#a lamb among wolves || glimpses of wen fei
independencs · 3 years
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( jessie mei li, non-binary, they/she,  28 ) ** ♔ announcing WEN FEI WINDSOR nee ZHU,  the QUEEN CONSORT from ENGLAND ! upon closer look, they resemble JESSIE MEI LI. it is a miracle that SHE/THEY survived the last five years, considering they are GULLIBLE, CREATIVE, and KLUTZY. i hope the plague has not changed them. they are FOR working together with the other kingdoms.
A child born to the previous Ming emperor with one of his many concubines, Wen Fei has always tried her best to fulfill everyone's expectations of her but it seems that always keeps falling short no matter how much she tries. They were actually painfully shy as a kid, but through lots of hard work and forcing themselves till they had bad inner anxiety, they eventually managed to make it seem like they was more than fine with socializing and approaching ppl all for the sake of pleasing their parents, family and fulfilling their plans.  In truth however , Wen Fei really gets nervous about being the one to initiate a conversation or approaching ppl first, so there are times when they stumble over their words or is very awkward in keeping up the flow of the conversation. If it's with a horribly intimidating person or like a karen, she can get tongue-tied.
 Currently she has managed to improve more on her social skills since she had to slowly prove her worth to the English court when she arrived 8 years ago and then especially when she became queen. She can be quite clumsy sometimes, and miserably has two left feet when it comes to dancing. She absolutely struggles with following, remembering and then executing the dance steps well, as she really isn't that flexible or graceful.
When it comes to learning her studies and nailing down all the duties expected of her, she does it decently well , but it was never good enough for her parents who expected her to be as brilliant at all her tasks like her older siblings.
 However, what her parents don’t really know of, is that she is terribly talented with doing creative work that involves her bare hands. Secret hobbies that she has cultivated over the years has made her an expertly skilled with woodcrafting, pottery work, tending to all sorts of animals, especially falconry, and sculpting. She actually has a secret art gallery of sorts back home in China, which is only known by a select few. One of her fav hobbies is also horse-riding and she is so good & in-tune with horses that she can actually ride them bareback, despite her originally clumsy nature.
She is also quite naive, timid , hates confrontations , but has a big compassionate  heart and adores children so much. She can be quite naturally funny  and teasing IF she gets comfortable enough with you. 
She was actually super homesick ( HER SIBLINGS ARE THE ONES SHE MISSED THE MOST AS SHE WAS CLOSEST TO THEM ALL )  and lonely when she arrived to court and during her first few years. Initially during the first 2 years, she had made fast friends with her assigned lady in waiting, Bessie, who truly taught her a lot about the English court and helped her a lot. It lead to her loving Bessie intensely as she would a sister. However, once the plague started and Bessie left court to stay safe in her own estate,  she was all alone again and it was then she gathered up the courage to try turning to her very indifferent husband for help, as the world of the English and the Chinese IS SO VASTLY DIFFERENT. Thankfully enough, Charles did eventually take pity on her in some of her mishap moments. 
With Wen Fei’s naturally sweet, understanding, pleasant , sunny and  sincere nature, she tried her best to remain optimistic about her relationship with her husband and tried her hardest to cultivate a bit of friendship with him, cos she wanted the marriage to work. She wasn’t that naive to think that their arranged marriage would turn into one of real love but she was hopeful that at the very least, the both of them could eventually, no matter how slow the process would be, share their lives as friends. 
Fortunately, for Wen Fei, after the birth of their son and then later on their daughter, she and Charles seemed to be slowly bonding, through their duties as parents and devotion to their children. 
Arthur was a name Wen Fei chose for her firstborn when he turned out to be a son due to her great love & interest in the Arthurian legends she had been reading a lot on during the time of her pregnancy. Hanna was something Charles had chosen for their daughter to honor her Chinese background and that touched her heart immensely. 
Her children are the biggest true loves of her life currently and she dotes on them endlessly. Life in English court  then gradually got more happier & easier for her to live in , especially since to critical nobles she has done her number one expected duty : of producing heirs & them thinking with her young age & healthy fertility, she was bound to produce more. 
she's more well-adjusted now and has worked very, very hard trying to be good enough for the english court as their queen , and things are slowly looking up it seems , as Charles seemed to be slowly warming up to her lately, even connecting with her once in a while,  she has won over almost half the court by now through her tireless hard work and her darling children brighten up her world like no other with each passing day.  (though there are still some nosy and judgy nobles who still likes to give un-asked for comments, suggestions and opinions , especially whenever she makes clumsy mistakes sdfghjk ) 
Her initially platonic feelings for her husband had unexpectedly and slowly grown to ones of a more romantic nature, but knowing Charles, she keeps her true feelings very lowkey, not daring to show that she has fallen for him for fear of his rejection of her. She could settle for him only eventually  caring for her as friend as long as their relations would always be good. Though her many a-little-more-than-caring actions, might sometimes sub-consciously betray her once in a while XD. 
She still has no idea of Charles’ dark secret and the fact that that secret is one of the main things that keeps him from opening up fully to her. Though she would be  beyond shocked and terrified at first when she  finds out the whole truth in the future, she probably might come around eventually that she is married to a murdered just bcos he did it to save their beloved son. asdfghjkl;lkjhgfd If it were anyone else, she might not come around, but when it's her precious children, welllll, the mind sways....
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