#a short walk from where my sad body is planted
sarasa-cat · 10 months
Wants to eat food
Does not know what I can put in my mouth without my body deciding it is dangerous and having an allergic reaction to it bc more phlegm is my body ‘s state of mind with anything new right now:
Change in temp? More phlegm.
Too dry? More phlegm.
Walk to bathroom? More phlegm.
Food? Yep you guessed it.
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kendyzzlewp · 4 months
i just can’t stop thinking about husband!art and how protective he is over you. jfc, he will kill anyone who even looks at your direction
just imagine
you’re getting ready for a stupid work event, adjusting your dress in front of the mirror. art sits on the edge of the bed, arms crossed, a frown plastered on his face as he watches.
‘i wish you didn’t have to go’ he said, giving you the usual puppy dog eyes.
with a sad sigh you turn, walking over to him and standing in between his legs. ‘I know, but howard will kill me if i miss this one.”
at the mention of your sleazy boss he tenses, his frown turning into a scowl as you ran a hand through his short blonde locks
‘fucking hate that creep,’ he mutters, his hand softly caressing your bare legs. ‘if he tries anything, promise me you’ll call.’
with a soft smile, you nod bending down to plant a kiss on his furrowed brow. ‘I will,’ you promise.
you get to the art gallery that’s hosting the event, leaving your car in the valet and entering the building. it was already filled with newly rich influencers much to your annoyance. still you plaster on a smile.
spotting your boss from across the room, you made it your mission to avoid him at all costs. not in the mood to stand his advancements that teetered on the edge of harassment.
the night went on, your face hurt from smiling too much, the champagne in your hand already warm as you moved around the space
you couldn’t help but physically cringe as the older man made his way over to you. the smell of whiskey and sweat making your stomach churn
‘howard,” you greet him, short and polite, looking around for a chance to escape.
but it’s too late because he’s already all up in your personal space, saying how beautiful you are and how art is a lucky man and how your dress hugs your curves but he takes it too far, pushing the boundary between inappropriate to straight up assault
his hand finds its way to the small of your back, slowly traveling down until it landed on your ass. you froze, heart racing, legs trembling and eyes opening in absolute panic. no one around you seems to notice your predicament.
“donaldson really is a lucky bastard,” he whispered into your eat, making your skin crawl.
with the smallest ounce of courage left in your body, you push him away. angry and shameful tears cascading down your cheeks in big fat globs.
“fuck you,” you hissed, running toward the nearest bathroom.
locking the door behind you, you fetch your phone from your purse, dialing with a trembling hand,
‘hey, baby. you almost home?”
art’s voice seems to bring you back down to reality, the feeling of shame settling in the pit as your stomach as you bite back sob
‘art,’ you manage to choke out, your breath coming in short burst. ‘I can’t, he…tried to…”
‘hey, hey,” he said, his concerned tone driving you over the edge. ‘what happened?’
letting out a big breath, your hands grip your hair in utter frustration. ‘Howard…he tried to, god. he grabbed my ass and he wanted…”
You couldn’t even finish the sentence.
“where are you?” his tone was urgent now, you could hear rustling of movement and keys.
“in the bathroom,” you whispered, your breath hitching between sobs.
“I’m coming to get you,” he said, his voice firm and reassuring.
minutes felt like hours as you waited for your husband to arrive. surprised you didn’t create a hole in the marble floor with the amount of pacing you were doing.
a soft knock caught you by surprise, followed by a muffled. “its me.”
a wave of relief fell upon you like a soothing balm, rushing to the door, you unlocked it, opening it. art’s mouth fell into a frown, you must’ve looked like a mess but you didn’t care. he instantly pulled you against his chest as you fell apart, his presence a anchoring reality to what happened.
“let’s go home,” he whispered, pulling back slightly and cupping your face in his hands. “and you are not working again, do you understand me?”
you nod silently, grateful for his support and you let him lead you out of the bathroom. murmurs and whispers could be heard but it wasn’t anything new. you husband was art donaldson, tennis superstar and olympic gold medalist. he was used to the stares and the commentary.
“mr. donaldson,” the familiar voice sent your heart into a panicked frenzy. “what a nice surprise.”
ugh, that disgusting piece of shit.
art froze, his expression darkening as he looked over his shoulder. he spotted your boss, sporting a smug smile on his face as he lifted his glass. the bastard.
without a word, art dropped your hand and made his way over to him. it was all a blur, but you could recall his fist connecting with howard’s jaw, you remember barely hearing the gasps of the attendees over the sound of your beating heart.
howard effectively fell to the floor, his hand cradling his jaw in surprise. art stood over to him, his fit frame casting a shadow over the now small and cowardly man.
“if you ever come near my wife again, i will fucking kill you,” he growled. “you even breath near her and you are done.”
not waiting for a response, he turned and dragged you out of there.
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thedivineden · 3 months
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pairing: Katuski Bakugo x Hybrid!reader
genre: smut (fluff if you squint)
words: 3.4k
notes: bunny hybrid reader, breeding, covert intentions, pet/owner dynamic
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Taking you in was no problem for the young bustling hero. He didn’t have a girlfriend and only hung out with his friend. Whenever he wasn’t at work or with his friends, he’s at home with you.
“Katsukii~, can you help me please?”
If anyone were to ask, he would take being at home with you over any of that any day. Maybe it’s because he secretly wants something to take care of. Katuski rolls out of the bed happily putting his slippers on. You can hear him shuffle down the hall and you’re soon met with an half-naked Katsuki with an annoyed look etched across his face.
“Why the fuck are you on the counter?” and there you were, cotton tail peaking out of your booty shorts slightly with each twitch. Your floppy brown ears are sticking out of one of your many custom made bonnets Katsuki had to order for you.
“The better question is why the fu-fuck is everything so high up? I’ve been here for months and I still need your help to get a plate” He finds your attempts to adopt his cussing habits adorable “watch it bunny, you still need my help plus why wouldnt you want me doing everything for you? Stay in a pets place.” As he’s saying all this he’s lifting you off the counter and commanding you to wrap your legs around his waist — naturally you obey. The feeling of your silky legs and arms draped around his large body makes him warm inside. “I’m not your pet..” he can hear you mumble this slightly resting your head on his shoulder.
Katsuki scoffs and uses his free hand to grab a plate for you. “You’re such a brat, you were just on my lap yesterday eating carrots out of my hands.” He can see your tail twitch quickly up and down then stand straight up. “I am not a brat nor a pet! You’re so mean” Even when you try to unlatch your legs, his other arm is still firm around your waist. “Why don’t I finish up in here and we’ll have breakfast in bed” you dangle for a moment then shake your head yes in response prompting the young man to place you on the ground gently.
Just like that he can see your body relax again, grabbing his hand you pull him down planting a wet kiss on his cheek. You walk back to the room tail twitching happily behind. You can hear him laugh as you climb back into bed waiting for your master. An hour later, he’s coming in toting a tray full of pancakes, carrots, juice, and bacon. You two enjoy breakfast together with Katsuki hand feeding you damn near everything and smacking your hand away every time you attempt to feed yourself. Per usual, after any meal, you were fast asleep giving Katsuki enough time to get ready for work.
The moment katsuki buckles his garter you were up asking him where he is going. He could hear the sad tone in your voice and turns around to see your famous pout that makes him weak.
“I was called in bunny, I have to go.” Grabbing the now empty tray off the nightstand katsuki exits the room setting the tray on the counter to wash the dishes. You round the corner with the same pout and sad tone “Do you have to leave? Can’t you stay just this once?” he can see the tears threatening to spill and this is when he knew he had to go before you pity your way to him staying. You follow him all the way to the front door where his boots lay.
“I have to go, I promise I’ll be back early tonight” he slips on heavy boots and places a kiss on your forehead when he is done. Upon arriving to his hero agency he spots an all familiar red and yellow combo standing in front of his building catering to the many employees who’ve gathered around them. “What the fuck are you two doing here?” The moment they hear the booming blondes voice they’re parting through the sea of employees who now seem to be scrambling away from their ferocious boss.
“Oh come on kacchan! You gotta admit you’re a bit excited to be working with us” Katsuki couldn’t admit to enjoying the presence of his friends but he definitely didn’t protest having the young men by his side. Todays assignment is simple just patrolling the city where civilians seem to become wary of their hero’s. “We went earlier while waiting for you but they won’t even talk to us” Eijiro says following being his friend.
“We’re just going to interview some citizens today, outside of our uniforms” Katsuki immediately turns around already disapproving of this decision. ”Why would we do that?” His friends look at eachother as if they were trying to telepathically speak to eachother about who is going to tell him the obvious. ”Katsuki..bud..youre not the most..inviting person. Being outside of your uniform is less..threatening to the citizens” he eyes the young blonde. Katsuki scoffs at his statement and replies, “Let’s just get this over with.”
Upon patrolling Katsuki noticed how skittish or disgusted the town folks were towards them. “It’s kinda nice” Eijiro says, “Not being bombarded by fans or interviewers that is..not the fact that they practically run away from us whenever we get too close.” Katsuki gives him a stern look prompting him to laugh and walk ahead to talk to a woman approaching with what seems to be her boyfriend or husband. Denki and Katsuki stay behind watching the red head engage with the two pedestrians. The conversation seems to be going well, the woman is happily conversing with Eijiro while the her boyfriend stands off to the side. Katsuki notices the way her boyfriend is visibly upset, his fist are balled, face frowned, and his stance is directly adjacent to Eijiro.
That’s when he notices a crowd slowly forming around them. He doesn’t understand how the pedestrians who were at first minding their business and practically running from the bustling hero’s are now creeping up slowly and almost inconspicuously. “We need to leave. NOW.” The volume of Katsuki voice seems to activate the creeping citizens. Before they knew it hundreds of pedestrians were coming out of alleyways and on top of buildings brandishing their powers and weapons catching the men by surprise. Eijiro is quick to join his friends again “where the fuck did all these people come from?” Katsuki doesn’t even answer he’s too busy silently cursing at himself and the men who dragged him on this suicide mission.
“I thought not wearing our hero suits would help!” Denki states as he lightly releases bolts to push the groups back. “You dumbass, uniforms or not they were going to attack regardless.” Katsuki doesn’t give them a chance to touch him and he doesn’t hesitate to blast them back. This ordeal lasted 4 hours, Denki and Eijiro especially had a hard time due to trying to ‘talk it out and explain’ with citizens who had no plans on discussing anything with them.
It seems like everything is pissing Katsuki off today from taking this busted ass assignment to Kaminari nearly getting fried to death. He just needs some solace and that’s exactly what you were at the moment. “Bunny, come here. Let’s play” he could see your tail twitch behind you excitedly as you happily run over to him. The only thing he could focus on is your breast and your fat brown nipples peeking through your white top.
“What are we going to play today?” you say excitedly standing in front of him. He couldn’t get enough of you. Your luminous brown skin paired with your fluffy white shorts and a tank top that is definitely too small for you now but hugs your tits just right. Katsuki can feel the blood start to flow below making his dick jump and twitch just at the sight of you in front of him. “Katsukiii~ what are we going to play?” You sit in his lap shuffling to put your legs on opposing sides placing you face to face with your owner.
“You’ve been spacing out since you’ve been home, why?” Your cotton tail is still swinging behind you causing a bit of friction between you two below. “I just had a bad day sweetie, let’s play.” His fingers glide along your side masking the heinous intentions he has in place. See Katsuki has a slight obsession with tickling you, your first week there Katsuki tickled you so much you peed on him a little. To this day he teases you about ‘pissing on his thigh’ “Why are you running from me already? I haven’t said start yet so you know what that means” you shake your head alarm bells start to ring in your head. Attempting to shake out his embrace you say “Katsuki I don’t want to play! You’re trying to tickle me!“
The young man rolls his eyes at you and says “Let’s change locations, I don’t want to be on this shitty couch anymore” you turn your head at his statement because he was the one pitching a fit about the couch being from a specific brand. Before you could answer there he is lifting you off the couch throwing you over his shoulder striding to the bedroom. “You know I can walk by myself-“ he interrupts your talking with a hard slap on your ass. Your tail starts to shake in his face aggressively and the kicks you were delivering to his abdominal made him laugh. “Alright alright! I’m sorry!”
Upon reaching the room Katsuki is quick to throw you on the bed and trap you under him so you don’t try to run. “I’ll be quick bunny, I swear” he starts kneading at your sides softly maintaining his piercing gaze which definitely contrast the mood he’s trying to set with you. “Fineee, but when I say stop, you have to stop! I don’t want to pee again!” he gives you a star winning grin feeling his fingers trail up your sides slowly then quickly attacks them. You burst in a fit of laughter immediately feeling his fingers trail up to your armpit. Instinctively locking your arms scrambling to get away from your handsy attacker. “Alright Katsuki !!! I can- I cant!”
He lets go of the hold he has on you smiling at the way you snort and cringe under him. He loves watching you. “Round two sweetie?” He doesn’t even let you answer as he starts attacking your sides and armpits again. The tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you shuffle under him noticing something poking and prodding you below. In between your laughter you say “Katsuki!! You’re poking me!!” He can feel the wave of embarrassment wash over him but god the way you were grinding under him felt heavenly. “Let’s try something else bunny” His fingers ghost down your torso slightly, you’re anticipating a tickle attack but instead they slip under your shorts.
You’re wide eyed at this point grabbing his wrist from traveling any further. “What are you doing?” he uses his free hand to cup your chunky cheeks and with sincerity in his eyes he says “I just need your help with something bunny but let me help you first”. You shyly nod at him, releasing the grip you had on him in order to let his fingers explore you.
