#a book as a steppingstone
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cygnetbrown · 5 months ago
A Baker’s Dozen of Reasons You Should Write a Nonfiction Book
Have you ever thought about writing a nonfiction book? I have written several and I am glad I did. If you have thought about writing one too, here are several reasons that might help encourage you to write your own nonfiction book. You’ll Enjoy Being Called an Author Writing a nonfiction book about what you know is easy. I find that nonfiction books are easier to write than novels. Back in…
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imamotherfuckingstar-lord · 8 months ago
opla!sanji x reader, fluff
a/n: gif request by @sweetheartlizzie07
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The ship rocked steadily; waves quiet as the moon lit the small ripples. Staring out to sea, you thought of all the little steppingstones that lead you to this ship. To the crew that took you in like the lonely orphan you are. Were. A smile made its way to the corner of your mouth, and you wondered if luck finally was turning its head your way. A cool breeze sent a shiver down your spine and then a warm blanket fell onto your shoulders.
“You’ll catch a cold and while the idea of healing you back to good health is enthralling…” Sanji tightened the wool blanket around your body and smiled, hands falling to his side. “I’m sure Chopper would disapproval.” “I don’t know, a week in bed sounds great.”
A charming smile graced the cook’s face, and he angled you back toward the sea, the two of you quietly staring out into the dark abyss. For minutes, a peaceful silence played between the small space left between Sanji and you. Neither of you needed to say much, quiet company had often been what you offered each other. He’d be cooking in the kitchen while you read at the counter, occasionally looking up from your book to steal a mental imagine of Sanji. Sleeves rolled up, a concentrated fiery in his eyes, a relaxed pout on his face – it was your favorite painting.
“Can I ask you something, Sanji?”
His eyes drew away from the sea to you. “Anything.”
And he meant it.
“Do you believe in fate?”
“Not really.”
Your facial expression must have looked disappointed because he began to backtrack, but you stopped him with a laugh. “You’re allowed to have your own opinion.”
He relaxed and edged closer to you, shoulder against yours. Watching as he pulled out the small tin, he kept his cigarettes in, you waited patiently for him to offer one up. When he did, you took a slow inhale and gave it back, once again staring out beyond the waves. “I always felt like my life would always just be. I was stuck on this island, waiting to be married off to someone I would never love. Have children that I would try to love. Just like my mother but then, Luffy found me.”
Sanji nodded, letting out a low chuckle. “He sort of found all of us, didn’t he?”
“That he did,” you replied. Turning to face Sanji, you asked him if he thought this was his fate. “Being on this ship, with this crew? Do you really think this is where you’re supposed to be?”
“Yes,” he answered swiftly, his hand moving to find yours. When his fingertips touched the outside of your wrist, you held his stare. “We can think we don’t deserve better than what we had, but maybe the universe has a way of remedying things.”
His hand moved down to lock with yours and he crushed the cigarette into the ledge – freeing himself to grab a hold of both your hands. Sanji held them gingerly, rubbing his thumb against your skin.
“So, you do believe in fate then?”
He shrugged playfully with a grin. “If fate led both of us to this moment, on this ship, then I guess I believe in it. What do you say?”
The waves gathered some courage to make noise against the ship, rocking it ever so gently as you held your balance – hands in Sanji’s. The moon shined brightly; the smell of sea salt filled the air as you squeezed your palm against his. All your life, you had begged and pleaded for something more than you had. A life worth living for, a family worth dying for. A love worth loving…
“I say I’m all in, if you are.”
Sanji let out a sigh of relief, gathering you in his arms. He kissed your forehead, rocking you under the gathered stars and for what seemed like a wonderful lifetime – the two of you remained that way, enjoying the little moment fate had gifted you.
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solexstras · 3 months ago
Has your character ever found themselves in a moral dilemma? If so, what decision did they ultimately make, and why?
He could remember it like it was yesterday. But to the elven people, decades were merely steppingstones. This would mean that yesterday may has well been those decades ago. And it was only recently that the one he would call brother would allow there be a proper truce between them. For his ire was the exact reason that Solexstras faced morality twists.
There was a time where Solexstras was half of another, Fel'thamar. Two souls in a singular body. Even to this day, the Doctor thought of Fel'thamar as merely an extension of the anger he developed in youth. A youth that turned from a budding mage that was destined to be his parent's prized son. Born as Solexstras Sunflare, he studies magic and was absolutely obsessed with knowledge.
But everything changed with young Sol found out that he was actually the result of an affair his mother had with another man. And when his father found that out, he was ridiculed as he watched his father turn into a raging alcoholic. But what could the young man do? He had nowhere to go. His father turned to the bottle and his own mother barely stayed home long enough to even put aside her own mistakes for his sake. So, he continued to stick his nose into his books. He thought to himself the more knowledge he could obtain, the further away from this bad dream he could be.
Then, one day, he found himself in the presence of a sorceress by the name of Morellia Darkwood. She was kind, charming, and even similarly interested in knowledge. And she sought to bestow him a knowledge that at the time he had no idea was truly forbidden. For warlocks in high elven society were not common, and those caught practicing the demonic arts had been looked down upon by the magistry at the time. After all, our Doctor and Demonologist alike are over seven hundred years old.
