#a lot of dramatic ocs
sparxyv · 1 month
Mousey Student ID 💙🐭
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NOW 😏 time for Mousey's official introduction.. get ready for another huge infodump! (this one's even longer than Milena's I'm so sorry 😭😭)
Template by @kiwiplaetzchen !!! (Thank you again 😙🫶)
Mousey is the youngest of four brothers. Clyde, Lachlan, and Magnus.
His three big brothers have long since moved out of the McGregor house, going on to become very successful each in their own ways. They were all sorted into Ravenclaw, and were all part of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team at some point in time.
Mousey's mother - Florence McGregor (née Prewett) - is Leander Prewett's father's sister (so Leander's aunt lol). She was sorted into Gryffindor!
Mousey's father - Fergus McGregor - was sorted into Slytherin when he attended Hogwarts. Naturally, he is very prideful and ambitious - oftentimes (accidentally) placing pressure on his sons to pursue things that are not in their interest to impact the family legacy in a meaningful way. Fergus genuinely cares for his sons, he's just unaware of the effect his words have on their psyche. 🙁
Fergus McGregor was a keeper for the Montrose Magpies for 3 years before Magnus was born, and after that he decided to settle down for good. Quidditch was his passion, and he was ecstatic when all his sons shared the same love for it.
The McGregors have resided in Irondale for generations! They have a quite small house for a large family - but fret not, it's bigger than it looks on the outside.
Mousey is 5 years younger than the brother closest in age to him - Clyde - while his three older brothers are each only about two years apart from each other. This feeds into Mousey feeling like an outcast in his own family. (Clyde - 20, Lachlan - 22, Magnus - 24)
Life Before Fifth Year
Growing up, Mousey had always been an exceptionally anxious AND impulsively loud child, so he found it was a miracle he made friends with Anne Sallow during his first week at Hogwarts. Anne was always terribly kind to him, helping him out when he needed a shoulder to lean on, giving him lots of encouragement - which he so desperately needed. Anne, being extremely mischievous, self-confident, and empathetic, she made the perfect best friend for Mousey.
Mousey wasn't exactly a permanent addition to the Sallow Twins and Ominis' little group, but they would hang out with Mousey more often than not. Up until fourth year, they were practically his only friends. (We'll get to this in a bit.. 😙)
In order to impress his father - Mousey started training on a broom as soon as he first attended Hogwarts, but his heart was only half in it. Although he was very talented with a broom, it was never a true passion of his.
Speaking of Mousey's true passion - he is deeply fascinated by wandlore/craft. Ever since he recieved his first book on wandcraft at the age of seven, he quickly became entranced by it. Mousey absorbed all the information he possibly could and constantly visited Ollivanders in Hogsmeade in his free time once he was allowed to by the school.
Sometime at the start of fourth-year Sebastian and Mousey got into a HUGE argument that quickly ended their friendship. After this argument occured, Sebastian practically banned Anne and Ominis from speaking or interacting with Mousey in any way out of sheer pettiness 😒. Mousey was heartbroken. While he would swear up and down it did not affect him, he genuinely loved Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis.. losing their friendship was difficult on him. Although, sadness quickly turned to anger and he held a big grudge against Sebastian. After the big fallout, he vowed he didn't need them - immediately going on a quest to make as many friends as possible. And ultimately, he did.. but it never felt the same.
Like Milena, I'm planning on creating a separate series of posts going more in-depth with his relationships w/ characters - so take this list of his closest friends!
Ominis Gaunt
Anne Sallow
Milena Chase
Amit Thakkar
Everett Clopton
Andrew Larson
Samantha Dale
Duncan Hobhouse
Garreth Weasley
Leander Prewett
Eric Northcott
Poppy Sweeting
Arthur Plummly
Unnamed Students
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Mousey is a complicated type of extrovert. He grew up constantly fighting for attention - he learned quickly that he needed to be loud and to stand out to be seen. Mousey is the type of person to only want a few close friends, but a large circle. He loves socializing with everyone, typically coming off as very cheery and playful, yet more snarky + sarcastic with people he's more comfortable with. However, he's also very anxious. He's quite the overthinker - yet never exactly thinks ANYTHING through at the same time. He's the epitome of impulsivity.
In addition to him being anxious - Mousey cares too much of what other people think of him, especially the people he loves/looks up to. He finds himself constantly trying to impress his friends and family because he craves external validation to feel good about himself.
