#a ficathon goes into a bar
thisbluespirit · 4 months
This year's A Ficathon Goes Into A Bar fest is still open for sign-ups till Sunday (19th)! It's laid back, fun, & there's no penalty for failing to complete a fic.
Just decide which character you want to take into a bar and then choose at least 1 different fandom you can also write (max. 6) and the mods will randomise a character from your fandom(s) for your character to meet in the bar.
(See the comm for more detailed rules re. how you divide up fandoms, deadline dates, and all that sort of thing.)
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erindizmo · 1 year
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Oh hey, I haven't been on tumblr much the last few years to announce when it came up, but I'm here now so if anyone's interested...
Signups for the 2023 installment of A Ficathon Goes Into a Bar have opened over on Dreamwidth!
For anyone unfamiliar, it's a random fandom crossover exchange. You choose a character to go into a bar (or assorted other public place). You then choose up to four fandoms that that character is not in. I then use mystical and secretive ways (by which I mean character lists and my trusty bag of dice) to determine one character from one of those fandoms that your first character will meet! Fanfic, fanart, or other such creation ensues!
If you're intrigued but want more detailed information about the rules and how it works, you can find that over here.
If you've read the rules and want to sign up, then go over here! (DW account needed but not difficult to get.)
And if you just want to partake of the fun and weird crossovers from previous rounds, you can either browse the postings in the community itself or go to the AO3 collection. (The collection will not necessarily have all of the entries, but it's available as an option!)
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topaz-eyes · 3 months
Fandoms: Emergency!, Call the Midwife
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: In 1963, smarting from being denied a promotion at Harbor General, Dixie visits London and encounters a very unusual, elderly nun in an even more unusual place.
3098 words. Written for the 2024 A Ficathon Goes Into A Bar challenge on Dreamwidth: Dixie McCall walks into a bar and meets… Sister Monica Joan! Takes place in Emergency! pre-canon and s7 of CtM.
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ereshai · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped
Works published: 12
Word count: 26,553
Hits: 4,814
Bookmarks: 54
Most popular by kudos: Oh What a Tangled Web
Most hits: Technically, it's Harry Potter and the Zombie Apocalypse, but most of those hits are from previous years. For 2022, It's Oh What a Tangled Web
Longest: Once again, HPatZA on a technicality, and Oh What a Tangled Web in reality
Shortest: Innocent Question
Most comments: Adjusting for HPatZA, it's a three way tie between The New Client, Oh What a Tangled Web, and Made With Love
Fic that made you cry: Can't think of any
Fic that made you smile: So many. I read specifically for happiness and smiling
Gifts: Received 1 - Imagine (me and you), wrote 1 - A Thousand Times Again
Collaborations: None
Events: MDZS Two Cakes Event, Phlint Winter Phestival, A Ficathon Goes Into a Bar, MDZS Mixtape Exchange - basically everything I've written this year was for a fandom event.
Coming in 2023: I want to finally finish HPatZA. I'm signed up for an MDZS fandom event, and if Ficathon happens again this year, I'll be doing that too.
Tagging: I saw this on my dash and I decided to do it. Tagging anyone who feels the same, lol
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nottheheadshaker · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped
Works published: 12
Word count: 26,553
Hits: 4,814
Bookmarks: 54
Most popular by kudos: Oh What a Tangled Web
Most hits: Technically, it's Harry Potter and the Zombie Apocalypse, but most of those hits are from previous years. For 2022, It's Oh What a Tangled Web
Longest: Once again, HPatZA on a technicality, and Oh What a Tangled Web in reality
Shortest: Innocent Question
Most comments: Adjusting for HPatZA, it's a three way tie between The New Client, Oh What a Tangled Web, and Made With Love
Fic that made you cry: Can't think of any
Fic that made you smile: So many. I read specifically for happiness and smiling
Gifts: Received 1 - Imagine (me and you), wrote 1 - A Thousand Times Again
Collaborations: None
Events: MDZS Two Cakes Event, Phlint Winter Phestival, A Ficathon Goes Into a Bar, MDZS Mixtape Exchange - basically everything I've written this year was for a fandom event.
Coming in 2023: I want to finally finish HPatZA. I'm signed up for an MDZS fandom event, and if Ficathon happens again this year, I'll be doing that too.
Tagging: I saw this on my dash and I decided to do it. Tagging anyone who feels the same, lol
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alexcat45 · 2 years
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A Ficathon Goes Into a Bar
I haven’t seen this advertised here - but I found it on Facebook Writing Group. 
