#a new rent free resident just dropped
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onehelluvafan · 5 months ago
Okay, someone at Spindlehorse is a fan of Anastasia, and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
I thought it was just the coat/banner, but I lost it when I realized that even the MOUTHS align with each other.
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Idk who the Anastasia fan is at Spindlehorse, but I fucking love this.
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broodybuck · 6 months ago
Title: The Boy Next Door
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Rating: E
Tags: 18+ explicit smut, childhood friends, neighbors, pining, confessions, friends to lovers, first crush
Summary: Growing up, you always had a crush on the boy next door. Now, twelve years later, you might unexpectedly get your chance with Bucky Barnes.
[ao3 link]
Your parents just handed over the house you grew up in. It was that easy, now it's yours.
They want to be those typical, retired parents and move to Florida — boring! And since you've been renting a studio in Brooklyn for the past four years, you jumped at the chance to have a three-bedroom house in upstate New York. It's already paid off and your parents are wealthy enough, they don't need the earnings for their Florida condo.
You've only been back to your childhood home for holidays in the past few years. Everything has stayed the same, your parents were actually one of the few who didn't turn their daughter's bedroom into a home office or gym. They left the pink wallpaper, the twin bed with the floral comforter, and the tower of stuffed animals on the dresser.
When you arrive with your two suitcases and some extra cash in your pocket since you sold all your studio furniture, you stare up at the house. You smile from the warm memories before you glance over at the house next door.
An older boy named James lived there, but he always went by Bucky. Bucky Barnes is the name that lived in your diary for most of your adolescence. He was four years older than you which meant you had an embarrassing crush on him since you were twelve. He was nice, he always teased you when you saw each other, he even acknowledged your existence for the one year you were both in high school together — you as a freshman and him a senior.
That did wonders for your reputation, you became pretty popular even after he graduated. Still, you would've thrown away all the friends and parties for just one night with Bucky if that was a possibility.
You're not sure you ever got over your crush, more just accepted that it was never going to happen and moved on with your life. It was easy once he went away from college and three years later so did you. You never ran into him again even when you were visiting home for the holidays. It seems the Barnes' residence spent their holidays elsewhere as the house was always dark on those occasions.
Currently, it's two in the afternoon and the sun is beating down so strongly, you start to take off your jean jacket. You're sliding your arms out of the sleeves when a familiar voice makes you jump.
"Hey, y/n."
Your arms flap uncoordinatedly, still half in the jacket, pausing in an awkward position as you turn to see your childhood crush standing a few feet away from you. Bucky Barnes, looking sexier than ever.
"Oh, hi,” you splutter.
This man still has the ability to make you blush like a schoolgirl. You do some quick mental math and realize if you’re 27 now then he must be 31. And why do men age so spectacularly? He has somehow managed to become even more attractive in the last twelve years.
"What're you doing here?" you ask as you finally free your arms from the jacket.
"I'm house-sitting," Bucky explains. "What're you doing here?"
"Um, well, the house is sorta mine now."
"Parents gave you the whole thing?"
"Yep, the whole thing," you nod.
"Wow, congrats on the house," Bucky says.
"Thank you," you reply and you both stare at each other in a beat of silence.
"Um actually, since you're around, do you think I could pay you for some manual labor?" you ask suddenly.
"What kind?" Bucky grins fast. It truly takes your breath away, jesus this man should not be allowed to smile.
"I have a dumpster coming tomorrow morning," you explain. "I'm getting rid of my childhood bedroom furniture."
"Yeah, I can help."
"That would be so great, I'll pay you—"
"Don't sweat it. Just treat me to dinner sometime," Bucky shrugs, and your stomach drops. What in the world does he mean by that... like a dinner date?
"Oh, dinner... yeah, okay. You got it," you play it cool and awkward.
He smiles at you, amused.
"Anyway..." you mumble unsure how to retract yourself from this conversation, unsure if you even want to.
"You really grew up, huh?" Bucky says, and he scans you up and down.
"I guess so," you shrug, your face burning. "You too."
"Yeah, guess we haven't seen each other in..."
He appears to be trying to calculate the years but you unabashedly jump in with an exact answer.
"Twelve years."
"Has it been that long?" he asks.
"I... think so," you feign uncertainty.
"So, what time do you need me tomorrow?" he asks.
"Oh, anytime that works for you."
"How about noon?"
Asking for Bucky's help might've been the worst idea you ever had. When he comes over, he's wearing a cotton-white t-shirt and jeans. His hair is damp and slicked back from a shower. He looks so comfy, it makes you imagine waking up with him. You yearn to know how warm his skin feels fresh from the steam.
You ignore your inappropriate desires and lead him up the stairs to your old room. It's then you realize how many years of your life you desperately wanted to show him your room. Have your crush see these walls, sit on your bed, and make out with you next to your teddy bear.
It's embarrassing but probably every teenage girl wanted the same thing. Unfortunately, the thought slips out of you with a laugh.
"I always wanted to show you my room."
You freeze in the doorway, realizing what you've just said out loud.
"What?" Bucky asks from behind you.
"When I was younger, I meant. I didn't mean... I don't know why I said that, actually."
You turn around and see the look of amused confusion on his face, a small smirk inching from the corner of his mouth.
"Oh, fuck it. I had a major crush on you," you confess.
Bucky's eyebrows lift high.
"You couldn't tell?"
"I thought you were just awkward with everyone," he shrugs.
"Great, so you thought I was a total loser," you sigh.
"No..." he says quickly but takes a second to elaborate. "If it helps, I didn't think about you that way 'cause you were too young for me."
"Of course, you never thought about me," you brush off, trying not to let your younger self die too much inside.
You step into the room to create any amount of space from this conversation. But you instantly remember the countless hours you spent in here thinking about him. Staring out the window at his family's house hoping the catch a glimpse of him.
"Hey," Bucky says. His hand gently touches your shoulder.
You turn around to meet his eyes which oddly look darker, more intense now.
"I could see myself thinking about you now," he admits low.
You blink, your mouth is suddenly too dry to respond.
"I mean... look at you," he says so fondly that your heart could burst. And he looks you over again, his pupils dilating even more.
Is this really happening, you think.
His right hand hasn't moved from your shoulder. Boldly, you place a hand on his left forearm and you're right, his skin is still warm from the shower.
You breathe in sharply because just touching him, just standing this close for this long is something you were never lucky enough to get back then.
His eyes are still locked with yours and it's honestly so intense you can't look away even as you see him dip his head, lowering slowly to your lips. He waits, an inch from them, to see if this is okay. Of course, it's fucking okay.
You surge the last inch forward and kiss him harder than you anticipate. He stumbles a step back, in consequence grabbing onto your waist, and pushing forward. He walks you back toward the twin bed up against the wall.
When you fall back onto the mattress, it creaks from old age, but you couldn't care less. Because Bucky Barnes, your childhood crush, the extremely attractive neighbor next door, is crawling over you. And it's glorious, it's enough to make you arch up into him and moan.
He lets out a breathy laugh and then kisses you, his knee slides between your legs and presses down. You moan even louder. You're completely shameless, you are, but this is Bucky Barnes. You're not staying quiet for a second of this.
His mouth moves to your ear and he's kissing down your neck while his fingers slip under your shirt, rolling it up.
Your shirt is off and then you're pants are coming off too. You want to get him out of his clothes but his mouth finds the front of your panties and he's teasing you, mouthing at the fabric.
"Please," you whine.
He grins against your underwear and then slides the thin fabric off and sucks his thumb into his mouth.
When he touches you, he's not gentle. He goes right in and rubs your clit roughly but you're so turned on that it's like a jolt of electricity to your body, you leap up from the mattress.
He licks two fingers then and sinks them right inside you. Oh god, it's so easy because you're so wet.
"Fuck," he mutters, realizing this. He stares down, watching his fingers work inside you. Your skin boils endlessly.
He doesn't need to spend much time working you open and he must know that because it's not long before he pulls his fingers out and hurriedly works the button of his jeans open. He pulls open the fly and pushes them down when you sit up to get his shirt. You're not letting this happen without seeing that gorgeous chest again.
You remember so many summer nights when you got a glimpse of Bucky shirtless. Running through the sprinkles or coming home from a neighbor's pool. He was stunning, even back then, but now... oh lord, now he's filled out. He has a firm, thick chest and a set of perfect abs lining his torso. Because of course, he has a six-pack, you always fall for the most unattainable guys.
But somehow you have him, right here, in your very old, tiny twin bed.
You want to lick a long strip from his navel up to his neck but he doesn't give you the chance. Once his clothes are off, he pulls your legs over his waist and pushes inside you so fast you barely have time to prepare. You cling to him with your whole body, legs and arms. And you moan low.
"Oh god, you're so tight," he husks.
You tighten your hold around his neck, he looks up at you and kisses you. You're basically on his lap so start rolling your hips slowly, getting used to how big he feels inside you.
You push him back until he lies down. And then you're riding him. You're riding Bucky Barnes in your childhood bedroom on top of your pink comforter with yellow flowers.
This is your teenage dream come true and that realization plows through you, making you ride him even harder, snapping your hips as fast as you can over his cock. And it's enough that you get a moan out of him, a low gravelly groan that you immediately fawn over.
His fingertips dig into your skin as you keep riding him fast and hard. You know you're nearing the edge, your head falls with a whimper, you grip his shoulders tighter.
"Fuck, y/n. Come for me," he breathes.
And you lose all control the moment you hear that. Fuck, you come so hard.
"Oohhh, fuckkk," you wail and stop moving to let the orgasm crash through you.
Then his hands lift your ass, just enough so he can raise his hips and start fucking into you.
"Jesus," you hiss and scramble to hold onto him again.
He keeps fucking you, gaining speed and making your eyes roll back from the fact that your orgasm can't wane with his cock repeatedly slamming right into you.
He groans, squeezing the flesh on your ass now and you can tell he's close.
He curses under his breath and then he's coming and still fucking you so hard your vision's blurring.
When he finally slows down, he blows out a long breath. He releases his grip on your ass and closes his eyes, basking in the aftermath of his orgasm.
You can feel his cock twitch one last time inside you. You carefully try to pull off him. He winces as you do, still sensitive. You lean down and kiss him, you can't help yourself.
He smiles when you break to let him catch his breath. Okay, he's totally allowed to smile when he's naked in your bed, you decide. You admire the sight for as long as he lets you.
"Well, fuck," he laughs.
"Yeah, fuck," you agree, smiling. "Not sure if I should thank you for your help yet."
He laughs. "I haven't done anything yet."
"Oh, you've done plenty," you tease and plant another kiss on his lips.
He smirks at you and runs his hands up your sides, gentle and light.
"I'll help you move the furniture," he says. "Just give me a few minutes."
"Yeah, I need a few too," you say. "At least this bed is going out with a bang."
And you both laugh. Then you look at him and already remember what he said to you yesterday. You remember almost every word he's ever uttered to you.
"So, about that dinner," you say.
He smiles wide and just kisses you.
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askrichterandco · 1 year ago
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Ask Richter and Co. is now open for business!
Somewhere, hidden out of sight in a dingy apartment in Tokyo, lurks a creature of the night... What will you ask of him?
You can find Richter's full story here. Character descriptions under the cut!