Every chance he got, he met with her and one after the other, he began learning to summon demons, partake in afflictions, and awaken the ability to wield the green flames, something that was rare in nature. But this story would not have a happy ending. No. For one day, the eyes of his parents would not stray far as they realized the son they must control was participating in magic that even they dare not wield. With this, they got the jump on both of them and had Lady Darkwood not only apprehended and beheaded in a secluded area for him to watch.
Solexstras didn't know why, or even understand, but something awakened in him that day through the grief and absolute misery of it all. A second voice that while he thought he had heard before, he thought it was merely him speaking to himself. But the words that followed were spoken from within him out of rage as he allowed it to take over in that moment. A rage that burned everything down.
For the longest time after that, Sol would recluse himself in the back of his mind as the new voice, declaring himself Fel'thamar Za'roth, took over and ran his life. But both of them had one thing in common despite Sol's overwhelming grief and remorse for taking a life. They both deeply cared about their former master to the point that they studied their new art hard and continued paving her legacy in flame.
[[ @sanguinesorceress there's a bit of a back story with your ask <3 ]]
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finishinglinepress · 10 months ago
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: A Litany of SHE Poems by Davida Kilgore
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/a-litany-of-she-poems-by-davida-kilgore/
A Litany of SHE Poems weaves together themes of #disability, #race, and #gender of both humans and imaginary creatures with threads of sensuality and sexuality, Christianity and spirituality, deeply-felt love and equally felt lust. Like Sheila and SHE, the characters in these story/#poems challenge not only societal norms and expectations but also navigate the complexities of living at the crossroads of multiple marginalizations. Whether exploring love here on earth or there on Mars, illustrating love between #Black Mary and her husband G-Man, examining the self-love of their children Sustah or Brutah, or caring about the creature Igboo, each poem invites the reader to explore the transformative journeys that celebrate differences, advocate for equality, and amplify silenced voices. A Litany of SHE Poems is a tapestry of love songs whose melodies reach the highest octaves of the struggles and triumphs of a diverse slice of humanity.
Davida Kilgore is the author of a short story collection, Last Summer and, as Davida Adedjouma, the editor of an award-winning book of poetry, The Palm of My Heart: Poetry by African American Children written by children ages 5-13 who she taught in afterschool programs in St. Paul and Minneapolis. Her work has been produced by SteppingStone Theatre, read on Broadway at Symphony Space, adapted for film, and published nationally and internationally. Davida’s fiction recently appeared in the Water~Stone Review, midnight & indigo, and Fantasy Magazine, her monologues appeared in 2022 Best Women’s Stage Monologues and 2022 Best Men’s Stage Monologues, and her poetry appeared in I Am, I Can: Poetry About African American Minnesotans with Different Abilities, the Blue Collar Review and the anthology Let the Black Women Say Ase’. She has been the recipient of fellowships and grants from the Bush Foundation, the Jerome Foundation, and the Minnesota State Arts Board.
PRAISE FOR A Litany of SHE Poems by Davida Kilgore
Davida’s powerful prose takes us on a cosmic trip through a she lens. She transports us in a mythical fever dream “by the strength of her voice alone.”
–Karen Gormandy
Please share/please repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry #chapbook #read #poems
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thebl00dmaster · 2 years ago
Limbus Tamers 2
Time for a part 2 of this unlikely crossover ! This time around I've given partners to the rest of the limbus crew and to some bosses. I might do some of the NPCs as well as rework Rodya and Hong Lu's partners since I wasn't wholly sastified with these. For part one go here
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First off everyone's favorite amnesiac clock. I felt there was no way they wouldn't have Clockmon somewhere in their line, as for the rest: any rookie that was listed could have done the job but lego Agumon won my heart, Mamemon 'cause it's kinda goofy and CatchMamemon because gatcha.
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For Charon I focused on transports with Locomon being the first one that came to mind and worked from there. Though with the Beach event you could make the argument that Submarimon could have made the cut.
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Ol' man Vergil being our guide to hell I felt like giving him a hellhound would be appropriate and his ruthlessness made Plutomon more fitting than Anubismon (Yes this is the same line as in Digimon Survive). Though imagining this monster of a man with this Olympos XII adjacent mon sending the goon squad with rookie level mon to deal with the retrieval of golden boughs is even more hilarious.
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Now for the first "boss" well since Canto 1 is mostly Abnormality fights and we don't have that much info on Hermann&co I fell back on Old G Corp Bugman. There's not much to be said, bug digimon for a bug man. Funnily enough Olg G Corp man is the first "major" non abnormality fight in canto I and Kuwagamon is the first threat in the digital world for the digidestined in the OG Adventure.
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Now unto La Muralla de Canto II Aida. Same as above as there were Abnormalities boss fights, I had no idea for Sonya (yet) and Tingtang boss. Ponchomon was the first mon that popped to mind because, you know, mariachi then I remembered that Togemon X antibody also rocked a sombrero/poncho so elicited to put both, even though it's regular Palmon that evolved into it but hey, and BanchoLillymon is there because she's Syndicate boss.