It’s a Crossover Challenge and I’ve already added it into the Crossover section of the Big Bang List and Sign ups are happening now. It sounds really neat so go and check it out.
Sign up here
Rules and all that jazz here
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milotzi · 5 years
My prompt was Minerva McGonagall goes into a bar and meets Theo Putnam.
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septiembrre · 4 years
Every even number for get to be mine.
OH MY GOD, THIS IS OVERWHELMING!!!! But, I’m going to do it anyway because I LOVE Get to Be Mine. This story is everything to me -- like it is seriously my most favorite daydream -- and I need to get over myself and write the next chapter. I’m just a little intimidated about what I want to get done and stalling because of it. 
Which scene was your favorite to write in Get To Be Mine?
I love writing all the Beth/Rio scenes confrontations. Oh god, I just went to go to pull a quote and now here’s this too-long thing:
“Oh my god. Don’t be—” her voice lowers to a whisper, even though there’s no one around to overhear, “—indecent.”
“You started it.”
“I was talking about actual muffins.”
Rio’s still snickering as he asks, “What else you got?”
“Well, again you said had said our first date was at a bar? Where were you going with that?” Well, she knows. Half of their interactions have been at a bar, his bars. The other half on park benches and picnic tables.
“Oh yeah, your old story. One-night stand—excuse me, day stand. I fucked you on top of your blueberry pancakes? I mean that’s not exactly appropriate for our future company, either.”
It’s an admission of his own.
In a kind of distant, disassociating way, she can acknowledge that Rio’s point tally has just superseded hers by a million. There will never be hope of point recovery. She really doesn’t have the emotional energy to finish this conversation. So, it just comes out.
“He told you?”
“Yeah.” Rio bites his lip, nodding. Her eyes can’t help but zero in, even while experiencing unprecedented levels of distress. She tries to summon her strength as Rio says, “Good story, though.”
I’m obsessed with writing this shit. Their scenes are getting WAY out of hand. The above is only a rather tiny fraction of an absurdly long scene. Thanks to everyone who sits through reading this monster.
I also am enjoying branching out a bit and writing the Ruby+Annie+Beth interactions, Beth+Marjorie and Beth+her kids. It will come as a surprise to no one but I love writing Beth in relation to other women. 
If you could change anything in Get To Be Mine, what would it be?
Lol, I’d re-write the whole first fucking chapter and give it a much more realistic timeline. 
I also started this fic without having plotted much of it. I was sure at the time it would be a three-parter (jajajaja as if!). It wasn’t until @foxmagpie prodded me with many helpful, gracious questions that I finally was pushed to more fully outline GTBM and well, now it’s fully plotted. 
I try not to be too hard on myself for it but I worry folks won’t be able to get past the first chapter, and I do wish I would have realized that outlines are my friends and totally accessible to me before I did. But, it’s okay! I’ve learned now at least.
Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in Get To Be Mine?
Lollll, the issue with Get To Be Mine is that I have absolutely no control and really struggle with cutting anything from it -- especially dialogue. Idk, I’m the type of person to have three-hour-long conversations on the phone with my friends and all of this is exactly how I’ve ended up with these hideously long conversations in the fic but, it is what it is. The dialougue makes me so happy. 
Hm... I’m trying to think of a juicier detail. I did almost cut this Ruby+Beth+Annie scene I ended up enjoying a ton. 
"And that was two years ago,” Beth adds. “Before all the nasty, terrible stuff. We don’t even know if he’s ever, you know…” Her mouth opens making what she’s sure are ridiculous configurations as she flounders, “ —cared.”
Annie’s jaw hangs open for a moment. Then she pulls it together and addresses Ruby first, “Okay, I love my sister, so stop trying to guilt me. Maybe what they need is to finally fuck again and get over whatever this is.” Ruby raises her eyebrows, considering Annie’s point but with a formidable amount of hesitation, as Beth splutters indignantly again.
Annie turns to her sister. “And Beth, I know homeboy has been super shady about his feelings but he has them.” Beth shakes her head, but Annie nods adamantly back at her. “They are in there somewhere because, bizarrely, we are all still alive.”
She pauses to knock on the wooden surface of the worktable, and murmurs a quick, Rest in peace, Lucy. Ruby crosses herself. For a second, Beth’s stomach plummets, and fuzzy words for an old prayer tug at her brain. She curls her fingers around the edge of the table to steady herself, focusing on the sturdy wood top as she processes what Annie said. Somehow despite the grief and all of the terrible things, it feeds the kernel of warmth inside of her.
