#a friend bought it as a gift i didnt rly ask for
aggravates · 2 years
ironically enough hogwarts legacy is the first game i’ve ever played that 1. had a trans character and 2. explicitly mentioned they were trans (which the character tells you herself)
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krajtaz · 3 years
when my friends say i complain about everything but i only ever complain about my family and then everything else is for comedic purposes 😒 if it makes you laugh why are u mad
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n-komas · 4 years
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Dear User, We have found your perfect match! You’ve been paired with...
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Ryūnosuke Tanaka!!
• i really feel that tanaka matches your vibes 100%
• he’d totally freak when he finds out you play instruments, especially the electric guitar
• he’d ask you to play for him pretty often tbh
• but every time you do, he hypes you up to the MAX
• rly good at inflating your ego lmaooo
• best believe mans is constantly at your house
• he’s probably at your house more than his own at this point but you dont rly mind
• is so down to let you put makeup on him for practice or just cause
• one time you did his makeup and it came out so well, he took some of your clothes and put them on & made you go out with him
• brought you to some boba shop and tried to be your wingman dressed like that for sure LOL
• also likes to go to the skate park with you
• asks you to teach him how to skate every single time but he just cant grasp how to do it right
• LOOOOVES going to amusement parks with you
• its your guys’ signature friend-date
• he bought seasons passes for the both of you bc you didnt wanna go one time
• its your mission to ride every single ride every time you go
• having to peel him away from the garbage can around 15 rides in bc he keeps throwing up / vice versa
• ok but you guys definitely go all out for christmas time
• knowing exactly what to get each other
• he likes to go above and beyond your expectations every year and top last year’s gift
• quarantine became hell for you two
• since you were typically inseparable from each other, quarantine put you both into a pickle
• facetime calls / sleepovers definitely didnt feel the same as seeing each other face to face
• but you tried to make the situation as bearable as possible
• also ended up in a gamepigeon olympics
• which tanaka ended up dragging as many of the volleyball boys to join
• yamaguchi, hinata, kageyama, & asahi got their asses HANDED to them by both you and tanaka
• HOWEVER noya, ennoshita, kinoshita beat yall a couple times in a few games
• since you and tanaka are both hella competitive, the games include a whole lot of rematches
• the cycle really never ends.
• anyways i feel like outside of school, tanaka would be the type to like streetwear as well, occasionally more on the hypebeast side of things
• but he admires your style
• he probably wont admit it but he takes inspiration from your style
• when you’re unable to sleep, tanaka likes to take an extra step to try to stay up a bit longer with you
• esp with the quarantine going on, he tries to stay on the phone with you as long as possible
• but when he gets sleepy, he asks that you stay on the phone with him just in case you get lonely, he gave you permission to blow into the microphone to wake him up lol
• but actual sleepovers are SO HECTIC.
• horror movies until one of you admits you’re too scared to be in the dark
• competitions to see who could eat the most ramen in the shortest amount of time
• he’ll try to sneak you out to go out to the city in the middle of the night, or if it’s too far, midnight grocery runs or park visits are a must
• he just likes being able to unapologetically be himself in his rawest form, which he knows he can do if it’s you & him, or with the other boys around
• knowing that he can be himself 110% around you, he’d like to hope that you’d be okay doing the same with him
• eventually!! not that he expects you to jump in head first, but he wants you to know that he trusts you with his life entirely and he’d want you to know that you could do the same
• he’d literally protect you with his whole life, both him and saeko see you as a little sister of sorts and feel the need to watch over you
• so your future s/o has to go through BOTH of them for sure 😭😭 good luck LMAO
Thank you for working with us! We hope you found satisfaction with your newfound bestie~ Honorary applicants we considered for the role were: HAJIME IWAIZUMI & SATORI TENDOU. Thank you again for your time & we hope you enjoy your future lifelong friendship!~ Thank you for requesting!
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For @irenenene ♡ i hope you enjoyed !
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jindoelf · 4 years
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200404 Eunhyuk Online Birthday Party (full trans)
🎁은혁이와 함께 온라인 생일파티🎁 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUNHYUK)
hyukjae says he is at shindong's studio haha the one shindong usually does shindongdaengdong
ded omg they are making hyukjae make the dalgona coffee
hyukjae barely started to whisk and he says he is almost done LOL SURE BB
Hyukjae says he will call the members and if they manages to say certain words, he will pass on to the manager to whisk
the words the members have to say is "saranghae" and hyukjae was like...'which members will say 'saranghae' to me?'
hyukjae just needs to call donghae lol simple
hyukjae is gonna continue to call the members
He is gonna call yesung and yesung has to curse at him in order for it to be a succes
hyukjae is making shindong decide the words donghae has to say and shindong said 'lee donghaek' but hyukjae suggested 'onyongnyongnyongnyong'
donghae singing happy birthday my e oppa
Donghae did the onyongnyongnyong but he was late so he failed. Then hyukjae said why are you always late then donghae said he is not! then hyukjae was like why cant you catch up with me??? then donghae said dont you know we have to keep a distance now due to corona???
Apparently donghae went to buy presents for hyukjae at the same place hyukjae went to buy presents for his mom and they were there at the same place but they didnt know
Donghae and his random youtube videos.... not considered as youtuber to Hyuk?
Omg he knows how to do the put hand behind item to let the camera focus on it thingy!!
Donghae's birthday
Hyuk: It's my birthday, why do I have to do this (making dalgona coffee)?
elfs asked him to speak nearer to the mic so he’s like “then you have to give up either one. it’s either my face or my voice”
he's asking how long he has to stir?! Can't believe he hasn't watched any videos on how to make dalgona coffee
Why are there random cute stickers appearing w people's names ah? How do they send them?
he is asking why (he has to do it), it's his birthday again
Hyukjae says he will call the members and if they manages to say certain words, he will pass on to the manager to whisk
the words the members have to say is "saranghae" and hyukjae was like...'which members will say 'saranghae' to me?' LOL
Heechul was like "Saranghae bobo (I love you xx)"
Heechul confirmed be like ???
The 30 April 2012 Airport Fashion Concept question was one of the Q&As in the 2020 Seasons Greeting scratchcard!
hj: i have to call donghae next. what shld i get him to say?
sd: shld i help u pick? smth hard for him to say... this kid... lets get him to say his nickname "lee donghaek"
hj: shld i just get him to say nyonyoynyoo
right donghae. what to do if he curses? they curse a lot with me. right so "nyo nyo nyo ynoo"
dh: happy birthday to you
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: happy birthday to you
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: my e oppa
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: did u do ur birthday party
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: oh u did thats nice
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: did u eat seaweed did u talk with ur mom
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: nyonynoynoy
hj: oh????? ur late!!!!
dh: im never late!!!
hj: ur always a step behind me
dh: ur a step behind me!!!!
hj: ur like 2m behind me
dh: nyonynoynoy
hj: u shld have did this earlier!!!
dh: nyonynoynoynyonynoynoynyonynoynoy
hj: oh u speak well. right by
dh: where are you?
dh: (in the live) happy birthday to you
hj: ??????
dh: i told u i was never late comepared to u !!!!! didnt i !!!!!! ah!!!!!!!! nyonyonyonyooo!!!!
hj: u shld have said so earlier!!!!!!!!
hj: ahhh hthats why the cake only comes out now!! i was wondering why we didnt start with the cake right away. u shld have come earlier
dh: (sings happy birthday) u have to blow the candles with ur nose
hj: shld i try one? oh it works?
eunhae: (laughs)
hj: bring me tissue!! ahhh its the first time i wear this
dh: birthday presents
hj: did you buy them
dh: what are you talking about
hj: i'll check. bring ur receipts.
dh: why do u need to do this
hj: u checked last time when i came didnt u
hj: oh u went there????
hj: bring me another tissue
dh: u don't need it. here!
hj: ???? thats not a gift thats just u promoting!!!!!
dh: no just put it on!!! put it on!!
hj: thats just u promoting!!!
dh: no!!!
hj: then u talk
dh: i really really want to meet you guys. really really really want to meet you guys. oh i will clean it up for u (the stain)
dh: u bought me couple gifts last time didnt u !!!!!!!!!!!!
hj: i did (laughs) ah this is so annoying!!!! we look crazy !!!!!
hj: oh this is shoes? ah this fucking?
hj: ??????????