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For Guido I choose beefy and knightly looking Digimons. Craniummon is there because it's evil looking plus I gave Kromer LordKnightmon (aka Crusadermon) and they were both part of the antagonist faction in Cybersleuth.
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Speaking of the bitch devil I made two lines for her. Base Kromer got a bunch of holy/angel digimons plus Crusadermon to go with "holy inquisition" theme plus LordKnightmon is known to be a dick amongst the Royal Knights. As for the distortion-like form I considered that she's so juiced up by the golden bough that her partner goes straight to Apocalymon with Ladydevimon being a steppingstone for it once we reach the "realm of darkness" phase of the fight, probably with her fighting us with "only" Angewomon on phase one and then it falls to Ladydevimon. I amsp considered giving Lilithmon because Kromer looks like a lust pecatula but Apocalymon is more messed up looking. Either way this means Demian pulled up with some powerful stuff to one hit kill Kromer.
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For Dongbaek I focused more on the Spicebush E.G.O than the Sunshower one with Renamon paying lip service to it, though I imagine it'd go along the traditional line with or without the color swaps, with Lotusmon represented the fully manifested E.G.O with the two previous forms appearing as she steels her resolve before that.
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Dongrang's line is disjointed because I tried to combine both his distorsion and his E.G.O.. Nohemon is for the farmer and scarecrow imagery plus the fact his achievement are fake, OG Falcomon is to contrast with Yi Sang's 06 Falcomon also I didn't find a cow rookie (plus the K Corp infinite chicken hack), Jyagamon continue agricultural theme being a crop ( a potato if the reference book is to be believed) that kinda look bovine-ish (?) to represent his distorted form and finally Machinedramon ... not really linked to the Farmwatch E.G.O. but I went with the angle of "I'll burn the past and anyone to pave MY future!" and what better choice than a giant death robot lizard ! .... ok Parasimon could have worked too, still it's messed up that this potatomon can turn into both. If I were to hazard a timeline for the evolution I'd say he would have Nohemon as a permanent champion kinda how Gatomon is in Adventure and 02 while Falcomon only appears in the dungeon for flashback part then both the ultimate and mega forms for both boss fights under the influence of the golden bough.
And that's a wrap. I'll do other NPC when inspiration strikes me again though maybe not full lines for everyone.
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maria-mga2024mi5015 · 1 month ago
Game Concept Artwork - Sketches
Hey everyone! I spent some time in the morning to just sketch out some drawings for my game concept artwork. I did this on my sketch book because I was honestly sick of starring at my laptop a dozen times. So, sketching these on my sketch book was in a way therapeutic and a good break from the laptop.
In this post I will be explaining the concept artwork sketches I've done, and I will be explaining the layout as well. Let's get started!
Side view of the game environment -
To the left is a sketch of Gore's apartment. The players would wake up inside the apartment. From there, the players will come across a note (left by Mollie), giving them a hint that they will have to walk out of the apartment to explore Richmond Park.
[ Note: - I have a feeling that if I do make the game based on Richmond Park, it would make sense for Mollie to leave some sort of cautionary note on the snow for Gore to read before he steps outside. So, I think I will go along with the 'Winter in Richmond' concept for the game.]
Once the player walks down the spiral staircase and get to the ground level, they will have to jump across a few floating steppingstones and get to the park.
Once they get to the park, there will be a park notice board that gives the players some instructions on items they have to collect (game collectables) and also some holes or snow bumps (obstacles) they would have to watch out for while traveling around the park.
With proper instructions given to the player, they will start hunting down for the collectables; their art supplies (This will be covered in my next sketch showcasing)
Once all the items have been collected, the player will sit in one of the benches provided in the park and then begin to paint like Gore himself. (The whole painting process won't be shown. But once the player clicks and uses all the collectables, the artwork will generate towards the end of the game)
Below is the sketch I made of the game layout!
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I had these references in mind while sketching the park! The picture on the left is one of Gore's paintings of a park in 'Mornington Crescent'. The image on the right is one of Gores many paintings of Richmond Park.
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2. Game collectables list -
So, what I have in mind for the game collectables is Gore's art supplies. Since the main concept behind the gameplay is that this is one of Gore's dreams, I think we can add in something unusual and weird as scattered art supplies. (Not all things make sense in our dreams ;] )
Once the players read through the park notice board, they will find the right order in which they will have to collect their art supplies.
Below is a rough list I made on the collectables!
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3. Interior setup at the start of the game -
Rightfully so, the explanation should've been at the very top point. However, since I was indecisive on the location of the gameplay, I had to save this for last.
Since I will be going for the 'Richmond Park' location for the gameplay, I will be going with the interior of the apartment that Gore stayed at in Richmond.
Reference image: -
The painting down below is titled 'Interior of room at 6 Cambrian Road, Richmond' (1914) painted by Spencer Gore while he was living in Richmond.
I had a look through this painting to figure out what items were in Gore's apartment. This would help me figure out what items I need to model and place inside the apartment.
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Rough sketch I made to map out the items in the apartment: -
While sketching this out, I noticed that there was a cupboard, a dining table with one chair, a fireplace, a bunch of framed pictures on the wall, a filling cabinet with vases at the top, windows and a door in the left corner.
