#a line per skele
namesetc · 2 years
moth names part 1
because. list source (x)
an / ann - annulet
ash - ashworth
arch / arche - arches
bar - barb - barber - barberry
beau - beauty
blot - blotch / blotche - blotchy
blox - bloxworth
blu / blue / bleu
bord - border
bri / bry - bright / brite - brighton
brim - brimstone
brin / bryn - brind - brindle
braud - broad
bee / bea
buff - buffy
bur / burr - burn / byrn / byrne - burnet / burnett / burnette
car - carpet
cher / cherr - cheri / cherry
chim - chime - chimney
choco - chocolate
cin / cinn - cinna - cinnabar
cis - cist - cistus
clan - clance - clancy
clif - clifden
cloa - cloak
clou - cloud
crims - crimson
cur / curr - currant
clove - clover
dec - dece - deca - deco - decem / decemb - december
dew - dewick
dot / dott
drink - drinker
dusk - dusker - dusky
dag - dagger
em - emer - emera - ermeral - emerald
earl - early
el / ele / elle - elephant
em - emp - emper - emperor
es / ess / esse - essex
es - est - estu - estua - estuar - estuari - estuarin / estuarine
egg - eggar
for - forest / forrest - forester
fea - feath - feather
fest - festoon
fier - fiery
fish - fisher
fox - foxglove
goth - gothic - gothica
grey / gray
gal - gali - galia - galium
gar - gard / guard - garden - gardenia
hawk - hawkmoth
honey - honeycomb
haw - haworth
horn - hornet
hum / humm - hummer - humming - hummingbird
ken - kent - kenti - kentish
Lune - Luna - Lunar
lute - lutestring
loop - looper
lack - lackey
leo - leopard
liquor - liquorice
moth - mothy / mothie - mothica
maid - maiden
mar - marble
mer - merv / merve - merveil / merveille
mist - mistle - mistletoe
mot / mott
net / nett
north - northern
nov / nove - nova - novem / novemb - november
ora / aura - oran - orange
per / par - pareil
plus - plusia
pier - pierce - piercer
quake - quaker
rust - rustic
riv - rivu - rivul - rivulet / rivulette
skel - skele - skeleton - skeletonizer
silver - silverline
sweep - sweeper
tail - tails
thor - thorn
wane / wain - wainscot
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selfshippinglover · 11 months
All the s/i asks with ur Undertale s/i??? >:33
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ANON I OWE YOU MY LIFFE RNNN QWQ,, (Just gonna copy and paste the other two answers since it was only two)
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
~As for traits? Well,. she is a soul of kindness so hopefully stuff correlating to that? Probvs cuteified too tbh cause I know I look naive to outsiders so i bet she does too
~In my inserts design I was aiming for her to be more of a side character but I think she teeters the line cause of development lol. So I'd guess she'd be taken as one of the two. She followed the skele bros around a lot, and is generally in their section. She'll also be in Hotland visiting Alphys tho <3
~I hope she's beloved but she could also just be the, "annoying love interest every story has for some reason" and I'd say that's fair.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
~Obviously there would be new dialogue options, character interactions, a whole third bedroom in the skele bros house, a side mission, aaaand different stuff per which route the player is playing
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
~Probably naivety since that happens to me irl =-='
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
~With lots of emotions, essays, silly edits, screenshots, and excitement! Just, real accurate portrayal, death fodder, or the silly <3
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
~haha guess just kill me off and make me being too stupid too understand shit?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
~Alphys 1000%! Our insecurities, flaws, and interests align too well afgkjg
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
~I'm hoping fluff but every fandom has people that thrive off angst soooo. Plus, hard to resist a good, "partner dies in their arms fic" right?
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
~ Not anything special, just combining names like "CiRus" or "PapCi"
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
~Not sure? tbh I worry people would find the ship boring cause we're a lot alike
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
~Maybe Alphys or Sans sense we're besties? Tsunderplane cause I think their cute and would say so? idk really dsfkjsdg
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
~Heehee most likely friends to lovers going along with the source! More specifically, I bet there would be a lot of first confessions, pining, and/or angst involving their relationship in No Mercy timelines. (In a no mercy run she helps Alphys evacuate the citizens and is too late to save Papyrus. Instead, she ends up watching him die on Alphys lab screen :(( )
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
~Friends to Lovers
~Mutual Pining
~Endearingly Dorky
~ Insecure Love Interest
~Eh, stuff like that
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
~The hopeless romantics like myself will appreciate the the facial expressions, the descriptors, and the the general fluff of it all <3
~Dislike it for feeling shoehorned, or uninteresting most likely
~I can't see it starting debates tbh. Just like, some people are more interested than others and/or some don't care either way.(It's a background thing anyways)
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
~WE ARE THE CUTE FLUFFY SHIP EVER! THAT'S WHY!! No problems, just two mentally ill skeletons vibing and kissing sometimes <333
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
~Cici clearly excited whenever he's around
~VCi getting all nervous around
~She brings him a lot
~Idk it's everything with her tbh
~On Papyrus's end it's more subtle though. Little things like him offhandedly mentioning her unprompted in a phone call
~Saying how he wishes she was there to share something with him
~Waiting to do things until she's around
~For him it would be little text stuff
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
~I imagine it being shown over time or maybe in a slow burn kind of style? Lots of stuttering and red blush, stuff like that <33
~Strong focus on death or pining no in between gkjslgkh
~(Insert the many misconceptions with Papyrus here)
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterizations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
~I mean, I'll be more willing to try things and be more silly in general. A bit more open with the things I usually feel insecure about sharing cause' they're viewed as childish. Really, they make me feel safe so I'd be more unabashed in everything.
~Papyrus would have a forever friend! Someone that can help with his low self-esteem and wants, hopes, and dreams!
~Won't affect the world so much. Paps and I are just seen walking together a lot and the townsfolk probably gossip(especially the bar-goers and Mettaton dkjgsd) (Did I ever mention that Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton are dying for us to hook up? )
~I work at grillby's so he has more help and the player can talk to me there? idk lol
~I mean, there's lots that could be drawn from that considering Ci is a hacked in self insert that was added in by a human
~She has human memories but also lives with the monsters so she'll have a unque perspective on things for the time
~But idk if it would be too meta heavy??
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
A break from our regularly scheduled (ha) emo lyrics to take a moment for Florence + the Machine, one of my absolute favorites.
Undertale Sans/Ace - “And oh poor Atlas, the world's beast of burden” (What the Water Gave Me - Ceremonials) Undertale Papyrus/Lief - “And I'm ready to suffer, and I'm ready to hope” (Shake it Out - Ceremonials)
Underfell Sans/Chisel - Cut down, but the battle won, Oh, what is it worth, When all that's left is hurt? (Queen of Peace – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Underfell Papyrus/Spur - “And the only solution was to stand and fight” (Only If For a Night - Ceremonials)
Underswap Sans/Scout - “Cause I'm gonna be free and I'm gonna be fine” (Deliliah – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Underswap Papyrus/Piper - “At some point in the party I thought my heart was failing You said, Hey, you're ok. You seem to be still standing" (Light of Love – No Album)
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip - “Did I build this ship to wreck?” (Ship to Wreck – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote - “A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night, May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright” (Howl - Lungs)
Horrortale Sans/Tender -”It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth” (Lungs B-Sides – Hardest of Hearts) Horrortale Papyrus/Cook - “But I like to think at least things can't get any worse” (Hurricane Drunk - Lungs)
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc - “Want me to love you in moderation, Do I look moderate to you?” (Moderation – No Album) Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint - “I start spinning, slipping out of time, Was that the wrong pill to take?” (Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) - Lungs)
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze - “Another battle; never won, And each side is a loser, So who cares who fired the gun?” (St Jude – How Big How Blue How Beautiful) Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus - “From what I've seen so far, the good ones always seem to break” (Sky Full of Song – High as Hope)
Underlust Sans/Shine - “I'm not here looking for absolution, because I found myself an old solution” (Bedroom Hymns - Ceremonials) Underlust Papyrus/Calico - “I'm gonna leave my body, I'm gonna lose my mind” (Leave My Body - Ceremonials)
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – “As I move my feet towards your body, I can hear this beat it fills my head up” (Drumming Song - Lungs) Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot - “The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me” (Hunger – High as Hope)
Outertale Sans/Saturn – “The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out, You left me in the dark” (Cosmic Love - Lungs) Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – “I was born in a big gray cloud, Screaming out a love song” (Remain Nameless - Ceremonials)
Farmtale Sans/Sage – “I want a space to watch things grow, But did I dream too big?” (South London Forever – High as Hope) Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – “From you the flowers grow, And do you understand with every seed you sow you make this cold world, Beautiful” (Patricia – High as Hope)
G!Sans/Aurum - “In those heavy days in June, When love became an act of defiance” (June – High as Hope) G!Papyrus/Viridis – “This fantasy, this fallacy, this tumbling stone, Echoes of a city that's long overgrown.” (Heartlines - Ceremonials)
Bonus ; Normally I am dead-set against reusing a track, but this line it too perfect
Frisk - “You think you need it, you think you want love, You wouldn't want it if you knew what it was” (Moderation – No Album)
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
What If s/o ask skele bro a little help with a play that they were rehearsing. Before skele enter the room, he listens to them:
S/o: No! I can't kiss you anymore. If he saw us......
