#a lot of things i want are near pewter and pallet town
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antirepurp · 1 year ago
build a new kanto team from scratch more like metal gear solid: heartgold and soulsilver - tactical trainer avoidance action
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Ok, remember how I said that I had copied Kanto's map in rpg maker with pokemon essentials and let a random number generator choose the pokemon for the region? Well, I decided to modify the maps and I started with the cities. Initially, I just wanted to add grass to them so I could have encounters in them because the habitats of some of the pokemons is defined as urban and I don't want to have a lot of NPCs trading or selling them as the solution, but then I changed more things and I want to talk about it. I'll put a read more thing because I don't know how long this is going to be.
Pallet Town:
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I didn't change a lot in this one, just added some grass in the lower left corner (and a streetlight, because it bothers me that there are none. How are people supposed to see at night? Flash seems like overkill in a city. This addition is present in every city).
Viridian City
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I got rid of that random bit of forest in the middle of the city and put a park instead, because no city would actually build around those trees. I used something that I'm pretty sure is meant to be a small shrine or something similar as a beehive, because Cutieflies and Ribombees are too big for a normal sized one (the events can't be seen from this far, but the ones in the park are 2 cutiflies that fly around supervised by a shiny ribombee). I gave a trainer that talked about being a pokemon trainer a jigglypuff, because I think it's weird that most NPCs in cities don't have any. I also put the gym in a elevated area made of gray stone to give it a little bit of personality and to make the surroundings related to the ground type, which is why the rocks are there. I did something similar with Brock's, so I tried to keep them different enough.
Pewter City
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I added grass to the left of the museum and dirt and breakable rocks to the right so those spaces have something going on in them. I added benches and rocks to the park. I moved the house on the left up so it's in the same line as the pokemon center and used that new space to put some dirt, a rock column and an NPC that tells you about how he got there from Cerulean with the bike next to him. The gym doesn't have trees and fences next to it, instead, it's in a platform of mountain rock, surrounded by pushable and breakable rocks and fossils. The rocks in the map are tiles right now, but I plan on changing that.
Cerulean City
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I added some plants in front of the houses, got rid of the fences next to the river (except for the ones belonging to the houses), and added grass in the house's backyard. I deleted the house that was halfway into the forest and replaced it with the one where the rocket grunts steal the TM for dig. The grunt is now waiting in the right exit of the city. The gym is behind where that house used to be and semi-surrounded by water. There is a pond where the gym used to be. This is almost the last gym in which I edited the location/surroundings to match the type, as the others are more difficult.
Vermilion City
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I didn't do a lot with this one. I made the old man's plot of land actually need work, as it now is full of grass and rocks, and the man has a breloom now. I added more sand to really show that this is a coastal city and I used part of some ruins sprites so it looks like there are sandcastles (I'm thinking about changing it and using the overworld sprites of sandygast and palossand). The path from the dock ends in the little roof thing instead of continuing just 2 tiles more for no reason. The shape of the south coast has been modified, I'm not sure about that change. The gym can now be accessed without cut, because, in-universe, it's a terrible idea to have your gym only be accessed via a move that you can only learn if a specific ship is in the city and you have tickets.
Lavender Town
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The town is a lot bigger now, as it has ruins next to the tower. That's mostly because some pokemon's habitat specify that they appear near ruins, but I also want to make some dungeon or something inside. Right now it doesn't look great because there isn't a lot of variety, so I'll try to make some semi-decent sprites of random bricks on the floor or something like that. The ruins, of course, have a lot of rocks, dirt and grass around to help make them seem old and so you can find pokemon around them.
Celadon City
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I moved back the northern buildings, as there was a lot of empty space there only for a hidden item that can be placed somewhere else. I also deleted the building to the left of the department store and, with some sprites made modifying some present in the tileset, created a parking for two trucks carrying boxes and two bikes. The new space around the fountain allowed for a park, but this one with most of it's floor covered in concrete. The park has benches and potted flowers. I made a patch of grass where the buildings next to the pokecenter used to be. I also deleted the fences around the body of water and the casino, as I don't understand why they are there. I moved the signs telling you to go visit the department store, as they were almost next to each other. The buildings around the gym are gone, as it's now surrounded by plants. I'm not fully convinced on how that looks.
Fuchsia City
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I didn't know what to do with this one. I added grass to the backyard of the house and I modified the habitats so they are distinguishable. I deleted the building in front of the entrance because, unless the maps I used as reference are missing it, it doesn't have an interior. I have to add something there, because it feels too empty in-game.
