#a lil homage to your fic angie <3
erikahenningsen · 5 months
22. A french kiss/kiss with tongue
cc: @emilyjunk
Part 1 / Part 2
Last week, in Honors Ancient Greek Literature, Mr. Rapp had introduced them to the Myth of Sisyphus, and Regina had laughed.
You're laughing, Janis had texted Regina under her desk. Sisyphus is condemned to endlessly roll a boulder up a mountain and you're laughing.
Regina had gotten a stern admonishment from her teacher, but she couldn't find it in herself to care—not when she's in an eerily similar hell of her own making.
Here Regina is, at the base of the mountain, when Cady drops her backpack onto Regina's floor and says, "So Aaron did this weird thing this past weekend."
Regina, who has developed some warped Pavlovian response to the mention of Aaron—a mix of both anticipation and dread—raises her eyebrows in expectation.
"So we were kissing," Cady says, and Regina's heart rate picks up at the same time her stomach twists, "and he..." She pauses, making a face. "Licked me? Like on the lips. Is that normal?"
"Well, yeah," Regina says. "Have you never kissed someone with tongue before?"
Cady huffs. "You know I haven't."
"Right," Regina mutters, mostly to herself. "Well, I guess if you've never done it before, it would seem really weird."
"Yeah, I think he could tell I didn't know what was happening," Cady admits, running a hand through her hair. For some reason, she seems genuinely upset by this.
"I mean, if you don't like it, you don't have to do it," Regina says, although she can't imagine Aaron, the least confrontational person Regina has met in her entire life, forcing anyone to do anything.
"But I want to," Cady says earnestly and—okay, that kind of hurts.
Cady looks at her. Regina looks back.
"So..." Cady says, with a meaningful look. "Can we... practice?"
Regina should say no. She should really, really say no. She can't imagine a way that this ends that isn't very, very bad.
"Okay," Regina says.
She starts pushing the boulder up the mountain.
Cady comes to sit next to Regina on Regina's bed, then scoots a little closer, bracing one hand on the bed.
"Okay, um..." Regina murmurs, moving so they're close enough to be breathing the same air.
Cady places a hand on Regina's cheek with a confidence that makes Regina inhale sharply. She tries not to think about the experience that Cady has gained between when they first kissed and now.
Regina places her hands on Cady's waist and leans in, halting just before their lips touch to instruct, "So when you feel my tongue, just open your mouth a little bit."
Cady nods, barely perceptible, and Regina closes the distance between them.
Cady's lips are just as soft as Regina remembers, and she's almost embarrassed by the way she immediately feels hot, all over her body. For a moment, she forgets what she's supposed to be doing, lost in the feeling of Cady's lips slotted perfectly against hers.
Regina is suddenly aware of how nervous she is, even though she's been kissing boys with tongue since she was twelve. Carefully, as though Cady might suddenly change her mind and back away, she traces her tongue across the seam of Cady's lips.
Cady tenses, and for a second Regina thinks she might pull back, but then she parts her lips—a little too wide, so Regina gently guides her mouth closed a bit with a a hand on her jaw.
Regina tilts her head and brushes her tongue against Cady's. Somewhat unsurprisingly, Cady doesn't move, just keeps her lips parted exactly as instructed, so Regina strokes her tongue more purposefully, coaxing it to life.
Seeming to get the hint, Cady starts to respond, pressing a bit closer with a soft sound that Regina knows will be playing on a loop in her brain later. Regina traces the roof of Cady's mouth, sweeping in broad strokes, and is rewarded with the hand on her cheek sliding around to the back of her neck to pull her impossibly closer.
Experimentally, Regina retreats, but leaves her lips parted invitingly. For a moment, they sit their awkwardly breathing into each other's mouths, before Cady gets with the program and tentatively begins to explore Regina's mouth with her tongue.
It's like every fantasy Regina has desperately wished she never had has come to life, and all Regina can do is cling to Cady's waist as Cady's tongue dips lower to sweep over her bottom lip, then her top—and Regina lets her, frankly impressed that she hasn't passed out or started hyperventilating with how fast her heart is slamming into her ribs.
And then, totally without her permission, Regina moans, a deep sound originating in her chest expelled directly into Cady's mouth.
Regina pulls back abruptly, feeling her face start to burn. She looks anywhere but at Cady.
For a moment, the only sound in the room is heavy breathing.
"Wow," Cady says. Regina refuses to look at her, but she knows she looks beautiful. "Um, thanks."
"Yeah," Regina says, voice hoarse. "Anytime."
The boulder rolls back down the mountain.
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