound of a door swinging open. Three sets of eyes looked up to see Remus shuffling rather bashfully into the room.
He was dressed in a large knitted jumper and long brown pants but even under all the layers, he was visibly shivering. You weren’t surprised. Those bedrooms were like ice boxes.
“Do you mind if I join you?” He asked quietly, scratching the back of his neck.
You smirked in response.
“Hmm, sorry. I'm not sure of there's any room left,” Sirius teased.
“Come on, Sirius, don’t be mean. He looks freezing!” James exclaimed, lifting up the blanket and gesturing Remus to join you under it.
Sirius rolled his eyes.
“I’m just kidding. Of course you can join. Here, sit, I’ll make you a tea.”
Sirius stood up abruptly, heading into the kitchen and opening a space beside you for Remus on the couch.
He looked hesitant at first, as if he wasn’t sure if you would want him with you, but you gave him a small smile and lifted up your blanket.
He sat down then, sighing as he nestled under the warm covers and you splayed the bed-spread over his lap.
Sirius returned moments later with fresh cups of tea for the four of you and plonked himself down beside Remus. You noticed the way the taller boy leaned into him, almost as if they were unconsciously pulled towards each other.
Sirius reached out a hand and softly rubbed the other boy’s knee. You raked your eyes away from the scene focusing back onto the movie. But every so often you couldn’t help but watched the way they drew together, like they were puzzle pieces perfectly made to fit into each others embrace.
It made you feel odd, and you didn’t quite know why. You had no reason to be jealous and you weren’t even fully sure who there was to be jealous of. But the feeling in your stomach had become all too familiar over the recent weeks.
You moved closer to James, snuggling in to his side.
Several hours, and four movies later, the sun had faded outside over the horizon. The room had become dark, the only light coming from the flickering TV screen as the Polar Express played.
Sirius sat up to stretch and looked around. It was then that he noticed you and James, fast asleep, your head leaning against his chest and one of his arms thrown lazily over your shoulder.
His glasses were askew and your cheek was smushed against the front of his t-shirt, hair falling across your face.
A smirk blossomed on Sirius’s lips at the sight and he gently nudged Remus in the ribs and gestured towards the two of you.
He raised a brow. “They look… uh, comfortable.”
Sirius chuckled. “That they do.”
He stood up from the couch, shedding his blanket and pulling his phone from his pocket to take a snapshot of the two of you, which he definitely intended to send to your friends.
“Leave them be,” Remus chided, grasping the boy by the arm and pulling him back down onto the couch.
“What? It’s cute. And it will be perfect blackmail material. It’s a win win.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “You’re cruel. You know that?”
“I’m wonderful, thank you very much.”
Remus shook his head fondly. Then he glanced over again as you shifted in your sleep. Without thinking, he leaned over and tugged the blanket up where it had fallen off your shoulder.
Then he sat back, nestling back into Sirius’ side. The other boy raised a brow at the display but chose to say nothing as he wrapped an arm around his friend and let the movie continue.
#marauders#james potter x reader#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#poly!marauders x reader#james potter#remus lupin#marauders au#sirius black
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Last Friday Night - p.b

‣ paige bueckers x reader!
‣ nika's version of this fic
‣ wc: 1953; sorry this is so short and lowkey not that good?
‣‣ synopsis: you and paige have kept your relationship on the dl for a while now, but what happens when your inebriated selves slip up on kk’s live? pretend the ncaa's lift on cannabis for athletes happens before the start of the 23-24 season!
‣‣‣ a/n: guys i'm so sorry for the utter lack of content but I just got back from camp and i am ready to feed y'all, i got a lot of ideas cooking up and i'm really hoping i can post a lot more while i have the time. also for the multiple versions, i genuinley couldn't choose who to write this about, so i just did both!
8:42 am
To say that you and Paige were in trouble by the events of last night was a little bit of an understatement. Both of your phones were blowing up by your respective coaches, teammates, close friends, and all of your social media accounts.
As you scrolled through your tiktok, text messages, instagram tags, and just about everything else on your phone while laying next to Paige's sleeping figure in her bed, it only reaffirmed one thing in your head.
You and Paige majorly fucked up.

12:07 am; where it all went wrong
With your volleyball season and Paige's basketball season being in their respective peaks during this time of year, you had barely gotten a chance to spend time with your girlfriend alone. The two of you were either travelling for away games, at practice, in class, hanging out with your friends or teammates, or busy studying. Needless to say, you missed Paige. A lot.
Which, combined with the weed pen you were hitting periodically, loosened your inhibitions to a whole new level inside of Ted's fairly crowded bar.
It wasn't jam-packed, but there was a decent crowd of older college students for a Friday night in October, especially since Halloween was soon to be approaching in two weeks.
Normally, you and Paige weren’t big on PDA, at most you would hold hands or give small pecks around the team, considering the fact that the two of you kept your relationship very much on the down low, not so much a secret as very private. You never denied any allegations but basically never posted together on your own, unless the two of you ended up in the background of someone else’s pictures.
Social media had a lot of speculation, edits, rumors, etc, surrounding the two of you, as you had no connection to the team as a volleyball player yet still hung out with them regularly. But either way, you and Paige always just minded your own business and kept everything very hush hush. Except for tonight.
Paige was sort of sober, she had done two shots with some of the other girls while you mostly just smoked a few times, not wanting to get super high, but just enough to let the tingly sense of giggly euphoria wash over you.
