#a creature of habit i guess 😭
jakeperalta · 10 months
it's always wild to me seeing how some people have songs from september/october in their top 10 because for me any releases from like the second half of the year are pretty much guaranteed to not make it to anywhere in the top 50
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ppnuggie · 11 months
      XENOMORPH KING x gn reader
    『 king ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> xeno king hcs | meeting him
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, yautjas are in this universe ,, featuring my ocs panther (yautja talked abt later on in the hcs) & king (the xenomorph ,, briefly mentioned)
  — here are the hcs :D this is kinda somewhat an introduction to meeting king and more hcs will come soon ,, introducing his brothers of sort ,, im making their refs slowly 😭😭🫡 so hopefully those will be up before i decide to actually turn these hcs into a story n stuff
| • it was an assignment from your higher ups ,, heading to a lesser known "shake and bake" colony located on a distant planet where the habitable zone was way out from the sun surprisingly
| • usually habitable zones for planets would be in the middle ,, but this one was farther out ,, though it also made it more dangerous to be on
| • the winters were hot and the summers were cold ,, temperatures would get quite extreme but for the most part humans could somewhat live on there
| • you were sent with a team of two other scientists ,, along with an android ,, to examine and study the planet more
| • it was on one of your more routinely walks and expeditions around the more countryside of the planet that you stumbled upon something that hadnt been picked up before by scanners or drones
| • abandoned and trashed ,, a lab that was quite dark and gruesome to look at stood in the middle of nowhere on the barren planet
| • you werent too sure of what happened there ,, though it was evident it wasnt anything good judging by all the dried up liquid stains ,, the broken glass and scratches all over the wall
| • some of the furniture and walls looked melted ,, like somewhat poured lava on it and left it there
| • alone on this expedition ,, you took your notes and marked the location on a map of the planet ,, making a mental note to come back soon
| • the more you looked around the more frightening and on edge you became ,, finding skeletal remains of creatures you werent too sure what they were
| • vials were stored away in a broken down freezer ,, or you assumed so based on their labels in an unknown language and strange color
| • there were vials with many strange colors ,, making you second guess if it even was blood inside them ,, vials storing blue and green and orange
| • none looked indigenous ,, as the most the planet had to offer were these strange rodents that burrowed in the ground most the time ,, almost like those naked molerats from your own home planet ,, except these ones werent as terrifying to look at
| • though the more on edge you became the more curious you got ,, wondering what happened here exactly
| • documents were spilt on the ground ,, scattered about and dirtied up ,, some ripped apart and some with strange prints on them
| • without much of a second thought you took them ,, hoping that maybe you could decode the foreign language and figure out what was happening in this place before it became abandoned
| • you gathered what you could of the place ,, taking a few of the vials and gathering photo evidence of the area
| • while doing so ,, you werent aware of the fact you were being watched ,, stalked and observed by an unknown creature in the vicinity
| • when you got back to the base and showed your findings your crewmates were interested ,, the android apart of your team quickly recognizing the language in the documents
| • it belonged to these creatures called 'yacht-ja' ,, or something of those sorts ,, but he wasnt able to provide much else about the documents other than that
| • you planned to go back to the lab the next week ,, wanting to gather as much information on the area as you could before you left the planet and headed back to the mothership
| • after all ,, you were here for only research and study ,, all your findings on the planet would be taken back aboard the mothership for examination and peer review from other scientists aboard
| • the goal was to gather as many samples as possible ,, document as much as you could ,, and return to your station to head to another planet and repeat the process
| • packing a large lunch in case you stayed longer than expected ,, or did too much running around and had little food ,, you headed off back towards the lab with storage for as much information and to store as many samples as possible
| • your camera was ready ,, taking as many pictures as you could whilst also grabbing more vials from the lab itself ,, storing them away in your vehicular device to take back
| • you didnt pay too much attention to the time ,, more focused and fascinated with the lab around you ,, documenting all the rooms and trying to map out exactly how big it was
| • though something about the place did feel uneasy ,, almost like you werent meant to be here at all in the first place
| • not focusing too much on the feeling you continued ,, going through all the documents and photographing the bright green stains on the wall from who knows what
| • there were a few times you thought you saw something in the corner of your eye ,, almost like a figure yet when you looked there was nothing there ,, like a ghost was playing tricks on you
| • the longer you stayed ,, the more uneasy and skeptical you became of the place ,, not feeling the once comforting and interest as last week
| • when you had finished you gathered your equipment to head back to the base ,, noticing how cold and dark it had gotten and hoping you'd be back in time before the base was put on a lockdown for the night ,, usually for safety precautions as not much was known about the nightlife on the planet
| • unbeknownst to you the scene you would come back to ,, a foreign ship not of any human making was perched ontop of some of the houses whilst the rest of the place was up in flames
| • those yautja creatures you'd been told about earlier had visited ,, wreaking havoc wherever they went as they quickly went through all the humans living there ,, killing them quickly
| • with the base nowhere in sight you didnt bother sticking around ,, heading away from the place and into the countryside once again
| • though it wouldnt help ,, being followed by one of the creatures as they latched onto your vehicle and slashed at the metal and tires ,, quickly putting an end to your escape a few miles away
| • dark skin clashed well with his bright purple stripes ,, large scar over his eye and covering his body in general ,, with a bright colored chest
| • he didnt stare for too long before trying to get at you ,, chittering something in his language as he slashed away at your windows
| • adrenaline filled you ,, now positioned in a fight or flight situation and your gut told you to flee at that moment ,, crawling over the passenger seat and exiting out the door as you made a run for it into a nearby forest
| • it wasnt too difficult for the yautja to keep up ,, right on your tail as he ran after you
| • though his chase would be cut short ,, a large creature coming from out of the bushes and tackling him
| • too worried you'll be next ,, you didnt bother to stop and look back ,, continuing to run even though your legs burned and your lungs were on fire from how much cold air you were breathing
| • somehow you ended up at that same lab ,, almost like it was tied to you now that youve discovered it
| • it felt like a scene from coraline ,, where she walks away from the house and towards where the old well would be except it all turns white
| • though there wasnt no white barren land here ,, just the same abandoned lab
| • you weren't complaining though ,, as you'd rather be somewhere sheltered than out in the open ,, making your way through the maze of rooms and hallways before settling in a far away one
| • you collapsed to the floor ,, panting heavily as you shivered ,, sweat gathered at your forehead from the running and sudden near death experience
| • your eyes felt heavy ,, drowsy and exhausted yet you stayed awake ,, keeping guard and not trusting yourself to sleep in this place ,, not when there was too much happening
| • without your knowing ,, you had fallen asleep and left defenseless in the room ,, the creature that had taken out the yautja had followed you there
| • it gazed at your sleeping form ,, noticing your unconscious shivering and making a decision in its mind
| • curling its tail around your body ,, warmth slowly started to surround your body ,, somewhat ceasing your shivering
| • it could only wait for you awaken ,, resting its head on the cold ,, harsh ground as it kept you company through the night
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piracytheorist · 9 months
Season Finale, woe is me T_T
Where did time go. It feels like yesterday that the first trailer for the season dropped.
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How dare they. Did I ask to be emotionally destroyed like this Yes I did
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Bond is so happy to go for a walk with Loid! And Loid isn't exactly reserved with petting his huge dog is he.
I love how heartbroken Bond was over Anya saying she wasn't coming. He even looked back at her as Loid walked him to the exit.
It actually impresses me that Loid is training Bond right out in public, talking to him about where to bite and how much to make sure the target doesn't get too injured. I guess he doesn't expect the SSS to frequent a dog park?
I love the little pat Loid did on his leg to call Bond back. And then of course pet his head :)
Poor Franky's putting up with so much from Twilight, and he doesn't have to. I hope Twilight appreciates that at some point. I'm sure he hasn't developed feelings just for his family.
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Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Franky talks about how Bond may have associated training with his trauma from getting experimented on, and it sounds like brand new info to Twilight. I guess, despite how much his spy training has scarred him, Twilight has a hard time connecting "having bad memories about something" with "not wanting to engage with that something". After all, he'd spent who knows how long telling himself that he hated children because they're incomprehensible to him, and not because children crying reminded him of his own desperate times. After all, it's easier to do his job and keep training hard if he refuses to accept how soul-crushing that job is, right?
Damn, I got sad again. Because I imagine post-reveal Loid and Yor asking Anya why she chose them, and she says that she thought they were cool, and Loid has a RealizationTM that no he's actually very messed up and it's very sad that this little girl imagined that this devastating way of life could actually look cool to someone from the outside.
Not to worry, there's more angst I'll pull out of nowhere down the road!
