#a side quest that i had missed out on early in the game or smth. nothing serious anyway. at least not like that. im blown away.
tkbrokkoli · 2 years
the phasmid 😢😭
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softgreensakura · 2 years
Did I really just spend all of yesterday drawing that dream I had? Yes. Yes I did, and you're gonna know all about it (if you want to of course~♡)
~This dream contains lots of fictional crossovers, a couple of OCS and self insert because It's my dream and I get to star in it. There is also a potential body horror TW on page 16? Tagged it anyway just in case!~
Transcript because my handwriting is poo poo.
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Dream of Wed 30/3/22. [pg.1]
I thought it was quite interesting, so I attempted to draw as much as I could remember in the best chronological order I could remember.
Setting no.1
Rocky building Bit of isolated coast *other small details not worth including in transcript
Here's how I'm sure it started: [pg.2]
So it seems that I'm aware of what's going on (it's in first person sometimes), but this is actually from May Pokemon's* perspective.
She seemed to be visiting the town with some unnamed/unspecified adult guardians (who were doing something else and were not Norman, or his wife, or Prof. Birch).
Wandering alone. Probably out drinking.
*Cerise dream trope no.1: A Pokémon character or more appears. It is almost always game-verse, not anime-verse.
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May hung around the town, [pg.3] exploring old, rocky buildings and enjoying the (early evening/late noon?) view of the town.
(Also no shoes because that's associated with the beach or smth)
Cerise Note: "Personally, I would've given her shoes. She's walking on old ass rocks."
At the same time, on the main beach, [pg.4] (oh God here comes trope no. 2*..😰)...
A certain Dreamscape regular was attractively there, on the beach, and clad in casual nautical-themed summer garb.
Cerise Note: "Not the first time he's worn nautical clothing in a dream..."
Summer hat tm.. £your will to live.
Shirt that took me ages to draw. £your lunch money.
That. £a potato.
*Cerise dream trope no.2: Calem has a 75% chance of appearing. His role varies each dream, but so far he's been having a good time. Ah.
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He was having a great time! [pg.5] He was actually with Serena! And my X protag. They went to the isolated shore by small boat, and May was seen on a separate boat.
Actually, I came up with the rest of my little song* [pg.6] in that dream. I swear I've heard the tune from another song before, but I can't remember it. Oh well. This is what I saw when I figured out the words:
Association! (NGL, he's a bit evil in my imagination. Aha~😅)
Association! (And currently, her story is taking place long after the game's story)
(something soft and essence-y?) It's the essence of a generation~♡
(Holy SHIT! is that HATSUNE MIKU?!?)
*... It's related to some BIG. HUGE. Lore. This lore cannot be explained in one go. That's how much there is.
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Hwoahh woah woah. HATSUNE MIKU?!? [pg.7] ON A CANAL BOAT!? That's right. New setting. And I'm the protagonist now! ahaha~♡
Okay, so here's the canal setting:
crate that I must turn over venice styled buildings bridge way to main land
So I'm on the canal (Miss Miku is gone now), [pg.8] and I have a quest to turn crates and stuff over. But I don't know how to...
"How do I do this?" No reaction...
So I go somewhere else to find answers! New setting!
(But first we go back to May at midnight)
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(1) She's on some sort of allotment roof. [pg.9] One of the adults and HE. is there.
(2) But that's all there is for May now. Now it's my turn!
Tennis Court.
(3) This setting is huge. Many quest checkpoints here. [pg.10]
CHICKENS! Forest. City & more
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So I had to flip the box over. [pg.11] I went to the chicken coop for my first side quest and this is what went down:
Yours truly: "OMG! CHICKENS!" *textless panel with chickens. *stares cutely* "MASA." omg omg
Masa from Meta Runner: "If you wanna play with the [pg.12] chickens, you have to deliver parcels."
ACCEPT QUEST? -Bruh, ofc.
Moi: "Okay~♡!"
"And that's how I ended up-" WE INTERRUPT THIS DREAM TO BRING YOU... TENNIS.
Tennis Match! (one of the characters is labelled as "SUGI"*)
*This is the name of my PLA protag. But this character isn't actually him, and I knew this in my dream.
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Okay, so this guy was using MY SON'S. NAME. [pg.13] But he SUCKED at tennis.
Not my boy My boy!
Like, he was so bad, I had to take control of him like I was playing Wii Sports. Needless to say, I won because Wii Sports is easy.
"Good grief you suck."
Then I delivered a parcel to Mario, [pg.14] who lived in the big apartment.
(Mind you, it was like, 3am or smth.)
I also delivered some other parcels, but I only saw Mario in the montage.
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Parcels delivered, I went back to the chicken coops to [pg.15] see Masa and get my reward (chicken.)
I took a wrong turn (intended) and saw N and Hilda. For some reason, N was just his official art.
...So I went back to the chicken coop.
Something that resembled Dawn was... there? [pg.16] Near the coop? Eerily pretty?
(Normal Dawn for emotional support)
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The Grinch had replaced Masa! [pg.17] It was 5am. The sun was rising.
The Grinch pulled me into his Grinchly embrace..
And sang a Grinch song! [pg.18]
"Great! I can turn that crate over now!
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I went back on my boat on the canal so I could [pg.19] return to the crate and flip it over.
Jimbo* from The Simpsons was there. I made him feel uneasy as I passed by in my sexy boat.
*Simpsons characters have a 96% chance of appearing in my dreams. Are my dreams Simpsons episodes?
Finally, box time. [pg.20]
Then my alarm went off and the dream was over. I never got to flip the box.
If you actually read all that, I commend you. Have some uhh. 🍔🍔
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