#a film where nothing bad happened and luke just took a holiday from being a teacher at his jedi school
cakesandsnouts · 1 year
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Luke Big Mood Skywalker
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
The Meeting
Warnings: implied intercourse, but not described A/N: First story that I am posting! I have four more parts, so if you like it, leave me a comment and I will post the others :) Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece on Charlie Gillespie. In no way do I claim or declare that Charlie’s portrayal is accurate to real life. I do however, own Teagan Valencia :)
The Teagan Valencia Series: The Meeting  / The Fight / The Proposal / The Present / The Recovery / The Future 
The Meeting
“Quiet on set...! And...Action!”
Teagan watched in silent adoration as Charlie delivered his lines. She didn’t always have the opportunity to sneak away from work to watch him work, but today was an exception. The second season was well underway in the filming process and their popularity was increasing. Kenny noticed Teagan out of the corner of his eye and motioned her over so that she could watch the scene from the monitor. She was amazed at how Charlie looked playing Luke. She had met him three years ago when he was filming Season 1, but yet the boy on camera looked exactly like he did that same day three years ago.
Teagan had been visiting Vancouver that weekend to visit family and help her sister get settled. Her little sister had been accepted into the University of British Columbia in the Business program studying Accounting and Finance. She was the pride and joy of filipino immigrant parents as she was attending an esteemed university and getting a degree. All the while their oldest, Teagan, had opted for a non traditional method of getting into the marketing industry by working for a popular canadian clothing brand. Her sister was going to be a university graduate while Teagan worked her way up the ladder in a retail store. Teagan always knew that going to school wasn’t where her path was taking her, but she always knew that hard work, determination and experience were valuable assets in the job market. Something her parents would never understand.
“Charlie watch out!”
They were walking around Gastown in their cute summer dresses killing time before their dinner reservation, when Teagan was knocked over by another person. As she got her bearings, she felt cold liquid on her chest and the weight of another body. The other person quickly scrambled to their feet and profusely apologized, helping her stand as her cousins stood there in shock. She heard a couple more footsteps rush over to where she were standing, dusting off her butt and looking her tackler in the face. In an instant, Teagan had forgotten what had happened as she got lost in the deep green pools of the man in front of her. It wasn’t the eye colour that stole her focus, but rather the intensity of emotions that he conveyed through them. Teagan could see and feel the embarrassment, regret and sincerity of the man.
Her cousin’s voice broke her trance and she blushed when she realized she had been staring. She noticed that two other people stood behind him, in which she assumed was her friend. One was fairly tall and blonde and the female with long auburn hair and a beanie. Teagan forced herself to focus on what the man was saying rather than the beautiful eyes in front of her.
“I am so so so sorry. I completely didn’t see you and didn’t mean to ruin your dress or tackle you to the floor” Teagan looked down at her once cute summer dress covered in iced coffee from Starbucks. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” Teagan stood there speechless.
“Uh-uhm- D-Don’t worry about it! It’s totally fine” Teagan felt slightly flustered and out of breath, her blush deepening as she heard her cousin scoff on the side. “I can quickly just go and buy something else to wear”
“Please let us pay for it! We feel horrible!” the man’s female friend offered coming closer to Teagan motioning the other two males as well.
“Seriously, it’s fine! I’m totally fine! Don’t worry about it!” Teagan couldn’t quite understand why she felt embarrassed when they were the ones who were at fault. “What happened anyway?”
“Our friend thought it would be funny to run away with my iced coffee and wasn’t looking where he was running. It’s my fault too because I was chasing after him” the blonde one shyly confessed, rubbing his neck apologetically. “I hope we didn’t ruin your night”
“We were just killing time waiting for our reservation. It isn’t for another half an hour, so we have ample time to grab Teagan a new dress” Teagan silently thanked her cousin as her brain was malfunctioning at the handsome man in front of her. 
“We seriously feel so bad, can we please make it up to you somehow?” the female tried to offer some sort of compensation again.
“It’s totally fine, no hard feelings. It wasn’t like it was on purpose right?” Teagan’s brain started to slowly function as she declined the offer of the female.
“Seriously, we need to make this up to you two. I won’t take no for an answer and if you do say no, I’ll just follow you around until you say yes” The handsome man took a step closer to Teagan, causing her breath to catch and swallow deeply.
“Uhm, okay! I mean, if you won’t take No, I’d much rather just make new friends instead of gaining a stalker!” Teagan could feel her words tumble clumsily out of her mouth. Thus began the start of a new friendship. Teagan, her cousin and their new friends ventured to the nearest H&M to find something else for her to wear. Turns out that the other female, Savannah, had excellent taste in clothing. They all came to learn that they were all in the same age range, with Tegan being born in 1997 and Owen, the blonde being born in 2000. Teagan also came to learn that her handsome tackler’s name was Charlie and that all three of them were actors for a new Netflix project that was scheduled to air in the New Year. The three ladies got along incredibly and their shopping trip turned into all five of them going to dinner. They had lucked out when a table of 5 before them no-showed the restaurant. They spent the evening getting to know one another and a deep friendship was easily formed. Throughout the night, Charlie and Teagan connected on several levels and at times forgot there were three other people at the table. Occasionally the two would banter or tease each other, even though they had met that day. As their dinner came to an end and bills were paid by none other than Charlie, the girls exchanged contact information, planning to hangout on their next day off. But before Teagan could walk away for the night, Charlie slipped a piece of paper in Teagan’s hand apologizing one more time for running into her.
‘Coffee? This time I won’t spill it on you’ was messily written on the one side, with his phone number on the other. Teagan’s cousin didn’t notice the smile that lit up her face, but she quickly snapped a picture of it and tucked it in her purse for safe keeping.
That coffee date with Charlie ended up becoming a regular occurrence, though the only one who would be drinking coffee would be Teagan as Charlie always settled for tea or whatever dessert or smoothie he wanted to explore that day. She appreciated his adventurous side as she was creature of habit at times. She learned a lot about the industry and the many quirks of Charlie Gillespie.  Soon, coffee dates turned into dinner dates and dinner dates turned into weekend cuddles and relaxation, but filming would eventually wrap and the holidays approached, leaving Teagan and Charlie to make a definitive decision in their relationship. Teagan didn’t expect to extend her Vancouver visit from a week to about a month and a half. Reality was coming fast ans soon Charlie would be back to LA and Teagan working in Edmonton.
“Charlie, what are we?” she asked him as both sat on the couch of his apartment. Mama Mia played softly in the background on the TV as she turned to face him.
“Well what do you want to be?” he cheekily asked her, flashing one of his killer smiles.
“Je suis sérieuse. Tu retournes à LA toute suite et moi à Edmonton. C’est quoi ça?" Charlie knew that when Teagan spoke to her in french she was serious. It was one of the things he learned early on about Teagan. He was pleased to know that she was fluent in french, having taken an IB course in high school, but they often bantered about their accents. She understood how french was a huge part of who he was and she didn’t speak to him in french unless it was important. She knew it got his attention right away since he was so used to being around people who only spoke english.
He paused the TV, complete silence filling the room, both of them facing one another. Charlie was off to Vietnam for the holidays and Teagan planned to spend hers with her family in Edmonton, seeing as she had made an impromptu extension to her trip in Vancouver. He knew that the next time they would be seeing one another they would be crossing borders to visit one another and to be honest the distance felt a bit overwhelming. But Charlie couldn’t shake the fact that there was something about Teagan that he didn’t want to let go. 
“What’s going to happen when we both go back to living the way we were before one another?” Charlie chuckled softly to himself, knowing his decision. Teagan cocked an eyebrow at his response.
“Well nothing’s going to go back to the way it was before Teags” she loved hearing Charlie use her nickname. He said it in a way that sounded so comforting to her ears. “You’re mine right?”
“Define: mine” Teagan smiled coyly at Charlie, already understanding what he meant. “I need help understanding you. I don’t speak Charlie Gillespie Language” Charlie rolled his eyes and got down in front of Teagan, settling in between her legs.
“Teagan Jillian Valencia, will you be my girlfriend?” He jutted his lips forward ever so slightly to create the perfect pouty lips and then he comboed them with his best puppy eyes. Teagan shook her head at the dramatics of the man in front of her and kissed him on the lips, pulling him up and forward. “So, that’s a yes?”
She nodded and kissed him again, this time a little more aggressively. Charlie took the hint and started getting all handsy, but Teagan broke their kiss. “As much as I would love to do this right now, Owen comes home in 30 minutes and I would much rather him not walking in on us, again”
“Well let’s make this quick and move to the bedroom!”
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jackiebuckley · 4 years
I kind of posted the prologue to my fic and posted it 🥺🥺 so if you wanted to check this out. I'll be posting it below with the info. Maybe comment for future tags or whatever 💅🏻💅🏻.
In case you wanted to leave comments and what not THIS is also up on here. ×××
Title: if it Stings. Let it burn
Word count: 2,552
Rating: teen and up (nothing yet)
Pairings: aaron hotchner/lorelai gilmore. More to come :)
What identifies a home. Is it a group of buildings that blend together with browns and reds on concrete walls? Is it blues of skies and greens of grasses in parks? What about the people? Passing by you in hurries as they find themselves needing to move to work or elsewhere. They hurry along not wanting to disrupt the pattern that everyone so gently crafted. 
And with and things what happens when your home is reached. When something happens to push everything to the side. What happens when your safety net, the thing that you most rely on catching you — snaps. Do you hold on, dangling with what could verses couldn't happen? Do you push your hope to the back of your mind, hopeful it's just one mistake? One simple thing falling short of something wonderful, beautiful. Or do you fight back, letting your chains become loose, and watching as you learn to gain your wings? Finally free to be who you wanted to be. These things aren't as likely without a reason. Something that makes you want to jump.
November 19th
The road back from Stars Hollow wasn’t too bad. It was a pretty straight and narrow line for the most part. But as for any road, it wasn’t safe when it came to the incoming cold.
“I should probably head home before the first snow comes in. you know how the roads get.” the voice of a boy in his late teens spoke, his car was warming up on the side waiting for him to climb in and go on the road. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you. Stay safe.” the voice of a girl no older than 17 spoke as she waved him off. They had talked whenever the other came into town. In this case, what the girl didn't know was that this would be for all she knew, the last time she would see him. 
Music played from the stereo as he changed the radio, again and again. God, it seemed all these stations only played the same nine or ten songs. Especially in a small town like this, it was all they could hear when moving around the different areas. Yet all of it from top to bottom made it so he never wanted to leave. Some remixed version of Amazing Grace could be heard. Fixing his eyes back to the road. As he stopped at the stop sign in front of the road he looked before driving more down the road. 
“Stop the car.” a voice popped in from the back seat. Fight or flight mode turned on and he realized that he would do anything at this moment to 
“What?!” panic rose in his voice. 
“STOP THE CAR.” he slammed on the break. That was the moment that everything went dark.
November 21st
"Living in a small town, I knew everybody and everybody knew me."
-- Anna Nicole Smith
 “Chip Macenstoch, 18. He was last seen leaving back home. They found his car with the keys still in the ignition but no sign of Chip seen.” Penelope's voice carried as she clicked through the slideshow she had on the screen. “Matt Schoenfeld, found with his window wide open, his bed was empty. There were no signs of struggle.” she clicked through the slideshow again. “The only connection between the two is a last reported conversation, and the area they come from.” she clicked off the slideshow. 
“Stars Hollow according to tourist websites, it has a population of less than one-thousand.” JJ offered as she looked through the file sitting in front of her. 
“And we need to be there before anything happens to turn that town’s population any less…” Hotch sighed as he made his way to standing up.”wheels up in thirty.” he offered, and the room dispersed. 
Not much happened here, not much has happened in the last seventeen years she had lived here with Rory. there had been some slight scandal involving the town priest. But nothing huge here or there. This though was a shock. 
The cold of the November wind lasted an ongoing chill to the brunette at the desk as she communicated with a woman on the phone. “It's a week before Thanksgiving it might be a little rough in order to get enough rooms.” the brunette behind the desk offered. “Yes, we do offer breakfast. Yes there's double bed rooms.” she offered. “three rooms for today? Will do. Thank you." She sighed as she moved from the desk to the small entrance to the inn. She ran a hand through her hair. So much had happened to their small town within the past few days. Two teens vanished without a trace. Both teens, very safe, smart boys. She looked out the window. 
"They canceled school for the rest of the week. Which, while I should be relieved.  They said they were canceling due to the vanishes in Stars Hollow. Which is weird." Rory spoke appearing from next to her.
"Woah Woah Woah — slow down speedy," Lorelai responded in return to her daughter's tangent.  The cases of the missing boys had made news in all the towns nearby, her parents swore they wanted Lorelai and Rory. to come to stay with them until it all blew over. It didn't seem like a good idea though. With a week till Thanksgiving they could use as much help in the Independence inn as possible. Plus — it was home to them. Even if their home seemed to be a little crooked. "Go get something from Sookie to eat to work at the tables.  Okay?" She offered. Seeing her daughter nod before walking off. 
It took some time, but as Lorelai was writing down some notes she saw from the corner of her eye two cars, she knew from the looks of the black sleek vehicles, that these were the guests they were waiting for. “It’s go time Gilmore,” she stated to herself, waiting for what was to happen next. 
What was there to expect from a small town that didn't even show up on a map? Was there something to expect from a place where some who exited called the "friendliest town on earth?" From the bright-eyed townsfolk who walked around looking like they belonged in a Disney film to the distinct smell of farm life and coffee beans that drifted throughout the entire place. Was there more than the sidewalks that cracked and crinkled yet how this place seemed to call the names of those around them. 
This place looked as if it hadn’t experienced constant shock and trauma. As if it was the perfect Disney town where birds braided hair and good peeked at every corner. As if truly things were perfect. The biggest shock factor had been when they found out the Organic Milk wasn't truly organic. So this really was the worst possible thing to happen. Emily commented that it looked straight out of a Hallmark film. And the little inn they were staying in, definitely brought more of that message forward. The agents walked out of their cars, into the small lobby area. Immediately seeing how it was decorated. They wouldn't be spending too much time here, but it did have a nice way of being subtly decorated for the holidays. “I’ll go grab our bags.” Derek offered as Reid mumbled a fun fact in the direction of Emily. 
“Welcome to the Independence Inn. I’m Lorelai.” a bubbly brunette offered and JJ stepped in. 
“Pleasure to meet you Lorelai. We should have three rooms under Garcia?” she offered, knowing Penelope had set them the reservation. 
“Oh yes yes!” she nodded as they stood in the center of the room. “4, 7 and 10A are all open and ready for you.” she smiled and Hotch wondered how this woman was so bubbly and full of energy. He would have mentioned it but Emily did with a comment of 
“Someone clearly had their coffee.” she commented, getting a roll of the eyes and a comment of “be nice.” from JJ. 
There was something about the way that the place had a small humming of home to it. It was a shame they wouldn't get to experience the town. Sure they were probably going to be in town for Thanksgiving, but that wasn't a reason to celebrate. There was a lot of wonder in the town. From the little Cafes and Diners they saw as they entered into the area. They had a place called Luke’s recommended to them a good nine times. He knew they would most likely eat there at some point for their trip. They just needed to get something established for the case first, figure something out. There also seemed to be a lot of mystery, from the woods that surrounded where they were. He had a lot of questions. From what other things lay unstirred behind these walls. 
And what about the bubbly brunette who walked around. Bright eyed as she talked to all the members of the team , asking them different statements as JJ happily conversed. To Reid, looking like he was absolutely shocked that someone could talk as fast as he could. Maybe there was something about her young daughter. Well not super young. Probably late teens. The way her eyes flickered around whenever someone would ask her something. How when Derek and he had pulled her for questioning she asked a few times if this would be on any kind of record for her
 “Do you have anyone we can talk to for an alibi?" Derek asked from beside him. And Hotch could tell right away. There was no way in hell this girl had anything to do with this. From the way her doe eyes shined, curiosity to the brim of them. To the way the books in her arms sat perfectly. She was grace, and he could tell that she was the woman in the lobby's daughter. 
“My mom and I have a movie night every Tuesday Night. My boyfriend came to watch with us. You can ask him, or my mom, I was home.” she commented and a mental note was made to ask. After Hotch included his own question. Wanting to get more of an idea for what was happening.
“Is there anyone with foul wishes or harmful intent for him?” he added in his own question. 
"Everyone loved him, he would come to town meetings and see if anyone needed anything. He came to a town meeting the night of his disappearance. Next thing we knew the newspaper came in with news that he was gone." She explained. She explained Chip and his role in the town. He was a local farmer's son. He would come into town every week to get supply and then he would come back home. "Is he okay?" They had found his truck on the side of the road. But they didn't have the heart to tell her that there wasn't much hope of where he was. 
 They sighed. Looking at one another "we'll keep you updated — okay kid?" Morgan stated before Rory as they learned her name was walked off. Running over to where her mother was waiting. As they prepared to go back for some of them to the scene of the crime. And others to remain questioning. Hotch ran a hand through his hair. There was something about these small towns that hit harder than anything else. from the way they came together, which meant it would hit harder knowing there was someone among one of them causing harm. 
