#a close friend came back from a school trip and just sat and said she has to break up with her longterm boyfriend
paladudette · 2 years
i used to make fun of people for freaking out over their friends getting engaged all around them but now i Am that person and i don’t know how to handle the process of getting older
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
why did you leave me (cl16)
multipart story! prev || next
summary : charles and y/n have always been best friends. but y/n has been in love with him forever. when charles starts dating a new girl, out of respect y/n distances herself. but how much is too much?
✦ pairing - charles leclerc x female reader
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Y/N sat alone in her room, the soft glow of her laptop screen casting shadows across her face. She had made the decision to distance herself from Charles, but the weight of that choice pressed heavily on her heart. She opened her photo gallery, scrolling through the countless pictures she and Charles had taken over the years.
The first photo she stopped on was one of them as children, covered in mud after a day of playing in the rain. Charles' bright green eyes sparkled with joy, and Y/N's face was lit up with a wide grin. She remembered that day vividly.
"Come on, Y/N! Let's see who can make the biggest splash!" Charles had shouted, his laughter infectious.
They had spent hours running through puddles, completely carefree. Y/N wiped a tear from her cheek, her heart aching with the memory of simpler times.
The next photo was from their high school graduation. Charles had his arm around her, both of them wearing their caps and gowns, faces beaming with pride.
"We did it, Y/N!" he had said, his excitement palpable. "We’re finally free!" He hugged her and spun her around as Y/N giggled.
"Yeah, we are!" she had replied, feeling a mix of happiness and sadness at the thought of their lives changing.
She continued scrolling, each photo bringing back a flood of memories. There was the picture of them at his first major race win, where she had jumped into his arms in celebration. Another showed them sitting by the campfire during their family camping trip, the warmth of the flames reflected in their eyes as they shared stories late into the night.
Tears streamed down Y/N’s face as she relived each moment. Her silent sobs wrecked her delicate frame. She came across a photo from the night they had celebrated her birthday. Charles had surprised her with a cake, a beautiful pendant and they had spent the night dancing and laughing.
"Make a wish, Y/N/N!" he had said, holding the cake in front of her.
She had closed her eyes, silently wishing that they would always stay as close as they were then. The irony of that wish now felt like a cruel twist of fate.
Unable to hold back her emotions any longer, Y/N began to sob openly. The realization of how much she loved Charles and how much she would miss him was overwhelming. She was losing her best friend and it was all her fault. Her tears glistened and she tried to silence herself but all the memories came rushing back. Every hug, every time Charles made Y/N feel loved, every fight, every milestone. Her large golden retriever, Elvis, sensing her distress, jumped onto the bed and nuzzled his head into her lap.
"Oh, Eli," she cried, wrapping her arms around the dog's neck. "I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know how to let him go."
Elvis licked her face, his warm presence offering a small comfort in her despair. Y/N buried her face in his fur, her shoulders shaking with the intensity of her sobs.
"I love him so much, Eli," she whispered. "But I can’t stand the thought of being so close and not being able to tell him. I don't want to hurt their relationship. She is so lovely and he is so happy. They deserve this and here I am, making this about me. But I can't do it. I can't stay close because it just hurts too much."
She looked back at the screen, her vision blurred by tears. The next photo was one Charles had taken of her when she wasn’t looking. She was sitting by the water, lost in thought, with a serene smile on her face.
"He always captured the best moments, Elvis," she said to the empty room, her voice breaking. "He always know how to make me feel special."
Max whined softly, pressing closer to her, and she stroked his fur, finding some solace in his loyalty.
"I wish things could be different," she continued, her voice barely a whisper. "I wish I had the courage to tell him how I feel. But he’s happy with Camille, and I can't ruin that for him."
As she scrolled further, she found the last photo they had taken together, just a few days before he told her about Camille. They were sitting on his couch, watching a movie, their heads leaning against each other. It was the last time things had felt normal, the last time she hadn’t felt the crushing weight of her unspoken love.
"I’ll always cherish these memories Charles," she said, her voice trembling. "But I have to let you go. It’s the only way I can protect my heart."
With a final sob, she closed her laptop and buried her face in Elvis's fur, letting the weight of her decision wash over her. She knew it would take time to heal, but for now, all she could do was grieve the loss of the closeness they once shared.
taglist : @hiireadstuff @starz4me1 @f1fantasys @aundercover @ohthemisssery @ggaslyp1 @hadids-world @matcha---matcha @f1luvUr @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @timmychalametsstuff
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Bau x reader - family time
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something where there’s a case in readers hometown, and readers mom invited the team over for dinner ?? - Anon💜
It was a small community, so it didn’t surprise you when your mom texted you a few hours after your arrival demanding that you go to her house.
With a sigh, you messaged her back and explained that you couldn’t because you were working, but you’d come by after the case was finished.
After deciding that was too long your mom came down to the station you were working at.
“(Y/N) (L/N)!”
The whole team shot up and spun around, so did you.
“Mom?! Seriously?!”
She grinned from ear to ear, and you laughed softly, walking over to hug your mom, and she held you tightly in her arms.
“I can’t believe you wouldn’t come see your mother.” She lightly scolded.
“Come on mom, I’m working I already told you this. How come you’re here? Are you okay? Did something happen?”
Pulling away, you led your mom to your chair and sat her down, then leant against the table as you looked down at her.
“You know you shouldn’t be walking so far with that hip of yours mom.”
“Ah my hip is fine, I can still walk.”
You sighed.
“Your doctor told you to take it easy, remember what happened last time? You couldn’t get out of bed for two days without help.”
Your mom waved her hand dismissively at you, then turned to the rest of the team who were watching with curiosity and amusement.
“Who are your friends?”
You smiled at her, letting them all introduce themselves to your mom.
“Wow, (Y/N) never said their mom was such a beautiful woman.” Derek grinned.
“Dude! That’s my mom!”
They laughed, and you huffed a little, turning to Reid who had gone back to working.
While JJ and Emily were asking your mom for any embarrassing stories about you, you walked to your friend, standing next to him.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“I just had a thought. What’s in this area?” He asked.
You looked at the map, and you grabbed his pen, drawing some things on it before gesturing to it.
“This bit is part of the school, just after the river that part is empty, abandoned, I think it used to be a processing facility or something like that, a lot of local kids go exploring in there, sometimes graffiti and stuff that’s about it.”
Reid nodded his head, and he looked over at you.
“I need to go to the first crime scene, will you come with you.”
“Of course.”
Grabbing your jacket, you pulled it on whim Reid spoke to Hotch and you walked over to your mom, kissing the top of her head.
“I need to go, but I’ll come see you after the case, love you.”
“I love you too, be safe.”
You nodded, jogging to meet Reid by the front door.
When the case came to an end, you messaged your mom that you’d be coming after, and she asked you to bring your whole team.
You laughed a little, putting your phone in your pocket.
“Hey, do you guys fancy a little trip?”
“Where to?” Hotch asked.
“Mom wants you all to come for dinner before going, I don’t think we get a choice in this.”
The laughed but eagerly agreed.
Of course the first place Emily, JJ and Derek went was to go and find your room, trying to see if it had changed or not.
You mom had reached out to Rossi to get him to invite Garcia, so it wasn’t long until she arrived.
“Oh I can’t believe it’s your home! Where’s the baby pictures?!” She grinned.
“No!” You rushed you.
Quickly taking the folder from your mom, you held it closely.
“Aw come on! Let us see!” Garcia pleaded.
“Aw darling you may have been a fat baby but you were still adorable.”
“I wasn’t a fat baby…” you huffed.
“Oh my god were you a fat baby?” Emily asked.
Your mom lightly hit your arm.
“Yes you were, let them see.”
She took the folder back from you and you huffed, sitting down on the couch as you stroked the cat that came to cuddle with you.
Picking him up, you held him in your lap.
“I can’t believe you still have fluffy, he’s so old now.” You mumbled.
The old cat purred a little bit.
“Oh my god look at your little grin!” JJ laughed.
She turned the folder to you so you could see the phone of you covered in dirt just grinning from ear to ear.
They were having the time of their lives learning about you and what you did when you were little.
Rossi and Hotch both back back, having been given a box by your mom and set it on the table.
Rossi opened it to see your macaroni you made in second grade.
“A little artist I see.” He chuckled.
Hotch knelt down, taking a few class photos out and paintings.
“Honestly I was expecting more skateboarding or something along those lines.”
“Hotch I was four, the only thing I was interested in was eating dirt and collecting stones.”
They all laughed, and your mom came back announcing dinner was ready, so you went to help her set the table up.
You enjoyed this, just your team and your mom all together, all the people you loved under one roof
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simjaexy · 3 months
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Notice Me!
Pairing: Crush! Kim Sunoo x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Having a huge crush on the most popular boy in school was troublesome. Knowing that girls would swarm him within seconds. Kim Sunoo was a nice, charming, handsome boy. You wished he could notice you, but who said he hasn’t?
Genre: Fluff, High School au
Warning: None!
Notes: Kinda long. Not proofread!
The birds chirped softly outside while you viewed the mountains near your school. It was the last period before you get to go home. You urgently shook your leg as you waited for the bell to ring.
The sound of the bell ringing snapped you to reality and got up from your seat, grabbing your bag and heading towards the door.
Students gathered around each other to walk each other home while you walked by yourself. You had friends, but from different schools.
In reality here you don’t really talk to anyone. You like being alone and find comfort in that. Walking in the halls, you didn’t notice a specific someone walking past you.
Almost immediately girls started running past you causing you to get pushed back. You gasped and almost tripped if it weren’t for the blonde haired boy helping you from falling.
“Are you okay?” A sweet tone voice asked. You immediately knew who it was and felt your face getting red. You immediately let go of him once you noticed you were gripping his arm.
“U-Uh yes! I’m fine! Bye!” You hurried. You ignored the glares and strange looks from other people. You already wanted to go home.
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Once you made it home, you went to the kitchen to find a snack. Your mom peeked out from her room.
“Y/n-ah? Is that you?” She yelled. You put a piece of bread roll in your mouth.
“Yeah!” You said. Your voice muffled. You past her room and went to yours, shutting the door. You took off your backpack and plopped on your bed.
You took another bit out of your bread before taking out your phone and going on social media. You noticed a notification on your phone.
Sunoo_Kim posted a new photo!
You immediately clicked on it. There in the photo was Sunoo and a girl. You noticed the girl had the same features as him. You looked down at the caption.
Sister is finally back from America!
As much as you wanted to like it, you didn’t want to be a weirdo. You shut off your phone and decided to get some sleep. Besides, tomorrow is gonna be a new day.
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You sighed as you walked to your locker, putting notebook away you didn’t need for your next class. Students were messing around with each other while some other ones gossiped.
You closed your locker and headed towards your next class which was with your crush, Sunoo.
You won’t lie and say that it’s not your favorite class cause in fact, it’s your most favorite class. Although he sits kind far from you, you still like the fact you’re near him.
You walked past the door and headed to your seat. You sat down and took out your stuff. Just in time, Sunoo came in with his friends laughing.
His laugh is so pretty, you thought. You averted your gaze and decided to look outside. You felt the urge to draw the mountains that shown outside.
Unknowingly, you started to slowly draw the mountains one by one. You didn’t notice a specific someone behind you, watching you draw.
“That’s really pretty.” A familiar voice said. You froze in your place. You turned around and saw Sunoo standing behind you, smiling.
You gulped hard, “O-Oh. Thank you?” You replied. You mentally slapped yourself for making it seemed like he was a creep.
He giggled and sat next to you. You watched his every movement from the way he lay his head on his hand to staring at the drawing with curiosity.
“I wish I could draw like that. The only thing I can draw is a stick person!” He beamed. You let out a nervous laugh.
“I-It’s not that hard o-once you get used to it.” You muttered. He grinned. The bell finally rang. Apart of you was relieved while the other part of you wasn’t, since this was the actual first time Kim Sunoo wanted to talk to you.
Sunoo got up and gave you a cheeky smile, “I’ll talk to you later, okay?” He said. You didn’t get to answer cause he was already walking to his seat.
You looked down. What the heck just happened?
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You took a bite out of your sandwich. The cool breeze blowing your hair. You like sitting outside under the tree behind the school. It was one of your favorite places to sit.
As you continued to take little bites out of your sandwich, you didn’t notice a certain someone was walking up to you.
“Boo!” A voice yelled. You yelped and jumped. Sunoo threw his head back laughing. You stared shock.
“W-What was that for?” You mumbled. Sunoo sat next to you smiling.
“You just looked so cute eating! I couldn’t help it.” He teased. You blushed and stared down at the grass.
It was silent for a few seconds until Sunoo spoke up, “What are you eating?” He asked. You poked at your food.
“Um, turkey with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and mayonnaise?” You said. Sunoo hummed.
“That sound good.” He simply said. You glanced at him.
“Have you eaten?” You whispered. He looked at you.
“No, wasn’t in the mood for school lunch.” He replied. You let out an ‘oh’ and glimpsed at your food.
You thought for a moment before ripping your sandwich in half and giving him one. He furrowed his eyebrows, giving you a confused look.
“Y-You can have some of mine, I was getting full anyways.” You admitted. Sunoo gave you an enthralled look.
“Really? You don’t have too-“
“No. Have it.” You said. He slowly took the piece of sandwich out of your hand and took a bite. His eye went wide.
“It’s so good!” He chimed.
You smiled, “I’m glad you like it.” You spoke. He continued eating eat until it was all gone. He must’ve been really hungry, you thought.
Sunoo noticed you staring at him and turned at you. You made a squeak and looked away. He let out a breathy noise.
“Do you have any socials? I’d love to be your friend on them.” He exclaimed. You started to choke on your food at the sudden question. Sunoo eyes went wide and patted your back.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know that would make you uncomfortable!” He said. He sounded urgent and apologetic.
You shook your head and put your hand up, “No! It’s okay. I just didn’t know you wanted to be my friend.” You admitted. He gave you a confused look.
“Was it not obvious?” He said. You slowly shook your head. He took out hit phone and gave it to you.
“Do you have Instagram? Let’s be friends on there!” He suggested. You took his phone out of his hands and typed your username. You gave it back and he clicked the follow button.
You took out your phone from your pocket and seen it said he followed you. Sunoo smiled.
“Perfect! Now we’re friends!” He said. You smiled at him and nodded. He looked at your profile.
“Y/n. That’s a pretty name. You don’t post anything?” He questioned. You shook your head.
“I don’t really like showing my life. It’s boring.” You said. He stared at you for a quick second and grabbed your phone from your hands.
He took out your camera app and faced it towards you guys. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Let’s take a photo together and you can post it on there.” He said. He posed with a peace sign while you didn’t know what to so you just followed what he did and offered a shy smile.
He snapped a few of them and gave your phone back, “Post them when you have the time.” He smiled.
You felt your cheeks heating up at his smile and nodded.
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After getting done taking a shower you opened your phone and viewed the photos from earlier. You felt like kicking your feet and twirling your hair.
You selected the ones that looked cute and posted them. You shut off your phone and headed downstairs to get a glass of water.
Once you came back you saw a notification popped up on your phone. You opened it.
Sunoo_Kim and 78 others liked your photo!
Your jaw dropped. Sunoo really was popular. You smiled seeing that Sunoo was the first one to like your photo.
You shut your phone off for the night and headed to sleep, for the first time you fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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You woke up to over two hundred likes on your photo. You couldn’t believe you had that much likes over your first photo, and it was all thanks to Sunoo.
You got dressed and went downstairs, bidding your mom goodbye. You walked out the door and headed towards school.
Upon arriving, students stared at you and whispered. You held tightly on your backpack while walking to class. You felt nervous as if you did something wrong.
You set your backpack down and waited for the teacher to arrive. You still felt stares when the teacher came in. You ignored them and began writing down notes.
While writing you noticed a group of girls staring at you and whispering. You bit your lip trying to concentrate.
They snickered and whispered. You knew they were talking about you. Your hands started to shake and your heart raced. What were they talking about?
You knew it was probably about you and Sunoo, but you were hoping at the same time it wasn’t. All you had to do was to wait thirty more minutes.
That’s not so hard right?
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It was the hardest thirty minutes you had in your whole life. The whole time they were just talking about you while you tried to pay attention on the lecture.
You had a pout on your face while walking to your next class, the one you had Sunoo in. When you finally got there you put your head down on your desk.
“Someone’s not feeling well?” Sunoo asked. You sighed. You put your head up and looked at him.
“I’m pretty sure I have people that dislike me.” You admitted. Sunoo stared at you with pity.
“Who could ever dislike you?” He questioned. You giggled at his honesty.
“Well ever since I posted those photos of us I’ve seem to be getting hate for it.” You said. Sunoo crossed his arms.
“Let them be haters. There’s a reason why they’re insecure and jealous.” Sunoo ranted. The more he was being honest the more you laughed.
The bell rang and Sunoo stood up and clapped his hands together.
“Let’s hang out tonight! Just me and you.” He marveled. Your eyes went wide.
“Hang out? Why do you wanna hang out with me?” You said.
“Because I want too.” He spoke. He went back to his seat without letting you answer him, again. You sighed. You could never win against him.
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Choosing an outfit for a hangout was not for the weak. For the last two hours you’ve been looking for clothes to wear and not one caught your eye.
Ever since you left school you rushed home to look for clothing only to find one that looked somewhat cute but weird at the same time. You really needed to go shopping for clothes.
You whined as you sat down on your bed. You looked on social media to find some inspiration for a clothes. Nothing. All the ones you seen were too revealing, and all you and Sunoo were gonna do was go to was a cafe.
You calmed your self down and looked around. The weather is quite cold so a jacket would be good. You looked around your closet once more and finally after hours you found an outfit.
A pink crop top with black shorts and a white jacket. You decided to wear white shoes for the outfit. You brushed your hair down decided to leave it down.
You grabbed your purse before going downstairs to see your mom watching TV.
“I’m gonna get going mom!” You said. You kissed her cheek as she said bye.
You opened the door to already see Sunoo. He was wearing a grey sweater with black pants. You both had somewhat of the same idea. Sunoo smiled at you.
“You look pretty.” He said.
You blushed, “Thanks Sunoo! You look don’t look bad yourself” You joked. Sunoo threw his head back and laughed.
“Should we get going?” He asked. You nodded and asked next to him.
You both talked about random things and laughed at jokes along the way to the Cafe. It was calm and peaceful.
Once you made it to the Cafe the waitress came up to you guys for your order. You both ordered your favorite drinks.
The waitress left causing silence between you two. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. More like a calm atmosphere.
You looked outside and noticed couples walking around together holding hands and flirting.
You softly smiled while staring at them. You didn’t notice Sunoo was staring at your side profile with the same smile you had on your face.
The waitress finally came back and gave you guys your drinks. You both thanked her and started drinking them.
“Wow they really did a good job on mine.” Sunoo said. You giggled.
“Mine is pretty good too.” You replied. Sunoo eyed your drink. You bit your lip and gave him your drink.
“Wanna taste it?” You said. You could’ve sworn you saw a blush on his face as he grabbed your drink and took a sip.
He let out a ‘mmm’ noise and smiled, “They really did a good job.” He laughed. He picked his up and gave it to you.
“How about you try mine too?” He offered. You grab his and took a sip. Your eyes went wide.
“Woah.” You said. He laughed and put his drink down.
You both continued laughing and talking about things that created memories of your day.
You both finished your drinks and left, but not forgetting to tip them. Sunoo opened the door for you as you walked out.
You both didn’t know where you were walking too, but was enjoying each other company.
“You know, I never knew you were this funny.” Sunoo said. You gasped and elbowed him.