Skele bro: Do not fear, my dear. He will never know.
Main ten (plus FSG if you dare >;) )
Sans: just walks in like he suspects nothing. You and papyrus keep rehearsing like normal before finally noticing that he’s there. Sans will forever tease you about your “affair”. It drives you and papyrus insane he knows his brother. Papyrus would sooner die than cheat with sans SO
Papyrus: this wouldn’t be suspicious at all. Especially since papyrus can clearly hear the laughter in sans’ voice. Also sans had been recording the whole exchange and keeps sending papyrus voice recordings to ruin the suprise. Papyrus comes in and immediately starts shaming sans for spoiling SOs lines in the play
Star: “YOU CAN KISS IN FRONT OF ME, I WONT MIND” cue immediate gagging noises from honey and a horrified explanation from you. Star knows you and his brother are no cheaters
Honey: he’s shocked. He doesn’t believe this. There’s no way his SO will cheat on him with his brother. Honey will walk in with a total deer in the headlights expression. Star immediately catches on to what he’s thinking and starts laughing. You’ll have to explain since Star is busy teasing his little bro for being gullible
Red: he’ll blink in suprise and keep listening in. It wasn’t the words per say that caught reds attention. It was the tone of edge’s voice. Edge is a Horrible actor. It’s painfully obvious his brother is felling super awkward right now lol
Edge: ok first of all, red knows exactly how jealous edge can get, so red wouldn’t dare make any sort of romantic move on his SO without permission. So heading red say that will have edge pause in a mix of confusion and annoyance. If this is a prank, it’s a pretty lame one. Once you explain, edge won’t care what you guys are doing. It’s probably better that red helps anyways since edge’s acting sucks.
Mal: it’s pretty obvious you two are working on a skit. Especially since cash is speaking in a new accent. Mal continues on like normal
Cash: he immediately feels the jealously course through when he hears mal speak. When cash comes in with the angriest face, mal will immediately catch on and start explaining and chastising his little brother. Cash won’t want you practicing with his brother anymore. He’s a great actor! He’d be happy to help!
I’m assuming this isn’t a poly relationship with oak and willow because if it was they would just be all “but you always kiss my brother in front of me??”
Oak: in all honestly, oak would be totally cool if you kissed his brother and won’t realize that you two were acting. What annoyed him was the statement “and he will never know”. He’s got a crap memory bit he’s not stupid. Oak will be annoyed with you and willow both until he forgets about the incident
Willow: oak is like the worst person to rehearse with since he both making puns and keeps loosing his place. It’s more likely that willow comes across you trying to get him to focus instead.
Also how dare you tempt me with the gold bros. I’m only doing it because this ask is funny
Wine: coffee is a wonderful actor, bit wine knows his brother will sooner die than hurt him like that. Wine strides in with full confidence and walks right past you two as you continue rehearsing.
Coffee: wine is also an amazing actor. Coffee will be at the door growing steadily more and more jealous until he hears you ask to try the lines again. Then coffee is embarrassed. He forgot you were rehearsing. He’s going to sulk for the rest of the day
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thejessofmess · 4 years
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Wow is that some actual hintings of a story-line? Oh don't worry, it'll be back to wholesome shenanigans before you know it. Previous: Part 3-1 Here! 
Next: Part 3-3 Here!
So in this universe Sans and Papyrus are both aware of certain aspects of the Undertale world.  The skele-bros both have some little unique quirks to them that other monsters don't, for example Sans' ability to know a creature's LV and EXP.  As per normal, Sans still has his secrets and Papyrus is still precious and somewhat naive; but being brothers they do talk and have understanding with each other.  I also think it's clear at this point I'm depicting the Knight as having will/mind to a certain degree.
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underimagines · 4 years
Commission - A Day Out
Mob/Mafiatale!Asgore, Chara, and Sans Part 2 to THIS commission! 
“After recovering over the next few weeks/months/whatever and slowly turning into a full on Boss Monster, they go out on their first date. How does their evening go?”
Fandom: Mobtale/Mafiatale  Pairings: Asgore/Reader, Sans/Reader, Chara/Reader  Length: 3k (1k per Scenario)  Rating: T+
For @jainwolfe! Thank you for commissioning me once more!
“Is this what it feels like to be royalty?” You laughed nervously, twirling a lock of hair around your clawed finger. “Being watched all the time?”
Asgore gave you a soft smile but sighed all the same. “I can’t say that it’s not similar. How are you feeling? If you want to go back home, then…”
“No!” You said it quickly, too quickly, then took a breath and tried again, “No. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Just got to get my bearings first.”
He nodded understandingly. “Take your time.”
This was a unique situation, and it called for patience, which Asgore had plenty of. He watched you shuffle in place for a moment, brushing your paws over your furry snout. You pushed the tuft of fur hanging between your floppy ears out of your eyes and gave a deep, shuddering sigh.
It was strange, seeing you like this. You looked so much like him. And Toriel. But he could still see you, under all that fur and fluff. Especially when you gave him that awkward, lopsided smile he knew so well.
“Alright, I think I’m good.”
“We’ll take it slow.” He offered you his hand, gently. You took it, with only a moments hesitation. But that was okay. No matter how much time you needed in order to deal with this, he would be there by your side. This time, he’d be there for you.
This time, he’d be able to protect you.
Hand-in-hand, you stepped out of the store and back into the streets. You flinched under the glaring sunlight beaming down from the bright blue sky. It was a beautiful day, but to you it just felt like way too much. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen.
“So, where are we off to today?” You asked quietly, leaning into his side as you made your way down the sidewalk. You kept your eyes pinned to the ground, too nervous to look up and see if anyone was looking at you again. Asgore carefully shifted the bag full of freshly baked bread on his free arm, to check the list he’d made.
“We have to stop by the florist to get some more seeds for the garden.” He tucked the little piece of paper away and glanced down at you, smiling. “What do you think we might need more of? I’ve had my eye on some sunflower seeds for a while.”
“Sunflowers are fine.” You replied in a small voice.
Asgore sighed to himself. He looked forward to the days when you would be able to talk with him again, without fear of drawing attention to yourself.
But he understood your reluctance. Even now, there were Monsters and humans alike watching you walk down the street together, their eyes following your every movements and their jaws slack in awe. He wanted to ask them, politely of course, to keep their eyes to themselves.
Ever since what had happened had happened, rumors had been flying through the city streets.
He led you quietly down the streets, your arm tucked against his own, shoulders pressed together like sardines in a can.
The florist was open, thankfully. And from the looks of it, there weren’t many customers at the moment. Which was lucky for both of you, because neither of you wanted to deal with a crowd right now.
Asgore looked down at you, a soft smile creasing his face as he placed a hand on your elbow. “If you’d rather wait outside, I’d be okay with that.”
“No!” Your grip on his arm tightened. “I mean. I want to stay with you. Please.”
He sighed, in relief more than anything. “Okay.”
As the door swung open, the florist perked up from behind the counter. “Hello! How can I help…”
Their voice trailed off as they stared at the two of you, wide-eyed and frozen. You wondered what you looked like to them. The King of Monsterkind, and his Boss Monster hybrid partner. What a freak-show.
“Why don’t you go look at some of the flowers?” Asgore whispered softly against your ear. “While I conduct the business side of things?”
“Okay.” Reluctantly, you unwound yourself from his embrace and headed over to the aisles of flowers and plants lining the walls, while Asgore straightened his shoulders and headed towards the counter.
You were nervous at first, being away from his side. Though the distance was small, it took everything in you not to just run back to hiding behind him.
But as you traversed the aisles of flowers, you found yourself beginning to relax. The atmosphere of the flower shop was extremely comforting. All the scents, colors, and different kinds of plants made you feel safe. Like you were walking through a giant garden. It reminded you of home, and the garden that you and Asgore had planted together.
You stopped in front of a pot of Amaryllis flowers and looked over the tag. Each one had the meaning of the flowers written on them.
“Worth beyond beauty.” That struck a chord with you. As a human, you’d considered yourself okay looking. But now, as a Boss Monster, your appearance was something you were having the biggest troubles getting used to.
You didn’t notice Asgore approaching you until his shadow stretched over the section of shelf you were standing at.
“Do you like those flowers?” He asked gently, leaning in to place his chin against your shoulder. “Amaryllis, yes?”
“Yeah.” You couldn’t help but blush because of how close he was. “They’re very pretty.”