(couple shoes)
hj: are you fucking crazy. youre crazy
(* pun with shoes and fuck)
hj: i cldnt even think about this (this event)
dh: u needed this right (beauty products)
hj: oh yea. is it the new one? the limited edition
dh: its just how it is
hj: the bag's too big just for these two products
dh: (pulls out couple lipbalms (?????))
hj: woooow youre the worst. this is the worst video ever (laughs) whats this
dh: mother gift
hj: oh i gave a gift for ur mom too. oh i think i bought the same gift for mom
dh: she can use it for a long time
hj: this is the worst
dh: (forces a kiss on hyukjae)
hj: wtf ?????? get off!!!!
hj: this is the worst video ever
hj: wah i want to cry
dh: of course
hj: not bc of you
hj: i cld never have imagined it.... is there water?
hj: oh right, the dalgona? oh you did a lot! then you do it (donghae)
hj: show them, is that enough?
dh: it smells like dalgona coffee
hj: wah my mind is blank
hj: oh its a cheap cake right? about 1,000W right? looks cheap
hj: oh right there was a game
dh: werent u supposed to end it in an hour
hj: idk i do whatever i want. lets do the mission together. everyone what shld i get him to say? oh english? just enligh? oh?? "no challenge no change"
hj: ma-onnnng
sw: hyok
dh: me-honnng
sw: we only call once in a year; on ur birthday
dh: i'll call u in three days
sw: wtf...?
dh: (makes weird noise)
sw: what are you doing
eunhae: (humming the tune of no challenge no change)
sw: nyonyonyo
hj: ma-ong where are you ma-ong
hj: if theres change then there is....
dh: everybody say???
sw: i think its time for your medicine
eunhae: (laughs)
hj: no challenge
sw: i can't say that here theres a lot of people
hj: (usb impersonation) yah yah happy birthday my friend
sw: yes my friend
hj: im on live broadcast
sw:???? its ruined
hj: u failed my mission. u didnt say no challenge
sw: i did
hj: its within 40s
sw: its hard
hj: its bc my birthday is 0404
sw: i kno
hj: ur 0407
next is ryeonggu. what shld i do with ryeonggu. lets hurry up. "im confident"? ok. no other corner, we'll only do this (laughs)
hj: he's not picking up. ryeonggu. ryeonguuuuu. im confident!!!! that kid... hes not busy though. he doesn't have schedules though. does he pick up ur calls? try calling him
dh: then hold this for me
dh: i shld cut off my hair
hj: right hes just not picking up right? its not just my calls right
hj: right then last is kyu. ryeonggu is a fail. hes not picking up. next is kyu. what shld we do with him. "its the worst"? i will try.i shld just sing then. he keeps saying my singing is the worst
kh: hyunnng
hj: (sings)
kh: hyunnnng
hj: (sings)
kh: what are u doing
hj: (sings)
kh: ...hello?
hj: kyu?
kh: hyung ur rly bad at singing
hj: i was just pretending
kh: ur really bad
hj: if u had to say one word what wld it be. i have to hear a word from u
kh: ah "the worst"
hj: ahh!!!! why didnt u say it earlier. its too late now! kyuu
kh: hyung
hj: im doing the birthday party
kh: i heard its at 6pm. im not doing mine bc of u.
hj: ah bc they might not watch? u pushed it back
kh: hyung dont sing
hj: i will dance
kh: ah then thats ok
hj: anyway someones here
kh: who
hj: an athlete
kh: really? lee donghae?
hj: ur good
kh: im good ofc
dh: kyukyukyukyu
kh: donghaiiii. its the two of u
hj: yes its just the two of us. d&e has to do it
hj: am i done? lets eat it
dh: do we have to drink it with a straw? i never tried it
hj: oh this is weird (lipbalm)
dh: its cool right? feels cool. drink it in oneshot
hj: do i have to mix it? no? do i just drink it like this? u hvae a coffee shop, how do i do it?
dh: just dirnk
hj: (drinks)
hj: yah!!!!! theres no milk !!!! its bitter !!!!!!
hj: ohhh youtube is fun!! shld i do it? shld we do it? dont u do it?
dh: i don't do it like that
hj: do it and i will come over to play
dh: no no no no
hj: u shld call ur youtube nononono
dh: teuk hyung does it for 4 hours
hj: oh thats a problem. hes got a disease.
dh: i iwll leave now
hj: try it first. it s weird though? is tat how its supposed to taste?
dh: thats weird
hj: is that right? is that how its supposed to taste
hj: anyway u can leave. i will see you nononono
dh: nonononono
i did the the cake, the dalgona coffee and the game. whats next. ah the most important part, the questions! i was wondering what id do in an hour but its alrdy an hour. thats why teuk hyung does it for 4hrs. and since i don't hear u its quite alright (laughs)
the coffee isnt that good, the milk is good though. yeah its good everyone
i will start eunhyuk's quiz! drum. did u hear the drum sound? theres this thing from shindongdaeng's studio. shld we try listening to applause? is it coming out? ah no? (laughs) well
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gglitchshit · 5 years
love u uwu
Song of the year?
Answered but gonna come up wih something else hmm……Spotify says Hurricane Years (by Alice duh) was my top 1 which is kinda true cuz I coped with it a fuckton and I even based one of my school assignments of it so…
Album of the year?
Trash 1989 easily DFJGHSDFJKGHL but yeah if talking this year’s album then Gloryhammer’s new albumm which I’m lazy to write the title of
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Uppermost! Got recommended him on twitter (with many other artists but he got me the most) and it was really spot on
id say Ozzy too but technically i didnt START listening to him this year, just started listening More
Movie of the year?
Us!!! But also uh idk……..I mean I’ve seen many movies this year so aside of 2019′s movies it’s definitely Prince of Darkness (god its so surreal i saw it this year….it feels like last year at least, first half of the year didnt exist for me dfgjksd)
TV show of the year?
Y’all Not to be Like That but it’s Jojo dfghfdkl (both because of you- like how much you influenced me and changed my mind about jojo and also cuz i started watching it) 
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Can’t think of any gjklhgsdjkl i dont rly watch tv shows
Favorite actor of the year?
even tho i watched 46758934 movies i dont have any……i mean i rly liked Lupita’s performance in Us but…yeah
maybe Liz Fenning?? she debuted for real in Dance Macabre music video and thats when i fell in love so h wait no that was last year fuck fuck
Game of the year?
