#a considerable distance away!! and while you're in costume!!
shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Imagine civilians dropping dead, not because of a villain, but because little baby Kotaro keeps waving at people, and the combination of a tiny baby boy in an adorable onesie sucking on his teeny little fist is a recipe for a lethal amount of adorable.
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taking the baby to see the agency!
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lovegrowsart · 3 months
the argument i keep seeing that the choice qimir gives to osha to leave the island in episode six isn't a "real choice" because in the real world it'd maybe be realistically logistically/physically difficult to cross that body of water is driving me up the wall because it's such literal thinking when star wars has never been and will never be concerned with what's realistic or logistically plausible. there's fire in space in the first episode of the show, because fire needed to be there to give osha that moment of flashback to the trauma of her childhood and help further establish her character - it's entirely in service to the story, doesn't matter that that's not how it works irl.
the reason the ship is there is because it needed to be in the distance to facilitate the visual storytelling - osha looking back at the ship, her chance to flee/escape the underworld, then looking back at qimir walking away off screen and making the choice to follow him. that's literally (heh) it. he even suggests waiting for low tide if she wants an easier time of it if we're gonna be that concerned about how oh so terribly hard it'd be for osha - who is an adult ex jedi and a mechanic that does such dangerous jobs on space ships that the republic legit made it illegal for anyone but droids to do them - to manage a bit of a difficult swim :(
ymmv on the qimir being manipulative angle, but i think it'd benefit a lot of people's understanding of the dynamic between osha and qimir in episode six to remember that star wars is fairytale - it is metaphorical and psychological mythology. it is not realistic or grounded in reality, nor is it meant to be read with realism in mind, because then you're simply analysing/critiquing from a position that the story isn't operating from.
you don't have to take a creator's words into consideration when developing your own interpretation, but such things can be helpful and valuable. leslye headland's made her intentions re: osha and qimir's dynamic pretty clear - that it's not meant to be manipulative, that one of the purposes of episode six was to explore qimir's "lighter" side and osha's "darker" side (hence the wholly unsubtle costuming choices, him in natural-looking off-white and osha entirely in solid grey). while qimir isn't being wholly honest with her right off the bat (cause why would he be?), he also isn't deceiving or tricking her about anything re: who he is and what he's about - how could he? she knows his face. she knows entirely what he's capable of and what he did in episode five. he can't play the master and the fool the way he did with mae, he can only be as honest as a man like him can be if he wants her to listen to him. i don't think she's naive about him at all, and i think people struggle with understanding that - that she doesn't have any illusions about his morality or lack thereof - and understanding that she still has the agency and desire to listen to what he has to say. you can believe it isn't "good" for her to listen to him, sure, but that doesn't mean she's being maliciously manipulated maliciously.
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copwef · 10 months
Who would win? 2012 TMNT turtles or Rottmnt turtles?
To even thing's out we will put every character in their base form. Ex: 2012 Leo doesn't get his vision quest costume or his Maximus Kong form and rise Leo doesn't get his serious "Hamato outfit"(red bandana and black robes). However rise leo does get his mystic outfit because in the movie that becomes his base outfit.
To clear up one argument now, I'm not taking away rise! Turtle's mystic abilities. The argument" without their powers they wouldn't win" doesn't work because in their universe, and in their base forms they have access to these powers. It would like taking away 2012! Turtle's weapon's. You can't just remove them because you don't like them. You HAVE to factor them into the equation or you're just being biased.
Moving on here are the results.
Rise!Donnie vs 2012 Donnie
Rise!Donnie would win no difference...
While 2012 Donnie is a formidable fighter, his weapon is still a stick. A stick that have seen break on multiple occasions and need to be replaced. Rise! Donnie's battle shell has been show to have multiple features that could damage and destroy 2012! Donnie's weapon. And while he could probably put up a fight without it, Rise! Donnie Would probably still get the best of him.
Rise! Raph vs 2012 Raph...
2012 Raph would win with medium difficulty.
While Rise! Raph's nimpo would make him a formidable fighter if he went all out, he is more peaceful/responsible and would likely refrain from going all out and using his nimpo to it's fullest potential. While 2012 Raph is more hot headed and would likely atack all out for a misunderstanding. Leading to his victory.
Rise! Mikey vs 2012 Mikey
Rise! Mikey wins no with a capal N,difference...
In both series we get hint of what the turtles would be like in the future. In rise's future Mikey is the most powerful mystic warrior the world has ever seen. While in 2012s mutant apocalypse he is a frial old man who, Yes is still probably a formidable fighter, not nearly as powerful as he was. However in both of their primes Rise! Mikey is still the most powerful of his brothers when it comes to his nimpo as seen when he throws a building at krang prime. 2012s Mikey has shown not nearly that amount of strength and skill.
Rise!Leo vs 2012 leo.
Rise!Leo wins medium difficulty....
While this would be the closest fight,Rise! Leo's portals would allow him more dexterity then his 2012 counterpart. Contrary to popular belief he more skilled then him to. As show when he hits krang prime with his sword from a considerable distance away in the movie. While 2012 Leo could hold his own for quite a while, Rise!Leo would likely get the upper hand eventually.