“Is he the ideal romantic prospect? Nope, definitely not.” Annie’s lips pop and enunciate the ‘puh’.  Beth marvels at how her little sister can always find room for irreverence. “And no matter how this fake-dating sitch goes, I have to make it clear that you are not allowed to become his wife-in-crime or whatever. But, maybe you guys can go through the motions—” Annie thrusts a little with her hips, rocking on the stool. “Bone, y’know.”
Which came first, the title or the fic?
The fic! 
I had been thinking about a fake-dating Beth/Rio premise for months. Then, a fake dating prompt was listed in the GG Ficathon last May so I claimed it as a way to get myself to finally write this out. I had never written anything longer than 4k or a multi-chapter and at the time I was really scared to claim what I had then imagined would be a three-parter. I had never thought I could ever outline something, much less pull together multiple arcs or incorporate themes. 
*laughs nervously* Technically, I still haven’t but I’m on my way. And, GTBM won’t be perfect when it’s all done but it’s so much fun. I love it. It’s my 2020 comfort puzzle. 
What are some facts readers may not know about Get To Be Mine?
I don’t know if this will truly surprise anyone but I am really loving exploring:
- Beth intentionally parenting and thinking through how to be closer to her children
- Beth’s friendship with Ruby, and her relationship with Annie
- Beth finding her footing in independence
- Beth building a new friendship with Marjorie, a legitimate cool person who is not part of the PTA crew/Beth’s old bubble. 
- Beth being pushed to think about her own grief from her childhood and her compartmentalization of her mother’s death through witnessing the Vandenberg siblings grieve their own mother who passed at a more natural time in life. 
- Beth low-key exploring more about her own pleasure aka masturbating in the peace and quiet of her new apartment. Hahahaha. I worry about her and how much stress I give her in my fics, and try to balance it with moments of respite, too. 
ANYWAY! Thanks, everyone for coming to my rant about Get To Be Mine. Always down to talk meta about it. 
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The Mission
Rating: General Summary: Din goes on an important mission for the covert; The Mandalorian pre-season one Words: 1418 Day 1 general prompt for The Mandalorian Ficathon: target, child
The Mandalorian once known as Din Djarin stepped into the forge and inclined his head slightly towards the armorer. “Yes, alor?”
“You understand your mission?”
“Yes, alor,” he responded. “I’m ready to leave now.”
“I don’t need to tell you how important this is?”
“No. I will not fail you.”
“It is not me who you would be failing,” she said crisply in that voice that could be chiding or teasing in equal measure. Not that he would ever describe the armorer as teasing, but she did sometimes seem to hide a dry wit behind her bronze helmet. It was one of her greatest gifts in keeping her often volatile covert in check; no one could really tell where they stood with her. Best to simply obey all instructions, follow the Creed to the letter, and never assume anything.
“It will be done, alor,” he assured her.
“Very well, you should be going then. Time is of the essence.” She handed him a pouch of credits, which he deposited into a slot on his belt. He once again lowered his head in deference and touched his fist to his chest in salute. Then he turned around and walked out.
He was near the exit when a gruff voice called out, “Djarin.”
Din sighed. One of the benefits of being tasked as the covert’s income source was being away most of the time. Din felt a great sense of honor in being a Mandalorian; he was, however, less enthusiastic about being around other Mandalorians.
Paz Vizla, leader of the infantry unit, stalked towards him. Paz was tall and broad and made a point in towering directly over Din. Paz did not like Din. Din did not care about that. What he did care about was his time, and this was wasting it. “I’m on a time crunch,” Din said, hoping to put the big man off.
“I know,” Vizla said with disdain. “I just wanted to make sure you get this right.”
Din sighed and rolled his head towards Vizla, not bothering to hide his irritation. “You really think I can’t handle this?” That was a bad idea, and Din knew it as soon as the words left his mouth.
“You hear that, boys,” Vizla mocked over his shoulder and several infantrymen standing against the wall behind him chuckled. “Our bounty hunter thinks he’s too good for this job.”
“That’s not what I said,” Din said, jaw tense.  Deep down he knew the aggression was a product of the men being stuck underground indefinitely. They were itchy to flex their muscles and fire their weapons.  Hiding underground was no way for a Mandalorian to live. He made himself relax in empathy. “I know how important it is. I won’t let the covert down. This is the Way.”
Vizla stood straighter. Beyond all his bravado, Paz Vizla knew the Way better than any of them, to his very core. “This is the Way.”
