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“What are your sorry about?” he said, finding it kind of endearing how Remy was kind of losing his shit over having him be there. No matter how many times it happened, it never got old. A smile appeared on his face as he shook his hand back firmly before letting it rest in the back pocket on his black jeans. “Remy Allen, very fitting,” he said, looking at the other from head to toe. He couldn’t help it. Despite the nervousness forming in the other, he had to admit that he was not only funny, but also very good looking. Asher couldn’t help but smirk as he found the cheeks of the other turning slightly red at his commentary. He never had much of a filter, but he found it that people loved that he didn’t have one now. It made for great headlines after all. 
“The one and only,” he said with a bright smile as he stood tall. “Oh really?” he said, a smirk forming on his lips. That would explain why he had been nervous, he figured that he knew him, but it was even better to know that he was a fan. “A groupie?” he questioned before he raised his eyebrows playfully. “Well, thank you. Where can I join yours?” he teased as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. Asher was about to lean in a bit closer before the other completely missed the vanity behind him and almost fell to the floor. That time he couldn’t help himself as he let a small chuckle escape his lips. “Are you okay?” he questioned quickly trying to stop a smile from forming. “Being so endearing? alluring? or how do you english say it ‘smashing’” he said, emphasizing the last word dramatically. “Maybe I’ll be memorable enough to make into your set sometime,” he couldn’t help but tease as he smiled. “Of course, talent isn’t always easy to find, especially raw talent like that,” he said as if it wasn’t a big deal. “How long have you been doing it?” he asked genuinely curious before he realized how stuffy it was in the back. “You wouldn’t happen to have some alcohol back here, would you? I’d like to celebrate with you, if that’s alright, especially after that amazing show.” 
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Remy taught creative writing for years, he really shouldn’t be struggling to English this much, but when a man he’d wanked to more times than he could count was asking him questions, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to respond. “What am I sorry for? Uh, for acting like I’ve never seen another human being before.” Rem tried to explain himself, running a hand through his hair out of force of habit, and then attempted to pull out his collar away from his neck, because he felt like he was fucking suffocating. He was a little unnerved when he was looked up and down, unsure of what was really going on behind those amazing hazel eyes, ugh. Why did he have to meet Asher Evans when he probably had massive pit stains??
Asher was obviously flirting, Remy was embarrassing, but not dumb. He was just a little taken aback by it, assuming a guy like this would be into women only, and even if that wasn’t a case, what would he want with someone like Remy? God, and he was complimenting his comedy? He literally looked around to see if this was being filmed, feeling like this was about to turn into an even more embarrassing situation. “How long ‘ave I been doing comedy? Ehm...about five years, or so. Jus’ for fun, I’m a teacher full time.” He answered the other, sucking both lips into his mouth when he was asked if there was any alcohol back here. Oh Jesus. Remy was always interesting when liquor was involved - as if he needed to add another layer of awkwardness. “Um, no alcohol back here, but there’s a bar right outside in the club part if you...like, wanted to get a drink there?” He offered like an innocent mouse, scared to say or do this wrong thing and make the man of his fucking dreams run out in terror. God, he’d DIE. “Keep complimenting me though, and I may pass out.” He chuckled.
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dee did have a tendency to exhibit a certain child-like wonder when it came to things she was passionate about. she couldn’t help it, though —- after being forced to grow up at a young age, she never had the chance to have any fun. that’s why she was so, so grateful for harry. he didn’t judge her need to just be herself. most people she came across didn’t feel the same way, however. it’s part of what caused her to put a wall up and become the shy, sheltered person she was now. ❝ i hope you’re right. ❞ she sighed before smiling softly against his lips. she cupped his cheek gently, rubbing her thumb against his cheekbone as she let the kiss linger for a few moments before she pulled away, keeping her hand where it was. ❝ how did i get so lucky ?  ❞ she whispered, a loving gaze in her brown hues. she pressed one more kiss to his lips (  because she just couldn’t seem to stop kissing him )  before grinning. ❝ the muffins should be ready now. let’s go take them out. ❞
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Of course Harry just shook his head when she asked how she got so lucky, because he had a feeling he was going to need to fight her on that for years to come. He didn’t mind reassuring her though, it took very little effort, and it’s not like he couldn’t understand why she felt the way she did. It was gonna take some time to build up some self confidence, and Harry could be patient. “Alright, love.” Harry moved with her into the kitchen, looking through the drawers until he found an oven mit to hand to his girlfriend. “They smell bloody amazing.”