Towering over you his eyes don’t leave yours, it’s as if he’s trying to record this moment to memory. Katsuki uses his middle and ring fingers to tease your slit and stops at your now sensitive bud to gently massage circles into it. A new sensation starts to take over you — your ears are hot and for once seem to irritate you as they stick to your now hot body. “I’m hot suki~” your whiny tone paired with you saying the cute as nickname you gave him, makes the front of his boxers tight. He didn’t hesitate to remove his hand to lift your heavy bottom to take off your shorts.
“Do you want to take your top off too?” His voice is so sweet and soft in a different way which seems to go straight below causing an uncomfortable headache like experience. “Yes please” Instead of being normal he decides to rip your top down the middle so you don’t have to sit up. “Sukiii why would you do that?” He shrugs in response you notice his attention is on your naked form and for once you realize the difference between you two. You jump up scooting away from Katsuki in order to cover yourself with one of the many pillows behind you. “I-I don’t want to be the only one naked..” he laughs at your omission, steps out of bed slipping out of his only piece of clothing. Springing out is his beautiful shaft, long and thick just like the carrots he feeds you. “Staring is rude. if you want to lick c’mere” you crawl over to the end of bed where he is standing proudly as his member twitches in front of your face. You sit on your knees looking up at him nervously prompting him to massage your ears past your curls. Anytime he does this you turn into putty. You wrap your hand around the base of his shaft making his dick jump in response, intrigued you move closer lolling your tongue out to lick his red mushroom tip.
Katsuki is struggling to let you explore on your own the little licks you were doing just wasn’t enough. “Open your mouth bunny and suck your cheeks in” you obey his command instantly “yeah just like that” his hands slide to the back of your head lacing his fingers through your curls. “Breathe through your nose.” He doesn’t expect a response just obedience. He starts by pushing you all the way down his shaft slowly groaning at how warm and wet your mouth is. Most importantly, he is loving how easy this is coming to you his hands have abandoned the back of your head and have now found a grip on your ears again.
He could see you shuffling almost humping the bed as you bob your head faster. The louder he became the more your body reacted. “Mmmm deeper bunny~” you hum in response causing his hips to buck in response pushing the rest of his shaft in. Katsuki takes over after this, he’s using your ears to bob your head faster on his cock. You inhale sharply to keep up with the brutal pace as spit bubbles start to form in the corners of your mouth. You can feel his member throbbing in your mouth and a low long groan escape his lips then you felt a warm liquid squirts down your throat. “Shit! I’m sorry- I meant to pull out” he lets go of your ears allowing you to finally pull away from him coughing up whatever didn’t go down your esophagus.
His dick is still point at you but now covered in saliva and cum. You were still shuffling on the bed disgusted by the wetness that has soaked the spot where you sit. “Tell me what you feel bunny, so suki~ can help” he says his nickname as you would when trying to be sweet. “It hurts suki” tears fall from your eyes and he’s by your side instantly “Hey, hey, it’s okay! You’re okay, I’ll make you feel better” he prompts you to the top of the bed and lay on your back.
You listen to the young man and he centers himself between your legs making sure to soothe any anxiety you had about the predicament. “It’ll be okay bunny, It’ll hurt at first but I promise you’ll feel good” he angels his hips with yours feeling his now-throbbing member glide along your drenched folds making the headache below more intense. “Suki please~” your body feels like it’s on fire and it seems like every slow agonizing hump is going to send you over the edge.
He finally lines up with your hole after grinding two more times. “Tell me if it hurts, okay ?” You shake your head in response and he pulls away. You start to whine and reach your arms out to catch him but you were too slow. “I need you to say it bunny” you look up at him and say “I promise Katsuki, can you please hurry!” He laughs at your eagerness placing one of his arms on the side of your head to hold himself up while he lines his tip to your soaking hole. Slowly he pushes in trying to judge whether you were enjoying this.
Your nose is twitching feverishly and he can feel you uncomfortably shift under him. “Does it hurt?” Katsuki is breathless above you which you’ve only seen him like this after a workout or a long day. It feels nice to make him like this. “Only a little but I’m fine! I swear!” He eyes you cautiously but continues to push the rest of his shaft inside. He isn’t sure how long it’s been since he’s been with someone but he knows they will never compare to you after this. The way you’re inviting him in should be illegal.
Katsuki could feel the stress of today melt away looking down at you in your most natural state. Once your moan falls onto his ears he’s on you caging you under him, arms on both sides of your head. “I see you’re used to it now” every word he speaks sounds breathy and desperate you wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling him closer and deeper soliciting a whiny cry from you. “Don’t worry babe, I got you” his pace is slow at first gradually picking up speed with every moan and grunt that fills the room. The pressure that was building below hasn’t stopped but it’s no longer painful. Your moans were soon muffled by a passionate and sweet kiss paired with the restless pace he adopted is making you drunk.
Katsuki wants to swallow and suck every moan and bit of pleasure he can from you. His hands are no longer holding him up but sliding up the back of your thighs stopping behind your knees. “Let me see that cotton tail” he pushes your legs forward spreading them to each side of your head “wait suk-“ he doesn’t hesitate to push his member back into your sticky walls groaning at the feeling. He’s a lot deeper than he was before your legs and tail twitch at the pressure that is building in your womb. He tries to give you time to become accustomed to this new position but every thrust threatens his composure and his impending release. “Yo- You’re such a good girl” and thats what sends you over, you can feel the tension below burst as a wave of pleasure washes over you. “Suki~ faster..please!”
How could he every say no to you? He doesnt answer letting his hips slam into you at a brutal pace. His eyelids were heavy and paired with the sound of your moans he cant control himself. “M’gonna fill you up. You’re such a good bunny, squeezing my dick like this. M’gonna give you what you want”.
The grip he had on you is shaky and his dick convulses uncontrollably inside of you before filling you with warmth. This is the first time you’ve ever seen Katsuki lose his composure and it is beautiful. He doesnt pull out immediately instead he lets your legs go, falling on each side of him, he leans down and places a passionate kiss on your lips. “I didn’t mean to be rough, I’m sorry bunny.” Yo
Your nose twitches and you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in for another kiss. He pulls out of you prompting you to wince in response and just like that he’s at your lying at your side. “I love you” he pulls you close wrapping you in his muscular arms “I love you too Suki.” cuddling up next to him you can feel the activities from tonight wearing you out. Soon you two were asleep holding one another.
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will NOT shut up about how gorgeous you are
walks with your hand in his and stares down anyone who looks at you too long for his liking
bragger, absolutely gets piss drunk at a creator party and starts showing and telling everyone how impossibly perfect you are
gets so jealous and insecure when guys come up to you and brush him off as just your friend
then you kiss his fuming face before he has a chance to knock the guy out
if one of your more conventionally attractive friends, or a pretty streamer starts talking to you, he backs down like a wounded puppy
like 2 minutes into the convo you go to look at him to see if he's okay and you just go :0 cause where the FUCK is he and HOW did you lose him
you excuse yourself to go find your self pitying boyfriend
he's pouting, drunk, cheek to the table in front of him
sees you and he perks up
doesnt even think about letting you know he's sad
he has to be a big burly man man for his perfect god/ess
put you see his puffy eyes and sniffles
"hey big guy, what's wrong? social battery that dead?" you say as you move the two of you to the door, ready to Irish goodbye it outta there
you can see him brace himself, "nuthin's wrong toots, you should get back to ya conversation" he leans to press a kiss to your forehead
"im not going anywhere without you bub" you gently pull his collar to make him lean down before covering his face in kisses
you can hear multiple shouts of course words from anyone that thought they had a chance with you realizing you really ARE taken by schlatt
you both decide to call it a night after schlatt popped a "problem" in his trousers
you notice he's grumpy about 5 minutes into the drive
"what's wrong baby :(" you pry, sad that the love of your life is sad
"nuthin' toots..." he mutters quietly
"don't sound like nuthin'"
"you're just too good for me 's all" he finally snaps, tears running down his face
youre finally home though
he gets out to walk to your side and open the door (always a gentleman)
you rush to hug him, tell him all the reasons you love him, and only him-
but the bitch ran inside already
you feel like a heeled usaine bolt as you patter and clack after the man as soon as you notice
you have schlatt pinned to the ground, his leg between yours and yours between his
he's stopped crying, eyes puffy and red, lips bitten and swollen (so very kissable), overall way too cute to think he wasn't enough for you
you both pant, trying to catch your breaths before talking things out
"I,,, love.,,,,,,,, YOU,,,, dumbass,,," you sound like you ran a marathon cause you basically did to find him in the absurdly big house
"why-" he starts before you capture his lips in a very passionate and hurried kiss, a ploy to stall so you can get your thoughts together
you break away "your smile" you kiss his forehead
"your laugh" you kiss his left cheek
"your mind" you kiss his right cheek
"your kindness with me" you kiss his nose
"and finally, your sexy body" you kiss him deeply again
he hasn't even caught his breath yet, calm down
you feel something hard and hot pressing against your leg as you tangle your fingers in his hair
you move one hand down to lightly stroke him over his pants and boxers, eliciting a deep moan from the man under you
he takes an opening, that wasn't really there, to flip the two of you over "fuck,,, wanna take this to the bedroom, doll" he pants
you nod hard enough to send your hair everywhere like whips
he helps you stand before taking your hand and leading you to the bedroom, sitting you down on the bed and pushing you to lay down
he plants hot wet kisses down your form between declarations of love and reminders of your beauty as slightly tipsy and very eager fingers work to take off your shorts and underwear before lifting your legs to rest on his shoulders
he is DIVING in, the man is pussy STARVED and READY to EAT
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might continue this later/another day
sorry if this isn't what you wanted, my fingers took me on a journey nobody was prepared for
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
What about a request where After the divorce, Andy barber meets Jacob's childhood friend, reader who they reunited in college and hasn't seen her since middle school. Andy can't stop thinking about her and having wet dreams. Then the wet dreams became a reality
hello, sorry it took so long. I hope you like it.
warning - smut, swearing and fluff.
18+ only, please. the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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“Y/n, what are you doing in here? Shouldn’t you be with Jacob?” The older man asks, gulping as the young female spreads her bare legs, exposing her glistening folds. He grunts, feeling his pants tighten.
“You didn’t wish me goodnight, Mr Barber. I was sad.” Her hand slides down her nude form, softly grazing her plump breasts before reaching her soaked honey pot. Her eyes are locked with his dark blue ones, and a soft whimper falls from her lips when her fingers glide through her folds. “Don’t you want to wish me goodnight? I’ve been a good girl, I swear.”
Andy strides forward, his cock throbbing from the sight before him. Not expecting the goddess on his bed to want him. Andy stands at the end of his bed, having a complete view of your pretty little cunt. “You’ve been a good girl? Are you sure?” Y/n nods, half-lidded eyes focused on him. “I don’t think so, sweetheart, because, from my view, you look like a naughty little slut.” His eyes snap down, watching your juices leak out at being called a slut. “You like being called a slut, sweetheart?” Andy groans when you nod.
“Play with me, daddy?” Everything seemed to have moved fast once those words were uttered from her lips. Andy lies on top, his mouth covering hers, tongues tangling together as he rubs his bulge against her bare cunt. Andy quickly reaches down to release the throbbing member before lining it up with Y/n’s entrance and pushing in. Their groans and moans fill the room as he begins to thrust. He plants kisses on her neck, loving the feeling of her clenching and pulsating around him.
When Andy feels his end approaching, he suddenly wakes. His eyes open with a snap, and he looks around, trying to find you, but when he comes short, a groan of disappointment leaves his lips. Andy looks down and notices his cock is straining against his pyjama pants, the member throbbing wildly and his chest covered in sweat. “Fuck sake.” He slowly sits up, wiping his hand down his face before his hand moves to his pants. A soft groan falls from his lips at the slight relief before it disappears and an image of you pops into his head. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Andy stands, tucking his member into the waistband of his pyjama pants before walking out of his room and heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Andy is too busy wiping his eyes to anticipate the sight before him. The sound of a small gasp causes him to put his hand down and look toward the noise. 
“M-Mr Barber... I’m sorry if I woke you. I was trying to get some water….” The sight of your wide doll eyes and the oversized shirt covering your form causes his already rigid member to twitch, pre-cum leaking from the throbbing red tip.
“It’s okay. So am I.” He gulps, moving closer to your tiny body. His eyes flicker down to where your thighs not-so-subtly rub together as you take in his bare chest. Andy grabs a glass and fills it with water, not taking his eyes off you as he takes a sip. Once he swallows, he places the glass on the counter and crosses his arms against his chest. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I– uh. I couldn’t sleep” Y/n’s lip goes between her teeth as she stares at the older man’s bulging muscles, itching to know how the hair covering his chest would feel against her. She feels herself clench around nothing at the forbidden thought of her friend’s dad bending her over the counter and pounding into her. Just like in her dream…
Andy strides forward until he’s so close to her that he can feel her breath on his skin, Andy’s hand comes up, and he uses his thumb to untuck Y/n’s bottom lip from her teeth. “Why are you lying, sweetheart? Don’t you know only bad girls lie?” He grunts when he hears a soft moan fall from her lips. 
Y/n slowly nods, feeling her thighs slick with her juices. Suddenly realising there was nothing underneath her shirt, and she was close to her crush, which made her dizzy. “S–sorry, Mr Barber, I just don’t think it’s appropriate to tell you….” She casts her eyes down at the confession.