“This is the Way,” the others murmured.
Din nodded to them. “I’ll be back soon. Every thing will be perfect.”
With that he swept out. He passed by the bar that served as the Guild headquarters without stopping. He wouldn’t be picking up any pucks for this run. In the ‘Crest, he quickly initiated the ignition sequence and lifted out of the atmosphere. He didn’t have far to go, and a quick hyper jump later had him landing on a moon in the Cadeus system.
Din set down in a starport of medium size, paid a berth fee for the afternoon and headed into the bustling town square. Cadeus IV had virtually no residential population; it however boasted merchants from nearly every system in the galaxy, selling anything imaginable.  Beings came from all over to do nothing more than spend money. The wealthy would make a sport of impulse shopping. Those of lesser means searched for specific items or sought make use of the competitive atmosphere to get the most value from their currency of choose.
Din knew what he needed and found the first store quickly. He entered and spoke with the shopkeeper, giving very specific instructions. The shopkeeper made quick notes and nodded enthusiastically. Din handed him credits and was told to return in three hours.
Din left the shop and walked several meters looking for his next target. A brightly-colored sign drew him into another store. The clerk behind the counter blanched slightly at his interest, but he only nodded and perused the shelving. This purchase was the more delicate of his mission. He had been given only the vaguest instructions, told to use his own judgment.
He picked up an item. He looked at it with an objective eye and shook his head. He picked up another – too small. Another – too large. Din sighed and moved down the shelf.
“C-can I help you?” the clerk asked timidly from the end of the aisle.
“Hmm. What do you think of this?” he asked holding up an item.
The clerk blinked at him. “For you?”
Din growled softly, but swallowed it down. “No.”
“Oh, well that is a popular choice. It’s from a holo-vid serial. One of my best sellers, in fact. Can’t go wrong with it.” The clerk smiled knowingly.
Din eyed it again. “Alright, I’ll take it. Can you wrap it up?”
“Certainly, sir.”
After browsing a few weapon sellers, enough time had passed and Din was able to revisit the first shop to pick up his order. The shopkeeper smiled happily as he handed him the rectangular box. Din opened it up, found the contents satisfactory, and thanked the shopkeeper, who waved him off cheerfully.
Din stowed the items safely in a compartment in the ‘Crest and made the return trip to Nevarro. The sun was setting as he landed; he would make it just in time. He gathered his purchases and walked quickly to the bizarre. Eyes followed him with a variety of looks – from horror, to amusement, to disbelief. As usual, he didn’t bother to dwell on it. Walking the Way of the Mandalore meant putting aside the insecurities of the self in service of the Tribe; Din did that very well.
He took turns, doubled back when necessary, and when he was certain no eyes were on him, entered the secret entrance and walked down the stairs to the sewer hideout.
He walked to the large room set aside as a communal gathering place, which was full to near capacity. Adults stood around the perimeter as the foundlings and creed-born children sat together at a central table. They were in full spirit, all seemingly talking or laughing at the same time. At his entrance, all turned to face him. The children screeched in glee and ran to him jumping up and down. A little girl of about four with dark blonde hair pushed through and reached up to him. “You got it?” she squeaked.
“I did, ad’ika. Your favorite, chocolate.” He handed her the square box and she giggled triumphantly.
The armorer appeared at her side as if from the air itself and plucked the box out of the child’s hands. “I don’t think so,” she said with a softness rarely heard in the forge.
“Buir, please, I want some,” the child wheedled. The rest of the children echoed the sentiment loudly.
“You will all get a piece of cake. Patience, ade.” The armorer handed the box off to another Mandalorian to carefully cut and distribute slices of the confection. The armorer turned back to Din. “And the other?” she asked.
He handed her the second, wrapped package. “I’m assured it’s very popular.”
“Hmm,” she replied. “I trust your judgment, beroya.”
She walked to the table and placed the package in front of the little girl, who already had chocolate cake smeared over her face. “Happy birthday, cyar’ika,” the armorer said and placed a hand on the girl’s head.
The happy child took the package and ripped open the wrapping. Inside she found a doll about half her height, with black string hair and blue painted eyes. She wore a flight costume and came with a removable helmet. “I love her!” the girl shrieked and hugged it to her chest. “Thank you, buir!” She jumped up and threw her arms around the armorer.
The armorer turned and nodded a thanks to Din. He nodded in return and then backed out of the room. It was time to visit Greef and get back to work; the covert needed him.