And most importantly, the striped pastel color patterns on the wall, containing colors like Blue, Pink, and Green.
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Note :-
Even though I haven't selected 'Mornington Crescent' as the official location for the gameplay, I made sure to do a similar study and sketch as I have done for the 'Richmond apartment interior design'.
Reference Image:-
This painting by Gore is titled ' Interior, 31, Mornington Crescent, London (1910) and it was the only painting I could find for any reference on his apartment interior design.
Compared to the painting done on the Richmond apartment, there are many items placed in this painting, meaning that I would have a lot on my plate to model TOT
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Rough sketch I made to map out the items in the apartment: -
In the above painting, I noticed two chairs and mini tables, a fireplace with many ornaments at the top, a couple of picture frames on the wall.
The detailing on the walls in this painting aren't too clear to see, but by looking at the intricate detailing, I'm assuming that 'Victorian wallpaper was used for the apartment walls.
e.g. of Victorian wallpaper -
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Sketch of the 'Mornington Crescent apartment' interior :-
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englishassignmentblog · 4 months ago
November 30, 2024
I remember struggling to read when I was younger. I always made myself read books beyond what I should have been. I was not ready for some of those books I read, when I read them. I couldn’t grasp the concepts of them, I could only understand the surface level at the best of times. I always felt so stupid, but I just kept trying. First grade, I remember having to read 30 minutes each night, and I always dug my feet in the procrastination pool trying to not do it. I hated reading. I think if it wasn’t for my parents sitting down with me to read each night, I never would have done it.  
After a while of fighting to read books, I finally found some that I could enjoy reading and understand at the same time. I started to read the Percy Jackson books. I found my little corner of joy in an otherwise dismal space. It was like a steppingstone into finding reading fun and enjoyable. Fantasy worlds invited me into a different place and allowed me to find myself as anything I could imagine to be. I found other genres to be boring and it would be a task to get through them, but fantasy was easy for me to read quickly. 
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ginaraemitchell · 8 months ago
Falling For a Smart Cowboy (Vargas Ranch #4) by Karen Baney  #Audiobook #BookReview #CowboyRomance #ChristianRomance @authorkarenbaney @iReadBookTours @acornsireadbooktours
She’s on a mission to bring orphaned children hope. He wants off his family’s ranch for good. Will they survive his shocking family secrets? Devon Vargas longs to be more than just a cowboy. After finishing his teaching degree, he plans to leave his family’s guest ranch for good. Between his growing affection for the new children’s program director and a huge family secret revealed, he second guesses everything about his life. Raina Crawford lost her parents at a young age. Through the grace of God, she survived life in the foster system. She desperately wants to bring children the life-changing faith that gave her hope. The job at Vargas Ranch was supposed to be a steppingstone. Except she’s losing her heart to the smart, ambitious cowboy bent on leaving his family’s ranch—and her—behind. Will Raina finally find the family she’s always wanted? Will family secrets unravel his new dreams? Will those same secrets tear them apart? Enter giveaway for a chance to win! @authorkarenbaney @iReadBookTours @acornsireadbooktours #cowboyromance #contemporaryromance #smalltownromance #romance #westernromance #cowboy #romancenovel #romancereads #adultromance #romancereader #romancebooks #romanticsuspense #alphahero #instalove #smalltown #romanticcomedy #secondchance #romanceauthor #childhoodsweethearts #christianromance #christianfiction #cleanreads #cleanromance #christianauthor #christianauthors #christianbooks #christianbookstagram #indieauthor #sweetromance #inspirationalfiction
Falling For a Smart Cowboy (Vargas Ranch #4) by Karen Baney  #Audiobook #BookReview #CowboyRomance #ChristianRomance @authorkarenbaney @iReadBookTours @acornsireadbooktours A book blog tour from iRead Book Tours. Thank you to the author, publisher, & Lauren at iRead for providing me with the information for this tour. Quick Summary Falling for a Smart Cowboy is Karen Baney’s fourth book in the…
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kristinawkelly · 8 months ago
When my external hard drive died, I almost gave up my dream of releasing a poetry and photography book. I lost nearly all of my photography. But I’m excited to share I’m releasing the poetry collection!
Get ready for Imaginari - A sci-fi, science, and fantasy poetry collection paired with my photography. Can I count you in?
Backers who pledge in the first 48 hours of the launch will get the ebook of The Lady’s Crownbearer and an exclusive sticker not available in the pledge levels.
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My favorite level has an 8x10 print of my favorite fall photo taken in Brown County Indiana, the paperback and ebook of Imaginari, a sticker, and bookmark. There’s options to gift a copy so I can gift it to libraries, options to get all of my books or add on a book of your choice. Lots of combos!
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Here’s a preview page - photo is from this year’s total solar eclipse paired with an eclipse poem.
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Imaginari is a glimpse of human experience disguised in fairytales and stardust. Often poetry is hard to sell. People think it's not for them. But I think poetry is for everyone. Poetry doesn’t have to be complicated! It’s a way to connect. Communicate. Feel. And I hope with me using sci-fi and fantasy it’s a familiar enough steppingstone for you to dip your toes into it.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 8 months ago
Happy Harriet Quimby Day!