“Hey! I’ve always been this funny!” You whined. He giggled.
“You’re just so quiet most of the time in school. The only time you were ever funny was when you ripped your test in half.” He said.
You remembered how awful that memory was. You had to redo the test cause the teacher couldn’t see the answers.
“That was not funny! I had to do it again!” You said. He shrugged his shoulders.
“Well it was still a funny memory.” He replied. You pouted. He stopped walking causing you to also stop. You looked over at him confused.
“Y/n, do you remember that one day you almost tripped but I caught you?” He said. You nodded your head.
“Yeah. Wait, don’t say that was a funny memory-“
“It wasn’t funny, but it was one I’ll remember forever.” He said. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“I tried to find many ways to talk to you, but you never looked my way. I thought I should just give up and let you be, but I couldn’t help but get at the chance when you almost fell. I’m not saying I was gonna let you fall cause that would’ve been rude of me, but I felt like it was a chance for me to talk to you.” He confessed.
You were at loss for words at his sudden openness. He’s been wanting to talk to you before that incident? You watched as he got closer to you.
“Y/n, do you like me?” He said. You felt your breathing stopped as you let out a raspy breath. You didn’t know what to say. The only thing you could do was be honest.
So, you slowly nodded. His eyes lit up. He grabbed your face with both of his hands. And that’s when you felt his soft plush lips on yours.
Your eyes widened before they slowly closed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His kiss sending electricity down your body.
You felt butterflies as you both parted ways catching each others breath.
“Am I your first kiss?” He breathed out.. You nodded, knowing that if you said something you would most likely have a voice crack. he grinned.
“Good, cause you’re mine too.” He said before pulling you into another kiss.
You didn’t know that your life would switch during these few days, but you’re glad you almost tripped that day.
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sturniololoco · 8 months
Big Game pt 3
SLS x Nathan Doe
warnings: suggestive, bruising, language, etc.
Nate’s POV
I think I'm dreaming.
How was I lying in the backseat of my best friend's car, lying across their backseat, with my head in the lap of their sister?
It felt too good.
"Nick, would you mind sitting in the way back please?" SLS/N asked her older brother, batting her eyelashes.
He rolled his eyes and grumbled "Fine" before climbing in the back.
After Matt started driving, she pulled on my sleeve, pulling me towards her, till my head was in her lap.
She took my ice pack from my hands and placed it gently on my nose. My eyes fluttered shut as she began mindlessly playing with my hair using her other hand.
"Damn, Nates getting princess treatment," Chris said, reaching back from the front seat and playfully poking me in the ribs.
Before I could react, SLS/N slapped him and away, saying,
"Hush, Chris. He's tired."
Chris looked at her with a look of shock. He placed the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically.
"I'm a little tired too you know!" He said.
"Well, I don't think you're the one with a broken nose Christopher!" She said to her brother, raising her voice ever so slightly.
That shut him up.
The car ride consisted of me falling in and out of sleep, still lying across SLS/N's lap. At one point, I was so tired, I felt myself turn to my side to get more comfortable.
I ended up turning my face right into her lower stomach, sighing happily.
Her fingers hesitated and she sat up a little. At first, I thought I overstepped, and just as I was about to get up, she relaxed a little and continued playing with my hair till we got home.
Once we were about five minutes away from my house, SLS/N" woke me up.
"Is your mom back from her business trip or are you gonna be home alone?" She asks me.
She remembered. I told her this weeks ago.
"I-uh...no, it's just me," I say, groggily, before closing my eyes again.
"Nick, can I stay over and make sure he's okay? You guys have a car video to film anyway." I hear her ask her older brother.
Just as I am about to tell her that I'm fine and she doesn't need to baby me, her brother replies with a yes, and we pull into my driveway.
Once inside, I threw my gear and hockey stick onto the floor and collapsed on the couch, grabbing the remote and flicking the TV on.
I hear SLS/N rummaging around in the kitchen before coming into the living room with a fresh ice pack and a Tylenol.
"You know, you really didn't have to do this," I say, taking the medicine from her and swallowing it dry.
"I know. But I wanted to." She says, looking down at her sweater paws in her lap. I see her cheeks heat up and I smile to myself, looking at how cute she is.
Feeling brave, I pull her to me in a half-hug snuggle. She leans onto my chest, relaxing. She must be tired too, after having a long school day, watching two games in the cold, then taking care of me.
we stay like this, watching a random movie that came on.
But then things changed.
She started mindlessly tracing shapes on the inside of my upper thigh. I could feel the heat rising on my cheeks as I got a feeling in my lower abdomen.
as she moves her hand up, I quickly stand up. She looks at me surprised. I flick the TV off and toss the remote onto the table.
"It's getting late. Imma go shower and then probably hop in bed. You can borrow any clothes you'd like out of my drawer, you know where my room is." I say quickly.
And with that, I run up the stairs to my bathroom.
When I get to my bathroom and shut the door, I can feel my pants grow tighter in the front. I quickly take them off, revealing the large balge in my boxers.
"Fuck. I cannot believe this is happening." I mumble under my breath. I then hop in the shower, hoping it will sort out by itself.
I was wrong.
I get out of the shower, not surprised by the obvious tent in my pants, even with boxers and sweats on. I sigh, opening my bathroom door and going into my room.
what I saw when I got in there, did not help my current situation.
SLS/N was lying on my bed in one of my T-shirts and a pair of my boxers. She looks up at me, smiling. She then looks down and notices my current...situation.
"what have we got here?" She says, giving me a little smirk. I look down bashfully, my cheeks turning pink again.
"c'mere Nate." I hear her say. Just the way she says my name makes me painfully harder.
I walk over to her and stand between her legs. She looks me up and down before fiddling with the strings of my sweatpants.
"Do you want some help with that?" She asks me. without thinking, I nod my head frantically.
"Well you did play very well in your game today, I think you deserve it."
And with that comment, I'm no longer shy.
I give her a devilish smile, pushing her chest till she's lying back on the bed. I pin her arms above her head and climb on top of her.
hehe cliff hanger
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growup-thatbeautiful · 10 months
always an angel (never a god)
Tags: mentions of childhood abuse, language, childhood best friends, weddings, angst
There was a time when you’d painted Jake’s fingernails. “For practice,” you explained, picking out the perfect blue to match his eyes. “So I can do my own next.” You had been sitting in his backyard, a ziplock bag of colors in between you. The grass was soft and green and dewey, just at the end of summer, and the air was ripe with the smell of the peach tree you sat under. The t-shirt you wore was probably his- even then you ended up stealing half of his clothes during last-minute sleepovers and spontaneous swims in his pool. 
Of course, he’d agreed- he always did. If anyone asked him- a football teammate or a nosy teacher- he would tell them to fuck off. Everyone knew that meant it had to do with you. He would take shit about anything except for you, they learned. 
But his dad came home early from his business trip. Jake didn’t have time to take the polish off before George Seresin saw his son’s blue nails. He didn’t care much that they matched Jake’s eyes. They ended up matching the bruises hidden across his ribs; the bruises you tended to when he snuck through your window later that night. He didn’t need to go through the window anymore, your mom knew about his “troubles at home” and he was welcome anytime, but it kept up the childlike appearance. 
He had been 13, at the time. Apparently, the nails were too much, because George stopped coming home after that. No one in the town said anything about it, and the Seresins went on like nothing changed. You knew Jake’s mom, Dolly, well enough to know that she wouldn’t tolerate anyone talking about her children, so no one ever did. You were probably the only one who ever saw Jake cry about it; it only happened once when he was the only player on his baseball team not to have a father to throw with. Dolly had searched for hours the night before to find George’s old glove, but it was nowhere to be seen. 
Jake’s older sisters, Violet and Jenny, painted your nails from that point on. You never asked Jake to do it again, and he never brought it up. You were young enough to think that it really had been the nail polish to made George leave, and Jake believed whatever you did. It would be years until you realized that it probably had more to do with the fact that George never loved Dolly, hated his children, and wanted nothing more than to drink himself sober. 
“Angel,” Jake used to call you. Because he’s always thought you’re the most beautiful person. Because it’s what Anakin called Padame, and you had loved Star Wars. Because what else was there to call an angel? When did he stop calling you angel? It couldn’t have been that long ago, right? When did you lose him for the last time? 
When he left for boot camp, you were a senior in high school. It had been unbearable. You wrote him letters sprayed with the perfume he gave you for your sixteenth birthday. It smelled like clean laundry and green grass. You thought it smelled like home. Years later, he would tell you that it did, in fact, smell like home when he was thousands of miles away from you. 
Blue eyes and sandy hair. Dirt underneath his nails and calloused hands. Electric blue skies shifting into a watercolor of purple and pink through gingham curtains at his kitchen window. Mud mixed with twigs to make witches' brew and Christmas sweaters you pretended to hate. That’s how you’ve always know him. When he came back from basic, he was the same, just different. His hair was shorter, cropped close to his head. He’s lost some weight, and the football muscle becoming leaner. Of course, he would grow the muscle back later on; he could never stand not being able to pick you up and spin you around like he did after all those football games. Ironically, his accent grew with time apart. So did his ego, but you expected that. 
The first girl he brought home was the sweetest one. Short black hair and grey eyes, like a thunderstorm. She left after one week with his family, leaving behind a heartbroken Jake. You were the one to help him through it, drinking a bottle of vodka underneath the stars on a wooden fence with barbed wire cutting Xs through the sky. Jake didn’t cry about girls, but she’d messed him up pretty badly. Bad enough for him to be honest with his sisters. Bad enough for Dolly to call your mom and have her send you over with a tray of cookies that Jake never told you he hated. Violet was kind enough to make you her hangover cure the next morning after you woke up with red eyes and a dry mouth in Jake’s bed. Nothing happened, naturally, but you never could convince Violet that. Whenever Jake was upset, it was a family affair. 
The next girls he brought home passed in a blur. As he got older, they got worse and worse. Fake, rich, and bratty. He said he loved them and they would be enchanted by his stories about flying a plane. They didn’t stick around long enough to hear about the parts of him that hurt, though. Not like you did. Maybe that’s why he can’t look at you the way he looks at them. They see the stained glass, you see the breakage it took to make it. 
You never thought it would end like this. 
An engagement ring. Shining in a Tiffany blue box, casting a kaleidoscope of color across the kitchen. A wedding veil, long and draped and crusted with diamonds at the end. White heels with tulle bows on the back. A backyard, down-to-earth wedding, despite the possibility for more. An always-present local violinist rehearsing old country love songs on the porch, a sweating pitcher of iced tea on the table beside him. 
All for her and Jake. 
Dolly’s house is buzzing with energy. Her family and his family all coming together in a chaotic mess of introductions and “how can I help?”s and “I’m good with whatever”s. Jake’s fiancé is the perfect future wife with a steady job and the desire for a big family. From the few times you’ve met her, she seems lovely, and Jake is completely enamored with her. For the first time, you see hearts in his eyes. 
You’re just here to drop off some food- it’s supposed to be family tonight. Dolly invited you, and Jennifer begged you to stay, but they both knew that it was pointless. It’s utterly selfish of you, but you can’t get over the fact that he’s getting married. A cruel part of you tells yourself that you never even tried to get his attention.
You’re meant to be in and out, but you can never say no when Dolly asks for help. You should’ve known she would have an alternative motive when she asked you to get flowers from the back of the barn- it’s been a dead patch for years. 
The sunlight peeks through the stubborn clouds, and his hair moves golden with the wind. He isn’t facing you, but he doesn’t need to for you to be able to recognize the broad expanse of his shoulders or the hanging posture of his head from the way he leans forward over the rotting wooden fence. 
If you were smarter, you would turn tail and run away. Save yourself a night of crying. But you aren’t, and, about him, you never have been. 
He doesn’t look up when he speaks before you get the chance to. “Were you planning on lookin’ or actually coming over to say hello?” 
“I wasn’t looking at you,” you defend, knowing it isn’t true. If he catches your lie, he doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, he asks the question you’ve been dreading. 
“Why aren’t you coming tomorrow?” 
Why, you ask yourself. Why? Because you can’t stand to see Dolly embrace her like she’s a daughter. Because you don’t want to be the only one not smiling at the reception. Because you’ve loved him your whole life, and he doesn’t seem to know. Because she’s lovely and beautiful and you’re the one he used to play dress up with. 
Because you’re selfish and twisted. 
“Angel,” he says. And, no, he can’t do that. He can’t call you that now. Now, when he’s going down the one path you can’t follow. Now, when he’s pretending like he doesn’t know how you’ve loved him since he was eleven. Now, when you’re losing him. “Things don’t have to change. Right?” If you didn’t know any better, you would say he sounds scared. 
You do know better, though, so you know Jake never gets scared. 
“You know that’s not true,” you respond. The way his grin falls breaks your heart in two. Here you are, standing before him, bleeding out with a smile on your face. Dying and saying the tears are out of joy. “You’re going to be a husband, Jake. I can’t be in the middle of that.” 
“You’re my family,” he tries again. 
“I’m your friend,” you counter. Dolly and Violet and Jenny would disagree, and, honestly, you don’t believe it either. But it gets you through the conversation. “And I don’t think she’ll appreciate my presence. None of the others ever did.” 
“She’s not like that.” He means it, and you know it’s true. She’s been nothing but gracious and generous to you. 
“I know,” you respond quietly. “But I can’t do it. I just can’t. I don’t expect you to understand.” 
He waits a moment before he responds, his eyes looking into yours. There’s emotion in them that you aren’t used to seeing towards you. “I do.” He says it softly, and you almost don’t hear him. 
“I understand. Every time you’ve brought home someone, I feel what you’re feeling right now. The pain. Feeling like some part of you is being taken away.” He reaches up to cup your cheek with a gentle hand. Every part of you screams that you shouldn’t do this; you shouldn’t give him a reason to hate you for years. But you lean into his touch, the warmth of his palm against your cheek. It’s a fight not to beg for more. You do have some semblance of pride, though. 
“It doesn’t matter.” There’s a sad smile on your face and a matching one on his face. No one should look that heartbroken the day before their wedding. “It’s too late.” 
He doesn’t have to say anything; you both know it's true. With a heavy heart, you place your hand over the one cupping your face. There’s going to be a wedding band on one of those fingers tomorrow. It gives you strength to remember that.  
It’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done; lacing his fingers with yours only to drop his hand to his side. He accepts the gesture. He lets you go. 
It wasn’t meant to be. He has a new angel now, one that will love him for as long as she can. It’s for the best, you tell yourself as you walk away. 
Blue eyes and blond hair. A little boy with a broken heart and blue nail polish. That’s how you’ll remember him.
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itsonlyjoseph · 21 days
Vampires Everywhere! | Eddie Munson x Reader
warnings: mean Eddie (daddy), vamp/monster Eddie, bullying, angst, kinda Stockholm syndrome, attempted SA (not Eddie), ending inspired by random scene from Twilight, mediocre lmao
synopsis: after witnessing something she wasn’t meant to, the reader has a hard time staying away from Eddie.
notes: this is kinda demented but vampire Eddie makes me horny
Also in this, the upside down demo bat stuff happens and all that but Eddie is younger bc they are still in school soooo ya
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The halls of Hawkins High seemed to blend together to you now. All the familiar faces that wouldn’t recognise you in a crowd, all blended together into one big sad blur. You hated school. You hated it with a passion for many different reasons. One of the bigger reasons was that you had zero friends. No one to talk too and no one to comfort you on your bad days.
Everyone at Hawkins High was either incredibly mean to you or simply didn’t give you the time of day and turned their noses up at you. The popular kids bullied you, the band geeks wouldn’t let you sit with them, with the resident ‘freak’ didn’t give you the time of day. You blended right into the background and pretty soon you became kind of okay with it.
Until you met Jason Carver of course. He had some sick problem with you that soon became rather physical. Sometimes he’d kick your bag down the hall or try to trip you in the cafeteria. He’d called a stalker or a freak plenty of times, claiming that you were a people watcher. I mean, sure you were but you didn’t see anything wrong with that. Observing the students around you. He just simply hated you and would do anything to make your time at this school absolute hell.
It was a normal (normal for you) Monday morning when you’d walked into the halls to start the day. You noticed a group of the popular kids standing by the lockers but luckily didn’t see Jason. You didn’t have the energy for him today. You did, however, notice Eddie Munson walking towards his own locker, head facing straight forward, a stoic almost angered look adorning his face. You couldn’t stop yourself from staring at him. He was so captivating in a way you couldn’t explain. Yes, you thought he was good looking or whatever but it was more than that. Something you couldn’t quite place.
He always sat alone in lunch, didn’t talk to anyone or really participate in class. You never saw him at pep rally’s and any after school events. He was a mystery to everyone.
Suddenly his deep, almost black eyes met yours and his brows furrowed. You sucked in a breath and quickly turned away, embarrassed that you were caught staring. You so badly wanted to talk to him and get to know him, considering he wasn’t exactly popular either, but judging from the looks he always gave you, he didn’t want to get to know you.
You sighed deeply before closing your locker and getting ready to head to class. Although, once your locker slammed shut, you had the fright of your life when you realised Jason had been standing there waiting for you.
“Hey Stalker.” He taunted, a sick, sarcastic smile of his face.
You tried to bite back the tears that threatened to spill, scared of what he’d do to you this time. The taunts were getting worse and worse as the days went on. You wouldn’t be surprised if he just straight up punched you in the face this time.
“What do you want, Jason?” You mumbled, pulling your bag closer to your body.
“Hey, hey, hey, we just want to talk.” He said, faking getting defensive. He stepped closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing this morning.” He smiled sweetly.
“How I’m doing?” You asked but before you could really finish the question, Jasons fist came into contact with your stomach. The hard blow caused to double over in pain as Jason crouched done next to you.
“Watch it, stalker.” He whispered before patting your back and walking away. You tightly clutched your stomach as the tears finally spilled over and streamed down your face.
You sat in the empty hallway for a few minutes before slowly climbing to your feet, still winded from Jason’s punch. You decided that today you’d just skip. You were already tired and mentally drained but Jason’s attack just put the cherry on top for you.
You slumped down and trudged out the doors of Hawkins Highs and down towards the forest. You didn’t have a car so you couldn’t drive home, unless you wanted to hitchhike for a few hours. You figured you’d just hang out for the whole day and then sneak onto the school bus. It wasn’t ideal but it’s all you had.
You walked into the forest, deep enough that no one would see you and kept walking, crying to yourself. So much so that you almost didn’t notice the leaves and twigs rustling and breaking near you. You looking around for the source of the noise, fear slightly setting in.
You crept forwards and thats when you saw it. It was him. It was Eddie. He was hunched over, squatting down over what looked to be a deer. Blood everywhere. So much blood. Blood covered his hands and mouth as he feed on the animal.
Your eyes widened in fear as he heard you gasp. His head shot around and you saw his usual eyes looking completely black and bloodshot, small inflamed veins covering the skin around them. He looked angry. And hungry.
You tried to stumbled backwards and run away but he was faster than you. He grabbed you by the neck and brought you closer to his face. You could see the angry radiating off of him and the sent of fresh blood so strong it nearly made you gag.
He trickled blood all over you neck and chest as he held a tight grip.
“What the fuck are you doing here.” He snarled out. If you weren’t so terrified of everything you just saw, you’d be glad to finally hear his voice for the first time.
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed silently.
His grip on your neck tightened as he lifted you so easily off the ground, bringing you eye level with him. “I should’ve known this would happen. Should’ve known you’d follow me. Stalker.” He taunted you. “I should kill you.” He said, squeezing.
You wheezed and coughed, trying to breathe, as you grabbed onto his terribly cold wrist. You felt dizzy as he squeezed your neck harder. He brought you slowly fading body face to face with him.
