#a lot of things about me are only true because of saiki
kusuokisser · 1 year
my favorite song is "heaven is a bedroom" (tv girl) because one day at work i was weeding or something and it came on and i had to do a full pause because my brain went "i think saiki would listen to this" and from then on its rotted my brain
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aiura-stan · 5 months
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I love the idea that Teruhashi might be thinking this. (I know she isn’t Teruhashi, but still.) It’s so outright aggressive and mean, instead of her more low key “Saiki should be obsessed with me!” thoughts as in canon proper, lol.
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Also notable that the first mention of Saiki being markedly different from other people is here: “If a normal person heard them he would undoubtedly have a mental breakdown after three seconds.” Maybe it’s true, probably an exaggeration on Saiki’s part, but it definitely highlights that what he deals with, mentally, is on another level, and he is able to deal with it.
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LMAO. this one made me laugh… it’s like yikyak but worse!! like yikyak but including things people wouldn’t even say on there, read out loud… phewww.
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Saiki says his powers are “in the wrong” rather than peoples’ thoughts. However, the way he words the second part about how you can’t dress up what’s on the inside strikes me as odd. I was trying to think of the reasoning behind this sort of sentiment that Saiki expresses here, because it repeats later in the manga proper. And I think, it boils down to this incorrect assumption he has, that people’s thoughts are their true feelings. My guess on where comes from is probably either Kuniharu or Kuusuke, who both express a lot of resentment for him. In each of their cases, that really is how they feel, and they make no effort to change it, and there’s not a lot of positive emotion thrown in there either. At least as a child, Kuusuke spent a lot of time actively trying to hurt his brother. And Kuniharu probably did too, if we take all of the examples of him trying to get “revenge” on Kusuo into account.
So it never occurs to him at first that people might have intrusive thoughts, or have thoughts they don’t necessarily believe pass through their heads, or thoughts they ultimately challenge and thoughts that directly contradict their behavior.
Okay angsty rant over lol
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‘nother thing that strikes me as funny, not in a good way this time… really now. I have never met a girl who was that jealous of another girl’s boobs. If anything, I’ve met girls who got them too young and wished they hadn’t because of teasing.
Maybe it’s a cultural difference, maybe it’s the fact that a male author wrote this who doesn’t really know (or care) about accurately depicting teenage girls’ concerns in a comedy… anyways.
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I beg to differ Saiki… that IS an incredible tattoo and I want to see it… I want that tattoo.. haha. And who cares if some people are bald?? and trans people exist?? Saiki likes to complain about things that do not matter at all. I guess he probably feels like it’s a burden to keep other people’s secrets, or something. He is just a teenager after all.
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tbh I kind of wish that Asou had kept this if only for dramatic effect
come on… look at this…
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Sigh. I love examples of Saiki interfering with fate just to help someone.
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Okay, that’ll do it for part one of this post. Part two in a bit. 💕
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i think its weird that i have to make this disclaimer but the internet is crazy so wtvr,, anyway,,
if i say i dont like something, that doesnt mean "that thing is bad and nobody should post it.."
i swear literally every time i even mention that i dislike something, people will go "wow does that mean u fucking hate me cuz i post that thing? ur a fucking stupid bitch and all ur opinions r wrong" LIKE ?? er.. no. just because i say i dont like certain characterizations of certain characters (the saiki k fandom is CRAZY about this cuz i can state an opinion on literally any character and a group of people will still go 'well only we're allowed to post our opinions about them because we're always right!1!1!'), or certain ship tropes (mentioned my hatred of toxic yaoi maybe once or twice on here months ago and people STILL get mad at me as if i said toxic yaoi lovers r evil or something), or certain ships, or WHATEVER, does not mean that i HATE the people who are posting them or that i think they shouldnt post them at all, NO, im just posting about my personal tastes on my personal blog and it would be extremely weird and hypocritical if i decided that i was the ONLY person that was allowed to do that,,
i think the only reason people assume that is because there are a lot of other people on here who ARE like that, and a lot of people toe the line between posting that they dont like something and posting that they think everyone who likes that thing is stupid, annoying, and wrong,, so i guess all i can say is, sorry for whatever made you make these assumptions but they arent true about me so plz leave me alone ʘ‿ʘ ur doing the same thing to me that ur accusing me of but i didnt do it in the first place so ur just actively being a dick for no reason
#crazy that the mindset some people on here have is that theyre the only ones allowed to post their opinions#ive repeated this a lot on this blog but i rlly think people forget that the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person#if ur harassing people and publicly making fun of them then ur just as bad as any real life bully#that shit isnt as funny or harmless as u like to pretend it is#not once have i ever targetted anyone or went on someones blog to harass them over my opinion#yet people think its fine to do the same to me and treat it as if its like. revenge or something#like ? me saying 'i dont like toxic yaoi' is not equivalent to someone going on someone elses page and going 'how tf do u like toxic yaoi'#I DONT CARE !! all ive ever done is sit in my own little bubble and had opinions and that makes people mad#honestly though the people who will publicly talk and post abt it are significantly meaner#and i want to act like im not bothered by it because i know most of them r just angry that someone has a different opinion#and they want all their followers to bandwagon off of them (idk why maybe for validation or whatever-same reasons anyone would bully)#but seriously if u actually do think that something i said was out of line and crossed thise boundaries- just fucking tell me ?#im a person bro. ur solution to disagreeing with me shouldnt be 'lol im gonna post abt this and make everyone harass them'#have a conversation with me dude i dont bite ? if u cant talk to me like a person then just dont fucking say anything wtf#its so cowardly to be like 'well no i didnt wanna say anything to u cuz i didnt wanna be rude.. so instead i publicly made fun of u!'#LIKE WHATTTT STOPPPPP </3333#ok anyway this post wasnt supposed to get THAT serious.#MY POINT IS just be considerate of other people and dont base ur hatred off of assumptions#ur deflecting the blame onto someone else because u dont want to admit that ur just a fucking bully lol#being inconsiderate on here is something ive also been guilty of back when i first joined the fandom and was clueless#but grown ass adults who have been on here way longer r still doing that shit which is crazy#and i cant say anything because they have so much leverage over me and idk if its on purpose or if they dont even realize#ok im putting fandom tags cuz i want people to see this sorry. this is my one post thats actually targetted but its at a lot of people#so if u look at this and think 'hey i do that' pls evaluate urself<3#i mean its also targetted at everyone who does this anonomously so i dont know who it is OKOK IM DONE BYE SORRY HOPE THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE#watch nobody read this fr#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#meows post
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xanvasofxords · 1 year
Thoughts On SaiTeru & Why It Makes Sense To Me
Honestly speaking, I wasn’t too big on this ship but over the time, it has definitely grown a lot on me and I’d actually like if they took that route. Mainly because Saiki ending up with someone other than Kokomi wouldn���t make sense, after all the progression they went through, ending up with each other is natural. Besides, whatever Kokomi wills eventually happens so if I had to guess I’d go with the prior lol. That aside, imo they fit each other the best.
I haven’t done ship analysis posts before so the sequence is pretty messy but I’ll try to keep it as organised as possible so it’s easier to read. Let’s start anyways :
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Starting off with the very thing that places Kokomi at the top of the food-chain : her charms. Due to Saiki’s x-ray vision, that ability is rendered completely useless against him. As a result, Saiki recognises her for her true self and knows her inside out. While he’s aware of her flaws, he also witnesses her growth as a person. She makes true friends and starts to enjoy their company and care about them. For Saiki, she stops dreaming about marrying a rich guy and rejects Saiko.
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Kokomi even gives up on playing the perfect pretty girl which she has been doing for years, just for his sake.
Likewise, Saiki’s psychic powers have little to no effect on Kokomi because she’s loved by the God himself and she gets whatever she wants. Regardless of how hard Saiki tries to win against her, he always ends up losing instead, all the while her likability with him increases.
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Her efforts in her role, her wits and abilities surprise him enough to make him wonder if she’s actually perfect. He even goes as far as to say that they’re invincible together. Saiki goes from being half-scared of her powers to fully acknowledging and admiring her by the end.