Andy’s eyes darken, his hand gripping her chin as he tilts her head to look at him. “Tell me, sweetheart. You want to be a good girl, right?” Andy’s eyes move down to Y/n’s chest, noticing her nipples poking through and how her breathing quickens. “C’mon, be a good girl for me.” 
“I had a dream… “ Andy raises a brow, waiting for her to continue. “I–I was bent over a kitchen counter whilst getting pounded into.” 
Andy growls at the thought of someone else fucking your tight little cunt, not caring that it’s a dream. “You going to tell me who it was, sweetheart?” He leans forward, staring deep into her eyes.
Y/n’s cheeks turn a rosy pink, trying to look away from Andy, not wanting to confess that she dreams of him fucking her until she can’t walk. The sound of a slap and the feel of sharp pain caused her to gasp and look at Andy bewildered. 
“I’m asking you a question, and I expect an answer, sweetheart.” Y/n gulps as she feels herself clench and drip, her cunt throbbing like crazy at how dominant he is. 
“I–it was you, Mr Barber….” Andy groans before smashing his lips into hers. Moaning as their lips move in sync, his hands grip her hips while maneuvering her to the kitchen counter. Andy pulls away as he turns her around and bends Y/n over the counter. His cock begging to be free and buried deep inside her tight cunt as she whines. “M–Mr Barber.”
Andy pushes you down, pressing your cheek into the marble. “It’s daddy to you, whore. Now stay still. I'm making both our dreams come true.” Andy quickly pulls his pants down, his cock springs free, and he wraps his hand around the thick base, tugging on it as he lifts your shirt and groans at the sight before him. “You dirty little slut, wearing nothing underneath? Were you expecting this?” He tuts, shaking his head. “What a whore you are.”
Y/n moans when she feels Andy rub his tip through her folds, the head catching her swollen bundle. “D–Daddy, please.” A choked gasp forces its way out when he begins to push through her entrance, the girth stretching her small walls, causing a pleasurable pain to shoot through her. “Oh– Fuck, daddy too big.” Andy’s hand comes around and covers her mouth, his thrusts getting deeper and harder.
“Shut up, you little slut. You don’t want Jacob to walk in and see you being a whore for his dad, do you?” He grunts when you clench around him, the thought of getting caught exciting you more. “Oh, you like that idea.” Andy leans forward, pressing his front closer against your back before delivering deep strokes. “You’re doing so good for me, sweetheart. Just relax while I use you.” Andy’s thrusts become brutal, a slapping sound filling the room. 
“A–ah, please. S–so close.” Y/n’s eyes roll to the back of her head as she feels herself clench down, her walls pulsating around the thick member piercing her tiny cunt. Soft moans fall from her lips, still blocked by Andy’s hand as she cums. 
“Fucking hell, you feel so fucking good.” Andy leans back, his gaze focusing on where they connect, watching as his cock thrusts in and out, her cream coating the base causing it to be easier for him to pound in. “I’m going to cum, sweetheart, and you'll take it.” His pace picks up, eyes locked on her tight cunt, his balls tightening and hips stuttering as his end approaches rapidly. Andy leans down and plants soft kisses on the back of her head and neck as he finishes inside, streams of thick cum shooting out of his cockhead and deep into her womb.
The two stay like that as they catch their breath, Andy’s hands squeeze her hips gently before he slowly pulls out, walking over to get a clean cloth and wetting it before he comes to clean the young woman up. “How are you feeling?” The softness in his voice shocks Y/n out of her blissful daze before she slowly stands and hums.
“I’m okay, thank you.” Andy’s eyes connect with hers as they share a soft smile. Y/n leans forward while resting her hands on his chest, finally feeling the hairs that sit there. She places a soft kiss against his lips before pulling away. “Goodnight, daddy.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 8 months
Had this adorable thought in my head. Basically, imagine this scenario. (Post Episode 6 too since I felt like it, also first time writing something like this, enjoy!)
Vaggie and Charlie are going on a nice little walk since the two could use a break from the hotel, plus date night. As they're walking, Vaggie continues to hear the annoying assholes disrespecting her girl and gets rightfully pissed. Charlie, not wanting to cause a scene, tells her, "It's OK" and that "She's used to it" which in turn prompts Vaggie to get even more pissed swearing in Spanish. She then starts cussing at the assholes branding her spear at them. Charlie tries to stop her girlfriend's rampage but fails. Touched her girlfriend got mad on her behalf, but annoyed because some jerks ruined their outing, Charlie manages to scoop up Vaggie in her arms before it gets too out of control.
She then carries the fuming woman back to the hotel, walking past some curious on lookers in Angel Dust and Husk. The boys noticed a bit of blood on Vaggie's spear and winced with Husk saying, "Who pissed that one off?" And Angel replying with "Some shmuck who probably pushed her buttons too far."
Upstairs in their room, Charlie sets Vaggie on the bed and crosses her arms, but her expression from annoyed softens when she sees Vaggie rubbing her neck and looking away. She tries to hide her embarrassment and hears Charlie's footsteps moving away but only to come back with a basin of water and a cloth. "Look, hon, I'm sorry I lost my temper, but those assholes.." She begins but blinks, feeling that soft loving hand touch her cheek. Charlie then gently wipes away some blood smeared on her girlfriend's face replying with a soft "I know, thank you for doing that but also what if you got hurt?"
Vaggie would lightly blush, remembering how they met, and then holds Charlie's hand to her face, kissing her princess's palm. "I'm a lot sturdier than I look, baby, but thanks for worrying about me." To which Charlie chuckles and replies."What did I do to get such a wonderful person as my girlfriend?"
With that Charlie nuzzles Vaggie smiling as her little moth has a darker shade of blush tinting her dusky cheeks. "That's what I should be asking you." With that Vaggie plants a warm kiss on Charlie's lips but a part of her couldn't help but think "If you only knew what I did and who I was, would you still want me around?"
As if on cue, Charlie knew the sadness and scooped up her girlfriend again, carrying the smaller woman and shifting their bodies to where Vaggie could just rest comfortably against the princess, letting the doubts fade for a moment. Surprised Vaggie looked stunned but then her eyes started to close as she just nuzzles into Charlie's chest listening to her hellborn's heartbeat, it was the one sound she loved to listen to when her mind was clouded with thoughts of worthlessness, because it made her feel like she was worth something, at least to her beloved Charlie, who in turn just held Vaggie close as the two drifted off for a small nap.
However it was short as an explosion and cussing awoke the two causing them to rush out and peer over the railings. Angel Dust with an annoyed look while holding burnt food, Alastor smiling like a mad man amused, Nifty trying to clean up the mess, Sir Pentious looking concerned replying with a "I guessss you're not cut out for cooking Angel Dusssst." And Husk just chuckling at the softie. "Hey I'm a pornstar, my food gets served to me on a silver platter, so excuse me for not being able to cook!" The spider replied annoyed but then blinks hearing the girls on the railing laughing at his little antic. "You're banned from the kitchen Angel, at least until you stop blowing it up." Vaggie stated as she smirked with a playful grin.
It was a fun note to end a shitty day on, but damn it what was suppose to be pizza turned out to be a huge charred mess that pretty much broke apart as soon as you tried to pick it up.
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stxrlng · 1 year
pairing: miguel o’hara+fem reader
warnings: Breeding, older man younger girl, def daddy kink in here, BIG DADDY MIGUEL, his fangs and claws come out👄,blood‼️, DEGRADING
am i lowkey the only horny after this🤞🏽
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“Miguel listen to me, please don't leave me I know it’d be shameful if people found out but I love you and I don’t care” I cry to him as his gaze turns cold at what I've said if looks could kill id be dead right now “You're not understanding the situation WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND”.
He paces around the small room a loud crash comes from where he's standing in the bedroom “FUCK” he screams he has kicked the bookshelf he looks back at me with tears in his eyes “Miguel,” I say softly as I sit back on the mattress his slow unsure steps come closer to me as he settles down next to me laying his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me “I'm sorry baby” his words full of shame.
I lay back with his arms around me his body 10x more relaxed than it was five minutes ago it feels like we’ve laid there for ages my hand runs through his short beautiful brown locks his breath shallows as sleep takes him but I'm as awake as I could ever be a sad smile pulls to my lips the thought of him leaving me makes me wanna not wanna live but knowing that he's okay makes me happy.
———time passed-Miguel’s pov
I slip from her arms sitting up on the not so comfortable bed rubbing my face and soothing the stress away me and her aren’t supposed to be together she’s nineteen I’m thirty-two that isn't right I work at a top company if someone finds out id be done for.
Rising completely walking into the small bathroom connected to her room rid myself of my clothes run my hand threw my messy hair I take a short step to the shower and turn the knob hot water pours down i step in as the water hits my skin.
I stand under the water as i relax and let all my worries ago for the next ten minutes “Miguel?” i turn my head to see y/n taking off her clothes to get in with me “Yes baby” she looks up opening the glass door stepping in then closing it “Are you okay” her question makes me ask my self how shitty do i look for her to ask me that “i’m fine” I look away from her to the water and close my eyes her hand ghost over my back hesitantly then they plant themselves there in the middle of my back her small hands dig into my skin I bring my hands up and set them on the shower wall she then wraps her arms around me her head lays on my shoulder.
Her hands move lower to the point they hang on my hips her fingers ghost over my abdomen my hips jerk in a fast motion she never once went further than that without asking “Can I?” the question floats in the small space i nod my head yes she plants her hands on my v line the heat sends pleasure waves through me.
her small hands then wrap around my groin I throw my head back “Ohh fuck” The slow up and down motion she’s doing throws me into a euphoric state i turn with speed she’s never seen grabbing her and pulling her against me picking her up her head goes to my shoulder “Por favor mi amor déjame poner un bebé en ti” she then wraps her legs around me i suck and bite at her neck her moans low and sweet just for me.
——— y/n pov
my hands leave his cock as he picks me up i place my hands on his neck and tuck my self into his shoulder he nips at me his fangs come out as the graze my skin my head throws back in a shock and pleasure and pain as he bites down hard causing blood to run down my neck.
his claws dig into me almost breaking skin “N-no please Miggy stop” he was too gone he thrust up into me my walls clench trying to stop the entry “Shut the fuck up bitch and take it” his words made me as wet as the shower.
he was never one for lots of degrading he likes it but it can be a lot today seemed to be different he’s losing control on purpose his eyes red he’s breathing heavy he still his thrust as he bottomed out leaving me to feel split open.
“por favor papi dame un segundo” trying to catch my breath i squeeze around him his hips jerk up “Lo haré si dejas de apretarme como una putita” he then folds me up to where my knees to my shoulders and my feet behind my head pushes me against the wall.
he pulls out my hole stretched out ready to be filled again he pushes back in at a unexpected pace he growls my whimpers and moans are loud enough the whole building could probably hear but i didn’t care tears well in my eyes as a tingly feeling deep in my abdomen grew.
“I love you so much mi amor your so beautiful and the way your pretty pussy wraps around me makes me see stars” his words float in the shower the steam and the smell of sex over rides all my senses my back arches as a toe curling orgasm takes over me his thrust are deep and touch every place i didn’t know existed in me.
his hand made its way to my throat squeezing for good measure he thrust one more time before i release my body shakes my eyes roll to the back of my head my throbbing core is the only thing that i real right now “M-Miggy you feel to good” my sobs make it hard to talk “It’s okay baby let it out gimme one more” No my eyes wide at what he said i don’t know if i can do another one.
A moment later a much stronger orgasm flows through me his hand drops from my neck to my clit he draws small and fast circles on it making my whole body feel as if I’ve fallen into a new dimension “Oh good girl” His praise makes me feel good.
“Shit baby i’m so close ima give u a baby make you look even more pretty with a round belly” his words awoke something in me the urge to be pregnant just fills my mind.
his thrust get sloppy he whimpers into my neck as he stills and lets out a low moan as he cums deep into me he stays there for a few minutes then looks up kissing my lips before helping me down cleaning me up and drying me off.
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celestedoesarttm · 3 months
hihihihi omg i heard abt u from @kip-has-fleas it said we'd get along well so hi here i am now please tell me everything about red sun omg i NEED to hear about it /lh (i'll be able to see and respond to stuff on here when i'm home alone so probably... next wednesday (unless u happen to have Sky: CotL or fortnite :3 /nf)
anyways yeah hi u can call me vio btw
i have tumblr (obviously lol /silly) and pinterest although u might have to get an invite link from me for that also i'm cloud_of_corvids on duolingo i think so do what you will with that lol /silly sooooooo yeah :3
Hello Vio!! I’ve heard some lovely things about you as well, and if there’s one thing I love it’s talking about my OCs for extended periods of time! I’ll try to keep basic Red Sun synopsis rather short, though.
Red Sun is set on a planet covered in a vast desert and lit overhead by a burning hot crimson star. There’s a City set up in a valley, a City so large that hundreds of millions of people mill about in some hundreds of thousands of levels every day. And outside of the City is the Wastes—the desert where nobody wise lives and anybody who wants to get away from civilization goes. Our protagonist, Gunhilde, is neither particularly wise nor particularly in love with her fellow man.
That’s why she and her newlywed wife, Annie, settle down in a cabin in the Wastes. And life is good and happy and lovely until their money runs out, and they can’t exactly just plant something lush and tasty in the desert. Gunhilde’s far from a stranger to her sixgun, of course, so she starts taking trips into the City every so often to do odd jobs that stray too close to the wrong side of the law for Annie’s liking.