What they had learned about Rory Gilmore. Real name Lorelai.  Bright eyed girl, smart, charming. Going to attend an ivy league within a year. She had a knack for reading lately getting into classics. "In Cold Blood" had been one of her favorites lately
He found that as being ironic. But not a funny irony. More of a cold irony. 
They had to be cautious with their next moves. 
 "Miss —." Morgan paused looking for a name.
"Lorelai. Lorelai Gilmore." She offered and her voice was rushed but still had music to it. 
"Do you mind if we question you?" He asked and Hotch watched as Rossi and Morgan took the brunette to the dining room. He watched as they walked away, she had some kind of wonder the way she did things.  
JJ approached him, "sir we should probably head back out. See if there is anything we missed." What was there to miss? This looked a lot like the rest of the things they had seen. He hated cases where the  best thing was to wait for whatever came next. Spend a day or two and see what pops up. Immediately as he stepped into the cold, feeling of air hitting his face he climbed his way into the car. Allowing Emily to take the wheel as they went to what was next. 
It wasn't that he didn't trust his team. He trusted them more than anything else. This case just had so little to go by at this moment. He didn't want things to crash and burn before they even started. They go back to the scene of the first abduction and immediately they’re back to not noticing anything new. What they did notice was their victim’s parents were standing off to the side, their arms wrapped around each other. Hotch had seen this look plenty of times before. Had seen the way their entire bodies would collapse, it was as if all they had known was crumbling. He tried his best not to get involved in the cases, he knew it wasn't the best thing to do. So he continued to push it aside. 
 “Please tell me you found my son.” someone would ask, at first when he started in the field he didn't know what to tell them. How did you break someone’s heart? Take away the hope they have kicking in their soul. He was called cold, broken. So that is what he allowed himself to become. He hardened his shell and bounced back stronger than anything else. 
His voice finally beckoned out of him as he looked at the family. “He's gone… they found his body in the creek.” he looked at them, his eyes not leaving the couple. He hated this type of news. 
“What do you mean he’s gone?” the response would come and then they would see the body pass on the stretcher. Tears would fill the eyes and he wished that all of this didn't happen. Yet it was. Bad people filled the earth. 
“No, no no, that can't be him. It can’t be my baby boy.”
He didn't know what stirred him out of all of this, but when he noticed Emily and Reid “we asked around and according to people nearby the last seen person near both of them has been identified.” 
“name?” Hotch offered. Hopefully, this person would have some kind of connection that could truly get them closer to where they needed to be. Even if they only had only been here for less than a day. 
“...Rory Gilmore,” Reid stated, he noticed the connection between the name and the situation.
The daughter of the woman back at the inn. This case just got a lot more intense.
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ashesonthefloor · 4 years
baby, you’re a haunted house (ot4)
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summary: Michael really wants to go to Sydney’s most famous haunted house. He may or may not get super startled by one of the actors, and may or may not hit them in the nose by accident. And, after that, he might keep coming back to to try and apologize properly. And the haunted house might just have a never-ending supply of cute guys working there. (That’s a lie. There’s only three he cares about). ao3 found here
prompt:  “I’m working as an actor in a haunted house and when I scared you, you punched me in the nose. Now I’m bleeding and someone had to get me an ice pack, and you won’t stop apologizing. You’re lucky you’re cute” (except i changed the POV because i wrote the prompt and i can do what i want thank u <3)
word count: 12,433 
content warning: blood! there is nothing too graphic, but, as depicted in the prompt, someone is accidentally hit, and there is a nosebleed. it is all handled and fine, though, and it isn’t too detailed. lots of pining :)
A/N: whew! i’ve worked on this baby for the last two months and only just finished her this week but i am PROUD! i actually really love the way it came out, and my plot! please let me know what you think, i’m a slut for feedback! this was done for my sexy, sexy halloween event that is happening right now! massive shout out to @mikeycliffords​ and @glitterblazercalum​ for beta’ing this! maddie ur comments gave me endless validation and i adore u, and iba u caught all my sexy grammatical errors and i love u for it (and ur reaction to luke’s major <3). and to both @calumcest​ and @clumsyclifford​ for having to listen to me scream and not know what i was writing. unfortunate shoutout to Mr. Gerard Way for the vibey Halloween song i named this after. baby, you’re a haunted house slaps.
Michael loved Halloween. He was pretty sure it was his absolute favourite holiday, and would say that to almost anyone who dared to ask, though most people who knew him knew not to. It was in Fall, so it was nice and chilly, and he had an excuse to bundle up in hoodies and stay there until spring. And he was an absolute slut for horror movies of any sort. He absolutely adored them, no matter how cheesy and poorly-produced. If he had any talent in it at all, he said fairly regularly to his few friends, he’d be an SFX artist. But he didn’t, and he was stuck working as a barista and getting his degree in film studies. 
So when his best friend in the whole fucking world landed a job working with Sydney’s infamous haunted house - known for being realistic, and terrifying, and all the makeup being technically perfect - and invited him to come see it, insisted he can get him in, who was he to say no? He absolutely couldn’t refuse - didn’t even want to, and he’d wanted to go for years, so this was the opportunity of a lifetime - and that was that. It was most of his favourite things all rolled up into one, with the bonus of it being sort of exclusive. Because it was so well known, they always ended up having to open a month early, and the line still wrapped halfway around the block every night. Michael was going to get a backstage pass to all sorts of shit. 
He dressed fairly warm for the occasion, even if it wasn’t quite cold enough yet to justify it, with his hoodie on, oversized so he could cover his hands with the sleeves. Sue him, okay, it was comfortable and warm and he liked tugging on the sleeves or his hoodie strings when he was anxious. Not that he ever wanted anyone to know he’s anxious. Michael worked fairly hard on keeping that part hidden away, so no one else could ever see it. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed, exactly. He just...didn’t want anyone knowing. It took level eleven Michael friendship to unlock his insecurities, thank you, and even then, there weren’t many he'd really disclose.
Sydney never got properly cold, so the hoodie was more than enough to keep him warm in the chilly end-of-September breeze. He made his way to the haunted house, queuing up in the line with the rest of the people preparing for the best fucking scares of their lives. 
The waiting process was the worst part of the whole thing. It was just him standing by himself in line, bouncing slightly on his heels every so often and worrying with his sleeves, from excitement, nerves, and maybe it was actually slightly chilly for once. He texted his friend a few times, only to get no reply. He frowned at his phone after twenty minutes of trying with no success. He was supposed to come get Michael at some point. If he was waiting to show him around at the end, wouldn’t he want to know which group he’d be in, or when he was going through the haunted house? Or at least answer him and tell him what his plan was? Apparently fucking not, though, since he made it up to the front without a single stupid text.
His jitters weren’t helped at all by that, but he eventually just jammed his phone into his hoodie pocket and hoped it didn’t fall out in the house. Michael and the people around him were finally let into the haunted house and given the long list of instructions. It was all the usual shit, that everything inside was fake, and to keep that in mind. To remember that the actors were just actors. And to go over the last few warnings - like that the actors would jump out, target people to scare them, ask questions, and generally, you know, act. Everyone agreed to the rules with varying degrees of excitement, and then they were all corralled into the waiting area. 
Michael was back to bouncing slightly in place, hoodie sleeves fully over his hands at this point. The decorations weren’t too scary yet, just meant to keep the haunted mansion theme going. The premise was something about a doctor and his torture chamber and all his patients gone wrong or something. Michael has forgotten a couple of the details, but he remembered the gist of it. He couldn’t make out anything specific, really, not through the awful dim lighting and the light fog rolling in close to the ground, thanks to the hidden fog machines, only adding to the chill in the cold building. 
One of the women in front of him was murmuring quietly to her boyfriend, gripping tightly to his hand. She didn’t seem much like she really wanted to be there. Michael hoped, for her sake, she’d remembered the safe word. Which was a nice touch, making sure everyone could yell it if needed. That rule was burned into his brain: if you yelled the safe word - mercy - any actor nearby would drop their act and escort you to the nearest exit, and you would absolutely not be allowed back in. Michael wanted to make sure he remembered it, but this was practically a once in a lifetime chance, and he really didn’t want to blow it. 
Finally - finally - they were allowed into the actual haunted house. The first room wasn’t too bad, just the doctor guy’s living room with some narration about who he’d been and a little about his ‘abominations’. Michael got enthralled in the story pretty quickly, gaze lingering on the (fake) family portraits on the (equally fake) mantle and on the walls. 
Room two brought a couple of scares, but he still wasn’t doing too badly. They were easily moved from room to room, sticking together in a clump. When the narration ended, basically, that was their cue to move on. Or for some sort or scare to jump out. 
But, of course, the greatest horror house in Sydney wouldn’t stay predictable. After room number three, the smooth transition was broken up by a long, dark corridor, with the sides pressing in on everyone as they went through. Michael curled in a little on himself, shuffling forward so close to the next person in line that he accidentally stepped on their heels. They didn’t even have time to be annoyed before they were in the next room. 
After room number four was worse. They went down an equally dark staircase, Michael’s grip on the handrail white-knuckled, pale skin almost luminous even in the pitch black. He shuffled forward once he managed his way down, unable to see anything, but didn’t bump into anyone. Which was...odd, given how tightly packed they’d all been up to this point. He took a gamble and swallowed his pride, sticking both arms out and stumbling forward, completely blind in the dark. Only then did the awful strobe light kick on above him, even fucking worse than the dark. He only got vague glimpses of where he was, and he couldn’t even see anyone around him in whatever room he was in. Fucking great, he had the best fucking luck in the entire world. Which he mumbled to himself as he continued his blind zombie-shuffle forward until his outstretched hand brushed a wall. Finally. 
He kept that palm pressed against the smooth (fake) stone, moving in one direction he chose to believe was forward. He was pretty sure it was the opposite direction from the staircase, at least. Hopefully he’d make some progress that way. This was so fucked. Where had his group gone? He was very, very sure he’d been with them. They’d filed down the staircase with him, hadn’t they? Where the fuck were they? Where the fuck was he? This certainly seemed like a fucking dungeon. 
He kept going until the shadows seemed to stay in one corner. He stretched out his unoccupied left hand, fingers brushing against another wall. He let out a frustrated groan, quiet and under his breath, even though he was pretty damn sure he was alone. He pressed his hand against it, palm against the cool stone, and he felt it open with a soft click. And he really didn’t care what was on the other side, he just wanted out of the stupid fucking strobe lights. 
And, of course the strobe lights turned off as he stepped towards the open door. His luck was so fucking perfect today, wasn’t it? 
He stepped through the hidden door (or whatever it was, Michael really didn’t care at this point), letting it slowly close behind him with the same soft click that definitely wasn’t ominous at all. This room, at least, wasn’t completely pitch black. There were lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and fake torches along one stone wall, that provided dim lighting. He skirted over to the side of the dungeon that was lit, gaze lingering on the shadowy side. His eyes still hadn’t really adjusted to the lighting, still absolutely fucked up from the stupid fucking strobe light. He would enjoy this a lot more if he knew this was intentional - if it was intentional - or if he was with his fucking group. Sue him, okay, maybe this shit was slightly better with company. 
He heard something shift from the direction of the door, gaze sliding over there. The room really wasn’t that open, and was pretty small in size. He felt something brush his left shoulder and jumped, stumbling forward toward the shadowy side of the dungeon room - backward, now, maybe, since he definitely whirled around to look at whatever the fuck had poked him, only to find nothing but the stone wall. What the fuck was this fucking place? He knew that wasn’t a bat. Maybe it was a bat? He really, really didn’t know. 
There was a weird sound from the shadowy side of the dungeon, which he was way, way closer to, now. He turned to look at it, only to flinch back when something lunged at him, snarling. Michael whirled around to look and let out an absolutely dignified shriek, reacting entirely on instinct, which was the only reason he realized, seconds too late, that that horrifying crunching noise had been his fist colliding with the thing’s nose. 
The thing, that he was now realizing, was an actor, chained to the wall with long chains. They’d made the noise earlier, scraping against the floor, as the actor had shifted. Probably. “Oh, fuck,” Michael said automatically, eyes widening. His knuckles fucking hurt, sure, but he was more focused on the poor actor. 
The makeup was, as promised, spectacular. He was a half-turned werewolf, shirtless and covered in gruesome patches of fur and deep, gory claw marks. He had some sort of fangs in, too, and weird orange contacts that definitely made him look feral. What Michael was most focused on, though, was the blood dripping from his nose that was definitely not stage makeup. 
The actor had a small frown on his face, two fingers coming up to gently touch his nose. He let out a soft hiss, frown pulling more at his lips. “Damn,” he murmured. 
“Oh, fuck,” Michael said, ever so eloquent. “Oh, fuck. Dude, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t- I’ve never hit someone before in my life, I don’t know what the fuck-“
The actor shook his head. “It’s alright. It happens.” He gave him a small smile, one corner of his lips pulling up, before it dropped right back into a frown. Probably aggravated his injured nose. That Michael had done. Fuck. “Hazard of the job, you know? I told them not to activate the strobe lights and then put a jump scare after them. They make people jumpy since they fuck with your vision. They put people on edge. And then to have someone jump at you out of the dark….” He just looked sort of amused. Vindicated, too, maybe. “I figured it would happen at some point. I just got lucky until now, I guess.”
“Fuck, I’m so….I don’t even…..I’m so sorry,” Michael said again, brows drawing together. He really hadn’t meant to. Had he made that clear enough yet? He hadn’t meant to. His panic wasn’t helped by how fucking cute the werewolf was. 
The werewolf just ran a hand through his brown curls, pushing them back out of his eyes. “It’s alright. Really. It happens.” He eyed Michael, amusement in his eyes despite Michael’s clear panic. “I’m Ashton, by the way.”
Michael felt like he was still a few steps behind. Shouldn’t the werewolf be mad at him? Or kicking him out of the haunted house or something? “Oh. Uh. I’m Michael.” Ashton was a pretty name. And Michael was pretty sure it suited him, since it was clear Ashton was pretty attractive, even under all the makeup. And the blood. His nose was definitely bruised.
Speaking of his bloody nose, Ashton pressed two fingers right below it again, frowning as they came away covered in blood. “Well, Michael, you can definitely pack a punch.” He looked almost amused again before it gave way to concern. “Are you okay?”
Michael’s internal monologue still hadn’t shifted from ‘fuck. Fuck. fuck. Fuck. fuck. Fuck. fuck. Fuck.’ on loop in his head, so it took him a second to register the question. He still felt like he was short circuiting, adrenaline from the scare and the acute embarrassment immediately after still tingling up his spine and all the way to his shaking hands, fingers trembling a little where they were uncovered by the hoodie sleeves. “Wha- me? I’m- yeah? Fine, I- yeah, uh, think. I think, I mean. I mean I am, I’m fine. Okay. Yeah. Good.”
Ashton raised an eyebrow, stepping just a little closer. Michael was pretty sure he could hear his own heartbeat, too loud and too fast, echoing in his ears. Not loud enough to cover the unsettling scrape of metal against stone as Ashton’s chains moved with him. He focused on breathing, pretty sure he’d stopped for a second, inhaling the stale taste of the synthetic fog, permeating through the entire building, though the air lacked the telltale haze of a fog machine, and the equally stale, dank smell of the room itself. It was grounding, sort of. He was definitely not freaking out, though. Not at all. Not with Ashton right in front of him now, gaze fixed on him, Michael’s right hand still tingling, knuckles still aching. This definitely wasn’t social anxiety nightmare fuel. He was definitely perfectly fine.
Ashton reached for Michael’s hand, Michael numbly letting him take it, unable to do much more than watch. Ashton leaned forward a little, chains scraping again against the floor to make the worst sort of unholy noise, grating on Michael’s frayed nerves, thankfully on the edge of what he was paying attention to. He was too focused on how warm Ashton’s hands were, fake blood splattered over them like he was supposed to look like he’d been clawing at himself. “You’re bruised,” Ashton said, inspecting Michael’s knuckles where they’d made contact with Ashton’s nose. “Or, you will be, at least. You didn’t hit as hard as you could have, so I think you’re okay.”
With Ashton tilted forward, it was easier to see that he was definitely still bleeding - which, fucking duh, it hadn’t been that long since he’d punched him - dripping slowly but steadily onto the floor. Noticing Michael’s gaze, probably, Ashton took a few steps back out of Michael’s space, head still tilted forward a little. He lightly pinched the bridge of his nose, giving Michael what was probably supposed to be a lazy half smile. 
“Should you- do you need help?” Michael asked lamely. It was a pretty fucking stupid question, since he’d literally just punched Ashton in the nose. And he was bleeding.
“It’s not that big a deal,” Ashton said, as calm and collected as he’d been the whole time. And fantastic, at least one of them was. “I’d go tell someone, but I’m a little bit stuck.” He raised his free hand, chains rattling a little bit. “I’m actually chained to the wall. Someone comes by and lets me out between every couple groups or every couple hours so I can use the bathroom and grab a drink and all that shit. I can’t get myself out on my own.”