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Before Kokomi, Saiki has dealt with people who had crush on him- Imu and Chiyo. He made them give up on him with ease which resulted into him believing that it’s easy to move people’s hearts. Kokomi however, breaks that misconception by moving his own and shows him that she loves him just as he is and that won’t change.
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And it’s because he’s aware that her feelings are genuine, unlike the other two, he stops resisting her completely and starts avoiding possible misunderstandings. When Kokomi changes herself to suit his tastes, Saiki doesn’t actively try to make her give up on him instead tries to revert her back to her usual self. He isn’t bothered by her feelings for him anymore, rather prefers her the way she is.
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There are only a few times in the show when Saiki gets nervous. Even Nendou and Kusuke who he can’t use his telepathy on, don’t have that effect on him. Yet being alone with Kokomi makes him nervous. Prior to the mixer event, Saiki has been alone with her on more than one occasion. After that day however, Saiki’s perception of Kokomi changes. He’s aware that she truely loves him and won’t give up on him no matter how indifferent he acts towards her. It’s fairly new to him, accepting the fact that someone loves him despite all the odds and she actually manages to make him happy because of it.
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Just like how Kokomi gives up on the most important thing for Saiki, being perfect that is, he does the same for her. Saiki hates drawing attention to himself and he puts a lot of efforts in that. However, he gives up on that without a moment’s thought and catches Kokomi in his arms in front of the entire school and takes her to the infirmary. There couldn’t be any better way to draw attention.
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My point remains the same even if I don’t include this because Kokomi’s beauty has always been irrelevant in their relationship and this is the first and only time we see Saiki being attracted to someone. Ironically, Saiki reacts to seeing Kokomi just as any other guy would and he’s too transparent about it. Not to Kokomi but to the readers.
From time to time, Kokomi’s likability with Saiki increases to such point where he subconsciously sees her differently than others. I’m sure there are people who would disagree because Saiki makes exceptions for all his friends and Kokomi shouldn’t be different. There are multiple counter to that arguement.
One of the two is when Saiki turns invisible and shares a drink with Kokomi. Honestly, whatever happened in that chapter doesn’t make sense in the least.
Saiki has gone out of his way to get Kokomi’s valentines chocolates. I can say that’s because he loves sweets. He buys her a birthday gift : the cat mug, I can reason that he even got Chiyo a soft toy back when she was dating Takeru to make their relationship last. Several times he has gone out of his way to check up on his friends such as when Aren received a fake love letter or when Kaido and Chiyo had a misunderstanding and stayed with them the entire time to make sure everything was alright.
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However, this time the only thing he has to do is avoid her and go home. Kokomi isn’t in any trouble nor does she need his help for anything. So he succeeds the moment he manages to lose her by getting up in the air. All he needs to do his teleport home.
But he doesn’t. We don’t know why.
He just turns invisible which saves him from the men searching for him, again he can teleport home or even walk home. But he just decides to sit there with her and share her drink for some reason and leaves only when she thinks of doing the same. Which is outright ridiculous because he could just leave the moment Kokomi lost him but he does the opposite and does exactly what Kokomi wanted on his own free will except, differently.
Last but not the least, the most significant moment is when Saiki hears Kokomi’s voice in the end. Having read the manga, it’s clear that Kokomi’s part is supposed to stand out from others but the added scene in the anime makes it more obvious.
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I think there’s more to this moment than most talk about. Other than the fact that Saiki reacts to Kokomi’s name, what makes him smile is that even when Kokomi knows that her life is in danger, she still thinks about him. He realises that the girl he finds so troublesome truely does love him. And he knows that in the end, what she wants, will happen. Through him this time. Personally I think this scene acts as the trigger to Saiki realising that he needs his powers and he doesn’t actually hate being a psychic.
All in all, Kokomi is the only one who balances out Saiki perfectly and Saiki is the one who made her develop as a person. They’re compatible with each other and even Saiki believes that. Both have lasting impact on each other even without being able to use their respective powers which solidifies the fact that the progression is genuine. Both have polar opposite nature, Kokomi loves receiving attention while Saiki hates that. However when push comes to shove, Kokomi’s willing to sacrifice her perfect pretty girl role while Saiki’s ready to draw attention to himself despite all the efforts they both put into their respective places.
Kokomi influences Saiki’s thought process despite him being able to read her like an open book. She makes him guess his choices and decisions. She brings surprises and challenges in his life. Saiki does the same since he isn’t affected by her charms, he makes her focus on other things beside looks. And he’s literally the only one who recognises her for herself and not her beauty unlike her own brother. I could go on forever about how they complement each other but that’s for another day.
I may not be the biggest SaiTeru shipper out there but I most definitely think Saiki should either remain single or end up with Kokomi. I prefer the later.
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skywritingrambles · 4 days
For truth & dare: 🍓, 🍄 and/or 🍬
🍓- how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've always been a writer, and me and my younger sister would play "games" where we would act as characters in a show and create our own stories that definitely inspired me to write fanfiction. I think they first I wrote was pjo with pencil and paper, though I don't remember the story. When I was 11 or 12 I somehow found out about Quotev, a writing and quiz website, and I wrote fanfiction there. Unfortunately my original account got deleted because I was too young to have it, but I made a new account and reconnected with the friends I had made. I haven't logged into it in years now, I don't think I would remember if I tried to, and all the fanfiction is deleted except a promised neverland one-shot from when I was like 14. Quotev started changing and I didn't like it so I started really just writing for myself and not posting it. And then maybe a year and a half to two years ago I posted my first fanfic on Ao3 in a long time, this Steddie camp counselor au, but I only got a few chapters in. I might rewrite it one day. Anyway for now I'm doing the same stuff I did when I was 12, starting endless fanfic ideas that I may never finish but enjoying it nonetheless.
🍬- what's your unpopular opinion about a popular character? Teruhashi from Saiki k isn't a bad person. I do see a lot of posts along the lines of "you don't hate teruhashi you just hate women. Yeah she doesn't have very nice thoughts but she does a lot of nice things so does it really matter" And I'm just like ???? She genuinely isn't a bad person. I guess you could call her arrogant but she's literally just stating fact and that's made abundantly clear. She is a very beautiful girl and she's aware that it's important to be kind to people and she's aware tha a lot of women have to play roles in order to be seen as a good person, she genuinely cares about the feelings of the people around her and even if yeah I do kind of find her character annoying you're supposed to. Sure it's annoying for anyone to be like "I'll brighten their day just by saying hello" but in this world that's true. Literally anyone except Saiki would br ecstatic for her to talk to them. She's aware of the fact that people like her and so she goes out of her way to make them happy.
Anyway maybe you didn't want such long explanations for either of these but oh well, here they are
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no-psi-nan · 10 months
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Didn't see this one coming
(Akechi x Aiura Romance)
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
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8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
Real events don't usually inspire my fics but in this case, I did have a migraine while writing a chunk of the migraine chapter lmao!
11: What do you like best about this fic?
It's so much fun to write Akechi and Aiura and their interactions!!
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
^ I made an executive decision to swap questions 14 and 15 in both cases lol.
I actually did a lot of research for this fic because I wanted to portray Akechi with more autistic flavor! It's not the main focus of the fic, but I think Akechi's so heavily autistic-coded that it's an important part of him to explore. I'm no expert and I'm not autistic myself but I did get a sensitivity reader to make sure I wasn't doing anything completely tasteless lol, so hopefully I manage a fun and respectful portrayal there even if it's not super front and center.
Bⓔⓢⓟoke Ψitrus Selection
(Various one-shot lemons)
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
Hey. You are being evil and mean to me by making me try to pick out mostly sfw narration out of a bunch of lemons when you know damn well that I only use narration on an as-needed / ass-needed basis.
Two rows of maids burst through each bedroom door, and Kuboyasu fights the conflicting urges to jump to his feet for a fight and to cover his naked body with the sheets. True to Saiko's word though, none of the maids seemed to have working vision even as they lay several items on the edges of Saiko's huge bed in perfect sync before turning around in unison and leaving.