Richter Belmont
Age: 262
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Pretending not to exist
Hobbies and interests: Woodworking and carpentry, model building/gunpla, cooking, video games, listening to music, watching movies
While Maria and Alucard were successfully able to free Richter from Shaft's influence, his sins- unwitting though they may have been- did not come without a price. Castlevania's dark energy changed Richter, cursing him with an illness few other than the legendary Simon Belmont have ever overcome. Seven days later, Richter was dead; Seven days, several minutes, and a drop of blood later, Richter was undead. 
Though Richter's family pledged to support him despite his newfound monstrosity, he knew his presence would only put them in danger. In order to protect his wife, Annette, and their young children, Richter left home, accompanied by Maria and their new friend Alucard. The three of them took up residence in Berkeley Mansion, an abandoned manor in the woods outside the town of Veros. There, the three were able to carve out a comfortable (if unorthodox) life for themselves.
Alucard and Richter soon became close friends, and stayed together through Maria's death, the burning of their home, numerous Dracula-related events, and finally, Alucard's pursuit of Dracula's reincarnation. The two now reside in a small apartment in Tokyo, where Richter spends his time attending to household chores and pursuing his hobbies. 
Up until recently, his existence was kept an absolute secret; he's now known to several of Alucard's associates, but still avoids the Agency and their landlord.
Alucard (Legal name: Genya Arikado)
Age: 577
Species: Dhampir
Occupation: Office worker/paranormal investigator/vampire hunter
Hobbies and interests: Fashion, magic, literature, illustration, listening to music, video games
It seems the long-suffering child of Count Dracula can never have a moment's peace. Though Dracula is no longer a threat, and Alucard has long since come to terms with himself and his family history, he's now terrorized by an entirely different type of horror: employment. Gone are the days of galavanting through Europe, sword in his hand and sister at his side; now he endures miseries such as emails, meetings, and rent.
When he's not working or sleeping, Alucard can generally be found spending time with his friends and family, or participating in the local goth and visual kei scene.
Soma Cruz
Age: 19
Species: Human
Occupation: College student
Hobbies and interests: Video games, manga, magic and the supernatural, fashion
There are those who have expressed concern over Soma, the reincarnation of the dark lord, being left to his own devices. Those who know him, however, know that Soma's no more of a threat to humanity than your average young witch whose enthusiasm far exceeds their experience. Though he wholeheartedly condemns his past life's decisions, Soma is fascinated by all things related to vampires and magic; he is eager to learn all he can, and maybe just a little bit bitter that he can't turn into a wolf. 
For many years, Alucard and Richter kept Soma at a distance, afraid of what would happen if he were to learn of Richter's existence and the truth of Arikado's identity. Fortunately, Soma took the revelation in stride. He greatly looks up to Alucard and Richter, and can often be found at their apartment, playing games or nagging them to teach him new spells.
Other Friends and Family
Mina Hakuba
Soma's best friend, a miko at Hakuba Shrine. Mina is no stranger to the supernatural, as her family’s shrine has long played a role in the fight against Dracula and other threats; though she lacks combat skills, her ability to keep a level head in the face of danger is impressive. Her kind heart, polite manners, and relentless determination have earned her many friends.
Julius Belmont
Richter’s great-great-something-or-other grandson. Though Dracula himself is no longer a threat, Julius is still active as a vampire hunter, dividing his time primarily between Japan and Romania. He can sometimes be a bit rough around the edges, but is a loyal friend nonetheless.
Yoko Belnades
Richter’s extremely distant cousin, a witch who works at a Latino-Japanese interfaith church in Tokyo. Yoko is a chatterbox and a bit of a gossip, but she knows how to keep a secret when need be, and is quite sharp-witted. Richter finds she often reminds him of Maria.
Maria Renard
Richter’s beloved little sister. An expert vampire hunter and powerful witch, Maria lived a long and eventful life, eventually dying of old age. Her spirit is a frequent visitor to Alucard and Richter’s apartment, always eager to stay involved in the goings-on of her lifelong housemates.
Annette Belmont
Richter’s wife, a headstrong woman who bravely defied Dracula. Though they lived separately for most of their lives, Richter and Annette maintained a devoted love for each other, and Richter has always regretted the pain his mistakes caused her and their then-young children. 
Juste, Lydie, and Maxim
Richter’s parents. A rowdy yet inseparable trio. They accepted Alucard into their family just as openly as Maria, and though he was already an adult by the time they met, Alucard views them as having been far better parents to him than Dracula ever was. However, Juste is by far the most nosy of Alucard and Richter’s ghostly houseguests, and has a tendency to complain about any interior design choices that he finds distasteful.
Trevor, Sypha, and Grant
Alucard’s very first friends, and Richter’s distant ancestors. A rough-and-tumble group of misfits from medieval Wallachia. Though their visits are less frequent than others, they’re fascinated by “the future”, finding it both amusing and disturbing.
Alucard and Richter’s long-distance friend. A cambion devil hunter, and talented guitarist. He was Richter’s first (and, for many years, only) friend after Maria’s death. His carefree attitude belies a dark past not unlike Alucard’s own.
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instructionsnotincluded · 1 year ago
Gorgeous - Sneak Peek (JJ Maybank x Original Female Character)
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This is part of the first chapter to a new fic I'm working on, featuring a different character that is outside of Audrey's universe. I'm planning on this beginning in the lull between seasons 3 & 4 of Outer Banks, but we'll see how this develops and what actually happens in season 4. It will eventually be posted to AO3 (if we like it) but for now we can have a sneak peek on Tumblr.
Pairing: JJ Maybank X Original Female Character
Warnings: References to smut; shameless flirting; Gorgeous by Taylor Swift stuck in author's head.
Length: 2335 words
Gorgeous (working title)
The first time Scarlett spotted him was at some random wedding reception she stumbled into. There was a live band, a buffet of food, and a cash bar with a cute bartender who wasn’t checking ID. Nursing her drink, Scarlett stood somewhere between the bar and buffet, leaning against a tall table just people watching. He was tall, with a head of effortlessly messy blonde hair, but it was the broad shoulders that really caught her attention—the way his button down shirt strained when he would shift or reach for his drink made the back of her neck warm slightly. She had yet to see his face, but she kept checking back in between casual glances around the rest of the party to see if he turned. 
She wound up in the OBX about a month ago. After dropping out of UCLA after one year in college, Scarlett packed her car with her dorm room items, only to pause in the parking lot outside her residence hall. She was supposed to return home, head hung, having failed her way out of college, where she’d undoubtedly be forced to work in her father’s law office filing papers the whole summer. But as she sat there, hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white, Scarlett decided to drive. She hadn’t necessarily intended to drive east, but before she knew it she hopped on the 101 and found herself on interstate 40, crossing the California state line about seven hours later. 
Scarlett drove until she was tired, pulling over, she dozed in her car a few hours before continuing on, eventually stopping somewhere near the Arizona/New Mexico border to rent a motel room and sleep the rest of the night and early morning. Her phone started going off in regular intervals sometime after midnight, and after confirming that all of her locations were turned off, Scarlett passed out in the motel bed and didn’t wake until her stomach demanded food. 
It took another two days of straight driving to reach the Atlantic, and briefly Scarlett considered scraping enough money together to buy a one way plane ticket across the ocean and start over completely in Europe, but as she boarded the ferry for one of the islands just off the coast of North Carolina, she finally allowed herself a moment to breathe in the salty, humid air. 
She was free. 
“Smoked salmon, miss?” 
Scarlett found herself back in the present, staring at a rather handsome young man dressed in all black. Judging by the way he eyed her, Scarlett must not look too terrible in the simple black dress she’d hauled out of her suitcase. She lifted a hand to the tray to grab a salon and cream cheese cracker and he gave her a nod before continuing on his way around the party.  
“Ok—so I scoped out the buffet line and the dessert table,” Scarlett was met with the face of her only friend in North Carolina, Whitney Pool. She met Whitney on her first day working at the Island Club Hotel, Whitney was assigned as her trainer and together the girls restocked and made up all the hotel rooms on the first three floors. It wasn’t long before they were fast friends, Whitney even letting her crash on her couch until she decided what to do with her life. “They’ve got a carving station and everything—but if you wanna skip right to dessert, I’m right there with you.” 
Scarlett laughed, nodding as Whitney glanced over her shoulder at the many different deserts. “Do we think the cake is real or fake?” 
Scarlett looked over at the five tiered white wedding cake, the icing piled high as it towered over the rest of the deserts. “Fake,” Scarlett said as she bit into her cracker, the salmon and cream cheese mixing well together, having been to many of these types of events in her life she was well aware of the tricks, “the sheet cake’s in the back, they’ll cut one piece and then take it away.” 
“Love the theatrics,” Whitney leaned forward to squeeze her forearm. “Ok, I need another glass. You want one?” 
“No—I’ll switch to something else in a bit. More than one glass of champagne gives me a headache.” 
“Things rich people say.” 
Scarlett laughed, hiding her smile behind her glass as she sipped the champagne. The first time she had the sweet bubbly drink she was thirteen and hiding from her parents in the hotel bathroom during her grandmother’s funeral. In true WASP style, they had the reception in a massive hotel ballroom, complete with glossy portraits and a swan ice sculpture, just as her grandmother requested in her last wishes. 
Scarlett and her older brother, Liam, snuck a few bottles of champagne when no one was looking and quickly found out how easy it was to get drunk on Dom Perignon. That was the night of Scarlett’s first kiss, when her brother’s friend, Seth, had kissed her sloppily against the door of the men’s room, drunken hands fumbling to touch her breasts. Scarlett didn’t remember much from that night, but she did recall throwing up all over Seth’s shoes. 
Scarlett’s eyes swept the party once more, taking in the older couples swaying to the music on the dance floor, the bride and groom, happy and in love, moving from table to table greeting their guests and thanking them for attending. Scarlett made a mental note to keep far away from the two. Rule number one of wedding crashing was to stay away from the newly married couple. 
Scarlett hadn’t expected anyone to notice her, no one aside from the male server had anyway, so when her eyes lifted and met those crystal clear eyes, she thought her heart stopped. 
He was half turned, leaning against his own cocktail table, his gaze trained fully on her. When his eyes met her own, every thought vanished from her mind, and instead all she wanted was to drown in those blue eyes. 
A slow, small, half smile lifted from the corner of his mouth as he reached for the short glass on the table in front of him, two ice cubes clinked in the glass as he took a long sip from it, draining the light colored amber liquid before he pushed himself away from the table and crossed the grassy area to greet her. 
His tie seemed out of place as he smoothed it down, and it didn’t match his shoes the way someone who frequently wore ties would, and based on the way his collar sat, the buttons at the points remaining unbuttoned, told her he wasn’t used to wearing button down shirts either. Scarlett guessed it was a slim cut shirt, based on the way it fit him well around his waist, but his shoulders were too broad for it—and as she eyed the French cuff she was left with even more questions. A girlfriend had most likely purchased or recommended it, but she’d been watching him on and off all evening and had yet to see him with anyone other than a curly haired brunette, and while the boys could be a couple, they didn’t appear to act like one. 
Fuck—Scarlett really hoped he liked women. 
“I had the entire walk over to come up with a line,” his voice was playful and teasing, his eyes glinting as he smiled fully now, “but all I could come up with was hi.” 
“Hi,” Scarlett responded with her own smile, her weight shifting from one foot to the other, “and I think that’s a decent enough line.” 
He glanced over his shoulder at the bride and groom before looking back at her, “how do you know Shawn and Andy?” 