“Then I’ll buy them for you.”
You turned with a gasp. “No, you don’t have to!”
“I want to.”
You fidgeted in place, nervously, but eventually gave in and let Asgore take the plant up front.
As you walked out of the florist, arm-in-arm, you clutched the little pot of flowers close.
Maybe one day, you’d be able to view yourself in the same way that people viewed the Amaryllis.
With worth beyond the boundary of beauty.
“Sans, I feel like everyone is staring at me.”
He glanced up, to see you tugging at your hat, trying to pull it down over your face. Your other hand was wound with his own, fingers intertwined. You glanced around nervously, shrinking beneath the curious stares and open-mouthed gawking of the nosy crowds.
Too nosy, he thought to himself.
“can you blame them?” He shrugged, giving you one of his signature lazy, lopsided smiles. He quickly added a wink when he saw the hesitation in your eyes. “they’ve probably never seen anyone as beautiful as you before.”
“Sans—!” Your cheekbones flushed a pleasant pink color, which you quickly hid beneath gloved hands. “Shut up, you know that I’m not…”
You shifted your weight a little, staring hard at the ground. Your tail swept across the sidewalk, thumping against the concrete anxiously.
“not what? cute? adorable? amazing? because i’d hafta disagree there.”
Maybe humans thought you looked a little weird. But Sans had never seen a more beautiful skeleton…whatever you were. Not a normal skeleton, definitely. But strong, with spines and claws, and big sharp fangs. Even for someone made entirely out of bone, you exuded raw power.
But beneath all that, he still saw you. He saw it in your smile, and the way you blushed, and how you’d fidget nervously. He heard it in your voice. He watched it surface when you walked, how you sat, how you did just about anything. Even in this new, strange body, he knew you were still the you that he’d fallen in love with.
And to him, that was beautiful.
“i’ll always love you a skele-ton.”
You bit back a snort, and the edges of your lips curled back in a smile.
He grinned, knowing that he’d gotten you there.
“what? don’t tell me you don’t like my ribbin’ anymore?”
“Sans, please.”
“tibia-honest, maybe you’re right. these ones are getting a little stale. i’ll have to think up some new ones, but it’ll be hard to marrow it down.”
You shoved his shoulder lightly, rolling your eyes. The gleaming multicolored lights danced in your sockets as you grimaced at his terrible humor. Which, of course, only made him smile even wider and give you a playful shrug.
“y’know what my brotha’ always says. i’m a real numb-skull.”
“You are.” You smiled. “But you’re my numb-skull.”
Now it was his turn to flush, the pink color dancing across his cheeks for just a moment.
“yeah, i really am. n’i couldn’t be happier ‘bout it.”
As you walked down the street, side-by-side, he reached for your hand. Sans wasn’t usually a big PDA type of guy, but today, he was feelin’ kinda bold. Hand-holding bold.
You paused as you felt his fingers intertwine with yours. Now that you were mostly skeleton, the feeling was so different from when you were a human. There was no soft skin against hard bone. You were the same now.
And it was oddly comforting, in a way.
“so, whatcha wanna do today?”
“Mm.” You scratched your chin in thought. “I’m not sure. It’s been a while since I was out. Is there anything good happening around town right now?”
“nah.” Sans actually had no clue, but he wasn’t about to put in the effort to go investigating. “say, how about we stop by grillby’s? my treat.”
“Sans, we always go to Grillby’s!” You said it with annoyance, but there was still a smile on your face.
“what’s not to love? good food, spending time with friends, a warm atmosphere.” He looked up at you and winked lazily. “it’s perfect for dates.”
“Papyrus would say otherwise.” You teased him, gently nudging his shoulder with your own.
“that’s because paps has too delicate of a palette.” Sans shrugged again. “y’know, i think he secretly likes grillby’s. he’s just too stubborn to admit it.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night!”
You giggled as he led you down the street to his favorite restaurant. He kept the small-talk up the entire way. It was a nice break from all the staring and strange looks you were getting. Having Sans there with you was the biggest distraction you could have asked for.
But as you reached the doorway, you found yourself hesitating.
Sans turned, his hand on the knob. He looked up at you, a bit of worry creasing his features. “something wrong, babe?”
“I just…” You tucked a strange of ectoplasmic hair behind your nonexistent ear. “How will everyone react, seeing me like this? I look so weird now. And different. What if they think I’m creepy? What if they’re intimidated because I’m a Boss Monster? What if—”
“hey, hey! slow down.” Sans held his hands up, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his skull. All that anxiety was starting to affect him, too. “you know these guys. they’d never speak ill of ya. more than likely, they’ll all just be happy to see that you made it out okay.”
“How can you be so sure?” Your claws tightened in the fabric of your blouse, and he could see the tension in your shaking hands.
“because, i’m a regular. have been for a long time now. i know grillby’s like the back of my hand.” As he spoke, he lifted up his free hand, and offered it to you. “just trust me. everything’s gonna be okay. i promise.”
Sans wasn’t big on promises he wasn’t sure that he’d end up keeping. But this was one that you both knew that he would.
After a moment’s hesitation, your expression grew determined. “Okay. I trust you.”
His grin widened as you slipped your hand into his own. The sensation of bone against bone was strange, but also oddly comforting somehow. Human, skeleton, Boss Monster. He didn’t care what form you took. He loved you all the same.
Hand-in-hand, he led you into Grillby’s, knowing that this place would never let him down.
And he’d never let you down, either.
“This is a bad idea.”
They couldn’t help but agree with you.
Chara was not the kind of person who liked to stray far from home. But it had been a while since you’d last been on a date together, and they weren’t willing to let you stay at home and mope over your predicament any longer. You needed to get out, both of your shell, and out of the house.
Still, as you walked down the streets, side-by-side, they weren’t oblivious to the stares you were receiving. It was understandable, given your new form. A side-effect of the transformation process over-going your soul. Chara didn’t find it nearly as inconvenient as you seemed to, however.
Pinpointing what exactly you had become after those weeks in the hospital was difficult. You weren’t exactly human. But not entirely Monster either. Some sort of mix of both. If they were still a child, Chara would have had no doubt that they would have been jealous of you. But now that they’d grown considerably, both emotionally and physically, they found themself pitying you instead.
But you didn’t deserve that.
They watched you duck your head, trying hard to ignore the way people were gawking at you as you sluggishly made your way down the street.
Chara sighed and slid their hand down to meet yours. With a gentle squeeze, and a soft smile, they assured you of their presence. Satisfaction followed, watching the tension drain from your face, as you returned their sentiment with a squeeze of your own.
“Things are going to be okay.” They mumbled gently, trying to assure both you and themself. “We will get through this, together.”
“I know.” You sighed. “It’s just hard, getting used to all these…”
You lifted your free hand, clenching and un-clenching your clawed fingers into fists. “Changes.”
“If it’s any consolation, I would give anything to be in your position right now.” Ah, that wasn’t the right thing to say. They watched you flinch, and quickly followed up with, “Not what you underwent, of course, but. To know what it’s like to be part Monster. It’s always been a dream of mine.”
“It’s not much different from being a human.” You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck self-consciously. “I’m just a little fluffier.”
Their smile quirked up at the edges. Well, you weren’t wrong about that. Thick waves of fur decorated your body, stretching all the way down to a swishing, spade-tipped tail that dragged across the ground as you walked. Your claws were sharp and dark, and they could see your long fangs sinking into your lower lip as you chewed on it nervously.
“Well, I think you’re beautiful.” They said, softly.
Your long, deer-like ears pinned back against your head as your cheeks flushed a pleasant pink color. You tried to wave them off. “You’re just saying that.”
“I might be, but I mean it.” They squeezed your hand again, tighter this time. “You are incredible. Your determination, your willpower, your beauty. All of them intrigue me, in so many ways. Don’t you believe me?”
“I do…it’s just.”
Chara tilted their head to the side. “Just what? Is that I’ve said it, not enough?”
“No! No. I mean.” You sighed, shaking your head. “It’s just something I’m still getting used to.”
“Don’t worry about it.” They assured you, rubbing a thumb across the web of your palm. “No matter what happens, I’ll be by your side.”
“Chara…” Your ruby eyes shimmered with un-fallen tears. “Thank you.”
They smiled, gently, before returning their attention to the streets around you. “Where do you want to go today?”
“Do you think…” You hesitated a moment before continuing, “Do you think that café is open? The one we both like.”
“We can always check.”
Thank goodness you did, because it was open. And with very little customers, to boot. Which meant that you wouldn’t be getting as many stares as you were out here.
Chara led you into the tiny establishment and pointed towards a booth settled in the corner-most area of the café. “Let’s sit there.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’ll go save our spot.”
You didn’t like leaving their side, but once you settled into the dark little corner, you found yourself relaxing. It was nice and secluded here. No one could see you, and you couldn’t see anyone else. Just Chara, at the counter, giving your regular orders to the very flustered looking barista Monster.