“I should break your fucking neck.” He snarled into your cheek. “You’d taste so good. They always do when they’re scared.” He whispered.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think this was hot. But it was real life and you were about to die.
Suddenly, Eddie began to laugh. A sick, taunting laugh that showed all the blood and pieces of deer meet stuck in his teeth.
“You’re loving this aren’t you.” He taunted you, making your eyes snap open.
“W-what?” You muttered out, scared out of your mind.
“Always watching, you think I don’t notice you staring at me.” He snarled once again, his face getting even closer.
“I can smell it a mile away.” He whispered that last part, nearly making your eyes pop out of your head. His head dipped down to lick the space just below your ear lobe, licking away the blood he’d smeared there and feeling your thumping pulse under his tongue.
“Your heart is racing.”
His blackened eyes looked over you for a moment with an unreadable expression. This is it, you though. He was going to kill you.
Suddenly is hand released your neck and you fell to the ground coughing and trying to breath again. You looked up at him after a moment to see him walking away, back towards the school.
You let the tears run freely down your face as you clutched your neck. When you wiped away the tears, you also wiped away some the blood he’d smeared on your face with his mouth.
You didn’t know what to think. You’d found Eddie eating the guts out of a dead and he threatened to kill you. What would any person think in this situation. You were too scared to move.
After you caught your breath, you picked yourself up and bolted back towards the school. You had no other choice. You felt it too dangerous to stay out in the woods or hitchhike home.
Inside the school, the halls were empty as everyone was probably in class. Luckily for you, the girls bathroom was also empty.
When you finally caught sight of yourself in the mirror, you nearly screamed. There was smeared blood covering your neck where Eddie’s hand gripped you. There was blood dripping from your cheek where Eddie touched his face to yours.
The top of your collar was blood soaked also. You quickly splashed water on your face as best you could to rid yourself of the blood. You also opted to remove the blood stained shirt and just wear the cami underneath.
You walked out of the bathroom, breathing heavily, and walked towards the nurses office.
“Can you call my mom, I don’t feel well.” You squeaked out.
“Oh, dear, you look like you’ve seen a ghost! Why don’t you have a seat there and I’ll call her.” The nurse smiled sweetly at you.
You felt your heart pumping rapidly in your chest as you relayed to images from the forest in your mind. You knew Eddie was quiet and a little strange but never did you think about this.
Little did you know, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about you either. He still had your scent in his nose. The smell of your fear, the smell of your arousal. He so desperately wanted to rip you apart in every way imaginable.
He’d walked back to school after he cleaned off his hands and face and headed straight for the hellfire room. An old theatre room now used for storage where he’d come to be alone with his thoughts. He never expected you of all people to catch him feeding. Strange, stalker Y/N. He’d obviously noticed you around school before. He noticed everyone. But he never gave you much thought before. Just a play thing for the popular kids to bully.
He thought about what he wanted to do to you. What he should have done to you. He was hungry and you interrupted him. He should’ve ripped you apart, limb from limb but couldn’t bring himself to do it. Maybe he should have just bitten you, get a small taste to satisfy his appetite. He suddenly found himself growing angry at the thought of just letting you walk away like that.
He kicked the seat back and stomped out of the hellfire room and towards the front of the school. Just as his luck would have it, he saw you waiting on the front steps, seeming for someone to pick you up. Suddenly, a car pulled up and you got in. A wicked smile grew on his face as a plan formed in his head. He’d follow you home, wait until nighttime, then kill you and feed.
Driving home, you felt yourself grow more and more tired yet every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was Eddie’s eyes. Dark and evil, staring right into your soul.
“Are you sure you don’t need to see the doctor honey, you really don’t look well.” You mother asked you, turning onto your street.
“I’m fine, just need to rest.” You mumbled back, facing away from her. She definitely didn’t need to know what you saw today. She’d probably have you institutionalised. Although you wouldn’t blame her for that.
You arrived home and immediately ran up the stairs to your bedroom. Without even taking off your clothes, you dived head first into the covers and pillows and tried to allow sleep to take you. With no such luck.
You were so exhausted and sick to your stomach, your mind racing a million miles a second with the thoughts of earlier today. After a short while you eventually drifted off to sleep, although it wasn’t exactly a peaceful slumber. Inside your head, blood rained down upon you as the sky’s ripped open with a red lightening. Monsters and horrid looking creatures surrounding you and chasing you down.
Eddie had followed you home and now that night had fallen, he climbed up the drainpipe to your bedroom window and peered in to see you sleeping in the bed. The window was unlocked. Silly girl, he thought.
Once his feet where did planted on the plush carpet of your bedroom, he noticed that you appeared to be having a nightmare. Tossing and turning with sweat glistening on your forehead.
He could not only hear your heart beating out of your chest, but also see it. The loud thumping drawing his attention to your barely covered chest area made his tongue water.
He snatched his eyes away from your sleeping body for a moment to gaze around your bedroom. He noticed you had a Black Sabbath poster on the back of your door and if he wasn’t so blood thirsty right now, he would have smiled.
His eyes met your form once again as he crept closer to you, placing both his hands on other side of your head and hovering over you. His mouth laid itself on your neck as he readied himself to bite.
But he couldn’t do it.
For some strange reason he couldn’t bring himself to sink his teeth into your burning skin.
He’d never felt this way before. He so desperately wanted to rip your throat open and devour you yet couldn’t force himself to do it.
He also noticed that once he was close enough to you, your tossing and turning had subsided.
This angered him even further.
First, you interrupted him during his feed and discovered what he truly was and now he can’t seem to kill you.
Eddie grunted angrily before rising from the bed and leaving through the window.
You startled awake, sensing a presence near you. You didn’t see anyone or anything in your bedroom but noticed the window wide open. You were terrified. After what you saw, you were afraid you’d never be a peace again. Not until Eddie killed you.
You stayed awake for the rest of the night, too anxious to even try to let sleep take you. You sat up right in your bed, clutching a sewing needle in your hands tightly as if it would offer some kind of protection from Eddie.
After a while, you noticed the sun beginning to rise. You hadn’t even thought about it but you knew you couldn’t go to school today and possibly be in the same place as Eddie. Luckily for you, you still looked rather distressed and it took little convincing for you mother to let you stay home again.
But soon she left and so did your father and pretty soon you were all alone in your house. You didn’t actually think that one through either. Maybe it was better to go to school, be surrounded by other people.
Even though you were mostly on edge all day, it came and went rather quickly as soon enough you were tucking yourself back into bed and clutching the sewing needle under your pillow. You made sure yo lock both the window and the bedroom door before drifting off into another restless sleep.
The shrill buzzing of your alarm clock woke you up after what seemed like a few minutes after you closed your eyes. You took a deep, shaky breath and got out of bed.
You got ready like normal. Brushing your teeth, packing your lunch and getting dressed. Everything seemed normal from the outside, but inside you were ready to faint, overwhelmed with possibly seeing Eddie and finding out what he’d do to you.
The bus picked you up and dropped you off at the front steps and you made your way in, gripping your backpack straps so tightly your knuckles turned white.
Home room was fine, as was your first two classes. You thought you kept seeing Eddie everywhere from the corner of your eye but realised once you turned it was just someone with long dark hair or dark clothing.
Things however took a turn when lunchtime rolled around. You made your way into the cafeteria and sat down at your usual table to eat when you locked eyes with him. The real him.
Eddie was sat a few tables away, staring right into your soul. His lip was slightly upturned as if he wanted to growl at you. His pale skin was a bright contrast from his dark eyes and dark eyes.
You couldn’t pull your eyes away from him. You were too scared to do anything.
Suddenly, however, you focus was forced towards something else when you felt you chair kicked out from under you, causing you to fall to the ground. You looked up and saw Jason and a few of his goons laughing above you as did the rest of the cafeteria.
“Hey Stalker.” Jason smirked. “We missed you yesterday. We had a surprise for you.” He taunted, sarcastically.
Jason pushed your bag off the table and kicked it til it slid across the cafeteria, completely out of reach. One of his buddies then handed him a tall take out cup full of what looked like chocolate milk.
You looked on in horror, ready to bathe in this chocolate milk as Jason raised the cup above you. Suddenly, a cold pale hand gripped Jason’s forearm tightly. You looked over to see Eddie, an almost unreadable yet angry look on his face as he stared down at Jason. Eddie was slightly taller and bigger than Jason and as it seemed, a hell of a lot stronger.
“Touch her again, and I’ll break this arm.” Eddie seethed quietly, to which seemingly on Jason and yourself heard him.
You didn’t know what to think right now. Eddie was… defending you?
He squeezed Jason’s arm just enough for him to drop the cup, spilling its content all over the floor next to you then a look of uncontrollable fear flashed across his face.
After that, Jason made a dash for the doors and Eddie looked down at you, still seething with anger. You couldn’t exactly read to look on his face but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t intrigue you.
Here he was, this brooding quiet loner who threaten to kill you just days before now defending you against your biggest tormentor. Why would he do that?
He looked you over once more before stomping out of the cafeteria himself, everyone’s eyes watching him leave before turning to you. You scrambled to your feet, feeling the embarrassment set in, and left also.
Eddie made his way home after that. He was angry at himself. His fists gripped the steering wheel of his beat up of van so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Even whiter than his already pale skin.
Skidding to a stop, he jumped out and stomped into the house. At first he was pacing his bedroom, internally fighting himself. Then all that anger just bubbled out and his fist was flying into the wall beside him.
The patchy, brittle drywall crumbled beneath his fist, a few cuts lining his newly bruised knuckles.
Meanwhile, you cleaned yourself up in the girls bathroom, a few splashes of chocolate milk getting in your hair. You were so beyond confused right now. Confused about what Eddie was, why he defended you, your feelings.
It didn’t take long for the chocolate milk to be out of your hair and you walked out of the bathroom when you heard the bell sound.
For the rest of the day, no one spoke to you. It wasn’t really a change from every other day but now it felt more amplified. You got strange looks of disgust and intrigue from everyone around you. You could barely take it.
You walked home that day, not bothering to wait for the bus. You couldn’t imagine being cramped in a bus for 45 minutes with everyone staring and whispering.
Your mom and dad weren’t home when you arrived. They’d left a note on the kitchen table saying they’d gone to visit your grandmother for the night. Great.
You slumped up to your room and immediately collapsed on the bed. What a day, you thought. You’d been having quite a few of these ‘days’ lately.
You’d drifted off rather quickly and your light snores filled the air as the temperature in the room became cold, your window sliding open slowly.
Eddie had followed you home once again. He waited till you were sleeping to crawl into the room and crouched down next to your bed.
He had a deep scowl across his face as he watched your sleeping form. You looked at peace and he hated it. He hated it more than anything that he was feeling so… soft around you.
Almost on instinct, Eddie’s hand reaches up and gently touched your hair. It was soft. His hand stroked your hair a few times before moving down to rest on your exposed shoulder. The skin beneath his hand burned against him.
You started to shift around in your sleep and Eddie thought for a moment that he’d been caught. But he looked up to see your eyes still closed. You continued to move around, soft groan leaving your parted lips and a frown deepening on your face.
You were having a nightmare.
Eddie quickly retracted his hand and looked at you confused.
Even before he turned into this creature, he didn’t have a ton of experience with people. He didn’t know if he should comfort you somehow or just leave. He didn’t want you to wake up and see him there.
He hesitantly reached his hand out once again and placed it on your cheek, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your cheek.
You reached out in your sleep and grabbed his wrist, snuggling into it further.
Eddie frowned at you and the warm feeling spreading in his chest. He hated this feeling. He hated it even more when you seemingly relaxed and went back to a peaceful slumber.
Eddie quickly snatched his hand away and stood up, making his way for the window before disappearing into the street.
You sleep for the rest of the night.
Friday arrived and you found yourself bored out of your mind. You hadn’t really since Eddie since he defended you in the cafeteria two days ago.
“Yeah dude, they don’t even ID you!” You heard two of the band kids chatting amongst themselves. They were walking a few paces ahead of you but close enough for your to hear their conversation.
“Okay, Hideout. 8 o’clock.” The other replied excitedly.
The Hideout. You’d heard of it before. It was some trashy bar that let anyone in. You’d never been before but it did intrigue you.
Maybe you could go and get drunk and have fun for the first time in a while.
It would definitely take your mind off things…
Later that night, you were ready.
Even though you were just wearing what you’d worn to school that day, you still felt good. Excited.
Hitchhiking to the Hideout only took around 20 minutes. The sun had barely set so you still felt a little safe walking by yourself.
There were a few sketchy looking people standing around outside, chatting and smoking, some looking over at you menacingly.
There wasn’t anyone at the door though, meaning you could simply walk in without any trouble.
Inside, the atmosphere was thick and dark and smokey. People were everywhere as you made your way to the bar.
“What can I get ya’?” The bartender asked you, wiping his hands with a dirty rag.
“Uh..” You hesitated. You didn’t think this far. You didn’t really know of any alcoholic beverages besides wine. You couldn’t exactly order that in a place like this.
The bartender sensed your unease and chuckled at you before pouring you a beer. The first one they had on tap.
“Here kid, try that.” He said before walking away. You’d reached into your pocket to pay him but he was already gone.
You turned back to your beer, sipping it and immediately deciding you hated it, scrunching your face up at the horrid taste. The crowd piled in as the band made their way onto the stage to finish setting up.
Suddenly, the stage lights flickered on and the sound of loud heavy metal music pounded through your ears. Your eyes wondered over the band before landing on Eddie. You blinked a few times and saw that it really was him. And that he was already looking at you with a blank expression on his face.
You gulped down the rest of your beer and nervously watched as the band played a few songs. Eddie’s eyes seemingly never left you.
The night was coming to a close so you decided to step out into the alley way to take a breather. The air was still warm as you leaned up against the dirty bricks.
“Hey doll.” You heard from beside you. You opened your eyes and looked to the side to see an older, 50 something man smirking uncomfortably at you. You tried to politely smile at him before turning away hoping he’d take the hint. He did not.
“You look a little lonely out here by yourself.” He was suddenly right beside you. He smelled heavily of liquor and sweat and it made your stomach turn. He also towered over you.
“I’m fine.” You smiled, scooting away slightly.
“You don’t want a little company, baby?” He smirked, he filthy hands coming up to touch your waist, making you flinch. “I bet you taste good.” He whispered as his face inched closer to yours. The tears welled up in your eyes as you found yourself frozen with fear.
He chuckled darkly as his hand moved from your waist to grope your breast. This didn’t last long however.
Almost as suddenly as it started, he was ripped away from you with a grunt. Your eyes shot open to see him pressed up against the brick wall opposite you, his feet dangling above the ground and a strong fist gripped tightly around his throat.
It was Eddie.
He had that same look of pure rage adorning his face. The same one he had with Jason in the cafeteria.
Eddie’s hand was squeezing the man so tightly, his face was turning purple. He didn’t say anything, but you could tell he wanted to kill the man.
“Eddie, stop.” You pleaded. He didn’t hear you, he simply squeezed harder as the man’s eyes widened.
“Please, Eddie. Don’t!” You cried, grabbing his arm. This got his attention. His head snapped towards you to see your pleading face. His features softened for a split second.
He turned back to the man and dropped him to the ground, watching as he was gasping for breath. Then, Eddie turned to face you with his signature scowl across his face.
“Let’s go.” He seethed. You silently followed him close behind, making your way to his van parked out of the street.
You didn’t understand why but after seeing him defend you twice now, your fears of him began to slowly slip away against your better judgment.
You watched as he opened the passenger side door for you, not meeting your eye. You hesitated for a moment before slowly climbing into the van. Eddie closed the door and walked around to the other side, getting in himself.
Eddie drove in silence. You didn’t exactly know where he was taking you but once you started to recognise the neighbourhood, your stomach dropped.
“Wait! I can’t go home!” You panted. “If my mom finds I was out and drinking alcohol, she’ll kill me!”
Eddie looked at your frazzled face, slightly confused and slightly annoyed, before turning back to look at the road.
“Fine.” He muttered.
He made a swift u-turn, away from your neighbourhood.
Once again, silence coated the van.
“I didn’t know you were in a band.” You mumbled, trying to make small talk.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” He said back, before turning to you and continuing. “Also seems like there’s a lot you do know.”
You gulped at this turned back to the road. You almost forgot about that. Almost.
“How long have you been in a band.” You felt beyond awkward but the small talk kept spilling out.
“A while.”
Pretty soon after that riveting conversation, the van pulled up outside a small, rundown looking trailer. You didn’t notice the van turn into the trailer park just outside of town but you did notice the lack of lights or people.
“Oh god.” You gulped, thinking this was it. Eddie was going to kill you and turn you into a meal.
“This is where I live.” He deadpanned, noticing your distress.
You took a deep breath and exited the van, following him towards the dark trailer. Your mind was screaming at you to turn and run away but your feet kept dragging you forwards.
You were waiting for the horrors of death to grab you as you walked through the door after Eddie, but once you were inside, your fears washed away. The inside of Eddie’s home was actually kind of… nice.
It was small and nothing special but it had character. There was a couch and a tv and plenty of trucker hats pinned to the walls.
“Do you live alone?” You wondered out loud, looking around the place.
“No, I live with my uncle but he works nights at the plant.” Eddie mumbled back to you, never talking his off your curious form.
“Why did you bring me here?” You said softly, finally meeting his eye.
“You didn’t want to go home.”
A soft silence fell over both of you, but not an uncomfortable one. You looked up at Eddie and in this light, he was the most beautiful creature you’d ever seen.
His eyes were so warm and gentle, nothing like the ones you’d seen in the forest that day.
“Come on. I’ll show you were you can sleep.” He said, breaking the small staring contest, walking down the hall.
You followed quickly and into what you guessed to be his bedroom. Your breath quickened when you stepped inside.
The room held to same feel as the rest of the trailer, yet seemed darker in comparison. Less homely.
Eddie gave you some clothes to wear to bed and they smelled just like him. Cheap but inviting. You came back to the room after changing to see Eddie pulling back the covers for you.
You gently laid down, scared to disrupt anything. Eddie turned to leave the room once you were in his bed but stopped when he felt your hand delicately wrap around his wrist.
“Wait!” You spoke, causing him to turn and look at you. “Will you lay with me?”
Eddie faltered for a moment and his stomach dropped. He looked down at you laying in his bed and felt something he’d never felt before. He couldn’t explain it.
He pulled back the covers of his bed and slid in next to you. You were both laying on your sides, facing each other. Eddie had his eyebrows furrowed together as he looked at you.
“Thank you.” You whispered after a short while.
“For what?” He asked, confused.
You scooted forward slightly, close enough to feel his hair tickling you on your forehead.
“For helping me… with that guy at The Hideout. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.”
His brows softened at your confession and the feeling of butterflies erupted in his stomach. Seemingly for the first time. He hated it.
“Okay.” He simply replied, slightly awkward and very uncomfortable at this foreign feeling.
You were silent for a few more moments, looking deeply at each other’s faces.
“How long have you been this way?” You whispered.
“Not long.” He said back to you. “When the earth quake happened last summer, it wasn’t an earthquake.”
“I was in hell… or what felt like hell. These things attacked me. Ripped me apart and next I knew, I was like this when I woke up.”
He didn’t notice until now, but whilst he was speaking, you’d shuffled closer and closer until you had your chest pressed up against his.
“Were you going to hurt me that day… in the forest?” You whispered, not looking into his eyes.
“Why didn’t you?”
You were slightly scared of the answer but needed to know.
