#a garage?! ohhh la la !
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konvoluted · 2 years ago
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elbiotipo · 4 years ago
Funny how the US who thrives themselves with being a capitalist wonderlan and 'respecting the private property" is where you can't tender la ropa en tu propia casa o abrir un kiosco.
It’s hilarious because I live in a barrio of state-build housing, when we got here every house was the exact same, all very stalinist you know, and now every house is different, some have two stories, others are kioscos or other small business, others are partially or wholly rented, ALL of them have different gardens, garages, paintjobs, new rooms, new roofs... that’s because our dirty communist goverment doesn’t care what you do with your own property (within reason), it’s your own, even if THEY THEMSELVES BUILD IT.
Now, search for everything that HOAs and zoning laws do and you’ll understand a bit why the US is Like That. To have some random people from a private club to tell me what I can or can’t do in MY FUCKING HOUSE. THE ONE I BOUGHT AND OWN. is to me, the height not only of authoritarianism (should we call it feudal capitalism) but more importantly, the height of romper las pelotas. (Not to mention the racism and classism those organizations often perpetuate)
Fun fact: once I was writing a fanfic about a US thing (irrelevant which) and I thought, ohhh, this character would totally own a vivero or a verdulería, and then I remembered that legally and culturally, he just... couldn’t own one because his house is in the suburbs and that’s illegal you know. Land Of The Free!
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frederator-studios · 7 years ago
Meet Rory Panagotopulos, Creator of Thrashin’ USA
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Rory Panagotopulos is a Boston native with a Venice Beach soul, whose lifelong love of skateboarding inspired his short “Thrashin’ USA” our 11th Go! Cartoon. When he’s not animating the crowd-pleasing interstitials of MTV shows like Girl Code, Rory is hanging out with his dog Bosco or creating skate-related content such as gifs of the Gundam robots catching phat air—quality content accessible on his Instagram. I caught up with Rory to talk sketch comedy, bad 80s action sports movies, and turning your childhood neighbors into over-the-top cartoon villains.
How did you start animating?
I always wanted to do art—funny art, if possible. I knew I wanted to animate but didn’t really know where to start. The first things I made were claymations In high school—my aunt and uncle were getting rid of their giant 80s VHS camcorder, so I used that and just hit ‘record’ and ‘stop’ really fast.
An illustrious beginning. Where’d that take you?
I went to college for Computer Science. It was back when the belief was that everything was going to be 3D animated from then on. So I started getting into 3D animation, and found that it wasn’t for me. I’ve always loved drawing and making characters, and I was got lost in all the technicality of 3D. So I started focusing on art in college instead, and realized I could easily use a computer to make 2D animations.
Wait, so… you became a Computer Science major just to do 3D animation?
Yeeeaah. I was so mystified by animation that I was like, “3D animation is done on computers right, so Computer Science major it is.” 
Oh man.
It culminated with me and my friend sort of tricking our advisors into letting us make a movie our senior year. He was a film major and I was like an Art major, Comp. Sci. minor at that point. Our movie had 3D animations that I did the full animating on - way too much for one person, so it didn’t look great - but it was an animated movie.
That’s cool. Did you submit it to festivals?
Ohhh, yeah, noo, it wasn’t a fit for festivals. But we did meet people from MTV because of it. Randomly, a dude at MTVU reached out to us after seeing it. And oddly enough, the same person I first met at MTV, 10 years later, is the person I work with now at MTV.  
What do you do for MTV now?
Technically the gig is with the independent production company that the executive producer of the shows I work on created. But I make the little explanatory animations for the show Girl Code.
Neat! So did you go straight into freelance animating after school?
Actually, no. Me and the friend I made the film with moved to New York and started doing comedy stuff at Upright Citizen’s Brigade. Just to make stuff, we’d make YouTube videos and would put animation in them.
Comedy stuff! Was that acting, writing, stand-up?