The tension between them silently grows until, one day, Annie decides that damn it, she’s had enough. She steals Gunhile’s sixgun secretly and announces to her wife that she’s leaving, picks up her packed bag and her banjo case, and heads out the door. Gunhilde follows, protesting and pleading with her. Annie pulls out the gun to make Gunhilde leave her alone. Shock makes the sudden pain in Gunhilde’s right shoulder dull, but she doesn’t quite know if it’s shock from her body or shock at her wife—ex-wife, now, she supposes.
Gunhilde spends a sad few days alone in the house with a hurting shoulder before she decides to follow Annie into the City to find her. She stops at a sleazy bar at the very edge of the City, where she meets an interesting figure by name of Ivain Ray. Ivain’s rather interested in Gunhilde’s sorry tale, and they decide to stick with her and help her in her search. They bring her to their, ah, business partner Eloise Deorwine, the matriarch of one of the richest families in the entire City. Eloise offers Gunhilde money and resources for her search, as well as a place to stay and friendship. The cowgirl stays there for a couple of months, befriending Eilos (Eloise’s younger brother) and going to Eloise’s elaborate balls in between searching for her lover with Ivain.
Those lovely months filled with anticipation come to an end when, one day, Ivain and Gunhilde walk through an alley by one of Ivain’s bars as a shortcut and stumble upon the dead body of Ivain’s little sister, Ialde ‘Moray’ Ray.
Ivain is absolutely heartbroken, but once Eloise urges them to resume their life and stay away from drink, their grief turns into a wild desire for vengeance for whomever decided it was a great idea to shoot their sister. They start their own search alongside Gunhilde’s, and eventually their research reveals that a certain group killed Moray (on accident, it seems. At the very least she wasn’t a purposeful target) and that Gunhilde has previously worked for that group in the past, back when she was doing odd jobs for money. And apparently she’s still got quite a pretty little bounty on her head. And Ivain has lots of debts to pay.
Ivain takes Gunhilde out on a walk through the City, disguising it as another research trip. The moment they’re alone together, they pulls a gun on her and turn her in to the police for a hefty profit. (When they return home, Eloise greets them sweetly, then asks where Gunhilde is. They promptly break into tears.)
And so Gunhilde spends about a year in jail with an bullet wound to her shoulder that never quite received the proper medical care it deserved. That’s how, when Eloise finally ordered Ivain to go back and bail her out, Ivain found her with a badly amputated arm and a look of loathing in her eyes. They paid her bail and then paid an additional large number on getting her a new arm. (She tested it out by beating the shit out of Ivain. Since the arm was made of steel, it worked quite well.)
That’s currently where the story leaves off—Gunhilde staying with the Deorwines again, still looking for her ex-wife and adjusting to a new arm and new strained relationships; Ivain making deals with Eloise, being dismissive of Eilos, and avoiding Gunhilde; Eloise running the place, dealing with her vampirism, and keeping Ivain in check; and Eilos still struggling with his mental state, ripping up his paintings, and trying to remain good friends with Gunhilde. And, of course, somewhere deep in the heart of the City, you can still hear Annie singing and playing her banjo, the sound drifting out among the streets and looking for a couple of dollars.
And if some of the stuff I mentioned in that last paragraph seemed a bit out of left field, that’s because this is the HEAVILY ABRIDGED version. I’ve had to breeze past some set dressing details, Ye Miserable Bastards, the finer points of the Deorwines, the Rays’ backstory, and I’ve completely dodged the whole sorry tale of Azalai Belle and the Circus. (In my defense, that one happened a good twenty years or so before the story began.) but yeah!!
(Two last bits of promotion: Red Sun has a WIP website that I’m currently trying (and failing) to make! I also have a youtube channel where I’ve posted several animatics and songs related to Red Sun. They’re in a playlist on my channel, and the links to both my YT channel and my Neocities Red Sun website are in my bio.)
Thank you for sending in this ask, again, I love talking about my little guys and the stage show that’s dancing through my mind, so thank you for giving met he opportunity to do so. If you (or anyone else 👁 👁) have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask and I’ll elaborate!!! :D
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sleeby-anon · 11 months
The Menstruation Navigation Post
@sleeby-anon Your Blood in Mine
@drop-of-void Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4 Ask5
Below the cut is unorganized headcannons straight from the horny jail discord server. It is made up of contributions From Void, Sleeby, and @mosslovestherain
Well first things first he’s doting on you as much as possible. he getting you water, meds (random ones he finds in the cabinet—at one point you have DayQuil and a urinary tract infection one sitting out—you honestly wait until he bring ibuprofen or Motrin)
He doesn't understand what pills do they all look and smell the same
He won’t straight up ask to fuck you, he will wait until you suggest it, (upon which he will pick you up and take you straight to the bedroom no questions asked) but until then He’s incredibly handsy, wherever, whenever, he’s got his hands all over you.
He also fucking loves the way you smell—he’s a little put out if you decide to shower:
“…why though you smell so good"
“Wilbur I feel gross.”
“But you don’t smell gross”
He will however be slightly appeased if you let him shower with you, and he will be pressing kisses all over you during it. Wolfbur gets off on the smell of you on your period
If he’s ever in wolf form he will be sticking his snout right into your crotch. There honestly isn’t any point in telling him to quit that because he will give you the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes and whimpering until you cave.
Oh he'd straight up do that while human too, if you're laid down somewhere he's face-planting into your clothed cunt. he's shameless
"Why do you smell different?"
He will just blink up at you confused like “why”
You smell nice, you smell like heat
And you can try telling him that it’s undignified, or how that’s the one spot of your body right now that is inexcusably gross but he will just pout and whimper and do the thing where he looks at you, sniffles a little and then looks back to see if it did anything
It gets to the point where you are like “hey could you grab the remote/other object” and he’s like “I could.” And then looks at you mournfully.
If it’s ever during a full moon, he will lock up all the windows and doors, and spent the night just inhaling your scent. If you cave and let him go snout-first into your crotch he will occasionally lick your thighs or tummy during it.
In wolf form he’d try and nose his way inbetween your face and the rest of your body If your cramps are really bad.
he'd be so sad every time you ask to get up so you can change the product you're wearing, looking at you like you've betrayed him
LMAO Like: “Do you have to?”
“Wilbur. I can see the blood on your snout. It’s definitely leaking through.”
His tongue darts out and his pupils go huge
"Wilbur if you keep pouting, your face will stay like that forever." he doesn't stop.
“I don’t care. It reflects how I feel”
And he won’t ask. He won’t. (He really wants to fuck you or eat you out straight from the source but he knows you don’t always feel good during your heat (“not a heat Wil—my body is trying to kill me.”) but the moment you get a little turned on from one off-handed lick to your thigh, or the way his pupils are dilated, you’ll sigh, and go. “Wilbur?”
“Bedroom?” And you are up on your bed before you can blink (Still full moon mode) He will be careful to not rip off whatever lazy day trousers/shorts you have on—(he did that once and even though he didn’t mind you walking around in your underwear for the next week he could tell it bummed you out) and he will eat you out like there is no tomorrow. Your noises are only fuel for him to continue.
And he’s forgotten how many orgasms you’ve gone through—all he can think about is tasting you and the stuff that smells absolutely heavenly. You’ve honestly stopped worrying about getting blood into the sheets because he is lapping it up before it can even bother staining anything.
He’s grumbling praises and nosing your clit—and by the time he’s satisfied with his work, you are fucking gone
who needs pads when werewolf boyfriend
Or tampons honestly. One time he straight up pulled it out initially a little offended that you had a replacement for him and you explained what it’s was he was still offended but for a different reason.
“I can do it you don’t need that”
“Wilbur as much as I would love to explain it to you, you are not in the right headspace.”
“So…I can do it? : D”
I get the feeling he will also slowly start hiding your products the further your period goes on (only if he hasn’t fucked you yet) because goddamnit he wants to eat you out already. And you know what he’s doing, because at one point you found one of his hiding places (it was in the kitchen where you keep the mixing bowls) and while you explained to him that while he may not like the products he can’t hide them. he still does but now he makes sure there it least three of each at the most no matter how frequently you buy them.
“I just bought new ones, where are they."
“I have no idea."
“I can literally see them peaking out from under the couch cushions.”
“…no you don’t”
(They were still in the box/package)
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
In The Garden- timetravel au
Universe: between canons
Also has: mentions of nudity, but more in a way of "undress" or being "in decent".
Alastor died. He'd minded his own business, for once, hunting. Buck, this time. And then, he'd gotten jumped - shot at, chased, eaten alive by dogs - Totally a gay (happy) old time. He'd felt himself drifting. Out of his body. Out of time..
The first thing that hit him.. was seeing that he was back in the hunting ground. Or.. wait.. no, that wasn't where he died. Wait.. he was fine? He was covered with wounds, scars marred his skin - a patchwork of white marks atop sun kissed skin. Okay, he was fine, didn't know where he was and.. he's not wearing his torn clothes..
In a strange place. Without his clothes. Hmm.. where was he?
Well, time to walk about and find out.
Welp, Alastor found that he was in a lush paradise. Greenery as far as the eye could behold. He seemed to be alone and-
Hmm? So, he wasn't alone.
An in decent man burst through the foliage. An average looking white man, honestly. Nothing special, truly.
But, wait.. who-
Two women who were also in a state of undress were following. Hm..
"Oh! Hello!" One of the women, who's skin was darker than Alastor's own and had curly hair that spilled from her shoulders, greeted him. "I am Eve. What is your name?"
"A- Alastor." He had all composure lost to himself, worried honestly. Was this a trap? Was he to die-
"Welcome to Eden, Alastor." The man smiled at him warmly. "I am Adam."
"Call me Lilith." The blonde woman said, a smile on her face.
"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Alastor said with a smile. So far, these people seemed friendly.
"Come! We shall go hunt for dinner and talk!" Adam said with a smile.
Hunting? Ooooh! Alastor was intrigued whole heartedly.
"I'd love to help. I've.. done my fair share." He said. "If you'll have me, that is."
Eve took his hand. "The more the merrier, new friend. Come!"
The four of them just hung out around Eden - swimming in the water, walking around.. everything was paradise. Alastor didn't feel that tug to kill, not now. This.. it was different.
Alastor showed them how to harvest seeds, sow land to plant and take care of the harvest. He even showed them what he knew of caring for animals, which was very limited.
They even met an angel! A short one, truly, named Lucifer. Alastor and him were as friendly as fire was to a burning forest. So, not very friendly. But it was just words and nothing more.
But it all came to an end.
You see, Adam tried to persuade Lilith to submit to his will, as his wife. And.. that wasn't working out well.
Alastor was swimming in the lake when he saw Lilith running from Adam. Idiocy. Truly. Force on a lady? How uncouth!
"Hey, Alastor!" Eve was at the shore, apricots in hand. "You were right! They're ripe! Come have some!"
Alastor sighed, putting Adam and Lilith's stupidity out of his mind with a smile, "perfect!" He was beginning to feel a bit peckish. "Thank you, friend."
Eve nodded to him with a smile, passing him a few apricots after he pulled himself from the water. "No worries, friend."
As they ate, Eve spoke.
"You never told us how you got these white marks." Eve gestured to them.
"Oh.. it's.. a sad story, dear friend." Alastor sighed. "Do not concern yourself with my patchwork of the past." He smiled at her. "Trust me, when I say, it is the past."
The past indeed.
Lilith, they found out, had partaken in Lucifer's offer of an apple. And she gained so much more than any of them would ever imagine.
Cast out of Eden, she was. By God himself. To be a bride to Lucifer.
As to why he let Alastor stay - even allow him in here in the first place - the man would NEVER know.
As for Eve and Adam..
A similar fate, it seemed.
Eve was to be Adam's second bride, as Lilith was no longer within Eden and succumbed to the knowledge of the apple. But, as with Lilith, Eve was tempted by the apple.
This time, it bore violence.
Alastor defended Eve. "Eve, run! Don't stop, friend! Just go!"
Adam and Alastor fought, as Eve ran, and Eden caught on fire. It was done, gone, it-
Alastor awoke in his radio tower, barfing on himself, having slept for.. who knows how long.
"I.." oh.. oh, this was BAD.
Two of his friends, wed and had a daughter - those two being Lucifer and Lilith with Charlie.
Eve? Well, he knew where she was and made a deal not to tell in exchange for a new form and thus not having to deal with everyone's emotional baggage because he was not to be recognized. He, in a way, became her guardian angel. And.. yup, that fucking chain. Thanks for the stupid trinket that you don't use, Eve. Fuck.
Adam? Pfft. That dick really needed to die, for what he did to countless afterlives in the pride ring, for what he did to Lilith and Eve back in Eden. Oh.. oh man..
He and Lucifer really needed to talk. Maybe he could bring Eve in on this too.. it had been too long.
Alastor missed his first friends. Lucifer, Adam, Lilith, Eve..
"Fuck!" He wiped his eyes, sobbing. Sobbing for his friends.
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motte-the-goblin · 1 year
Little Jedi Gone
Authors Notes: ok so I wrote this ages ago and never uploaded it because of... who knows actually. I reread it yesterday and was like wait a sec THIS IS GOOD. so yeah here it is! I had a loooot of feelings after Season 2 lol. "Betaread" only by myself (like 20 times) as per usual I will not take responsibility for tense- errors.
