#a heaven full of stars 💙❤️
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 month ago
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Thank you for the tag @annoyingcloudearthquake @thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @lemonlyman-dotcom
@everlastingday @futures-tense @reyesstrand @strandnreyes
@nisbanisba @carlossreaders @ladytessa74 @bonheur-cafe
@alrightbuckaroo @emsprovisions @theghostofashton 🧡
This is a Work is Published Wednesday! A Storm From Heaven, my coda for 5x11, is up on Ao3 now (T, 3k). Thank you to everyone who has read so far!
TK whimpers. It’s okay that he can’t speak anymore and needs a minute. It’s okay.
Carlos looks around, looks at their home beyond the dreamer’s disco of the starry nightlight. Their downtown loft. Such a trendy place that has cradled them. Here they’ve broken up, renewed their relationship, hosted parties, grieved for TK’s mom, got engaged, grieved for Carlos’ dad, lived as a married couple – and now they’re here grieving again.
Carlos looks at the swirling stars and concentrates.
He can hear the creak of a porch swing that needed fixing, so he fixed it.
He can hear the thump of child-feet running down the stairs, the double-thump of a devoted dog tumbling along after.
He can hear himself yelling from the kitchen, “Jonah! Stop cannonballing down the stairs!”
“It wasn’t me!” Jonah chuckles. He’s about nine. Full of lightning-bolt energy and his brother’s charm. “What’s for dinner?”
TK wanders in from the back yard then with the carrots he dug up. Carlos is going to roast the carrots, and they’ll have chicken, potatoes and broccoli to get their greens. In this fantasy, Carlos has decided Jonah will be satisfied with this. The kid has finished his homework. He’s restless. Carlos hands him the vegetable peeler and a potato. TK is on his knees on the tiles, kissing their dog on his head.
Open tag and tags below
@goodways @lightningboltreader @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@liminalmemories21 @orchidscript @freneticfloetry
@honeybee-taskforce @hereghostslive @heartstringsduet
@herefortarlos @tellmegoodbye @ironheartwriter @sapphic--kiwi
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @never-blooms
@chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-tk @pimento-playing-hopscotch
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @kiwichaeng @literateowl
@butchreyes @captain-gillian @nancys-braids @butch-buckley
@henrygrass @laelipoo @nisbanisba @anactualcaseofthetruth
@the-126-family @henrygrass @rangersoup - If you want to share/ haven't already. No pressure ever! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
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this is it. this is the dynamic.
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
YESS SENDING MY FIRST ASK ON MY NEW BLOG YAY okay for the cuddle asks: 4, 6, and 9 with Aqua 🥺
4. Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon? Do you ever switch?
For these two, they do not care whatsoever. They cuddle purely based on vibes.
That being said, Ash does end up being little spoon way more often. As the first one of the group to be a Master + constantly blaming herself for what happened to Aqua, Ash has this tendency to force herself into this role of protector. She just really needs to be held methinks. She feels small and safe and happy with Aqua.
Though Ash doesn't mind holding her pretty girl either! It's nice to switch things up every now and then, and Aqua can be really cute when she's cuddly!
6. How touchy-feely are you with each other in public? 
A little!
Ash and Aqua really love holding hands in public. Ash has some pretty horrific burn scars on her hands from the end of BBS, and it takes her a long time to take her gloves off around Aqua. Aqua loves and cherishes her hands, so she always wants to hold them! These two are a very cute couple!
And y'know how Aqua's outfit leaves her shoulders exposed? If no one is looking, she might lean in and kiss Aqua there. She's a clever little sneak and all that, gets a real kick out of seeing Aqua 😳 and trying to hide it. Ash is all smug about it! Which is funny since if Aqua were to sneak a kiss to her, she'd blush the same red as her coat.
(And um. In Halloween Town, Aqua is a vampire and Ash is a werewolf. As cute as it is seeing Ash's tail wag when she hears Aqua's voice or catches her scent... They may or may not have made out in an alleyway. And Aqua may or may not have bit the shit out of Ash's neck... But um. What happens in Halloween Town stays there!)
So yeah! It's mostly always handholding! Maybe a kiss on the cheek if they're feeling real bold, but that's it. Handholding my beloved <3
9. When you’re in bed at night, do you fall asleep in each other’s arms or keep your distance? 
Always always always in each other's arms. They spent a decade without each other and never want to be apart again. They're both really clingy at night as a result, both silently begging the other to please not go. It gets to the point where Ash just has trouble sleeping if she doesn't know Aqua is safe.
But also Aqua is warm and comfy and Ash just sleeps better when they're cuddling. It's very rare that these two will sleep on opposite sides of the bed. And even if they go to bed like that, they always find their way into each other's arms!
These two are one cuddly couple! I adore them.
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silverselfshippingchaos · 12 days ago
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silverselfshippingchaos · 10 months ago
ash vs not doing dumb shit with her wife plushie LMAAOO
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silverselfshippingchaos · 9 days ago
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ASH/AQUA WOOOO!!! I know I say it a lot but I love that ship sm <3
Do you two have anything planned for the special day? :0
Hi Panchi!!!! So sorry I responded to this so late!
Hehe thank you!
Honestly I'm not one for really fancy anniversaries or whatever, and honestly I didn't have the energy to do much that day (and also I remembered the morning of 💀)
Buuuuut! A.qua sat with me while I played Y.akuza! (The pics of her in the darkness are just for formatting)
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It's always so funny seeing a wild cutscene and going
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As for actual Aqua/Ash... I'm not entirely sure! That being said, these two are so comfortable with each other that they don't often do things too fancy. They grew up together, and their most romantic moments are often their most casual. They love just enjoying each other's company.
