#a game of telephone based on someones bad faith reading of a thing
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girlballs · 9 months ago
loooove to block people for being dipshits and going like "oh tumblr should nuke this trans womans blog because i personally find her annoying" like politely go fuck an electrical outlet
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the-owl-tree · 1 year ago
hey, is it true some people are saying Lizardtail is t that bad? It’s just something I heard from Squilf haters. If it’s not then whatever but if it’s true can you explain to me why they may say that? I’m saying this because I’m always open to understanding this stuff!
There's a very bad game of telephone going on currently in the discussion sphere of things, where a topic like "Lizardstripe being a bad person is based not on her cruelty, but by the fact she doesn't want children, which is a horrible sentiment to tell children" and is somehow misinterpreted (eitherfully willfully or not) to be "Lizardstripe is secretly a good person who is a victim and therefore her abuse is good." You're probably not going to find someone saying Lizardstripe biting children is good, but you will find people being critical of why she is portrayed as an abuser.
To demonize a woman for not wanting children (and solely for that reason. ah, except for the half-assed "ambition" they slap onto her) and painting THAT as why the reason she is an abuser is shitty and misogynistic. The scene where we actually see Lizardstripe hurt her children isn't even in Yellowfang's Secret, it's in Omen of the Stars, and it makes you wonder why they chose to put scenes of her not wanting kids as ways to show her as a bad person and, you know, her nipping a child. Why did the writing team choose to spend time on that and not actual abuse? It's not defending her or saying she's not bad by pointing that out. I've reblogged it a few times but tumblr user Bonefall does a great job pointing out the narrative frames Lizardstripe and what it chooses to focus on to make her seem bad.
There's been a pretty awful trend lately of people obfuscating these conversations and jumping to the worst possible bad faith reading of a discussion, and I'm glad you opted to find a second opinion before jumping straight to conclusions! You don't have to agree with me, but I do hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
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dwindlebunnies · 11 months ago
Emotions rant
I'm having trouble feeling like I'm fitting in at my new job. I've been there since August, so it's not that new. And still I don't feel like I'm a part of the team - 4 librarians in an all-girls high school.
It's not that I can point to anything specific that they've done. And it's not that I expect to be great friends with them - they've all been there for between 3 and 8 years.
I feel like it's a nightmare for my ADHD - sitting still, switching tasks too quickly to get much work done. The tasks range in difficulty and importance, and I'm never sure with what I should ask for help and what I'm expected to do alone.
I was put in charge of all the library's displays without being consulted? Like I knew it was partially my responsibility, but now it's entirely my responsibility, and I had to find out about it from the other library assistant, probably about a week after my manager had the conversation with her. About me. When I had assumed it was a collaborative project.
That being said, it seems that the whole process still has to be run by everyone, even though I'll do the bulk of the work.
I'm on two weeks holidays starting today, and thank god for that. But, I'll be doing work on my holidays to prepare for a display I need to set up next week. I was made aware that they expect a display made on Ancient Greece - a photobooth and some kind of doorway piece - probably columns and a roof. I have virtually no budget and no materials with which to work. Luckily I'm an artist and craftsperson so I do have some things I can utilise. But I know even if or when I can pull off this project, I won't get any praise or thanks.
I keep thinking it's just an issue with communication - I don't take criticism well, and I'm used to trying to interpret signals to find out if someone doesn't like me. To me, the absence of warmth indicates dissatisfaction. But these women are just not very warm people, so I'm left either thinking they're always dissatisfied, or that they never are. I end up feeling so sensitised to how they're all reacting to me that any change in the mood makes me wary.
There's also been a few times where we've played a game of telephone - I've said something, another has interpreted what I said in bad faith and repeated that to my manager, and then I have to explain to her what happened from my own perspective, and it feels like she just doesn't believe me.
Like today, I was using a document my coworker had made. I was referencing the information she'd gathered to copy into an Excel sheet so I could sort that information in a way that made more sense to me. It's the information about what different subjects are studying, so I can base future displays on current class topics. The way it was laid out in the domcuent she had made was hard for me to read.
That coworker saw my computer and asked what I was doing, so I explained it to her. Hours later my manager confronts me and says I shouldn't be editing the documents. I told her I hadn't changed them. She then said that it's important that the integrity of the documents remain. I said I understood, but I didn't change them. She then kept saying why I shouldn't change them. I asked her if she wanted to actually see what I'd been working on and she declined. She said she could "go back and see the changes made" or something, like she either didn't hear me or believe me when I said I *didn't change them*.
After that, the coworker who made the domcuents said to me "you know I didn't dob you in, right?" and I said "oh. Yeah?" like trying to brush it off. Because I didn't want to keep thinking about it. She said "I just told (manager) what you were doing, I didn't tell her to confront you." but like. Telling her what I was working on *was* dobbing me in. That's exactly what that is.