Sketch shows, which we did for about 5 years. They have house teams at UCB, so every month we’d host a different sketch show—it was great training for writing. And we did a few big shows, like one called “Dog Fleet”. It was like a live on-stage Saturday-morning Cartoon parody. Sort of like a Ninja Turtles toss-up, but with dogs.
Actual dogs onstage?
Oh, no, that would’ve been bad, ha—just people. People with very rudimentary dog ears on their heads. And they were obsessed with beans instead of pizza.
Ah, gotcha. So this comedy stuff, it couldn’t have been paying the bills?
Not quite! I was working at a book publisher, Simon and Schuster, doing the #1 most boring job in the arts. I’d go through editor’s corrections for books and make sure they didn’t mess up the page layout too much. So scrolling through books all day adding commas.
And then you’d let out all that steam with the comedy at night?
Pretty much! I liked that job because it ended at 5pm, and I wouldn’t think about it again until the next morning. Lived that double lifestyle for a while. Then the guy I met at MTV started doing Girl Code, and reached out to me and was like, “Oh, do you still do animation?”. At first I was like, “No”.
Ha! Shut down.
I wasn’t exactly like “No” but I was like, “Oh, I dunno, this comedy thing is pretty cool.” But I eventually got too bored of the other job. So I reached out to him and was like, “Hey, are you still doing that?” And he was like “Actually no, I’m not.” But he graciously introduced me to the new person who was running the show. So that’s how that gig started.
Did you dream of making a cartoon as a kid?
Definitely, I was obsessed with cartoons. We didn’t have cable until I was like 12, so any time a cartoons came on TV, I was watching it. It was basically Ninja Turtles and all the action 80s and 90s cartoons like GI Joe and Centurions. And I was totally obsessed with the X-Men cartoon, which I actually re-watched recently and found to have the most insane complicated plot of any cartoon. I definitely didn’t understand what was going on when I was a kid. I guess I was just like “Oh my God! Wolverine!”
So what do you work on in your own time?
The awesome thing about doing freelance is I can take a full month here and there to work on personal stuff. I did an animated web series a couple years ago called “Garbage Time”. It’s about two kids sitting on the bench for a basketball team, something I did a lot of my freshman year of high school. I did everything for it: writing, casting, recording, animating. I learned why so many people work on animated projects—it’s a lot to make. If I’m more busy, I make wacky photoshops that I usually share on Twitter.
So did you come to pitch to Go! Cartoons?
I knew of Frederator through Adventure Time or Fairly OddParents. I don’t know what landed me on the website... again with the theme of me not knowing what I’m doing. But I saw the Go! Cartoons program, and was like, “Oh, I definitely want to do this”. “Dog Fleet” was originally going to be my cartoon pitch, but my friend wanted to do it as a sketch show, so that’s how that went.
But I still wanted to make a cartoon, so I came up with two new pitches. My girlfriend and I were coming out to LA for a wedding, so I scheduled my pitch for then, and figured if I’m going all the way out there, I’ll wow them with two - not just one - pitches. In hindsight, neither was good. Eric (our VP Development) gave me great notes and a quick class on pitching, and I took his advice home, came up with and boarded “Thrashin’ USA”, and did a better pitch over Skype.
What was the advice you were given on pitching?
Well, because the shorts are only 5 minutes, character is key. You have to get a very good, likable character out to the audience as quickly as possible. And then you also want the story to be simple and to the point. The ones I’d pitched before, nothing really happened. They were kind of like mumblecore. So when I went back I tried to make a very tight story where actions happened in sequence, and you get to know a character, and you actually feel good at the end.
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What inspired “Thrashin’ USA”?
I loved skateboarding in high school and college. I was terrible at it, but I’ve always loved it, and skate culture in general. And it was on my mind at the time because my nephew was turning 5 and wanted a skateboard for his birthday. I was like: #1, it’s crazy that you’re 5 and you want a skateboard; and #2, I was remembering how when you’re a kid, it’s so hard to get anything. So I thought about a kid trying to get a skateboard or get his skateboard back, and that’s where that idea originated.
