#a little backstory on our moh
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bridgeportbritt · 1 year ago
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Sequoia Nightclub | Sage, SimDonia | 4 Days Until the Wedding
Good Vibes
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Hannah: This place is amazing. Nice find, Marissa.
May: Yes! Look at us in VIP on a short notice.
Marissa: It helps to be able to drop some names.
Rylee: We all look amazing, too!
Marissa: Speaking of amazing...
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Marissa: I would like to raise a toast... to my best friend, Olivia!
Olivia: Aw... Oh, my Watcher, Marissa! You don't have to do that!
Marissa: You know I love embarrassing you a bit! Now, this girl here has been by my side through thick and thin! I love her because she's always been genuine. Her family history dates back to the beginning of SimDonia, but she is the most down to earth person you'll ever meet. She's the kind of sim who befriends you when you're being made fun of for being on an academic scholarship at SimDonia Prep vs being from a rich family, or who stays up all night cooking 2 weeks worth of meals for you and your family after your grandmother passes or who spends her weekend helping you practice for debate club because she knows how important it is for you to win! I could go on... but I think Liv has had enough, plus we've gotta hit the dance floor! I just want to say I'm so happy for you, Liv. And thank you for letting me be apart of your special day and the beautiful life you and Grayson will create! Cheers!
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Everyone: Cheers!
Olivia tearful: Marissa, that so beautiful. Thank you!
Eva: That was, but no crying in the club! Time to take this party downstairs, ladies!
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For Olivia's first nightclub experience, Marissa decided on somewhere that's more like a lounge with a DJ. The girls enjoyed some laughs, heartwarming toasts, and of course, free nectar in VIP. Then (after more free drinks), they hit the dance floor. Safe to say, Olivia had a good time.
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ambroseffxiv · 6 years ago
LFRP - Ambrose
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special thanks to @crimsonfluidessence for the edited lfrp!  NOTES: most of initially mentioned notes on how Ambrose’s ability ties to Arcanima/works (in a simple sense) can be found on his Carrd profile found under the cut.
- Report from The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine -
The Metaxas creature is a violation of not only the laws of Her Holy See of Ishgard, Her word within the Enchiridion, as well as the laws of the recently reclaimed Stone Vigil, Darkhold, and outposts of Camp Dragonhead, Whitebrim Front, Rosehouse and others, but a violation of nature herself. We are to do whatever within our power under Halone’s guidance to bring this creature to justice for the Greater Good.
NAME: Ambrose Metaxas PRONUNCIATION: Am-Bro-S Meh-Tax-Us RACE: J Tribe Miqo'te/Plainsfolk Lalafell Mix GENDER: Male (Trans, fully transitioned) AGE: 19 BIRTHPLACE: Ala Ghiri, Gyr Abania, Tailfeather, Dravania CURRENT RESIDENCE: Ren Huang’s Goblet apartment or personal apartment in the Lavender Beds PLACES THEY FREQUENT: Ul’dah, Gridania, Dravania DISCIPLINE: WAR/SMN(/DNC?) OCCUPATION: Retainer: gathering specialty in botany, combat specialty in WAR, botanist (specialized in seedkin)
SERVER:  RP MAIN: Balmung (Crystal) and MOSTLY CONTENT: Jenova (Aether) Different Data Centers=Different Universes, so treated as different instances
AT A GLANCE: Prickly, like a cactuar. Ambrose isn’t that hard to open up, but you have to be a certain type of person. He’s known to be stoic, cold and barely reacts to small attempts to garner his attention. BELOW THE SURFACE: A child at heart, he collects toys and dolls, and enjoys being able to play when he can in-between work. He’s also bubbly and energetic once past his initial walls, happy to lend a hand if needed. MOST DEFINING TRAITS: Extremely loyal to a fault, and when you do gain his trust, Ambrose will trust that person equally to a fault, unless proven otherwise with strong evidence, and even then, unless they are against his personal morals, he may follow without question anyway.
Motivations and Beliefs–––-
Worshipper of Shiva 
Dislikes the Twelve, but knows there’s a distinction between what the Twelve teach to how people may interpret it.
Seeks some revenge everything that happened to him. Passionately hates the Ward and Ishgard for everything that was done to him and the people he loves for years, and Garleans for robbing him of what he had and putting him in a prison when he tried to escape.
