#a sipp
feza-creations · 3 months
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honeygrahambitch · 8 months
Today I made a purchase. Was it expensive? Not really. Is it utile? No. I have no use for it. Is it super aesthetic? Yes.
If it arrives by evening I'll show you, you will understand what I mean.
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maxseizethem · 6 months
Oh boy! Ramshackle Pilot just a few days away! ramshackle Pilot episode is in a few days guys! Wow I am just so happy about this information!
(Editing this post:ITS OUT GO NOW GO GO GOG OGOOGOG AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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eirinstiva · 1 month
Love expert
Halloa! Bertie is back and with a story of his friend Sippy! (the one that got prison for punching a policeman? Yeah, that one.) This time there are two problems and the vase of discord.
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I just love how Bertie always has time to help his friends with their love problems when he's the king of the Aroace kingdom and the closest to a marital problem he has are the discussions with Jeeves about clothes and a vase.
Sippy shouldn't feel so bad for being a few days in prison, I mean, maybe someone would find his misadventure interesting.
Also having an inferiority complex due to a bad experience with a teacher is sadly a very common experience :c
Jeeves needs a bit of time to think a plan, I'm sure he would solve this two problems and the disaster of vase with one move.
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tomoleary · 9 months
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André Sipp “Gaston Lagaffe” Original drawing "L'Atonium" as a tribute to Franquin, Hergé, Morris, Peyo, Roba, Vandersteen, Walthéry and Jacobs.
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herzlak · 10 months
..... Sein unentdeckter Stamm im Dschungel fernab der Zivilisation waren n paar feral Bayern.
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fallout-lou-begas · 4 months
having a drink called Dark CM Punk (rum and coke but with pepsi instead)
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João Knorr by Fernando Sippe
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usagi-zakura · 11 months
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Who's the sidekick now?
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
fingonfin, gritting his teeth: of course i love feanor. he's my... brother in eru.
feanor, breaking through the wall: HALF-BROTHER
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rosemary-bells · 2 years
character development is coming to terms w the fact that like 90% of your favorite pairings now are just weirdo4weirdo
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secondmoonrise · 7 months
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watched the new Fool's Gold episode, I remember watching the first one and wishing there was more of it, now look how far its come!
designs are based on my memory so if its off just let me know
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dipps-sipps · 10 months
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I saw this and bought it immediately. Trying Los Pollos Hermanos horchata soda today. Cream soda can be good, so why not horchata soda, amirite?
It’s a hazy white liquid inside a 12 oz bottle with two anthropomorphic chickens standing cross armed on the front.
This one was painful. Imagine the cheapest carbonation flavor mixed with cinnamon. There’s hardly any cream to this, but plenty of cinnamon (this part is fine actually). If you gave this to me I wouldn’t be able to identify it’s horchata. Felt like a complete waste of $3 and I poured this down the drain after it sat on the counter untouched by anyone for a few hours.
Everyone gagged and nobody went for seconds. Everyone said they never want to drink this again.
I do not recommend this drink at all, even for the novelty. Genuinely tastes bad. Maybe I’ll give it a few points for having a cute cover on the bottle.
F for flavor and actual drink
C for the cute label
Edit: I have been politely told this is a breaking bad reference. Don’t care, label is still cute and drink still tastes bad
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princess-viola · 7 months
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eirinstiva · 1 month
"It came on me like a flash".
Halloa! I finally have time to read the second part of "The Inferiority Complex of Old Sippy" and honestly, this felt like being hitted by a train. Too many surprises!!!
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So this marital boss-employee discussion evolved into a war between generals. Bertie with the (not so good, in my opinion) idea of using a bag of flour versus Jeeves with (totally criminal!) idea of provoking an accident to Sippy. I was expecting to Jeeves coming with a more carefully detailed plan, or at least something not so risky and Bertie doing something dangereous but sometimes the switch places naturally.