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(Harriet Quimby, left, with her fellow pilot and buddy Matilde Moissant - who at some point autographed this photo. Many versions of this pic crop Matilde out of the image. Harriet's outfit was brilliant purple - her trademark.)
Friday, August 2 is the official Harriet Quimby Day! So, with her being my most recent historical crush, I couldn't let the day go unobserved.
The date marks the occasion on August 2, 1911 when 36-year-old Harriet, an acclaimed New York City investigative journalist who was basically a prototype of Lois Lane, became the first woman in North America (and only the second on the planet) to be officially awarded a pilot's licence. She would go on to become the first woman to fly solo across the English Channel (a major accomplishment in those days and considered a major steppingstone to flying across oceans) before dying in a flying accident in July 1912 (many early aviators met tragic ends given they were riding essentially flying bicycles with minimal safety gear; ironically, Harriet wrote articles on the importance of flight safety gear).
Before the tragedy, Harriet was the Taylor Swift of her day, a major celebrity who at the end of her life was able to command the 2024 equivalent of millions of dollars just to do short flights at air shows. She often performed alongside Matilde Moissant, her best friend (pictured above) who was the second woman in North America to be licensed. Decades before Monty Python came along, the two were members of what was called a "flying circus".
The more I read about Harriet the more I wonder why there hasn't been a movie - if not a full-out TV series - made about her yet (all I can find is a lost TV production from the 50s and a character loosely based on her appeared in a TV movie spin-off of the Anne of Green Gables-esque TV series Christy some years ago). And there have only been a handful of biographies and a couple of children's books about her exploits. And even then I'm reading the latest one called Fearless and it is a frustrating experience as the writer spends most of his pages writing about OTHER people, not her. She's a guest star in her own biography.
But I guess that's par for the course given how Harriet, while not forgotten, certainly has not had the same level of notoriety as, say, Amelia Earhart, who credited Harriet as an inspiration. Having the bad luck of doing her English Channel flight the day after the sinking of the Titanic (which got all the media attention) didn't help, nor is the fact only a couple of minutes of newsreel footage exists of her along with a relatively small amount of photographs (including some attributed to her that I don't believe actually show her). That has made being a Harriet Quimby fan (and trying to make posts about her) something of a treasure hunt.
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stacielauthor · 9 months ago
Personal Growth through Professional Challenges: Lessons Learned from Workplace Struggles
It's not a question of if, but when, difficulties will arise during one's career. Regardless of their size, these challenges can demoralize and overwhelm you. It's crucial to understand, nevertheless, that every challenge presents a chance for improvement.
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This article will help you understand the important lessons that might be drawn from challenges faced at work and how they can help you become stronger, more capable people.
Embracing Adversity: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
It's not always easy to get along at work. Conflicts may emerge, projects may fail, and deadlines may be missed. What counts most, though, is how we handle these challenges. Consider difficulties as chances for personal development rather than as obstacles to overcome. Every challenge offers an opportunity to grow, learn, and adjust. We may turn failures into steppingstones to success if we embrace hardship.
Cultivating Resilience: Thriving in the Face of Setbacks
The capacity to overcome hardship and emerge from it stronger than before is resilience. It's a skill that can be improved with practice and experience. It's critical to develop resilience in the face of professional failures by keeping a positive outlook, asking for help from peers, and concentrating on solutions rather than problems. By developing resilience, you may persevere through adversity with dignity and resolve.
Harnessing Conflict: Transforming Disagreements into Positive Outcomes
In the workplace, conflict is an inevitable component. Conflict, whether it arises from opposing viewpoints, personality conflicts, or conflicting priorities, can be both difficult and advantageous. Learn to use disputes for good rather than avoiding or intensifying them. 
Through a receptive mindset, attentive listening skills, and a readiness to make concessions, we may transform discord into a chance for cooperation and creativity.
Learning from Failure: Leveraging Mistakes for Future Success
Failure is just a roadblock on the way to success, not the conclusion of the journey. Errors happen in the business, but they also teach you important things. Rather than wallowing in the past, consider what went wrong and how you might improve for the future. You can use your failures as a springboard for future achievement if we adopt a growth mindset and see failure as a teaching opportunity.
Although overcoming obstacles at work is difficult, it is necessary for one's personal development. Through accepting hardship, developing resilience, managing conflict, and taking responsibility for your mistakes, you can transform obstacles into chances to grow and become better people.
If you are looking for a compelling read, 'The Elephant Hunter, Speaking Truth in Organizations' by Stacie L L Morgan is a treat for you. This captivating book is the first in an innovative, creative nonfiction series. Join The Elephant Hunter on an organizational safari™, where you'll track and tag the elusive elephants in the room. Navigate through the chaos and waste these creatures create and discover the powerful tools and techniques needed to address them. 
Experience a 360-degree immersion using deep metaphor to learn how to speak truth in organizations. Slog through the mess these elephants leave behind and utilize the Elephant Hunter's Paraphernalia™ to liberate their Handlers and Colluders. 