So those are the results. What do you guys think? Let me know if you think I got something wrong. I might do more of these at a later date so stay turned... :)
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isimp4hawkz · 3 years
The Thief
(Hawks x Fem OC)
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this is an old fic of mine, back when i first got into hawks (what have i become?) i never published it. please bear with my undeveloped writing :} and on behalf of my pre-obsessed self, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i did writing it.
-Edited slightly-
-Not 100% canon-
-Some aspects may seem far fetched-
Words: 2k
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Hawks’ POV
Recently, I've been cycling through a continuous loop of circumstances whereas every time that I'm about a millisecond away from saving someone in danger- the same, new, and hot pro hero swoops in right on the knick of time and steals my shot.
A spontaneous looker of a woman who went by the hero name Tundra. I hadn't ever heard of her before the little debut she had as of last week, as goes with most rookies. But this one was quick to gain her prominence in this city.
Do I honestly care all that much? Not really.
I think it's cool when a brand new hero who's fresh out of their side-kicking days steps up and climbs through the ranks, earning themselves a little popularity with the citizens as they answer their calls for help.
And to be frank, I've been taking it easy these days. More than I usually would. Out on the beaches during the day, and partying all throughout the night. Free time was scarce for me. I definitely won't put off having a good time while I still can.
Sure, if someone happens to be in danger on the way to the club, or down on the twisting roads that lead down to the shore, I swoop in and save the day.
The locals around here had basically memorized my name from years of service, but I was afraid that my name had become a blur in the mixture of countless other hero's.
Hell, maybe I'm just being dramatic. It's not like they could actually forget me of course. I'm the number 2 hero in all of Japan, how could you forget me?
You'd think that taking a short hiatus would gain me some sort of up in demand from the fans, but it was the exact opposite of that. I had fallen down to 4th in the approval ratings, instead of remaining proud in my little silver throne.
All because of her...and my own laziness.
And then, I decided that that was enough fun...to some extent...for now at least. It was time to head back into the city, and reclaim my throne—or, at least try to.
I settled onto the roof of my favorite building, it was the tallest one around here. If I wanted to catch a crime in progress, here would be the optimal place to start, where I had an eagle eye view of the city.
It’s funny, being up on this tower reminds me all too much of when I first met the vixen for myself.
An interesting encounter it was.
This is how it went;
I grunted when my wings had suddenly twitched with premonition midair. It was a natural reaction that occurred when something was about to happen, usually abruptly without much warning, a small shiver that pulsated through every single one of my feathers in the blink of an eye.
Instantaneously, two flashes of white sped past me in a blur of haste, followed by a gust of wind that physically made me wobble in my flight.
Ahead of me now flew someone. With a pair of wings as white as snow itself, feathers littered with black markings.
"Woah-" I uttered as I regained my balance, blinking in shock.
They were soon just a barely vivible spec in the distance.
'Huh...Well that's new. Can't remember the last time I saw another winged person besides...'
That person's name was long since lost in my memories. Last I heard, they'd transferred to another hero agency in distant city.
I'd only shrugged it off.
It was best to just continue my leisurely flight. I was in no rush, after all. I've waited this long to get back into the game, what's a few spare minutes of taking my time got on me?
The office building stood tall, barely piercing the sky. It's thin structure made it look like just the faintest breeze could make it topple.
A draft of wind blew viciously against me. It was much cooler up here, the air was naturally a bit thinner. Not that I wasn't used to it, but it had been well over a week since I'd gone here.
I exhaled peacefully as I took my perch on one of the building's edges, gazing down at the city. The sun was beginning to dip into the horizon, lighting the land with tranquil variants of orange and pink. People looked like mere ants from up here, scurrying aside toy vehicles.
The sunsets always looked so nice from here.
Most would see this as a time to be at home and prepare themselves for bed. But for a villain, it was happy hour. A time for iniquity to prosper in the shadows.
'Now then, let's see if we can find any-'
"Hey there." A voice had spoke from behind me, causing my feathers to stand on edge and bolt me into the air on instinct with one strong flap. I immediately whirled around, dumbfounded.
A woman stood before me. The pearly white pair of wings sprouting elegantly from her back and dotted with black markings taking me back to moments ago. They fluttered subtly as she studied me.
'That's strange...why didn't I sense her?'
She sported an inviting smile on her face, yet I could tell by the look in her eye that she was unsure of what to think of me. "Sorry for startling you. Come up here to wait for the stars?" She asks as she looks thoughtfully into the distant sky.
Her eyes shone a sharp grey that caught the sinking glow of the sun. The costume she wore wasn't exactly loose against her skin, ivory feathers imprinted into the fabric around her waist. Curves hugged in all the right places. Rather stunning.
'A hero?'
I must've been staring in a daze for too long, because she'd cleared her throat, shifting her weight from one leg to another in a little rocking motion.
I honestly didn't know what to think of her myself. I've never seen her before.
Mild curiosity somehow got the better of me in seconds. I'd've liked to get a bit of information off of her for my own self pleasure. A little flirtatious prodding would do the trick just fine.