“Oh, fuck.” Michael frowned. “That seems like a pretty big fuckin’, like design flaw. Who the fuck came up with that?”
Ashton laughed, short and sweet before he cut himself off, probably because his nose hurt. Which sent a jolt of regret and embarrassment through Michael. “There’s a lot of stuff like that for the sake of ‘authenticity’. Don’t tell anyone I told you, they’d have my head. I don’t mind too much, though. Only lasts two months every year, and it’s fun. Well, except for the occasional scare that goes too well.” He gestured at his face to prove his point, smile tugging slightly at his lips again before it dropped.
Michael didn’t get a chance to reply before someone came in, freezing at the sight of Ashton slightly tipped forward, nose still dripping, but much slower before, and Michael standing stiff and shocked in place. “Oh, fuck,” the stranger said, echoing Michael’s sentiments. “What the fuck happened?” 
“Well, Michael here got so startled when I jumped out that he hit me.” Ashton answered for the two of them. “We’re all good, he didn’t mean to. He’s been keeping me company.” He winked at Michael, making Michael’s face heat up, especially noticeable in the gloomy chill of the fake dungeon room. 
“Fuckin’ hell, man,” the strange guy said, immediately moving forward to free Ashton from the stupid chains. “So, you mean, the same shit you kept saying was gonna happen, happened?”
Ashton let out some sort of noise that was probably meant to be a laugh. “Yeah, pretty much exactly.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” the stranger said again, succeeding in freeing Ashton. He leaned in close to look at his nose, frowning. “Well. You definitely need to be cleaned up. You’re out of commission for tonight, we’ll just leave the room empty and the supervisors can suck my dick. Come on, let’s clean you up and get you an ice pack or something, and you can sit down for a while.” He wrapped an arm around Ashton, hand splayed out in the middle of his back. They were clearly comfortable with each other, and had the easy familiarity of close friends. Or something. The stranger nodded his head at Michael. “You, uh, Michael, was it? You can come with us, we’ll get you out.” He paused. “Unless you want to finish the house..? But I’m gonna take a wild guess and say probably not, after that.”
Michael startled a little at being addressed, temporarily forgetting he had a corporal form. “Oh. Uh. No, not really. I”m- that was enough, I think.”
The stranger nodded his head. “Makes sense. You kind of got separated from your group, it looks like. Usually people are in groups of two and three. You sort of had shitty luck tonight, huh?” He said it kindly, though. Like he was sympathetic. “My name’s Calum, by the way.”
“He’s not usually the responsible one,” Ashton teased, shooting Calum an amused look, only making Calum roll his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. Ashton. You’re always Mr. Responsible. That’s why we’re going to patch up your boo boo.” Calum patted his back consolingly, shooting Michael a grin. “So is this your first time here?”
Michael glanced up, fingers pausing mid-tug where he’d been fiddling with his hoodie sleeves. “Oh. Yeah, it is. Uh. Always wanted to come but it’s hard to get in and last year I got stuck closing most days and couldn’t make it early enough.”
Calum nodded, like it was a solemn affair, or he was thinking. Michael’s ability to figure things out - he was pretty sure it was called perception, but it just proved his point - was absolutely shot through with his adrenaline. He was still waiting for someone to get pissed at him, to kick him out and ban him for life. “It’s a fun place, yeah. I can’t remember if I actually ever went through it before getting to work here and see ‘behind the scenes,’ but we get pretty good reviews.” Calum grinned. “I’d say a bloody nose means you’re pretty fuckin’ scary, Ash.”
Ashton let out a half laugh. “Yeah, I guess so. Or people scared shitless and blind in the dark don’t like jumpscares. One of the two.”
Calum had led them through a couple dark, narrow back hallways, clearly meant for the employees, the whole time they’d been chatting. They get to the doorway of a brighter-lit room and hear a woman gasp. “Oh, Ashton! What happened to you? Oh, god, it wasn’t those dicks from last night again, was it? I swear I’ll hunt them down-”
“No, it wasn’t,” Ashton consoled, stepping into the room where the woman started fawning over him, leaning up to inspect his face and make sure he was okay. Calum, letting her take over, gently nudged Michael out of view and stepped back into shadow with him.
“Look, Ashton’s a trooper, he’s okay,” Calum murmured, nothing but soothing sincerity in his eyes and coating his voice. “I promise. You seem pretty worried but, uh...The floor managers might not be too happy, you know? We’re missing our werewolf for the rest of the night, so the room will be empty...No one else gives a shit, I promise, I just mean that if you want to come back, you might want to leave before anyone figures it out, you know? Not personal at all.” He gave him a sweet smile that probably would’ve rendered Michael incoherent and weak-kneed any other time, but with his nerves as wired and burnt-out as they were, it only tugged at his anxiety-ridden heartstrings.
“Actually,” Calum continued, tilting his head, “I can get you a ticket or something for another night if you want to do this again.” He gave him a lopsided smile. “You know, as long as you don’t hit another actor again.” Michael assumed he must’ve looked panicked, because Calum was quick to console him. “Hey, hey, I’m kidding. Sorry, too soon.”
“Holy, fuck, Ashton, is that real?” Someone else asked, entering the room behind them.
Calum looked back at Michael, expression apologetic. “I’ve gotta- I’ll have to run damage control, Alisha - the girl - is nice but he’ll need, uh, help. Uh...The exit’s right through there, down the stairs, to the left. If you can get back before we open sometime, cut the line and ask for me. Uh. Calum. That should get you in.” Michael only realized Calum had put a hand on his arm at some point when he squeezed it gently and let go.
With another hasty apology, Calum had to return to Ashton and the whole mess Michael had caused. Michael stumbled on nerve-numb feet through the dark employee back-passageways, hearing the occasional shriek from the haunted house proper. He couldn’t help but berate himself and wish he’d done the entire fucking thing differently. And where the fuck had his friend been? Maybe he wouldn’t have been so nervous to begin with if the fucker had actually texted him back at some point. 
This whole thing had been social-anxiety massive-fuckup nightmare fuel. Seriously, Michael thought as he finally managed to make his way out of the stupid house into the city, shivering in the much-cooler nighttime air, this was going to haunt him for years. Let alone punching anyone in the first place - his hand still sort of hurt, though not a proper hurt, more like the vague ache wrapped in the anxiety-spiking memory of what he’d done - but punching an absolutely gorgeous guy in the face? Fucking hell. Worst thing he could think of.
It was still fresh on his mind as he tucked himself into bed, fresh from a shower as he’d tried to scrub the stupid memory off his skin. He just hoped he managed to actually get over this and it didn’t haunt him forever. Though, he’d been pretty fucking haunted when he’d gone to grab pizza and when the guy had said “enjoy your meal,” he’d said “you too, thanks, mum.” He hadn’t even realized his mistake until he’d gotten outside with his prized pizza. In his defense, he’d been texting his mom, and gotten mixed up. There wasn’t really a defense here.
Fuck. He really hoped this didn’t haunt him.  
Well. It haunted him. That first night had really, really sucked. Like...really sucked. It had taken ages to manage to fall asleep after that, since every time he tried, he was painfully reminded of the moment he hit Ashton right in the nose, and how awful that had felt. And everything afterward had just been an anxiety-fueled mess. 
He had class the day after, too, which really fucking sucked, but it meant he didn’t have to sit and dwell on every single mistake he’d ever made in his life. The biggest one was obviously his birth, followed very closely by hitting Ashton. He decided, though, by the end of that day, that he definitely wanted to go apologize again. Just because it hadn’t felt quite like enough just saying he was sorry. He needed to actually prove it somehow. Maybe. Or he was just an idiot. Only time would really tell. 
He got a gift card for the coffee shop where he worked, because he got a discount on it, and everyone liked coffee. Did Ashton like coffee? He really hoped he did. He was still kicking himself for not getting his number so he could make sure he was okay and apologize, but, in his own defense, everything had gone upside-down topsy-turvy really, really fast. 
He got down to the haunted house, still a while before it actually opened. He went straight to the front of the line, remembering Calum’s promise to get him in. Hopefully he could use the advice to apologize properly to Ashton. The guy at the front of the line was kind of a dick towards him, but Michael managed to find a worker in one of the designated t-shirts for the house. 
“Hey, uh, is Calum or Ashton here?” Michael asked, praying he didn’t seem near as awkward as he felt. He just wanted to apologize and leave before he embarrassed himself any further, that was all. Everything was fine. It was fine. 
“Oh, yeah. Are you one of their friends or something?” The guy glanced at him before shrugging. “Calum’s working customer service and merch. Come on, I’ll show you.” 
Michael followed the guy into the house, down a hallway that wasn’t super obvious, to what was clearly right after the exit of the house. There was a booth set up, shirts dangling from the top and displayed in the back, along with magnets and other sorts of merch along the table. Calum was sitting behind it, earbuds in, focused solely on his phone. The guy Michael had been following tapped on the table to get his attention, making Calum’s eyes snap up. He grinned over at Michael, pausing his music and tugging his earbuds out. 
“I’ve got to get back to the front, but this guy was asking for you and Ashton. You know him?”
Calum’s smile didn’t dissipate. It didn’t do much to sooth the suddenly overactive butterflies in Michael’s stomach. “Yeah, I do. I’m good, you can go.” The guy nodded and left, leaving Michael alone with Calum. 
“Hey,” Calum greeted, grinning again. “I wasn’t sure you’d come back. I was hoping you would. Are you here for the house?” His smile went coy. “Or for me?” He was clearly teasing, but Michael’s face flushed. 
“Uh. I- well. Uh. I came- well, I’m here to apologize. Yeah. To, uh. To Ashton. Again. For hitting him. I mean, by accident. I didn’t mean to.” And wow, way to be smooth. Michael just didn’t know how to function around cute guys at all. Especially not when they sounded like they could possibly be flirting with him, if they were on another planet, where people actually flirted with Michael. 
Calum just gave him another sweet smile, standing and leaning against the table. Michael definitely didn’t pay attention to the way Calum’s back arched, or the way he tilted his head sometimes without meaning to, or how good his jeans looked on him. He didn’t see any of that at all because he was a good person. He just..wasn’t blind. And Calum was cute. “Ashton’s fine. I think he’s working tonight, but I can shoot him a text.” Michael didn’t even have to reply before Calum was pulling his phone out of his back pocket and sending a text, presumably to Ashton. 
“The house opens soon,” Calum continued, “but we’ll see if we can get him up here.” He smiled a little. “You know, after you hit him by accident, they tested out some fake chains. They thought it worked great - until they did a test run, and Ashton broke them when he moved forward. Guess even plastic couldn’t hold up to his upper body strength, huh?” He smiled, eyes squinting a little when Michael flushed darker. Everything was absolutely, perfectly fine. 
Calum’s phone vibrated again and he checked it. “Oh, shit. He’s a bit hung up right now. You want to stick around for a minute and see if he can swing up here? I can give you a bit of a behind-the-scenes tour.” 
Michael considered but nodded. “Yeah, uh. That would be great.” His friend - who still hadn’t fucking gotten back with him, it had been two days, asshole - was supposed to do that when he’d originally come to the house. Better late than never, at least, even if he’d never gotten to actually make it through the haunted house proper. He just had to survive spending time with a super cute guy in the stupidly narrow employee hallways. 
Calum grinned again. “Great!” He slid over the top of the table, knocking a couple magnets to the floor. He glanced at them before shrugging. “I’ll deal with that when I’m back. Come on.” He grabbed Michael’s wrist, his hold warm and gentle, and lightly tugged him towards another hallway. “So what do you want to see first? How we put everything together? How we make a couple of the rooms function? Where we keep all the fog machines?”
“Uhhh……” That was….a lot of options. Michael honestly wasn’t sure where to start. The last comment earned Calum a laugh, short and a little nervous. “Anything?”
Calum nodded sagely, like Michael had made some interesting comment that could be considered, instead of fumbling over his words. “I’ll just start with the basic tour then.”
Calum tugged him into another room, launching into an explanation of how they put it together, and how it matched up with the other rooms in the house. He talked about how they had speakers in each room, and made sure the haunted house genuinely felt like an old rundown mansion with a stone basement. The next room was every bit as interesting, if a bit colder.
“That,” Calum explained, “would be because we keep one of the fog machines in this false wall.” He knocked on it, the sound hollower than a real wall would have made. “It adds to the vibe.”
Michael just agreed that it did, in fact, add to the general vibe of the haunted house, unsure what else to say to that. 
“You know,” Calum said, eyes lighting up a little when he smiled, bright and mischievous, “I’m pretty sure they spent most of the decorating budget on the fog machines. In order to get the light fog in the dungeons, we had to keep one every couple rooms. And then the one in the front room, so people know we’re spooky.” He wiggled his fingers with his free hand, his other hand still warm on Michael’s wrist where he hadn’t let go yet.
Michael laughed, earning another triumphant smile from Calum. “That sounds right,” he said honestly. The basement - or what little he’d seen of it, at least - had definitely been neat, with the very light fog swirling around his ankles. He just hadn’t really made it that far.
And, like Calum was a mindreader, he almost immediately said “Hey, you didn’t finish the house, right? Want to get a tour of the basement? I can show you where I had to use Klorox wipes to get Ashton’s blood off the floor.” Another grin, clearly amused with himself.
“Uh...Yeah, okay, that sounds good,” Michael said, ever so eloquent. Being in the presence of a pretty guy did not help him at all, only serving to shut down any critical thinking skills he’d ever had.
“Great! This way-” Calum started to gently lead him out of the room, hand still warm on Michael’s wrist in the chill of the room, before he was interrupted by his phone buzzing. “Fuck, what now?” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket, which Michael found impressive given how stupidly tight they were. Calum let out a huff, letting go of Michael’s wrist so he could send a text back. “Fuckin’ hell. I’m gonna have to go.” He gave Michael a look that really looked like apologetic puppy dog eyes, but Calum somehow pulled it off. “We’re letting in the first group soon. I’ve gotta go back to my booth.”
“Oh, shit.” Michael was pretty sure that was the right response. He was still distracted by the smiles Calum had flashed him just moments before. Sue him, his weakness was cute guys, okay? And social interaction. Especially social interaction with aforementioned cute guys. Like Calum.
“I’m sorry. I guess Ashton will be wrapped up in that, too.” Calum frowned, thinking for a moment. “Are you free tomorrow?”
Michael flushed, a natural reply to being asked that by A Cute Guy. “Uh. Yeah. I have class in the morning, but I’m free after.”
Calum grinned again. “Great. Swing by here again? You can ask for either me or Ashton. We’ll get you taken care of, don’t worry.” He winked at Michael, smile still on his face. Michael felt himself flush deeper, praying it wasn’t too visible in the dim lighting of the haunted house.
“Yeah, uh, okay. I can...I can do that.” Maybe he was reassuring himself a little bit. But it would be fun. Calum led him back out of the room, his hand going to the small of Michael’s back, warm even through his hoodie. If Michael’s blush had faded, that brought it back full force. Calum’s hand dropped once they were back in the hallway, but his hand brushed Michael’s on every other step as he led him back to the front, to the area where Calum’s merch booth was.
“Here we are. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Calum asked, expression earnest. He squatted to pick up a couple of the magnets and buttons that he’d knocked to the floor earlier. Michael definitely didn’t glance at his butt, because he was a very nice person, and very good at resisting things. 
“Yeah, I’ll, uh, I’ll be here.” Michael was completely fucking incapable of going one sentence without stumbling over his words. It was annoying. It was like being near any attractive guy whatsoever made his brain completely short circuit and stop working. He was pretty sure he just suffered from Dumb Bitch-itis or whatever. It was fine.
After a quick goodbye, Michael made his way to the exit and started the walk back home again. He couldn’t say that excursion was really a failure but he still hadn’t done what he’d meant to do. How many cute guys could work there, anyway? That had to be it. So hopefully he’d function properly next time he had to go, even if Calum and Ashton both completely shut his brain down. The gift card was still in his pocket, even as he reluctantly shucked his outside-hoodie to switch to his sleeping-hoodie. At least this time he didn’t have too much to haunt him before he fell asleep.
Except punching Ashton, his brain helpfully supplied. And with that, his hopes for some peaceful sleep went out the window, just like his critical thinking skills had earlier when he’d had to talk to Calum.
Michael prayed that this was the last time he’d have to go to the house. He didn’t dislike it, honestly, it was interesting and incredibly well put together. But he really just wanted to apologize to Ashton and have the whole thing be done with. Or, half of him did, at least. He hated when things got drawn out like this, and something hung over his head. He didn’t like feeling like he owed any debts at all. The other half of him, though, kind of didn’t want it to be over. Because then he wouldn’t get to see Calum or Ashton again. And alright, maybe he was a bit of an emotional masochist knowing that they wouldn’t like him but it was...nice, kind of, hanging out with people. And he wasn’t going to complain about getting to hang out with cute guys. Like...ever.