Sayonara Wild Hearts and Pokémon Sword/Shield~
Best month for you this year?
-March cuz was finally home after hell month and bought lots of goodies and saw 🅱️rince of 🅱️arkness (first movie I saw after hell month, makes it extra special) -August as well maybe cuz Minecraft and good vibes….-June too cuz of that very good day with you and lots of animating…..maybe even October? Big halloween/horror mood…
Something that made you cry this year?
A gift I got at the beginning of the year and Wowaka’s death :(
Something you want to do again next year?
Go to pride but also go to more concerts with you
Talk about a new friend you made this year
I hardly make friends (like yknow real true close friends) also sorry if I forget anyone my memory is worse than a 100 year old’s but I always treasure my mutuals and I feel I grew closer to some of you…..ilu
How was your birthday this year?
Nothing interesting LMAO probably the least eventful/boring of this whole decade….. im old and depressed
Favorite book you read this year?
even tho im STILL not finished (reading in english is hard aaa), i love love love reading Dennis’ book about his adventures in the Alice Cooper group……..Ozzy’s book was fine as hell as well and thats about the only books ive read this year mega rip
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
cant remember anything fdgjkdf all my bad habits are 3-10 years old oof
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
this is from april cuz i dont take selfies lol
Post a picture from the end of the year
well….my hair got darker?? dfgsdfgdf
all my selfies are just me showing off my band shirts GHSDKL i got this shirt from a generous person from AR’s discord server, bless them forever tbh
edit: deleted the selfies cuz *diavolo vibe* no one must know my face
A memorable meal this year?
DFJKGDFHJK idk….i ate some rly good asian pasta meal at shrimpy food bar in like october or so, everytime i’ll go back there i’ll eat that cuz h
What’re you excited about for next year?
new albums lolol
also pride
uhhhhhh animal crossing release
What’s something you learned this year?
be grateful for everything i have and dont take anything for granted, with time most things get better except my memory
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
got new bathroom and kitchen as well as NEW WINDOWS hell yeah complete revamp of some of the stuff in our house….
Favorite place you visited this year?
Bratislava JDFGHDFSJKLG the town itself was nice too but in general being there was great cuz happiness overflowed in me all the time…….arisu……
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
honey you’ve got a big storm coming
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
i drew a little more backgrounds than last year so maybe that,,,
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
GIN!!!!!! MY SPLATOON OC!!!!!! AAAAAAA one of the only best things in february hell month…..one day i made a rly cool loadout in Splatoon and i was like h what i  i make an OC out of her…..at first i felt like she wasnt gonna get far cuz i usually make ocs and then forget about them the next day but somehow she survived…..and got a big bro too! now shes in several zines and has an own toyhouse profile and i think abt her every day…shes still underdeveloped as hell but ah i love her and im rly proud of myself
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ilygsd · 6 years
ok se he called this friday (25/1) and asked to hang and i suddenly got my shit together i applied for a job, i started to wrap his christmas gift and make him this ugly card and plan for tomorrow etc etc
he had this ugly mask on that day. like this fake ass personality he has when hes out and im like ok so this is how its gonna be
we didnt event all abt the breakup
i was this close tp breaking down in front of him
yet he continues to tell me im pretty and asks me if i think he looks good and he was wearing those fkn glasses that makes him look hot and smart and i obsessed over them
ans then hes off buying a thing to his friend, hes all dressed ip and leaves me 2 h later for this friend and im like
he said hed text me when he opened my present and he does
like 6 hours later when its 1 am and i guess he’s come home from his friend :——)
and hes over the top being weird and too much like ”omg thank u i LOVE IT ITS SO CURE IM GONNA SAVE IT”
and i low key wanna take it back bitch like that was when i loved u and u kinda liked me too
i dont want u to put my card together with the rest of the love letter shit uve gotten since the age of 10 when ppl started to confess to u
ughhhh im kinda PKSSEDDDDD
But then i tried to think more positivity because wow, positive is the new me :——)
and yeah maybe he just wanted to make ir easier for me, like im happy he didnt ghost me and that were still friends
but hey
then i asked him
did u for real break up over the phone
and hes like
it broke up after that night fight
and im like uhhhh so also over the phone??? and then u ignored me for several days???????
like i really was dumped i thought i was the one pushing him too far but jokes on me
i actually was dumped i had no idea that he broke up woth me back thEN
and i said why didnt u tell me
and hes like ”i said i cant deal with this negativity”
like oh yeah.............. uhm okay that was obvious.... not
and i also asked him why we’ee supposed to continue be friends and he dodnt even answer
why the fuck did he say i can still have his pics and his shirt (for awhile) like how TF IS THAT GONNA HELP ME DO U WANT TO TORTURE ME OR SMTH
omg chill no he’s just being kind and considerate
he even told u he could wear one of the shirts i bought him and give it back to me (for awhile?)
”well i cant just act all non human then we wouldnt be able to stay friends right”
omg im sk frustrated obviously i dint mean anything i write im just dead
i just really miss him
wow i dont even love him i just love what i thought he could give me
but i still want him
i want it
what he gave me
i need emotional stability and self love in my liiiiiife
fuuuuuckkkkk meeeeeeeee
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sequoiann · 7 years
❦ liqhtmas┊ho ho ho
❆ 16 ;  a disaster in wrapping presents bc none of you know how to 
❆ 20 ; “ho ho ho, bitch”
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pairing; seventeen vernon x reader
genre; fluff + headcanon + humor
; prompts for liqhtmas
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you and hansol have been dating  for like ,, close to 2 years?? 
and it was like a yearly thing that the both of you got presents for all your close friends and relatives and family on christmas
including the 12 members of course
and you always must must must request for wrapping service at the counter bc lol
the both of you just couldn’t do it yourselves
the last time you tried, you nearly crushed the box itself while trying to wrap it up
and vernon just
i mean
he just doesn’t know how to fold the wrapping paper and like stick them down lol
but this christmas
hansol was suddenly so full of confidence??
saying tht he cld wrap the presents???
you were like no 
you cant
im not gonna give a ball of trash to my friends, hansol
n you were gonna pass the item to the cashier to ask for it to be wrapped
but hansol just snatched it from your hands and zoomed out of the store
you would’ve chased after him to get the present back but 
there was another thing that you needed to take care of
aka the freakign embarrassment tht your boyfriend had caused you
the poor cashier was so shocked by his sudden action and her eyes were so wide like ????? yOu doN t wAnt it wr apped??? 
and you had to apologize like 8 times straight before going after hansol
you smacked him really hard when you saw him outside like wtf 
you scared the cashier
he looked rly guilty for a split second but the next moment he’s like
“yo bb i really can wrap presents” 
you just brushed him off and was like yeah sure vernon
but he keeps insisting he does !!!!!
you raised an eyebrow like lol sorry but i trust you on everything but this
and you told him that tbh if anyone had to wrap the presents it’d be you bc at least yours stays ,,,, intact ,,, 
ok not really but it was better than his
vernon just narrows his eyes and he got so competitive you could see the fire of passion bUrniNg from him
so the two of you go back to the dorm 
n like only half ?? the members were around
the other half were gone
probably to mob the mart nearby or something 
and the both of you had to hide the gifts that you bought under your coats and bags 
n yall sprrrrinted to the room the moment seungcheol opened the door
n vernon was shouting random words of “don’t look! don’t look!! seunGKWAN I SAID DON’T LOOK !!!!!” 