Saffron City
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I also didn't know what to do with this one. I moved some buildings, added a hidden truck between the trees, next to the gym and dojo, and deleted the buildings in front of Sylph Co. to make a park with some bikes, grass, flowers and benches. I also added spots of sand using the sand autotile (I can't remember if that one is default or one I made. I think it's the first one because the texture sounds like a lot of work for me, but I also know I've made others before to have to work less on the long run). This city has potential because of how big the map is, but I'm not sure how to use it.
Cinnabar Island
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I had to make the island bigger so it could have anything else in it. The shape is random, so I hope it looks good. It has a little pseudo-park in the center, with a bench, a tree, bushes and grass. There are rocks scattered throughout the island and a lighthouse (at least I think that's what those tiles are). There is a boat near the lighthouse. The pokecenter is now next to the gym, in the north-east corner of the map. The burned mansion is in the same place, the lab has been moved down and the pokemart is in front of the pokecenter. I'm yet to work in making route 21 connect properly to the new map, and the new size of the route will probably mean new things to the south of Pallet town.
Also, I think none of them are visible, but I still feel like I need to add that the pokemon overworld sprites where made by someone else and can be found here. I'm not talented enough to make something like that.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years ago
All-Glitch Pokemon Blue Run Pt3: Starting Out
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Excellent. Pokemon #233 is a fine choice. I hope you two get along nicely.
Your first task will be in Cerulean City. I need you to travel there. Specifically, I need you to investigate some suspicious sightings at Nugget Bridge. I know that Cerulean is a bit far from Pallet Town, but the trek will give you a chance to get to know your new friend.
I would like to advise you to only take your new glitchmon with you, however. In fact, in most cases it is best when traveling with glitchmon to not bring regular pokemon along. The regular pokemon are likely to become . . . distressed. So for the most part, unless absolutely necessary otherwise, please make this a glitchmon only journey.
I also advise you to keep careful notes of your trip and experiences and send me regular updates. The habit of detailed notetaking is largely what seperates a scientist from a layperson, and the sooner you get in the habit, the better.
My final point of advice is to avoid other trainers whenever you can. It's best to keep a low profile.
Good luck, Junebug.
-Professor Gingko
Professor Gingko,
All right. I’ll try and record everything that happens. 
Actually, things started out a little awkwardly. I had only taken my first step on my new journey when suddenly Professor Oak was shouting at me to stop. He was worried wild pokemon would scratch my eyes out or something. He musn’t have realized I already had a pokemon, because he dragged me back to his research lab and started talking about making me his research assistant. I didn’t exactly have the heart to tell him I was already signed up to do that with someone else, so I just sort of smiled and nodded and played along. I would have gotten out of there pretty fast but unfortunately his annoying grandson had showed up, too, and wanted a pokemon battle. So, uh . . . yeah. We had our first fight! Don’t worry, though. I made sure Oak didn’t see my new glitchmon. We battled behind some bookshelves. Wobbles cleaned out his competition pretty darn fast with Aurora Beams and then we could finally be on our way.
Well, er, after running a quick errand for Oak in Viridian, that is. THEN we were on our way. I know Viridian forest like the back of my hand, so it wasn’t exactly difficult to get through there. Especially when I learned Wobbles has Fire Punch. I know you said to keep a low profile, but I swear it wasn’t on purpose. It just seemed like everyone wanted a battle that day. The good news is the battles were so short, nobody even had a chance to blink!
In Pewter, though, there was a really annoying fanboy of Brock’s who would not shut up about him. He kept badgering me to go visit him at the gym and try to battle him. I think if I tried hard enough, I COULD have pushed by this kid, but I figured it would be easier to just get the badge. Wobbles was obviously super powerful so it’s not like it would be hard for him.
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Brock was a little confused when I let Wobbles out of his pokeball, but I told him it was an exotic bug pokemon a friend from some distant region had sent me, like the Galar region or something. He got pretty smug when he heard it was a bug type, and saw it was several levels lower than his team. What he didn’t expect were the Aurora Beams that wiped his pokes out in a single hit. 
With Brock’s badge, that silly kid let me by no problem. But once I entered the route leaving Pewter behind, I ran into another problem.
I was fighting trainers in my way and Wobbles Skull Bashed. At first, I thought I’d accidentally told him to do the wrong thing. But next time, he disobeyed me again. He wasn’t always listening to my commands anymore.
