#a lot of my plushies don't even have names though 😭 i just call them like.
linabirb · 10 months
what if i.. made a blog for my plushies.. just a thought..
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Hello! This is my first time requesting so please bear with me 😭, but can we get a Roadhog headcanons. I don’t see a lot of him in these fictions..
I'd love to write him sm... he's such a cool character :D Here's some general thoughts that aren't entirely connected/in any order... just pure brainrot!
Yandere! Roadhog/Mako Rutledge Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Violence, Mentioned murder, Blood, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Stalking, Mentioned forced relationship.
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Roadhog has been described to be a ruthless killer in the wastelands.
He doesn't say much and prefers his current title/name of Roadhog rather than Mako.
He is used to other people fearing him.
He even acts as a bodyguard to Junkrat, his partner in crime.
Despite this I feel he changes a bit when it comes to you.
He really does love you, after all.
He'd probably be the type to burn the world for you.
While he sees Junkrat as a friend he probably wouldn't let the smaller Junker touch you.
Junkrat may try to speak or playfully tease you, only for Roadhog to redirect you away.
He's a big man, if he has to protect you he is fully capable.
Being the one he adores has its perks as no one will dare to hurt you without possibly dying.
The cons are the exact same thing except with friends.
Roadhog would allow you to call him by his name Mako.
You're one of the few that can.
Roadhog would also be more affectionate than you think.
He would love holding you, especially when he lays down.
He likes to have you lay on top of him while he just holds you close.
He loves Pachimaris and would internally melt if you gave him one.
He may even allow you to touch his collection.
He thinks you're just as cute as them.
Roadhog would most likely keep you at his farm.
However, if this is during his crime spree with Junkrat, he'll drag you along.
Speaking of Junkrat, if Roadhog needed any traps to keep you where he wants you... he'll provide for his friend.
Roadhog would definitely kidnap you as he isn't sure how else to approach you in his obsession.
He'd watch you for awhile before deciding, like any treasure, he should take you.
Despite abduction he'd try to show he cares for you.
Even though he literally abducted you.
Roadhog would be the jealous type.
Except you can't tell what he's feeling.
He'll end up showing things by actions more than vocally or by facial expressions.
He'll do things like push you closer to him or hover around you.
Roadhog doesn't really care if you fight him.
He gets it... you're scared... but he can't have any other Junker take you from him.
Even Junkrat only gets limited visits, if any at all.
Don't expect many words from him.
Which I think makes him scarier.
Because think of it from your perspective....
This large silent man traps you in his farmhouse.
He says no words, just affectionately holding you and smothering you in plushies.
You're terrified.
Roadhog really does try to care for you and treat you like you're his greatest treasure.
The issue is he isn't caring enough to give you freedom.
He uses the excuse of things being too dangerous in the outback to reassure himself and you.
You could get sick... mugged... hurt... or even killed.
So really, he's just playing bodyguard for you, right?
He isn't used to romantic relationships so he appears distant.
Yet if you initiate he'll reciprocate quickly.
Roadhog would be possessive as he is the jealous type.
Don't be surprised if he came to you with some blood staining his clothes and skin.
He's most likely just preventing Junkers from coming near his farm, and by extension, you.
Roadhog would also be a fan of his darling being smaller than him.
He has a thing for your size.
Overall, Roadhog is a yandere who isn't afraid to take what he wants.
He sees his darling as a treasure he must keep all too himself... even if it requires violence to keep you as his.
He knows how to survive in the harsh dangers of the wastelands... if anything, him taking you in should be a favor in his eyes.
