#a friend's older brother had it on vhs and we watched it at a sleepover. how delightfully cliche is that akdjfakj
chinzhilla-main · 2 years
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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖗
It's not of this world. It's Sadako's fury. And she's put a curse on us.
Ringu (1998) dir. Hideo Nakata
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Thanks! ❤️
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?– I’ve been told I look 15? (I’m 22.)
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😒 - Biggest pet peeve?– Hmmm, I’m not sure.
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📝 - Story from your childhood.– Ten days after I turned 8, got my lips stuck in a gate. My friends all laughed. And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with a crowbar, and I had to spend the next six weeks in lip rehab with this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee right on the lip, and we couldn’t even talk to each other until the fifth week because both our lips were so swollen, and when he did start speaking, he just spoke polish, and I only knew like three words in polish, except now I know four because Oscar taught me the word for lip: “Usta!”
Just kidding. But VeggieTales was a huge part of my childhood, especially a Silly Songs Sing-Along VHS and The Toy That Saved Christmas. My brother and I watched them all the time and still make references to them often. Our parents do too. We actually had a Vacation Bible School at the church we used to attend that was VeggieTales-themed one year. They had Bob and Larry costumes and everything (and since my brother was old enough (he’s seven years older than me) and tall enough, they made him be Larry lol).
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💭 - Favorite foods?– Pizza, lo mein, haluski, this corn bread pudding stuff my grandma makes, dessert lol, and a whole bunch of other stuff (I like food)
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☀️ - Story about your day.– Unproductive as usual. I couldn’t fall asleep (I think I finally did around 5:00am), stayed in bed really late, went to Lowe’s with my parents, came back home, ate dinner, watched tv, came on tumblr, and now it’s just about time for bed again. The weather feels like it skipped fall and went right to winter, and my mom said there’s nighttime frost advisories coming up.
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send me some emojis
let’s have a sleepover!
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
1. How many times have you cried in the past four weeks? Where any of those tears, tears of joy? Probably like 5 or 6. No, they weren’t tears of joy.
2. When laying down to sleep, do you typically lay on your side, stomach or back? Do you move a lot in your sleep? I lie on my side. My arms move around a lot.
3. Have you ever fallen asleep in a significant others arms? Do you find that you fall asleep faster when accompanied by a significant other? No.
4. Are you one of those people who hate to watch movies alone? Or do you like the alone time? Depends. When flipping through the guide on TV and I see a movie on I like I might flip to it and watch or have it on for background noise. But it’s rare that I’ll rent a movie and watch it by myself? Or like actively put one on. It’s weird. Same with TV shows. I have a few that I watch with my mom and/or brother and I just like to watch it with them instead of by myself so I’ll wait for them to watch. ANYWAY, to answer the question I’d say I prefer watching movies and TV shows with others. I think it’s more fun and interesting that way cause you have someone to discuss it with and also because I likely won’t be the one to put one on lol.
5. ^ Are you one of those people who always tend to blurt out the ending to movies, to people who have yet to see that movie? Do you have any friends who do this to you? Nooo. That’s so rude and annoying. I hate being spoiled, so I wouldn’t do that to someone else.
6. If your Tumblr is not where you started taking surveys, where and when did you actually get into them? Did you start off taking a whole bunch at a time, or did the number you took gradually get bigger? I first took them on Myspace. I did them pretty regularly, but not on the level like I do now. It wasn’t that big of a thing, yet. I did them on Xanga as well.
7. When you can’t sleep, do you watch television, listen to music or hop on the computer more? Or maybe you do something else…? Well, at night I always have the TV on and I’m either listening to an ASMR video or watching something else on YouTube, scrolling through Tumblr, and doing surveys until I feel tired enough.
8. Are the clothes in your dresser draws folded? If you don’t have a dresser, are the clothes in your closest hung neatly on hangers? If you don’t have either of those.. where do you keep your clothes? I’m kinda horrible and just put my clothes in there without folding them. I only have coats and dresses hung up in my closet. I also have a hamper I have for clothes because I’ve run out of room in my dresser.
9. Do you like all doors, such as closet doors and stuff, to be closed before going to sleep at night? What about the lights? Does it bother you if they are on? My closet doesn’t have doors anymore because the sliding doors that were on there broke off the track or whatever and we just never put any back on. I close my bedroom door though at night before going to bed. As for lights, I sleep with my TV on because I don’t like it to be completely dark and quiet.
10. How different does your room look, from a year ago? Is there any new furniture in it? It’s the same.
11. Do you like to change things around in your room often? Of do you like to keep it the same? I haven’t in a long time. Not much else to do with it. Not enough room to do anything either.
