#a gorgeous white standard poodle
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toyourliking · 3 months ago
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on the bright side I saw a LOT of doggies
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alsworld-litg · 2 years ago
Nayvie - Chapter 1 (title TBD) 
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Feeling very exposed by posting this, however I've had this idea for a novel and Nayvie as a character in my head for longer than I can remember. This is my first attempt at getting her on paper and I truly hope you enjoy. Thank you @luckyqueenreign and @mrsbsmooth for inspiring me to just start writing. Please please be brutally honest with me. Open to all advice as I develop this story over time. Word count - 1711 Trigger Warning - mentions of cheating/infidelity, drinking
Nayvie Chapter 1:
One thing was for certain… my marriage was over. What’s worse, my husband, Dr. Charles Sinclair, wasn’t aware of it yet.
The inner turmoil of this fact was tumbling around in my head at lightning speed. 
“Which is worse?” I said out loud to the silence of our 3,000 sq foot colonial built home.
“Having your spouse tell you they’re leaving coupled with a screaming match and the dramatics of physically leaving to mark the end; or a one-sided discovery of infidelity?”
A mark of ‘The End’ that only I was currently aware of.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that.” the Alexa in the kitchen rang out.
“Yeah, me either” I whispered.
I usually liked the quiet. Between our 5-year-old twin girls, Fallon and Arlowe, or my 6-year-old Standard Poodle, Archie, the house was rarely silent. I loved weekends like this, when Charles headed out of town for conferences or other Cardiology related events. He’d load up the girls and the dog in the Range Rover and send them to Gaga’s house (my mother’s house), before heading out of town. He’d always leave the fridge stocked with wine, the coffee table stocked with books, and the master bath stocked with candles and bath salts for me.
If he got to take a break from our life, I did too. That’s been his mentality and our little tradition since we brought the girls home. No matter how much I ensured him I’d be happy to have alone time with them while he was away, he wouldn’t have it. It started as a sweet gesture, then we’d “fight” about it every time he had to go away, then my Mother got in on the fight (because she’d have the girls with her 24/7 if she could), and from there it became easier to just expect that this is how it would go when Charles was away.
My friends were envious of these “Mommy Weekends”, as they called them. 
“What I wouldn’t give for John to just offer to do a load of laundry every now and then.” Rachel would always say. “Seriously, if you two ever call it quits, I call dibs!”, she’d add sarcastically. 
But that is Charles; the ever considerate, caring, thoughtful man that he always is… or was. I was lucky to be married to not only a brilliant man, but one that so tenderly cared for his wife and the mother of his children’s wellbeing. 
Now though, the silence of this “Mommy Weekend” was mocking me. I opened up the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from the fridge and didn’t even bother with a glass as I strolled through the house trying to slow down my thoughts. 
What am I going to do about this?
How am I going to let Charles know that I know?
Do I let Charles know that I know? Of course I do… right? I can’t stay with a cheating man… can I?
What about the girls?
What about the house?
What about me?
Should I change the locks and throw all his belongings in the front yard before he returns?
Do I take the girls and leave town?
Should I call Audra to begin combing through the pre-nup and filing the papers?
How did I get into this mess?
Half way through my bottle of Sav, I came to a stop in front of our wedding pictures. Him looking movie star gorgeous in his white tux with a jawline that could cut glass, and me, the classic, elegant bride in a Reem Acara all over lace ball gown. I loved these photos. They were breathtaking, editorial, and timeless. The photos even had their own spread in Vogue Weddings - Top Cardiologist ties the knot with esteemed Interior Designer - the headline read. 
Scanning the details of Charles’ face sent a sudden shiver down my spine. A smile that used to ooze debonair, now resembled the Cheshire Cat’s malicious and toothy grin. Had the signs really been there all along? 
No Nayvie. You are not going to do this. 
You are not going to sit here and psychoanalyze every part of your marriage, one that up until tonight has been nothing short of perfect over the last 12 years. 
Should I hate him now? Sure. Maybe. Because I do have every right too, but I will NOT allow myself to see him as the villain in my story. At least not until I figure out how this end comes to a real end. 
I glanced over at the clock on the wall. 8:00pm. My Mother is likely in the middle of the girls’ bedtime routine. Even when they’re away, I still call to say ‘Goodnight’ to them every night. 
“Hi Sweetie!” my mother’s voice rang out loudly. She’s never quite understood that you don’t have to yell through a cell phone for the other person to hear you.
“Hi Mom. How are the monsters treating you?”
“Hush it Nayvie. You know I hate when you call them monsters! They are perfect angels for GaGa!”
They really were angels, but my favorite pastime was pushing my Mom’s buttons, and calling them ‘monsters’ was the latest way to scratch that itch.
“Are Fallon and Arlowe still awake? Can I say goodnight to them?” I asked. 
“Of course you can! But sweetie, are you okay? You sound sad.” she expressed her concern. 
How does she freaking do that? I took a few calming breaths before even dialing her number because she has the super power of knowing when something is off, even when I sound completely normal. It was infuriating as a child and even more so now.
“Oh I’m fine Mom, just cracked open a bottle of wine already! Really enjoying my ‘Mommy Weekend’ early over here!” I tried casually to brush her concern off.
“You know I don’t believe you, but you know I’m here if you need me. Love you so much baby girl. Don’t drink too much! Let me go grab Fall-Fall and Arlie…. GIRLS COME SAY NIGHT NIGHT TO MAMA!”
I stifled a laugh and held the phone away from my ear as she screeched out for the girls. She’s the only one that uses those ridiculous nicknames but the twins love their GaGa fiercely. It’s funny, my Mother and I had a complicated relationship growing up. I was always closer with my Dad as she drove me bonkers, but ever since having the twins, they’ve had an attachment to her in a way I never did. Giving her the twins’ was giving her the relationship she and I never had. The unspoken apology I’ve never been able to muster up. GaGa knew that as well.
I hung up the phone with a single tear rolling down my cheek. It’s unbearable to think that life as we know it will change as soon as I decide to unleash this secret. I should be ugly-crying by now but I feel numb. How did we get here? Why am I the sole holder of this bomb when I’m not even the one that lit the fuse?
More questions. No answers. Well one answer… wine. 
But wine is only a half truth for me right now. I’m still alone in this house with this deafening silence. 
‘Fuck this.’ I thought. I do not have the mental capacity to be near people right now, but being alone was also not an option. This silence is crippling.
I grabbed the keys to my Bronco and texted my assistant Phoebe, “Hey Pheebs! You know I hate texting you on a Saturday, but please set up a meeting with Audra for Monday. Tell her it’s urgent.”
“Of course love! You okay? Anything else she needs to know?” she responded almost instantly.
That’s what I loved about Phoebe. I by no means expect her to be at my beck and call 24/7, but she’s dependable, reliable, and my constant. I would not have been able to build Nayvie Sinclair Designs to be what it is today without her, and she’ll be one of the first to know about this bomb I’m carrying, but not yet.
“All good, I’ll share with you soon. Can you also schedule us a private dining room at The Ravello for our meeting? She’ll know what it’s about. Love you so much, thanks for everything!”
“Okay Nav, your seriousness isn’t lost on me, but I won’t pry… yet. Don’t worry about anything, I’ve got it covered.”
“You know I’d die for you.” I texted back ending our exchange.
I hopped in the car and pulled out of the driveway. I started driving without a specific destination in mind, but a few things were for certain, my marriage was over, I couldn’t be in our house alone, and I wanted to go somewhere where no one knew my name.
The latter is difficult when you’re married to a top Cardiologist and you yourself have a lucrative design firm that’s helped curate a majority of the town's residential and commercial spaces over the years, making the Sinclair name a pillar of our community.
However, while my name was recognizable, Charles’ face was the one everyone knew. Charles would not approve of me going to West End, a side of town that’s more ‘coming’ than ‘up’, but that’s all the more reason it felt right to head that way.
Thirty minutes later I’m on Lee St. passing a dive bar simply named O Bar. However, only the letters B-A-R in the neon sign were illuminated making it look at first glance like this fine establishment didn’t even have a proper name, not that O Bar was a proper name either. The wood paneled exterior, blacked out windows, and the biker chick taking a smoke break out front only added to just how cliche this place really looked. 
Type the words ‘Dive Bar’ into Google and this would be the exact picture that would pop up first. 
The parking lot was empty aside from a blue pick-up truck, the shade of the Caribbean, and two Harley’s. I looked down at my crisp oversized white button down, straight leg blue-jeans, and Gucci slides and couldn't help but laugh.
Yup, this is exactly the place for me.
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daggersandarrows · 3 years ago
y’know what, purely for the fun of it, i’m gonna start keeping track of the dogs i meet every day. it might make some of y’all smile. so. good evening, today i met:
a great dane named alfred
a shih tzu named goldie
a doberman named rocco
a mini poodle named ryder
a mini poodle named jordan
a husky named shadow
an american bulldog named bash
a standard poodle named cannoli
and the dogs whose names i didn’t get or forgot:
five assorted french bulldogs, all different owners
a gorgeous pitty puppy, white and red
a german shepherd/something/akita mix who largely ignored me but was very pretty
two australian cattle dogs, one red heeler and one blue
a very happy acd/border collie mix
shadow’s sibling, also a husky, whose name i forget
two cattle dogs mixed with assorted “other”, siblings, who came in for nail trims and were a little suspicious of the treats i gave them
 a very, very excited yellow english lab who left claw marks on my thigh (worth it)
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mylordshesacactus · 4 years ago
Remnant Kennel Club: Team RWBY
Back on my bullshit again, y’all. This one was HARD. Ruby and Blake especially always really hard! But I think we’ve got it.