bc the members’ presents were part of your little shopping spree today
u were surprised seungkwan was still in ,, you thought he’d be out with the other boys to but eh
you and vernon didnt even take off your socks before entering so yall were sliding everywhere n laughing your asses off n jihoon was just like the fuk
but you 2 got to vernon’s room without dropping anything so yes success
and there were like 4 ??? rolls of wrapping paper leaning on the wall at the corner of the room and you were just ,,,,,
you were serious about this ,,,,, ??
nd vernon just nods rly excitedly 
“i told you i can wrap y/n just trust me”
ajfhsdkf u were going crazy
you rly didn’t wnt to waste wrapping paper and waste time and waste ,,, hansol’s efforts bc you knEw it wasn’t gna turn out well ,,,
but hansol just grabs a roll of the wrapping paper + tape and sits down on the floor beside his bed n u just stare
he starts unrolling the wrapping paper and grabs one of the boxed up presents before placing the present right smack in the centre
and then he starts?? folding them up?? and just taping them down?? 
the wrapping paper was already getting all crumpled and you could the see folded lines everywhere
only the bottom of the box would look decent bc hansol didn’t need to tape that part
you were seated in front of him n looking at him with soOOo much disappointment like hansol
if you cant do it you didnt have to say you could
but he just continues his disastrous wrapping lol
“you’re making a mess”
and he was holding down a part of the paper n he was like “shut up and pass me the tape”
you were starting to laugh like “hansol there’s more tape than wrapping paper on that thing !!!!”
he just narrows his eyes @ you and grabs the tape himself and then does mOrE taping
you were just leaning against the wall behind you and watching hansol do his thang and considering why u ever agreed to dating him
“hansol i think that’s enough”
n he kinda finishes his handiwork at that time and he just picks up that crumpled piece of bull and shows you the untouched underside of it 
“ho ho ho, bitch”
he was being so giggly especially after saying that oml 
you grabbed it from him and told him
hansol im not gonna give this to anyone 
and then lol he suddenly goes into puppy mode
n he starts pouting and being all : ((((( and u just
you were gna kick him ohmygawt
but he looks at you like that *insert puss in boots meme* and he looked so meek like tf
i love you
then he laughs n u laugh n he starts hugging you bc he knew you were lowkey done with his extra ass but u cAnt resist him 
so in the end yes gift wrapping service had to happen 
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gontagokuhara · 7 years
a lil birdie told me u like talking bout ur trip pls I wanna hear what France n Spain r like :ooo (I love ur writing btw :>)
so. like ive said, i went to france and spain a few months back and it was an Amazing Time. theres so much to talk about and i dont want to flood dashboards so ill put this under a read more :0
-our group spent 2 hours in customs in charles de gaulle airport. it was hot, the middle of the night my regular time, about 9 am france time, and by the time we got out of customs it was nearly 11:30-that was like…..the only low point? th organization we travelled through groups up smaller groups into large groups (like 40-50 people?) and we were waiting on the other groups from ohio, oregon, and new jersey (remember those groups, they become important later) for another like 3ish hours? -the airport was rly interesting though! it was all of the kids in our groups first exposure to an environment that wasnt all in english, so it gave us time to practice our french listening to announcements/buying stuff/etc! there was also. a lot of green berets with assault rifles all over the place (and they were really all over france. im not sure what theyre about but theyre Everywhere)-around 2-3 we get on a bus with the new jersey + ohio groups and go to notre dame cathedral! the first thing we noticed leaving the airport was that it is hot as balls in france. its humid and the sun is oppressive as hell but the Big Plus was that there are. literally 0 bugs. i didnt see a single bug my whole trip it was fucking amazing-our first day was pretty lowkey; we basically just went to notre dame, broke for lunch, and then hung out in that general area until dinner!-our second day in france was Very Jam Packed with shit and was simultaneously my favorite and least favorite day? our plan was to ascend the eiffel tower in the morning and visit versailles in the afternoon, but the eiffel tower was closed bc of a security issue so we flipped our schedule!-we toured all around versailles palace and while it was very interesting and beautiful i lowkey had an anxiety attack bc people kept holding onto me and grabbing me and it was very hot and overwhelming. things really looked up when we looked around the gardens!-after that + lunch we went back to the eiffel tower and got to go up at night!!! which was beautiful. also, it doesnt get dark in france Or spain until like 10 pm? its very odd but really really cool! and it makes you feel less tired. our curfew was a little earlier than we thought so we couldnt make the line to go to the very top, but we went to the middle section and i have some Iconique selfies up there. when we went down again we bought some stuff at the little gift shops and i got the best slushie ive ever had and it was super fun:0-third day was a pretty long bus tour and then the louvre! the bus tour yielded like 300 pictures and the only thing me nd my mom rly cared about was seeing the mona lisa, so we hung out the rest of the time in shops and stuff!-fourth day we took a bullet train from paris to avignon and honestly the most iconic bit of that day was running around the train stop stores and buying all the french candy we could find. after that we went to pont du gard and toured the area around there, which was really beautiful! also? the toilets in pont du gard? Do Not Have Toilet Paper. dont even have paper towels. not even because theyre out, but like. theres no toilet paper holders or anything. -after that (same day!) was provence! we toured an old structure the first part of provence, and then shopped the rest! unfortunately i got really sick at the end of that day (but not before i bought Ten Bars Of Soap)-the fifth day i was nearly fuckin dead with sickness lol so i stayed behind in the hotel ;( i got to reconnect with friends on the shitty wifi that day though! (blows smooches at the jump discord)-sixth day we had like. a 5 hour bus ride from th south of france to barcelona. i listened to a Lot Of Muic. 
-we didnt have time for really anything by the time we got to barcelona, but that was okay because i think we all really needed the day to recharge!-first full day in barcelona we toured the area around la sagrada familia ! we didnt get to get that close but i have really beautiful pictures! we also went to the picasso museum that day which was…..really boring. me and my friends were dying in there. we got separated from the ohio group (aka the cool group) and we got stuck with the new jersey group which succed but whateevr! after that we hung around in the city for a while before going back-the second day in barcelona was probably my favorite of the whole trip, which is kind of weird to say because i loved paris so much? but i think my kinda sour experience at versailles ust barely edges out that day as my favorite, so! we toured park guell (which is GOREGOUS) and it was great because the heat wasnt that bad And our tour leader got to see his wife!!! me and my mom got fuckin lost lol and we had to navigate through with shitty spanish to find our group. after that we went to this giant mall (seriously, its like 5 stories) that used to be a giant arena but they converted! most of the group went to a flamenco show, but me, my friend kiya, my french teacher and his daughter passed so we could explore the mall. me nd kiya fucked off and i showed her around lush for like a half hour, she bought a bunch of comics in spanish and we bought a whole lot of other shit!!! it was super super fun and it was probably my favorite day-our last full day we went to the beach! and christ this post is long enough already but someone remind me to tell the wild fucking story that is the beach in barcelona girls in relation to the oregon girls, lack of card checking, and the yelling match between a blanket salesman and an ohio chaperone. it’s fucking nuts.-and then we flew home at like 2 am! theres a whole other layer to the light home that i wont go into detail on here becasue God This Is So Long, but if any1 is interested on some of the more minor details of the trip please shoot me an ask i love talking abt my trip:0
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skiasurveys · 6 years
1. When did you both get together? we started to flirt/hang out around april 2016, we officially started dating in may 2016 though.