For a brief moment, Kuboyasu wonders about Saiko's surprisingly inclusive hiring practices, but then Saiko is unbuttoning his fancy linen pants and Kuboyasu's mind turns towards more important things.
Yeah I had to trim a sentence off at the end, WHATEVERRRRR. It's just that bringing up Saiko's DEI hiring initiatives in the middle of a lemon is so so funny to me.
5: What part was hardest to write?
The Kuboyasu x Saiko lemon for sure. I ran out of steam partway and it sat around for ages. Also it took years to wrap my head around Nendo x Saiki but once I got the right angle, it was actually really fun and easy to write lol.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
IT'S SO FUN TO ME. Love hitting the center of a Venn diagram for hot, funny, and sweet! With a little extra serving of deranged <3
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Yes!! I want readers to realize that there are so many different ways to have a simultaneously healthy and hot relationship, that you should have fun exploring your fantasies and seeing where they take you, and that it's fun and free to write your own deranged lemons lmfao.
Thanks for the ask @hillbilly---man!! 💜
[ Context ] <- Still open for these btw!
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silverseasx · 1 year
So um- I both love the idea of Saiki being aroace but also being in a relationship with Kaidou-
Thus- I firmly believe both are true.
Saiki lies to himself saying that he's only doing this for his benefit when in reality he's just really really worried about everyone.
He has depression and meds dont really help because of the fact that external things are now interal thoughts. But its also like having adhd so- he doesn't exactly have a lot of fun with it.
Saiki likes sleeping on the beach.
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F & G please!! 💜
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is a snippet from my Outsides Johnny x Dally oneshot posted to Ao3: "Only A Four."
Johnny wrinkled his nose. “How much did you have to drink?”
A smile so pure and excited spread across Dally’s face that Johnny’s knees went weak. If he wasn’t already being propped up in his one of his closest friends- what a label they’d settled on- he would’ve melted straight to the ground. “Concerned about me JohnnyCakes?”
“Ain’t I usually?”
“Buck and I split a case. I slept most of it off.”
Johnny let out low whistle. “No wonder you smell like the bottom of a bar.”
“And here I was thinking I’d invite you next time.” His face was dangerously close to Johnny’s again. Noses just a hair apart. Breeze barely able to pass through the space between them. “Not interested in spending a night drinking with me JohnnyCakes?”
He brought his hand up to grab the hand trapping his chin. “Are you satisfied?” He asked. The only mark on his face was the remnants of a week old bruise just below his right cheekbone. “He hasn’t got his hands on me in a week.”
A little white lie never hurt anyone. “I don’t like you lyin’ to me, man.” Except for Dallas Winston apparently. “Your lip’s bleeding.”
“That’s my own fault. I bit it to keep my teeth from chattering.”
Dally swiped a thumb over his bottom lip, wiping away blood, and brushed his own lip over Johnny’s mouth. A ghost of a kiss. A boundary not even drunk Dally could bring himself to cross.
“What’s the number?”
Dally pulled back slightly to let his gaze bounce around Johnny’s face one last time. “If he hasn’t been hitting on you, why so high?”
“I let myself think it would last.”
Johnny took Dally’s hand, brought his fingers to his lips, and pressed a small kiss onto the pads of each one. Then, like always, Dally pressed his fingertips against his own lips. A kiss for two people too damaged to let themselves truly be happy.
“I have to finish high school, Dal.”
“Not in that house, man.”
“If I leave, he starts hitting on my Ma.”
Dally winced. The soft “JohnnyCakes” escaped him again. Too caring, too gentle. Johnny pushed passed him and started walking again, but without there was no pressing body heat to keep the cold November air at bay. The shivers caught up, more violent than before.
Personally, I love this one because dialogue has always been the hardest part of writing for me. I struggle with attributing and making it sound natural. Here, though, I think I really managed to capture their dynamic in a realistic way. Dally and Johnny sound true to the original source material while also meshing well into this little divergence I wrote. Throughout the whole thing I feel like I've done a really good job balancing descriptions with dialogue. It's a peak I haven't been able to replicate honestly.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Yes, to both. Honestly, a lot of my ideas come from a description snippet or dialogue snippet lodged in my mind. Very rarely will I write a story from the very beginning because I struggle with bigger concepts. I typically start with writing the scenes I envision the best (ones I have snippets for, ideas that could inspire me in the editing process, etc.) THEN I got back through and write all the rest from beginning to end.
Examples of fics I wrote/am writing from start to finish: alma perdida, saiki is typing..., and Vibrant Sunsets
Examples of fics I wrote out of order: Life is What You Make of It, Quite the Opposite, and Once and For All
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reikuto · 3 years
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WARNINGS! — cursing
CHARACTERS! — kaidou, saiki, nendou, aren
CONTENT! — cheesy shit
A/N! — miss having cute and innocent school crushes so here you go <3
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KAIDOU realizes he likes you when you don’t tease him about his quest to defeat dark reunion. he’s gotten a lot of smack before about dark reunions existence and his “childish behavior” but you? you knew the truth. the two of you are the literal embodiment of: “would you like…to form…an alliance…with me?” “absolutely, i would.” “great, excellent.” his mom surprisingly loves you because you put an excellent front of being very studious and responsible (whether or not you actually are can stay between us <3) which leads to the following point; his mom talking about how much she loves you makes him realize just how great you are. mostly because the things his mom is listing are like your study habits, your testing tips & tricks, your grades, and kaidou knows that you’re so much more than that because he gets to experience it every day. it’s safe to say he goes to sleep with a smile that night, anxious to see you and hear your voice.
SAIKI realizes he likes you out of the blue. he’ll be relaxing in his room reading and the realization will hit him like a bus. he’ll sit up and let the thought marinate for a few minutes. every morning, you never failed to greet him with a kind smile, your thoughts never contradicting the kindness in your expression. at least never to him or any of the others. in the rare occasion where you’d be sporting a fake smile to restrain from snapping at someone rude or ignorant, saiki would almost snicker at the hilarious comments you’d make in your head. almost. not to mention you give him his personal space, aren’t exceedingly loud, or unforgivably annoying. and somehow, you know how to read him, which he found extremely odd because well, it’s him. yet somehow, you know exactly when he’s getting fed up with socializing, when he craves sweets, or even when he’s trying to desperately avoid something or someone. okay so sure, you weren’t exactly the worst person to like, but saiki still would not be happy about his little epiphany. yet he can’t find it in himself to hold back the small smile that forms on his lips when you greet him the following morning.
NENDOU realizes he likes you when you invite him out to get ramen. on a random wednesday afternoon. during summer break. could you be any more perfect? he literally can’t believe he didn’t realize it before. you’ve got a rockin body, you always laugh at his jokes, you’re always eager to hang out with him, and you invite him to eat ramen? it was almost too good to be true. hell, all the signs hinted at the possibility that you liked him too! (he very easily convinces himself that you like him) except he’s not exactly the best at being subtle, like at all. so while you‘re looking at the menu, he deadass says “thanks for asking me out on a date.” your eyes would just widen a fraction as you lower your menu to look at him. he’s smiling at you confidently, “ramen’s my treat today, can’t have a pretty face payin on our first date!” mf has some balls to pull this shit and actually get away with it. like boy who tf said this was a—well, whatever, it’s not like you’re complaining anyway. free ramen and a date with a cute, funny guy? say mf less.
AREN realizes he likes you when you don’t let his past change the way you see him. it’s not something he tells just anyone because he’s not proud of the type of person he was. the only reason you found out was because of an incident with some gang member who recognized him while he was walking you home. and yet, you were still right beside him, hand resting over his own as you reassured him that you didn’t think any differently of him. you were like an angel with those soft eyes, sweet smile, and kind words. aren would just stare at you in awe as the realization dawned upon him, and he’d have to hold back the urge to say something stupid and impulsive. the two of you would then continue your trek home hand in hand, a wave of newfound confidence in aren as he walked home, holding hands with the most beautiful person he’s ever met.
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simkjrs · 2 years
when thinking about saiki i feel like. something that is very important to me is not only examining how he is different from his friends, but also how he is the same...
obviously saiki has a lot of things that set him apart and make him ‘special’, to the point that he considers himself fundamentally different from other people and thinks he might as well be a different species entirely.