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I wanted to. I wanted to hurt you so bad but I couldn’t. I couldn’t make myself hurt you. Couldn’t stand when other people tried to hurt you.”
You felt warmth swirling in your stomach at this. It was a strange feeling considering he wanted you dead at one point but you couldn’t help but feel softer.
“Eddie.” You whispered.
Eddie’s hands found their place on your waist. They were significantly larger than yours and nearly covered your entire mid section.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He muttered, brown furrowing once again.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the contact. You’d never had another boys hands on you before. You never expected it to be Eddie. And although this wasn’t inherently sexual at all, your skin was on fire.
“I can’t stop thinking about you either.” You respond. “Every time I see you I feel something I can’t explain. Like, I’m terrified of you but I don’t want to be away from you.”
Eddie didn’t respond. He just looked at you taking in your features. Suddenly, Eddie bedroom door swung open and the light flicked on, in walking what appeared to be Eddie’s uncle.
You and Eddie both sat up quickly and turned to the doorway.
“Eddie, I’m back from-“ Eddie uncle stopped himself when he noticed Eddie wasn’t alone. “Oh, sorry..”
Eddie uncle was surprised to see a girl in Eddie bed. He didn’t even know Eddie had friends.
“I’m Wayne.” He introduced.
“Eddie, can I talk to you. Outside.” Wayne asked.
Eddie didn’t say a word, simply watching the interaction between you and his uncle. He got up from the bed and turned back to you.
“I’ll, uh.. be back.” He said, unsure.
You nodded and watched him walk out behind his uncle.
Once Wayne and Eddie were outside the trailer, Wayne pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.
“Does she know?” He asked.
“She knows.” Eddie responded.
“You told her?”
“She caught me. It the woods at school.”
“So what, you’re keeping her around until you rip her heart out?”
Eddie grimaced. He didn’t know what he wanted from you. All he knew was that he felt odd without you.
“I did. But know I don’t know.”
Inside, you were watching Eddie and his uncle converse through the bedroom window. You turned away and started to look around Eddie’s room. The room definitely belonged to a teenage boy but showed no signs of the blood thirsty beast that Eddie really was.
He had band posters and an electric guitar hanging on the wall. He had a tv and some pornography clumsily hidden next to it. An ashtray pull of cigarette butts by his bed.
His bedroom was almost inviting and comforting.
Eddie returned shortly after.
He was still uncomfortable. It was clear he’d never had anyone in his private space, let alone a girl.
“Hi. Uh, is it okay with your uncle that I’m here?”
“It’s fine.”
The conversation faded out again. Eddie was still stood by the door, just watching you sat in his bed. He knew you were beautiful. He’d always known. Soft round face, sweet timid eyes and long flowing hair. You looked too pure to be here in his presence.
He was a wolf and you were a sheep.
Eddie slowly walked back towards the bed and laid down next to you again.
His eyes looked over you. They were so dark, you couldn’t actually see any brown in them, only black.
Before you knew it, you’d started to drift off until a gentle snore fell from you. Eddie was still awake as he listened, but not for long. Pretty soon, he was also asleep.
He’d had one of the best nights sleep he’d ever had since he turned into this.
Several hours later, Eddie woke up. He woke up and found that you were still sleeping but now you were practically on top of him, head on his chest and arms wrapped around his middle. Eddie was uncomfortable for a few moments but made no effort to move you. He slowly relaxed and lowered his arm until it was around your back.
He thought about that day in the wood and how he was ready to murder you. He wanted to. He was getting sick of eating deer and “missing” cattle. He’d even eaten someone’s missing cat once. It was gross. It was all gross but he figured it was better than killing people. No matter how bad he wanted to.
He remembered back to the day of the earthquake. Being attacked. Waking up with an unquenchable thirst that nothing seemed to satisfy.
The day he turned into whatever this was, he felt pieces of soul was replaced with a dark black nothingness. He was always uninterested and barely smiled at people but now he was different. He was meaner, he never cared about anyone or anything. He felt nothing now. He couldn’t even tell if he hated it or missed it when it had a soul.
The next morning, you woke up but Eddie was nowhere to be found. You’d put your other clothes back on and folded the clothes Eddie gave you and placed on his made bed.
You’d wondered into the main part of the trailer and saw that no one was around at all.
You figured Eddie went out early before you’d woken up. He could have been doing anything anywhere so you decided it’d be best if you just walked home.
You didn’t know what to feel right now.
First, Eddie almost killed you. He wanted to.
Then he defended you and practically saved your life.
And then lastly, you’d spent the night in his bed and had one of the best nights sleep ever.
Your brain and heart were jumbled.
You’d stayed in your bedroom all day and barely came out. You’d read and watched tv and cleaned and rearranged your closet just to pass the time.
Before you’d even realised it was nighttime, you’d heard a tap on your window. You gasped and jumped slightly but semi relaxed when you saw Eddie’s hard face.
Opening the window and stepping back, you let him in.
“Eddie. What are you doing here?” Your voice still just as timid and small as ever.
“I don’t know. I wanted to see you.” His expression was just as hard and unreadable as ever.
“Oh, okay.” You said, going back to sit on your bed.
“Actually,” Eddie started, looking down and walking towards you, also taking a seat on your bed. “I wanted to try something.”
You gulped.
“Try… something?”
Eddie finally looked up and scooted closer to you. He could hear how fast your heart of pumping.
He reached his hand up and gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered though, coming to rest in between your neck and shoulder. His hand was so large that it was practically flat against your whole chest.
Your breathing quickened.
He started to lean in.
Eddie breathed you in before pressing his cold lips to your hot ones.
The kiss was nice. Incredible even.
Eddie tried to keep it as a soft, delicate peck but you kissed him back a little harder. You moved closer and placed your hands on his shoulders, moving your mouth against his. The kiss started to get more and more passionate.
You let out the softest, gentlest moan into Eddie’s mouth and he hissed as he pushed you back into the bed, continuing to kiss you, his hands moving to your hips.
“Wait, stop.” He hissed, pushing you back and moving away from you.
“I’m sorry.” You responded, flustered.
Not only did you make out with Eddie for the first time and that the first time you kissed anyone.
You wondered if Eddie had kissed anyone before.
Eddie looked at you from the other side of the bed and like always, his expression was unreadable.
“That was nice.” You mumbled gently under your breath.
Eddie stood up and wondered over to your cork board and looked at the Polaroids stuck to it. It was mainly just your family because you didn’t really have many friends.
Eddie realised that he couldn’t stay away from you. He realised that he didn’t want to.
Eddie also realised that for the first time since he turned and the first time in his entire life, he begged that you felt the same way.
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kira-broflovski · 1 year
Secret || Kyle Broflovski x Reader
note: characters are aged up to high school!! decided to add an element of social media into this one 🫣
It was an evening just like any other in the Marsh residence. However, in a moment of impulse, Randy decided to treat Sharon for a night out.
Shelly was now in charge of her younger brother and sister, Stan and Y/N. Not that either of you needed supervision considering you were in your senior year of high school. Your older sister was fully aware of this, so she just kept to herself in the living room.
She decided to reside downstairs, also knowing that you and Stan would stay in your respective rooms.
Playing all the video games he wanted with nobody to tell him to keep it down, Stan lazed about in his room and mumbled along to his gaming playlist that was blasting from his speaker. He sat back without a care in the world. Although, he was starting to get a little hungry.
Then, there was you. Cool wind was blowing in from your wide-open window, your 'love' playlist contrasting the music coming from your brother's room, as you laid on your bed and texted your boyfriend.
The boyfriend that nobody else knew about, none other than Kyle Broflovski, of course.
You had been dating Kyle for a few months now, and how you haven't been caught is a mystery to both of you.
Most of your conversations did happen over the phone for the sake of not blowing your cover, just like the conversation you were having with him right now. God forbid Stan found out about his own best friend dating his twin sister!
You mentioned your parents were out, so Kyle decided to play a risky game.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Curious, you slowly turned your head to look at the window like your boyfriend had said to do. You jumped out of surprise, not exactly expecting said boyfriend to be leaning into the window.
"Kyle?" You whisper-shouted.
"Help me in." He laughed.
You scrambled out of bed to help, not wanting him to get hurt.
Your room was at the side of the house where the garage was underneath the window, so Kyle had somehow got onto the roof and waited for you to notice him standing in your open window.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, sitting back down on your bed.
"Uh, I didn't want to wait to see you again." He shot you a sheepish smile that you couldn't stay mad at.
Shaking your head and laughing quietly, you patted the bed next to you and he immediately sat down beside you. He threw his arms around you, unable to contain his affection. You laid back, still holding Kyle in your arms, and he gladly leaned back with you, getting as close as physically possible.
Thankfully, the music playing from both your room and Stan's room was loud enough that your brother next door couldn't hear anything, nor could Shelly downstairs.
After taking a deep breath, Kyle mumbled into your neck, "this is nice."
"Yeah, it is."
Due to your relationship being a secret, moments like these were rare. But that made you both appreciate them much more.
The last time Kyle was able to sneak in was a month ago. He told his parents he would be at Stan's, which wasn't a total lie, but they didn't know Stan was out on a camping trip with his scouts group.
Everything was going well. You and Kyle just laying in each other's arms, listening to music and talking about whatever came to mind.
It seems, however, the music was a little too loud as you didn't hear Stan walking downstairs, back up, and down the hall.
"Hey, Y/N, Shelly's ordering food so— what the fuck!?" He interrupted himself when he saw a random person laying with you.
"Oh shit!" You yelped.
"Who the fuck is that?" He couldn't see who it was as Kyle's hood was up and he was facing away from the door, where Stan was stood with his arms crossed.
"Uh..." You had no idea what to say. What could you say?
Kyle slowly got off of you, still refusing to turn around and face his best friend. This was not how either of you were expecting your relationship to be found out.
"Well?" Stan stepped closer.
Knowing there was no getting out of it, Kyle slowly turned around and looked at him.
"Now, Stan, listen—" you started.
"Listen? What the fuck is going on here?" Your brother exploded. "Guys, I'm not fucking stupid, so don't treat me like I am."
"We never said you were," Kyle mumbled.
If looks could kill, Kyle would be dead where he sat.
"Of all people, you decided to date my best friend?"
"How long have the both of you been doing all this behind my back?"
"Answer my question, Y/N."
"A few months." You mumbled.
"Months!?" He yelled out of disbelief, feeling like he had been betrayed by two of the closest people in his life. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Listen! For once, just fucking listen." You got up and stood in front of him, getting fed up of his shouting.
Kyle stared at the floor and played with his hands nervously.
"Neither of us can control who we like, alright? And we just so happen to like each other. We knew you'd try to stop us, so we kept it from you and have been dating in secret." You stated calmly. "He treats me so fucking well and makes me feel like nobody ever has in my life, so excuse me for wanting what's best for me, Stan."
"But my best friend? Really?"
In reality, he had no idea what else to say. He knew you were right as he knows you've been happier the past few months.
"Hey, I didn't say shit when you started dating Wendy!" Now it was your turn to get mad.
Your brother stared back and forth at the two of you in disbelief, trying to find something to say. "Just wait until mom and dad find out about this."
You simply rolled your eyes in response, and Stan turned to Kyle.
"I'll tell your fucking parents as well, about how you've secretly been dating my sister. I'm sure they'll love that!" He pointed a finger deep into Kyle's chest, before turning around and storming out, slamming the door on his way out.
A couple minutes of uncomfortable silence passed before Kyle peeped up. "That could've gone a lot better..."
"Tell me about it." You sat back down and grabbed your phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Texting Shelly what we want to eat."
565 notes · View notes
Sweet Nothing (Superstar Chapter 6)
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
Roy and the Reader enjoy simple domestic bliss.
Roy Kent x Reader
8.3k words
Warnings: Language, mind-numbing fluff, an overprotective dad, allusions to smut
Wow, this came out kind of long! It was fun to write and I hope all this fluff was worth waiting for!
Keeley eyed me carefully as we ate lunch in my office, door closed to keep out all the men. After the Paris trip, we’d had a hard time synching up our schedules, so she’d finally cornered me and demanded a lunch date, kicking Roy out of the office in the process. We sat on the floor, shoes kicked off, stabbing at the salads she’d picked up for us.
“So, what about after the game?” she asked, eyebrows raised. “Did you join the boys’ clubbing? Jamie didn’t mention if you did.”
“Oh, no,” I admitted, taking a sip from my water bottle. “They asked me to, though.”
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Then why were you all dressed up?”
Suddenly, the tomato on the end of my fork looked really interesting and required all of my attention. “Who said I was dressed up?” I asked in my most disinterested voice.
“Only all the guys,” Keeley said with a giggle. “That little red number from the gala- you’re welcome by the way- and some heels with your hair all sexy.” She raised an eyebrow. “I think there’s a couple little crushes in that changing room, you know.” A smirk played on her lips. “Not as big as the one Roy has on you, of course,” she added.
I looked at the non-existent watch on my wrist. “Damn, is my lunch over already?”
“Come on,” she urged, giving me a friendly shove. “Where’d you go all dressed up?”
My story was ready to go. “Just went out exploring and wandering about. Found a nice little bar to sit in, read a bit on my phone.” I shrugged. “Nothing too exciting.”
“What about Roy?”
Once again, my salad was fascinating. “What about Roy? Didn’t he go out with the guys?”
“Nope,” Keeley answered, popping the “p” loudly. “You sure he didn’t join you at the bar?”
“He did not join me at the bar.”
You’re not lying, I thought to myself as I remembered our date at the Louvre, eating dinner with the Mona Lisa, followed by slow dancing in front of the statue of Cupid and Psyche. After that, we strolled around the museum, champagne in hand, gazing at the art. The whole time, I found myself wondering if I’d wake up back in my old room, its walls covered with Roy Kent, to discover the last four months had been a dream. Instead, I had woken up to find he’d run out to grab me a chocolate croissant for breakfast before the sun was up.
But Keeley didn’t need to know any of that right now.
Not that keeping Keeley in the dark was something I liked. Outside of a couple of my really good school mates, Keeley was quickly becoming my best friend. She was sweet, savvy, kickass and independent, and a great hype woman who made anyone feel like they could do anything. There was a part of me that was dying to grab her by the shoulders and scream, “I’m shagging Roy Kent and I think I’m in love with him!”. But I was loving the small bubble Roy and I were living in, where only Jamie Tartt knew about our existence and was threatened into silence. The little bubble where we were constantly holed up in my flat or his house, watching movies or making dinner together, drinking on his back porch and whispering sarcastic jokes late into the night, not having to answer anyone’s questions about how we got together or who liked who first or how someone like me got someone like him. No, thank you. Roy and I would stay in our happy little bubble for as long as it suited us.
“How do I look?”
I poked my head out of Roy’s bathroom to look at him. He was wearing- surprise, surprise- all black: black jeans, black shirt, black jacket.
“You look like Roy Kent,” I answered, running my brush through my hair. “Dunno why you’re so nervous. You’ve met them before. Don’t you remember my dad tackling you?”
Roy sighed and traded one black jacket for another nearly identical one. “Yeah, but that was as ‘Roy Kent, football legend’. This time it’s ‘Roy Kent, old man sneaking into your daughter's hotel room in Paris’.” He turned to me, waiting for my verdict on his outfit.
Tossing my brush on his bed, I strolled over to him and adjusted his jacket, fixing the neckline. “How about ‘Roy Kent, boyfriend who makes their daughter really happy’?” I offered.
A smile cracked through his nerves. “I like the sound of that guy.”
“Me too.” I kissed his cheek. “Now, let’s go so you can stop bugging me about my mum’s pasta.”
The drive to my parents’ was quieter than our usual car rides. It wasn’t hard to figure out why; Roy had already told me that he hadn’t met too many parents in his previous relationships. He was never really with someone long enough to reach that step, and the few times he did, it didn’t go great. He was especially embarrassed to talk about the mother who had propositioned him when her daughter was out of the room. Stories from Roy’s past made me sad sometimes; he’d had a hard time finding people who made him feel cared about for himself, not his skill or fame.
No wonder he clings to Phoebe and his sister, I had realized one day. I hoped my parents would join the apparently short list of people who made him feel special for just being Roy.
We easily found parking in front of my parents’ house and quickly made our way to the door. I carried a pie we’d picked up on the way over, and Roy held a bouquet of flowers he’d brought for my mum. As I unlocked the door, I glanced at him; he looked more nervous than the teenage boyfriends I’d brought home during my school days.
“Relax,” I whispered, planting a small pack on his cheek. “They already adore you.”
As if on cue, my mother yanked the door open, nearly ripping my arm off in the process. “We thought we heard something!” she greeted, ushering us in. She took the pie out of my hands as she kissed me on the cheek. “How was Paris?”
“Great,” I managed, closing the front door behind us. “The team won, and I got to check out the Louvre with Roy.” I shot Roy a knowing look, which seemed to relax him slightly. It also captured my mum’s attention.
“Roy, we’re so glad to have you over again,” she gushed, giving him a half hug that had him frozen in place.
When she pulled away, Roy cleared his throat and held out the flowers. “These are for you,” he stated, a bit stiffly. “I, uh, felt bad for interrupting your dinner last time without bringing anything so…” He trailed off, glancing at me as my mother took the flowers.
I slid my hand into his, giving it a small squeeze. “Where’s Dad?” I asked my mother, trying to put Roy at ease by taking some of the attention off him.
“Dad’s in the kitchen. Hope you don’t mind, we sent the boys to a friend’s house, so it’s just the four of us.”
Atta girl, Mum. My brothers were great boys, but they’d be positively tickled at the idea of having Roy Kent at their dinner table again and would probably be all over TikTok bragging about their “future brother-in-law” before we’d even had dessert. Just the four of us would mean that Roy could just be Roy, my boyfriend getting to know my parents, not Roy Kent, football legend and my lifelong crush.
My dad greeted Roy with a firm handshake, much calmer than the last time he’d seen us together. “How’re you doing, Roy?” he asked in a detached voice, as if he hadn’t been smothering the guy in the entryway just a few months ago.
“Good, sir,” Roy answered, more nervous than I’d ever seen him. “Yourself?”
Dad nodded, letting go of Roy’s hand. “Fine, thanks.” He quickly led us to the dining room, where Mum had clearly gone all out.
On the table was my parents’ best China that usually only came out when my dad’s boss visited or for my gran’s birthday, and there was a bottle of wine that I knew was twice as expensive as the kind they normally drank. Much to my relief, they (most likely Mum) had had the foresight to tuck away any embarrassing photos from my awkward teenage phase as well as that one photo my dad had of an extremely drunk me on my 21st birthday kissing my Roy Kent cardboard cutout, which currently laid flat under my bed at home, where Roy would hopefully never find it.
Roy pulled out my chair for me and then took the same seat he’d been in the night of my dad’s birthday. He shot me an awkward glance; God, this man had played in the freaking World Cup, yet here he was, jiggling his leg and blushing like a schoolboy on his first date.
Fuck, he must really like me, I thought to myself, feeling a bit stupid at such an obvious revelation. Of course Roy liked me; we spent every free moment we could together and when we couldn’t, we were constantly texting or calling each other. Heck, he’d even started using the Snapchat account Ted had made him sign up for so he could send me pictures of his uncle-niece dates. The man was clearly smitten, and the feeling was completely, totally, absolutely mutual.
My mother urged us to load our plates with pasta and salad, which Roy did not need to hear twice. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that he didn’t start eating until I’d taken my first bite; a gentlemanly gesture I’d never had a boyfriend do.
Once we’d all served ourselves food and wine and begun eating, my dad cleared his throat. “So how long… er, when did…” He gestured to the two of us. “When’d this start?”