This was . . . kind of spooky, considering I was about to enter Mount Moon. I needed to be able to rely on him. I entered the cave anyway and tried my best to avoid the trainers in there. 
I was doing pretty good with that for a while, until I ran into some members of Team Rocket. That was kind of rough. We wiped out to one Rocket when his Rattata tail whipped a few times and Quick Attacked, and considering Wobbles already has almost zero defense, uhhh, yeah. Fortunately we got by the Rocket in a re-match. Near the end of the cave was some nerd really obsessed with fossils who wanted to fight us, but we managed to beat him too.
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He let us keep one of his fossils as a prize. For some reason the Helix Fossil really called to me.
After that, we finally exited that dank cave and made it out into the sweet sunshine and the fresh air of Cerulean City. As I entered the Pokecenter, I noticed all the locals were chattering about some guy named Bill. They kept saying he loved rare pokemon. Boy, I wonder what he’d think of mine? I won’t show him, because I know you wouldn’t want me to, but I have to admit it’s tempting.
Anyway, I was headed up the Nugget Bridge to start my investigations, but for Pete’s sake, Oak’s obnoxious grandson ran into me again. What’s worse, he challenged me to a battle. I don’t know how I managed to take out his team of four with one, slightly underlevelled, disobedient pokemon, but mercifully Wobbles pulled through. It helped Wobbles has fantastic Special and Gary’s Squirtle was spamming water moves. It also helped that Wobbles actually used Aurora Beam on Pigeotto like I asked him to.
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Gary left after I wiped the floor with his team, and I could carry on with exploring Nugget Bridge.
Unfortunately . . . the bridge was absolutely full of trainers. They were all standing out there in a row. I think they were having like a club meeting or something. They told me I had to beat them all to win a prize. I wasn’t exactly keen on fighting yet more trainers, but they were kind of in my way. So I worked my way through the entire lot of them. I had to heal in between each battle and Wobbles spent a lot of the time messing around, but we got through them in the end. 
They gave me a gold nugget as a final prize, which was kind of nice since I was a bit strapped for cash. I figure I can pawn that thing. I really hope Wobbles gets his act together and starts obeying me again, though. I don’t exaclty know what’s gotten into him. Maybe he’s just tired?
Anyway, now that I’m here, what exactly should I be looking for?
End Notes
The glitch I allude to that allows you to get past Brock’s fanboy and skip Brock’s gym is called Brock Through Walls.
Click for the Next Part of the Series!
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Nov 21, 2019.
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mysidewriting · 8 years ago
Through the Storm
From the start --> Previous chapter
Chapter Four:
The walls of Professor Oak's lab were lined from ceiling to floor in thick books. Titles ranging from things relating to the overall population of Kanto, to specific species of Pokémon. Large machines whirred in the background and an interesting assortment of the native beats wandered the lab, aiding assistants with their work or just lounging in corners.
The man himself was short, square faced, and entirely grey. He welcomed me ceremoniously with a large grin and a steady handshake. His hands were so raw with callouses that I felt as though I needed lotion after simply shaking hands.
He directed me towards a side room of the lab where some thick binders sat on a round table. I could tell by the scribbled words on the cover that Oak's work laid between the plastic. He promised my time here wouldn't be mostly reading and would actually include some hands on experimenting and sampling of the Kanto population, but for today it would be most beneficial for me to read as much as possible.
So that's what I did nearly all day. Sat at that round table with my nose in binders full of research findings and questions. As monotonous as it was, the content was shockingly interesting and exciting so I never got too distracted or bored.
Towards the end of the day I moved on to the last binder, a significantly thinner piece of research than the ones I had worked through. The cover was black and speckled with gold, a sheet of paper with a drawn rune on the front sparked my interest.
The index held nothing other than Pokémon names and page numbers, nothing I recognized at all. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mew, and MewTwo.
Articuno, currently believed to be sleeping somewhere in the depths of sea foam cave, was one of the three legendary birds. An ice and flying type and that held unspeakable power. I wondered if it was any stronger or even stronger than Lunaala or Solgaleo. Not much information was in the research about the ice bird, and not much was in there for the other two birds either.
Zapdos was last seen in the power plant near Pewter City and Mt. Moon. It was an electric flying type and was known for striking lightning with each beat of its wings.
Moltres, the fire and flying type bird had not been seen anywhere other than the sky in the last ten years. Its location was completely unknown, and its presence was feared by many. The bird was almost entirely covered in flames, much like the Phoenix spoken of in old mythology. Despite the fact that its location was unknown, researchers speculate that it was living in a tropical environment such as the orange islands not far off the coast of Kanto.