Also, my neighbor growing up was named Mrs. Tracy. And before I had a board, they always had this old 70s banana board in the back of their garage that I would just see. I’d always think, “Oh man… I just want to get that board.”
Were you guys friendly... was she evil? Is she gonna see your short?!
I think she was a very nice woman - definitely not evil. We were always like, losing balls in her backyard, so I think she was more annoyed with us than anything. The way my dad is… I’m sure he’ll see her on the street and try to explain it to her and she’ll be like, “Okay.”
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Who were the inspirations for Pau and Gabby?
Pau basically looks a lot like my nephew, so that’s true to life. With Gabby, I wanted there to be a cool skater girl, and to avoid any kind of ‘damsel in distress’ trope. She’s as good a skateboarder, if not better than Pau.
Did you know any cool skater girls growing up?
Not really. Mostly because me and my one friend in high school who also skateboarded were too bad to go to skateparks or anything. But I think some of the reason behind that was that back then, and still now, skateboarding has an annoying "boys club" vibe. I think part of my intention with Gabby’s character was to raise the representation, in a small way, of skateboarding being a cool thing for girls to do. I’d rather paint a picture of skateboarding that’s more open to everyone.
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Well you know one now! Not sure I count as “cool” though. Do you still skateboard?
Nah; the last time I did was back when I was still doing sketch comedy. I was using a skateboard as a prop in a show, so I skateboarded 5 or 6 blocks from the train to the theater, and my knees hurt so much afterward that I was like, “Ok, well, that was fun while it lasted.”
Where you grew up, was skateboarding a big part of the culture?
I grew up in the suburbs of Boston, and definitely not. The things kids liked were baseball and hockey. I watched a lot of TV shows as a kid about skateboarding and California and it always seemed like this awesome fantasy world where everybody skateboarded. Really I only had one or two friends who also skateboarded. But it was this cool thing where we were from a place people wouldn’t skateboard, but we were doing it anyway. And being from Massachusetts, we had to have a chip on our shoulders because it’s cold all the time. So it was this point of pride like, “Yeah, let’s go skate even though it’s freezing.”
Do you know what you’d do with a Thrashin’ USA series?
Well I’ve drawn a lot from the bad skateboarding movies that were made in the 80s and 90s. There’s one called Thrashin’ that is definitely my favorite of them; it’s basically Romeo and Juliet set against a downhill skateboarding race. There’s a rollerblading one called Airborne. And they make no sense. They’re supposed to take place in the normal world, but it’s all over-the-top and skateboarding is the most important thing in the world for everybody. And I was like, these could be good, if the conceit was that this is a fantasy world where skateboarding is super important and everyone cares about skateboarding, cause that’s just not reality. So that’s the idea: to build that kind of world and treat it as a fantasy.
Have you thought about Pau and Gabby’s arcs?
Well I imagine that this world would have levels of competitions. So I see them both entering the town competition, then regional, state, and all the way up to universal competitions. And it’d become a dynamic where they’re working out whether they have feelings for each other, and whether those will be affected by the fact that they’re both very focused on skateboarding and trying to be the best in the world at it.
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Would Mrs. Tracy remain a primary antagonist?
Yeah, I like her as an antagonist because one of the goofiest things about those 80s skateboarding movies is how ridiculous the villains are. It’s (dramatic voice) parents, teachers, COPS. You know, people who are generally just trying their best but because they’re enemies of skateboarding, they’re public enemy #1 in this world. So I like the heightening of strict teachers, crazy neighbors—Mrs. Tracy just trying to get vengeance for her azaleas.
What are your biggest influences and favorite cartoons?
For “Thrashin’ USA” specifically, the title comes from the song “Thrashin’ USA” by The Bones Brigade, that actually took their name from a skateboarding crew from the 80s—so doubly ripping off. They were like a thrash metal band I was really into in college that did a lot of songs about skateboarding and eating junk food.