Yet one thing you failed to consider when choosing weed over alcohol for tonight was the fact that it made you incredibly horny. That, combined with the fact that you and Paige hadn’t spent any time together in the last three weeks, let alone have sex, were the leading factors of tonight.
The rest of the basketball team was spread throughout the bar, some were at a table not far from the two of you, messing around on KK's live, while others were dancing, drinking, or mingling with their other friends.
Which left you and Paige alone, squished together in the corner of the bar top. You were leaning with your back against the wall, standing in between Paige's spread legs from her position facing you atop the stool. Her hands were holding onto your bare thighs, occasionally removing her left to take a small sip of her drink before dutifully returning to your legs.
"I'm just saying P, we could definitely sneak out without anyone noticing, everyone's too busy doing their own thing," you attempted to convince your stubborn girlfriend, sweetening the notion by rubbing your hands up and down her jean-clad thighs.
As D1 athletes, it was obvious that the two of you had toned and muscular bodies, but one of Paige's features you found most attractive were her muscular thighs she built from her time in the gym and on the court, especially the way they would wrap around your head while eating her out.
"We'll leave soon baby don't worry. Besides," Paige leaned into your ear, her warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "I already promised I would make up the last three weeks to you tonight yeah? What's another hour ma?"
You bit your bottom lip as Paige pulled back, thudding your head on the wall behind you as your eyes trailed over the small smirk Paige held, now using her fingers to draw small circles on your thigh.
"Fuck, you're driving me crazy like this Paige," you reached your right hand over to the bar top, desperate to take another hit of your pen to ease the influx of horny thoughts running through your mind.
Before you could bring the vape up to your mouth, Paige grabbed your waist and pulled you into her, and despite her sitting position, you still only had a good two inches over her.
"You're not gonna share baby?" Her teasing eyes gleamed up at you as she licked her lips in anticipation.
You immediately knew what she meant by that, the two of you doing it all the time whenever you're smoking or vaping together (let's be frl, they're college students, it's NORMAL).
You smirked at her suggestion, leaning into her before taking a deep inhale of the weed, allowing as much of the smoke to enter your lungs as possible before using your left hand to grab Paige's jaw, pressing your open lips against hers to shotgun the smoke into her mouth.
You didn't even wait to finish exhaling all of the smoke and taking another breath before enveloping Paige's lips into yours hungrily, eagerily gripping her waist with the hand still holding the vape.
You kissed her passionately, deepening the kiss as you slipped your tongue into her mouth, the mixture of the rum and coke she was drinking earlier and the earthy taste of weed making your head spin.
You continued to make out for a few minutes, gently pulling away while tugging her bottom lip with your teeth, gazing down at her closed eyes and blissful expression.
"You finally ready to go home P?" You teased, licking your swollen lips at her finally needy expression.
"We're getting the fuck out of here, right now," she rushed out, flagging down the bartender to pay off her tab and the second she got her credit card in hand, interlocked her fingers with yours to drag you out of the bar.

Completely unbeknownst to the two of you, KK and her live had been at the table diagonal to you the whole time, and while her body covered the two of you behind her while sitting, the only shield you had quickly disappeared when she stood up, leaning over the table to steal some of Ice's food when it had been set down, completely exposing you to her two thousand viewers, who were no doubt screen-recording.
The camera clearly caught your lips against Paige's blowing smoke into her mouth before leaning in to kiss her, and despite the two of you being on screen for less than a minute, it was enough to cause an internet commotion.
KK's eyes scanned over the comments as she sat back down, blocking your frames as she shoved a few fries in her mouth. Her eyes widened at the sudden influx of comments about you and Paige, leaning in to figure out what was going on.
"I, what? There's no way y'all," she whispered to the table of Nika, Ice, Carol, and Jana. Aubrey leaned in from KK's right side, trying to figure out what had happened.
Covering the camera slightly, KK, and everyone else, turned around to witness you and Paige's little makeout session ending and the flirty whispers exchanged.
"Unfortunately tonight's live is gonna have to end here girly pops, and if you think you saw something, no you didn't!" KK exclaimed as she quickly turned off the live, the table erupting with laughter at the situation. The whole team had placed bets on how long it would take you and Paige to fumble, and half of them had just lost a hundred dollars at your shennagains.

The walk back to Paige's apartment was brief, filled with flirty touches and short pecks to tide the two of you over until you finally entered home, Paige immediately pushing you up against the front door, moving her lips down your neck and around your collarbones with gentle grazes of her teeth and soothing licks.
"P please, stop teasing," you breathed out, grasping Paige's hair tightly from her scalp with your hand, pulling her face up to yours to gaze down at her with a pleading expression.
"Aw, my poor baby," she cooed, mocking your horny desperation for her, but thankfully Paige wasn't that cruel.
She led you over to her bedroom, slamming her bedroom door behind her as she pulled your shirt over your head, unfastening the bra clipped behind your back all while reconnecting your lips as she laid you down onto the bed.
You moaned into her mouth as her long fingers bunched your skirt up by your waist, rubbing gentle circles on your clit through your panties.
Before you even had the chance to ask for more, she slid the fabric to the side, running her fingers through your slick before inserting two of her fingers, curling them up into you as you let go of her lips to throw your head back, moaning loudly at her ministrations.
"Oh my god Paige, right there baby, fuck," your leg wrapped around her waist tightly as you clenched around her fingers, bucking your hips up to match her movements. Your hands making their way around her neck and back, pressing her body firmly up against yours.