Ruby: Black-and-tan Rat Terrier. Just because they’re small, don’t think they won’t challenge a dragon to single combat the moment you turn your back for five goddamn seconds. They’ll probably win, too. Rat terriers are fearless, and are one of the terriers whose official breed standard explicitly states that “honorable scars” and broken teeth from battles with vermin are not faults and should never be penalized in the ring. Like any terrier, they’re incredibly smart, driven, focused dogs. They have crystal-clear focus--much to the chagrin of anyone trying to tell them what to do--and, while they bond closely with their families and were bred as well-rounded multi-purpose farm dogs that need to be trainable, a rat terrier knows its job. If you want it to do something other than its job, you’re going to have to give it a reason first. Alternatively, just pick it up and carry it away. It’s Ruby, she’s fucking tiny.
Weiss: American Spitz. Unfortunate name aside with my apologies, the breed itself is a perfect match for her. Non-sporting dogs mostly bred for companionship, they’re an American offshoot of German spitz dogs given their name during WWI due to owners wanting to avoid German associations. They have no relation to any sled or working dogs--rather, their breed history is of sturdy, weatherproof farm guardians. So, the American Spitz is aloof, wary, even occasionally openly distrustful of strangers--but they’re absurdly smart, deeply loyal, and their breed standard describes them as “practically inventing the phrase ‘eager to please’.” So, they’re a pretty, pure-white dog actively trying to distance themselves from a shameful name, not bred for work but with the brains and drive to learn any job they set their minds to...and at their core, they want nothing more than to love and be loved.
Blake: Belgian Sheepdog. Guys, Blake was so fucking hard, and I’m still not 100% sold on this one. (The fundamental problem here is that Blake is a cat, so finding her a canine equivalent is a doomed prospect.) The requirements were as follows: I needed an intelligent, stable, highly-driven black dog, selective with its friends but fiercely, unshakably loyal once that friendship has been secured. Bonuses if the breed has a natural protective instinct, leadership associations, and/or is a highly prized breed in a specific region/group but unknown or dismissed elsewhere. And...well, Belgians tick all those boxes. Plus, come on--they’re gorgeous, and you can see a little bit of Blake in there.
Yang: Particolor Standard Poodle. End of sentence. Poodles are extremely intelligent, hardy, adaptable dogs with a very stable temperament; but people take one look at them and go “dumb stuck-up bimbo dog” due to stereotypes. This isn’t helped by the poodle’s famous sense of humor; if you’ve already decided your dog is stupid, you’ll see foolishness rather than playfulness. Like any smart dog, they can get destructive when they’re bored, which also tends to lead to an unfair negative perception. As an additional sidenote, despite how common the pattern is, “parti” poodles are not accepted under the AKC breed standard (other breed clubs are much less weird about this, but RT is, after all, based out of Texas.) So, you won’t get a pedigreed poodle from a conformation bloodline who’s particolor. Sorry, Yang, but you were an oops-litter puppy!
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hoffmanstoypoodles · 3 years ago
Find Red Poodles for sale Online to Get the Best Deal - Hoffman's Toy Poodles
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A complete family involves parents, kids, and a lovable dog. Often people choose a puppy as these puppies have a great adorable appeal. Especially, the kids are fond of playing with a puppy. Why don’t you think about red poodles puppies? They look so cute and amazing to match your desire.
Usually, a red puddle is art, affectionate, good with children, loyal, and so dedicated. We can say that poodles are very people-oriented and cannot do well without human companionship. So anyone can adopt them as a part of their home since they are so friendly and non-canine pets.
Firstly, poodles are adaptable and easy to train so you can train them as per your requirements, we would say that this breed is intelligent. They are non-shedding and considered hypoallergenic.
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Secondly, you can take them for a walk and some daily exercise. However, they don’t need a lot of exercises.
Thirdly, they are so sensitive to their owner's emotions that they can be your friend. They are clowns and prance around with a toy to greet you or to play with you. As owners, you can trust them.
When we talk about the size, red puddle comes in different sizes such as the Standard Poodle being the largest, the Miniature Poodle, and the Toy Poodle (the smallest). Different size of poodles has different features in terms of height and weight. However, smaller dogs have a longer life span than larger dogs.
Talking about the entire poodle community, they are available in different colors too such as black, white, red, apricot, silver, and brown. Most people love to adopt red poodles puppies as they look gorgeous and stunning.
Looking for red poodles for sale? You can find a few reliable sources online and getting your poodle from them is a good decision. These poodles are generally so good-natured and behaved. Both the male and female poodles are the same by their nature and they are equally smart, attentive, and well behaved.
Teacup or small size puppies need extra care and nurturing. They eat special diets and must eat every 2 to 4 hours because they have small tummies and can't hold much food. Since they do not eat much at a time, they must be crated or confined in a small area (4x4) most of the time until they are 6 to 8 months old to conserve their energy and give them a chance to grow up.
They are truly your family members. Seeking red poodles for sale online? You can visit www.hoffmantoys.com
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Chapter 12: Elizabeth Liddell
Lizzy's mornings always began early. Far earlier than her fiance's. Then again, Rick's morning routine consisted of splashing water into his face and instantly looking handsome. Unfair.
Before rolling out of bed, Lizzy kissed Rick's cheek briefly. He grumbled in his sleep and rolled together. It made Lizzy smile softly. He was just the cutest. With a skip in her steps did she make her way to the bathroom. Her morning routine was a little longer by now. But that was the cost for having all of that hair. Sometimes – a lot of times – did she envy Jessie. White girls just had it easier with their hair. Sometimes, Jessie didn't even brush it.
Once in front of the mirror, Lizzy paused for a moment and looked at herself. Well no, that sounded too envious. She did love her hair, most of the times at least. By now. It had been a struggle to come to love her hair, but it had been her choice to put up with the hair care routine, regardless of how long it took. Because this was her hair and she was done with having other people tell her what to do with it or make her feel ashamed of it.
When she had been a little girl, she had truly hated it. Oh, that precious little black girl with her poofy, fluffy hair! White people liked to pet and poke it like she was some damn poodle. And what small child would be brave enough to speak up?
So when she grew older, she knew she wanted to get rid of it. And as a teen, she shaved it all off.
Then she got shit from people for looking like a boy. Just because she was tall – had always been tall. She was a tall woman, towering over even most of the men in her life. Tall and, as an early teen also unfortunately flat, and with her hair shaved off, she had been mocked a lot. Called a boy, or treated like she wasn't girl enough.
So she grew it out again. And she tried different hair-styles. Had her mother braid her cornrows, only to have people tease her about it all over again. At least she had filled out by then though, both around the hips and the chest. So no one was mockingly calling her a boy anymore. Still, whether she tried to look girly or tried to be comfortable, someone always had something to say.
That was when she had decided that she was done. She was done having others make her feel like she had to look a certain way. If they couldn't handle her, then that was their problem. Which was easier said than done and some days, she couldn't even convince herself of it. It was hard loving yourself when someone else always had something to complain about. And people always had something to complain about with a black girl. She didn't smile enough, she should do something different with her hair, her skin was either too light or too dark depending on the dipshit talking to her. It was frustrating and it made her want to scream into the void sometimes.
It was also a huge part of why she loved Rick so much. Detective Ricardo Alfaro.
The two of them had met four years ago, when the pack then officer and his partner Mike Maguire had come to the coffee-shop that Lizzy's sister owned. And basically from day one, Rick had treated her like a goddess. He had been smitten from the first moment he had laid eyes on her.
At first, it had made her a little uncomfortable, because he was quite overwhelming. But as soon as he noticed that, he backed off. He wasn't just... loud and overwhelming, he was also quite charming and considerate. He was the cutest and sweetest person Lizzy had ever met, so after a few weeks of flirting, she caved and figured that one date might not hurt. That had been four years ago now.
Her life had changed quite some since he had entered it. She had worked her way up at the company – back when they had started dating, she had still been working at her sister's coffee-shop. She had been studying graphic design, while working and living with her older sister.
Laureen had been the first Liddell to leave New Orleans. Eighteen years ago, she had left for Los Angeles to open her bakery slash coffee-shop. That had always been her dream. She was the oldest of the Liddell children and Lizzy, even though she would never admit it aloud to her sister, had always admired Laureen. She had always been stubborn and found a way to get what she wanted.
So on the day Lizzy turned eighteen, she packed her things and followed Laureen to Los Angeles. Their parents had, admittedly, not been the hugest fans of that. But she promised to stay with Laureen and that seemed to appease them. It had been a bit obnoxious to live with Laureen and to work for her. But Laureen had been very supportive and Lizzy honestly didn't know how well she would have done with college if she would have also had to worry about an apartment.
After college graduation, she applied for her dream job. Didn't get that, but at least an entrance position at the company. The Gold Standard. The greatest company in advertisement in all of North America. They truly were the gold standard in what they did and for Lizzy, who had always been mesmerized by advertisements on TV, it was a dream come true.
And over the past three years, she had worked her way up from the mundane background animations to actually leading her own projects. She had become well-respected in the Gold Standard and beyond that, she had made friends there. She loved her work.
She loved her work, she loved her friends, she loved her fiance and their apartment.
Life was good. Dare she say, it was basically perfect. Even when there were hiccups, even when there were bad days, it was still overall too good to be true, really.
Once done with her hair, Lizzy changed into a dark orange top and a long, yellowish orange skirt. She always loved orange. It was a bright, warm and happy color. Good things were orange. Oranges, the sun when it was setting, the prettiest flowers were the orange ones.
Straightening her skirt a last time and pushing her boobs up just right, she then went on to work on her make-up. The finishing touch. And when it was all perfect, she headed out of the bathroom.
“Lizabella, mi amor. You look stunning as always.” [Spanish trans: my love]
Lizzy smiled faintly as she found Ricky in the kitchen making pancakes. Approaching him, she tilted her head down to kiss him softly. The way he looked at her, like she was not just the most beautiful woman alive but also the very center of his world.
“You're making... pancakes for a whole army”, noted Lizzy amused.