“Um…” Of course they would both have those names…how was she supposed to make up a story now? “Well, I’m Andy’s second cousin…mom’s side.” 
His eyes swept over her, sucking the inside of his cheek as he looked back over his shoulder once more, “that must’ve been an exciting childhood,” he said as he studied her. 
“Oh—you know…” Scarlett coughed softly, “how do you know…them?” 
“I used to work with Shawn,” he said, “back in high school, plus he basically invited the whole damn island.” 
“Ah well…”
“I’m JJ,” he leaned his side against the table, the smile still across his face making her stomach flutter. 
“Scarlett,” she really wanted to hear him say her name again, watching as he tasted it, the way he drug the r and l together made the butterflies in her stomach go insane, “I like that.” 
“Is JJ short for something?” 
“Sometimes,” JJ lifted his shoulder, “nothing interesting though.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Scarlett wanted to reach up and smooth his collar down, but she forced her hands to remain on the table, “you’re from Kildare?” 
“Mhmm,” JJ glanced around, taking inventory of the party and who was there, “born and raised. What about you?” 
Scarlett hesitated, part of her, the part attached to the butterflies wanted to tell him the truth, but the part attached to her brain told her to deflect so she and Whitney wouldn’t get caught. 
JJ leaned across the table, motioning her closer to him with his index finger, “you know…if you’re gonna crash, you need to keep your lies simple and not at all attached to the wedding party.” 
Scarlett blushed, her face heating uncomfortably, “when’s you figure it out?” 
“Oh, at the beginning,” JJ grinned at her as they both stood back up straight, “Andy’s adopted and doesn’t know her family.” 
JJ only laughed at her expletive, “like I said…” he shrugged, “keep it simple. Too much and it’s not believable. So, Scarlett’s your real name?”
“It is,” she nodded, “I just got off work and my friend begged me to sneak in with her, she promised me cake if I did.” 
“Cake’s worth it,” JJ said, “I’ve never seen you around though…do you live here in Kildare?” 
“I just moved, actually,” Scarlett lifted her arm to scratch along her shoulder, “arrived about a month ago.”
“Ah.” He nodded, as if he’d just solved an ongoing mystery, “that’s it—I would’ve remembered you.”
Scarlett blushed again and based on JJ’s easy smile she assumed he knew it too. “You’re doing ok on the lines.”
“Good,” JJ shifted, “I’ve been out of practice, so that’s good feedback.”
Scarlett laughed and JJ reached up to scratch behind his ear, his eyes lifting as the server from earlier walked by, his eyes trained directly on Scarlett as he passed. 
“I’m sensing some competition,” JJ joked lightly, but Scarlett could hear the nervousness in his voice, “friend of yours?”
“Never met him before,” Scarlett shook her head, “he’s cute, though.” 
“Got the tall, dark, and handsome thing going,” JJ nodded, “you gonna play that one out or…?” 
“Hmm,” Scarlett lifted a shoulder, watching the server disappear into the white tent, “maybe…do you think he looks like someone who gives good head?” 
JJ choked on his spit and Scarlett smiled, sipping her drink, pleased that she’d made JJ blush. “I don’t know,” JJ coughed lightly, clearing his throat, “a toss up, probably. Young enough to know that’s what you’re lookin’ for, but the good looking ones sometimes don’t know what they’re doing.” 
“So you must be downright terrible then, huh?” 
JJ ran a hand over his mouth, his blue eyes twinkling as he looked across the table at her, but before he could say anything the crackling electricity between them was doused by the frantic red head running up to the table, “they have two cakes!” 
Scarlett had to take a moment to take in her friend, watching Whitney set her glass on the table, “umm…”
“JJ, hey.” 
“Whitney,” JJ’s eyes skimmed the area surrounding them, “is Ricky here?”
“No, you know he won’t crash with me,” Whitney rolled her eyes before looking at Scarlett, “you’ve met Scarlett?”
“JJ is Ricky’s cousin,” Whitney explained, referring to her on again, off again hook-up. Scarlett labeled them as dating, but Whitney assured her time and time again it was just sex. But Scarlett didn’t think cuddling on the couch every Tuesday night watching movies and walking by the docks on Sunday afternoons could be considered just sex. 
JJ glanced over his shoulder after hearing his name, looking over to see the brunette from before waving him over, the bride and groom beside him. “I’ll let you ladies get back to your evening,” he ducked his head before sending Scarlett a soft smile, “I’ll see you around, Scarlett.” 
When JJ was across the lawn and out of ear shot, Whiteny turned her full attention to Scarlett, “did I interrupt something?”
“I’m not sure,” Scarlett finished her champagne, looking over at Whitney, “you know him?” 
“He’s Ricky’s cousin, I’ve seen him from time to time. Cute—a smart ass.” 
“Is he attached?” 
Whitney took a lengthy sip of her refilled champagne, “he was—but I haven’t seen her around lately. Do you want me to ask Ricky?”
Scarlett shook her head, even though Whitney already had her phone out, thumbs moving frantically as she no doubt sent a text off to Ricky. “I’m going to get a refill.” 
Whitney nodded and Scarlett left to wander to the bar, asking for a vodka soda with lime, watching as the server from earlier emerged from the tent, their eyes meeting a moment later. His were a dull brown, but his face was cute and his nose was promising, so Scarlett let him approach, watching as he gently slid a napkin towards her before wandering off with his tray of appetizers. Scarlett thanked the bartender before walking back to Whitney, her eyes flickering over towards the table JJ returned to, except this time she didn’t see him or his friend. 
“They took their seats at the table,” Whitney sipped her drink, “finish your drink and then we’ll grab cake and bounce before the toasts begin.”
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schmem14 · 2 years ago
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Another year, another birthday! Normally I don’t draw much attention to it, but it’s been a rough year, and I want to celebrate my surviving of it by recommending 10 works from mutuals that live in my head RENT FREE forever! Please enjoy them with me, and feel free to shout at me about them in the DM’s, it will make my day!
1. Devil’s Snare All The Way Down by @malpal132​
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom Rating: E This is a gorgeous Pansy Parkinson character study, spanning her younger years to post-hogwarts. She becomes reacquainted with Neville Longbottom and discovers who she’s meant to be in this slow-burn ETL. 
2. Down a Hill at High Speed by @tepre​
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Rating: E This 8th year fic is the BEST sex-pollen trope story I’ve ever read. Period. Tepre is a genius with sexual tension. 
3. May Contain Nuts by scoradh
Pairing: Harry Potter/George Weasley Rating: M This is the fic that I REFUSE TO SHUT UP ABOUT (sorry if you’ve been caught in the crosshairs.) George is trying out a new line for XXX products at the joke shop. Harry is George’s go-to for product testing. Contains found family, dubious sweets, broken George, and NUTS of course! *Note the Archive warning for MCD is in reference to Fred, I think. No Harrys or Georges are harmed in the making of this fic. 
4. Savour by @mignon-chignon​
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: E This is just pure PWP. And all my favorite kinks. Definitely not safe for ANYTHING but a quiet room, a glass of your favorite beverage, and a favorite toy. Mind the tags. 
5. Like a Brother Would by @wolfpants​
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley Rating: E This Deathly Hallows AU explores the posibility of Ron returning back to the tent that night in the Forest of Dean.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read and reread this. I’m obessed with this friends to lovers pairing, this vulnerable and delicious fic.  One of the best Ronarry I’ve ever read. 
6. The Luxury of a Regret by @swoontodeath​
Pairing: Horace Slughorn/Regulus Black, Horace Slughorn/Sirius Black Rating: E IT’S A DEAD DOVE, FOLKS! But it is so creepy and beautiful. I CANNOT stop thinking about it. Imagine if this were canon, Slughorns obession with Harry would be THAT MUCH CREEPIER. 
7. Hate, Lead the Way! by oh_black_sparrow
Pairing: Walburga Black/Orion Black Rating: E One of the Rare Pair fest 2022 stories I fell head-over-heels in love with. We know her as the shrewish shrieking portrait permanently stuck to the wall in 12 Grimmauld Place, but in this rage-filled story, she’s a force to be reckoned with. 
8. Manufacturing Consent by onefiftyeight
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger Rating: E HEAR ME OUT. I don’t normally go for this pairing, but THIS FIC is deliciously sinister. A masterclass in gaslighting and manipulation. A breeding kink extravaganza. Crack at its finest. Give it a chance, I promise you won’t regret it. Mostly. 
9. Hot and Bothered by @roseharpermaxwell​
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy, background Dramione Rating: T Who’s the better kisser? Only one way to find out… (Guys. This is reason #1 why Dron is amazing. Mic Drop.)
10. I Like Your Skirt by @the-francakes​
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Harry Potter Rating: E Aside from the fact that Fran is lovely and wrote this gift for me, RON AND HARRY are SO YUMMY IN THIS!!! Dual POV, Friends to Lovers, flirting, pining and no small amount of filthy content. The epilogue chapter (bonus smut) is to die for. It will forever reside in my wank bank. 
Stay tuned for part 2... (self-recs!)
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mitchiecohen · 30 days ago
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NAME: Michelle Lorraine Cohen
NICKNAME(S): Mitchie
LABEL: The Phoenix
HERITAGE: Polish, Russian, German, Lithuanian, Jewish, Scottish and Irish
AGE: 25
BIRTHDAY: March 17, 1999
ZODIAC: Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Rising
OCCUPATION: Bartender @ Radiant
FACE CLAIM: Mikey Madison HEIGHT: 5'3" WEIGHT: 114 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Left HAIR COLOR: Black w/ pink tinsel EYE COLOR: Brown SCARS: None notable TATTOOS: Leg garter tattoo on left thigh, fine line butterfly on her right wrist
POSITIVE TRAITS: Clever, Independent, Free-Spirited NEGATIVE TRAITS: Brash, Cut-throat, Detached LIKES: Last minute trips, skinny dipping with strangers, mochi donuts, Sunday matinees DISLIKES: Being talked-down to, Being bumped into on the street, people who don't dance at a club, when people cut her off in traffic
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY CURRENT RESIDENCE: Downtown LA, Los Angeles, CA. EDUCATION LEVEL: High School drop out FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: - Mabel Cohn, mother, Deceased - Bryant Cohen, father, Deceased - Sarah Cohen, 55, aunt, somewhat in-contact
FOOD: Pan-seared scallops DRINK: White Wine MOVIE: The Hangover TV SHOW: Queen's Gambit BAND/ARTIST: Halsey, The1975, Arctic Monkeys SONG: Lilith - Halsey
TW: death, exotic dancing
Mitchie Cohen is a 25-year-old bartender and podcast host, navigating the vibrant and often chaotic intersections of life, love, and self-discovery. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Mitchie’s life was shaped by tragedy early on. At just five years old, she lost both of her parents in a car accident, a loss that left her world in tatters. Her Aunt Sarah, a resilient woman with a heart as big as the Brooklyn skyline, took Mitchie in and raised her as her own. Their bond became the bedrock of Mitchie’s strength, and it was Sarah’s guidance that kept her grounded through the tumult of her early years. Mitchie’s dream of something bigger led her to Los Angeles at the age of 18, hoping to break into the acting world. But after years of auditions, rejections, and trying to fit herself into an industry that didn’t seem to have a place for her, Mitchie found herself struggling to keep up with the cost of living in LA. With rent due and no clear path forward, she kept to exotic dancing as a means to survive. It wasn’t the glamorous life she had imagined, but it was a way to make ends meet—and, in some ways, it felt like an extension of the bold, fearless persona she had created for herself. However, things began to shift when Mitchie and her best friend launched their podcast, Off Script. What started as a fun and cathartic way to share their experiences in the world of exotic dancing quickly gained traction. The podcast, with its candid and unapologetic discussions about their lives, relationships, and the highs and lows of their work, began to attract a growing following. People connected to Mitchie’s raw honesty and wit, and she started gaining a platform that extended beyond the stage. As Off Script gained popularity, Mitchie found a new opportunity—bartending at Radiant, a popular gay bar where the atmosphere is as colorful as the people it serves. Here, Mitchie found a fresh sense of purpose, leaving behind the grind of exotic dancing while still staying immersed in the vibrant nightlife she loved. Bartending at Radiant allowed her to connect with a community that embraced her for who she was, while her podcast continued to thrive. Mitchie’s story is one of resilience, transformation, and embracing one’s truth. Despite the struggles, the setbacks, and the moments of doubt, Mitchie has found a path that feels true to herself. Whether she’s shaking cocktails behind the bar, hosting another raucous episode of Off Script, or simply reflecting on the unpredictable journey that brought her here, Mitchie lives life unapologetically and authentically—just like the guests at Radiant. Through the ups and downs, Mitchie has learned that life doesn’t always go as planned, but with the right people by your side and a willingness to embrace the unexpected, anything is possible. And in the end, it’s her voice and her story that keeps people tuning in, making her podcast—and her life—something worth watching, listening to, and celebrating.