12. If you have curly hair do you wish it were straight? And if you have straight hair, do you wish it were curly? I have wavy hair and wish it were straight.
13. Do you have a television in your room? If you do, is it one of the old school big ones? Or is it a new flat screen? Yes. No, it’s a flat screen.
14. Do you still own any old school gaming devices? Like a nintendo 64 or the old school gameboys as big as your head? No.
15. Do you remember the cellphones as large as your head? Did you or any close friends/relatives own one of those? I’ve seen them in old TV shows and movies. My parents said they had one.
16. What was your favorite cartoon or television show as a child? What about movie? I was obsessed with Barney.
17. Did you have sleepovers at your friends houses a lot as a child? Or did your friends come over to your house more often? Nope. I spent more time with cousins and had sleepovers with them.
18. Do you have any significantly older siblings? Did they ever treat you as if you were their child? No, not significantly. My older brother is just 6 years older than me.
19. If you like taking photographs, what do you like to capture? People, animals, plants, etc? I take a lot of photos of my pup, ha. I also like taking scenic photos.
20. Has anybody recently told you that you smell nice? What did you smell of, at the time? Not recently.
21. When opening presents on Christmas or birthdays, do you first try to guess what is in the package? Do you tear the wrap off slowly, or just rip it to shreds? Are you polite no matter what the gift, and say you love it anyways? Nah, I like being surprised. I try to open it nicely, but sometimes I end up just tearing right in.
22. Have you ever been at a funeral, in church, at a wedding or some other important quiet event and had your phone go off, ringing loudly and everyone turns to look at you? How did you play it off? Nooo. I would die.
23. Do you still own a lot of those VHS tapes? Or do you only have DVDs? We have our Disney ones still.
24. Is there a piece of jewelry or hair accessories that you feel you must wear every day? Do you feel naked without said item? I used to have 3 rings I wore 24/7 for years and then one day I took them off for some reason and never ended up putting them back on. It’s been like 3 years now since I’ve worn them.
25. Have you ever snuck into a second movie at a theater, that you did not pay for? What movie was it? Was it even worth sneaking into? No.
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floatingbouyx · 7 years
All of them! These are so intriguing
I thought so myself! Okay here we go.. 1. What is your favorite author and favorite character that the author created? I have too many.2. What country do you live in?United States 3. Are you afraid of snakes?I do not like snakes, I scream like a little girl when I see them. 4. Michelangelo or Salvador Dali?Dali! 5. Have you ever eaten New York cheesecake?I don’t like cheesecake 6. Under what circumstances would you not admit to somebody that you miss them?If they weren’t showing me that they respected me, or loved me. 7. Zombies or vampires?Zombies. Resident Evil is my favorite 8. Have you ever played truth or dare?As a kid, yes. 9. Favorite season of the year?Summer…. or Fall 10. Would you prefer a sleepover at a friends house or camping out in the wild?Camping ⛺️ 11. Would you prefer a flyby of Jupiter or actually landing on the moon?Land on the moon. What an incredible experience! (I would be terrified to be in a rocket, haha)12. If you become rich how philanthropic will you be?Very, I would help organizations as much as I was able. 13. Worst meal you ever ate?I tried seafood once, no Bueno! 14. If you were not born the race and color that you are now, given the opportunity in the womb, what race would you choose? Race does not matter to me. I would not wish to be something specific, I am who I am regardless of my outer looks. 15. Last website you visited that was not Tumblr?My Pinterest 16. Pizza Hut, Domino’s, or Papa John’s?Dominos if I had to pick one of those three 17. Bach, Beethoven, or Brahms?Beethoven 18. Have you ever eaten Baked Alaska?Nope! 19. Metropolis or Gotham?Gotham 20. What’s your favorite sport and athlete from that sport?Football-Eli manning. I also love volleyball and basketball. 21. Under what circumstances would you be willing to go commando?I go commando as much as possible! 22. Least favorite thing about the opposite sex?Bad sense of time. 23. Worst meal you ever cooked?I cannot recall making a bad meal. I’m not a top chef or anything but I’m sure I’ll make something awful in the future. 24. On a scale from 1 to 100 what level of self-esteem have you reached?Probably about a 60. Depending on the day. We all have our demons. 25. Have you ever eaten a Philly cheese steak?Yes! For my birthday Christopher took me to Philly. 26. Would you rather is at the Museum of Modern Art or the Louvre?Lourve, France! 27. Favorite superhero, sidekick and super villain? Batman! The Joker. No favorite side kick 28. Have you ever eaten Buffalo Wings?One of my favorite foods. I need more girlfriends who like to go on chicken wing dates! 