“Oh, I am expecting your girls to come and pick you up and they are like starving wolves.”
Lizzy huffed at that, though she knew she couldn't disagree with that. “Well, you know them. They always go to the gym at five for two hours. You'd be able to eat like that too after two hours of exercise before breakfast, babe.”
“We could... test that theory”, suggested Rick with a sneaky grin.
“Perv”, huffed Lizzy and shook her head. “They'll be here in ten. And you and me both know that you can't do it in under ten. You're far too... mh...”
She sighed and fanned herself with a hand, prompting Rick to laugh. Like clockwork did the doorbell ring exactly when anticipated. They were always on time. Alina Preston, Noxia Black and Joss Parker. Three of Lizzy's best friends and also her co-workers. Alina was, just like Lizzy, in graphic design, while Noxia was a professional photographer exclusively working for the Gold Standard. And Joss was the personal assistant to Miss Sonia Gold, head and founder of the Gold Standard. They had first met and started bonding in the company's gym – a place for breaks, for blowing off steam, the exercise you really needed when working in a seated position all day.
Though Alina, Noxia and Joss had always taken it more serious than Lizzy. For Lizzy, it was just basic exercise, but both Alina and Joss engaged in kickboxing.
“You're looking chipper, girl”, noted Alina with a smile as she hugged Lizzy.
Alina might honestly be the most gorgeous woman Lizzy had ever known and sometimes it startled her that the other rather worked behind a screen than in front of a camera. But she was a total geek who loved programming even more than graphic designs, though she was still an artist at heart.
“Ricky made pancakes”, declared Lizzy with a smile.
“I love that man”, groaned Noxia and inhaled deeply. “If you won't marry him, I will.”
“You're a lesbian, Nox”, called Alina out loudly. “You are a huge lesbian and he is a... well, not a huge man but a man nonetheless.”
“No height digs or you do not get any pancakes, Alina Preston”, grunted Rick offended.
“Right, right. Lesbian”, nodded Noxia. “Say, don't you have a sister?”
“No sisters. Two obnoxious brothers”, offered Rick amused.
“Cousins then?”, asked Noxia. “I'd take them too.”
“Mh, bit too young for you, I'm afraid. Cleo's fourteen”, pointed Rick out.
Noxia heaved a long-suffering sigh and grabbed a plate of pancakes. Alina rolled her eyes and went to raid the fridge for some orange juice. Lizzy all the while checked in with Joss for the day.
“So, how are we feeling today?”, inquired Lizzy.
“You're so awkward, Liz”, sighed Joss, though with an edge of fondness. “Today's a girl-day.”
Lizzy nodded, with maybe a small sheepish grin. She had never been friends with someone who identified as genderfluid before. And while Joss usually broadcasted it in the way she presented herself – skirts and high-heels to the blazer, versus vests and pants and polished flats, but whatever gender she felt like that day, it was always a highly professional look – sometimes, the clothes, hair and make-up were not as indicative. Occasionally, Joss went more for a neutral look, or for wearing pants despite feeling male that day (which was only fair considering Lizzy had never met a woman who always only wore skirts and dresses). So after the first time of accidentally misgendering Joss because she assumed based on the clothes alone, Lizzy had done some digging online.
Turned out that using your words was always the best method. Just ask to make sure. Joss had given her a fond look the first time Lizzy had asked. Lizzy couldn't tell whether it was because she found it adorable how hard Lizzy was trying, or because she was genuinely touched because Lizzy was making an effort – which did mean a lot to Joss, Lizzy knew that, because Lizzy knew that Joss' parents had cut ties with their child based on Joss' gender-identity and sexuality, claiming that Joss simply had to make up her mind, like genderfluidity and pansexuality were only indications of indecisiveness on Joss' part.
“New cufflinks?”, asked Lizzy curiously as she caught sight of something shiny.
Joss rarely accessorized, whatever gender she was feeling. Though all of her clothes had one thing in common; they were shades of gray, somewhere on the spectrum between black and white. Generally, Lizzy found gray rather dull – she preferred loud and bright colors.
Though for Joss, the grays were really working out. Somehow, the lack of attention her clothes were drawing served to underline her natural beauty. Joss was Korean, with sharp features and eyes so dark they never failed to draw Lizzy in. Bright and eye-catching clothes would only... distract.
“Mh, yes. I custom-ordered them the other week”, replied Joss, showing her wrists.
A gray orb, with a Roman number inside. The number two on one link and the number one on the other. They looked pretty, in a simplistic way, yet still elegant. Lizzy smiled at that.
“I am so tired”, sighed Noxia dramatically.
“Ye—es. It must be so hard taking pictures of stunningly gorgeous women”, agreed Alina dryly.
Noxia stuck her tongue out. “No, but since this campaign is so very important to Sonia, so she personally double-checks everything. Never new blondie to be such a control-freak.”
“Miss Gold is a very hands-on person”, offered Joss sharply. “And she is right to try and control this in particular. Working with Chiron Training is an important union. For both businesses.”
“Besides, you're the one who got this whole thing into motion”, pointed Lizzy out.
Noxia rolled her eyes and waved her hands. “Because my mom plays poker with his and nudged and suggested 'oh, my daughter works for this fancy advertisement company!' when Missus di Girasole noted how her son was looking for an image change. Way to be a cliche, mom. Make it look like every native American knows each other.”
“...You and Matteo di Girasole literally grew up in the same street though”, pointed Alina out.
Once again, Noxia rolled her eyes. “So? It still looks bad. Or do you know every Indian in Los Angeles? ...No, don't answer that, I've met your mother, she actually probably does.”
“She's a noisy woman, bless her heart”, grinned Alina. “But yeah okay, I get your point.”
“But no one ever asks a white person if they know every other white person in the state”, snorted Rick and shook his head. “Though I have started asking the obnoxious lieutenant at the precinct whether he knows Bill Gates or el presidente del infierno.” [Spanish trans: the president from hell]
“You shouldn't pick a fight with your superior”, pointed Joss out gently.
“He has asked me for Hamilton tickets eight times, Joss”, stated Rick pointedly. “Not once or twice, but eight times. Just because he assumes that I know Lin-Manuel Miranda personally since he overheard me mention that I am from Puerto Rico before. Eight times.”
“...Fair enough”, grunted Joss beneath her breath.
“Besides, I won't get into trouble. Captain Lacroix loves me”, declared Rick.
“Mh, that woman is a badass”, sighed Noxia dreamily.
“What's with the thirst this morning, Nox?”, asked Alina a little disturbed. “Just how long has it been since you last got laid? This is unnatural.”
“I don't remember. That is how long it has been, Alina. I don't remember”, groaned Noxia. “You know, if you truly were my friend, you'd just... end my misery.”
“I told you I'm not sleeping with you”, grunted Alina unimpressed. “I'm not going to be that big of a cliche and sleep with the only other out lesbian in the company. Besides, you're my best friend. I've seen you chew on your toe-nails... nothing will ever erase those pictures and put me in the mood.”
“Fair points”, muttered Noxia depressed. “Joss? Have mercy on me?”
“I am not having relations with someone I work with. I'm professional”, stated Joss pointedly.
“Lizzy?”, asked Noxia pleadingly.
“I'm afraid I am still straight”, chuckled Lizzy. “But if I weren't, I would in a heartbeat.”
“You are also still engaged! To me!”, exclaimed Rick.
“Eh. You could watch, I wouldn't mind”, shrugged Noxia.
Lizzy grinned amused as she finished her pancakes. She loved those mornings, even though they varied. Sometimes, the others would bring breakfast, other times they'd text ahead that they ran late with training and wouldn't be able to make breakfast and just pick her up. But the four of them always drove to work together. It was just easier, LA traffic and parking considered (also, the costs).
“I guess we gotta get going”, stated Lizzy with a glance at the clock.
“Ye—es. I have gorgeous, mostly straight goddesses to photograph”, sighed Noxia dramatically.
“You're legitimately the most dramatic bitch I know”, muttered Alina.
“Get me laid and I'll quit the drama”, promised Noxia.
Alina, Joss and Lizzy exchanged a pointed look at that, not buying a word, before cleaning the table. Rick accompanied them to the door and pulled Lizzy into one last kiss.
“Be safe and have fun at work, Lizabella”, smiled Rick. “I'll see you today for lunch?”
“You too. And say hi to Mike for me”, grinned Lizzy, pecking Rick's cheek one last time.
Liddell's Sweets was just a short drive from the Gold Standard. Though usually, Lizzy worked through her lunch, ordering something in with her team. Every now and again however, she made plans with Rick to eat lunch, either at the St. John's Pub or at Liddell's Sweets.
She checked herself in the window's reflection one last time before entering the bakery. Rick was already sitting with Mike Maguire and Matt di Girasole. She supposed that the world really was a small place. That her fiance was partners with Matt's fiance. Matt, also known as one of the richest men alive. It was slightly surreal (but highly appreciated at birthdays and Christmas; hey, a girl was not going to decline the diamond earrings if the guy had the money to spare).
“You two look absolutely exhausted”, noted Lizzy with a judgmental look as she came to sit with them. “Less pre-marital sex, more sleep.”
“Hah. I wish it was sex”, muttered Mike with a tired sigh.
Damn, the boy really did look beat. Dark bags beneath his eyes and his usual stubble was coming dangerously close to an actual beard. He yawned and pulled his dark-blue hoodie closer.
“We're so busy with the wedding plans”, supplied Matt after a beat. “You two wouldn't object to just ditching LA and doing a spontaneous backyard wedding in Cat City, right?”
“It's your wedding”, shrugged Lizzy. “Not mine. Mine is going to take place in New Orleans and it will be entirely planned by my mother and Ricky's abuelita.”
“Sí. If abuelita doesn't get a say in it, she will be heartbroken”, agreed Rick.