Mitchie Cohen is the definition of unapologetically herself. Her personality is a mix of cut-throat ambition and free-spirited rebellion. Fiercely independent, Mitchie has always carved her own path, often choosing the hard road because it suits her better than any smooth one ever could. Her brash exterior and sharp wit make her someone you can’t easily forget. She doesn’t sugarcoat things, and if you’re in her orbit, you’ll know it—whether you’re ready for her blunt truths or not. Underneath her tough, detached demeanor is someone who doesn’t put up with nonsense, but also doesn’t have time for anything that doesn’t serve her. Her cleverness allows her to navigate through life’s chaos with ease, and her sense of humor is as sharp as her comebacks. While some may find her cut-throat nature intimidating, it’s this very trait that has allowed Mitchie to survive and thrive in a world that’s constantly trying to box her in. She’s not interested in fitting a mold—she’d rather break it. Mitchie’s free-spirited attitude makes her unpredictable and a little wild, but it’s exactly this that makes her magnetic. She’s the kind of person who doesn’t let life define her; instead, she grabs the reins and steers herself in whatever direction feels right, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Whether she’s behind the bar at Radiant, chatting candidly on her podcast, or navigating another chaotic night out, Mitchie brings a no-holds-barred energy that’s impossible to ignore.
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moonxinkd · 1 year ago
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short mun introduction here. hi, hi! i'm autumn (she/they, 21+) again and i bring you not only my baby taeho here, but also ahn kiha (@srnscng) & kim aera (@orchdaria) so feel free to contact me on any of them! i also have discord upon request ♡
short muse introduction here. moon taeho, 24 y/o. university student at jeju national uni and also part times as a barback at 88&. he's a resident in yuseong bay (for now anyway) because the rent is much cheaper than in jeju city (also for now help) so it just made sense in his head to move in here even with the extra cost of transportation than to stay in the city, so he sort of just moved in with a roommate! he studies early childhood education because he wants to be a kindergarten teacher or work in a daycare (is actually looking for an internship somewhere right now so pls root for him 🙏🙏🙏). here is his profile and here is his pinterest!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?      he arrived not so long ago on march of this year! taeho is actually from daegu and at first moved to jeju city because that's where he decided to go to university to, he has been been in jeju city for about two years (this is his third) before moving to yuseong bay. his parents aren't the greatest at parenting (at least not with him) so he's in that transitional moment of trying to heal his inner child/needing some time away from them and going to jeju for university instead of a closer educational institution. however the rent in jeju city is wildly expensive even if it's a dorm room so he was thinking about moving in somewhere else a little cheaper to cut off expenses. even then it still took him a while to find someone that was thinking the same as him and he finally took that last step to move out and here we are.
what does an average day look like for your muse?      he usually wakes up at around 6:30 to 7am (when he doesn't hear his alarm) to do the bare minimum tattoo skincare (as in wash his face and put some sunscreen) and then have some breakfast, get ready to university and then he spends four to five hours seeking higher education. then he usually just goes back home for lunch to either do chores around home (or goes out to do house chores like grocery shopping/get a new shower because his broke, etc etc), assignments or simply to take a nap and eat something before starting his shift at 88&; unless it's monday, wednesday or friday, then he goes to the recreational center to work out for around one hour to two hours before going home to prepare for his shift. taeho does his shift and then goes back home for the night, still prob tries to catch up on an episode or two of any anime he's watching (and then proceeds to regret it the morning after) before going to bed.
where can your muse usually be found?      he's a little of a homebody tbh so it's somewhat hard to see him out of the house unless he has something to do or a friend dragged him out, but if he's feeling adventurous, you could prob find in at andante cafe in the afternoon trying to finish some assignment while having some coffee and a little sweet treat, or the recreation center getting his weekly workout, or on either pierrot's lanes to try out some of the retro arcades or even the memoire antique shop simply to check if someone dropped any old mangas that he might be interested in, very unlikely, but it's something to get him out of the house, so.
how does your muse feel about hanhwa resort?      he's surprisingly neutral about it. taeho does think it's a pity and bad that the local community are losing their space in their own hometown — either because of the higher and higher prices and because the resort is so obviously trying to own it in a way —, but he also sort of thinks it's inevitable considering capitalism how the world is; sort of only hopes that his rent will remain cheaper than the his dorm room in jeju city at least until he graduates and most likely will move out somewhere else or he gets his internship/a job that gets him a little more money than the one he has now.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?      taeho has always seen yuseong bay as the place cheaper than jeju city that he's going to live until he gets his degree. even though he does enjoy the more quiet life (and despises the bad reception even if it gives him an excuse to not call his parents/to not answer their rare calls), i feel like he's a city boy through and through. he can get used to a life there if the need arises (like him getting a job/internship there, or anything like that), but i don't think that he wants to. however he isn't picky nor has this goal of living in a specific place in the end, so i guess in a way if he stays or not in yuseong bay after he gets his degree is sort of a mystery.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse’s three favorite songs.      in no specific order: super beaver - らしさ ; official髭男dism - mixed nuts ; urban zakapa - i don't love you. (was really tempted in making these three anime songs to expose this big nerd's ass but alas)
describe your muse’s wardrobe.      one word: basic. he's very very very basic. jeans and a tshirt, usually slightly oversized/loose for comfort, in simple colors — nothing too bright (and god forbid neon) but he still wears colors —, simple patterns, simple prints; if he's feeling a little bolder, he'll bring out his anime tshirts. since he has tattoos, he usually is always wearing a shirt or a jacket over his tshirt to hide them (or expose them if he's feeling "safe") since sometimes he does get a little more attention because of them and he just would rather not.
what is a color, word, and emoji that you feel describes your muse?      sky blue, diligence, 😑
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse.      really likes anime, homemade food, coffee / really dislikes spicy food, being the center of attention in a crowded room/space, things done halfassedly.
three positive and negative traits for your muse.      positive diligent, generous, well-mannered / negative critical, reticent, stubborn
three talents and shortcomings for your muse.      talents is great with kids and with handcraft things, can fall asleep anywhere at anytime / shortcomings is stubborn in his ways even if it's proven it's not the best way, always pushes himself a little too hard/is too hard on himself, can't ask for help even when he needs to
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?      nanami kento from jujutsu kaisen and somewhat sakusa kiyoomi from haikyuu.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome.      taeho has a huge issue with his parents because they were pretty negligent with him but he still searches for their approval/validation/attention anyway and it'd be nice for him to realize that they won't ever really give it to him, not the same way that he does with his younger brother that is so obviously the favorite son, and not be to hung up on it and instead pay more attention to the people that genuinely care for him in his life + having a little more of self worth/love instead of just allowing himself to be taken for granted by others.
extra bits !
his parents obviously had him when they weren't prepared for it and it so obviously show. they aren't the best parents since they don't know how to interact with a kid (even more so when it's their own son) and so they were never close to each other from the start, but at least they tried even if they just ended up treating him as an older kid than he actually was.
things don’t get better when his younger brother is born as the apple of his parents’ eyes, a child that came when they actually wanted one and used the excuse that he was born with a sick body to give him more attention than to taeho (but then things didn’t change when his little brother got healthy later on).
so he learned how to be an adult a little too soon and how to look after himself; surprisingly he doesn’t really resent neither his parents nor his brother for it and he does love them dearly, would die and kill for them, even if the relationship with his parents is still awkward at best.
was always the epitome of the good kid™ (and still is tbh), always well-mannered and too worried about getting good grades and behaving/not causing trouble to really enjoy being just a kid. he was always too quiet to really make a lot of friends growing up.
 as much as he just wanted to chill throughout his school years, he still ended up class president more than once and almost if not all of his group assignments he ended up as the group’s leader because at the end of the day he’s very critical and methodical about things, esp academic work, so he ends up taking charge just so things will be up to his standards. he also has very dependable vibes so people end up relying on him a lot too so in the end he does end up in positions of leadership even if the i in his mbti wants otherwise.
characteristics that he carries with himself to this day. hence why new semester is yet another broken promise that he’ll just chill in group tasks and agree with everything.
did his military service right after graduating high school because the tensions were only getting higher in his house since he started trying to demand more attention to his parents that obviously didn't know/won't give to him and one of them suggested that this would be a good thing for him, that they'd be proud of a son that didn't try to "procrastinate" his civil duties so of course he goes.
which was an experience that gave him a lot to think about his relationship with his parents so when he was done, he wasn't quite ready to go back home yet so he tries an university away from them and that's how he ends in jeju national university.
is a big— huge anime fan, has collections of mangas (that he never completes/drops midway through and reads on the shounen jump app instead), has three tattoos about shows that he enjoys/watches; but is also very lowkey about the merch that he wears/uses (i.e. wearing a sports shirt from an anime team to work out) that makes small references to what he watches, very iykyk thing.
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amywarrel · 10 months ago
Loser Ranger is my new obsession
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I did not expect to be particularly into Loser Ranger when the first episode aired. Sure, the prospect of an edgy super sentai show by the same author as The Quintessential Quintuplets is very funny to me and every time someone says “this is the X story of X media”, in this case the “The Boys of Anime” I instinctively remember all the dozens of times someone in the internet called anything “the Game of Thrones of whatever” or “the Dark Souls of insert video game genre here” and I roll my eyes. So I watched the first episode and then the second one and I kept going. My take on it at the time was that it was just an okay show. I liked the idea of an anime that harkens back to my childhood days watching Power Rangers on brazilian television, though I was never particularly a fan of super sentai and I entirely left it behind during adolescence, I was still a kid that watched kid’s shows. I liked the corny action and the stupid arguing when it came to deciding who gets to be which ranger when playing with other kids.
Subverting a structure where conventionally the good guys are fighting the monsters to make the monster be the good guys could just as well be nothing more than a gimmick. I mean, it is something, but it is not groundbreaking by any means. The anime also doesn’t look particularly good, though the OP is pretty fun. Was I surprised to see that the studio who created Arknights, the only actually good gacha game, was animating it? Sure. Does that mean jack-shit about the quality? No. Why am I even talking about this? Hey shut up it's my script.