Franky calling Loid out for not knowing how to relax and have fun >>>>
I love how after Franky left, Loid and Bond looked at each other like idiots. Old habits die hard, and an entire cruise of Loid trying to relax and have fun wouldn't be enough to break them, I guess XD
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She's like "If I can't get real stars might as well fake some" Poor Yor continuing to clap happily even while Anya's origami star fell from her chest XD it taught her how to properly apply tape I guess, for later...
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Pretty much everyone around them is wearing winter clothes, even Loid is wearing a turtleneck and a heavy coat. Why are those children in such light clothes eating ice cream? The boy on the left we even see later is wearing shorts
Guess an ice cream was an easy kind of snack for a kid to feel bad about dropping XD
Sweet Bond! He's imagining Loid praising him and telling him he's glad they adopted him, and all while Bond is wagging his tail 😭😭
This family is just four lonely creatures desperate to be wanted (even if Twilight is very far from accepting that) aren't they ;_;
Ice cream goes RIP and Bond has his (probably) first experience of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at him he's so 🥺
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Later in the episode, Twilight goes all strict with himself for a laugh. Here though, he actually expresses distress and guilt for Bond ruining the kid's ice cream. He could have gone for a simple "I'll buy you a new one" without showing that much emotion in his expression and voice. In the manga he even has a typical "cold sweat lines" expression.
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Or however you call that.
I don't know, maybe it circles back to any "starving war orphan" trauma he may be trying to tell himself he doesn't have...
I'm just saying, he was very expressive here, and he didn't have to. It wasn't a conscious choice.
Bond is really such a good boy. Every time he acts on his visions is to help someone else. From something as trivial as dropping a snack to something as important as saving someone's life, whether they're a kid, an old man, or a puppy, Bond is truly a very empathetic and caring creature.
However, the silly music playing over the vision of the old man getting hit was... a choice XD
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Yet another example of the anime putting details to help the narrative: the old man is hunched, making him short enough that the corner of the wall/fence to his side is actually covering him. Which makes the biker not seeing him make sense, since he was behind the fence and appeared at the last second.
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I actually felt shivers with the tone Twilight used here. Bond's behaviour is making no sense and is actually a first.
But also, Bond is probably only now realizing that unlike Anya, Loid cannot read his mind and cannot see his good intentions. He knows Anya would jump for joy for what he did, but since two of his efforts to help were met with reprimands, he's hesitant to try again because his trauma rears its ugly head and he fears he'll get kicked out. He probably doesn't understand that Loid doesn't know anything about his special powers, and so he can't let Loid's reprimands pass by him unaffected.
It's a bit similar to how he probably connects bad food with bad intentions, and thus fears that Yor will be mean to him, since she makes such horrible meals.
And so he allows the woman to get bird poop on her, but he jumps to action when he realizes someone's life may be in danger of the fire.
And first, I know we talk about how strong Yor is, but can we for a moment talk about how Loid held back this absolute beast of a dog?
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Like, Loid allowed him to carry him around twice, but when he felt things got serious, he actually had no issue holding him back. It was only when Bond looked legitimately scary that he let go.
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And that was... a shock. Have we ever seen Twilight like that before? Cause he genuinely looks like he hesitated out of fear... and maybe realizing that no, this time Bond is actually dead serious.
Bond probably didn't know what he would be looking for once he stepped inside the burning building. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who thought that that "Daisy" was a child... but maybe Bond is more attuned to scents of other dogs, especially little ones that need help, so he could find the puppy amidst all the burning smells.
Badass Loid saving his doggo!
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Loid doesn't hesitate to run in after him, either. Even the idea that Bond could be rescuing someone is enough for him to take that risk. I love how, after two attempts of what Loid thought was Bond attacking innocent people, he still believes Bond would have a good reason to run into a burning building and runs after him to help.
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I mean, you also ran into that building to save your - for all you know, disobedient - dog, so maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black XD
How sweet is he, though. He really doesn't believe in reprimanding someone after the fact - Bond running into fire was dangerous, but it helped save an innocent life... and Twilight's priorities are very clearly shown in that reaction!
I love how man saves dog, dog saves man, and then Twilight is like "Wow your nose is incredible" because of course he can't think of another explanation, and Bond's affirmative borf there sounds like "Yeah sure, buddy. It's my "nose" alright."
Even though it's only Bond with him, Twilight uses "Twilight voice" as he assesses the situation, and "Loid voice" when he talks to Bond. Is this him putting on a mask... or feeling a little more comfortable around Bond?
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That was so badass! But then!
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Miserable creature
Exactly how much water was in that bucket to make Bond's entire massive fur soaking wet XD
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This is both so wholesome and, me being me, so fucking heartbreaking at the same time. Like, the other guy let himself laugh his heart out at how Bond looked, but Twilight barely allowed a single sound out of his mouth that he couldn't control. And again, angst is my wont, so it really ruins me that he's not even letting himself laugh over something ridiculous, because he can't let his emotions show... even if it would be totally understandable for him to laugh at that moment.
I mean, as I said, he showed genuine distress when Bond caused the boy to drop his ice cream, but he stopped himself from laughing even when the other guy next to him was laughing too. As in, he allows negative expressions when it's appropriate, but not positive even when it's appropriate and understandable.
I mean, he has been smiling at his family and looking at Yor like the besotted simp he is... but he doesn't realize just how much of his real feelings pour through his face, exactly because he hasn't realized said feelings. Wet Bond was a much clearer example of something funny, so he knew that laughing would be a loss of control...
Anyway what I'm saying is it's sad. He shouldn't feel he has to repress his own laugh like that.
Kinda sad the anime omitted this still-trying-not-to-laugh expression Loid has as he sees Bond sniff around.
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Bond's voice adafhgdsfdgfdgd
Arsonist guy is watching sneakily from a corner while wearing a hat that has "Fire" written on it.
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Dude couldn't have been more suspicious if he tried.
Pretty sick how he got even more excited at the idea of someone dying from the fire, when he heard the woman say how Daisy was still trapped inside.
Vigilante Bond! Arsonist guy takes out his knife and tells Bond to not be disrespectful of humans and my dude you're the one setting people's lives at risk and having a blast about it
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We haven't seen Twilight in such action in a while, have we! Ngl it was kinda, uhm... 😳😳
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LOOK AT HIM! So proud of his doggo 😭😭
He then says how it would be bad if either of them were in the news... and you're reminded that this is fictional but still pretty accurate 60s-70s so Twilight has really avoided getting any picture of him published. But also Bond could indeed be recognized by any of the scientists... and it's actually sweet how Twilight cares for Bond's secret not getting out. He helped Bond with his "revenge" and now he's acting to protect him from getting targeted again.
I love how Bond fears he'll get reprimanded for biting the arsonist's leg and not arm... when in the beginning Twilight very clearly said he can bite either a leg or an arm XD
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He tells Bond how "someone" will be sad if anything happens to him (Bond), (and we get a sweet af montage of Anya and Bond having fun together), how Bond is first and foremost a part of the family, how his working duties should come second and he should look after himself...
Oh it's gonna hit him like a brick wall when he realizes the exact same things apply to him 😭
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He's not gonna tell anyone, promise 🥺
And he ends with a promise to go to the dog park the next day so that Bond can have some long overdue fun. Yeah definitely a very detached, cool-headed spy who only cares about the mission not destabilizing. Sure.
The anime did offer us some extra stuff, though!
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I love one (1) gremlin
I actually saw it as a knife, too XD
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I love her.
I fully expected to see the paper puppets (or whatever you call those) fall apart like Yor's victims' bodies do XD I was not disappointed XD
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Anya is still working on accepting that her mother is not very capable of not sprinkling "murder" on anything in her life XD
Loid isn't wearing his coat when they return...
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I am amazed that they've had Bond for, how many months has it been now? And yet neither Loid nor Anya had ever seen him wet.
Anyway, Loid appeared back without his coat because his excuse was that someone had sprayed water all over them, so he took it off XD
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But where is his coat even XD
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Her heroes!
And of course Loid doesn't know Anya knows about the puppy rescue, so he's not that affected by the "Stella" and is instead going like "Yo but could you get going with earning those stars already". He's not used to getting recognition for his hard work and he's not about to start... yet...
The closing montage was so sweet! Especially with the holidays around the corner, it was very fitting to see the children having fun and relaxing, Yuri being very NormalTM, Nightfall and Franky having dreams for the future, and the Forger family having their celebrating dinner!
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I love them so much.