Mando’a translations:
beroya - bounty hunter alor - leader ad’ika - little one, child ade - children buir - parent cyar’ika - darling, sweetheart
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dentedsky · 4 years
A Ficathon goes into a Bar sign-ups are open.
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ereshai · 4 years
Crossover time!
I almost forgot to post about this, but A Ficathon Goes Into a Bar is back!!! Sign-ups close in a few days - at end of the day on May 17, 2020.
I’m hopeful that I can add to my ongoing Teen Wolf/Check, Please! crossover series, but it’s going to be fun even if I end up with a different crossover.
Sign up here.
Read the rules here.
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moscarific · 4 years
I wrote a story for A Ficathon Goes Into a Bar! More precisely, I wrote a 12,000-word jukebox musical with genderfluid porn. 
The assignment was Eliot from The Magicians and Maggie from Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, so they’re the featured characters. Also heavy on the Eliot/Mo (which is where the porn is). Plenty of sad Queliot if that is your thing. Warning for discussion of major canonical character deaths in both fandoms.
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 5 years
Three sentence ficathon fills
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38kGFAW
by beer_good
My fills for this year's Three sentence ficathon.
Netflix Defenders, Jessica Jones, daemon AU Buffyverse, D'Hoffryn & Illyria, how to get people to spell your name right Welcome to Night Vale, After seven 'What's New Pussycat's, throw in one 'It's Not Unusual.' Black Books/Good Omens, Aziraphale and Bernard BtVS, Buffy/Faith, It takes just two people to bring the world / to ruin. So goes the history of love Knives Out, Marta and Blanc, at the trial Doctor Who / H2G2, TARDIS lands on the Heart of Gold Gideon the Ninth, Gideon/Harrow, hide and seek is deadly when you play with necromancers Person of Interest, Root/Shaw, Shopping for Bear Conny Willis Doomsday Book/Doctor Who (s12); past, present and future walked into a bar (it was tense) BtVS, Buffy/Faith, leap year
Words: 1260, Chapters: 11/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Knives Out (2019), Jessica Jones (TV), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Welcome to Night Vale, Black Books (TV), Good Omens (TV), Doctor Who (2005), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams, The Locked Tomb Trilogy | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir, Person of Interest (TV), Oxford Time Travel Universe - Connie Willis, Angel: the Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Jessica Jones, D'Hoffryn (BtVS), Illyria (AtS), Cecil Palmer, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Bernard Black, Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane, Marta Cabrera, Benoit Blanc (Knives Out), Zaphod Beeblebrox, Eddie (HHGttG), Fourth Doctor, The Doctor | Ruth Clayton, Gideon Nav, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Root | Samantha Groves, Sameen Shaw, Kivrin Engle
Relationships: Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw, Benoit Blanc/Marta Cabrera
Additional Tags: 3 Sentence Fiction, 3 Sentence Ficathon, Season/Series 12 Spoilers, Crossover, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Bernard Black is an angel, Just not a very good one, Post-Canon, Infinite improbability, Hide and Seek, Time Travel, Leap Year, Alternate Universe - Daemons, Drabble Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38kGFAW
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ao3feed-shoot-poi · 5 years
Three sentence ficathon fills
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38kGFAW
by beer_good
My fills for this year's Three sentence ficathon.