The thing was, though, it wasn’t like he could really be friends with them. He’d fucking punched Ashton right in the face for fuck’s sake. The friendship ship had long since sailed, and he’d lost any chance of talking to him like a functional person as soon as he’d panicked and hit him. Which sort of destroyed any chances he had in befriending Calum. And maybe he was a little bit lonely, and tired of spending all his free time by himself. The cute guys at the haunted house were a no-go, though, so he wanted to be done with them as soon as he could be.
Michael tugged his hoodie back on, and made his way back out into the outside world, where people weren’t so kind, and there were cute boys to accidentally hit and regret your entire life over. He didn’t want to think about having to talk to Ashton again, or Calum, doing his best to save all of his brain power for actually having to socialize, rather than wasting it on indulging his anxiety now.
He cut through the line again, though it was a bit earlier this time, so it wasn’t as long as it had been, and made his way to the front of the house. One of the workers, in the same haunted house shirts he’d see the others in the days before, stopped him.
“I’m here for Ashton?” Michael said, still not entirely sure of himself, like this wasn’t the second time he’d come back to the house and had to ask for them. “Or Calum.”
The girl glanced Michael up and down quickly, seeming to assess whether or not he was telling the truth. And really, why the fuck would he bother lying? He wasn’t even really trying to get into the house, but apologize fully to Ashton so he could hopefully stop being haunted by the memory of his major fuck-up.
“Alright, come on,” she said, turning on her heel and leading him inside. He followed her back through the room Calum had been stationed in the day before, the merch booth left empty, now, no cute guys with equally cute smiles there to drag him through the maze of the house.
The girl led her down a couple hallways Michael definitely didn’t remember, but he really hadn’t been paying as much attention to the hallways of all things the last time he’d been there. But he was pretty sure he didn’t remember any of this. Which was only reaffirmed when she stopped in a doorframe. “Luke,” she called in, hand on the doorframe. “This guy’s asking for Calum and Ashton. I’m busy downstairs. Can you try and track them down for him?” 
Michael could see over her shoulder, but couldn’t see who she was talking to. Luke gave her some form of affirmative, he guessed, because then she was turning back to look at him. “Right. You stay here with Luke. He should be able to find Calum and Ashton. You can wait with him. Good luck.” She turned and headed off back down a couple narrow hallways, leaving Michael more confused than he had been before she’d tried to help.
“Come in, I don’t bite,” came a guy’s voice from the other side of the room. Michael reluctantly shuffled in, already tugging his hoodie sleeves down over his hands. How many times was he going to be shuffled from person to person before he managed to actually give Ashton his stupid gift card and go back to his life of reclusivity, hidden away in his single dorm room. Then he’d finally get to forget how massively he’d fucked up, and not have to think about all the stupidly cute boys that worked at the stupid haunted house.
The room had several chairs set up, with a couple of tables cluttered with a bunch of weird bottles, makeup palettes, and gallons of stage blood. It was empty, except for a girl sitting in one of the chairs, and a guy working on her makeup. He was tall, with ridiculously long legs, and his blond curls pulled back into a small bun, messy, with flyaways wisping around his temples and a couple strands of hair in his eyes when he flashed Michael a quick smile. “Alright,” the guy said, pulling back to inspect his work. “You’re good to go. But maybe try not to fuck up your chest wound next time? It’s not so easy to fix.” She murmured some sort of agreement - and what sounded like an apology - before heading back out, probably to wherever she was supposed to be stationed.
The guy turned to Michael and flashed him a smile, tucking his brush behind his ear and wiping his hands on his thighs before offering one to Michael. “I’m Luke. But, uh, I think you already knew that.” His smile went a little sheepish. Michael just shook his hand, internally cursing himself for having cute boys as a major weakness. Because Luke was definitely cute.
“I’m Michael,” he said, because he was pretty sure he hadn’t yet, and it seemed like the proper time for an introduction. His brain might short circuit a little bit around cute boys, but he didn’t completely forget everything. Usually. Not yet, at least. He was just hoping to keep at least a fraction of his critical thinking skills. So he didn’t end up hitting him in the face, his brain supplied helpfully, even though that had only ever been the one time, and under very different circumstances. It didn’t make him feel much better.
Luke broke into a smile almost immediately, letting out a laugh - more of a giggle, really - that made his nose crinkle. “You’re the guy that punched Ashton,” he said, eyes crinkling a little with amusement. “Holy shit. You’re a legend.”
Michael flushed, feeling his whole face heat up, even though the room was just as chilly as the rest of the haunted house. “Uh. Maybe just a little. The one time.” He scuffed the toe of his sneaker against the ground, suddenly a little nervous. Or...more nervous. Luke was just as cute as the others had been, stray glitter stuck to his hands (and Michael’s palm, now, after he’d shook his hand), and his hair in that stupidly endearing bun. And apparently he knew about the biggest fuck up in Michael’s entire life, which really wasn’t all that good for his already not so fantastic self esteem. 
Luke nodded, still looking only a couple seconds from laughing. “The one time. Yeah. Ashton thought it was hilarious. It worked out, though, he got the rest of the day off, and convinced them to fix his position so it hopefully wouldn’t happen again. Well, I mean, they mostly agreed that he could keep his phone on him as long as it was silent so he could call Calum or something to come get him if something happened. But he counted it as a win.”
 Luke leaned against the table, hip causing a couple bottles to fall over. Luke flushed, pink covering his pale skin, as he rushed to sort everything out, right all of the bottles. He knocked one of them off the table, squatting down to grab it and smacking his head against the edge of the table on his way back up. It knocked the brush from behind his ear, which hit the floor with a quiet clatter. Luke managed to stand up properly, though, his face red, and clearly flustered. “Um. Anyway. So you- Uh.” He shook his head, more curls coming free of his bun and dancing around his temples when he moved. “Ashton wasn’t upset, you’re okay. He’s kind of hard to rattle. Calum and him have been joking about it, mostly. They just didn’t mention you were cute.”
Michael had watched Luke’s moment with the bottles, eyebrows furrowed in concern, but he hadn’t wanted to overstep. He’d gotten it sorted, anyway, and his head seemed fine. So he didn’t ask, just watched him with the same slightly cautious expression. Luke’s last sentence threw him off, though, and it was Michael’s turn to flush, staring at Luke a few beats longer than socially acceptable. “Oh, uh- you think- I’m not- I’m pretty, just, you know- uh. Thank you. You’re- the same. Cute. I mean.”
Luke laughed, soft and gentle and warm, meant to be with him rather than at him. Michael’s blush darkened, but he didn’t feel quite so bad about being an absolute idiot. “Thank you,” he said, head tilting a little to the side, smile back on his face. Luke was tall. Taller than Calum and Ashton had been, enough to make Michael aware of the difference. No wonder he’d been clumsy, though he’d seemed to have reclaimed his grace now, lanky limbs seeming only to add to his charm and poise rather than detract from it now that his footing was stable and no bottles were falling on the floor. 
“So why’d you come back, again?” Luke asked, yanking Michael out of his reverie. He’d moved to straighten some of the bottles and makeup palettes cluttered on the table. He glanced at Michael before his eyes shifted back to what he was doing. And yeah, that was definitely stray gold glitter stuck to his hands, front and back. 
“Oh. Uh. I wanted to say sorry to Ashton again. I just...haven’t been able to catch him. Came back yesterday and same thing.” Michael tugged at one of his hoodie sleeves, watching Luke’s long fingers tighten what looked like a tall bottle of latex. And okay, maybe he’d watched a few too many behind the scenes videos of his favourite horror movies, and wasn’t completely brand new to SFX stuff. 
Luke glanced up at him again, interest in his blue eyes and all over his face. His hands paused where they were. “You were here yesterday?”
“Uh. Yeah? I was just with Calum for a while but then he got some text and I didn’t get a chance to see Ashton before I had to leave.” He didn’t know what about that was so interesting, but whatever. At least he wasn’t tripping over his words now and could talk to Luke like a proper functioning human being. 
Luke hummed but didn’t offer an explanation for asking. “Do you want me to do your makeup or something while you wait?” He asked, as random and out of nowhere as anything. 
“What?” Michael asked, brows drawing together again. He was pretty sure Luke hadn’t said what he thought he’d said. 
“Do you want me to do your makeup while you’re waiting?” He repeated, gaze as earnest as ever. He wasn’t lying. 
“I mean, holy shit, yeah,” Michael said, maybe just a tad too eager. Get his makeup done by a makeup artist at the haunted house that had won awards for SFX? Hell fucking yeah! He wasn’t turning that opportunity down. Hopefully it went better than attending the haunted house had. 
Luke beamed, looking absolutely pleased with himself. “Okay, come over here and sit down and I will. Do you want, like, a cut or something? I have a couple spare prosthetic injuries I could use. I know I can’t do the missing eye one on you, you can’t really see in that one. I have a couple of the small claw ones, like I think I used on Ashton? If you want some of those.”
“Uh. Yeah, that works.” Michael made his way over and sat down in the chair, shifting a little bit. He’d never really had his makeup done before, but he was more excited to get to see someone do SFX up close. On him. 
“Can you pull the hoodie off?” Luke asked over his shoulder, starting to sort through his supplies. “I need more space. I can do it right below your collarbone, I think. That’s enough space. With Ashton, I think I slotted some at the top of one of his pecs and then some on his ribs, on his side.” 
Michael flushed but tugged his hoodie off, getting his head stuck in the stupid thing only momentarily, before it was off and he could ball it up in his lap. Luke turned back to look at him, humming softly to himself. He tugged his hair free from the bun, curls falling freely to frame his face, before pulling it right back again. Just like before, curls too short to fit in the bun curled around his temples and his ears. Luke ignored it, stepping closer with the small prosthetic in hand. 
He hummed a little again, eyeing Michael’s collarbones and chest. He tugged the neckline of Michael’s shirt down a little bit, holding the prosthetic up, just below his collarbone as he’d said. “This should work pretty well. Has anyone ever done makeup on you before?” Luke turned to grab something else, probably his adhesive, before turning back and frowning. “It might be easier, since I’ll need both hands for this. You can put it back on afterward, it’ll sit right above your neckline. Right here.” Luke tapped a finger lightly where he planned on putting the prosthetic.
Michael flushed. “Uh. Yeah, okay, I guess.” He really wasn’t used to this. Going shirtless in front of a cute guy? Yeah, that really didn’t happen. Like, ever. He reluctantly tugged his shirt off, though, still not about to turn this opportunity down. The shirt joined his hoodie, both balled up in his lap. He was rewarded with a sweet smile from Luke, before he was surveying the area he wanted to stick the prosthetic, which did little to help Michael’s blush.
“This might be a little bit cold. It’s room temperature, kind of.” Luke started applying the adhesive, completely in Michael’s personal space. “So did you like the house?” He asked, fanning the adhesive with his hand, gaze shifting to Michael’s face. “When you came? Before the thing with Ashton, I mean.”
“Yeah, I did. Uh. I’ve been wanting to come here for years, and I finally got to get a look. I really, really like horror shit, and thought about being an SFX artist but I don’t have the talent at all.” Michael resisted the urge to shift in place, or bounce his leg. He didn’t want to fuck up whatever Luke was doing. “It’s, uh, really well put together. No wonder it’s won awards and shit.”
Luke hummed, tapping the adhesive before grabbing the prosthetic and leaning down, tongue sticking out a little in concentration, as he carefully stuck it down. He held it in place for a moment, pulling back to inspect his work. He moved to grab one of his makeup palettes. “Yeah, it’s a lot of work to pull it together and get everything set up properly. But I can get out of some of it sometimes, since I do makeup.” He grinned at him before starting to add colour to the prosthetic. “You wanted to do SFX?” His gaze flickered up to him again, before again it dropped to what he was doing. “I could always show you some stuff, if you wanted. I’ve been doing it for a couple years, so I think I’d probably be okay at that.”
“Didn’t you guys win something last year for your makeup?” He asked, tilting his head a little bit.
Luke turned pink. “Well, yeah, but that wasn’t just me, that was the whole team. But, um. If you wanted that, I definitely could.”
It was then that it really clicked what Luke was offering. This was a chance for Michael to actually get hands-on experience with SFX and get to see it up close. Not only that, but he’d get the chance to actually do it himself, with someone else’s guidance, and see if he was actually shit at it. And that someone happened to be award winning. And really cute. “Fuck yeah, I definitely want that.” Okay, he needed to curb his excitement. Just a little.
Luke let out another one of his giggles, still working on the colouring of the prosthetic. “Okay. I’m happy to show you. I’ll get your number when I’m done? So we can set up a time?”
Michael definitely didn’t turn pink at that or anything. He was totally suave, totally used to getting cute guys’ numbers, especially while he was shirtless in front of them. Obviously. And maybe that was a little bit of a lie, and this was brand new. And maybe he was a little bit pink. “Uh. Yeah, that sounds good.”
Luke hummed, attention mostly back on the prosthetic. He was silent for a few moments before he spoke up again. “You said you wanted to do SFX. So what do you do instead?”
“Oh, I’m a film student. I work at, uh, Great Awakenings? The coffee shop a couple blocks down from here on campus.” Michael, again, had to resist the urge to shift around in place. Not because it felt weird, but because he didn’t know what to do with himself, or his nervous energy. He couldn’t even tap his foot or anything on the ground, for fear of fucking up what Luke was doing. 
“Oh, that’s neat! I’m doing philosophy right now. Ashton’s doing English. Focusing on literature, I think. And Calum’s doing psychology,” Luke flashed Michael a bright smile before going back to his work, still carefully adding pigment to the prosthetic. 
“Oh, that’s, uh...pretty cool. What made you choose philosophy?” Michael asked. 
Luke hummed a little to himself. “I dunno. Just thought it seemed interesting. I’m pretty happy doing this, but I don’t know if I can make a career out of it. Or if my skills are even enough to try.” He paused. “I know I’m good enough to work here, I just don’t know about beyond that,” he corrected, fingers stilling where they’d been working. It only took a moment before he was back at it again. 
Michael understood that, honestly. “Yeah, I know what you mean. That’s why I’m in film. I don’t know how far I’ll make it, either,” he said honestly. 
Luke gave him a frown, more adorable than it had any right being. “I’m sure you’ll be good at it, Mikey.”
Michael flushed at the nickname, but didn’t have any time to add anything before Luke was turning around to face the table. “Okay, I just have blood and then I’m done.” Luke grabbed the bottle and a tiny brush, turning around to face Michael yet again. He gave him a tiny smile before he was back to work, tongue poking slightly from between his lips in concentration. 
Luke was pretty. Michael was struggling to think about anything else, even with how desperately he wanted to do SFX, and how much he’d wanted to visit the haunted house. It only took a few minutes before Luke pulled back slightly, surveying his work. Good thing, too, Michael was starting to get chilly. “Okay,” he said, eyes still on the prosthetic, forehead creased slightly, lips pulled into a small pout. He looked thoughtful. Michael refused to admit it was adorable. “I think I’m done.” He gave Michael another smile, nose crinkling slightly with this one. 
Michael’s number one weakness was definitely still cute boys, because his brain short circuited immediately. He was saved from having to say anything, though, when a girl poked her head in the door, knocking twice on the doorframe to get Luke’s attention. “Hey, house’s opening in a few. Stand by in case of any fucked up makeup.” Luke just nodded, and then she left. 
Luke frowned a little at Michael. “Okay, you’ll probably have to go before we officially open and groups start coming through. I might get busy, and we aren’t supposed to have visitors.” Luke chewed at his lip, thinking. “Okay. Uh.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket - Michael didn’t know how he fit anything in his pants pockets, they were stupidly tight and didn’t look all that comfortable - and offered it to Michael. “Give me your number? I’ll text you and figure the whole Ashton thing out so you can say sorry to him or whatever. And then I can show you how to do makeup.”
Michael nodded, taking the outstretched phone from Luke and obediently putting his number in. “That, uh, sounds really great. Thanks, Luke.” He passed his phone back and earned another smile from Luke that definitely didn’t make his stomach flip. Michael went ahead and tugged his shirt  back on, careful not to fuck up his new prosthetic. 
“Okay, sweet. Can you find your way out or do you want me to show you?” Luke asked, as sweet as he’d been the whole time. 
Michael shook his head at the offer, though. “I’m okay. I can get out. Thanks, though. I’ll...I’ll catch you around?”
Luke gave him another smile. “Yeah. See you, Mikey.”
Michael made his way out of the haunted house for the third time, hoodie balled up in his hands despite the evening chill so he didn’t get fake blood on it. And maybe he stopped in front of the mirror once he got home to look at his makeup, stupid grin on his face remembering Luke (and the other cute boys that worked there). And maybe, just maybe, that was the first night since he’d punched Ashton that he didn’t seriously struggle to sleep. 
Michael had almost forgotten the whole dilemma, when he woke up to a text from Luke. The phone screen was stupidly blinding in the darkness of his bedroom, and he cursed himself for bothering to check his phone in the first place. To be fair, though, he’d only wanted to see the time - he slept with his phone on do not disturb for this very purpose - he hadn’t expected the text.
