some flirty memes
“  like my shirt?  it’s made with boyfriend/girlfriend material.  ”
“  do you like raisins?  how would you feel about a date?  ”
“  if i could rearrange the alphabet i’d put ‘u’ and ‘i’ together.  ”
“ are you a parking ticket? ‘cause you’ve got fine written all over you.  ”
“ tell me,  do you believe in love at first sight?  or should i walk by you again?  ”
“ it’s a good thing i have my library card ‘cause i’m checkin’ you out.  ” 
“  i was feeling a little off today but you’ve turned me on again.  ”
“  any chance you have an extra heart? mine’s been stolen.  ”
“  they say nothing lasts forever so— wanna be my nothing? ”
“  could you help me?  i think there’s something wrong with my phone.  see,  it doesn’t have your number in it.  ”
“  someone better call god.  looks like he’s missing his prettiest angel.  ”
“  you must be so exhausted from running through my mind all night.  ”
“  did the sun just come out? oh no,  that’s just your smile.  ”
“  if you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.  ”
“  i was wondering if you’re an artist because you’re definitely drawing me in.  ”
“  would you help me hold this it’s really heavy— ”  *offers out hand*
“  you know.  that does look good on you.  but i think it’d look better on my floor.  ”
“  you’re the most captivating person i’ve ever met.  ”
“  i dunno what it is about you…you just.  you’re like a sun.  you make everything so warm and bright.  ” 
“  i swear you have the most beautiful smile i’ve ever seen.  ”
“  i swear you have the most handsome smile i’ve ever seen.  ”
“  you’ve never looked more ravishing.  ”
“  is that a new dress?  i like it.  looks wonderful on you.  ”
“  is that a new suit?  i like it.  looks wonderful on you.  ”
“  i like it when you wear that.  ”
“  here,  i got you some flowers.  your favorites.  ”
“  wow—  that is definitely your color.  ”
“  are you sure you’re not hiding wings and a halo around here somewhere?  ”
“  i don’t think there’s a person in the world who compares to you.  ”
“  you have my full attention.  you always do.  ” 
“ don’t you know?  i’ll always come when you call.  ”
“  i’ll be waiting.  when you’re ready to admit you want me.  ”
“  sorry— i don’t mean to stare.  you just look…radiant.  ”
“  come on,  just one drink?  ”
“  tell me,  your perfect date.  anything you’d like.  nothing out of the question.  i’ll do it. i’ll make it a night you never forget.  ”
“  if you give me a chance,  i’ll treat you the way you’ve always deserved.  ”
“  if you let me hold your heart i promise to be gentle with it.  ”
“  see that’s the problem,  you’ve already got my heart.  i just hope i get to have yours too.  ”
“  oh,  i’ll always be waiting for you.  ”
“  i just feel drawn to you.  can’t really explain it.  ”
“  why do you keep looking at me like that?  ”
“  i just like watching you.  ”
“  you get this little dimple when you smile.  sometimes i just want to kiss it.  ”
“  stop being so cute it’s fucking distracting.  ”
“  surely you must know what you do to me.  ”
“  if you don’t quit looking at me like that i’m not gonna be able to keep my hands to myself.  or my lips for that matter. ”
“   i’m not gonna sit here and play games to figure out what you desire.  tell me everything you wish the people who lost you had noticed.  then give me a chance to be the one who remembers it all.  ”
“  you’re just too adorable i can’t stand it.  ”
“  oh,  the things i’d do with you… ”
“  well,  are you gonna make the first move or shall i? ”
“  i like beautiful things.  maybe that’s why i like you so much.  ”
“  careful,  you keep this up i might just fall in love with you.  ”
“  i’ll never get tired of seeing that smile.  ”
“  i’d do anything just to make you laugh like that again.  ”
“  trust me.  the way i feel about you is like nothing i’ve ever felt before.  ”
“  i don’t want to make you mine. i want to be yours.  i already am.  just a matter of whether or not you’ll keep me.  ”
“   no— don’t look at me like that.  you know i can’t resist it.  ”
“  did you wear that just for me?  ”
“  i wore it just for you!  ”
“  you’re everything i’ve ever wanted.  and so much more.  ”
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friendship IS romance : 1. / 2. / 3. fleabag / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8. a little life, hanya yanagihara  / 9. / 10. 
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This boomer comic incinerated every “I hate my wife” comic instantly
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moonrise; catalina island, california
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me: jack and bitty are totally going to get engaged
ngozi: jack and bitty are engaged
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yeah so he’s definitely had the ring since christmas in madison huh??