Unfortunately this coworker can really easily tell when I'm upset and insists on pointing it out, which makes it way, way worse. I don't want to cry. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I don't want to feel weak, incompetent, insecure, out of control. But I hate not being understood. I hate not being able to live up to people's expectations.
Often I'll hear the other librarians talking and laughing loudly in the back office while I'm working on the desk. This happens at least once a week but maybe more like every other day. I think about going back there and trying to join in, but I know I'll have no idea what they're talking about. And they might just get annoyed at me for leaving the desk unmanned.
I know I'm working hard, and I know I'm doing a good job. I think I'm doing really well in my role and I'm building good relationships with the students and other staff. I think I've helped more students find information, find books they like, access resources, feel safe. I think I'm good at this job. But that's never been even implied by my coworkers.
On days I feel awful, I try to be extra nice to the people around me. I know what's it's like to be treated badly by someone having a bad day, and I never want to do that. The days where I'm kindest are the days I'm in the most pain. But that's a lot these days.
I'm just glad I don't have to go back for two weeks. I don't know what to do. Does this sound like normal things for a new job? Am I overreacting?
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foofygoldfish · 5 years ago
ultimate relationship ask meme
tagged by @theknifegame, @shellibisshe, @tomexraider, @amistrio, and @joeyhxdson!
doing this for faith and alice! (...i’m not crazy enough to do it for multiple ships lmao)
Who is more likely to raise their voice? ....alice? it’s rare, but she’s more likely than faith. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? neither of them will. if they need space, they’ll usually just go to different rooms, or alice will go over to the auto shop for a little bit. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? ^^ Who trashes the house? ...the cats? neither of them really do. Do either of them get physical? never. How often do they argue/disagree? ....if you hadn’t figured it out yet, they don’t argue often lol Who is the first to apologise? alice.
Who is on top? usually alice, but she doesn’t mind switching with faith 👀 Who is on the bottom? usually faith, but again, they don’t mind switching spots lol Who has the strangest desires?  ...alice Any kinks?  Who’s dominant in bed? ..........both. Is head ever in the equation? i mean... If so, who is better at performing it? ...faith.  Ever had sex in public? lmao yes Who moans the most? .... i... don’t know?  Who leaves the most marks? faith Who is the more experienced of the two? alice, by quite a bit. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? yes. Rough or soft? ...yes. How long do they usually last? uh, how much time do they have? Does it ever get boring? not really?  Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? a tie between at the base of joseph’s statue and one of the shrines i mean -- on one of the hiking trails, yep
Do they plan on having children/or have children? they didn’t really get a chance to talk about it before the bombs - in a no-cult/no-bomb au, they do plan on having kids someday, but they want to have time to themselves before they add kids into the mix. If so, how many children do they want/have? in both canons, they end up with six... three adopted and three with staci. 
Who likes to cuddle? they both do, but faith is the bigger cuddlebug. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? alice.  Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  ....in PG ways? faith. in R and over ways? alice. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? hours. Who gives the most kisses? faith. she’s constantly giving alice little kisses. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? alice likes watching faith garden - they’ll take turns telling stories - alice about anything she can think of, faith about the plants. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? bed? or on the couch, with a giant blanket and a cheesy movie. How often do they get time to themselves? not nearly often enough - even with the no-bomb au, the cult and the fallout from takes up a lot of their (alice’s) time.
Who snores? faith. If both do, who snores the loudest? faith Do they share a bed or sleep separately? together, always. even if the only option is a twin bed or a couch, they make do. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? if they aren’t curled up into the others side, they’re at least holding hands or touching in some way. What do they wear to bed? If they’re together? if they’re home/kids/guests aren’t around? nothing. if they have a possibility of being interrupted, alice will wear a cami and shorts, and faith will wear a soft nightgown (/a shirt that alice stole from someone who is bigger than her) Are either of them insomniacs? alice can be Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? in the no-bomb au, definitely. alice has a hard time falling asleep after everything that happened in the county. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? all the time Who wakes up with bed hair? yes. Who wakes up first? faith, always - even if alice is supposed to be up first, it’s faith. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? faith. alice isn’t allowed to try any more. What is their favourite sleeping position? spooning. faith is the little spoon. Do they set an alarm each night? it depends on what is happening the next day/the continuity - no bomb/other aus? sometimes. main verse? nah, alarm clocks aren’t important. Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes! alice likes watching disaster movies at night. Who has nightmares? they both will, particularly after the events of the game. they both had somewhat regular ones to start with, though - alice’s aren’t terrible, just those vaguely unsettling ones, but faith had bad ones. Who has ridiculous dreams? alice has a lot of weird-ass dreams. a lot. they’re worse when she’s been around the bliss - not like, nightmare worse? just what the fuck just happened????? worse. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? alice is like a cat - tiny, yet a bed hog. Who makes the bed? neither of them - alice never has the time in the morning, and faith forgets about it by the time alice is out of bed. What time is bed time? faith usually heads to bed around 11pm or midnight, and alice is happiest going to bed at like... 3-4am, but she’ll settle for midnight to 1am. before the game, when she’s on night shift, she’ll usually pass out as soon as she gets home from work, whenever that may be. Any routines/rituals before bed? not really? the usual brushing teeth and taking care of the cats, but that’s it. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? it doesn’t matter how much sleep she got, alice would like ten more minutes of it, please.