Normally you wouldn't be so close to finishing within a few minutes, but the weed from earlier created a delirious fog that clouded your brain and with the way Paige's fingers were both pressing into your g-spot and rubbing your clit, your orgasm was quickly approaching.
"Fuck I'm so close P, please just need a little more," you whimpered into her ear, moving your lips down to nip at the sweet spot under her ear.
Her other hand responded quickly to your begs, twisting and tugging firmly at your nipple as she mindlessly muttered every dirty thought that crossed her mind, knowing how deeply her praises affected you.
"Doing so good for me ma, always such a good girl. You gonna be my good girl and come for me? Just let go for me baby."
Her words were the final thing to push you over the edge, the tight coil in your stomach snapping as you immediately arched your back into Paige, an endless string of moans and curses falling from your mouth as you let your orgasm wash over you fully.
"God Paige, I don't think I can even feel my legs right now," you giggled in her embrace as she slowly eased her fingers out of you, sucking the remnants of your orgasm off them before wrapping them around your waist, laying you over her as she laid onto her back.
"Hm, fucked you that good huh?" She smirked, using her clean(ish) hand to brush the slightly sweaty strands of hair that had fallen in front of your flushed face.
"I don't know why you're getting so cocky Bueckers, haven't even had my turn with you yet," you teased, running your fingers over her stomach, tugging at the remaining fabric on her body.
"Thought you just said you can't even feel your legs?"
"Good thing I don't need them to fuck you then yeah? Don't you think my fingers and mouth will be enough for you P," you retorted, shuffling your body down the mattress so you could finally have your way with Paige.

9:13 am
y/n l/n posted a story
#Spotify#paige x fem reader#wlw post#paige buckets#paige x reader#paige bueckers x reader#paige bueckers#uconn wcbb#uconn wbb#uconn#uconn huskies#uconn women’s basketball#uconn lives#uconn x reader#wbb x reader#ncaa wbb#wbb#wnba basketball#womens basketball#wcbb x reader#wcbb#wcbb smut#kk arnold#aubrey griffin#ice brady#jana el alfy#nika mühl#nika muhl#wlw smut#wlw
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gojo never wanted you to leave. honestly, he would’ve made you stay if he could. god he misses your smell, your touch, the food you would cook, whenever you came home late and he was already home and you melted into his arms because of how tired you were. he missed you so god damn much. but why did he fuck this up? why does he always fuck up everything that’s good for him?
“seriously satoru?” he hears while laying in bed, his eyes are red and puffy, he’s holding a piece of her clothing, her favorite shirt. he didn’t even want to look up.
“satoru, get the fuck up.” he looks up, his hair a mess, he hasn’t shaved in a while, so a little stubble is growing. his eyes have eyebags, they are so red and puffy, she can’t see his pretty blue eyes.
“satoru, i just only said we needed a break. i didn’t say we broke up. i said i’ll be back in a week!!!” she yells and cuddles into him trying to get him to smile.
“but-but you looked so mad and i couldn’t. i thought this was the end. you scared me. i hate you.” he sobbed between his words, making her want to cry but she didn’t. she rubs his back and starts to kiss his cheek.
“oh my big baby, what am i going to do without you? i love you so much satoru. we just needed a tiny break, especially me. that argument had me thinking about our lives, what should we do better and i just, i needed time to think by myself honey. i just wanna know what do you think about getting marr-“ immediately she gets cut off by the white haired man saying, “yes. i wanna marry you. i wanna have kids with you. i wanna do everything with you.” he turns around throwing her favorite shirt somewhere resulting with her hitting him lightly on the shoulder, he cuddles into her.
“well, surprisingly! i can fulfill one of those sentences right now.” she pulls out something from a bag she was carrying. satoru looks at the pregnancy test and get stares. his eyes start to fill with tears again.
“you’re gonna be a mom? and i’m gonna be a dad? we’re gonna have a baby? we’re going to be parents? babe.” he couldn’t handle his excitement, he hugged her and started to kiss her everywhere.
“first we need this house cleaned. what the fuck were you thinking? did you not think i would come back? you should’ve been ready for me. you don’t have our house cleaned! i will make you scrub the toliet with just a toothbrush satoru.” her voice gets stern and he shot up in the bed and started to clean.
in the end, no matter what they go through. they will always stay together. y/n is his sun, while satoru is the moon. in the end, she will shine bright for him while he will shine bright in the shadows for her.
hey guys! i wanted to try a new format! so this is just a little drabble :) but yeah! i’m gonna start trying new formats. this was to get my brain in gear again because i want to write all the requests and get them done :) but here’s a little something to keep you entertained! i want to do a gojo x pregnant!reader series soon so i guess here’s a sneak peak of what’s in my mind?
#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#romance#x reader#gojo satoru#fanfic#fluff#angst#comfort#gojo x reader#pregnant reader#gojo is so cute!#gojo satoru x reader
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Ok ok ok I am cooking up some dialogue for this Valentine’s Day fic! I was suddenly hit with inspiration…here’s a bit of a sneak peak 😘
~~~~ “Stay still, Luci~”
“Shh, behave now. I think it’s about time you started listening to me.”
“How’s my little pet doing?”
“I-I gaaahhhh f-ffffuuaahhh…t-too much…”
“Aww, poor baby…Do you want to cum, Lucifer?”
“Hmm, let me rephrase…do you think you DESERVE to cum?”
