winters-doll · 2 years
A/N: Hey babes happy thanksgiving! I’ve had some time and decided to disassociate💕
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I love you guys <3
His Little Fox
Pairings: Jack Hanma x Fem! Short! Black! Plus Size Fox reader!
*Mia's Pov*
Looking at the huge man getting on his knees, his green cargo joggers soaked in the sidewalk concrete. I can't help but stare up at him in shock. The rain patters harshly, not giving any sign of letting up either. How does he still have 8 inches of height above me on his knees?! My eyes gaze across his thick thighs and his biceps that have the potency to crush me in a heartbeat. Peering up at his stature makes me realize the dire decision I've made. The hard rain hardly makes out anything but I see reluctance in his features. Not wanting to be a hindrance, I guard my face and turn back around. "I'll walk up if I have to." Walking faster I hear the brooding man huffs a big sigh. Making a hesitant left, I waddle towards a near pole light  .
My shoddy socks squish and squash on the hard concrete. Ignoring the small jabs of pain on the pebbled surface, I avert my eyes from the large man and keep my gaze under me. Suddenly, the man next to me rumbles," You don't know where you're going." Keeping my heady pace I try to look out for poles that I could accidentally run into. I just need the rain to slack up a bit and I'll be fine.
We continue to walk for another 5 minutes in silence. How far is his car from here?!" Huffing out of slight exhaustion, I waddle my way through the cracks of the concrete. " You're adrenaline's wearing off." The man says suddenly." I halt near a stop sign and place my hands on my drenched dress, my sore feet pulsing.
Huffing an"I'm fine." Leaves my lips before I can even take another breath. The man gets on his knees again and rumbles."Get on my back." It was a simple statement, but left no room to argue. Gingerly stepping behind him, I'm met with the wide expansion of his back and come with the conclusion. I've never gotten on anyone's back before. Timidly, I lean my body across him. Wrapping my arms around his neck from behind, I exhale a hesitant breath. "Okay... Here I go." I say more to myself than him. He grunts in response. Leaning my full weight across his back, I wrap my legs around his waist firmly. He seems to stay planted kneeling on the ground. Am I too heavy?! Maybe he can't get on- I should let go-"Are you ready?" The brooding man suddenly asks.
"Y-yeah." I squeak. The yellow street lights flicker above us."You haven't gotten on yet, is there something wrong?." Staring at the back of his neck. My heart sinks. "I-i'm already on." I exclaim. The tall man turns his head at a 45 degree angle and stares at my perplexed face. His brown eyes bore into mine for a prolonged moment. Furrowing my brow, I sigh and say,"We should get going." The brooding man huffs a big gust of air. "Alright." He starts again but turns his neck to look at me again. "Hold tight." He uttered. "I'm already-" The burly man rises slowly, ascending  his way to his full height." The heavy stream pours harder the more he straightens his back. I gasp a deep breath, my ample arms tighten around his neck. The man doesn't move but stays completely still, brown eyes narrowed into slits. "I wont drop you," He clips, having seemed offended.
Holding my breath, I sputtered," I don't mean to be rude." I give the robust man a sheepish smile. "Let's go." He uttered.
Swaying left and right, my body rocked to the man's rhythm. The downpour didn't let up at all. Looking down at his steel boots, I begin to think about my mother. Her cruel words and warm hugs. Her imposing but familiar figure. Her words crumbled me, belittled me, and I welcome it with an open heart because I have no one else. No one to love me, to hate me. She was the only one.
My eyes burn from the brim of tears. Am I truly alone? No one can love me or hate me now. Squeezing his neck tighter, I try to compress my sadness to numbness. "Hey." The man suddenly grumbles. "I said I wasn't going to drop you." His dark eyes find mine. "N-No." I try to conceal the croak in my throat. "No," I repeat. "It's not that." I mumbled. "Hm?" The blonde man inquired, interested. "It's well..." I carried on. This man saved me from a life of pain and suffering. He doesn't deserve to hear my burdens. "Just cold, really." I trail off nonchalantly. "We're almost there, just down the road." Sure enough, just along the road, hardly visible from the rain there's a large truck. Squinting my eyes, I try to focus on the truck that'll lead me to warmth–
He's let go. My breath caught in my throat, my stomach sunken in. His large hands,digging into his pockets. My thick legs dangling along his back. It feels like I'm defying gravity. As if I'm flying. I gasped, wrapping my thighs around his waist like a cobra squeezing its prey.