Who is the busiest? alice - the county keeps her pretty busy, even in a no-bomb au. Who rakes in the highest income? i mean, neither of them really are making much money, but alice. Are any of them unemployed? technically faith? she doesn’t take up any sort of formal role in the county after she leaves the cult for quite a while, other than gardening advisor in the “canon” story. she does help mary may and maizie when she can, but that’s not often. Who takes the most sick days? ...alice?  Who is more likely to turn up late to work? lol both whitehorses learned very quickly to tell alice that her shift starts 15-20 minutes earlier than it actually does Who sucks up to their boss? ...alice. What are their jobs? in most versions of their story, alice is the junior deputy/unofficial mayor, and runs the auto shop in town on the side. in no-cult or the alice isn’t the deputy au, she runs the shop, and in the not in hope county aus, she’s involved with local government or is a personal assistant. in “canon” faith is... well, faith, and then she does what she can, but mostly doesn’t work. in no cult/etc aus, she works at the jessop conservatory or whatever garden center is closest to them. Who stresses the most? faith. Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? alice honestly would rather be working for the mayor (if fall’s end still had one) or at the auto shop full time. at the start, faith does like her role in the project, but she’s very glad to be out when she does leave. Are they financially stable? by hope county standards? yeah
Who does the washing? they both will, but usually alice Who takes out the trash? their rule is whoever notices it first deals with it Who does the ironing? ...neither of them really iron anything? Who does the cooking? faith. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? a l i c e. Who is messier? faith lol - alice isn’t the tidiest, but she was surprised by how often faith just leaves things where they are instead of putting them away Who leaves the toilet roll empty? alice - she doesn’t do it on purpose, she just forgets to grab a new one on her way out... Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? faith Who forgets to flush the toilet? ...neither of them Who is the prankster around the house? neither of them, really? alice would be more likely to, but even then, it’s not often. unless they’re in a prank war. then all bets are off. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? alice lol -  she tends to leave it in her pant pockets and then they go through the wash... Who mows the lawn? ... casey.  Who answers the telephone? it doesn’t really seem like phones are a thing in hope county after the start of the game? in other aus, though, they both have their own cell phone. it’s easier to get alice by text, but faith will answer if you call.  Who does the vacuuming? their roomba, pikachu. Who does the groceries? they both will - getting a good amount of groceries involves a day trip up to butte, so they make a day of it. Who takes the longest to shower? alice, but only because faith prefers baths. Who spends the most time in the bathroom? alice - her hair takes a lot of work
Is money a problem? not really.  How many cars do they own? just the one, but alice has an ATV and a dirtbike as well. she much prefers those to the truck. faith will drive any of them, but she doesn’t have one that is “hers” Do they own their home or do they rent? own, technically - it was her parents house, and jane gave it to her when she moved back to hope county. in the “canon” version of their story, faith takes it over the second year after the bombs, when people start moving away from the areas around the hot springs. Do they live in the city or in the country? bumfuck nowhere, as alice says. Do they enjoy their surroundings? eh, alice would like to be back in the city, but she likes hope county well enough - the hiking and fishing is certainly much better than back in LA. faith doesn’t really know anything else, but she’s most comfortable being in the country. What’s their song? “crazy he calls me” What do they do when they’re away from each other? ...normal things? if they can text each other, they probably will be, but other then that they’ll just go about their day. though - during the five years that alice is stuck in the bunker with joe... welllllll, i wrote that if anyone actually reads all of this and is curious 👀 Where did they first meet? technically, the memorial day barbeque at the rye’s, but they had a “proper” introduction at lorna’s truck stop a few days later. Who spends the most money when out shopping? alice. she tends to want to buy any cat toy she sees... Who’s more likely to flash their assets? ...neither of them? Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? dklfjs faith Any mental issues? ooooof. well. i haven’t really thought about it too much, but faith has severe anxiety (particularly after leaving the cult), and both have ptsd from all of that Who’s terrified of bugs? neither of them Who kills the spiders around the house? neither lol - they will both peacefully evacuate it from the premises.  Their favourite place? to be together? they found an abandoned hunting cabin in the henbane that they claimed as theirs. even after the bombs, when they’re reunited, they’ll have the rye’s watch the girls so they can escape there for a few hours. Who pays the bills? alice Do they have any fears for their future? in any version of their story that has the cult? ooh yeah. they’re both worried about faith being accepted in hope county, and in “canon,” they have the worry of, y’know, the apocalypse. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? alice would try. she really would. but the fanciest place in town that’s still open is the spread eagle... Who’s the tallest? faith. it’s not hard to be taller than alice lol Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? faith! Who wanders around in their underwear? alice, but faith isn’t opposed to walking around without any clothes Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? alice, but faith sings better lol What do they tease each other about? alice’s cooking, the amount of cat hair that is constantly on faith, just little things Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? faith says that alice reminds her of 2006 Do they have mutual friends? at first, lol no - but the ryes, elizabeth, and sharky are won over by faith pretty quickly when she starts to show signs of wanting to leave the project. Who crushed first? alice. she can’t help it, faith is pretty... Any alcohol or substance related problems? ....isn’t that faith’s whole story? Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? a l i c e. in her defence, 3am isn’t too late for her, and the spread eagle is less than a minutes walk from her back door Who swears the most? alice. easily.