Mousey is very sensitive, but can oftentimes be seen as apathetic when it comes to heated moments. He's very much controlled by his emotions and feelings, which has put a strain in a lot of his relationships. Mousey feels emotions more intensely than most of his peers, his mood also being affected by the people around him. (Although when he's not blinded by his own feelings, he is actually very sweet and caring person. 😞)
If there was one word to describe Mousey - NOSY. As a Ravenclaw, he's obviously inclined to want to know as much as he can about anything. With that being said, he's a NASTY gossip. Mousey knows everything about everyone, always around and listening in the background.. 😊
Just like how it is in other parts of Mousey's life, he feels that he's an outlier in his Hogwarts House. Other than being curious and passionate about learning, he isn't as clever as other Ravenclaws - not great at riddles, oftentimes having trouble even entering the common room. So he tries his best to make the best of it, befriending his housemates, joining the quidditch team, etc.
When it comes to being active, he can make an exception for Quidditch - for his father - but other than that, he HATES physical activity. Unfortunately he's a bit on the cowardly side as well. He could be reckless and get a burst of confidence, but in general Mousey is terrified of dueling, sharp things, large creatures, and especially cats. You wouldn't usually catch him out in the Forbidden Forest, or in any of the hamlets far from Irondale.
Additional Fun Facts!
The only people who don't refer to him as 'Mousey' would be Ominis, Imelda, and Milena - all for different reasons.
Mousey actually likes his nickname, not minding it one bit - although, he doesn't remember how he got it.. but even the teachers have called him Mousey since his first year.
He used to have very prominent buck teeth up until he was 13, having them magically fixed (by Anne Sallow) after his big brother Clyde had made fun of them.
Mousey is the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and Keeper in sixth-year! 💙
Other than Sebastian, his nemesis at Hogwarts is Charlotte Morrison (whom Milena actually made friends with???). She just really irritates him in a way he can't describe. The feeling is mutual.
He is very close with a lot of the teachers, most notably Professor Fig and Professor Garlick.
Mousey makes wood-carving animals representing the people he loves, and keeps them in his dorm. (Some would be: Ominis - Bat, Anne - Fox, Sebastian - Snake, and the newest addition.. Milena - Eagle 💜 I like to imagine Mousey came to terms with his and Milena's friendship at one point and secretly made her little animal to keep 🥹) No one knows the meanings behind the animals but him. They are his to keep and to protect.
Bi icon 💙💜🩷
Had a crush on Adelaide Oakes in third-year. (his type is blondes I guess?)
Was nearly sorted into Slytherin, but the hat changed it's mind at the last second.
Raphael is the only feline that tolerates Mousey. (And vice versa)
Knows about the Undercroft.
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basketobread · 4 months
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(Vyper belongs to @ratscrap)
“Bring your chains, your lips of tragedy, and fall into my arms”
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 days
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Sveyko and her adoptive father, Sek. [Patreon | Commissions] [Context under the cut]
Sveyko struggled a lot with her emotional control as a child and often had apparent mood swings where she'd become incredibly violent or fearful for reasons others couldn't understand. She herself couldn't understand it most of the time and being so young it was difficult for her to articulate what was wrong. Her twin sister S'veyk did not seem to suffer from these issues, causing Sveyko feelings of deep inadequacy. Like she was stupid, a failure, no-good. She often thought to herself that if she weren't born and it was just S'veyk, everyone would be happier. The above illustration is a moment that happens after Sveyko attempts to run away. While bringing her back home, Sveyko starts fighting back against Sek and ends up striking him. Fearful and guilty, she immediately begins to cry and Sek wordlessly carries her home. At home, just outside the door, Sek tells her she shouldn't hit people and she apologizes. She won't look at him, trying to hide her face because she's still crying and thinks she'll be scolded for it. She worries that the only adult who's ever been kind to her...this is it. This is the moment where she's tried his patience for the last time. She wants to be better but doesn't know how and she's done it, this is the end. He's going to be angry with her. He's going to abandon her. Sek calls her name and she reluctantly looks up at him, apologizing again. But there's no anger in her father's face as he sinks down to one knee, looking her in the eye. "Sveykokam," he says, staring at her earnestly. "If it were possible for me to love anyone, it would be you." It's a moment Sveyko thinks of often and never tells anyone else. Even as an adult. She'll think of it until her dying day. "If it were possible for me to love anyone, it would be you."
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alberichfanpage · 2 months
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Honestly, this was such a crazy moment
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hecketernal · 9 months
Descendants of Mar have a remarkable tendency to grow horns.