Lizzy chuckled fondly. She didn't mind; she loved abuelita Julia. Oh, she loved the whole Alfaro clan. They had accepted her so warmly after Ricky had introduced her to them. Hugs and kisses left and right. And if she was being honest, she really did miss her own family a lot. So having his family accept her like that had... helped with that, in a way.
And in a way, Lizzy knew that it was the same for Mike. Mike and Rick, they weren't just partners. They had been close friends since the police academy, beat cops side by side and now detectives. They were brothers, by anything but blood. Unlike Lizzy however, who did have her family – just in New Orleans and not exactly right around the corner – Mike was an orphan. The Alfaros had happily embraced Mike and taken him in too, knowing that he was the one having Rick's back out there, protecting him on the streets. So Lizzy very well knew that Mike and Matt weren't just going to ditch everything and have a small wedding somewhere. There were fifteen Alfaros who needed to be a part of that wedding, not just one.
“If you two ditch and have your wedding somewhere else, do not make it too short notice, or I will not be able to finish the wedding-cake on time. Be considerate of the other people involved!”
Lizzy rolled her eyes at her older sister. Laureen approached their table with a tablet filled with coffees and sandwiches. She knew very well what her regulars ordered when they came, especially when it was her little sister and her friends. Laureen tucked a dreadlock behind her ear as she raised her eyebrows at Matt with the most judgmental baker-look possible.
“Of course not, ma'am”, assured Matt.
“And don't ma'am me”, huffed Laureen and crossed her arms over her chest. “Also, you two can wait for my husband before heading back to the precinct.”
Both Ricky and Mike immediately turned their heads toward where Laureen's husband sat. Doctor Charles Jones. Both of them had kept their last names even after the wedding, considering that Laureen owned her own shop, named after their family – Liddell's Sweets. And Doc, he had made his name in Los Angeles. He was the head medical examiner of Los Angeles. Lizzy was genuinely proud of her big sister and her husband. A doctor, oh their mother had been over the moon. And a handsome one at that. He was a tall, broad-shouldered black man, bald but with soulful eyes.
“What's up, Doc”, chorused Mike and Rick immediately, waving at Doctor Jones.
And while Doc was his preferred nickname, this particular greeting was one that usually made him roll his eyes in a very exhausted manner. The same Lizzy had seen every single time someone from the precinct called him at home for medical advise – like a cold or a scrapped knee. Lizzy personally found that extremely entertaining – hey, she was an artist, she regularly got the 'can you draw x for me?' from people who expected not to pay a dime.
“I have the autopsy ready for that... vigilante murder”, grunted Doc when he reluctantly moved his chair to their table. “I know this case is important to the captain.”
“It's important to the entire damn city, honey”, stated Laureen pointedly. “These... vigilantes. They're no good. And now they kill people? No.”
“First of all, they're heroes!”, corrected Mike, effectively looking like a kicked puppy.
“Some of them are heroes”, corrected Matt gently, grasping his fiance's arm. “Others, especially the new ones that keep popping up... We should stay weary. You, in particular. You're cops. If you start trusting them and they turn out to work for the bad guys.”
“Bad guys!”, echoed Laureen with a shake of her head. “What, do we live in a comic now?”
Lizzy made a face at that but decided not to argue with her sister. She probably did have a point.
“What vigilante murder?”, asked Lizzy instead.
“It's an on-going case. We can't talk to you about it”, countered Mike seriously.
“The Second Killer”, offered Rick, getting kicked under the table by Mike. “Ouch.”
“...That is a lame name”, argued Lizzy. “But I think I saw something about that on the news.”
“They suspect it to be Gemini. At first, the sprayed symbol was interpreted as the Roman number two, hence the name Second Killer”, offered Matt eagerly. “I read into it. But the killings are new. Before, they just left the criminals tied up and basically mocked. Personally, I don't think they're the killer. I think someone is following Gemini, who is just cleaning up, and killing them. Framing Gemini. Maybe to make them look bad, in this recent uprising of Zodiac superheroes.”
“Enough murder talk. Eat your lunch”, interrupted Laureen pointedly. “You're going to scare my customers away. Eat and go back to talking about the wedding.”
Lizzy rolled her eyes, though she obliged. She was hungry and her break wouldn't last forever.
It was rare for Jessie to call short-notice. Usually, Jessie was more of a planner, a routine-person. Which suited Lizzy just fine and might be one of the reasons the two were best friends. So of course did Lizzy kick Ricky out of the apartment when Jessie texted her and asked if she could drop by. Ricky had looked at her like a kicked puppy for a few moments before Lizzy kissed him and told him to go do something fun with Mike – it seemed Mike could use a distraction from the wedding plans, after all. Not even twenty minutes later and Jessie stood in front of the door. The freckled Irish woman looked unusually troubled as she shifted from one foot to the other.
“Girl, what's going on? You are not behaving like yourself”, muttered Lizzy.
She ushered Jessie inside and toward the living room. Both women sat down comfortably and for a long stretch, there was simply silence as Jessie seemed to contemplate her words.
“What do you think about all this... superhero-business lately?”, asked Jessie softly.
“It's pretty incredible”, shrugged Lizzy. “I mean, they're heroes. The kind I used to draw in my comics for fun, watch on TV and read about. But these are real. Those are real people, putting their lives on the line to save others. And they have real, actual powers.”
“Don't tell me you'd... want powers”, huffed Jessie with the smallest smile.
Lizzy raised both her eyebrows at that. “Who wouldn't? Seriously. I saw that dragon-chick fly the other day! Crab Boy controlled the stream from a fire-hydrant. And Robin Hood and his unicorn actually command fire!”
“I... guess that could be cool”, hummed Jessie after a moment. “But the whole... risking your life thing? That's insane, right?”
Lizzy paused for a moment to regard her best friend very carefully. “You have never been sneaky, Red Bean. What are you getting at? Don't tell me... Are you one of them?” Jessie looked red-handed and Lizzy's eyes widened. “Jessica Saint John, are you a superhero?!”
“No! I, uh, no I just...”, stammered Jessie while shaking her head wildly.
Urgh, this girl was so bad at this. At that rate, she was going to last a whole two days before all of Los Angeles knew her true identity. Lizzy's grin was sharp as a knife as she leaned forward.
“You need a partner”, declared Lizzy firmly.
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animala2z · 2 years ago
Bernedoodle: Weight, Color, Care, Personality Full Info
The Bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese mountain canine and a poodle. This mongrel blends the clever goofiness of the poodle, with the placid fidelity of the Bernese. What’s more, the bernedoodle is low to non-shedding and is a safe bet for utmost people with disinclinations.
I believe the bernedoodle is the perfect companion canine. Although numerous are stunning, they aren’t bred for the show ring. They’re meant to be at your side no matter whether you’re hiking, snowshoeing, or lying on the settee watching a movie. Their only job is to be your stylish friend.
No two bernedoodles are identical. The genes from the parent types mingle in unique ways, and it’s endlessly fascinating to see what each waste produces. That said, prospective possessors must understand that there can be a lot of variation in a mongrel waste, and must thus choose a breeder who can help match them with the stylish canine for their circumstances.
Crossbreds may be the favored choice for people who want pungency. When I was writing descriptions of my tykes, I was struck by the thickness of the traits among the crossbreds. With some minor variations, one well-bred Berner is veritably analogous to the coming sweet, loving, and calm. One well-bred poodle is also veritably analogous to the coming sportful, intelligent, and frothy.
Notice that I emphasize “well-bred. ” Like so numerous crossbreds, Bernese and poodles have been largely ingrained over the once century. This has led not only to health problems but also to disposition issues. inadequately bred Berners may be extremely stubborn and skittish.
inadequately bred poodles may be hyperactive and neurotic. It’s incredibly delicate to find healthy Bernese and poodles with calm grains that also be to be gorgeous. In fact, it’s an ongoing hunt.
Height: 23 to 29 inches
Width: 70 to 90 pounds
Lifespan: 12 to 18 years
Color: Variable; the most common colors are black, black and white, black and brown, or tri-color.
Breed Characteristics
The Bernedoodle is a companion canine, through and through. The strain inherits the intelligence of its Poodle parents and the fascinating, frothy, happy- go-lucky disposition of the Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernedoodles are happiest when they are spending time with their families, children included, and are willing actors in playtime and cuddle fests likewise.
The strain hasn’t been around for long, so it may be delicate to directly make prognostications about individual tykes . occasionally they get further Poodle traits, and other times they more nearly act the Bernese. That said, suckers of Bernedoodles adore their benevolence, prankishness, intelligence, and affection.
They also tend to be more hypoallergenic, which is a blessing for mislike victims.
In addition to their personalities, Bernedoodles can differ in appearance. Their fleeces can be curled and crimpy or straight and come in a variety of colors. They come in three sizes; bitsy, atomic, and standard. These sizes are determined by the size of the Poodle parent, which can be toy, mini, or standard.
Bernedoodles are fairly adaptable and go with the inflow. lower sized Bernedoodles make better apartment faves than Standard Bernedoodles, who do stylish with a yard to burn off energy. This strain has moderate exercise needs that are generally met with at least one long daily walk.
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Sherry Rupke, a Canadian canine breeder, and proprietor of Swissridge Kennels created the Bernedoodle mongrel in 2003 to please her guests pious to the Bernese Mountain Dogs, who wanted a canine analogous in disposition but with a longer lifetime.
“ I first decided to breed the two because of the health benefits of mixed-strain tykes, ” says Rupke. “ The alternate reason was they’re great for utmost people with disinclinations( when bred right). If you do have disinclinations it’s important to talk to your breeder so they can find the proper fleece type for your disinclinations. ”
The Bernese Mountain Dog, according to “ The Ultimate Guide to Dog types ” by Derek Hall, is an affable doggy that arose from the “ crossings of original Swiss herding tykes and a type of guard canine brought by overrunning Roman armies into what’s now Switzerland about,000 times agone. ”
The canine is heavyset and important and belongs to the working group. The strain has been used to pull yield wagons from the request. moment, the Bernese is best suited for country life where he can bat around.