"Now why would I waste my time lookin' up there when there's a much better view down here?"
She sucked in her cheek, never breaking eye contact with me as descended back down onto the platform so we were at the same level, hands dug deep in my pockets. Slapping on one of my signature lazy smirks, I continued, "So tell me, what's a beauty like yourself doin' all the way up here on this fine evening?"
My feathers had suddenly puffed up. It had startled me, but I managed to play it off with a small stretch.
That only happened whenever I wanted to give off a sense of superiority towards another individual, among other things.
She eyed my new display curiously. "Y'know, I could ask you the same—In fact I already did, actually—minus the little pick up line of course." She avoided the question, responding with a little quick-witted remark. It was hard to tell if she was hiding something, or if she's just being cautious.
"Well if you'd really like to know, I'm on duty. This is where I come to sort of survey everything."
She nodded, agreeing that that was a reasonable answer, and when I asked her about her own intentions, she responded with, "Oh, similar reasons. You're looking at a newbie trying to find her way in a foreign country, all while taking steps towards her dream of making something of herself.”
"New here huh? Excuse my manners, or lack of. Allow me to introduce myself. Wing Hero: Hawks." I gave her a curt bow, "Last time I checked, I'm still in the top 10 heroes in the country."
She gives me a strange look after taking my words into consideration. "Hawks..." The way my name rolled off her tongue as she sounded it aloud for herself made me swallow a lump. "In the top 10 you say? Never heard of ya—Granted, I've never really heard of anyone around these parts." She looked over into the horizon, rubbing her bicep. She seemed deliberately captivated by the colors settling onto the land.
'So she claims to be new to the country...'
I wouldn't doubt it too much. The honey color etched across her skin would definitely make others think twice about where she's from. There's also a small accent lingering at the back of her tone, I find it sexy.
Still, I'm rather curious about her, so I'll say something a bit more patronizing as an experiment, testing the waters or whatever. I bring my arms behind my head, looking over at the sunset. "Don't feel bad about being in the blind side. A newbie wouldn't know much about me in the first place unless they're some kind of huge fan, or even a stalker."
Then the look that burgeoned in her eye enthralled me. A corrosive flare. It spoke clear words. 'I don't like when people assume things about me.'
I almost bit my lip. 'That's hot.'
She sighed out nasally. "I can assure you, I'm neither one of those. Owl hero: Tundra." She barely spat that out as she crossed her arms, unintentionally making her breasts bulge in their bindings. "I've been on official duty in this city for over 72 hours now." She looked aside.
'Well that explains the wings.' Wouldn't a quirk like that be manifested from up North? But her skin and accent...She's a living cocktail.
And so I pressed on, chuckling. "I knew it. That cluelessness is bound to stem from lack of experience."
She raised an eyebrow as she met my eyes again. "Excuse me?"
The calmness in her voice was almost unsettling. It threw me for a loop. I genuinely can't think of any other female I've meet who could keep such a level-headed reaction up while being involuntarily insulted.
Those reactions were coaxing me to push her buttons. 'Let's see how far you'd go to remain in complete, professional control...'
"Don't take it personally, pigeon, it's just a fact." I was mostly betting on the bold assumption that she wouldn't take that nickname too kindly, and boy was I right.
"Pigeon?-" Her eyes flared along with a trembling fluff of her feathers. From the back of her throat came a short, rumbling sound resembling a hoot. Telling me I was crossing boundaries in a coherent avian language. Her pupils constricted, staring daggers straight through me.
'Hm. Definitely got bird of prey in her. Or maybe that's just her.'
I cooed mockingly in response, my wings unfurling widely to fan at her. Come at me.
The tension in the air weighed a ton as we stared each other down like natural enemies for a few lengthy seconds.
She seemed to have taken that as a challenge, but to my disappointment, she was quick to recompose herself, allowing her once erect feathers to relax against her back with a curt roll of her shoulders. Her eyes dilated back, though still a bit on the small side as she looked at me. I could feel it in every barb of my feathers, she was ready to tackle me a few moments ago.
It was sad to say that I found myself mildly disappointed. Mildly because to put it short, that reaction would've had my tail wagging if I were a dog. Well worth the effort it took to bring it to light.
She huffed out a breath. "You know what? I should probably be on my way. I'm wasting my time here. Good evening, Hawk man."
And with that, she calmly whirled around, unintentionally flashing me a great view of her juicy thighs and ass as she stormed off to the edge of the building, not forgetting to dramatically spread her wings.
Every step she took made those thighs shake. Holy fuck.
I had to will myself to not stop her. This urging curiosity to know more about this woman was certainly bubbling in its wake. Can't be the last time I'll see her. I don't think I'd allow it, actually.
She didn't look back as she jumped off the edge of the building, swooping down into the depths of the city.
I sighed, eyes promptly returning to study the calmness below. 'She's got a bit of a fire to her, doesn't she?'
"I'll stick a bit of a fire up your ass." A faint slur of mumbles drifted through the wind, making me blink confusedly as it reached my ears.
When I turned to look, there was no one.
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