And thus, the season has ended, and this anime only will start wondering how her Saturdays will pass from now on :')
I am thinking of doing more crack recaps, finishing my character screen time project, and probably starting on some fics... but for a very specific reason, the completion of those will have to wait until the next season ;)
This was a wonderful season! I may have rewatched every episode almost three times, but I do wanna do a "recap" full rewatch of the season at some point, and share my overall thoughts. I certainly have a lot of time on my hands for that XD
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I was reading your tweel analyses posts and came across the little blurb of Floyd and Jade eating octopus in front of Azul and seemingly relishing in it because it might unsettle him and they're little shits. their fave foods having octopus in them makes sense since it's part of a diet of moray eels
here's a question I don't see many asking: does Azul eat octopus dishes? I think everyone is aware that octopus can (and do) cannibalize each other (even self-cannibalize) but he is still an octopus merman. do you think the animal based mers like the octatrio view the animals they share similarities with as a completely separate species from them and therefore not care when eating them? or is it sort of like a human and big ape thing, where it is highly uncomfortable and generally frowned upon?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think Azul refrains from eating octopus himself! The reasoning being that… well, it’s really a gut feeling that’s informed by my observations of the Octatrio’s interactions.
If he looked annoyed watching the twins eat octopus, then that indicates he feels a certain way in that scenario—a discomfort or irritation which would then extend to his own dietary habits. If Azul did eat octopus, then why should he take issue with his peers doing the same? If both moray eels and octopus dine on octopus, why would he only be distressed in one scenario and not the other? Why would Jade and Floyd go out of their way to eat tons of octopus in front of Azul and bring up mentions of how delicious his merform is, if not to tease and unnerve him?
I do think that merpeople view non-sentient sea creatures they share traits with as separate beings in the food chain. This is why the twins can eat regular ol’ octopus without an issue. However, I also think that eating a creature that is of the same “type” as you (ie Azul and an octopus) is seen as morally wrong, as they too closely resemble the merpeople in question. This would be similar to how humans are fine with eating cow, pig, and chicken, but are far less willing to consume primates. It’s the “human” part of them—of us—our consciouses calling out to us and letting us know “hey, this is wrong”. The only thing I can really find to support this is how Jade says his least favorite food is a conger eel. (But his dialogue suggests he has tried it before and doesn't like the texture.) He and Floyd are morays, which is a different kind of eel... So does that imply that eating others is okay (ie other kinds of eels) so long as they aren't your exact species (morays for the twins)?
Merpeople may be part man and part fish, but I believe they are mainly human with additional fish traits and attributes; their thinking and behaviors are still very human, so I feel they share some similarities with humans in their moral and ethical codes.
The difficulty with half human/half animal fantasy races is that there will always be the debate of how much their animalistic side plays into their behaviors and how much of that can be overridden by their human side. For example, just because Leona is a lion beastman doesn’t mean he can’t eat vegetables, he just does not like them. This is in spite of lions being carnivores (ie exclusively dining on meat). We also see (or it is implied) many merfolk and beastmen eating food that would harm or kill their non-sentient counterparts (such as candy and chocolates during Halloween; you’d think they would otherwise express repulsion if offered what is basically poison to them). The “beastial” TWST characters in general don’t seem too strict on their food intake (specialized diets for athletes aside), so my guess is that their intakes lean more toward the omnivorous intakes of humans rather than the diet prescribed by the animals that are a part of them. After all… if Azul ate octopus, bro would be nomming on his own arm or something (since auto-cannibalism is a thing among octopus) 😭
Side note: Azul considers eating squid ink pasta in book 3. This is probably the closest we'll get to seeing him "eating octopus". Makes me think that it's acceptable to eat like... body parts and byproducts of other animals but not of the same species as you (ie chicken hearts vs human hearts).
Imagine walking in on that though????? I’d say, “Sorry to disturb you, sir! I’ll see myself out now,” then slowly shut the door and back away…
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
noooo omg seven days yoongi is such a sweetheart 😭😭 what happened next? did they go out on a date? how is oc introduced to that side of yoongi? omfg daddyyyy 😭😭😭
Went a bit overboard OOPS-
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"Hara knows we're meeting up here, by the way." Yoongi tells you as he opens the door to his hotel room, inviting you in. "I thought that might make you feel a bit more at ease." He tells you, helping you out of your jacket after closing the door, catching you a bit off guard- but you let him anyways.
"Uh, yeah, actually it does." You nod, thanking him for both the gesture and the fact that he'd informed your best friend that you're here.
"So, you're about Hara's age, right?" He says as he motions down to a spot for you to sit, food already on the small table where he sits down at as well, on the opposite side. "Means you're younger than me by a good few years." He chuckles, opening some of the takeout containers.
You nod, quietly. You're not sure what to really tell him.
He's probably used to people having the wildest life's, the craziest stories and whatnot- and you don't really have any of that. You live a quiet life, don't go outside much and if you do, you're just a grey mouse, nothing special to see, just another living being existing amongst many others. You're boring.
"Not much of a talker?" He asks, and you shrug.
"Just.. don't have anything to say." You admit almost shamefully, and he shrugs as well, offering you some plastic cutlery you take with a quiet 'thanks' from him. "I just.. kind of, exist. That's it." You try and joke, but he just smiles, nodding to himself.
"And that's a very good thing." He agrees, starting to eat. "Otherwise how would I've met you?" He flirts, and you can't help but have to take in a deep breath.
It's hard not to get affected by a guy flirting with you like this- let alone a celebrity of all people. And he's exactly your type too- he's got this awfully specific aura about him, calm and relaxed and most of all caring.
You've never been taken care of. By no one.
He wants to remind you that you can tell him if he makes you uncomfortable, but he doesn't actually have to- you're an open book with the way you don't mask your body language at all, making him read you pretty clearly just from observing you. "So, tell me a bit about yourself." He offers you a chance to talk, taking a sip from his soda. "Even the boring stuff you think I don't want to know." He smirks at you, catching you in your attempt to tell him exactly that-
That you don't have anything to tell but boring things.
"I uh.. I work, mostly. And when I don't, I walk dogs at my local shelter- because I can't have one in my apartment." You explain. "So I kind of.. substitute." You shrug, and he nods.
"I'm sure they appreciate it." He agrees, and you become a lot more relaxed at that- making him smile to himself as he leans back a bit, watching you.
"There's an elderly labrador mix that- she's been just given to the shelter for no real reason, and has been there for years now because she's old and has black fur and is a bit slow.." You rant, occasionally stopping to eat. "But she's really sweet, and knows a lot of cool tricks. She doesn't even technically need a leash! Though she's become a bit hard of hearing lately.." You ramble on.
"Does your landlord not allow dogs?" He wonders, and you nod.
"No. He doesn't like them- and because I missed one rent in the past, he's kind of constantly searching for a reason to kick me out." You mumble. "So I rather try and stay low, so I can keep living there." You explain.
"I guess sometimes life plays like that." He shrugs, licking his lips. "How about you'd move?" He wonders. You shake your head almost immediately.
"I.. can't afford it, and I'm also a little.. attached to that small apartment." You offer. "I don't like new things, or surprises, or.. just anything I can't predict." Is what you offer as an explanation, and he nods, interested.
"Creature of habit, hm?" He observes, and you nod. "Nothing wrong with that. We find comfort in things we can rely on. I like to re-watch the same movie sometimes, simply because I know it ends well." He says, and your eyes widen at that.
"Me too!" You tell him, and again, he can't help but admire your smile. "I love watching old movies or the same episodes of my favorite shows sometimes, even though I can basically recite the dialog by memory now." You giggle, and he nods.
"Have you ever been in a relationship before?" He wonders, and has to watch how your smile deflates a bit, clearly a touchy topic for you.
"Hmhm." You nod. "But.. I'm not good at relationships." You say.
"How so?" He wonders, and you shrug, poking at your food.
"I'm too clingy." You explain. "But at the same time, I'm too boring." You continue. "I don't like going to parties, or outside in general. I rather stay in, or just.. dunno. Cook together maybe."
"So I guess because you both didn't match, he made you feel like it's your fault to make himself feel better." He simply observes.
"No- I really am too boring, I need to get out of my comfort zone more.." You admit. "I only have Hara as a friend for example. I should have more friends, right?" You wonder, but he shakes his head.
"Not necessarily." he denies. "The less friends you have, the easier to manage. I don't have many friends either." He shrugs. "But.." He starts, hand at his chin as he watches you. "I might be able to help you with getting out of your comfort zone more." He offers.
"I.. how?" You wonder, and the corners of his lips raise.
"How about.. an offer."
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xoxoalette · 11 months
[Gentle grab and shake]
I need Diva facts rn or I'll die of dehydration from not getting my beloved bimbo—
What are some of her favorite little habits in an MC? Does she prefer ones who have creative hobbies or more science-y hobbies? Will she be the perfect bimbo wife to the geeky science spouse? I need to know—😭😭😭
- Guess who 🍄🪻🌌
Diva loves loves LOVES!!!! People with passions, over anything!!!
She has a huge soft spot for nerds especially— she finds them so so cute, and will always listen to every single ramble (at least try to with her attention span). Diva is def also the type to help indulge in MC’s hobbies, whether it’s getting them stuff related or doing it with them!