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but i feel like its even more important because of that to emphasize how he is in many ways the same. he still wants friendship, connection, and meaningful relationships -- no matter how much he might deny it -- and his desire to have a ‘normal life’ is an extension of that, even if he doesn’t see it. his immense power is what alienates him from others; his care for others, flaws, and desires are what bring him back down to the ground.
the beginning of the series has saiki so convinced that there’s no way that he could have meaningful friends because they’re “too different” but by the end of the series he values them enough that he wants to reveal the full extent of his difference...
so that’s all to say that emphasizing saikis incredibly human aspects is quite important to me. he says he is fundamentally different from others but i suppose i always want to prove that that isn’t true, and that he’s just as human and just as capable of loving & being loved as the rest of us. 
anyways look at this
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
I always kinda wrestle with where I put Saiki's dysphoria. Kid’s ESP makes for some 4D chess like its honestly kinda cool and iiiiiiiii have. Many thoughts.
Even if the metric is waffles (I’m waffling, indecisive).
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I don’t think Saiki would have a lot of gender dysphoria, first of all. His anxiety seems to come from other places and like. He has transitioned to He already, though he also seems pretty blase’ as a girl even if the time spent in one form over the other could indicate a preference. I think he might start to develop it if he loses the ability to shapeshift long enough to miss it, but as he is with his ESP in my head his dysphoria is pretty near to zero.
Further, he. really honestly doesn’t care about. well. societal rules or what other people think of him too much. Usually, only Kusuo can hurt Kusuo. I think this is shown by how he’ll throw them away whenever it’s convenient and he thinks he can get away with it, such as catching and carrying Teruhashi which would be explicitly against Kokomin guidelines, assaulting police officers, murdering people “only a little” and staring at the coffee jelly long and hard enough that little children start to get all “hey mommy why is that weird person”, and not just saying “oh wow” to Teruhashi just to get her off his back, etc bla bla bla.
However, he hates attention. He hates standing out. He worries about getting checkmated by social convention. he seems to have made a study of the ‘rules’ enough to memorize them even if he has some weird. gaps.
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(re...ality...... ntm all the other stuff!)
By and large, that is because of his powers and that he’s been taught that horrible terrible things happen whenever he dips so much as a toe out of the closet. Such has been taught to him by his family and reinforced by experience, so our Saiki treats that as gospel. However, we’ve seen alternate Saikis where both of those were outweighed by the power of *one* event.
Popular!Saiki is a good example, I think, of how Saiki's natural instinct is to be an independent thinker. All that conditioning put aside in favour of “I want.” “I made up my mind.” “I felt a purpose within ME.” etcetc
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(He got Aiurafied)
Saiki values what he considers to be the best decision above the rules of social convention - if they happen to agree, that’s a happy coincidence. He might therefore take others opinions into consideration (his telepathy DOES act as a coffee jelly review aggregator...) but he thinks in the end it’s his decision.
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(I doubt he’d like to admit to himself how much of his thinking process is informed by others lol)
He also thinks that keeping his ESP to himself is just ‘the best decision’ to make. how he does that is to blend in. How he does that is to follow the rules. Social conventions are tools for him to use, which is why he’s able to discard them so quickly if they don’t suit him.
In short, he’s chaotic good masquerading as lawful good.
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(He terrorizes and threatens to kill them way too much with way too much glee to be true lawful al;dkf it’s like a hobby for him)
So how does that fit into dysphoria? Well by that logic it’d mean gender presentation and sex is just another tool to be used - thus, Kuriko at the sweets promotion - but isn’t something he probably feels very strongly about. 
And while Saiki isn’t above his feelings being hurt,
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he’s the most vulnerable to people he loves, and the idea that he’s so Other he damages by just being himself...which comes from the people he loves LOL. If it’s coming from someone he cares less about, he seems to understand it’s their problem, not his, and isn’t overly affected by it. While I’m prone to thinking he cares about people a lot, so much so that he breaks his own rules constantly for perfect strangers but especially people he cares about
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Though he will protect the people he cares about from misunderstandings and scammers, and with people vexing him personally he’ll make it his problem and they won’t like it if he gets fed up quick enough. BUT. He’d probably be less affected by their conception or misconceptions of his gender.
Mostly, Saiki just likes things to not be a hassle a;lfkdj
For Saiki, presenting as gender-conforming by that lens would really just be a matter of convenience that’d help him fit in. The internal screaming about not fitting in would be less from needing to be perceived as himself by others in a way that matches his internal identity unless they really make it his problem in which case they’re an annoyance, and more fully due to ‘if I stand out people will pay more attention to me and I’ll be at bigger risk of my ESP being outed which means I and my family and friends will all be endangered and they might hate me for lying to them or what if the shock kills them what if. what if I really am the monster they say I am I need I need a coffee jelly or maybe a coffee liquer -wheezing-’
In short, the anxiety comes from a different place. But I still think it could probably fit into some level of social dysphoria? It’s still anxiety resultant from social consequences that reflect in how he presents. Like I said in my ‘Saiki doesn’t think he’s trans....but he is’ post , Saiki's ESP is such a huge part of his person that it influences all aspects, so it’d make sense to account for that. He’s really not living the average life - his experiences with his gender and sexuality aren’t going to be average either.
My HCs of his gender dysphoria in relation to body dysmorphia shift around a lot.
I think it’d make sense if he didn’t have that sense of disconnect to his body because his body’s appearance shifts a lot and he never struggles with that beyond accidentally ruining his dad and one cat.
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(He could take over the world with that.)
BUT, I also think it’d make sense that he would have some dysmorphia because the shapeshifting may indicate a fluid internal identity, but he can’t just shift on a whim whenever he likes - he needs to wear the one face the majority of the time. That might cause him to get antsy.
This boy can fit -slaps roof of car- so many interpretations.
But more than gender dysphoria propagating body dysmorphia I feel like he’d have body dysmorphia because he’d be acutely aware his appearance has set him apart.
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I don’t think he’d be comfortable wearing revealing clothing in part thanks to that, and he also strikes me as a body-private person. His sense of othering was so acute that he fucked w/the human genome just to fit in better, but how many pink-haired people do we see in Saiki k who aren’t Saiki? How many people do we see whose hair colour doesn’t match their eye colour? Saiki is still in the minority despite his best efforts (#maincharactersyndrome), and the devices he wears to accommodate his special needs make him stick out more, forcing him to rely on a level of mind-control that in turn forces others to believe there’s nothing abnormal about his appearance.
I think that’d really fuck with a person tbh. Not only is Saiki honestly somewhat infringing on people’s free will a bit willingly and knowingly, but I don’t think he likes to lie? He both fears and wants to tell his friends about his ESP, it ties him up in so many knots that we get this expression when he’s readily accepted in an alternate timeline.
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It’s hard to say whether or not he even realized that was a source of anxiety for him because Saiki DOES lie. A lot. Including to himself.
Honesty is not a privilege he’s allowed.
But he also values honesty and people who are honest with others. He values it so much that he gives Teruhashi her oh wow when she vows to be true to herself.
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He values it so much he’ll justify everything to himself just to maybe not twist himself into an extra knot. He values it because he wants to be a good person. 
Thanks to that conflict of his needs butting up against his values, he probably doesn’t think he’s a good person. More to the point he believes he’s not even human. I’d not hesitate to tie that full circle to body dysmorphia. Saiki is acutely aware that he is Other. He’s learned that Other = Unsafe which = Bad.
Saiki’s natural instincts to chaotic good are stifled by what he thinks is the best decision to be Good, which is to be lawful good, which is to say he’s of the opinion that Same = Safe = Good.
Yknow. Masking. It really drives against his natural inclinations, and he’s honestly not very good at it.
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(Now that’s what I call... leaning into it ohohohobut no seriously what is he doing hes like an inch away from her face aa;sdf.)