Afterwards, they came to join you, sliding into the seat opposite yours with a smile on their face.
“What’s up with that smile?” You couldn’t help but ask. It looked mischievous, like they were planning something.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” They waved you off, but you couldn’t help but feel like there was something more to it.
A few minutes later, the barista made her way around the counter, and approached your booth, with a drink in both of her hands, and a tray on her third.
She set down each drink in front of you, and then turned to you with a wide smile. “Happy Birthday, dear!”
You blinked in confusion as she set down a very fancy, delicious looking volcano cake in front of you.
“But, it’s not…”
“Thank you.” Chara interjected. “We’ll take it from here.”
The barista winked and turned away to return to her post.
You looked up at your partner in disbelief. “Did you lie about it being my birthday, just to get us free dessert?”
“I’m not wrong, am I?” They didn’t even wait, just unsheathed their fork and scooped up a sizeable bite of the delicious chocolate pastry. “You’ve been reborn, after all. This is your birthday.”
“Well, I…” Damn, they weren’t wrong. Still felt like it was wrong, though. “Fine, but this is my Re-Birthday, okay? I’m still celebrating my human birthday, too.”
They shrugged. “That’s fine with me.”
You rolled your eyes, but finally began to dig into your “birthday” cake.
Maybe today wasn’t so bad, after all.
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Monday 1 February 1830
8 50/..
1 25/..
At my desk at 9 3/4 – Fahrenheit 18˚ at 9 a.m. – breakfast at 10 1/2 in 20 minutes – Cottard came ordered new wheels to be in readiness for next spring to be 350/. tout ce qu’il ya de meilleur – the tailor came – gave me his prices and shewed patterns – to decide in a fortnight – 
Wrote little note to Miss Hall to ask if I should call for her at 2 to go to the Bois de Boulogne to walk – and then wrote 2pp. to Marian – went out at 2 1/4 letter about 12 from Mrs James Dalton (Croft Rectory) 3pp. and the ends filled by Isabella Norcliffe to get a black Chantilly veil at 150/. says Mrs James Dalton to get one for her at 200/. says Isabella Norcliffe and to get silver earrings for the latter – 
Went out at 2 1/4 – called for Miss Hall walked my usual walk and back to the porte mayot in 1 3/4 hour – she is tolerable as a companion – 1st time of talking with her – Took Miss Hall with me to Madame Contart’s to order the veil, set her down at home, and got home myself at 5 3/4 – dressed – dinner at 6 1/4 –  came to my room at 7 20/.. – (on getting home found letter from Lady Stuart, Whitehall – 1/2 sheet full in envelope – very kind letter – she thought I had been long in writing and hoped I should think she had been long in writing too – tolerable account of herself of Vere who seems to have been very unwell – Mr Charles Stuart too, very unwell but better – 
After dinner at my anatomy os due temporal till 8 3/4 when Dr Tanchou came and stayed till 10 35/.. – evidently came to inquire if I had anything contre (against) Madame de Rosny – she had been at his house in a fine fit of anger about it – Said I really could not understand all this – I had never been refused to her but when refused to everybody and she had only called twice without being admitted – I had received her note yesterday week, and had told my servants to let her in even though I might be denied to others – this was all I could do – could not write – she knew all about this – could not go to her house, all which she understood quite well – had tea tea and coffee at 9 3/4 – at last told him I could not receive her chez moi but in my own cabinet de lecture – 
Alluded to her smuggling to her being considered an intriguante and that in fact it was not in my power to look up any ostensible intimacy etc. etc. 
He approved much all I said – could not deny the justice of it – staid talking to my aunt till 10 55/.. then came to my room – wrote all but the first 3 lines of today – Miss Hall talked today of her journey to Italy, to join the family of Mr Harvey who married 1st one of her sisters the widow of sir William de Lancey by whom he has 2 girls (10 and 8) living, and marrying a 2nd time a Miss Ramsay has 2 girls living by her also who died a month after her last confinement – now at Naples – to spend the summer at Sienna with his last mother in law Mrs Ramsay and the children – Miss Hall to help to take care of them – 
Talked of travelling per diligence somehow I cannot make much of her perhaps she is thought clever in Edinburgh she is not stylish or ladylike enough for me too scotchy and mediocre – 
Miss Hall mentioned the subterranean gypsum quarries at mont martre – said I had not seen them – nor she – promised to take her –
Fahrenheit 18˚ at 9 a.m. at 22˚ at 2 1/4 p.m. and 16˚ at one tonight snowy morning till about 11 then tolerably fine – but all the time we were out though fine enough yet a small fly about flake or 2 of snow every now and then till jut as we g[o]t b[a]ck to the porte mayot – then a fine setting sun, and fine evening very [hard] – cold of course – had just done the above at 11 35/.. – 
Had the menuisier this evening after dinner about a garde manger for the kitchen – Delahaye rue de l’arcade no. 24 en face de la chapelle expiatoire – will do the thing for 12/. – was porter at the Sénés last year – guessed my skele[]n armoir at 25/. – did not say it cost 55/. what cheating – faisait semblence de l’avoi acheté à meilleur marché que 25/. – the wood so green, it will not lock – he is to rearrange it on sunday at 10 a.m. – from 12 to 12 50/.. at my anatomy os temporal –
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Sanders Sides Percy Jackson AU!
SO! @moon-scribs and I have been working on this one for a while and we hope you like it!
Logan is a child of Athena 
Roman is a child of Apollo (The very extra son of a very extra god)
Remy is a child of Hypnos (Hypnos is the god of sleep)
Virge is a child of Aphrodite and Patton is a child of Hades (Bare with us for a second, we´ll tell WHY we did this below the cut)
Emile is a child of Epiope (The goddess of the soothing of pain)
Deceit Damian is a child of Hermes (Hermes is, among other things, the god of deception)
Thomas is a child of Iris (Y´know, the goddess of the Rainbow)
More about this under the cut! (Warning: Its ridiculously LONG)
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Child-of-Aphrodite! Virgil
When deciding upon which god he should be the child of, we mainly thought about how he was before pre-acepting anxiety, how he felt like “The odd-one out”, how he felt like he “didnt belong here”. See where we are going with this?.
Virgil is supposed to be the child of the goddess of beauty, but he honestly cant see it. He is way too pale. Way too lanky. His hair is too messy. He has eyebags that are bigger than his fist. He isnt “pretty”.
His siblings arent helping with that either: They are incredible extroverted people, they actually care about their appearance, about trivial things like make up and clothes, they are known to be extremelly social, their fucking cabin its mOTHERFUCKING BARBIE MANSION PINK AND ALL.
He doesnt fit with them, sure, he can get along with most of them just fine, but he still feels wrong.
He has charmspeak, but he doesn't knows how to use/control it and its also heavily influenced by his emotions, so when he's really stressed out it activates, mostly to keep his friends out of danger. (Its basically like his canon anxiety demon voice, it can influence them like that scene where v's like 'GET RID OF THE PHONE NOW' and Thomas just throws it without thinking )
His first days on camp were pretty rough, and he was thinking of running away, that is, until he met a very cheerful son of Hades.
Child-Of-Hades! Patton
Patton “Hellhounds are just misunderstoods puppies!” Medina
Patton “Oh that kid looks sad and lonely and uncomfortable Im going tO BEFRIEND HIM” Medina
All the hellhounds just become big puppies around him, he has a tiny army of Cat-skeletons and dog-skeletons following him everywhere that are always either playing with him or trying to get pets of him. 
Since there is literally just one other kid of hades in the cabin most of the bunks are empty so one of them becomes the Cave(tm) of Patton´s bony friends (Its just a bunch skele-pets under a blanket) 
 Also one of the bunks is reseved for Virge, since sleeping in a pink barbie mansion surrounded by SO MANY PEOPLE made him incredible anxious. And Patton could not let his precious friend and crush suffer! He has already went through enough! 
 One of the funniest things to Virgil its the fact that the Hades cabin looks like where vampires would live and then BOOM SUNSHINE BOY 
Patton´s Brother: ugh it's too early to-is that the sun??? I thought there were no windows here??? 
Virge: No, that's Patton
He is the first one to discover that, despite Virgil not believing it, Virge is actually FUCKING gorgeous. Like, one day he makes Virgil giggle and Patton feels as his heart might burst: Virgil´s hair was messy and fluffy and it kinda covered his eyes, but you could see them sparkle with amusement and he had this tiny and kinda shy smile and all that Patton could think was: “goDS ABOVE IM TOO GAY TO FUNCTION- HELP”
Despite his sushiney attitude, lets not forget that, as a child of Hades, Patton is actually fucking powerful, and will not hesitate to absolutly destroy whatever and whoever tries to hurt his fami-friends and his home
Child-Of-Apollo! Roman
You know how Percy´s sword turns into a pen? Yeah, Roman´s katana turns into a golden and silver hairbrush. 