Creative or sciencey, she really doesn’t care, so long as she sees that cute smile and excitement on MC’s face— that’s way more than enough for her :)
Also Diva is technically a geek herself; she has a vast knowledge about guns, cars, and sea creatures. So in return, if you’re down for her to talk your ear off about one or the other, she will.
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frostinepac3 · 1 year
(I apologise if I’ve asked this before, I can’t really remember)
How exactly did you get the idea for your werepep au? I get my ideas in the strangest ways and i was wondering if its a common experience or not haha
Werepep is so cute and fluffy if i ran into him id disappear into his fur like Mario and those paintings 😭😭
Hmm, I actually don't quite remember the exact details. But I think it just stemmed from my habit of making monster/were creature designs for my faves/ocs??
It may have been an attempt to make a full blown monster au with different monster designs for nearly the whole cast but after working on peppino's design for a hot minute I realized it was gonna be a pain in the ass to do the rest lmao
I do know that if I was gonna be cringe I had to do it right, and I guess from the looks of things- his design is about as good as it's gonna get lol
TLDR; I like werecreatures alot and wanted to try making a werewolf design for pep and the rest is history
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diejager · 2 years
Hi! I was curious (if you don’t mind writing!) a Dorm leaders twst (separately!) x Vampire! Reader hcs?
(Like for the scenarios I guess?😭 how would the dorm Leaders react to reader being a vampire?)
Also you have a lovely day / afternoon / night and a splendid year!!
Lovely afternoon, indeed and splendid year to you too! Thank you <33
The only warning is blood.
You thought you would fit in with all the other magical and special beings than the rural village in your kingdom, find others of your kind than the warm-blooded humans near your house. As welcoming as they were, they weren't partial to fear and wary gazes when some willing folks appeared with incisions on their skin. After your sudden appearance at NCR, an unfortunate surprise that puts you and Crowley in trouble, you tried to fit in after all the mess your "summoning" caused.
You spoke about your condition to the ghosts living in your dorm and Grim, they were clueless until you brought it up and none knew what to make of your eating habit, free blood wasn't something people kept on them every day - except the liquid life coursing through their veins. You took it up to the headmaster, he gathered the teachers and all agreed to help provide blood, whether on their own or from outside sources.
You tried covering yourself from the sun, your skin sensitive to it, and your body weaker under sunlight. Your cold body was kept hidden under layers of cloth and dead heart by not letting them near you.
Although you tried covering your state, inquisitive ears and wandering eyes uncovered your hard-kept truth.
[Riddle Rosehearts]
He was surprised, he's sure everyone's surprise - even a bit, at least - and can't help to look at you differently, not in a bad way, but more in reverence. You're the only living "dead" he knows in the college, heart unbeating and skin deathly cool to the touch.
He sees your hesitance when he asks you to drink from him, straight from his warm body instead of your previous ways. He revels in the tentative licks from the rough surface of your tongue and the cool kiss on your lips. When he feels the prick of your teeth, he almost shudders, face turning a bright shade of red when you pull back to lap at the exquisite drops.
He likes the feeling of supplying you even though you firmly tell him that he doesn't need to let you feed. He loves the feeling of caring for you.
He also realizes that red never looked as pretty as it did than on you, red coating your lips, rolling down your cupid's bow, and the lick of your cold tongue. Red, the color of his being and house, looks beautiful on your kissable lips.
[Leona Kingscholar]
It somehow made sense, the odd, inhuman smell, unlike hybrids or beasts like them, or even fae folks of Diasomnia, yours has this off-putting feeling. The discovery of you being a vampire wasn't that surprising, a cold corpse walking amongst the living. The missing warmth and the eerie silence from your heart and lungs made complete sense.
He isn't one to change his ways after knowing, you're the one who saved and helped him, you would remain his friend and someone he'd - if he has the chance - date.
He usually does the preying, being a predator since birth, but he doesn't mind letting you prey on him; let you sink your teeth into his wrist and drink, let you lap at his skin for dripping blood like a fountain of luxuries.
He loves the sight of blood on you, he can only imagine how hunting would go with you, him being a predatory mammal and you a predatory creature.
[Azul Ashengrotto]
He certainly didn't expect that, he never had anything he could use against you as he did with other students, secrets or regrets. Though he wouldn't use it against you, it would be his way of thanking you for keeping his past a secret. He sees it as an opportunity to get closer to you.
As the caring friend and businessman that he makes himself as he proposes to add a new drink to the menu, one available to you and you alone if you ask for it, it could easily be masqueraded as one of the cocktails they made. The source? You don't have to worry about that, he makes sure it's safe and clean blood - perhaps his.
It takes a few attempts for him to confess that the blood you drinks is from him - although you already knew that, you could smell the dried blood of his cuts - as much as you appreciate him for doing that, you told him against doing so in fear of him getting an infection.
He loves to feed you, so the solution was to have you drink from the source to negate the risks of infection or contracting any sickness. He's addicted to the sting of your teeth and the hot sensation that spreads through his body when you stare up from his lowered wrist.
[Kalim Al-Asim]
He's shocked, and dumbfounded, even after Jalim's constant reminder that you seemed somewhat inhuman. He's giddy, filled with excitement, he was practically jumping from one side of the room to the other to invite you for drinks and inquiries. Spitting questions after questions about you being a vampire and your nightly habits.
You're hesitant when he asked you to bite him, saying that he wants to feel - experience - how it is to be fed on by someone he likes. Jamil shrugged when you turned to ask for support about it being a bad idea. He always stares when you drink, eyes stuck on your lips as you slowly wrap around the skin of his wrist and pierce it.
He makes it a habit of asking you when your next thirst is, urging you to take from him with eager eyes.
The blood doesn't bother him at all, what he likes the most is the deep shade of crimson that drowns your usual (e/c) when you drink. It's a more vibrant red than his eyes, almost shining like gems, it's enticingly attractive while doing the deed; the blood, the cold of your tongue and mouth, and your crimson eyes peering at him for any signs of pain or discomfort. He really loves your eyes.
[Vil Schoenheit]
He can think of so many ways to match with you, especially during Halloween. He's neither shocked nor fazed by your vampirism. He doesn't mind the cold nor the - what he can't wait to see - red taint your lips.
Although he worries about his appearance, he sees the puncture marks on his wrist as an intimate brand of your relationship. The crimson of his blood paints your lips like the lipstick he owns, cover the pearly whites of your teeth and the cold pads of your tongue with him.
He loves staring into your changing eyes, a mystical transformation that made him value your eyes so much more, the fury and life that appeared when you drank liquid life from others. How life filled your crimson irises during and after a feed.
He can't wait for Halloween to match you, pull out his vampire costume and finally let you drink from his neck and shoulders, closer and more intimate.
[Idia Shroud]
He didn't know how to react, he was practically the same as you, minus the blood-drinking and dead body. Like you, he prefers dark cold places and shies from confrontations, that's why he didn't know how to react accordingly without pushing you away with his reaction.
He's extremely shy and awkward, but he manages to push a few questions through his lips. He lets you stay in his obscure dorm whenever the sun gets too hot and bright, more than before his discovery.
He still blushes deeply when you drink from him, the cold doesn't deter him, he was already cold to the touch, it was because of your lips touching him. He assumed that you'd drink from his neck, but when you reassured him that you'd drink from his wrist, he didn't feel any more reassured. Being able to see you drink, mouth wrapped around his pale skin, and his blood popping out from the small mark on his flesh made him more flustered.
He likes the semblance between you two, loving the cold, obscure embrace of darkness and shying away from too much interaction. He doesn't have to worry about having a warm body to heat you while cuddling, or anything humans needed, you care for him well enough as he does with you.
[Malleus Draconia]
He isn't surprised, he's seen vampires before in his grandmother's kingdom - the Valley of Thorns - and has talked to a few. He knew the signs of a vampire, he knew you were one from the first meeting and hadn't hinted that he knew.
Fae blood was different from others, it was more potent with magic, so the risk of you getting drunk on a few gulps is high; he would like to witness that, see you getting drunk and high on his royal fae blood if he's being honest with his wishes.
Although he's seen vampires drink in public and acts of PDA between fae and vampires, he prefers the expected change of your red eyes and the drunkenness numbing your mind.
He knows how to care for a vampire, shy from sunlight and weak to hunger, his blood - that acts like a drug to them - would be perfect for catering to your needs and his fae lineage meant that he healed faster than most and his longevity, ensures that he'd always be by your side.