I shot Roy a glance as I sipped the suddenly very necessary wine; his face had gone a little pale. Apparently I’d have to field this question myself. “Actually, when Roy popped by on your birthday,” I admitted. “Believe it or not, he saw all the posters in my room and didn’t run away.” I took Roy’s hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. “Since it was painfully obvious that I liked him, he asked me out the following weekend, and we made things official about…” I glanced at Roy, doing math in my head.
“A month ago,” he finished for me promptly, a shine in his eyes. “We went to this fundraiser thing hosted by the club owner and…” He trailed off with a shrug. “Dunno, we talked, realized we like being together, and made it official.” His eyes shifted to my dad, as if Roy was hoping he’d be okay with all this.
My dad was staring at Roy with an intensity I’d never seen in my life. Part of me could understand my dad’s hesitation to be as enthusiastic as my mum about this relationship; Roy had about a decade on me (though honestly, neither of us felt it), his temper on and off the pitch was nothing short of legendary, and, thanks in part to my stalker-like tendencies, my dad knew quite a bit about the rotation of gorgeous women who made up Roy’s dating history. During his last visit, Roy had just been someone I shared an office with, so Dad could fawn over him without a second thought. Now, Roy wasn’t just some girlhood crush on my walls, but a real, viable romantic partner. The concept must have been a bit terrifying for the father of an only daughter.
After the longest minute of my life, my dad spoke directly to Roy. “And you… you like my daughter?”
Based on his wide-eyed stare, Roy was not prepared for such a blunt question. “Oh. Um, yeah, of course, I really fucking like her.” Somehow his eyes grew wider. “Shit. Sorry. I mean-” He screwed his eyes shut and let out a tiny growl. With a sigh, he opened his eyes again. “Yes, I like your daughter. A lot.”
Dad didn’t seem ready to let up. “And you treat her well?”
Roy shrugged. “I’d like to think so. I respect her and try to make sure she knows I care about her more than I’ve ever cared about anyone. I like making her laugh. And once she decides she’s sick of keeping us gaffers in line, I’ll support her whatever she ends up doing.”
My dad stared at Roy hard, his jaw set. Come on Dad, ease up, I prayed. Go back to worshipping the grass this man walks on. Remember the way you sobbed when he walked off the field during his last game. Remember how much you want me to be happy. Please.
Finally, my dad nodded slowly. “Alright then. Thank you for your honesty, Roy.” He took a long sip of his wine as the rest of the table stared at him expectantly. At last, he set down his glass. “So, how d’you think the Greyhounds’ odds are for avoiding relegation this season?”
And that was it. The rest of the evening was a blur of laughter and stories and Roy getting second and third helpings of my mum’s pasta. By the time my mum brought out the pie, Roy and my dad had made plans to grab a drink later in the week to watch a football game together and my mum had promised to have us over for dinner again the following week. Roy’s face was full of relief as my mum gave him a hug and my dad shook his hand warmly.
“Was that so bad?” I teased once we were settled in the car.
He shrugged as he started the car, not hiding his smile. “I had a good time. Your parents are pretty great.”
I cleared my throat, keeping my eyes on the road. “Sorry about my dad, though. Not sure what came over him when we sat down.”
“Oh, come on,” he scoffed. “You’re his only daughter. I’m an old man who has something of a reputation. Can’t blame him for not loving the idea of us together.” His voice was thoughtful. “But I hope he believes me when I say I really fucking care about you.” He took my hand. “And I hope you believe it too.”
I turned to look at Roy, who was already glancing at me. “I do,” I assured him. “And I really care about you too.”
Turning his gaze back to the road, Roy nodded. “Good.” He paused for a moment, clearly thinking hard about something. “Just… please don’t tell your dad about our sleepovers. Because with my shit knee, he may be able to outrun me.”
“Oh no, Roy. He could definitely outrun you.”
“Here you go, dear.”
“Thanks, Rose,” I murmured, taking my drink from her. I turned back to Roy. “Alright. Now you can tell me about practice.”
Roy sipped his beer. “Actually, I had something I’ve been thinking about lately that I wanted to ask you about.”
I tilted my head at him. “Anything wrong?”
“Well…” Roy bobbled his head a bit. “Just thinking about how unfair it is that I’ve met your family twice now, but you haven’t met mine.” He glanced at me, playful suspicion in his eyes. “Unless you’re one of those women who thinks it should be all your family all the time and my family can go fuck off a cliff?”
Puzzled but intrigued, I leaned forward. “Absolutely not. Did you have something in mind?”
He tapped the side of his beer bottle. “’ve been promising Phoebe I’d take her to see this fucking stage production of The Sound of Music on Friday. Take her out to ice cream or some shit after. You want to join us?”
While he spoke in that disinterested voice he often used, I could sense the apprehension beneath it. He wanted me to say yes so badly, to be excited to meet the most important person in his life. To be interested in every part of his life, not just football. This would be a key moment in our relationship, and Roy obviously knew it.
“That sounds great,” I gushed, taking his hand. “If I’m being honest, I’ve really been looking forward to meeting Phoebe.”
“She’s dying to meet you too, actually.” He rolled his eyes, as if he wasn’t talking about his precious little niece who was the absolute light of his life. “Been bugging the shit out of me about it ever since I first told her about you.”
A flutter ran through my heart. “You talk about me to Phoebe?”
“Fucking course. Don’t tell her, but that little idiot’s probably my best friend.”
“Don’t let Jamie hear you say that,” I warned with a grin. “He’ll get jealous.”
Predictably, Roy bared his teeth at me. “I’ve told you a million fucking times, Jamie Tartt is not my best friend. He’s not even my friend. I fucking hate that prick. I want to cut his face off and hang it up as a Halloween decoration so I don’t have to pass out candy to fucking trick or treaters.”
“Wow, your best man speech at Jamie’s wedding is gonna suck.”
Despite his best attempt at annoyance, I could see the grin Roy was trying to fight. “Do I have to do that shit where I kiss you just to shut you up?”
I shrugged. “Can’t guarantee it’ll work. But you’re very welcome to try.”
Work that Friday seemed to go in slow motion. It took all my restraint to stop myself from asking Roy a million questions about Phoebe, what she liked, what she knew about me (about us, really), how to make a good impression on her. Instead, I scurried around making sure Ted had a Spanish-to-English dictionary available for a Zoom call he had late in the day and giving Rebecca a non-answer when she asked about my weekend plans.
Finally, Roy and I packed up our things and hopped into his still ridiculous car, stopping at his place to change into what he told me Phoebe called “fancy theatre clothes” before finally going to his sister’s place to pick up Phoebe.
Shit, is this how Roy felt at my parents’? I asked myself as I shook Dr. O’Sullivan’s hand. Of course, I knew her face from the photos of her at Roy’s place, but God, she was beautiful in person. And the smile she wore told me that Roy had definitely mentioned me at least once or twice.
“Is Phoebe fucking ready or what?” Roy sighed after introductions had been made.
“Uncle Roy! Uncle Roy!”
A blur of blonde and pink launched itself at Roy, nearly toppling him over. Phoebe clung to her uncle and gazed up at him, her face full of that love that a small child had for her hero. My entire body melted at the sight of this little girl in a pink dress hugging him tight. Feeling like I was being watched, I glanced over at Roy’s sister, who was looking at me with a pensive expression. We exchanged soft smiles before both turning our attention back to Phoebe.
Roy crouched by Phoebe, ignoring the small crack coming from his leg as he did so, and gestured towards me. “Phoebe, this is-”
Before Roy could finish, Phoebe hurled herself at me, giving me a tight hug. “Oh my gosh. I’m so excited to finally meet you!” Her smile was infectious. “My uncle Roy really likes you.”
“No shit, Phoebe,” Roy growled. “Let’s get going. If you make me miss the opening song, I’ll leave you there and you can become another Von Trapp brat.”
During the ride to the theater, Phoebe asked me a million questions: about my job, my friends, my family, my flat, and what I thought the best ice cream flavors were. In turn, I learned about her school, her friends, her mother, which of her stuffed animals were her favorite, and all the things she loved about her Uncle Roy. By the time we’d found our seats in the theatre, Phoebe was holding my hand like we were the best of friends and begging Roy to let her sit next to me, since he got to sit next to me in the car.
“It’s only fair,” I pointed out to Roy, who smiled and rolled his eyes in that goofy way that made my knees go weak.
The first act of the show was as wonderful as I expected. Phoebe was entranced the entire time, and on her other side I could see Roy mouthing along to every song. We locked eyes a few times, especially when Maria and Captain von Trapp were onstage together. Each time we exchanged bashful smiles, as if we were kids with crushes rather than two adults in a fairly serious relationship.
At intermission, we found seats in the lobby. Roy headed to the line at the bar to get us something to drink, leaving Phoebe and I alone.
“Are you enjoying the show?” I asked, offering her my softest smile.
“Very much,” she said. “Uncle Roy’s made me watch the film about a million times, so we know all the songs. Do you like it?”
I nodded. “It’s one of my favorite movies, too. Can I tell you a secret?” Phoebe nodded earnestly, clearly excited to learn something so important. “I nearly always cry when Maria and Captain von Trapp admit they love each other.”
Phoebe giggled good-naturedly. “My uncle Roy reminds me of Captain von Trapp. Always yelling, but he’s really very nice.” She gazed up at me, a pondering look on her little face before she broke into a huge grin. “I guess that makes you Maria!” My tongue was suddenly too tied to reply, so she continued. “You know, Uncle Roy talks about you all time.”
Clearly, this was the topic Phoebe was most interested in. “And what does your Uncle Roy say about me?” I asked, humoring her.
“Well, the first time he talked about you, he was telling my mum that you had started working at Richmond and he was kind of mad that he had to share his office with you. But then Mummy asked if you were pretty, and he told her to shut up, but he was smiling.” She thought for a moment. “He also says you’re very nice and very smart and that the team would fall apart without you. And he told me that being nice to you is very important because you’re his girlfriend.” She glanced down at her sparkly shoes. “Uncle Roy never introduces me to his girlfriends.”
Part of me knew I should change the subject, but the part of me that turned into a giggling teenage girl whenever I thought about Roy couldn’t resist. “No?”
She shook her little head as she looked back up at me. “No. But my mum says you’re different. She thinks Uncle Roy is going to marry you someday. Would you let me be your flower girl?”
Before I could manage a response, Roy appeared, holding three glasses. “Here. Shirley Temples.” He handed one to each of us. “Don’t fucking spill on your dress,” he warned Phoebe. He sat down beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “What were you two chatting about?”
Of course, Phoebe pipped up before I could open my mouth. “Our favorite songs in the play. Mine’s The Lonely Goatherd.”
“That’s a shit choice,” Roy snorted.
While he went on a rant about why Edelweiss was a perfect song, I turned my gaze to Phoebe, who was already smiling up at me knowingly. Something in my heart warmed with the realization that I had made a new little friend.
The rain pitter-pattered against the window as I folded the laundry I’d managed to avoid for a couple of days. Some cheesy movie played on the television, more for background noise than anything else. My mind was occupied with thoughts of the weekend before, when we’d taken Phoebe on our second outing together: the zoo. She’d been thrilled to hold both our hands and explain everything she knew about each animal; she was especially excited to tell me all about how her Uncle Roy reminded her of the giant gorilla in its enclosure when it banged on the glass.
As if he knew I was thinking about him, Roy interrupted my thoughts with a phone call.
“Hey,” I greeted casually, pretending my heart didn’t skip a beat every time his name lit up my mobile screen.
“What’re you up to today?” he asked in lieu of a greeting.
I lowered the volume on the television. “Told you, I’m having my girlfriends over to have a proper catchup and grabbing drinks with them. I haven’t seen them since before Paris and I feel like I’ve been a shit friend since I started at Richmond.” Since you decided to take up my every waking thought.
“That’s not til tonight, right?”
Onscreen, the two romantic leads began their big blowout argument that threatened to break them up. “Yeah. But I’ve gotta tidy up a bit.” My curiosity got the better of me. “Why?”
“Got an errand to run and wanted your help.”
My curiosity increased. “What sort of errand?” I tucked my mobile between my face and shoulder so I could resume folding.
Roy sighed. “Phoebe’s been bugging her mum about getting a fucking dog, but there’s no fucking way my sister has time for one. So, I was thinking I might as well go down to the pound and get one myself so she can shut up already.”
I scoffed. “I’m sorry, you’re going to adopt a dog just to make your adorable little niece happy?”
There was a pause on Roy’s end. “Yes. That a problem?”
A smile crept across my face. “No. Just trying to figure out what Nora Ephron movie you walked out of.”
“Fuck you.” I could hear Roy’s smile through the phone. “You take that shit back.”
“Nope,” I insisted, my grin growing. “Sorry, you’re a regular Billy Crystal now.”
Now he scoffed, clearly offended. “Billy Crystal? Really? Can’t I at least be Tom fucking Hanks?”
Damn, I love a man who knows his rom-com leads. “If it’ll make you happy, fine. You’re Tom Hanks. Congrats.” I remembered the reason for Roy’s call. “So, why’re you asking me to go with you to get the dog? Not that I mind, but shouldn’t it be Phoebe? She’s the reason you’re getting one to begin with.”
There was a long pause on Roy’s end. With a deep breath, he mumbled, “Well, I kind of wanted to surprise her the next time she comes over. And I also kind of figured… I dunno, you’re my girlfriend and you’re here all the time, you’re gonna see the fucking dog a lot, I wanna make sure you like it too.” He paused a moment. “You could even help me name it and shit. If I let Phoebe name it, I’ll have a dog called Princess Sparkle Rainbow or something equally fucked.”
It wasn’t a big request; just go help Roy pick out a dog, maybe pop in a pet shop to get toys and food and a collar, talk him out of naming it “Fuckface” or some name Phoebe wouldn’t be allowed to say. An easy Saturday morning. If anyone else in the world was asking, it’d be an easy “Sure” and I’d have my shoes on already. But because it was Roy asking, the invitation to join him felt heavier, like it held some meaning other than “Come keep me company”. He wanted my opinion on this multi-year commitment he was making to whatever dog he found; that meant he expected me to stick around for a while, right?
Maybe Phoebe wasn’t so off base when she divulged her mother’s thoughts about Roy and me.
“Sure, Roy,” I answered after what was probably too long of a pause. “I’d love to help you pick a dog.”
Half an hour later I heard that familiar knock at my door. When I opened it, Roy immediately leaned forward to peck my cheek before he entered my flat, twirling his keys in his hand.
“You ready then?”
I nodded, closing the door behind him. “Just need to grab my shoes.” He lingered near the door as I quickly ran to my room to put on some trainers. When I came back, Roy was snickering to himself. “What?”
He shrugged, trying to compose himself. “Nothin’. I just really like your sweatshirt.”
Confused, I glanced down. Dark blue AFC Richmond sweatshirt, one of a million I’d collected over the years. This one, my usual go-to, was pretty simple, with just a small Richmond logo above my heart. It wasn’t like Roy hadn’t seen me wear one a million times at this point, especially on game days.
“The fuck are you on about?” I asked, feeling like I was missing an obvious joke.
Biting his lip, Roy grabbed my arm and pulled me close. “It’s honestly kinda hot seeing you wear my name.”
Oh. Despite the sweater being my favorite, I had found it that morning hung in the back of my closet, untouched in quite a while. Now it made sense why: Roy’s last name and number were emblazoned on the back in large white letters. I hadn’t even noticed when I tugged it on after my shower, especially since I had no plans to see Roy that day.
My cheeks warmed with the reminder that not too long ago, I was just an adoring fan. But Roy’s tightening grip on me brought me back to the moment.
“I’ll just go change really quick,” I breathed, trying to focus on anything but Roy’s hand that had moved firmly to the small of my back.
He shook his head, eyes burning into mine. “Absolutely fucking not. I like seeing my name on you.”
I managed an awkward chuckle. “Come on, Roy. Me wearing your name while I’m out with you in public might be asking for a little bit of trouble, hmm? All it takes is one picture and bam, front page of some rag tomorrow morning.”
Roy stared at me for a moment, his grip softening slightly on my back. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Was that a tinge of disappointment in his voice? If it was, he quickly recovered, adding, “That sweater should be your new pyjamas at my place. Let me see you in it more often.”
“Deal,” I agreed, kissing his cheek before dashing my room to put on a more inconspicuous sweater.
In the car, Roy told me all about Phoebe’s great longing for a dog. She was constantly looking up photos of different kinds of dogs, only wanted dog stuffed animals when out shopping, and had a very long list of possible dog names scribbled in her diary. Despite his ever-constant scowl, I could see the delight in Roy’s eyes when he talked about how “fucking feral” his niece would go once he introduced her to the dog.
At the shelter, Roy got plenty of double takes from employees, but he ignored them, completely focused on the pups in their kennels. He paused in front of one and knelt down beside it. After staring intensely into the crate for a moment, he waved for me to join him.
“What d’you think?”
The medium-sized dog was clearly a mix of about a few different breeds and his black fur looked like he desperately needed a wash. More importantly, his eyes were bright and eager, and he jumped as best he could in his confinement as he gazed at Roy.
I couldn’t help my smile. “I think this might be him.”
An older employee brought us and the dog to a small side yard where we could see him outside the kennels. He immediately jumped on Roy, licking his hands with excitement. Then he turned his attention to me, laying his paws on my thighs. For about five minutes, Roy and I tossed around a toy, watching the dog run around to find it and bring it back to one of us.
After the millionth successful round of fetch, the employee spoke up. “It’s amazing, he’s usually a bit of a grouch. Not aggressive,” she clarified. “But he’s not usually this friendly.” She smiled at us. “He must like you two.”
I turned to Roy, who was on the ground with the dog. “So? You want to take him?”
He gazed up at me as he scratched the dog behind his ears. “Do you like him?”
From the look in Roy’s eye, I knew the answer to that question mattered just as much- maybe even more- than what Roy himself thought of the dog. The idea caused my heart to skip a beat, another reminder that I really mattered to this man.
“I kind of love him already,” I admitted with a chuckle, reaching down to give the dog a pet. “But it’s your choice.”
He nodded, a smile slowly forming. “Yeah, I think he’s the one.”
We spent another five minutes sitting on the grass with the dog, tossing names back and forth, rejecting classics like Max or Fido, deciding against naming him after any footballers, and me forbidding Roy from using any swear words in the name.
Finally, I felt the lightbulb switch on in my brain. “Oscar.”
Roy furrowed his thick eyebrows. “Oscar?”
“For Oscar the Grouch,” I explained, as if it were obvious. “Phoebe told me the two of you always joke that you’re basically Oscar the Grouch. And this guy is supposed to be a grouch, but he loves us. Just like-” I stopped, knowing the next words that almost tumbled out:
Just like how you’re a grouch, but you love me.
Roy nodded, understanding what I meant. “Oscar,” he murmured. He patted the dog on its side. “What d’you think, fella? Feel like you can live with being called Oscar?”
Immediately, the dog sat down, gazing at Roy expectantly.
“Guess his name’s Oscar,” Roy agreed, his smile widening as he looked at me.
By the time we bought everything Oscar would need for his first few days at home and I helped Roy set his house up, I had to hurry home and finish getting my flat ready for my friends. Roy drove me home and walked me up, his arm wrapped lazily around my shoulders.
“Thank you again,” he said once we reached my door. “I really appreciate you helping me find Oscar. I think Phoebe’s going to fucking love him.” He leaned against the wall, looking at me carefully. “So, your friends are coming over, huh?”
I nodded, fiddling with my keys. “Yeah, we’re going to meet here, then head out to grab a drink. It’ll be nice to catch up with each other.” I shoved Roy playfully. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell them about how Roy Kent and I have regular sleepovers.”