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gigi knew that harry treating her this way didn’t really mean anything, he was just a gentleman, a generous lover, but that didn’t make her any less appreciative of him and all that he was doing. the man probably had a lot more patience than she did; although she didn’t want to rush it either, she was desperate to just feel him. she kept stroking him, keeping a slow pace and making sure her hand moved along every inch of him. it was almost embarrassing how loudly she moaned when harry’s finger slipped inside her with ease, and it distracted her enough to stop her hand’s motion for just a moment. she was dripping wet, and harry’s long, slender finger felt so good inside her warmth. 
she made a point to kiss along his jaw and neck, nibbling softly. perhaps she was leaving behind a few marks, but all of them gentle enough that they’d be faded by the time they were done. he was stunning; soft, tanned skin covered by tattoos one as eye catching as the next. gigi knew her best angles, so she was careful to make sure she always looked perfect, her face, and the calculated position of her body too. she hoped harry wouldn’t dare look away from her. “if you don’t fuck me soon, i’ll have to do it myself,” she teased. not that she ever opposed to putting on a little show but, well, that wasn’t what she’d come over for, was it?
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Harry loved how loud she was, in fact, he wanted to hear her again, and again, and a few times more. It’s not like he lived close enough to any neighbors for her to be heard, so why not just go all out? She was soaking his fingers, and that, along with the way she was kissing and nibbling along his jaw and neck, was making Harry let out several dirty moans of his own. He was throbbing hard, thinking of how he didn’t know if he could wait much longer to be inside of her before she was egging him on to do just that. Harry held up a finger to her before pulling back long enough to grab a condom out of the side table next to the couch (listen, you never know when that would come in handy, I.E. right this second), and within seconds he was over her again, kicking off his underpants, and rolling on that condom like he hadn’t had sex in ages. Well, that was kind of true. 
The level of euphoria he felt the moment he was lining up, and sliding inside of her, was far superior to any drug, or alcohol high. She was so tight, and wet, and he made sure to keep his eyes on her as he sunk in inch by inch until he was ultimately balls deep inside of Gigi. “Alright?” He asked in a rasp, a loose curl falling down into his face like it always seemed to want to do when he didn’t give it permission.
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Kyle laughs at his words, though it’s replaced quickly with a groan, head thrown back. “ah fuck.” he says looking down at him. His hands are huge against Kyle’s slim frame, and even on his thighs, the one looks so pretty he can’t help but stare. it’s short lived, because he’s finally slipping a finger inside of him and the smaller is letting his eyes slip shut. “more.” he begs, “don’t tease, please, want more.” he isn’t shy about it, wants to feel full, wants to be stretched open and prepped enough before Kam is inside him. “please.”
Kam shot his eyes up to the boy’s face when he started begging, because he actually really fucking loved that, when pretty boys begged for him to go further. He couldn’t wait until they were at the actual fucking part, but he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t fun as well. He added another finger, pumping the digits in and out of the smaller, even scissoring his fingers while he sucked on the head of Kyle’s leaking cock. This was why fucking guys was so damn awesome, they couldn’t fake it. He never had to question where he stood. All he needed from the other now was the green light to pull on that condom, and he was ready to go.
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taliah remembered the moment she met Allister it was pure luck, he just so happened to walk into the store she worked at while she was working and it was like her whole life had changed she needed to know everything and anything about him she possibly could, and here she was a year later sitting in his mothers cabin in the woods being scooped up by his big hands. yes they were the total oppisites from one another but you can’t help who you fall in with can you? taliah couldn’t believe that she was sat here, god she just fell in love with him all over again every day. the small female wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed her tiny hands compared to his play with the hairs on the back of his head “we’re done for the evening right?” she asked wanting to know if they had any chores left to do before they were able to spend time together, they were alone in a cabin with nothing but noises coming from the mountains what else are they gonna be doing together? taliah allowed her lips to kiss lightly along his beard, she loved making him having sounds coming from his lips.