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I saw on TikTok that google gleans material from docs to use in ai idk if it’s true or not tho.
c’est la vie, i guess! i just have had tumblr crash and all my progress vanish toooooooo many times to trust it as my writing platform and i’m a creature of habit at this point 😭
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James and I are finally married!!! 💕💍💐 Officially our wedding day was 19th of January, but it took a few days to finish fitting all the pictures together orz. Down below is my anniversary letter to my husband, and two more boards with our outfits! 😭🎉
My dearest James,
As you may have already surmised, I’m writing this the night before our wedding. I’m not sure if any of this will make it last minute into my vows, but you know me. I always end up going a little off script, haha.
On top of our wedding, which is already massively incredible, it’s also our 5 year anniversary. Can you believe it? Every time I really sit down and think through all of our memories and experiences together, I get a little choked up. Between all the parties, the risky gambles, the nights out on the town, all the way to our quiet mornings, walks in the gardens, movie nights sheltered away from the world; I’m happy that you’ve been my constant throughout everything. You’ve always been there.
You won’t read this until after the ceremony, most likely even after our honeymoon, but I want to say this now before we even step foot on the altar. I love you. I love you so, so much. I’ll choose you today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows after. Thank you for choosing me, too.
If I’m really honest with you, I’m… a little scared. This is the best life-altering choice I could ever make, experiencing it hand in hand with the best man I could ever ask for, but… Hahaha, you know I’m a creature of habit. This is all the nerves talking, by the way. I’ve been lying in our bed for hours, trying and failing and trying again to calm down long enough to sleep, but I can’t. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so stubborn about staying separated from you the night before our wedding. I mean, I know it’s an outdated tradition. And while I don’t quite regret insisting on it, I still desperately wish I could find solace in your arms. Very conflicting feelings, I know, hehe. I wonder if it’s too late to call you?
I can’t wait to see you. Aaaaah, I’m getting excited all over again!!! Hahahaha, I guess I won’t be sleeping much at all tonight.
I love you, Jamie. I’ll see you tomorrow. 💕
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frost-queen · 2 years
HIII BESTIE, how have you been?? So far i’m doing amazing, carrying 2 quizzes that i’ll know i’ll fail at is 😭 anyway, i hope u r doing well 🫶🏻
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also i’m going back into drawing, is there any habits that u want to apply into ur life? how was ur valentine’s day? mine was nice, our student council organized an event , safe to say i’ve been to the jail booth 2 times and the cops were NOT PLAYING ALONG they were defo mad at us - ALSOO i’ve been getting into walking dead, daryl dixon is so 😍🫶🏻
Hiii Bestie, I hated my alarm this morning for going off but it had no choice as I got class today. I'm literally sitting here waiting for it to start in 30min or so at 8 in the morning, which godly unlike creature would come up with this???
Ohh how nice of you to get back into drawing, I wish you lot's of inspiration 🤗🍀
My valentines day was nothing special, just another day in the week sadly 😔 I did see my school do something fun for valentine by putting a grabbing machine here, grabbing for gifts and I hate it cause I was at my internship 😭 so I couldn't do it.
A habit I should reply to my life atm 🤷🏼‍♀️ sleep more I guess hahahah no I'm just not sure.
I'm feeling a bit tired but doing okay ✌💗
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jjungkookislife · 22 days
Yay! Finally got the time to read Navigating Tides 😁 It's been a while since you wrote something this long. I got really excited when you mentioned posting on Koo's b-day 🥺 (but I mean, so far, you always do something on the boys' b-days so I always look forward to it when you do 🥰) and it's exes to lovers too 😍 I love it when old couples find their way back into each other 🥲 so I'm going to randomly rant and comment as I read 😌 I apologize in adcance 😅
Idk how anyone can eat a pineapple right after cutting it. If I don't salt it first, my tongue just hurts 😣 but also, Jk ripping open a whole pineapple 😏🥴
I feel Yoongi but it's not just worrying on shit that happens on cruises, I also kinda fear open waters 😰
I love how Jimin is trying to play nice but Yoongi just death glares him. I prefer Yoongi's way lol 😂
Can I just say how cute the three of them are 🥺 YoonMin vying for my heart on how sweet they are for being so caring and attentive and just being there for MC. Mom, I want him them 😭
Idk how their breakup went but I am inclined to side with MC just cause it seems that Jk is the one at fault but it's hard when he attacks you with his cuteness AND hotness. Like, that's just not fair 😤
Okay, so it was definitely his fault. Glad that he is atleast aware and regretful. So now we can get to the good part 😏
Captain Joonie finally arrives... 👀
I'm torn at wanting to tell Yoongi "yeah, make him regret 😤" or "give him a break 🥺" or "you made Kookie cry you meanie 😡"
I love chaos 😈 but I don't want babie Koo to be hurt 😞 And then there's Jiminie, clearly seeing they both still love each other, and tries to help them.
They're both such amazing friends, just doing it their own way for MC.
omg He got mistaken as waitstaff 🤦‍♀️ I thought the beady eyes were from the fish or some sea creature 🤣 I'm so stupid 🥲 Okay, so it was seafood 😅 and also awwwww 🥺 he knows...
Jk lowkey simping on Joon. Like "yeah, I get it. I'd want to date him too 😍" lol 😂
UGH!!! Can he be any cuter?!?!? 😫 The way he interchangably saddens and lights up depending on what she says or does, just like a cute li'l puppy 🥰 They are adorable together, and clearly still inlove 🥺
Uh-oh.. I'm imagining Layover!Tae... Jk's got another competition 🤭
MC putting sunblock on YoonMin after their food coma 🥺
Kookie being internally giggly from the indirect kiss 🥺
Not what I wanted but atleast they're cordial and making jokes now. There's progress 😊
YoonMin gushing on them and taking adorbs blackmail pics 🥰 but Yoongi won't be Yoongi if he didn't kick Jk's ass to wake him 😆
Tae keeps calling her love and that hand kiss 🥴
Jk being sulky, pouty and jealous 😂
The ways she keeps doing stuff with/for Koo out of habit 🥺
D*mn, she's definitely lucked out in life cause now Jin's part of the selection 😜🤣
He buys her mom flowers cause she loves them, that's really sweet. Even if he almost flooded her house with them from trying to see MC everyday 😂 Him being shy after his mom exposed him 🥺 
The fact that he still continued working and didn't immediately went after her after she said that and left, proves how his job has clearly taken over him, cause he was totally shocked when she packed up and leave. I guess he didn't really believe she would or he just tuned her out. He was definitely taking her for granted 😔
And his mom still checks up on her and updates her on how much Jk is finally trying and actually doing his best to be better. It's just kinda sad that she had to leave for him to start doing it 😞
This hot and sexy b*tch jumping to conclusions when she finally gathered up her courage to talk to him 😤
Oh Jk, you really be pissing me off with your avoidance towards your problems and just giving up without trying to fight for her like you haven't been monologuing about your love for her all week 🙄
Yoongi be stressing and this boy be pissing him off 😂 So cute 😖
And finally, Hobi appears 🤠 Jk, be cool please 😓
Awwwwwwwwww, Yoongi prepared so much 🥺
We're finally getting "the talk" 😬
Yeah, it's always sad when after a relationship ends, other relationships get broken too. So glad she still talks with his mom 🥲
Feelings are out. Fight is settled. No unnecessary drama, just communicated properly. They are finally reunited 🥰
Yoongi knows MC too much that he just knows something is different with her but I'm quite disappointed that he didn't know already. The signs were all there 😅 Jimin would notice too but he's in planning mode already that it'll be more difficult for him unless he focuses on them 😆
Yoongi not really listening to their convo and just blurting out “You’re fucking him.” Jimin's scandalized reaction was hilarious 🤣
Yoongi's guess was not quite right but Jimin being spot on was to be expected from a bff 😏 and then there's Yoongi being repulsed by it. He's remembering how disgustingly adorable they were 😂 but Awwwwwwww, he always got her back and is so protective 🥰 but I'll also help him if Jk does ever hurt her again 😤
Every girl needs a Jimin that is more prepared than them and is willing to pack them lingerie just in case lol 😂
Why do they have to be so shy again, it makes me soft and it's smut 😫 they are just so adorable and so inlove. It was so 🥵 but 🥰 too. Ugh, i love these two 🥺 and whiney and needy Koo 🙃🤤🥴
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand DONE 😍 This was such an amazing gift for Jk's special day, thank you sharing it with us. I had so much fun reading it (as proven by this long post 😅) that it took me the whole day to finish it. I really liked the story and the way that you didn't prolong the drama, just enough to hurt and then gave us the fluff we needed (well, atleast what I needed 🥰) YoonMin kinda stole the show for the most part, I mean, they're just such lovable characters. They were definitely one of the best parts of this story. And then there's the other boys having their eye on MC. But if I'm being honest, i felt bad for Joon. He was the one who actually made an effort to woo MC but got left behind cause of his prawns THAT HE CAUGHT HIMSELF 🥺 You did you best Joonie, just wasn't your night, (or the right girl) ☹ But I actually thought he was gonna have a big role in the story, like gonna be a whole third party. But this was even better cause you didn't prolong their angst. The guys' appearance was a nice touch too, it brought us a pouting jealous Jk 😆
All in all, i loved reading this. I'm looking forward on drabbles that you might write on this in the future. Like a look on their life after, the dates and stuff that he does to make up to her, YoonMin's Wedding 😍, and Koo finally bringing MC to his mom now that they're together again 😭 but no pressure, only if you want to 😊
Anyways, I hope you are doing well. Please don't overwork yourself and thank you again for this JK b-day fic 💜💜💜 (Now i can finally sleep 😂)
Hello! Ah, this fic sort of got out of hand lol it wasn’t supposed to be so long 😅 I’ve been writing something for JK’s birthday since 2019 😅 one year I wrote something for all their birthdays and it was hard to keep up with 🥲
I’ve never had salt on pineapple 👀 I’ll have to try it.