Every Ex-Havenite old enough to remember the family of Mar knows this. They come in all kinds of colors and shape, and even the horn growth pattern seems completely random. A parent often having entirely different looking horns to their child. Damas wondered if Mars' horns would be so different to his own. They hadn't grown in before he was taken. Most descendants didn't start budding until at least their teens.
Mar, the warrior who built Haven city, bore two thick, tusk-like horns that framed his jaws. Damas' mother had had blackened ram horns, meanwhile his sister had had a bright neon blue pair that grew out of her temples angled out like a second pair of ears. It had always made his older sister look rather intimidating. With the sharp cut of her eyeliner drawn in angular slashes around her eyes, he had watched no small number of men quail under that glare.
So yes, those that were old enough (or just brusque enough as native wastelanders tend to be to ask the king to his face why he had horns coming out of his noggin') knew exactly what having horns meant to their leader.
This is the reason why the arena grows hushed, when the newest recruit transforms into a pale frenzied thing with black little horns standing out clearly from the white hair.
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shaykai · 4 months
what would vat'il be like if was the villain in bg3? like if orin didnt usurp him and he was still bhaals chosen
Ended up thinking about this a lot more than I thought I would- my brother and I basically set up a boss fight (probably not fair and would have to be tweaked but shhhh, first drafts and all that)
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Lots of ramblings under the cut
For starters, Orin is probably dead. Also Vat’il & Gortash are actually allies, so they’re probably worse to deal with for the sole reason that they’re working together
- Gortash would still offer to let the companions join the alliance (unclear how loyal he’d be to it)
- Vat never offers a chance at an alliance, nor does he actively try to get them to kill Gortash first
- That being said, you CAN convince them to turn on each other. You can try to lie to Vat’il and say that Gortash is planning on betraying him (DC 30) or, if you’ve read the Prayer of Forgiveness/snuck into his room to read his diary (could have a fun thing where you have to kill Sceleritas if you enter his room before fighting him dhdjjdjd) you can convince him that Gortash is actively disrupting his loyalty to Bhaal and needs to die about it (DC 20-25?)
Boss Fight Shenanigans
- Tav’ilin (Vat’il’s brother) torments the party via joining it early act 3. (He essentially takes Orin’s place, there’s just more interaction)
- If you find the right notes/signs, you can confront and fight him in camp for being a Bhaalist. If you don’t, he’ll be a part of Vat’il’s boss fight. (Helps lead the companions into the Temple?)
-If Vat’il dies first, enter a Timed Section where Tav activates Power Word Kill on the entire room and basically just keeps trying to waste everyone’s time until it activates
-If Tav’ilin dies first, Vat’il enters the Slayer Form (he does more damage, but hey, at least he isn’t stunning you anymore)
-If Tav’ilin or Gortash are dead prior to fighting Vat’il, his dialogue is shorter/angrier. (Probably yells at them about how they were his to kill)
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bluecoolr · 9 months
I've had this idea for a while!
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Odette performing a ballet solo as Cathy's Ghost from Wuthering Heights
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they look like ur cool friend’s dad who wears bead bracelets + sandals 24/7
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knightforflowers · 3 months
first three art fight attacks!!
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Attack on Maneater for Emechu
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Revenge on King Dereh Polaris for ParabolaArt
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Revenge on — for MRsandmanBR
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fisherrprince · 1 year
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the ocs... the nasty girls.......
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desktopmermaid · 2 years
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look at my dramatic fish lesbian yaoi boy
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majoresca · 2 months
Okay, hear me out here...
Makes me think of a scenario with my OC okay?
An O.C. who had become close to Cedric throughout the story, who ends up discovering his plans to take the throne.
They confront each other, and the O.C. gives him an ultimatum, if he doesn't give up on taking the throne, they would leave never to see him again.
Cedric is reluctant saying that he can't go back anymore, since he is so close to achieving it, and that he wouldn't let neither Princess Sofia, nor the O.C. nor anyone else interrupt the dream of of a lifetime to come true. Because after years of humiliation and contempt from others, he deserves his reward, his rightful place on the throne.
But the O.C. asks if everything they went through wasn't important after all? What would happen to the royal family? The royal children? Cedric's family? The kingdom of Enchancia? And him?
If the plan goes wrong, what would become of him?
The O.C. tries to advise him not to do that, because if he fails, he won't be able to go back to the way he was before. And that the worst would happen to him if he stayed on that path.