This insightful adventure mirrors your own workplace struggles and triumphs, bringing the world of work to life as it truly feels. Embark on this transformative journey to uncover the hero within you. Don't miss out—embrace the adventure, become an organizational truth-teller, and start reading today to revolutionize your approach to work. Head to Amazon and order your copy today!
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johnhmcintosh · 10 months ago
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Whatever beliefs one has … however beautiful … they are ALL ‘of’ the mind [the false self], and ‘must’, at some point, be dropped completely for the full return of the Awareness of the ONE SELF YOU Really Are to occur.
This does not mean they have no value … as a steppingstone ‘away from’ the belief in separation [the root cause of the Grand Dream most call reality], they have a temporary use. However, eventually ALL beliefs must be dropped in favor of the ‘Silence’ that Truth ‘is’. The ONE SELF is Emptiness with infinite potential and when one finally and totally ‘surrenders’ completely a ‘space’ becomes available for ‘pristine’, in the moment guidance HOME to arise. Anything one ‘clings to’, no matter how exquisite – colors that guidance. ‘If you shoot for the moon and miss by 1% … you are still lost in space.’
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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sweethoneychildbookclub · 1 year ago
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Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History
Author & Illustrator: Vashti Harrison
Age Range: 8-12 years
Theme: Empowerment, History, Inspiration
Step into the pages of “Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History” and meet the trailblazers who have shaped our world!
Prepare to be dazzled by the stories of 40 phenomenal Black women who have carved their names into the annals of history. Vashti Harrison crafts a mesmerizing mosaic of biographies that showcase the indomitable spirit of these heroines. From the courage of aviators who soared past the clouds to the perseverance of activists who stood tall against the winds of opposition, these narratives are an arsenal for ambition.
With every stroke of her pen, Vashti Harrison not only sketches portraits but also paints dreams, making the past a vivid canvas for the future. As these women step out of history and into the hearts of young readers, they whisper a timeless message: “Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable.”
“An essential book for inspiring self-confidence.” - Booklist
“Vashti Harrison tells the stories of both iconic and lesser-known female figures of Black history with extraordinary care.” - Time Magazine
Each biography is a steppingstone to greatness, encouraging our young readers to climb with confidence and leap with faith. The charming illustrations are windows into souls that danced to the rhythm of change, eyes that gazed beyond barriers, and hearts that beat to the drum of defiance.
Join the Journey!
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gelainspired · 1 year ago
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Lessons from the book The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
From Chapter 5: Infinite Energy
"Energy doesn’t get old, it doesn’t get tired, and it doesn’t need food. What it needs is openness and receptivity." "Don’t let anything that happens in life be important enough that you’re willing to close your heart over it." "Energy can heal, and that's why love can heal. As you explore your inner energy, a whole world of discovery opens up to you." "The most important thing in life is your energy." "Remember, if you love life, nothing is worth closing over. Nothing is ever worth closing your heart over."
From Chapter 6: The secrets of spiritual heart
"If experience is the best teacher, there's nothing that comes close to the experience of life." "Simply allow the experiences of life to come in and pass through your being." "Just open, relax your heart, forgive, laugh, or do anything you want. Just don’t push it back down." "Just let it all happen. Get it over with. Don't process them one by one; that's too slow. Stay centered behind them and let go."
From Chapter 7: Transcending the tendency to close
"If you really want to grow, you have to do the opposite. Real spiritual growth happens when there is only one of you inside." "You are free to walk through this world without a problem on your mind. You are just having fun experiencing whatever happens next." "Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself or give it to yourself. Nobody else can. It doesn’t matter what others do, unless you decide that it matters to you." "Instead of getting into being bothered, you get into being free."
From Chapter 10: Stealing freedom from your soul
“To end suffering, you must first realize that your psyche is not okay. You must then acknowledge that it does not have to be that way.” “The truth is everything will be okay as soon as you are okay with everything.” “The key is to be quiet. But first, you must get quiet enough so that it’s not reactive in there.” From Chapter 11: Pain, the price of freedom “If you want to be free, simply view inner pain as a temporary shift in your energy flow.” “If you want to grow and be free to explore life, you cannot spend your life avoiding the myriad things that might hurt your heart or mind.” “You must look inside yourself and determine that from now on pain is not a problem.” “To feel great love and freedom, to find presence of God within you, all of this stored pain must go.” “When you are comfortable with pain passing through you, you will be free.”
From Chapter 15: The path of unconditional happiness
“The purpose of your life is to enjoy and learn from your experiences. You were not put on earth to suffer.” “You can be happy just to be alive. You can be happy having all these things happen to you, and then be happy to die.” “Committing yourself to unconditional happiness will teach you every single thing there is to learn about yourself, about others, and about the nature of life.” “No matter what happens, just enjoy the life that comes to you.” “In the end, if you stay happy, you win. Make that your game, and just stay happy no matter what.” From Chapter 16: The spiritual path of nonresistance “It is not life’s events that are causing problems or stress. It is your resistance to life’s events that is causing this experience.” “Learn to stop resisting reality, and what used to look like stressful problems will begin to look like the steppingstone of your spiritual journey.”