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augustwash1 · 4 years ago
Effective Guidelines to Love Life More Hiding your Cell Phone
Is incredibly regular for people to use somebody else's phone and be the first time. In doing so , were seeking to replicate that initial feeling of independence a mobile phone delivers. A relative in another point out was in the hospital. It was a Sunday evening, and I have been invited into a party. Instead of being away having fun I was sitting in my own apartment, awaiting the phone to call, troubled for reports. It was an associate who lend me his cellphone to make certain I will understand any news as quickly as possible, and in addition, be able to go to the party. There was no reason for me personally to be connected to my landline. We look back again at that occasion, and in addition for wondering at exactly how gracious my pal was in loaning me his phone intended for the night (who would volunteer their mobile phone away nowadays? ), My spouse and i couldn’t stop being amazed at the freedom this cellphone gave me. I had been able to venture out and be social - while still staying accessible simultaneously. This is the kind of freedom mobile phones give. But today our phones are about a lot more than audio calls, and they are no more an optionally available possession. They are really integrated into existence in ways not really their designers thought possible. However screen period is the new sitting in a desk chair all day at a time, which I happen to agree is a poor thing. I have a standing table and it is been a life changer. Industry when we are electronically connected more than ever, yet feeling alot more detached than ever, we are being taught, even cautioned, to minimize the dependence on cellular phones. To actually limit our time in front of screens, to put the phone down and also have a real discussion with someone, face to face. Prevention of gadgets and screen time has become becoming a extravagance item; being able to disconnect from your phones to get an extended time period bestows a status that a lot of us can’t afford or obtain. Do it, our company is told, for your sanity in the event that not humanity, and also for your neck: regularly looking straight down at your mobile phone strains your lower back, which leads to all sort of physical distress. I’ve also experienced repeating stress affliction with my hand from a lot of scrolling, and I could trust my forearm sometimes is painful in a odd place if I’ve applied my cellphone for very long. However can be using each of our cell phones a lot really so bad? Does being addicted to the phones genuinely disconnect all of us from others as much we think? Are not there positive factors for the activities that occupy all of us while our company is clutched to our mobile phones? Whenever we use our phones, can there be something we are missing that individuals would be carrying out otherwise? We get a great deal out of using my own cell phone, therefore no, Really dont want that will put it straight down. The answer is to not be socially shamed into using my own cell phone significantly less. The answer is to make certain cellphone use is hard to kick and beneficial and amusing, not a distraction coming from boredom or perhaps isolating you from sociable or professional settings. It is crucial to be intentional and conscious of how youre using your cellphone, not if you’re utilizing it at all or perhaps too much. The minds are constantly operating, processing our many thoughts, worries, problems, plans. We require a thoughts from all this, but sometimes, life is not so very clear cut. Take those movies. I go, nearly exclusively, into a movie theater which has a strict zero phones, no texting policy. They will put your rear end out if you utilize a phone in the theater. Nevertheless when I was having a friend, in which theater, who was being forever texted by his better half. As it happens her mother was in critical wellness trouble. He wound up leaving the movie to arrange to go to the international airport. As great as an uninterrupted movie encounter is, this doesn’t overcome emergencies if they arise. Couple of experiences with another individual will be as close and developing as a shared meal. (Hang on, I’ll get to love-making in a small. ) If there was ever before a moment once you’d wish to connect with somebody else, immediately, eye to eye, devoid of distraction, it might be over a meals. But, much like almost everything, there could be exclusions. What if, over the course of the chat, you start discussing going on a trip together, or about countrywide parks, or about endangered species? Looking up photos showing your associate can add towards the talk. Successfully Googling a well known fact or reference point can help within your debate. Writing a social media post you found provocative, interesting or perhaps important can be a launching level of a conversation. In those occasions, anyone is not distancing your self or placing something among you and someone else, you are sharing. ver post Believe me, sharing can be a magnificent point. What I’m not fighting