“Glad that we’re on the same page, love. Brats shouldn’t get to cum, should they?”
“You’re lucky I’m even doing this for you, given how you’ve acted today; teasing me while I’m out in public, making me come home early from my day out, not listening to my simple instructions…Now, what do you say?”
“T-Thank you, l-love…thank you s-so much…you’re too g-good to me…”
“Good boy.~”
#hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lucifer#hazbin hotel lucifer#lucifer x reader#lucifer smut#oh yeah it’s all coming together
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I am cooking..................................
Here's a sneak peak at my next planned series for all you 'A Cinderella Story' lovers out there. You are not prepared....😇
Gif by @dearabsolutelynoone
"You have no idea what it is like to be a tarnished jewel in a room of diamonds. You do not know what it is like to be constantly looked over, in favour of those who shine brightest. All I have ever wanted is to be the object of your eye, for you to look at me the way you look at Cressida..."
"You have no idea what you are asking of me-"
"I ask nothing of you!" You cried, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. The stinging sensation forced you to blink, your heart aching with every breath you took. Your chest felt heavy, a small choked sob breaking through your lips as you trembled. It was raining heavier now, your dress and coat soaked right through. You hugged your arms close to your body, sniffling softly.
"I have loved you for so long, Benedict. My heart has always been yours, but you have never truly seen me. I have spent two seasons as nothing more than a wallflower, constantly looked over and never truly valued, never truly loved...when you called on me that day, my heart soared. I felt as if a fairytale was coming true, that perhaps you felt something for me as I did you. But you only called on me to tell me you were courting...her, and it was then I realised that you would never see me that way-"
"I understand that our friendship means the world to you..." You choked, the taste of bile forming in your mouth as you spat the word harshly "...but I cannot in good conscience, continue to be your friend when my heart yearns for you, when I crave your touch so much that it hurts...when I know you will never return these feelings."
Your watery gaze met Benedicts, your heart breaking when you realised how dishevelled he looked. His dark brown hair now black in the rain, stray strands sticking to his forehead as his soft blue eyes searched your face desperately. His green coat had turned a darker shade, the velvet damp and likely now ruined. He released a choked breath, his shoulders falling as he spoke confusedly. "What are you saying?" He asked lowly, his voice soft and breaking, hinting at what your next words would be. He really didn't want you to say it.
Your lips parted, breathing in shakily as you tried to hold yourself tall. You didn't want it to end like this, you didn't want to let go. You swallowed thickly, the lump in your throat choking you as you replied "...I'm saying this is-"
Benedict closed the distance, cupping both sides of your face as he smashed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. Your eyes squeezed closed as you savoured this moment, the feeling of his lips against yours, his hands now tangled in your hair. The feeling of your heart breaking in two. You brought your hands up to steady yourself against his chest, grasping his coat collar greedily as Benedict deepened the kiss. His tongue clashed with yours desperately, you allowed youself to get caught up in the feeling of him before you gently pulled away, resting your forehead against his as you panted heavily.
"Please...don't say it" Benedict begged, his voice low and barely above a whisper. Another choked sob escaped you as you met his eyes, your heart aching as your grip on his coat loosened.
"Goodbye, Ben".
Tag List:
@infectedbypedropascal @erysione @spookystitchery @scoopsahoyspidey
@misscaller06 @slayqueenizzy @everythingmarveltopgun @idek-what-to-put
@everythingbagel00 @thecraziestcrayon @bollzinurmouth @reejero
@pinkcat246 @ambitions-like-ribbons @jackierose902109 @ladybirdbeetle7
@sweetsourpus @in-deans-arms @blackthorngirl @kee-0-kee
@sometimesminsan @prawntoastsworld @scoopsahoyspidey @darkness-falls-xo
@reallysparklychaos @hottie-bishop-belova @riptidewaters @jay-being-weird
@khhhhjj @golden-girasol @linnygirl09 @xoxonoire @stanmixtapes
@freyagallileaevans @gracielou0518 @judig92 @rafaaoli @queenslandlover-93
@esquivelbianca @fanfictioncafe @hjgdhghoe @sillynilly27
@this-gave-pidgeon-further-shock @avatarl0v3r @alice07ea @adoringanakin
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@justaproudslytherpuff @forever-is-the-sweetestcon @butterfly-lover
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@adrienette715 @weaselyss @maggiecc @longpondlibrary @bdudette
@ceciliahargrove @ifilwtmfc @dearmy-diary @hellothere7 @peachyyy-baby
@avngrssckr @lolly145 @ksgeeze @hawklovesskippy @staplerrrr @lyralikesshifting
@f0x33 @123iloveyou456 @kaygilles @spilled-coffee-cup @maddielovesurmom321
@spaoderapar @absolutemarveltrash @swiftsrqmantic
@fandom-princess-forevermore @western-pyro @evasmlp
@gayfrog29 @curiosityterminated @mysticwitchcraftco @greenvita
@everythingmarveltopgun @elite4cekalyma @tulipatheticee @marveldaddys
#benedict bridgerton x reader#benedict bridgerton#benedict bridgerton imagine#bridgerton x reader#bridgerton#bridgerton imagine#luke thompson
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I have big things I'm cooking for the Undertale fandom. I made my own fan-character and am making a full blown comic. For now I'm withholding posting what I did so far, but stay tuned for more. Hopefully I'll be dropping a lore bomb, ref sheet and some comic pages beginning of next month. This is a sneak peak of one of the comic panels. Killer Sans has nothing to do with anything and it's his only appearance.