All of this to say that things changed once I reached episode five, in the process thinking that the blonde girl called Hisui looks kinda cool and I wanted to see how the ongoing fight concluded so I read the manga, only to be immediately hit by that pathological girlfure looking cooler by the chapter, then proceeded to find out that after an okay introduction it has a good first arc then there is a HUGE quality spike with the School Life Arc and it doesn’t drop the ball after that (except for one little thing but we don’t talk about that), PLUS, now Hisui lives rent-free in my head.
Let’s start from the beginning.
Thirteen years ago a giant fortress appeared over Milky Way City in Japan. The residents of that fortress started invading the surface and humanity fought back, forming the Rangers and retaliating. Every Sunday they come to the ground and are fought by the Keepers — the five main Rangers — in a stadium, with an audience in a televised event. If it sounds dumb and artificial that’s because it is. The Invaders are shapeshifters who were forced by the Rangers to take on this acting role after their overlords, the Executives, were all defeated in the very first year of the war, thus making them slaves to a bunch of sociopathic celebrities.
Enter Footsoldier D, an invader who is fed up with their situation and decides he is going to take matters into his own hands and get revenge on all the Keepers. Things start spiraling out of control almost immediately though D doesn’t know it yet, as he meets two rangers called Suzukiri and Hibiki. One who offers to help him take down the big five by stealing their weapons and another who wants to change the Ranger association from the inside out as he believes humans and Invaders can coexist. One of the reasons why this manga eventually becomes so entertaining has its beginning here, as this is one of those stories where there are plots within plots, lies within lies and everyone has something in particular they want to protect or achieve even if that means coming into conflict with both sides of the war. After some shenanigans Footsoldier D takes Hibiki’s place to infiltrate the Ranger Association with both of them vying to do their best to achieve their goals first, having just exchanged places.
This is where it starts going from decent to good as the mysteries begin piling on pretty thick. What are the so-called Divine Artifacts — the Keeper’s weapons — and why do they not look like something that was constructed but organic? Why does Suzukuri want to collect them? Why is there another invader living inside Hibiki’s closet? Why do the Rangers have such a lackadaisical approach to their leader being a murderer? How is D ever going to have any shot at killing these monsters when we see so clearly how much more powerful they are and his training is so basic? You might be thinking that I’m dumb and that the answer is powerscaling, but this is actually the action manga with the least amount of powerscaling I have seen yet. Character’s stay at roughly the same power level they are introduced in for several arcs and only manage to get things done by being smart about it and working together. Every conflict going forward is going to be multiple chapters long and feature a dozen different characters that all bounce off of each other. Essentially everyone in this story would be dead by the end of the second arc if they didn’t fight in groups 90% of the time.
What I have been calling the good first arc is basically the chunin exam of this manga. When you join the Rangers you do so as a filthy colorless and have to train until you are eligible for a test. Judging the results of said test you will be assigned a squadron based on each Keeper’s color or remain a lowly colorless fuck.
The circumstances under which this plays out are actually very engaging. D is posing as Hibiki taking the test, which means there is a lot about the Rangers he doesn’t know and he has to be careful about not getting hurt as it would immediately expose him as an Invader. He has to take care of XX despite that not actually being his responsibility, except that he also has a big sister now which is the Pink Keeper herself. Under these circumstances he has to compete against people who have totally genuine reasons for wanting to become Rangers, such as Shion who wants to get revenge on the Invaders for killing his brother who was himself a Ranger, but since both of them want to join the Red Squadron and they are in the same test only one of them can pass despite both having perfectly understandable reasons for wanting it. All of this further escalates as characters who are all easily distinguishable betray each other for their own gain, giving a hint as to why this organization is so fucked to begin with when they advocate for so much competition between their new members, who then get involved in a real battle with one of the Executives who was supposed to be dead and before you know it one of the big bad raidbosses is dead by the end of the first arc — which ends in CHAPTER FIFTY ONE — and even manages to be kind of a badass while doing it?
Every issue the characters have to face feel like a massive undertaking that, if you get into the story like how I did, will really surprise you because you were likely expecting something different when the first few chapters establish a conflict that is entirely artificial and unchanging with a main character that is literally immortal as long as he doesn’t go against a Keeper face to face specifically while they are wielding a Divine Tool. The actual mechanics of the fight might seem underwhelming, with most of the cast only having access to a basic-ass weapon for a good while, but the dynamics of each step along the way not only keeps it entertaining in a moment-to-moment basis, but also quickly builds so much of it there is enough foreshadowing, unresolved beefs and characters to cycle through for a story of near epic proportions. There is some sort of twist happening every other chapter, there are always characters making unexpected decisions, convincing one another to form truces or just committing mistakes, sometimes doing nothing more than being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
As the story goes forward it does a honestly very above average job of building on what came before. Though D is too dense to notice half of it and too prideful to admit the other half, he already gets everything he needs to start questioning his own goals and worldviews from this first arc, this is then brought to the forefront as the story pulls another twist, placing D not in the Red Battalion but in the Green one, bringing Kanon Hisui, the coolest motherfucker alive to the forefront. She is also my daughter. Look it up. It’s real.
I am infatuated by this character, everything she does for the story, her design and her personality. Through her, D is presented the harsh reality of a Battalion that is dedicated to dealing with the powerful Executives, which means that they are often being killed and replaced and the heroism necessary to walk through that to the other side, as well as the emotional damage and ruthlessness such an environment will instill. First we as the audience — but later D through his interactions with Hisui — get to understand that there is nothing inherently good or bad about any of these groups. That they are both made up of tyrants and their victims, people who were met with untimely tragedy, lost loved ones and parts of them along the way.
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This arc takes place inside a school as an analogy to the lost youth and opportunities of everyone involved. Of the lives they were denied and will never get to live. Hisui is always wearing a middle-schooler uniform despite having no need for one as a way to maintain in the audience’s mind the fact that she doesn’t fit, that she is unwilling to let go of the concept of living the life she deserved despite that not being the material reality in front of her. D was quite literally bred for war and like the people who hate Invaders for the damage they caused them and their people, also hates the Rangers because of what the Keepers did to his peers which although fair, doesn’t take into account that he doesn’t know them. The Keepers aren’t the Rangers and the Rangers aren't humanity. They are both fighting in a makeshift war they were thrusted upon without their consent, are thematically brought closer by sharing in what was taken from them under the guise of a school life which is literally an in-universe dream; to then having to come to terms with the realization that they are one and the same; victims of a game played by rulers who are equally as vile, both of which should be dealt with. Geez, I wonder if the giant fucking chain casting its shadow over the city is meant to symbolize something.
Of course, they still hold slightly different allegiances, as D doesn’t let go of his plans to kill the Keepers but instead achieves a fuller understanding of his situation, and a lot of this is only going to get its payoff by the end of the next big arc, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Building upon the reaction of “Hey this guy wasn’t so bad after all” of the Blue Keeper’s conclusion, the manga now first gets you used to a character before revealing their identity as a Keeper, instilling in you the question of whether or not we should even be rooting for D to kill this guy. Sure, he still played a part in the oppressing of the Footsoldiers, but we don’t even know exactly what led to that to begin with. Also, we did actually kill Blue Keeper, but they just went ahead and substituted him. Gotta kill the fucker again.
Remember what I said about the constant escalating of circumstances? This is what I’m talking about. This structure makes it so that the next question the characters have to deal with both feel like the natural next thing to happen while also being just unpredictable enough to have all the twists it wants, and the answer to that question is laid upon so many conflicts with potential ramification that it manages to be, I kid you not, morally gray. Yes, the edgy manga from the author of the quintuplets harem is genuinely morally gray to an impressive extent—for what it is, not in the grand scheme of literature. Fucking bananas am I right? This is going to sound absurd, but I don’t think I have seen a more organically built-up shounen since Hunter x Hunter.
Something else that the School Life arc has over the previous one is that this time the actual mechanics of the conflict are a lot more interesting, likely as a result of having the benefit of working with previously established powers and characters. The premise of a job that constantly kills its workers and the existence of an alternate reality inside a building that breaks physical laws also feels very Chainsaw Man, which I appreciate as that is one of my favorites.
Just like the Footsoldiers back in the fortress, these characters now have a set of rules they have to obey, this time in order to keep the school world from constantly resetting. A premise that is particularly interesting once you consider that these are all people who didn’t get to lead a normal life and that their reaction isn’t to simply accept them but to find ways to work around those rules, their obedience being just a facade. In a literalization of the metaphor, fully giving in to the dream world signifies a character’s loss, which appeals to them precisely because it promises to right the wrongdoings of their past.
The story recognizes this with the students that criticize them after being released from the illusion because that was their way to cope with their own injustices. It is sensible enough to not treat these people as simply stupid, after all we spent a whole arc seeing the reasons that a dream like that could be appealing through Hisui’s perspective, but the arc concludes with the recognition that while the path they are choosing is the harder one, it is also the only one that gives them a chance of standing up for themselves, as the illusion was always a seductive lie. The antagonist is also an Executive with the body of a Ranger to approximate the two and remind you that they can be one and the same. As Hisui put’s it, “I’m sorry that your perfect world couldn’t exist”; as I’ve said before, there are tyrants on both sides; and as Steven Erikson once said, “The tyrant thrives when the first fucking fool salutes.”
Narrative arcs that deal with the lost youth and what-could-have-been scenarios tend to get me because I relate to that shit hard. I didn’t get a chance to live my adolescence the way I wanted because I hadn’t even come into my own identity as a woman, and that disconnect kept me from acting the way I wanted while also making me feel that the things I actually did were fake because I was simply going along with the preconceived notion that we are we and that they are they. Just like the students in this arc, I have had to accept that while there is solace to be found in basking in the idealized youth I could have had, I can’t refuse the material reality that that simply isn’t going to happen and any amount of time I spend longing for it is stopping me from actually getting shit done in the life I do have. The blending of themes and technicality of this arc is simply marvelous.
I am particularly fond of Hisui’s message that there are no requirements for heroism, you simply have to take that first step. Not because I believe in the idea of a hero we were taught about when we were kids, but because no matter what happens, nothing will ever change if you don’t take that first step to begin with.
I have briefly talked about how a lot of anime and manga focus their themes in an attitude the story is advocating for in my Sonny Boy analysis and it is actually kind of funny how many similar things I got from these two wildly different stories. If you don’t remember or haven’t watched it, the first episode of that show also takes place in a school that defies physics, has laws that can be enforced by the people living in it, ends with a character taking that first step and the rest of the story is, in a gross oversimplification of it, about everyone else trying to catch up to her.
Also, the fuck do you mean this arc is only 18 chapters long? Each of them is so dense I was under the impression it lasted for about 30.
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Everything I just talked about proceeds to permeate the next big arc, that of the Invaders Rights Association, or IRA for short. A long arc that simultaneously feels like a bunch of shounen bullshit and a natural development going forward. We spent the whole series with a wronged Footsoldier, having met Hibiki all the way in the beginning who thinks they can coexist, so it stands to reason that that could eventually take a front seat in one of the story’s arcs. This arc is going to complete the change in worldview D has been going through all along, because as it expectedly turns out, the IRA is a villainous association born out of a genuine desire that was then bastardized.