Netflix Defenders, Jessica Jones, daemon AU Buffyverse, D'Hoffryn & Illyria, how to get people to spell your name right Welcome to Night Vale, After seven 'What's New Pussycat's, throw in one 'It's Not Unusual.' Black Books/Good Omens, Aziraphale and Bernard BtVS, Buffy/Faith, It takes just two people to bring the world / to ruin. So goes the history of love Knives Out, Marta and Blanc, at the trial Doctor Who / H2G2, TARDIS lands on the Heart of Gold Gideon the Ninth, Gideon/Harrow, hide and seek is deadly when you play with necromancers Person of Interest, Root/Shaw, Shopping for Bear Conny Willis Doomsday Book/Doctor Who (s12); past, present and future walked into a bar (it was tense) BtVS, Buffy/Faith, leap year
Words: 905, Chapters: 8/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Knives Out (2019), Jessica Jones (TV), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Welcome to Night Vale, Black Books (TV), Good Omens (TV), Doctor Who (2005), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams, The Locked Tomb Trilogy | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir, Person of Interest (TV), Oxford Time Travel Universe - Connie Willis, Angel: the Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Jessica Jones, D'Hoffryn (BtVS), Illyria (AtS), Cecil Palmer, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Bernard Black, Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane, Marta Cabrera, Benoit Blanc (Knives Out), Zaphod Beeblebrox, Eddie (HHGttG), Fourth Doctor, The Doctor | Ruth Clayton, Gideon Nav, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Root | Samantha Groves, Sameen Shaw, Kivrin Engle
Relationships: Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw, Benoit Blanc/Marta Cabrera
Additional Tags: 3 Sentence Fiction, 3 Sentence Ficathon, Drabble, Season/Series 12 Spoilers, Crossover, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Bernard Black is an angel, Just not a very good one, Post-Canon, Infinite improbability, Hide and Seek, Time Travel, Leap Year, Alternate Universe - Daemons
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38kGFAW
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monicawoe · 3 years
Venom Fanworks masterlist
(updated 12/10/21)
Newest fics: 
Like Algae for Chocolate - Missing scene with Mrs. Chen and Venom from Venom Let There Be Carnage (gen, 1.5k words)
Fiat Lux (and Chocolate) - Eddie Brock goes to Lux in Los Angeles for an interview with Lucifer Morningstar, and Venom is hungry for chocolate. (crossover with Lucifer(TV); M, 2k words)
Previous Fanworks:
Ink - chapter 1: Venom admires Eddie's tattoos. chapter 2: Eddie and Venom go get that tattoo they’ve been talking about. (2k words)
Wedding Party - Eddie is invited to Anne and Dan's wedding. Hilarity Ensues. Venom just wants cake. ; (2k words, Sequel to Dinner Party - can be read as stand-alone)
Midnight Snack - Eight hours is way too long to wait until breakfast. Venom makes snacks while Eddie is sleeping. Unfortunately the toaster gives them some issues. (3k words)
Reckoning Tartare with a Side of Tater Tots - Eddie Brock is writing a story about Will Graham, a man accused of horrific serial murders. But Eddie’s got a feeling Will is innocent, and somebody else is to blame. When Hannibal Lecter invites Eddie to dinner, Venom is surprised by the menu. (2k words; Venom | Hannibal crossover)
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Asunder - (bigbang featuring art by @sdeeys​ and @vebirascanvas​ !) Eddie and Venom have grown accustomed to their new life together. They patrol every night, keeping San Francisco just a little safer, and keeping Venom fed. But one night, they’re captured, and separated. Eddie wakes up to find himself imprisoned in a glass cell and, for the first time in six months, completely alone.  (Symbrock, PG-13, 12k words; written for the @symbrockbigbang​)
More under the cut!
Many Thousand Feet Beneath - When it appears Mrs. Chen's store has fallen prey to gentrification, Eddie and Venom investigate the new block owners and uncover a conspiracy along with a nest of problems lurking beneath the city streets.  (PG-13, 5k, written for the Venom Holiday Exchange)
and its sequel Many Thousand More - For months, Venom and Eddie have been fighting back the unending swarm of biotech millipedes. But they just keep coming, and finally Eddie asks for help from a friend of a friend, Bruce Banner.  (MCU crossover PG-13, 6k)
Costume Party - Eddie and Venom are invited to a costume party at the museum. While there, they find a mad scientist in the dinosaur wing who is up to no good. (Symbrock, PG-13, 5k words)
What Big Teeth You Have! (The Better to Save You With) - Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear sentient alien goo. (1,400 words | written for the Symbrock Holiday Gift Exchange for CaptainJake who wanted Eddie comforting Venom.)
Beneath the Mask - written for the intoabar prompt: Eddie Brock goes into a bar and meets... Roman Sionis (Birds of Prey)!
Toy Story - Venom and Eddie are out patrolling when they see Dan behaving strangely. They follow him back to a house where people are being held captive: their bodies used against their will while their minds are being stored in dolls. (Written for the 2020 Spook Me ficathon. (4K words)
They Say It’s Your Birthday - Venom asks Dan to help throw a surprise birthday party for Eddie. (3k words | written for the chocolate box gift exchange)
The End Times Are Here (But So Are We) - Eddie Brock crashes his motorcycle near Anathema Device's Jasmine Cottage. She was expecting him, of course. Agnes Nutter's prophecy had foretold his coming, just in time for the End of Days. (2k words; Venom | Good Omens crossover)
Dinner Party - Anne and Dan invite Eddie over for dinner. Things don't go exactly as planned. (3k words)
Gonna Make It After All - (Fanvid created with @cesperanza​ and @astolat​ !) What happens when you set Venom to the Mary Tyler Moore show theme? Magic happens!
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