He stared at me for a long moment, then let out a small huff of a laugh. “Hmm. Yeah, guess you shouldn’t.” His eyes lingered again. “Why don’t I pick you up from the bar once you’re finished? You can spend the night. Help me with Oscar tomorrow.”
“Oh, Roy, I dunno what time we’ll be done, I couldn’t ask-”
“I want you to ask,” he interrupted bluntly. “I don’t want you driving home if you’ve been drinking or getting a ride from someone who has. And I don’t want you taking a fucking Uber when you have a boyfriend who is more than willing to give you a ride home. Even if you make fun of my car.” He held my chin tenderly. “Alright?”
I melted into his touch, unable to look away from the look of intense affection in his eyes. Roy Kent wants to take care of me. And I wanted to let him.
“Alright,” I whispered bashfully, trying not to grin too hard. I stood on tiptoe and gave him a small kiss. “I’ll call you when I’m ready to come home.” I paused. “I mean, when I’m ready to be picked up.”
He nodded. “Good.” He gave me one more quick kiss. “Be safe, alright?”
Of course I’d be safe. It was just me and two of my close friends from school, women I’d known for what felt like forever. I had just tucked away a photo of Roy and me in Paris when I heard a commotion outside my door. When I opened it, I was tackled from both sides- Carly and Allison.
We squealed like children as we hugged and chattered about how good each other looked and how mad we were that we’d gone so long without hanging out together. We sat on my couch for a bit, gossiping about old schoolmates and the things they overshared on social media, before finally getting up and piling into Allison’s car to find a pub not too far from my place. Once we had settled a high-top table, drinks in front of us, we were ready to properly catch up.
“So, how’s life at Richmond?” Allison asked, emphasizing the team name the way all our dads always did. “The team’s actually winning these days!”
I shook my head. “It’s amazing. Believe it or not, the American knows what he’s doing. And he’s honestly the nicest guy in the world.”
Carly leaned forward, clearly already feeling her drink. “And is Jamie Tartt really that pretty in person?”
A snort caught in my throat. “Oh, Jamie’s beautiful,” I assured her. “And his very serious girlfriend Keeley is otherworldly gorgeous and the kindest person I’ve ever met. Sorry.”
Allison nudged me. “Who’s single, then? Because I am obsessed with Dani Rojas. That accent, that hair.” She fanned herself with a napkin.
“Or what about Isaac McAdoo? The things I would let that man do to me…” Carly purred.
I couldn’t help laughing. “Oh God. I’ve seen these guys puke after being run too hard at practice or with bloody noses because someone kicked a ball wrong or playing a game of ‘the floor is lava’ in the changing room or drooling in their sleep on the way home from away games. These are not sexy to men to me.”
“Oh, I know what the problem is,” Allison hummed, shooting me a wink. “She’s got eyes for a certain coach.”
My cheeks warmed. “Dunno what you’re talking about,” I answered, taking a sip of my drink and hoping I looked casual.
Allison rolled her eyes. “Come off it, we’ve all seen the shrine. Hell, I bought you some of those posters.”
“If you marry him, you’ll be just like Princess Kate with her William poster!” Carly giggled.
I turned to Carly. “You know Kate said that never actually happened, right?” I asked, trying to shift focus.
Allison caught my game. “Don’t change the subject! Come on, give us the details. Does Roy Kent, love of your life, know you exist?” She shot me a playful wink.
Despite my flushing face at the sound of his name, I snorted. “He better fucking know I exist, we share an office. We eat lunch together almost every day.”
“What’s he like?” Carly asked dreamily.
I paused. I couldn’t tell them about us dating, but surely that didn’t mean I couldn’t tell them about the Roy Kent I knew. “He’s… surprising,” I finally murmured. “He’s actually very kind and thoughtful. Like if he grabs himself breakfast on his way to work, he usually brings me something. He’s got this little niece he absolutely dotes on, and she positively worships him. And fuck, Roy Kent was a great athlete, but I can’t even begin to describe him as a coach. The man’s kind of brilliant but refuses to take any credit for the team’s success. And he’s funny as hell. Very sharp and witty.” I stopped, realizing that I was completely gushing at this point.
My friends stared at me with looks filled with a mix of surprise, fondness, and a bit of pity.
Allison finally spoke. “Fuck, this goes beyond the posters and teenage idol worship. You’re actually in love with the man.”
I rolled my eyes. “Stuff it. So, I’m a bit attracted to him, big whoop. People get little crushes on their coworkers all the time and do nothing about it. It’s not a big deal.” We’re just in a full-blown relationship. No big deal.
“But most people don’t work with someone they have twenty-seven posters of in their bedroom,” Allison pointed out, giggling over her drink.
Carly sat up. “Twenty-eight,” she corrected. “Don’t forget the shirtless poster in her closet that she was hiding from her dad.”
My jaw dropped at the betrayal from my friends. “You’re both off your rockers,” I scoffed. “Roy Kent’s a nice guy, we’re friends, end of story.”
Somehow, I managed to get the girls to find other topics to focus on. At some point I lost count of how many drinks we’d had; it was easy to lose track when having fun with friends. Once I could feel our energy start to fade, I took out my mobile and shot Roy a quick text telling him where I was.
On my way, he answered.
Once our tab was paid, we headed out of the pub, with me assuring my friends that I had a ride, hoping they would assume I had ordered an Uber. They wouldn’t be thinking that once we actually stepped outside, though.
There was Roy, leaning against his stupidly giant black car, looking every bit like my personal teenage fantasy in his tight black jeans with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. His face lit up when he saw me, as if I were a Victoria’s Secret model and not his girlfriend stumbling out of a pub.
“Need a ride?” he called out casually; he knew exactly how sexy he looked and was really leaning into it. Prick.
The amount of alcohol in my system was enough to make me forget everything except how fucking happy I was to see him. I ran at Roy and jumped on him, enveloping him in a giant hug. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me casually, mumbling “Fucking hello to you, too” into my hair.
My friends’ faces were a jumble of shock, giddiness, and a giant helping of confusion. Their eyes darted back and forth between Roy and me, waiting for some sort of explanation.
Keeping his arm around my shoulder even after I’d let go of him, Roy offered the smallest of smiles to my friends. “Hi. ’m Roy.” He gave a little wave, as if they somehow had no clue who he was. He nodded towards me. “I’m giving this one a ride home if that’s alright.”
Mouths slightly agape, the girls nodded. Still feeling tipsy, I waved to them. “G’night!” As Roy opened the door and placed his hand on my waist to help me into the car, I looked up at him, a dopey, lovesick expression on my face. “Roy?”
“Hmm?” His smile was softer than I’d ever seen it.
“You know I exist, right?”
He nodded, looking at me like I was some magical thing instead of a very sloshed woman. “Yes, I know you exist. Now get in the fucking car before I have to throw you in, hmm?”
Roy managed to get me in the car and then managed to not kick me out of it despite my incessant talking the entire ride back to his place. Instead, he walked me inside and helped me change into one of his sweaters, the one I loved to sleep in. While he changed himself into his sweats, I sat cross-legged on the floor, petting a very sleepy Oscar, now drunkenly explaining to Roy why Paul McCartney was the best Beatle.
As I expressed how much I loved “I Saw Her Standing There”, Roy joined me on the floor, watching me with admiration in his eyes. He absently rubbed Oscar behind the ears, nodding and offering small “Uh-huhs” from time to time.
“You going to kiss me so I can fucking shut up already?” I joked, realizing that he’d never let me go uninterrupted for this long.
Instead, he shook his head. “Nah. I like listening to you.” He paused, his face turning thoughtful. “I really fucking like listening to you.”
I leaned forward and kissed his face. “Thanks,” I murmured, my body now buzzing from the look in his eye rather than the alcohol.
His face screwed up, like he was debating something. “I love you, you know,” he finally breathed. “Like, I really fucking love you.” His shoulders tensed as he stared at me, waiting for me to say something, anything.
Roy Kent loves me. Roy fucking Kent loves me. Roy Kent fucking loves me.
“Holy shit. I love you too,” I blurted, my heart hammering. I blinked a few times. “Wait, you really said that right? I’m not just that drunk?”
Roy’s entire body relaxed, and he laughed so loud he made Oscar jump. “Yeah, I really fucking said that, you sloshed little muppet.” He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips. “I love you,” he mumbled against my mouth. “I absolutely fucking love you.”
When I woke up the next morning, Oscar was in his bed, but Roy wasn’t in his. With a small hum, I got up and headed downstairs, where I found Roy sitting on the couch and reading. He gave a small salute when I walked in with the dog at my heels.
“Mornin’,” he greeted, scooting over so I could sit beside him. He pecked my cheek. “Sleep well?”
Despite my giant yawn, I nodded. “Yourself?”
“I always sleep well when you’re here,” he answered nonchalantly, eyes returning to his book. “You hungry?”
I shook my head. “Could go for some tea though.”
He started to get up. “Let me put the kettle on.”
“I’ve got it,” I insisted, standing back up. “You keep reading-” I glanced at the title. “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?”
“Phoebe roped me into her fucking book club,” he grumbled, turning the book so he could glance at the yellow lion on the cover. “We’re doing the whole series. You want in?”
I chuckled. “Sure.” As I turned to head to the kitchen, he grabbed my arm.
“Hey,” he said softly, looking up at me. “I love you.”
Color flooded my cheeks as I smiled down at him. “I love you too.”
He nodded. “Just… wanted to make sure you heard me say it when you’re sober.” He leaned back and returned to his book. “Go on, then.” His eyes flickered up playfully as I made my way into the kitchen put some water on. While I waited for the water, I could hear ping ping ping from the next room.
“No fucking shit,” I could hear Roy exclaim.
Curious, I grabbed my own mobile and looked at it. Despite it being early on Sunday morning, there were several texts on the thread between Ted, Beard, Rebecca, Roy, and myself.
We got Vargas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The following messages were all emojis and gifs sent by Ted, a simple thumbs-up emoji from Beard, and several smiley faces from Rebecca. I rushed into the living room, where Roy was gazing at his mobile. He raised his eyebrows at me.
“This is fucking huge,” he said. “I mean, this deal was more Beard’s doing, I don’t know fuck all about the guy, but my understanding is that Vargas is supposed to be a big fucking deal very fucking soon.”
I nodded, scrolling through the still-incoming texts. “I can tell,” I chuckled. My mind was already running, thinking about all the things I’d have to get done on Monday: helping Keeley schedule a press conference, making sure Will was on top of things in the changing room, getting Ted a new Spanish-English dictionary, because goodness knows he’d already lost the one I’d just bought him.
As if he could feel my to-do list building in my head, Roy waved me over. “Get over here,” he grumbled. “We’re gonna have a fucking busy week, so let’s just be lazy today, yeah?”
A lazy day with Roy. Roy, who drove me home when I was drunk and wanted me to help pick his dog. Roy who loved me.
“That sounds great,” I agreed with a smile. “Let me just grab my tea.”
Once I had my cup in hand, I settled back onto the couch, tossing my legs over Roy’s lap. Oscar settled himself on the rug, clearly satisfied with his new living arrangements. Outside, I could hear the rain begin to pitter-patter as Roy rested a hand comfortably on my shin. A perfect, lazy day indeed.
“Oi, I picked you up one of those fucking rags when I was at the shop the other day,” Roy muttered, nodding towards the coffee table. “Clerk looked at me funny, the prick.”
I snorted and leaned forward to grab it. “Thank you for your sacrifice,” I retorted, flipping the gossip magazine open. We sat in happy silence as I turned the pages. Suddenly, a photo caught my eye, the sight making me choke on my tea.
Roy eyed me with mild concern. “Alright there?”
“Er, yeah.” I nodded. “I just, uh, I figured out where I know Dario Vargas from.”
“Oh?” Roy could not be less interested.
I folded the page back and handed the magazine to Roy. “I’ve seen him in paparazzi photos before. With his girlfriend.”
There, in full color, was a photograph of who I could only assume with Dario Vargas, with a sickeningly gorgeous woman on his arm. Below them was a simple caption: Football star Dario Vargas out for a night in Rome with supermodel Brittany Brett.
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hotchners-wifey · 7 months
Save Her
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, Platonic!BAU x Reader, Morgan!Sister Reader
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Summary: Y/N has a past she's never told anyone about, she was involved in some heavy things when she lived in England with her Aunt and Uncle. Things she thought were murdered along with her best friend, things she thought went missing with her boyfriend. Things that followed her to Quantico, Virginia.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
Chapter Warnings: Drinking, murder, mild swearing,
10 years ago ________________________________________
There’s a knock on my Aunt and Uncles front door, I look through the peephole and see two guys standing there. I make sure the chain is on the door before opening it, “Can I help you?” I asked. They looked at each other and the taller one spoke, “Y/N Y/L/N? Can we come in. We have some news regarding some people you might know.” I realized they were telling the truth and I closed the door to take the chain off. I let them in and walk them over to the couch.
“Would you guys like anything to drink. Tea or Coffee? My Aunt makes a killer black peach tea.” They shook their heads and smiled “No thank you, I’m officer Wisp and that’s officer Bailey. Do you know a Willow Allen and a Evan Warren?.” I sat down on the armchair next to the couch, worried I responded. “Yeah I do. Willow is my best friend and Evan is my boyfriend. Are they okay?” Officer Bailey looked over at me with a sad expression.
“Unfortunately no, we found the body of Willow this morning just outside county lines, she had a picture of you and Mr. Warren in her wallet." He pulled out an evidence bag with the picture of us the day we graduated high school. I grabbed it from him smiling at the memory, but it was suddenly overpowered by the thought of my dead best friend, "We went to pay a visit to Mr. Warren this morning but he wasn't home." "When we called his parents they said they haven't seen or heard from him all day." I knew that meant they either got him already or he was in hiding, but I knew one thing. I needed to get the hell out of dodge before they came to my house asking questions. "Do you know where he might be or anyone who would?" I shook my head "No I'm sorry, when we would have arguments he would leave for hours on end but he never went home."
"He would come back sweaty and would brush off my questions just responding with a 'I went for a run' and I would stop asking questions, knowing it would lead to more arguments." They nodded and stood up heading to the door, handing me a card, they tell me to call them if I can remember anything else or if I have information that I think could help. I opened the door and on my doormat was a single Y/F/F with a note that said in blue letters, "see you soon." ________________________________________ "Hello? Earth to Y/N, are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped turning to look behind me, I was greeted with three friendly faces looking at me with concern. "I'm sorry what'd you say?" Emily chuckled and pointed to the bouquet. "I asked you who got you the flowers." I looked down at them with a frown, "I don't know there's no name just says 'See you soon' in blue ink." They nodded and I turned to my front door and slowly put my key in the door opening it carefully. I have a security system but these people know how to break into an home without tripping it. I stay on my toes as I let the girls in and secretly do a quick onceover of my apartment before I relax. "All right, lets get to it. If we want to get to the club before a line forms then we should hurry up and get ready." They give each other looks and excitedly nod and quickly pull out their outfits for the night ________________________________________ Time skip to arriving at the club(i'm too lazy rn) ________________________________________ We arrived at the club and I already felt uncomfortable, Emily decided that the dresses I had in my closet weren't risky enough so she brought me one of her dresses in Y/F/C. It had lacy designs and sequins and it hugged my body tightly, when we walked into the club Derek, Spencer and Rossi were already there. We walked over to them and Emily looked around before asking Rossi, "No Hotch?" she yelled over the loud music. He nodded his head over to the bar where Aaron stood waiting for our drinks. We nodded and Spencer came over to me trying his best to keep his eyes on my face, "You look good Y/L/N." I smiled and playfully shoved his shoulder, "I thought I told you that you can call me Y/N when we're not working." He flushed and nodded awkwardly. Hotch came back with the drinks and we sat at the booth, Derek sat on my left while Spence sat on my right. After a few rounds I needed to use the bathroom, Spencer stood up to let me out and I let them know I'll be right back. I walked into the bathroom and hovered over the toilet seat to relieve myself when a singular Y/F/F was thrown under the stall door and the bathroom door opened and closed. I quickly finished up and grabbed the flower. When I went to wash my hands there was a photo pinned to the wall with a pocket knife. The photo was of me and Evan and the knife was the pocket knife my uncle gave to me before I moved to England, I ended up giving it to Evan to use for a job but he said he lost it. Which I was very sad about, I would've been happy about it being returned if I knew how and why it ended up back in America and in the town I live in.
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aizawasbrazybaby · 8 months
❥𓂃𓏧Fuck The Girls
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𖦹Warnings: Cheater!Ichigo x Fem!Reader, Mentions of bullying, Brief Spit Play, Pet Names (ex. Baby, Honey), Switch!Ichigo, Switch!Reader, Modern College!AU, P in V Sex, Sex Videos are made consensually
𖦹Word Count: 2.4K I regret nothing
🫧: Sorry for the late post🥲I had to start everything over. 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
ᐕSummary: In your defense the storm came earlier than expected and your bully’s boyfriend was too hot to not fuck..
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You’re an adult. Everything you do has consequences. That means hitting them will get you put behind bars. They aren’t worth the risk. You told yourself to sooth the seething anger. Tears of pure fury ran down your cheeks as your fingers massaged your temples. Coffee stained your white shirt and jeans. The hot drink had seeped through the rips leaving first degree burns on your thighs. You composed yourself enough to walk out the local cafes bathroom with your head held high. Leaving all signs of weakness in the stall.
You walked back to your table attempting to ignore the four sorry excuses of humans behind you, plus the bystander. College is better than high school my fucking ass. Just professors that overwork me and more mean bitches to put up with.
“Why do you always antagonize people?” the man with them asked severely unamused, “go apologize.”
“What? I literally didn’t do anything,” the tall brunette, his girlfriend, smiled to stop a laugh, “you should be saying that to Angie I wouldn’t have spilled my drink if she didn’t bump into me.”
“Not true,” the dark skinned woman grinned, “I just happened to trip over my own two feet.”
The four burst out in laughter.
“Go. Apologize. Now.” He said through gritted teeth.
“For what? We didn’t do it on purpose,” she flipped her long hair over a shoulder.
You closed your MacBook turning it sideways so the coffee could drain before you struck it back in your tote bag. Anger was starting to resurface and the urge to strangle every last one of them swelled. He nearly leapt from his seat, “hey! Wait a minute-” You raised a single finger as you walked out that left him in a stunned silence.
“Who messed with the ice queen today?”
“Remember the girl I told you got caught fucking the Dean?”
He hummed.
“Her sister Angie, Lina the short haired girl, the one that’s more like their pet, that bitch Regina and her boyfriend.” You said giving him a quick rundown.
“I don’t understand..just transfer or leave if they keep picking on you why stay?” your best friend who was currently studying across the country said.
A white towel wrapped around your head and a hot pink one on your body, “and let them win? Let them think they got the better of me and be another girl they got to leave? You must’ve forgot who I am, and they got me all the way fucked up if they think they can bully me into leaving. I chose to come here and that’s where I’ll remain for my last two years.”
His head fell back, “prideful ass. It’s only two years transfer your credits and come study with me.”
“You're right,” you removed your head towel, “it’s only two more years..so I’ll finish here.”
You flashed a smile and he rolled his eyes. I applaud you for your efforts but I’m not leaving.
“Stubborn as a mule, I’d expect nothing less. What are you gonna do about your laptop?”
You sighed and squeezed the towel into your wet hair, “well luckily for me I sat at the table that has the security camera pointed directly at it anddd if all goes well they’ll hand over the footage I’ll ask her to replace the Mac and if she says no I’ll take her to court.”