Suddenly, I feel out of breath. Resting my head on his shoulder, I close my eyes and hear two chirps. "Here we are." He grumbled. I hesitantly open my eyes and feel dizzy again. I know why I couldn't see the truck clearly. Its slick inky base, larger than two bears standing. Its 45 inch  polished aluminum wheels were still yet deadly. I could easily hide behind it and not get detected. This was no ordinary truck. More primal. Like a large animal of sorts. Like a beast. It looks like it can swallow me whole. Another two chirps and the doors opened by themselves. "Alright, ladies first." The burly man uttered, " I'll have to carry you in, considering your short stature." I couldn't move, couldn't speak."Please sir." I mumbled. "I-I don't want to get in." The man stands still for a moment as if choosing his words wisely. "How come?" He griped. How can I make him understand that he's giving me to the monster like a compromising snack?
"It'll eat me." I whispered. Too afraid to speak louder, the beast might attack. I'm met with silence once again. What if he leaves me here? What if he feeds me to the beast? I'm helpless, hopeless. The man chuckles, placing my weight on his hip like a child. My shoddy sweater dress brushes against his soft drenched sweater.Feeling his hard body on mine, his heat sent shivers down my spine. "It's alright," He rumbles. His deep brown eyes bore into mine. "I've got you."
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winters-doll · 3 years
A/N: Hey guys! I know it’s been forever but I have some inspiration rn! Love you guys!
His Little Fox
Pairings: Jack Hanma x Fem! Short! Black! Plus Size Fox reader!
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Chpt 2-Indifference
*Jack’s Pov*
The small plump woman grips my sweater with desperation. “P-please sir.” She looks into my blue eyes with her own brown teary orbs. “They’ll kill me.” Her plump lips mouth what she’s too afraid to say. “MIA!” A dark skinned man runs towards us and yells in the distance. “He’s too close! ” The woman shrieks. She starts to run away when I realize her appearance. Her smooth apricot skin wet and battered in small cuts over her arms and neck. Her double strand twist frizzed and she wore a loose sweater dress that was torn in her legs. Her chubby legs ran down splinters and no shoes, only bruised toes. Her frightened eyes look in my direction. “Hey.” Reaching out to grab her wrist gently, she flinched and crossed her arms. “Hm.” I slowly dropped my hand in a non threatening manner.
“I won’t hurt you, sweetheart.” I can hear her heartbeat against her chest. She grasped onto my wrist and hid her plump figure behind me. “MIA!” The dark skinned man runs up to me and yells,”Get out of my way! She’s my daughter!”
The way he says “my daughter” makes me feel anger boil in my chest. Why is he so entitled to his daughter? “You’re daughter, huh?” I step towards the man. The man gasped and looked up towards my eyes, his face looking into the sky. Trying to remain not threatening he yells,”Yes! She needs to come home and face her consequences.” Mia gasped and leaned into my lower back. She’s so frightened, from this lowlife type of man. Looking back at her, I see her drenched shaking body curled into my back. “It doesn’t look like the little lady wants to come with you.”
*Mia Pov*
“It doesn’t look like the little lady wants to come with you.” The broad man says nonchalantly. I whimper and press my figure into his broad back. I don’t want to go with my father, I made it this far out of that house. Shaking my head into his expansive back, the broad man grunts and hums,”Seems like the little lady agrees.” My father smacks his lips and grunts,”She doesn’t have a choice!” My protector doesn’t seem to like that statement. Wait! Protector?! He’s not my… Why is he protecting me? Usually strangers mind their business and stay out of trouble. The broad man stands in my fathers face and says,”Well I choose for you to leave, and please,” the stranger in front of me back tenses.``Try to take her from me.” I peer from his back to look at my father. His eyes widen and his mouth is agape, my father becomes the impossible: he’s afraid. Peering at my father long enough, I realize that I don’t feel anything. An inkling numbness washes over me, I don't want him to suffer or feel joy.
I want nothing. Nothing to do with him.
