#a good kitter
vaicomcas · 10 months
Castiel's continued interrogation of the cat
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That got me thinking about a whole episode of just Cas following the cat around to continue interrogate the cat.
And its shot mostly from the perspective of the cat-- like those popular internet footages of Mr. Kitters the cat with his GoPro neck camera.
The cat is outdoors in its own territory (and it's also a different cat in my AU... the one in the show called Cas a dumb ass and I have no use for it).
You'd see the cat dashing around, the whiskers in the foreground, the fuzzy paws pattering on the ground, then you see Cas squatting in front of the camera, squinting sternly.
So the cat runs away, and you see the rapid approach of a wall, the cat scales it in one leap and is now on the rooftop, but then Cas is right next to him, having teleported.
Then the scene zooms out and you see Cas and the cat standing together on the roof, looking down at a peaceful scene of trees and houses and gardens from a birds-eye view, and the sun is shining and the lilac bushes are swaying and the squirrels are running, and Cas and cat just tilt their respective heads and enjoy the moment.
And then sometimes the cat is in a tree, hopping from branch to branch, and Cas floats next to him, sometimes upside down in order to talk eye-to-eye with him, asking various questions.
And one time a hawk swoops down and its talons nearly catches the cat, then the next moment its legs are in the grip of a large hand, and offscreen you hear Cas telling the humiliated hawk very politely that he has some business with the cat, and if the hawk wouldn't mind extending a professional courtesy, one winged creature to another, and let the cat go.
And maybe Cas brings some evidence for the cat to look at, and the cat stares into Cas' eyes, and with a stone cold face slowly and deliberately swats the evidence off of the table. Edited to add: but Cas just levitates them right back to the table, and the cat is finally defeated and cooperates. (and also because the cat likes Cas of course).
Yeah I'd like to watch that very much.
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sarroora · 1 year
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kawaiikenna · 2 years
Me getting home from work and immediately making food and writing fic.
My cat, Kida: *comes up with big eyes and makes to jump into my lap to demand cuddles and love but doesn’t*
Me: *clicking my tongue to encourage her to jump into my lap to receive said love and cuddles*
Kida: *walks away with a slight disappointment*
Me: *is confused*
Kida: *comes back and repeats the same actions another two times*
Me getting far more confused at why she doesn’t just jump up: *realization* I haven’t taken off my uniform shirt yet. Is that what you’re waiting for?
Does the thing.
Kida: *immediately jumps into my lap as soon as I’m no longer wearing my uniform*
Me, giving her all of the loves and cuddles: You are so smart. Knowing that you’re not allowed to be picked up or cuddled while mom is wearing her uniform. Such a smart little bean. 🥰
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subterra-rose · 2 years
I saw your art in a tiktok and I thought I’d send it your way! The editor credited you in the comment section of the video. Their tiktok user is p2nkk. Here’s the link: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRGUTpha/
Yeah! My buddy @arbushq just sent me to it on insta too lmao! Skeleton bitch ftw
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ciciciron · 28 days
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Commission done for @skitter-kitter !! Thank you!!
Normally when posting a drawing based on a specific scene for something I'll quote from said scene but it was genuinely so good that I didn't want to lose any of the details in my quoting from it-
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kmodoposts · 7 months
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Who would believe that this innocent kitter regularily thieves my butter, attempts genocide on my cactus and hangs on the railways of the stairs so she can get a good chomp in as I pass.
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asavt · 2 years
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Supernova Noun A star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.
A few thoughts of my own about this under read more
~[ Song Inspo: Inside Joke (ZTMY), Good Tonight (from The Bad Guys) and The Court Jester (thquib) ]~
This thing is massive holy honey. A friend of mine ( @skitter-kitter ) showed me something they are working on and it ended up inspiring me for this. Consider it my last piece of this year~
I think these two should be allowed to be a bit chaotic, cause a little chaos, be a bit insane, go all out.
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Have an assortment of doodles (mostly Imp and Skizz because they’re fantastic)
The Rendog doodle was inspired by his latest episode. Which was absolutely fantastic I loved the story about the kitters and Snowy the cat
The assortment of Imp and Skizz doodles. Idk why but they live in my brain rent free. Idk I’ve just doodled them a lot lately
Also the last one is a recreation of that one original Scooby Doo pose because I was watching the replay is Skizz’s POV of the Grian + Skizz + Scar + Impulse Phasmo stream and I’m sure someone’s already drawn this but I felt the need to doodle it anyways.