2. Who made the first move?  he did
3. How long have you been a couple? its been 2 years and 2 months
4. How did you first meet?  online dating app
5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple?  not rly, we tried to date before and that lasted for a week..didnt talk for a while. when we got back into contact around end of the march of 2016 we kinda were “friends” but not rly.
6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school?  no
7. Are you long-distance?  nope
8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship? committed
9. Do you live together?  we did for a bit. not anymore. were planning on finding our own place soon though now that we both have jobs
10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like?  yeah we got engaged in feb. basically connor wanted this TV he found on kijiji and we went to go get it. it was in a town that was 40 mins away, anyways on the way back we pulls over on the side of the road and im like wtf and then he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. it took me by surprised, bc i wasnt expecting it obvs and i didnt think he would ever ask me tbh bc he said he didnt like the idea of marriage.
11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage?  ^ yeah
12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference?  he is by 6.5 yrs
13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference?  he is by a foot 
14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions? yeah we like the same movies, tv shows, video games
15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? idk lol
16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less.  were comfortable and happy
17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple.  no
18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons.  :3
19. Share a cute photo of you both together.  check my instagram @ wolfkhid
20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. he is funny, handsome, tall, he understands me,hes smart
21. Your partner’s top 5 fav things about you. ask him
22. What physical traits do you find most attractive about your partner? his face and his arms/hands. mmm
23. What physical traits does your partner find most attractive about you? he likes that im small, he likes my body shape (short stacked)
24. What personality traits do you find most attractive about your partner? he is funny,  he tells me the truth, hes honest
25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you?  he likes that im caring and that im funny
26. Do you hold hands in public? Any other public displays of affection?  we do sometimes. he doesnt like pda too much. he’ll smack my ass tho lol
27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. he is tall, his domiance, and hes funny 
28. List your partner’s top 3 turn-ons about you.  im small, my ass and im submissive 
29. How would you seduce your partner? How would they seduce you? food obviously.
30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you?  my thighs or sides
31. Describe your partner’s eyes. Amber brown and round. theyre really nice. im not poetic  32. Describe your partner’s hair. dark brown, short and messy lol 
33. Describe your partner’s smile. happiness
34. What is your partner’s voice like? deep and nice 
35. What is your partner’s scent like? idk how to explain it
36. How does your partner impress you? How do you impress them? harfcore eating skills
37. What outfit would you like to see your partner in? What would they like to see you wear?  he likes me in short skirts and thigh high socks. i honestly dont care what he wears as long as its nice. he looks good in skinnyish jeans
38. Show your fav picture of your partner that they’ve posted online. not sure if he would be okay with that LOL
ROMANCE 39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? yeah
40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple?  theres so many
41. Describe your favourite date so far? when we played super smash bros at the college
42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? paid off my credit card bill. made me a really nice  salad, etc
43. Do either of you get jealous? i do lol cus im insecure. he doesnt unless he does and i just dont know  
44. Is one of you protective of the other? we both are
45. How do you both like to kiss? passionate 
46. How do you both like to cuddle? all tangled up
47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? i got him some nice cologne and he gave me some money to pay off my card, and also he got me a nice ring
48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? reserved honestly
49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? we both do
50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones?  not unique 
51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? haha no
52. What’s “your song”? i cant help falling in love with you
53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship? sure
54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day? he proposed to me :D
55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly?  both?
56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? theres a lot..lol he pretended to be a snake
57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies?  kinda
58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship? everything hahah
BEING TOGETHER 59. Fav things to do together on a rainy day? playing WoW together, or watching movies, or going to get Thai food!
60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day? Same thing, go for walks maybe bike ride.
61. Got any plans together for next week? not really. hes going biking with his friends and im working lol but ill prob spend the night on Saturday
62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? Food
63. What did you do for your partner’s latest birthday? What did they do for yours? nothing for him, he doesnt like birthday parties so we didnt do anything, but i bought him a present. He gave me some money, and we hung out, except he worked that night so we couldnt do much.
64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? maybe Disneyland
65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do? maybe we go to Banff and have a nice stay there
66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? I would make him a nice meal maybe or rub his back. I would tell him everything is OK. It depends on whats bothering him. For me he would hold me and watch movies with me and kiss me.
67. Where would you both get takeout together? thai place downtown i forget the name
68. What’s the longest time you’ve been apart?  About 1 month and 1 week, he went to Prince George to see his Dad and some family. 
69. What things remind you of your partner? What things remind them of you? Pokemon honestly lol and idk honestly. maybe nuggets
70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started? well yeah! we are more closer, i feel like i can be myself. 
71. Have you ever worked on a project together?  kinda. not rly.
72. Have you both influenced each other in any way? sure
73. Have either of you made sacrifices for this relationship? yes. Connor literally slept behind a couch for like 7 months because he wanted to stay in RD and didnt want to leave me, and he didnt have a place. (he couldnt stay with me b/c my family is really conservative and we couldnt afford a place together). He honestly is so wonderful. He now has a place
74. Has you discovered anything surprising about your partner? yes. 
75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives?  i would hope so.
76. What do you both mutually agree is the most important part of your relationship? honesty, conversation/communication, loyalty. 
EVERYDAY LIFE 77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? being there for each other, talking, etc.
78. Do you follow each other’s blogs/twitter/instagram? yes but he doesnt have IG or Twitter, but i follow him on other stuff
79. Is there a favourite place that you both frequently go to together? not really.
80. What TV shows do you like to watch together? theres too many to name honestly.
81. How do you relax together? chilling and netflix
82. What sleep positions do you tend to sleep together in? spooning usually, or tangled up. depends on how hot it is though
83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? not so much clothes but items yes
84. Do you ever share the bathroom together? yeah 
85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other? texting
86. Do you share secrets between each other?  yes
87. Do you rotate house chores or do you each have assigned chore duties? well we dont live together but i help him clean his place if he needs help. But if we were to live together we would rotate it.
88. Do you remember how your partner takes their coffee/tea/bar drinks?  he doesnt like coffee or tea and doesnt drink so much
89. What does your partner think of your Tumblr? nothing?? i guess?? he doesnt rly care he doesnt check on it
90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games? we do a lot of rpg games
COMPATABILITY 91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites?  hes more intro than me, but im like a mix/
92. Who is the more dominant/submissive one? hes the dom for sure
93. What are some major differences between you both? he is more messy, and chill/care free than me.
94. When are you both “in your element” together? what
95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest? him obvs
96. What are each of your zodiac signs and how do they compare? he is a Taurus and im  Sagittarius . and idk b/c i dont read up on that shit
97. What are each of your MBTI types and how do they compare? omg idk what his is! im an isfj
98. What are each of your Hogwarts houses and how do they compare? n/a
99. If you were both in a dating sim, what character tropes would each of you be? idk
100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal?  he would be a cat, id be a raccoon obvs
101. How does your partner’s wardrobe differ from yours?  he is more laid back, just jeans and tshirts, or sweat pants. I wear a lot of nice shirts, skinny jeans/ leggings and buisness casual if i have too
102. Have you ever both said something at the exact same time? yea
103. Rate your relationship on a scale of basic vanilla (1) to extremely kinky (10)  um like maybe a 7
104. Mix your fav colour with your partner’s fav colour- what is the result? Magenta
105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich) ummm lol idk
106. Which of you would win in a Pokemon battle? Assign yourself and your partner a fitting Pokemon type (e.g. water, grass, poison etc). Are either of you super effective against the other? he obvs cus he knows more about POkemon lol
CONFLICT 107. What happens when you argue with each other? How do you both make up? we stay silent for a bit or we talk it out. 