Luke H: hey, r u free 2day? :-)
Michael stared at the text, blinking sleep out of his eyes, before he managed to get his brain to function enough to reply. And of fucking course Luke added a nose to his emojis. He might have only met the guy once, but it definitely seemed like a Luke thing to do.
Michael: yeah I should be. y?
Michael didn’t have a chance to even roll over before Luke had replied, phone buzzing again in his hand. Did Luke have nothing better to do? It had to be fucking early in the morning, and Michael’s main priority was going back to sleep. Though, in Luke’s defense, it usually was.
Luke H: no reason
Luke H: can u meet me at that coffee shop @ 1 later 2day? 
Luke wasn’t making any more sense, even with his clarifications. And Michael was way too tired to think too much about his cryptic messages. So he just agreed.
Michael: yeah
His phone buzzed again, seconds after he’d hit send. Did Luke have nothing better to do than text Michael at fucking nine am on a Saturday morning? Didn’t he know how to sleep in?
Luke H: great :-)
Michael tossed his phone to the side with a sigh, resolving himself to being awake way, way too early. This wasn’t usually how he spent his mornings; normally, he slept in until noon if he didn’t have work, and spent the day catching up on homework he didn’t feel like doing during the week, and finished the day with pizza and a few rounds of FIFA. He didn’t usually meet cute boys at the coffee chop, for god knows what reason, and he usually didn’t wake up so fucking early.
The rest of his day passed slowly, starting with two cups of coffee to try and keep himself awake and functional. He could hear his mum in his head, reminding him that nine am isn’t even that early, that most people were already awake and functional by that point. So he just shook his head and told his imaginary mum to piss off, and that he wasn’t most people.
He managed to waste most of the day away until he was already running late to meet Luke. He tugged on a hoodie that he’d only worn once that week, making it objectively cleaner than most of his other ones.
By the time he made it to the coffee shop, he was a couple minutes past one. Which was fine, it was pretty standard for Michael. He never really knew what time it was, but he tried his best. At least he was only a couple minutes late this time. Hopefully Luke didn’t mind too much.
Speaking of the devil, Luke had taken a seat in the corner and, when Michael spotted him, was mid-laugh at something Ashton had said to him. Ashton, who was sitting right next to him, grin on his lips. Oh, fuck. Had Michael just been invited to fucking third wheel them or something? You could third wheel a friendship. Michael knew that, from trailing after a pair of best friends when he was a kid, before he’d just decided to be a loner for the rest of his life. But they seemed awfully cuddly now, too. Maybe they’d just invited him to laugh at him.
Or, the much smaller rational part of his brain pointed out, maybe Luke had invited Ashton since Michael had wanted to apologize to him again and had never gotten the chance. Maybe Luke was just being nice.
Michael just did his best to shove all those thoughts aside. There was no point in freaking himself out now that he was already here. Better to just figure out what Luke had planned and get it over with. Or enjoy it, maybe. Maybe. 
Michael made his way over to their table, awkwardly taking his seat in front of them. Luke turned and gave him a bright, happy smile. “Hey, you made it!” He greeted, clearly pleased. “I went ahead and brought Ashton, I hope you don’t mind. You said you wanted to apologize, and we both think you’re pretty cute, so-” Ashton smiled fondly, but nudged Luke anyway.
“Don’t freak him out right after he gets here,” Ashton chided gently. He gave Michael that warm smile, shifting in his chair. “Hey, Michael. Good to see you again.”
Michael nodded a little, socialization abilities immediately leaving him. “You look good,” he said, before flushing. “No, you don’t. I mean - fuck - I don’t mean that, I mean you look good now that you’re not covered in blood. Or, you looked good then too. Well, not really, because I hit you in the nose-” Michael snapped his mouth shut. “I mean, it’s good to see you too.”
Ashton just laughed, good naturedly, but Michael was pretty sure he was one fuck-up away from them hating him. Still, though, his laugh managed to calm some of that built-up nervousness he was holding on to.
“You look good too, no worries,” Ashton said, corner of his mouth pulling up into a smile. 
Michael just nodded a little, steeling himself before he spoke. “I’m, uh. Really sorry about hitting you. I didn’t mean to at all, and still don’t know how I managed to fuck up that badly.”
Ashton gave him another smile. Luke was busy fiddling with one of his curls, clearly only half paying attention to the conversation, if at all. “It’s okay. Really. You didn’t do any lasting damage, and you didn’t mean to. I’m fine now, and it made the managers have to reconsider the position. Besides, it just meant Calum and Luke were a little overprotective for a few days. I’m fine now, but they were worried for a couple days about bruising and possible lasting damage. You should really be apologizing to Luke for having to deal with blood.” Michael must have looked confused, because Ashton continued. “I don’t know why, but it freaks him out. He’s fine with all the SFX shit, he’s okay with gruesome fake injuries and fake blood, but any time there’s real blood? He freaks out.”
Luke abandoned his curl, tucking it behind his ear, to pout at Ashton. “Hey. I just don’t like it.” 
Ashton gave him another stupidly fond smile and draped an arm over the back of Luke’s chair. “I know.” Michael felt like he was third wheeling, again. Which, okay, Ashton and Luke were cute, but he couldn’t help the way his stomach dropped a little. He’d thought they were pretty cute, and he hadn’t deluded himself into thinking anything would happen with either of them. But it didn’t really make it feel much better to realize he was third wheeling.
Sometime into his quiet sulking (which only could’ve lasted a minute or two at most), Calum had come up behind him, because now he was pulling out the chair next to him. Michael was effectively caged in now by attractive guys. Which, okay, was manageable. If his brain would stay functional. At least now he wasn’t third wheeling Luke and Ashton by himself anymore.
“Hey,” Calum greeted all of them, smiling in the way that made his cheeks squish up and his eyes squint. And okay, yeah, Michael definitely needed to get back into the dating world. 
“Hey,” Luke said, brightening a little again at the sight of Calum. “Michael came.”
Calum nodded, giving Luke the same fond smile Ashton had. “I can see that, babe.”
Luke reached his hand across the table, towards Calum. Calum took it, gently squeezing his hand. And fucking great, had Michael gone from third wheeling to fourth wheeling? Was fourth wheeling even a fucking thing? It clearly was, if what he was thinking was correct. Because Calum, Luke, and Ashton seemed awfully fucking close - Calum had just called Luke babe, for Christ’s sake - and he was pretty fucking sure they were all dating. Or involved together in some way. So why fucking bother inviting Michael if they were going to act like that? It wasn’t like he thought it was a date or anything, but it seemed...rude to just be all couple-y with a fourth person there.
“I’ve gotta take a call,” Michael said, and the excuse to step out sounded lame even to his own ears. But it had seemed like they’d been...maybe not flirting with him, but flirty, and he felt pretty fucking awkward fourth wheeling them the way he was doing. So he wanted an excuse to step outside for a moment and breathe. He pushed his chair back, wincing at the noise it made, and awkwardly stumbled outside of the door. The bell above the door chimed as he did, which did nothing for his annoyance. 
He took a few steps to the side, so he wasn’t in anyone’s way if they tried to go into the little coffee shop. He leaned back against the wall with a sigh, forgetting his excuse, and completely forgetting that he should probably at least pretend to be on the phone. Even if his phone hadn’t been ringing in the first place.
His melodramatic inner monologue of suffering was interrupted by the stupid bell chiming again. It earned enough of his attention to look up. And none other than Luke was standing there in front of him, apologetic smile on his face. “Hi,” Luke said, making his way a little closer.
“Hey,” Michael said, a little unsure.
“I just, uh...I’m sorry,” Luke said, fidgeting a little in place. His gaze shifted down to his feet, where he was absently scuffing the toe of his converse against his other foot. “I should have warned you about us. We just...it’s still kind of new, telling people, and we all...well, we all thought you were really cute, and I thought the rest of it would be easy if I managed to get you here. But life isn’t really like the movies, and I was kind of a dick to not at least warn you. Ashton said I should have, and he was right. I should have.” 
Wait...what? Michael was left reeling a little. At least he wasn’t fucking crazy, and he’d been right about the three of them being together. Or, that was what it sounded like, at least. But the rest of it? What did Luke mean by them thinking he was cute? What the fuck? Why did Luke have to be so cryptic? “What?”
Michael was pretty sure Luke blushed. He just scuffed his toe against the ground again, before making eye contact. “I’m dating Calum and Ashton. Or, we’re all dating each other. Um...and we thought you were cute. We think you’re cute. And I fucked up and should have explained all of that earlier. So you didn't, uh...get blindsided by it when you got here.”
Well, that was...a lot. And unexpected. “So...is this a date or something?”
Luke shrugged. “It is if you want it to be.”
Michael considered that for a moment. Did he want it to be? He’d never dated more than one person before - hadn’t really dated many people in general, honestly. But he didn’t dislike the idea. He had gotten along with all of them individually pretty well...and they were already established, right? So maybe it would be easier for him to just join that. Maybe. “I think so, yeah.” He nodded a little.
Luke grinned, shoulders sagging a little with relief as. “Great! I’m sure we’ll talk about everything soon. Like, boundaries and limits and telling other people and the future and stuff like that. Ashton and Calum are pretty good about all that.” Luke reached for Michael’s hand, and he took it, letting Luke lace their fingers together. “For now, though, let’s go get coffee.” Luke tugged him back into the coffee shop, a triumphant grin on his lips. Michael couldn’t help the smile he gave him, just as fond as the ones Calum and Ashton had worn earlier. Something about Luke’s happiness was just...contagious and sweet. It made you happy to see him so happy.
The relationship ended up working out like a fucking dream. Michael had never felt so supported in his life, and he was pretty sure his boyfriends felt the same way. After the initial coffee date, they’d gotten themselves established, and talked about what they wanted and what they wanted the relationship to look like, and the future, just like Luke had said. And, to absolutely no one’s surprise, the conversation was guided by Ashton.
Telling his mum had arguably been the hardest part, but even that was made a little easier with their support. Answering her questions hadn’t been fun - he’d deflected the over-the-line questions, as anyone else would, and flat out refused anything rude - but they’d gotten it taken care of, and she’d been about as accepting as Michael could have hoped.
As promised, they managed to get Michael a job at the haunted house the following year. One of the managers had gotten fired after the incident with Ashton - not that that had been the cause, but he’d been a massive dick about it, according to Calum and Luke, and it hadn’t been a good look, so he’d gotten canned - which let Calum get a promotion. Ashton was happy to stick with being an actor. As long as, he’d said when they’d broken the news to Michael, stupid grin on his face, no one else punched him in the face. He didn’t want another boyfriend. It had earned him three eye rolls, and three fond smiles, from each of his stupidly indulgent boyfriends.
But it had meant there was an opening for the merch stand, and Michael would get three glowing reviews. So they’d managed to get him the job. And, Calum had reminded them at the time, pleased smile on his face, they had a lot of sway with one of the managers.
So after everything got settled, Michael’s life was the best it had ever been. He had three loving, supportive, wonderful boyfriends, a job he loved, and date night every Friday. Even if he was working, they were happy to come sit and entertain him until he was off. He didn’t feel left out with them anymore, either; after that first time, they’d gotten it sorted, and were quick to comfort and console him.
Ashton never fucking let him live down the way they met, though. He made dad jokes about it as often as they let him - “watch out for Michael, he packs a punch,” “ah, Michael’s got quite the feisty personality,” “Michael’s really got a nose for this sort of thing. He fucked up mine, so it’s only fair, I suppose” - which was way, way too often, given how bad they all were. Michael couldn’t even bring himself to care, though. Not when accidentally punching him in the face had been the one thing to pull his life together. Ashton’s dad jokes were definitely worth all of that.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: What’s better than your best girl and best mate getting along? Well, nothing really. If you knew the rumors were false, that is. 
A/N: Your favorite mini-series is back with a picture change! Do you like it? Should I change it back? Either way... there’s only one more part I have planned for this. So if you want to see more BUB, feel free to send in your ideas.
Content: BUB shenanigans
Word Count: 1.7k
DISCLAIMER: NOT A poly!5sos fic!!!!
Be sure to catch up on all things B.U.B. here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
And away, and away we go!
Part 5
“Dude, what are we doing here?” Ashton asked as Calum pulled up in front of an animal shelter.
“You said you wanted my opinion on what you should get Sam, didn’t you?” Calum asked, putting the car in park.
“I didn’t mean a pet, Cal!”
“Look, mate,” Calum said, turning in his seat to look over at his best friend. “Sam and I have been coming to this shelter once a month to volunteer. There’s a dog that came in… I’m gonna say seven or so months ago. Blue. She’s a sweet lil thing. Sam loves her.”
“Well yeah. Sam loves dogs. Her family had their dog, Roe, since Sam was a little kid.”
“She loves this dog as much as Roe. And Blue loves her too. Honestly, Ash, if it wasn’t for Duke, I’d adopt Blue myself for Sam.”
Ashton sighed, rubbing out his face. “Wasn’t really thinking of getting her a dog for Christmas, mate.”
“What were you thinking?”
“This?” Ashton pulled a small box out his pocket and snapped it open.
Calum whistled as he looked at the ring. “Damn, mate. Serious, huh?”
“As a heart attack,” Ashton nodded, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Think she’ll like it?”
“Better ask me to be your best man before she asks me to be the man of honor.”
“Was thinking you could officiate, actually?”
Calum reached over and clapped a hand on Ashton’s shoulder. “Marrying my best friends? Couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather do.”
“Thanks, Cal,” Ashton said, swallowing thickly. It meant more to him than he had words for that the man across from him had accepted Sam the way he did. It almost felt like it was a different lifetime when Calum had screamed at him that Sam wouldn’t matter in a few months. He sniffed and looked out across the parking lot to the shelter. He chuckled, shaking his head. “Can I leave Blue at your house for a few days?”
“Yes!” Calum cheered, pumping his fist in the air in victory.
“Wait, where’s Blue?” Sam asked, stopping in front of what used to be Blue’s cage and seeing another dog in its place.
Calum shot the worker a glare that dared them to spoil the surprise. “Someone came in a few days ago and adopted her,” the worker gave forth the simplest truth.
Sam sighed, her heart breaking. “I swear if they bring her back after the holidays, I’m gonna be so pissed.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’ll happen,” the worker smiled.
Somehow, that made Sam feel worse. While she had hated seeing Blue in her cage, week after week, and really hoped she had gone to a good home, she had also become attached to Blue. And the thought of never seeing that happy little pitbull had her weeping into Calum’s arms. “Shh, it’s okay, princess. I’m sure Blue went to a good home. She’s probably really happy.”
“But what if they’re mean to her? What if they bring her back? Or worse! What if they love her, and I never see her again?!” she wailed, clutching the bone wrapped in a red ribbon she had brought for her precious pup that she would never get to give her.
“Sam, it’ll be okay,” Calum continued to soothe, rubbing her back. “C’mon, how about I take you back home? Everyone should be over now, so we can all open our presents, and then we can make a fort, and make fun of Luke. Huh? How’s that sound?”
“Okay,” Sam sniffed into his shirt. “Here,” she told the worker, pulling a box of dog bones out of her purse. “These are for all the other dogs.” She gave the box to the worker then turned back to Calum. “I guess Duke can have the bone.”
“I’m sure he’ll love it,” Calum smiled at her, trying to keep his excitement to a minimum so he didn’t spoil the surprise. “C’mon, let’s get you home.”
“Fletch, we- BLUE!” Sam’s greeting turned into a shriek of glee as the black and white pitbull came barreling out of the kitchen at full speed. “What are you doing here, baby?!” She was seated on the floor now while the dog pounced all over her, covering her in happy kisses, Sam’s laughter echoing around the house.
Ashton giggled as he leaned in the archway between the kitchen and living room. “Think she liked her gift, Cal?”
Calum laughed with him, “Oh, yeah. Told ya she would.”
Sam gasped up at the men, reaching out a hand to slap Calum’s leg. “You little!” she continued to gasp. “You knew she was here the whole time?!”
“Cal’s the reason I got her, baby,” Ashton admitted. “Originally I was going to get you something else.”
“Oooo!” Sam’s blue eyes went wide at the idea of another gift. “What were you gonna get me?!”
“Check her collar,” Ashton nodded at Blue, swallowing thickly.
When Sam busied herself with checking Blue’s collar, Ashton sunk silently to his knee behind her and Calum started filming. “Oh!” Sam breathed, her eyes taking in the ring next to Blue’s dog tag. She quickly freed the ring, taking it in the palm of her hand. “Oh, Fletch,” she said, softly, spinning herself around to look at him. Her eyes went wide when she realized he was more or less crouched down next to her, his hazel eyes equally wide and full of hope and love.
With a shaky hand, he took the ring out of her hand. “Samantha Hudson, you have made me happier than I thought possible. Not only have you accepted my world with grace, you’ve woven yourself into it in a way I hope time never undoes. Will you marry me?”
Sam answered by flinging her arms around Ashton’s neck with such force that it knocked him on his back, his arms wrapping around her waist as tears spilled down both their cheeks.