I do tend to write/draw Saiki gnc often (like, the first opportunity basically) because the dichotomy between his dgaf attitude (natural -> “i’m insulting you. you’re garbage.”), his DO gaf attitude (stifled, buried -> “i guess i actually do like troublesome things”), and his dgaf attitude (NOT natural, forced -> “i only interfere when it affects my directly”) and his DO gaf attitude (not natural, not talented at it either -> “i’ll be checkmated by social convention!”) in combination with the
-gestures- the gender of it all
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is just delightful for me and a ton of fun to explore (ntm a great outlet for my own -kicks it- gender stuff. ...what is that is that a hai-).
But Mr. Kusuo “I'll be checkmated by social convention!” Saiki is difficult to inspect in a vacuum, which requires the view of the other and how that may or may not impact, repulse or attract
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many of whom I’d say have been socialized that those social conventions are rather more ingrained than his.
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(Ou a rainbow flag)
Saiki abides by them by necessity of safety, but he does engage in them critically and will rewrite them if he’s motivated enough. (Said it before but the HC here is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual and masc-leaning genderfluid)
Kaidou flaunts them because he loves himself more (but not in front of his mama) but doesn’t really *question* things. So where he’d express his gender and gender identity would probably be dependent on the house rules he grew up with. He’d probably find freedom in GNC fashion so he stands out even more, but if he’s brought up with cis and hetnormative values like a lot of people are, it might not even occur to him to think outside of those spheres on account of he does buy into scams pretty easily, and when it does it’d probably happen with a lot of intrigue and possibly fear depending on what his home life is like. (My vote is for demiboy w/Kaidou and I tend to see him as bisexual and VERY FLUSTERED about it al;sdkf)
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Kuboyasu tries to learn a new set of them to live the life he’s decided he wants to live, and only questions them from a self-conscious, insecure of himself perspective. That said he seems to strike a balance between both codes with alacrity, so I’d put him down as a socially motivated individualist who’s found a ‘best of both worlds’ approach.
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As a born and bred delinquent, the social norms in relation to sexuality and gender were probably different than a ‘normie’, as a lot of that culture stems from eschewing those norms in favour of independence, free thought, and aesthetic - but usually, only to a point, he absolutely has definitive values and some of those values are gendered.
“Never going back on your word is what being a man is all about. Keeping your promises...that what it means to be a real man.” in addition to “How can he call himself a man, chasing skirts all day. Thinkin bout nothin but women all day...you wouldn’t catch me doing that shit.“, the latter of which seems to imply that a ‘real man’ should ‘be above’ getting distracted by sexual attraction.
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The Espers also didn’t allow female members,
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and he seems to believe that women are not to be underestimated. It’d not be unreasonable to assume that in the world of gang wars where mfw attraction is a majority, a woman would use her sexuality as a tool to gain power, kick-ass, etc. He does not hesitate to view Mera as a force to be reckoned with. That said, he gets along well enough with girls and seems to drink his respect women juice, so I’d say he’s been conditioned to view sexuality itself as the issue, not the object of attraction, hence his disdain for people who are. uh. Toritsuka.
However, certain demographics attract certain demographics and gang wars are harder to accomplish in small population centers. I don’t think it’s unlikely Kuboyasu grew up in a city, which would by merit of its population likely have more resources for lgbtq+ folks - something which is correlated with a higher likelihood of coming out in this older paper. My assumption is therefore that he would not only have been taught some method of inclusivity and that his community, while the Espers excluded women, probably didn’t gaf about heteronormativity. His ideals of manhood could trip him up when it comes to gender, but those values seem to be based on internal qualities like ‘keeping your promises’ and not being Toritsuka instead of things like appearance and may even include what a person is packing downstairs. Which is to say I’d like to think he’d probably be on that ‘trans men are men die mad about it’ bus but he might still trip up thanks to his gendered values.
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He’s a determined learner, though, so if it means living up to his ideals of what kinda man he’d like to be (honest, hard-working, a mentor, a protector, a lover of motorcycles) he’ll do his homework and get better. He doesn’t tolerate people acting like trash in front of him after all, and he holds himself to those standards.
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(This one seems to really like being a guy :D He might not mind? Wearing a skirt? But if someone misgenders him they’ll probably catch a fire extinguisher to the head. No strong HCs on his sexuality just that I prefer him in a pairing w/Saiki uwuw)
Teruhashi is simultaneously rewarded by them and dehumanized by them and obeys them rigidly - to her detriment. she’s so determined to be the perfect pretty girl as the source of her self-worth that she probably won’t let herself question anything like ‘do I have comphet? or. compcis?’ because it’d destabilize not only her entire sense of self but by not being the perfect pretty girl she thinks she’ll let down the entire world. Probably couldn’t gaf about anyone else, though, as long as she’s queen supreme - like if Imu came out to her she’d probably only be relieved because Imu had a ‘crush’ on Saiki once so it’d be less ‘competition’. I expect she’d be openly supportive of inclusion to a somewhat shallow extent because she likes to be seen as nice, but she wouldn’t think about it that hard. (TBH a genderqueer Teruhashi would be >0 so >0 cool AND make so much sense, “I have to be the Perfect Girl!! OR I’LL DIE -surviving based on the validation of others-” yo that sounds like coping w/something....honey whats going on in there...is it compcis......and yeah comphet too)
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Yumehara is mischievous but does not question norms much (unless it’s to ask why she hasn’t gotten any screentime lately) and does her best to conform to them. She loves romance, she loves cute things, so if it’s cute and romantic I don’t think she’d care. The only sticking point with her is that she’s a tryhard. She wants attention from her crushes, and to be thought of as cute very very much (which, fair) and has an entire list of methods to get it like she’s...
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Hmm...Studied methods? Maybe because they don’t come naturally to her and further given the methods she’s studied and how much she loves romantic things, probably learned them from romcoms, maybe like a person who has no internal measure of what’s considered desirable beyond “I like cute things!”, so had to learn everything from the outside, and whose attraction to boys starts off like it was read from a romance novel (”eyes like a prince” eh) but develops over time into an infatuation based on ‘someone finally thinks I’m cute! I want to be with that validation all the ti-wow he’s. he’s a really sweet person...’ like I like to think an aesthetic and romance-attracted asexual LOL But given she’s soaked up her knowledge of the rules about things she cares about through probably movies and books (where else would smelling a girl’s hanky be desirable I mean that's some Edward/Bella level stuff) which generally feature only sexual attraction between couples that’d be a blind spot. However, since she’s romance obsessed I don’t doubt that she has a massive yaoi and yuri collection to go with the het stuff tbh, and has gained more. uh. ideas from that LOL
She has body dysmorphia. |: It might be Saiki’s fault.
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(Sex-positive biromantic asexual!!! Proooobably a girl. -Squints-)
Satou probably wouldn’t even realize aspects of himself are a result of his socioeconomic status and he’d fully take social norms for granted. If he knows about gay stuff he wouldn’t expect it to apply to him (smthn smthn ‘straight’ as default ‘male’ as default ‘cis’ as default smthn smthn) and probably would have a very general understanding. He seems like a really nice guy though so I don’t think he’d be mean about it. (HC - whatever is normal for the story kekekeke)
Saiko’s sexuality and gender are whatever is the best. His social convention is money.
Nendo doesn’t know what the unwritten laws of society are (and is probably the happiest character in Saiki k for it lbr)
Mera would eat them for lunch. (-points- Aroace agender.)
Aiura is an individualist whose moral code, like Saiki's, just so happens to line up with what’s socially accepted as moral for the most part. But like. If this girl isn’t read up on feminist and lgbtq+ literature and if her social circle doesn’t contain queer people I’d. Be really surprised. tbh.
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She’s not only open-minded but values the ability to be one's self like. A lot. I really don’t think she’d have any patience for bigotry, even if she does generally have a LOT of patience. NTM she’s shown to be pretty self-actualized and has probably by and large sorted out her own identity, what it means to her, etc, and would want to help others do the same. She’s canonically sexually active, canonically aware of what she wants from a partner, is canonically attracted to boys and Teruhashi, and is proud of all of that and herself. She’s got the self esteem and self love thing down pat and she knows what she wants.