Cedric is offended and hurt, how dare they also be one of his critics? Who questions and doubts his abilities? That he could fail to such an extent again?
He says that if they really cared about him, they would know what he was capable of, and trust his abilities. And they wouldn't want to convince him to be of being less than he really is.
Only to them, he had never been less in their eyes. But their admiration is not enough to convince him.
They separate, and the O.C. leaves, fulfilling the ultimatum.
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losing the plot by expanding upon it....
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monotone-artist · 1 year
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downloaded a new pen :D the second page is a doodle i did a while back i don't thiiiink i ever posted?
[id: two different images. the first is a colorless sketch page of a few original characters. the first sketch is of kolaus, a harpy with big, tufted ears. they are wearing a shirt with a vest over it. he appears to be flying, tilting slightly backwards, and is looking off to the side, his arms folded up in front of him.
the second sketch is of aurthias and silver. aurthias is an older centaur with the upper half of an owl and the lower of a wolf. he has feathery tufts on his head and is missing half his left arm. he is wearing a turtleneck. silver is a young lindwyrm with whiskers, a sail on her nape, and a tail-tip that splits into a V-shape. aurthias is holding a book and is glancing back at silver quizzically, who has popped up from behind him. she's looking up at him with big, sad, glistening eyes, and some text there reads, "puss in boots face".
the third is of orlen and olivian. they're both anthro jerboa. orlen is an older jerboa wearing a cowboy hat and a traveling backpack, and olivian, his daughter, is a young jerboa wearing a big flower on the back of her head. orlen is holding a map and looks stressed and lost. olivian is hitching a ride on his backpack and peering over his shoulder. she's pointing at something on the map, and she doesn't seem stressed or lost at all.
the last sketch is of silver. she has a wing-arm lifted up, where a snowy owl is perched, and she's smiling brightly at it. an arctic fox and a polar bear also sit by her, looking at her. the three animals are all calm and peaceful.
the second image is a colorless sketch of aurthias and silver. aurthias is laying down, his front paws folded up on some pillows, reading a book. silver is curled up around him, perched on his back, reading the book as well, curious. end id]
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zootnootnoot · 5 days
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Based on a trend I've been seeing on tiktok
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namazunomegami · 19 days
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Lord of the Flies, Gluttonous Queen, Prince of Filth, Prince of Decay, Goddess of Ekron, Lord of Slander, Queen of Pestilence and Famine, The Rotting One
I Solomon said unto him: “Beelzeboul what is thy employment?” And (s)he answered me: “I destroy kings. I ally myself with foreign tyrants. And my own demons I set on to men, in order that the latter may believe in them and be lost. And the chosen servants of God, priests, and faithful men, I excite unto desires for wicked sins, and evil heresies, and lawless deeds; and they obey me, and I bear them on to destruction. And I inspire men with envy, and desire for murder, and for wars, and sodomy, and other evil things. And I will destroy the world.” - The Testament of Solomon
#oc: bael roach/beelzebub#dw i got you her first name is pronounced like belle#it's spelled bael to be close to the hebrew name of ba'al zebuv#she's so special to me i love writing characters like her#she's a bit narcissistic and has her own brand of a chaotic tantrum throwing temper but she can be REAL creepy sometimes#she's also a big party girl who's always overdressed for the occassion#and since beelzebub is the sin of gluttony she's constantly eating drinking and smoking in my mind#the funniest thing about me that even tho i have entomophobia i like insect imagery and symbolism with my characters#and well she's literally beelzebub she can basically control any kind of bugs and stuff#i also like the living hive concept a lot so yeah.... there're bugs living inside of her body#i mostly picture her with cockroaches flies skull moths and mantises crawling around her shoulder and face a lot#she's like gru with the minions she can tell all of them apart and remembers everything about them#she's not part of any fandom but i ship her a lot with woland their dynamic would be crazy#two chaotic iteration of the devil stirring the pot but since woland is more composed and calculated he'd balance her over the top#and dramatic mess of a personality out quite well#they'd crash each others parties and stuff and have a heated banter but actually wouldn't lay a finger on each other#in fact if you remotely try to insult or dare i say hurt one of them the other would go and whoop your ass bc they're offended#also fun fact i love the idea that the rest of the seven deadly sins were once high ranking angels who betrayed heaven for lucifer#so it'll go the same for my girlie too#i headcannon that she still has her wings but they turned into a more insectoid kinda thing#my moodboards :3
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