As for the Poodle, Hall states that this high-spirited strain began in Germany and was taken to France. Poodles were first used as truffle nimrods and retrievers because of their water-loving nature. Poodles are also known for their intelligence.
The Bernedoodle has the brainpower and life of a Poodle and the caring and fondness towards children of a Bernese, but he’s not riddled with the health problems of the ultimate, according to Rupke.
Because the Bernedoodle is a mongrel, the canine isn’t honored by the American Kennel Club( AKC). still, it’s honored by the American Canine Hybrid Club, the developer Breed Registry, and the International developer Canine Registry.
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Cairnoodle Cairnoodle The Cairnoodle is a mix of the Cairn Terrier and the Poodle. This cross is also called a Poocan, CairnPoo, Cairnpoodle and Cairn Doodle, or just a Cairn Terrier/Poodle Mix. He has a life span of 12 to 16 years and is a small dog with skills in agility, competitive obedience, tricks and watchdog. He is an independent dog but still very social and affectionate.
Here is the Cairnoodle at a Glance Average height 10 to 15 inches Average weight 13 to 20 pounds Coat type Short, wispy, curly Hypoallergenic? Can be – Poodle is Grooming Needs Moderate Shedding Low Brushing Three or more times a week Touchiness Fairly sensitive Tolerant to Solitude? Low Barking Rare to occasional Tolerance to Heat Very good Tolerance to Cold Good to very good Good Family Pet? Excellent Good with Children? Excellent with socialization Good with other Dogs? Very good to excellent with socialization Good with other Pets? Good to very good with socialization A roamer or Wanderer? Average A Good Apartment Dweller? Excellent due to size Good Pet for new Owner? Very good to excellent Trainability Easy to train Exercise Needs Slightly active Tendency to get Fat Above average Major Health Concerns Addison's, Bloat, Cushings, Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, Legg-Perthes, Patellar Luxation, Eye problems, Von Willebrand's, Other Health Concerns Hip Dysplasia, Skin Problems, Life Span 12 to 16 years Average new Puppy Price $600 to $900 Average Annual Medical Expense $460 to $560 Average Annual Non-Medical Expense $680 to $780 Advertisement
Where does the Cairnoodle come from?
The Cairnoodle is mixed or cross breed that has been deliberately bred and as such is now referred to more commonly as a Designer dog. Most of these dogs have two different purebred parents and a lot have Poodle in the mix because of their low shedding coats, intelligence and temperament. Many have a name that puts together parts of the parents names. A lot of breeders have joined the trend but not all of them are people you should be buying from. There are a lot of puppy mills and bad breeders who are deliberately cruel or just ignorant and really know nothing about careful breeding practices. Take care who you buy from. Without much known about the Cairnoodle's origins we look at the parent purebreeds to understand them better.
The Poodle
A very old breed is the Poodle. You can find pictures of Poodle like dogs on old Roman and Egyptian artifacts and in tombs from as far back as the 1st century. Despite most regular people thinking the Poodle is a French dog, in fact he comes from Germany and was used for hunting ducks and other waterfowl. But he became a more distinct breed when he made it to France. There have been three sizes of Poodles for centuries, the Standard, the Miniature and the Toy. French aristocracy adopted the toy Poodles as companions to carry around with them. When the Poodle was adopted into traveling circuses to perform they clipped them into interesting shapes and the aristocracy copied. He was registered in the Kennel Club in England in 1874, and the American Kennel Club in 1886.
Today he is known for being super intelligent, eager to please and easy to train. He is very devoted and loving and while energetic, can be calmed with training, socialization and enough exercise. He may seem to be aloof but in fact when you talk to Poodle owners you discover he has a great sense of humor and loves to clown around and play.
The Cairn Terrier
Scottish terrier breeds were originally classed as Scotch Terriers but in 1873 a new system came in to play and there were now two classes, Skye Terriers and Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Cairns were included in the Skye terrier classification. They were developed 200 years ago on the Isle of Skye by a Captain Martin MacLeod. Eventually in 1912 the Cairn-terrier had its own designation and was so named after Scottish burial sites. He came to America in 1913 and was granted membership of the AKC that same year.
Today he is a friendly lovely dog, always happy and eager to meet new people. As a terrier he is independent though and very alert. He likes to dig, chase things and he is a barker. He is a devoted family dog, good with the kids but can be sensitive and does not do well if you scold him. Early socialization and training are important to help keep him more stable.
The Cairnoodle is an affectionate and loving dog who while enjoys being around people is also quite independent also. He is very loyal and protective and enjoys moments of cuddling as well as moments of playfulness and energy. He loves to get attention and be at the center of anything going on. He is an interesting mix of being sensitive like a Poodle but still able to be bold like a Terrier. He likes to have company and prefers not to be left alone for long periods. If he gets bored or is left alone for too long he can become destructive. He likes to entertain people, is eager to please, alert and confident. With strangers he is wary.
What does the Cairnoodle look like
He is a small dog weighing 13 to 20 pounds and standing 10 to 15 inches tall. He has a compact but strong body and looks quite tough with his wide head and large dark eyes. His coat can be wavy to curly, wispy and is short on the body. His ears are flappy and common colors are brown, black, grey, cream, white and golden.
Training and Exercise Needs
How active does the Cairnoodle need to be?
The Cairnoodle is just slightly active so is suitable as a pet for most owners, even those who cannot be that active. With a good selection of toys to rotate through he can play indoors and then he should also have one or two short daily walks as well. It is important he gets mental and physical stimulation and has enough interaction. He is well suited to living in an apartment as he is small enough and does not require a yard. A dog who is not walked enough and given enough stimulation can become frustrated, bored and will start to act out with barking, digging and other such behavior.
Does he train quickly?
The Cairnoodle despite being independent is easy to train, he listens and obeys and even needs less repetition than many other dogs. He likes to perform for people so as well as learning basic obedience he would also do well at learning tricks and the like. However he is not as easy when it comes to house training and in most cases it is a good idea to use the crate training method. Early training and socialization are important to see him become the best dog he can be. Use positive methods, reenforcing his successes with rewards, use treats and praise to encourage and motivate. Stay firm making it clear you are pack leader and be consistent and patient.
Living with a Cairnoodle
How much grooming is needed?
There is a moderate amount of maintenance and grooming to be done with the Cairnoodle. It will need regular brushing although it at least does not shed much at all, it does get tangled. It will need to be bathed with a dog shampoo just as it needs one. Too often and it is not good for the coat or his skin. You will also need to brush his teeth two to three times a week, check his ears for infections and wipe them clean once a week and then clip his nails when they get too long. Make sure the nails are not cut too short as this will cause pain and bleeding. Groomers can do it for you if you are not knowledgeable about them.
What is he like with children and other animals?
With socialization this dog is very good with children, he is playful and affectionate with them in fact. He also gets on well with other dogs and even other pets especially when raised with them. He may like to chase smaller animals though.
General information
He can make a good watchdog but otherwise his barking seems to range between rare and often! He will need to be fed ¾ to 1½ cups of good quality dry dog food each day, split into two meals. He can handle most climates and conditions.
Health Concerns
Health issues the Cairnoodle can be prone to include Addison's, Bloat, Cushings, Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, Legg-Perthes, Patellar Luxation, Eye problems, Von Willebrand's, Craniomandibular Osteopathy, Cryptorchidism, Krabbe's disease, Liver problems, Hip Dysplasia and Skin Problems.
Costs involved in owning a Cairnoodle
The Cairnoodle puppy can cost between $600 to $900. Most Poodle mixes are a bit higher in price than other designer dogs though compared to some this is still one of the cheaper options. Other initial costs will include getting a crate, carrier, collar and leash, having the puppy examined by a vet, blood tests done, vaccinated, micro chipped, dewormed and neutered. These come to between $455 to $500. Annual costs for medical essentials like flea and tick prevention, check ups, further shots, pet insurance and heartworm prevention come to $460 to $560. Annual non-medical costs for basics like food, toys, treats, license, grooming and training come to between $680 to $780.
The Cairnoodle is a sweet and very entertaining dog. He is smart but while obedience training may go very well, house training is going to need more patience. He gets on well with other pets and children and could be a great family dog or companion to a single owner or couple. He is also a good option for those who are less active and could be hypoallergenic though that is something you would need to confirm.
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shepardsleftboob · 7 years ago
I wish I had a job where I don’t deal with people already. This bitch came in with a matted standard poodle saying “I know the boots are matted so just shave them off and go short on the body, and do clean feet and clean face with a big top knot” and the top knot is the lil Afro like my dog Sammy has. So I do exactly that, but this bitch had cut half of it off in the back and when I asked about it she was like “oh I was experimenting hahahaha” so this thing is going to look weird and I told her that. And she knew. So I do the exact haircut and trim the topknot enough so the dog can see in front of her face and round it so it’s an actual topknot again. The dog looked beautiful, and I know it did bc I’ve never had a real complaint ever about poodles (or really any hc I’ve done at all, but ppl were always very happy with the way I do poodles. In fact, that very day an old lady who came in for the first time was so happy with her poodle that she tipped $15 and then called back to tell me how good he looked and to request me as her regular groomer)
When this bitch picks up she’s like “oh she looks fantastic! Aw, you took the topknot kinda short though...other than that she looks amazing” and I tell her I didn’t take much off, just enough so she can see and to make it an actual topknot while trying to blend what she did to it (basically giving it this weird half shaved head in the back). And she was like “ohh ok well she still looks really good” and basically left extremely happy with it still, and tipped $20.