Soon... Undertear
Killer Sans belongs to RahafWabas
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Chat, was I cooking or nah?
This is a small sneak peak into my next fanfic im writing and I need to know if im actually working with something, I think I didn't do too bad. But let me know in the comments what I should change!!!
The alley reeks of piss and burnt-out dreams. You’re halfway through lighting a cigarette—hands still trembling from tonight’s “meeting” with Fisk’s bookkeeper—when the first punch lands.
It’s not professional. No brass knuckles, no silent goon in a ski mask. Just a wiry man with bloodshot eyes and a switchblade, his voice cracking as he spits, “You got my brother killed! You let that monster walk!”
Ah. Right. Marco Spinelli’s case. The brother of the woman Spinelli strangled in a fit of rage after you convinced the jury it was “self-defense.” You’d sent flowers to the funeral. Fisk had laughed.
You don’t bother dodging the next blow. The knife grazes your ribs, but you’re too busy calculating: If I scream, will Fisk’s surveillance team intervene? Or will they let this play out, another test of loyalty?
The man slams you against the brick wall. Your head cracks against the mortar, stars exploding behind your eyes.
“You’re a monster,” he snarls.
You almost smile. If only he knew.
Then—a thwip of something slicing the air. A red blur slams into your attacker, sending him sprawling. The knife clatters to the ground as Matt Murdock pins the man with one hand, his other fist raised.
“Stay down,” Matt growls, His voice was deeper, rougher—a far cry from the soft-spoken tone you once knew.
The man scrambles backward, eyes wide. “F-Freak!” He bolts, disappearing into the maze of fire escapes.
Matt turns toward you, chest heaving. “Are you hurt?”
You swipe blood from your split lip. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
He freezes. “He was going to kill you.”
“And?” You straighten your torn coat, fingers brushing the hidden tracker Fisk planted in the lining. Let him watch. Let him see how loyal I am. “Now he’ll come back. Or send friends. And I’ll have to clean up your mess.”
Matt steps closer, his mask doing nothing to hide the fury in his clenched jaw. “You’d rather die than admit you need help?”
“I need one thing,” you hiss, “and it’s not a blind martyr playing hero. Fisk’s trust is a house of cards. One whiff of you near me, and it collapses.”
He grabs your arm, gentler than you expect. “Let me take you to a hospital.”
You yank free. “Touch me again, and I’ll file a restraining order.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“I’ve bled worse for less.” You relight your cigarette, the flame trembling in your grip. “Go save someone who cares, Murdock.”
He doesn’t move. “Why do you let him use you?”
The truth claws at your throat—Because every scar Fisk gives me is a receipt I’ll cash in when I bury him. Because my sister’s kids sleep soundly in a house his money bought, and I won’t let them pay for my revenge.
You blow smoke in his face. “Better his weapon than his target.”
For a heartbeat, he looks like he wants to shake you. Or kiss you. Or both.
Then his head snaps toward the rooftops. “They’re coming. Fisk’s men.”
“Good.” You lean back against the wall, the brick biting into your bruises. “Let them find me like this. Gives the performance some… authenticity.”
Matt swears under his breath. “This isn’t a game.”
“No,” you say, smiling as headlights turn into the alley. “It’s a war. And you’re not on my side.”
He was gone before the black SUVs even hit the brakes.
Fisk’s enforcers swarm you, all false concern and veiled threats. “Who did this to you, ma’am?”
You let your voice shake. “Some lunatic. Thought I was someone else.”
As they usher you into the car, you catch a shadow perched on the rooftop—red suit blending into the neon.
You mouth two words into the dark: “Stay. Away.”
He doesn’t.
#marvel#mcu#arkofangels#fanfic#matt murdock#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock fanfic#matt murdock x you#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock angst#matt murdock fluff
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Your Summer Together - Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Shoko Ieiri
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x gn! reader, Suguru Geto x gn! reader, Shoko Ieiri x gn! reader
Genre: pure fluff hcs
Summary: just some hcs of what your summer would be like while dating one of the core three
CW: established relationship, s2! Shoko, Geto and Gojo, they’re still students at Jujutsu Tech in this, mentions of drinking/smoking
so I think it’s plain to see that JJK2 is rotting my brain rn. shoko’s design is absolute PEAK and I am in love w all three of them. this is meant to take place around 2006 while they’re still students at the academy, but you could probably take it either way. anyway, would love some JJK requests of these three if anyone else has brain rot 😭 also I am now completely caught up on the manga and idk what to do w my life
Satoru Gojo:
lots and lots of sweets
definitely takes you to the arcade so you can watch him set the high score on games
“babe are you watching? babe pls”
he is CLINGY too
always following you around and practically glued to your side
whenever one is seen without the other, Geto and Shoko always ask where your “carry on” is
he is the EXPERT at sneaking around too
knows every single place you can make out during the day without getting caught
and makes a point of using ALL of them
takes refuge in your room whenever he’s done stuff to piss someone off (usually Yaga)
probably sleeps more in your room than he does in his own
like to the point your bed always smells like him and there’s always candy wrappers on his nightstand
gives you lots of random gifts too
from pretty flowers he found to expensive jewelry and clothes
just loves to spoil you
takes you to almost every summer event
fireworks? he’s taking you to the best spot in the city
expect lots of beach days too
this man will drag you out every day and make you watch him show off in the water
"babe babe watch this"
also ice cream dates!!