Was sent to camp since he was really young and trained in hand to hand combat until he became the best. 
Has an enthralling voice and incredible acting skills and he can dance like the muses, but cant shoot straight to save his life (Pun not intended lol) and if he tried to heal a paper cut it would probably get infected .
Loves the camp dearly, but he misses his family a lot so he Iris-calls them every saturday
Child-Of-Athena! Logan
Hands down the best strategist in the whole camp. 
Cant do hand-to-hand combat to save his LIFE, but he is amazing with long distance weapons. Bow and Arrow? Logan will pull a hawkeye shit where he NEVER fails. He is good at making traps, like, he studies what surrounds him and can make a scooby-doo-like trap with branches and shit he found laying there. People do not Fuck with him during capture the flag. 
You know how Athena´s kids are all terrified of spiders, right? Welp. Logan has a Patton-level fear of spiders.
“Pardon my crude language, but I don't fuck with those tiny ass demons”
Child-Of-Hermes! Damian
“You, my child, are amazing, but you have the moral of a chocolate muffin”- Thomas, to him, after spending 15 minutes alone together.
Will 100% fuck shit up, not in a “IM EVIL FEAR ME” way, but more in a “Remember my father is also the god of pranksters do not fuck with me Virgil”
Has definitely not pranked Roman and Virgil and had to unceremoniously hide in a tree top so this two would not murder him in the time it took for Emile and Pat to calm them down
Child-Of-Hypnos! Remy
He is a child of hypnos, and as such, drinks unhealthy amounts of coffee so he can stay awake.
He can make everyone he wishes fall asleep instantly just by touching them and he can make it last as long as he wishes (More than 4 hs per person tires him tho)
He doesnt have an ounce of common sense in his whole body and Emile still doesnt know how he managed to stay alive for this long.
Child-Of-Epione! Emile
He is not gifted with healing like some childs of Apollo, yet he is able to sooth the pain of others. No, not only as a psychologist (He is not one yet, but he wants to be one when he grows older), but also as an overall comforting presence: He is kind, his voice is calm, he is sweet, patient and emphathic. 
One hug from him will not heal all your pain, but will make it hurt less, giving you the strength to keep fighting it for a while.
Really, REALLY not good at fighting.
Cried for a whole day when he learned that the camp has no tv so he couldnt watch any cartoons while he stayed there
He was very lonely growing up as before getting to camp, so he used to watch A LOT of cartoons to keep himself occupied, to avoid feeling alone.
The human mind and emotions never ceases to amaze him.
Child-Of-Iris! Thomas
Thomas started going to camp at a very young age, so he kinda knows everyone. 
Despite that fact, he got claimed on the summer after his 15th birthday. 
He was walking across the camp towards the Big House to say hi to Chiron when a full on rainbow surrounded him and Iris´s logo started glowing on top of his head. He looked at the rainbow, then he looked down at his “could be gayer” t-shirt and burst out laughing.
He spends only summers on camp, and since he is a bit older than most of the campers, he became a sort of counsellor to new campers whenever he is in camp.
He helps the new ones with training, teaches them how to get around the camp, teaches them how to read in greek and greek history (To them its history, no mythology) if they dont know anything about it. 
He is super supportive of every new camper! Like, if they are training and one of the newbies fucks up (Drops his weapon, falls, trips, whatever) he will instantly start going “Its okay!! No one can do this right in their first try!! It took me like a year just to stop sucking at it!! You are trying your best and thats whats important!!”
He gave one look at Virgil´s angsty demeanor, Damian´s snarky attitude, Roman´s fake confidence, Patton´s pattoness, Logan´s insighful and wise opinios, Remy´s complete lack of self preservation and Emile´s internal screaming as he tries to keep the rest of his friends fucking mentally stable and immediatly decided “Im going to adopt them”
While Thomas is an excelent “counsellor” and loves his friends, sometimes he will be watching the other 7 human disasters run around and get into shenanigans and just be like: Those kids are already so fucking weird this might as well happen 
Asked to be tagged: @fandoms-till-the-end-of-the-line @thatgaydemigodnerd
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the-colony-roleplay · 5 years
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The storm starts to dissipate by Monday, January 31st.
The howling winds slow, the white caps soften and begin to recede back into the navy masses of an ocean grown tired of its lengthy growling. The dark clouds overhead have lightened, like they are considering letting up and moving on but have yet to commit to doing so. Rain still falls, but it’s lost its menace for the time being and though the grounds are still soaked, some merchants and trainers venture out under rubber hoods to assess the damage.
By the first day of February, the skies have cleared, and the lockdown is officially lifted. Down at the docks, ships are finally able to set sail to collect resources and make other deliveries, now nearly a week behind schedule. The people of Colony 22 look to the horizon with grumbling stomachs, hoping to see new ships on course this direction, bringing fresh offerings from the trade agreement to help out their depleting shelves.
Hunting chores and fishing do resume, but the Hub remains closed as Merchants take a day to make any necessary repairs and sort through stocks that may have been drowned during the storm. Training also remains cancelled, as the grounds try to recover from the flooding.
The morning of Thursday, February 3rd, the Hub reopens and the training is officially back up and running. This is the day the package arrives.
A ship has docked at the shores of Belvedere Island and a couple of water logged Marine Merchants lug several large wooden crates up the front steps of Colony 22. ‘FRAGILE’ is stamped across each of them in imposing red letters.  The Marines bring the crates directly to the Chancellor’s office, to be delivered into his hands only, as per their direct orders. They apologize profusely for the delay; they’d been docked up near the Southern coast of Wales, their last delivery point, unable to take to the water again while the storm had raged on.
Accompanying the crates is a letter, addressed to Chancellor Dervilia, which is pulled from inside the Merchant’s jacket and is the last thing passed Quinn’s way before they take their leave.
The envelope is a little damp, and the slightly thicker drafting stock paper folded in clean lines. The letter simply reads:
Chancellor Dervilia,
Enclosed in this shipment is a specimen that has been engineered in the labs of Colony 1. It has proven to have significant effect on the faculty of the Infection abilities, however it remains temporary, and its side effects are currently too substantial to be of immediate use. We have now distributed this sample to other research labs across the Colony system to expedite progress.
Please put your best scientific personnel on this immediately for further research. The constitution of new veins and varieties of this specimen by way of research and testing is encouraged, and any resulting conclusive progress made should be reported immediately back to you, and then to Reformist Headquarters, respectively.
It is IMPERATIVE that information regarding this specimen be STRICTLY PROHIBITED to NWRF personnel ONLY, exception made only for non-NWRF lab and research specialists. However, all parties must be instructed to keep the existence of this specimen and all research surrounding it STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, and any breach of this NWRF mandated privacy must be reported to Headquarters immediately and face further government investigation.
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to the Mandate,
NWRF Headquarters
Though the information is reasonably restricted, this delivery sounds like good news to the NWRF aligned. Perhaps a cure is within their reach.
However, it takes less than 24 hours for the truth to become obvious.
In the labs, researchers and technicians have been testing the contaminated flour tied to the spread of the Colony-wide parasite for several weeks. Though they have not come up with any conclusive answers, they know the nature and base structure of it well. It only takes a couple preliminary observational tests, and a peek through a microscope, for it to become obvious that this is the source of such a parasite. This man-made compound has been engineered to manifest the way it does, meaning that just as some anti-NWRF had already feared, the ‘contaminated shipment’ of flour had been no accident. It had been a full scale experiment.
What is most worrying, however, from a Reformist perspective, isn’t the execution of the experiment itself (though some who remember the severity of their own illness may staunchly disagree), but the fact that it’d all been done under the intentional ignorance of the Colony Reformist Reps—even the Chancellor himself had been left in the dark. What does this kind of revelation say about their reigning government? Is this a betrayal of trust for the NWRF Reps or simply necessary means to conduct testing vital to the future of mankind?
As the discovery spreads in shocked whispers and moments of uneasy disquiet throughout the labs, the forthcoming becomes nauseatingly obvious: someone will need to inform the Chancellor, and quickly. But who will carry such a burden, and how should it be handled? And more particularly... how will Quinn react to such news?
Once these decisions are made and the Chancellor is informed, Quinn will in turn be faced with his own quagmire—will he personally inform the rest of the NWRF Reps and agents about this matter? Will he hold a meeting, or pass on the responsibility to his subordinates? Will he confront the NWRF HQ about this betrayal and demand answers, or will he decide to keep his mouth shut? Where do the Colony 22 Reformists go from here?
Hey team!!
So, this ~tantalizing~ new plot drop is sort of like a secretive prologue to part three of our Fever State event! But what makes this plot drop so unique from our previous one is that this is largely an OOC reveal. That is to say, we’re letting you, the muns, in on some pieces of the story to which 80% of the characters will remain totally oblivious for now. 