And also, they spent a decade without each other. It's nice to just relax and hold each other and feel that they're actually there and that this is real.
If I had to guess, their anniversary probably consisted of them waking up late in each other's arms, cooking a sweet breakfast together, cuddling, making out, more cuddling, more making out, probably baking something together, more making out, getting a nice dinner, and then more making out <3
It's nothing fancy or overly romantic, but it's really all they'd ever want. Just enjoying each other's company :D! It's enough to make me the happier girl ever.
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silverselfshippingchaos · 10 months ago
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a lovely collection of my wife plushie looking at things.
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
what's the weirdest thing aqua's ever done? ❌️
Weirdest..? Oh, that's easy. It's gotta be the hair. I mean, why the hell is her hair dyed bright red? She's literally called Aqua???
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silverselfshippingchaos · 3 months ago
1 and 4 from the Relaxation Takeover Asks for Aqua! :>
"Well, this is no good at all... I could've sworn I answered this whenever it first came in, but I suppose tumblr had different ideas for me. Ash had a few choice words for that. I... won't be repeating them. Obviously. Anyways..."
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1. What do you and you S/O like to do when you both have a day to yourselves?
"Ash likes to cuddle. Of course, I like to as well, but I've started to give up on the very idea of getting up early in the morning to train because I always feel her arms wrapping around me and pulling me back into bed. Hehe, it's actually quite adorable! Don't tell her I said this, but she starts to whine if I move."
"Other than that, Ash and I like to relax together. Whether it's us baking yummy treats together, or training, or even just doing laundry... We love to enjoy each other's company!"
4. Do you and your S/O like to play multiplayer games like Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros?
"No way I can't like playing games when I'm married to someone like Ash! I do love watching while she plays those story-type games she usually plays, but joining her is fun too! I wish I was better at fighting games, but I like those games where we solve puzzles together! Ash sometimes gets frustrated, but usually calms down after a kiss. N-not that we're spending all of our gaming time- I- Okay, moving on!"
"I like puzzle games and party games! That way, Ven and Terra and the others can join in too! I... don't think Chirithy can hold a controller..."
"Anyways, thanks for the ask and I'm sorry I responded so late. Ash says that Tumblr can go....... You can guess what she said."
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silverselfshippingchaos · 4 months ago
I love changing what jewelry I'm wearing based on what f/o is in my mind that day <3
Ofc I'm wearing my wayfinder necklace because I adore my wife, but one of my ears has a planet/space looking earring and the other has a star-shaped earring. They remind me of my M.ass E.ffect boyfriends :D!
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silverselfshippingchaos · 4 months ago
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a.qua's fire magic was very helpful this diwali!
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silverselfshippingchaos · 4 months ago
hi aqua ^-^ 2, 4, and 14 for the takeover asks pls
"Hi there, my friend!"
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2. Where is your favorite place to kiss them and how do you like to kiss them? Them for you?
"My favorite place to kiss Ash? Her hands. There's no competition there. I... I can understand why she tried to hide them from me for so long, all those burn scars she got from her magic, but I think they're beautiful. She's so strong. I'm happy she trusts me enough to see them, and I kiss them at every chance I get!"
"As for me...? Um, I like whenever Ash kisses me. Doesn't really matter where... But I like it when she kisses my shoulders and my back. She tries to be all sneaky about it too! It catches me off guard sometimes, and honestly it's a little distracting... But I do like it. More than I'd want to admit."
4. What do your family and friends think of them, if they’ve met?
"Ash and I were raised by the same man and around the same people. Her family and friends are my family and friends. So I'd say we all get along quite well! I hadn't realized just how long they had been rooting for the two of us to get together... Were our feelings for each other really that obvious?"
14. Are you able to pinpoint a reason as to why you love them? What is it?
"A reason?"
Aqua softly hums in thought, tilting her head to the side.
"I don't think I can, actually. There are things I love about Ash. I love how she looks, I love her voice, her strength, her humor, her... everything."
"But I've loved her every since we were kids sparring with wooden swords. Sometimes it feels like loving her is all I've known. It comes easy to me, like breathing. There's no specific reason I love her, but I know that I do. I always have."
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silverselfshippingchaos · 4 months ago
1 and 11 for Aqua! - @solitaireships
"Hi there!"
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1. What’s something your s/o does that leaves you speechless, or dazed?
"It's how Ash fights. She's strong, and wields her Keyblade with such grace. I know she'd argue otherwise, but she really does. We'd always spar as kids, and not much has changed now. She's one of the strongest people I know, both combat and in general, but watching her fight... always takes my breath away. In a good way."
"Well, aside from when she recklessly rushes into battle. She always has me to jump in and save her, though! We spent 10 years without each other, and it'll never happen again. I think we fight better when we're together, working as a unit."
11. What do you do to comfort them when they’re down?
Aqua giggles,
"This one is easy! Cuddles!"
"She'd probably get embarrassed if she heard this... Guess it's a good thing she isn't here... But she's a bit of a cuddlebug when it's just us. If she's ever down, all she needs is some cuddles and some kisses. Then I can see that pretty smile again!"
"Ash always relaxes when I'm touching her. Usually whenever I hold her, she talks to me and tells me what's wrong, and we work through it together. These days, though, she just gets all pouty because she wants kisses. Isn't that adorable?"
"Thank you for the ask!"
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silverselfshippingchaos · 7 months ago
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her ass IS gaming!!!!
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silverselfshippingchaos · 7 months ago
biblically accurate aqua/ash
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silverselfshippingchaos · 7 months ago
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to all my m.ass e.ffect mutuals: did you know that grunt is friends with my wife a.qua
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