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(HC girl, bisexual)
Toritsuka. uhm. well. I don’t know if I’d call him a free thinker when his dick is in the driver's seat and his greed is holding the map, but. I mean. he might develop the ability to think critically, like. eventually. when he stops being like. seventeen in the worst way a;ldkfj
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And, ofc, Akechi couldn’t give two shits about that which doesn’t suit him and probably knows more about the above people than they know about themselves. Idk where I’d stack him on the bingo card tbh other than ‘probs not straight’  but thats just my default setting a;lskdf and ‘his mind was literally blown by Teruhashi’
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Imu is a lesbian. Canon comphet stronk, no headcanons about it.
Anyways it’s just fun to take that all together I think like
hmmmmm what would they think of each other, their reactions, how would it evv and flow...................................
ok done now.
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aiura-stan · 4 months
Ah, the Toritsuka chapter. I actually kind of love his introduction. If only he hadn’t been such a slimeball. But then again, that would undermine the entire purpose of his character.
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XD Master Saiki.
This once again reminds me of Mob Psycho. I can’t help but wonder if the two series influenced each other, both being highly successful comedies about vastly overpowered psychic teenagers and their journey to self discovery. I do wonder sometimes why Mob Psycho was so much more successful than Saiki k, at least here in the States. Maybe they *are* equally popular in Japan, but that’s not the case if the internet fandom is anything to judge by (Mob Psycho is much, much more popular. There’s so much more fanart, if you search for it using the Japanese words and fan slang.)
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I do enjoy both Aiura and Toritsuka using their powers, each of them ostensibly unimpressive compared to his but both about the only major supernatural abilities he lacks, to find out about him. Lovely situational irony.
Ghosts gather to see Psy users… has anyone ever discussed that this might be the cause of Saiki’s bad luck? But ghosts are by nature well-intentioned according to Toritsuka, so you would think he would have much better than average luck… hmm
Or maybe evil spirits are a thing, and not discussed in the manga for one reason or another. Maybe because they are not human ghosts but Yokai, another kind of spirit.
I do love that Toritsuka comes into the whole thing knowing exactly how many powers saiki has and just how powerful he is, but Toritsuka isn’t put off by it in the least (rather the opposite.) It obviously throws Saiki off. He even seems intrigued… at first. Until Toritsuka reveals his motivations unhesitatingly. He may know everything about Saiki’s powers, but obviously knows nothing of his personality.
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From the events of PSIowdown later on in the comic regarding demonic possession and literally stealing people’s bodies, I like the implication that Toritsuka could probably learn other powers… if he was even remotely motivated to do so. So he probably could banish ghosts, if only he’d stop thinking about tits for half a second. I mean, he did learn possession channeling in the first place, for the sole purpose of picking up girls.
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this brings up the question, does Toritsuka have relatives? where are they? We never see them. I mean, everyone has relatives, but where are Toritsuka’s real parents? What about his grandparents?
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still a really funny panel. Yes half of Toritsuka perv jokes aren’t funny, but this one is perfect.
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one thing that I do like about Saiki k is it makes an effort to demonstrate that looks can be deceiving. You have a character like Toritsuka who has pure, clear eyes and good looks (headband aside) who by all social indicators should be a paragon of society, who turns out to be a total creep within 5 minutes of meeting him, and then you have people like what’s the teachers name Iguchi sensei who turns out to be a really good person, even though he looks like a pervert. I think you see this a little with all of the characters, Saiki included. His words never quite match his actions; he looks like a surly average kid but he’s secretly extraordinary and of course very kind.
And Aiura, someone with seemingly low regard for social rules, who by all rights should have a reputation as the school slut, and a failure for her grades, is one of the strongest characters and has a lot of integrity. People respect her for her powers and her self confidence. She’s not who she appears to be either. Even someone like Kurumi turns “monstrous” when her ire is provoked. It gives these characters a layer of complexity that so many gag characters just don’t have, and that’s what sets it apart.
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I do wonder if what Saiki says is true. Can’t they be taught? I imagine not. Maybe Toritsuka could approximate something similar to x-ray vision with his own abilities if he was dedicated and studied how he might expand his powers.
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despite all of that he still invites Toritsuka over again? Japanese politeness, even from Saiki who has no respect for the kind of person that Toritsuka is? Or maybe it’s a quirk of translation. Let me see.
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Okay, to me it looks more like, “yeah, yeah, go home already.” (hai, hai, kae-ta kae—) So, more of a dismissal than an acknowledgement.
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Another underutilized power… come on now this is so useable in ship fics. And gen fics too. Saiki would make an entertaining detective character.
Also, if Saiki experiences all five senses live, does that mean…?
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XD old man ass. hahaha
end of 2-17💫
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celamoon · 3 years
are requests open? because imagine saiki with a dumb childhood friend (to lovers? 👀) who's just a little too naive. she's caught him using his powers before and just went oh, and he's pretty sure her brain didn't even process what he was doing. and she attracts so many boys but she's just clueless so now saiki has to shoo them away from her <3
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Anon your brain is astronomically huge I’m in love with this concept.
To clear things up though I do take requests (suggestions) but I won’t always write them since some make me go bRR and others don't really speak to me so it depends on what it is. (also because I'm not technically a writing blog pfft)
You wrote the reader as a she so I’m going to use female pronouns for this one. I hope I did your request justice!
Warnings: none, just fluff
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Saiki was absolutely terrified when you first walked in on him using his powers in second grade. I mean it wasn’t like Akechi didn’t figure it out, but you straight up walked in on Saiki while he blew the classroom to pieces. He was about to erase your memory of the incident before you had tilted your head cutely with a pout. 
“Did someone break in?” You rushed off to grab the first aid kit to try and help the others.
Kusuo read your thoughts to see if you suspected that he was a psychic and the only thing he got from your thoughts were 'oh, I guess Akechi was right in some way'
Saiki had watched you put a bandaid on the wounds and secretly helped you heal the others. No one believed you when you said the classroom was blown up the next day, I mean it was like someone reversed time on it! Nothing was scattered or anything else of the sort!
Saiki also transferred away that time. You were kinda sad, you wanted to befriend the kid who was standing in the middle of the room after the supposedly ‘break in’.  You were pleased when you moved shortly after with your parent’s job. So you ended up at Saiki’s school again.
That was a while ago though, both of you have grown by now. You had followed Saiki around each time he moved, you were convinced that was the universe telling you to become best friends with him. (It wasn’t, you’d later on find out that Saiki had used mind control so you could follow each school he went to).
“Kuu!” Saiki looks away from the passing car and nods at you. 
Both of you were in your second year of high school now. Saiki hadn’t changed much other than the glasses and growth spurt. You on the other hand? You had grown impressively. You were prettier, taller, and for some odd reason the universe blessed you with an ideal body. This meant trouble.
“Did you wait long?” You close the gate to your place as Saiki shook his head.
‘Same as always,’
“Ah, alright then,” You hum. “Anything new happen?”
‘I literally saw you less than ten hours ago Y/n.’
“So? Lots of things can happen in ten hours! For all we know you could’ve travelled to Kyoto and back!” You grinned. Saiki glared your way before continuing to walk.
“You’re so boring now Kuu-chan,” You grumble. Saiki chooses to ignore your words as he watches Nendou and the others join the two of you. Soon enough, you guys are at school.
“Ah, another letter,” You slip out your shoes to change into and set the letter into your bookbag. You head over to your desk and pull it out from the bag.
“Who is it from this time?” Kaidou looks at the letter on the desk and you hum.
“I think… ah it says someone wants to meet up with me on the rooftop,” you read.
‘Good grief, I thought you made it clear that you weren’t interested last time’ Saiki peers over your shoulder, caging you in, and you jump slightly.
“I mean it wouldn’t hurt actually going…”
“Y/n’s getting a boyfriend?” Yumehara joins your group at the shoe lockers and you shake your head.
“Someone wrote me a letter saying they want to meet up,” You show her the letter and the girl inwardly sighs. ‘How come Y/n-chan was able to pull people so easily and I couldn’t even find a good boy to date!’
‘That’s because you’re too obsessive’ Saiki reminds inwardly.