The final two Pokémon covered in the binder had their sections merged and not much information had been provided for either of them. I'd just started reading about the psychic type, Mew, when Oak entered and informed me it was time to head home for the day. He was surprised to see I had gotten through nearly everything and agreed to let me finish the last section tomorrow.
Green had invited me to stay at house for the whole week I was supposed to be in Pallet and working with his grandfather. I thanked him repeatedly, and promised to repay the favor in the future. The guest room was made temporarily mine and I unpacked all the contents of my backpack into the empty dresser, washing my dirty clothes in his basement. I met his younger sister, a girl who sparked no resemblance to the narcissistic man whatsoever. She was shy and quiet, only two years younger than me.
Daisy was a Pokémon groomer with a magic touch, not even my still rambunctious nidorina could act disorderly around her. She was calm and didn't react negatively when I asked if she would groom Type:Null, she only asked where it was from. We had tea together and talked about various things, she told stories of Green when he was younger and more annoying than he was now.
Later in the day, as the sun was falling beyond the horizon and the rattata scurried around in the shadowed grass for scraps, Green came back to the house with another guy in tow. They were both covered in dirt and debris.
"Cinnabar is uninhabitable, in case either of you were wondering." Green said as he tossed his dirty jacket into a corner of the living room. His sister rose her eyebrows in annoyance at him but he shrugged it off. "That volcano eruption destroyed everything."
"That's not surprising." Daisy stated bluntly, still gazing at her older brother with a look of aggravation. "The news said the eruption was huge."
"Eruption?" I questioned, gaze falling on the other guy who was shucking off his own jacket and hanging it up on a rack.
"Some volcano under Cinnabar Island blew up two months ago. Red and I wanted to see if anything from the city made it." Green explained, referencing the new guy. Red the champion of Kanto, oh.
"So that old mansion and the fossil lab are just destroyed?" Daisy asked.
Red nodded disappointedly.
"That's a lot of scientific research and history lost." Daisy complained, setting her cup of tea down on the side table. She stood from the couch both of us had been sitting on for the past few hours and scooped up Green's dusted jacket and Red's as well. "You should have taken Moon with you, though." She said as she left the room, likely taking the jackets downstairs to wash them.
"We'll take you with us when you’re finished with gramps's stuff." Green said with a beaming grin in my direction. "We're going to explore Seafoam Island with you."
Seafoam! That was where the ice bird was thought to be located, excitement gripped me and I grinned back to him. "You better take me with you!"
The three of us, excluding Daisy. Went out to the backyard where Green released half his team to wander and stretch before being in for the night. Red did the same and I gazed in awe at his bulky charizard and somehow intimidating pikachu. Green half forced, half requested me to release lycanroc and Type:Null so Red could see the rare species of Pokémon from Alola. I obliged and had to stop Null from ramming into Green's arcanine out of intimidation. Kai was preoccupied showing off to the two men staring at her with amazement.
Red wasn't much for words, as I learned when attempting to ask him about his training regimen. He'd just shrugged and pointed to Green - who then explained that they trained off each other for the most part. The only thing he did say was 'sure' when Green asked him if he wanted to watch some movie before calling it a night. The Pokémon were left outside while everyone in the house nestled into the living room to watch some cheesy flick about team rocket.
After it was over I told them about Alola's former Team Skull. How there was nothing all that scary about them aside from some crazy crap with Pokémon from another dimension. Both Red and Green stared at me like I was insane, I just shrugged. I wasn't really allowed to talk about ultra space or the ultra beasts with anyone other than those who already knew about them.
M//I met the champion of Kanto!
H//REALLY?! Ooh what's he like?
M//quiet haha //he's got a real scary looking charizard and pikachu
H//yeah why not a raichu?
M//idk and he wouldn't tell me if I asked
L//I've met him before too! He's very quiet, but very nice //I've heard that Kantonian Raichu aren't as strong as Alolan.
M//Gladion, the Null you gave me tried to fight Green's Pokémon for no reason hahaha
G//you brought it with?
H//I still want one 😒
G//There's only two.
L//Moon's is much cuter than yours, Bub. 😝
L//she also saved me life so
M//you wouldn't have died! Just probably broke something.... haha //also she?
H//HOW DID SHE SAVE YOUR LIFE? Why did you almost die!!!!
G//What did you do....
L//Moon and I found a weird cave and explored and I almost fell off a cliff 😅
G//Moon, that's exactly what I told you not to do...
