#a potato if you will
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starwhipnspin · 2 years ago
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koko and baby lloyd cuz i recently rewatched the ninjago movie
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beeseverywhen · 1 year ago
Sometimes you wake up super depressed and feel like you can't carry on but then you eat a potato and you feel just a tiny bit better and you're like. Well I've gotta keep going. If one potato did that what could 2 potatoes do? 5? You have to keep living for the potential of more potatoes down the line
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egophiliac · 2 months ago
TREY NOOOO you weren't supposed to look so cool, I was supposed to be able to save my keys for all the upcoming birthdays, how could you do this to me --
also hey. hey Trey. what's in that bowl.
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oobbbear · 1 year ago
Please understand that when I say I grab you, I don’t mean grabbing your face or arm thats rude and creepy please don’t do that to anyone
When I say I grab you I’m saying it like I’m grabbing you like a potato. It’s my way of saying hey I appreciate and respect you let’s be friends
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zorangezest · 2 months ago
i've been getting a couple asks if redraws were allowed and yes! i love seeing how my art is interpreted in different styles, go for it!
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previous laserbeak
phew! that's a lot of drawing...i'm going into hibernation now...
ive been working on this project for close to a month and i have to ask: what was your favourite moment?
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purple-raspberries · 4 months ago
Available NOW at Howdy’s Place!
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[click for better quality]
Available now as an early-morning special at Howdy’s Place! Don’t miss it!
Howdy’s Freshly Roasted Sweet Potatoes are sold only through the Winter seasons! So come down and try our mailman’s new favorite Morning breakfast!
Buy one and get one free topping (extra toppings available for purchase)!
[general time to complete: 8h 48min across 1 week]
Unedited and alt below vvvv
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gothhabiba · 4 days ago
for the record, if you feel that you cannot control your eating—like, you sit down intending to eat a handful of chips or a couple cookies, and you enter a fugue state and eat the entire package, and you're like, oh my god, why don't I have any self-control when it comes to food, why do I keep doing this—the answer is that it's because you are probably starving. you are probably running on a severe calorie and nutrient deficit and harming yourself by doing so. we should question the idea that exerting "self-control" when it comes to food is even necessary.
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cowpants147 · 2 months ago
I neeedddd more Foxes on TikTok content! Them doing their own versions of trending videos and challenges like the "dress up as something that starts with your first initial challeneg"
Allison, looking ethereal dressed like a literal Greek God, glammed to the heavens: I'm Allison, I'm dressed as Aphrodite and it's the onw year anniversary of my boyfriends death so I better be the drunkest tonight.
Renee, wearing a real leather F1 jacket/jumpsuit that Allison for some reason has in her closet with a blow up steering wheel in her hand: I'm Renee, I'm a race car driver and I think Nicky might be the drunkest.
Andrew, dressed exactly the same as normal but has a stethoscope around his neck and a piece of paper saying "Aaron" duct taped to his chest just stares into the camera for 30 seconds until it's obvious Allison will not be leaving without an answer: when Kevin starts puking I'm leaving.
Once everyone has given their answer the video enda with a pic of Nicky and Kevin passed out in a bathtub together.
Or the Trauma Dump Candy salad video which goes off the rails immediately and PSU makes them take down 3 hours after posting
"Hiiiiiii, I'm Nicky and I'm a gay teenage father of two and I brought Nerd Cluster Gummies"
"I'm Aaron and instead of going to rehab my evil doppelganger locked me in a bathroom w a blanket and a weeks worth of canned food and I brought Reeces"
"I'm Allison and my parents didn't even yell at my brother when he got expelled from boarding school for having coke in his room but I got kicked out of the house when I showed up to my deb ball with a black eye and a busted lip after playing (and winning) an exy game. They didn't even ask if I was OK. And I brought cherry flavoured Twizzlers"
"I'm Neil ans whenever I burn something while cooking I have a panic attack cause I start to think about burning my mother dead body in a ditch on the beach and I brought ... Andrew what are these called? Oh, I brought sour patch kids"
"I'm Kevin, I grew up in a cult and I brought raisins" except he's body tackled by a blonde blur before he gets a chance to dump the raisins into the bowl.
Them posting stupid shit to popular sounds:
Aaron, sat on the couch, study notes laid out around him, energy drink cans littering the place: I want to sit back and enjoy my my evening when all of a sudden ...