“You’re going?”
“Don’t worry! I, the jet black wings, can accompany you to meet up with whoever this is!” Kaidou offers.
“I’ll come with Nendou if you don’t want anything creepy to happen,” Kuboyasu smiles.
“A-ah it’s alright! I’ll just bring Kuu with me,” You smile.
“You sure?” 
“Mhm!” You grin. “I’ll be fine with Kuu,”
Speaking honestly, you’re quite nervous. You had gotten letters before, but none of them actually asked you to meet up. Most of them could be read, and then Saiki would offer you to toss them out in some way. Your favourite was when he used his pyrokinesis to burn it in his hand, he was always helping you reject people.
“Good morning Teruhashi offu!” 
“Good morning everyone!” Teruhashi smiles, flowers bloomed in the room because of that.
“Good morning Teruhashi-san!” You grinned as she walked over. 
“Good morning Y/n-chan! Oh is that a letter?” Teruhashi notices the envelope in your hands. ‘Why did she get a letter? Is she being confessed to? Ugh! No calm down Teruhashi, you’re a pretty perfect girl. You don’t need to be jealous, it’s just one letter’
“Yeah… It tells me to meet up with them at the roof,” You mumble. “Teruhashi-san how do you turn people down?”
“You’re always being confessed to right? How do you do it?” Your eyes glimmer and Saiki grimaces. Out of all the people you admire, you decide to admire Teruhashi. It wasn’t like she was rude, but it was more like she was fake.
“A-ah well…” Teruhashi panics inwardly as she looks for an answer. ‘I mean none of these high school boys can match up to me. Sure Saiki-san makes me feel different but seriously he doesn’t even have an income of 40 million yen… what do I tell her?!’
“It’s ok if you’re not too sure either Teruhashi-san,” You smile. “Sometimes we reject people so naturally that we don’t even realize it,”
“A-ah yea… sorry it’s just I don’t get confessed to that much…”
“Ah right!” You grin. “You’re better than everyone here so it would make sense that no one dares to approach you!”
“H-hUH? That’s not true!” Teruhashi flushes red at your compliment and you smile.
The rest of the school day passes as usual, and soon the final bell rings. You pack your bags and wander to the roof to meet up with the supposed secret admirer. Saiki walks beside you, ready to kill someone if you asked. 
“Uh you can stay here, I’ll call you if he tries anything,” You open the door to the roof and Saiki is forced to use clairvoyance on you.
“H-Hi! Y/n-san, uh I’m Hito-kun from class 2… will you go out with me?” The boy bows and you’re thrown off guard.
“Ah, Hito-kun there’s a bit of an issue, uh I already have a crush on someone…” You half lie. Sure you thought Saiki was cute, but he was off limits since you know, best friend things.
“A-ah? Is it Saiki-san? I’m sorry! I thought you thought of him as a friend so I took the chance-“
“I-It’s ok! Kuu’s my best friend, it’s just I’m suspicious that he’s aromatic so uh-“ Saiki slams the door to the roof open and you panic. You forgot he was there. The boy who was previously confessing to you flushes red and rushes off with an apology.
“Kuu! I- uh, you heard nothing…?”
“I know you aren’t interested in me or anything but like feelings work like that you know? Ugh I just ruined our friendship didn’t I…” You shrink onto the floor and Saiki walks up to you, crouching down to meet you eye to eye.
“What…” you mumble.
‘I… I’m not too sure what I feel around you, but I think I like you too,’
“Nice joke Kusuo, sure made me feel so much better,” you grumble, looking away. “I may be dumb but I’m not that dumb,”
‘I’m not joking,’ Saiki forces you to meet his gaze. “I like you too.”
You pause when he actually speaks. 
‘Did I kill you?’
“Kuu you can’t just say that and not expect me to break down!” You shove your face into your knees and Saiki smiles.
‘I’ll keep reminding you until you’re convinced, and I’ll take care of you until you know.’
“Then I’ll stick by you until this endless loop ends,” You smile, holding up your pinky.
You two sealed a promise that day.
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httpsaiki · 4 years
Hiyaaa! I saw your blog and its amazing!🤧 If its not a bother may i request a saiki x fem!reader where saiki admires her and eventually falls in love with her because she's 'normal'. Its up to you if they end up together or not! Thank you!
Hello! Thank you so so much <3! And it is not a bother at all, this was a really cute idea, I hope I could do it justice! I hope you like it! 
Just Average
Reader is female! 
WC: 832
Italics are (usually) Saiki “speaking” telepathically.
Normalicy is something that Saiki has always admired. 
Saiki never intended to let it get this bad. Sure, maybe you’re just average, and sure, maybe he admires that, but it was nothing more. He considered his small, vague feelings a simple admiration of how normal your life is. It would never go any further. Besides, he hardly even knows you. He sits behind you in class and had seen you around sometimes, but you’d never really spoken. He wasn’t even sure why he paid attention to you. You seemed perfectly average, and while that’s something Saiki never got the chance to experience in his own day-to-day life, it was nothing really worth his attention. But, despite your normalcy, something always stuck out to him.
Saiki was never sure what. He sure would like to find out.
He watched as you sat during break, eating your lunch. Maybe he should talk to you? It wouldn’t hurt, and he’d be able to find out what stood out about you so much. There were many things he considered, from the fact you don’t attract much attention to your polite and calm demeanor. It would be best to actually talk to you, though. Saiki didn’t want to come off as creepy, you know, standing there watching a girl eat her lunch and all. 
So he walked up, hoping none of his idiot friends would come to disrupt this rare chance he was getting. Usually, you wouldn’t be in a position where it’s not easy for him to just walk up and talk to you. Whether it be your friends in his way, or it being poor timing for him to start a conversation. 
Lucky for Saiki, you looked up and greeted him with a smile. He was confused at how excited you were to have him sit with you, but accepted it despite that. You made small talk, which he was thankful for because oddly enough he did not think that far ahead at all. You chatted between the two of you until lunchtime was over. Admittedly, Saiki had a lovely time. During that small time, his life felt normal. 
This cycle continued for a few weeks, progressively developing into what you were both confident to call a proper friendship. You made time at least twice a week to have lunch together away from your usual groups. Sometimes, Saiki even joined in with your group, opting to have lunch away from his band of weirdos. Well, that was his excuse, he really just wanted to talk to you some more (not that he’d ever tell you that).
It evolved further, to meeting outside of school to get coffee jelly, or you visiting to play trashy video games with him and even watching obscure animes together. It was always nice spending time doing whatever, you made things interesting That was the scary part, though. Saiki was enjoying it, and his previously vague and little admiration was becoming a whole lot more. He’d never imagined himself feeling anything intensely towards anyone, but he was starting to have such strong emotions towards you that he couldn’t stand it anymore. It was a tad insufferable, if he was honest, as he really hadn’t ever dealt with anything like it. 
Saiki felt he had two rather drastic options, ask you out or ignore you completely. Even just thinking about the latter made his heart hurt ever so slightly, so he supposed he’d give the first a shot. He was still terrified at the thought. The funny thing was, he can read your mind, and yet had no idea how you’d react to possibly being something more with him. Besides that, he had no desire to admit his feelings to himself. Saiki wanted to approach it with his generic not-caring attitude, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. He cared, a little too much if anything. 
After a few days of preparations and planning, Saiki felt more ready. He’d been keeping a close eye on your thoughts, just to make sure he wasn't about to make a fool out of himself. He was all in the clear.
And in true Saiki fashion, he was as blunt as possible. 
“Y/N. Let’s go out.”
“Well hello to you too, Saiki. Where do you want to go?”
Was that really not clear enough? 
“I mean, will you go out with me?”
He could see the exact moment the realization as to what he meant dawned on you. 
“I-I mean, yeah, of course, I would. I’m kind of boring though, you sure?”
He smiled at you. If only you knew.
“Yes. I’m sure.”
So, he sat down next to you, as he usually did. You had lunch together as normal, nothing had really changed, but you both felt different. It was a good feeling, being connected in a new way like this. Sure, maybe you’re just average, but it is sure that Saiki deeply admires that about you, among so many other things.