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bubacorn · 7 months
Spooning anon again hi, I accidentally gave myself a headcanon that when they're not together in person they use weighted blankets and fall asleep on video calls together 🥺❤😭 and I needed to share that because I'll scream if I have to keep it to myself okay that's all HAVE A GREAT DAY BYE
okay, but what if Vessel has to go somewhere to do some business-related stuff and he spends the night, opens his bag to get his pjs and stuff, and there's a plushie. II checked his bags when Vessel had breakfast before he left home and sneaked it in there, then they sent him off with a 'keep us updated, we'll talk tonight'
then it's Vessel lying in front of his laptop on the hotel bed, plush tucked under his chin (in my head it's a small Blåhaj, even though i know those are 55cms and would take up a lot of space, so let's pretend Vessel had a bigger bag for some reason), and the others huddled together on the couch under blankets
maybe the four of them have family dinner on video call and Vessel starts rambling about his day to get some of the anxiety and overwhelm about the meeting out, then he just stops and looks at them for a moment. III asks the others if they think he froze and wants to check the connection, but then Vessel says in his softest tone 'I miss you', because he simply wants to be held, he had a long day and the people in the meeting made him feel stupid and didn't really listen to what he had to say. and he knows he saw them that morning, and knows that it's a bit silly to be that dependent on them, but he's tired and feels small and anxious and he misses home (the manor, too, but in this case, home as in his others)
but then III, who leaned forward towards the coffee table when he wanted to check the connection, answers with soft eyes, a bit of a pout and a 'We miss ya, too', and II and IV say the same and that makes Vessel instinctively hug his plush tighter as his lips curl up
then Vessel asks them to tell him about their day, and listens to them going on about how IV beat III in a video game, and how the strawberries II had planted are starting to redden. somewhere along the way he closes his eyes, but assures them that he's listening and he is, for a while at least, and they can tell, because his fingers are stroking along the back of his plush, and he's humming and smiling in reaction to their recountal, but then he falls asleep to II's soothing voice and IV puts a hand on his partner's arm and they realize that his breathing evened out and that his fingers stopped moving. then they can pick up little snores and III tries whisper-calling his name, but Vessel is out
the others go to sleep together after watching Vessel sleep for a little bit. II wants to end the call, but III and IV plead that their partner looks so peaceful and they want to watch him a bit more. II lets them, but after a few minutes he says that they should go to sleep, too, and ushers them upstairs. III asks to be in the middle of the cuddle pile and the other two surround him. IV tucks his head into the crook of III's neck and II lays his head over his heart
when Vessel goes home after another day of meetings, he is greeted by II taking his travel bag from him and asking for his backpack, then IV tackles him into a hug and III tries to burrow into his side, even though he's taller. II just smiles at them and stands on his tiptoes for a short kiss and a 'welcome home'. the others don't exactly want to let him go, but II says they can cuddle in Vessel's room if III and IV help him make some sandwiches while Vessel has a shower
Vessel is happy to be home but he just want to get out of street clothes and gives each of them a peck and II a grateful look before going upstairs. the other three get started on grilled cheese sandwiches. while II and IV load their plates onto trays and get some drinks as well, III goes upstairs to Vessel's room. the man is still in the bathroom and III starts arranging pillows and blankets on the bed, bringing Vessel's favorite from his room where he left it (and maybe III didn't return it because they needed something of Vessel's when they went to sleep)
Vessel comes out of the bathroom in lounge pants and a soft, loose hoodie with the sleeves pulled over his hands and sees III lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he waits for the others to gather in the room. Vessel lies down beside him and pulls III in for a hug, tucking his partner's head under his chin and kissing his hair. II and IV bring the trays upstairs and set the ones with food at the foot of the bed. Vessel turns his head to see what they've brought and III eases out of the embrace to gently pull Vessel to sit up and he sits back against the headboard, gesturing for Vessel to sit in front of him and lean back against his chest
III adores having Vessel back and getting to be the little spoon for a moment, but they know Vessel needs to be held because he looks a little lost and he's been hunching a bit like he wants to hide since he arrived home. Vessel gives II and IV standing at the sides of the bed soft smiles as he shuffles backwards towards III's chest and leans back with a relieved expression, closing his eyes as III's arms surround him and pull him just a little closer. some of the anxiety fades from Vessel's posture as he melts against III. II joins them from one side, taking one of Vessel's hands, while IV hands Vessel a tray
the food is mostly for Vessel, but the others eat as well. Vessel feeds III when he feels the man eyeing his sandwich where he rests his chin on his shoulder and II and IV have their own plates. the sandwiches are cut into smaller pieces and II made sure to put some of Vessel's favorite sauce on the plate so he can dip his sandwiches. they are mostly silent as Vessel eats, simply taking in his presence and having at least one point of contact with him, II holding one of his hands and IV brushing his knuckles against his other arm
when Vessel finishes eating III strokes along his stomach and asks if he wants anything else to eat (or anything really), but Vessel says he's full and thanks them for the food. he tries to shuffle away from III to take the plates downstairs, but III doesn't let him and II tells him that he'll take care of it. IV offers him something to drink, while III nuzzles his neck. he lets Vessel drink, but doesn't let go of him and IV watches as he scoots them down the bed after, and turns them to their sides, still hugging Vessel close