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Allister smirked when Taliah asked if they were done for the evening, humming as she kissed along his beard in a way he knew she was doing to evoke a reaction. He tightened his arms around her, and then decided to place scruffy kisses all over her face, further proving that he wasn’t the intimidating mountain man that he sometimes came off to be. She made him soft, and was maybe the only person who ever had. He couldn’t help it with her - not that he really wanted to. “If we weren’t done, I would say we were anyway.” He answered easily before sitting her down with one last kiss to her lips before he was handing her wine glass back to her. “Bedroom? Or shower first?” He would suggest a blanket under the stars, but he knew she was probably over being outside, and he wasn’t gonna complain about getting naked regardless of where it was.
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Yes, Luke was teasing the other, but he loved every little thing about Harry. He was still learning about the male and every little fact or quirk only made him like the other more. Harry was unlike anyone else to Luke, it was why he found himself falling for the other as fast as he was. “Guess so,” Luke shrugs happily with a light chuckle as he brings the wine glass to his lips. “Hey, I’m not complaining,” he winks at Harry, the light banter and warmth of the water helping in ease his rapid mind. He laughs at the compliment Harry shares and shakes his head before taking a sip of the wine,”it just shows how lovely you are to be around, right? too bad you’re taken hmm?” he leans over and plants a light kiss on Harry’s lips. 
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Harry laughed when Luke said it was too bad he was taken, something that had him grinning ear to ear right after said kiss. It did make him feel kind of bad though, to know that yes, they knew Harry was taken, but no one else did. Same for Luke. It sparked jealousy sometimes in silly ways, but Harry wasn’t naive in thinking it wouldn’t get worse over time. He knew better, he’d lived this many times before. He’d never been in a relationship that he’d actually admitted to while in it, and Luke had. He wondered what it would be like, to be open, and be all cutesy like normal couples are in public, and on social media. Harry just always tried so hard to protect his private life, to keep that person from facing copious amounts of hate before they ever really had a chance to make it as a couple. “What’s it like...to be in a relationship that you don’t have to hide.” He asked his boyfriend in a much softer voice, showing that he wasn’t asking to be chastising of what they had, he just genuinely wanted to know, or maybe get some validation. “Is it hard?”
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Asher had flown into England with the band for business. They had a couple radio shows and photoshoots to do, but there was nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure. Not to mention that so far, it was one of Asher’s favorite places that they had visited. He had always dreamed of going to places like England, but never truly believed that he would achieve that. Now he was there with his band doing the thing that he loved most and it was hard not to get wrapped up, despite how much he was hiding it behind that perfect smirk he always seemed to wear. Ryan and Amanda had talked about going to a local comedy show and Asher happily followed. As they sat through the sets, none of them had really captured his attention quite like the last act of the night. Asher always loved the idea of getting to know someone through their art and that’s exactly what the brunette had done up there without ever loosing his attention. The self deprecating humor? The personal details about his life and work? It left him wanting to know more.
As the other ran off stage, Asher didn’t hesitate for a second, making some bullshit excuse as to why the two shouldn’t wait up before quickly charming his way through backstage. Seeing the other drip in sweat, made a smile appear on his face as he happily walked towards him. However, the last thing he expected to do was to almost surprise to the other to death. He wanted to chuckle but instead bit the inside of his lip before tilting his head, “You alright there?” he said, more concerned about Remy than of a water stain. He extended his hand out with smile, “You are Remy…” he tilted his head as he leaned in, “I don’t think I caught the last name there. Unless you’d like to turn it into Evans,” he teased before flashing him a smile. “That was the best set of the night. No understatement in saving the best for last,” he mused.
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Remy was just blinking at the poor gentleman, who was being very polite by the way, and Remy was looking at him as if he were some sort of alien that might suck out his soul at any moment. That honestly had a little more truth to it than he wanted it to, because it definitely felt like his soul was leaving his body. “Sorry.” He finally broke out of his own head, and reached for Asher’s hand, shaking it as firmly as he would anyone else, though he hoped Ash didn’t feel his goddamn hand shaking. “Allen. Last name’s Allen.” He answered the taller while tying desperately, and failing, not to blush at the compliment. Asher Evans was fucking standing right here, telling Rem that he loved his set, and did he say ‘unless you’d like to turn it into Evans’???