However, this is a vital stage of what will come in the next stages of Fever State, and as you can see, directly affects the NWRF characters, (especially the Reps & Elite NWRF) as well as any and all Scientists, Lab Researchers & Techs, etc—even those not specifically aligned with the NWRF.
While plotting and brainstorming the details of the unfolding of these incidents and spreading of information should begin in the NWRF OOC starting now, and will be soon seen hitting the dash in various forms, it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL THAT NO NON-NWRF CHARACTERS (WITH THE EXCEPTION ONLY OF LAB RESEARCHES & TECHS) ARE PERMITTED TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. That is to say, that you may NOT plot to reveal or leak this info to ANY characters outside of the group stated above, even if you have NWRF characters with close relationships with Non-NWRF characters. This is strictly because the future of this plot that Lottie and I have been formulating for the past year, relies on this element remaining under wraps for the time being, but we definitely wanted to give the NWRF characters some interesting new elements to work with!  
We highly encourage applicable muns to use this information once their character(s) find out about it, and explore this development in plots with other NWRF, as well as in internal narration, while keeping this huge secret. Keep in mind too, that NWRF characters of various ranks will find out in different ways and at different times—Lab personnel would be first in the know, then most likely the official Reps & Quinn etc. Non-Elite NWRF, who are not directly involved, would likely not know immediately and would have to find out some other way, if at all. (e.g. Felix is NWRF aligned, but he is not of any kind of Elite status, and therefore has no immediate right to the knowledge. His father, however, would be informed relatively swiftly, but is something this confidential the kind of thing he’d tell his petty, self-absorbed and immature son? Probably not.) This kind of plotting should be taken to the NWRF OOC to be immediately accessible to all muns with whom it directly relates.
In the meantime, however, Non-NWRF characters are seeing the end of the storm, and can be focusing on the lift of the lockdown, outdoor resource chores going back to normal, training being back in rotation, Merchants repairing and reopening the Hub, the Catch and Stables being accessible again, and the lingering affects of the flooding of the grounds.
The verse timeline will move forward to the first week of February, but as this is not an event, you have the regular amount of vague flexibility. However, please use the specific dates listed in the post above as official canon reference points, and plan your threads and plots accordingly. Your plots should not extend past the 5th or 6th of February, until the next timeline update.
Other things to think about is that Game season is coming up again, at the end of Feb/beginning of March, so training will likely intensify in the coming weeks. Is your character looking forward to off season being over, or dreading it? We may also have some chore-related changes and plots in the near future for you, which will be a bit of new content for y’all to gnaw on, and chore rotations will be updated on the main this weekend as well.
Finally, with regards to the NWRF skeles, as you know, that task got backburnered with the loss of my grandfather, but once this plot element is safely underway, I hope to start gradually working on this again with Lottie in the coming weeks!
Alright kidlets, you know the drill! If you have any questions or concerns or wonderments, please bring them to the main blog! Preferable the ask box, so we can reply publicly and help out others who may have similar questions!
Love you all so darn much and happy Evil Scheming and Drama-ing!
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sky-whale-creations · 5 years
My Camp Halfblood additions
Hey! So me and my friends have been doing percy jackson sonas. I would be a kid of Hades and can summon drachmas, riches, money, etc, up to about $47,000 per month, around my weight in silver. On top of that, they have 5 man dedicated skele entourage, plus whatever workers are available. Knowing myself and based on those powers, I would get straight to bringing the camp into the modern age and trying to make it as great of a place as possible.
1: Indoor plumbing
Bathrooms are about 10k, meaning every cabin would have indoor plumbing within 6 months
I would be living there full time and no way am I going to go without modern amenities like that.
(I’d also turn cabins into more or less actual houses, like fraternity/sorority kind of deal. Hades cabin gets 4 bedrooms, a small kitchen, etc but that’s for another post)
2: Campsites
I’ve been camping a looot and campsites are the way to go! Splitting the 20+ cabins into 3 campsites. They foster a sense of community, independence, and would allow the Big 3 to act as quasi senior cabins, not in charge, but splitting up the camp as their parents have split their domains. Everyone gets a fair share, plus it allows like minded people to stay together!
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(sorry it’s a little big)
The main area, in the shape of the Omega sign. There’s a bit of a plane and big field with a few sporadic trees.
The chthonic kids closer to the forest, tucked away in an area. There’s a tree line on both sides, hugging it.
And then the nero (water) kids over by the lake. I thought it would be interesting to add cabins for Amphitrite, Nereus, Ceto, and Pontus!
If you want to learn about Poseidon’s court and their additions, check it out over here! https://sky-whale-creations.tumblr.com/post/181725948188/a-well-rounded-fleshed-out-poseidon
3: Campsite entrances
Since Thanatos does not have children and is the spirit of death, their statue would be at the entrance of the Chthonic campsite. They’re a great conversationalist and can give cthnonic kids a weekly 2 drachma allowance if they pay respects.
The entrance to the Nero campsite would have a well dedicated to Achelous, god of fresh waters and vitality. It’s water is clean and pure and if you know what you’re doing, you can probably get high from it
My one friend decided that as a kid of Zeus they would take the statue out of the cabin, but couldn’t think about a place to put it. I suggested it as the entrance! I think it would look really cool
4: Hermes vending machines
I had this idea from looking at this post
Snacks and drinks based off of different myths and artifacts and legends!
Camper: Hey, isn’t it kind of shitty they take our drachmas for snacks and stuff?
Dionysus: Kid, look around you. The nearest cvs is 8 miles that way. You should be glad you have some use for the junk
*Sliiides a coin in with a satisfying clunk*
Anyways, yeah! Just some ideas I had about. Hope you liked it!
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send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it || accepting
I actually have a whole-ass text document about my own personal version of Underswap, making it more of a roleswap along the lines of my own personal swap AU (PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT THAT IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN ME MAKING THAT A REALITY) than a personality swap. This is gonna be a long one, so I’m putting it under the cut.
First of all, instead of Chara swapping with Frisk and Asriel swapping with Monster Kid for some reason (WHICH DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE CONSIDERING ASRIEL IS STILL ASGORE AND TORIEL'S SON), Asriel and Chara swap and Frisk stays where they are. I dunno what happens to Monster Kid, I guess they stay put too. Wouldn't make sense to swap 'em with Frisk. Maybe not even every single character would switch.
Toriel/Asgore swap:
Asgore was so ashamed of how Toriel received his idea for collecting the human souls necessary to break the barrier (that is, poorly) that he exiled himself to the Ruins, never to be seen again by monsterkind. Toriel finds herself, regrettably, taking Asgore's mantle on his promise, but she doesn't have it in her to do it and ends up just taking all the humans in under her wing--or would if any of them other than Frisk survived to get to her.
Asgore basically serves as the Goat Dad of the ruins, much like canon Toriel, but given his lack of self worth, he doesn't try to stop Frisk from leaving by sheer nature of the fact he thinks he couldn't if he tried. An optional sidequest before you leave the ruins allows you to engange in battle with him and subsequently spare/betray him (he is too strong to even hurt with your starting equipment and LV unless you betrayal kill him), which is required on the True Pacifist route--alternately, he stands in your way regardless in the No Mercy route, because no one else is left to stand in your way and he doesn't want the fact that he let you murder everyone outside weighing on his conscience.
Napstablook/Mettaton swap:
Napstablook owns a multimedia empire and a robot body thanks to Mettaton's help and encouragement. They're the underground's premier DJ and star, though they're genuinely kind and humble--not nearly as narcissistic as their cousin. Actually, Blooky ends up being one hell of a pushover even despite their confidence boost. Mettaton, still being a ghost, handles the PR side of things, but takes frequent breaks in the ruins.
Dr. Undyne designed Napstablook's robot body to be as shonen as possible--like, Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken levels of ripped, which humorously juxtaposes their placid demeanor. Their battles are mainly rhythm game segments, given their affinity with music, but Undyne's Human Eradicatin' Weapons Systems frequently accidentally kick in to make things dangerous. Even when they just want to talk ;~;There could be a sidequest in which you help convince Undyne to build them a body that maybe isn't loaded with deadly weapons (good luck with that part) and an appearance more befitting their tastes and personality.
Sans/Papyrus swap:
Papyrus finds out through overhearing a conversation that he's just "too sweet/gentle" to be in the Royal Guard, but not being one to give up on his dreams so easily, he instead pushes for Sans to join the Guard, so Papyrus can live vicariously through him. Sans doesn't really care for it, but as long as his brother's happy, he is too. In trademark Sans style, despite him successfully making the cut for the royal guard, he doesn't really try. His puzzles are all extremely easy (if you can even call some of them puzzles) and his fighting ability is laughable at best, so he hires Papyrus to "help out." This serves a double purpose: so Sans doesn't have to do much, and Papyrus still gets to do what he loves, even if it isn't officially sanctioned by the highers-up.