Cyare = beloved (Mando'a) Jedi general oc / clone force 99 , OCx Tech (established relationship) Warnings: "Plan 99" aftermath, (Graphic?) depiction of violence, Grief , Dark side, Mentions of murder and Also literal murder Basically… This is aggressive and it also hurts.
thought I npt some cuties for clout, if that's not cool, let me know!!
@doublesunsets @danceswithsporks @freesia-writes
"How?" My voice is nothing more than a low snarl. 
Omega flinches at the noise, her cheeks still tearstained. 
Instinctively she curls into Wreckers side, who is sitting right next to her and he wraps his big arm protectively around his little sister. 
I didn't want to scare Omega, never. I loved that girl like she was my own but in this moment I saw blood red. 
No Tech. 
"He fell…" was the only thing that left Hunter's lips when they returned to Cid's after Eridau.
All of them battered and bruised, eyes red from the tears shed and empty, only pain left in them. 
Echo put his hand on my shoulder, lingering for a moment, squeezing it gently to convey our shared pain. 
None of them dared look me in the eyes as they walked past me, headed to the back of Cid's parlor. 
Hunter, wrecker, Echo… Omega following slowly, tears still streaming down her flushed cheeks. 
"How?" I repeated my question directed at the others. 
The knot in my stomach tightened, choking me, nausea creeping up my chest. 
For a moment that seemed endless I just stood there. My fists clenched at the sides of my trembling body. 
I had given them an hour after they arrived but I couldn't wait for answers anymore. 
The anger and sadness sitting in my chest so thickly that I couldn't breathe. 
"Everything went wrong when we ran into Saw Gerrera and his rebels.", Hunter finally sighed. 
"They had planted bombs all over the compound… Tech…" he swallowed hard at the name of his lost brother. 
"He… we tried to convince them that it was stupid to blow up the summit. It would accomplish nothing! But he didn't listen." 
Hunter gritted his teeth, almost hissing his spite filled words. 
"The explosion caused the rail line to short-circuit and…." Echo chimed in, his voice trailing off immediately, not wanting to say it out loud. 
Omega's silent sobs grew louder as she gripped onto Wrecker tightly, his thumb drawing circles on her back to try and calm her despite the big Clone being on the verge of tears himself. Omega always came first. 
"He will pay for this." I slammed my hand on the table so hard it should hurt but I couldn't feel anything besides the anger boiling over inside me. 
I needed the anger. I had to lean into it otherwise I would be left with the pain… and I couldn't take that. I wasn't ready to feel that yet. 
So I gave into the raging hate and stormed out of Cid's towards the Marauder. 
With every molecule inside my body I focused on him. 
Saw Gerrera. 
"Show me where that bastard is hiding." I hissed through clenched teeth, digging deep into my connection with the force. 
Usually I let it guide me like a gentle breeze, a lover's hand gingerly holding mine, leading the way. 
But not now. 
This Time I seized it, grabbing hold of the elusive feeling, molding it to my will. 
I could feel the burning of the dark side creeping into my heart but I didn't care. 
I didn't care about anything anymore. 
My Tech was gone. 
He was gone and I knew whose fault that was.
That extremist Bastard would pay for taking my Tech from me. 
Images flashed before my closed eyes. 
A planet. 
A city. 
A building. 
I powered up the ship and without looking back I took off into the dark void of space, sight blood red. 
I never saw my squad exiting Cid's, looking for me, never heard Echo quietly steadying Hunter, who was immediately making plans on how they could track and find me. 
"Maybe it's best we give them some space right now, Sarge." 
Never saw the hurt in Omega's eyes, wondering if I'd left them for good. 
Oblivious to the worries of my squad, I had only one incentive on my mind. 
Finding and killing Saw gerrera. 
Letting the force guide my way, I activated the hyperdrive and jumped to lightspeed. 
My Robe billowed in the wind when I ripped the metal door out of its hinges. 
My face an ugly grimace of fury and madness, my double blade saber lit in my hands. 
"Where is Gerrera?" I growl, dragging one of the guards towards me at his neck. 
Choking on his own breath he couldn't even answer me if he wanted to. But that didn't matter to me, I simply invaded his mind and took the answers I wanted. 
Hurling him into the wall, I made my way into the building. The second guard followed his buddy into the wall with a snap of my wrist. 
There weren't many people in this outpost and the three rebels I encountered on my way I flung across the hallway so hard they lost consciousness. 
I didn't want to kill anyone… 
Except gerrera. He would definitely die today. 
Slowly and painfully. 
There he was now. Sitting behind a big desk, looking up at the armed and cloaked intruder in confusion. 
I was going to make him suffer, make him feel every ounce of pain he caused me. 
I stuck out my free hand, locking onto Gerrera's throat with a force grip, raising him slowly out of his chair and slamming him into the wall behind his desk. 
The confusion on his face shifted into fear in a split second. 
My lightsaber pointed towards the man, I took slow steps around the desk in his direction. 
He tried to speak, probably wanting to ask who I was,  what I wanted. 
But I was crushing his respiratory tract, so no words came across his lips. 
The darkness was clinging onto my heart, seeping deeper into my mind, nipping at my sanity as I stood face to face with my victim.
"You took everything from me." I whispered. 
It was not a quiet, shy whisper. My voice cut through the silence like a freshly sharpened knife. 
I wasn't finished with him. 
"And for what?" I spat the word in his face. 
He was clutching his neck, desperately trying to catch his breath. 
I could see his face slowly turning blue and relished in his anguish, but I wasn't going to let him die yet. 
With a thump he fell to the floor as I released my grip on him. Frantically gasping for air, Saw looked up to me, trying to regain just a smidge of power over the situation. 
Placing one of my boots on his chest I bend down to his eye level, crushing any hopes of him reclaiming control. 
"Every last one of them survived. You didn't even accomplish anything with your fucked up little plan! 
You're a fucking failure!" 
I turned my back on him, allowing the panicked man to garner some composure but my focus never left him. I could feel every tiny shift of his presence in the force. He wouldn't be able to escape or overwhelm me, even with my back to him. 
I pressed my Foot down onto his Chest, digging my heel into his stomach. 
With a quick jerk of my leg I kicked him in the teeth, causing him to spit blood and a chipped tooth. 
With a low buzz I turn off my lightsaber, sheathing the handle on my belt. 
I wasn't going to need this just now. 
I wanted to feel his bones crack in my own hands, the warmth of his blood on my skin. 
"I am your end." 
Behind me Saw finally manages to force out some pressed words:
"Who the fuck are you?"
If I could've seen myself right now I would not have recognised me. My eyes were bloodshot, a faint yellow circle forming around my usually dark purple iris, my face a caricature written in wrath and fury. 
Saw spat out another mouthful of blood and scoffed. 
"It wasn't my fault the plan went south! If those stupid clones…." 
His words got stuck in his throat as I whipped around putting my half lit lightsaber to his chest, the brimming blade almost singeing the fabric of his shirt. 
Panicked, he snapped his head back at the sudden threat. 
"Don't you dare!" I snarled. 
"Don't you dare put this on them!"
Moving just a little bit closer with my saber I leave a simmering mark on his chest. 
His face warped with pain, Gerrera sharply breathed in through gritted teeth. 
Pulling the blade back I take a swing with my free hand, my fist colliding with his jaw with a satisfying crack. I grab his jaw hard, digging my nails into his cheeks. 
The fear growing in his eyes as I forced him to meet my own crazed stare painted a cold smile onto my lips. 
Slowly I dragged his body up the wall by his chin until we were eye to eye again.
"How does it feel, knowing you will die?" 
"How does it feel knowing you failed, Saw?" My voice was icy and calculated. 
Before he could even attempt to answer, my knee shot up into his unprotected crotch, a pained groan leaving his gaping mouth. 
With a low growl I hurled him across the room.  As he crashed into the opposite wall I lept after him, grabbing the collar of his shirt to prop him up against the wall. I started throwing my fists at him frantically, landing blow after blow, blood sputtering out of his Mouth. A tingling in my stomach grew into a deranged laugh as I kept hitting every inch of his face and torso, watching him slowly lose consciousness. 
I grabbed a fist full of his dreadlocks, slamming his bloodstained head into the wall. 
"Cyare what are you doing?" 
The soft voice in my head forces me to pause, Saw's mangled body collapsing onto the floor as soon as I loosened my grip on his hair. 
It feels as if a thick red fog was lifted from my mind and for a moment I could see clearly again. 
"What are you doing?" He asked again, his voice saturated with worry. 
Weak Visions of my beloved Clone passing before my eyes, I stumbled back falling against the desk in the middle of the small room. 
No, you're gone.  
Hazily I looked down at my shaking hands. My vision was slightly blurred but I could see the blood on them clearly enough. 
How could I hear him? 
He couldn't be a force ghost, Tech wasn't force sensitive. 
Clutching my Hair with my hands I could slowly feel my sanity slipping. 
I was losing my mind and I hallucinated his voice in the process. 
"I told you I was your end." 
The quiet rustling of Gerrera's body shifting in the corner of the room pulls me back and the red fog crept back into my mind, the dark side pulling my strings as I light my saber, slowly stepping over to him. 
I position myself above him, looking down on his swollen and bruised face. 
Enough play. 
I scoffed imperiously at his desperate and useless attempt to shield himself by weakly lifting his arms up. 
My blade had already pierced his chest, forcing a choked gasp from his busted lips. 
Staring down into his face I watched the light slowly leave his eyes, his gaze trailing off from where we had stared at each other.
As Saw Gererra, famous Rebel Leader, took his last breath, the darkness seized my heart entirely. It dug its roots deep into my soul, polluting every last inch of my body. 
"Are you there?" 
I deactivated my lightsaber, resheathing it onto my belt again. 
Taking a step back my gaze lingered on the dead body. 
Staring at the mangled form of the Man that stole my love from me I tried to figure out what feeling was twisting my stomach. 
It wasn't relief but neither was it regret. 
It felt as if someone wrapped my intestines all around my other organs and twisted a knot around it. 
But for some elusive reason it felt… almost empowering? 
In a sick, perverted way. 
I wasn't consumed by my rage anymore, instead I felt dangerously calm. 
I stood in front of the Marauder, staring up the ramp. Seeing the ship stirred something deep down, trying to break through the thick layer of darkness that had engulfed my heart.
It was the closest thing we had to a home. 
"They took Omega. Hemlock has Omega. Please come back…. We need you." 
I had almost forgotten about my squad. 
How could I have forgotten them so quickly? 
Furrowing my brows I tried to find the love I knew I had for all of them inside me. 
There was nothing, nothing but festering darkness. 
In my mind I knew it though. I knew I loved them, but I couldn't feel it anymore. 
Not like before. 
It wasn't a warm, safe feeling anymore, instead it filled me with a devouring fear. 
Fear of losing any more of my loved ones. 
"General… please." 
Hunter's raspy voice emitted from my half forgotten vambrace for a second time and I dragged my eyes down to my wrist, staring at it not really able to grasp what was happening. 
First Crosshair, then…
I choked, but no tears built up in my eyes. 
There was no sadness, only blistering rage.
And now Omega, too?
The forlorn tone of my sargents voice finally pulled me back into reality. 
"I'm here." 
My voice was shaking, still a few octaves deeper than it usually was, laced with an almost sinister tone. 
"Please repeat." 
Cid did what?
"Oh, it's so good to hear your voice!" Hunter sighed relieved on the other end of the comm. 
"Hemlock took Omega, Cid sold us out… we need you on Ord mantell, now!" 
A familiar burning hot rage started bubbling in my throat once again. 
What's one more murder. 
Or two. 
A grin that could only be described as evil flashed over my face as I imagined gutting that treacherous lizard Bitch. 
And when I'm done with her I will find Hemlock. 
I will find him, rip his lungs out and feed him his own eyes. 
"I'm on my way." 
I would get Crosshair and Omega back and I'd kill anyone who dared stand in my way. 
I would never let anything happen to my family again. 
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divider by @samspenandsword
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winters-doll · 2 years
A/N: Hey babes happy thanksgiving! I’ve had some time and decided to disassociate💕
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I love you guys <3
His Little Fox
Pairings: Jack Hanma x Fem! Short! Black! Plus Size Fox reader!
*Mia's Pov*
Looking at the huge man getting on his knees, his green cargo joggers soaked in the sidewalk concrete. I can't help but stare up at him in shock. The rain patters harshly, not giving any sign of letting up either. How does he still have 8 inches of height above me on his knees?! My eyes gaze across his thick thighs and his biceps that have the potency to crush me in a heartbeat. Peering up at his stature makes me realize the dire decision I've made. The hard rain hardly makes out anything but I see reluctance in his features. Not wanting to be a hindrance, I guard my face and turn back around. "I'll walk up if I have to." Walking faster I hear the brooding man huffs a big sigh. Making a hesitant left, I waddle towards a near pole light  .
My shoddy socks squish and squash on the hard concrete. Ignoring the small jabs of pain on the pebbled surface, I avert my eyes from the large man and keep my gaze under me. Suddenly, the man next to me rumbles," You don't know where you're going." Keeping my heady pace I try to look out for poles that I could accidentally run into. I just need the rain to slack up a bit and I'll be fine.
We continue to walk for another 5 minutes in silence. How far is his car from here?!" Huffing out of slight exhaustion, I waddle my way through the cracks of the concrete. " You're adrenaline's wearing off." The man says suddenly." I halt near a stop sign and place my hands on my drenched dress, my sore feet pulsing.