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I just realized his shirt also has pineapples 😂 I just thought it was a funny moment to include in the fic 😂
Yoongi has watched too many true crime docs (as have I 👀) so I may never go on a cruise
They’re such good friends to MC 😭 they encouraged her to go on the cruise with them and she agreed and now she’s back with JK 😭
Yes, jungkook is very very regretful about how he handled things 😭
Yoongi can play both sides, he wants jk to suffer but also he still cares about him 😭 jimin is a lot more forgiving though 😭 it’s a confusing situation for all of them
Jungkook getting mistaken for waitstaff was so fun to write! I think it was a good way for him to interrupt the not date 😂 and the prawns lol I saw some recently and I just could not look away from the eyes ☠️
Tae was supposed to be a little more flirty lol but then I added the bit where MC had been the one who planned the excursion so Tae would have assumed she was in a relationship still but that didn’t stop him from kissing her hand lmao
yoongi has a love/hate for JK lol the kick was funny lol a little aomething for breaking MC's heart 😅
Yes 😭😭😭 like they used to share drinks and food. If she got a milkshake, he knew she wouldn’t finish it and he would finish it for her 😭 or if they bought snacks and she didn’t like them, he’d eat it 😭 so he’s hopeful at this point
Seokjin 🥵 he’s a gorgeous performer and he ends up chatting with MC bc he’s nosy and he’s trying to get more bookings 👀👀👀🤑🤑🤑
😭😭😭😭 he didn’t go after her and she waited for him to and when he kept working she decided it was over. She went to Jimin’s and stayed there until she got her own place and she cried calling his mom to let her know it was over. His mom invited her over for dinner and let her cry on her shoulder 🥲
Jungkook just convinced himself that MC went with Seokjin lmao like he didn’t even try to ask what happened or if she was okay. Then he avoids her like sir 🙃 this is the love of your life
I’ve never been horseback riding but it seemed romantic lol and Yoongi trying to get JK to act right 😂poor baby was stressed about proposing and then he had to worry about getting Jk to be there and also to behave. I was gonna have MC ride with hoseok instead just to add a little drama 😂
Yes I was happy when they had the talk! They could have been together sooner if Jk had just asked her about seokjin 😭 my man loves dodging confrontation (okay but same 🥲)
Yoongi was like 🕵️ somethings going on lol and Jimin was so confused when he blurted that out bc WHAT???? Lmao he’s been so busy planning and making notes he was thrown off by Yoongi lol
Jimin was set on finding her a man lmao 🤣 he was hoping anyone they met would be her new boyfriend. But he’s really glad JK showed up bc they were not expecting it at all and JK debated going but his assistant already made plans and he figured why not lol
They were so shy and in love and ughhhh they were so sweet with each other. They missed each other so much 🥰
Joon was supposed to be a third party but he’d be away a lot bc of his job and that’s what MC was trying to avoid. She loved with JK and she rarely saw him bc of his job 😭 but captain!Joon was 🥵 he’s a cutie and a total sweetheart
Yoonmin were so fun to write and they added that little relief and drama so I’m glad you liked them ☺️ I do have a few drabble ideas for them that I can hopefully write in November (at least one by then bc kinktober week is on my schedule) and then i have some family stuff in December lol but thank you so much for reading! Your kind words always make my day! I hope you were able to get lots of sleep after reading this lol 🥲
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teyvat-writer · 1 year
damn </3 similar story with my legos... they're all in a large pink bin and we had a habit of throwing away instructions after making the set like IDIOTS!!!
btw who was your favourite? mine was always a competition between cole and zane. but jay was a cute dumbass and even lil ol' youngster me liked pathetic men.
Hmm I'm sure you'd be able to find the directions online, assuming you remember what sets you bought 😭
I liked Zane! I'm not sure why, I guess I just found him interesting given his whole backstory and all! Also! God, man, after all these years the creature design of Ninjago has stuck with me! I adore the designs of the Serpentine and the Great Devourer! And don't even get me started on the dragons!!!!
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which jungkook loves you, and he wants you both to eat well.
> fluff, slight angst / wc: 3.4k
> warnings: yn doesn’t have a very healthy relationship with food :( + jungkook’s spit? 😭
note: this has always been in my drafts and i guess i was lowkey scared because it gets personal, but i finally wrote it :D
“sometimes it feels like i’m only eating for the sake of survival, you know? so i can’t be too bothered to cook, or care if it doesn’t taste good when i do.”
once again, your casual words from a long time ago echo in jungkook’s mind this fine sunday morning, as he works hard to perfectly fold the omelette on the pan.
he smiles to himself when he succeeds. he hums a song as he places it on top of the hot kimchi rice on your plate, sitting beside his with the not-so-successful, practice round omelette. that’s when he hears the familiar sound of your fluffy slippers dragging against the floor, too sleepy and tired to make an effort to do proper steps. he carefully sets down the two plates infront of the chairs facing each other, before meeting you halfway at the entrance of the kitchen.
“morning, baby.” he chirps his greeting as he wraps his arms around you, but you hold onto his muscled biceps to stop him.
“back hurts.” you cry out quietly, turning around to clasp your hands together around your nape. he chuckles, understanding what you’re asking him to do in a heartbeat.
he wraps his arms around you again before picking you up effortlessly, making sure to support your elbows as he leans back and squeezes you. you moan in satisfaction when you feel the cracks, relief instantly rushing into your veins as you feel significantly lighter. when he brings your feet back to the ground, you turn around and embrace him properly with your arms around his waist. you bury your face in the smell of your boyfriend’s favorite fabric softener, brain so hazy you almost fall back into sleep.
“feel better?” he asks to confirm, soothingly rubbing your back, putting pressure here and there- around your shoulder blades. this is why he scolds you about your posture regularly, because you are a stubborn creature of habit.
“breakfast smells good.” you stand on your toes to take a peek of the food over his shoulder. “and that’s a lot of rice.”
“just eat what you can finish then.” he kisses your forehead before pulling away to head towards the dining table again. “where do you want to eat?”
“living room.” you reply while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, feeling uncomfortable because of the hair framing your face being damp after you freshened up. “want to watch queer eye. so they can inspire me to clean.”
jungkook brings out a wooden tray from the shelf. he carefully places the two plates, two glasses, and a pitcher of cold water. “i can clean instead. you rest. don’t you need to study for your exam later?”
“i’d rather clean than study.” you pout, following his footsteps leading to the living room. “i hate it more than cleaning.”
“what about jungkook?”
“what about you?” you plop down on the couch, knees on your chest as you sink into the cushion. he sets down the tray on the center table, and it produces a thump sound. “i love you.”
with a radiant smile, he offers you a plate. “wait,” you mumble, putting a pillow over your lap before taking it from his hands.
“ah!” his eyes widen with late realization. “i forgot the utensils. hold on.”
he speedwalks to and from the kitchen, and you turn on the television to play the episode you’re going to watch.
this day began with you thinking that you don’t have much of an appetite, but after the first spoonful of your favorite kimchi fried rice jungkook special with a bite-sized piece of omelette on top, you became unstoppable.
he steals a glance every now and then, delighted to see your plump cheeks devouring the food that he cooked. the joy it brings him never changes, no matter how many times he has served you his food. you make him feel loved and appreciated, and most of all, happy when you’re eating well.
needless to say, he’s been worried. you have been eating less than the usual, finishing the food in no more than ten minutes so you could go back to doing school works right away.
“my busy bee.” he sighed, squatting infront of you.
you looked up from your laptop, straightening your posture when you realized you were hunching over again.
“hi,” he greeted you again, fixing your glasses before it completely slid off your nose bridge. he could see the reflection of a research article reflecting on the lens.
you scrunched your nose, the simple action making you blush. “hi, my love. need anything?”
“just came by to give you a snack.”
he inched the bowl of assorted nuts mixed with colorful m&m’s closer to you. they reminded you of the highlights decorating your notes.