If you try to kill Sans during your "fights" with him, he just conveniently avoids each attack and makes a snide remark--you have to betrayal kill him after having not tried to attack him for a few turns before you're able to spare him. Papyrus has some new tricks up his sleeve if you fight him as the judge of your sins, and he's a total damage sponge along the lines of Undyne the Undying.
Nice Cream Guy/Burgerpants swap:
Burgerpants runs a burger stand in Snowdin, but boy, he is not happy about it. But it pays rent, and nobody is hiring for the skill set he has, so he just begrudgingly does what he has to do to survive. Over the course of a Pacifist run, you help him get over himself depending on how well his burgers sell. The burger wrappers initially contain morbid observations about the world around him the first time you meet him, but he ditches the idea altogether because it's too much extra work, and just sells them plainly wrapped from then on.
Nice Cream Guy, meanwhile, works at the Nice Cream Parlor in Napstablook's resort. Mettaton gives him a hard time sometimes, but he genuinely seems to be happy, doing what he loves working for someone he looks up to. Napstablook actually treats him with respect compared to canon Mettaton with Burgerpants, and the place ends up being surprisingly successful. He hints at Burgerpants being immensely awkward around him but trying to make an approach nonetheless, and he finds it simply adorable.
Grillby/Muffet swap:
Grillby lives with his niece/daughter/other-younger-female-relative, Fuku Fire, in Hotland. He runs a moderately successful bar/nightclub where you would normally encounter Muffet in canon Undertale. He's trying to raise money to put Fuku through college. You have to pass through, but he mistakenly believes you're trying to get into the club despite obviously being underage and has a bouncer fight you off. Once the bouncer is talked down, Grillby realizes his mistake and opens up a limited shopfront for you, where you can buy non-alcoholic beverages that provide different buffs. If you kill the bouncer, he'll give you the alcoholic menu selection out of fear, with stronger buffs but debilitating side effects that affect your soul's movement in the Bullet Board. Frisk, being a child, is quite the lightweight. You don't encounter Grillby OR the bouncer on a No Mercy run, allowing you to loot the place for free, like the Snowdin shopkeeper.
Muffet's bakery in Snowdin is closed for business until after the Sans and Papyrus boss battle. During the hangout scene with Papyrus where he takes you there for the opening ceremony, Muffet is welcoming at first, but Papyrus tries to order something without having the money to pay the exorbitant price, and skele-daddles on outta there, leaving you to deal with Muffet's wrath. After calming her down, you get to see her friendlier side, convince her to charge more reasonable prices for her menu items, buy various Spider Pastries/Beverages, and talk to her about the situation of her kind. I said I don't like Underswap much at all, but I seriously dig the rollerskate café aesthetic that Muffet has going on in that AU, so that'll probably stay the same.
Undyne/Alphys swap:
Alphys built a mech suit that could change the face of the war against humanity, but unfortunately, operating it is such a complex measure that only she can figure out how to use it. Rather than letting her invention go to waste, Undyne promotes her to a high ranking position in the guard and, unable to find anyone else with Alphys's talents, offers to work as Royal Scientist in her stead, with her advice. You encounter her in a similar fashion to Undyne--she tries her hardest to block out her conscience in her attempts to kill you, but in a True Pacifist route, you manage to appeal to her conscience and eventually befriend her. The mech conveniently runs out of power during the final encounter, which is the only time you're able to kill/spare her. Else, it's impervious to all attacks. In the No Mercy Run, the mech switches to reserve power. The boss becomes straight up bullet hell, but as it expends more energy, it becomes more vulnerable to attack. Avoiding damage causes it to burn through energy faster than if you get hit, so you better Git Gud, as they say.
Undyne's favorite part of the scientific process? Blowing shit up, of course. Regardless, she turns out to actually be pretty good at the other parts, too. The lab is a complete mess when you first find it. Undyne was watching you on the screen, like canon Alphys, and came to root for you over time. She'd intermittently pipe in to taunt (or eventually cheer you on) over the cameras (with speakers attached) hidden throughout the Underground. In a True Pacifist route, you go down to the True Lab with her to find out about Alphys's DT experiments from before she was a member of the Royal Guard. She confronts Alphys about it, but ultimately she can't stay mad at her and they end up getting engaged anyway, because Undyne is more willing to look past Alphys's flaws than most of the fandom who assumes she created the Amalgamates deliberately out of malice, incompetence, or both.
Asriel/Chara swap:
Chara is Flowey instead of Asriel. Their soul ended up being bound to the being of a flower, and, given that they HAVE a soul, they still have the ability to feel emotions. This doesn't make them less mischievous, as they ARE detached from the consequences of their actions since they could previously just reset at any time. Initially, in a neutral route and most of a pacifist route, they decide they've had enough and try to kill you so they can go back to having their "fun" with the inhabitants of the underground (complete with an Omega Flowey sequence as per usual--if a lot more difficult because of the seventh human soul, but you can persevere through it). At the end of the pacifist route, they unlock the combined potential of seven human souls AND all the underground's monsters. You are physically incapable of hurting them as they can just load state back to before you hurt them. The only way to beat them is to bore them. Survive until they get bored of trying to kill you, and at that point you can try talking them into reforming, sacrificing their ultimate power to break the barrier and restore everyone back to their previous places. Unlike canon Undertale, since they still have their soul, they don't face the threat of turning back into a flower, but they do fear what might happen if anybody else saw them literally returning from the dead. You can choose to either humor them and let them stay behind with their thoughts, or talk them into coming with you to the surface, which affects how the Pacifist Ending turns out. They have a great deal trouble readjusting back to human society given their troubled past, but you managed to convince them to bear with you. Even after learning a valuable lesson about other sentient beings, they're a little uncomfortable with letting their guard down for fear of getting hurt again. Recovery doesn't happen overnight, after all.
Asriel's essence lived on in Chara's favorite bed of golden flowers, too. Frisk's sweater managed to pick it up, and, mistakenly thinking they were Chara, Asriel's consciousness latched on. Asriel serves as the game's narrator, much like the fan theory that Chara serves that end in the actual game. Whatever route you pick through the game shapes Asriel's character--he may not remember most of his life, but again, he has his personality. On a No Mercy route he initially pleads you to stop, questioning why you would hurt people like this, before eventually losing his childlike innocence and only narrating the bare essentials. He shows up at the end of the No Mercy route in his Hypergod form, as a being made of pure unfiltered LV, to directly call you out on your actions as the player, like Chara. Unlike Chara, you can't bargain to sell your soul to play the game again. He just locks you out of the game entirely, not wanting to watch those events unfold again. The only way to replay the game after a No Mercy route is to tamper with the game files yourself.Likewise, narrating a pacifist route, he's as chipper as ever--if having picked up a bit of snark from his time with Chara. He'll remark on situations that seem familiar for some reason you just can't place, and will try to reach out to Chara during the final Pacifist boss, before realizing they can't hear him. At the end of the pacifist route, you can choose to give up Frisk's soul to allow Asriel a second chance at life--again, affecting how the pacifist ending plays out. There would be some moral fuckery about whether it was the right thing to do, since that was Frisk's soul, not technically yours to give. It'd create an interesting parallel to the "you can't save everyone" narrative Toby had in mind, but on the other hand I also want it to be clear that Frisk is less a blank slate for the player to project onto, and more their own character that acts as an extension of the player's will--and giving the player that choice might run against that.