Huffing an"I'm fine." Leaves my lips before I can even take another breath. The man gets on his knees again and rumbles."Get on my back." It was a simple statement, but left no room to argue. Gingerly stepping behind him, I'm met with the wide expansion of his back and come with the conclusion. I've never gotten on anyone's back before. Timidly, I lean my body across him. Wrapping my arms around his neck from behind, I exhale a hesitant breath. "Okay... Here I go." I say more to myself than him. He grunts in response. Leaning my full weight across his back, I wrap my legs around his waist firmly. He seems to stay planted kneeling on the ground. Am I too heavy?! Maybe he can't get on- I should let go-"Are you ready?" The brooding man suddenly asks.
"Y-yeah." I squeak. The yellow street lights flicker above us."You haven't gotten on yet, is there something wrong?." Staring at the back of his neck. My heart sinks. "I-i'm already on." I exclaim. The tall man turns his head at a 45 degree angle and stares at my perplexed face. His brown eyes bore into mine for a prolonged moment. Furrowing my brow, I sigh and say,"We should get going." The brooding man huffs a big gust of air. "Alright." He starts again but turns his neck to look at me again. "Hold tight." He uttered. "I'm already-" The burly man rises slowly, ascending  his way to his full height." The heavy stream pours harder the more he straightens his back. I gasp a deep breath, my ample arms tighten around his neck. The man doesn't move but stays completely still, brown eyes narrowed into slits. "I wont drop you," He clips, having seemed offended.
Holding my breath, I sputtered," I don't mean to be rude." I give the robust man a sheepish smile. "Let's go." He uttered.
Swaying left and right, my body rocked to the man's rhythm. The downpour didn't let up at all. Looking down at his steel boots, I begin to think about my mother. Her cruel words and warm hugs. Her imposing but familiar figure. Her words crumbled me, belittled me, and I welcome it with an open heart because I have no one else. No one to love me, to hate me. She was the only one.
My eyes burn from the brim of tears. Am I truly alone? No one can love me or hate me now. Squeezing his neck tighter, I try to compress my sadness to numbness. "Hey." The man suddenly grumbles. "I said I wasn't going to drop you." His dark eyes find mine. "N-No." I try to conceal the croak in my throat. "No," I repeat. "It's not that." I mumbled. "Hm?" The blonde man inquired, interested. "It's well..." I carried on. This man saved me from a life of pain and suffering. He doesn't deserve to hear my burdens. "Just cold, really." I trail off nonchalantly. "We're almost there, just down the road." Sure enough, just along the road, hardly visible from the rain there's a large truck. Squinting my eyes, I try to focus on the truck that'll lead me to warmth–
He's let go. My breath caught in my throat, my stomach sunken in. His large hands,digging into his pockets. My thick legs dangling along his back. It feels like I'm defying gravity. As if I'm flying. I gasped, wrapping my thighs around his waist like a cobra squeezing its prey.
Suddenly, I feel out of breath. Resting my head on his shoulder, I close my eyes and hear two chirps. "Here we are." He grumbled. I hesitantly open my eyes and feel dizzy again. I know why I couldn't see the truck clearly. Its slick inky base, larger than two bears standing. Its 45 inch  polished aluminum wheels were still yet deadly. I could easily hide behind it and not get detected. This was no ordinary truck. More primal. Like a large animal of sorts. Like a beast. It looks like it can swallow me whole. Another two chirps and the doors opened by themselves. "Alright, ladies first." The burly man uttered, " I'll have to carry you in, considering your short stature." I couldn't move, couldn't speak."Please sir." I mumbled. "I-I don't want to get in." The man stands still for a moment as if choosing his words wisely. "How come?" He griped. How can I make him understand that he's giving me to the monster like a compromising snack?
"It'll eat me." I whispered. Too afraid to speak louder, the beast might attack. I'm met with silence once again. What if he leaves me here? What if he feeds me to the beast? I'm helpless, hopeless. The man chuckles, placing my weight on his hip like a child. My shoddy sweater dress brushes against his soft drenched sweater.Feeling his hard body on mine, his heat sent shivers down my spine. "It's alright," He rumbles. His deep brown eyes bore into mine. "I've got you."
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thewhumpcaretaker · 9 months
The Broken Veil: Chapter 6 - The Horde
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TW: blood and gore, gunshot wounds, shock
Summary: John Wick has just agreed to kill Gianna D'Antonio, repaying the marker that gave him a life with Helen. However, Helen is trying to contact John from the afterlife, to show him that it is possible to stop the cycle of violence – not by forfeiting his own life, but by creating a fundamental shift in international systems and perhaps even the balance of good and evil in this world. But he doesn’t have to do it alone. She’s coming back.
“It’s a rough journey, and a sad heart to travel it; and we must pass by Gimmerton Kirk to go that journey! We’ve braved its ghosts often together, and dared each other to stand among the graves and ask them to come. But, Heathcliff, if I dare you now, will you venture? If you do, I’ll keep you.” - Catherine Earnshaw, Wuthering Heights
Helen always liked to people watch in New York, on the subway, through coffee shop windows, dancing with strangers to the songs of street buskers. So many characters, ripe for conversations and candid photography. Artists. Students. Performers. Families. Runaways. Petty criminals. And apparently, hitmen.
As they exit the airport, a red light and nothing more holds back the horde behind the white bars of a crosswalk, as sunset flares low and catches in the dark pools of John Wick’s eyes. He stares forward, feet planted, still holding her hand. He squeezes it once and lets go. “I need you to do something for me.”
“What’s that?”
“When we’re walking, stay at a distance. Don’t step in unless I call for you. I know when I’m about to die. If I’m not dying, don’t stand in my line of fire, don’t touch me, don’t do anything that will affect my range of motion. You can block headshots from behind me, but that’s it.”
“Or else I’ll get in your way.”
“I wasn’t going to put it like that, but…Yeah. You’ll get in my way.”
She’s grinning, not remotely offended. “I don’t doubt it. You have yourself a deal, baby.” Then very seriously, “I’m trusting you to call for me."
He nods. She feels his focus shift, shutting out all thought beyond survival.
Come at me, come at me.
He’s electric. The light turns green, and she’s walking at the devil’s side.
They planned the route in the air. He needs to get to someone who will know where to find Santino. That means reaching a subway station on the other side of the city, where they will find a particular contact. “He’ll be talking about ‘Things you see,’ that’s the code phrase,” John told her. It’s a short walk among neon lights and hole-in-the-wall storefronts to the nearest underground entrance. When he told her that, Helen thought it sounded very promising – how many assassins could they possibly encounter in such a brief journey? But he didn’t seem to think so.
As they move through the crowd silently, Helen thinks of the self-defense class she took in college. It’s been many years since then, and she wasn’t top of the class to begin with. She’s unarmed, with no real martial arts experience. So the best she can do is hang back several paces behind him and look wherever he isn’t looking. It makes her paranoid. Is that teenager reaching into his bag about to pull out a gun? No, it’s a notebook. Is that woman staring at John because she’s about to strike, or because he’s breathtaking? Obviously the latter.
The first time it really happens, she doesn’t see it coming at all. A man with the body of a sumo wrestler and a pistol in his hand stops walking at just the right moment to fling an arm out in front of John and knock him expertly to the ground. She’s suddenly hyperaware of the smoggy night wind and the texture of the sidewalk underfoot, her body primed to do something, anything, but that isn’t what he wants so she just stumbles forward, then backward, then freezes. He’s already up and striking back, already has him disarmed, but the man takes damage like a tank. They seem evenly matched for a moment, then everything suddenly escalates. Glass shatters as John is thrown through a bus stop divider. She feels dozens of tiny cuts slash across his face, his back hitting concrete. The retaliation is swift. John grabs the man’s gun and wrestles it against his head, leaving him bleeding out on the ground, a final shot leveling him as he tries to rise.
“Jesus Christ!” They’re in the middle of the sidewalk. There was a silencer, but why is no one stopping, why is no one noticing? Some people have fled, but the police on the far corner just watch quietly. Oh. John’s world owns them too. Great.
He looks back at her, reads her concern, and smiles encouragingly. “I’m okay.” It takes all her restraint to avoid stepping up to him to check his cuts for fragments of glass, but he motions them onwards.
Down an escalator, into the station. The next one, she does see. A woman playing violin for tips follows him with her eyes as they pass, and Helen sees her pull a gun from some concealed place inside it. John is several paces out in front of her and not looking back. Helen steps between them, and the shot hits her own chest. John’s rage and her own surge through her at the same time as he looks over his shoulder and sees them staring each other down.
Then he's rushing her. The woman starts firing, trying to take him down before it’s too late, but hits nothing except Helen and his body armor, and why couldn’t he have stayed back, just stay back… Panic. The woman is kicking him and striking him, and Helen sees before he does that his bulletproof jacket is lifted when he raises his arms, exposing the soft underbelly of the beast where nothing but a paper-thin dress shirt separates his flesh from the bullets. The nose of the gun presses straight into his torso and fires.
 Helen screams, not the high-pitched horror flick scream that one might expect to emit when seeing a lover shot, but an echo of his own yelp of pain, mixed with something impotently enraged. A roar, directed at the woman who just shot her husband. The same cry she sent out helplessly in the void as she watched him fight, unable to come to his aid. And she dragged herself so far, came back to him, but here she is still unable to come to his aid. Why...
The woman is already on the floor, her limbs and neck snapped. John is doubled over, clutching his abdomen, but he doesn’t stop moving.
She follows him as he stumbles against the wall and around a corner, supporting himself against the sleek, glowing glass of the station’s modern architecture. He’s silhouetted on white and leaving long, horrific red smears in his wake. He’s keeping pressure on the wound with one hand at any given time but trying to stem the bleeding is an utterly futile endeavor. Helen steps out in front of him to see red blooming across the fabric and soaking his fingers. He dares to look down at himself. She can feel wooziness pass over him at the sight.
Desperately, “Jonathan. May I please help you walk?”
“No. It’s not over.” He staggers away from the wall, demonstrating that he can support his own weight.
She drops back behind him again, her eyes pricked with tears, walking close enough now to catch him if he falls.
He was right, it’s not over. Someone’s tailing them, keeps looking at John and then back at his phone, presumably texting someone else. Before she realizes what’s happening, they’re closed in between two men, both well dressed, one walking behind them and one in front of the rest area at a coffee bar. John spots the one at the bar and lunges for him. Good, now there’s distance between him and the man behind them, and Helen occupies it.
The man notices her blocking his path and starts shooting. She turns to face him. Behind her, she can hear and feel the scuffle as John’s assailant grabs at the bullet wound to try to inflict as much pain as possible, but he’s only sending more and more adrenaline into John’s system.
She doesn’t really know what to do when she reaches the other hitman. She swings at him in a general way but feels her forearm immediately intercepted, and she’s flung to the ground with his knee over her neck. He’s trying to snap it and unable to figure out why it’s not working. Her face is pressed against grimy subway tile. It’s not clear how she was flipped, or how she could stop it next time. It doesn’t matter. He thinks he’s killing her, and that will keep him distracted from his target.
She looks up at John, just in time to see him grab a pencil from the coffee bar where the man sat writing just a few minutes ago. He plunges it into the man’s hand and then his face, then shoves his head against the table and drives it through. He’s showing off for her.
And then he sees her pinned and he’s done showing off. He yanks the man off her back, slams him to the wall, and stabs the pencil directly through the back of his skull.
For a second, he’s leaning against the wall, the pencil a bloody stump in his hand, then he pulls her up and they’re off again.
They walk. A subway ride, a transfer. Across a crowded fountain square, the moonless, starless city sky gaping black above them, every eye seeming to follow them. He’s tired and scared. He’s lost so much blood. God, she wants to hold him.
Waiting at the next platform, they’re attacked again. In the empty corridor of wind between two passing trains, he shoots one man and knifes the other, first with a shocking spray of red from the thigh and then on the tile, wrestling with him, pressing fiercely down into his chest and then collapsing on top of him for a moment. She almost reaches for him, but he manages to stand, and they board the train in silence.
She faces him, each of them holding onto the bar above them, pressed in among strangers, and stares into his eyes. Her free hand hovers at his torso, almost touching the blood but holding back in respect of his request – “don’t touch me.” His jaw is clenched, trying not to express the pain to her. Now that he doesn’t have a fight to focus on, there’s something icy and empty surfacing. He’s going into shock.
He realizes something. “Can you feel my body too? All the time? Or just emotions?”
This is a bad time for this conversation. “…Not all the time, just when it’s significant enough. And I’m not hurt. It’s not like that. It’s secondhand.”
He groans wordlessly, overtaken by a wave of guilt that mingles with the shock to make everything fuzzy. He’s shuddering. It’s suddenly so cold and there’s so little blood in his head…The more he fights against it in an effort to save Helen from this feeling, the more his anxiety spikes dizzyingly. He wants to lay down somewhere soft and just die.
“Hey. It’s not a bad thing. You felt me, remember? When we were… So, yes, I do have an awareness of it. But it’s like I told you then, I want all of you. Even the pain. It’s okay.”
Any affection at a moment like this is overwhelming. He’s lost in her acceptance, awed, humbled, just trying not to cry. He lets his awareness of his body recede, his legs go numb. There is no subway around them. There’s only her…and a misty void. He can see it again. He’s close to the other side, and she bridges a gap through which he can see…something.
The subway stops. He still can’t feel his legs.
His voice comes to her soft and strangled, but very controlled. “Helen…Help me.”
Finally. She weaves her arm through his, clasps their hands together, and takes his weight as they move carefully over the gap between the doors and the platform, towards the turnstiles.