D’s World Domination plot isn’t exactly a world domination, he’s thinking about it more in the lines of freedom. World domination is simply the ideal that was instilled into him from the moment he was born. Prideful though he may be, this man spent the first section of the story having to learn that he can’t get shit done alone, then using other people to achieve those things, and now he is going to learn that there are people willing to help him even if they find out who he really is. We know for a fact he didn’t fight just for his own sake back in the school.
There has always been a meta element to Loser Ranger as it deals with the existence of heroes from super sentai, has a super sentai show in-universe and the Keepers are just celebrities. In the IRA arc that then becomes part of the core conflict, building to some revelations that evidently will be properly explored in the next big arc as it has been doing so far. It isn’t as if the meta aspects are mindblowingly awesome, but they serve as an interesting way to frame this section of the story that keeps it fresh. I am particularly fond of the “This has been foreshadowed” gag.
I find that all of the big arcs so far are memorable because of this combination of framing and setting: starting with a classic exam arc in an underground base where the protagonist has to survive to reach the surface of the human world, to a more intimate character exploration in a school environment and now arriving at a meta narrative in a big castle, filled with cameras, TV broadcasts, YouTube livestreams and a VHS tape or two. Every arc has a distinct look and feel to it while still being brought together by the same narrative conflicts.
Shaking up the narrative structure by taking advantage of the fact D had to work from the shadows and rely on subterfuge all this time, the IRA arc introduces a group that actually has enough power to expose the Keepers as the liars they are and go face to face against them following that. It seems to me that this author is very smart about when to bring things into focus. Usukubo, for instance, was introduced all the way in the beginning, but did pretty much nothing in the second arc while Hisui became a main character. That is then balanced by having their positions switched in the IRA arc as Usukubo’s character is fully unveiled and Hisui spends half the arc bidding her time. Having someone we know serve as a stand-in for the audience inside the IRA eases the friction of suddenly introducing so many new characters. There are plenty of secondary and tertiary characters from past arcs who are weaved into the story again, these not requiring that much page time to have a role to play as we already know them and a flashback here and there is all that is necessary to give us more context into their backgrounds. Pink Ranger’s in particular is the stand-out as it gives us a reason to care, has that one panel in particular of her body falling back in a splash of blood that hits when you turn the page and sets Hibiki in an unexpected path.
Since you have read it this far I am assuming you care about what I have to say, so allow me to go on a brief tangent to give you some writing advice: if you come up with a structure, don’t overuse it, and if you have to, then come up with ways to keep it fresh. There are a lot of flashback sequences in Loser Ranger, but they come in different kinds. Some are interrupted by D saying he doesn’t care, some are kept very short, some are broken up in more than one part and the bigger ones are reserved for moments where they provide much needed specific information and only when they directly relate to what is going on. The immediate outcome isn’t always the same either, these flashbacks don’t always happen right in the last moment of a fight nor are they all preceded by the central character of those scenes dying. In essence, there are reasons why structures used in a bunch of different stories work, but don’t just throw a sad backstory in at the precise moment a character is going to be defeated every single time. It will get boring fast.
Thematically, I don’t have that much to say about the IRA arc, and frankly I don’t think the arc was shooting for that. The most emotionally interesting the series has been to me so far was with the School Life arc and I would argue that is very much by design. That does not mean that the IRA arc is lacking, as it is the most action-filled and violent arc so far and rescues a lot of scenes from previous chapters, making it feel as if we have really come a long way.
Just like it has been the case for the past arcs, a lot is established around this arc that we are yet to see the ramifications of. There is for sure more to be said about the Suzukiri Clan, the Neo-Rangers weren’t created just for the sake of it, the horrifying inventions of the Yellow Battalion haven’t been fully explained yet and the new position the Red Keeper is in is the “storm” the narration said D had unleashed — which unfortunately is something I don’t like, the first big narrative gripe I have with the story so far is this, as I don’t buy it at all that the Ranger Association wouldn’t have checked for his body, but hey, a single big issue in 139 chapters is a great relation.
So as to not end on a low note, let me conclude. Negi Haruba wrote a harem manga about quintuplets, made a ton of money (conjecture), then decided it was about time to cook up a killer action series. I am not nearly as much of a manga reader as I am an anime watcher, so I can’t say much on how it relates to the overall state of shounen manga, but I would bet that Loser Ranger is going to feel like a breath of fresh air to most people, whether or not you like it as much as I did notwithstanding. The very beginning is kinda mid, I know, but if anything of what I said sounds interesting to you, then hang in there, give it a couple more chapters. The artwork is sleek, it’s super bingeable, it’s slowly getting more violent with each arc (I hope it gets way more), the plot can be a case study with how organic it is and I need to get  a Hisui tattoo.
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auniversallimousine · 1 year ago
Elevate Your Experience: Renting a Limo in London, Ontario with A Universal Limousine
Embark on a journey of luxury and elegance as you explore the vibrant city of London, Ontario. At A Universal Limousine, we redefine the art of transportation, offering an unparalleled experience in Renting a Limo in London, Ontario. Join us as we unveil the possibilities, where every ride becomes a celebration of sophistication.
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Discovering the Charm of Renting a Limo
A Ride Like No Other
Renting a limousine is more than just a mode of transport—it's an experience in itself. Imagine the allure of stepping into a world of luxury, where every detail is tailored to your desires. At A Universal Limousine, we bring this vision to life with our fleet of exquisite vehicles.
The A Universal Limousine Fleet
Luxury Redefined
From classic stretch limousines to sleek SUVs, our fleet represents the epitome of elegance. Each vehicle is meticulously maintained to ensure not just a ride, but an unforgettable journey. Whether you're heading to a wedding, a corporate event, or a night on the town, we have the perfect limo for you.
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Tailored Experiences for Every Occasion
Crafting Moments of Luxury
At A Universal Limousine, we understand that every occasion is unique. That's why we offer personalized experiences tailored to your needs. Whether you're planning a wedding celebration, a prom night, or a romantic date, our Limo Rentals in London, Ontario are designed to exceed your expectations.
Professional Chauffeurs: Your Guides to Luxury
Experience the Difference
Behind the wheel of every A Universal Limousine is a professional chauffeur dedicated to providing the highest standard of service. Punctual, courteous, and knowledgeable about London, Ontario, our chauffeurs ensure that your journey is not just smooth, but also memorable.
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Unmatched Comfort and Style
Luxury at Your Fingertips
Step into our limousines and indulge in the comfort of plush leather seats, the ambiance of ambient lighting, and the convenience of onboard amenities. Whether you're sipping champagne on the way to a gala or enjoying a serene ride through the city, A Universal Limousine offers luxury at every turn.
Convenience and Peace of Mind
A Stress-Free Experience
Renting a limo with A Universal Limousine is not just about luxury—it's about convenience and peace of mind. Leave the logistics to us as you focus on enjoying your special occasion. We handle everything, from pick-up to drop-off, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.
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Making Memories in London, Ontario
Create Moments to Cherish
Whether you're a resident of London or a visitor to this enchanting city, renting a limo with A Universal Limousine is a chance to create memories that last a lifetime. Make a grand entrance, impress your guests, and revel in the luxury of a chauffeured ride through the heart of London.
As the lights of London, Ontario, twinkle in the distance, your journey with A Universal Limousine draws to a close. Yet, the memories of luxury, elegance, and sophistication linger on. Experience the ultimate in Limo Rentals in London, Ontario with us, where every ride is a celebration of style and every moment is cherished. Choose A Universal Limousine for an experience that transcends ordinary transportation, and let us elevate your journey to new heights of luxury. Step into the world of A Universal Limousine, where renting a limo becomes an unforgettable adventure in sophistication.
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openposthub · 17 days ago
Best Portable Storage Containers for Rent in Hackettstown, NJ – Affordable & Secure Solutions
Are you in need of a flexible and efficient way to move or store your belongings? The rental of containers in Hackettstown, NJ, might just be the perfect solution. Whether you’re relocating, decluttering, or storing items for a renovation project, container rentals offer unparalleled convenience and practicality.
This guide will walk you through the benefits of container rentals, the services available in Hackettstown, and why this solution is ideal for local residents like you.
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Why Choose Container Rentals for Storage and Moving?
When it comes to moving or storage, the rental of containers stands out against traditional methods like rental trucks, self-storage units, or hauling vans. Why? Because containers are designed to merge convenience and efficiency, creating a seamless experience for you.
Key Benefits of Renting Containers
Flexibility at Your Pace: With rented containers, there's no rush to pack within tight deadlines. Containers are delivered directly to your location, allowing you to pack and load at your own pace. If you need more time to organize your belonging, that’s no problem.
Simplified Logistics: Unlike traditional moving trucks that require driving, containers are transported by the rental company. This eliminates the stress of navigating large vehicles or worrying about pick-up and drop-off schedules.
Secure Storage: Containers are built to protect your items from the elements. Durable and weather-resistant, these containers keep your furniture, appliances, and valuables safe whether stored on your property or at a secure facility.
Cost-Effective: Renting a container can save you money by combining storage and transportation into one hassle-free process. Plus, you only pay for what you need, whether a small container for light storage or a larger one for an entire household move.
Space-Saving Solution: Whether you're downsizing or temporarily clearing space for a home improvement project, keeping a container on-site provides immediate, accessible storage without taking up unnecessary room indoors.
Containers are versatile solutions. They can simplify moves across town or provide the extra storage space you need for peace of mind.
Container Rental Services in Hackettstown
When considering the rental of containers in Hackettstown, you’ll find a variety of options catered to meet your specific needs. Here’s a closer look at the services and sizes commonly available.
Container Sizes to Fit Every Job
Small Containers (8-10 feet) are perfect for dorm moves, minor renovations, or seasonal storage.
Medium Containers (12-15 feet): Small apartments or partial home moves are ideal.
Large Containers (20-25 feet) are great for complete home relocations, business inventory moves, or large-scale storage needs.
No matter the scale of your project, Hackettstown's container rental providers can accommodate you with the right size for the job.
What Is a Class B Container?
If you've been exploring container rentals, you might have heard the term "Class B container." These containers are commonly used for storage and moving due to their durability and cost-efficiency.
Here's what makes Class B containers unique:
Durable Construction: Class B containers may show signs of previous use (such as cosmetic dents or scratches) but uphold the same weatherproof quality as new containers.
Affordable Option: Because they are repurposed, Class B containers offer a budget-friendly alternative without sacrificing security or reliability.
Environmentally Friendly: These containers contribute to sustainability by extending the life cycle of existing materials.
Class B containers are excellent for temporary projects, especially those seeking a reliable solution without breaking the bank.
Simplify Your Moving or Storage Process Today
When it's time to move, reorganize, or declutter, renting containers provides an affordable, practical, and secure solution for Hackettstown residents. With flexible sizes, expert Curation tailored to local needs, and the peace of mind that comes with convenience, it's easy to see why container rentals are a growing trend in the area.
Take the stress out of your next move or storage project. Contact your trusted Hackettstown container rental provider today and discover how they can help make your life easier.
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happydrive2 · 27 days ago
Exotic Car Rental UAE: Experience Luxury on the Open Road
The Allure of Driving an Exotic Car
Renting an exotic car is more than just traveling from one point to another; it’s about making a statement. Picture yourself behind the wheel of a Ferrari, the roar of its engine as it accelerates down Sheikh Zayed Road, the glitzy skyscrapers reflecting in its gleaming surface. Whether you’re attending a high-profile event, celebrating a special occasion, or simply want to treat yourself, an exotic car rental can elevate your experience to new heights.