“Evans, right, you’re Asher Evans - you’re ehm, in my favorite band.” He managed to sputter out, feeling like a total asshat for acting like a twelve year old girl with a backstreet boy. They were still relevant...right? “I listen to you every day - I mean not every day, that would be crazy, but, you know.” He was spiraling now, trying his best to save face, and making himself swan dive into a pit of horse shit. Remy tried to lean his hand against the vanity beside him, only to completely miss it, nearly chucking himself into the floor with no way to recover. Seriously, how did he manage to be so embarrassing in just the span of like, ten seconds?? This was an all time record. “Fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m being so fucking - yeah.” He gestured around his head, and then blew out a long breath. “S’nice to meet you.” He shook the man’s hand finally, and hoped he didn’t somehow fuck that up too. “And thanks, for the compliment. I’m glad you liked the show, it really means a lot, so. Thank you.” Remy nodded with a tight lipped grin.
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( @thetroubledmisfits )
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   Remy’s comedy was...unique. It was a mixture of self deprecating humor, with random shit from his personal life in both counseling, and dealing with young children who had absolutely no filter. What set him apart from the others, is that he could do a full show while remaining completely clean, and avoidance or mature details. This was mostly because he did work in grade school, and didn’t need this coming back on him in any way. But, dirty comments were for the weak anyway. He could be funny without that stuff, and unless his audiences were just blowing smoke up his ass, they seemed to enjoy his material. 
He ran a hand through his sweat dampened hair as he made his way backstage - cursing under his breath about how hot those stage lights were as he searched for a bottle of water. He had just cracked one open, and pulled it up to his lips when he turned to see the literal last person he expected to see here, nearly spitting out his water as he choked on it a bit, and sputtered at the attractive male. “Shit, sorry.” He turned around to wipe his mouth on the front of his shirt, as if Asher wouldn’t see that he was doing that, especially with the water stain he left behind on his jumper. But what the fuck?? He had no idea how to react when his favorite member from his favorite fucking band was standing right in front of him like some sort of fever dream. “You...are Asher Evans.” He told the taller - wow, like he needed to tell the man that. 
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“I haven’t. I was just testing you,” Luke stuck his tongue out at the other playfully as he starts to disrobe, making a small pile of his clothes on one of the chairs. Some boyfriend time was definitely needed and Luke could only hope that it’d be enough to keep his mind from running a mile a minute. He had missed the other a lot though and he believed the affection and just being lost in Harry would help. He made his way out to the hot tub, having not been in one in a while if he was honest. He went to go turn the hot tub one, remembering how to do it from last time and then made his way inside to wait for his boyfriend. He sat down and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to relax a bit as much as he could. He hears the familiar voice and smiles lightly to reach and grab his glass from Harry, chuckling. Luke wasn’t really a wine guy but it was alcohol and it was better than nothing. “Thanks handsome,” he chuckles and peaks over at the cheese plate. “You’re the cutest, I swear, “he shakes his head then moves over so Harry could join him. “You’re such an old man sometimes,” he teases. 
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Harry was used to being compared to the elderly, but he could definitely understand why. In a lot of ways, Harry really did have such an old soul. He was raised in a vintage like atmosphere, and always felt like he could connect with the lifestyles, and music of earlier times. Oh, and the fashion, obviously. “Pff, well I guess you like old men then.” He teased his boyfriend as soon as he stepped into the hot tub, and settled in next to Luke with a glass of wine. “I read summat the other day that said with my fashion, y’never know if I’m gonna pull out a caramel from my pocket like an old man, or make you swoon. Either way, it works for me. I think that’s probably the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.” He giggled.
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What a look.
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Niall Horan | Finish The Lyric | +
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“fuck, that hurts,” the rough british accent cursed aloud as he moved his way out of the musty alleyway, he should’ve known they wouldn’t be pleased when he didn’t collect the money from a local butcher shop. fuck them though. leo had been attempting to work his way out of this so - called family he’d worked his way into in his teenage years, a mafia really, running a large part of the underground. each time he ran, disobeyed, fucked up - intentionally or not, he usually wound up with a bruise. or two. or three, such as now, his jaw and shoulder took the brunt of the beating he’d received. 
only seeing red at the moment, the male moved his feet quickly, then quicker - wanting to get away from the alley and anywhere but where he was at the moment. BAM ! leo felt his body get yanked back, nearly knocking him to the ground.