“i mixed them myself.”
you could tell. you have never seen a trail mix with these many types of nuts in your life. “chopped the nuts yourself too?”
“of course.” he grinned proudly before pointing at the m&m’s. “that’s dark chocolate too.”
a look of bewilderment painted your face. “dark m&m’s exist?!”
jungkook tucks your hair behind your ear so it won’t get into your food. pretty, he thinks to himself when you give him an appreciative smile.
he finishes his food first, gulping down his glass of water as he watches a guy have a makeover in preparation for his marriage proposal to his girlfriend.
you finish yours as well, leaving your plate on the tray as you chew on the final bite. by no exaggeration, you did not leave a single grain of rice.
“oh, my baby! you finally ate well.” he beams, pinching your cheek lightly.
“i got inspired to clean my plate because the food was yummy.” you praise him, slumping against his side after drinking three gulps of water.
“i’m proud of you. you should wear the angel pajamas tonight.” his tattooed hand squeezes your thigh, covered by seokjin’s devil pajamas from the artist-made collection.
his suggestion makes you chuckle, finding the character holding a pitchfork printed on the cloth adorable. “should i?”
you and jungkook eat samgyupsal for dinner, because apparently, last night wasn’t enough to satisfy his craving. but you barely ate yesterday that you forgot that you even had it, which you suspect is part of the reason why he wants to have it again. and you’re grateful, because you can enjoy it with an appetite this time.
“here, baby. eat your greens.” he wraps a piece of the freshly grilled meat in lettuce, feeding it to you with a happy grin.
your jaw works extra hard to chew the leaf occupying most of your mouth. “that was too big. the ratio was totally off!” you whine while reaching for the glass of water to push it down.
“it was? sorry.” but he doesn’t look or sound guilty, especially when he opens his mouth widely to stuff it full of his favorite food. with waaay more meat than lettuce.
you scoff, putting the cooked strips of samgyupsal in his bowl before laying out more on the grill. he tries taking the tongs from you to take over, but you put your hand behind you with a pout.
“let me. this is only the time i can cook without messing it up.”
it wouldn’t be shocking to learn that you do get insecure about your lack of cooking skills. look, you’ve tried. you lived alone for years before moving in with jungkook. there was no other choice but to try. about a couple million times. you followed the recipes, followed your instincts next. you didn’t like eating your undercooked or overcooked, too salty or too bland food— but eating outside everyday wasn’t a luxury you had. over time, it came to feel like a chore. eating. and you hated yourself for it, all because you couldn’t get shit right. it was not the right way to live, but you felt stuck.
so perhaps it was natural that you gravitated towards jungkook. jungkook who has the patience for cooking. puts the perfect amount of seasonings. has incredible chopping skills. watches cooking shows religiously. jungkook who enjoys food with his entire body. makes brain food when you study. jungkook who is feeding the both of you while you grill the meat because he just learned that you enjoy holding the tongs more than you’re afraid of oil splattering.
“this is only lettuce,” it starts off as a mere statement of observation, until it fully registers in your brain. “jungkook, i swear to god- if you don’t stop feeding me grass!”
after dinner, you go straight to studying to prepare for your test on tuesday. the center table of the living room being clattered with your study materials is a very familiar sight, somehow jungkook finds himself feeling fond of it, as he sits on the carpeted floor next to you. he has earbuds on, an audiobook paused on his tablet.
“hi. this seat isn’t taken, is it?” he sends a charming smile your way, his knee brushing against yours as he makes himself comfortable.
“well, it is now.” you roll your eyes jokingly, twirling the blue highlighter using your fingers as you try to retain the terms you’re reading inside your brain.
“i’m studying, too. english.” he makes space for his device, collecting the stray sheets of paper scattered on the table before tucking them in between one of your notebooks.
“do you have a test, too?”
“kind of?” he answers, sounding enthusiastic as he grooves and bounces to no music. he’s the exact opposite of you. “i have a schedule with my teacher on tuesday too. i want to make him proud that i did advanced reading.”
jungkook makes all of the people in his life proud. he is never not eager to learn— mistakes or fallbacks only motivate him to pour more of his time and effort into getting things right. putting aside the sad pouts, frustrated whines usually consisting of no, no, this is not it or please let me do it again or i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing wrong; and the tsk sound he makes as he tilts his head to the side as if he’s trying to knock some sense to himself before he tries again. what matters most is that he tries again and again and again, and he makes you want to do the same, too. you think of him when you want to give up, when things feel unbearable. you channel the willpower he thrives on because sometimes you forget that you don’t want to be a weak person, and you just need a little push to be reminded of that.
there is a sense of contentment and peace in the atmosphere as you study in your own little bubbles. you’re still memorizing while jungkook reads the story out loud with the narrator every now and then to practice his pronunciation. he uses his phone to search for the meaning of unfamiliar words. he decided that petrichor is one of the most beautiful words he’s learned so far.
he entertains you during your ten-minute break, peeling another orange as he speaks out his mind about something that he is both curious and annoyed about. “why are there so many words with a lot of different meanings? it’s too difficult. my brain has not much space left!”
you’re not really given a chance to speak because he feeds you a slice of orange, then himself, then you again. you can only smile in amusement with your mouth full, gathering the seeds at the corner of your tongue before spitting them out on the tissue he laid out.
you go back to studying, and he finishes up twenty minutes and two more oranges later. he plays around with the peels he carefully worked hard on not breaking earlier, making you a bracelet instead of the choker he originally wanted because of the warning look you gave him when he tried putting it on you.
he crawls on the couch you’re leaning on, scrolling through his phone for a few minutes until he grows restless again. he drags his body downward, folding his knees to level with you.
“are you almost finished?” he asks hopefully, his warm breath fanning on the shell of your ear.
you flinch with a giggle, rubbing your ear against your shoulder to make the tickle go away. “yup. just need to go over them again real quick.”
“okaaay.” he replies cutely. he suddenly gets up to leave the room, and you frown sadly when you find yourself alone again. the sound of the air purifier is almost deafening- it mocks you. reminds you of all the times you wished on ceilings for someone to make this silence bearable at most. you sigh, taking off your glasses to rest your tired eyes for a moment.
you crack your eyes open again when you feel your boyfriend’s presence infront of you.
“are you done now?” he repeats his question, holding up your angel pajamas he mentioned this morning. more than that, he’s wearing his own set, too. the first two buttons of the top undone. this is the first time you’re seeing him wear it, and butterflies erupt in your stomach at the thought of him wearing it because he wants to match with you.
so even though you’re not exactly done, you say yes anyway. you change into the pajamas, and exclaim “i’m already brushing my teeth!” with a mouth full of toothpaste when jungkook peeks into the bathroom to ask if you want a sandwich for your midnight snack.
it’s a reflex at this point, your feet carrying you to wherever jungkook is. the bus you get on from the university to his company, the three-minute walk it takes to get there from the bus stop. the smell lingering in the air changes with every five steps as you pass by the restaurants and street vendors. your stomach grumbles pathetically.
so when jungkook opens the door with his lips attached to his bottle filled with his favorite chocolate-flavored protein shake that you (not so) secretly take a sip or two of every now and then, your hands reach for it immediately.
“what the-” he looks down at his empty hands, and then back at you taking small sips from the bottle as you spin around on his chair.
he shuts the door before catching the armrest to make the chair stop, standing infront of you with his arms crossed. “did you just steal from me?”
you smile at him innocently, his tall frame towering over you. you clutch the bottle tightly in your hand, wary of him taking it away. “what’s yours is mine, right?”
“then you get mad at me using your shaver once-”
“it’s my shaver.” you retort, in disbelief with the example he has given. and it was definitely not just once. “that’s totally different!”
he pouts so big his cupid’s bow touches the tip of his nose. “that has my saliva in it.”
you raise an eyebrow. “so? atleast it’s chocolate-flavored this time. your spit tastes like spit.”
“what does it taste like exactly?”
“water with a hint of mint?”
he sighs in defeat. nothing he says ever phase you, so why does he still try? so instead, he sits on your lap.
“yah, jungkook!” you gasp, hitting his back with your fists. femur, the strongest bone of the body- this must be the reason why god made them that way.
“you’re so- heavy! move!”
“no! give me back my protein shake!”
“i finished it! there was like three sips left, you dummy!” you groan, pushing him off with all your strength. he gets nudged off a little, and that’s your window of opportunity to make a move. you quickly part your thighs, and his butt ends up falling in the space between.
“here-” you hang your arm over his shoulder, waving the bottle infront of his face. he takes it from your hand, shaking it to check if you really finished it.
you didn’t. you just wanted to bicker.
he gulps down what is left with a satisfied hum, putting back the cover before setting it down on the left side of his table, far away from his equipment. he leans his back against you, reaching for your hands to wrap them around his waist. still heavy, but bearable.
if the protein shake wasn’t enough of an indication that he just finished working out, his damp hair touches your cheek. you shiver lightly at the coldness.
he clicks his tongue, staring at the ocean displayed as the wallpaper of his computer. “i’m hungry.”
at that, you feel your stomach grumble again. “me too.”