The UAE boasts a diverse range of exotic car rental companies, offering competitive pricing and personalized services. Luxury Cars Rent in Dubai They cater to both residents and tourists, ensuring everyone can enjoy the sensational experience of driving luxury automobiles. With many companies providing convenient pick-up and drop-off services, renting an exotic car has never been easier.
Ford Mustang Rental Dubai: A Classic American Icon
Among the vast array of luxury vehicles available, one car stands out for its sheer style and American muscle—the Ford Mustang rental Dubai. Known for its powerful performance and striking design, the Mustang offers a unique driving experience that captures the essence of freedom and adventure.
Whether you are cruising along the coast or navigating the bustling city streets, the Mustang’s distinctive roar and eye-catching aesthetics guarantee that you’ll make a memorable impression. The thrilling ride, combined with the luxurious interiors, ensures that every drive is nothing short of exhilarating.
Renting a Ford Mustang is ideal for those who cherish the classic American car experience while enjoying the luxuries that Dubai has to offer. With numerous rental firms offering this iconic vehicle, securing a rental is both simple and efficient.
Luxury Cars for Every Occasion
When it comes to Exotic Car Rental Uae, the options extend beyond exotic sports cars. From SUVs to sedans, there’s a perfect vehicle for every occasion. Whether you require a roomy luxury SUV for a family outing or a sophisticated sedan for a business trip, the choices are abundant. Renting a luxury vehicle can significantly enhance the overall travel experience, providing comfort and style.
Moreover, many rental companies in Dubai offer flexible rental terms—whether you need a car for a day, a week, or even longer. With comprehensive insurance options and customer service available 24/7, you can rest assured that your rental experience will be smooth and hassle-free.
VIP Chauffeur Service Dubai
For those who prefer to sit back and enjoy the luxurious surroundings without the stress of driving, a VIP chauffeur service Dubai is the ideal solution. This premium service allows you to experience the city in style, with professional drivers who are knowledgeable about the area and committed to providing the best possible experience.
Whether you are arriving at the airport, heading to a business meeting, or going out for an unforgettable evening, a VIP chauffeur service guarantees punctuality and comfort. Enjoy high-end vehicles, exceptional service, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are in capable hands.
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theurbanloftco · 2 months ago
Red Flags to Watch for When Renting an Apartment
Renting an apartment is an exciting step, whether you’re moving to a new city or just looking for an upgrade. But before signing a lease, it’s important to watch out for potential red flags that could lead to financial loss, stress, or even a bad living situation. At The Urban Loft Co., we value transparency, comfort, and peace of mind in apartment living. Here’s what to look out for when renting an apartment in Fayetteville or any city.
1. Unclear or Unfair Lease Terms
A well-written lease protects both the tenant and landlord by ensuring clarity and fairness. Watch for vague language, missing details, or hidden fees. A good lease should clearly outline rent, security deposits, additional charges, maintenance responsibilities, and policies on pets, guests, and subletting. If a landlord hesitates to clarify terms or pressures you to sign quickly, take a step back—rushing into an unclear agreement can lead to costly surprises.
2. Poor Communication from the Landlord or Property Manager
Your landlord or management company should be responsive and professional, as their communication style can indicate how they handle tenant concerns. Before signing a lease, test their responsiveness by asking a few questions about the property. If they take days to reply, avoid answering questions, or seem dismissive of your concerns, it could signal future issues with maintenance requests and general support. At The Urban Loft Co., we prioritize tenant satisfaction with quick response times and proactive management, ensuring a hassle-free living experience.
3. Poor Maintenance and Property Condition
When touring an apartment, look for signs of neglect that could indicate ongoing maintenance issues. Leaky faucets, broken appliances, or exposed wiring may suggest a lack of proper upkeep, while peeling paint, water stains, or mold could point to moisture problems. Dirty common areas, broken elevators, or overflowing trash bins are also red flags, as are pest infestations—check for droppings or insect activity. A well-maintained apartment complex ensures a healthier and more enjoyable living experience, so if the property appears neglected before you move in, chances are the issues will persist.
4. Bad Online Reviews
Before committing to an apartment, take the time to research reviews from current and past tenants. Consistent complaints about poor maintenance, surprise fees, or unresponsive management are major warning signs that could indicate potential issues once you move in. Paying attention to tenant experiences can help you avoid unnecessary stress and ensure a smoother rental experience.
5. Unexpected or Unexplained Fees
Some apartments may advertise low rent but add hidden fees that quickly increase your overall costs. Charges for parking, garbage collection, or amenities can add up, and unexpected monthly "maintenance fees" that should already be included in the rent are a common tactic. Additionally, some landlords impose high move-in costs beyond the first month’s rent and security deposit. To avoid financial surprises, always ask for a full breakdown of all costs before signing the lease. Transparency is key to ensuring you’re getting a fair deal.
6. Unsafe Neighborhood or Poor Security
Feeling safe in your home is essential, so it's important to assess the security of an apartment before renting. Check crime statistics in the area using websites like NeighborhoodScout and look for key safety features such as secure entry, surveillance cameras, and well-lit common areas. Additionally, read tenant reviews to see if there are reports of break-ins or safety concerns. At The Urban Loft Co., we prioritize security by providing modern safety features, ensuring our residents have peace of mind in their living spaces.
7. Pushy or Dishonest Landlords
Be cautious if a landlord refuses to let you tour the unit before signing the lease, as this could indicate they are hiding issues with the property. Similarly, if they demand cash payments upfront or refuse to provide proper documentation, it’s best to walk away. High-pressure tactics to force a quick decision can also be a red flag, suggesting they may not be transparent about potential problems. A trustworthy landlord or property management company should be open, honest, and willing to answer all your questions to ensure a fair and secure rental experience.
8. No Legal Documentation or Proof of Ownership
Before renting an apartment, always verify that it is legally managed and owned to avoid potential scams or legal issues. Ensure the lease includes official details about the property and owner, and be wary of listings that seem too good to be true or lack formal paperwork. Research the property management company to confirm its legitimacy and reputation. At The Urban Loft Co., we prioritize transparency and legal compliance, ensuring all leases are properly documented and tenant-friendly for a secure and hassle-free renting experience.
Final Thoughts Renting an apartment should be an exciting and stress-free experience, but being aware of potential red flags can help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure you find a place that truly feels like home. If you're searching for a high-quality apartment in Fayetteville, The Urban Loft Co. offers stylish, well-managed, and secure living spaces designed for comfort and convenience. Contact us today to explore available listings and enjoy a seamless rental experience. Have questions or need more apartment renting tips? Let us know in the comments—we're here to help!
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shuttle2home · 4 months ago
Effortless Travel with Drop-Off Services and Door-to-Door Shuttle Hamilton
Traveling can sometimes be stressful, especially when navigating unfamiliar roads or dealing with tight schedules. In Hamilton, New Zealand, there’s a reliable solution to simplify your transportation needs—shuttle services that provide drop-off and door-to-door convenience. Whether you’re a resident or visitor, using professional shuttle services can enhance your travel experience. At Shuttle2Home, we specialize in offering seamless and comfortable transportation options tailored to meet your needs.
Why Choose Drop-Off Services in Hamilton?
Drop-off shuttle services are perfect for individuals or groups looking for stress-free and efficient travel. Whether you’re heading to the airport, a business meeting, or a social event, these services save you time and energy.
1. Convenience at Your Fingertips
Imagine a hassle-free journey where you don’t need to worry about parking or traffic. Drop-off shuttle services in Hamilton are designed to prioritize your convenience. The service ensures that you’re picked up from your location and dropped off exactly where you need to be, whether it’s your home, office, or the airport.
2. Cost-Effective Solution
Hiring a shuttle is more economical compared to renting a car or using rideshare apps, especially for frequent travelers. It’s a practical choice for both solo travelers and groups looking to split costs.
3. Professional and Reliable Drivers
With experienced drivers at your service, you can trust them to navigate Hamilton’s roads safely and efficiently. At Shuttle2Home, we pride ourselves on having trained professionals who prioritize your safety and comfort.
Door-to-Door Shuttle Services: Your Personal Travel Assistant
For a more personalized experience, door-to-door shuttle services in Hamilton are ideal. These services provide direct transportation from your doorstep to your destination, ensuring maximum comfort and convenience.
Benefits of Door-to-Door Shuttle Hamilton
Time-Saving No need to wait for public transport or make multiple stops along the way. A door-to-door service takes you directly to your destination, saving precious time.
Tailored for Every Traveler Whether you’re a busy professional, a family with kids, or a group of friends, door-to-door shuttle services cater to everyone. With flexible schedules and routes, the service aligns perfectly with your travel plans.
Baggage Assistance Carrying heavy luggage can be a hassle, especially during long trips. Door-to-door shuttles ensure you get help with loading and unloading your bags, making your journey smoother.
How to Book a Shuttle in Hamilton?
Booking a shuttle in Hamilton has never been easier, thanks to modern technology and user-friendly platforms like Shuttle2Home. Here’s a step-by-step guide to secure your ride:
Visit the Website Navigate to the Shuttle2Home, where you can access all available services and schedules.
Select Your Service Choose between drop-off services or door-to-door options based on your specific needs.
Enter Your Details Provide information such as your pick-up location, destination, date, and time of travel.
Confirm Your Booking Review your booking details and confirm your reservation. You’ll receive a confirmation email or message with all the necessary information.
Sit Back and Relax Once your shuttle is booked, all you need to do is be ready at the scheduled time. Professional drivers will take care of the rest.
When to Use Shuttle Services in Hamilton
Shuttle services in Hamilton aren’t just for airport transfers—they’re versatile and suited for various occasions:
Corporate Events: Arrive at meetings or conferences on time without the stress of navigating traffic.
Social Gatherings: Whether it’s a wedding, party, or reunion, shuttles provide a safe and convenient way to travel.
Tourist Attractions: Explore Hamilton’s attractions, such as Hamilton Gardens or Waikato Museum, without worrying about directions or parking.
Daily Commutes: Use shuttles for regular commutes to work or school for an eco-friendly travel solution.
Why Shuttle2Home Is the Best Choice
When it comes to shuttle services in Hamilton, Shuttle2Home stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction. Here’s what sets us apart:
1. Wide Range of Services
From drop-off services to door-to-door shuttles, we offer solutions for every travel requirement.
2. Affordable Pricing
Our competitive pricing ensures you get the best value for your money without compromising quality.
3. Eco-Friendly Options
By choosing a shuttle, you contribute to reducing carbon emissions compared to traveling in individual vehicles.
4. Easy Online Booking
With a few clicks on our website, you can book a shuttle and enjoy a hassle-free experience.
5. Excellent Customer Support
Our team is always ready to assist you with any inquiries or special requests.
Tips for a Smooth Shuttle Experience
Book in Advance Secure your shuttle early to avoid last-minute hassles, especially during peak travel seasons.
Be Ready on Time Ensure you’re at the designated pick-up point on time to avoid delays.
Communicate Special Requirements If you have specific needs, such as child seats or accessibility assistance, inform the shuttle provider in advance.
Travel Light While shuttles accommodate luggage, traveling light ensures a more comfortable ride for everyone.