From Chapter 17: Contemplating death
“It shouldn’t take death to challenge you to live at your highest level.” “Death is the greatest teacher in all of life.” “Learn to love as thought you are facing death at all times, and you’ll become bolder and more open.” “There is no reason to be afraid of life.” “What gives life meaning is the willingness to live it.” “Life is not something you get; it’s something you experience. Life exists with or without you.”
From Chapter 18: The secret of the middle way
“You are merely an instrument in the hands of the forces, participating in the harmony of balance. You must reach the point where your whole interest lies in the balance and not in any personal preference for how things should be.” “Life happens, you’re there, but you don’t make it happen.”
From Chapter 19:  The loving eyes of God
“Guilt and fear do not open your connection to the Divine; they only serve to close your heart. The reality is that God’s way is love, and you can see this for yourself.” “No matter what you do, no matter what you’ve done, you will always be loved by Him.”
/Copyright © 2007 by Michael A. Singer/
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realbeeing · 2 years ago
A Bag of Tools
by R. L. Sharpe
Isn't it strange That princes and kings, And clowns that caper In sawdust rings, And common people Like you and me Are builders for eternity?
Each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, A book of rules; And each must make— Ere life is flown— A stumbling block Or a steppingstone.
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jaydeemedia · 2 years ago
[ad_1] Experience the thrill of outdoor adventures, marvel at grand aristocratic homes, unwind in rejuvenating spa towns, or immerse yourself in the charm of adorable villages. Find the right location with our guide to the best places to stay in the Peak District. The Peak District was the first designated National Park in the United Kingdom and today it is one of the most visited National Parks in the world. As a land of contrasts, the northern section, known as the Dark Peak, is a wild and rugged landscape of moorland and gritstone. The southern section, known as the White Peak, is a gentler landscape of limestone valleys and rolling hills. Featuring a foreboding 12-mile wall of rock, lush carpets of heather, and undulating hills interspersed with charming villages embraced by dry stone walls, the Peak District is one of the most interesting places to visit in the UK. Covering an area of over 550 square miles, the Peak District offers diverse experiences depending on where you base yourself. Experience the untamed wilderness and solitude of the northern section, or visit opulent estates, quaint villages, and scenic countryside in the south. Booking your trip via the links on this page (or on our book page) will earn us a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support – Paul & Mark. PEAK DISTRICT AREA MAP All the properties we’ve listed in this guide are on the map below so you can get a feel for where each of the different areas in the Peak District are located. We have also marked a few of the main attractions. >> How to use this map / Click on the top left of the map to display the list of locations, then click on the locations to display further information. Click on the top right corner of the map to open a larger version in a new tab or the star to save to your Google Maps.   1 – DOVEDALE & THE SOUTHERN PEAK DISTRICT Best place to stay in the Peak District for limestone ravines & riverside walks. The southern Peak District is a swathe of rolling green hills separated by narrow-sided valleys clothed in ancient woodland. The entire area is a serene and beautiful place. The highlight is Dovedale, where the river Dove has cut a dramatic limestone ravine. Riverside strolls head along the babbling brook crossing steppingstones as it winds up the steep-sided valley. For the best views, take the short scramble up Thorpe Cloud. Charming villages from yesteryear are tucked into the folds of the landscape. The most impressive is Tissington which has been overlooked by the Tissington Hall Estate for over 400 years. Walk part (or all) of the Tissington Trail, a 13-mile traffic-free path from Parsley Hall, through Tissington, to Ashbourne. There’s a wide range of accommodation options in the Dovedale region, here are some suggestions: WINKHILL MOORLAND VIEW FARM B&B On the southwestern edge of the Peak District, this 100-year-old farmhouse is set on 11 acres of land. It’s a clean, welcoming, and incredibly peaceful place to stay in the Peak District. BOOKING.COM ALSTONFIELD STANSHOPE HALL A good value Peak District hotel that visitors keep returning to. Tea and biscuits on arrival and cooked breakfasts help fuel a day’s hiking in glorious Dovedale, which is only a short walk away. BOOKING.COM TISSINGTON 2 – BAKEWELL & THE EASTERN PEAK DISTRICT Best place to stay in the Peak District for grand houses, gardens, and pretty towns. The eastern Peak District is home to some grand and impressive sights. Standing on the banks of the River Derwent, Chatsworth House is the Seat of the Duke of Devonshire with an estate that stretches across magnificent gardens, imposing stables, and a 25-room house. A few miles down the road, Bakewell sits idyllically above the River Wye, with a charming market street and quaint courtyards. From Bakewell, walk or cycle the Monsal Trail, a former railway line that winds its way through lovely countryside to the aqueduct at Monsal Head.