Some of my favorite movies of all time are the Bill and Ted duology. I think it’s had a big influence on my humor and ideas. I’m a fan of Genndy Tartakovsky’s stuff - definitely Samurai Jack, but I feel like his Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon gets overlooked. That was my favorite cartoon for a while. One of my favorite animated movies ever is called Interstella 5555. It’s basically a Daft Punk album that they made an anime over, and the story is of a super popular alien pop group getting corporatized by an Earth record company. I also really liked Daria and Beavis and Butthead. When Adult Swim and Toonami became a thing, I was all about that. 
And what are you working on now, as personal projects?
Well I was inspired by the whole Go! Cartoons process, so I’ve just been like, coming up with a lot of pitches and character ideas. One that I’m working on now is about a BMX bike gang—sort of like Daria crossed with Akira.
I’d watch! Thanks for the chat Rory. I’m excited to see the projects you slide into next.
- Cooper
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vulturesthedirtiestkind · 3 years ago
Ho Ho Ho 👽
My gift to you, my road trip playlist. This dips in and out of groovy sing-a-long tunes to dirty garage rock bangers, all fun. Hope you like.
1.) Highway tune - Greta Van Fleet
2.) Roll on down the Highway - The Donnas
3.) La Grange - ZZ Top
4.) Cinnamon Girl - Neil Young
5.) Nobody’s Fault but Mine - Led Zeppelin
5.) Lola - The Kinks
6.) Anemone - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
7.) Lust for Life - Iggy Pop
8.) Let There Be Rock - AC/DC
8.) Deceptacon - Le Tigre
9.) Tough Customer - Valient Thorr
10.) Seer - Witch
11.) Lump -The presidents of the United States
12.) Dirty Boots - Sonic Youth
13.) I Wanna Be Your Dog - The Stooges
OHHH these are so perfect thank you so much!! i appreciate you so so much d:’)
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benbarnesescape · 7 years ago
Blood, Sex & Whiskey - Part 4
$ecret – Part B
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Warnings: 18+ for SMUT (if you’re not 18 gotta wait for the next part)
A/N: ………………..this photo. Killed. Me. The last part until this drops on Netflix! I hope you enjoy and can’t wait for tomorrow! Also this is short because not sure how I’m going to drive this until I binge the hell outta of the show to make it align some way ha ha
Tag list: @iheartbinbons @binbonsadoration @delos-mio @lafemmedemon @la-fille-en-aiguilles@ladyblablabla @drinix @padfootagain @princesse-de-ravenclaw @lovelysiriuss @deerprongs @maraudereestauderelb
“Looks like you’re full of shit.” You nail a shot in the corner pocket of the large pool table, the ball sinking perfectly into the small hole as you lean up from your spot with a cocky smile on your face.
Billy was leaning against the opposite wall, the smirk on his face never leaving as his hooded eyes watched you. You had played three games and each game, somehow, with précised shots, you had won.
All three games had only taken 20 minutes. You had even let him shoot first in this last round but it had been to no avail. You had hustled him and won fairly, your skill outweighing any fake confidence he tried to wear.
He shook his head, placing his pool stick on the table as he walked to you as you leaned against the table, a confident smile on your face.
“You a former pool champion or something?” he asks, his eastern accent hanging in your ears as he invaded your space and you shrugged, finishing your beer and placing it beside you.
“Just have always been really good at geometry.”
He laughs, his hands snaking around your waist as he draws you closer to him and you quirk up an eyebrow in amusement.
“Oooo someone’s getting confident.” You tease, your hands wrapping around him and despite his best efforts he can’t help the flush of blood that runs to his cheeks. You lean on your tip toes as you place a soft kiss on his lips, considering his eyes boldly.
“You want to get out of here soldier?” you whisper against his skin and he nods enthusiastically, causing you to laugh as you pull away.