That’s all!! Enjoy this selection of doodles and have good day :D
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draagu · 6 months
Hi friend
We haven't spoken in a while, probably because I have been busy (or a bit scared...)
I hope you're doing well. You deserve good things
aw friend, i hope you are doing well too. u are a very wonderful person who deserves all the greatest things!
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I've got quite the silly kitter here
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“Hello there, It’s a pleasure to meet you! You’re another hunter here in the manor correct? I was trying to go around to ask if any of you had advice on what to do in matches with particularly annoying survivors. I find myself stuck being tormented by them in my recent matches.”
-(,◡ _ ◡,)
((@manor-tea-time yippeeeeee
Phineas was on a balcony, Sitting on the handrail and smoking some cigarette after a busy schedule with a lot of matches, work and his shows and what’s not.
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So when he heard the voice of Miss Manni he was surprised since normally people wouldn’t find him here at this time but he just smiled and wave at her, signal to her to approach closer to him and relax with him on the balcony handrail.
He inhale the cigarette once more before blowing it out and let a blue smock come out to show the cigarette he is using is not a normal one. He then finally spoke while looking at Miss Manni.
“Oh my~ Greetings Miss Manni, it’s so lovely to see you at this fine evening. I didn’t think I would meet you here among all places ^^!! but oh~ I am so honoured you come to little old me to ask for advice for your matches!!”
He inhale another smoke and then blow it away once again while looking up to the sky.
“Deal with bothersome survivors?!… yeah that something each hunter have their own way to deal with so I will tell you that there is no fix answers but hmm here some basic advice~ I would advise you to always chair the survivor that bothers you the most first and make sure they being send back to the manor first and if they are a good kitter then leave them for last and make sure to get everyone else~ or you would find yourself have to chase down that person the whole match and waste your time!!”
“Of course that is the basic as I said but if you want more clear and detailed advice then tell me who the survivors that bothers you are!!”
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yzeltia · 1 year
FFXIVwrite2023 25. Call It a Day
Characters: @goldencrusader 's Ioh'juhn Reighn, Y'zel Tia Expansion: Endwalker(No Spoilers) Rating: T Notes: Continuation of Check cause Ioh is a good boy who has never done anything wrong
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Under the starry night sky, the Rhotano Sea laid still, creating a calm mirrored surface for The Gilsnapper to glide upon. Y’zel sang to himself, hand upon the helm as he sailed through the night, jumping lightly as Ioh’juhn moved to hold him from behind, lips pressed right into one of his cones.
“It’s late, Kitter. Perhaps it is best we lay anchor and move below deck. I have something much more fun to steer,” he teased.
Y’zel flushed, leaning into the Keeper with a little hum, ear twitching underneath the other’s chin as he wrapped his tail around the other’s waist. The taller Miqo’te lowered his lips, nibbling lightly on the paler one’s neck, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from him. Still, Y’zel’s eyes stayed forward, gripping the helm tight despite Ioh’juhn’s pawing upon him, if only for a moment longer.
Relenting, the smaller Miqo’te turned and threw his arms around the other, bringing him down into a kiss. If there was one thing Y’zel could rely on, it was Ioh’juhn somehow showing up at the right time. A purr escaped his throat as they kissed, the rakish rogue pinned down his tongue. With a shiver, he started to wantonly grind his hips into Ioh’s before a soft mewl escaped his lips.
“C’mon Kitter, a more comfortable venue awaits.”
With that, Ioh’juhn scooped Y’zel into his arms then gave him a quick peck before walking him across the deck toward the cabin. The Tia whimpered, nosing his face into the other’s neck, sneaking in little nips as they moved along. Taken to bed, he’d forget his mistakes, his worries. Ioh could make him forget everything except that he was loved.
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roseofcards90 · 5 months
I’m currently out of ideas for 0610 cats :’3 so I hope you’ll accept generic kitter
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And I hope you have a good day :3
AAAAAAAAAA I WILL ACCEPT ANY KITTER YOU BRING ME! 😭🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ I will hold every kitter gently in my hands and give them little pats on their head
I hope you have a great day too!!! Thank u so much omg
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operafloozy · 1 year
Beatrix Kitters
We had to say goodbye to Bea today.
Bea was a friend's coworker's ex-wife's cat. The friend's coworker was moving to Montana, didn't really want to deal with the cat, and the ex-wife had left the cat in the divorce. Plus, she sat like people.