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sherristockman · 6 years
What Are the Benefits of Cyanidin? Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Cyanidin and its glycosides are among the six major anthocyanins, which is a large class of water-soluble plant compounds responsible for producing the brilliant blue, orange and red colors found in fruits and vegetables. Fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and raspberries — as well as apples, peaches and pears — are rich in anthocyanins, as are vegetables like eggplant, radishes, red cabbage and red onions. The highest concentrations of cyanidin are found in the skin. Consumption of cyanidin-rich foods is believed to reduce your risk of arthritis, cancer and diabetes. If you are dealing with one of those conditions, or simply want to learn more about a plant compound that is beneficial to your health, you'll want to get better acquainted with cyanidin. Cyanidin Is a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant and Antitoxic Beyond adding vibrant color to your fruits and vegetables, anthocyanins such as cyanidin have been shown to possess many health-boosting properties including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. According to phytochemical experts,1 cyanidin's radical-scavenging actions help protect your cells against oxidative damage and reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. Its glycosides are easily absorbed into your blood plasma. You may be interested to know cyanidin is considered to be a stronger antioxidant than vitamin C, vitamin E and resveratrol. As such, cyanidin quickly neutralizes reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical and reactive oxygen.2 Plants rich in anthocyanins may assist you in controlling inflammation, especially related to arthritis (more on that later). For this reason, cyanidin is believed to be an important factor in the prevention of nitric oxide-mediated inflammatory diseases.3 Cyanidin also has been called out for its antitoxic properties, particularly its ability to resist mycotoxins caused by fungi. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests cyanidin reduces DNA fragmentation and oxidative damage caused by:4 Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), a carcinogenic metabolite produced by certain types of Aspergillus (mold) species Ochratoxin A (OTA), a "possible carcinogen" that is a metabolite of Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicillium verrucosum, a type of cold-adapted fungus About cyanidin's antitoxic effects, the researchers said, "Our experiments proved the significant cytoprotective effect of cyanidin-3-O-β-glucopyranoside (C3G) in vitro against OTA- and AFB1-induced cell damage."5 Cyanidin Shown to Positively Influence the Treatment of Malignant Colon Disease In a study published in Scientific Reports,6 researchers from the University of Eastern Finland, working in conjunction with the U.S. National Institute on Aging, noted the promising role berry pigment, also known as anthocyanins, may play in cancer treatment. The study focused on the effect of berry pigment on sirtuins — a type of protein involved in regulating your body's cellular processes with respect to DNA repair, inflammation response reduction, longevity and metabolism. Specifically, the study highlighted the effects of anthocyanins on a lesser-known sirtuin referred to as SIRT6, which has been linked to glucose metabolism.7 Given the study outcomes, it's possible the regulation of this enzyme could open up new avenues for cancer treatment. "The most interesting results of our study relate to cyanidin, which is an anthocyanin found abundantly in wild bilberry, blackcurrant and lingonberry," says lead study author Minna Rahnasto-Rilla, who holds a doctorate in pharmacy at the University of Eastern Finland.8 Specifically, Rahnasto-Rilla and the school's sirtuin research group noted cyanidin:9 Increased SIRT6 levels in human colorectal cancer cells Decreased the expression of the twist-related protein (Twist1) and glucose transporters (GLUT1) cancer genes Increased the expression of the tumor-suppressor forkhead box O3 (FoXO3) gene in cells The findings show anthocyanins such as cyanidin, which are abundant in berries, can increase the activation of SIRT6, and therefore reduce the expression of cancer genes as well as cancer cell growth. The study authors stated: "The most potent SIRT6 activator, cyanidin, belonged to anthocyanidins and produced a 55-fold increase in SIRT6 activity compared to the 3 to tenfold increase for the others. Cyanidin also significantly increased SIRT6 expression in Caco-2 (colon cancer) cells."10 Cyanidin May Be a Key in Prostate Care According to the American Cancer Society,11 prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer among U.S. men. They suggest about 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with the disease during his lifetime. Notably, about 60 percent of the cases are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older. In 2018, more than 164,000 new cases of the disease are expected to be diagnosed and upward of 29,000 American men die of prostate cancer annually. Given these facts, the good news is cyanidin has been shown to be a beneficial natural treatment for prostate cancer. Researchers have long thought differences in diet — particularly the consumption of wine, which contains cyanidin and other beneficial polyphenols — may explain the high rates of prostate cancer in the U.S. as compared to the much lower rates among men living in Mediterranean countries. In those countries, a diet rich in fish and olive oil, as well as healthy amounts of fruits, nuts and vegetables, is thought to act as a natural cancer inhibitor. Authors of a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry said:12 "Epidemiological evidence indicates that polyphenolic compounds in diets are protective against cancer, and cyanidin and kaempferol are abundant in wine and plants. Therefore, the objective of the investigation was to determine the effects of cyanidin and kaempferol on prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein levels, and if peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) and nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB) are involved in the expression of COX-2 in prostate cancer cells." What they found was that cyanidin lessens PGE2 production and COX-2 expression in human prostate cancer cells. The study authors stated, "Cyanidin and kaempferol … reduced the level of PGE2 in … cell cultures and also attenuated the effect of arachidonic acid on increasing the amount of PGE2. Cyanidin reduced the levels of COX-2 protein in a dose- and time-dependent fashion."13 A 2015 study published in the International Journal of Oncology14 found cyanidin induced cell death and differentiation in prostate cancer cells. About the results, the researchers said:15 "[C]ompounds like polyphenols, capable of inducing differentiation may represent potential chemotherapeutic agents. We show for the first time that C3G, the most abundant anthocyanin in the human diet, inhibits cell growth and cell viability, resulting in the reversion of both androgen-sensitive (LnCap) and of the androgen-independent (DU145) [prostate cancer] cells from a proliferating to a differentiated state." Cyanidin Protects Your Heart; Be Sure to Eat Blueberries and Strawberries Blueberries and strawberries, both of which are rich in anthocyanins, including cyanidin, are highly regarded for their role in helping protect your heart and lower your blood pressure. Past research revealed that women ages 25 to 42 who ate more than three servings per week of blueberries and strawberries had a 32 percent lower risk of having a heart attack.16 Anthocyanins are known to benefit the endothelial lining of your circulatory system, possibly preventing plaque buildup in your arteries, as well as promoting healthy blood pressure. Other research has shown these antioxidants to protect against heart disease by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, while enhancing capillary strength and inhibiting platelet formation.17 Eating blueberries has also been shown to lower your blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics18 involving postmenopausal women suggests blueberry consumption positively affects blood pressure. The women, who had either prehypertension or hypertension, received a placebo powder or freeze-dried blueberry powder — an amount equivalent to about 1 cup of fresh blueberries — daily for eight weeks. While the placebo group saw no significant changes, the women supplementing with blueberries realized a 5 to 6 percent drop in both their systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure readings. Measurements of nitric oxide were also significantly increased in the blueberry group, with no such change in the control group. Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels maintain their elasticity and also dilates your blood vessels, thereby reducing your blood pressure. The study authors stated: "Daily blueberry consumption may reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness, which may be due, in part, to increased nitric oxide production." Can Cyanidin Help Prevent and Control Diabetes? The significance of anthocyanins, such as cyanidin, in the prevention and treatment of Type 2 diabetes was highlighted in a 2018 literature review conducted at the Wroclaw Medical University in Poland.19 The study authors reviewed previous research related to the importance of anthocyanins in regulating carbohydrate metabolism and reducing insulin resistance as major factors in lowering the risk of Type 2 diabetes. According to the team, to date, a number of studies involving humans and animals have demonstrated anthocyanins:20 Enhance the secretion of adiponectin and leptin Fuel the activation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase Increase the activation of PPARγ in adipose tissue and skeletal muscles Inhibit intestinal alpha-glucosidase and pancreatic alpha-amylase Reduce retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) expression Regulate glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) gene expression and translocation Additionally, anthocyanins were found to improve insulin secretion by rodent pancreatic beta cells. Because individual anthocyanins and their glycosides have different activity, the researchers recommended eating a variety of plant products as part of your daily diet to ensure you are getting a wide range of anthocyanins. Cyanidin Found in Cherries Shown to Decrease Arthritis in Lab Rats A 2005 Chinese study21 suggests cyanidin — specifically cyanidin from cherries — due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helped decrease arthritis (paw swelling) in lab rats. After arthritis was introduced via injection into the paws of four groups of lab rats, researchers treated three of the groups with cyanidin. One group received a high dose, another a middle dose and the third a low dose. The hind legs of the rats in the four injection groups, as well as those in a separate control group, were observed over a 14-day period. The researchers noted cyanidin could protect against paw swelling in the rats receiving the arthritis injections. Throughout the study, swelling in the cyanidin-treated groups was significantly reduced compared with the group that received the injection but no cyanidin treatment. The study authors stated:22 "Histological examination of sections through the hind limbs revealed alleviation of inflammatory reaction in the joint after the treatment. The cyanidin could protect against the paws swelling in arthritis-induced rats, and alleviate the inflammatory reaction in the joint, and the mechanism might … improve the total antioxidative capacity and scavenge the free radicals … The results suggest cyanidin from cherries could be one of the potential candidates for the alleviation of arthritis." Although Cyanidin Is Beneficial, You Must Limit Your Daily Fructose Intake While berries and other colorful fruits are both tasty and nutrient-rich, I recommend you eat them in moderation. Even though whole fruit contains natural sugars, for optimal health, you must limit your fruit intake. As such, I advise you keep your total fructose intake below 25 grams (g) daily, including fructose from whole fruit. If you have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or insulin resistance you should limit your daily intake of fructose to 15 g until your condition improves. Because most berries and thin-skinned fruits are sprayed with pesticides, it's always best to buy organic or grow your own. Below is a table showing the amount of fructose present in various cyanidin-rich fruits:23 Fruit Serving Size Fructose (g) Apple 1 medium 9.5 Blackberries 1 cup 3.5 Blueberries 1 cup 7.4 Boysenberries 1 cup 4.6 Cherries, sour 1 cup 4.0 Cherries, sweet 10 3.8 Cranberries 1 cup 0.7 Peach 1 medium 5.9 Pear 1 medium 11.8 Raspberries 1 cup 3.0 Strawberries 1 cup 3.8
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