“Meet you at the door.” You say, strategically letting your hands move down his chest and stop short of his belt.
“Don’t keep me waiting.”
You move past him and his body moves to watch you, taking in the way your hips move in your skirt before he’s turning on his heels, moving quickly to his booth.
“There he is. The man of the hour!” Frank hollers and Billy ignores him, grabbing his jacket and easily pulling it over his shoulders.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Rafi mutters, looking up at him with his beer in his hands and Billy smiles, shaking his head.
“Sorry Raf – looks like she made her choice.” He grins out before looking around for Jason who, despite the earlier mood, has lightened up a bit.
“Ohhh boy, this is going to stick in his head.” He mutters and Frank whoops as you near the table, causing all three men to quiet.
“Ready?”  you ask, slinging your bag over your shoulder and Billy makes quick work to grab it, quickly saying,
“Let me get that for you.”
You smile, before looping your arm in his own and you both start for the door.
“Have a nice night boys.” You call over your shoulder, leaving the table of men gaping at the both of you.
“How the hell am I the one sulking in the corner while Billy runs off with my woman? How the hell did that happen?” Rafi finally says once the doors close.
“Apparently we’ve entered some alternative universe where Billy doesn’t blabber off like an idiot and wins the girl.” Jason agrees and Frank laughs, shaking his head.
“You both are some sore sports – your mama ever tell you that?”
It was your taste that had done him in first. The way your lips tasted as you pushed him into your hotel suite, your arms grabbing hold of his jacket as the door closed behind you. Your tongue was a twist of bitter ale, mint and something that can only be defined as you. His hands grabbed onto your ass, squeezing the large mound of skin closer to his erection eliciting a moan, your head rolling to the side so his mouth could make its way down your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he fell back onto the bed, bringing you down on top of his lap. His hands blindly pushed at your suit jacket, the thick material easily slipping from your limbs as your hands move to work on his.
You growl, pulling at his pull over sweater jacket, annoyed that he’s added an extra layer of skin as you mutter in a low tone,
He smiles, yanking the sweater over him as you move to unbutton your shirt, discarding it among your clothes.
“You’re kinda handsome, you know that.” You tease, placing your hands on his shoulders as you pull him closer to you. He chuckles before his mouth is finding yours again, his tongue mingling with your own as his hand snakes around your body, easily finding the clasps to your bra and yanking against the taunt material. He moans in disappointment when he’s meet with elastic and you giggle, pulling away to unclasp your bra from the front.
“They make them more fun nowadays.” You smile, throwing your bra off only to be rewarded with his tongue. You moan, flinging your head back as you rock into him and he nips at your breast.
“You are so damn beautiful,” he sighs into your skin. “How in the hell are you still single?”
You shrug, your right arm drawing him closer to you as your free hand snakes down to his belt, tugging on the clasp as you moan out.
“I get bored easy.”
He grunts as your hand skims over his erection, biting down on your nipple causing you to yelp as he pushes up your skirt. He hastily pushes away your panties and you rock against his hand, eliciting a loud moan to emit from your mouth. He pulls away from your breast long enough to watch you enjoy yourself on him, before his hand slides up your wet folds and flicks against that small bud that has you whispering out his name.
“Need you Billy…”
He understands. It’s been two years since the last time he’s been with a woman and he’s desperate for you as you pull out his firm erection, biting your lip at his size.
“Someone was good to you.” You mutter out before your positioning yourself above him as he slowly enters you. Takes time to watch you arch your back wantonly, your fingers digging into his shoulders as you close your eyes, relinquishing the way your walls tighten around him.
A perfect fit.
He waits a bit before he pulls out and slams against you and it’s you that snaps your head to him, your hands cradling his face as you start to rock against him and he moans at the way your hips skillfully move against him. His hands bite into your ass as you moan out his name and his hand maneuvers to your clit again, circling the sensitive bud and your seeing white as his hips move sloppily against your own, no disregard to anything but the idea of coming.