“So I wanted to ask you guys something,” Ashton started, twiddling nervously with his hands. “Um, you guys already know I asked my little brother to be my best man because Cal’s officiating for us. Not that I would’ve been able to choose between any of you three to be my best man anyway because…” Ashton paused to clear his throat, feeling his eyes water up. “Fuck… um, anyway, I wanted to ask if you guys would be my groomsmen.”
Luke and Mike looked at each other. Their silence made Ashton almost, if not more nervous than trying to ask the question in the first place. “Mate,” Luke finally spoke up, rubbing at his neck.
“It’s not that we’re saying no…” Mike joined.
Ashton stopped breathing.
“Because we’re honored, Ash!” Luke rushed.
“Yeah! I mean, I asked you to be my groomsman back when I married Crystal, so like I’m definitely excited to return the favor. It’s just…”
“We thought Sam was gonna ask us to be her bridesmaids,” Luke concluded.
“You what?” Ashton blinked in stunned confusion.
“You’re not mad are ya, mate?”
“Nah, he’s sad. Look at him, he’s about to cry. Ash, no! It’s not that we don’t want to!”
“I’m not crying cuz you said no!” Ashton sniffed, rubbing his hand hastily at his face. “Fuck, you guys really like her, huh?”
“She’s family, mate.”
“So… do you think she’s gonna ask us to be her bridesmaids?”
Ashton chuckled, smacking both men on their arms. “Fuck off. Seriously, what do you say?”
“If Sam plans to ask us, then no. If not, of course we’ll be your groomsmen.”
“She was planning on asking Crystal and Sierra to be her bridesmaids.”
“What if we’re Sam’s bridesmaids, and the girls are your groomsmen?” Mike threw out the idea.
Ashton pulled a face as he thought it over. “You know… that’s not half bad…”
“What’s not half bad?” Sam asked, taking them all by surprise. She had her hand up against the wall as she balanced to take off her heels, purse slipping down her arm, car keys still dangling in her hand.
“Hey, baby. How was work?”
“Same old, same old. Did they say yes?” She nodded her chin at Luke and Mike as she walked over to them, taking a seat besides Ashton.
“No,” Ashton admitted, taking her hand in his and smiling fondly at her. “My best friends, my brothers, told me no,” he laughed.
Sam frowned, turning her attention to the blondes. “You fuckers told him no?! Oh, this better be good…” Her tongue clicked in her cheek as she crossed her arms, waiting for an answer, while Ashton continued to giggle beside her. “What in the world is so funny about them telling you no?”
“Tell her!” Ashton got out between giggles.
“We only told him no because we thought you were gonna ask us to be your bridesmaids,” Luke fessed up, absentmindedly twirling a blonde curl around his finger.
“Yeah,” Mike nodded. “And then I thought that we could be your bridesmaids, and Crystal and Sierra could be his groomsmen.”
Sam arched an eyebrow, not sure she had heard correctly. “You told Fletch no. A guy who’s like an older brother to you. And you told him no, because you thought I was going to ask you to be my bridesmaids. I’ve known you guys for like half the time you’ve known him! What are you thinking?!”
“We were thinking you’d be excited to ask us to be your bridesmaids…” was the hurt reply.
Sam looked over at Ashton for help. “I… they’re your boys, Fletch. What am I supposed to do here?”
Ashton pressed his lips quickly to hers. “They’re your boys, too. So what do you say? Should we shake up some social standards? I get groomswomen and you get bridesmen?”
Sam looked at Ashton carefully, much like she had in the past before her first “dates” with his friends. Again, she felt like the stakes were being raised, and she didn’t want Ashton to feel even the slightest tinge of feeling like he was being pushed aside by people who were his family long before they were hers. “You are absolutely sure this is what you want?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my whole life.”
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I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues (Girls Talk Boys part 24)
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And while I'm away Dust out the demons inside And it won't be long before you and me run To the place in our hearts where we hide
And I guess that's why they call it the blues Time on my hands could be time spent with you Laughing like children, living like lovers Rolling like thunder under the covers And I guess that's why they call it the blues
Calum lit a cigarette as he approached the tree. He could see her seated on the swing. How many times had they met here? Sneaking out to the apology tree, they'd named it such after they made up after their first big argument with a heated make out session. He could see she was wearing a white sundress her shoes kicked off to one side. Calum stopped realizing she hadn't seen him yet and took a minute to really look at her apart from the fighting and the animosity. Ameena, his first serious girlfriend, the girl who'd once been all he ever wanted, and looking at her now his heart knew it was over. The spell was broken. In this space where their history perfumed the air his mind kept returning to Camille.
He stepped into the clearing “Ok Ameena I'm here. Why did you text me?”
“Calum,” Ameena's head snapped up meeting his dark eyes with hers. “I'm glad you came I wanted to apologize.”
Cal was suspicious. This wasn't like Ameena at all. “Ok”
“That's all you have to say is ok” she snapped.
“You asked me to come. You said you wanted to apologize. I'm willing to hear you out one last time but I'm not going to waste my time fighting with you.” Calum didn't even sound mad just tired. Ameena had been hoping to start an arguement or at least get a reaction. Failing that, she switched tactics
“Fine, I'm sorry I started shit with you this morning in front of Mom and Joy. I knew you were seeing her,” Ameena spat out the word “and that hurt. We were together almost five years and it seemed like the second we broke up you had a new girlfriend. The same girl you told me I had nothing to worry about. I really thought you loved me.” Ameena had tears in her eyes and Calum felt the tiniest bit guilty at how fast the switch had taken place.
“So yeah this morning I came over with Mom hoping we could talk because I still miss you and I want to know how we can fix this. Seeing you come in looking so good but wearing that bright pink shirt was too much to handle. I snapped. I'm sorry.” Ameena wiped tears away.
“I'm sorry too for how everything turned out. I know it's hard on you and that was never my intention. Things just happened.” Calum knew she expected him to comfort her but he stayed where he was keeping his physical and emotional distance.
“You know the worst part? You didn't even upgrade, you left me for a fat girl.” Ameena was angry again.
“I'm done here” Calum turned to go.
“You really think you're gonna be happy with some overweight hick slut who's going to cheat on you with football players to keep her stupid job.”
Calum turned back around and Ameena took a couple steps back at his expression.
“Camille is a queen. You're just another spoiled princess. Everything about her is better. I'm happy and you can't stand it because for once in your life Ameena doesn't get what she wants. Well I don't have to deal with your fucking temper tantrums anymore.”
Calum all but ran back to his house shaking with fury. He checked his phone and realized it was almost 4 am Camille's time and he couldn't call her. He lit another cigarette. He'd been smoking too much today.
“Cal” he jumped at the voice. He hadn't noticed his dad sitting outside.
“You ok?” Calum could hear the concern even if he couldn't see his face.
“Yeah I guess” Cal sank into the chair next to his father.
“Talk to me” David nudged his son “tell me your problems or tell me about this new girl of yours, Camille.”
“I saw Ameena tonight” Cal blurted out. “Went to our tree. Thought we'd talk and maybe we could find a way to be civil for the sake of our mothers”
“I take it that's not what happened” David asked.
“Nope she tried to make me feel bad and then insulted Camille. I'm probably going to catch hell for being mean, but I don't feel bad. I don't feel bad that we broke up. I don't feel bad I got with Camille right after. I don't feel bad for being happy. Does that make me an asshole?” Calum didn't know what to think.
“You might be an asshole but not for that.” His dad chuckled before getting serious. “You've never done things the easy way and you've always been stubborn. I don't know where you get it from.” Calum had to smile at that. “But you follow your heart and that led you to leave school to focus on music. Your heart took you away from home to London and L.A. and to success I couldn't have dreamed for you. If your heart has led you to Camille then follow it. Not like anyone could stop you.”
Calum nodded and began to relax. “I knew I'd have to face her eventually. I knew Mom wouldn't be thrilled we broke up.”
“Your mother wants you to be happy. She loves Ameena but she loves you more. She'll come around.” David assured him. “Besides it's impossible to miss how over the moon you are for this new girl.”
“I can't wait until you guys meet her.” Calum said yawning and stretching. “I'm gonna head off to bed. Hopefully no surprises will be waiting for me in the morning.”
They said their good nights and Calum went to his room. He was rummaging through his bag trying to find the book he'd started on the plane when he found a small box. Opening it he found a note and a bundle wrapped in tissue paper. The note said “don't want you to miss me too much so I thought this might help if you get lonely,” She signed the note Your darling Camille. He unwound the tissue paper and first found a small bottle of perfume. He lifted the cap and recognized the scent as, Daisy Dream, the perfume Camille had worn on their dates. A little deeper he pulled out a black tube of what looked like makeup. He flipped it over to read Smashbox Photo Finish Primer. He laughed and set it on his night stand. He spritzed the perfume on his pillow before climbing into bed. He took the cap off the primer and thought back to the pool party.
Happily after the talk with his parents Ameena wasn't seen or talked about in his presence. He'd run into her mother as she picked up Joy for lunch or to run errands for the party. His sister Mali had arrived a few days ago and she and Calum had spent a few days just hanging out and catching up. He'd missed his family and being around them for the holidays was wonderful. He talked to Camille almost every day even though with fantasy playoffs in full swing she was crazy busy. Not only that but Harry was having a massive New Year's Eve party and had hired Camille to help him with it. Calum wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of her spending extra time with Harry Styles but Camille had made it clear she wouldn't entertain his unreasonable jealousy of her friends.
The guys had been banging about going camping for months.  Luke's cousin James had organized the whole thing. They'd be gone for about four days to Marysville. It would be all guys except for Kristin and Leslie both long term girlfriends of guys in the group. Michael refused to go saying he refused to sleep outdoors on purpose. The rest of them were glad to get out of the city and just hang out away from the bother and bullshit. Luke borrowed his brother's jeep for the eight hour trip. Calum's bag was packed ready to go. He knew he was halfway through his holiday in Australia. As much as he missed Camille and Duke he knew he needed to enjoy his time home as much as possible.
As Calum waited for Ashton he texted Camille. She'd told him she was hanging out with Lucy tonight. Cher and Tom were both out of town and they were gonna have wine maybe watch a movie. He was still waiting for her to respond when Ashton finally got in the car.
“Did I catch you sexting with your girlfriend hmm?” Ashton teased.
Calum had to laugh as he shook his head. “Camille is not the type. She's too shy to put herself out there like that.”
“What are you talking about Camille is NOT shy” Ashton was laughing now.
“Mmmm she is about some things. What about you and Cher? Have you been talking to her much?”
“Yeah we talk and we've had some fun.” Ashton grinned it was only this morning he'd watched the video she'd sent him. He'd sent her a list of very specific instructions and his kitten had been a very good girl in following them. He felt himself getting hard just thinking about the sight of her laid out on her bed edging herself. He was going to have to watch that again as soon as he got home.
“ASHTON” Calum yelled.
“What?” Ashton snapped back to reality.
“You spaced out on me. Wonder what had you distracted” Calum smirked at him.
“Fuck off Cal. We're not all whipped like you. Does she know you have that shirt?” He nodded at the orange Texas sweatshirt Calum wore.
“Way to change the subject” Calum ignored the question. His phone buzzed and he saw Camille sent him a video. He was curious but he'd have to wait to open that.
They stopped by Luke's on the way back dropping off a full cooler and a huge bag of food. Luke and James would pick them up in the morning and they'd head out meeting up with the rest of the group just outside of town. Cell phone reception would be shit once they got to the campsite so both Ashton and Calum were eager to talk to their girls before that happened.
Calum finally got to his room and opened the video. He was surprised to see Camille in his bedroom walking out of his closet in his black long sleeved button up with white stripes totally open so he could see her pink lace bra and black satin sleep shorts. He wondered who the fuck was filming until he heard Lucy directing Camille to get on the bed. Camille stumbled and Calum realized both girls were drunk. Camille laid on her back running her hands down her body as Lucy panned the camera down.
“Do you miss Calum?” Lucy asked her.
“Mmmm hmm” Camille bit her lip and nodded.
Calum found his throat was dry and his pants were getting tighter.
Camille slipped off her shorts before rolling over to give Calum a look at her ass.
Lucy went in closer giving her ass a loud smack causing Calum to groan out loud.
“You miss when Calum smacks your ass?” Lucy smacked the other cheek now.
“Yes I miss him so much” Camille whined.
“Why don't you show him what he's missing” Lucy was slurring her words a little bit.
“What do you mean” Camille had rolled onto her back pouting at the camera.
“Put on a show for him. Take off your bra.” Lucy told her.
Camille arched her back to unhook her bra before sitting up. Looking at the camera and taking it off shaking it out of one sleeve. She still had his shirt on so her breasts were playing hide and seek coming in and out of view. Camille squeezed her tits before raising one of her nipples to her lips and running her tongue over it.
Calum was so turned on he was afraid to touch his cock for fear he'd explode immediately.
He could hear Lucy's beginning to breathe harder and knowing she was watching made it that much hotter.
“What should I do now? Are you sure this looks ok?” Camille could feel the blush creeping up her neck.
“Camille you look sexy as hell. Trust me Calum is going to die when he sees this.” Calum nodded at Lucy's words.
“I'm so horny right now. I wish he were here to take care of it”  Camille sighed.
“You can always take care of yourself. He'd like watching that.” Lucy coaxed her.
“It wouldn't be weird?” For you?”
“No. I think this is hot. I wanna see this.”
“How should I do it? What would look good?”
“Ride his pillow. I wanna see your tits bounce while you do.”
Calum made a note to send Lucy a gift basket or ten.
Camille straddled his biggest pillow and began rock back and forth.
“Look at the camera. Let your man see how much you want him.” Lucy instructed.
Camille bit her lip and tried to keep eye contact but it felt too good. Her head rolled back as she picked up speed.
“Who are you thinking about right now” Lucy asked.
“Calum” Camille moaned.
“What about him?” Lucy's voice was huskier now.
“Oh God Calum's hands on me. Choking me when he's fucking me.” Camille was going faster and Calum could see Lucy reflected in the mirror rubbing her legs together. Camille's heavy breasts were bouncing and she was whimpering.
Calum grabbed a handful of tissues knowing he was getting ready to cum.
“Who are you gonna cum for” Lucy all but moaned and Calum was almost certain she was getting off on this too.
Camille bucked her hips Calum's name falling from her lips as her climax hit her.
Calum was right behind her trying desperately to stay quiet wanting nothing more than to scream her name loud enough for her to hear.
The next day when Camille woke up her head was pounding and that was before she remembered what happened last night. After the video she and Lucy had seriously considered hooking up but without knowing how Tom or Calum would react they decided against it. She checked her phone hoping Calum liked what he'd seen and wasn't angry or found it unappealing.
She went downstairs to make coffee and Cher was already home.
“I thought you weren't going to be home until this afternoon.” Camille was surprised.
“Yeah well after the convention ended I went to this party. All the little nerd boys were there. Including Micah of course.” Cher sat down and Camille made both their cups. “So we're all hanging out drinking and smoking. Micah is getting flirty and I'm feeling good. He suggests we go back to his place which is two blocks away. We stop and get food and blunts at this little 24 hr bodega. Everything is good until he wants to go to the bedroom.”
“Oh no” Camille was worried about what she'd say next.
“Don't look at me like that I didn't do it” Cher snapped.
“REALLY? Why not?” Camille tried not to act too surprised.
“Because Ashton sent me a video and when I saw the notification all I wanted to do was come home and watch it. That killed the mood with Micah and he started being an ass so I took an Uber home. You look terrible what the fuck did you do last night?”
“Oh I got stupid wine drunk with Lucy. Masturbated on camera for Calum and then almost fucked around with Lucy.”
“Damn girl I can't leave you alone for one night. Why didn't you though? Lucy is fucking smoking.” Cher laughed at her friend.
“We thought we'd better talk to the guys first.” Camille giggled.
Camille's phone got a notification. She frowned at it not recognizing the number but the subject was “your boyfriend” so Camille figured he was using someone else's phone with better service. She opened the video and screamed so loudly Cher almost dove under the couch with Duke. Camille's face was a picture of rage, sorrow and confused tears. Cher snatched the phone out of her hands.
There on the screen was a girl naked from the waist down with Calum's head between her legs. “I thought you had a girlfriend” a voice asked.
Calum raised his head enough to give the camera a sloppy drunken smile “she doesn't have to know anything about this.”
@biba3434 @babygirlcashton @happycrimiscalum @vfdsstuff @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @slimthicccal
(I hope y’all don’t hate me)
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buttons-on-shirts · 7 years
“i just got a point” || sebastian stan
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word count: 2643
summary: father!sebastian stan x reader → sebastian and you have a competition on who can get the most ‘cute points’ before your son grows up
author’s note: okay, i know that it is in fact, not the christmas season, but this has been in my mind for a loooong time. there is in fact one swear word though, so be warned. (sorry for any spelling or grammar errors) enjoy!
a few days before christmas, and you still hadn’t bought the presents for your family. it was a problem, you had to admit. since sebastian was staying at home for the holiday, you assigned him to the task of finding out what luke, your son, wanted for christmas.
you couldn’t take care of it, since work took up most of your time and sebastian was away filming. you could have tried to get the day off, using the excuse of the flu that was going around. but if you did, you probably would have lost your job; you had already taken so many sick days off and used up all of your vacation days spending the whole day with your two boys (they were the most wonderful things in the whole world you couldn’t help it).
that day, right before you left, you had reminded sebastian to ask luke what he wanted. you would have to pick it up on the way home or the next day. he assured you that he would do just that, and let you leave. he would have kept you there, but you were going to be late for work. then you would not have a job to pay for all the objects you need and want.
it was in the middle of the day, and sebastian had long since forgotten to ask what luke wanted for christmas. they were couching of the couch watching a t.v. and all attention was on the screen and nothing else. that was, until a last minute christmas gift commerical popped up on the screen.