is that the two of you should be taking a look at Facebook, independently, without interesting with one another. What I am declaring is that your mobile phone can be a conduit, a guideline, a personal guide for source materials, to bring and aid your chat. In case the focus continues to be on the both of you, the phone is really a prop. If the focus is definitely centered on the device, the gadget is the central magnet and you have shed attachment. The previous is very good, these is not. Each of our phones are a device. How we choose to use this instrument is what give them their particular benefit. You might think the very last place you’d want cellphone distraction could be the bedroom. On the surface, two people resting in bed next to each other, every single with cellular phones in their hands, all but disregarding each other, sounds like one of the most depressing, heart and soul-hurting displays one can easily think of modern life. But could it be naturally poor? If I’m reading the New York Times, what does this matter in the event that I’m browsing the actual conventional paper or the digital version in the device? In the event that I’m examining email, exactly what does it matter if I have a laptop or cellphone? If I am mastering games or otherwise distracted, how much does it subject if I am browsing a book of mastering some game? And in fact, rarely we sometimes glamorize reading in bed jointly? I love studying books, and locate it kind of hot my own partner truly does too. Carrying out that during sex together, then simply talking about what we’re browsing, is a great intellectual turn-on. So with every due value to several investigators, in this case, the carrier is usually not the response. What is important here is certainly not the device by itself, yet the activity you are involved in, either together or independently. There could be togetherness when two people are on their phones, just like there is once reading catalogs. Usually the problem arises when utilization of a gadget supercedes something, or perhaps causes a break up if a point of attachment could otherwise arise. Might associated with your telephones from bed mean more sex? Maybe. Should likewise lead to someone getting out of bed faster in the day time, or perhaps sleeping sooner at night. Although we’re while having sex, did you know that through your phone, you can view movies? Or look at photographs of…. whatever it truly is that arouses you? Or work with software meant to foster dialog or activity with a intimate spouse? The device is a tool. It exists without inherent judgment, qualities or worth. What we label of it is up to us. Should i really need to tell you this? Obviously there are times when you should absolutely never touch your smartphone, starting, surely, with driving a vehicle. (Guilty as recharged: I frequently use the Roadmaps applications in the phone to help me acquire where Im going. It’s not so straightforward, is it? ) I think faith based services must be device-free areas and specific zones, as should particular spaces, like gym bathroom rooms, exactly where privacy needs to be respected. I have a distaste for those who use their phone at the health club; I don’t need to hear your business calls although I’m strength training. Also, I see plenty of people using exercise and workout software on their telephones, showing the issue, that just as before, these types of mini-computers inside our pockets happen to be what we make of them. Should you be one of those people who attend a concert and require saving video footage and shooting photographs the full time, I actually ask how much of that is necessary. Taking joy in the moment for yourself, not merely through a device, is highly advised. But…. have I at any time watched concert footage online taken by somebody else? Yes, I use. A few years ago I was by a golf ball game with my Dad. I have been in the habit of checking Tweets during video games to follow along with the city of followers and media to help boost my connection with the game, and to know more about that which was going on. And that’s great for when watching at home. However I had been there. I didn’t will need that community - I had been with 20, 000 people, and my father. So I set my phone in my bank. I missed the comments. I skipped the details of issues I didn’t see since live, you miss much more than you think.
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Yet I was in a position to soak in the surrounding. I had been able to talk to my Dad about what we thought would happen next. And later, at nighttime, when we brought up the game, we all reflected upon so many different occasions, details I might have overlooked had I looked at my own cellphone even more. So almost always there is a trade-off. You will come across moments when the mobile phone may distract you. That muddiness can be a awful thing (when you should be discussing with a loved one) or possibly a good thing (when you’re sad and alone and want something to cheer you up). It can disconnect you (when you avoid another person by diving into social media) or enable you to get together (if you look up a joke to see or employ your cellphone to turn on music to boogie to). Let us not hold our equipment responsible for your condition. A couple, lovers, let’s say, lying down in bed. In a single moment, they are both on their cell phones, lost within their own sides. In the next, their particular phones will be off, for the bedside table. What happens subsequent? Anything could happen. It’s up to the two people included. That’s true whether you may have your telephone in your hand or not. Of course, if you do, you also choose how to use your telephone: in a disconnecting way or possibly a sharing approach. If you’re sense bad or perhaps responsible about being with your mobile phone, guess what happens you should carry out. You really should trust your gut. Is essential to carry the person having the phone accountable, do not blame the product.