Its only minutes before he spills his seed into you, grunting out your name as his face falls into your breast and you wrap your arms around him, drawing him closer to you.
“Not bad soldier.” You whisper, playing a gently kiss on his forehead.
That had been that. You both had fucked each other senseless, watching bad Turkish TV shows and ordering room service between sessions. Laughing and talking about America and the war that had taken so many away. And all while you distracted him with your sensuous body, those bright eyes and supple breast, Rafi and Jason had been executed. Frank had tried to contact him but his phone had died, he’s sure, due to you.
The beginning of the break between him and Frank Castle.
He thought of you know as he looked down at the pools of blood of the men in the parking garage that he had only left twenty minutes prior. He had been worried when your voice had picked up on the other line.
Lady Viper.
His unit oversaw the disposal of you and the rest of the vermin like you that was roaming the earth. All of you couldn’t be trusted. The serum that had been running through your blood since your youth was slowly making you crazy, killing civilians. Causing you to make poor, sloppy choices. You had to be exterminated before Al-Qaida got your hands on you all, making you an impossible target.
But you all knew. And spent months slowly killing off your unit.
Except one. One who had found another way to survival. Someone who had opted out of violence and hid behind civilians. Who had distracted him while the rest of his unit got killed off one by one.
Everyone except him and Frank Castle.
He always wondered why you didn’t execute him. Had plenty of times to in the three months that you saw each other. Until you fell off the planet of the earth, never to be heard of again.
“Status report on Castle and his family?” Billy asks Curtis who’s shaking his head, taking in the damage.
“Fuck what she do? How’d she manage to hit them all square in their heart. How did she do this so quickly?”
“Status report Curtis.”
The African American man flicks his eyes to Billy who’s gripping his phone tightly. Knowing there was something else that he was keeping from him.
“All good here boss. Everything is one track.”
“She’s on the loose. Should have killed the bitch when I recognized her back at the bar.”
“Why didn’t you kill her?” Curtis asks incredulously and Billy raises a brow to him, his jaw set. “You just…you’re not one to not leave loose ends.”
Billy gives a heavy sigh. He had known you the minute he made eye contact with you across the bar. Your hair was longer, no longer the auburn red that had captured his eyes but he’d know you anywhere. But you, when you made eye contact with him, you hadn’t looked to have known him at all.
He was enticed. He had heard that a side effect of the serum was that, once a mission was complete, handlers would wipe you clean. Was he your last mission? Was that why you hadn’t recognized him.
He had to know. So he played along. Aside from his curiosity, you were also the best lay he has ever had. There was something about that magic pussy of yours that got under his skin and he couldn’t resist. Was always his problem. A pretty face and tight pussy doing him in.
He should have killed you at the bar. You had ruined his life and caused him into the same world he swore he would never touch.
He should have killed you.
“We gotta get there. Gotta find her and take care of it.”
He ignores Curtis question. IT was known of his damn business. Curtis knows this, acknowledge Billy’s comment and sighs, turning on his heels.
“Whatever you say sir.”
He thrusts his hands in his pockets, closing his eyes. If you got to Frank Castle they were fucked. All of them.
One assassin was bad enough. A goddamn war machine with one was genocide. He takes one last look at the garage, before turning on his heel and disappearing into the slick SUV that patiently waits for him.