108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them? he doesnt text back all the time -_- and i probably annoy him with my constant questions or reassurance
109. What are some imperfections that you love about your partner? he is a derp
110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you? 
111. Has your partner ever accidentally hurt you? Have you accidentally hurt them? i have scratched him by accident, and he has bruised me while wrestling lol
112. Is there anything about you that your partner just doesn’t understand? yeah my mental illnes
113. Is there anything about your partner that you just don’t understand? why does every little thing make him mad lol
114. When was the last time you cried about your relationship and why? idk 
115. What is something you love that your partner hates? im not sure honestly.
116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? anime
117. When was the last time you had to apologise to your partner and why? when i got mad at him and was being a smart ass
118. Do either of you get too clingy? both of us but me abit more
119. Do you have any insecurities about your relationship? yep.
120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test? never?
121. What would your partner have to do to make you end the relationship?  cheat on me honestly, or just start changing completely.
RELATIONS 122. Does your family approve of your relationship? yes
123. What do your friends think of your relationship?  they like him
124. How do you both act together around others as opposed to when you’re alone together? when we are around others we can tease eachother and just be together but when were alone were more open, flirt more, etc
125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out?  told them..and also facebook
126. Do you think you and your partner look similar to each other? lol not really..i mean we both have dark eyes and hair, but i dont think we look anything a like. He has some turkish in him too so theres that lol im just a white bitch
127. How does your partner treat you special compared to everyone else in their life? he opens up to me, tells me his deep secrets, teases me, etc
128. Do you both have a mutual friend group, or only separate friendship groups?  both, but his friends dont rly see my friends that much haha
129. What’s a common misconception about your relationship? earlier it was that he was too old for me. idk what ppl think anymore
130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others? i dont think so.
131. Has anyone tried to sabotage your relationship? yep
132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “you guys are so cute together!! couple goals”
133. Quote something somebody has said about your partner. “he’s glad your dad is dead” - some cunt LOL
FUTURE 134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? that we can live in a nice home and be happy lol
135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like? intimate and small.
136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? something simple.
137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like?  we both dont want kids. 
138. If you could do anything for your partner what would you do? make him happy
139. Do you think you’ll still be together when you’re old and wrinkly? i hope so, i believe so
140. Got any relationship advice?  just the basic , dont be with someone all b/c youre lonely. 
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golclen-linings · 8 years
My Valentine’s post!!!
id like to say how stressed I was the night before aka 170213 thinking of a sweet but subtle way of asking Ess to be my valentine bnvdsdncka I had it all planned out actually like I was gna surprise her with Jollibee takeout and “Will you JolliBEE my Valentine” but then I realised our scheds don’t match up for lunch and i sTARTED SWEATIN??????? good thing good thing i have critical thinking skills lol so i decided to get her starbucks yes so now about the day itself:
i went to school early even tho my class was at 9 because u make sacrifices for those u love lol. i made ian kuyog me to starbucks casino and yes i made the barista put ‘i love you’ instead of a name hohoho i had to text her dad for her order bec whenever we go to starbucks,, i sit while ess and kten order so i was a lil lost and kten kept telling me to get green tea latte but??? i didnt feel like that was a morning drink so!! i followed her dad and got her a caramel frappe and then we went to robi cause i wanted to give ess cookies n cream hershey’s bec i remb in gradeschool she kept eating dat shit and slightly cause of kookie and i bought chocolates for my classmates too!! and yes she was in the classroom alr when i was done but good thing class didnt start yet hohoho and i made her friend i think keer call her to meet me outside and we exchanged gifts!! oh,,i also gave her a lil greeting of happy valentines day and you know it all, youre my bestfriend and she gave me chocolates and 2 letters too of u meme a lot to me + memes and a legit one which was rly nice i love yellow and she gave me yellow and she made the chocolate wrapper pink and awe yellow and pink lemon and strawberry pikachu and cow nose yes yes yes and my friends gaveme gifts too like jezzy gave a rose w a bear and anikka gave a yellow rose and joey gave almond pepero and it was A Good Day fam it was a beautiful valentines day with great weather and i had a great attitude and awe ppl were so happy when i gave em chocolate it was adorable i gave chocolate to ms kring and ms kayv and sir jm too and it was nice oh it was also nice cause sir jm was our lecturer for bandaging and hes so nice i rly like him he taught well and we got to talk with him after he allowed us to leave and we shared jokes and talked about like life experiences and stuff and i rly like how he treats us as friends and students at the same time like yes this is the kind of discipline that will mold young people well this is Effective i rly like him i missed ms ankee tho i wanted to give her chocolate on the day cause giving chocolate after..im too shy to do that but yes it was a good day hmmmmmm i dont remember what i did when i got home lol OH WAIT I DO NOW. YES. I SLEPT OMG I WENT W MY FRIENDS TO CASA THEN THE PARKING LOT OF ABC CAUSE CASA AND DESSERT WERE FULL AND I GOT PICKED UP WHEN THEY WERE GNA GO TO ACACIA and they saw ess!!
and the next day
them: “lamias pagkaon gabii uy”
me: “lamias tug nako gabii uy”
while sarte
mam: “nagunsa mo gahapon?”
sarts: “nag cross stitch”
and ufybvinsf iconic
me to sir: how was valentines day sir
sir: hahahahhaha i. was. alone
me: but sir i gave u chocolate!!!
sir: hahaha yes u did thank u
but oh oh also i got to see kyle cause i hung out w 10 after so long :’)
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courtky · 8 years
What is your man’s name? - steve How long have you known each other?
- year and some months What color are his eyes?
- brown Where did you first meet your man?
- online or irl in cincinnati What was the first thing you said to each other upon meeting?
- i was nervous af i just remember saying DONT TOUCH ME and hiding cause he was really cute lol Who else was around when ya’ll met?
- airport ppl idk Were you friends before you dated?
- basically. Where did you go on your 1st date?
- uhhh well he came to visit me for my birthday and he stayed for the weekend so that whole weekend was basically our first date lol.. we got a hotel together and went to an amusement park (which was funny af because it was halloween themed and he gets scared easily LOL) and we went to texas roadhouse for steak and ya basically we stayed in the hotel and drank and played drunk mario kart lmao Do you remember what you wore or he wore on your 1st date?
- uh he wore a yellowish flannel with skinny jeans and i wore my dumb dress lol and i had these stupid uncomfortable shoes on that i ended up tossin so i was basically barefoot Most fun date you two have been on?