(also note that he’s wearing the same goddamn outfit 6 months later lmao)
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before this format is completely dead, ever thought the 5 love languages were wack? me too! so i took it upon myself to reinvent that shit. now i proudly present to you the 5 new and improved love languages, take this quiz to find out where u stand.
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This question and its answer from The New York Times work advice column is W I L D.
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This man is the real MVP.
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Get your own rainbow flag in case you forget your rainbow again! ♥🌈🏳
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happy one year anniversary
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while im on the topic, if youre not a lesbian… you need to cut it out with all the “stupid lesbian” posts. we have been fairly vocal about those posts sometimes being uncomfortable when not made by lesbians, let me explain why.
it’s one thing if it’s a cute post about a lesbian not realizing theyre on a date or something, we all like cute stories like that and i totally get it! but these posts have gotten a lot more prevalent and a lot more blunt lately, and its not cute. there’s a reason those types of posts get so much more attention, and its not because a bunch of lesbians suddenly came out of the woodwork. normal lesbian posts usually only gain traction from lesbians and bi women rebogging them, but the second it becomes an infantizing story about how dumb and stupid and useless lesbians are everyone and their mother reblogs it. its borderline fetishizing of lesbians, this is like, the same shit we get from cishet men but with a facade of allyship. its more like fetishizing being a great ally but in reality not caring about us as people either way. its cruel. 
its cruel to be constantly called stupid, useless, and dumb by your own community, because its “cute” for the consumption of non-lesbians. how incredibly patronizing is that? its such a performative type of allyship and support. stop calling lesbians stupid and useless all the damn time, especially if youre not a lesbian. if you ARE a lesbian have some more faith in your community, but i understand its easy to believe when this notion gets constantly pushed on you. it can really effect young lesbians and the way they view themselves.
do you know why lesbians have a hard time with stuff like flirting and dates? its not because theyre idiots, its because their whole lives theyve been pressured to have a submissive heteronormative role in their relationships, one where the man makes all the moves. but there is no man. only two lesbians deeply affected by misogyny and homophobia their whole lives. they were never taught how to be the one to make a move, so dating can be tricky and often hard to figure out for them. to make this into something cute, and to call them useless idiots for it… its cruel. i dont know how much more simply i can put it. you need to knock it off. 
unlearn this to be a good ally, support us and our voices instead of constantly calling us stupid. i hope this helps people understand our discomfort with those posts, and hopefully theyll realize this and make better efforts from now on. this is not a call-out, im not saying youre a bad person, but if youre on our side youll understand this is an issue for us and youll at least make an effort to stop. we, the entire lgbt community, wouldnt be where we are now without our lesbian foremothers. lesbians arent useless.
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tyler ennis, who is 5’9, steamrolling rasmus ristolainen, who is 6’4, has the same energy as me confidently believing i can fight anyone and everyone on the internet
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Eastern Conference teams’ appearances and wins in Stanley Cup final from 1916 to 2018 - click to enlarge
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can we take a moment to just think about how incredibly scary magical healing is in-context?
You get your insides ripped open but your friend waves his hands and your flesh just pulls back together, agony and evisceration pulling back to a ‘kinda hurts’ level of pain and you’re physically whole, with the 100% expectation that you’ll get back up and keep fighting whatever it was that struck you down the first time.
You break your arm after falling somewhere and after you’re healed instead of looking for ‘another way around’ everybody just looks at you and goes “okay try again”.
You’ve been fighting for hours, you’re hungry, thirsty, bleeding, crying from exhaustion, and a hand-wave happens and only two of those things go away. you’re still hungry, you’re still weak from thirst, but the handwave means you have ‘no excuse’ to stop.
You act out aggressively maybe punch a wall or gnash your teeth or hit your head on something and it’s hand-waved because it’s ‘such a small injury you probably can’t even feel it anymore’ but the point was that you felt it at all?
Your pain literally means nothing because as long as you’re not bleeding you’re not injured, right? Here drink this potion and who cares about the emotional exhaustion of that butchered village, why are you so reserved in camp don’t you think it’s fun retelling that time you fell through a burning building and with a hand-wave you got back up again and ran out with those two kids and their dog? 
Older warriors who get a shiver around magic-users not because of the whole ‘fireball’ thing but the ‘I don’t know what a normal pain tolerance is anymore’ effect of too much healing. Permanent paralysis and loss of sensation in limbs is pretty much a given in the later years of any fighter’s life. Did I have a stroke or did the mage just heal too hard and now this side of my face doesn’t work? No i’m not dead from the dragon’s claws but I can’t even bend my torso anymore because of how the scar tissue grew out of me like a vine.
Magical healing is great and keeps casualties down.
But man.
That stuff is scary.
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