Camera flashes across the room to Neil just minding his own business: ... I hear this aggravating, grating voice
The "My Shalya" sound over clips of Neil absolutely violating people.
Zoom up of Kevin in full Queen Day sttess mode on the sidelines of practice with the sound "yes I'm a drama queen, but it's not by choice" playing over it and when it gets the "it's genetic" part the video zooms out to show Wymaxk next to him with the exact hand on hip, stressed look on his face
Renee doing the "actually I do cuss a little" sound while she's getting her gear on to spar with Andrew and when it reaches the "probably fuck" portion of the audio the clip switches to her taking Andrew downnnn. And then there's a beat drop just cause.
Another edit of Neil but with the "am I the drama? I don't think I'm drama" sound.
Upperclassmen scrolling through news articles or flipping through sports news channels rhag are reporting on them while miming along to "is this fucking play about us"
Some teammates, probably upperclasmen, definitely Nicky also miming along to "I'm sorry, not everybody fits in the bad bitch genre, it's a genre, not everybody fits on the he roster" while dressed in full exy uniform, with the caption "when you're coach only recruits the most traumatised bitches"
And forcing teammates to do "day in the life" "what i eat in a day as a member of the most fucked up exy team" and "ootd" videos.
Andrew (bribed with alcohol, ice cream and ten dollars) does a What I Eat in a Day as depressed mother of 3 whose forced to play stickball. There's no sound, its just the picture carousel style w block letters next to pics of his food:
Breakfast is a massive mug of hot chocolate with half a can of squirty cream and marshmallows.
Breakfast 2 is a big bowl of whatever sugary flavour cereal that's overflowing w E Numbers and almost illegal food dye you guys have in the US.
Snack 1 is a chocolate bar.
Lunch is a slice of pizza, fries and then there's a hand forcing salad onto his plate. Andrew adds a note to this pic saying "I'm allergic to green, Kevin's trying to kill me"
Snack 2 is a an energy drink and a cigarette
Dinner is a pint of ice cream
Midnight snack is just a pic of Neil which Andrew thinks is an obvious coming out without coming out vibe but everyone is immediately worried about Neil's safety and there endals up being a Reddit thread about Andrew being a cannibal.
Then they post a follow up video of Kevin reacting to this and he just watches on in despair saying "no. no. Andrew you have a nutritionist!"
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jynjackets · 6 months ago
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Shōgun makes Emmy history
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elliottswaterlilies · 28 days ago
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just wanted everyone to know that yes N shows his baby to literally everyone; even brings her to work for the funnies
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"Oh Uzi is the more responsible parent then!" absolutely not /silly
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
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auction results done for @ouchpotatoex as a part of the 2024 @marveltrumpshate charity event: thank you so much for your generosity and donations !!!!
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anniilaugh · 8 months ago
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”There was cute, like Carrot or Chopper, and then there was cute like a certified killing machine snuggling three babies at once.
Sanji had never in his life wished so hard for a snail, he needed a picture of this more than he had ever needed a picture of anything before. ”
Fanart of Thirty Thousand (& Three) Nautical Miles by @brunetta6blog & Springtime4Persephone 💚
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 8 months ago
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Code Veronica edition
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
What do you think riddle's dad is like? He was so randomly dropped lol are they divorced? Unhappy couple? Off getting milk with Ruggie's dad????
I swear he talks about his dad at some point? (I thought it was one of the birthday cards, but I just skimmed through them all and didn't see it, I am at a loss as to where else it might be). assuming I didn't just make it up, his parents are still together, but they don't actually get along very well and his dad mostly just...avoids interacting with them both. just in case you were worried for a second that Riddle might have one non-sucky parent! 👍
honestly is it any wonder that Trey spent thirty seconds with him and immediately was like
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kayshasiemens · 8 months ago
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Rising from the dead to share this painting and then disappear again
I have spent over 90 hours of my life on this thing because I have had the brain rot for the last 2 years of my life (almost 20 if you count when I first read the comics) and it had to express itself somehow
Hope this dramatic bitch feels appreciated
(A Dream of Morpheus, handmade egg tempera on panel, 12x18 inches...if by any chance you'll be at SDCC or Gen Con, I'll be at booth 934/936 at the first one and Art Show #13 at the second one - come see the original, maybe get a print, or just yell/cry about Sandman with me?)
And here, have some more details - I had fun combining some favorite elements from both the comic and the show ♡
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