the man is full and a bit sleepy and he doesn't exactly mind being little spooned. he's home and he feels safe and III rubs his chest and his nose tickles Vessel's neck but he's so content. even more so when IV joins them at Vessel's front and instead of tucking himself under Vessel's chin, he also becomes a big spoon and lets Vessel nuzzle his shirt collar. II returns and stops for a moment to take in his others, adoring the smile on Vessel's face where he has his eyes closed and moves his head from side to side as he rubs his face against the soft, familiar material of IV's shirt. II kneels behind IV and reaches over to brush his fingers through Vessel's hair and presses a kiss to his cheek before settling behind IV and stroking along Vessel's arm to coax it over IV's side so they can hold hands
Vessel isn't exactly tired, but he's tired from having been away and dealing with business stuff and being talked down to, so he rests his eyes and the others stay quiet in case he wants to sleep. all four of them end up napping. III is the one who falls asleep last, pressing soft kisses to Vessel's nape and adjusting his arms, trying to shuffle closer, even though they are pressed as close as possible already. they all are, and the pressure and stress of the previous days gets replaced by the gentle pressure of Vessel's others against his body and their calming presence
sorry for making this so Vessel-centric (me about most of my fics), i just got this image and had to get my thoughts out (i didn't mean to write this much. almost 1,4k of headcanons, wow, a new record maybe (?)). thank you for sharing your hc (accidental soft!Token headcanons are the best)! 💜
this is a shy request to anyone who wants to ramble about their headcanons/wants to spitball about anything related to my headcanons/fics, please do, anon or otherwise, i'd love to interact and it seems i have more of a capacity for hcs than fics at the moment and i genuinely enjoy exchanging ideas and hearing you opinions, so feel free to send me an ask or comment, i'll try my best and answer. you're all lovely and i wish everyone a wonderful day! 💐
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Hello!!! Is it possible your matchups are open? If so, could you match me up with the obey me cast? Or twisted wonderland, since I'm fine with both!
Idrk how to start this off since I'm an awkward person (at first), but I'll try describing my personality..
I'm an esfp(got enfp on different tests) people say I'm a fun person to be with, though I can be quite annoying.. People also say that I'm charming (only when I want to be), and a really nice person! The way I dress is quite the opposite from how I act. I dress in rokku gyaru clothing and Gothic lolita whenever I get the chance, and theyre often stereotyped to be someone mean, and really hardcore, but I'm not! I literally have like 30 plushies hiding in my closet😭😭 though apart from dressing like that, I also dress in himekaji, and sweet lolita clothing!
I'm really, really, REAAALLY energetic. It can be pretty hard to keep up with me. And I talk A LOT, I talk so much I pretty much just talk about EVERYTHING that happened to me.. I always regret it after. I'm chaotic and childish, though I can act calmer and more mature and sophisticated if others want me to.
I'm really great with children, though they can annoy me sometimes.. And I really love cats! I own like 16 cats, don't even ask abt it😭😭
I love learning about new stuff, and listening to others stories! It's always fun to learn something new.
I have hobbies that include: reading, writing, drawing, etc!
I mostly read stuff on the horror genre, and poetry! But I occasionally read romance.
I'm a female who's fine with any pronouns but prefers he/him or they/them pronouns
Here's a little more about me; I give almost everyone a silly nickname, it's usually from something silly/embarrassing they did or smth they remind me of and I tease them with it(if they're uncomfortable with it I stop calling them that immediately). I don't usually play games online,and I much prefer to go outside. I have a habit of typing in caps (im not mad or anything-just really excited to chat) People I'm close with say that they we're scared at me at first since I kinda have a rbf😞 I seem much more confident and bold than I really am, people think I'm brave when in reality; I'm not really that brave. People usually open up to me quick, and tell me that they think I'm kind, and caring! (I love those people with all my heart istg😭)
That's it! You must be tired of reading, and I'm tired of typing😢 thanks 4 reading all of this!!
16 cats?! That's impressive👀, but either way, I match you with..
... Lilia!
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Lilia loves your clothing style, since his kinda into the gothic outfits too so he loves matching with you, once he found out you have 16 cats he immediately wanted to see them and memorise everyone's name(he actually did memorise them, can't remember his own birthday but he can remember 16 cats names😭)
Lilia loves going in adventures with you, and hearing you talk about your interests, it can be hours but he'll never get tired from hearing your own tales💞
You two are super chaotic and whenever about to cause trouble have that Cheshire cat grin on your faces and anyone who's around to witness that is preparing to survive.
You give him a nickname and he adores it, pouts anytime you don't use a special nickname on him, he obviously uses nicknames for you too! He calls you his little bat or bloop (idk I suck at nicknames 💔)
Lilia tells you his tales that includes horror since he found out you like the genre, also I hc that he's a writer so he shows you some of his poems he wrote, most of them are new which he wrote ab you
He's bubbly around you and you're bubbly around him, one of the most sunshine couple the entire nrc had ever seen!
In short you 2 are the sunshine/chaotic couple!<3
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week♡
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