being stuck between two flavors so Gojo gets one and you get the other and the two of you share
really it’s just an excuse for him to have more sugar
you will be sick to death of him by the end of the summer
Suguru Geto:
expect lots of third wheeling from Gojo
like lots
like you cannot get rid of this man no matter how hard you try
sneaking around a lot to avoid Gojo
lots of sleepovers in each others dorms (and hiding from Yaga)
takes you around the city and shows you all of his favorite places too
expect lots and lots of random dates too
like going to the aquarium and then having sushi???
but also plans really cute activities for the two of you
takes you to places with really good views to watch the sunset
and plans for you to spend a night in the city just to get away
doesn’t like the beach but will definitely go if you want to (although he spends the whole day laying in the sand unless you beg him to come in the water)
looks damn fine in a bathing suit too
movie nights w the core three!!
definitely more of a reader and will compare the book to the movie
and you, Gojo and Shoko will be telling him to shut up
after everyone falls asleep on the couch, definitely starts being more affectionate to you
also brunch dates!!
this man is a sucker for brunch
tries to get one last get away with you at the end of the summer too
Shoko Ieiri:
expect lots of teasing from Gojo and Geto
but dw because there will be absolutely NO third wheeling
knows every place in the city she can get alcohol + smokes
takes you to a bunch of cool lowkey places that you’ve never heard of before either
she’s not a big fan of public events or big crowds, but you can probably convince her to go to a couple
lots of lazy mornings and afternoons together
also gets away with way more than the other two because she’s way less annoying
so less sneaking around too
cannot cook to save her life so more often than not you guys go out for food or order take out
staying up way too late + sleeping in together
makes you watch all of her favorite movies and watches you the whole time to see how you react
not nearly as horny as the other two but definitely gets some affection in too
you guys go bathing suit shopping and she insists on seeing every single one on you
gets you all flustered with her comments too
not one for the beach but Gojo probably drags everyone out at some point
she’ll help you apply her sunscreen but will not swim unless you drag her out there
Gojo probably throws her in at some point and she almost kills that man
she is the cocktail queen!!
like she will make you the tastiest, coolest, prettiest cocktail you’ve ever seen in your life
Gojo and Geto definitely treat her like their personal bartender
also takes lot of pics of the two of you together + has them strung up above her bed
#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujustu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x you#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk#jjk season 2#jujutsu Kaisen season 2#satoru gojo#gojo satoru#gojo x reader#gojo x You#jjk headcanons#jujutsu kaisen headcanons#getou suguru x you#geto x you#suguru geto#geto x reader#shoko ieiri#shoko x you#shoko x reader#x reader#x you#jujutsu kaisen x gender neutral reader
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Here’s a little sneak peak of a Folio one shot I got cooking up:
PLOT: Friends to lovers, denying feelings
WARNINGS: smut smut smut, slight angst (body image issues), spit, hair pulling, overstimulation, denied orgasm, unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it)
The room is filled with inebriated people. Either dunk or high. Or both. Me, myself being high. It was supposed to be a small celebration for Nicks birthday. Or at least what I was told. Nick knows I don’t like large crowds. So here I am. Sitting in a chair in the corner of the room underneath the red led lights on the ceiling. I’ve been here for over an hour and have yet to see Nick. My best friend. I’ve considered just leaving and texting nick, but something is telling me to stay.
Nick and I have been friends for a couple years. We met on the Underoath tour. I was their new merch girl. Nick was the only one who tried to get to know me. And since then we were inseparable. I’ve gotten to know the guys as well, them being like brothers I’ve never had. Jolly more like a grandpa but that’s cuz I tease him that he’s old. Nick and I have occasionally flirted, held hands, cuddled. But it was innocent. At least to him it was. To me it only made the feelings I have for him grow stronger. But I would never cross that line. I don’t want to lose him. So here I sit in the corner of Noah and Jolly’s home in California. Smoking my feelings away.
Just as I was about to leave, too overwhelmed to stay. I spot the birthday boy himself. He’s sporting a lopsided grin, giving away that he’s either drunk or high or both. Most likely both. I watch him under the red lights. Noticing how sinful he looks. His sweat glistened body shining, emphasizing his biceps and tattoos. His hair falling in front of his face. Everything about him has me clenching my thighs.
#bad omens#nick folio#nick folio x reader#nick folio smut#bad omens smut#noah sebastian#joakim jolly karlsson#nicholas ruffilo
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Is it the holiday season, or are you just a genius cause my yearning heart is being well fed by your tiefling headcanons. I hope this ask inspires :)
I’d go feral for some good pining headcanons; what are they like in the gray space between flirting and relationship? Especially if there’s mutual understanding that this might not be the best time (i.e. there may or may not be a mindflayer invasion in progress) and so they hold off on initiating anything, but have to watch as their crush dives headlong into danger? I love imagining ill-timed interruptions punctuated by longing looks.
Alternatively, how good are our darling tiefling bachelors at dancing? Would they learn a jig or two if their SO loved dancing?