But it’s difficult to make out their surroundings. As his precarious condition drags them closer to the veil, things bleed through, the otherworld blurring on top of life. And all around them, there are presences. They aren’t so close to the surface. They don’t have the determination she had. But there’s an opening, and they draw as near as they can, fixed on him. John’s knuckles are white and clammy between her fingers.
Is that a ticket machine, or just a shadow, an absence?
Is that a hitman disguised as a janitor pulling a gun, or is it Viggo’s soul?
Is that the crowd of the night shift commuters, or is it the horde that has already tried and failed to kill the Baba Yaga?
Either way, they are hunted.
Adrenaline hits again and the void recedes. There is a janitor pulling a gun – in fact, there are two. She and John are running, hand in hand.
She’s keeping him upright, following his lead, and he loses their assailants long enough to round a corner into a particularly dingy stretch of the thoroughfare, where a panhandler’s babbling echoes across the concrete and iron. He leans against a metal divider, his possessions heaped up next to him, no different from the down-on-their-luck people to be found in every subway station of every city in the world. But she recognizes the code phrase. “Things you see, things you see at night, man…” He’s saying it over and over. She staggers towards him as a beacon of safety, taking John with her.
He still has enough strength to let a gold coin fall into in the man’s cup. The babbling goes silent, and he’s looking up at them. For a second, Helen is afraid they have the wrong person, or that John is going to pass out before he’s able to explain what they need. Finally, he grunts, “Take us to him. Tell him it’s John Wick…and his wife.”
Then he drops to the ground next to that heaped up pile of belongings, and drags one of the blankets over himself. Helen knows it’s purely to hide his body from view, but the sheer vulnerability of the gesture sends her reeling with protectiveness. Clearly, he needed it. He is so grateful to be laying down, to have something shielding his body from the air that feels so inexplicably frigid. It will not do at all for him to be face down on the cold floor. She kneels beside him, pulling his head into her lap, and drags a second blanket over them both. It creates a warm pocket of dulled sound, filled up with his shallow breathing. He shivers against her as shock claims him completely. In darkness, in that hidden fragment of safety, she bends forward, wrapping his whole head in her bulletproof body, enveloping him in a comforting shield. Is that the haunted otherworld around them, or the bustle of the living? It makes no difference. She will defend him either way.
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SasuSaku Headcanon
{The night before Sasuke had to leave for years}
She sat in the living room of her own home instead of sleeping in bed, silently crying. Hugging her knees and rubbing the sides of her arms, she sought solace. Sasuke had informed her recently that he would be leaving for a long time. Despite knowing their love for each other would endure, the overwhelming sense of loneliness weighed heavily on her.
She had gone years without him. Times where she thought she’d never see him again.
She recalled the time where he first left the village. Watching his back as he left. Telling him she loved him. Hearing him tell her 'thank you'. And the sadness she felt waking up on that bench alone. Love to her back then was motionless and absolute. But since, the definition had changed. Love is a spectrum of motion and capacity.
As she sat, her posture stiffened upon hearing the door to the left of the living room open. It led to their shared bedroom with Sasuke. Swiftly, she lay down on the couch, pretending to be asleep, hoping to avoid any questions. She consciously lowered and stabilized her breathing, aiming to make her pretense more convincing. She sensed his presence standing across the room. Sasuke gazed at the figure lying on the couch in the dim light and felt a pang of sadness that she wasn't sleeping beside him in their bed. Carefully and slowly he walked over to her, he placed his hand on her shoulder and softly called her name, "Sakura," so as not to startle her. She pretended to awaken from her slumber.
"Why are you out here?" His vision obscured by the lack of light, Sasuke couldn't see the redness and puffiness in his wife's eyes.
"I had some work to do and accidentally fell asleep."
"You don't have to lie," he said sympathetically.
She sat up on the couch and sniffed, "Well, I didn't want to wake you up. I couldn't sleep...."
"Why?" Sasuke inquired. "Cause when I wake up you're gonna have to leave." She says sadly looking at him.
"Oh," Sasuke muttered, at a loss for words. He despised his inability to comfort Sakura and detested the extended periods of separation. "I'm sorry." He sat down on the couch beside her. "We've only been together for a short time, and now I have to say goodbye?"Her breathing became audibly uneven. Sasuke wrapped his arm around her, holding her in a tight embrace. "When you're here, all I can think about is you," she began again. "What am I going to do when you're gone?" "I'm truly sorry, Sakura... I love you," he confessed, his voice muffled by her hair as he planted a kiss upon it. "The distance won't change that."
She leaned further into his embrace, finding solace in his presence. The warmth of his body against hers provided a sense of comfort, even in the midst of their nearing separation. With her head resting on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
"I know you love me, Sasuke," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and longing. "But it's hard to imagine life without you by my side. Every time you leave, a part of me feels empty."
He tightened his hold on her, his fingers gently tracing soothing circles on her back. "I understand, Sakura. I feel the same way. Being apart from you is never easy for me either. But it won't be forever. I'll come home to you whenever I can..."
Tears welled up in her eyes once again, her voice quivering. "I just wish things were different... That we could wake up together every day, we would be happy everyday with each other...with our child..." her voice cracked thinking of the toddler in the next room.
Sasuke pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I wish that too, Sakura. But you know our responsibilities won't allow it. The path I've chosen is a difficult one, but I'm doing it to protect you and Sarada-- to protect everyone."
She nodded, understanding the weight of his duty. "I know, Sasuke... But it doesn't make it any easier for my heart."
He sighed, his voice laced with determination. "I promise you, Sakura, that I will always come back to you and Sarada. No matter how long it takes or how difficult the journey-- I will always love the family we made together."
She leaned back, making eye contact with him as he gently wiped away her tears with his thumb, offering a reassuring smile. "Thank you, Sasuke. For everything." She held his hand near her face and kissed it.
"I should be the one thanking you for staying with me all these years..."
"Loving you has been the best thing I have ever done, Sasuke."
Touched by her words, Sasuke's gaze softened, a glimmer of emotion shining in his eyes. He caressed her cheek tenderly, his thumb tracing the curve of her lips. "And loving you, Sakura, has been the greatest blessing of my life." He leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.
Sakura's smile widened, her heart swelling with affection. "I love you, Sasuke." She embraced him once more, pulling him down so they were lying together on the couch. He shifted to the side, facing her.
"I love you too, Sakura." He kissed her again, and she nestled against his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart. Slowly, she found herself drifting off to sleep after a restless night of worrying. Sasuke held Sakura tighter and he felt her beginning to drift off to sleep and began to fall asleep with his wife by his side. Despite the undeniable challenges that distance would bring, every gap between them, no matter how vast, would be infused with an unyielding love. In those spaces, they will always find each other
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reveuni · 1 year
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The Flower & the weed: chapter eighteen
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Synopsis: Yerim a girl used as a drug mule by her own mom. After a drug delivery goes wrong she flees the city and heads to the countryside where she meets a boy. He’s taking care of a garden behind school where he unbeknownst take care of a illegal plant
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Pairing:Jungwon x fem! drug mule! reader
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Jungwon still managed to get home after some time of wandering around the small town drunk. He also got a good night's sleep in his bed with his dirty outdoor shoes on and still dressed in his usual clothes. He was still in deep slumber but the vibrating from his phone startled him awake, it took him a few moments to realize that the phone was buzzing because of text messages.
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Jungwon rushed out of bed as fast as possible and ran out and almost fell when he kicked up the kickstand on his bike. The early morning was still pitch black and chilly the only thing that shined in the dark was the stars that the two had stargazed earlier. Jungwon started riding his bike as fast he could towards the neighborhood that Sunoo’s house was located.
He wasn’t even halfway there when he saw a girl run up the hill towards him wich made him stop in his track. He slowly started walking towards her to see if it really was Yerim.
"Jungwon" yerim said with a weak voice.
When he got the clearance that it was her, he smiled at the frightened girl and ran up to her and hugged her "You don't have to be afraid” he said as he patted her head. She started sobbing into his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her tighter.
"Did you see your mom are you running away from her?” he asked still trying to comfort her as much as possible. He looked over at his bike which was now laying down on the ground next to them.
“She is here, why?” She said completely broken and sad. The quiet morning got interrupted by a distinct rumbling car sound that revved more as it approached the two. The car got louder and louder as it sped closer until they could hear its awful roar. “let's get out of here.” Jungwon grabbed Yerims hand and started pulling her back up the hill as she sobbed. She couldn’t keep up with him her mind swarmed with so many questions of how did she find her? Is this the end of her new life? Jungwon had taken her to a big tomato field, they ran under each plant to get further away from the mothers car they jetted to the ground next to the big plants who hid them well. Their breath was short, their legs was tired.
”Are you ok?” Jungwon asked short-winded. ”Is she really your mom?”
Further away you could hear a car door slam
”Ugh! This bitch!” Her mother was furious she went to the side of the road and stooped to see if her child was hiding in the plantation.
”This fucking bitch I can’t wait to catch her!”
After a while the mother had had enough of looking and drove off at full speed.
”Yerim I think she drove away” She leaned back against the tomato plant as she looked at the starry sky once again. His hand had snaked it way up to Yerims where it rested softly.
”What are u doing?”
”Holding your hand” By the gesture and his confidence in saying that, Yerim could feel her face getting warm.
“Anyways it’s a relief that it summer, so it’s not cold even tho it’s late. We wouldn’t be able to stay here if it was cold” She glanced at him before quietly nodding.
“Jungwon the truth is” The girl slowly started “That woman is my mother i guess you are curious since you asked” She hugged her legs closer to her body and hides her face not ready for what he will say.
”I’m not curious because of her being your mother I’m more curious because I’m worried about you”
”I’m just worried about you. Why are that woman your mother of all people. Now I understand why you run away from home and I feel really sorry for your past even tho I don’t know about it. Ever since I met you, you seem strong but today and some other days you look pitiable so I get worried, thats how it is” He rubbed her hand with his finger which made her look up again.
“Thank you for saying that but I would like you to not worry about me, I’m okay” She assured him.
”Sorry I've just become so attached to you by the time we have spent”
”You don’t have to say sorry I’m thankful it’s just that I’m embarrassed running all the way here asking for money, growing weed and then leave this country, all that is because of my mother. But the most embarrassing thing right now is that you sympathize when you grew up normally “. The girl muttered to him.
“But what if my childhood was not normal? Could I worry about you then? I’ve been like you before I…..was the reason my mom died”.
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5 years ago
“Mom where are u going all dressed up?”
“You know I’m going to a wedding I need to catch the bus soon and dad are going to the police station could you take care of your sibling?” His mom said after applying her lipstick.
“No I won’t”
“Jungwon why it’s a tiny favor anyways I’m going now could I get a goodbye hug?”
“Hurry and go the first bus is leaving soon instead of Jungwon taking care for Niki I could take him to the station ” dad said tired of Jungwons bad behavior.
“No! Jungwon it’s only for a few hours just check so niki doesn’t do anything he shouldn’t”
“No I don’t have time I’m going to meet some of my friends” He said already putting on his shoes.
“Yang Jungwon! Are you really going to do what you want always you have a younger brother why are you so immature?”
“What are you talking about how often have I done what I wanted?” He signed at her.
“All this time like making plans with your friends do you ever think about family? You didn’t. In the end you will only have your family so you should think about them a little” She slowly get teary eyes.
“It’s always family family I’m sick of it Niki is old enough to take care of himself why me. I’m so fucking tired of it”.
“What did you just say? Why are u making me sad” from all the emotions a tear began to fall from her eye.
“Stop with your babbling, I’m going now”
Jungwon slams the door and rides off on his bike to Sunoo’s house. While his mother still has her eyes on the door with her shoulders slumped, she wipes away her tears before making a call.
“Hi, I don’t think I can catch the first bus sorry, I will take the second bus later go ahead and take the first without me, see you later”
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“In the end, my mom got on the second bus because of me. That bus got in an accident. If I just had listened to my mother and thought about family first and grown up earlier she wouldn’t have died it’s all my fault” He explained to her.
“How is it your fault? It was an accident” She pointed out with wide eyes.
”Everytime I see dad and Niki I feel sorry…so sorry” He sobbed heartbreakingly making the girl next to him cry again. Their tears that fell left wet tracks on their cheeks as they cried in a tomato field in the middle of the night.
“Are you crying? it must have been hard for you. I think it must have been hard for you as it was for me in some way but when I think about it you must have had it harder. I after all had the same experience as you, thinking I’m the one being responsible for someones else’s death when it was an accident.” She assured him.
“Are you talking about that time you told me you killed someone?” He questioned
“Yes I haven’t told you after all I was a drug mule by my own mom that day when you met me at the bus station, that was the day I sold something that killed my classmate” She waited for his answer but she was surprised when he seemed unconcerned about the whole incident.
”That explains why you said that when we first met”
”What if we both just tried letting all of this go? The world won’t end because we let go of a burden, right?” He calmly spoke and let out a small laugh looking up at her face the only source of light shining on her was the moonlight. Her eyes sparkled so prettily, even though her face was sad, jungwon couldn't lie to himself she was so beautiful. Yerim just hummed at his statement.
“Right by the way the kiss I’m sorry for running away after” he said trying to get eye contact with the girl who refuses to do the same.
“You don’t have to be sorry all the times, you were after all drunk but I was worried you would regret the kiss”.
”No absolutely not I actually like it…wait” he was caught off guard by his own words. He was surprised at what he just confessed to you.