Despite everything that’s happened to him, Ambrose maintains a relatively kind and cheerful demeanor towards people, and despite his want for vengeance, wants to help make the world a better place through kindness as well.
- Further documentation from The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of the Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine -
The Metaxas creature is said to originate from the Dravanian Forelands, though it’s appearance begs a different origin for it. [Further investigation under way.] No hunter of Tailfeather has been suspected of heresy, however, the Metaxas creature has been reported in both the Dravanian Forelands and the Coerthan Western Highlands.  Following the initial sightings of the Order of Black Lotus, the Metaxas creature was first witnessed from a scouting group from Falcon’s Nest, seen making a large explosion of fire in what is believed to be a summoning of Ifrit. Other sightings were by other creatures similar to the Metaxas one, such as the Macelle creature, Clefier creature, and Gealionne creature.  After the elimination of the Order of the Black Lotus, the Metaxas creature was sighted in the Brume of our fair city, likely feeding on the innocent children of the poor. He went missing shortly after, sighted only years later.. Halone knows where or what he was doing before sightings resumed.
more under the cut!
Significant Relationships–––-
Vacho Vesucho - Father
J’nhakso ??? - Mother
Liloki Loki - Older Sister
Moh Ehs - Teacher and old friend
Oohr Seih - Old friend
Esredes Rosemond - Adoptive father Leader and boss
Ren Huang - Boyfriend (? still complicated but not as much)
Akai Ikigomi - Friend
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Additional Trivia
PATRON DEITY: Nymeia, the Spinner HOBBIES: Gardening, organizing, collecting dolls and toys to play with. Also collects miniature porcelain chocobo statues. ABILITIES: The ability to summon primals and aspects of primals into himself at a heavy physical cost, a higher level of aether within himself to manipulate and use. LANGUAGES: Dragonspeak, Old Elezen/Ishgardian/Landlord, Eorzean/Common (spoken only) FEARS: Excessive amounts of fresh blood, red on snow, large fires, the smell of burnt flesh, people who have an affinity with flames, excessive amounts of blood and gore on the color white, various other things that he won’t name. SEXUALITY: Homosexual HEIGHT: 4′11″ BUILD: Ambrose is a muscular yet soft looking man, trained to be a warrior, and be able to protect his fellow test subjects if necessary. The latter was fruitless, but gave Ambrose a routine to follow, and with how intensive retainer work can be, he kept himself in shape for a long time to be able to keep up with all of his clients. Nowadays, he’s much more soft, but still easily able to do heavy lifting and fighting, but for much less time. Otherwise, he has soft curves and larger than average thighs, and an overall curvaceous figure for a young man of his age. He is not uncomfortable with himself at this point in his life. (Reference NSFW) (See: Deviations from ig model ref for SFW references) DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Stripes, massive fangs that don’t seem to fit his mouth, but cleanly fit behind his lips, tiger ears, paws on his legs, unnatural eyes. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Cactuar earring on right ear, two rainbow colored earrings on his right hand. DEVIATIONS FROM IN-GAME MODEL: The paw legs, ears, teeth and much of his stripes, his tail is also much longer. Pupils are also white, and are less like slits, and moreso akin to plainsfolk eyes. (Reference art by elizastarkart, Reference)
Things you should know about my character: I play him how I play him. He might be an absolute ass to you, and walk out on a scene. I am not responsible for the trouble he gets into icly. Additionally, if you want to interact with him but want nothing to do with his primal side, I have no intentions to push anyone to have to be involved with anything with his primal side. That being said, if i make you uncomfortable, that’s different. Please say something so that I can fix it! I like to think I’m very adaptive to what I’m given, so don’t feel like you’re bothering me. But if him walking out because your character pisses him off and you get pissed off with me oocly for it, I’m gonna bring this up. Gets along with: Anyone kind to him initially. He’s immediately fond of people who will be willing to be nice right off the bat, and tends to favor them most. Otherwise, if you respect him and his ways, he’s inclined to like you more. Could go either way with: Anyone who doesn’t follow either extreme. He’s had to deal with other people most of his life, and most initial reactions are him being relatively shy or at least closed off, refusing to answer anything personal, even vague.  Unlikely to get along with: People who have no sense of morality whatsoever, people who treat him like a child simply due to size and age, and, of course, those who are aware of who and what he is, and intend to act because of it. 
possible hooks –––-
In Need of a Retainer/Interest in his ASSets
The last part is a joke- But he does have a nice ass. Ambrose is a retainer, and has many clients all over Hydaelyn, so long as it isn’t Ishgard/Coerthas. Ambrose serves adventurers, nobles, anyone who’s up to having a retainer, though non-adventurers will need to pay his salary themselves. He does not take ventures for his services at least, and accepts meals in return for work. Currently trying to save up for a place of his own.