29. Robin Thicke’s, Blurred Lines or Marvin Gaye’s, Got To Give It Up?Indifferent 30. Which do you prefer, Christmas dinner or Thanksgiving dinner?Christmas dinner, I generally cook for my whole family single handedly. 31. What age did you learn how to drive?15, My brother learned at a much earlier age but by the time it was my time, my father had passed away. 32. Have you ever eaten a Boston cream pie?Nope, I’m not a huge dessert fan. 33. Happy every French toast, French onion soup and French fries all in the same day?I’m fat and love all of those foods and would love them all in one day, haha. This question confused me because of the grammar. 34. Who is your favorite singer and favorite song from him/her? I have too many. 35. Would you prefer to die before your spouse or after?Before, don’t ever go before me. I’ve had enough loss. 36. Are you sexually active or celibate? Active AF37. Fictional destination you would visit? Swallow falls, cloudy with a chance of meatballs. 38. Your ideal pet?A husky, a piggy and a baby goat. And a lab. 39. Do you have a birthmark? Where? Between my toes on my right foot and on the back of my left leg. 40. Do you like getting your photo taken?Sometimes! 41. Have you ever eaten Texas toast?Yes! 42. What do you do most often when you are bored?Tumblr, watch a movie, go for a walk to my park. 43. What is your favorite TV show and character from that show? Arrow- felicity smoak 44. Everyone believes that honesty and a sense of humor are important in a mate. What else is a make or break quality in a husband or wife? Kindness and support 45. Favorite font? I don’t have one, I’m a grad student. I guess I use Times and Calibra a lot. 46. What is your favorite color to wear?Black always 47. What color do family and friends say goes great with your complexion? Blue or green because it brings out my eyes. 48. Do you know any victims of sexual molestation or rape? Yes, one of my closest friends. 49. Preference to taking a shower or taking a bath? Baths for days 50. You are tied to a chair and force to watch TV and only have the choice of these networks. PBS, AMC or BBC? AMC probably 51. Do you prefer New England or Manhattan clam chowder? I do not like seafood. 52. Evolution or Creation?Evolution53. What is an event you would have liked to have witnessed in the last 3000 years?I can’t pick just one. History is interesting 54. What is your idea of the perfect pizza?All the pepperoni, cheese, oil and garlic. 55. Would you rather sleep naked on a cold winter night under a lot of blankets or naked on a hot summer night uncovered with just a light breeze? Naked under lots of blankets 56. What is your favorite foreign word and what does it mean? I don’t have one57. Who is the person you like least in this world? Donald trump. 58. Blues Clues: Steve or Joe?Neither lol 59. Favorite Chinese food?Sweet and sour. Also fried rice with egg is life 60. You must attend dinner with the person you mentioned in question 57. You must be cordial and on your best behavior. What will the conversation consist of? Women’s rights 62. First word you think of when you read… Magician? Bunny 63. Have you ever eaten Key Lime pie?I don’t like key lime pie. Yes I have 64. What did you suffer from the last time you were sick? Sinus infection 65. Do you believe Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley are still alive? No I do not. 66. Are you willing to admit that you pick your nose? Heck yeah. I have 67. Do you hug your pillow while falling asleep? I hug my boyfriend. I have this spot on his back that I love to curl up into. 68. Have you ever seen someone for the first time and thought about kissing them? No, I haven’t. 69. Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer (Edge) or Firefox? No preference! 70. Favorite cartoon character? Sponge bob 71. Are you willing to admit that you pee while taking a shower? I don’t usually do that lol 72. Do you dream in color or black and white. Color I think 73. Spaghetti or lasagna? Spaghetti, I don’t like lasagna. 74. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Sometimes 75. Do you believe in interracial marriage? Yes of course. 76. Which is more acceptable to you? Younger man and an older woman or a older man and younger woman? I do not judge. 77. Have you ever eaten Peking Duck? No, that sounds gross 78. What size mattress do you sleep on? Double 79. What is the last movie you saw in the theater? Guardians of the Galaxy 80. Do you have any bookmarks in your browser that you would be embarrassed by if your friends or family saw them? No I do not81. Does popcorn get stuck in your teeth? Yes it does. 82. Is your best friend also your oldest friend? Depends 83. Where do I you get your news from? Newspaper, television or online? Tv 84. Have you ever Googled yourself? If so, what did you find? Certain websites of mine. 85. What is your dream job? Marine biologist. 86. Which of Grimm’s Fairy Tales is most like your life? I don’t know what that is to be honest. 