#a few crumbs of aroace mdr hcs at the end for my fellow aspecs πŸ’ͺ
vohtaro Β· 2 years
Hello mate! Just discovered your blog. I really liked your answers to the headcanon ask :).
Can I request 19, 31, 34, 36 and 48?
Thank you <3
(added 'For Madara' in a separate ask) hello, ty for the ask !!!! <3
link to hc prompt
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
I swear Madara's mind would never shut up SDHKGJH.
When he's younger, he thinks about the people he holds dear: his brother, his fellow clan members, Hashirama. I think he'd wonder a lot about Hashirama, especially in moments where he felt himself losing faith in their entire idea. He tells Hashirama that it was a pipe dream, but it was a dream nonetheless, and one he doesn't forget. I imagine Madara probably wouldn't think he'd forget their dream of even lose faith in the idea, given Hashirama's enthusiasm, his ideas, etc. Though as years pass, I think he'd wonder if Hashirama was struggling to maintain his resolve in the same way he was. In the face of this much death and loss, and generally a lack of trust in the other's clan, how could he still believe in it? Madara would be half-convinced the idea was unrealistic, wonder if Hashirama saw that too -- but Hashirama still sends him those ceasefires over the years, and Madara half-heartedly thinks him delusional. (Random aside, but I don't know how much thought Madara put into the village as a kid; I imagine some amount, surely had some input and built off of Hashirama's ideas when they were together. However, he tends to defer to more practical and actionable ideas. It demonstrates to me that Madara is more concerned with a concrete, long term goal that serves a larger purpose as opposed to focusing on the true and maybe-lofty end-goal. Hashirama was thinking about the village and how it would operate; Madara was thinking about how to become clan head, which would more realistically lead to establishing peace between their clans. Madara also demonstrates this in the attack on Konoha w the nine-tails which was done to later achieve the rinnegan, and later still when he recruited Obito and connected him with Nagato in order to achieve rebirth. They aren't the direct implementations to the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, but they are the pillars needed to give him higher odds of accomplishing that goal.)
When he's older, when he loses Izuna, and in many ways loses Hashirama, his thoughts start to wonder about what a better future looks like. For me, it's easy to imagine that the times where he's alone with his thoughts are where he is the most succeptible to walking himself down the spiraling idea of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan. Kind of tying back to the aside, he probably spent the time attempting to figure out every possible path to take to achieve his goal, which paths had the highest odds/best backup plans, and just what he needed to do to prepare for that.
31. Most prized possession?
Anything of Izuna's. While he wields his weapons (kama/gunbai/maybe sword) proudly and surely cherishes them, nothing holds higher value to him than something of Izuna's. Old artwork, private notes, maybe a small wood carving, something made by his own two hands, something that proved he was alive. Even as children, I imagine Madara being very sentimental about these things, especially when he'd lost his first brother. Maybe he has items of theirs too, but in terms of quantity, he has the most of Izuna's makings. All simply because he lived the longest. Izuna is such a driving force in his life that looking at his creations would steel his resolve in the face of any doubt.
I have not read this fic in a long while but I really appreciated its ideas about Madara and Izuna's sibling relationship: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11999403/chapters/27149580
34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to β€˜TMI’?)
Madara seems to transition from fairly open to somewhat private. Over time, Madara has continued to lose the people precious to him over and over, allowing a wall to progressively be built up. We don't get to see him interact with many people at a time in his life where he's more open: namely as a kid and meeting Hashirama. After all, despite presumbly being socialized within his clan, he does rather easily welcome Hashirama into his life. He welcomes this new friend and is rather willing to be an emotional support for him. That says something about Madara's upbringing as some form of mediator, someone who is used to the idea of allowing people to lean on him when they need someone to listen to him. Even as an adult in that scene in the anime where he's the one to move first and help the kid who fell (and don't get me started, I have a LOT of feelings on that scene from the implications about Madara's percieved personality in the village vs. Hashirama's, to the fact that Hashirama /doesn't/ jump at the same time, etc), it still demonstrates that willingness to help others. I don't think he'd necessarily be a shut-in or unapproachable, but I do think by the time he's considering leaving the village, he's simply less available due to the sheer amount of time spent on his own plans.
36. What makes them feel guilty?
what /doesn't/ make him feel guilty /hj
I think the constant idea of "you should have done more"/"you should have done things differently" will plague him until the day he dies. Losing Izuna was the nail in the coffin labeled "Madara's last shred of happiness", and the fact he set out to ensure that it didn't happen, only to let him slip through his fingers, is surely something he may never be able to forgive himself for.
48. How do they express love?
Madara is absolutely a person with a physical love-language. I know I mentioned recently that Madara is easily aroace in my brain and thinking about these concepts is nice for me, because Madara may not necessarily feel a draw towards romance in the traditional sense, he does feel deep love and affection for someone he cares about. Physical touch is one demonstration of that caring for him. A hand between shoulder blades, on a wrist, idle touches that are brief but deeply meaningful. Almost like he's checking in and watching out for signs he ought to be aware of. Madara I think finds reassurance in knowing that someone is /there/. He isn't constantly lingering or at someone's side 24/7, but when he sees the person, he's sooooo welcoming. He's such a hugger, too. He likes to hold people close, really hold on tight, and as an adult this definitely carries through. Madara is king at hugs.
He expresses love by the sheer things he remembers about someone too. I think he'd be so attuned to the details about someone that he remembers the most off-hand things that seem insignificant, but really would mean the world to acknowledge. A favorite tea, a favorite place, some memory from long ago, an inside joke. He'd find a way to give the best gifts because of this imo. He's attentive and caring, he wants the best for people. It's true that he's fundamentally kind. He just wants the people he cares for to be safe. ;;;;;;; Idk I feel like I have more thoughts on this but they're a bit elusive rn skdjghskdj
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