“oh! luke, what do you want for christmas?”
without even thinking about it, luke said, “a tuxedo.”
sebastian looked at his son confusedly. a tuxedo? what possibly would a four year old want with a tuxedo? “do you really? why’s that?”
“i want to take mommy out for dinner. she does a lot for me. packs me lunch, takes me to school, takes care of me when you’re away, makes me dinner..” he counted on his fingers as he was counting them out, pointing at each one as he went. “she loves me so so much! she’s the best mommy in the whole wide world. i want to take her out for dinner to return what she’s done.”
sebastian’s heart was melting, his son certainly is growing up just the way he wanted; a gentleman. “alright then. sounds like a solid plan,” sebastian told luke. he turned back to the t.v., smiling giddily. he couldn’t wait until you got home to tell you. ‘i just got a point.’
while sebastian’s working, sometimes he’s in another state or even country. even if it’s only a couple days or a month or two, you’d always keep a mental counter on who has more points.
these points were only counted when either of you saw a really cute moment happen. they were becoming less and less now that luke was growing up, but that certainly didn’t stop you from being in the lead. you always were of course, since sebastian was (unfortunately) away for a few weeks at a time. effectively causing both you and luke to miss him immensely.
with the time that sebastian was using to take a break from work, he was quickly gaining up with you. now that you had to go to work and miss all of these cute moments.
when you finally arrived home, it was late at night. you were tired and mentally drained from the day’s antics, and were ready to just go to sleep. sebastian was still awake; he had committed to stay awake until you got home to tell you the news. when he heard the door close, keys and bags dropping and the soft padding of footsteps, he knew you were finally home. he couldn’t wait to tell you.
you checked in on luke, brushing his bangs away from his forehead and staring at him adoringly. you really couldn’t believe he was growing up so quickly. it was like it was yesterday when he turned three. you didn’t know how long you stood there for looking at him, but the next thing you knew, you felt arms wrap around you.
you almost screamed if it weren’t for sebastian’s low chuckling in your ear.
“sebastian stan! you are so lucky our son is right there!” you whispered-shouted at your husband. you pushed yourself out of his arms (with difficulty of course because of the exercise he was doing for the movie, not that you were complaining or anything…) and pushed him outside of luke’s room.
“calm down, babe. i’m a spy after all, you would have never heard me coming. plus, you could never guess what he wants for christmas,” he told you. “and it’s a cute moment, so i get another point. maybe five because it was that cute.” sebastian was so smug. you’d only spent a few seconds with him and you were already ready to smash his head in.
it must have been with how tired you were. you began to walk to your own bedroom and began changing into your pyjamas. “oh really, what is it then?”
“no. you have to guess,” sebastian insisted. you gave him an unamused look. “okay, okay don’t guess then, killjoy. he said he wanted a tuxedo. a tuxedo! what four year old wants a tuxedo?”
“does he really? why’s that?”
“well, he said it was because you were the ‘best mommy in the whole wide world’ and that you do so much for him. he wants to take you out for dinner,” sebastian informed you. you both climbed into bed and laid down next to and faced each other.
you raised an eyebrow at sebastian. your four year old wants to treat you to a dinner? it really was quite adorable, you had to admit. whatever luke wanted, he’d probably end up getting. “he’s certainly turning into a gentleman isn’t he? seb, if you teach him correctly, he’ll turn into a real lady’s man.”
“oh, yeah. definitely,” sebastian said, while wrapping an arm around you. “we’re definitely getting that tux for him then.”
“yes, we definitely are.”
it was christmas morning, and you, sebastian, and lin were at sebastian family’s place for christmas. they were a dream and so nice and wonderful. they treated you just like family per usual. they’d become your family more or less for the past decade of your life.
while the adults were pacing out the gifts to the children; waiting for their next gifts. once they were all passed out, there was one more box left. it went to luke.
it was the last present he opened. once he got to it, he immediately ripped it open and he was the happiest child in the whole world. you’d never seen the more happiness in anybody. okay, maybe that was a lie. sebastian had been pretty happy on your wedding day… and when you told him you were pregnant.. and when luke was born. to be fair, sebastian was almost always happy with his family and when you were with him.
when he saw the black and white, a smile spread on his entire face, his eyes were shining so so brightly. luke put the box down and jumped so quickly onto sebastian. luke wrapped his arms around sebastian and was so excited he couldn’t sit still.
sebastian immediately turned to face you and gave you a smug look. ‘i just got a point.’
luke let go of sebastian and whipped his head to look at you. “mommy, don’t plan anything with daddy for next weekend, because i’m taking you out for dinner!”
the whole room started to laugh. “okay then, lu. i’ll make extra sure that your father won’t plan anything to sabotage out date.”
luke nodded quickly and wrapped his arms around your neck. your arms immediately wrapped your arms tightly around his little body and turned to look at sebastian. you returned the smug look and mouthed, ‘double the points, loser!’
he just rolled his eyes at you and smiled at his little family. he honestly couldn’t be happier right than in that moment.
sebastian was home for only a few more days since he didn’t want to miss any more opportunities of getting anymore points to just even out the playing field a little more before he leaves to finish the last few scenes for the movie he’s filming.
it was a friday and the workload wasn’t very much with all your coworkers out for the whole week. you decided to leave from work early since no one was there anymore anyways. right as you were leaving, you were stopped by a coworker who you were friendly with. you both started to make smalltalk with each other; talking about your christmas and families.
meanwhile at home, sebastian was helping luke get ready for the dinner. sebastian had to promise the four year old that he wasn’t going to try and sabotage the dinner and make everything go bad like in the little rascals. it took awhile, but sebastian eventually did convince luke.
luke had made sebastian drive to the nearest flower shop and buy you flowers. luke went up to the counter which had an elderly man standing behind it, reading a magazine. “hello, i would like to know where your prettiest flowers are. my mommy deserves the best.”
the elderly man looked down at the little boy with a small smile. “yes, i can. they’re right there, young man.” he pointed to a wall with dozens of bouquets of flowers. luke smiled cutely and ran over to the wall to pick out the best. sebastian stayed behind to watch and he couldn’t help but take out his phone and snap a quick picture. “that’s a great young one you’ve got there. he’s gonna shape up into a real gentleman if he keeps up that attitude.”
“yeah. he sure is a stud isn’t he. plus, i just got a point,” sebastian nodded and smiled kindly at the man. he walked towards luke without another word, the man stared as sebastian walked away. ‘a point? what the hell?’
when you arrived home, the whole house was unusually quiet. the lights were on, but there was little to almost no sound. “hello? seb? lu?” all of a sudden you heard small footsteps pounding towards you. from the doorway you saw your son all dressed up in the tuxedo you got for him and a huge smile on his face. you knelt down and opened your arms wide before he could jump into them.
“well, don’t you look dashing! why’re you all dressed up then?” you smiled at him after pulling away from the hug.
“today is the day i am going to take you to the dinner i promised,” luke informed you. he stood up a little taller and adjusted the tie he around his neck.
“alright then, i better go get changed and ready for our dinner then, yeah? where’s your father?” you asked, wiping the invisible dust and wrinkles from his jacket.
“he’s in your guys’ bedroom,” luke said before running off to the couch to continue watching his cartoons. you kneeled on the floor for a few more seconds before smiling happily and getting up to go your bedroom.
there, sebastian was sleeping next to a dress, jewelry, and a pair of nice shoes. you walked up next to him and woke him up. you brushed the fallen hair from his forehead, and kissed his forehead. “seb? wake up, babe.” you repeated his process a few more times getting louder and eventually just shaking him a bit.
he woke up with a hum and and groggily opened his eyes. “oh, hey, (y/n). you’re home.”
“yeah, and apparently i have a dinner to get to,” you smiled at him and nodded. you kissed his forehead one more time before moving around to get changed, but before you could get a couple feet away from him until his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against him.
“no. don’t go yet. i love you and you just got home and i barely see you anymore,” he mumbled into your hair.
you shook your head and chuckled. “we just saw each other a few hours ago before i left for work.”
“just a couple more minutes,” he mumbled. you sighed and settled into his arms and closed your eyes. just for a couple minutes… “oh, and by the way i got another point.”
your eyes snapped open and you pushed yourself up. “nope! i gotta get ready and whoop your ass and get more points. i’m gonna look so hot you’re going to be jealous of your son so ha.”
sebastian quickly got up and looked at you. “no, i can’t be jealous of my own son. because he doesn’t get to see you naked.”
you stopped all your movements and turned to him. “that is disgusting. and anyways he’s been farther in me than you’ll ever be.”
once you made your way back to where luke was, he was almost asleep on the couch. sebastian was following close behind you, slowly resenting his own son.
“lu, let’s get going, yeah?” you called from the door, putting a coat on. Immediately, he was awake again and rushed over to a table and pulled a bouquet of flowers off of it.
“mommy, these are for you. i got them today at the flower shop. they were the most beautiful of all of the flowers there. just like you!”
you swooned and smiled so happily. you held one hand over your heart as you took the flowers from him.
“alright, let’s go then, lu.” you turned around and began to walk towards the door. on the way there, you made eye contact with sebastian and winked at him. he gave you a fake smile and all but rolled his eyes and opened the door for you. “thank you, seb. i’ll see you later then.”
you were only a couple steps out the door when you stopped and waited for luke. he was talking to his father and you couldn’t help but melt. except for a few features, luke was a mini replica of sebastian. right then, you couldn’t help but melt so much more for your two boys.
while you were still walking luke had stopped in front of his father. “hey, daddy, can i borrow some money?”
sebastian laughed and shook his head, but still continued to pull out his wallet and take out some money and give it to the little four year old. “take good care of her, okay?” luke nodded quickly and rushed to you. sebastian followed slowly behind you both and stopped at the door. “and i want her home by ten, okay?”
you had luke buckled into his seat and you both were on your way to the restaurant. which he didn’t tell you and put the location in the gps before you were in the car. “so, are you going to tell me where we’re going?” to be completely honest, it was about the tenth time you were asking, but you knew you could crack him eventually.
“mommy! i already told you it was a surprise!” he cried out, exaggeratingly throwing his hands up.
“i know, i know. but what if daddy put in the wrong address and was trying to sabotage our dinner?” you asked, glancing in the rearview mirror. you almost broke character when you saw the look of utter betrayal and confusion on his face.
“alright! alright! we’re going to your favorite pizza place! daddy made reservations there. at least… that’s what he said he did. then i’m going to buy you ice cream as dessert.”
‘i just got a point.’
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popcornblotter · 7 years
At Home Mini Review Round-Up
Hey again, like my last post, I’m writing this just to catch up on the films I rewatched that is a part of my personal Blu-Ray collection, or something I may have found streaming. Let’s get into, there’s a lot.
#1: Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope
Before The Last Jedi came out, I decided to re-watch the original trilogy along with the Force Awakens. I got a little tied up with the holidays, which is why there weren’t any reviews then.
A New Hope has always been my personal favorite film of this franchise. I know a lot may disagree, going with the very popular vote that Empire is a better film. While I can agree that Empire is technically a better made film, New Hope will always be my gold star. I love the classic hero’s journey, the look and feel that this film had the job of producing was extremely well done. And honestly, if there had never been another Star Wars film, this would stand well on its own.
#2: Star Wars: Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Like I said, I do agree that this is a better made film, quality wise. With expanding this galaxy, there was probably an even more immense task of comparing to the quality of the first.
I’ve always loved Yoda as a character, but not because he’s this wise master who could do great things, but because sort of a little asshole to Luke when they first meet. I love the very weird performance that Frank Oz gives to this character.
I know many people on the internet claim that Empire is the darkest of the films, I don’t know if I necessarily agree with that. Yes, it has its moments, but I think people honestly forget how funny this is due to the writing and great performances by Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. What I love about the humor is that it isn’t humor for the sake of humor, it’s all generated naturally and comes form the character.
#3: Star Wars: Episode 6: The Return of the Jedi
I like Return of the Jedi well enough but as a film, it lacks a bit in pace. I like the stuff in Jabba’s Palace, it gives off the vibes of the old school serials that Lucas was inspired by. I don’t even mind the Ewoks, it’s more to do with between Jabba’s Palace and the Battle of Endor, the film slogs a little. I personally think they could’ve cut the entire scene of C-3PO reenacting the previous two films to the Ewoks. I don’t think that would have changed anything other than ramping up to the next battle.
But when it does kick into the action, its good. I think the Throne Room scene on the second Death Star is well acted and executed. Ian McDiarmid’s performance is just the right levels of terrifying and mustache twirling. But I love the shot when Luke rages out on Vader where it goes profile, and all you see are their silhouettes with their lightsabers, and the music adds so much to the tension, making you believe that Luke may actually kill Vader.
Despite that great scene, this is probably my least favorite of the original trilogy. But it’s still a fun one to go back to.
#4: Star Wars: Episode 7: The Force Awakens
Personally, I loved Force Awakens the minute I left the theater. I think it brought some new life into Star Wars while harking back to some of the old elements we love about these stories. Do I think it was a re-hash of New Hope? Hell no. I think there was some purposeful mirroring to the original trilogy. This film had a hard job to do bringing fans back after the lackluster criticism of the prequels. It had to give some of what you wanted and some new that you didn’t know you wanted.
I love all of the new characters they introduced, Kylo Ren in particular. I’ve heard a lot of criticism towards this character and the performance given by Adam Driver that I think is a tad unjustified. “He’s not as cool as Vader or Maul, he’s not as scary or calculating as Palpatine, he’s just a whiny little emo kid.” I just think that Kylo Ren is a very different kind f villain that Star Wars and its fan base has never been introduced to. I love Vader and Palpatine, even Maul give the extension his character was given in the Clone Wars animated series, but they are fairly one note. Which I honestly think is fine given for the films that they were in at the time those films were made. Other than them being evil, there wasn’t much more to them, aside from Vader. Kylo is a complex villain, and at the point we see him in Force Awakens he is nowhere close to being at the level of evil as the previously mentioned. But I think that is purposeful. When we see him talking to Vader’s helmet, we understand that he still feels the light side of the force in him when he wants to be on the dark side. I may have already said this in my Last Jedi review, but the story of Kylo Ren is his ascension into the legendary evil status of the previous Sith lords. This isn’t just a mustache twirling bad guy, this is someone you can empathize with on a certain level and understand. I think what he does in the end of this film is comparative to Anakin murdering the children in Revenge of the Sith, and the events of the Last Jedi are his Battle on Mustafar, that was his last step to becoming the villain he wants to be, which is something very novel to see in films like this. I think by the time we get to Episode 9, he’ll be at that level of evil.
But there I go again on a tangent. I think the Force Awakens is a wonderful addition to the legacy that George Lucas created.
#5: Bright
This was one of those films I checked out because the marketing for it was everywhere. I’ve worked a fair amount of movie theaters in my life, and one lesson I took from the last one was something one of my managers said. “The more promotional material you see for a movie, the more likely it is to be shit.” I took that to heart, and in my 3 years of working at that theater, I agree with that statement. Bright is no exception.
Directed by David Ayer and written by Max Landis, Bright is a film that was produced specifically to air on Netflix. From what I’ve read and heard from various podcasts and articles, they threw a lot of money at this, I don’t what that number was, but to be able to afford Will Smith, you’ve got to throw some serious money.
I’ll say that David Ayer is a kind of a director that’s work either works well, or doesn’t at all for me. I really enjoyed Fury, his World War 2 film that took a very Vietnam War approach. But on the other hand, you have Suicide Squad, which I think is giant dumpster fire that’s trying really hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy.
And Max Landis is another one of those creatives that I have a hard time placing. I think his film Chronicle, was a very interesting take on the superhero genre. But from what I’ve seen lately, he’s been hard to find a hit since. Also, I’ve found his online persona, either on Twitter or YouTube to exasperatingly grading, like giving a four year old Mountain Dew spiked with Red Bull. So where does Bright fall, why don’t you ask it’s neighbor in the dumpster.
If you’re unaware of the story, Bright is a cop film that happens to have Orcs and Elves that are a heavy handed metaphor for racism and race relations in America. This film slogs with it's pacing, making its 2 hour runtime feel like 4. The characters are so thinly veiled you could literally define their character trait as good, bad, asshole, or any combo. The writing in this film is so atrocious I couldn’t believe this was written by a grown adult. It handles cursing like a 13 year old who just discovered curse words, so that’s all they say now.