”What?” The girl glances at him surprised.
”Nothing” he said as he looks away.
”Really? Are you still drunk maybe?”
”Nope I’m pretty sober”
”I liked it too” The girl muttered.
”Is that so” He said as he looks back at her with a small smile on his face. It was quiet between the two, eyes locked and hands locked. Jungwon slowly leaned in and placed his lips on hers it was a longer kiss than before, it was soft and his lips were so warm compared to the temperature of the air. It was only for a few seconds yet it felt longer.
“Thank you for everything since I came here” She said with a big smile on her face. Their nice moment was interrupted by the sound of sirens and car tires driving on the dirt road outside the field.
“Do you hear the sirens? Maybe we should run?” By the sound of the car Jungwon had immediately stood up in a flash, ready to take Yerim by her hand.
“Wait should we really run?”
“It’s better to run away now that they could be here at any moment” he assured her and guided her out from the field on to the road so they can run over to the woods next to the field they've been on. But they weren't fast enough two cars came from two different directions and out comes jungwon's father from the police car, out from the sports car comes yerim's mother.
”Jungwon and Yerim there you are!” Jungwon’s dad said.
”My daughter why are you not listening to your mom and running away? Why didn’t you answer my child. You were making me worried.” She held her daughter in her arms and pretended to cry. She wiped away the crocodile tears before speaking to the police man.
“Thank you officer for helping me I’m relived, we have to go home now so we will get going first, sir.” She slowly leads yerim away from Jungwon but they don't make it far before Jungwon grabs Yerim's arm
”Yerim are you just going to go with that woman are you just going to give up like this?!”
”Hey! let go of my daughter” her mother says while trying to separate them from each other.
“Jungwon I’m sorry, I like you too, no I just don’t like you I love you Jungwon I really do!”
”Let’s go! stop with your declaration of love and get inside the car” The mother finally separates them and drags Yerim to the car.
”Yerim I love you too please don’t go!” He calls out to her as his father holds him so he doesn't follow the car who drives away.
“Jungwon let’s go stop with your behaviour and get inside the car”
“Yerim why are you going, why?” Jungwon muttered to himself with teary eyes once again. He stood there watching the red sports car drive away from the place where he last felt her touch.
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The red sports car didn't make it far until the headlights went off on the side of the road.
“Fucking bitch you had the nerves to betray me? Is this how you repay me?”
“Stop with the repaying thing. Are raising someone just giving them food. Are you raising someone just by taking them to school?”
“Where did you get this nerve” her mother snorted.
To raise someone you need to love that person. Just don’t try to find me I’m not your daughter you fucking hag. You wanted me dead so pls don’t look for me I’ll live as I was dead I’m begging you!” This was the first time she raised her voice at her mother her body shook so hard that she thought she might fall apart at any moment. She couldn’t take it any longer, Yerim stepped out of the car ready to run off again but her mother was quick, she opened the driver door and walked with determined steps towards the girl. Her hands comes into the encounter of Yerims neck pressing her fingers so the girl can’t properly breath.
”You crazy bitch did you think you could steal from me. You theft I’m always on the look for you to the day you repay me. Where are the stuff?”
”The stuff? Why are you asking me you are the one who forces me to have the stuff, let go off me!”
”You are going to die in my hand tonight! Die, you bitch die!” She begins shaking the poor girl with the same grip as before. Yerim is on the verge of collapsing, but it won't last long until you could hear sirens like before approach the two.
“Stand straight your idiot” She let go off her marked neck and without the support of the mother's hands, she collapses on the ground. Squeaky breathing could be heard from the girl,she felt dizzy, shocked and completely drenched in cold sweat.
”So here you are woman we have been searching for you, you are under arrest for violating the narcotics control act”
“Arrest her” He orders to his colleagues.
”Miss you have the right to remain silent”
”I said stand up straight bitch” she whispered to her daughter so the police men could not hear them. The woman grabs her and tries to pull her up from the ground. But the policemen pulled her away and handcuffed her and lead her away to the police car, so that Yerim falls back to the asphalt.
“Arrest are you kidding me! Let go of me dammit! What about Yerim?!!” The mother's voice becomes more vague the further away she is taken until the car door closes in front of the mother's face.
”Yerim right?” One of the head policeman ask her.
“Yes” she said with the inability to talk properly.
“Are you the one who called when Joohyun died?”
“Thats right sir”
“I just wanted to ask you about something”
“I didn’t kill her” She muttered to him.
“Sure, I was not suspecting you I should say it’s thanks to you we can find the culprit. Anyways come with me first”
“Why” she said trying to look up at him but her eyes fluttered too much for her to see him properly.
”It’s only some questions for you all you have to tell me is how you lived and what you did until now and then we can help you further”.
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astronicht · 1 year
whumptober day 5: “you better pray I don’t get up this time around” + pinned down | original historical fantasy with lesbians? sarai/ketil | 1.8k, rated T
i don’t love posting original stuff but by god i didn’t want to look like i skipped day 5. will be deleted in November??
“There are two things human beings tend to do in caves: sing or die pinned,” Sarai Al-Baramikah muttered, her hand brushing the soft limestone wall. Outside, a hot wind whipped off the nighttime ocean. In the long low mouth of the cave behind them, the wind did its own singing. They were not so deep that they could not distantly hear the breakers off the beach market of Bal'harm.
Ketil watched the passage of Sarai’s hand. “The kids said there are old carvings in here,” she said.
“Yep,” Sarai said. Her voice was rough, wrecked. What an awful night it had been. “Smart kids. I found them too.”
“The carvings?” Ketil asked. “They’re Roman after all?”
What an inane thing to say, when a little girl was dead not an hour ago.
“…No. I don’t think so,” Sarai said. “Come look.”
Ketil shifted her weight and planted her feet in her doeskin boots. She had blood under her fingernails and splattered brown on the sleeve of her tunic, up above her elbow in some awkward and inexplicable spot. She did not come look. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her lazy voice gone hard, which was what she should have been asking for days, for a week. “Why are you on this island playing at being a bookbinder, Sarai? Why are you planning to get on my ship.”
“I am a bookbinder. A little alchemy too. Everybody needs work.” Sarai did not even turn around.
“You have twelve rings on your fingers, Sarai,” Ketil yelled. Sarai looked almost startled. She looked at her hand on the wall in the torchlight. Her other hand went unconsciously to the sword on her belt, which must have been ancient when Sarai’s father had been born. She had come from a good merchant family when they were young, but not the sort of family that wore treasures like a parakeet wore green.
“It’s not an interesting story, Ketya,” Sarai gritted out, as if that were relevant. “I’m not just saying that. It’s short and common and sad.”
“Fuck off,” Ketil rasped.
“I’m sorry,” Sarai said. “Ketil.”
Sarai’s face was awful, just for a second, before it went smooth.
“Thanks for— you saved the rest of the kids,” Ketil said. She rubbed her face with the hand not holding the torch.
Sarai snorted, tired. “I kept them calm until you could show up,” she said.
“Yeah,” Ketil said. She meant: yes, exactly.
“You know, no one else I know thinks of me as reliable,” Sarai observed, wry. Ketil blinked; this did not seem relevant. Who else was with her on this side of this night? If Sarai was there, it would be Sarai. “Come see the carvings. I found more of them.”
Ketil watched as her little souls skittered forward before her body did. Sarai’s soul was burning low in her belly, inescapably part of the body even when Ketil’s were not. Ketil stepped forward. The torch in her hand lit up Sarai’s face a bit more, the slope of her nose, her wild hair beneath the headcloth.
“Do you want the torch?” Ketil said, a reflexive banality.
“No,” Sarai murmured, even though she could not see Ketil’s four little souls skittering down the tunnel like mice, or stolen bright moonlight, or wil o’ the wisps. In here it was dark, to her. “You keep the light, darling.”
Ketil’s stomach went hot, but the hair on the back of her neck prickled and rose.
The walk down into the mountain was not a walk but a scramble. Ketil hated small spaces. She fought to keep her breathing steady, steady, as if she was breathing through pain.
They came to a little opening, another little room of sorts. Ketil could not control where her glowing souls went, of course, so only one helpfully approached the wall that Sarai was looking at in the dark. Ketil had to bring the torch over to really see. At first she did not know what she was looking at. It was just scratches on the wall, person-shaped, flowing lines that made chest, buttocks, thigh, calf. The lines trailed off instead of forming hands or feet; what the hands clutched was lost to some memory.
They were certainly not Roman, old Rome or new, and not Carthiginian either. All across the Jórsalahaf, all across three continents, Ketil had lived and traveled and traded in the ruins and new heights of southern empires; she knew the great city where two seas met which was the new Rome. No one carved figures like this.
Ketil had no magic in her bones, but she was, every day, a witness for the dead. And here they were speaking, pinned in a cave above Bal'harm, with its thousands of books and scholars and artists, its ruined Greek statues and its strange coins from Carthage and its memories of Rome when it was a young and angry goatherders republic and when it had god-kings and called an entire sea its own.
This, the Emirate of Siqilliya where Bal’harm had sat under different names for millenia was after all the first overseas conquest of Rome, was it not? So it made sense, in a way, that layers of people would go back and back here in its dry stone.
Then she realized what the figures in the center of the crowd of people were doing.
Sarai smiled, quick and sharp. Ketil stepped back.
“Who’s the prude now?” Sarai said.
Ketil didn’t bother to reply. She tipped her head back and really looked. They were supposed to be two men, going by the sharp little etched lines of their erections. The lines of their bodies were more tense than the other wavering curves of the figures around them. One was tied neck to ankles like a hog for the autumn slaughter, when families sent sons and daughters into the wild woods to round up the sows and hogs which had been left to wild forage for the long summer. The slaughter season was a time of chestnuts. Ketil could almost smell them roasting.
The bound man was being fucked, because of course he was, his cock hard and proud beneath him.
Ketil knew this feeling too, better than she knew chestnuts. She knew it in her belly, in the sweating palms of her hands. Sarai was standing behind her, and so still it was as if she was holding her breath. As if she could not stand behind Ketil and breathe and look at this.
When Sarai stepped to the side and spoke she sounded even rougher than before. You could almost pretend she was a man. “You always said that a soul looks different depending on the god,” she rasped, and it sounded like the beginning of one of her long theories.
Ketil didn’t know how this fit into the rock carving of the bound man, who was a joy or a sacrifice or something else. There was no way to know. Just like if she and Sarai died here suddenly in a rockfall, died here with their bones turning slowly to stone, no one would know anything about who they were or who they had once been to each other or why Ketil had gone back for her in this shitty cave. No one would ever know from their bones, and certainly not from the scraps of memory they might leave behind: Sarai bound books and Ketil sold them like cattle and no poet sung any story about them among the skalds of Jorvik or the ghazal writers of Ishbiliya or even in the lands east of Constantinople, where maybe someone should remember what it had been like, once, when they were young on the banks of the Black Sea. There was no memory here. It would be a rupture, a forgetting.
It did not matter, probably, that Ketil didn’t get it yet. Sarai had likely figured something out already.
Sarai said, “So the giant, or the elf, or the man— whatever we think he is. He killed Gudrun because we didn’t understand what was happening. It was foreign. We spend our lives being foreign, so we should’ve guessed that it was going to be different. His soul was different. His magic was different. No one remembers what it was like, except.” The cave wall loomed larger, somehow. “Maybe someone wrote it down.”
Ketil swallowed.
“I want to go meet the man,” Sarai said, confident now. “Gudrun went to go kill him and got herself killed, fuck. She was just a kid. We’re older now. We’re bigger now.” She met Ketil’s eyes. “So I think I should go meet the man.”
Ketil had been trying not to think about it: that whatever it was that had killed Gudrun was not gone.
“Most things can’t follow us over salt water,” Ketil said. “The man probably can’t.”
“I thought you said you have a responsibility,” Sarai said. Her voice was not kind, but it was a kindness: what Ketil felt was relief.
Ketil was silent. Then she said, quickly, “Something was done to him, I think.”
“Yep,” Sarai said, looking at the carving. “I think he was killed.”
“Not like that,” Ketil said, about the carving, the two men embraced. “He was hunted by… by someone with a bow and arrow. And he didn’t know what a bow and arrow was. To him it was like… elfshot.”
Sarai turned to her slowly, eyes bright. “Elfshot. What are elves, Ketil?”
Ketil sensed that this was rhetorical. She shrugged anyway and said, “They’re just elves, the same way bears are just bears. You sacrifice to them and hope they won’t throw invisible elfshot at you or your horses.”
“Hm,” Sarai said. “I need you to tie me up like that.” She laughed, dry in the echoing dark. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to fuck me.”
Ketil’s hands felt numb. She wished she did not know that they would be steady anyway. Her hands never shook when she thought they should be allowed to shake.
“Give me your belt,” Ketil said thickly, and Sarai undid the silver eagle clasp and slid it off her hips like nothing. When she handed it to Ketil, the sharp and ancient sword was still strapped there in its scabbard. “And pin me down.”
When Ketil still hesitated, Sarai said, “I’m no fool, you know. I know I haven’t got any magic in my hands. I’m not trying to do what Gudrun could do, what any of the kids could do. I’m just going to— remember, really hard. That’s not magic. That’s just— mind. A thought experiment, like when Ibn Sina wrote about the well in the Khitab al-Shifa. But I need to know what it feels like in order to remember it.”
I know what it feels like, Ketil thought, but could not say. Her calm hands raised the belt around Sarai’s throat.
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