87. Have you ever eaten chicken Marsala? Yes I work in an Italian restaurant and my boyfriends family is very Italian. 88. Are you prejudice against Golden Oreos? No 89. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Rudolph 90. Can you talk openly and honestly with both your parents? I only have one living parent. Yes I can be, she knows every aspect of my life. Nothing to hide 91. What is your favorite movie genre and your least favorite? Action, I don’t really have a least favorite. 92. Have you pictured your dream house? If so, describe it. Big front porch with a rocking bench. Big back yard with an In ground pool. A beautiful kitchen with an island. A loft bedroom. Beautiful trees in the backyard. 93. What email service do you use? School edu ones 94. When you wipe yourself do you believe toilet paper really cleans a person well enough? Yes. I mean, for the time being until a shower lol95. List the last five blogs that visited your blog. I don’t know? 96. What is hot favorite fruit? I like hot apple sauce? But if you’re just talking about my favorite fruit I would say watermelon. 97. What is an awesome skill or talent you have that most people don’t know about? Kick ass at beer pong. 98. Do you have any allergies? Seasonal/ and I’m allergic to scented laundry detergent. 99. What is the oldest movie you have ever seen? Old history documentaries. 100. What is your favorite non food, non perfume smell? Gasoline. 101. If you could learn martial arts, which would you learn? All of them! 102. Favorite Shakespeare play? Don’t have one 103. If you could write a fantasy book about a brother and sister, what would your plot be? I don’t think I’d be a very good book writer. 104. What are your favorite toppings on the perfect hamburger? Onions, bacon, ketchup 105. What is the family board game that you like the most? Monopoly 106. Would you prefer to captain an airplane or a ship? Ship, you know me :) 107. You are an astronaut and crash land on a before unknown planetary body. Is it inhabited solely by females, males or animals? Animals. 108. What is the scariest movie you have seen? VHS 109. What movie’s trailer was so scary that you knew you would never want to see it? None I love scary movies 110. Do you prefer the Marvel universe, the DC universe or both equally? Love marvel 111. Give an oral report in the nude or give one and the audience is nude? Audience is nude. That would make me laugh and not be nervous 112. You are a scientist. Would you prefer to study the depths of the oceans or outer space? Oceans, they fascinate me 113. Name five celebrities you would like to have visit your blog daily? Jana Kramer, Emily Rickards, Brandon Urie, Ellie goulding, and Meryl Streep 114. Apple pie or sweet potato pie? Apple pie is my favorite. My mom makes a very good one and she taught me her recipe 115. Would you prefer a penthouse apartment in the city or a house with the white picket fence in the suburbs? House please! 116. Would you prefer a lobster dinner or filet mignon? Filet! 117. If you could do something special for your family what would it be? Take away financial burdens. 118. What is the easiest way for a person of the opposite sex to be attractive in your eyes? Show your true colors and let me see how much you care. Also humor is amazing 119. Do you consider yourself fluent in sarcasm? Yes 120. What is your favorite summertime drink? Sangria or summer brews 121. Do you consider yourself addicted to blogging? Yeah. I love my blog. I created it years ago to blog about nautical stuff haha 122. If you were someone else for an entire day, would you be your own friend or would you to try to distance yourself? Someone I know. Interesting to see others views. 123. Are you named after anyone? My father. 124. Are you a morning person or do you consider yourself a night owl? Night owl. But I’m always tired these days so it’s a struggle lol 125. Are you a collector of anything? All things nautical and coffee mugs126. What is your favorite TV theme song? Don’t have one 127. If you knew you were going to die tonight what would you choose as your final meal? Corn on the cob, filet and salt potatoes. A midnight snack of pizza rolls. 128. What is the one song that always makes you smile and sing when you hear it? You should be here by Cole Swindell129. Do you think taking a bath in Jell-O would be fun? No thank you 130. When is the last time you sent a correspondence to someone using snail mail (Post Office)? I returned a book to Chegg the other day. 131. If you were an anime character, what color hair would you have? Purple hair 132. What is the first thing you notice about someone you just met? Hmmm, eyes 133. What is something funny you heard recently? Christopher had a really funny joke the other day. 134. Do you prefer Doctor Who or Doctor Zhivago? Neither! 135. Do you have a middle name? Yes it’s Nicole. 136. What condiments do you use to eat a hotdog? Ketchup and mustard. 137. Was this too long? Yes. It barely fit in the Tumblr post.
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