So an hour later she calls and asks to speak to me, and just basically tells me the same thing, “she looks really good but I’m not happy with the topknot, I was going to introduce her to a breeder this weekend and now I can’t bc I promised them BIG HAIR. She and her family are show dogs, you know. But next time I’ll just bring a pic of her father so you know what I want.” and I apologized to her but I also said “basically what you’re explaining is that you did not want a topknot. You wanted a light trim on the head. And I’ll make notes of that on your cards but don’t tell the Groomer a topknot if you want something like that (that’s basically just this fucking gigantic hair monster on top of this dogs head so she can’t even see)”
So after that I wrote notes on her card. And I was sure that wasn’t going to be the last of her, and I told Josh, my manager, the next day. Rhonda was my manager on Tuesday when this happened and she said the dog looked damn good and I was crazy for leaving the topknot that long anyway and the lady was crazier for being upset that it was too short, and if she wanted a refund we don’t do that. So I prep josh for the inevitable phone call we’re going to get. The day gets kinda stressful bc our bather does a no call no show, so we have to bathe our own dogs, so I’m bathing my dog when SOMEONE walks in asking for me. Josh walks back and is like “uh someone’s here for you?” Not knowing what’s going on, and me not realizing what I’m about to walk into alone bc Josh has to watch my dog in the tub and the phone started ringing. So I walk over to the lady, see her, and I tell her “what can I do for you?” And this bitch doesn’t even say hi (and apparently when josh greeted her he was like “good mo-“ and he couldn’t get that out bc she rudely demanded to see me) and this bitch goes “you SHAVED OFF HER EYELASHES?!?!”
and, pro tip here guys. Poodles don’t grow eyelashes the way other dogs like Shih Tsu’s do. If they do, they aren’t full poodle, so this bitch is over her mentioning her dog is a show dog and so is her family is bull shit.
So I try to get out “I didn’t see any eyelashes, and you didn’t request for me not to touch them, but if I cut them off I’m so-“ and again she cuts me off to yell “THEY WERE 2 INCHES LONG!” And then points to the top knot again and pulls it up and is like “AND WHAT IS ALL THIS?!” As if I left too much now, and honestly, bitch, this looks weird from your “funny little experiment”
And then she goes on, berating me, raising her voice. Saying shit like “I DIDNT ASK FOR THIS! This is not the haircut I explaind! I said BIG HAIR!” And I told her “no ma’am you said topknot, obviously you don’t know what that is. I did the haircut exactly as it is. If you wanted barely anything of the head you should have stated so” and she tried to be like “YES I DID!!!” and at this point I’m readying to kick her out. She keeps cutting me off and any other employee would have went off on her and threatened to call the cops, but believe me, I was getting to that point. Still, confrontation, esp like this, gives me such bad anxiety that I kinda freeze up. So I finally i’m able to over talk her enough to be like “What is it that you want me to do for you? What is the point of this?” And she goes “Would you be happy if someone did this to your dog?” And I nod my fucking head, like bitch your dog is GORGEOUS AND YOU KNEW IT, that’s why you fucking TIPPED and went out of your way to say it. She goes “I want a partial refund” and now I’m smiling bc, L O L, “we don’t do refunds at this company” and boy, this dumb white bitch just gets so red in the face from anger and is like “WELL, YASMIN, BE PREPARED TO SEE A LOT OF BAD REVIEWS!!!!” And I walk away bc I’m hoping she’ll leave before I have to threaten her with the cops to leave, this is a place with fuckin animals lady. What the fuck is wrong with you yelling like this?
But yeah, that’s how my fucking week has been. This lady is beat only by the one bitch who threatened to kill me. But what sucks is now there’s going to be yelp reviews with MY NAME on it (even though my boss doesn’t give a shit about yelp, I kinda do bc now customers are going to see my name on that) over this grown ass woman throwing a tantrum bc she couldn’t communicate what she wanted. It sucks that my manager was stuck on the phone, bc he would have made sure to let her have it. But she’s not welcome back, but shit man. I guess I’ll just encourage my regulars to give good yelp reviews with my name on it. Bc when ppl give good yelp reviews, it’s rare, and when they remember their groomers name is even more rare.
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struggler-71 · 4 years ago
10 most popular Dog Breed
Picking the right dog breed for you is not a decision to be taken lightly, Know your dog preference according to your ability to manage…
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself..”
Labrador Retriever —
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The weight of a labrador retriever dog is lies between 55–80 Pounds. They don’t face any hypoallergenic issues and they require constant shedding and weekly brushing to maintain their grooming needs. Labradors requires a long walk or jog as daily exercise, they are very friendly with children and to give training to them is quite difficult. Labrador retriever dog has 10–13 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in Black, Chocolate & Yellow colors, also the temperament of these dogs are Kind, Agile, Trusting, Gentle, Outgoing, Intelligent, Even Tempered. Handling their excitement level is quite difficult as they are very active and playful. Labrador retriever is also known as a guide working dog.
German Shepherd -
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German Shepherd dogs are more suited for police work and known as guard dogs. The weight of a German Shepherd dog is lies between 50–90 Pounds. They don’t face any hypoallergenic issues and they required constant shedding and a twice-weekly brushing to maintain their grooming needs. German Shepherd dogs require a long walk or jog as daily exercise, they are very friendly with children and to give training to them is quite difficult. They have 09–13 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in Black, Black & Tan, Sable, Grey, Red & Black, Black & Silver colors, also the temperament of these dogs are Intelligent, Obedient, Curious, Alert, Loyal, Confident, Courageous, Watchful.
Golden Retriever —
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Goldens Retriever is simply gorgeous, they are always ranked on the top 5 best dogs due to their sociable nature, love of people, and loyalty and they are often quieter, more obedient, and gentle than other dog breeds. The bodyweight of a Goldens Retriever dog lies between 55–75 Pounds. They don’t face any hypoallergenic issues and they required constant shedding and a twice-weekly brushing to maintain their grooming needs. Goldens Retriever dogs require a long walk or jog as daily exercise, they are very friendly with children and to give training to them is quite difficult. They have 10–13 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in Light Golden, Cream, Dark Golden & Golden, also the temperament of these dogs are Intelligent, Friendly, Reliable, Kind, Trustworthy, Confident.
Beagle -
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The Beagle’s fortune is it’s adorable face, with its big brown or hazel eyes set off by long, houndy ears set low on a broadhead. The average body weight of Beagle dog is lie between 18–30 Pounds. They don’t face any hypoallergenic issues and they required moderate shedding and weekly brushing to maintain their grooming needs. Beagle dogs are require a long walk or jog to maintain their body weight and physical stamina, they are over friendly with children & other family members also training a Beagle is very easy. They have 12–15 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in Tri-color, Lemon & White, White & Tan, Chocolate Tri, Orange & White, Red & White, White & Chocolate, also the temperament of these dog are Intelligent, Amiable, Even Tempered, Determined, Excitable, Gentle.
Bulldog —
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Bulldog, is a medium-sized dog breed. It is a muscular, hefty dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose. The ideal body weight of Bulldog is lie between 45–55 Pounds. They aren’t face any hypoallergenic issues and they required constant shedding and weekly brushing to maintain their grooming needs. Bulldogs are require a short walk as daily exercise. Bulldogs are recognized as excellent family pets because of their tendency to form strong bonds with children and easy to train. They have 08-12 years of life expectancy, usually they found in White, Fawn, Piebald, Brindle & White, Fawn & White, Red Brindle, Red & White & Red, also the temperament of Bulldog is Docile, Willful, Friendly, Gregarious
Yorkshire Terrier -
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Yorkshire Terriers are very playful and energetic dogs. Many people who have a Yorkie as a pet have two, because they often have separation anxiety when left alone. The average bodyweight of a Yorkshire Terriers dog is lies between 04–07 Pounds they also known as one of the smallest breed . They face hypoallergenic issues and they required Daily Brushing & Monthly Trimming to maintain their looks super cute. Yorkshire Terriers dogs doesn’t require a long walk they happy with short walk, they are not to friendly with children unless they are farmalized with kids and give training to them is much easier. They have 10–16 years of life expectancy, also they found in various coats as Blue & Tan, Blue & Gold, Black & Tan, Black & Gold. The temperament of Yorkshire Terriers dogs are Intelligent, Bold, Independent, Confident, Courageous.
Boxer -
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Boxers are friendly, lively companions that are popular as family dogs. The name “Boxer” is supposedly derived from the breed’s tendency to play by standing on its hind legs and “boxing” with its front paws. The versatility of Boxers was recognized early on by the military as valuable messenger dogs, pack carriers, and attack and guard dogs. The Boxer is a medium to large, short-haired breed of dog, average weight lies in between 50–80 Pounds. They don’t face any hypoallergenic issues and they required minimal shedding and a weekly brushing to maintain their grooming needs. Boxer dogs require a long walk or jog to maintain their physical strength. Boxer dogs are very friendly with children and provide training to these dogs is Modreately Easy. They have 08–12 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in White, Brindle, Fawn color coat. The temperament of Boxer dogs is Playful, Intelligent, Fearless, Devoted, Friendly, Energetic, Cheerful, Loyal, Confident, Bright, Calm, Brave.
Poodle —
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The Poodle is an active, intelligent and elegant dog, squarely built, and well proportioned. Poodles have been used as working dogs in the military since 17th century, because of their highly intelligent, trainable nature and background as a gundog making them suitable to battlefields, as evidenced by their ability to be trained to ignore gunfire. Poodle’s average weight lies in between 45–70 Pounds, also comes into three varieties: Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle, and Toy Poodle. They face hypoallergenic issues, most common serious health issues are Addison’s disease, gastric dilatation volvulus, thyroid, hip dysplasia etc., and Poodle dogs require minimal shedding as weekly brushing & monthly trimming to fulfill their grooming essentials. Poodle dogs require a long walk or jog to maintain their physical strength. Poodle dogs are very friendly with children and provide training to these dogs is Difficult. They have 10–13 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in Black, White, Apricot, Cream, Sable, Black & White, Grey, Blue, Brown, Silver, Red color coat. The temperament of Poodle dogs is Intelligent, Alert, Faithful, Active, Instinctual, Trainable.