Primal Summoning
Ambrose is a summoner, his brand is.. Complicated, but something definitely interesting to anyone who is invested in primals, Allagan summoning with egis, or arcanima in general. To summarize Ambrose’s summoning briefly, he has various etchings in arcane ink on his arms and legs, stemming the flow of primal energy when he summons them into himself. His summoning is akin to how both Shiva and Tsukuyomi were summoned, and so long as Ambrose can form an idea of what they look like, has the will for it, and is at his full aetherical capacity, can summon any primals that do not need a catalyst (Zantetsuken, the three kojin artifacts, and Tsukuyomi’s mirror, are all catalysts.) This would mean that you would need to know that Ambrose is.. Who he is, however. This hook means a lot more talking about meeting.
Botany help
If neither of those are your cup of tea, Ambrose is a botanist trained under Fufucha, guildmaster of the Botanist’s guild in Gridania. He originally picked up gardening as a hobby through his love of flowers, something he didn’t see for a long time after the Calamity hit Coerthas. His love for flowers eventually manifested in him caring for many once he was attempting to sign onto being a retainer, and was accepted into the Botanist’s guild in the meantime. He still is connected to them, and does some jobs for them if they request it.
Veteran of the Dragonsong War?
This one is a little complicated, but a hook I’ve been meaning to add. Ambrose was deeply steeped in the Dragonsong War for as long as he was able to- At least 4-6 years, depending on how long you see ARR and HW taking. He was not anywhere near Ishgard during Stormblood, instead being held in a cell in Ala Mhigo. Ambrose, being a heretic of Shiva and frequently taking on his own missions, could be a familiar face to anyone who slayed dragons for years, or simply served their time in the Ishgardian military. A strange Miqo’te with unnatural eyes said to cannibalize those who drew too close, and rode on dragonback. Subsequently, if you have any heretic background, you may know him simply as Ambrose by word of mouth or through some of his more distinct features.
Mystery Man
If this wasn’t already a little clear, Ambrose is appealing in more way than one. If you feel your character would have an interest in Ambrose simply because of his looks, I am not going to stop you from using that as a hook! If you do, however, you would hear some rumors about a mysterious pony-tailed retainer coming out of nowhere to rescue people from thugs in alleyways, before disappearing into the night without a word. Considering Ambrose is muscular, he somewhat fits the description.. But he’s a bit short, isn’t he?
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what I’m looking for ––––
I’m looking for long term stuff! And no, that doesn’t just mean ships. I really want Ambrose to have more friends and connections, ships are just a nice bonus if they come too.  When it comes to friendships, the only real requirement there is is an ability to break past Ambrose’s prickly exterior, or have a desire to. It is relatively easy if you have the right personality, but does take determination for others. Ambrose has a habit of stalking as well, and being okay with that ooc is important to me, and if you need me to stop, I will.  For ships, I’m not picky, but we have to at least RP once before I’ll consider it. I also am picky with ERP, so if you’re going to come into things with the intention of just becoming Ambrose’s fuckbuddy, I have bad news. On Balmung/Crystal he is now in a monogamous relationship in canon, and they’re in the courting phase of things. I am open for AU romance and side timelines, but main timeline Ambrose is not up for romance. I am not looking for any ooc romance, and will stop talking to you if you make clear intents for it.
oocly, I am ––––
I am a perpetually sleepy 20 yr old trans dude with a boyfriend and likes coffee and drawing thighs. I have terrible handwriting and equally terrible taste in music, and I draw a lot. Throwing ideas with me is an invitation for my art. I prefer being explained a character than reading (ironic i know) or learning about them through rp. I get very distracted very easily, and on discord will either spam you forever or be too shy to talk initially! Please be patient with me.