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akirameta84 · 3 years
thinking about it, was there anything stopping kusuo from re-petrifying akechi over and over until he figured things out?
sorry for spelling mistakes haha. if its not major I'm too lazy to reread and catch em all(™)
it never says he has a limit on this ability like that, so if he had been extremely determined to not let akechi find out, he could've kept trying different future outcomes over and over
but would a person petrified experience hunger and thirst while in that state? if so, this would only be possible a day or two without serious negative effects. but from what we've seen, im fairly certain everything about the individual is frozen like that, so I doubt so
of course there was people and noticing akechi's disappearance, and akechi himself nothing the missed time. but if he got the timeline right, then akechi would've never been even entered the room in this instance, as seen by the failed timeline where hes closer with his friends group. thus its a moot point, and making the idea of keeping him frozen longer plausible
considering how the other two espers came to know about his powers, it really makes you wonder why he gave in so easily. kusuo had almost told aiura because he believed its be inevitable, but when he realized his aura was too large to be seen up close, he forfeited, only having to confess in order to save chiyo's life.
toritsuka had found out completely on his own, and by the time he approached saiki, there would have been too many memories to erase them all with his memory alteration, as its stated he can do a minute at a time.
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and, interestingly, in the manga there's a whole day between saiki receiving toritsukas letter and him arriving, while in the anime its the same day. saiki is even able to complete his psychometry on the letter. it actually makes more sense in the anime, though, as surely he'd have noticed his glove was missing before a whole day had passed?
anyways, point stands that family is the only people kusuo has completely willingly told about his powers were family members. and yet he gave in so easily to akechi.
something that's striking me as odd is when akechi revealed himself to be someone from kusuo's past, and someone who suspected him of having powers...he did nothing.
as seen on aren's first day, he could've easily had akechi transfer out or just make him stop attending.
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sure it might've been suspicious, but a combo of forcing him to transfer out and some memory alteration making him forget kusuo was at PK, that he attended PK, or that he was transferred out strangely, any may have possibly worked.
or better yet, petrify and perform the time leap stunts much earlier, before akechi had such concrete evidence. akechi likely would've responded readily to an invitation over to kusuo's house, and he could've attempted to deal with the problem then.
sure its possible he didn't think about that, but with how covered everyone of kusuo's bases have been throughout the series, I heavily heavily doubt it. and besides, I think there's more to it.
one thing kusuo mentions being happy to have fixed at the end of akechi's time travel arc is erasing the fact his younger self told akechi about his powers.
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he regrets this truly as a teenager, but his younger self was a lot more complacent about telling him, up until akechi spilled the secret himself in order to hope for kusuo's protection, but even kusuo acknowledges its normal for people to reach out to those who they know can help
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he smiles like this after his confused face fades, and tells akechi about his powers. his younger self didn't have much of a reason to keep his powers from someone he viewed as a friend, and even showed MUCH less emotional repression imo.
but there was one striking reason.
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look at how the smile on his face fades each time he recalls what his mother said. he actively wanted to show them his powers, not just akechi either.
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his older self acknowledges that akechi felt like a friend to him, which is kusuo speak for he felt they were pretty close friends, considering that the main cast is still mostly classmate or aquintence level at the end of the series according to him.
considering how easily kusuo gives in to telling akechi after his admittedly extensive process trying to prevent this outcome...I'd say, honestly, kusuo still feels the same way about akechi.
he certainly tolerates akechi referring to him by his first name, and even though aiura does as well, im not convinced she'd listen if he even told her off. (tbh, his whole friend group has issues with listening to him, and his mom forcing him on outings isn't helping. but thats a rant for another time)
the day akechi invites himself over, its done merely to hang out, and kusuo is slightly surprised by this.
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of course, even akechi has to cheat his way into staying, but kusuo is like that to everyone.
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kusuo isn't used to people coming over just to hang out, as whenever the rest of his friends bug him, they need something most of the time. and when the two of them get into betting on the horse races over cake, as frustrated as kusuo gets, id say he enjoys himself. one of the last panels says as much
I hit the image limit, but near the end of chapter 266 his eyes have the sparkle effect they do when he's actually feeling emotions. its so sweet. and during the end of the showdown arc, kusuo repeats to kuusuke the the same phrase akechi said to him after taking the power remover. "I can still be your playmate"
overall, coupled with how easily kusuo gave in to telling about his powers, without even a single death threat to keep akechi silent...yeah, he definitely thinks of akechi as a good, maybe even close friend. even if he doesn't believe or admit it to himself, its true.
thank you for reading i got this in my mind after rewatching the time travel arc, hence the random anime images instead of panels which I can grab more easily as examples lol
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youranemicvampire · 4 years
My favorite shows and movies I’ve watched in 2020
Not a professional critic or film girl, jus wanna recommend some good stuff. Random order. 
Russian doll (2019-)
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Natasha Lyonne is a genius. A death loop that gets deeper and more creative every episode and it has only 8 so you can binge it and be satisfied. 
The good place (2016-2020)
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Comedy and Philosophy? This is the one. It’s one of the shows that i would recommend to every person on the planet so we can all be better people without reading those incomprehensible and inaccessible philosophy books. 
The disastrous life of Saiki K. / “” Reawakened (2012-)
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The most hilarious anime i’ve seen! And i can’t even explain why. It’s just about a psychic and idk how they made it that funny every single episode. Effortless and Random. 
Sex Education (2019-)
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America should take notes. Still about s*x, but it’s closer to reality than most American teen shows + It breaks stereotypes. idk how to describe it., this show is cliche, but in a refreshing way?? Weird. It’s good. 
Pose (2018-)
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Now, This is how you do it. I’ve seen a lot of music/dance-themed shows and movies and most of them are mediocre and inauthentic. Pose has a heart, passion and it stayed true to their culture while casting real gay men and transwomen. Overall, It’s realistic and hopeful at the same time. 
Diary of a prosecutor (2020)
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A comedy depicting the daily lives of prosecutors. Freaking hilarious. The situations they’ve been, everyone’s comedic timing and reality of being a prosecutor are on point. 
Swing kids (2018)
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About Korean kids with dreams and passion for tap dancing in a middle of senseless war and divide. A dance movie with an actual good story.
SKY castle (2019)
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If you watched Parasite and hyped the f out it, you should do the same with SKY castle. It highlighted greed, Korea’s educational system and mental health by using satire, drama and suspense. A masterpiece. Literally the best Kdrama i’ve watched. I know it’s the 2nd highly-rated show in Korea, but Internationally, very underrated. So watch it! NOW! It’s on Netflix!
Nobody Knows (2020)
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Bias included, I watched it for Kim Seo Hyung (The same actress from SKY castle who just won top excellence award for this so you better give her flowers) and stayed for the story. It’s a mystery drama about a cult, importance of good adults in life and empathy. Slow-paced, but never had a dull moment. Full thoughts without spoilers here.  
Disclosure (2020)
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Watch this so you’ll know representation is not just a “woke” shit. It’s fucking important! It shapes how you perceive reality. 
But i'm a cheerleader (1999)
A QUEER FILM CLASSIC. Seriously. It’s on the top of the list of films new queers should first watch. It’s a satire about a lesbian cheerleader in a conversion camp. Funny, cute, entertaining, relatable and happy. Yes, HAPPY! Done with tragic ones.
Black lightning (2018-2021)
Not even a superhero fan, but it gave me adrenaline rush, and made me think. What i also love about this is the parallels with reality. I get it that it’s sci-fi, but isn’t it more engaging if you can imagine it possibly happening in real life. +They treated the wlw storyline as a normal thing as it is. 
The L word (2004-2009) / The L word: Generation Q (2019-)
Ok this is not the best show in the world. It’s too white and got A LOT of issues, BUT i’m still gonna recommend it to “new” lesbians like me (R18+) especially when you experience this isolation stage. It’ll make you feel normal. If you don’t wanna watch the original one, i think you can skip to Gen Q because it’s more diverse, has a better treatment of transmen and transwomen and got a lighter tone so far, just watch a summary/recap of the OG.
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