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bi-dracula · 7 years ago
allllllll the numbahs
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?Melanie Martinez2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?Hella3) What was your last text message?Received? “It never came through earlier”. Sent? A video of Yebee4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?Napping 6 feet under the ground 5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?New York 6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?Batman 🦇7) What was your favorite 90s show?Uhhhhhhh idk, friends I guess8) Who was your last kiss?...muffins 9) Have you ever been stood up?Yeeep10) Favorite ice cream flavor?Uh, blackberry 11) Have you been to Las Vegas?Once12) Your favorite pair of shoes?Bootsie wootsies 13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?Nada14) What is your favorite fruit?Banewnew banaynay bananarama 15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?Indeedly doodly 16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?Meh, not really. And Both? Both17) Do you smoke? If so, what?We’d18) What do you do to get over your anger?Lol I don’t 19) Do you believe in God?Ye20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?Yessiree 21) Favorite position?On my right side nestled between all 4 of my pillows and blanket, it’s a very snug sleeping position22) What’s your horoscope sign?♓️23) Your fears?Everything 24) How many pets do you have? What kind?One lovely kitty 25) What never fails to turn you on?Hmm, Melanie Martinez (jk, there is nothing)26) Your idea of a perfect first date?Literally anything I’m just happy to get a date27) What is something most people don’t know about you?What my actual personality is like28) What makes you feel the happiest?Melanie Martinez 29) What store do you shop at most often?Books a million 30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?Mehh 31) Do you believe in karma?Kinda, ye32) Are you single?Nope33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?Depends who you are apologizing to and what you did wrong, personally I would be more likely to forgive you if you gave me candy34) Are you a good swimmer?Ye35) Coffee or Tea?Neither. But if I had to choose it’d be tea36) Online shopping or shopping in person?Irl shopping is more fun37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?I’d like to be a child again so I can actually have a childhood thanks38) Cats or Dogs?Cats ftw. not really a huge fan of dogs ngl39) Are you a competitive person?Ohhh yeah40) Do you believe in aliens?Meh41) Do you like dancing?If I’m drunk hell yeah42) What kind of music to you listen to?Melanie Martinez 43) What is your favorite cartoon character?Hhhhnnnmmmgg...... Daggett the beaver 44) Where are you from?Maine45) Eat at home or eat out?Outoutoutout46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?So much47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?Melanie Martinez CD48) Why do you think your followers follow you?I have no fucking clue, my dude49) How many hours do you sleep at night?Somewhere between 14 and 250) What worries you most about the future?Literally everything 51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?We wouldn’t 52) Are you happy with yourself?Ehhhh no53) What do you wish you didn’t know?I wish I didn’t know what rosebudding was54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?Don’t do drugs, kids55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?The house from the Golden Girls56) What’s your favorite Website?YouTube 57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?Fighting 58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?I have no idea 59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?Never bought anything from places like that60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?Chicken teriyaki, beef teriyaki, beef fried rice61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?...Wyoming 62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?History 63) Favorite kind of chips?Barbecue 64) Favorite kind of sandwich?...meat65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?Neither 66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?Once, it sucked 67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?Running 68) Are you afraid of heights?I mean, I’m afraid of falling so yes69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?Science 70) What’s your favorite breakfast?Anything edible 71) Do you like guacamole?Ech no72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?Lol yeah73) What/who are you thinking about right now?Melanie Martinez 74) Do you like cuddling?Helllll to the yes75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?Probably a lot of things 76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?Kinda?77) Favorite city you’ve been to?NYC78) Would you break the law to save a family member?Depends on the law and the family member79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?No80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?So many (like, 3)81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?Ohhh that’s a tough one I’m not sure, honestly 82) Favorite day of the week?Any of them83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?Meh, not really 84) How do you feel about porn?Hate hate hate hate hate hate 85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?Melanie Martinez 86) Who was your hottest ex?All of them 87) Do you want/have kids?I have 2 babs88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?Yes 89) Do you get easily distracted?...maaaaaybe90) Ass or titties?Why not both?91) What is your favorite word?...FUCK92) How do you feel about tattoos?LOVE EM 10/1093) Do you have any pets?Kittykittykitty94) How tall are you?72 inches95) How old are you?312 months96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?EyesHairHands97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about?Melanie Martinez 98) Do you have trust issues?Yes 99) Do you believe in love at first sight?Love? No, infatuation? Yes100) What are some words that you live by? Why?"Now where were we? Ah, yes - abject humiliation!" Because I always need to remember to humiliate myself at least once a month
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