you can contact me via ––
Twitter: @miqosabotender Tumblr (Main): @senorsabotender Discord: satan#9018 carrd: eikon.carrd.co <-also contains full background, more hooks and other information worth knowing In-Game: Ambrose Metaxas
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whitejeweler · 4 years ago
Welcome to Music Monday when we bring you fun tunes with jewelry, gemstones or precious metals in the title or lyrics. Today we have Huey Lewis and the News performing “The Power of Love” from the blockbuster film, Back to the Future. In the chart-topping 1985 hit, Lewis claims that the power of love is a curious thing. It’s “tougher than diamonds, rich like cream.”
Being tougher than diamonds is an impressive claim, indeed. Diamonds possess a number of impressive attributes, including unparalleled beauty, rarity and toughness. Yes, diamonds are the hardest natural substance ever known to man. Based on the song, if diamonds rate a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, the “power of love” would likely score an 11 or better.
Fans of actor Michael J. Fox and the Back to the Future trilogy may remember that “The Power of Love” was featured in one of the first scenes of the original release (1985). The song plays in the background as Fox’s Marty McFly character is skateboarding to school.
Later in the film, the song surfaces again when McFly and his group are auditioning for the Battle of the Bands. Lewis makes a cameo appearance in the film as a grumpy faculty member who rejects the band before McFly can sing the first verse. Says Lewis, “Sorry, fellas… I’m afraid you’re just too darn loud.”
The backstory reveals that the real reason Marty doesn’t sing is because there were no lyrics at the time of filming. Lewis and two collaborators wrote “The Power of Love” especially for Back to the Future, but could only deliver an unfinished song by the time the movie was in post production.
According to songfacts.com, Lewis’s family provided inspiration for the lyrics. The singer was newly married and had two young children when he wrote it with his bandmates Johnny Colla and Chris Hayes.
Driven by the film’s universal appeal (it grossed $388 million at the box office), “The Power of Love” charted in 17 countries, including #1 spots on both the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart and the Canadian RPM Top Singles chart. The song was nominated for Best Original Song at the 58th Academy Awards, but lost to Lionel Richie’s “Say You, Say Me.”
“The Power of Love” also makes brief cameos in both Back to the Future Part II (1989) and Back to the Future Part III (1990).
Huey Lewis was born in New York City in 1950, but was raised in Marin County, CA. In an interview with David Letterman, Lewis said he learned to play the harmonica while waiting for rides as he hitchhiked across the country back to New York City as a teenager. Later in his youth, Lewis stowed away on a plane to Europe and supported himself in Madrid by busking with his harmonica.
Trivia: Lewis, whose birth name is Hugh Anthony Cregg III, scored a perfect 800 on his math SAT, attended Ivy League Cornell University and had aspirations of being an engineer.
We invite you to check out the video of Huey Lewis and the News performing “The Power of Love.” The lyrics are below if you’d like to sing along…
“The Power of Love” Written by Johnny Colla, Chris Hayes and Huey Lewis. Performed by Huey Lewis and the News.
The power of love is a curious thing Make a one man weep, make another man sing Change a hawk to a little white dove More than a feeling that’s the power of love
Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream Stronger and harder than a bad girl’s dream Make a bad one good make a wrong one right Power of love that keeps you home at night
You don’t need money, don’t take fame Don’t need no credit card to ride this train It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes But it might just save your life That’s the power of love That’s the power of love
First time you feel it, it might make you sad Next time you feel it, it might make you mad But you’ll be glad baby when you’ve found That’s the power makes the world go ’round
And it don’t take money, don’t take fame Don’t need no credit card to ride this train It’s strong and it’s sudden it can be cruel sometimes But it might just save your life
They say that all in love is fair Yeah, but you don’t care But you know what to do When it gets hold of you And with a little help from above You feel the power of love You feel the power of love Can you feel it? Hmmm
It don’t take money and it don’t take fame Don’t need no credit card to ride this train Tougher than diamonds and stronger than steel You won’t feel nothin’ till you feel You feel the power, just the power of love That’s the power, that’s the power of love You feel the power of love You feel the power of love Feel the power of love
Credits: Screen captures via YouTube.com.
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