Dachshund -
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The name dachshund is origin from German and literally means “badger dog,” from Dachs (“European badger”) and Hund (“hound, dog”). The Dachshund dogs is also known as the wiener dog, badger dog, or sausage dog, is a short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dog breed. They may be smooth, wire, or long-haired. Dachshund’s average weight lies in between 10–30 Pounds, they originally came in straight-legged and crook-legged varieties. They don’t face any hypoallergenic issues, and Dachshund dogs require minimal shedding and a weekly brushing require for their grooming. Dachshund dogs require moderate walk to remain fit and maintain their digestive system. Dachshund’s dogs are not much familiar with children unless and until they familiarized with them, also to provide training to these dogs are very easy. They have 10–13 years of life expectancy, usually, they found in Black, Black & Tan, Chocolate & Tan, Chocolate & Cream, Cream, Tan, Blue & Tan, Red color coat. The temperament of Dachshund’s dogs is Playful, Clever, Stubborn, Devoted, Lively, Courageous.
German Shorthaired Pointer -
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The German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) is a medium to large sized breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. A versatile hunting breed, being an all-purpose gun breed of dog suitable for both land and water, he is streamlined yet powerful with strong legs that make him able to move rapidly and turn quickly. He has moderately long floppy ears set high on the head. The standard tail of GSP is docked at approximately 40% of its length. GSP’s average weight lies in between 45–70 Pounds, they don’t face any hypoallergenic issues. The GSP coat is easy to groom and take care of, only a weekly brushing require. GSP dogs require long walk to maintain their physical strength, they are one of the most energetic breeds. German Shorthaired Pointer are well-mannered, obedient, and sometimes they are wary of children but they can be around them. To train them it’s very easy as they are a very quick learner. GSP’s are also known as sport dog and he has taken part in various sports such as Agility, Dock Diving, Obedience along with Service Dog work. They have 12–14 years of life expectancy, and they found in Liver Roan, Liver, Liver & White, Black & White, Brown, White & Chocolate color coat. The temperament of GSP’s dogs is Intelligent, Affectionate, Boisterous, Bold, Trainable, Cooperative.
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skygemspeaks · 8 years ago
Katsuki Yuuri is 22 and in college and disgustingly in love with Viktor Nikiforov, his boyfriend of two years.
They have a one-year-old puppy named Makkachin, whom they got from the breeder as soon as he was fully weaned. 
They live together in a gorgeous 2-bedroom apartment - with huge bay windows and what is technically a guest room, but which they’ve been calling “Phichit’s room” for as long as they’ve been living there, for how often the Thai boy stays over. Sometimes, Chris stays there too, when he’s in the country, and Phichit will complain for weeks afterwards that nothing is where he left it and someone has been rummaging in his personal belongings. (Yuuri and Viktor have long since given up questioning why he even keeps his personal belongings in their guestroom).
Viktor is a successful, best-selling author who insists on travelling to the places his books are set in the interest of accuracy even when the setting has next to nothing to do with the plot, because he’s just extra like that.
Yuuri and Makkachin travel with him whenever they can, but being a college student doesn’t give you that much free time, so most often Yuuri has to stay at home, or come home early. He doesn’t mind too much. He’s never actually alone for more than a few days at a time anyways (again, Phichit crashes at their place a lot).
They’re happy and disgustingly adorable and #couplegoals for literally everyone.
And then...they break up. And neither of them will say why. All anyone knows is that it started with a tiny little argument, and spiralled quickly into something monstrous and devastating.
And within the month, Yuuri moves out of his gorgeous 2-bedroom apartment with the huge bay windows and the guest room that they used to call Phichit’s room.
He leaves behind the boyfriend he was disgustingly in love with, and the puppy that whines pitifully after him, scratching at the door and begging to be let out.
He’s done uni by then, and so is Phichit. They have nothing left to tie them to that city, and because Phichit is beautiful and perfect and a way better best friend than Yuuri deserves, he convinces Yuuri to move with him across the country, to sunny beaches and towering palms, to a place as far away from home as they can possibly get, while staying in the same country.
And Viktor? He’s left behind in a too big apartment, with a heartbroken puppy that lies listlessly on Yuuri’s side of the bed and can only fall asleep when listening to Yuuri’s breathless laughter through old vacation videos on Viktor’s laptop.
Once their lease is up, Viktor decides to move back home to Russia, to parents who hug him tightly when they see him standing miserable and tired on their doorstep, and a little brother who barely recognizes him without his ex boyfriend attached to his hip.
He keeps writing his books (tragedies now, instead of the romance his fans have grown to expect from him), even sells his movie rights to some of them, and Makkachin starts running and playing again, tongue lolling happily out of his mouth and bouncing with excitement whenever Yura mentions the beloved “w” word. These days, Viktor always takes him travelling with him, ever since Makkachin got sick with anxiety the first time Viktor left him behind at his parents’ home for a week.
And meanwhile, Yuuri learns to live with a gaping hole in his chest where his heart used to be, so painful some days he can barely breathe.
Phichit is with him every step of the way, his partner-in-crime, his brother in all but blood, his platonic soulmate. (It’s a warm and sticky summer night when they lie on a sandy beach and listen to the waves lapping quietly at their bare toes, and they promise each other that if neither of them are married by forty, they’ll just marry each other. It’s not exactly what Yuuri had wanted from his future, but it still makes him clutch at his stomach in breathless laughter when Phichit suggests it.)
Viktor had always been the author out of the two of them, the one that knew how to string words in just the right order to paint a vivid picture in the minds of his readers.
But Yuuri isn’t too bad at it himself, he thinks. He decides to give it a try.
He paints a story of a clumsy couple, charmingly naive, so in love, so perfectly imperfect. He paints a story of a couple that bickers and banters, fights and then makes up with whispered apologies and warm cuddles. He writes about a couple that fights and makes up, fights and makes up, fights and makes up until...quite suddenly...they don’t.
He writes about the couple that goes their separate ways. A couple that is too young, too inexperienced for this thing they have between them, this thing that’s so huge, so important, so beautiful, they’re both afraid to lose it, so they throw it away themselves.
And then, just because he wants to give them the one thing he’d long given up hope for, he ends their story with a question.
(Can we give this a second chance?)
Katsuki Yuuri is 26, and disgustingly in love with Viktor Nikiforov, the boy he broke up with three and a half years ago.
He has a cute little 2-year-old toy poodle named Vicchan, whom his roommate, his platonic soulmate (his potential fiancé?) had given to him as a present to get over his broken heart.
They live together in a cozy little 1-bedroom apartment just ten minutes away from the beach, with a sofa-bed that their friends, Guang-Hong and Leo, like to crash on sometimes when they’re in the middle of another lovers’ quarrel.
Yuuri is a best-selling author, with his one-hit wonder, On My Love, garnering international attention and countless desperate requests for a sequel.
Yuuri likes to take Vicchan for walks along the beach early in the morning, just as the sun is beginning to peek above the horizon and paint the sky in soft pinks and dazzling oranges.
They’re taking a break one day, with Vicchan splashing in the shallows a few feet away, when Yuuri is suddenly bowled over by a whining, panting, standard sized poodle, all soft brown fur and sloppy kisses.
He can barely breathe around the desperate affection, and not even Vicchan’s excited, curious yapping is enough to distract the ecstatic giant furball from his reunion with his long-lost and sorely missed human.
As soon as Yuuri can breathe again, fingers curled into his beautiful older puppy’s fur, he looks up, and his heart clenches at the sight of the Russian man standing a few feet away, a familiar paperback clutched to his chest with white-knuckled hands.
He still wears his heart on his sleeve.
A question tumbles out of his mouth.
And in that moment, Yuuri knows to start his next book with an answer.
(“Of course.”)
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dognpugs-blog · 6 years ago
Mini Husky – Are you searching for anentertaining dog?
Mini husky – A best friend leaves paw prints on your heart. For pet owners, most probably that best friend is a dog. Are you searching for a dog, not only having all the desirable qualities of a classic dog such as protection, love and caring, honesty but also having some extra qualities to make you entertaining? We are pretty sure that, the dog breed, Mini husky definitely fulfill that extra part instead of a classic dog. That is because mini huskiesare born to be more energetic and entertaining their owners.
Have an idea about the general characteristics of the mini husky breed
Mini husky is the common name for the breed miniature husky. Actually; this is a small version of Siberian husky. Mini husky is a hybrid variety, with selective characteristics of pure breeding huskies.  Normally huskies have distinguished features of wolf-like appearance, fluffy coat & upright ears.  Their weight is between 35 to 60 pounds and the height is around 22 inches. So, Siberian husky is quite a large dog. So, what about a person eager to have a wolf looking dog Siberian dog, but unable to handle it due to its large size and extra expenses to maintain a quit large dog?  The exact answer for this scenario is getting a miniature dog of Siberian husky. This is the situation where the mini huskies breed has originated, as a plus point of a manageable package.
Origin of mini husky- from ancestors to present hybrid
Mini Huskies were originated first I 1990s by Bree Normandin.  She was eager to have a small version of Siberian husky and won the target by achieving quite small dogs known as miniature huskies; this same theory is practicing today even to get mini huskies. Mini husky is between 18 to 35 pound of weight and 12 to 16 inches in height, similar to the half size of Standard Siberian husky. Usually, mini huskies are black and white in color.  The ratio of black to white in their body fur makes mini huskies varieties. They have unique markings and patterns with color mixes. The attractiveness of mini huskies their eye color, which varies from brown to crystal blue in color. The life span of the mini huskies is around 12 years.