- man idk we've honestly have had a lot... probably when we spontaneously decided to go to myrtle beach for spring break ((which i rly needed i was stressed af from everything)).. it was so cool cus we had an oceanfront hotel and we got to go go karting and we ate at some cool restaurants and stuff and it was also the furthest ive ever drove by myself.. 8 hrs non stop.... !!!! even though we stopped on the way there at some ghetto ass motel omg LOL... they had advertised a breakfast bar.. when we checked in THE BREAKFAST BAR WAS LITERALLY JUST A PANCAKE MAKER THING ON THE COUNTER AND LMAO IT WAS SO FUNNY i couldnt sleep at all i felt like we were gonna die :(((((( omg and this was up in the virginia mountains so it was rly pretty scenery Do you go on more alone or group dates?
- alone duh Who usually pays for the date?
- he does usually or we split.. i pay whenever i can but lol hes the bread winner What does your man do to make money? - he works at a grocery store atm How many years apart are you?
- four Do you normally date older or younger guys?
- most of my exes were within a few months apart from me How did ya’ll first kiss?
- i was driving us from the airport to the hotel and we were listening to the radio and we were awkward af and we were talking and i got to a red light and he did somethin to get my attention and i looked over at him and the next thing i know we are kissin n shit LOL.. i remember cold play playing too and im like ru srs did u plaN THIS SHIT... then he kept tryin to kiss me while i was drivin at 70mph surprised we didnt die tbh Did he use any cheesy lines?
- hes a cheese factory lets be real How long have ya’ll been together?
- a year a five months almost When did you meet his parents?
- havent and prob wont Who said, “I love you” first?
- i think he did cause i usually dont lol.. we said it jokingly a lot when we were friends though so idk What was the first thing he gave you?
- gift wise????... his bracelet, we swapped bracelets.. like those rubber ones, so we could have somethin from each other since we were gonna be long distance for awhile.. he still wears mine and i wear his lol What’s the most expensive thing he’s given you?
- idk??? a hotel to the beach? even though we split that.. maybe my necklace? What’s the cutest thing he does?
- idk he does so much wHY DO I HAVE TO PICK ONE??? he grabs my hand and holds it while we are drivin and it makes me melt tbh What does he call you?
- A TON OF STUPID SHIT LMAO we both say stupid nicknames.. booboo is probably the worst How well does he know you?
- way too well How well do you know him?
- fuck if i know.. id like to say a lot Do you know any of his ex’s?
- no, just stories Is he friends with any of his ex’s?
- hope not :o)))))) will kill them :o)))))) What is his favorite thing to do?
- watch youtube vids prob or play dead by daylight LATELY What is one thing that really annoys him?
- probably when i harass him when hes trying to sleep 0:) Are you happy?
- with him??????? yes Do your parents like him?
- yepyepyep Is he the best kisser out of all that you’ve kissed? - yessss he has very kissable lips ugh What does he do that gives you butterflies?
- god him looking over at me gives me butterflies :((( or when he says cute things n stuff Have you ever gotten into a fight?
- OH DEFINITELY If so what was it over?
- >:( How many kids does he want to have?
- idk never really said a number but we do want some, prob 2-3 Have you ever loved anyone else?
- well yeah, but this is probably way different What is your best memory together?
- first memory to pop in my head: playing pokemon go in some forest in columbus and litERALLY RUNNING FOR CHARMANDERS Have you talked about a future together?
- yup Do you think you two will get married?
- im hoping if all goES WELL When you first met, did you think it would end up the way it is?: 
- no not at all after all the disappointments ive had?????? LOL... esp when he said he would come visit me i was like yea ok.... now we live together w t f Is he what you ‘normally go for’?: 
- no tbh but im so glad i went for it Do/did your friends approve of him?:
- yea Are you friends with his mates?: 
- idk any of his friends personally since theyre in texas, although i did msg one on facebook If it came to it, would he rescue you at 3am if needed?:
- definitely i THINK :-) How many times a day does he tell you he loves you?: 
- a lot Do you trust each other?: 
- :-/ yeah i try Ever layed in bed together in each others arms?: 
- every night I SLEEP ON HIS CHEST Would you trust him if you left the town for a month with no contact?: 
- yea i think Does it bother you if he doesnt say ‘I love you’ when he leaves?: - no lol Does he pull you aside to kiss goodbye or do it there and then?: 
- umm depends??? usually there and then? Has he ever asked you if his outfit looks okay?: 
- yes lmao Does he own a lot of shoes?: - not really no Ever been in a drunken state and said some things you wish you didnt to him:
- yeS LOL What colour eyes would your child have?:
- probably POOP BROWN Does he greet you with a hug each time you see him?: 
- basically or kisses Has he ever bought you a gift for no reason but his love?:
- ya he brought me flowers and when i was sick he got me tissues and ramen and medicine :o) Ever stayed up chatting til stupid oclock on the phone?: 
- yES Do you text a lot?: 
- yes!!!
0 notes
skiasurveys · 7 years
i am lonely
Name? jen
Age? 20
Hair color? blonde
Eye color?
About Him.
Name? connor
Age? going to be 27
Hair color? brown
Eye color? brown
About you two.
When did you two begin dating? May 2016
What did you think of him? i thought he was funny and cute 
What did he think of you? he thought i was cute but idk really what hsi first impression was
Who asked who? mutual 
Did you like him before he asked you? yeah 
How old were you two? i was 19 and he was 25 but he turned 26 like 3 days later lol
What did you think of it at first? i was happy and it felt awesome 
Has it been a good relationship so far? yes
Has it been worth it? yes
Do you think it will continue? i do 
Do you guys have a special place? not really
Cutest thing he’s ever done? prob one of the things i can think of was when i was having  abad panic attack and he just held me and he told me he loved me and etc
Cutest thing you’ve ever done? i dont know ask him
Best gift he’s ever gave you? truck
Do you have a “song”? i cant help falling in love with you
Any inside jokes? sure
What was your most memorable experience? theres a lot
Could you give up something for him? i would
Is he your first anything? not first boyfriend but first for sex lol
Are you HIS first anything? i dont think so but idk for sure not first gf or sex partner lol
Would you change anything about your relationship? he lives far away right now 
Has he ever cheated on you? not that i know of but i know he hasnt
Have you ever cheated on him? no
Have you two broken up before? yeah we actualy dated in oct 2015 then didnt talk til april 2016 and then started to date in may 2016
Have you talked to any of his ex-girlfriends? no unless i have and i didnt know
Has he talked to any of your ex-boyfriends? no
Do you think he would go behind your back? no
Do you get jealous easily? yeah i hate it 
Does he? no unless he does and im just not aware 
Do you think he’d make a good father? sure
Would you even have children with him? we dont want kids
Do you even want to get married to him? yeah
Kissed you in the rain? no
Fought with a guy for saying something about you? no
Would he even fight for you? maybe, sure
Have you two ever had someone try to break you two up? yep -____-
Has he ever bought you anything expensive? kinda but he did give me his truck
Has he ever made you feel warm & fuzzy? yes
Would you make it long distance? no but we are right now until june
Have you two ever gotten into a fight? yeah 
A physical fight? no
Has he ever written you a letter? no
Have you ever gotten into it with a girl about him (fight with girl over him)? no
Would you ever? no unless a bitch was trying to fuck him or something then id fuck her up
Have you two ever spent the night together? duh
Been absolutely, ridiculously silly? yeah
How much do you love him? a lot i cant really describe it
What would he do for you? idk ask him haha
What would you do for him? anything he wanted except murder lmAOOO
How often do you two talk? everyday 
When is your actual anniversary? 05.10.16 (May 10th 2016)
Does his family like you? yes they do
Does yours like him? kinda 
How long do you plan on being with him? forever 
Anyone disapprove? some do , fuck them
Has anyone ever tried to interfere? morgan did but i told him to fuck off
How often do you two argue? not overly 
Do you like it when he surprises you? depends..