“And if they don’t have it?” he switched out of his shirt and into his work uniform.
“…then I’ll resort to old habits.”
“I thought you left beating people up in the past.”
“Desperate times call for desperate measures…she’ll pay one way or another.”
“Good god,” he exhaled heavily, “text me when you get home so I know you didn’t kill anyone please”
“Eh we’ll see.”
The bell atop the door chimed as you stepped in. Few patrons sat sipping and chatting to each other. Made sense being that the place closed in a little under an hour. Aiming for the cashier you asked for the manager and explained the situation. You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t realize you held as he went to the back. That bell chimed again and you glared at the man who entered. Ichigo.
“____? That’s your name right?” Ichigo stood next to you. So casually as if two friends were just meeting up. Your only reply was an eye roll. “I’m sorry for what ‘Gina did, I'll replace your shirt and pants.” He dug in his pocket searching for his wallet, “I’m Ichi-”
“kurosaki I know. We're in the same major class and I don’t want your money or that half ass apology especially if it’s on behalf of her.” malice laced your words.
“I feel bad for what she-”
“If you came here to,” you furrowed your brows, “how the hell did you know I was gonna be here?”
“I’m sorry it seems that camera hasn’t been working for a while. I can check the others if you like.” It was more of a question than a statement.
You faced your classmate, “no need. You can tell your girlfriend she can either replace my property or she’s gonna be in for a painful awakening.” You smirked already out the door before he could speak.
“____,” he trailed behind you like an abandoned puppy, “I’m not your enemy okay. For fucksake ____.” His hands gently grabbed your waist, guiding you to the wall of your apartment building. Arms on either side of your shoulders. Goodness he was a sight to behold. He wasn’t your usual type but with a voice that husky and low many exceptions could be made. Too many.
“Listen to me..please,” he huffed, “I’m sorry my rude clumsy girlfriend damaged your shit. Okay, I really am, and I’ll make her apologize too if it’s the last thing I do but let me replace the laptop.”
“Rude? Clumsy? Your girlfriend..that bitch is a fucking bully. Nothing but a pretty face with a nasty spirit.” you shoved him but he didn’t move, “how could you even be interested in someone like that? Don’t you want better for yourself?” You looked into those amber eyes and your blood all but bubbled. Fierceness and honesty scorched through him. A strong wind whipped across your heated skin and then it came. A loud crack of thunder accompanied with a strike of lightning. Shit. The hurricane. How could you forget about the weather warning.
You grabbed his arm dragging him into your high rise apartment. Better safe than sorry. He looked out the window watching the rain slice in every direction. “Barely made it,” your shoulders dropped. He approached you forcing his credit card in your hand. “I’m not taking your money,” you snarled, eyes falling from his..then lowered to those enchanting lips. A second too long did you let your gaze linger. A second was all he needed to notice. To follow your line of sight.
“Is it something else you..something else I can offer?” Ichigo raised a brow, a mild blush on his cheeks.
You looked his body up and down as spite pricked at your emotions and thoughts of what he looks like under you rippled through your mind. Your face was undoubtedly straight, easily mistaken to be uninterested. He took a step back for every inch you moved forward until his legs hit the couch and he sat, “Regina’s not gonna appreciate this.” You straddled his hips and he welcomed you with open arms and a cock that throbbed between your clothed bodies.
“Regina’s not here,” his hands trailed under your shirt massaging your breast. Ichigo nearly tore your top to shreds trying to remove it. Unclamping your bra in the process. His face settled between your tits before taking a hard nipple in his mouth. Tongue graciously sucking and licking the buds.
“So eager to fuck a woman who isn’t your partner,” your fingers gripped his soft locks as you released a breathless sigh at the sensation.
He pulled back, letting go of your bud with a pop sound, “I am when she brings me to her crib and throws herself at me.” His fingers dug into the sides of your ass grinding your cunt on him. A soft groan left the both of you and you kissed him. Sloppy, lustful and full of so much spite. Slick collected in your panties and partially your pajama pants. Eyes shifted down his body landing on what lay next to him. Fell out his pocket and right into the wrong hands. “Fuck I needa feel that pretty pussy on me” he sucked your bottom lip allowing his teeth to graze over it before releasing. Hands fumbled at the button on his pants. Just as needy, you removed your pajamas, sliding your panties to the side.
Fuck,” he pulled your hips down bottoming out inside of you forcing a mix of a moan and a yelp, “so tight.”
“Not so fucking rough,” your cunt fluttered around him and he stilled. Watching. Impatiently waiting for those words. A sign. His hands slid up your waist rubbing your breast more gently and attentively than any other guy you’ve been with. Something close to infatuation filled his gorgeous features.
“God your so fuckin pretty,” he whispered, “can I move?”
You nod. He lifted you up much slower this time. Carefully as if you were made of glass. Dropping you down on his cock that was already pumping precum. His raw length sent shivers down your body from the size alone. The stutter and hesitation in his hips revealed his fear of hurting you. Breaking you in half on his dick.
“Ichigo,” you demanded, “don’t make me regret bringing you here.” Your pussy clenched as tight as it could around him and his back straightened. Nails making indents in your ass. It took every fucking bone in his body not to lose control and pump into you until his cock was soft again. “Fuck me like you mean it.” You nipped at his cheek.
Confidence had him hitting every golden spot he could down there. Only being affirmed by the sweet noises you made. His favorite fucking sound that he could listen to for hours. Wanted to listen to for hours. You left kisses in a path down his neck glaring at his phone. Matching his rhythm you grinded into his thrust sending his head back, eyes shut. You snaked your hand to his chin and twisted it opposite to yours. Baring the exposed sensitive skin on his throat you risked it.
Snatching his phone you slid your tongue on his soft flesh. Not daring to slow down in the slightest or release your grip. “r’fuckin me so good honey. Feel amazing inside me,” you moan in his ear not removing your eyes. He grunts to pussy whipped to scramble the words together. No lock. You pondered if he was bold or just stupid. You wince at the half finished message on screen.
Bit of a dickhead move to dump a girl over text even if she was a piece of shit human
You open the camera staying in the messages with Regina and move to the video option. Ichigo’s head falls back as you take a handful of his silky hair..and press record. Arm outstretched so she can see that you're riding him and he’s under your complete control. Exaggerated moans fall from your throat and he responds with his own to match
“Fuck. So wet.” Is all he managed bringing a big pale hand down on your ass more than once. Your back arches and your chest presses into his.
“Love this pussy? I fuck better than your bitch don’t I?” You made sure to say loud enough for the mic to pick up.
“Fuck yes,” he mumbles, “wanna put a baby in you.” You drop down and on his cock and still yourself. Releasing a guttural moan.
“Open your mouth and I’ll let you fuck me from the back.” Hand still tangled in his hair, he obeys. You lean over spitting on his tongue and shoved yours in his mouth after it. He tasted as good as he felt. Your orgasm wasn’t too far behind. “Gonna nut in me?”
“Yes,” he chanted, “love this pussy, god I love you.” He didn’t. It was the lust speaking for him. That you couldn’t deny. Point taken, you ended the video and made sure it was delivered alongside the half finished breakup text.
“Ohhh shit,” you both said, for two different reasons. You were unfolding in each other's arms. Yes. But that video. It was too late to see the other contact icons at the top.
A group chat. This asshole was gonna dump her in a group chat. Not that I have any room to talk. His problem to deal with when I kick him out.
The apple logo flashed before the device shut down. You let go of his hair and his thrust became uncontrollable. Smashing every sweet spot he could find until he couldn’t hold back anymore. His cum coated your walls and in the blink of an eye he had you face down. Ass in the air on full display. His thumb rubbed against your hole pushing deeper and he slid two fingers from his other hand in your cunt. Not caring his cum gushed out with every pump. You winced hard as you clawed at the couch. Allowing your release to overcome you. “Good baby get it all out.” His voice an unfamiliar gentle sound.
His cock head patted your core before he relentlessly drilled into you. Mildly painful from the sudden penetration but overwhelming pleasure coursed through you. Waves of overstimulation washed over your body. The coin was flipped. He held the control over you. One of ichigo’s hands held onto the fat in your ass and the other rubbed overbearing circles on your clit. “Kurosaki,” you whined. Eyes in the back of your head.
“What is it baby? Wanna make another video?” He chuckled at the brief halt in your moans. He placed one dirty sneaker on your ebony cushion. Following his second orgasm. Increasing his pace he pummeled your poor pretty pussy until more of his semen was overflowing. He pulled out collapsing on the couch, lifting you in his arms.
“How did you know?” Embarrassment barreled it’s way to your chest and face. Avoiding looking in his direction.
“Peripheral vision is a thing baby.”
Not your baby.
“Are you not mad?” You fingered his necklace.
He shook his head, “I knew it wasn’t gonna last to begin with but…we’re not talking about that. I could have stopped you at any time but honestly I wanna see her react..their reaction just as much as you do.”
You smirked.
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midnightstar-90 · 2 years
By Your Side
Georgie Cooper x grieving! best friend! Reader
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | Young Sheldon Masterlist
Requested by Anonymous: "hii:) so my idea is that reader is kinda sad cause she lost someone that she loves (u can choose) and Georgie is just there comforting her"
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Angst,one bad word, slight fluff
A/N: I'm kinda basing this off of Season 6 Georgie, but there is no Mandy and no baby.
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(Not My GIF)
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It's always good to have someone close by at all times. Someone who you know will love and care for you. That someone who knows what to say, even if you didn't ask. Because someday, something really terrible is going to happen, and that's when you'll need your someone.
For Y/N, that day was August 12, 1994. Y/N was 19 when she woke up from her sleep to answer the phone. Her parents owned a small rotary phone that kept its place on the kitchen wall. It was surprising that the girl could hear it from her room.
She sat up in her bed with a loud groan. One at a time, she carefully moved her legs to hang off her bed. When her feet touched the floor, she stood up and began to make her way to the constant ringing coming from the kitchen.
When she reached the phone, she leaned back, stretching her back, and released another loud groan. She pulled the device from off the wall and placed it to her ear. "Hello," she groggily said into the phone.
"Hello, is this Y/M/N or Y/D/N speaking?" the person said from the other side of the phone.
She looked around suspiciously before speaking again. "No, this is their daughter, Y/N. Is there something I can help you with?" Y/N responded back to the person.
"I'm sorry, but your grandmother, Patty, died in her sleep a couple of hours ago," The person said.
At first, Y/N thought it was a prank, but who jokes about someone's grandmother dying. Her body froze as the thought of never seeing my grandmother ran through her mind. Her hands began to shake, threatening to let go of the phone. She began to sob lightly. "Thank you," she said with broken words.
The person sadly said, "I'm sorry for your loss. And I want you to know that you and your family are in our prayers." And with that, they ended the call.
Everyone in the house and probably the neighboring houses heard the teenage girl's sobs become heavy tears as I fell to the floor with a loud scream. The phone slammed against the wall right before Y/N's parents came running in.
"Honey, what's wrong?" her father said as he walked up to the wailing girl to comfort her. "Nana's dead," she said through choked sobs. Her mother gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. If Y/N had looked up, she would have seen the same hurt on her face, on her mother's face.
Y/N's father began to rub both of their backs as he calmly said, "Oh." He didn't know what to say to that. He thought that maybe, someone had broken into the house, but this was a completely different situation.
Now he knew his wife's mother was old, and it was a matter of time before she died, but Y/M/N's mother was almost like Y/N's best friend. They talked about boys together. They crocheted together. Patty could be seen at every school play and concert. Patty was Y/N's #1 supporter... well, besides Georgie Cooper.
Before anyone else could open their mouths to say something else, Y/N stood from her spot on the floor and ran out of the room. "Where are you going, honey?" Her father asked, her mother still in tears.
"Out," she called back, grabbing her jacket from the coat rack, and rushing out of the house.
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Y/N didn't have anything on her when she left her house. No wallet. No form of ID. But none was needed because she was just going up the street to the Cooper's. The Coopers were always like my second family. They treated me to meals. if my parents were away on business trips, a bed to sleep in, and she always felt like she had siblings in their kids, seeing as she was an only child.
Looking for Georgie, she went to the garage, where she knew Georgie would be. She pounded on the door. Still teary-eyed from earlier. When Georgie opened the door, he stopped himself in his tracks as he saw his best friend crying.
"Who was it? Do you want me to beat their ass?" He said, balling up his fists. Y/N shook her head no as she quickly slipped past Georgie and into his "home." She made her way to his bed and sat on it.
"My grandmother died a couple of hours ago," she said as she sadly looked down at her feet. Georgie looked at his friend with concern as he sat beside her. He pulled her into his side as he slowly began to rub her back.
"Wow, I didn't see that coming," he said before continuing. "I know how much she meant to you. And honestly, if I found out my Meemaw died, I wouldn't be as strong either." His words soothed the girl enough to make her stop crying, but it wasn't enough to get her out of her "funk."
Georgie looked down when he felt the girl begin to move out from his hold. She carefully moved to the center of the bed, where she got under the covers and laid. "Cuddle me?" she muttered.
Georgie stood with a small, "Yeah. Sure." He got ready for bed, throwing on a pair of pajama pants before hopping in next to the girl. He threw his arm around her waist, feeling the silk fabric from her pajamas on his skin, and he lay there quietly.
It wasn't long before Y/N fell asleep. She had one of the longest nights a person could ever have. And it's safe to say that she earned a good night's sleep.
Georgie hovered over the girl as he took in the girl's soft snores. He carefully moved the hair from Y/N's face as he traced the small tear lines covering her face. Placing a kiss on the girl's forehead, he turned off the light and laid back down, holding the girl. He soon fell asleep, and they both slept peacefully.
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Taglist: @buckysmainhxe , @esposadomd , @natalia12700, @siriusstwelveyears , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @countrymusiclover , @bellarkeselection , @alexxavicry , @xivilivix, @idontknowwhat2type , @ietss If your User is in orange, I could not find you. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to be re-added.
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pinkdaiisies · 1 year
Someone’s Jealous…Warren Rojas x Reader
summary: jealousy gets the best of warren when you decide to talk to a guy at a party. luckily eddie is there to get warren to confess
notes: i am a slut for love confessions. that’s it.
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camila and billy’s house filled with excitement as more and more people came through the door. the party was supposed to be the band and a couple people from the recording studio. obviously word got around that there was going to be a party at the bands house.
you were sat on the couch with a drink in your hand, sandwiched in between eddie and warren. you were having a nice night. especially since a cute guy kept smiling at you from across the room. warren caught sight of the blush on your cheeks. he followed your gaze and saw the guy that was looking at you. a wave of jealousy washed over him.
the drummer secretly had a crush on you since high school. what he didn’t know is that you did too.
with the drugs and alcohol running through his body, warren felt like he wanted to punch the guy.
“oh c’mon y/n! you could do way better than that guy over there!” warren protested. you looked at the mystery man who was wearing black bel bottoms and a shirt that was probably a size too small for him, which made his happy trail visible.
“whaaaat no he’s cute!!!” you argued.
“y/n. this dude looks like he shops at baby gap.”
“yea his shirt is wayy too small for him.” eddie chimed in.
“see! eddie agrees with me!” warren said.
“eddie agrees with everything you say warren. you two are mean, i’m gonna go talk to him.” you say as you get up from the couch.
“see what i mean! dude doesn’t even have the balls to approach you first! no chivalry! none at all!” warren shouts as you began walking away from him and eddie.
“welp at least you tried man.” eddie says as he takes a drink from his beer.
warren and eddie watch closely you as you go up to tiny shirt man. warren couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked. it upset him that you went to go talk to another guy.
“i don’t know why you don’t just ask her out! i mean she’s so obviously in love with you.” eddie said.
“if she’s so in love with me, why is she talking to another guy right now?”
“because you don’t have the balls to confess your feelings for her!!!” eddie argued. he was tired of seeing his two best friends dance around eachother, and he was getting sick of having to comfort a heartbroken warren every time he had a bad trip.
“i have balls!” warren says loudly. earning a couple of concerning looks from the people around him.
“fine then. prove it.” eddie eggs warren on.
“damn right i’ll prove it!” warren says, still sitting on the couch.
“do it then. right. now.” warrens eyes get larger. he wasn’t planning on confessing his love to you at a crowded party!
“right now…?” warren said nervously.
“i mean… you don’t have to, but if you don’t i guess that means you have no balls.” eddie said, taking another sip from his beer.
“fine then! i’ll be back.” warren downed the last of his drink and promptly got up and made his way over to you and tiny shirt guy. “i’m sorry to interrupt your guys conversation. i’m sure whatever you were saying man was totally interesting, but y/n will be leaving you now.”
and just like that, your conversation with mystery man (whose name you learned was actually nick) was over. warren put his hand on your lower back and guided you through the extremely crowded house.
you couldn’t even be upset with warren because of how good he looked tonight. walking through the house, all you could pay attention to was the feeling of warrens fingers grazing your skin.
“warren what the hell was that?” you asked. he didn’t answer back.
a minute later, you two were standing in the backyard. there was still a lot of people around, but not as much as inside. you two were able to hear each other without having to shout. warren stared at you, he looked like he had something to say, but was scared to say it.
“warren what’s wrong?” you said sincerely. warren was not acting like himself.
“listen, i couldn’t stand seeing you talk to that guy over there.”
“warren, he was nice! his personality didn’t match his style at all! i promise.” you tried to reassure your friend.
“no. it’s not just him. i hate seeing you flirt any guy! i’m about to tell you something extremely serious okay?” warren said as he put his hands on your shoulders.
“i really like you y/n. i really really do. since high school! that’s why i get in a crappy mood whenever we’re at parties like this. you’re a magnet to men! especially me! and i literally cannot take another night seeing desperate men try to flirt with you, because they’re not good enough for you! and i’m pretty drunk right now, and i probably sound so stupid but-”
“warren!” you interrupted his rambling. “you’re jealous aren’t you?!” you laughed.
“maybe a little.” warren shrugged.
“you’re cute when your jealous.” you smiled at him.
suddenly you felt warren pull you against him. warrens lips met yours in a kiss that you’ve been waiting on for what felt like eternity. his hands rested on your cheeks as he pulled apart from the kiss.
“wait… so you do have feelings for me? right?” warren asked.
“yes warren. obviously.”
��oh my god i can’t believe it.” eddie said to graham and karen, who joined him on the couch soon after warren left.
the pair turned their heads to where eddie was looking. it was you and warren walking through the crowded house together, his arm around your shoulder, and your head was turned giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“jesus christ finally,” karen said. “i thought we would have to live with their awkward sexual tension for the rest of our lives.” warren sat on the chair next to the couch, and you joined him on his lap.
“you know eddie, i think you’re the one with no balls.”
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School of Mysteries : Chapter 9
Word Count : 1.4k
Warnings : swearing, smut (blow job), mention of sex, mention of stabbing, mention of drowning, mention of poisoning, drinking, clubbing, being drugged, mentions of feeling unsafe, murder
            Her memory comes in flashes. Flashes of laughter and dancing. Surrounded by her closest friends and her newest friend. It hurts to try and remember everything but she tries her best, holding her head in her hands. The detectives were sat across from her, watching in confusion.
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            Mae and Kayla disappeared with Yeonjun leaving Y/n alone with Jisung. She was sat at the bar with Jisung standing behind her, his chin resting on her shoulder. He kept making jokes in her ear, causing her to giggle and lean back into him. “I’m going to run to the washroom real quick. Stay right here. I’ll be right back.” Y/n nodded and Jisung kissed her cheek before leaving in the direction of the washroom.