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Training and exercises of mini husks in a good manner
Mini Huskies are extremely smart, intelligent and energetic. Even though standard huskies need a complete exercise mini huskies do not require that kind of exercises. Mini Huskies can learn a lot in a very small time period. So, training time slots should not be too much longer. Specialists recommend not having elongated training sessions for more than 15 minutes. As this miniature canine can grab things more quick and fast, they can get trained very easily. This energetic dog requires both mental and physical training and exercises for its well being. A well trained Mini husky is trustworthy and affectionate to its owner.
As the ancestors of Mini huskies directed to wolf family, those miniature canines show some behavioral characters of wolves. Sometimes they howl than usual barking.
Have you ever heard that “escape artists” is one of the common names for Mini Huskies. Most probably; you might wonder why is that.  They are capable of finding paths to return. That is the precise reason for using the name, “escape artists”.
Take care about the grooming of Mini Huskies
The mini husky dog breed has a double layer coat. Those coats are as follows:
So, daily grooming is very important. Mini husky dogs shred their coats once a year. So daily brushing is important when they undergo this annual shredding. It is necessary to trim the fur for making complete grooming of husky dogs regularly. It is a plus point that the mini husky dogs need very little grooming than other breeding varieties.
Cross breeding of mini husky dogs to have gorgeous mini husky mixes
Crossbreeding between those smart, clever and attractive mini husky dogs with different genetic threads results in many variations which people keen to own. Those dog varieties obtained by mini husky breeding are called a mini husky mix. Characteristics inherited genetically from both parental dogs will end up with curious baby dog varieties with mix characters from both parental dogs.
The following few mini huskies are well-known mini husky mixes.
The hug is a mini husky mix obtained by the crossing of a mini husky dog with a flattened faced Pug.
Dachshusky is an adorable dog with quite short legs and large fluffy elongated ears by a cross breed of Dachshund with a mini husky dog.
Pomsky is also a very cute and elegant dog, a famous mini husky mix, caused due to the cross-breeding of amini husky with Pomeranian dog.
Doldusky, a trustworthy dog obtained by cross-breeding of Golden retriever with a mini huskies dog.
Horgi is a small and playful dog caused due to cross-breeding of Cordi dog with a mini huskies dog.
Shiba inhusky is a fully fluffy, cleaver and intelligent dog occurred by the cross-breeding of Shiba Inu dog with a mini huskies dog.
Siberpoo is another royal looking dog, obtained by the cross-breeding of a mini huskies with a Poodle dog.
Image source – alaskankleekai101,com
If you are really excited to be the owner of a wolf looked dog with reduced size, there is no other option rather than buying a mini husky dog. Not only with the wolf appearance but also mini Huskies have several inherent qualities such as loyalty to the owner, trustworthiness, temperament and extra adorability and entertaining. If you are not happy with the standard mini huskies dog, you can go step forward to have a mini husky mix according to your requirement.
Yes, It has to be accepted that the current trend and fashion is to own a smaller variety of a famous breed. But, sometimes this leads to some drawbacks due to the miniaturization. As the hunger to own a hybrid version can cause several issues in terms of their health and wellbeing.
Choosing a breed of mini husky dog from a trusted miniature husky breeder with the purpose of mini husky for sale can eliminate those problems. A reputed breeder has the knowledge of those issues and they will not cheat on you. And they test for health and genetic issues before selling a dog to their client.
More Info >>
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simplycreamcheese-blog · 5 years ago
Clicker Teaching For Horses
I enjoy my canine. My canine is a gorgeous yellow Labrador Retriever. Nonetheless a young pup, he weighs in at 35 pounds. The place of work that I work in allows us to deliver our puppies to function on celebration. Several places of work are dog friendly, but just before you get our canines to function, there are just a few elements you need to think about.
The gums of a standard YORKSHIRE TERRIER will be vivid pink or pink just like human gums. Gums that are pale in places (whitish spots) or mild pink could show that your training your dog blood sugar is dropping. Gums that are white, your pup wants swift consideration to stay away from hypoglycemic coma.
As talked about, puppies chew when they are teething. Nonetheless, mature pet can also build a habit of chewing when they are lonely, bored and when they are in search of attention. The puppy would be enticed to chew a vibrant and eye-catching item that is lying about and believed of to be a toy by the pet. Excited puppies are also acknowledged to chew.
The LABRADOR Retriever is a dependable puppy, powerfully constructed, standing 21 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder, and they weigh in at everywhere among 55 to 75 kilos.
As you can see there are a number of distinct sorts of poodles and poodle breeds. With so a lot of to decide on from you are sure to find a poodle that matches in excellent with your family members.
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hoffmanstoypoodles · 3 years ago
Find Red Poodles for sale Online to Get the Best Deal
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A complete family involves parents, kids, and a lovable dog. Often people choose a puppy as these puppies have a great adorable appeal. Especially, the kids are fond of playing with a puppy. Why don’t you think about red poodles puppies? They look so cute and amazing to match your desire.
Usually, a red pudle is art, affectionate, good with children, loyal, and so dedicated. We can say that poodles are very people-oriented and cannot do well without human companionship. So anyone can adopt them as a part of their home since they are so friendly and non-canine pets.
Firstly, poodles are adaptable and easy to train so you can train them as per your requirements, we would say that this breed is intelligent. They are non-shedding and considered hypoallergenic.
Secondly, you can take them for a walk and some daily exercise. However, they don’t need a lot of exercises.
Thirdly, they are so sensitive to their owner's emotions that they can be your friend. They are clowns and prance around with a toy to greet you or to play with you. As owners, you can trust them.
When we talk about the size, red pudle comes in different sizes such as the Standard Poodle being the largest, the Miniature Poodle, and the Toy Poodle (the smallest). Different size of poodles has different features in terms of height and weight. However, smaller dogs have a longer life span than larger dogs.
Talking about the entire poodle community, they are available in different colors too such as black, white, red, apricot, silver, and brown. Most people love to adopt red poodles puppies as they look gorgeous and stunning.
Looking for red poodles for sale? You can find a few reliable sources online and getting your poodle from them is a good decision. These poodles are generally so good-natured and behaved. Both the male and female poodles are the same by their nature and they are equally smart, attentive, and well behaved.
Teacup or small size puppies need extra care and nurturing. They eat special diets and must eat every 2 to 4 hours because they have small tummies and can't hold much food. Since they do not eat much at a time, they must be crated or confined in a small area (4x4) most of the time until they are 6 to 8 months old to conserve their energy and give them a chance to grow up.
They are truly your family members. Seeking red poodles for sale online? You can visit www.hoffmantoys.com
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99lulu66-blog · 7 years ago
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This is Louis, he was found abandoned on the street in 2003 as a puppy. I recognised him as a pure bred poodle puppy, still with his puppy coat. A circus had been in town and I've always wondered if he had escaped. He sailed with us to his new home with my brother, I swear he knew where he was going. We were brought up with poodles because my mum bred silver miniatures so my brother was very happy to be given a gorgeous apricot standard poodle puppy. Unfortunately Louis was bitten by a snake and died in 2009, my brother was devastated. However Louis had sired a litter of pups with a white miniature and my brother had kept one, and later the mum. Acrylics and oil pastel on paper. http://ift.tt/2EW3Sfq
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creativedogtrainingonline · 8 years ago
The Numerous Types of Labradoodles
The breed referred to as the ‘Labradoodle’ is so special in a lot of methods. However, with an explosion in appeal of all types ending in ‘-oodle’ these days, it’ses a good idea to know the difference between a curly layered fourth generation and a mini parti … and whatever in between.
The very first thing you need to learn about labradoodles is that there are varying distinct sizes. While the mini Labradoodle can mature to 42 centimetres, the medium Labradoodle can reach a height of 52 centimetres and the standard Labradoodle can grow anywhere from 53-60 centimetres high.
Labradoodles likewise come in 2 various coat types: the fleece coat and the curly. Fleece-coated Labradoodles display a loose curl or wave and are non-shedding. The curly-coated Labradoodle (sometimes likewise described as a wool coat) displays a tighter curl that sits closer to the body and is also non-shedding.
There are also a substantial variety of colour variations available in the modern Labradoodle. These include chocolate, cream, chalk, red, and gold coats, which it is vital to note, need to be an even colour throughout. Also offered is caramel, café, apricot and phantom, all of which can have differing pigments in the coat. A parti coat can be any colour covered with a white variation.
One Australian breeder has actually likewise produced a new labradoodle variation through cautious breeding, known as the Paddy Melon Labradoodle: this gorgeous little canine is actively bred to be the tiniest labradoodle specimen, at only 25-27 centimetres in height. The Paddy Melon labradoodle is presently only bred in the red and parti colour variations.
Obviously, in spite of its little size and status as a newcomer, the Paddy Melon Labradoodle still features all the very best qualities of a Labradoodle. It’s marketed as an ideal mix of the caring, devoted nature of the Labrador retriever combined with the low-allergy coat of the Poodle. Like the older labradoodle types, they are naturally intelligent and have a predisposition to being quickly trained. They are likewise very active pets with docile temperaments, that make them the perfect household pet, and the Paddy Melon Labradoodle is even more ideal for owners with little homes.
Not to be puzzled with a ‘toy dog’, these distinctive Labradoodles are more than simply a smaller sized version of the labradoodle type, and it is necessary that you don’t get fooled into thinking that any little canine will work.
No matter the size or colouring, our Labradoodle young puppies’ temperament is constantly constant and kind, growing into devoted, family-friendly canines displaying durability and hybrid vigour.
Just like any family pet, it is imperative to constantly purchase your canine from a respected breeder to ensure you are getting a real labradoodle with the appropriate colouring, health requirements and temperaments. You should likewise constantly ensure that your young puppy or dog features all the legal paperwork– ideally including a breeding history showing exact lineage.
Tamaruke Australian Labradoodles has a world-renown breeding program that creates constant, leading examples of the ‘pure’ Australian Labradoodle for household animals and help animals. Check out http://australialabradoodles.com.
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