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townshade6 · 4 years ago
There’s Nothing Wrong With Utilizing your Mobile Phone a Lot
Is very not uncommon for people to use another person's cell phone and to be our very first time. In doing so , we are trying to reproduce that first feeling of freedom a phone gives. A family member in another point out was in the hospital. It was a Sunday nighttime, and I have been invited into a party. Rather than being away having fun I had been sitting in my apartment, looking forward to the phone to call, restless for information. It was a pal who provide me his phone to be sure I will find out any information as quickly as possible, and in addition, be able to enroll in the get together. There was zero reason for me to be connected to my own landline. I look back at that illustration, and in addition in wondering at how gracious my friend was in financing me his phone for the night (who would offer their cellphone away today? ), My spouse and i couldn’t has stopped being amazed at the liberty this cellphone gave me. I was able to venture out and be interpersonal - whilst still being accessible as well. This is the kind of freedom cell phones make available. Currently our telephones are regarding far more than vocal communications, and they are no longer an optionally available possession. They can be integrated into existence in ways not really their makers thought. But screen period is the fresh sitting in a chair for hours at a time, which I happen to consent is a bad thing. I have a standing office and it’s been a life changer. In a time when we are digitally connected these days, yet feeling more unconnected than ever, we are being taught, even admonished, to lessen the dependence on cell phones. To limit our amount of time in front of screens, to put the telephone down and have a real dialogue with someone, in the flesh. Elimination of equipment and display time is currently becoming a luxury item; to be able to disconnect from our phones to get an extended period of time bestows a status that a lot of us can’t find the money for or achieve. Take action, we could told, for your sanity if perhaps not humankind, and also for your neck: constantly looking down at your cellphone strains your lower back, which leads to all type of physical pain. I’ve possibly experienced repeating stress symptoms with my fingers from a lot of scrolling, and i also could swear my forearm sometimes affects in a weird place if I’ve utilized my telephone for too much time. However is using the cell phones a lot really so bad? Does staying addicted to the phones genuinely disconnect all of us from other folks as much we believe? Aren’t there gains for the activities that consume us while were clutched to the smartphones? Whenever we use our phones, perhaps there is something we’re missing that we would be doing otherwise? I get a whole lot out of using my personal cell phone, and so no, Really dont want to set it straight down. The answer is never to be socially shamed in using my cell phone significantly less. The response is to ensure cell phone use is addictive and productive and entertaining, not only a distraction coming from boredom or perhaps isolating you from cultural or specialist settings. It is crucial to be intentional and aware about how youre using your phone, not whether you’re using it at all or too much. The minds will be constantly operating, processing our many thoughts, worries, concerns, plans. We really need a frenzymadness, desperation, hysteria, mania, insanity, delirium, derangement from all of it, but occasionally, life isn’t so obvious cut.
Tumblr media
Take those movies. My spouse and i go, almost exclusively, to a movie theater having a strict simply no phones, simply no texting plan. They will chuck your ass out if you utilize a mobile phone in the theater. Yet once I was which has a friend, too theater, who had been being endlessly texted by his wife. We now know her mother was in critical health problem. He wound up leaving the movie to organize to go to the airport. As wonderful as a continuous movie encounter is, that doesn’t overcome emergencies whenever they arise. Handful of experiences with another person happen to be as close and binding as a distributed meal. (Hang on, I can get to sexual in a minute. ) In the event that there was ever before a moment when ever you could wish to connect with other people, straight, eye to eye, with no distraction, it could be over a food. However, just like almost everything, there may be exclusions. Suppose, throughout the dialog, you start discussing taking a vacation together, or about national parks, or about decreasing in numbers species? Looking up pics to show your companion can add towards the conversation. Quickly Googling a well known fact or reference point can help within your argument. Showing a social media post you found attention grabbing, interesting or perhaps important can be quite a launching stage of a chat. In individuals moments, anyone is not distancing yourself or adding something in the middle you and someone else, you will be sharing. And sharing can be a beautiful thing. What Im not quarrelling is that the both of you should be looking at Facebook, individually, without interesting together. The things i am saying is that your device can be a conduit, a lead, a resource intended for source material, to add and help the chat. If the focus remains to be on the both of you, the phone is a prop. If the focus is definitely centered on the product, the device is an essential seduction and you’ve misplaced interconnection. The former is very good, the latter is