            That’s when Mingi would make his move, performing his usual clumsy boy bit. She was facing the direction Jisung walked away in, waiting for his return. Mingi approached, pretending to trip over his own two feet, an arm wrapping around her while the free hand slipped something in her drink while she wasn’t looking. “My, my. You saved my life.” He smiled. “I’m Mingi.” He held a hand out as he introduced himself.
            He seemed normal enough so she slid her hand into his. “I’m Y/n.”
            “What a fitting name for an angel.” He replied. She shook her head as she laughed at the lame line, yet she still didn’t tell him to leave. He intrigued her. She finished her drink and ordered another one. But as she took a sip of her new drink, she started feeling woozy. The world was spinning and she could barely keep her eyes open. “Jeez. Looks like you had a little too much. Let me take you home.” She could see the sinister look in his eyes and she put two and two together.
            “No. I have to get my friends.” She tried to stand from the stool but fell to the floor. Mingi helped her up, holding tightly onto her.
            “We can text them later. Let’s just get you home.” She kept shaking her head, trying her best to push him away from her, but there was no use. He was stronger than her. He got her outside and she tried getting help from strangers on the street. “I’m sorry. My girlfriend had a little too much to celebrate our anniversary.” He chuckled.
            “No. I don’t know him.” She cried. But it fell on deaf ears as everyone passed by, allowing Mingi to get her into a taxi and take her home.
            “He drugged me.” She said with quivering lips and tears in her eyes. She couldn’t even meet the detectives eyes, staring at the metal table, her head still in her hands. “As soon as I was alone, he approached me and he drugged me.” The detectives exchanged looks.
            “So you killed him in revenge?” The younger one asked. For the first time since they brought her in, she looked up, shaking her head, repeating the word no over and over. He reached out and placed his hand on top of hers. “Hey, it’s okay.” His voice was soft and comforting.
            “Did he take advantage of you?” The older detective asked. She shook her head again, looking down at the table again as the memories continued to flash in her mind.
            “My friends came just in time. I was naked and he was on top of me, but they stopped him. Chased him out.” If you know what’s good for you, you’ll turn yourself in. She remembers Kayla saying, but she kept that to herself. She didn’t want the detectives thinking one of her best friends could ever hurt someone like this.
            “That’s good then.” He grumbled before standing up. “Take a few days off of school and rest up.” He left, the younger detective close behind. She took that as her cue to leave, sitting at the same desk as last time as she waited for the other four to be finished with their interviews.
            The three of them were in the bathroom, unable to keep their hands to themselves anymore. Yeonjun was surprised when they asked him to join, but there was no way he was going to say no. It turned him on watching the way Kayla took control of Mae. He could barely keep it together. “Bunny, on your knees now.” Kayla demanded and Mae obeyed immediately. “Remember, she’s my girl. But I know she’s been needing some good dick lately. So I thought I’d treat her.” Yeonjun nodded almost dumbly. “Pull your pants down. Let her suck you off.”
            “Kiss him mommy. I want to watch you two make out.” Mae said. Kayla smiled and brushed Mae’s hair out of her face, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips.
            “Be a good girl and I’ll give you what you want.” Mae nodded. “Grip her hair. Set the pace for her.” Yeonjun gathered Mae’s hair in his hand and began fucking her throat while Kayla watched. As Mae’s eyes filled with tears, Kayla pressed her lips to Yeonjun’s. Mae moaned as she watched, causing Yeonjun to moan into the kiss. He pulled away for a second.
            “Fuck. Do that again.” Kayla grabbed the back of his neck, bringing him in for another kiss which made Mae moan again. He knew he was close, his cock twitching in her mouth, his thrusts were getting sloppy. “Fuck I’m going to cum.”
            “Cum in her mouth. She’ll swallow it.” Kayla smirked. He nodded and continued fucking her mouth. His head fell back as he came, Mae swallowing it all just as Kayla said. “Good girl. I think you deserve a reward bunny.” Before they could continue though, they checked their phones that seemed to non stop buzz with notifications.
            “Fuck we have to go.” Mae said, standing from the bathroom floor. Yeonjun pulled up his pants, asking if everything was okay. But they just said they’ll explain later, but he could come if he wanted.
            “We disappeared to hook up. But we stopped when we got Jisung’s texts and immediately went to get Y/n.” Mae explained. “And no we didn’t kill him. We finished what we started. Here’s the proof.” She slid her phone across the table. The detective didn’t bother pressing play this time, just nodding and accepting her alibi.
            “You’re free to go.” She sarcastically smiled, grabbed her phone, and left the room. The others were already out, surrounding Y/n who seemed to fold in on herself. She was in Jisung’s arms, her head on his chest as he rubbed her back.
            “Baby.” Mae said softly. Y/n looked up at her. “You’re okay. You’re safe now.” Y/n nodded.
            “Let’s go home. Have a movie night, yeah?” Kayla offered. “Jisung and Yeonjun can come too.” Jisung looked down at Y/n who was already looking up at him. He brushed some hair out of her face.
            “I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again.” He told her. She nodded and stood up from the chair. The five of them left the station, Y/n still in Jisung’s arms, only feeling safe if someone was holding her.
            “You have your thinking face on.” The younger detective pointed out. The older detective was still watching them leave, his brows furrowed together.
            “What did you think of Jisung’s alibis?” He asked. The younger detective looked over his notes, reading over Jisung’s alibis for the time of each of the murders. Playing video games with Felix and then sleeping. Confirmed by Felix who’s alibi was confirmed by Y/n. Was supposed to meet with Felix at the pool but slept in. Confirmed by texts on Felix’s phone, which was also confirmed by Y/n’s story. And now sleeping in the living room so Y/n would feel safer. But no one mentioned him staying the night.
            “Felix was his alibi and it was always confirmed by Y/n.”
            “And now that Felix is dead, his alibi isn’t confirmed. Smells like a cover up to me.”
            “I don’t know. Stabbing, drowning, and now a poisoning. Maybe it’s three different killers. Felix killed Hyunjin. Someone else killed Felix. And then another person killed Mingi.” He said as he looked over the notes. None of the murders seemed to link together besides Y/n being at the center of all three.
            “What do you think is more likely; a serial killer with an obsession with Y/n, or three killers?” The older detective asked. “We have a serial on our hands and his name is Han Jisung. And I’ll prove it.”
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romione-trope-fest · 6 months
Do You Like Chocolate?
Fic Title: Do You Like Chocolate?
Author Name: Mertronus
Selected Trope: Muggle AU
Brief Summary: Ron’s senior year begins with an unexpected surprise
Word Count: 2,040 (Chapter 1 only)
Rating: T
Any Trigger Warnings: None
Chapter 1
Ron walked through the doors of Central High and took a deep breath. Senior year. This was it…his final year of high school. There was so much to be excited about this year. He was at the top of the totem pole, so to speak. An upperclassman. All of the other classes would look up to him—and not only because he was one of the tallest in the school.
He was also one of the starting wide receivers for the Central High School Chiefs football team—for the third year.
He had homecoming and prom to look forward to, as well as the senior trip.
But there was also so much he was dreading. Ron tried not to dwell on those things as he located his new locker near his homeroom. He sighed and swiveled the dial to enter his code—then tried again when his locker refused to open. On the fourth try, it finally unlocked. Typical.
Central High wasn’t rundown or anything…but it definitely wasn’t new. Everyone knew that the lockers rarely opened on the first try.
“Weasley,” came a voice from beside him.
“Potter.” Ron leaned against his now-closed locker and watched his best friend fiddle with his own, just three lockers away. “So, you can drive to my house, eat my mom’s breakfast, pick up my baby sister, and just ignore the fact that your best friend was sleeping right upstairs?”
Harry laughed as he shoved his gym bag into the locker. It had only taken Harry two attempts to open it, Ron noticed with annoyance.
“Your baby sister is a junior now and would put you in your place if she heard you call her that.”
“She could try,” Ron chuckled. “Now back to why you didn’t wake me up.”
“Well, when your mom told me that you were still asleep, I didn’t see the point in trying to wake you.” He closed his locker and faced Ron. “We all know you wouldn’t wake up until you were ready. I’m honestly surprised you made it on time.”
“I’ve perfected my morning routine and got it down to three minutes flat. And I ate breakfast on my way.”
“You did not eat oatmeal while you drove!” Harry stared at him wide-eyed.
“The trick is,” Ron threw his arm around Harry as they headed to their homeroom, “you put a bit more milk in it, throw it into a mason jar, and then you can drink it like a shake. No spoon needed.” Ron grinned at Harry, clearly proud of himself.
Harry sighed and shook his head. “I can’t figure out if you’re ingenious or ridiculous.”
“Bit of both I would say,” came a sharp voice from behind them. Ms. McGonagall had just entered the room behind them. “More ridiculous, but most of the smartest people are.” She smiled at Ron and Harry. “Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter. Enjoyed your summers?”
“Morning Ms. McGonagall,” they both said as they sat near the front.
“We did, thanks,” Ron continued. “Did you?”
“Well,” McGonagall placed her bag on her desk as more students filed into the room, “summer school was quite boring without you two. But I was glad for your absences nonetheless.”
Dean Thomas, who’d just taken the seat on the other side of Harry, snorted. Ron side-eyed him briefly, then grinned at McGonagall. “We missed you, Ms. M. But not summer school.”
Ron and Harry had spent the previous two summers in summer school with McGonagall catching up. But, with some extra help the previous year as well as many threats of being benched in their senior year by Coach Moody, they had both been able to finish their junior years strong. Neither one of them had any plans to be benched senior year. For one, outside of seeing Harry every day, football was the only daily thing Ron looked forward to in school. During the winter and spring they trained and ran track to keep active, but football was always their main event.
On top of that, scouts for the colleges they’d both applied to would be watching, and full scholarships were on the line. Ron was a fantastic wide receiver, and Harry was one of the fastest running backs in the state. They knew that several schools had their eyes on them, including Western University, where they both hoped to go.
The bell rang and McGonagall started to close the door just as Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini slipped through. Both sat and smiled at McGonagall innocently.
“Don’t be cute,” McGonagall scowled. Then she turned to begin attendance as the morning announcements started over the intercom.
The bell rang again ten minutes later and Harry ran off to his first class. Ron stayed in his seat since he had English with McGonagall first period. A few others stayed put too—both of the Patil twins, Blaise, Dean, and Lisa Turpin.
A flash of blonde hair entered the room and Ron cringed. Damnit. Of course.
Lavender Brown smiled coyly at Ron and took the seat in front of him, next to Padma Patil. “Morning Ron,” she cooed.
“Hey,” Ron said simply, praying that she would turn towards the twins for gossip or some kind of cheerleaders mini convention rather than try and hold a conversation with him. They’d dated sophomore year for a couple of months, and ever since then she’d continued to try and get him back. Apparently, the fact that Ron hadn’t dated anyone since her, though there was no shortage of options at Central, told her that Ron was still interested.
Ron was not interested.
The truth was, none of the girls at Central had ever caught Ron’s eye. They all seemed to be the same. And any who showed interest in Ron, likely only did so because of his football fame. None ever seemed to want to get to know him. Even Lavender only wanted Ron in order to portray the perfect All-American high school power couple—cheerleading captain and football champ. They’d be shoe-ins for homecoming king and queen. Maybe even prom king and queen. Ron knew this was the case even though they were no longer together, which put a damper on two events he was otherwise looking forward to. He knew Lavender would be expecting a Homecoming ‘proposal’ or some such nonsense.
It would never come.
Ron sighed in relief when Lavender turned to her two best friends.
“The new girl was in my homeroom,” Lavender whispered. Ron’s ears perked up.
Damn, starting at a new school senior year must suck, he thought.
“Oohh, I heard something about a new girl…what’s she like?”
Lavender shrugged. “Super quiet. And spacey. She didn’t even answer Flitwick when he called her name! He had to tap on her shoulder. I seriously can’t tell if she’s a nerd or a ditz. And her hair! She really could do with a straightener.”
Ron rolled his eyes. Lavender, Padma, and Parvarti were all cut from the same cloth. They believed that hair should be pin straight and makeup should be flawless at all times. And they weren’t the only ones. Ron felt as if there were very few real girls at their school. They were mostly stuck on status and beauty. Superficial things.
Ron wanted real.
His sister Ginny was one of the realest girls in their school. He loved that she never fell into those obsessions like hair and makeup and such. Ron figured that was partly due to being a female athlete. Her best friend Luna, however, wasn’t an athlete and yet was just as real—though a bit odd. Ron thought she was good value though. She was always fun to have around.
As McGonagall welcomed everyone to Senior English, Ron pulled out his notebook and pushed himself to focus. At least he knew Harry would be in his next couple of classes.
“Hey, Ron!”
“Sup Weasley!”
“Hey! Weasley!”
“Ron! What’s up!”
Ron smiled and waved to anyone who greeted him as he made his way down the hall after lunch. Being a starter for three years running gave him a level of popularity he never expected. He was invited to all of the parties, sat at the big table at lunch, and was widely known throughout the school.
And yet he’d never felt so lonely.
Aside from Harry, he hung out with Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan, and Neville Longbottom, all members of the team, but not to the same extent as with his best friend. And now that Harry was splitting his time with Ginny…
Ron got it, even if it did take him a bit to warm up to the idea. If he had a girl, he’d want to spend time with her too. But Harry had always been Ron’s person. Not that Ron felt he needed a new person…but it would be nice to have someone like Harry had Ginny.
But there was no one at Central who—
A small body bumped into him as it sprinted passed and Ron just caught a whiff of vanilla and berries. It was soft and inviting, so unlike the overwhelming perfumes so many of the other girls wore.
Ron looked up and watched as long brown curls floated down the hallway. She was looking at the door numbers as she passed them and seemed lost.
As she ran, a small book fell out of her half-closed bag. Ron ran forward to grab it.
“Hey!” He called as she continued on. “Hey, wait! You dropped your book!”
She finally stopped in front of Snape’s science classroom, which happened to be where Ron was headed himself. She stood in front of a woman Ron had never seen before—a substitute? he thought hopefully—and held up one hand while she seemed to catch her breath. The woman simply smiled.
“Hey,” Ron said catching up to them. “You dropped this.” He held out the book to the girl’s heaving back but she didn’t turn. “Excuse me?”
Ron caught the woman’s eyes curiously and she tapped on the girl’s shoulder and pointed over it. She finally turned around and Ron’s breath caught.
She was beautiful, in a very normal way. She wore no makeup but didn’t need it. Her eyes were the perfect shade of brown, like melted chocolate. There was the perfect amount of freckles splattered across her slightly upturned little nose, so unlike the freckles that covered just about every inch of Ron’s body. Her hair was long and curly, with some frizz around the edges. Ron could imagine pulling on the tendrils and watching them spring back into place.
She looked up at him expectantly, and he remembered his mission.
“You dropped your book,” he said lamely.
Her eyes watched his lips as he spoke and he felt a shiver run through him. He’d noticed her lips too. Was she thinking the same as he was? Was she wondering how her lips would feel against his or…?
Her eyes dropped to the book and widened. She took it from him and gave him a brilliant smile and a nod before ducking into the classroom.
“Thanks for that,” the woman said with a smile, before following the girl into the classroom.
Ron made his way into the room a bit confused. Even more so when he noticed that his greasy-haired science teacher was, in fact, present. So who was that woman? She was young, but definitely not young enough to be a student. And she was dressed professionally, like a teacher or a staff member or…something.
As he took a seat closer to the back, and further away from Snape, his eyes darted to the girl. She sat near the front but off to the side. The woman sat on a low stool in front of her.
And as Snape began to talk, the woman’s hands began to move in rapid sign language.
Deaf…the new girl was Deaf.
**Look out for more chapters on AO3!**
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littledollll · 2 years
Hiya! Can I ask for a Larissa x age regressor reader where r is beating themself up about a bad grade and isn't eating or sleeping properly, Larissa finds out and gently coaxes r into regressing and talking to her and Larissa gives r a pep talk and helps r take care of themself and it's all fluffy and hurt/comfort? Needed this personally! <3
Here to help
Larissa Weems x little!student!Reader
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Warnings: kinda bad parents, school anxiety, mentions of food, lack of sleep
Mixed request: “you can write whatever you want but if you wanted a prompt then maybe one where the reader tries to stay big all day because they have important things to do but larissa can tell it's taking a toll on the reader so she make time for them to be little?”
You were supposed to be better than this, your whole life you’ve strived for perfection, it’s what was asked and expected from you. So when you got your grade back from the most recent chemistry test you were beyond disappointed in yourself.
You set rules for yourself, you would do nothing but study, you couldn’t have any distractions, no breaks. This unfortunately included your eating and sleep times.
Larissa noticed when you wouldn’t come down to the cafeteria but the first few days she thought nothing of it, it happened a lot with all types of students, but then her concern grew when it was the fourth day she didn’t know anything of you.
She asked around for you and your friends mentioned how you hadn’t been responding to messages and how they’d only see you in class, she decided she’d take a trip to your dorm to bring your dinner and see how you were.
She called your name and knocked a few times, it went ignored. You couldn’t afford to be interrupted right now.
But Larissa couldn’t make herself leave, when she tried the doorknob and found it locked she got her keys and carefully peeked in. She didn’t want to disturb your privacy but she definitely couldn’t risk you being hurt or just gone without her knowledge.
When she came in you were on your desk, back facing the door, she called your name again, and you finally turned to her. Honestly you looked exhausted, Larissa made her way to you, marking your book with a pencil and closing it, she placed your food on the desk.
“Alright, I think that’s enough. Darling when was the last time you ate? Or slept for that matter.” You can’t remember. How bad would that sound if you said it out loud. You stayed quiet.
“Your silence is telling, but talk to me, what’s wrong?” Larissa sat on your bed and patted the space next to her. You reluctantly stood and sat next to her.
“um, I failed a chemistry test, but I’m studying harder now! I’m not supposed to fail, I can’t do that again.” You sounded in the verge of crying. Larissa knew how you felt about grades, the pressure that was put on you by your parents when you were younger followed you to this day.
“Darling.. you can’t do that to yourself, you can’t neglect your needs and you certainly shouldn’t be putting so much pressure on yourself. Have you let yourself slip recently?” Larissa was the only one who knew about your regression. She had been nothing but supportive since the day she found out, going as far as getting you gear and offering to care for you when you slipped.
“I can’t- I don’t have time I have to study and do work- it’s a lot more important than that right now.”
“Nothing is more important than how you are. Take a break, please. You need sleep, I will pass tomorrow as a sick day, stay in and rest.” She didn’t allow room for discussion.
“I will help you catch up, and if you need help studying and building a healthy schedule for it momma will help with that too.” You couldn’t argue against that, she was giving you options and offering all the help you could possibly need.
Letting yourself slip you hugged her close, Larissa wrapped her arms around you tight, kissing the top of your head. “There we go, you need and deserve breaks little one, that’s why mommas here okay?”
You nodded. “Didn wanna bother.l” Larissa smiled, you constantly worried about that no matter how many times she told you she was never too busy for you.
“I’m here to help, you could never bother me. I want you to be okay and tell me when you’re not so I can support you” you gave her a soft “okay”.
“Get some rest, little love, I’ll be here when you wake and we can have something to eat, okay?” you nodded, already feeling your exhaustion taking over.
Larissa switched off your lamp and pulled a blanket over you. “I’ll always be here to help, lovely.”
You knew that. There was no place safer than by her side, you allowed sleep to take over surrounded by her protection and comfort.
“Get some rest, little love, I’ll be here when you wake up and we can have something to eat, okay?” you nodded, already falling asleep.
Larissa switched off your lamp and pulled a blanket over you. “I’ll always be here to help, lovely.”
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