M//this was before that though! //And I guess Null is just a girl now, ok haha
H//LILLIE DONT GO IN THERE AGAIN! You either Moon what the heck?
M//I want to go back though
G//D o n ' t. I swear to Arceus, Moon, do not go back.
Mew was apparently the first decedent of the god Pokemon, Arceus. The first Pokémon that created every other Pokémon? Something like that, the way the research was written it was hard to understand what they were trying to explain. Either way, it was rarely seen but apparently whenever it did appear in front of someone it was very playful and loved to play tricks on people.
Mew was the only other Pokémon known to use the move transform, where it took on the image of another beast. Ditto, the man made Pokémon, is such thought to be a failed attempt at recreating the legendary mew.
Mewtwo, was a more successful attempt to create a clone of Mew, for research purposes. Drawings were scattered throughout the pages of Oak's work. Depicting a humanoid figure with a long tail and two spinal cords. The lab it had been created in was destroyed with 180 casualties and almost all information about the man made creature was destroyed in the exploding lab. It used telepathy to speak with humans according to the information that had been saved... only eyewitness testimonials to its power... of those who survived, all believe it was Mewtwo who had destroyed the lab - killing all the professors and assistants.
The Pokémon had escaped and was now in hiding somewhere, likely in Kanto.
I want to find it.
The rest of the day was spent surveying the wildlife just west of Lavender Town. Oak provides both of us and a small group of assistants a helicopter ride to the area. I searched for growlithe and tried to tag at least two girls and two boys with trackers.
The only thing I could think about while looking at all the growlithe was my father's pet of the species. I struggled to focus on counting the population as my mind drifted to wonder about my mother's wellbeing.
I would have to call her again, check up on the whole situation.
Most of the work I did with Oak was relatively similar to the things I did the first two days. I learned a lot about the native species of Kanto, and helped to put away some new found information about some rarer species.
I'd explored the safari zone very thoroughly, seeing Pokémon that couldn't be seen outside of the 'playground' as easily, at least in Kanto. I certainly recognized a lot of them from Alola. We studied the interactions between humans and Pokémon by interviewing with various trainers, people with pets, and businesses that used Pokémon for various tasks. I helped a few of the assistants to put together a quick report on our findings. I got a chance to explore Mt. Moon much more thoroughly then I had when I transversed it myself. Finding some new areas and tunnels that I hadn't seen when I was only looking through the caves.
All of the time spent traveling across Kanto had exhausted me by the final night of my week with Oak. I'd spent most of the time after what Green had deemed 'work' for me, just lying in bed and listening to music. Recounting all the different things I'd done and seen already was amazing to me. I still had another five months to do similar things and I couldn't even imagine what events would unfold as I traveled and met new faces and Pokémon.
I was packing up my things from the borrowed dressers when Green suddenly burst in the room, a bag over his own shoulder. "One more day with gramps, huh?"
"Yep!" I passed him a small smile, "thanks for letting me stay here."
"You kidding, kid? It was a joy." He chuckled, "You’re always welcome to stay with Daisy and me."
"Thanks! Maybe I'll come back then. Maybe I'll come by every week." I joked. I stuffed a tightly rolled up ball of undergarments into my bag, hoping the man standing in the doorway wouldn't notice.
"Uh, let's not over use my generosity here." He affirmed warily, his eyebrows low and judgmental before realizing I was only kidding. It was quiet for a moment before he spoke up again, his tone taunting. "So you know what this means, right?" He said with a sly expression on his face. Sliding around the doorway so he was officially in the room, leaning against the wall.
I stared at him quizzically, "no, what?"
"Seafoam Island soon!" He half sang, the sound falling into more laughter.
I actually jumped with excitement, dropping my bag so nearly all the contents spilled out. "Oh! Right! I want to find that legendary bird in there."
"Ha! Fat chance." His voice was loud enough to make my ears ring. "It's nearly impossible to get to the bottom of the caves."
I returned a sly grin in his direction, "I can make it down there."
His hazel eyes rolled, over dramatic. "Sure, sure."
Note: So this is kind of a super uneventful chapter and I apologize for that. I may just post chapter five later today, to make up for that. To continue off of that... Could you guys let me know what you think of length for these chapters? I'm conflicted about how much to post at a time. :c So two things - do you guys want chapter five tonight/tomorrow? (Next chapter is posted!) and what do you guys want to see with length for chapters? (For reference, this chapter was around 6 pages long. Chapter three was a whopping 13-14) Thanks!
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