“what the fuck is your problem, ma – ” the male paused, his chocolate hues realising it wasn’t one of them, and his own stupid ass had nearly gotten run over. this person wasn’t trying to fight him or drag him anywhere, they were trying to help him. what a jackass he sounded like.
“shit, sorry, i though you were.. nevermind,” his right hand moved, pressing and rubbing against his left shoulder, both due to the pain and how stupid he felt for jumping to conclusions. “thanks, you know… for pulling me out of the way,” his gaze had averted, he wasn’t the best when it came to eye contact - or forming his thoughts into words for that matter.
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Brees was used to attitudes, you couldn’t really live in New York if you didn’t either have one, or could deal with them all the same. He waved a hand when the other tried to apologize, lifting a brow though in curiosity when he trailed off. Who did he initially think he was? Eh, didn’t matter. At least this guy wasn’t roadkill on a busy street. Cars would have probably continued to run him over before they would stop. He noticed while the smaller male continued to apologize that he seemed to be littered with bruises, the one on his jaw the one that stuck out, and was a pretty good indicator that he’d been in a fight. “No problem, man. You need a ride or somethin’?” He asked while looking over him cautiously, figuring he might as well give the guy a lift since his last pick up seemed to have ditched. “I’m actually an Uber driver, and am about to hop out on my last pick up anyway - they haven’t shown up, and it’s been a half hour. I’ll take ya anywhere you wanna go, no charge.” Wow, that was awful nice of him. He must be trying to make up for something.
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( open to male, female, n/b )
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       Brees, despite his fuckboy image and name - thanks mom and dad, tried to at least be mindful of his surroundings, and others. It’s not like he ever set out to hurt anyone, though he supposed that was something he did quite often. New York was a rough city, dirty, busy, and very easy to disappear into the crowd, unseen like you don’t even exist. But, it was home, and all he’d ever known. He was waiting for his next person to pick up with his Uber job, standing outside his car while looking down at his watch, and wondering where the fuck this person was. He had to be at a weed drop off in an hour, and this was supposed to be his last ride of the day. He turned to look across the street, watching the people waiting to pour across the crosswalk when he saw someone step out too early, making it almost all the way across before a taxi took the corner like a bat out of hell. His instincts kicked in to run over and grab them, yanking that person almost a little too hard out of the line of impact, cussing to the cab who took off without any acknowledgement to the fact they’d almost plowed someone over. Yeah, that was New York, but it was still fucked up. “Shit, you okay?” He asked the person with wide eyes. “Sorry I yanked ya so hard, but that dick would have taken you right out.”
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dee let out another giggle at her boyfriend’s praise, blushing madly. god, he really knew how to make her do that, didn’t he ?  she blushed a lot in general, thanks to her shy nature, but she did it way more often around him. which was saying something. she smiled in to the kiss, cupping his cheek gently and humming happily against his soft brims before pulling away and smiling shyly up at him ❝ thank you, baby. that means a lot coming from my number one supporter. ❞ she told him, grinning widely and trying her hardest not to blush even more  when he called her his girl. she could definitely get used to hearing that. ❝ it’s not guaranteed yet, though. and honestly, i don’t have my hopes up too high about it. ❞ she told him with a shrug. ❝ i just feel really lucky and grateful that i got to play megara. she’s one of the most underrated disney characters, in my opinion, and i’m just hoping that i did her justice. ❞
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Dee had a sweet innocence about her, one that was very rare to see these days in the industry. Of course, he’d known just how innocent she was when he met her. It still somehow always took him by surprise. With the way she’d been treated, it was obvious why maybe her mind was somewhat childlike in certain ways, being forced to follow the rules of an authority figure, never allowed to just do as she pleased. It made him sad, but most of all, empathetic to her. He wanted to lift her up, to put her in a better place, but he also didn’t want to smother her. She needed to be allowed to make her own decisions for once, and he had every intention on helping her do that. “You did, love. They would never have picked you if you couldn’t.” He assured his girlfriend before leaning in to press his lips softly against hers.
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