Here's a lil' something something for you about pining, Anon. I didn't decide to write a full set of dance headcanons (despite it being on my to do list right from when I started the blog) but I am going to post something similar 👀
What the bachelors are like while pining for you
This man pines so hard
He's touch starved to hell, quite literally, but has no clue about it
Dammon was sure he was fine right up until he met you and was hit with the realisation that he wanted more
The way he shows his affection is also anything but subtle, expect to know right away
It's never the type of affection that makes you feel guilty if you don't return it or makes you feel like you feel pressured
He's very easy going and good at reading people, he slowly increases how much affection he gives you until you both find a comfortable balance
Soon you'll find all your weapons and armour is repaired or replaced to the highest quality
Dammon is overjoyed if you return the same affection, even if you both know dating is off the cards for now
Bring this man some home cooking and he'll want to marry you right then and there
It's a grey area you both find yourself in for quite some time, to the point you both often get asked if you're together
The way he blushes when people ask is absolutely adorable, even more so when he hesitates to correct them
Towards the end you both basically already live together, both slowly easing into a romantic relationship without realising it
Dammon is more than happy once the ilithids are dealt with to make things official, finally not needing to correct people anymore
This man is the king of pining, absolute reigning champion
He knew he was in deep right from the moment he first saw you
It's something he keeps under wraps very well, to the point that you probably won't realise for a while
He tends to sneak peaks at you when you aren't looking, or he comes up with mostly reasonable excuses to come and speak with you
If you call him out on either thing then he'll heavily deny doing any of it, despite the blush on his face giving him away
Even if there wasn't an ilithid invasion happening Zevlor would still be cautiously optimistic about ever having a relationship with you
He's wary of a potential age gap or coming across too strong and scaring you away
A part of him also reminds him that you'd likely want a suitor your own age
The best way to quell those worries is to simply return his advances with some of your own
It could be anything, so long as he thinks you're interested he'll keep up his very subtle flirting
Soon, the two of you are already regularly having meals with each other and finding ways to spend hours together
Zevlor is absolutely already thinking of the life he'll have with you after this
Rolan is a dick at first, he honestly is so out of touch with his own feelings that he doesn't realise he's into you
He's completely oblivious to anything that isn't directly spelled out for him, including how much he actually enjoys your company
It takes Cal and Lia teasing him relentlessly before he finally comes to terms with it
Once he does it hits him like a brick to the face
And after that, it's like a switch flips
He can barely speak to you now without second-guessing himself or tripping over words
It's enough to make you wonder what's going on until the siblings start teasing you both, much to Rolans embarrassment
He's always quick to shoo them away and apologise but his feelings are already clear
You're both smart people, it's easy to know now isn't the time to start a romantic relationship, but it's harder to listen to reason when your feelings get involved
After weeks of you both tiptoeing around each other, feelings clearly returned, he finally has enough
Rolans the fastest to take action on his pining, impatient and hating the uncertainty
You'll find yourself in Ramaziths Tower and kissing the tiefling that runs it in no time
Rolan is quick to pull you into him, kissing you passionately before making you promise you'll stay safe
#bri answers#baldurs gate 3#bg3#baldurs gate 3 x reader#bg3 x reader#baldurs gate 3 dammon#bg3 dammon#dammon x reader#baldurs gate 3 zevlor#bg3 zevlor#zevlor x reader#baldurs gate 3 rolan#bg3 rolan#rolan x reader
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Started following cuz I was intrigued by the Wonderland AU you got but GODDAM TMA TOO???? HELL YEAH. TMAxTADC looks fuckin BALLER with how you present it. A+ can't wait to see more of what ya cook up.
Also thoughts on Helen? (My favorite gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss and my beloved)
first off, THANK YOU!!! I’m honestly having fun coming up with both au’s, with lots of help from friends and fans. The TMA one is still in development but I can show a sneak peak for the bio’s
secondly, Helen is my wife. She’s an absolute amazing character and I am in love with the spiral because of her distorted self. :3
also she did deserve to die for both the story and plot, BITE ME COWARDS MUHAHAHAHAHA!
#the amazing digital circus#tadc#digital wonderland#tadc au#tadc x tma#tma au#tma the spiral#tma the slaughter#tma the hunt#tma the flesh#tma the web#tma the lonely#tma the stranger#tma fanart#the magnus archive fanart#the magnus archives#the magnus institute#tma avatar bio sheet#tma avatars#the carousel of eden
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Not an ask, I just wanted to let you know that your art is absolutely peak and that the buggest smirk ever appears on my face whenever I see your user appear on my feed.
Once again, I love your art!! I hope you keep drawing forever and ever!!
Thank you so much Anon!! 🥹💚
I haven’t drawn this much is so long!! It’s so great to be able to draw again, and creating all the lovely EmmRook fan art!! I love it when people reach out with their ideas or requests how they want to see the sexy Senior Necromancer 🥵 I will keep drawing if you and everyone keep filling me with new ideas and short stories!
I am current in a WIP with 4 people and their short stories they each created for my Rook and Emmrich. Oof….i gotta say, you all amaze me and I’m glad I’m not the only one who views Emmrich that way 😏
Currently in a WIP with @ollypopwrites on our collab of Whispers of the Past! I cannot wait to be able to share more of Dahlia Ingellvar. I love her sm and the other daOC characters you will all be able to see soon!
**little sneak peak on a short comic mini-collab with @silshinobii from the short story fic they gave of Dahlia X Emmrich. I can’t wait to show the EmmRook fans what we’ve been cooking up!***

#dragon age#rook x emmrich#dahliaingellvar#thank you#da4 fan comic#da4oc#anon ask#sneak peek#wip#emmrich the necromancer#emmrich volkarin#emmrich x rook#da4 fanart
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omg i just saw that you're a monster lover. Are you possibly into the spicy fics on here? Cuz if so, any tentacle monster related thoughts mayhaps?