Are you proud to be his girlfriend? yes
Is he proud to be your boyfriend? i hope lol
When do you feel closest to him? when he spills his heart out to me
Do you prefer his hugs or kisses? kissing 
Would you change anything about him? where he lives <-- same
Would he change anything about you? i dont know 
What do you love most about him? he makes me smile when i dont want to
Have you ever gotten on his Myspace/facebook? yeah but i dont need to 
Do you trust him? i do
Does he trust you? i hope
Do you guys tell each other everything? i do 
Any secrets? i dont think so!
What’s your favorite thing to do together? everything 
What reminds you of him? elder scrolls and anime LMAO
What’s the hardest thing you’ve overcome? having to let him leave for a bit but hes coming home :D
Do you truly love him? i do
Does he make you happy? honestly he does
How long have you known each other? almost 2 years
Were you friends before you dated? ehhhh kind of? we were flirty 
Where did you go on your 1st date? he took me to the college to play smash bros and it was awesome, then to Noodle house for lunch and then back to his place to hang out. it was awesome
Most fun date you two have been on? theres a lot
Do you go on more alone or group dates? alone but i dont mind group ( depending)
Who usually pays for the date? he always does but i will pay for other stuff.
What does your man do to make money? renovations 
How many years apart are you? 6.5 years
Do you normally date older or younger guys? older.
How did ya’ll first kiss? we were watching donald trump vids and then we were chilling and joking and then we were cuddling ( yes WHILE WATCHING DONALD TRUMP MEME VIDS) and then he asked to kiss me and it happened
Did he use any cheesy lines? no
Who said, “I love you” first? me lol
What was the first thing he gave you? i cant remember 
What’s the most expensive thing he’s given you? his truck
What’s the cutest thing he does? when he cuddles me and makes happy noises lol ( if that makes sense)
What does he call you? Jen, babe, baby, babygirl 
How well does he know you? pretty well
How well do you know him? more than most people 
Do you know any of his ex’s? no
Is he friends with any of his ex’s? i dont think so 
What is one thing that really annoys him? stupid people
Are you happy? with him
Is he the best kisser out of all that you’ve kissed?yes
How many kids does he want to have?
0Longest relationship you’ve been in and who was it with? the one i am in now 
Shortest relationship you’ve been in and who  was it with? like 3 months and was with this guy named dylan barf
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Do you tend to date outside of your race?
not really connor is half white doe
Ever had a rebound? no
Have you ever been someone’s rebound? probably
Have you dated both sexes? no
Has anyone ever seriously proposed to you? no
Who was your most painful breakup with? when connor dumped me trhe first time hahah but were together
Are you one of those people in relationships who break up and get back together frequently? no we dont play games. the first time was just timing 
Do you believe in breaks? no youre pathetic if you take them. its really just a way to fuyck others 
Has anyone ever cheated on you? no
Have you ever cheated on a significant other? no thanks that is disgusting
Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? we kinda are
Did you ever have one of those elementary school boy/girlfriends? no
In relationships, do you tend to be the clingy one? yes
Are you currently with your first love? kinda 
Do you still talk to the person you first fell for? no
Do you seek approval from your friends before going out with someone? no
Have you ever been “the other person”? How did that go? no
Have you ever been in love? If yes, how many times, and how do you know it was love? yeah this one and because all the songs make sense and when i see him happy thats all i want and i dont think about myself anymore
Have you ever changed for someone, if yes, how? yeah but for good
What’s the most important part of a relationship? 
trust, communication, happiness
Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? serious 
How many people have you ever hooked up with? 0
Do you believe love can conquer all things? not cancer 
Do you think long distance relationships can work? Why or why not? I am in one currently but its short time, so yeah they can you just have to work at it and trust them. I dated someone who lived acrossed seas and that didnt rly work. i hate ldr i am only in one rn because its short and i love him enough 
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? yes ^-^
How’s your heart lately? lonely
Do you feel like anyone is playing mind games with you right now? no
Would you fight for love? yea
Do you have something that belongs to someone from your past? yea
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason? bad
Have you ever kissed two people in one night? yea lol 
Do you want to be in a relationship with someone? i am in one
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? he does
Are looks important in a relationship? yep you have to be attracted ok, dont even lie about that
Are relationships ever worth it? yes
Are you a virgin? no
Are you in a relationship? yes
Are you in love? YES
Do you forgive betrayal? depends 
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? yeah..
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? when i was younger
If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? i dont know what i would say because were dating so it would be rly hurtful 
What is your definition of cheating? when you want someone else as your bf/gf. when you flirt with them, kiss them, fuck them, tease them, etc, lead them on. theres emotional and physical cheating. both are awful. if you are NOT happy dump the other person pls!!!
Are you nice to people you dislike? im an adult 
Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? yea
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? right now
Is there someone that you’ll never be over? i dont have to worry about that
Is he sweet to you most of the time, or is he mean towards you? sweet
Does he ever go out drinking? Is this something you’re concerned about? no
Does he ever really open up emotionally to you? Is he that way to everyone? yes and he doesnt open up to anyone else 
Does he truly care about how you feel and what you have to say? yes
Is he usually more optimist or pessimistic? realist
Does he treat you like you’re royalty? no but i dont expect him to because i dont treat him like a king or a god, i treat him like my lover/soul mate/best friend, and he does the same. he treats me well 
Does he ever hold you hand in public? yes :3
Are you all into the ‘public display of affection’ thing? no but kissing is cool
Is this relationship more based on love or lust? love 
Do you feel closer to him than anyone else you associate with? yeah… i do..
Tell me exactly in detail how he makes you feel: i cant explain it and i feel stupid that way but he makes me feel like everything is gonna be okay and that life is alright and that im safe wit him. he makes me happy and peaceful, he brings out the best (unless hes moody then i get annoyed lolol)
Has he ever let you wear any of his clothes before? Which items? not rly i dont wear 
When you’re sad, broken down and crying, what does he do to comfort you? he holds me in bed 
Have you two ever shared food or a drink with one another? yes
Do you two ever go to the movies? Do you just make out the whole time? we pay 11 bucks each for a movie we aint gonna make out, thats a netflix n chill thing bru
When you first met, did you think it would end up the way it is?: no
if it came to it, would he rescue you at 3am if needed?: im sure but it woiuld be kinda hard rn ,lol
Ever layed in bed together in each others arms?:     yah
Would you trust him if you left the town for a month with no contact?:     honestly i couldnt live like that i would get nervous and i need to hear from him 
Does it bother you if he doesnt say ‘i love you’ when he leaves?:     not rly unless i say it 
Do you text a lot?:     yes
Does he ever stick up for you and defend you? he doesnt have to no one saying shit about me
Would you say he’s overbearing when it comes to protecting you? no
Do you ever keep the notes he writes and things he makes you? he doesnt makew me anything
Does he normally explain to you how much you mean to him? only when we fight. thats the only time he makes an efffort lol
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked? either
Have you ever loved anyone else? no
Has he ever loved anyone else? im sure 
Have you talked about a future together? yes
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