certainly not. Each of our cell phones are a instrument. The ideal way all of us choose to use this device is exactly what give them their very own worth. You are likely to think the very last place you’d want cellphone interference would be the bedroom. On the face of it, two people lying down in bed up coming to each other, every single with cellular phones in their hands, all but disregarding each other, sounds like one of the most depressing, spirit-killing scenes one can easily think of modern lifestyle. However would it be naturally awful? If I am reading the newspaper, what does that matter in the event that I’m browsing the actual daily news or the online version in the smartphone? In the event that I’m checking out e-mail, how much does it matter if I have a laptop or telephone? If Im having fun with online games or else distracted, what does it subject if Im browsing an e book of playing a few game? And in the end, don’t we at times glamorize examining in bed with each other? I love reading books, in order to find it sort of hot my partner truly does too. Performing that while having sex together, after that talking about what we’re browsing, is a great intellectual turn-on. So with all due esteem to several investigators, in this case, the carrier is definitely not the message. What is important here is certainly not the gadget by itself, yet the activity you’re involved in, either collectively or independently. There can easily still be togetherness when two people are on all their telephones, just like there is when ever reading literature. The most really important problem arises when use of a phone eliminates something, or perhaps triggers a separation if a point of attachment will otherwise take place. Might associated with your phones from pickup bed mean more sex? Might be. It could likewise lead to an individual getting out of bed quicker in the day time, or sleeping sooner at nighttime. Although we are while having sex, did you know that through your smartphone, you can watch videos? Or perhaps look at pictures of…. whatever it can be that excites you? Or make use of software intended to foster discussion or activity with a intimate spouse? The phone is a instrument. It is present without inherent judgment, qualities or value. What we make of it is approximately us. Do I really need to let you know this? Obviously there are times when you must absolutely hardly ever touch the mobile phone, beginning, naturally, with driving a car. (Guilty as billed: I generally use the Roadmaps programs in the phone to aid me receive where I’m going. It isn’t really so simple, is it? ) I think faith based services needs to be device-free specific zones, as should particular spaces, just like gym bathtub rooms, exactly where privacy should be respected. Excellent distaste for people who use their very own phone at the health club; I don’t want to hear your business calls whilst I’m lifting weights. At the same time, I see a lot of people using workout and work out apps on their mobile phones, proving the issue, that once more, these mini-pc systems inside our pockets will be what we make of them. Should you be one of those individuals that attend a live show and insist upon recording video and shooting pictures the whole time, My spouse and i ask how a lot of that is necessary. Experiencing the moment in time for yourself, not simply through a unit, is highly advised. But…. include I ever watched live show footage online taken by somebody else? Yes, I have. Just a few years in the past I was by a field hockey game with my Dad. I’ve been in the habit of checking Facebook during game titles to follow along with the community of enthusiasts and media to help improve my experience of the game, and know more about the thing that was going on. And that’s ideal for when watching at home. Yet I had been there. I didn’t require that community - I had been with 20, 000 persons, and my Dad. Consequently I set my phone in my pocket. I overlooked the comments. I missed the details of points I didn’t see since live, you miss much more than you think. Nevertheless I was in a position to drench in the surrounding. I was able to talk to my Dad as to what we thought would happen subsequent. And later, through the night, when we mentioned the game, we reflected upon so many different moments, details I might have overlooked had We looked at my own phone even more. So there is always a trade off. You will discover moments when your phone can distract you. That muddiness can be a bad thing (when you should be speaking with a cherished one) or a good thing (when you’re sad and only and need something to cheer you up). It can detach you (when you steer clear of another person by simply diving in to social media) or provide you with together (if you look up a joke to share or work with your telephone to turn on music to party to). Let’s not keep our equipment responsible for the human condition. A couple, lovers, let us say, resting in bed. In a single moment, they are on their cell phones, lost inside their own sides. In the next, their very own phones are off, for the bedside table. What happens next? Anything can occur. It’s to the two people involved. That is authentic whether you have your mobile phone in your hand or perhaps not. And if you do, you also choose how to use your telephone: in a disconnecting way or possibly a sharing method. If you are feeling bad or perhaps responsible regarding being on your mobile phone, do you know what you should carry out. You would need to put your trust in your gut. Is important to support the person having the cellphone liable, usually do not blame the tool.