“did you eat the breakfast i left at the table?”
“i woke up late. i’m sorry.” you jut out your bottom lip, upset that you weren’t able to eat the food he prepared for you. “i put the berries in a lunchbox and ran out of the house.”
his lips brush against your cheek before he puckers them up to plant a kiss. “it’s okay. i picked the berries myself. went to three different farms.”
“now you’re just lying.” you flick his neck without force, and he winces dramatically. “i bought those at the supermarket.”
“but i bought the blueberries. now kiss it better.” he counters, pointing at his neck.
so needy and dramatic.
your arms wrap around his waist again to tug him closer. instead of kissing the part that you flicked, you go the other way to kiss his mole. your favorite, after the one under his lip. the light touch prompts jungkook’s heart to do somersaults inside his ribcage.
he intertwines his hand with yours over his stomach, and you end up back hugging him with your weight leaning forward. “how did your test go?”
“wasn’t sure about two questions, but i think i did pretty good.”
“hmm, that’s my baby.” he rasps, kissing the back of your hand.
you hide the overly pleased smile on your face, resting your cheek on his shoulder. “how ‘bout you?”
“oh, english is my next schedule. let’s go grab lunch first.” he checks his black wrist watch. “we have more than an hour. what do you want to eat?”
“sushi!” you blurt out, excitedly shaking his shoulders.
“okay!” he responds with the same level of enthusiasm, standing up from the chair to face you. “let’s get gimbap!”
“sushi.” you whine out, using the strength of your legs to anchor yourself to the chair when he tugs at your hand.
“but gimbap is better. let’s go.”
he laughs out loud when the chair starts rolling along with you as he tugs you towards the door. “you can’t bring the chair to the restaurant!”
you shake your head stubbornly. “love, sushi. i’ll order the ones with fish this time.”
“you? eating fish that isn’t tuna?” he raises an eyebrow skeptically. “i don’t trust you.”
“i’ll give them another chance. you can trust me this time.” you bat your eyelashes, making good use of your charms.
you will seriously try, but knowing yourself well, there is a 90% chance that your boyfriend will have to get them wrapped up for take-out and then order your usual.
and knowing him well too, he’s not difficult to persuade. “alright, sushi. let’s get it!”
“wait. my bag-” you turn back, reaching for the khaki shoulder bag you left on the couch.
“just leave it, baby. we’ll come back anyway.” he says impatiently, circling his arm around your waist to bring you outside of the studio with him.
“but i need my wallet because i’ll buy our lunch.” you scold him as you punch in the code of the locked door.
his face lights up comically at the mention of free food. “ah, really? then can i have ramen, too? oh! takoyaki!”
you roll your eyes at the cheeky smile on his lips, stepping foot inside his studio again. “okay. order anything you want.”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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my-reality-my-rules · 2 years
One of the things I think has held me back from shifting is the way people talk about the ‘characters’ they meet. Like I understand why they would call them that, but you’ve actually met them so why are you still using a term used for fictional people? Or when they quote them it’s like something iconic, these people are real! Which means they’re boring!!! Why are they making some kind of “iconic 😭😭 of course they would they say that” comment.
Help me queen 🧎‍♀️ you’re the only shifter I trust for some treason.
Ps. Not to mention the stories they tell 😭 why are you airing out this person’s business just because they’re not real HERE?
[thanks for this ask!]
hot take: even then, we still romanticise our DR's.
i read your message and am in full agreement with all the things you mentioned. i mean, i understand why some people think of them as characters (since they are fictional here)—which i guess just factors in the way we imagine them: unreachable, unreal. you could say it stems from that mindset that we think they're too good to be true.
they're not iconic, not always perfect. personally, i think we see them that way because we're projecting onto them. they're not always going to be the way we see them in canon media and in fanfiction. i learned this the hard way when i shifted to naruto; one of my favourite people turned out to be misogynistic and another was more a nuisance than i expected.
and the boring part! while things in my DR's get interesting from time to time, it can still get dull.
for me, shifting to hogwarts isn't always magical. sometimes, it's less about plot and more about dealing with painfully handwritten essays and thick tomes to sleep browse through, with hormonal teenagers and leg cramps during class, with smelly locker rooms and slumping in exhaustion as i lie in my dorm.
for me, shifting to naruto isn't always about playing around. it also means having to play petty familial politics, suffering through headaches while working night shifts, sweating under the sun until i pull a muscle, gaining calluses, having sore feet, or even accidentally burning myself.
and shifting to the past. i don't have the comfort of familiarity; no modern technology, no knowledge of getting around the lack of full urbanity. social expectations are different, and even the most civilian of people can become the most dangerous.
believe me, seeing storytimes is always fun, no doubt about that—because it keeps people on their toes. but we need to discuss the uglies about actually shifting to a DR—not necessarily deep topics or even taboo ones, just the boring nonsensical things.
sometimes, things can be overwhelming. sometimes, nothing happens at all. like. it's life. the only difference between a CR and a DR is the starting perks you get at birth. i get why people tailor their content but i think it's harmful if they always show things in a rose-tinted light, even if sometimes it's meant to be satire or dark humour.
i guess that also factors into the whole romanticisation situation. we view our DR's as nothing less than perfect. personally, there's no truly perfect reality, at least nothing that we can come up with. we're flawed creatures, and susceptible to discontent.
we have our moments in our DR's, i won't deny that. I'm not discrediting anyone's experience. but i feel that we should talk about normal everyday life while shifting more, you know?
i think you can start there! in the mundanity of things in your DR, at least, if you want to down on the mindset aspect of your question. try some DR immersion: eat everyday foods from the place you're shifting to, or commit to a good habit you have there. simple things.
there was also this piece of advice i heard somewhere (either here on tumblr or amino); don't imagine the people you're shifting for, imagine the place you're shifting to. they're not here, not in your CR, not physically, and it's a reason why it's seemingly more difficult for some shifters to shift. if you have trouble with that, then try visualising the place instead, because it's something that you can actually recreate, something tangible that you can engage in.
and, most important of all—don't romanticise your DR. it's a trap that we've all fallen inside from time to time, but it just ends up being less productive for most of us.
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twinhood-2dot0 · 3 years
Good morning Alex,
Okay don't worry I won't torture you with that font. Today is 3rd January 2022? I have no perception of time. Yeah I'm gonna suck at this. School's started and you've decided to leave me hanging so I'm gonna list animals I'd love to keep as a pet while I have my class running in the background until my brain goes blank.
It's in no particular order (except for the first one axolotls are objectively the best animals. I could go on for hours about how awesome they are, maybe that will be my next post, but I guess you're tired of hearing me fawn over axolotls.)
Tiger (Yes, I'm gonna have wild animals too, not my fault they're cute).
Idk cat breeds so uh I love the standard issue cat as reddit calls it and Maine Coon. (The picture below is a stickied post on r/standardissuecat)
Tumblr media
Ugh now the numbering is messed up whatever. Oh yeah uh the animal here is skunk I know they stink BUT LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY ARE.
Siberian husky.
German Shepherd. Yeah that's all the dog breeds I know and love. I love all kinds of dogs but these are my favourites.
Are there any other domesticated birds? Who cares, I don't limit myself to domesticated anyways. Duck. Maybe Mandarin or a classic white one you see everywhere.
Ugh Tumblr formatting can you please stop screwing me over? Thanks. Gecko.
Mouse/rat idk the difference 😭 what kind of animal lover am I.
Rabbit/hare(See №18).
Hedgehog/Porcupine (I actually know the difference but I'm gonna lump them together either way).
I'm just gonna say big cats here cuz all of them are adorable.
FISH FISH FISH HOW COULD I FORGET THEM. Fish are the my favourite, I don't know why but aquatic animals have always fascinated me. I wanted to be a marine zoologist at one point so I could go scuba diving and see all these awesome creatures.
Squid/Cuttlefish but idk if you can keep them as pets? They're cute nonetheless.
I'm pretty sure octopus can be kept in aquariums so yeah.
Shrimp. I'm allergic to eating shellfish and shrimo but who cares they're better to look at anyways.
I'm gonna need a huge aquarium.
Okay my mind has finally gone blank.
Alex, I'll see you on Tuesday?
Edit: I have a stupid habit of editing then not reading if the sentence is grammatically correct I'm so sorry for whatever crazy grammar you see.
Edited P.S: here's a stupid joke I had which I forgot to incorporate so I'm just gonna put it here. Idk about high school student but I'm definitely gonna sound like a *high* school student writing these posts.
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