*Jack’s Pov*
Glaring at this dumbass makes me even more angry. The small woman grasping my sweater gives me the knowledge that he has no room for any mercy. Hearing her desperate pleas. She doesn’t deserve this. No one does. “Excuse me sir.” A gentle voice fills my ears. “Hm?” I turn towards her. She looked at the ground in shame. “I just…” Her voice wavers. “I just want to get away from him, please sir.” She tilts her head up to lock eyes with mine. Her brown orbs glistened in the street lights.``Arguing is pointless, he won’t listen.” Her grip on my sweater tightens, “N-nothing will change!” Hearing her gentle voice crack, I stare at the fragile woman. Defeated. I’ve seen that look before…It’s vaguely familiar. The plump woman sniffles in the merciless rain, she’ll get sick. Dead or alive won’t take away her trauma. Exhaling a deep breath, I turn away from the ugly excuse for a man. “ Let’s go.” Making sure she’s in front of me, we make our way to my car, her father yelling in the distance. If he tries to stop me I'll kill him.
Quickly walking in the heavy downpour, I’ve come to a realization. She's incredibly slow. Watching her chubby stature trudge through the heavy rain slowly made me irk or irritate. Does she want to suffer and make me upset? But I can’t leave her behind, I have to make sure she’s safe at least for the night. Hearing tiny gasps from beside me, I turn to see her panting and grasping her drenched sweater dress, making her dress rise on her wet thick thighs. Jesus Christ, we need to hurry before she gets even more sick than she probably is. We won't get there if we trudge along at her dainty pace.
“Hey.” Stopping in my tracks I stare at the top of the small woman’s head. She walks a few steps ahead of me and stops. The rain shrinking her passion twist but thickens the curls. Her body slightly turned towards me. “We won't get to my car in time before you get sick.” Guarding a deep breath, I slowly get on my knees. “Get on my back if you don’t mind, my car’s a few blocks away.” Turning fully towards me, the small woman looks at me in shock. “Huh?!”
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winters-doll · 3 years
A/N: I wanna make a series but i’ll see how you guys react
His Little Fox
Pairings: Jack Hanma x Fem Short! Black Plus Size!!Fox reader Jack Hanma x Reader
Chap 1: Bumped Paths
*Mia Pov*
“Hah.” “Hah.” “Hah.” I feel my legs growing tired with each stride a run. I know I won't last much longer. “Mia, please come back to me and your father!” My mother yells. I turn back to see my mother in tears on our front porch and my father running down the stairs. This increases my adrenaline and my tired chubby legs increase it’s speed and I'm not even sure how when I feel like I might give out at any moment. Lightning strikes in the sky in front of me. I squeeze my eyes waiting for the thunderous impact.
“Mia!” I hear my father's deep voice bellow. “You can’t leave us! You have nowhere to go! How dare you do this to your father and mother?! The people who gave you life!!!” He screams. I yelp and almost slip on the concrete as I turn the corner to run into a wall. At least that’s what I thought.
*Jacks Pov*
I grunt as I lift the two 300 pounds dumbbells on my 65x70 reps. “Ya know,” My little brother Baki drawls. “What is it?” I ask focusing on my reps. “Don’t you think you would be happier if you’d… ya know…” My brother drawls again. I sigh and put the dumbbell down. “What Baki? I was just getting started.” I grunt. “I’m just wondering if you would be happier if you had a lover, man. I mean.” Baki gets quiet. “I know I have.” Baki says with his head down. “Baki.” I say with a sigh. “Love isn’t for someone like me and I’m not trying to be an asshole about it either. That’s just not the life I was picked for.” I pick up the dumbbells with a grunt ready to workout. One of the only hobbies I live for.
“Whatever man! Stop being such a downer—shit it’s raining. I didn’t watch the forecast today.” I humm in agreement. “Shit! I have to check up on Kozue, I'll see you later Jack.” I nod as Baki runs off to his Kozue. As I walk down the hard pavement I ponder on Baki’s question. Can I really find love? I questioned. Instantly I'm reminded of my mother and all the pain she had to endure and I can’t help but feel it was my curse on her. That she fell in love with my bastard of a father. “Hm.” I humm. I don’t think the question of me searching for my lover is the right statement, rather. Do I deserve love?
That’s what I question as I turn the corner then feel this soft weight press into my abdomen. The person falls onto the wet ground. Irritated, I growl,”Watch where you’re—“”Please…” The small figure pleads. “Please.” The small woman grasps my purple sweater. With a shaky breath the woman begs with her head down. “H-help me.” Instinctively I gently grasp her chin with my finger and immediately I’m met with brown doe eyes. “MIA ELIZABETH BUTLER!!!” I here a man yell. “COME BACK HERE!!!” The woman flinches and tugs on my sweater bringing her to my attention. “Please help me!”
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