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“Jeeves,” I said, “I would be the last man to accuse you of dithering, but this is not like you. It is not the old form, Jeeves. You are losing your grip. It might be years before Mr. Sipperley had a serious injury.” “There is that to be considered, sir.”
I can't believe I'm writing this but, Bertie is right. Let's see how work each plan.
Now, setting a booby-trap for a respectable citizen like a head master (even of an inferior school to your own) is not a matter to be approached lightly and without careful preparation. I don’t suppose I’ve ever selected a lunch with more thought than I did that day. And after a nicely-balanced meal, preceded by a couple of dry Martinis, washed down with a half bot. of a nice light, dry champagne, and followed by a spot of brandy, I could have set a booby-trap for a bishop.
Bertie is 70% alcohol and 30% food. No neurons working there. Maybe that's why his idea didn't worked.
I was amazed. The last time I had seen old Sippy, you must remember, he had had all the appearance of a man who didn’t know it was loaded. Haggard. Drawn face. Circles under the eyes. All that sort of thing. And now, not much more than twenty-four hours later, he was simply radiant. His eyes sparkled. His mobile lips were curved in a happy smile. He looked as if he had been taking as much as will cover a sixpence every morning before breakfast for years.
Let me guess, Jeeves plan worked.
Wait, did it worked? What the hell?!?!?
“Eh? What? Can’t stop, Bertie, can’t stop. Only looked in to tell you the news. I’m taking Gwendolen to tea at the Carlton. I’m the happiest man in the world, Bertie. Engaged, you know. Betrothed. All washed up and signed on the dotted line. Wedding, June the first, at eleven a.m. sharp, at St. Peter’s, Eaton Square. Presents should be delivered before the end of May.”
Congrats, Sippy!!!! In another question, are you ok?
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“Well, it’s a long story. Much too long to tell you now. Ask Jeeves. He came along with me, and is waiting outside. But when I found her bending over me, weeping, I knew that a word from me was all that was needed. I took her little hand in mine and⁠—” “What do you mean, bending over you? Where?” “In your sitting-room.” “Why?” “Why what?” “Why was she bending over you?” “Because I was on the floor, ass. Naturally a girl would bend over a fellow who was on the floor. Goodbye, Bertie. I must rush.”
[swears in chilean] What the fuck did you do, Jeeves? Did you strike him with the vase? Or it was an accident?
“Not altogether, sir. Before telephoning to Miss Moon, I took the further liberty of striking Mr. Sipperley a sharp blow on the head with one of your golf-clubs, which was fortunately lying in a corner of the room. The putter, I believe, sir. If you recollect, you were practising with it this morning before you left.”
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Bertie, I don't know how can you live with him, I knew Jeeves had all the potencial to be a villain and this story is my proof. It's fun to see Jeeves doing the dangerous stuff while Bertie is the one with a bit o common sense. They share one neuron and usually Jeeves is the one that keeps it most of the time.
“I informed him that your new vase had fallen on him, sir.” “Why on earth would he believe that? The vase would have been smashed.” “The vase was smashed, sir.” “What!” “In order to achieve verisimilitude, I was reluctantly compelled to break it, sir. And in my excitement, sir, I am sorry to say I broke it beyond repair.”
That was so clever! He could make something like Bertie and use the vase to strike Sippy, but there was a chance that the vase fell over another person or break it is bigger pieces that could be glued together. Reginald Jeeves won this match. And Bertie's plan?
I galloped up the stairs and dashed in at the door. And something squashy fell on my neck, and the next minute the whole world was a solid mass of flour. In the agitation of the moment I had gone in at the wrong door; and what it all boils down to is that, if any more of my pals get inferiority complexes, they can jolly well get rid of them for themselves. Bertram is through.
Jeeves is the MVP!
Pip pip~
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xamaxenta · 1 month
Made a pot of dashi stock for cooking purposes but then i drank it all orz
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