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Her name was originally Kitters, and we changed it to Beatrix Kitters (like Beatrix Kiddo). Queen Bea, Bea bea bea, bay-bea so many Bea puns.
The first thing she did was crawl into our apartment's crawlspace and find a hole in the insulation. We called the landlord about that. But she was always very good at letting her wants be known and taking her opportunities where she could.
More pictures under the cut.
Things she liked:
Open windows
Being held like a football on the correct side of the bed so she could also stare out the window while being cuddled.
Being on my lap while I was spinning or on a call - it doesn't matter if my legs were bobbing up and down, she had to be there.
Water in the bathroom. At first we thought it was something about the water quality, but she not only discovered a love of the bathtub last year (after having access for that bathtub for six years), she also was perfectly fine with a little water dish in the bathtub.
Being pet. Extremely insistent on it, really.
Things she disliked:
Our other two cats. We tried our best to integrate, but we've had a baby gate up for six and a half years.
The vet. I know, I know, no cat likes it - but Bea? She had multiple caution stickers on her file. She got 86'd from the animal opthamologist. She rage puked, rage peed, and shat. She made her feelings known.
Gavapentin. Which we tried so many ways to give her so she'd be calmer when she went into the vet. She'd puke it out, drool it out, eat around it - she was a master near the end.
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She's had a lump on her head for a while, so we didn't think very much of it getting larger. But then she started getting more, and losing weight - turned out she had mast cell tumors and splenic cancer. We had surgery for it exactly a month ago, but she never quite got her appetite back. We called mnpets, and she got to die at home, in her cat tree, by the back window.
Have some more photos.
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breadedsinner · 1 year
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Kitters being a good girl for the sitter
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happyhealthycats · 2 years
Hey there! I’m really happy to see you more active - I always feel so hopeful when there are professionals around the webspace to advocate for the kitters. 💕
I’m sure you’ve got a million asks to sort through, so no pressure - but in your opinion, could an auto-feeder encourage compulsion/obsession in a particularly food-motivated cat?
My 2yr DMH is a thespian when it comes to the times of day he is not being fed (he gets wet food twice a day and small servings of kibble four times a day from the auto-feeder, so he is not lacking for a variety of mealtimes lol), and sometimes he sits by the feeder for hours just… waiting… is this something I should be worried about?
Thank you so much and again, so good to see you around! Here is the puzzle-master himself using his little smarty-pants brain on his newest puzzle:
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BIG claps for the multiple feeding times! You're listening amazingly to your cats individual needs and helping him.
As for the compulsion, it's possible to spark up, especially around a resource like food. At the end of the day it's an issue only if you dislike him hanging around the bowl - OR if he figures out how to get to the food in the autofeeder.
If it's at all possible, it may help to start switching up locations of the feeder. While cats love a schedule, small shifts in their daily situation can help more confident cats! I've also seen some products that are toys shaped like mice and meant to hold food. They can be hidden around, and if your cat is food motivated, it can be a super mega AWESOME way to marry hunting and feeding, which may wind up leading to some of those good brain chemicals that cats get from solving food puzzles. It may help reward your cat for a job well done, in addition to getting a meal out of it. Admittedly if you're not able to (this can be tough to do if you have multiple animals), it's not the end of the world! Try to challenge him in what little ways you can and you may notice an improvement. Heck, you may even be able to use this motivation to train him to do simple tricks - which can also reward a cat for a job well done with food.
Your dramatic little guy could be made to play dead so he can show you how he's WASTING AWAY (joking!). I'm so intrigued by that puzzle he's got! I haven't seen one like that and I'm curious! Does anyone know where to find it?
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desidesidesi · 11 months
Hey! Know this is a bit late, but life has been. UM. Happening a lot. Here's some kitten updates:
Amber the Cat lost a fang a while back and when I took her to the vet they said she had another irritated tooth so she needed surgery to remove it.
Well. 600ish dollars later (took out my first damn credit card to pay for it. Jesus Christ) she's sans one more fan and still pretty achy from it. She's doing better but still has a pretty good amount of pain. We're hoping the weekend is calming for her.
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Professor Juniper is doing good! But this medical emergency meant we had to push back her next check up cuz I'm so broke. D;
She seems to be doing fine. We put fresh sheets on the bed and she wanted so badly to be buried in them. I swear I need to get this cat a tent. I walked back in to grab a throw blanket and found her like this:
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But yeah. Life has been.... A lot recently and I'm so glad I have my kitties to make it through the day
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