There’s not much else I can say about it, but I’d recommend a YouTube video by a woman named Lindsay Ellis who goes deep into why this film is bad and lazily hatched. Also check out any of her other video essays, they’re super entertaining and educational.
#6: iBoy
Another Netflix original that is middling to say the least. The story is of a teenage boy living in a poor area of London, when he and friend who lives nearby are attacked. Afterwards, somehow the kid attains the ability to manipulate electronics with his mind. From there, he decides to go be a vigilante, trying to punish those who hurt his friend, played by Maisie Williams. Like Bright, iBoy suffers a bit from pacing issues, but the biggest problem is not understand where the more interesting story lay.
Intermittently throughout the film we keep checking in on Maisie Williams seeing how she’s coping with the attack, not coming outside for days or weeks, avoiding school, and just overall terrified. Towards the end she gets a big moment where Williams pulls a great performance of showing someone suffering from a traumatic event. It hit me then that this film should’ve been way more focused on the friend, but then we wouldn’t have all of the tropy vigilante crap that comes from lower end films like this.
#7: The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
This is a very weird romp of a Disney cartoon. I remember as a child watching the Sleepy Hollow section, but never seeing the Mr. Toad part. I’d found this on Hulu one day, and figured I’d give it a go.
All things that I’ll say negative or positive, the animation is extremely well done considering it came out during the 40s.
The Mr. Toad section of the film is a bit annoying in my opinion. The story is essentially about a guy who’s an asshole who doesn’t care about anyone’s well being or feelings, or his friends for that matter, until he gets scammed out of the deed for his home. Somehow he convinces his friends to help steal the deed back with some wacky action and all is fine and good. This was 30 minutes and felt 20 minutes too long.
I was more hopeful about the Sleepy Hollow story here, having somewhat fond memories of it as a kid. But man, I definitely don’t remember how much nothing happens here.
Like Mr. Toad, Ichabod Crane, the central character here, is an asshole. This weird, goofy looking dude is somehow the new town hunk that exploits the townspeople into making him extravagant meals. And when he finds a girl he “likes” and wants to marry, it’s because her father is the richest guy in town and wants the inheritance. As a kid, I don’t remember 80% of this short. I thought the Headless Horseman chase was a lot longer, but it ends up being about the last 5-10 minutes of it. Now that section is what sells it, with the creepy backgrounds, the sound effects, the music, and that blood curdling laugh of the Horseman when he shows up. In my opinion, if you have any interest in revisiting it, skip to the last ten minutes and you’ll get what you came for.
#8: Sicario
Sicario was one of those films I meant to watch when it came out, but never did. But I came across it on Hulu and thought why not.
The tension that comes from this film is palpable. The action is realistic, nerve wracking, and doesn’t shy away from looking at the harshness of the situation.
This film is proof in my opinion that director Denis Villeneuve is a master filmmaker in the beginning of his career.
I know there is a sequel coming out later this year, but without Emily Blunt’s character, but since she was the audience personified, trying to figure out what the plan was and who these people were that she was working with, I’m not sure how it will work. I do think this is a film to check out.
#9: Me Before You
I won’t lie, I can enjoy a romantic film when done well. Me Before You is about a young woman who falls in love with a paraplegic man who she cares for.
The reason this film works is the chemistry between Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin as the couple the film centers on. The relationship isn’t the immediate head over heels story, the love comes through time and work. The film is a little clunky in it's editing, with some oddly placed montages coming out of nowhere. But by the end of  it, I was balling, because I’m not afraid of crying at movies when they hit me in the feels.
#10: Philadelphia
A court trial film during the AIDS crisis, about AIDS, about homophobia, and about life. Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington deliver powerful performances directed by the same guy who made Silence of the Lambs. A genuine court movie that doesn’t treat it’s audience like they’re children that moved me to tears. One of the more interesting roles that I’ve seen Hanks in. Definitely check this out.
#11: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
An action film that I found incredibly dull and uninteresting. I personally think they should change the title of these films to Tom Cruise Wants to Die on Camera, because I honestly think Cruise tries to tempt fate each time. And it feels like he’s trying so hard to do these stunts just for the headlines.
As far as a film goes, it seemed like a rinse, wash, repeat cycle. A team of people talk about how a mission is impossible, then they do the impossible in succeeding and then they do it again. I was so bored by the 90 minute mark I didn’t even finish it. Skip this one in my opinion.
#12: Captain America: The First Avenger
And in honor of the impending war of infinity, I decided I wanted to go back and watch the historic effort done by Marvel Studios. I’ll say the only one I don’t own is The Incredible Hulk, so that review won’t be happening. Also, saw it on TV once, very meh for me. Side note, the order I’m watching these films back is in a supposed chronological order according to a couple of different sites. So here we go with the first.
Personally, I don’t think the first Captain America film gets the credit it deserves. I enjoyed it immediately out of seeing it in theaters, but what I come to understand is many see it as a middling film.
I think what this film achieves is much more than what it fails at. Chris Evans takes a character that would essentially be the “eat your vegetables” spokesman and all of its corniness, and turns Steve Rogers into a man that you can aspire to be. Even pre-Super Soldier Serum, his efforts to try and join the army and not back down from a fight are what make him a great character.
I also think this film is great for finding a gem like Hayley Atwell for playing Agent Peggy Carter. This character could’ve easily been put to the sidelines as the love interest, but the writers thought progressively and made her a woman of action. The humor, sternness, and kindness she plays Peggy is what made her so electric, hence them giving her a show to give us what happens post First Avenger, which got cancelled too early in my opinion.
What director Joe Johnston achieves at is making a story that could’ve easily been a yawn full of laughs at how dated this could’ve been, and made it a great character piece about a guy who doesn’t like bullies and will stand up to them if needed.
#13: Iron Man
Obviously, we have to give the commendations to Jon Favreau for bringing this film, otherwise the MCU wouldn’t be what it is today.
What can I say that many haven’t already said? Not much, I’m not that clever or have a thesaurus sized knowledge of words at my disposal.
But I think what this film encapsulates so well what is the backbone of most of the Marvel heroes. A person who’s seeing the injustices in the world, or universe, and can’t stand by the side while others do nothing. That’s what makes these characters rich, that most of the time they are just normal people who decide to do what they think is right.
But this film does in the end still hold up, with Robert Downey Jr. giving a great performance. Especially when you see him making that transition to hero.
#14: Iron Man 2
Iron Man 2 is a very so so film. It’s not awful, it’s just not very good. Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke are very disappointing villains, Gwenyth Paltrow becomes more annoying to me, but that’s sort of how I feel about her in general, and there are a lot of subplots that don’t add up to much.
The film does a good job in introducing Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, and Don Cheadle as the new Col. James Rhodes.
Out of all of the efforts, this probably my least favorite film of the MCU.
#15: My Week with Marilyn
I decided to re-watch this film for Valentine’s Day. This film made me fall in love with Michelle Williams and persuaded me she needs to be in everything. She is utterly magnetic in every scene. Her and Eddie Redmayne have a wonderful chemistry that is completely believable. If you haven’t seen this film, I’d highly recommend it, if you’re like me, you may leave it with some tears.
0 notes
laureviewer · 8 years
My Year in Pictures: 2016
Having realised I posted so little last year, it’s time to get back into it with a lovely little memory post - my year in pictures, once more!
So in January we had just got back from travelling and had Christmas back in England, so really very little happened as we were very tired and broke and searching for jobs. But we saw our lovely friends who we’d missed loads over the last four months - I will always be grateful for those who stick around for us to come back to. 
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Gacy? Storge?
In February, we did what we do every year - make sure we don’t go out on Valentine’s Day because of the ridiculous prices and busy-ness, and went out for dinner for an anti-Valentine’s instead. 2 for 1 cocktails are fun when one of you has to drive ;) 
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George, Stacey, James and I (AKA Universally Challenged) lost at the pub quiz in the Comrades Club, though we really won as coming dead last means you get FOOD.
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Tash, Beth and I also met up for Beth’s birthday, when we went to Soton for the ultimate student night in Jester’s - that student club where you have to wear old shoes because God knows what crap you’re going to get from the sticky floors in there. 
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In March, I took THE PLUNGE. One I had been wanting to take for years. I got a tattoo!! My little Mantine is on my left thigh, happily swimming around like the manta rays we swim with in Fiji on our round-the-world trip (though he is a little smaller than the ones we met). It was sore but not as bad as I thought… though doing it on your ribs like I thought I wanted originally might be a different story. This is a photo of it on the day: 
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And how could George, Stacey, James and I pass up a Misugo’s and Creams? 
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God knows what we did in April, other than watching Eurovision with Alec… where a face swap meant that a celebrity turned up out of the blue!
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In fact, April (or really March 30th) saw me start my new job with the Haulfryn Group as a Marketing Executive, where I still am today. 
In May, Beth came up to see me, and we took a lovely summery walk around Virginia Water Lake. 
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Then James and I made sure we went to Comicon in London, where we finally got to meet our idols, the Yogscast & Hat Films! They really were lovely, especially their man man Lewis, who made sure to talk to us for ages despite the hours-long queue behind us! 
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In June, Stef and I showed our mutual love/obsession with sushi by having a sushi-making session (though I may have got a bit tipsy and got impatient with all the fiddly rolling!). 
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For those of you who remember (or care) the Queen turned 90 in June, so at work we had a ‘dress like a royal’ day. I won and my fellow Marketer/graphic designer Hannah (AKA Kate Middleton) came second! 
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July marks the second half of the year, and also when my year started to pick up. That always seems to be the case with me - I do so much more exciting things in the second half! Though nothing could top my 4 months travelling, I’m sure. 
James and I took advantage of my company being the owner of holiday parks throughout the UK and took a trip down to Paignton, Devon, to stay in a luxury lodge, relax, and see his lovely cousins who live down there. We even had a hot tub!! 
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We also finally met his cousins’ hairless kitties, who are actually gorgeous and not weird like so many people think about hairless cats. They were so friendly, though it is a bit weird stroking something without any fur! The female with a little bit of fur is named Lumi, and the completely bald male is Kuro (photo credit to Elise Preston for the latter). 
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Those eyes though.
James and I also took advantage of the lovely scenery around us and the hot Summery days to play Pokemon Go, as it had only just come out then! 
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I was also reunited with my uni girls again in Shoredich (2 out of 3 of them) and we had a lovely time, eating delicious street food and catching up (dat oversized bag wow)!
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My nephew also turned 1 on the 16th of July, so my sister had a birthday party for him. 
In August I saw the girls (and Freddy!) again at a Hong Kong Drinking Team gig in London; perfect location for all of us to meet up! 
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I also took time off work to spend time with my little sister Harriet at the beach…
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…had more sushi and plum wine with Stef at Mikado’s…
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…and saw the girls (all of them this time) again in London!)
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Also in August, James and I took a day trip into London to take advantage of Harriet’s Merlin pass! 
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We had crocodile and ostrich burgers at Shaka Zulu (a cocktail, burger and chips for £10 in the middle of London, whaaaat?) and then went onto Maddam Toussards - somewhere I’d never been, but had wanted to ever since seeing loads of them dotted around countries you’d never even think they’d have them on our travelling adventures. 
We met loads of celebrities there too #blessed.
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With that chaotic month over, September didn’t slow down that much, with our friends Rosie and Josh having a leaving party before they jetted off to South America to do some travelling. 
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See my Facebook timeline for an amazing video of Josh’s dancing!
My sisters and I also took my dad out for a late Father’s Day trip into London to again take advantage of Harriet’s Merlin passes - we went to the London Dungeons and the Aquarium! The Dungeons were brilliant, having not been there for ages, - of course my dad pointed out every inaccuracy, and Amelia being pregnant meant she couldn’t go on the little rides they had in there, haha!
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Beth also came down to go to one of James’ gigs…
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…and I was sad to have to move offices in September, as my commute would be slightly longer and I’d miss reading by the beautiful Thames on my lunch breaks. 
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October saw Stef turn 23, and we had a big house party over her’s, which was great fun! Sam debated heavily with her mum, we took some great photos, and I saw Laura again for the first time in nearly 2 years. ^-^ 
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We also went back down to Devon to see James’ cousins again…
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…went to MCM again and met Tomska, another of our Youtube heroes…
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…and finally I went down to Soton to go with the girls to Oceana for Halloween! We had such a good time at predrinks together in our posh little hotel rooms.  
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Sadly, James’ gran passed away at the end of September. However, she very lovingly left her home to James, and so we had spent the whole of October and November doing it up, so that we could finally live together after 7 whole years of being together. It took weeks of painting and sorting and carpets and quite a bit of our savings, but it was totally, completely worth it, just to be finally living together after so long.
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In November, our lovely neighbour, Joe, installed our shower for us and put up the beautiful splashboards that we picked in a stunning slate colour. 
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November marked our 7 year anniversary - can you believe it?! 
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So, at the end of the month we went to the Ice Bar and Winter Wonderland, both of which we’d never been to before, so it was lovely and a completely new experience, going around one of the biggest Christmas markets in the UK. 
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And what anniversary would be complete without sushi…
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Weirdly, PM Theresa May came to our work on Friday to open our new Maidenhead offices, being the constituent for Maidenhead. She had her funky shoes on and looks suitably confused. This may be when one of our managers asked “Is Brexit actually going to happen?” 
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December was SUCH a busy month. Not least because James and I FINALLY MOVED IN TOGETHER!! My cats tried to sabotage our efforts however by camping in my last pile of dirty laundry…
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We moved in on the 2nd of December, and due to our efforts of the previous couple of months, it very quickly felt homely and cosy. We bought 2 sofas from the charity shop, put up the Christmas decorations, and - most importantly - made sure both our computers fit in the living room for optimal gaming time!
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Despite being pretty ill the first week, it was great.
Our good friend Lynne even made us this lovely moving in present!
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After all that excitement, I had a very early birthday party on the 10th of December, seeing all my friends in the local pub, The Squirrels. 
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I also made sure to see the girls from uni one last time this year in London for dinner and drinks.
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In the middle of December, Haulfryn had a Christmas party, which I could take James along to. It was really fun - it was a masquerade mall in Reading, with a three-course meal and wine, as well as acrobats and other acts to keep as all entertained, and a casino for James to try his luck! Having been at Haulfryn for almost a year now, it’s nice to be able to go to a big event like this. 
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For my birthday this year, James really went all out. I had no idea what he had planned - only that we were going to London, and I had to wear my Pokemon dress! So I donned it and off we went.
First he took me to Sticks ‘n’ Sushi in Covent Garden for a late lunch - and as all I seem to eat is sushi you’ll know how incredible that must have been!
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Mmmm big decanter of sake.
Then afterwards we got on the tube to Hammersmith, where the London Philharmonic Orchestra were playing… and what were they playing? Pokemon!
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It was incredible - they played music from all of the games, telling the stories of the games throughout, and showing a lot of the game footage on their screen. It was incredibly nostalgic, amazingly well done, and even if you aren’t a fan of Pokemon, the Philharmonic are obviously incredible, and so the music was flawless. 
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I couldn’t have asked for a better (or geekier) birthday. Thank you James. 
On the 23rd, Hong Kong Drinking Team had been asked to headline the ‘best of the year’ show in the Facebar, and so I went along - and they didn’t disappoint. While most of the acts were heavy, James and his band dressed up as Christmas characters (James: Santa; Jack: Jesus; Dave: sexy Christmas pudding,#; Luke: Bongle the Bear from Rainbow (he thought it was a reindeer in the fancy dress shop); and Charlie: sexy elf). And boy, was Charlie a sexy elf. They did Santa Baby and Charlie was especially camp. My favourite gig of theirs for the whole year!
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Christmas was incredibly special this year, as for the first time James and I didn’t have to balance our days - we were just together. As cheesy as it sounds, it was magical! 
For Christmas Eve, we went to a onesie party up a the Squirrels to see in the big day.
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Christmas Day saw us opening our stockings together, and then going to the Squirrels for Christmas drinks. 
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Afterwards we had a lovely Christmas dinner with the Skinners and a chilled out evening.
On Boxing Day, after seeing my Mum and Amelia, James and I had my dad and Harriet over, as my dad hasn’t had a family Christmas in a few years. It was great - we played Cards Against Humanity (which my dad loved!), I cooked, and James’ parents came over late afternoon.
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The last few days of the year were just as exciting. On the 30th, it was the Squirrels’ landlady’s birthday, and so we had an 80s night up the pub!
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James also met Jess’ South African boyfriend Adrian, and now I’m worried about us staying together… they have a proper bromance going on!
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Seeing in the New Year was just as great, with karaoke, dancing, and lots of booze. 
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And lastly, as I put on a bit of weight travelling and got out of my fitness regime, I took up running this year rather than paying for the gym. It’s amazing how much more you want to exercise when you don’t have to travel as well! I smashed my distance goal for the year, and running has now become part of my lifestyle as well as an easy way to keep healthy. 
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Thank you 2016, it’s been an incredible year. Here’s to the next - the first one of me being a ‘proper’ adult, responsible for a home. Gulp. 
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