Several other pretty villages and grand houses, such as Haddon Hall, make it the best place to stay in the Peak District to enjoy the finer things in life. PILSLEY DEVONSHIRE ARMS A charming country pub with 13 individually designed boutique rooms and a restaurant serving locally sourced food. From the front door it’s only a 20-minute walk to Chatsworth. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM BASLOW THE CAVENDISH HOTEL This traditional coaching inn, owned by the Chatsworth Estate, has become a luxury country escape. It has an excellent restaurant and glorious views of the surrounding countryside. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM BAKEWELL RIVER CHATSWORTH HOUSE STABLES HADDON HALL CHATSWORTH HOUSE 3 – BUXTON & THE WESTERN PEAK DISTRICT Best place to stay in the Peak District for grand spa towns and spiky peaks. The Peak District actually doesn’t have many peaks, but in the western section, flat moorland gives way to spiky mountains and truly rugged countryside. Parkhouse and Chrome Hill are two of the most photographed peaks with a spectacular ridge known as the ‘Dragon’s Back’. Nearby, The Roaches form a gritstone escarpment of sharp peaks attracting walkers and climbers. The highlight of the area is England’s highest market town, Buxton. Sitting above a geothermal spring that steadily gushes at 28 °C, it became a prominent spa town in the 18th century and its grand architecture is reminiscent of the city of Bath. It’s a great place to stay in the Peak District to soak up the natural healing properties of the area. Just outside Buxton, Poole’s Cavern is a great carboniferous limestone cavern adorned with spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. KING STERNDALE THE OLD BARN Secluded and peaceful barn conversion in a quiet village, the Old Barn has friendly hosts and generous breakfasts making it a great value stay. BOOKING.COM TIDESWELL THE MERCHANT’S YARD Beautiful hotel in a lovely little village, the hosts provide all sorts of thoughtful touches including named parking spaces. Very centrally located, it’s an ideal place to stay in the Peak District to explore the whole region. BOOKING.COM BUXTON ENSANA BUXTON CRESCENT This grand 5-star Peak District hotel is in the sweeping Georgian crescent of Buxton. Built in the 1780s, the grade I-listed building is the focal point for Buxton’s spa town and an architectural masterpiece. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM BUXTON THE ROACHES CHROME HILL 4 – HATHERSAGE & THE HOPE VALLEY Best place to stay in the Peak District for climbers, hikers, cavers, and grand views. The Hope Valley is surrounded by beautiful countryside and strange geological formations. To the east are a series of vertical-sided edges (Stanage, Froggatt, and Curbar Edge) that attract climbers from around the world. To the west is the picturesque village of Castleton from where the road winds through steep-sided Winnats Pass – one of the most dramatic drives in the UK. Above the pass, Mam Tor and the Great Ridge Walk have spellbinding views, especially at dawn. To the north is the Ladybower Reservoir and Derwent Dam, where the RAF’s 617 ‘Dambusters’ squadron practiced their bouncing bomb technique in preparation for their 1943 rain on the dams in the German Ruhr. The Hope Valley is the perfect place to stay in the Peak District for outdoor adventures. BRADWELL THE SHOULDER OF MUTTON A friendly pub overlooking the village church with an open fire, pool table, and quiz nights. Perched on the slopes of the Hope Valley, it’s a cosy Peak District stay. BOOKING.COM CASTELTON PEAK HOTEL CASTLETON On the high street in one of the most beautiful (but busy) villages in the Peak District, this traditional hotel could not be better located for Winnats Pass, cave tours, and views up to Mam Tor. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM HATHERSAGE THE GEORGE HOTEL With 500 years of history The George Hotel is still going strong. Bang in the centre of Hathersage, it’s a great base to explore the beauty of the Hope Valley.
BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM CASTERTON STANAGE HOPE VALLEY WINNATS PASS 5 – EDALE & THE DARK PEAK Best place to stay in the Peak District for the wild hikes on desolate moors. The northern part of the Peak District is known as the Dark Peak. An area dominated by high, barren, and often featureless moorlands, it’s a remote and desolate place. Edale is the highest village in the Peak District and a popular starting point for many hiking trails, including the Pennine Way, the longest National Trail in the UK. The most dramatic section in the Dark Peak area is on the flanks of Kinder Scout, the highest mountain in the peaks at 636 metres. Rugged hikers who like a challenge head up to the summit from either Edale or via the impressive waterfall in Kinder Downfall. If you don’t feel you hiking, you can still experience the remoteness of the area by driving the Snake Pass – a barren section of the A6. CHINLEY THE LAMB INN A traditional freehouse with wood-panelled walls, stone fireplace, and an atmospheric bar. Kinder Scout is just outside and there’s a beer garden to rest your weary feet. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM WHITEHOUGH THE OLD HALL INN Historic country pub with modern tastefully decorated rooms, the food is excellent and there’s a wonderful selection of real ales. Near the A6 its quick and easy to get to the Dark Peak, Buxton, and much more. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM HOPE LOSEHILL HOUSE HOTEL & SPA A great place to stay for both the Hope Valley and Edale, this spa hotel offers luxury amongst wide green open spaces. By day explore the sheep-strewn hills, in the evening, relax in the spa. BOOKING.COM | HOTELS.COM KINDER SCOUT KINDER SCOUT EDALE THANKS FOR VISITING // WHERE NEXT? A BIG THANK YOU We’ve been providing free travel content on Anywhere We Roam since 2017. If you appreciate what we do, here are some ways you can support us. Thank you! Paul & Mark FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM USE OUR RESOURCES PAGE [ad_2] Source link
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