I MIGHT HAVE SOME. But omg yes I am. I think I've read mostly the same author over and over though just because their content is always peak (also because they're so popular it's one of the names that only pops up under the #monster-lover).
But tentacle monster? Oh I am a degenerate, alright so:
Loves to taunt you with them. See they're great at reaching any spot at any given time. Meaning you could be cooking dinner and a tendril will slide up your pant leg and into your panties just to tease you.
Alternately they're very sensitive to touch so you can sneak up and kiss at one and it would have them shivering until you're sucking on it like a sucker and my gods they are weak to your mouth!
Multiple tentacles. In. Every. God dang. Hole.
Self-lubricating too so no worries on that front!
Also V cuddly! Okay, with the tentacles come GREAT hugs so when your monster is needy, they'll come in and just wrap you up.
#monster x lover#monster x human smut#monster x human#monster lover#ask request#ask me stuff#fluff#tentacle monster#tentacles#monster fucker#creature
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Hi! Absolutely love ur work💕💕 Okay so could you write hcs with all four members (separate) that have a quiet/ shy type s/o?
(Sorry that this req is short but my brain is running out of juice rn, love the work, keep it up😘����)
ᡣ𐭩 tokio hotel w shy s/o
thank u so much! and don’t worry, you’re doing great! let’s appreciate all my shy and quiet homies out there! y’all deserve some more appreciation in your life.
headcannons down below!
loves loves loves that you’re shy, he thinks it’s so cute
usually one to go for loud spontaneous girls but you’re like a stick in the mud, and that drew you to him
since you don’t talk much you’re a really good listener, and bill is known to ramble a lot
appreciates the fact you listen to him attentively
because of how tall he is, loves the fact that whenever you’re out to meet new people you hide behind him, how you have to peak behind his shoulder once he introduces you to his peers or acquaintances and is always holding your hand through it, squeezing it to ensure everything is okay
hand holding in public gets you super shy but bill loves to show you off in any way possible
his love language is definitely words of affirmation, so will out of the blue compliment you to see how you react
hiding your face, not knowing how to respond, running away from him to only catch up to you quickly
he fucking loves that shit
“aww come on baby, am i not allowed to tell you how beautiful you are?”
just like bill, usually goes for spontaneous girls
but when he saw you at the club and how flustered you became when he hit on you, MANS WAS DRAWN INNN
physical touch all the way, makes you insane and knees weak, and he just lives for that
sudden grabs of the waist, hugging, holding your neck gently to swiftly pull you into a kiss
maybe if he’s feeling bold he’ll sneak a hand on your ass
the eye contact goes crazy, once you look at him and he catches you, he’ll never break his gaze
finds it super adorable that you’re always the one to break the stare down, laughs and pats your head always afterwards
omgosh loves and i mean fucking loves it when you hide yourself in his clothes especially his sweaters when he’s wearing them how you’ll just tuck yourself into the sweater bodies pressed together engulfing like FUCK do this more often he loves it
whenever you go out to get food, you’re shyness doesn’t allow you to take to service workers so he always offers to order for you, eventually it becomes a habit and does it himself
“how’s that baby, i made sure to get your coffee just how you like it.. oh me? a coca cola!”
introvert x introvert ALL THE WAYY BABEYYY
the way you and gustav show affection for one another usually comes from physical touch or acts of service
communicating with each other isn’t hard, it’s almost like a spidey sense where you just know what the other person wants or needs and can simply do that for them
expect soo many cuddles, movie marathons and baking/cooking sessions, gustav loves to cook and bake with you, the playlist on in the background that the two of you curated for one another simply enjoying each other’s company is enough for the both of you
on the other hand, if you guys wanted to step out of the comfort zone to go outside on a date, expect to play rock paper scissors to see who has to talk to someone to either order food or request a table at a restaurant
you and gustav can also have one on one sessions with each other deep conversing, talking about anything and everything
can immediately notice when you’re uncomfortable or feeling way too shy or nervous in situations
will either step up, say something, or simply bring you somewhere else where it’s now just the two of you
if you tell and express to him how you feel, will fully listen to you, holding your hands together caressing them
“i understand.. we can either leave, or if not, you can sit next to me! i’m right here with you.
is the biggest shit ever
even more than tom, loves to tease you, you can find him tapping your shoulder and running away leaving you confused or whenever you compliment or tell him you love him will make you repeat it loud and clear
but if it comes to that case, will have to beat the shit out of someone if they make a comment about how shy or quiet you are
not much of a talker, but when he does find himself talking a lot more than you in conversations always asks what you think and what your opinion on it is
does it solely just to hear you speak because he loves your voice and doesn’t get to hear it enough ugh y/n what’s wrong w u??
expect him to rest his arm on your shoulder, head on chin, and bear hugs, he thinks that just because you’re quiet he treats you as if you were someone smaller than him
but he this is just how he publicly shows how in love with you he is
constantly compliments you on how you look, the outfits you wear, how good you are at things vice versa nd that
but you finally snap back at him and compliment him even further and woah honey you have him in a chokehold rn
“fuck, i didn’t expect you to say that, can you say it again? please? i wanna’ hear it one more time..”
#tokio hotel#tokio hotel fluff#tom kaulitz#tom kaulitz fluff#bill kaulitz#bill kaulitz fluff#gustav schafer#gustav schafer fluff#georg listing#georg listing fluff#2000s#fyp
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