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declankhan · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Repost: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/ “Steven E. Rush / Divorce Lawyer Utah” http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/
Repost: https://stevenrushutah.wordpress.com/2018/05/19/asset-protection-for-landlords-3/ * Steven E. Rush * https://stevenrushutah.wordpress.com/
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tamaracaver · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/
from Child Custody Lawyer Utah https://childcustodylawyerutah.tumblr.com/post/174036965735
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hildabolduc · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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beulahgonzalez · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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loreneweiner · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/
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cynthiaclark01 · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/
from Divorce Lawyer Gunnison Utah https://divorcelawyergunnisonutah.tumblr.com/post/174036979735
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annestach · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/
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mayarosa47 · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah - Blog http://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.weebly.com/blog/asset-protection-for-landlords
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christinasoto · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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bestutahattorneys1 · 7 years ago
Asset Protection for Landlords
Asset Protection applies to anyone who has assets they really want to keep.  However, for some professions the attorneys consider it a bit more important than others.  Of course we would include the usual suspects like doctors and medical professionals, as well as builders and absolutely anyone with employees.  But there is another area in which it is becoming more and more important – Landlords.
Landlords Need Asset Protection
20 or 30 years ago, landlords weren’t particularly worried about lawsuits.  Sure they happened, but insurance was easy to get and was likely to cover almost anything that could happen.  Today the world is just a bit more complicated.  Here’s why:
Claims availableto tenants have increased from just a few simple, obvious and insurable actions like breach of contract or a failure to follow State law in enclosing a pool, etc, to dozens of claims that would have been unimaginable to your parents.  These include harassment, slander, negligence, MOLD, emotional distress, discrimination, neglect and pain and suffering to name just a few.    Many of these are excluded from your insurance policy or simply uninsurable. (Try for yourself to search “Can I Sue my Landord” and see how many pages you get with “ideas”).
Awards and judgmentsagainst landlords have gone from limited and predictable to unclear and wildly erratic.  I was able to find dozens of pages doing a quick net search dedicated to horror stories from landlords for claims usually stemming from tenants who were behind on their rent or conducting illegal activity.  Imagine an uninsured award for $490,000 to a handicapped tenant for emotional distress.  Of course the tenant was not paying the rent, and its hard for me to imagine any scenario where a $550/mo apartment would reasonably result in a half a million dollar award no matter how rude or insensitive a landlord may be.
In a world with few claims and reasonable judgments insurance companies stood behind their insureds and paid claims regularly and in good faith.  In a world ofout of control juries and unpredictable awards, insurance companies regularly look first to how to avoid being responsible for the claim and only after being held to the fire accept responsibility for the action.  Often this occurs only after the insured spends considerable time and money of her own to fight the insurance company.
Plaintiff’s attorneys have found a solid and reliable referral source in the tenant pool.  If you haven’t noticed, plaintiffs attorneys now dominate most of the outdoor billboard and afternoon television advertising in most major U.S. cities.  There is a reason for this and it doesn’t take a rocket s scientist to determine what it is.  Advertising for questionable claims within the afternoon television watching demographic has proven very profitable!  This includes quite a few tenants who are like couch potatoes it in the afternoon wondering how to pay the rent.  Lawyers are only too happy accept their calls and counsel them on the possible claims they may have against a variety of potential defendants.  At the top of that list are their current or former employers and their current landlord.  Welcome to America!
Finally, landlords have at least one asset worth pursuing, and often more than one.  If you have real estate or investments of any kind, then you are a target today like no other time in the history of the world (except perhaps in the French revolution where being rich alone could ensure a date with the guillotine).  We are living in the American version of a redistribution of the wealth mentality which pervades our legal system.  It has now become culturally acceptable to gain money or wealth by being a successful plaintiff.
How to make a Asset Protection Plan
So what does this all mean if you are a landlord?  It’s simple.
Figure out where your exposure is on all sides.That means making sure you have the right amount and types of insurance with companies which are least likely to play the “It’s not my responsibility” game with you.
Get a clear and accurate analysis of your current asset picture and what you can do to protect it.There is nothing which reduces the chances of having an aggressive plaintiff’s attorney on your tail like moving his cheese.  No assets, no reason to sue.  It really has become that simple.
If you are reading this then you are likely doing research on the Internet.  This is a great thing, but be aware, it has its limits.  Asset protection is an area where a little knowledge can definitely be dangerous.  Once you have done the basic research I recommend that you pick up the phone and speak with some of our experienced attorneys.
Asset protection has become a very popular field, which means there are a lot of people now counseling in the area.  Make sure you find someone with experience who can provide both the legal tools you need as well as the ongoing counsel required to make those tools really work.
In the end, asset protection has become an essential part of any wealth planning strategy and taking it seriously can make all the difference when it comes to keeping what you have worked to create.
Free Initial Consultation with an Asset Protection Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/asset-protection-for-landlords/
from Best Utah Attorneys https://bestutahattorneys.wordpress.com/2018/05/19/asset-protection-for-landlords/
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