The Future of Shuttle Services in Hamilton
As Hamilton grows, the demand for reliable transportation services like drop-off and door-to-door shuttles continues to rise. Shuttle providers are embracing technology to enhance user experiences, offering features such as real-time tracking and app-based bookings. At Shuttle2Home, we’re constantly innovating to stay ahead of these trends and provide top-notch service to our customers.
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re heading to a business meeting, exploring Hamilton’s attractions, or simply commuting, shuttle services are a practical and comfortable choice. With options like drop-off and door-to-door services, you can enjoy stress-free travel tailored to your needs.
Shuttle2Home is your trusted partner for all your transportation needs in Hamilton. Book a shuttle today and experience the convenience, comfort, and reliability that only professional shuttle services can provide.
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selfspinuser · 7 months ago
Convenient Bike Booking in Bangalore with SelfSpin
If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to explore Bangalore, SelfSpin offers the perfect solution with our streamlined bike booking in Bangalore service. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, our platform makes it easy to rent a bike that suits your needs, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride around the city.
Bike booking in Bangalore with SelfSpin is designed to be quick and user-friendly. Our online booking system allows you to choose from a variety of bikes, from scooters to motorcycles, all at competitive rates. The process is simple: just select your desired bike, pick-up and drop-off times, and complete your booking within minutes. No more waiting in long queues or dealing with complicated paperwork.
One of the key advantages of using SelfSpin for your bike booking in Bangalore is the flexibility we offer. With options for short-term and long-term rentals, you can customize your rental period according to your plans. Need a bike for a day or a month? No problem—SelfSpin has got you covered.
Additionally, our fleet is well-maintained and regularly serviced, ensuring that you receive a bike that is both reliable and comfortable. We understand that safety is a priority, which is why each bike is thoroughly checked before every rental.
Whether you're commuting to work, exploring the vibrant cityscape, or just need a convenient mode of transportation, SelfSpin’s bike booking in Bangalore provides an efficient and affordable solution. Experience the freedom of the open road and the convenience of top-notch service with SelfSpin. Book your bike today and discover a new way to navigate Bangalore!
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welcomeindiatour · 7 months ago
Your Trusted Ride in Jaipur: Comprehensive Taxi and Car Rental Solutions
When it comes to exploring the rich heritage and vibrant culture of Jaipur, having a reliable mode of transportation is essential. Whether you're a tourist looking to soak in the sights or a local resident planning a trip to Delhi, Welcome India Tour offers unparalleled taxi and car rental services in Jaipur that cater to all your travel needs. With a commitment to comfort, safety, and convenience, we ensure that every journey with us is memorable.
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Why Choose Welcome India Tour?
At Welcome India Tour, we understand that travel is not just about reaching a destination—it's about the experience. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to make your journey smooth and enjoyable. From short city tours to long-distance trips, our fleet of well-maintained vehicles and professional drivers are here to serve you. Here’s why choosing us for your taxi service in Jaipur is the best decision you can make:
Comfortable and Well-Maintained Vehicles: We offer a wide variety of vehicles to suit your needs, ranging from sedans and SUVs to luxury cars. Each vehicle in our fleet is regularly serviced and maintained to ensure maximum comfort and safety.
Professional Drivers: Our drivers are not only skilled and experienced but also courteous and knowledgeable about the local routes and attractions. They are trained to provide excellent customer service, ensuring that your journey is pleasant from start to finish.
Affordable Pricing: We believe in providing top-notch services at competitive rates. Whether you're looking for a rent car in Jaipur with driver for a day or a taxi service for a longer trip, our pricing is transparent, with no hidden charges.
Flexible Booking Options: We offer a range of booking options to suit your schedule. Whether you need a cab service in Jaipur at short notice or want to book in advance, we’re here to accommodate your needs.
Safety First: Your safety is our priority. All our vehicles are equipped with modern safety features, and our drivers follow strict safety protocols to ensure a worry-free journey.
Exploring Jaipur with Our Taxi Service
Jaipur, known as the Pink City, is a treasure trove of architectural marvels, historical sites, and cultural experiences. From the majestic Amer Fort to the intricate Hawa Mahal, the city has something for everyone. With Welcome India Tour’s taxi service in Jaipur, you can explore these attractions at your own pace, without the hassle of navigating through traffic or finding parking.
1. Customized City Tours: Want to explore Jaipur’s top attractions in a day? Our customized city tours are perfect for you. Our drivers are familiar with all the major tourist spots and can take you to iconic landmarks such as the City Palace, Jantar Mantar, and Jal Mahal. You can choose to follow a standard itinerary or create your own, based on your interests.
2. Shopping and Culinary Tours: Jaipur is also famous for its vibrant markets and delectable cuisine. Whether you’re looking to shop for traditional Rajasthani handicrafts or want to indulge in local delicacies, our taxi service can take you to the best spots in the city. Our drivers know the hidden gems where you can experience Jaipur like a local.
3. Night Tours: Jaipur’s beauty takes on a new dimension at night. With our night tours, you can see the city’s landmarks illuminated under the night sky. From the lit-up Amer Fort to the serene Albert Hall Museum, our taxi service ensures you don’t miss the city’s nocturnal charm.
Seamless Travel from Jaipur to Delhi
Planning a trip to Delhi from Jaipur? Welcome India Tour offers a hassle-free Jaipur to Delhi cab booking service that guarantees a comfortable and timely journey. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, our intercity cab service is designed to meet your needs.
1. Door-to-Door Service: We provide door-to-door service, picking you up from your location in Jaipur and dropping you off at your destination in Delhi. This eliminates the need for multiple transfers, making your journey straightforward and convenient.
2. Variety of Vehicle Options: Depending on the number of passengers and your comfort preferences, you can choose from a range of vehicles. Whether you’re traveling solo, with family, or in a group, we have the right vehicle for you.
3. Experienced Drivers: Our drivers are experienced in long-distance travel and are familiar with the Jaipur-Delhi route. They ensure a smooth and safe journey, allowing you to sit back and relax.
4. Flexible Scheduling: We understand that travel plans can change. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options for your Jaipur to Delhi cab booking. Whether you need to leave early in the morning or late at night, we’ve got you covered.
5. Competitive Pricing: Our Jaipur to Delhi cab service is competitively priced, offering you great value for your money. We provide a transparent pricing structure, so you know exactly what you’re paying for, with no surprises.
Booking Your Ride with Welcome India Tour
Booking a ride with Welcome India Tour is easy and convenient. You can book through our website or give us a call. We offer 24/7 customer support to assist you with any queries or special requests.
1. Online Booking: Our website offers a user-friendly interface where you can select your preferred vehicle, input your travel details, and make a booking in just a few clicks.
2. Phone Booking: Prefer to speak to someone? Our customer service representatives are available around the clock to help you with your booking.
3. Payment Options: We offer multiple payment options, including cash, credit/debit cards, and online payments, making it easy to pay for your ride.
At Welcome India Tour, we strive to provide a taxi and car rental service in Jaipur that is reliable, affordable, and customer-centric. Whether you’re exploring the city or traveling to Delhi, we ensure that your journey is comfortable and enjoyable. Choose Welcome India Tour for all your transportation needs and experience the best that Jaipur has to offer.
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daphne-dumpster-rental · 9 months ago
Daphne Dumpster Rental: Your Reliable Waste Management Solution
When it comes to efficient waste management, Daphne Dumpster Rental stands out as the go-to choice in the community. Whether you're undertaking a home renovation, cleaning out your garage, or managing a construction site, having a reliable dumpster service is essential. Let's explore the advantages of choosing Daphne Dumpster Rental and how our services can benefit you.
Why Choose Daphne Dumpster Rental?
Local Expertise and Commitment As a locally owned business, Daphne Dumpster Rental understands the unique needs of our community. We are committed to providing top-notch services that cater specifically to the residents and businesses in the area. Our team is knowledgeable about local regulations and can help you navigate any necessary permits for your project.
Variety of Dumpster Sizes Every project is different, and so are the waste management needs. Daphne Dumpster Rental offers a variety of dumpster sizes to accommodate any job, big or small. Whether you need a small 10-yard dumpster for a home cleanout or a large 40-yard dumpster for a major construction project, we have the right size to fit your needs.
Affordable and Transparent Pricing We believe in providing affordable and transparent pricing to our customers. With Daphne Dumpster Rental, you’ll receive a clear and upfront quote with no hidden fees. Our competitive rates ensure you get the best value for your money, making us a preferred choice in the Daphne area.
Environmentally Conscious Disposal We take our environmental responsibilities seriously. At Daphne Dumpster Rental, we ensure that all waste is disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. We work with local recycling centers and waste management facilities to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, helping to keep Daphne clean and green.
Residential Dumpster Rental Home projects can generate a surprising amount of waste. Whether you're cleaning out your attic, remodeling your kitchen, or tackling a landscaping project, our residential dumpster rental services make waste disposal convenient and hassle-free. We provide timely delivery and pick-up, allowing you to focus on your project without worrying about waste management.
Commercial Dumpster Rental Businesses in Daphne can benefit from our flexible commercial dumpster rental services. From retail shops to office buildings, we provide tailored waste solutions to suit your business needs. Regular pickups can be scheduled to ensure your waste is managed efficiently, keeping your business premises clean and professional.
Construction Dumpster Rental Construction projects, whether residential or commercial, often produce a significant amount of debris. Daphne Dumpster Rental offers construction dumpster services to handle waste from demolition, renovation, and new construction projects. Our durable dumpsters can handle heavy materials such as concrete, asphalt, and wood, making site cleanup easier and safer.
Roll-Off Dumpster Rental Our roll-off dumpsters are perfect for projects that require mobility and easy placement. These dumpsters are ideal for both residential and commercial use, offering convenient drop-off and pick-up. Whether you’re cleaning out your home or managing a large-scale construction site, our roll-off dumpsters provide the flexibility and convenience you need.
Simple and Straightforward Process Renting a dumpster with Daphne Dumpster Rental is simple and straightforward. Just follow these easy steps:
Contact Us: Give us a call or fill out our online form to discuss your project and determine the best dumpster size for your needs.
Receive a Quote: We’ll provide you with a transparent quote, including delivery, pick-up, and disposal fees.
Schedule Delivery: Choose a convenient delivery date, and our team will ensure your dumpster arrives on time.
Fill the Dumpster: Use the dumpster for the duration of your project, keeping in mind any local regulations for waste disposal.
Schedule Pick-Up: Once your project is complete, contact us for prompt pick-up and disposal of the waste.
Flexible Rental Periods We understand that projects can vary in length. That’s why we offer flexible rental periods to accommodate your schedule. Whether you need a dumpster for a few days or several weeks, we can work with you to ensure you have the waste management solution you need for the entire duration of your project.
Customer Satisfaction At Daphne Dumpster Rental, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is always available to answer your questions and provide guidance on the best waste management practices. We pride ourselves on our prompt service and reliable support, ensuring your experience with us is nothing short of excellent.
Contact Daphne Dumpster Rental Today! Whether you're a homeowner, contractor, or business owner, Daphne Dumpster Rental is your trusted partner for all your waste management needs. With our variety of services, competitive pricing, and commitment to the environment, we provide the best dumpster rental experience in Daphne.
Ready to get started? Contact us today to discuss your project and receive a free, no-obligation quote. Let us help you keep Daphne clean and beautiful, one dumpster at a time.
By choosing Daphne Dumpster Rental, you're not just selecting a service; you're partnering with a local business that cares about the community. We look forward to helping you with your next project and showing you why we are the top choice for dumpster rentals in Daphne.
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